Facing hyde park citizen may 31 2017

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Week of May 31, 2017 Vol 28 • No 27 • www.thechicagocitizen.com





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> SEE MORE PAGE 3 Real Men Cook will continue its 28th Father’s Day Celebration on June 18, 2017 and will present a select number of event cooks, who will serve salads, fruits, raw foods, grilled and roasted vegetables along with baked fish and chicken at Douglas Park, located at 1401 S. Sacramento, according to a Real Men Cook press release. Photo Courtesy of Real Men Cook





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community focus Warning About Inaccurate Lead Test Results SPRINGFIELD – The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) is alerting Illinoisans that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are warning the public that a certain type of lead test made by Magellan Diagnostics may provide inaccurate results for some children and adults. The FDA’s warning is based on currently available data that indicate Magellan lead tests that use blood taken from a person’s vein may provide results that are lower than the actual level of lead in the blood.

CDC recommends that parents of children younger than six years (72 months) of age, and currently pregnant women and nursing mothers who have been tested for lead exposure consult their health care professional about whether they should be retested. However, the IDPH lead program is not aware of Magellan Diagnostics’ test results in Illinois where blood was drawn from a person’s vein. Out of an abundance of caution, IDPH is alerting health care professionals about the potential for inaccurate lead test results. More information about the warning can be found at https://www.fda.gov/ NewsEvents/Newsroom/ PressAnnouncements/ ucm558769.htm.


Online Programs at Historically Black Colleges Ranked RALEIGH, N.C. - A ranking called Top 20 Best Historically Black Colleges and Universities can now be found at http:// www.onlinecollegeplan.com/best-hbcuonline/. Judged on the quality of education and flexibility, the top 20 schools offer the unique opportunity of fulfilling the goals of attending an HBCU and doing so online, according to a press release. North Carolina A&T State University was ranked first while another stand out was Claflin University (Orangeburg, SC); Claflin is ranked at #17. See the ranking with full methodology at http://www. onlinecollegeplan.com/best-hbcu-online/

HEALTH Black AIDS Institute Announces “30 Days Of HIV” campaign leading up to National HIV Testing Day

and mobilize Black communities around the ongoing HIV/AIDS crisis in Black communities across America. Going on now through National HIV Testing Day (June 27). All aspects of the campaign will be housed on www.blackaids.org and will be promoted daily via multiple social media platforms -Facebook, Twitter, Instagram.

LAW & POLITICS Pritzker Campaign Launches New Website: “Crisis Creatin’ Rauner” Chicago, IL – On the six hundred and ninety first day Illinois remained without a budget, the JB Pritzker for Governor campaign launched “Crisis Creatin’ Rauner.” This multimedia campaign will highlight the budget crisis in Illinois The campaign kicks off with the launch of CrisisCreatinRauner.com, a website with a count up clock that tracks the 691 days and counting without a state budget. The website also highlights the new twitter feed, @RaunersCrisis.

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GOVERNMENTAL Affairs Janice Garth

Cunningham supports solution to budget impasse

By Christopher Shuttlesworth


LOS ANGELES -- Black AIDS Institute (BAI), the U.S.’s only national think tank focused on HIV impact in Black communities, has announced “30 Days Of HIV” a national, digital, community campaign to raise awareness, educate


The American Kidney Fund’s Kidney Action Day, which is on June 6, 2017, will help raise awareness about kidney disease in Chicago’s minority communities.


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“More than 31 million Americans have kidney disease, but most don’t even know it because the silent killer disease has no symptoms until its late stages,” said Michael Spigler, Vice President of Patient Services and Kidney Disease Education for The American Kidney Fund. Spiller said many Chicagoans, especially African Americans, are at risk for kidney disease and says diabetes continues to be the leading cause for the vast majority of kidney failure cases with high blood pressure as the second leading cause. Spigler said some of the reasons why kidney disease is very high in the African American community is because of a lack of healthy and quality foods in the Black community. The American Kidney Fund reported that “other risk factors include having a family history of kidney disease and being over 60 years old.” Chicago Police Department’s Superintendent Eddie Johnson, who is planning to undergo Kidney-transplant surgery, is also committed to working with The American Kidney Fund, which is the nation’s leading nonprofit organization that currently works on behalf of Americans with Kidney

