Week of May 10, 2017 Vol 28 • No 24 • www.thechicagocitizen.com
Hyde Park
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A view of the Obama Presidential Center campus experienced from the South. At the heart of the Center is a public plaza that extends into the landscape. The museum anchors the northern end of the plaza while the roofs of Library and Forum are covered with plantings to create new park land. Together these buildings form a campus that will be a place for doing, not just looking or listening and further unlock the potential of Jackson Park as a center for gathering in the South Side. Photo Credit: Obama Foundation
> P9
By Christopher Shuttlesworth
Former President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama hosted a community event on May 3, 2017 at the South Shore Cultural Center, located on 7059 South Shore Dr., where the Obama Foundation released the conceptual vision and site map for the Obama Presidential Center. The Obama Presidential Center, [which won’t be completed until 2021], will be integrated into Jackson Park, a historic park in the heart of the South Side of Chicago and the community the Obamas call home. “The Obama Presidential Center will also strengthen the
economic climate of the community by bringing hundreds of thousands of visitors to the South Side every year, creating new jobs and opportunities on the South Side and revitalizing historic Jackson Park,” according to a press release. Obama said there are a lot of Presidential Libraries and he believes there is a tendency to think that his Presidential Center will be a monument of the past or display his record of accomplishments during his presidential terms. “When Michelle and I started talking about the
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2 / CITIZEN / Hyde Park / Week of May 10, 2017
Former President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama hosted a community event on May 3, 2017 at the South Shore Cultural Center, located on 7059 South Shore Dr., where Obama discussed the vision for the Obama Presidential Center, which will be created on the grounds of Jackson Park by the year 2021. Photo by Christopher Shuttlesworth Continued from page 1
Presidential Center, we were really firm on what we wanted to create which was something for the future, something that looks forward, not backwards,” Obama said. “And it’s because of that perception that we call it a center and not a library.”Obama said Jackson Park is beautiful, but is lacking a vibrant energy when you drive through the park, and he says it feels much different than Lincoln Park or Millennial Park. “It is not used in the same way and it is not accessible in the same way,” Obama said. “It does not have features of the same sort and it’s not as good as it could be. So, part of what we said was ‘how do we transform the park so that it does start looking like Millennial Park and Lincoln Park, so things aren’t that way on the North side and a different way on the South Side?” According to the Obama Foundation, the Obama Presidential Center will be an engaging working center for Chicagoans and for more than 700,000 thousand tourists to explore. “The Center will include a state of the art museum, classrooms, labs, and outdoor spaces, and it will conduct programs that will give visitors not just memories, but real tools to create change in their own communities,” according to the Obama Foundation. Obama said another creation that he and Michelle are excited about is how the upcoming center will create an institution that will train the next generation of leaders, calling them the Michelle and Barack Obamas of today. “They can take up the torch and lead the process of change in the future,” he said.
“That is why we’re calling this a Presidential Center and that is why the design is not just a single building, but more like a campus. We want this to be the world’s premiere institution to train young people in leadership [and] to make a difference in their communities, countries and in the world.” Obama said the program will only work through forming partnerships with different community colleges and working with them in public policy, government, politics and activism. He continued to say the program must be built by young people who have been a force in leading various issues such as criminal justice, climate change and job opportunities. Part of the design for the center Obama envisions includes creating a space where people like Spike Lee or Steven Spielberg can come to Chicago and do workshops on how to make films centered around the stories young activists are working on. “We can have a recording studio where I can invite Chance to talk about how you can record music that has social commentary and meaning,” he said. Obama added although the building won’t be complete for another 4 years, the program will begin in 2017 because the city can’t afford to wait four years to start working. “Michelle and I are going to personally donate two million dollars to our summer job programs here in the city so we can get to work,” Obama said. “So, we’ll be working with the city, county and businesses because part of what we want to do is reach young people who might be at risk if they don’t have something to do during the summer.”
COMMUNITY FOCUS U.S. Navy Veteran walks 22 miles for suicide awareness
U.S. Navy Veteran, Bernard Coffey of the Bernard Coffey Veterans Foundation walked 22 miles from Lisle, Illinois to the Jesse Brown VA Medical Center in Chicago, Illinois. Coffey and his group declared to take this walk on behalf of suicide awareness for Veterans and Military members. At the conclusion of their 22 mile walk for awareness, they were welcomed by Medical Center Director, Marc A. Magill, fellow Veterans, medical professionals and staff who were eager to greet him and thank him for taking this journey for awareness. “The VA is the best resource we have, we have to give them time to work,” said Coffey. Coffey says “not everyone understands us, but the staff understands us and they can help our families understand us.” “My goal is to get Veterans back into the VA and not stay at home.”
R3 takes to the streets Chicago is still a segregated but a new generation of activists are building unity across community lines. Over 30 grassroots and labor organizations began meeting in November, 2016 on the south side of Chicago initially to vent frustration and then to map a response to the presidential election and ongoing problems faced by Chicago’s poor, Black and Brown and immigrant communities. Groups range from Black Youth Project 100, which has led massive street demonstrations against police violence, to Chicago
Fight for 15, a campaign to get a living wage for fast food workers, to Organized Communities Against Deportations, which has been advocating for expanded sanctuary for Black and Brown communities. The Chicago Teacher’s Union, SEIUHealth, Black Lives Matter-Chicago, Arab American Action Network, Asian Americans Advancing Justice, Desi Youth Rising, Inner-City Muslim Action Network, Pride Action Tank and others are involved. The group’s most recently held a citywide teach-in which drew 600 people on April 4. On Monday, May 1, in honor of May Day, the R3 Coalition rallied outside the Cook County Juvenile Detention Center on Ogden and Roosevelt at 11:00 a.m. to protest the criminalization of young people of color, before marching to Union Park to join the Citywide May Day rally there.
