Week of August 23, 2017 Vol 28 • No 39 • www.thechicagocitizen.com
Governmental Affairs
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Organizers Stand in Solidarity with Charlottesville
Mrinalini Chakraborty, national head of field operations for the Women’s March Network and lead organizer of the Chicago vigil, hugs and welcomes Ann Tolley Jones, a Charlottesville, Virginia native, who has recently moved to Chicago, to speak at the vigil. Photo Credit: Sarah Matheson Photography
CALENDAR: P.E.A.C.E HOLDS GRAND OPENING >P6 www.thechicagocitizen.com • 52 years of serving the Black community
2 / CITIZEN / Hyde Park / Week of August 23, 2017
ORGANIZERS STAND IN SOLIDARITY WITH CHARLOTTESVILLE Continued from Page 1 By Christopher Shuttlesworth
A coalition of progressive organizations held a vigil on Aug. 13, 2017 at the Federal Plaza and stood in solidarity with counter protestors in Charlottesville, Virginia, a democratic based city. Mrinalini Chakraborty, who is the national head of field operations for the Women’s March Network, said the peaceful vigil was called to action within hours after witnessing white nationalists and hate groups rally at the University of Virginia on Aug. 11, which led to one death and 19 injured counter protestors from a car-ramming incident the following day. According to CNN, Attorney General Jeff Sessions said U.S. Attorney Rick Mountcastle is now leading a civil rights investigation on the car crash. Chakraborty said after hearing about the tragedies in Charlottesville, it was important for her to organize a diverse group of speakers to share their stance on racism and how their organizations are combating it every day. “Communities of color have been dealing and fighting with these issues for centuries,” she said. “It was really important in that moment and time that we drew those connections so that people knew that a lot of folks were outraged for the first time in their lives.” Some of the organizations that were included in the vigil were Black Lives Matter, Indivisible Illinois, Indivisible Chicago, Friends Who March, Women Of Faith, Suburban Unity Alliance and Planned Parenthood of Illinois. Chakraborty said it was important for everyone to
be in community together and be a living memorial for car-victim Heather Heyer and the rest of the 19-injured counter protests in Charlottesville. “We had a moment of silence where folks raised their flowers in the air and recommitted to continue to fight the struggle to have an America that truly welcomes all of us, not just some of us,” she said. “We have to stamp out white supremacy where it stands because this is not acceptable.” Chakraborty continued to say that she is in shock to know that racism still exists in 2017 and says the Trump administration has, “lit the fire,” as it relates to the current racial hatred in the country. “It’s not like silent racism, but it’s like in your face racial hatred,” she stated. “I think these problems have always existed and the Nazis and white supremacists were always hiding in the woodworks.” Chakraborty added, “This administration has emboldened [them] and given [them] permission so these things can happen in the open and these people have no fear of consequences.” In terms of going forward, Chakraborty said organizations like Women’s March Network and Black Lives Matter must continue to protest and fight against this divisive rhetoric even if it means losing family and friends. “It’s not good enough to say I am not a racist, but you have to actively organize as an anti-racist,” she said. “You might lose some friends, but in this moment in history, we have to decide whether or not, we’re willing to lose stuff and sacrifice some things we cherish. People are coming to the realization that they have to be active in this continuing struggle that we are all in.”
COMMUNITY FOCUS Law helps eliminate redundant government services OAK BROOK- Illinois will now have a useful tool to start consolidating 6,963 units of governments, based on a bipartisan government consolidation measure, Senate Bill 3 that will empower government entities throughout the state to consolidate units of local government Villa Park Democrat Tom Cullerton passed Senate Bill 494 in 2013, which created the DuPage County government consolidation model used in Senate Bill 3. He was later able to expand this model to McHenry and Lake counties, and Senate Bill 3 will expand the same powers to counties throughout Illinois. Senate Bill 3 was signed into law recently. “We ran a tight ship for taxpayers when I was Villa Park Village President. I’m taking the lessons I learned to the state level,” Cullerton said. “The goal here is to reduce property taxes, save vital taxpayer dollars and make sure government is working for the people. Senate Bill 3 does just that.” Senate Bill 3 will go into effect January 1, 2018. County Board Chairman Dan Cronin and Cullerton worked together to create the bipartisan government consolidation model that can be easily adapted to work throughout the state. Counties and government entities based on their needs, can consolidate redundant and obsolete forms of government. “This legislation allows local communities and their elected officials to make decisions about the size, scope and cost of their own local government,” Cronin said. “Most importantly, it will change the culture and foster innovation.” DuPage County’s successful government consolidation model is expected to save taxpayers more than $100 million over the next 20 years. The savings allow for lower property tax rates and provide residents with necessary services “Cutting bloated bureaucracy and redundant forms of government means lower property tax bills for Illinois residents,” Cullerton said. “This new law gives Illinois taxpayers a voice in eliminating redundant
and ineffective units of government.” Cullerton says the next step in consolidating government waste is to eliminate the office of the lieutenant governor. This move would save the state $1.6 million annually which Cullerton believes would help pay for social services such as the DuPage County Meals on Wheels program and other similar programs throughout the state. Since Cullerton has been in office, he has supported eliminating the position under both a republican and democratic governor. He believes the money would be better spent and services can be better executed without duplicate forms of government. “We are in the middle of tough times,” Cullerton said. “It is hypocritical to continue to ask local governments to cut and eliminate units of government when the state government isn’t willing to do the same.” Under the current administration, Illinois taxpayers are paying for two deputy governors and a lieutenant governor. Despite the fact Cullerton’s plan, was endorsed by editorial boards throughout the state, he was unable to receive bipartisan support on his measure. Senate Joint Resolution Constitutional Amendment 29 did not receive a single republican vote. Cullerton is the Senate sponsor of HJRCA6 and plans to advance the legislation once Representative David McSweeney (R-Barrington Hills) passes the measure in the House.