disease. The organization will host The American Kidney Fund’s Kidney Action Day on June 6, 2017 when Johnson and the American Kidney Fund will help raise awareness about kidney disease in Chicago’s minority communities. “Unlike like colon cancer or breast cancer, there is not really a set protocol on when people should get tested for kidney disease,” Spigler said. “What a doctor would usually do is look at what your risk factors are. So, having high blood pressure, diabetes or having a family member that has kidney failure or kidney disease will put you at higher risk. Those over 60 years old are at more risk, but those are just the statistics. It is not a hard, fast guide-line to say that is when you should start being tested.” Spigler recommended that patients make regular doctor’s visits and ask for updates from their doctors about their health when they see their physicians. “What you want to try and do is keep diabetes and high blood pressure at bay, he said. “Also, not smoking and exercising 30 minutes for most days of the week, eating a healthy diet with fruits and vegetables, limiting alcohol usage. But the most important thing is seeing a doctor regularly and making sure when you’re having your blood drawn, to ask your doctor ‘how are my kidneys doing?”

www.thechicagocitizen.com • 52 years of serving the Black community

On May 23, 2017, the Illinois Senate advanced a balanced budget proposal for the first time in two years to end the fiscal crisis. Senator Bill Cunningham issued the following statement in response to the votes taken recently: “We have been limping along for the last two years and allowed our higher education infrastructure to be decimated. Universities and Colleges across the state need stable and certain funding to ensure they can keep doors open and provide students an excellent education for their students. “We needed a real solution that cut spending and we cut over $3 billion in this plan. It’s a plan that is balanced and ensures that the state is starting its path out of the financial doldrums we have been in since 2015.” State Senator Kwame Raoul (D-Chicago 13th) also released the following statement on the Senate passing a balanced budget for Fiscal Year 18: “On May 23, 2017, Senate Democrats did what Governor Rauner and Republicans would not do – we voted to pass a balanced budget that will restore stability to our state. “During months of bipartisan negotiations, the governor praised the Senate’s efforts while working behind the scenes to derail them. Although Leader Radogno came to the table ready to negotiate in good faith, the governor repeatedly pulled Republican votes off of the grand bargain. Governor Rauner touts a pro-business agenda, but his disastrous policies have nearly broken our state, hurting existing businesses and making Illinois unattractive to new ones. The business community has made their voice heard, and what they want is the stability that comes from passing a balanced budget, the state paying its bills on time and securing revenue for necessary services. As legislators, we have a responsibility to fix the governor’s failure. The budget passed today incorporates funding for vital human services, higher education and public schools, and it will stop our $14 billion backlog from growing further. “With the passing of a balanced budget, we can begin to repair the damage the governor has wrought and look towards long-term growth for our state. State Senator Jacqueline Collins made the following statement after voting for a spending plan designed to break the destructive state budget impasse and fund crucial anti-violence measures such as afterschool and early childhood development programs, Teen REACH, and funding for universities and community colleges that also includes MAP grant funding: “I acted today to do what my constituents and all Illinoisans have demanded: To bring an end to the disorder and negligence caused by the lack of a state budget. Government’s first duty is to safeguard all of its citizens,” Collins said. “In that duty, we have been irresponsible for more than two years. Now is the time to take responsibility. With each passing day, there are those for whom it will be too late. Now is the time for the House and for Governor Rauner to come together on a budget.”

Trotter Sponsors Senate Bill 521

On May 23, 2017, a key piece of budget legislation that dedicates $575 million in General Obligation Bonds to infrastructure needs in Illinois passed the Senate. For too long, infrastructure needs in Illinois have been ignored. Senate Bill 521 addresses these needs by giving $400 million to the Department of Central Management Services for the advancement of information technology by investing in Enterprise Resource Planning to bring Illinois into the 21st century and make it more business friendly. The bill also gives $175 million to the Capitol Development Board for the Illinois Department of Corrections to make court-ordered mental health improvements to prison facilities as a result of the Rasho v. Walker case that set legal precedent by requiring better access to mental health in Illinois prisons. State Senator Donne Trotter (D-Chicago), the sponsor of the bill, has called the legislation vital in the effort to bring Illinois into the future: “Recently, Cook County Sherriff Tom Dart spoke on the large number of underdiagnosed and undertreated inmates in prisons on ‘60 Minutes.’ The passing of this legislation through the Senate is only the first step in properly addressing court-ordered improvements for inmate’s mental health, such as hiring 300 new mental health workers,” Trotter said in a released statement.

