Facing hyde park september 13 2017

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Week of September 13, 2017 Vol 28 • No 42 •


Governmental Affairs



Hyde Park Business










Hervé Descottes designed interior and exterior lighting for the Frank Gehry-designed Louis Vuitton Fondation in Paris. Photo Courtesy of L’Observatoire International, Photographer: Studio Dubuisson

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2 / CITIZEN / Hyde Park / Week of September 13, 2017




IIT Reaches 2017 Top Online Colleges for Student Economic Mobility report

briefly EDUCATION 34th Annual UNCF Walk For Education Chicago

Join hundreds of supporters and their family, friends and team members to help raise funds for Historically Black College and Universities (HBCUs). UNCF 5K Walk/Run - 10K Bike/Skate on Saturday, September 30, 2017 at Burnham Park Grove #7, South Lake Park at 39th Street. Registration begins at 7 a.m., Program & Warm Up at 8 a.m. with a 9 a.m. Step Off. For more information and to register visit: http://give.uncf.org/site/TR/ChicagoWalk/ General?fr_id=2451&pg=entry.

HEALTH Chicago Med Actor Helping Raise Awareness Of Zika Virus In Illinois

Brian Tee hits the airwaves with Zika information SPRINGFIELD – The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) recently launched its newest Zika virus awareness campaign with Brian Tee, known as Dr. Ethan Choi on the TV Series Chicago Med, or from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows, Jurassic World, The Wolverine, and Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift. Brian Tee and his wife recently welcomed a baby girl into their family and she has become the center of their world. It was his love for his newborn baby and the knowledge that Zika virus can cause birth defects that prompted Brian to speak out. In his role as a doctor on TV, and as a parent, Brian is hoping to shine a spotlight on the public health concerns of Zika virus and what people can do to prevent the infection of unborn babies who may suffer birth defects. In the radio and TV spots, Brian explains that Zika virus can be passed from a pregnant woman to her fetus, which could result in birth defects. The new spots started airing statewide in cooperation with the Illinois Broadcasters Association (IBA) Public Education Partnership (PEP) program. The spots will air on more than 200 Illinois radio stations and IBA member TV stations. For more information on Zika virus, go www.dph.illinois.gov.

By Christopher Shuttlesworth

SR Education Group, a leading education research publisher founded in 2004, recently released a published report of findings regarding accredited online colleges and their economic mobility rates. Out of the 2, 273 online colleges that were considered for the 2017 Top Online Colleges for Student Economic Mobility report, 97 schools including Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) made the cut. Victoria Duan, a SR Education Group representative, said the online colleges were eligible for inclusion if they had a mobility rate in the top 20 percent of schools offering 10 online degrees either at the associate level or higher. She explained that the 97 online schools were analyzed based on mobility rate data provided by the Equality of Opportunity Project and the online college tuition rates were researched specifically by SR Education Group. “A school’s mobility rate indicates the percentage of students from the bottom fifth of the United States income distribution who rise to the top fifth,” said Duan. Illinois Institute of Technology’s was listed at 28 out of the 97 online colleges with a mobility rate of 93.0 and annual tuition of $44,150. The report concluded that the average annual tuition currently

stands at $9,186. “Our resources were designed to address student economic diversity and mobility,” Duan stated. “So, students are able to connect with schools that offer quality, affordable education.” Duan continued to explain that SR Education Group decided to conduct this type of research after a New York Times article reported that 38 colleges in the United States had more students in the top one percent than the bottom 60 percent. “We thought this data would address concerns about access to higher education and who is able to attend college and move up the economic ladder,” she said. The results of the 2017 Top Online Colleges for Student Economic Mobility were published on GuidetoOnlineSchools.com. “The 25 colleges with the lowest annual tuition rates from the Top Online Colleges report earned a spot on the 2017 Most Affordable Online Colleges for Student Economic Mobility ranking, published to OnlineU.org,” according to a SR Education Group press release. Duan said moving Forward, SR Education plans to annually report colleges’ mobility rate and analyze and release more reports on Top Schools for Women in STEM and a report on students looking for Christian Colleges to attend. For more information, you can view the report at http:// www.guidetoonlineschools.com/online-schools/economicmobility.