Legislation Provides Loans to Small Business to Help Create Jobs SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – Rep. Arthur Turner, D-Chicago, recently passed legislation allowing the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity to make loans to small businesses. “Small businesses are the economic engines of our communities,” Turner said. “We need to do everything in our power to give the small businesses what they need to grow our local economies and create jobs throughout the state. This program uses federal funds that are repaid and reinvested in our community to continually help local companies.” For more information, call 312-2774700 or arthurt@ilga.gov.
pressure by May 17, World Hypertension Day. For more information visit heart.org/hbp.
Former President of Ghana, Discusses Sustainable Development
Chicago State University Provost Angela Henderson and College of Business Dean, Derrick Collins, introduced (CSU) students and staff to His Excellency, Former President of Ghana John Mahama who recently discussed his Sustainable Development Goals, which include access to education, industrialization, and promoting the global connections of development.
HEALTH Free Test that Could Possibly Save Your Life
As part of #CheckIt, the American Heart Association (AHA) – the world’s leading voluntary health organization devoted to fighting cardiovascular disease – wants people to check their own blood
ACLU Taps Dreamer AS Immigration Policy Leader WASHINGTON — The American Civil Liberties Union recently announced the hiring of Lorella Praeli as director of immigration policy and campaigns. Lorella will work with ACLU policy advocates, litigators, organizers and activists in 53 state offices and national offices in New York and Washington to shape the organization’s advocacy and engagement on immigration and other key issue areas.
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Illinois Student Assistance Commission Awarded Federal Gear Up Grant
The Illinois Student Assistance Commission (ISAC) announced that it has received a seven-year, $18.6 million federal Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs (GEAR UP) grant, and launched its first year of Illinois GEAR UP (ILGU). The federal GEAR UP program provides competitive matching grants to states and partnerships working with high-need middle and high schools to provide early intervention that will improve college attendance and success and raise the expectations of low-income students. ISAC was among the state applicants in the most recent grant competition, and proposed a package of interventions and supports focused on non-cognitive skill development for students. Over the next seven years, ISAC will use a cohort model to provide direct services to approximately 30,500 students in 25 middle schools and 25 high schools across Illinois. All 7th graders at participating middle schools will receive services, and the program will follow the first cohort of 7th grade students through their first year of college. As soon as the first cohort of 7th graders transitions to high school, the high school will begin to receive services under the ILGU program. In addition, each year, the next class of 7th graders will be added to the program and receive services for the duration of the grant period.
Duckworth, Durbin Help Re-Introduce Equality Act to Protect LGBTQ Americans U.S. Senators Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) and Dick Durbin (D-IL) has joined Senators Jeff Merkley (D-OR), Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) and Cory Booker (D-NJ), along with 41 other Senators, to re-introduce comprehensive federal legislation to ban discrimination against LGBTQ Americans. The legislation was filed simultaneously in the U.S. House of Representatives by 194 Representatives, led by Rep. David Cicilline (D-RI). “It is absolutely unacceptable that someone can be fired from their job, evicted from their home and experience discrimination because of who they love,” said Senator Duckworth. “It is time for the entire country to join the State of Illinois in finally enshrining critical civil rights protections for LGBT Americans in federal law,” she said. Despite major advances in equality for LGBT Americans, including nationwide marriage equality, the majority of states still do not have explicit LGBT non-discrimination protection laws. The Equality Act of 2017 would ensure full federal non-discrimination equality by adding sexual orientation and gender identity to other protected classes, such as race or religion, in existing federal laws. The bill would explicitly ban discrimination in a host of areas, including employment, housing, public accommodations, jury service, access to credit, and federal funding. It would also add protections against sex discrimination in parts of anti-discrimination laws where these protections had not been included previously, including in public accommodations and federal funding. “For far too long, the door of discrimination has been slammed shut on LGBTQ Americans. It’s been slammed shut on equality, it’s been slammed shut on opportunity, and this must end,” said Senator Merkley. “It’s time to have the Equality Act on the floor of the House and the floor of the Senate for a full debate,” he said.
(Black PR Wire) NEW YORK – National Urban League Young Professionals (NULYP) recognizes 10 outstanding young professionals who exemplify the National Urban League mission through their professional and personal contributions to community and service. This class of YP Honors recipients represent a diverse field of industries and backgrounds, but share the common value of excellence in service. “This inspirational group of young professional men and women exemplify the mission of NULYP. We are proud to honor their vast accomplishments and dedication to community service and empowerment,” said NULYP President Carlos Clanton. Beginning 2016, the first class of NULYP Honors was named. This class included 30 dynamic young professionals across the country. In 2017, the program has become even more exclusive, recognizing only 10 recipients. The following individuals will be awarded as the NULYP Honors 2017 class:
Christopher Bruce – Atlanta, GA: Attorney, Advocate & Exemplary Peer Leader
Christopher Bruce, Esq. is the Policy Counsel for the American Civil Liberties Union of Georgia. He is also the managing partner of The Bruce Firm, LLC which focuses on defending young African American males charged with their first criminal infraction. He was appointed to the DeKalb County Board of Ethics during a very tumultuous period in the county. He continued to advocate for change by founding the DeKalb Young Professionals, an organization focused on retaining and recruiting young professional leaders through social, educational and networking events.
Samantha Davis – Washington, DC: Black Youth Motivator & Women’s Right’s Advocate
of the leadership team of the General Motors’ African Ancestry Network (GMAAN). Pace mentors several high school students in Metro-Detroit. His passion for mentoring stems from a desire to help young people achieve success in both their personal and professional lives.