REAL MEN COOK ON FATHER’S DAY communities and being in the face of the young men who are growing up Real Men Cook’s right now.” Father’s Day Celebration He added, that will continue its 28th the African American anniversary of honoring community has more fathers on June 18, work to do in regards 2017. The organization to uplifting its men and will begin the day by should push and invest serving healthy foods, more in their health. promoting nutritious According to the Real meals and highlighting Men Cook press release, a mental health select number of veteran awareness at multiple event cooks will prepare Chicago sites including and serve barbecue ribs Douglas Park, located and chicken, salads, at 1401 S. Sacramento, fruits, raw foods, grilled according to a Real Men and roasted vegetables Cook press release. along with baked fish and Yvette Moyo, who chicken. is the Cofounder of “We don’t live very Real Men Cook, said long with considering the organization began the food that we put in honoring fathers so they our bodies,” he said. “Our could replace the lack of bodies are like machines respect towards Black and they have to have men, and bring more the right ingredients awareness to honorable and the right things to father figures in the be put into our bodies Black community. for it to last, remain “We are very much strong and for people to aware of the awesome remain healthy enough Real Men Cook will continue its 28th Father’s Day Celebration job that the fathers on June 18, 2017 and will present a select number of event to change their thinking cooks, who will serve salads, fruits, raw foods, grilled and in our communities system as well. If we roasted vegetables along with baked fish and chicken at have been doing and don’t have energy and Douglas Park, located at 1401 S. Sacramento, according to a their tremendous Real Men Cook press release. Photo Courtesy of Real Men Cook if we’re tired; and if we commitment to families are sick and bed-ridden, in the communities that then we can’t do the work sometimes social and economics tend to get in necessary to transform our community.”because the way of,” Moyo said. “So, we thought having an we have a bunch of healthy men walking around event like this would allow families to enjoy the our communities and being in the face of the day and celebrate fathers and father figures who young men who are growing up right now.” have been present in the Black community but He added, that the African American seldom acknowledged.” community has more work to do in regards to Moyo continued to say while the Real Men uplifting its men and should push and invest Cook’s Father’s Day Celebration isn’t primarily more in their health. focused on African American men, the event According to the Real Men Cook press replaces Black men from being invisible men to release, a select number of veteran event cooks respected and appreciated men. will prepare and serve barbecue ribs and Ayinde Cartman, who is the Executive chicken, salads, fruits, raw foods, grilled and Director of Real Men Charities, said the work roasted vegetables along with baked fish and for African American men is heightened because chicken. young men continue to lack proper leadership “We don’t live very long with considering skills and decision-making skills. the food that we put in our bodies,” he said. “These older men need to be around the “Our bodies are like machines and they have to younger men more to bring experience to them have the right ingredients and the right things and increase [knowledge] for us to know what to be put into our bodies for it to last, remain will happen with the next generation of men,” strong and for people to remain healthy enough Cartman said. “Also, so we can know how an to change their thinking system as well. If we issue like violence, especially in Chicago, won’t don’t have energy and if we’re tired; and if we be an issue 10-15 years from now because we are sick and bed-ridden, then we can’t do the have a bunch of healthy men walking around our work necessary to transform our community.”

By Christopher Shuttlesworth

www.thechicagocitizen.com • 52 years of serving the Black community

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Mr. Bay’s Bookshelf Encourages Black Boys to Read

On Saturday, May 20, 2017, Ego Couture Salon and The Adjoin Fund took their lead from Barbershop Books in New York, and started Mr. Bay’s Bookshelf in the barbershop and salon at 11259 S. Halsted in Chicago. Bayard and Collean McCullough, owners of Ego Couture, want African American boys in grades 6th through 8th to have culturally sensitive books available to read while in their barbers’ chairs and during the summer months, which was the main motivation behind the launch. Many educators state that reading among African American youth would be more prevalent if culturally sensitive books were more easily accessible. Master Barber Bayard, affectionately and respectfully known as “Mr. Bay,” recalls how important books were to his dad, Willie McCullough, and remembers fondly how his father insisted that his children read as a part of their daily activities. Bay often tells boys how important reading is in learning the skill of being a barber and an

entrepreneur. Getting a barber’s license requires hours of reading to prepare for the test to get a license, and owning a business requires extensive reading to meet city and state requirements to open a business in Chicago, according to a released statement. The Adjoin Fund (TAF), a partner in Mr. Bay’s Bookshelf, is a nonprofit citizens organization founded in 2014. TAF currently has more than 175 supporters in Chicago and other cities who contribute to the organization to underwrite literacy programs specifically for middleschool African American boys. In 2017, TAF provided three grants to CPS elementary schools – Lavizzo, Smith, and O’Keefee – to do programs to improve the reading skills for their middle school boys. TAF also launched a Kindle Fire Reading Club at Neil School. TAF is underwriting the cost of the books in Mr. Bay’s Bookshelf. To get involved, go to The Adjoin Fund’s website, www.theadjoinfund.org.