LAW & POLITICS Report: Illinois’ Treatment of Mentally Ill Prisoners “Exceedingly Poor and Often Dangerous”

GO, IL – The first annual report of a federally-appointed monitor regarding the Illinois Department of Corrections’ (IDOC) treatment of mentally ill prisoners was released to the public recently. It confirms the complaints prisoners and their lawyers have made regarding the care provided to prisoners with mental illness. The 113-page report characterizes the psychiatric care as “grossly insufficient” and “extremely poor” in quality. The author of the report, Pablo Stewart, MD, was federally appointed as the result of the settlement of Rasho v. Walker, a class action lawsuit brought by Uptown People’s Law Center, Equip for Equality, Mayer Brown, and Dentons on behalf of all prisoners with mental illness in Illinois. “ The Illinois Department of Corrections is ahead of schedule with regard to some changes necessitated by the Rasho v. Walker settlement, including opening a desperately needed 44-bed mental health hospital in Elgin, and a dedicated mental health facility in Joliet. Once opened, the new units should help relieve some of the harm being inflicted on those prisoners with the most serious mental illnesses. However, even when these facilities open, thousands of prisoners with serious mental illnesses will still not be receiving the care they require and are entitled to under the Eighth Amendment of the US Constitution, according to a released statement. IDOC estimates there are 12,000 prisoners with mental illness in the system; however, many experts think the actual number is much higher.

‘Disasters Don’t Plan Ahead. You Can.” is Theme for National Preparedness Month in September SPRINGFIELD – September is National Preparedness Month and the Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA) is joining with emergency management agencies throughout the state and across the U.S. to encourage people to spend a few moments during the month on disaster preparedness. The campaign’s theme Disasters Don’t Plan Ahead. You Can. urges people to set aside time to discuss emergency plans with family members and develop a plan to stay safe when disaster strikes. The goal of this annual preparedness push is to increase personal and community disaster preparedness throughout the U.S. “We never know when the next disaster will strike, but there are actions we can take to be better prepared for the unexpected,” said IEMA Director James K. Joseph. “As we are seeing with Hurricane Harvey, even an expected weather event can have unexpected devastating consequences.”

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Throughout September, IEMA will offer tips and information on how to develop a family emergency communication plan, assemble an emergency supply kit, as well as ways to receive critical emergency warnings. IEMA offers disaster preparedness information on the Ready Illinois website (www.Ready.Illinois.gov), a one-stop resource for detailed information about what to do before, during and after disasters. In addition, throughout September IEMA will post daily preparedness tips on the Ready Illinois Facebook page (www.facebook.com/ReadyIllinois) and Twitter (@ ReadyIllinois). During disasters, IEMA uses the Ready Illinois website, Facebook and Twitter pages to provide critical information about the incident, including shelter locations, road closures, safety information, photos and more.

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CITIZEN Hyde Park / Week of September 13, 2017 / 3

Designing With Light

Janice Garth

Duckworth Announces Funding to Help Illinoisans Fight Opioid Crisis

On International Overdose Awareness Day, U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) announced funding to help enable Illinoisans in Chicago to serve their communities by fighting the opioid crisis facing our state. The funding, awarded by the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) which oversees civilian national service programs like AmeriCorps and others, will be used to support five AmeriCorps VISTA Members – a service program designed to alleviate poverty – to serve as Research Assistants at Chicago’s A Safe Haven Foundation (ASHF) with the development of programs and protocols to combat the opioid epidemic. Duckworth, a combat Veteran and regular volunteer in her own community, has consistently pushed to expand opportunities for young Americans to give back to their community and country through programs like AmeriCorps VISTA. “Resolving our nation’s opioid crisis requires a comprehensive effort from officials at every level of government, and from local community organizations like A Safe Haven Foundation,” said Duckworth. “This funding will help AmeriCorps VISTA members serve their nation by helping combat one of the most devastating crises of our time.” Duckworth continued to say that “Just as picking up a gun to defend our country is ‘American Service,’ so is assisting with disease prevention efforts to combat a national emergency. I’ll continue my work to ensure those working to treat and prevent opioid addiction have the resources they need to serve their communities.”

