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BY PETER HANCOCK Capitol News Illinois phancock@capitolnewsillinois.com
SPRINGFIELD – Minimum wage workers in Illinois will see a boost in their hourly pay to $12 per hour starting Jan. 1, while tenants in affordable housing units will be allowed to keep pets.
Those are just some of the more than 300 new laws that take effect in the new year.
The minimum wage increase is actually the result of a 2019 law that phases in a state minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2025. This year, it will increase by one dollar to $12 an hour.
tenants to keep pets is the result of Senate Bill 154, by Sen. Linda Holmes, D-Aurora, and Rep. Stephanie Kifowit, D-Oswego. It provides that tenants of multifamily housing units that are acquired, built or renovated with money from the Illinois Affordable Housing Trust Fund may keep up to two cats or one dog weighing less than 50 pounds. It applies to residents of housing units that are designated as affordable housing for low- and very-lowincome families. The bill passed both chambers in its final form on May 30 and Gov. JB Pritzker signed it into law Aug. 6. Other new laws include:
SPRINGFIELD – Illinois lawmakers could soon make it easier for children in foster care to live with their relatives or other people close to them.
Child welfare experts have long touted the benefits of foster children staying with kin. Advocates say those arrangements offer children more stability, decrease the trauma they experience, improve their mental health and reduce the number of times the child is moved from home to home.
But both state and federal law often made those placements impractical. To get paid to support the children, relatives had to follow the same stringent rules that apply to other foster parents. They go through a rigid home inspection with bedroom size requirements, as well as restrictions on the number of people and gender of individuals who can sleep in the same bedroom. Prospective parents also go through lengthy classroom training.
In 2023, though, the federal government decided to allow states to use separate standards for relatives of children in foster care than for other foster parents, in an effort to pair more children with relatives.
The poverty rate for Black Illinoisans is 27.7% compared to 8.5% for white Illinoisians. Preventing these families from accessing government subsidies for foster care adds on additional hardships and repeats the cycle of poverty they face, according to the University of Alabama Institute for Human Rights.
“We know that the vast majority of kids who are coming in are overrepresented, and the KIND Act is removing financial barriers for relatives being able to care for kids,” said Nora Collins-Mandeville, director of systems reform policy at the ACLU of Illinois, in an interview.
“Relatives who are coming forward have considerably less resources than a foster parent would. And so the fact that we’re not even, in our current system, paying those relatives the same amount that we pay a stranger to care for a child, it’s pretty frustrating,” she said.
Under the KIND Act, there would also be a different criminal background criteria for relatives and foster parents. The federal government allows DCFS to waive “non-safety-related licensing” for relative caregivers on a case-by-case basis. Relatives would be subject to a personal analysis assessing their criminal record and its potential impact on the child. The bill would allow DCFS to consider, for example, the overrepresentation of minorities in the prison system, especially for minor drug felonies.
The law allowing public housing
Darrell Garth
Vehicle taxes: SB58 raises the private vehicle tax, which is a sales tax paid on the purchase of vehicles, by $75 for each model year where the purchase price is less than $15,000 and by $100 for vehicles priced above that amount. However, the registration fee for trailers weighing less than 3,000 pounds will drop to $36 instead of $118.
Now, Illinois lawmakers are moving forward with a plan to do just that, along with making other changes that will encourage the placement of children with relatives. The Illinois Senate unanimously approved the measure, known as the Kinship in Demand, or KIND Act, in the fall. But the House must sign off on the changes by the time it adjourns in early January, otherwise the bill must go through the entire legislative process again to reach the governor’s desk.
“I think it’s really important that we reckon with how unjust our systems have been in foster care,” said state Sen. Mike Simmons, D-Chicago, one of the bill’s 15 co-sponsors in the upper chamber. “It’s an excellent step forward in terms of respecting the integrity of the families these kids come from, that includes their immediate family but also their extended kin that love them.”
Illinois’ record
The foster care legislation would also require courts to oversee DCFS’ implementation of the kin-first approach. Courts would have a larger role in family-finding efforts like monitoring whether DCFS complies with notifying relatives that a child has been removed from its parents’ custody within 30 days. Plus, courts would be able to expedite emergency placements of children with relatives who are waiting for a custody hearing.
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Janice Garth
Janice Garth
Close to 10,000 children – or more than half of the total number of kids in the care of the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services – live with family members.
The bill’s sponsors called the measure historic because of the collaboration between DCFS and the ACLU, which have long fought each other over the state’s care of foster children. In 1988, the ACLU sued DCFS in B.H. v. Johnson. Three years later, both parties entered a consent decree to reform DCFS to provide safer homes, reduce the caseload per employee, protect DCFS funding, allow more supervision and accountability, and improve caseworker training.
These efforts ran into severe obstacles through the years.
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College admissions: HB226, establishing the Higher Education Fair Admissions Act, prohibits public colleges and universities from requiring applicants to submit SAT, ACT or other standardized test scores as part of the admissions process, although prospective students may choose to submit them if they wish.
But more than 60% of those families are not eligible for monthly foster care payments, annual clothing vouchers, or foster care support groups according to the ACLU of Illinois.
A two-year budget stalemate between Democrats in the General Assembly and Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner that ended in 2017 had a major impact on DCFS funding. It forced the agency to close many group homes throughout Illinois. This led to children under DCFS care being housed in places not designed to accommodate children in the long-term, including psychiatric hospitals, juvenile detention centers and shelters and even DCFS offices.
CST Weekly,published weekly on Wednesdays and distributed in the Township of Bloom, (publishing 52 issuesannually). W ritten permission isrequired to reproduce contents inwholeor part from the Generalmanager or the publisher CST Weekly does not assume the responsibilityfor nor are weable to return unsolicited marterials. Deadline for advertising is everyMonday at noon. For information on subscriptions oradvertising call us at (773)783-1251. Our office is locatedat 8741S. Greenwood Ave., Ste# 107, Chicago, Illinois 60619.
CST Weekly, published weekly on Wednesdays and distributed in the Township of Bloom, (publishing 52 issues annually). W ritten permission is required to reproduce contents in whole or part from the General manager or the publisher CST Weekly does not assume the responsibility for nor are we able to return unsolicited marterials. Deadline for advertising is every Monday at noon. For information on subscriptions or advertising call us at (773) 783-1251. Our office is located at 8741 S. Greenwood Ave., Ste# 107, Chicago, Illinois 60619.
CST Weekly,published weekly on Wednesdays and distributed in the Township of Bloom, (publishing 52 issuesannually). W ritten permission isrequired to reproduce contents inwholeor part from the Generalmanager or the publisher CST Weekly does not assume the responsibilityfor nor are weable to return unsolicited marterials. Deadline for advertising is everyMonday at noon. For information on subscriptions oradvertising call us at (773)783-1251. Our office is locatedat 8741S. Greenwood Ave., Ste# 107, Chicago, Illinois 60619.
Drug prices: SB1682 requires pharmacies to post a notice informing consumers that they may request current pharmacy retail prices at the point of sale.
“Support for kin, for relatives who have not received the same kind of support that foster parents do, for example – I’m talking about monetary support – I think is a very important component of dealing with the amount of time a child spends in the custody of DCFS. We want to make sure they get back to a home environment as fast as they can, and this is a way to encourage that,” said Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker, a Democrat, in a news conference on Dec. 11.
Casey Family Programs, the nation’s largest foundation focused on foster care, states that prioritizing relative caregivers decreases sibling separation, reduces the risk of abuse and gives a higher chance of achieving permanency.
Placing foster children with relatives could also help Illinois do a better job in finding permanent homes for children in its care. Illinois’ foster care system ranked in the bottom third of states in 2019 for children placed in permanent homes, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Between 2017 and 2021, the number of children who were placed in a permanent home decreased by 7.8%, according to the 2021 Child Welfare Outcomes Report to Congress.
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FOID card changes: HB562 enacts several changes to the Firearm Owner Identification card law. Among other things, it provides for a streamlined renewal process for FOID cards and Concealed Carry Licenses for people who voluntarily submit fingerprint records. It also allows the Illinois State Police to issue a combined FOID card and Concealed Carry License to qualified applicants, and it establishes a new Violent Crime Intelligence Task Force to take enforcement action against people with revoked FOID cards.