Tereance Puryear – Atlanta, GA: Technology Champion & Leadership Role Model
Tereance Puryear is a Logistics IT Product Analyst with XPO Logistics. He is also President of the Urban League of Greater Atlanta Young Professionals and Assistant Secretary for the Urban League of Greater Atlanta Board. Puryear also serves as Scout Leader with Boy Scouts Troop 100 at Best Academy, he is an advisory board member of The Scholarship Academy, and a member of the Emerging 100 of Atlanta. He is a 2017 graduate of LEAD Atlanta, a 2013 Fellow of New Leaders Council Atlanta and a 2011 alumnus of United Way V.I.P. (Volunteer Involvement Program).
Adrianne Slash – Indianapolis, IN: Diversity and Inclusion Expert & Revered Civic Leader
Adrianne Slash joined Community Health Network as Diversity & Inclusion Consultant in early 2017. Prior to the newest endeavor, she served as Program and Event Director for Leadership Indianapolis where she was helping to build the pipeline for the next generation of civic leaders. She is President of The Exchange at the Indianapolis Urban League and President of the Heritage Alumni Association Board at The Orchard School. Slash was honored as a member of the 2017 Indianapolis Business Journal Forty under 40 class and she is an Indianapolis Foundation Fellow.
Roy Tatem, Jr. – Phoenix, AZ: National Political Consultant & Entrepreneur
Samantha Davis is Founder of The Black Swan Academy (BSA), a non-profit organization dedicated to creating a pipeline of black youth civic leaders, committed to improving themselves, as well as, the communities in which they live. She is also the Field Engagement Manager for YWCA USA where she leads the development of state level advocacy initiatives, and strategically mobilizes their over 220 associations to move federal legislation around issues of racial justice and women’s empowerment.
Roy Tatem worked as Regional Coordinator for Hampton Roads (VA) for Obama in 2007 and as Deputy Director for African American Outreach for the Bernie Sanders 2016 campaign. The East Valley NAACP elected Roy to serve as President of the Branch and newly elected Sheriff Paul Penzone of Maricopa County appointed Tatem as Chairman of his African American Advisory Board. He also recently opened his own political consulting firm, Vanguard Strategies and Consulting, LLC, where he will develop plans, strategies and advice prospective and current political office holders.
Jason Grove – Newark, NJ: Rising Democratic Leader & Entrepreneur
Jason Grove is Founder of BrickLine Management & Consulting, and 2017 NULYP Award Winners President of the Urban League of Essex County Young Professionals. In 2015, The New Jersey Young Democrats of America Black Caucus listed Jason among New Jersey’s 50 most powerful young Black Democrats. As an affiliate staff member and consultant at the Urban League of Essex County, Jason worked to assist hundreds of city residents in obtaining long-term job placement and career opportunities.
Sandra Morgan – Las Vegas, NV: Attorney & Corporate to Community Connector
Sandra Douglass Morgan serves as the Director of External Affairs for AT&T Nevada for Las Vegas and all of southern Nevada. Morgan is responsible for managing AT&T’s legislative and community affairs activities working closely with community leaders, legislators, and other policy makers to help meet AT&T’s objective of connecting people with technology everywhere they live and work. Morgan is a multiple award-winning community servant and she most recently served as the City Attorney for the City of North Las Vegas, and served as Litigation Attorney for MGM Mirage, one of the largest gaming corporations in the world.
Stephen Pace – Detroit, MI: Engineering Innovator & STEM Mentor
Stephen Daniel Pace, Ph.D. is an Advanced Battery Algorithm Engineer at General Motors, where he develops the propulsion systems of the industry’s top electrified vehicles. He is also a member
Jasmine Twitty – Greenville, SC: Judicial History Maker & Empowerment Leader for Young Women
In 2015, 25-year-old Jasmine Twitty was historically sworn in as an Associate Judge of the Easley Municipal Court and is currently also employed by the Greenville County Bond Court. She is currently President of Urban League Upstate Network and founding member of LeadHER Greenville. LeadHER Greenville is committed to empowering young women through professional development and outreach to the Greenville community. Twitty has been recognized by Amy Poehler’s Smart Girls, Glamour, The Wall Street Journal, Essence and numerous other media outlets.
Michelle Williams – Dallas, TX: Entrepreneurial Mentor & Outstanding Texan
Michelle Williams is Executive Director for The Dallas Entrepreneur Center, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping entrepreneurs start, build and grow their businesses through education, mentorship and access to an entrepreneurial community. In 2013, Williams worked with the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for African Americans. Recently, she was honored by Texas State Senator Royce West and the Texas Legislative Black Caucus as a recipient of the Outstanding Texan award. NULYP will formally award each winner at the 2017 National Urban League Annual Conference – YP L.E.A.D Summit Awards Luncheon, which also showcases top chapters and leaders within the Movement. The YP L.E.A.D. Summit brings together the millennials and Young Professionals who drive the Urban League Movement. The conference will be held in July in St. Louis.
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Moonlight Creators Barry Jenkins and Tarell Alvin Mccraney Make $40K Donation (Black PR Wire) MIAMI -Hundreds attended the celebration event honoring Liberty City’s own, Barry Jenkins and Tarell Alvin McCraney, creators of the awardwinning film Moonlight, and the movie’s cast, crew and producers at the African Heritage Cultural Arts Center (AHCAC) on Saturday, April 22, 2017. During the outdoor stage
presentation, Barry Jenkins and Tarell Alvin McCraney jointly presented ceremonial checks to youth on stage in the amount of a $40k donation for the purpose of starting a cinematic arts program at the AHCAC. McCraney, an alumnus of the Center, thanked its director, Marshall L. Davis, Sr. for finding the funds that gave him access to center programs as a child from an impoverished home.
Barry Jenkins and Tarell Alvin McCraney, creators of the awardwinning film Moonlight, and the movie’s cast, crew and producers were recently honored in Miami.