Obama Foundation Issues Request for Proposal to Four Construction Management Teams for Obama Presidential Center, Establishing Ambitious Goals for Diversity & Inclusion

The Obama Foundation recently issued a formal Request for Proposal (RFP) to four teams under consideration for the role of construction manager for the Obama Presidential Center (OPC). The RFP highlights the Obama Foundation’s commitment to fostering inclusion and promoting diversity, as well as creating meaningful opportunities and jobs for local businesses, community members, and underrepresented communities in the South Side and throughout Chicago. With projects and initiatives all over the world, the Obama Presidential Center will be based on the South Side of Chicago, a community near and dear to the Obamas. The Obama Foundation is asking its construction manager candidates to commit to awarding 50% or more of its subcontracts to “diverse suppliers”, which in addition to minority (MBEs) and women business enterprises (WBEs) includes businesses owned by veterans, individuals with disabilities, and LGBTQ individuals. The Foundation is requiring that no less than 35% of the OPC’s subcontracts to MBE firms. With these aggressive goals, the Foundation is hoping to set a new precedent for diversity and inclusion in major construction projects in Chicago and beyond.

2018 Illinois Gubernatorial Candidates Stand with Hospital Workers, Striking Fast-Food Cooks in Nationwide Labor Day Protests for $15, Union Rights

On Labor Day, thousands of McDonald’s and other fast-food cooks and cashiers went on strike in a record 400 cities. Hospitals housekeepers and nurses’ assistants joined the Fight for $15 at protests across the Midwest. Candidates and those considering 2018 runs for governor in battlegrounds rallied with workers from Detroit to Des Moines, embracing their calls for $15 and union rights. Among the marchers, was Senator and gubernatorial candidate Daniel Biss. Workers took over major intersections along the march and stopped at other fast food places like Subway and Dunkin Donuts. “Today is my first time on strike. All in one day, I was able to send a strong message to McDonald’s and to Gov. Rauner that $15 an hour and union rights are exactly what workers need,” said Kayla Gray, a fast food worker at McDonald’s. “Since Rauner just vetoed $15, workers striking back on Labor Day was a perfect way for me and other fast food workers to rally against him and introduce the voting efforts we’re making. We’re going to do everything we can to make sure he’s not re-elected in 2018.”

Glass tubing design allows natural light to illuminate the SC Johnson headquarters building (Frank Lloyd Wright, 1936). Photo Credit: Mark Hertzberg Continued from Page 1 By Christopher Shuttlesworth

Frank Lloyd Wright Trust, a leading national Frank Lloyd Wright nonprofit organization, will hosts its “Designing With Light” symposium on Oct. 1, and discuss the vital role light plays in the architectural field at the Chicago Cultural Center, located at 78 E. Washington St. Frank Lloyd Wright Trust Curator David Bagnall, said the “Designing With Light” symposium is part of the Trust’s ongoing signature series “Thinking Into the Future,” which has been presented for the past six years. “The program was designed to gain a perspective on how both historian and contemporary practitioners have used light when designing buildings and spaces,” he said. Frank Lloyd Wright, an American architect, called light the “beautifier of buildings,” according to Frank Lloyd Wright Trust press release. Bagnall said light continues to be an essential piece in the work of architecture because it is a tool that helps define space within buildings or public spaces. “When you think about architecture you may not anticipate how important

both natural and artificial light are to a building,” he said. Bagnall added during the Designing With Light program three leading voices, which include Author, photographer and historian Mark Hertzberg, French lighting designer Hervé Descottes and Thai Architect Kulapat Yantrasast, will share their personal ideas on the importance of light in the school of architecture. Bagnall highlighted that Author Hertzberg will discuss Frank Lloyd Wright’s masterful use of glass and natural light at the SC Johnson Administration Building in Racine, Wisconsin. Descottes, cofounder of L’Observatoire International, which is a lighting design firm in New York City, will elaborate on the importance of lighting in the public realm. Also, Yantrasast, founding partner and creative director at the Los Angeles-based design firm wHY, will share his experiences with light in designing museums, art galleries and installations, including permanent collections galleries at the Art Institute of Chicago and Skylanding by Yoko Ono in Jackson Park. For more registration information about the event, you can view at flwright.org/ ThinkingIntotheFuture.

