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"I have learned more from studying the human body than I have from all the reading of my life. For me, the body is the source of truth. I continue to gaze and gaze at it until what gazes back at me is what, by some, might be called the soul." -Doctor Richard Selzer, and excerpt from his book, "The Exact Location of the Soul"

Manifesto: Interiority and Architecture Architecture is closely linked to human endeavors and human emotions. It is the framework for everyday living. To that end, the current architectural world has increasingly been relying on “objects” and “artifacts” as means of expression and creation. Often times, the glorification and obsession of “objects” has imposed alienating and irrational environment upon urban inhabitants. This trend is both dangerous and presumptuous. It further alienates architecture from the public, into realms of pure expressions, toward social irrelevance. Philosophically, there’s a need to re-look at the build environment from the starting point of human beings. A new way of thinking, radiating outward from a human being and his activities and corporal reality, into the surrounding world, is necessary. This way of looking equates an inside to outside mentality, where the interiority of an environment is the starting and driving force. Culturally, Eastern space has always been more in-ward looking than outward expressing. Courtyards, gardens, screens, etc…are all traditional features of architecture that achieve this. Asian architecture has emphasis on the space enclosed by structure, rather than the “object” expression of the structure itself. To this end, traditional Asian culture has not made a clear distinction between architecture and interior architecture: because they are one and the same for our ancestor. By looking at space in a similar fashion, from within to without, we are continuing a long tradition of spatial consciousness, without patronizing imitation of what is old. Technologically, many of the latest inventions are quite microscopic compared to the size of a building. From computers, to energy saving devices to communication tools, many of the latest technology takes on the scale of human beings instead of city blocks. A good number of these technologies have not been taken advantage of from a building stand point. By thinking from inside outside, which could also mean thinking from small to large, we open up possibilities to incorporate these latest inventions, and improve the relationship between technology and the build environment. Urbanistacally, To think from small to large achieves a tremendous impact on our metropolis. Instead of thinking of creating more new “objects” to be inserted into the fabric of the city, smaller environments could be create, each more flexible and responsive to changing needs. In our modern cities, the speed of change has far surpassed the speed of building. Thinking from inside out and small to large could achieve a degree of flexibility that matches this speed of changing reality. Sustainability, It is increasingly unrealistic to impose a large amount of construction on modern cities. It is far more responsible to change incrementally and at a small scale. To this end, interior architecture hold the promise to re-shape space and usage without the energy consuming cycle of demolition and re-construction of entire cities. Materiality, In our environment today, which is dictated by media, simulation and representation, it is crucial to retain the physicality of our reality. An awareness and attention to materials and their relationship to inhabitants are indispensable to any successful and humane environments. Materiality also is intrinsically related to beauty, ergonomics, technology, fabrication rationale, cost efficiency and the essential perception of space. Interiority in Architecture is not a sub-division of architecture, nor is it an after effect to be applied. Rather, it is a new way of looking at architecture, at our cities, at our culture, at new technology, at our dwindling resources. Interior Architecture is not just another major; it is a revolution to save and re-imagine our world.

김준형 김현상 김현진 남문희 박수현 박영롱 박이랑 백승민 서수진 신동아 이상화 이슬옹 이혜인 임태호 정운희 정창균 조현정 주재영 한경우 허택수 황연경

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