The Federal Government Achieves Small Business Procurement Contracting Goal for the 4th Consecutive Year WASHINGTON - PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The U.S. Small Business Administration announced recently that the federal government reached its small business federal contracting goal for the fourth consecutive year, awarding 24.34 percent in federal contract dollars to small businesses totaling $99.96 billion, an increase of over $9 billion from the previous year. “I am pleased to report that for the fourth year in a row, the federal government has exceeded its small business contracting goal,” Administrator Linda McMahon said. “It is a win-win for federal agencies to get small business contracts into the hands of the innovative small business owners that create jobs in their communities and help to fuel the nation’s economy.” In FY 2016, the federal government also exceeded the Small Disadvantaged Business (SDB) goal and had its highest achievement ever for percentage of contract dollars awarded to Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned (SDVO) small businesses. Prime contract dollars in all categories increased. The federal government also exceeded its subcontract goals for awards to women-owned and small disadvantaged businesses. SBA has worked with federal agencies to expand opportunities for small businesses to compete for and win federal contracts. The FY 2016 Small Business Procurement Scorecard that SBA uses to grade agencies in terms of prime contracting and subcontracting performance, as well as other factors, resulted in overall grade of “A “ for the federal government. Seven agencies received A+, 11 received a grade of A, four received a grade of B and one agency received a grade of C.




FREE SHIPPING WITH $99 PURCHASE On Saturday, May 20, 2017, Ego Couture Salon and The Adjoin Fund took their lead from Barbershop Books in New York, and started Mr. Bay’s Bookshelf in the barbershop and salon at 11259 S. Halsted in Chicago.


Firm Launches Multicultural Influencer Report to Help Brands and Agencies with Diversity ATLANTA- PRNewswire/ -- Color of Influence (COI) aims to keep race and diversity top of mind for brands and agencies with a $10 monthly report highlighting multicultural influencers across multiple industries such as auto, CPG, fashion, beauty, entertainment, and finance. After recent episodes with Pepsi and Shea Moisture, COI publisher Ashlene Nand says it is obvious that brands and agencies need help in this area. “Color of Influence gives brands and their partners’ insights to multicultural talent for only $10 a month. The goal isn’t just to inform you of the cool people, it is to educate readers on cultural nuances in the social landscape and ensure diversity remains an easy integration in all brand campaign work.” Influencer marketing is said to grow from $500M into a $5B+ industry in the next 5 years. With the obvious power of social media, and the desire for brands to reach audiences on these platforms, a new marketplace of “influencers” - or people with significant followers - is developing where they get paid to promote products and

services. Nand, however, says the industry is not doing enough to ensure there is diversity in influencer marketing and with an increased dependence on data things are getting worse. “Advertising has had a long-standing issue with hiring minorities in leadership positions. Now you have teams of predominantly white agencies marketing to Black, Spanish, Asian consumers and people can see right through it.” “In today’s social landscape you have to consider how multiple audiences will react to your content,” continues Nand. “Granted it isn’t always possible to do extensive focus groups when you are creating turnkey content in 3 days or 3 weeks. But seriously, why not call upon experts who represent all your consumers?” Color Of Influence also provides additional services including full in-house creative and an influencer advisory panel that agencies can tap into quickly and efficiently for immediate feedback from influencers themselves. The first report will be available for free for a limited time from www.colorofinfluence.com.

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Operation Organization

Plan your way to success this school year

Fashion Event Helps Fight Homelessness Attend Handbags for Homes on June 22nd for a fun night of fashion, food, and friends, while preventing and ending homelessness in Chicago. Your $100 ticket purchase allows one admission plus one entry to an exclusive raffle for a gorgeous Burberry bag. Buy your tickets at https://37271.thankyou4caring.org/ handbagsforhomes2017. Purses can be viewed on facebook and instagram - new purses are constantly being added! Event Details When & Where: June 22, 2017 at 6:00 pm

at the Woman’s Athletic Club, 626 N Michigan Ave, Chicago, IL 60611. What: Handbags for Homes is a signature event for Chicago professionals to have fun while helping to ensure all Chicagoans have a place to call home. Handbags for Homes showcases a fabulous collection of designer purses, which guests can win by buying raffle tickets. Who: You, your family, friends, and colleagues. All are welcome! Why: To support All Chicago’s mission to end homelessness in Chicago. Event Co-Chairs: Sonia Anaya and Denis Pierce

A $100 ticket to the Handbags for Homes event allows one admission plus one entry to an exclusive raffle for a gorgeous Burberry bag.