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CITIZEN / Hyde Park / Week of September 13, 2017 / 5 4 / CITIZEN / Hyde Park / Week of September 13, 2017




It’s Not Just Personal, It’s Business or link to social media to increase “likes” and “follows.” Plus, you’ll be (NAPSI)—According to Pew better able to understand what your research, eight out of 10 Americans customers want through reports on have smartphones and many of demographics, average shopping them bring their phones to work times, and foot traffic. and just about everywhere else. 4. Build up your bandwidth. This BYOD (Bring Your Regardless of how many networks Own Device) world can be good you have, you need to have enough for business because it can save bandwidth to meet the needs of your a company money as employees business. Otherwise, as employees use bring and use their own devices on the network, your business operations the company’s networks. It can also could be compromised. lead to security difficulties. How much bandwidth you need Fortunately, I have found four depends on how many people use things that can be done to help the network, how many sites they Good guidelines can help companies save money and workers use your business succeed: their own communications devices. access and how many ways (videos, 1. Gatekeeping. Decide who conference calls, e-mail) they use it. can use personal devices on your Fortunately, bandwidth is premises and how they can use them. Establish policies on handling inexpensive and easy to get with today’s technology. Going from 10 and protecting sensitive data and what sites can and cannot be accessed. to 200 megabits of bandwidth is simple. Bandwidth alone doesn’t Determine who, if anyone, is allowed to access personal sites or surf the make a business successful, but it’s important for communicating with Web during downtime. Make sure employees are well trained about this customers, vendors and employees. and clearly outline the consequences of violating these policies. It’s how a business leverages bandwidth to help it create new 2. Go beyond passwords. Set up your system so it takes more than ideas, entice customers, get orders, deliver products, pay vendors, and a password to get in. Some devices require thumbprints. Some systems communicate and make connections, that does. will ask a specific question or test users with a picture. Remember to consider these steps to creating a secure network 3. Prioritize the data. Determine who’s on the network— and be sure you have all the bandwidth you need, so that you can have a employees, customers—and what they’re doing. Decide which data BYOD program that suits both your business and staff. relates to business and which is personal to your employees. You might Learn More even consider setting up a separate network just for nonessential data. For information on how communications technology can help That’s where Comcast Business’s Wi-Fi Pro can make a real difference. your business, go to http://cbcommunity.comcast.com. It lets you offer customers their own separate Internet while they’re • Mr. Allen is Senior Vice President, Comcast Business, West on your premises. Meanwhile, you can use it to promote daily specials Division.

by Jeff Allen

CAREER OPPORTUNITIES U.S. Working Adults Want To Change Careers. Take These Steps To Make Your Change A Success

company’s marketing or creative department. • Finally, you don’t have to start over. Instead, leverage your past experience that may translate well in another industry. Expert Advice “With an ever-expanding job market, we anticipate the trend toward new career (NAPSI)—If you or someone you know is thinking about changing careers, you’re paths will only grow stronger,” said University of Phoenix® School of Business far from alone. In fact, according to recently released findings from a University of Executive Dean Ruth Veloria. “Many adults, including those well established in their Phoenix survey, 58 percent of U.S. working adults are interested in a new career. careers, are re-entering the workforce or staying in the workforce much longer. Among those interested in changing careers, By collaborating with industry leaders 81 percent still identify barriers that keep to identify relevant skills, professional them from doing so. development opportunities and market Why Not? needs, we aim to help all adults, regardless The most cited barriers include the 29 of career level, to become lifelong percent who say they cannot afford to start learners and meet their career objectives.” over again, while 24 percent said they do Additionally, Veloria points out that you not know what new direction they would must know your intended field well. take, or feel they lack adequate education or The pace of change and innovation today experience. Compared to those with at least means many workers can find themselves a bachelor’s degree (13 percent), 27 percent short on the skills needed to adapt. The of those without a bachelor’s degree identify most successful career changers perform a lack of education as a barrier. honest assessments of their skills, volunteer, What To Do network or establish mentor relationships It can be overwhelming to make a career to make their career leap. To help achieve change but for those looking to pivot their your career aspirations, address the gaps career, three steps can help. that make it hard to achieve your ultimate • First, know yourself. What do you want to Study shows most people would change careers—if they knew how. goals and seek out relevant professional change? For many, the path to a rewarding development courses that can help. career starts by understanding what Where To Turn motivates their desire to change careers. It might be a poor fit with your current You may turn to education as a next step in your career change. In the same survey, company or interest in another field. Remember to take a step back and understand when asked what might encourage workers to get additional education to pursue a the opportunities involved, as well as the barriers. career change, working adults identified online classes (35 percent), flexible course • Next, know what you are getting into. Research the field before committing to a schedules (32 percent) and accelerated or fast-track curriculum (29 percent). change. Network and meet with people currently working in the career you want. Learn More Try volunteering in the field in which you are interested. For example, if you are For further information about University of Phoenix® School of Business, visit www. looking to be in a more creative line of work, ask if you can sit in on a meeting in your phoenix.edu/business.