Chicago Public Library presents its Business, Law and Money programs designed to help patrons learn about small business, common legal practices and gain practical money skills for life. Occurring now with various events throughout May, 6, 2017, programs and workshops will introduce patrons to free small business resources at the library. In addition to Business, Law and Money programs, CPL offers free one-on-one computer help with a CyberNavigator in branches citywide. The CyberNavigator is available to help patrons learn how to improve their small business by creating an email account, learning Internet basics, using Microsoft Office tools and more. The CyberNavigator program is privately funded by the Chicago Public Library Foundation and its partners. Some highlights of Business, Law and Money programs during the month of May include:
Small Business Resources Open House
Business librarians will be on hand to showcase all the Library has to offer small businesses, including: · Sample business plans · Access to online resources · One-on-one consultation with a business librarian
· Talk with representatives from local business organizations and city agencies Meg Herman of the Women’s Business Development Center will give a special presentation at 1 p.m. Registration for a oneon-one consultation with a librarian is available. Please call (312) 747-4400 or visit the 4th floor reference desk to make your reservation. This event is part of Small Business Week at CPL. Thursday, May 4 at 1-3:00 p.m. Harold Washington Library Center, 4th Floor
Women and Money: Twelve Months to Take Charge of Your Finances Get your financial house in order by focusing on one part of your financial life each month. Personal finance educator Karen Chan will introduce you to her Money Calendar. Following the calendar, you’ll do just a few tasks each month. Before you know it, you’ll learn where your money goes, evaluate your debt, estimate your income in retirement, know where to get help when you need it and more. Bring a friend so that you can team up and support each other through this enlightening, year-long process. Presented by Karen Chan, CFP (R), Karen Chan Financial Education & Consulting, LLC. This program is part of the Smart investing@your library®, a partnership with FINRA Investor Education Association and the American Library Association. Wednesday, May 10 at 6:00 p.m. South Chicago Branch
Is Entrepreneurship Right For You?
Meet with a representative from the Small Business Association to gain knowledge on prebusiness requirements and more. Monday, May 15 at 6:00 p.m. Thurgood Marshall Branch Meet with a Small Business Advisor Have a great business idea? Want to move your business plan forward? Looking to grow your existing company? Meet one-on-one with Meg Herman, director of entrepreneurial services at the Women’s Business Development Center. This free, 30-minute small business advising session will help you start or expand your business. To register for your 30-minute session, call (312) 853-3477, Ext. 100. Walk-ins will be accepted if space permits. Wednesday, May 17 at 4:00 p.m. Harold Washington Library Center Law at the Library: Estate Planning Each Law at the Library program features a presentation by an experienced attorney followed by a brief question and answer session. This program is presented in partnership with the Chicago Bar Association. Monday, May 22 at 12:15 p.m. Harold Washington Library Center, Chicago Authors Room, 7th floor To find books, events and online resources for finding a job, building job skills or growing a small business, visit chipublib.org/jobs or call (312) 747-4470.
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ONE DAY SALE PRICES IN EFFECT 5/11 3PM–5/13/2017 EXCLUDES ALL: Deals of the Day, Doorbusters, Everyday Values (EDV), Last Act, Macy’s Backstage, specials, Super Buys, athletic clothing/shoes/accessories, baby gear, cosmetics/fragrances, designer jewelry/watches, designer sportswear, electrics/electronics, furniture/mattresses, gift cards, jewelry trunk shows, maternity, select licensed depts., previous purchases, rugs, services, smart watches/jewelry, special orders, special purchases, select tech accessories, toys, 3Doodler, Apple Products, Avec Les Filles, Barbour, Brahmin, Breville, Brooks Brothers Red Fleece, COACH, Dyson, Eileen Fisher SYSTEM, Fitbit, Frye, Hanky Panky, Jack Spade, Kate Spade, KitchenAid Pro Line, Le Creuset, Levi’s, littleBits, Locker Room by Lids, Marc Jacobs, select Michael Kors/Michael Michael Kors, Michele watches, Movado Bold, Natori, Original Penguin, Rudsak, Sam Edelman, Shun, Stuart Weitzman, Tempur-Pedic mattresses, The North Face, Theory, Tory Burch, Tumi, UGG®, Vans, Vitamix, Wacoal, Wolford & Wüsthof. Macys.com is excluded from $20 off pass. PLUS, ONLINE ONLY: kids’ shoes, Allen Edmonds, Birkenstock, Hurley, Johnston & Murphy, Merrell, RVCA & Tommy Bahama. Cannot be combined with any savings pass/coupon, extra discount or credit offer except opening a new Macy’s account. Dollar savings are allocated as discounts off each eligible item, as shown on receipt. When you return an item, you forfeit the savings allocated to that item. This coupon has no cash value and may not be redeemed for cash or applied as payment or credit to your account. Extra savings % applied to reduced prices. Purchase must be $50 or more, exclusive of tax and delivery fees. N7040006A.indd 1
4/28/17 10:43 AM
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Boom Shock Fitness Gets Brides Fit For Their Wedding Day and Beyond (Black PR Wire) -- Every year in the United States, more than 2 million couples get married, according to the National Center for Health Statistics. For some, it’s a special rite of passage and a chance to improve certain areas in life, including one’s health. That was the case for Cordnesha Mosby. For her, signing up for a customized Boom Shock Fitness workout plan was a chance to embark on a long-term commitment to wellness – beyond her special day. Founded in 2010 by Stephanie Jones, a certified personal trainer and group fitness coach, Boom Shock specializes in empowering women to meet their fitness or wellness goals. “I told Stephanie that although I have a wedding coming up, I did not want a quick fix. I didn’t have a magic number that I wanted to [achieve],” says Mosby, whose nuptials are scheduled in September. “What I did tell her was that I wanted to have a trainer to help me jumpstart my journey in becoming a healthier me.” Brides with limited time, but ready to achieve results, can get a customized Boom Shock workout routine and food plan that helps them meet wellness or dress-size goals. Stephanie, who roller skates for fun, seeks to empower her clients, who are often well equipped for the challenge but need guidance. “I don’t allow my clients to use me as a crutch. You going to Red Lobster, you don’t have
to call me. You already know what NOT to eat,” says the University Maryland graduate and certified massage therapist. “It’s about growth within yourself, learning your body and what works for you.” Stephanie also assists women struggling with high blood pressure, diabetes, bad knees or back pain. These are women determined to defy a doctor’s odds against their ability to be healthy. “I also target that person who does not know what the heck to do,” says the 38-year-old, full-time entrepreneur, “too much going on, no balance; don’t know what to eat; and don’t know what to do to work out. I get excited when my clients come to me like this, and then notice improvement. ” When asked how she came up with the name Boom Shock Fitness for her company, Stephanie laughs and shares, “I went through a phase where whenever I got excited, I would say, ‘boomshockalocka!’ I did this for about a year.” She adds, “Then, I was having lunch with one of my girlfriends and said, ‘boomshockalocka!” She said, “That’s it!” Stephanie says her initial reaction was – no. However, eventually she landed on Boom Shock Fitness. Spring is underway, now is the time to get fit. Sign up for a customized bridal boot camp, live virtual workout program or personal training opportunity at http:// www.boomshockfitness.com/
BALTIMORE - The NAACP recently came together for a rare gathering of diverse policy, polling and demographics experts, activists, and civil rights leaders to develop a set of key strategic principles and objectives to counter the unfolding and escalating civil rights crisis during its Niagara Summit on the Potomac. The groups addressed current attacks on immigrant communities, unchecked voter suppression, and the disturbing increase in hate crimes towards both Muslims and Jewish communities.