The KIND Act would allow DCFS to pursue additional federal funding in order to apply a kin-first approach. DCFS would use the federal money to put more effort into finding families of foster children, notifying them and improving support services, as well as doing background and identity checks.
to the appropriate school support personnel.
Since then, DCFS struggled to recover from the loss of funds in 2017 and hasn’t implemented changes spelled out in the consent decree. In light of those shortcomings, in 2018, the court appointed a special master to DCFS in order to ensure significant action was taken and to mitigate tensions between the ACLU and DCFS,
Pritzker, who defeated Rauner in the 2018 election, campaigned on the promise to reform the system. Since 2019, the DCFS budget nearly doubled from $1.22 billion to $2.03 billion, mostly to hire more staff and caseworkers. Despite these improvements, a Cook County judge continuously held DCFS director Marc Smith in contempt of court in 2022 for failing to find adequate placements for foster care children, some of whom were still residing in psychiatric hospitals. An appellate court later vacated the contempt citations, and Smith stepped down at the end of 2023. He was the 13th DCFS director in 10 years.
“For a good period of time, there wasn’t stability in the agency’s leadership at all. We had turnover every year. It wasn’t up until the Pritzker administration that we had a director there for multiple years. And so that can be really challenging. You have different priorities for every leader who comes in,” Collins-Mandeville said.
Despite the turnover at the top and the agency’s ongoing court battles, DCFS reduced the number of youths in care from 50,000 in 1995 to 16,000 in 2023. The number, however, has risen in the past year to 18,000.
Official flags: HB605 requires state agencies and institutions to purchase Illinois and American flags that are made in the United States.
“By promoting kinship care and addressing systemic issues with a long length of time to permanency and insufficient support of foster care, the KIND Act aims to improve safety, stability and the well-being of children in DCFS care,” state Sen. Mattie Hunter, D-Chicago, a primary sponsor of the bill, said during a November Senate Judiciary Committee hearing.
United States. In June, President Joe Biden also signed a bill designating Juneteenth as a federal holiday.
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Student mental health: HB576 and SB1577 allow students in Illinois up to five excused absences to attend to their mental or behavioral health without providing a medical note. Those students will be given an opportunity to make up any work they missed during the first absence and, after using a second mental health day, may be referred
Payments for relatives particularly impact Black children, who are overrepresented in the foster care system.
Hair styles: SB817 prohibits discrimination in schools against individuals on the grounds of wearing natural or ethnic hairstyles, which include dreadlocks, braids, twists and afros.
its public health authorities from regulating or shutting down lemonade stands or similar operations that are operated by children under the age of 16. Known as “Hayli’s Law,” it was inspired by 12-year-old Hayli Martinez, whose lemonade stand in Kankakee was shut down by local officials.
In Illinois, as of October, more than 18,000 children were in the DCFS system; more than 8,000 of them were Black. In terms of proportional representation, Black children have a 250% higher chance of being placed in DCFS care, according to the School of Social Work at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.
Lemonade stands: SB119 prohib-
“Today marks a day that we had long hoped to see: the ACLU and DCFS are in alignment on a piece of landmark legislation that offers an essential opportunity to reform Illinois’ foster care system,” Collins-Mandeville said in her testimony to the Senate committee.
Amalia Huot-Marchand is a graduate student in journalism with Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism, Media, Integrated Marketing Communications, and a Fellow in its Medill Illinois News Bureau working in partnership with Capitol News Illinois.
Juneteenth: HB3922 recognizes June 19, or “Juneteenth,” as an official state holiday that commemorates the end of slavery in the
Capitol News Illinois is a nonprofit, nonpartisan news service covering state government and distributed to more than 400 newspapers statewide. It is funded primarily by the Illinois Press Foundation and the Robert R. McCormick Foundation.
Capitol News Illinois is a nonprofit, nonpartisan news service that distributes state government coverage to hundreds of news outlets statewide. It is funded primarily by the Illinois Press Foundation and the Robert R. McCormick Foundation.
Memphis, TN, (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- On Monday, Jan. 20, the National Civil Rights Museum will commemorate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. with a daylong celebration inspired by the theme “Community Over Chaos,” echoing the principles outlined in Dr. King’s seminal work, Where Do We Go from Here: Chaos or Community?
Thanks to the generous sponsorship of FedEx, admission will be free for all visitors, allowing everyone to experience this day of reflection, unity, and inspiration.
“King Day is a time to honor Dr. King’s profound legacy and his dream of the Beloved Community,” said Dr. Russell Wigginton, President of the National Civil Rights Museum. “The sight of thousands coming together on our campus reinforces his call for unity in the face of division. None of this would be possible without the community’s support, particularly our presenting sponsor, FedEx, and contributions from Ford Philanthropy and Dexcom.”
receive additional free admission for up to four people on any day in 2025.
For its food drive benefitting the Mid-South Food Bank, the museum asks guests to bring canned goods and nonperishables to help feed the growing number of hungry families in the Mid-South.
“We are excited to restore the vibrancy of King Day that our community cherishes,” said Veda Ajamu, the museum’s Chief Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Community Engagment Officer. “Our partnerships with Vitalant and the Mid-South Food Bank are just a few ways we’re turning Dr. King’s vision into action through service.”
Visitors can tour the museum from 8:00 am–6:00 pm.
FedEx’s sponsorship exemplifies the spirit of collective action that Dr. King championed, making this celebration accessible to all. Additional support from Ford Philanthropy and Dexcom, Home Depot, and other community partners underscores the importance of collaboration in advancing Dr. King’s dream of justice and equity. Area restaurants and businesses will provide in-kind donations, and several corporations and organizations have committed volunteers to serve at the museum on King Day.
For more information about King Day at the National Civil Rights Museum, visit kingday.org. The event hashtag is #KingDay2025.
A Day of Service and Celebration
The museum will extend its hours, welcoming guests from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm, with a full slate of programs and activities designed to inspire hope and collective action.
This year’s celebration will also mark the launch of the museum’s yearlong observance themed Community Over Chaos, highlighting pivotal anniversaries in civil rights history, including:
2025 is the 60th anniversary year of the Selma March and the Voting Rights Act of 1965
The museum is continuing its day of service partnerships with its annual blood drive with Vitalant to help with the critical blood shortage. Anyone donating blood will
The Memphis-based exhibit, The Southern Heritage Classic: Celebrating 35 Years of an HBCU Memphis Tradition, continues. It features founder Fred Jones’ vision of sustaining and expanding the popularity of the annual sports spectacle featuring the role HBCUs in America, their connections to the Civil Rights Movement, the rise of black athleticism, the rich culture uniquely inherent to Memphis.
A full day of activities onsite includes Main Stage performances by several local artists, including vocalist Karen Brown, Gerald Richardson and more. Live entertainment, sponsored by Ford Philanthropy, will be staged outdoors.
The Community & Family Activity Tent will feature area organizations, children’s activities, and entertainment.
At 10:00 a.m., the museum will share an online presentation for virtual audiences to explore Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. as a leader of peace and justice with a fresh perspective on his humanity.
The NATIONAL CIVIL RIGHTS MUSEUM, located at the historic Lorraine Motel where civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated, gives a comprehensive overview of the American Civil Rights Movement from slavery to the present. Since the Museum opened in 1991, millions of visitors from around the world have come, including more than 90,000 student visits annually. The Museum is steadfast in its mission to chronicle the American civil rights movement and tell the story of the ongoing struggle for human rights. It educates and serves as a catalyst to inspire action to create positive social change.
A Smithsonian Affiliate and an internationally acclaimed cultural institution, the Museum is recognized as a 2019 National Medal Award recipient by the Institute of Museums and Library Services (IMLS), the top national honor for museums and libraries. It is a TripAdvisor Travelers’ Choice Top 5% U.S. Museum, USA Today’s Top 10 Best American Iconic Attractions; Top 10 Best Historical Spots in the U.S. by TLC’s Family Travel; Must See by the Age of 15 by Budget Travel and Kids; Top 10, American Treasures by USA Today; and Best Memphis Attraction by The Commercial Appeal and the Memphis Business Journal.