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Do you know what kind of converge you have when it comes to flood?


By: Henry Benjamin, Allstate agency owner You don’t have to live in a high-risk flood zone to be affected by a flood. Floods and flash floods can occur anywhere. Just an inch of water can cause damage to your property. In fact, in the U.S., floods are the nation’s most common and costly natural disaster and cause millions of dollars in damage every year, according to FEMA. A 2013 Allstate survey revealed a knowledge gap among some Americans who believe they are covered in the case of flood, but in actuality, are not covered. Some people believe flood is part of their standard homeowner policy and sadly, don’t realize they need a separate flood policy until it’s too late. Flood insurance is offered through the federal government’s National Flood Insurance Program and policies are sold and managed by private insurance companies like Allstate. Now is the time to prepare for floods and consider their flood insurance needs, as floods can happen anywhere and in all 50 states. Nearly 20 percent of flood claims come from moderate to low-risk flood zones. Besides educating yourself on flood, I recommend reading through your insurance policy and if you have questions about coverage call an insurance expert. Here are a few other things property owners can do to help prepare, courtesy of the Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety: • Keep drains, gutters and downspouts clear of debris. • Prepare an evacuation plan with a kit that includes insurance documents, medications and critical items in case you need to leave your home for a few days. • Inspect sump pumps and drains regularly to ensure proper operation. • Have a licensed electrician raise electric components at least 12 inches above the expected flood levels for your area. • To prevent sewage backup, have a licensed plumber install an interior or exterior backflow valve. Make sure your yard’s grading (slope) directs water away from the building. The tips provided here are guidelines. Please use your best judgment when evaluating your flood preparation needs. For information about flood insurance or visit /www.fema.gov/ national-flood-insuranceprogram. National Flood Insurance Program policies can take up to 30 days to go into effect. Call me at 773-723-0400 to talk about your flood insurance needs

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6 / CITIZEN / Hyde Park / Week of September 13, 2017


features performances by Lifetime Achievement Award honorees John Cale and Maureen “Moe” Tucker of the Velvet Underground, Lifetime Achievement Award honoree Shirley Caesar, jazz pianist Stanley Cowell, past GRAMMY nominee Andra Day, 12-time GRAMMY winner Kirk Franklin, GRAMMY winner Le’Andria Johnson, past GRAMMY nominee Neal McCoy, sixtime GRAMMY winner Randy Newman, GRAMMYwinning Living Colour founder and songwriter Vernon Reid, past GRAMMY nominee Catherine Russell, Lifetime Achievement Award honoree Charley Pride, past GRAMMY nominee Valerie Simpson, past GRAMMY nominee Russell Thompkins Jr. of The Stylistics, five-time GRAMMY winner Dionne Warwick, past GRAMMY nominee Charlie Wilson, and two-time GRAMMY winner Dwight Yoakam. There is also a special appearance by GRAMMY winner Whoopi Goldberg, who accepts for the late Nina Simone. The Lifetime Achievement Award honors performers who have made contributions of outstanding artistic significance to the field of recording, while the Trustees Award recognizes such contributions in areas other than performance. Both awards are determined by a vote of the Recording Academy’s National Board of Trustees. Technical GRAMMY Award recipients are determined by vote of the Academy’s Producers & Engineers Wing® Advisory Council and Chapter Committees and ratified by the National Board of Trustees, and presented to individuals and companies who have made contributions of outstanding technical significance to the recording field. Visit www. grammy.org/recording-academy/awardsfor complete lists of previous recipients.