Cordnesha Mosby.left and Stephanie Jones, a certified personal trainer and group fitness coach at Boom Shock (right).
How to Keep Lips Healthy and Hydrated (StatePoint) Lips can be especially susceptible to the elements, leaving them dry and chapped. To keep your pucker healthy and hydrated, consider the following tips from the makers of Carmex lip balms, and Dr. Neil Sadick, M.D., a New York City-based dermatologist. • Lower humidity can deplete and dehydrate lips. While it can be tempting to lick one’s lips, unfortunately, this approach will only make the problem worse -- as saliva draws moisture out of the lips as it evaporates. Instead, keep lips hydrated from the inside out by drinking plenty of water. • Use moisturizing lip balms with ingredients that will seal in moisture and stay on your lips. If you are not allergic to sunscreen, use a product with SPF 15 or higher, such as the Carmex Lip Balm Stick, to protect from the sun -- not just on sunny days, but every day.
Make a habit of applying lip balm three to four times daily, ensuring that one application is before bedtime. • Avoid high gloss lipsticks with little-to-no color. They can be potentially harmful to lips because they can attract UV rays. Avoid these shades entirely or try a triple-layer approach for added protection: first apply a lip balm with SPF, followed by a colored lipstick, then finish it off with some shine. • Cover your face, especially on windy days. Use a scarf to cover your lips when the wind starts blowing. • When indoors, consider using a humidifier in dry environments to help moisturize your skin and lips. More healthy lip tips can be found at mycarmex.com. There is no reason to suffer through chapped, cracked lips. Great habits, such as applying a moisturizing lip balm or lip balm that contains SPF, can help you keep your lips healthy and moisturized.
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The Summit pays homage to the early Niagara Movement founded in 1905 in part by W.E.B. DuBois which addressed the brutal issues of racism and segregation at the turn of the 20th Century. The Niagara Movement, a precursor to the NAACP, adopted a “declaration of principles” to curb the entrenched postReconstruction culture of racism. Reminiscent of the original Niagara Movement, the summit in the coming days will announce a set of core principles and strategies designed to broaden and deepen coalitions and strengthen policy priorities
among disparate organizations and communities. One key and overarching goal is mobilizing voters for midterm and upcoming elections to ensure elected officials supportive of inclusive policies and diverse communities are elected on the local, state and federal levels. “In the face of a looming civil rights crisis threatening to relegate all Americans to a second-tier democracy, the NAACP is completely aware of the need to build strategic alliances with our partners to lighten our collective struggle. The Niagara Summit on the Potomac will bring together leadership from a variety of perspectives and communities to begin to build collective strategies that change the game and protect Americans against current attempts to roll back our nation’s hardearned progress toward true democracy,” said President Cornell William Brooks in a released statement.