Sean Combs Promotes Long-Time Associate Dia Simms a woman, and the first person to assume this role within the company, I am incredibly honored to be able to carry on the ‘Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop’ torch.” Simms has worked with Mr. Combs since 2005, putting her relentless commitment to excellence and her unparalleled skills as a creative strategist and marketer to work in a variety of roles. Her rise through the ranks began during her first role with the company as an assistant, where she made her way to the Chief of Staff and then general manager of advertising and marketing firm, The Blue Flame Agency. Simms then took on the role of Executive Vice President of Combs Wine & Spirits, and was promoted shortly thereafter to President of Combs Wines & Spirits, where she led the strategic execution of all Cîroc Ultra Premium Vodka, DeLeon Tequila and spirits innovation projects for the company. During her tenure, Simms was a key player in the acquisition of DeLeon Tequila and the brand’s relaunch and an integral part of Cîroc Ultra Premium Vodka’s 1000% growth, in which it moved from virtual obscurity to one of the most recognized vodka brands on the globe. Under her purview, the beverage brands won several awards, including Double Gold at the San Francisco World Spirits Competition, Market Watch’s ‘Spirit Brand of the Year,’ the coveted Diageo Golden Bar for ‘Best Spirits Advertising’ and Diageo’s Global Marketing Brilliance Award for ‘Best Synergy 360’. They

were also recognized by the Pro Awards in 2014 for ‘Best Cause-Based Campaign’ and ‘Best Campaign that Uses a Holiday Theme.’ Simms was recognized by The Network Journal in their ‘40 Under Forty Class of 2010,’ and in 2011 was an honoree at the United Way of New York City’s ‘Power of Women Luncheon,’ and was named ‘Leader of the New School’ by Essence Magazine that same year. In 2014, she won the Bronze Stevie ‘Maverick of the Year Award’ at the International Business Awards, honoring excellence in Advertising, Marketing, Public Relations and Business Services. Simms is a highly-respected leader who also on the board of THREAD Organization that provides underprivileged high-school students resources to help foster their academic advancement and personal growth. She is also a on the board of BINKABLE, a mobile app that enables people to connect with the best creative talent on the market.


Combs Enterprises is a portfolio of businesses and investments built and cultivated by music legend and mogul Sean “Diddy” Combs. Established in 2013, Combs Enterprises includes the brands Bad Boy Entertainment, Sean John, Combs Wine & Spirits (Cîroc and DeLeón), AQUAhydrate, The Blue Flame Agency, Bad Boy Touring, Janice Combs Publishing, REVOLT Films and REVOLT MEDIA & TV, as well as ENYCE, Zac Posen, and the Combs Foundation. Combs Enterprises is known worldwide for its award-winning, market-defining successes in music, fashion, fragrance, beverage, spirits, marketing, film, television, media and more. For more info visit: http://www. combsenterprises.com

RUE107 has added an active wear line featuring original prints.The pieces can be mixed with ready to wear pieces for an evening out with friends or simply running errands before hitting the gym. Size Inclusive: Women’s Contemporary Brand RUE107 Expands Into Activewear New York, NY - Now women everywhere can make a statement while they sweat! RUE107, known for fun, bold, statement making, size inclusive clothing adds active wear line featuring original prints. The line ranging from $49 to $89, available in sizes XS to 3XL and are now available for preorder on RUE107. COM. When asked why the move into activewear Marie Jean-Baptiste Founder & CEO of RUE107 answered “The concept behind adding Active Wear to Rue107’s product line is tied to our core principle of making a statement while developing into your best self. Over the past two years since our showroom has been open, we’ve had rich conversations with our customers about fitness, body image, and overall well-being. There was one common thread, they want to ‘feel great at any size.’ The pieces can be mixed with ready to wear pieces for an evening out with friends or simply running errands before hitting the gym. Their workout clothing has to give them a bit more than just a workout session.”