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SSC Holds Fall Open House
South Suburban College hosted its 4th Annual Open House on Thursday, August 3rd from 4:30-7:00 p.m. with something for everyone. The Open House, geared toward providing College information and pathways to successful careers, saw nearly 300 persons come through its doors seeking just that. Many participated in College tours and raffles for Visa Gift Cards, and other giveaways. WGCI and Tone Kapone were also on campus and rounded out the fun. Program representatives were on hand to answer questions from students about everything from admissions, registration, counseling, the Academic Assistance Center and other supportive services. Contact the Office of Admissions at (708) 210-5718 for enrollment information.
CITIZEN Hyde Park / Week of August 23, 2017 / 3
Luvo Inc. (USA), a Blaine, Wash. establishment, is recalling approximately 4,805 pounds of poultry products due to misbranding and undeclared allergens, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) announced recently. The products are mislabeled as Chicken Chile Verde that contain milk and soy, but contain Turkey Meatloaf, which has additional allergens, eggs and fish (anchovies), that are not declared on the product label. The problem was discovered after the firm received consumer complaints of the wrong meal inside the retail boxes. There have been no confirmed reports of adverse reactions due to consumption of these products. Anyone concerned about an injury or illness should contact a healthcare provider. When available, the retail distribution list will be posted on the FSIS website at www.fsis.usda.gov/recalls. Consumers with questions about the recall can contact the Digital Community Manager Oli Maughan, Luvo, Inc., at (844) 880-5866. Consumers with food safety questions can “Ask Karen,” the FSIS virtual representative available 24 hours a day at AskKaren.gov or via smartphone at m.askkaren.gov.
Religious garb discrimination ban becomes law
A new non-discrimination measure became law recently after State Senator Jacqueline Collins and State Rep. Theresa Mah joined Muslim and Arab-American advocates to craft legislation making it a civil rights violation for an employer to impose any condition that requires a person to forego any sincerely held religious practice or attire. Senate Bill 1697, sponsored by Collins, passed the General Assembly in June.
www.thechicagocitizen.com • 52 years of serving the Black community
Senator Cory Booker recently introduced the Marijuana Justice Act to call for the legalization of marijuana at the federal level. Photo Credit: The Office of Senator Cory Booker By Christopher Shuttlesworth
Congressman Danny K. Davis and community leaders recently announced an initiative entitled “Black Male Sunday,” which will call Chicagoland churches to encourage and help black males overcome their challenges. Davis said during his press conference at Rock of our Salvation Church, located in the Austin community, that he has noticed that many churches lack a strong male presence, which is a major problem in black communities. He said ‘Black Male Sunday’ and the upcoming State of the African-American Male Conference on Sept. 8 will help reclaim many Black males back to the church to become better men in their communities. “I am not a, ‘tyrant, church-solves- it-all worship devoted type of Christian,’ “Davis said. “But I do believe the church is a great social-development institution as well as a spiritual institution. If we can get more boys going to church during their childhood then they will be better men during adulthood.” Davis explained that the church can attract more young males by forming and organizing a Boy Scouts troop 99, athletic programs and theatre art groups. “I think all of these can produce the kind
of men that we hope the men of our culture, community and heritage will become,” he said. Pastor Robert Stevenson, Rock of our Salvation Church, said he understands the need for more men to be involved in the church because he was one of those men more than 20 years ago. Stevenson said as a former functioning drug addict and alcoholic, he never could understand the ways of the church because he lacked a true “relationship” with God. But he says after personally seeking Christ, he became a better overall man. “I never thought I would be a Pastor,” he said. “So, when Davis brought the ‘Black Male Sunday’ initiative to me I told him to ‘sign me up.’” Davis’ State of the African-American Male Conference on Sept. 8 is designed to further push ‘Black Male Sunday’ and to better understand what the status of African American males is in the country and to proactively take action. “If people were taught better, they would have a much better view of what the rationale is for their utilization,” he said. “So, we hope the conference is an eye-opener, door opener, stimulation pusher and idea implementer to make lives better in local black communities.”
GOVERNMENTAL Affairs Janice Garth
Mayor Emanuel and CPS Announce Record High Reading and Math Scores on National Exam
More than 60 Percent of CPS Students Outscore National Peers in Reading Mayor Emanuel, CPS CEO Forrest Claypool and CPS Chief Education Officer Dr. Janice K. Jackson recently announced that more Chicago elementary students than ever before are meeting or exceeding standards for math and reading. For the fifth year in a row, CPS students have outscored national peers in both subjects. More than 95 percent of students met or exceeded national averages in both reading and math. These schools included Lane Technical College Prep High School, Whitney M. Young Magnet High School, Annie Keller Regional Gifted Center, Skinner North Classical School, Decatur Classical Elementary School, James E. McDade Classical School, William Howard Taft High School, Kenwood Academy High School and Edison Regional Gifted Center. “For the fifth year in a row, CPS students are meeting or beating the national average in both reading and math,” said Mayor Emanuel. “Record setting achievements like NWEA results are proof that when we raise the bar for Chicago’s students, they take pride in meeting and beating our expectations.” In 2017, 60.4 percent of students met or exceeded national averages for reading growth, and 56.7 percent of students met or exceeded averages for math growth. Any rate above 50 percent exceeds the national average for growth and signifies the substantial progress CPS students continue to make. “Chicago students have outscored their national peers for five years in a row, and we’re building on that momentum to make sure we are preparing every CPS student for success, “said CPS Chief Education Officer Jackson. “Chicago students are breaking down barriers, changing mindsets and redefining what our students can accomplish when given the opportunity and support to succeed.”