BOSTON, Mass. -- Well-Being and Equity (WE) in the World, supported by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF), announce the launch of Just Leaders for a Just Health System (JUSTICE SQUARED), a groundbreaking initiative intended to address structural racism in healthcare through collective leadership. The two-year program invites healthcare organizations, patients, and community leaders to collaboratively engage in the advanced work of building a more just healthcare system.
“In JUSTICE SQUARED, we will support and challenge each other, create practical system change, using methods that are effective, and engage in processes that are grounded in trust, joy, and justice,” said Somava Saha, chief executive officer and president, WE in the World, the organization spearheading the program. “By advancing change that’s co-led by communities experiencing inequities and healthcare leaders, we’ll begin to build a healthcare system that’s healthier, safer, and more effective for us all.” Dr. Saha has spoken on panels with the Dalai Lama and Angela Davis, appeared on Sanjay Gupta and CNN, and keynoted conferences and lectures worldwide.
At WE in the World, we believe structural racism permeates healthcare—and is a barrier to dignity, equity, and justice for millions,” said Saha.
Structural racism runs through the air we breathe and the water we drink. Depending on who and where we are— our level of exposure—it can be toxic and make us sick. And yet, when people turn to healthcare expecting to be healed, the air and water there, too, can be deadly.
A Call to Action for Changemakers
Healthcare and community leaders often face daunting challenges when addressing entrenched
inequities. The JUSTICE SQUARED initiative provides a structured learning journey to help teams identify and address these inequities. Through tools, mentorship, and a guided action plan, participants will foster trustworthy partnerships and reimagine healthcare relationships to reflect dignity and fairness.
“JUSTICE SQUARED offers concrete tools to equip healthcare leaders to address inequity in healthcare,” said Michellene Davis, Esq, President & CEO of National Medical Fellowships and Co-Chair of the Stewardship Council of JUSTICE SQUARED.
“By eliminating racial biases in diagnostics, algorithms, and operational practices, we can build the foundation of a just healthcare system grounded in love for the betterment of all.”
Program Highlights:
1. Up to 12 teams of five healthcare and community leaders will participate.
with support from experienced coaches and mentors to address structural racism in their healthcare organization. Eligible participants include teams from healthcare organizations and associated patient and community leaders dedicated to creating tangible, structural change in healthcare, starting in their respective organizations and communities.
2. Teams will receive up to $300,000 in funding, with $400,000 available for safety-net healthcare institutions.
3. Expert coaching, technical support, and peer collaboration will guide participants in achieving systemic transformation.
The program offers up to 12 teams of five healthcare and community champions the opportunity to participate in a guided learning and action journey
“This program is an essential step to break down silos and foster meaningful collaboration,” said Emmy Hall Ganos, Associate Managing Director, Leadership for Better Health Strategic Portfolio at RWJF. “While abolishing structural racism will take decades, JUSTICE SQUARED creates a pathway for leaders to unite and enact sustainable change.”
Join the Movement
Applications for JUSTICE SQUARED are due by January 15, 2025. Teams from healthcare organizations, patients, and community leaders dedicated to creating tangible, structural change are eligible participants.
For detailed information, application materials, and eligibility requirements, visit justicesquared.org.
“Change is possible when we stand together, driven by courage and accountability,” said Saha. “Let’s transform healthcare—together.”
VUNG TAU, Vietnam, PRNewswire -- Meliá Ho Tram Beach Resort, a premier beach destination in Vietnam, invites international visitors to experience an unforgettable vacation this holiday season. Located just a 2-hour drive from Ho Chi Minh City, this resort blends Mediterranean sophistication with Vietnamese elegance.
Upon arrival at the lush 31-hectare coastal haven, you’ll find an immersive experience where refined design meets natural beauty. From the moment you board the complimentary shuttle or airport transfer from Ho Chi Minh, you’ll be immersed in an ambiance of tranquility and luxury.
The resort, surrounded by over 1,800 coconut palms and more than 10,000 square meters of tranquil lakes, features 152 stylish rooms with lake or sea views and 86 luxurious The Level villas with private pools and terraces. The Level guests enjoy exclusive benefits like personalized check-in, access to a private lounge and pool, a pillow menu and more.
Dining at Meliá Ho Tram is a culinary delight. SASA offers a diverse array of Asian cuisines, while MUỐI specializes in exquisite Vietnamese dishes crafted from fresh, local ingredients. BREEZA BEACH CLUB serves Mediterranean cuisine with live music and themed events, and ELYXR CAFÉ provides a peaceful setting for light refreshments. The resort’s ALL-INCLUSIVE package enriches your stay with full access to amenities, activities, and dining.
The resort offers a wealth of activities. Enjoy exciting poolside activities with direct beach access or embark on a unique adventure with an underwater scooter or electronic keyboard. Stay active with state-of-the-art equipment at the 24hour FITNESS CENTER/Sports courts (tennis, basketball and pickleball) or enjoy water sports activities. Explore the expansive resort grounds on a bike, taking in the picturesque landscapes and tranquil settings. Engage in unique experiences like exploring WILLOW’S FARM, where
you can plant, fish, cook, or feed animals. Young guests will find endless fun and learning opportunities in KIDSDOM (Kids Club), with activities like crafts, and more. As evening falls, enjoy sunset moments with cocktails, bonfires and marshmallow roasts, live music performances, and open-air movies. Don’t miss the vibrant POOL PARTY every Saturday (for adults from 12 years old), where cocktails, light finger foods, live music, and fun games add an energetic flair to your stay.
For events and conferences, Meliá Ho Tram offers fully equipped, a lavish ballroom and modern meeting spaces. The resort’s outdoor areas, such as the Beach Garden and Lake Garden, provide beautiful settings ideal for various types of events, including weddings, engagements and anniversaries.
For ultimate relaxation, the YHI SPA is a tranquil retreat featuring a wide range of treatments, a sauna, steam bath, and a nail and hair salon. Guests can also choose from indulgent 4-step and 7-step WELLNESS packages to rejuvenate your body and spirit or stroll along the WELLNESS PATHWAY, inspired by forest bathing, for a serene escape. For villa guests, enhance your stay with our WELLNESS IN-VILLA amenities, including meditation essentials, yoga gear, a Vitamin C showerhead, and body mist, all designed for relaxation and balance.
The resort is also pet-friendly, welcoming your furry companions to share in luxury and relaxation. The resort offers a dedicated pet park for play and socialization, along with convenient in-room dining and a range of amenities to ensure your pets’ comfort. Explore the beautiful grounds on a specially designed pet pathway.
With its stunning surroundings, exceptional amenities, and a wealth of activities, Meliá Ho Tram Beach Resort offers an exclusive and unforgettable escape, setting a new standard for elegance and tranquility in Vietnam.
Introducing St. Maarten’s New Sports Landmark: Vie L’Ven’s Multi-Court With Panoramic Views of Indigo Bay
TORONTO, PRNewswire -- Vie L’Ven Resort & Residences—a luxurious 280room resort and residences that promises to redefine island living on the shores of Indigo Bay, St. Maarten has revealed an exciting new addition to its sports and activities offerings: the uniquely designed multi-sports court experience offering panoramic views of Indigo Bay and untouched natural reserves.
The hotel and residences slated for opening in 2028, will feature two pickleball courts, two tennis courts, and a padel court that are set to transform the concept of sports facilities in the Caribbean.
To celebrate the reveal, Vie L’Ven has partnered with Helios, the premium pickleball paddle brand, to create a bespoke, limited-edition pickleball paddle. The custom design paddles exclusive to Vie L’Ven, inspired by the vibrant culture and dynamic energy of St. Maarten, are crafted with carbon surface technology. The paddles are available in a limited quantity for purchase at the Vie L’Ven presentation gallery or included with a purchase of a unit. Explore the renderings and image of the custom paddle.
Beyond its new courts, Vie L’Ven’s residences are available with an array of spacious one to four-bedroom layouts, spanning from approximately 620 to over 2,003 square feet (58 to over 186 square meters) and lock-off options expanding up to 1,895 square feet (176 square meters). The property features the pinnacle of luxury amenities including a beach club with reserved cabanas and personalized butler service, a dedicated Les Clefs d’Or concierge team, three distinct pools including an adults-only offerings,on-beach water sports, an on-property private yacht dock, 30,000 square foot destination spa, children’s playroom and childcare services and a nature reserve.