www.thechicagocitizen.com • 52 years of serving the Black community

a system that makes it all fun. Setting up days of the week in various colors, or different tasks by color, help the user quickly identify what needs to be done at a glance. Colored pencils and no-bleed highlighters can also improve the usability and aesthetics of planners and study guides. Pens Staying organized and achieving success means T:10.75”

having the right tools to get the job done, and having ideal writing implements is a must. Never worry about lost pens again with Zebra Pen’s F-301 pens that not only look great, but also take serious wear and tear while delivering clean, fine tip ink that works seamlessly in the tight spaces of planner and study guide layouts. “Our Steel series pens, the F-301 in particular, look sleek and sophisticated while standing up to active use. You can tote them and trust they’re as committed to your day as you are,” said Ken Newman, director of marketing at Zebra Pen. Learn more at zebrapen.com. Backpacks If you think backpacks are only for the littlest of kids, think again. Big kids and even adults are making great use of the carry-all packs. The most obvious benefit is that a backpack leaves hands free for other activities, but today’s backpacks are incredible organizers, too. For the most flexibility, look for a bag that features padded compartments to protect tech devices and plenty of storage compartments to keep pens, calculators and other necessities organized and in easy reach.


NEW YORK - PRNewswire/ -- Sean “Diddy” Combs, Chairman and CEO of Combs Enterprises, one of the world’s leading entertainment companies, recently announced the promotion of Dia Simms to President of Combs Enterprises. In her new role, Simms will oversee business activities across the companies and investments built and cultivated by Mr. Combs. She will work directly with Mr. Combs to ensure that Combs Enterprises exceeds its financial and operational goals, as well as continuing to grow and expand globally and fulfill its broader strategic vision. Simms will also lead efforts across Combs Enterprises to identify and pursue strategic investments that expand the reach and influence that Mr. Combs has on entertainment, media, fashion, spirits, culture and other sectors. Under her new leadership, Combs Wines & Spirits will fold into Combs Enterprises as Dia Simms she oversees both ventures. States Sean Combs, “There is nobody better equipped to run Combs Enterprises and lead us into the future. Dia’s passion, ambition, hard work and commitment to excellence have produced an unparalleled record of success. She has created and grown countless businesses and inspired those around her to excel. Not only am I confident she will succeed in her new role, I am excited about everything Combs Enterprises will accomplish under her leadership.” “Working my way up through the ranks at this company over the past 12 years, I could have never imagined the amount of support, trust and confidence that Sean and everyone on the team have shown,” says Simms. “Being

Size Inclusive: Women’s Contemporary Brand RUE107 Expands Into Activewear

(Family Features) Each new school year can feel like getting caught in a whirlwind of activity. Before things spiral out of control, take some time to get back to basics and organize your way to success. Whether you’re taking advantage of back-to-school season to get yourself on track or you’re helping a student gear up for a new year, these ideas can make getting organized easier than ever. Planners Technology, take a seat. An “oldschool” solution to keeping tabs on daily tasks is making a comeback. Physical study guides and planners are on the rise, according to data from consumer research firm NPD Group. Last year, sales of appointment books and planners grew 10 percent, while other types of calendars posted an 8 percent rise. At least in part fueling the growth are on-trend planner alternatives called bullet journals (bujos). Websites like Pinterest feature thousands of ideas for customizing traditional book-style journals into ultra-personal planners that keep every detail of life organized. The trick to using planners effectively is creating

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CITIZEN / Hyde Park / Week of May 31, 2017 / 9

8 / CITIZEN / Hyde Park / Week of May 31, 2017


Dad’s Day, Dad’s Way


TIME INC.’S ESSENCE® BRAND AND TWITTER ANNOUNCE LIVESTREAM COLLABORATION Time Inc.’s (NYSE: TIME) Essence brand, the number one media brand aimed at Black women, recently announced it is partnering with Twitter to livestream “Essence Now,” a weekly talk show covering all things entertainment, fashion, news and love and relationships. The latest collaboration for Time Inc. and Twitter, “Essence Now” will be the first live show on Twitter targeting Black women. Fans of “Essence Now,” which was launched on Essence.com in 2015, will be able to enjoy celebrity interviews, musical performances, expert advice and more via Twitter – livestreamed from the Time Inc. Studios in New York City. The livestream will be available worldwide on Twitter in the coming months at essence.twitter.com and on @ Essence.