John 8:32 - And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

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from Rev. Dr. Derrick B. Wells,

Senior Minister of Christ Universal Temple

EXCERPT FROM GUIDELINES FOR A MASTER One of the habits that may cause a loss of happiness stems from the attitude of being overly obsessed about your success relative to other people. Sometimes it can be intimidating when someone else is smarter or more successful than you. Consequently, when that person exhibits more talent or demonstrates more skill, it may be difficult for you to be happy for their achievements. You may tend to begrudge the individual’s success or resent the person; but you shouldn’t. As Bruce Leroy cautioned, don’t get mad at someone who knows more than you do. It ain’t their fault. Bruce Leroy is absolutely correct. It’s not the other person’s fault that they know more than you. The fault belongs to you. Your anger is misplaced. It is not the other person’s knowledge or success that has you upset; it’s your own feelings of inadequacy. It is a reflection that you are not happy with your own current state of affairs. Nevertheless, it can be difficult to admit your short comings because they highlight a discrepancy between your current self-image and the self-image that you desire to project. Feelings of jealousy, emotional insecurity, or inadequacy can severely interfere with your ability to experience happiness. Therefore, if you can eliminate these negative feelings, it can lead to a happier life. The first thing you should do is recognize that comparing yourself to others is a meaningless endeavor. The answer is not to compete with other people but to be the best self that you can be. After you make a conscious effort to be grateful for your own value, you should set about the task of self-improvement because there is always room for growth in all aspects of your life. If you want to achieve extreme happiness, work on improving yourself and cultivate an attitude of thankfulness and appreciation for your own value. Address: 11901 S Ashland Ave, Chicago, IL 60643 Phone: (773) 568-2282 www.cutemple.org

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NEW YORK, - In collaboration with the Recording Academy™, Great Performances presents GRAMMY Salute To Music Legends 2017™, the second annual all-star concert offering a primetime spotlight for the Academy’s 2017 Special Merit Awards recipients. The celebration and tribute concert feature rare performances by honorees and renditions by those they’ve inspired. The celebration, led by GRAMMY®-winning industry icon Paul Shafferas musical director, was recorded in July at New York’s Beacon Theatre, and will air Friday, October 13 from 9 - 11 p.m. on PBS. (Check local listings.) Historically held during GRAMMY Week, this is the second time the Recording Academy has celebrated the Special Merit Awards with a stand-alone event and musical tribute. This year’s Lifetime Achievement Award honorees are Shirley Caesar, Ahmad Jamal, Charley Pride, Jimmie Rodgers, Nina Simone, Sly Stone, and the Velvet Underground. Additional Special Merit Awards honorees celebrated include Trustees Awards recipients: producer, arranger, and songwriter Thom Bell; record executive Mo Ostin; and recording executive, A&R man, and music publisher Ralph S. Peer; and audio inventor Alan Dower Blumlein, who is the Technical GRAMMY Award recipient. Also honored is Keith Hancock, this year’s recipient of the Recording Academy and GRAMMY Museum®’s Music Educator Award™. Along with never-before-seen video packages celebrating each of the honorees’ contributions to the music industry and our cultural heritage and heartfelt testimonials from the presenters, the star-studded event


> Profile > Inspirations > Bible verse


CITIZEN / Hyde Park / Week of September 13, 2017 / 7

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8 / CITIZEN / Hyde Park / Week of September 13, 2017



Donshea Hopkins Empowers Teens at Recent Teen Spa Event

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Donshea Hopkins may have gotten killed off POWER but this teen is making her rounds empowering others who look up to her. Last weekend Donshea traveled to Metro DC to host Glam Dolls Salon & Spa’s Teen Soiree where the attendees received makeovers, talked about social issues such as bullying, social media and peer pressure. Donshea worked the room taking questions and providing candid answers on her

experiences as a teen and actress. After the attendees chatted with Donshea and took photos, in true teen form they partied listening to the latest hits. Each attendee received gift bags filled with products from Mielle Organics, Eden Body Works and Biore. Here’s a photo recap of the fun and excitement. About Glam Dolls Salon & Spa Owned and operated by entrepreneur, socialite and mentor Karen Thomas, GLAM Dolls is a salon

and spa that caters to tweens and girls as young as two years old. Not only does GLAM dolls offer these services but their mission is to teach the importance of G.L.A.M (Great Leaders and Mentors) as a lifestyle and not just a look. Formerly known as R2C Kidz Spa, over the last 6 years the salon has gained a devoted following throughout Metro DC and is known as the go to place for girls parties and special events.