Illinois Department of Veterans’ Affairs Hosts Veterans and Gold Star Family Day at the Illinois State Fair
The Illinois Department of Veterans’ Affairs (IDVA) hosted a variety of activities for Veterans and their families during Veterans and Gold Star Family Day on Sunday, August 13, at the Illinois State Fair. Veterans and their families received complimentary admission. “Our State Fair committee works hard for many months to prepare for this wonderful Day at the Illinois State Fair,” said IDVA Director Erica Jeffries. “They provide Veterans and their families with an opportunity to have a great day at the Fair, be recognized for serving our country and to remember those who gave the ultimate sacrifice.” The Day began with a Gold Star Family Memorial Service at 9:30 am on the Lincoln Stage. “This service focuses on the sacrifice of the families left behind, and reminds all of us that freedom is not free. It comes at a very precious price,” said IDVA Director Jeffries. A Kids Corner with a bounce house, crafts, face painting and balloon animals were available in the morning and afternoon for the Veteran’s children. And a JROTC Exhibition Drill Team Competition was held on the street in front of the Lincoln Stage. JROTC teams were judged in an armed and unarmed competition. Governor Rauner and IDVA Director Jeffries presented awards to Mr. George Pempek, of Springfield as the Illinois Veterans’ Patriotic Volunteer of the Year and to Staab Funeral Home as the Illinois Veterans’ Business of the Year. “These awards highlight the wonderful work being done for our veterans,” IDVA Director Erica Jeffries said. “The Veteran Patriotic award honors the work of an Illinois Veteran whose contributions in Service to the Veteran community and their local communities are truly above and beyond. The Illinois Veterans’ Business Appreciation Award highlights and honors the work of any business, organization or a non-profit that has significantly helped veterans, and whose contributions to those who have served our country are documented and deserve to be recognized.”
www.thechicagocitizen.com • 52 years of serving the Black community
4 / CITIZEN / Hyde Park / Week of August 23, 2017
Reassessment Notices Mailed to Thornton Township Taxpayers Chicago - Cook County Assessor Joseph Berrios payment in the following calendar year. The time has announced that reassessment notices have been to file appeals on these proposed assessments is mailed to over 53,000 single-family and 15,000 now, however, when the reassessment notices are condominium homeowners in Thornton Township. received. The deadline for appeals for Thornton Reassessment notices contain proposed values for Township is September 15, 2017. Assessor Berrios Property Tax Year 2017, which will be reflected on stressed that homeowners do not need an attorney Second-Installment Tax Bills to be mailed and due to file an appeal. There is no fee. in the summer of 2018. A single-family homeowner may compare his “If taxpayers in Thornton Township wish to or her assessment to those of similar homes. The appeal their reassessment values, they should do proposed assessments for Thornton Township will it now and not wait until the following year when be published in the South Suburban Citizen on these new Tax Year 2017 values are reflected on August 30, 2017. Second-Installment Tax Bills mailed in 2018,” The Assessor’s web site (www. Assessor Berrios said. cookcountyassessor.com) “I encourage taxpayers also allows taxpayers to in Thornton Township search for assessment to review their notices information on reassessed carefully and file appeals properties. Anyone may if they feel their proposed search for assessment reassessment values are not information using a 14-digit fair and accurate.” Property Index Number Each year, the Cook (PIN) or by typing in an County Assessor’s Office address. Homeowners reassesses one-third of the can check their property’s nearly 1.8 million parcels characteristics and of property located in Cook search for information County. “Assessed Value” on similar properties is the portion of a home’s to use as comparables estimated total Market if they choose to appeal Value on which taxes are their Assessed Values. calculated. For homes, Residential taxpayers may “Assessed Value” is 10% of also file an appeal online, Market Value; businesses’ and the Assessor’s web site Assessed Value is 25% of allows them to search for Market Value. comparables and add those In this tax year, comparables to their online the Assessor’s Office is appeals. reassessing properties In addition to the located in South Suburban standard assessment Cook County. Thornton information, Assessor Township is the fifteenth Berrios’ redesigned township to be mailed in reassessment notice the 2017 reassessment includes: of South Suburban Cook Estimated fair market County. value of the property Cook County Assessor Joseph Berrios Photo by Patrick Hickey Among the findings Assessment history for from the Thornton Township reassessment: the property The real estate market is healthier. Better Transactions from the Recorder of Deeds Office market value, naturally, results in increased History of tax payments Assessed Value. Photo of the property The median sale price for single-family “My primary goal as Assessor continues to be homes and other non-condo residential properties the fair and equitable assessment of properties increased from $78,500 in 2014 to $84,600 in in Cook County. I will also continue to work to 2016. make the assessment process easier to navigate for The median Assessed Value of homes increased taxpayers in Thornton Township and throughout to $8,481 in 2017, from $7,848 in 2014 -- a median the County. We provide all the tools necessary percentage increase of 6.58% to determine if their assessments are accurate,” The proposed assessments of condominiums Assessor Berrios said. in Thornton Township reflect a median increase of He added, “We will continue to work to ensure 1.02% in Assessed Value. Again, a stronger market no one in Thornton Township or elsewhere in the results in increased Assessed Value. area pays more than his or her fair share of property As always, tax years are billed and due for taxes.”