“Essence Now” has established itself as the go-to destination for our consumers, who are undeniably enthusiastic and vocal users of social media,” said Essence Vice President of Client Solutions Cassandre

Charles. “We are pleased to partner with Twitter, a universally influential platform, to expand our global reach and spark a dialogue worldwide around our audience’s passion points – from a multicultural perspective.” Featured segments the ‘Hot List’ and

‘Slayed or Shade,’ which examine the top trending stories of the day, will anchor the debut episode of “Essence Now” on Twitter. The show will also include a special edition of ‘Kitchen Table Talk,’ presented as a frank panel discussion on the good, the bad and the ugly of marriage. The experience will also integrate live comments utilizing Twitter polls and questions from the Twitter audience using the hashtag #EssenceNow – enabling fans to connect and participate from anywhere in the world. “It is very exciting for us to collaborate with Essence to bring their highly engaged audience a live weekly program on Twitter,” said Anthony Noto, Twitter COO. “Essence’s fans and viewers already turn to Twitter for smart

Well Go USA Entertainment presents Gordon Chan’s GOD OF WAR

OPENING FRIDAY, June 2nd in Chicago STARRING: Vincent Zhao / Sammo Hung / Wan Qian / Koide Keisuke / Kurata Yasuaki WRITTEN/DIRECTED BY: Gordon Chan RELEASE DATE: June 2nd, 2017 (A Well Go USA Entertainment release) SYNOPSIS: During the 16th century, pirates rule the Chinese coastline, pillaging the small villages and terrorizing the citizens. When maverick leader Commander Yu (martial arts legend Sammo Hung) enlists the help of a sharp young general (Vincent Zhao), they devise a plan to defeat the pirates. A violent clash of wit and weapons will decide who will rule the land in this sweeping historical epic based on true events, from veteran action director Gordon Chan. RUN TIME/RATING: 128 MIN / Not Rated

conversation, and now they can continue that dialogue while watching “Essence Now” all on one platform.” Time Inc. has previously collaborated with Twitter to stream People’s Screen Actors Guild Awards Red Carpet Preshow and an exclusive cast Q&A for Lucasfilm’s “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.” As an omnichannel brand, Essence has created a variety of original video series focused on topics including beauty and style, food, personal finance, love and relationships and entertainment – resulting in growth of 1000% in video views across the brand’s digital platforms over the past year alone. In addition, the brand’s signature live event franchise, the Essence Festival, delivers more than 100 hours of video and live stream programming throughout the course of the annual fourday event.

Gift ideas sure to bring a smile (Family Features) Finding the perfect gift for dear ol’ dad may be easier than you think. Show that you’ve paid attention all these years and know what it takes to make him smile. From gifts that make practical tasks easier to accessories for his favorite pleasure pursuits, these ideas take the stress out of showing your dad how much he means. Add a simple “thank you” and a big hug, and he’s sure to feel the love this Father’s Day.

NEW YORK, PRNewswire/ -- iOne Digital, formerly Interactive One, changes the game and launches CASSIUS (http://www.cassiuslife.com), the definitive digital destination for urban enthusiasts, millennials and lovers of Black culture. The inaugural digital cover, “Culture Vultures” represents both the mission of the new platform to address contemporary cultural theft— and the savvy of the newly formed editorial dream team charged with injecting media with critical commentary about the global impact of Black culture. With cultural appropriation at the forefront of much of today’s conversation, CASSIUS is in position to best fill the void for a new generation of urban enthusiasts. Bold, controversial covers, never-seen-before interactive graphics, and an in-your-face, unapologetic editorial point of view are what differentiate CASSIUS – a website that pays homage to the spirit of its namesake and the legacy of print magazines with a modern twist.

www.thechicagocitizen.com • 52 years of serving the Black community

Outdoor Cleaning Made Easy

If your dad has ever driven away from home, wondered if the garage door is closed then turned around to check, give him the gift of peace of mind. Let dad use his smartphone with the Chamberlain MyQ Garage universal controller and free app to confirm the garage door is closed, open or close it remotely and even receive activity alerts. The controller works with most openers manufactured after 1993, installs in minutes and is available online at The Home Depot, Lowe’s and online at myqsmartgarage.com.

Give dad the power to quickly and easily tackle any outdoor cleaning task with a pressure washer that’s durable enough to pass a military-grade drop test while offering the convenience of electric power. From spraying down the grill after a meal to keeping his car and garage looking pristine, the compact Briggs & Stratton S2000 electric pressure washer with an onboard detergent tank is just the tool for the job. Visit briggsandstratton.com to learn more about the full line of outdoor cleaning products or purchase at amazon.com.