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church Inspirations
from Rev. Dr. Derrick B. Wells,
Senior Minister of Christ Universal Temple
ow are you growing? Is it by accident or is it intentional? How have you decided to get from where you are to where you want to be? More importantly, what will you need to do, be, and know in order to get from where you are to where God has destined you to be? What kind of growth work are you prepared to put with your faith? Scripture says, “What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if you say you have faith but do not have works? Can faith save you? …faith by itself, if it has no works, is dead.” James 2:14, 16 Taking a clear look at life and where we need to grow can be, well, uncomfortable. In fact, if you are like most people, you may experience great internal resistance. This resistance pushes us to avoid rather than face the facts. Avoiding, however, leads to endless cycles of distraction, excuses, cop-outs, and procrastination. Instead, stand up, lead on and summon the strength to deal consciously. Remember, you are strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. I pray that you will stand up for good; stand in for someone needing a breakthrough; stand back for a larger perspective; stand down on mess and nonsense; stand out from the crowd; stand against injustice and stand tall in the word with truth and principle. You have to stretch beyond your comfort zone before you can scratch the surface of your greatness. Like Joseph, your pit to palace experience can bless others along with you. Moreover, like Joseph, we must have the discipline to adapt and grow in order to maximize the season. God is ready to enlarge your territory...are you? Address: 11901 S Ashland Ave, Chicago, IL 60643 Phone: (773) 568-2282 www.cutemple.org
> Profile > Inspirations > Bible verse
PATTI LABELLE, HILL HARPER AND YOLANDA ADAMS TO SPEAK AT THE 22ND ANNUAL BLACK ENTERPRISE ENTREPRENEURS SUMMIT NEW YORK --PRNewswire/ --Join BLACK ENTERPRISE at the 2017 Entrepreneurs Summit hosted by Nationwide on Wednesday, May 17 through Saturday, May 20, at the Marriott Marquis Houston in Houston, Texas, with a powerhouse lineup of some of the nation’s most accomplished and celebrated entrepreneurs and motivational speakers. Patti LaBelle; singer, author, actress, and entrepreneur will join Yolanda Adams; gospel singer, record producer, and radio personality, as keynote speakers at the 2017 Entrepreneurs Summit. An annual highlight of the Summit is the presentation of the nation’s top awards for African American business achievement and community involvement. The Black Enterprise A.G. Gaston Award will be presented to MLB Hall OF Famer, Entrepreneur and humanitarian, Hank Aaron; and Corporate Champion Award to civil rights leader and attorney, Vernon Jordan, at the BE 100s Gala on Friday, May 19th. This awards recognizes the outstanding achievement of individuals who has had broad and positive impact on his or her industry as well as the community at large, while serving as a champion of entrepreneurship and business growth, employment opportunities, and wealth creation for African Americans. The 2017 Black Enterprise Entrepreneurs Summit boasts high-powered sessions on critical business topics such as “Business Coaching: Crafting Your Game Plan,” “BE Talk: Innovation and Funding,” “Fundraising from Startup to Scale Up in the Tech Space,” “Spotting Trends and Opportunities in Tech,” and “Seizing Opportunities in Franchising,”just to name a few. Confirmed speakers include: * Patti LaBelle, Founder, Patti Pies * Yolanda Adams, Owner, Yolanda Adams Coffee * Sylvester Turner, Mayor of Houston * Vernon Jordan, Attorney, Civil Rights Leader, Business Consultant * Charles Koch, Chairman & CEO, Koch Industries * Johnny C. Taylor Jr., President & CEO, Thurgood Marshall College Fund * Hank Aaron, MLB Hall of Famer, Entrepreneur, Philanthropist * Hill Harper, Author, Entrepreneur and Actor * Clyde Drexler, NBA Hall of Famer, Drexler Holdings L.L.C. * Kase Lawal, Chariman, CAMAC International Corp.; Vice Chariman, Unity National Bank
* Pastor Kirbyjon Caldwell, Windsor Village United Methodist Church * Brandon Andrews, Senior Consultant, Values Partnership; Casting, Shark Tank and Steve Harvey’s Funderdome * Bonin Bough, Host, Cleveland Hustles, CNBC * Charles King, Founder & CEO, MACRO * Lisa Ascolese, Founder, Inventing A to Z * Tye Caldwell, Co-Founder, ShearShare * Courtney Caldwell, Co-Founder, ShearShare * Donna Sims Wilson, President, Smith Graham & Co. Investment Advisors, L.P. * Hahna Alexander, CEO, SolePower L.L.C. * Jason Few, Investor, Energy Projects * Sulaiman “Su” Sanni, Co-Founder & CEO, WeDidIt * Teri Williams, President & COO, OneUnited Bank * John Scroggins, President & CEO, Unity National Bank * Melinda Emerson, Author, Host, #SmallBizChat * Zakiya Larry, Author, Founder and CEO, Quest Media Training * Lamar Tyler, CEO, Tyler New Media; Creator BlackandMarriedWithKids. com * Gilbert Campbell, Co-Founder & CEO, Volt Energy * Ramon Ray, Entrepreneur, Author, CEO, Smart Hustle Magazine * Michael Elliot, Founder & CEO, Hammer and Nails Salon Group * Stephen Hightower, CEO, Hightowers Petroleum * Jonathan Sprinkles, Connection Coach, Author of Presentation Power For the aspiring entrepreneur, Equity Date with an Angel offers practical advice on how to raise funding for your business. Plus, the Black Enterprise Elevator Pitch Competition will award $10,000 for the best new business idea. The ABC Shark Tank Diversity Tour will also be holding an open casting call to identify entrepreneurs ready to pitch their ideas for an investment on the hit business reality show. “Nationwide is committed to supporting minority businesses and diverse communities. One way we demonstrate our commitment is through our relationship with Black Enterprise,” said Terrance Williams, Executive Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer for Nationwide. For updates, follow Black Enterprise Entrepreneurs Summit page on Facebook and search the #BESummit hashtag on Twitter.
Hebrews 13:16 - But to do good and to communicate forget not: for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.