Big Advice For The Smallest Businesses (NAPSI)—While large enterprises may make the most headlines, it’s often the country’s smallest businesses that are providing jobs, fueling innovation and growing the economy. According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, 62 percent of all U.S. businesses are microbusinesses, or businesses with fewer than 10 employees. These businesses also account for 75.3 percent of all private-sector employers. These small but mighty companies often face a unique set of challenges. With fewer employees and resources, owners of microbusinesses often find themselves juggling all aspects of the business, including areas where they may not have expertise or experience in managing, while often competing against larger, more established enterprises. To shine a spotlight on these inspirational entrepreneurs, Microsoft recently recognized 10 microbusinesses that are making the biggest impact. The full list includes Philip and Melissa Niu, Parachut; Jason and Sarah Kenworthy, Pink Helmet Posse; Noah Elias, Noah Fine Art; Dr. Agnes Scoville, Scoville & Company (Pacidose); August Graube, Fort Boards; Mikaila Ulmer, Me & the Bees; Jessica Matthews, Uncharted Play; Dave Ackerman, Tobacco MotorWear; Megan and Marshall Dostal, Further; and Kalika Yap, Citrus Studios. These companies demonstrate what is possible with an idea and the determination to bring it to fruition. Whether you’re an already-established small business or a future entrepreneur, below are some best practices cultivated from this standout group of microbusinesses: • Inspiration can be found anywhere. From bee stings to childhood hobbies, inspiration for these business owners came from a wide range of places. Even if you don’t consider yourself a creative person, being open to unexpected ideas and thinking outside the box are keys to discovering a new business, product or service idea. • Never stop listening and learning. The businesses with the most loyal customers are the ones focused on continuous listening and learning. Whether in person or via software and social media, listening to your audience helps build trust and keeps them coming back. Beyond customer service, big data is another way to access a wealth of knowledge about your audience and business trends. Big data software like Microsoft Azure is also more affordable and easier to use than ever, allowing even the smallest businesses to benefit from enterprise-grade analytics. • Ask for help. Launching a business can be intimidating, especially if you have little or no experience in all the areas necessary for your business to function, such as accounting or HR. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Reaching out to other small businesses in your area, finding a mentor or joining an online community can help you find the answers you need. • Don’t let anything hold you back. From preschool kids to military veterans, the featured microbusiness owners are proof that success can be found at any age and at any stage of life. Time and time again, entrepreneurs shared that the most important thing to do is stop second-guessing yourself and just get started. • Automate day-to-day tasks. Technology, such as Microsoft Dynamics CRM, can help you work smarter and more efficiently. Automating your business processes lets you and your employees focus less on the day-to-day tasks so you can focus your time and energy on more important responsibilities. To learn more about the 10 all-star microbusinesses, including how they got their starts, tackled common small-business challenges, and the techniques and technologies that have led to their success, download the e-book at https://info.microsoft. com/10under10eBook.html?wt.mc_id=AID608734_ QSG_145084.
www.thechicagocitizen.com • 52 years of serving the Black community
CITIZEN / Hyde Park / Week of August 23, 2017 / 5
> Profile > Inspirations > Bible verse
SPIRITUALLY SPEAKING: IN THE WORLD’S PRISON, YOU ARE FREE anything, then maybe I better get going, stir some things up. In their day, the apostles, Paul and others were indeed looked upon as threats to the so-called I remember a while back I heard establishment. That meant governments Bishop T.D. Jakes of the Potters House and principalities, as well as the church preach a sermon that still resonates hierarchy of that day. with me to this day. The gist of it was If nothing else, I don’t think that a good portion of the Bible was James Washington says that history anyone would argue that on His written from a jail cell. I’m pretty sure suggests that professing one’s belief worst day, Jesus was the quintessential his overall message had something to in Jesus Christ as Lord can literally be do with the church’s outreach ministry, a death sentence. The Bible teaches revolutionary. It still amazes me how such principles of unconditional universal love which I understand to be significant. us that eventually our belief will be for humankind got him killed. And then What struck me then and remains with put to the test. it always hits me that this philosophy me now is the reality of God’s Word and will ultimately attack and undermine direction coming from the steadfast faith entrenched institutional power of all kinds especially that of those imprisoned. What is it about being a believer, a contained within the church. That’s when I realize that if walking, talking believer that somehow frightens those in power so much, that a jail cell is an inevitable and practical you are a believer in Christ, you are most certainly a threat to man. Man craves power and Christianity abdicates all answer? History suggests that professing one’s belief in power to Jehovah. We stand as representatives of that Jesus Christ as Lord can literally be a death sentence. The truth and stand trial everyday with the world as our judge Bible teaches us that eventually our belief will be put to and jury, or so it sometimes appears. That explains that the test. The thing is have you ever wondered why God’s target on the backs of believers throughout history and teachings are so feared by those who believe in other should remind us all that there is indeed a target on all religiAt one time I used to say Jesus’ message made so of our backs. It’s a light, a very bright light illuminating much sense that even if He didn’t exist, we should invent the darkness that surrounds many a non-believer. All I Him. Now that I’m saved, I guess you could say I’m a can encourage you to do in the face of all this is to stay the candidate for institutional oppression. If you’re a believer, course and know our defense attorney has already argued there are things in this world that want you dead. The this case. The prosecuting attorney has already lost. So odd thing about what Bishop Jakes said was and is that I when you’re alone in your cell, remember this battle you’re don’t view myself as a threat to anyone based on my belief in is over. The verdict is in. We win. Be humble in your in one God, the Holy Trinity and the truth of Jesus Christ. victory. But the world in which I live does. I suppose a larger May God bless and keep you always. issue might be have I done anything or said anything that The Dallas Weekly is a member publication of the should land me in jail; if jail is defined as that spiritual NNPA. Learn more about becoming a member at NNPA. place that present day Sadducees and Pharisees want to org. send people like you and me? If I haven’t said or done
By James Washington (The Dallas Weekly, NNPA Member)
James 1:2-4 - My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations
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You can also mail your information to: The Chicago Citizen Newspaper Inc., 8741 S. Greenwood Ave., Chicago,Illinois 60619, Attn: Church News