Father’s Day T-Bone Gift Package

Gear Up for a Good Time

Anywhere Garage Door Control

Impress dad this year with the meal of his dreams from Omaha Steaks. Tender filet on one side, robust strip on the other, dad will love sinking his teeth into this 30-ounce

iONE Digital Launches The Provocative ‘CASSIUS’ Urban Millennial Lifestyle Platform And Calls Out Culture Vultures

T-bone. Plus, with gourmet jumbo franks, eight ground beef sliders, melt-in-your-mouth potatoes au gratin and rich New York cheesecake for dessert, this combo has something for everyone in the family. Find more delicious meals for dad at omahasteaks.com.

Whether it’s the thrill of the catch or the peaceful solitude that draws him, fishing is a pastime many dads enjoy. A true fisherman can never have too much fishing gear, so it’s hard to

go wrong. If you’re uncertain about the specifications of items like rods and reels, focus on accessories instead. An assortment of lures, a new tackle box or a GPS device created specifically for fishing are all ideas sure to earn your dad’s appreciation.

Get the Job Done

If one of dad’s favorite places to spend time is the garage, a new set of tools might be just what he’s looking for to finish up his project list. When a little home maintenance is required, helpful items – as simple as hammers, screwdrivers and tape measurers or more jobspecific items like ladders, saws and power tools – can really come in handy. Or, if he’s already got the tools he needs, consider a tool chest or work bench for optimal garage organization.

CITIZEN / Hyde Park / Week of May 31, 2017 / 11

10 / CITIZEN / Hyde Park / Week of May 31, 2017

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10 Tips to Make Outdoor Parties Unforgettable





FAMILY FEATURES Entertaining is one thing, but dazzling your guests with an outdoor party sensation is another. Summer can be the best time of year for outdoor parties. From twinkling lights to patterned tablecloths, every detail counts when it comes to impressing family and friends. It may feel like a lot of pressure to live up to expectations, but your party can be both simple and elegant with a few easy tips.

Start early

Early is never early enough when it comes to planning a rock-star summer gathering. Check to see if you have enough utensils, make sure everything is in place and that there is enough food for your guests. Prepare weeks in advance, if possible, to make sure you have all the materials necessary to throw your dream outdoor party.

Spice up the invitations

The perfect invitations can do three things. First is tell the basics: what, when and where. They can also tell guests what to bring along with them. Of course, invitations should also be appealing to the eye. This is your time to get a little creative and catch guests’ attention before the big event.

Show your style

You want your guests to be as comfortable as possible. Make sure to dress tables and chairs with cushions and tablecloths. Mix it up and show off some of your personal flair with bright colors or fancy patterns. It’s easy to celebrate summer with styles that bring summer vibes to life.

Light up the party

Brighten up the big day or night with some candles, lanterns or sparkling lights. In case of wind or weather, try to purchase covered candles to increase the chances the flame will stay lit. Make sure everyone can see the hard work you have put into the party.

Less mess meals

No one likes messy meals, especially at a summer party. Put together a menu that isn’t stressful on the cook or stressful on your guests to eat. Dropping sauce on a white summer top is a party no-no.

Rain, rain, go away

Always prepare for the worst. If clouds roll in on party day, make sure you’re ready. You can simply move the party indoors at the drop of a hat. Tents can also help keep the party going outdoors in case of precipitation.

Brighten it up

It’s finally summer and that usually means flowers everywhere. Pick out an arrangement and make it the focal point of each table. The bright colors can draw your guests in and make them want to appreciate the beautiful nature around them.

Make your own games

Give the kids something to do and make it fun. While the adults visit, the little ones need something to keep themselves busy. Whether it’s bubbles or water play in the heat, something to mix it up can help keep them occupied.

Jam it out

Keep the music low and cool. There is no need to blast your speakers across the entire yard. Play your favorite jams, but nothing too crazy. The music can really set the mood of the entire party and make or break the atmosphere. © 2016 UNIVERSAL STUDIOS IMAX® IS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF IMAX CORPORATION.


Cool it down

The summer heat is blazing and sometimes being outside can be miserable. Make sure your guests stay comfortable, even in the heat. Lay out handheld fans, lots of water and even some towels. Your guests will want to stay hydrated so they can party on. Find more summer party tips at eLivingToday.com.

www.thechicagocitizen.com • 52 years of serving the Black community CITIZEN NEWS (CHICAGO)

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