Week of April 12, 2017 Vol 48 • No 15 • www.thechicagocitizen.com
Chicago Weekend
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In downtown Chicago, hundreds rallied at Federal Plaza to honor Dr. King’s legacy and to send a clear message that they’re still fighting for the dream--$15 for Illinois and an end to racism. They also mounted protests over what they called, “Governor Rauner and President Trump’s, antiworker and anti-union policies.”
rawing on the memory of Dr. Martin Luther King. Jr., who was killed 49 years ago, thousands of workers, racial justice activists, elected officials and clergy waged marches, rallies, teach-ins and vigils Tuesday as two of the nation’s most powerful social movements united in a “Fight Racism, Raise Pay” protest that echoed across two-dozen cities. The protests stretched from Boston to Chicago to Los Angeles, culminating in a march by thousands on the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tenn., where Dr. King was killed April 4, 1968 while supporting
striking black sanitation workers. The Rev. William J. Barber II, founder of the social justice movement Repairers of the Breach; Service Employees International Union President Mary Kay Henry, who has supported the Fight for $15 since the movement started nearly five years ago; and the Great Talladega College Tornado Marching Band led the march through downtown Memphis. In downtown Chicago, hundreds rallied at Federal Plaza to honor Dr. King’s legacy and to send a clear message that they’re still fighting for the dream--$15 for Illinois and an end to racism. They also mounted protests over what they called, “Governor
Real Men Cook -- Chicago’s premiere urban Father’s Day charity event - will build on the success of the 2016 multiple-location format by hosting the event at the same citywide and suburban sites this year and by adding more venues. These individual celebrations are hosted by agencies and entities committed to the Real Men Charities, Inc. mission, to build healthy families and communities. Now in its 28th year, Real Men Cook will be held on Father’s Day, Sunday, June 18 from 3PM to 6PM. In making the announcement, Ayinde Cartman, executive director of Real Men Cook, the presenting nonprofit, stated that pivoting from the original concept of hosting the celebration at one site and expanding it in 2016 was a platform they were unsure the public would accept. However, the reception to hosting Real Men Cook at various sites in diverse neighborhoods was so overwhelmingly positive that every site will return in 2017 to host. Inspired by this success, other outlets/ organizations have requested to be included. Once vetted to see if their missions support Real Men Cook, they expect more sites to be added to the roster. “We are delighted that the new format was embraced. We will build on the success, thanks to the positive responses,” Rael Jackson, long-time Real Men Cook director, declared. Jackson added that the multi-location celebration allowed Real Men Cook to involve many more men from different communities, thereby broadening the message, reaching and involving more men while maintaining the Father’s Day tradition. At the same time, each hosting location incorporates their own style and traditions into their celebrations. They will also determine entry fees. Explained Cartman, “All my life these men of Real Men Cook have devoted countless volunteer hours and resources to cook their favorite dishes and serve. This new format allows them to serve the
FASHION: LOCAL DESIGNER PRESENTS “BRAVE IS BEAUTIFUL” FASHION TO SUPPORT DOMESTIC VIOLENCE FAMILIES + P6 www.thechicagocitizen.com • 51 years of serving the Black community
2 / CITIZEN / Chicago Weekend / Week of April 12, 2017
Rauner and President Trump’s, anti-worker forces in the country are the labor movement and anti-union policies.” Fast food workers, and the Negro freedom movement. Together Black Lives Matter activists, and members we can be architects of democracy.’” of Fair Economy Illinois held a brief press Fast food workers disrupted traffic as conference and spoke out about the injustices they marched in the street, carrying a huge they’re facing. black, red and white banner that read “Still “This action is very personal for me and for Fighting For The Dream, End Racism, Raise my fellow fast food workers Pay, $15 for Illinois”. A nearby because most of us are Black McDonald’s was the next “Dr. King saw location where they chanted and Latina workers” said Parrish Thomas, a worker about the burger giant being a common at Popeye’s and KFC. “As a key player and leader of the bond between economic and racial injustices a Black man, it’s inspiring to have seen Dr. King, workers are facing. the labor another Black man, set the “McDonald’s is a huge part and civil example for what’s right. of the reason we’re fighting this It’s important to make his fight. They’re a billion dollar rights movements dream come true by keeping corporation that’s getting away and believed that the fight alive today. with paying us low wages and Black Lives Matter forcing us to rely