from Rev. Dr. Derrick B. Wells,
Senior Minister of Christ Universal Temple
WEEKLY INSPIRATIONS FROM REV. DR. DERRICK B. WELLS Relationships are an important part of life, and truly enrich our experiences in living. Each of us is wired to enjoy healthy, productive, reaffirming relationships. We all benefit from human contact, personal touch, and emotional connection. Our interactions with others allow us opportunity to find joy in sharing one another’s growth. Yet not all relationships are created equally, and unfortunately, in the absence of healthy relationships, we are too often willing to settle for the unhealthy ones. Where healthy relationships help us feel fulfilled, unhealthy relationships have the potential to rob us of the joy, peace, and unity that comes from walking with another. In order to get the most of your relationships, it really helps to be selfaware and self-reflective. Both tools are critical when it comes to evaluating your relationships. Self-awareness and selfreflection enables us to examine the nature of our relationships and potentially better understand with whom we are involved. Self-awareness is activated through one’s mindset of love, acceptance, and appreciation for self. It’s been suggested that each of us has four different types of people in our lives: those who add to us, those who subtract from us, those who divide us, and those who multiply us. Simply put, those who add to us help us do more than the sum of what we could do alone. Those who subtract from us leave us with less than we had before the interaction. Those who divide us leave us fragmented with a sense of separation. Those who multiply us help us expand exponentially. You may be able to build meaningful relationships with the subtracters and dividers, just remember, changing them is not your responsibility. Address: 11901 S Ashland Ave, Chicago, IL 60643 Phone: (773) 568-2282 www.cutemple.org
6 / CITIZEN / Hyde Park / Week of August 23, 2017
CITIZEN / Hyde Park / Week of August 23, 2017 / 7
Tips for taking the stress out of ‘back to after school’
P.E.A.C.E HOLDS GRAND OPENING P.E.A.C.E (Positive Education Always Creates Elevation) KUFI CLUB OF CHICAGO will hold a Grand Opening on 11158 S. Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IL. 60628, August 26, 2017, from 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm. The purpose of the Kufi Club’s Grand Opening event is to gather and introduce community members, elected officials, businesses and youth of Roseland to the newly established Kufi Club youth center. Additionally, in staging a grand opening event, organizers seek to attract and recruit youth and parents into its organization. Free High School Equivalency & English as a Second Language Registration Days Coming Soon at South Suburban College South Suburban College’s Adult Education Department is offering a wide range of opportunities for adults to build the basic skills required for success. Adult Basic Education (ABE) helps men and women whose skill levels are below the ninth grade. ABE students improve their skills in Reading, Writing, and Mathematics. Many adults choose to further build on these skills and pursue a high school education through the High School Equivalency (HSE/GED) program. The HSE program will develop the skills required to pass the High School Equivalency exams. Studies will includeReasoning through Language Arts, Social Studies, Science, Mathematics, and the US and Illinois Constitutions. Additionally, English as a Second Language (ESL) allows non-native students to improve their English skills from beginning to advanced levels. Most of the Adult Education programs are offered both full and part-time at the Main Campus in South Holland or the Oak Forest Center. At the time of registration, all students will take a Placement Test. The complete schedule of locations for registrations and classes is as follows: High School Equivalency: SSC Adult Education Center South Suburban College (SSC) 15800 South State Street South Holland, IL 60473 w Part-time ABE/ASE/GED®/HSE: Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays (September 18 – December 15, 2017) Register: September 11, 12, 13, 2017 at 6:00pm in Room L233 Classes Begin: Monday, September 18, 2017 Time: 6:00pm-9:00pm in Room L233 w **NEW** Full-time ABE/ASE/GED®/HSE: Monday through Friday (September 18 – December 15, 2017) Register: September 11, 12, 13, 2017 at 9:00am in Room 1243B Classes Begin: Monday, September 18, 2017 Time: 9:00am-2:30pm in Room 1243B w Part-time ABE/ASE/GED®/HSE: Monday through Friday (September 18 – December 15, 2017) Register: September 11, 12, 13, 2017 at 9:00am in Room 1243B Classes Begin: Monday, September 18, 2017 Time: 9:00am-12:00pm in Room 1243B w**NEW** Part-time GED®/HSE Technology Bridge Classes: Monday through Thursday (October 2 – December 14, 2017) Register: September 25, 26, 27, 2017 at 10:00am in Room L233 Classes Begin: Monday, September 18, 2017 Time: 10:00am-2:00pm in Room L233 High School Equivalency (HSE) for ESL Students Full-time ABE/ASE/GED®/HSE: Monday through Friday (September 18 – December 15, 2017) Register: September 11, 12, 13 2017 at 9:00am in Room 2452 Classes Begin: Monday, September 18, 2017 Time: 9:00am-2:30pm in Room 2452 Oak Forest Cen ter, Room 5240 16333 South Kilbourn Avenue Oak Forest, IL 60452 (708) 225-6029 w Part-time ABE/ASE: Monday through Friday (September 18 – December 15, 2017) Register: September 11, 12, 13, 2017 at 9:00am in Room 5240 Classes Begin: Monday, September 18, 2017 Time: 9:00am-11:30am in Room 5240 OR 12:00pm-2:30pm in Room 5240 w **NEW** Part-Time ABE/ASE/GED®/HSE: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday (October 2 – December 14, 2017)
Register: September 25, 26, 27, 2017 at 5:30pm in Room 5240 Classes Begin: Monday, October 2, 2017 Time: 5:30pm-8:30pm in Room 5240 SSC Adult Education in Riverdale, IL Thornton Township Center 14323 S. Halsted St. Riverdale, IL 60827 w Part Time ABE/ASE/HSE: Monday through Thursday (October 2 – December 14, 2017) Register: September 25, 26, 27, 2017 at 10:00am Classes Begin: Monday, October 2, 2017 Time: 10:00am-1:00pm English as a Second Language: SSC Adult Education Center South Suburban College (SSC) 15800 South State Street South Holland, IL 60473 Full Time ESL: Monday through Friday (September 18 – December 15, 2017) Register: September 11, 12, 13, 2017 at 9:00am in Room L233 Classes Begin: Monday, September 18, 2017 Time: 9:00am-2:30pm in Room L233 Part-time ESL: Monday through Friday (September 18 – December 15, 2017) Register: September 11, 12, 13, 2017 at 9:00am in Room L233 Classes Begin: Monday, September 18, 2017 Time: 9:00am-11:00am in Room L233 Part-time ESL: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday (September 18 – December 15, 2017) Register: September 11, 12, 13, 2017 at 6:00pm in Room 1243 B Classes Begin: Monday, September 18, 2017 Time: 6:00pm-9:00pm in Room 1243 B w NEW!!! OAK FOREST PART TIME ESL PROGRAM Oak Forest Center Rooms 5240 & 5320 16333 South Kilbourn Avenue Oak Forest, IL 60452 (708) 225-6029 Part Time ESL: Monday through Friday (September 18 – December 15, 2017) Register: September 11, 12, 13, 2017 at 9:00am in Room 5320 Classes Begin: Monday, September 18, 2017 Time: 9:00am-11:30am in Room 5320 OR 12:00pm-2:30pm in Room 5320 All courses are offered free of charge. For the purpose of compliance with Section 511 of Public Law 101-166 (the Stevens Amendment) Federal funds of $395,020 provides approximately 37% of the support of these programs. Indiana residents are not eligible to participate in the Adult Education programs.