Leading the culinary vision at Vie L’Ven and reinforcing its dedication to exceptional gastronomy, Chef Alain Ducasse—celebrated for his remarkable twenty-one Michelin stars and prestigious three-star rating—will introduce his first dining concept in the Caribbean. Drawing from the island’s diverse cultural heritage and vibrant flavors, Chef Ducasse’s innovative menu will be inspired by St. Maarten’s natural bounty. His signature restaurant and bar will serve as the centerpiece, complemented by two additional distinct dining experiences on the property.
Vie L’Ven is the vision of Altree Developments, a leader in the international real estate landscape, rooted in a 70-year multi-generational family legacy in the development industry. Committed to redefining Caribbean luxury, the concept for Vie L’Ven has been brought to life by renowned partners Studio Munge, HKS Architects and Leading Hotels of The World, all of who have been recognized globally for their dedication to creating world-class properties.
Vie L’Ven’s residences, with sales being led by St. Maarten Sotheby’s International Realty, are in high demand. With limited availability remaining, prices have increased and are now in the $900,000s (USD) with additional upward price adjustments anticipated. As an added incentive, purchase a suite between December 4th, 2024, and January 15th, 2025, and enjoy one year free of Homeowners Association (HOA) fees, along with $10,000 in Resort Credits* for sumptuous dining and rejuvenating spa treatments. Prices and specifications are subject to change without notice. Illustrations are Artist’s Concept. E & O.E. *Incentives are limited time only and subject to select suites. Incentives are subject to change without notice. See a Sales Representative for further details.
Explore a virtual tour of the Orient Suite and the Rouge Suites to envision your oasis at Vie L’Ven.
Be the first to receive the latest updates by registering at vielven.com.
For sales inquiries contact +1-721-544-1545 or visit vielven.com or the presentation gallery on Indigo Bay Boulevard in Indigo Bay, St. Maarten.
Altree Developments is a leader in the international real estate landscape, rooted in a 70-year multi-generational family legacy in the development industry. Under the visionary leadership of Zev Mandelbaum, Altree is redefining urban living by transforming strategic residential and commercial sites into leading destinations. With an admirable portfolio that includes ultra-luxury condominiums and expansive master-planned communities, Altree’s influence stretches across some of the most coveted addresses in Canada, America, and now, St. Maarten. Driven by an unwavering commitment to innovation and luxury, Altree’s projects are designed to stand the test of time, offering unparalleled value, and shaping the future of urban living. For more information, visit altreedevelopments.com.
BROOKLYN, N.Y., PRNewswire -- Born in Brooklyn, Eva NYC is a trailblazer in the hair sector, with a commitment to ongoing research in ingredient innovation and sustainability practices for continuous evolution. Eva NYC has been listening and evolving for over 12 years and this next era marks a renewed commitment to industry leadership as Eva NYC unveils a brand renovation. The brand has made large, long-term investments in clinical testing, environmental impact research, and garnered unparalleled consumer engagement, while increasing accessibility. This next evolution pilots a new chapter as Eva NYC offers consumers, “better haircare, mindfully made.”
“Eva NYC’s renovation is coming while the brand is experiencing major momentum – growing 13x faster than the mass haircare market last year, while also achieving double digit reductions in carbon emissions. With the renovation, we are doubling down on the core values Eva NYC has always stood for and enhancing the haircare experience in every way - from thoughtfully upgraded eco-conscious packaging to immersive sensory fragrances and transformative, proven benefits, all at the same accessible price. We have built a strong, diverse community around the brand and are committed to creating trust and loyalty by keeping the consumer values and needs at the center of these changes,” said Annie Kolemainen, Brand President of Eva NYC.
Conscious Beauty pillars; including clean ingredients, cruelty-free, vegan, among others, and meets Target Clean certification, adhering to the most rigorous standards in clean beauty. Eva NYC was awarded the Conscious Beauty Brand of the Year 2023, recognized by Ulta Beauty for brand excellence.
The Next Generation of Eva NYC Products
Introducing a higher standard of haircare, the next generation of Eva NYC features eight collections of elevated ingredient stories,
inclusive of two new ranges and elevated fragrances for a sensory experience.
MIAMI, PRNewswire -- Benigna Parfums proudly reintroduces The Royal Essence Collection—a groundbreaking line of luxury fragrances inspired by the splendor of royalty and the sacred virtues of divine majesty. Designed to embody the seven divine graces of power, riches, wisdom, strength, honor, glory, and blessing, this collection transcends traditional perfumery, offering an olfactory tribute to heavenly grace and earthly royalty.
The Royal Essence Collection is a luxurious homage to both divinity and regal splendor, seamlessly blending opulence, grace, and the timeless virtues that define true majesty. Inspired by the Seven Divine Graces of Majesty, it captures the grandeur and sovereignty of royal attributes, encapsulated in The Sovereign Seven and The Seven Crowns of Majesty.
The Royal Essence Collection invites wearers to envelop themselves in purity, purpose, and divine anointing.
The Royal Essence Collection: A Symphony of Majesty and Divinity
Rooted in the timeless inspiration of The Sovereign Seven, each seven evocative fragrances in the Royal Essence Collection captures a unique facet of divine royalty, :
Supreme Majesty: Command authority with a blend of power and charisma.
Extravagance: Bask in abundance and opulence.
Ancient Wisdom: Experience the timeless allure of profound knowledge.
Greatness: Exude boldness, strength, and influence.
Worthiness: Inspire confidence with uplifting grace.
Splendor Grandeur: Shine with brilliance and sophistication.
Royal Bouquet: Indulge in a floral masterpiece fit for a king or queen.
Each fragrance serves as more than an olfactory experience—it is a wearable embodiment of the divine attributes.
A Global Palette of Rare Ingredients
Enhanced User Experience: The new packaging was designed to provide the consumer with the optimum value and best user experience in and out of the shower. Eva NYC’s new shampoos and conditioners are offering 10% more product in a soft matte, translucent and squeezable bottle, which showcases their clean formulas and enables consumers to use every last drop.
Elevating Shelf Presence with Excellence and Transparency: Each product range is driven by a color palette inspired by the hero ingredients within the formulation. The curated collections were designed to simplify portfolio navigation and enhance findability at shelf.
Proven Performance - A Higher Standard of Efficacy, Verified by Clinical Testing
As part of the brand renovation, 100% of the Eva NYC product portfolio is now clinically tested for proven efficacy, undergoing rigorous testing to validate end results and the overall product experience.
Multi-Phase Product Validation: Every Eva NYC product undergoes rigorous validation, inclusive of four critical phases of testing, outpacing industry standards (one or two); internal optimization, mass consumer, clinical performance, and consumer perception validation.
Every Formula is Clinically-Tested: Eva NYC is one of few mass haircare brands to clinically test every product — ensuring efficacy across hair types to validate the performance.
A Higher Standard of Clean: All products are formulated to Eva NYC’s strict brand profile, which includes over 1,300 banned ingredients and meets EU regulations. The brand has proudly earned all of Ulta Beauty’s
NEW Repair Ritual Strength Collection. A shampoo, conditioner, and leave-in treatment system that combines science and nature to strengthen hair from the first use. Infused with science-backed bond technology, known to fortify weak hair bonds; red algae, a nutrient-rich sustainably sourced byproduct known to aid in overall resilience; and bamboo, known to promote elasticity. Clinically proven stronger hair & damage protection.
NEW Take Care Healthy Hair Collection. An elevated daily shampoo and conditioner that supports hair health, infused with a blend of amino acids, known to enhance moisture, shine, and manageability, to support daily hair health. Clinically proven gentle daily cleansing.
NEW Freshen Up Invisible Dry Shampoo in Light & Fresh. The beloved Freshen Up Invisible Dry Shampoo formula features a new light refreshing fragrance. Infused with rice starch for oil absorption, this dry shampoo revives lifeless hair to achieve a bouncy, clean, just-washed look—even on day three. Clinically proven to remove oil.
The new brand renovation includes all of Eva NYC’s best-sellers, such as Therapy Session Deep Conditioning Hair Mask, Mane Magic 10-in-1 Primer, and skincare-inspired H2-Whoa Collection. All products range from $13.99-$17.99 and will not increase with the launch. For a full list of products please visit eva-nyc.com. Products will be available to shop on eva-nyc.com online and in store at Ulta, with additional retailers including Target, Walmart, Walgreens, CVS and Sally Beauty on a rolling basis in Q1 of 2025.