www.thechicagocitizen.com • 52 years of serving the Black community

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†Maximum grant assistance is $4,000 for down payment and closing costs. Consult your lender for details. First-time homebuyers will need to complete a Homeownership Educational Program. Refinance transactions are not eligible. Program only available with an Associated Bank first mortgage. Exclusions apply. Associated Bank reserves the right to discontinue the program at any time without notice. *The Leading Lender in the Midwest designation is based on information gathered from the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act data compiled annually by the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council. The results of the data were obtained through RATA Comply, November 2016. Loan products are offered by Associated Bank, N.A., and are subject to credit approval and involve interest and other costs. Please ask about details on fees and terms and conditions for these products. Property insurance and flood insurance, if applicable, will be required on collateral. Member FDIC. Equal Housing Lender. (7/17) 0099_10683

CITIZEN / Hyde Park / Week of September 13, 2017 / 11

10 / CITIZEN / Hyde Park / Week of September 13, 2017







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GENERAL ASSIGNMENT REPORTER The Chicago Citizen Newspaper Group Inc. is seeking a part­time General Assignment Reporter to gather and write about news in and around the Chicagoland area. The Citizen is the largest chain of black­owned newspapers in the Midwest. It is comprised of six weekly publications. For 51 years, the Citizen has been an integral part of the com­ munity and covers neighborhoods such Chatham, South Shore, Englewood, Hyde Park, areas in the South Suburbs as well as many other neighborhoods. The ideal candidate will have the ability to gather, write and report on news in communi­ ties encompassing the Citizen's coverage areas. The ability to research and write thought provoking stories, conduct interviews, find sources to discuss topics that affect readers, as well as be able to write in a clear, concise and accurate manner are essential functions of the position. The ideal candidate should possess the ability to identify excellent photo opportunities and take photos. Completing weekly assignments on deadline as well as assisting with the completion of one in­house column efficiently, with accuracy is a must. Applicants should be proficient in using Microsoft Office, Email, Smart phones as well as writing captions and catchy headlines for articles. A Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Arts Degree in Communications, a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Journalism, or a related degree and at least six months work experience in writ­ ing for a print publication serving as a general assignment reporter is preferred. Interested applicants can submit cover letters, resumes and at least one newspaper or magazine article to recruitment@lisettegushinierecconsulting.com NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE.

Drivers: up to $.52cpm Loaded & Empty! $500.00 Orientation Pay! $16.00/ hr Detention Pay! Medical, Dental, Vision, Home Weekends! 1yr CDL­A: 855­842­ 8498 __________________________________ Drivers: $7,500.00 Orientation Completion Bonus!Marine Division Solo & Team Openings!Industry Leading Pay, Full Comprehensive Benefits & More! 1yr Class­A Call: 1­855­856­7991 __________________________________ Drivers: OURS GET PAID! Sign­On Bonus, Orientation! All Miles, Stops!Benefits, Bonuses, Referral, Mileage, Fuel & More!No­Touch, Weekly Settlements!1yr CDL­A: 855­867­3412 __________________________________

MISC AUCTION Farm & Construction Equipment Consignment Auction September 16th 9AM Tremont, IL TRACTORS, COMBINE, HEADS, EQUIP­ MENT, TRUCKS, TRAILERS, WAGONS, INDUSTRIAL,TILLAGE,ANTIQUES, MORE! 309­202­8378 www.brentschmidgallauction.com __________________________________ HELP WANTED CONSUMERS COOPERATIVE, Sauk City, Wisconsin seeking qualified CEO/General Manager. Energy Coop with sales of $25 million. Successful agricultural business management, financial experience preferred. Apply: https://tinyurl.com/y7h6667e Contact: David.Lemmon@chsinc.com 320­219­ 0270. __________________________________ UNITED COOPERATIVES, INC., Plattsburg, Missouri is seeking a quali­ fied CEO/General Manager. Successful full service coop with sales of $15 mil­ lion. Successful agricultural business management and financial experience desired. Apply: https://tinyurl.com/yc7hoqho Contact: David.Lemmon@chsinc.com (320) 219­ 0270 __________________________________