World Famous 13th Floor Haunted House Returns for a Fourth Halloween Season in Chicago Area The world famous haunted house brand, 13th Floor, will return to the suburbs of Chicago this fall for a fourth season with two new haunted houses at 13th Floor Chicago located at 1940 George Street in Melrose Park, Illinois. The production this year will offer major enhancements in light and sound – an increase so intense it’ll feel like it went from carnival to theme park – and will be open for evening shows from September 22 through November 4 this year. This season brings two newly themed attractions in one location for one price: Cursed: Purgatoryand Dead End District: Freakshow. 13th Floor Chicago is one of the Chicago area’s largest haunted houses featuring over 30,000 square feet of indoor space with ceilings as tall as 35 feet. While the visual impact of the movie-quality sets is enough to impress, this season’s 500% increase of light and sound will provide an elevated experience with dynamic, layered sound and light which can be altered on demand. Custom clown creations from Evan Hedges, who placed as a runner-up on season nine in 2015 on the SyFy channel’s reality competition television show “Face Off”http://www.syfy.com/ faceoff, and was also a returning competitor on “Face Off All-Stars” on season eleven in 2017, take 13thFloor Chicago to the next level. In Cursed: Purgatory, something sinister brews deep in the woods in Melrose Park, and threatens to curse those who enter. Petrifying witches chant demonic spells, but none are more frightening then the Belladonna who searches for the perfect victim to become her sacrifice. Nothing can save those in her presence from her demented conjure as she brings even the bravest soul to his knees, terrified and begging for mercy. At the second attraction, Dead End District: Freakshow, bloodcurdling screams is the music which comes from inside the Laughter House as shadows of inhumane beasts dance across the canvas of the tent. Hauntingly sinister freaks and clowns wait inside to bring a petrifying nightmare only the most twisted of minds could fathom. Be warned, one might just end up as the unwitting star of the show. 13th Floor Chicago will be open to the public for shows beginning on Friday, September 22, 2017, and run on select dates through November 4, 2017. An invitation-only media preview will take place on Friday, October 6, 2017, from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. An invitation will follow prior to the preview. WHAT: 13th Floor Chicago WHERE: 1940 George Street, Melrose Park, Illinois 60160 WHEN: September 22, 23, 29, and 30; October 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 through 31; November 3 and 4. COST: $19.99 to $32.99 plus tax, depending of day of the week Plus $10 Fast Pass upgrade with a limited wait reservation in a one-hour timeslot; $20 Skip The Line upgrade with no wait and a reserved entry time. Free Parking in mall lot across the street AGES: Recommended for ages 12 and up CHARITABLE: 13th Floor has partnered with Don’t Be A Monster, a 501(c)(3) bringing anti-bullying programs to local schools.http://dontbeamonster.org Don’t Be a Monster video:https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=-mcMMIg8A9s YouTube Channel with video: https://www.youtube.com/channel/ UCNQUhbVjLpfAnMKJfBsMp4g WEBSITE: http://www.13thfloorchicago.com/ SOCIAL MEDIA: Facebook:https://www.facebook. com/13thFloorChicago Twitter: https://twitter.com/13thFloorCHI Instagram:https://www.instagram.
www.thechicagocitizen.com • 52 years of serving the Black community
(BPT) - As kids and teens head back to school, working parents are also preparing for “back to after school.” Despite the fact that 60 percent of parents report having flexible work hours that allow them to take care of their children once the school day ends, a survey from Boys & Girls Clubs of America shows 75 percent still find that after-school time causes as much or more stress than in-school time. When it comes to after-school programs and resources, the study also found parents’ top priorities are providing a safe place for their children, academic mentoring and support, as well as sports and fitness programs. As an expert in youth development that specializes in these key areas, Boys & Girls Clubs of America offers these tips to help parents take the stress out of transitioning back to after school.
Safety first
Each day 11 million children and teens leave school with no place to go, increasing their risk of being unsupervised, unguided and unsafe in communities across the country, according to a 2014 Afterschool Alliance study. And, since juvenile crime escalates during the hours of 3-7 p.m. according to the U.S. Department of Justice, parents have cause for concern about how their children spend their time during these critical hours. Particularly for working parents who cannot be home with their children when the school day ends, taking advantage of affordable, accessible after-
school programs - ideally staffed by trained, trustworthy adult leaders - alleviates stress by providing peace of mind that their kids are safe, supervised and on a path to success.