Brooklyn-based Eva NYC creates clinically proven haircare, mindfully made with science-backed and responsibly sourced ingredients. Certified cruelty-free and vegan, the brand goes a cut above clean, omitting over 1,300 ingredients. Eva NYC balances high performing haircare, with a future-conscious approach; as a certified Benefit Corporation and Climate Neutral, focused on achieving Net Zero by 2035. Eva NYC creates Better Haircare, Mindfully MadeTM.
The Royal Essence Collection is crafted from rare, natural ingredients sourced from regions steeped in royal history and legacy. These precious materials are carefully selected to tell a story of cultural richness and heritage, drawing inspiration from the reigns of kings and queens throughout history. Highlights include:
Aromatic resins from Africa’s ancient empires.
Exquisite jasmine from India’s lush valleys.
Magnificent Orange flower of British royal empire
Precious oud from the Middle East.
Delicate florals from Europe’s regal gardens.
Rare woods from Southeast Asia’s sacred forests.
Each drop reflects the essence of global majesty, celebrating the splendor of royal lineage while honoring the earth’s treasures. The Royal Essence Collection embodies Benigna Parfums’ commitment to sustainability and ethical practices. By sourcing ingredients from regions renowned for their royal heritage, such as precious oud from the Middle East and florals from European palaces, the collection highlights the brand’s dedication to preserving cultural and natural beauty while creating extraordinary fragrances.
This relaunch unveils redesigned crown caps that symbolize both divine and earthly royalty, inspired by the elements of a heavenly crown. Each cap is a jeweler-crafted masterpiece, adorned with hand-cut crystals, rubies, emeralds, and encircled by seven Swarovski crystals. The 24-karat gold-plated neck elevates the bottle into a regal keepsake, seamlessly blending artistic craftsmanship with celestial inspiration.
“The Royal Essence Collection has always celebrated the divine connection between beauty, opulence, and grace,” says Benigna, Founder of Benigna Parfums. “This reintroduction is not just about relaunching a collection—it’s a renaissance of purpose, offering fragrances that uplift the spirit while exuding luxury and elegance.”
An Invitation
The Royal Essence Collection is more than a luxury fragrance line; it is an invitation to step into your divine purpose. To wear these fragrances is to clothe yourself in the anointing of Revelation 5:12—a spiritual armor that empowers, inspires, and transcends the ordinary.
Whether you are discovering this transformative collection for the first time or rekindling your love for its timeless elegance, The Royal Essence Collection invites you to reign with dignity, grace, and purpose.
The Royal Essence Collection is available now. Visit www.BenignaParfums.com to discover a fragrance that embodies majesty, or contact us for an exclusive interview:
Benigna Parfums is a luxury fragrance house renowned for crafting transformative scents that inspire joy, harmony, and opulence. Rooted in divine purpose and meticulous craftsmanship, Benigna Parfums combines rare, natural ingredients with innovative design to redefine olfactory luxury for the modern world.
One night only Saturday, January 18 at 7:30 PM at The Auditorium
With special guests Black Panther comics writer Eve L. Ewing and Senegalese tama drummer and Black Panther co-composer Massamba Diop who joins the Chicago Philharmonic in performance
The Auditorium, Chicago’s landmark stage at 50 E. Ida B. Wells Drive, and the Chicago Philharmonic present the latest installment in its Auditorium Philms Concert Series, a multi-media experience presenting iconic films brought to life with scores performed in concert, with the landmark superhero movie Marvel Studio’s Black Panther. The blockbuster film will play while a full orchestra performs the thrilling score composed by Ludwig Göransson -one of the most lauded and prolific composers working in film today- with in-sync dialogue and sound effects from the original film. Senegalese tama or talking drum player Massamba Diop will join the orchestra for the performance. Diop assisted Göransson with composing the score for the film and is featured heavily in the original recording. The one night-only presentation takes place Saturday, January 18 at 7:30 PM at The Auditorium, 50 E Ida B Wells Dr. Tickets start at $49.00 and are available at auditoriumtheatre.org or by calling The Auditorium’s Ticket Service Center at 312.341.2300.
Starring the late Chadwick Boseman as T’Challa, the 2018 Marvel Studios’ Black Panther quickly became a global sensation and cultural phenomenon, showing a new dimension of what superhero films could be. Steeped in the aesthetics of afro-futurism, Black Panther follows T’Challa, the prince of a technologically advanced but self-isolating African nation called Wakanda. In addition to the high-octane action scenes familiar to superhero movies, Black Panther was revolutionary in its social commentary typically absent from other action movies.
Composer Ludwig Göransson (who is known for his work as producer to Childish Gambino in addition to composing for tv and film including Oppenheimer, Tenet, and The Mandalorian) crafted the score to Black Panther in collaboration with Senegalese musicians Baba Maal and Massamba Diop. The Academy Award and Grammy Award winning movie score combines traditional Senegalese music, Western symphonic scoring, and 21st Century digital production techniques to parallel the film’s Afro-futurist themes and create a sound that feels both futuristic and ancient. In a particularly inspired collaboration between Göransson and Diop, the film hero T’Challa is represented by three notes on the talking drum that sound rhythmically similar to the name “T’Challa.” This theme is repeated throughout the film, first by the talking drum and then the entire orchestra and is transformed depending on the scene.
“The Auditorium Philms Concert Series has been an exciting edition to our season at The Auditorium.” said The Auditorium CEO Rich Regan. “We’re looking forward to kicking off the new year with a thrilling evening of cinema and music with the Chicago Philharmonic.”
“When the Chicago Philharmonic first performed Black Panther live in concert in 2022, it was an experience unlike any other.” added Chicago Philharmonic Executive Director Terell Johnson. “Audience members in the sold-out crowd- many of whom came dressed up as characters from the film- were treated to an electric performance from Massamba and the members of the orchestra and discovered new dimensions to the beloved film. We are thrilled to revisit this amazing work of 21st century orchestration and bring this stunning experience to a new audience.”
Tickets are also now available for the recently
announced 2025 season of The Auditorium Philms Concert Series. Launching on February 22, 2025, with the futuristic classic The Terminator performed live in its U.S. Premiere, the series continues with The Goonies in its 40th Anniversary year, April 26; Toy Story in its 30th Anniversary year, June 14; The Nightmare Before Christmas, October 25; and The Holiday, December 20.
Founded by musicians of the Lyric Opera Orchestra in 1989, The Chicago Philharmonic Society is on a mission to reimagine the orchestra concert experience. With nearly 200 musician members and a unique system of musician governance, the organization is one of the most versatile, innovative, and ambitious orchestras in the country.
Chicago Philharmonic proudly collaborates with the greatest artists of our time, in every genre. Past collaborations have included The Joffrey Ballet, English National Ballet, Kishi Bashi, Lady Gaga, Tony Bennett, Joshua Bell, Tank and the Bangas, William Basinski, the American Ballet Theatre, Ryan Speedo Green, and more.
In 2021, Crain’s Business Chicago 40 Under 40 awardee Terell Johnson joined the organization as Executive Director. Since then, the orchestra has become a force for innovation and inclusion in the city’s performing arts ecosystem with a series of increasingly high-profile events. 2024 brought the orchestra’s debut at Lollapalooza Chicago with Icelandic jazz/pop sensation Laufey as the first orchestra to ever perform at the famed festival; a highly anticipated return to Ravinia Festival with a World Premiere tribute to Whitney Houston and a concert with the Violent Femmes; and and the World Premiere tour of An Evening with Sleeping At Last culminating in a sold-out debut at Carnegie Hall. Learn more at www.chicagophil.org.
CHICAGO – Mayor Brandon Johnson signed Executive Order 2024-2, establishing a Transfemicide Working Group to develop comprehensive strategies addressing violence against transgender women in our city. This Working Group represents a vital step in the Johnson administration’s commitment to implementing community safety approaches that address root causes of violence and ensure Chicago is safe for all residents.
“As transgender women continue to experience violence in our city at disproportionate rates, my administration is committed to uplifting our trans community and ensuring their safety,” said Mayor Brandon Johnson. “With establishment of the Transfemicide Working Group, the City of Chicago commits to protect our trans community through direct partnership with the communities most impacted. The solutions we develop will come from collaboration with community advocates and leaders who deeply understand the need to grow a city where every resident can live authentically and safely.”