Janice Garth Sales Manager General Manager

William Garth Sr. CEO Emeritus




Darrell Garth

President /Publisher

TRAINING/EDUCATION AIRLINE CAREERS FOR NEW YEAR BECOME AN AVIATION MAINTENANCE TECH. FAA APPROVED TRAINING. FINANCIAL AID IF QUALIFIED JOB PLACEMENT ASSISTANCE. CALL AIM 800­481­8312 __________________________________ ANTIQUES www.BooneCountyTreasureHunt.com, Fairgrounds Lebanon Indiana, September 23 & 24. Buy, sell, trade at Americas Premiere Antique Ad & Toy, Gas & Oil, Vintage Market shows. 906­ 250­1618 __________________________________ My Income Never Stops And Neither Will Yours Http://www.myfavoritewaytomake­ money.com __________________________________

REAL ESTATE Available Commercial Warehouse and Furnish Office Space, located on the Southeast side 773­821­4000 __________________________________

LEGAL NOTICE Mary R. is informing William Y. that I have file for a divorce. Contact me, please!!! __________________________________

Send news tips, press releases, calendar listing etc to: editorial@thechicagocitizen.com


Display Advertising advertising@thechicagocitizen.com or jgarth@thechicagocitizen.com

Classified Advertising Display Advertising call us at

(773) 783­1251


Chatham ,Avalon Park, Park Manor, Greater Grand crossing, Burnside, chesterfield, West chersterfield, South Shore,and Calumet Heitghts.


Washington Heights, Roseland, Rosemoor, Englewood, West Englewood, Auburn­Gresham, Morgan Park, Maple Park, Mt. Vernon, Fernwood, Bellevue, Beverly, Pullman, West Pullman, West Pullman, Riverdale, Jeffrey Manor and Hegewisch.


Washington Heights, Rosesland, Rosemoor, Englewood, West Englewood, Auburn­Gresheam, Morgan Park, Maple Park, Mt. vernon, Fernwood,B ellevue, Beverly, Pullmann, West Pullman, Riverdale, Jeffrey Manor and Hegewisch.


Lake Meadows, Oakland, Prairie Shores, Douglas, Grand Boulevard, Kenwood, Woodland, South Shore and Hyde Park.


Chicago Westside communities, Austin and Garfield Park

CCNG Publishers of the Chatham­Southeast, South End, Chicago Weekend, South Suburban and Hyde Park Citizen, published weekly on Wednesday’s (publishing 52 issues annually). Written permission is required to reproduce contents in whole or in part from the editor.  CCNG does not assume the responsi­ bility for nor are we able to return unsolicited materials, therefore they become property of the newspaper and can or will be discarded or used at the newspapers disgratation. Deadlines for advertising is every Monday at noon. For more information on subscriptions or advertising call us at (773) 783­1251 or fax (872)208­8793. Our offices are located at 8741 South Greenwood Suite# 107, Chicago, Illinois 60619.

12 / CITIZEN / Hyde Park / Week of September 13, 2017



We want to help make your dream of homeownership a reality. If the down payment is the only thing standing between you and your own home, we may have a tool for you. We’ve partnered with local nonprofits to offer the Homebuyer Grant Program to help first-time homebuyers overcome the challenge of covering a down payment. This program can offer up to $2,000 to qualifying borrowers purchasing a home as their primary residence and can be paired with federal, state, and local grants or loans. If purchasing a home seems out of reach because of the down payment, we’ve got a solution for you.

TO QUALIFY, HOMEBUYERS MUST: • Be applying for your first mortgage • Have an annual household income at or below 80 percent of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s median income of the county in which the property is located, adjusted for household size • Contribute at least $1,000 from personal funds toward the purchase of your home • Complete an approved homebuyer counseling program • Be applying for a minimum five-year loan term and, on adjustable rate mortgages, an initial interest rate lock period of five years minimum


For a full list of our nonprofit partners and what area each covers, visit wintrust.com/buyergrant.

WE’RE PROUD TO BRING IT HOME. As a company made in this area, for this area, Wintrust and its family of true community banks is dedicated to the unique neighborhoods each serves. For 25 years, we’ve been banks that invest in, give back to, and get to really know our communities and the people living in them. When you bank with a Wintrust Community Bank, you can be confident your money is going back into the things that matter most to you.

Mortgage Lending is provided through our affiliate Wintrust Mortgage. Wintrust Mortgage is a division of Barrington Bank and Trust N.A. NMLS # 449042

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