Homework help
28th Annual
#RESPECT Labor Day Weekend Washington Park
Parents perceive the biggest challenges their children face when starting a new school year are preparing for the needs of the next grade level and keeping up with homework. According to Boys & Girls Clubs of America’s survey, nearly 60 percent of parents find it difficult to ensure their children are on a path to a successful school year. By making a plan for how and when to tackle homework each day and sticking to it, parents and kids can make the most of after-school time. Whether it’s at home with support from a parent or guardian, at a tutoring facility or at a community organization with academic programming such as a local Boys & Girls Club, setting aside a specific time and place for homework will avoid headaches for parents and children alike.
Explore and inspire
After spending a full day in school, kids and teens often benefit from tapping into their creative side after class lets out. Make time for them to explore art, music, dance and STEM programs to not only relieve stress but also to express themselves, explore new areas of interest and ignite potential passions that may last a lifetime.
300+ Exhibitors • Live Entertainment African Drum Village • Food Court Global P.E.A.C.E. Village Children’s Pavilion • Health Pavilion Family-Fun Activities & More!
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CITIZEN / Hyde Park / Week of August 23, 2017 / 9 8 / CITIZEN / Hyde Park / Week of August 23, 2017
Wyclef Jean to take the main stage during 28th Annual African Festival of the Arts Tickets now available for September 1 – 4 celebration of African arts and culture (CHICAGO) - Africa International House USA, Inc. (AIH) has confirmed that lyricist, singer, musician, producer, poet, and songwriter Wyclef Jean (also known as Clef ) will perform on the African Festival of the Arts’ (AFA) Main Stage on Sunday, September 3. Jean will join performers from around the world during the four-day Labor Day event, September 1 – 4. The highly-anticipated event, one of the largest, and longest running festivals in the Midwest focused on African art and culture, each year draws tens of thousands of people to its long-standing home in Washington Park. The music that Wyclef Jean has written, performed, and produced — both as a solo superstar and as founder and guiding member of the Fugees — has been a consistently powerful pop cultural force for over two decades. In 1996, the Fugees released their monumental album The Score. The album hit No. 1 on the Billboard chart, spawned a trio of smash singles (including a remake of Roberta Flack’s 1973 ballad “Killing Me Softly”), and is now certified six times platinum. But Wyclef launched himself as a producer and solo artist whose work draws from an innovative and eclectic palette that included elements of pop, country, folk, disco, Latin, and electronic music. Tickets for Clef ’s concert are included in the price of admission for the show and may be purchased now beginning at $15. The AFA is held annually, over Labor Day Weekend, where the Festival grounds come alive when Washington Park is transformed into an African village. Visitors are transported across the Diaspora with interactive engagements, vibrant drumming, museum quality and collectible artifacts, colorful and rich handwoven fabric and textile, and other program spaces and Interactive spaces include: Drum & Afro-folk Village, Children and Family, African Heritage, African Spirituality, Wellness (Health) Village, Books and Authors, Fine Art,
Film and Video, Food Court, Seniors and Quilting, and the African Marketplace. The Festival will have themed entertainment for each day of its fourday run featured on two stages and more announcements of talent will be coming shortly. Follow the conversation about the AFA on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram using #AFAChi About Africa International House USA, Inc. The mission of Africa International House USA, Inc. (AIH) is to serve as a
center that exposes and educates all people to the individual works and collective contributions of African cultures. Its mission is addressed through the flagship program, the African Festival of the Arts, and through other activities that promote African-based culture. AIH is an umbrella for linkages and exchanges of people from Africa and the African Diaspora. Since its inception, AIH has worked to bridge the divides between the people of the African Diaspora with its unique brand of cultural programming.
www.thechicagocitizen.com • 52 years of serving the Black community
CITIZEN / Hyde Park / Week of August 23, 2017 / 11
10 / CITIZEN / Hyde Park / Week of August 23, 2017
Skin Year-Round Before and After Spending Time Outdoors
Gearing up for Fall Fashion (StatePoint) Whatever your fashion passions are, you’ll want to look good in your clothes. The fall season is an ideal time of year to work out and enjoy the cooler climate while getting your attire ready for the fall. The fresh air in the fall may have you pushing new boundaries. Whether you are hiking a trail or training for a fall marathon, this great gear can help you before, during and after your next big activity.
Before You Go
You are likely well-versed in the need for sunscreen and bug spray to prevent burns and itch. But there is one more essential skin care item that all endurance athletes should have and apply before their next long
run or hike: chafing and blister prevention products. While there are many name brand glides and gels on the market, a thin layer of petroleum jelly applied to areas prone to this irritation often works just as well.
you’re offline. Its rugged build and water resistance makes it a good choice for the outdoors, while its functions like altimeter, barometer, thermometer and compa ss can help keep you
While You’re There
When You Get Home
Just because you’re off the beaten path doesn’t mean you want to be off the grid. Stay connected wherever your journey takes you. A timepiece is often the best choice for active outdoor adventures, since it keeps one’s hands free. Consider the WSD-F20 Protek smart outdoor watch from Casio, which features low power consumption GPS and location memory that can help you map your course and stay on track even when
The benefits of a foam roller are numerous, and no fall athlete should be without this simple tool. After a long workout, hike or training session, use a foam roller to help reduce muscle tightness and recover faster, so you can get back to your favorite activities sooner. While there are a range of varieties available in sporting goods stores, most foam rollers are affordable and durable, making them a great investment for athletes of all levels.