In our work to ensure collaborative governance, this Working Group is critical to establishing evidence-based solutions that address the crisis facing our trans neighbors. Chicago has become the deadliest city in the nation for Black trans women, a somber reality that demands immediate action. This Working Group will strengthen support for organizations that have long championed this work while developing comprehensive solutions to end this pattern of violence.
Executive Order 2024-2 tasks the Commissioner of the Chicago Commission on Human Relations in collaboration with the Chicago Police Department with convening a Working Group by February 28, 2025. This Working Group shall include interdepartmental representatives across the City to review and recommend city policies, procedures, training and directives to change outcomes within the BIPOC transgender and gender-diverse community.
“We are sincerely grateful to Mayor Johnson’s Administration for the commitment to establish the Transfemicide Working Group through an official Executive Order 2024-3. This is big step forward to ensure our city government understands the unique challenges facing our transgender neighbors in Chicago,” said 35th Ward Alderman Carlos Ramirez-Rosa. “This Working Group will inform our preventative measures and our field response to an emergent need in our community. We look forward to supporting the working group and the important conversations with the LGBTQ community and stakeholders including our LGBTQ Advisory Council.”
Through the partnership of the Commissioner of the Chicago Commission on Human Relations, Chicago Police, Chicago Department, Department of Family and Support Services and Chicago Department of Public Health, the administration continues to strengthen its approach to community safety and engagement, focusing on protecting our most vulnerable communities.
My focus in this column has primarily been directed to the actions families must take to preserve their wealth for the next generations, in accordance to Proverbs 13:22. However, I have recently observed problems that families suffer when their businesses do not have a structured plan to continue operating profitably. So, here are guidelines to help you to begin to structure a succession plan for your business.
1. What is your business worth?
2. Who do you want to manage or control your business if you or your top manager becomes disabled or dies?
Bren Sheriff
3. Who do you want to benefit from the “value” of the business after you are gone?
Your answers to these questions will help your attorney to structure your living trust, will, and power of attorney, assuring that your wishes for distribution and/or retention of all your business assets are honored.
In addition to the legal instruments that your attorney will prepare, you may also consider contacting your insurance agent for “Keyman Insurance.” This is an insurance policy that can provide your business the money needed to help compensate for the loss of leadership or management if you or top management persons becomes disabled or die.
If you own a business, you have already planted a seed for your family to prosper. The things that I have suggested that you do to establish a succession plan are essential to assure that your seed continues to produce a harvest. “Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and He will establish your plans.”, Proverbs 16:3. And the beat goes on…. Bye for now, Bren.
QUIZ: What services can you expect a financial advisor to provide if you are not wealthy?
Answers to last week’s quiz: It has been reported that about 50% of adults make New Year’s resolutions and 25% drop them in a month and only 10% successfully accomplish the goals of their resolutions. Get more detailed answers to last week’s QUIZ question or for broad questions that you may have, please call me: 773-817-0601 or 773-819-1700
Disclaimer: The illustrations presented in this column are not, nor are they intended to be, legal, financial, or any other licensed professional advice, you should contact the licensed professional of your choice for advice on your individual situation
LOS ANGELES, Calif. — WalkGood LA successfully concluded its 2nd Annual Film and Wellness Festival, an inspiring five-day event that brought together industry leaders, creators, and community members for a celebration of film and wellness. Drawing over 375 filmmakers, storytellers, and attendees, the festival featured more than 25 dynamic panelists, including Sheryl Lee Ralph, Jharrel Jerome, and Lena Waithe. It has quickly established itself as a cornerstone of Los Angeles’ cultural calendar.
“Our goal was to redefine what it means to connect through art and wellness,” said Etienne Maurice, Founder of WalkGood LA. “We are creating spaces where stories are not only told but experienced, where every frame can inspire change and every moment can spark healing.”
This year’s festival showcased a diverse range of programming, including screenings of Amazon MGM’s Unstoppable and OWN’s Mistletoe & Matrimony. Six impactful short films by underrepresented filmmakers were selected from over 125 submissions, with special recognition given to two standout creators. Jamaican filmmaker JP Williams won the audience prize for his short film BLV, while South Asian director Radha Mehta took home the grand jury prize for her powerful short film Dosh. Post-screening Q&A sessions deepened the dialogue, and industry mixers facilitated connections with major studios like Sony Pictures Entertainment, Warner Bros. Television, and Amazon MGM Studios.
“FilmGood is a home for creators,” said Jaie Peshawaria, Director of Operations at WalkGood LA. “It is a space where diverse voices come together to share stories, build connections, and grow as artists. When filmmakers are supported by both confidence and community, they can achieve anything. That is what we are building here.”
The festival also fostered community engagement through popular activities like RunGood, a community running group, and BreatheGood, a yoga series, which drew approximately 100 participants. These programs highlighted WalkGood LA’s commitment to creating inclusive spaces for dialogue and growth both on-screen and off.
Looking ahead, WalkGood LA plans to continue expanding the festival’s focus on creative exploration and wellness. Future festivals will emphasize partnerships with corporate and community organizations, connecting individuals through meaningful interactions that bridge the artistry of
filmmaking with healing practices. These efforts aim to create a lasting impact, ensuring that FilmGood remains a beacon for creativity and community in the years to come.
2nd Annual FilmGood & Wellness Impact and Statistics:
Over 375 filmmakers, storytellers, community leaders, and audience members attended FilmGood programs during the 5-day festival.
There were 25 featured industry panelists and workshop hosts, including notable names such as Lena Waithe (“The Chi,” “Twenties,” “Master of None”), Jharrel Jerome (“When They See Us,” “Moonlight”), Sheryl Lee Ralph (“Abbott Elementary,” “Moesha”), Lisa Ann Walter (“Abbott Elementary,” “The Parent Trap”), Morgan Cooper (“BelAir”), Doug McHenry (“Jason’s Lyric”), Ralph Farquhar (“The Proud Family”), Bruce Smith (“The Proud Family,” “Bebe’s Kids”), Lawrence Lamont (“One of Them Days”), Kelci Parker (VP of Adult Animation, Hulu), Jax Clark (SVP of Development, Hoorae), Nic Maye (“Two Distant Strangers”), Myles Bullock Be (“Fight Night”), Denzel Whitaker (“Black Panther,” “The Great Debaters”), and more.
The festival established partnerships with over five studios, networks, and production companies, including Sony Pictures Entertainment/Tristar Pictures, Warner Bros. Television, Amazon MGM Studios and Prime Video, Disney, OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network, and others.
The festival also hosted two community wellness activities: RunGood, a community running and walking group that attracted approximately 100 attendees, and BreatheGood, which included a yoga class, meditation, and sound bath.
WalkGood LA is a dedicated non-profit organization based in the vibrant city of Los Angeles, committed to fostering wellness and facilitating community healing. Our mission revolves around creating inclusive and accessible environments that encourage holistic well-being through various avenues, including movement practices, artistic expression, and engaging community activities.
Since our establishment, WalkGood LA has proudly hosted an array of events designed to cater to individuals of all backgrounds and skill levels. Our offerings include invigorating yoga sessions led by experienced instructors, tailored for everyone from beginners to seasoned practitioners. Additionally, we provide immersive sound baths that offer a unique opportunity for relaxation and rejuvenation, allowing participants to experience deep meditative states through the soothing power of sound.
The event featured three feature film screenings, including Amazon MGM’s “Unstoppable” and OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network’s “Mistletoe & Matrimony.”
Eight short film screenings showcased works from underrepresented filmmakers. The six short films that comprised the official Shorts Program block were selected from over 125 submissions to the festival.
In line with our mission of personal growth and community engagement, we also organize creative workshops that empower individuals to explore their artistic side while connecting with others. These workshops not only foster creativity but also build a sense of belonging within the community, helping to strengthen social ties.
For more details about our programs and upcoming events, please visit www.walkgoodla.org. You can also connect with us on social media to stay updated on our latest activities: Facebook: @WalkGoodLA and Instagram: @WalkGoodLA | @FilmGoodorg.