Honoring Mother’s Day When Mom Has Alzheimer’s NEW YORK - Women are at the epicenter of the Alzheimer’s crisis, and the burden on women is never more apparent than on Mother’s Day, when families come together to celebrate their mothers and grandmothers. The disease places an unbalanced burden on women at work and at home, forcing them to make difficult choices about their careers, their relationships and their futures. About 13 million women are either living with Alzheimer’s or caring for someone who has it. Nearly two-thirds of the more than 5 million Americans with Alzheimer’s are women. More than 60 percent of Alzheimer’s and dementia caregivers are women. Celebrating Mother’s Day, like other holidays, can be challenging when a mom is living with Alzheimer’s. On these kinds of special occasions, a person with Alzheimer’s may feel a sense of loss because of the changes being experienced as a result of the disease. At the same time, caregivers and other family members may struggle with figuring out how to celebrate Mother’s Day with someone living with dementia. Mother’s Day can remain a meaningful and enjoyable occasion
for families impacted by Alzheimer’s disease. Planning will take more thought and each family’s unique circumstances will need to be taken into consideration. The following tips from the Alzheimer’s Association can help: Take a person-centered approach. Focus on what is enjoyable for the person with Alzheimer’s, such as looking at family pictures or enjoying the person’s favorite food. If they get overwhelmed in large groups, a small quiet
gathering may be preferable. Keep it simple. Consider a celebration over a lunch or brunch at home or where the person is most comfortable. Ask family or friends to bring dishes for a potluck meal or have food delivered by a local restaurant or grocery store. Join In. If the person with Alzheimer’s lives in a care facility, consider joining in any facilityplanned activities. Don’t overdo it. Sticking to the person’s normal routine will help keep the day from becoming disruptive or confusing. Depending on the person’s
stamina, plan time for breaks so the person can rest in a quiet area away from noise and crowds. Adapt gift-giving. Encourage safe and useful gifts for the person with Alzheimer’s. Diminishing capacity may make some gifts unusable or even dangerous to a person with dementia. If someone asks for gift ideas, suggest items the person with dementia needs or can easily enjoy. Ideas include: an identification bracelet, comfortable clothing, favorite foods and photo albums. Educate yourself and find support. Call the 24/7 Helpline 800.272.3900, to speak with a trained social worker whenever you have questions or concerns. Learn more about Alzheimer’s in the Alzheimer’s and Dementia Caregiver Center at alz. org/care. For more tips on supporting a family member with Alzheimer’s, join the ALZConnected online community, and find more information about your local Alzheimer’s Association chapter services and programs. SOURCE Alzheimer’s Association - NYC Chapter, PRNewswireUSNewswire
STRATTON PASSES LEGISLATION TO ADDRESS ISSUES FACING ILLINOIS CHILD CARE WORKERS CHICAGO – State Rep. Juliana Stratton, D-Chicago, passed legislation recently out of the House that would require the state to continually examine whether child caregivers are adequately compensated and provided the support necessary to succeed in their jobs. “Child care workers in Illinois do not earn the wages required to lift them out of poverty,” said Stratton. “We need to create a pipeline to greater professionalism in the child care field here in Illinois, and my legislation is a step in that direction.” Stratton’s House Bill 3167 would require the Illinois Department of Human Services to regularly study the state of the child care workforce, the training child care workers require, and the pay level required to retain child care workers in the profession. Researchers from the University of California at Berkeley found in 2016 that nearly half of the 36,000 workers within the Illinois child care education teaching workforce in Illinois are part of families that rely on some type of public assistance, including 25 percent of these families which rely on food stamps. “The passage of this child care legislation is great news for the child care providers and for our children who deserve the best care,” Stratton continued. “The state has been putting off lifting wages and morale for child care providers for far too long, and it’s time to make sure the people caring for our children earn fair pay.” Stratton’s child care workforce legislation now heads to the Senate for approval.
New Hope Mortgage • No minimum borrower contribution; Flexible sources allowed • Cash-out refinance available for properties in low-to moderate-income census tracts within Assessment Area • Income based on borrower not household income • Downpayment as low as 5% • Rates as low as 2.0%, 2.214% APR* • Refinance or purchase
If you have a calendar item or news event that you would like to include in the Citizen’s church news section, please submit your information to editorial@ thechicagocitizen.com. You can also mail your information to: The Chicago Citizen Newspaper Inc., 8741 S. Greenwood Ave., Chicago,Illinois 60619, Attn: Church News
CITIZEN / Hyde Park / Week of May 10, 2017 / 11
14 / CITIZEN / Hyde Park / Week of May 10, 2017
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RENTAL Room For Rent Grand Crossing neighborhood $450 per month no deposit required if interested call Ms Sibley 312 208 8870 __________________________________
CHICAGO’S MEMORIAL DAY PARADE SET FOR MAY 27TH Saturday, May 6, 10am-4pm Cricket Hill in Lincoln Park, W. Montrose Drive (Lake Shore Drive, btwn. Montrose & Wilson Aves.) A favorite family event and a harbinger of springtime in Chicago, the 19th Annual Chicago Kids and Kites Festival presented by COUNTRY Financial returns to Cricket Hill in Lincoln Park (Montrose and Wilson) on Saturday, May 6, from 10am to 4pm.. Chicago Riverwalk Summer Kick-Off Celebration Saturday, May 20, 9am-9pm
Chicago Riverwalk The City of Chicago will kick off summer programming along the Chicago Riverwalk during a day-long celebration on Saturday, May 20, 9am-9pm. The celebration offers a preview of the summer programming that will be offered along the riverfront through October. For a full schedule of events visit www.chicagoriverwalk.us. May 27, 2017 Wreath Laying Ceremony begins @ 11am; Parade begins @ 12 Noon
State St. from Lake St. to Van Buren Chicago’s Memorial Day Parade honors all men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice in defense of our country. The Wreath Laying Ceremony will begin at 11am at the Eternal Flame on Daley Plaza (Dearborn and Washington Streets). The parade will step off at noon and proceed south on State Street from Lake Street to Van Buren Street. The Chicago parade is considered one of the largest Memorial Day parades in the nation. Since 1870, Memorial Day parades have graced the streets of Chicago.
During Trauma Awareness Month in May, the American Red Cross urges eligible donors to help ensure lifesaving blood is available for patients with traumatic injuries and other serious medical needs by donating blood or platelets. According to the National Trauma Institute, trauma accounts for approximately 41 million emergency department visits and 2.3 million hospital admissions in the U.S. annually. O negative red blood cells and AB plasma can be transfused into any patient, regardless of blood type, making donors with these universal blood types an important part of the Red Cross trauma team. Less than 7 percent of the population has type O negative blood, and only about 4 percent of the population has type AB blood. Platelets may also be needed to help with clotting in cases of massive bleeding. Because platelets must be transfused within five days of donation, there is a constant –
often critical – need to keep up with hospital demand. B lood and platelet donors of all types are currently needed. Those who come out to donate blood or platelets by May 14 will have a chance to win one of three $1,000 gift card shopping sprees from GiftCertificates.com. Donation appointments can be scheduled by using the Red Cross Blood Donor App, visiting redcrossblood.org or calling 1-800RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767).