(StatePoint) A day outdoors can be enjoyable, but keep in mind that this UV exposure can take its toll on skin health. Researchers are identifying new potential ways to promote skin health from the inside out -- before, during and after you spend time outdoors. “Maintaining healthy DNA function safeguards your skin before and after spending time outdoors.” says Dr. Michael A. Smith, MD. According to Dr. Smith, researchers have confirmed that nicotinamide, a form of vitamin B3, plays a significant role in producing Adenosine Tri-phosphate (ATP), the molecule that fuels all your cells and powers their intracellular machinery. By doing so, it also facilitates healthy DNA function. This is especially important as UV exposure can affect production of ATP in skin cells, sapping those cells of the energy needed for their protective mechanisms to function properly. Dr. Smith points out that as one ages, skin loses some of its natural defense mechanisms, however, nicotinamide has been shown to support the natural immune response needed to safeguard against the agerelated effects of UV exposure. Nicotinamide is found in dairy milk, yeast and beer, but to be sure to get your daily dose of nicotinamide, consider an oral supplement, such as Life Extension Shade Factor. Formulated to nourish skin from within the body, it provides 500 mg of vitamin B3. It also contains an extract that helps manage cellular changes in the body that can lead to premature aging from outdoor activity and promotes healthy DNA function, as well as Red Orange Complex, which supports the body’s natural immune response. More information can be found at shadefactorsupp.com. According to Dr. Smith, this product is not a substitute for topical sunscreens. If you love the great outdoors, there is no need to give up your favorite hobbies, even as you age and your skin becomes more sensitive. New research suggests an inside out approach may be an effective way to help safeguard your body’s largest organ.
www.thechicagocitizen.com • 52 years of serving the Black community
Drivers: $55,000 to $75,000+ Yearly! $500.00 Orientation Pay! Monthly Bonuses! Medical, Dental, Vision & Great HomeTime! Rider Program starts Immediately! 1yr CDLA: 8558428498 __________________________________
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Newly decorated two bedroom, $625.00 a month, stove and refrigerator includ ed. 5200 S. Racine ask for Herman 773 3707744 __________________________________
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AUCTION LARGE TOOL AUCTION August 27th at Noon 1531 Industrial Park Rd., Minonk, IL MECHANIC, CONTRACT & POWER TOOLS! Plus Yard & Misc. Garage Items! 3092447140 www.hoylandauction.com __________________________________ My Income Never Stops And Neither Will Yours Http://www.myfavoritewaytomake money.com __________________________________
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STATEPOINT CROSSWORD THEME: SCIENCE 101 ACROSS 1. Glass piece 6. *It can be measured via car bon decay 9. Sandwich alternative 13. Freeforall 14. Madame Tussauds’ medium 15. State of dishonor 16. Kidney, e.g. 17. Cleopatra’s killer 18. Arthur Hailey bestseller 19. *Force pulling two objects together 21. *One on Mendeleev’s table 23. Organ of balance 24. Criticism 25. British mom 28. Tibetan priest 30. Glutenfree dieter’s disease 35. Relating to #23 Across 37. Deficiency 39. Goes with onions? 40. “In ____ veritas” 41. Daisylike bloom 43. Apple leftover 44. Choose Trump, e.g. 46. Feed storage 47. Actor Kristofferson 48. Gibraltar or Bering
50. Moonfish 52. Hitherto 53. Jockey’s leash 55. Give a nickname to 57. *”A Brief History of Time” author 61. “One of Us” singer Joan 65. *Most of Earth’s hydrosphere 66. Fall behind 68. American Akita, e.g. 69. Circular gasket 70. Nocturnal flyer 71. Verb derived from “laser” 72. Chipper 73. Smallest whole number 74. “_____! Read all about it!” DOWN 1. Urban haze 2. Drosselmeyer’s title 3. *Pond organism 4. Ransack or plunder 5. Coping mechanism 6. “And ____ we go!” 7. *Low density state of matter 8. Kick out of school 9. “For ____ the Bell Tolls” 10. *60 miles/hour, e.g. 11. So be it 12. Trapper’s bounty 15. Israeli money 20. “________la” refrain 22. Lake in Provence 24. Dissenting clique
25. *Galilei: “And yet it ____” 26. At less then 90 degrees 27. Fortyniner, e.g. 29. *m in F = ma 31. Way to seal an envelope 32. Poacher’s ware 33. Bird of prey nest 34. *Highest point in a wave 36. Source of cocaine 38. Kind of seaweed 42. Two diverged, one not taken and other taken 45. Causing one to need rest 49. X 51. *He had a telescope named after him 54. Inuit shelter 56. *a.k.a. sodium borate 57. LeBron’s goal 58. 43,560 square feet 59. Damlike structure 60. Immanuel ____, German philosopher 61. Eye up and down 62. None of this for the weary 63. ____dowell 64. Cocoyam 67. Grass bristle
12 / CITIZEN / Hyde Park / Week of August 23, 2017
We want to help make your dream of homeownership a reality. If the down payment is the only thing standing between you and your own home, we may have a tool for you. We’ve partnered with local nonprofits to offer the Homebuyer Grant Program to help first-time homebuyers overcome the challenge of covering a down payment. This program can offer up to $2,000 to qualifying borrowers purchasing a home as their primary residence and can be paired with federal, state, and local grants or loans. If purchasing a home seems out of reach because of the down payment, we’ve got a solution for you.
TO QUALIFY, HOMEBUYERS MUST: • Be applying for your first mortgage • Have an annual household income at or below 80 percent of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s median income of the county in which the property is located, adjusted for household size • Contribute at least $1,000 from personal funds toward the purchase of your home • Complete an approved homebuyer counseling program • Be applying for a minimum five-year loan term and, on adjustable rate mortgages, an initial interest rate lock period of five years minimum
For a full list of our nonprofit partners and what area each covers, visit wintrust.com/buyergrant.
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