VERO BEACH, Fla., PRNewswire -- Triple Hibiscus Productions and BR Films are proud to announce the completion of principal photography on Legends of the Highway. Filmed on location in Atlanta, Georgia, Florida’s Treasure Coast, and North Carolina this groundbreaking film, distributed by Maverick Entertainment, brings to life the untold story of the Florida Highwaymen, a group of 26 self-taught African American artists who redefined art and entrepreneurship in the segregated South.
Written and directed by Marquand Ragland and loosely based on actual historical events, Legends of the Highway unveils the inspiring journey of eight pioneering members of the Florida Highwaymen, as seen through the eyes of Mary Ann Carroll, the official First Lady of the Highwaymen. The story explores how these artists, guided by the
mentorship of renowned landscape painter A.E. Backus and led by visionaries Alfred Hair and Harold Newton, created a legacy of breathtaking landscape paintings that captured the beauty of Florida while challenging the racial barriers of the 1950s and ‘60s.
The film features an exceptional ensemble cast led by Julian Horton (Netflix’s Beauty in Black), Kelvin Hair (Respect, BET’s Ruthless), Johnell Young (Hulu’s Wu-Tang: An American Saga), Ashani Roberts (Average Joe, Sweetwater), and Daniel Augustin (Rap Sh!t, How I Met Your Father). Also featuring John Dixon, Alec Adams, Jizzixious Bishop, and Christopher Thomas. Legends of the Highway delves into the ingenuity and resilience of the Highwaymen, who sold their vivid depictions of Florida’s landscapes from the trunks of their cars along highways, circumventing a traditional art world that excluded them. Alongside Alfred Hair and Harold Newton, the film highlights the
contributions of Roy “R.A.” McClendon, James Gibson, Livingston “Castro” Roberts, George Buckner, Alphonso Moran, and Al Black. Together, they defied the odds to carve out their place in history and leave an indelible mark on American art.
Produced by Triple Hibiscus Productions and BR Films, the project celebrates the determination, talent, and legacy of these artists. “In Legends of the Highway, I set out to create a world of beauty where my lens became the brush, the actors were the paint, and the world was our canvas. said Ragland. “Through this story, I wanted audiences to see the world as the Highwaymen did—full of vibrant colors, endless possibilities, and the resilience of those who dared to dream.”
The film captures the essence of Florida’s natural beauty, a hallmark of Highwaymen art. Executive Producer Kenny Holmes, Florida native and one of the driving forces behind the project with Paul Barattini, brings a personal connection to the story, rooted in his close ties to many of the original Highwaymen.
Coming Soon
Legends of the Highway will be released through Maverick Entertainment. Stay tuned for updates, including the official trailer and release date.
WASHINGTON D.C. – The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) recently announced the addition of Tuskegee University and the University of the Virgin Islands to the Patent and Trademark Resource Centers (PTRC) network, officially marking the historic milestone of 100 PTRCs in libraries across the country and U.S. territories. The addition of Tuskegee University and the University of the Virgin Islands are the sixth and seventh Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) to be designated as PTRCs.
PTRCs play an instrumental role in advancing the innovation ecosystem by offering free assistance to current and aspiring inventors, innovators, and entrepreneurs in communities across America. PTRCs connect these creators with specialized librarians in person on issues related to patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets. Each year, PTRCs assist thousands of aspiring inventors, creators, and small business owners on their innovation journeys, providing online resources, research consultations, and workshops to share information on the importance of intellectual property (IP) while also tailoring their services to meet the needs of the community. Last year
alone, PTRCs helped nearly 6,000 individuals through their programs.
Partnering with PTRC-designated libraries is one of the many ways the USPTO equitably facilitates intellectual property (IP) protection for all innovators and entrepreneurs, contributing to the success of their ventures and their communities. According to a 2020 research study, a startup’s first patent leads to a cumulative 16 additional employees and $10.6 million in additional sales over five years.
As part of its National Strategy for Inclusive Innovation and a 2023 letter-writing campaign to more than 600 libraries spearheaded by USPTO Director Kathi Vidal, libraries across the country were invited to consider becoming PTRCs to assist their local innovators, creators, and inventors in communities where invention and entrepreneurship can help drive local economies. Since Director Vidal’s letter-writing campaign launched, more than 15 libraries signed up to be designated as a PTRC, including six HBCUs. HBCUs have played a critical role in advancing intergenerational economic mobility for Black families and communities throughout generations. Additionally, HBCUs have been
instrumental in fostering innovation and intellectual property development.
“A 20% increase in PTRCs across the country in over a year – including a seven-fold increase in the number of PTRCs at HBCUs – is proof of the desire for more communities to experience the tremendous economic and societal impacts innovation and entrepreneurship can have, and the incredible benefit of PTRCs’ free assistance to current and aspiring creators,” said Kathi Vidal, Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Director of the USPTO. “We want to ensure that everyone knows about and has access to the free resources that are available right at their fingertips to help them grow and protect their business.”
“The Tuskegee University Library System is pleased to be designated as a Patent and Trademark Resource Center,” said Juanita M. Roberts, Director of Library Services. We look forward to working with university and community members to locate and access search tools needed to retrieve patent and trademark information.”
To find a list of PTRCs by state, please visit the USPTO’s official PTRC locations page.
CHICAGO, PRNewswire -- The Skin of Color Society (SOCS), the world’s leading skin of color dermatology organization, reports that its 20th anniversary year delivered record-level achievements and a slate of new initiatives advancing knowledge and excellence in the specialty through research, education, mentorship, and advocacy. This robust year of accomplishment and innovation was marked by the following highlights:
Establishment of the SOCS Center for Leadership (CFL)
Inspired and led by SOCS President Dr. Victoria Barbosa, the Society introduced the SOCS Center for Leadership (CFL), a comprehensive educational program designed to develop leaders who will drive the dermatology field forward with innovation, inclusivity, and excellence.
skin, which affects people of all ages, skin types and tones, funds raised through this campaign go to the SOCS Foundation to help support innovative research, education, mentorship and advocacy in skin of color dermatology.
Media Day Educational Video Series
The CFL offers comprehensive leadership education and development through a health equity lens. The curriculum includes live and on-demand online programming, as well as a more structured cohort experience blending webinars and online communities with an immersive, in-person program tailored to individual needs and aspirations, planned for 2025.
Two insightful webinars were presented this year, both moderated by Dr. Barbosa, including, “Social Media Masterclass” with Drs. Corey L. Hartman and Suchismita (Tia) Paul, and “Developing Your National Leadership Potential,” with Drs. Valerie D. Callender and Seemal R. Desai. A third webinar will be presented in February 2025.
My Best Winter Skin Campaign (MBWS)
Now in its second year since the SOCS Foundation created an international health awareness holiday known as My Best Winter Skin Day, the annual MBWS campaign has more than doubled in terms of member participation, public engagement, and support.
Built around education, volunteerism, and giving, this year’s campaign expanded to include 26 U.S. states, Washington, D.C., and Canada. More than 200 residents, medical students and Fellow members have committed to volunteer for MBWS outreach events at universities, hospitals, and community venues, with a planned distribution of 10,000 gift bags with tips for managing winter skin and free moisturizing products generously provided by campaign sponsor, Clinique. Additional valuable support for this year’s campaign was provided by Eli Lilly and Company.
While educating the public about the common and often bothersome condition known as winter
At mid-year, as part of the 7th Annual SOCS Media Day initiative, the Society released a wide-ranging educational video series addressing dermatologic conditions and diseases of importance to people of color. Nationally and globally recognized board-certified dermatologists contributed their expertise to this informative series for patients, physicians, and the public, including: Drs. Victoria Barbosa, current President; Andrew F. Alexis, Immediate Past President; Shawn Kwatra, Secretary/Treasurer; Janiene Luke, Board Member and Media Day Co-chair; Nkem Ugonabo, Media Day Co-chair; Prince Adotama, Board Member, and Nada Elbuluk, President-Elect.