Upcoming blood donation opportunities: IL
Cook Arlington Heights 5/25/2017: 12 p.m. - 6 p.m., American Red Cross, 544 West Northwest Highway 5/31/2017: 11 a.m. - 4 p.m., Northwest Community Hospital, 800 W. Central Rd Chicago 5/9/2017: 11 a.m. - 4 p.m., FOUR40, 440 South LaSalle, 2nd Floor Conference Room 5/10/2017: 9 a.m. - 2 p.m., 120 S.
LaSalle, 120 South LaSalle 5/22/2017: 9 a.m. - 3 p.m., Rush University Medical Center, 1650 West Harrison Street 5/24/2017: 5 p.m. - 9 p.m., Apostolic Faith Church, 3823 S. Indiana Avenue
How to help
Eligible donors can learn more, find a donation opportunity and schedule an appointment by using the free Blood Donor App, visiting redcrossblood.org or calling 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767). A blood donor card or driver’s license or two other forms of identification are required at check-in. Individuals who are 17 years of age in most states (16 with parental consent where allowed by state law), weigh at least 110 pounds and are in generally good health may be eligible to donate blood. High school students and other donors 18 years of age and younger also have to meet certain height and weight requirements. To get started and learn more, visit redcrossblood.org/RapidPass and follow the instructions on the site.
www.thechicagocitizen.com • 52 years of serving the Black community
THE MERIDIANITES FROM MISSISSIPPI HELP WANTED DRIVERS OTR Flatbed, $1200 average weekly income! 4650 CPM based on experi ence. Full benefits. Pets allowed. CDLA, 1year OTR experience, flatbed experi ence preferred. 888.682.6312, www.dri vechief.com __________________________________ DRIVER CDL A TRAINING. $500 $1,000 Incentive Bonus. No Out of Pocket Tuition Cost! Get Your CDL in 22 Days. 6 Day Refresher Courses Available. Minimum 21 Years. 877899 1293. EOE. www.kllmdrivingacademy.com __________________________________ Drivers: $7,500.00 Orientation Completion Bonus! Marine Division Solo & Team Openings! Unique Opportunity, Full Comprehensive Benefits & More! 1yr ClassA Call: 8558567991 __________________________________
Help save trauma patient lives by giving blood
MAY SPECIAL! Legal traditional marriages performed $25. visit icecastleweddingservice.com CALL TODAY (773) 8088539 __________________________________
EXPERIENCED STEEL HAULERS WANTED for our Flatbed Division. We have runs available from Chicago to points in Wisconsin, heavy into Milwaukee area. Drivers can be home 3/5 nights/week + weekends. Driver Satisfaction is a priority! Paid Vacation, 401K savings plan, vision, dental, dis ability, lowdeductible medical (free after 5 years) & paid weekly. Class A CDL, 2 years OTR experience, good MVR/refer ences required. Call Mike/Ruth 800222 5732 or apply online at ttitrucking.com __________________________________ Drivers OTR: Great Pay, Benefits/Home Time.25003000 miles/week CDLA 1 Yr OTR Exp. Pet Friendly. 8446454318 __________________________________
TO ETHER WHITLOCK AND FRIENDS ON A GREAT CELEBRATION! MISC AUCTION ESTATE AUCTION LIVE & ONLINE Ends May 13th 10am Lunchboxes, Frog Gigs, Watches, US & Foreign Coins, Comics, Gold & Silver old jewelry, Dolls, Toys, Advertising Signs www.auctionmc.com 2172436418 __________________________________ AUTO DONATIONS DONATE YOUR CAR TO CHARITY. Receive maximum value of write off for your taxes. Running or not! All condi tions accepted. Free pickup. Call for details. 8443598922 __________________________________ HEALTH IF YOU USED THE BLOOD THINNER XARELTO and suffered internal bleed ing, hemorrhaging, required hospitaliza tion or a loved one died while taking Xarelto between 2011 and the present time, you may be entitled to compensa tion. Call Attorney Charles H. Johnson 1 8005355727 __________________________________ HOME IMPROVEMENTS Save On A Metal Roof 606060 Sale. 60% Off Installation 60 Months No Interest $60 Gift Card with Estimate 1 8007842150 www.1866GetAPro.com __________________________________ TRAINING/EDUCATION AIRLINE CAREERS FOR NEW YEAR BECOME AN AVIATION MAINTENANCE TECH. FAA APPROVED TRAINING. FINANCIAL AID IF QUALIFIED JOB PLACEMENT ASSISTANCE. CALL AIM 8004818312 __________________________________ FOR SALE Full blooded CANE CORSO Puppies! 2 month old, Mom/Dad onsite with Pedigree Papers. $800. or Best Offer. 13122212220 __________________________________
Available Commercial Warehouse and Furnish Office Space, located on the Southeast side 7738214000 __________________________________
William Garth Sr. CEO Emeritus
LEGAL NOTICE PRIVATE FOUNDATION ANNUAL NOTICE The annual report of the BENJAMIN F. & ERNESTINE BURTON FOUNDATION Is available at the address noted below, for inspection during normal business hours, by any Citizen who so requests within 180 days after the publication of this notice of its availability BENJI F. & ERNESTINE BURTON 4212 CEDARWOOD LANE MATTESON, IL 60443 ALICE S WALKER, PRES. (708) 7471094. __________________________________ Notice is hereby given, pursuant to "An Act in relation to the use of an Assumed Business Name in the conduct or transaction of Business in the State, as amended, that a certification was registered by the undersigned with the County Clerk of Cook County. Registration Number: D17150477 on April 12, 2017 Under the Assumed Business Name of ORGANIZING with the business located at: 9653 S.YALE, CHICAGO, IL 60628.The true and real full name and residence address of the owner is: DONNA C. LAWRENCE 9653 S. YALE CHICAGO, IL 60628, USA __________________________________
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