Augmenting the Society’s existing collection of educational resources, the latest series includes the following:
Ask the SOCS Expert videos
“Psoriasis in Skin of Color” with Drs. Alexis and Kwatra
“Seborrheic Dermatitis in Skin of Color” with Drs. Adotama and Luke
“A Fresh Look at Aging” with Drs. Luke and Ugonabo
“Skincare as a Ritual, Not a Chore” with Drs. Luke and Ugonabo
“Sunscreen and Skin of Color” with Drs. Adotama and Ugonabo
MelanatED videos (Augmenting the 2023 series of public education videos)
“Hair Styles, Health, and Care” with Drs. Barbosa and Luke
“Acne in Skin of Color” with Drs. Adotama and Kwatra
“Social Media Misinformation” with Drs. Adotama, Elbuluk, Luke, and Ugonabo
Additional leadership-themed videos will be released in early 2025.
This educational initiative was generously supported by Arcutis Biotherapeutics, Clinique, EltaMD, Johnson & Johnson, and Procter & Gamble.
For more information, visit www.skinofcolorsociety.org.
FARMINGTON HILLS, Mich., PRNewswire -- For many people, the start of a new year is the most definitive marker to start fresh. New Year’s resolutions provide motivation to individuals looking to take charge of their health and make changes where they see fit. While this often includes a better diet and a more consistent exercise schedule, the International Hearing Society (IHS) encourages individuals to consider their hearing health as well. IHS President Patrick Kochanowski, BS, ACA, BC-HIS, says, “The latest research reveals that hearing health plays a major role in overall health. January is an excellent time to schedule a hearing evaluation by a licensed hearing healthcare provider.”
According to studies done by Johns Hopkins (among others), hearing loss may contribute to a faster rate of atrophy in the brain, social isolation, and an increased risk of falling1. According to Mayo Clinic2, the following could be preliminary signs of hearing loss: Muffling of speech and other sounds.
Trouble understanding words, especially when in a crowded or noisy place. Trouble hearing the letters of the alphabet that aren’t vowels.
Often asking others to speak more slowly, clearly, and loudly.
Needing to turn up the volume of the television or radio.
Staying clear of some social settings.
Being bothered by background noise.
Ringing in the ears, known as tinnitus.
If you have experienced any of the preliminary signs of hearing loss in 2024, make it a priority to have your hearing checked by a licensed hearing healthcare provider in 2025.
1The Hidden Risks of Hearing Loss | Johns Hopkins Medicine
2Hearing loss - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic
The International Hearing Society (IHS) is a membership association that represents hearing healthcare professionals worldwide, including hearing aid specialists. IHS members are engaged in the practice of performing hearing assessments, ordering the use of, selecting, fitting, and dispensing hearing instruments, counseling patients, and providing aftercare services. Founded in 1951, IHS protects, represents, and promotes the interests of hearing healthcare and hearing healthcare professionals. For more information visit www. ihsinfo.org.
Attorney, The Wirbicki Law Group LLC, 33 West Monroe Street, Suite 1540, Chicago, Illinois 60603. (312) 360-9455. W23-0450 INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION intercountyjudicialsales.com I3257933 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVISION TOWD POINT MORTGAGE TRUST 2020-4, U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS INDENTURE TRUSTEE Plaintiff, -v.UNKNOWN HEIRS AT LAW AND LEGATEES OF FAYETTA C. HANKINS, PARK CENTER TOWNHOME ASSOCIATION, CARY ROSENTHAL AS SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE FOR FAYETTA C. HANKINS, DECEASED, KHALID HANKINS, UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NONRECORD CLAIMANTS Defendants 2023 CH 02708 29 Cunningham Lane PARK FOREST, IL 60466 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on July 2, 2024, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 10:30 AM on February 7, 2025, at The Judicial Sales Corporation, One South Wacker, 1st Floor Suite 35R, Chicago, IL, 60606, sell at a public in-person sale to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 29 Cunningham Lane, PARK FOREST, IL 60466 Property Index No. 31-25-402-015-0000 The real estate is improved with a single family residence. The judgment amount was $184,657.91. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation. No third party checks will be accepted. The balance, in certified funds/or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS" condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at
the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. You will need a photo identification issued by a government agency (driver's license, passport, etc.) in order to gain entry into our building and the foreclosure sale room in Cook County and the same identification for sales held at other county venues where The Judicial Sales Corporation conducts foreclosure sales. For information, contact JOHNSON, BLUMBERG & ASSOCIATES, LLC Plaintiff's Attorneys, 30 N. LASALLE STREET, SUITE 3650, Chicago, IL, 60602 (312) 541-9710. Please refer to file number 22-9463. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at www.tjsc.com for a 7 day status report of pending sales. JOHNSON, BLUMBERG & ASSOCIATES, LLC 30 N. LASALLE STREET, SUITE 3650 Chicago IL, 60602 312-541-9710 E-Mail: ilpleadings@johnsonblumberg.com Attorney File No. 22-9463 Attorney Code. 40342 Case Number: 2023 CH 02708 TJSC#: 44-3318 NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff's attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. Case # 2023 CH 02708 I3258127
AC 1-08-2025
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVISION Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Plaintiff, -v.- BRITNEY BOYDE; UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NON-RECORO CLAIMANTS; UNKNOWN OCCUPANTS Defendants. 22 CH 4273 353 Blackhawk Drive, Park Forest, IL 60466 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on 10/21/2024, an agent of Auction.com LLC will at 12:00 PM on February 19, 2025 located at Auction.com, 100 N LaSalle St, suite 1400, Chicago, IL 60606, sell at public sale to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate. Commonly known as 353 Blackhawk Drive, Park Forest, IL 60466 Property Index No. 31-35-204-028-0000
The real estate is improved with a Single Family Residence. The judgment amount was $121,043.66 Sale Terms: 20% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the sale payable to Auction.com LLC, No third party checks will be accepted. All registered bidders need to provide a photo ID in order to bid. The balance, in certified funds/or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. (relief fee not required) The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to plaintiff and in "AS IS" condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a certificate of sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property, prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by the Condominium property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9 (g)(l) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by the Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN
ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 151701 (C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For information, contact Plaintiffs attorney: LOGS Legal Group LLP (847) 291-1717 please refer to file number 22-096176-FC01. Auction.com LLC 100 N LaSalle Suite 1400 Chicago, IL 60606 - 872-225-4985 You can also visit www.auction.com. Attorney File No. 22-096176-FC01 Case Number: 22 CH 4273 NOTE: PURSUANT TO THE FAIR DEBT COLLECTION PRACTICES ACT, YOU ARE ADVISED THAT PLAINTIFF'S ATTORNEY IS DEEMED TO BE A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. I3255695
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVISION U.S. Bank National Association Plaintiff, -v.Christopher A. Wilson Sr.; Illinois Housing Development Authority; United States of America - Secretary of Housing and Urban Development; Ashley Dillard; Unknown Owners and Nonrecord Claimants Defendants. 2024CH01796 3321 WALLACE AVE, STEGER, IL 60475 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on 7/18/2024, an agent of Auction.com LLC will conduct the auction in person at 12:00 PM on February 19, 2025 located at 100 N LaSalle Street, Suite 1400, Chicago IL, 60602, and will sell at public sale to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate. Commonly known as 3321 WALLACE AVE, STEGER, IL 60475 Property Index No. 32-33-327-051-0000 The real estate is improved with a Residential Property. The judgment amount was $90,342.17 Sale Terms: 20% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the sale payable to Auction.com LLC, No third party checks will be accepted. All registered bidders need to provide a photo ID in order to bid. The balance, in certified funds/or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. (relief fee not required) The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to plaintiff and in "AS IS" condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a certificate of sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property, prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by the Condominium property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9 (g)(l) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by the Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 151701 (C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For information,
contact Plaintiffs attorney: CODILIS & ASSOCIATES PC (630) 794-5300 please refer to file number 14-24-01225. Auction.com LLC 100 N LaSalle St., Suite 1400 Chicago, IL 60606 - 872-225-4985
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to “An Act in relation to the use of an Assumed Business Name in the conduct of transaction of Business in the State,” as amended, that a certification was registered by the undersigned with the County Clerk of Cook County. Registration Number: M24000069 on December 16,2024. Under the Assumed Business Name of GLAM N STONE with the business located at: 8217 S INGLESIDE AVE UNIT 1, CHICAGO, IL60619 The true and real full name (s) and residence address of the owner (s) /partner (s) is :Owner/Partner Full name VANESSA BANKHEAD Complete Address 8217 S. INGLESIDE AVE UNIT 1 CHICAGO, IL 60619, USA 182025