on government union rights were Chicago’s role in the press assistance” says Tarnerei Carter, conference and protest, a fast food worker at Domino’s. fundamental to proved how the movements “When McDonald’s changes achieving racial for economic and racial its greedy ways, then so will justice are the same. Domino’s and Popeye’s and justice” “Dr. King saw a common KFC and every other fast food bond between the labor and corporation. They are the reason civil rights movements and we have to fight. And we’ll believed that union rights were fundamental continue to fight as hard as we work.” to achieving racial justice” said Kofi Ademola, The group then marched to the Illinois a BLM Chicago leader. “As King said in 1961, Policy Institute to hold it and Governor ‘the two most dynamic and cohesive liberal Rauner accountable for the policy proposals
being created which protestors say, “destroy working class families in Illinois,” according to a released statement. Workers and activists blocked the entrance of the Koch Brothers funded institution and held signs that said “$15 for Illinois Families” and “No Black Liberation Without Living Wages”. “The IPI and Governor Rauner propose that the state balance the budget by cutting the life-giving programs we know we need--which will make for strong neighborhoods, and a city that works for all” said Pastor Fred from One Northside. “They push policies that would strip workers of their union protections and lower wages for everybody.” The marchers concluded the action with prayer, a spiritual hymn and left chanting “We’ll be back”. The evening continued at a Resist.Reimagine.Rebuild. Citywide Teach-in, that began with a moment of silence at 6:01 pm central—the precise moment Dr. King was shot April 4, 1968—and were joined in similar tributes by protesters all across the country. “48% of Black workers in Illinois would benefit from a $15 minimum wage. That includes me. I am a Black worker, a Black woman, and a single Black mother” said Aiesha Meadows, a McDonald’s fast food worker. “Bogus policies put out by IPI and Governor Rauner destroy families like mine. And I’ll be going down to Springfield to make sure $15 for Illinois happens for us.”
REAL MEN COOK ON FATHER’S DAY Continued from page 1
community most dear to them. The overarching goal is to influence young men to serve and grow their families and communities throughout the year.” Cartman revealed that a popular feature will be added to this year’s celebrations. “As an organization, we’ve only recognized one Father of the Year and that was our 44th President of the United States, Barack Obama. This year each site will honor a Father or Father/Son team who live up to the spirit of Real Men Cook, and incorporate the administration’s Fatherhood Pledge in the recognition.” The events will continue an added Real Men Charities, Inc. tradition of promoting health and wellness, prevention and awareness for families and children. Accordingly, in addition to traditional celebration dishes to sample, each locale will offer men serving healthy foods, and broadcasting the message that every day food selections can help to prevent disease. Cartman believes the newly-revamped event represents the continuation of a broader Movement. “Life is about change,” he declared, “and localizing and expanding the event’s reach is a way of keeping the healthy families, good men Movement vibrant and engaging every segment of our community. We are encouraged and humbled that there was such an outpouring of love to the new format and are heartened that the same locations will return. This is proof of the success and growing success of
this model, and the response from young dads and new men interested in being among our volunteer cooks has been more than encouraging.” Celebrities, media personalities, ministers, politicians, entertainers, athletes, local community leaders, chefs and everyday hard-working fathers will participate as part of their resolve to uplift the family and defy the negative images often depicted in the media. The expanded format will be held at sites citywide, in suburban Chicago and Gary, Indiana. In these individual sites, men serve in churches, fraternity houses, homeless shelters, their blocks, backyards, homes and parks. At each location, they will demonstrate that Real Men Cook, Love, Work and Care. Among the organizations that participated in 2016 and will return this year include: BBF Family Services on Chicago’s west side, D.A.D.D.Y - (Developing A Dedicated Driven Youth), Endeleo Institute - Men of Trinity Church, Fathers and Blessings, which brings together several Chicago south suburban towns, Mosque Maryam, Regal Theater, Hales Franciscan High School, and Trinity United Church of Christ in Gary, Indiana. Many private Real Men Cook events are also held on Father’s Day throughout the city, but are not open to the public. Real Men Cook is the largest, longest-running and
most-anticipated Father’s Day celebration of its kind. It provides a platform where “real men” from all walks of life give up Father’s Day pampering to work and be celebrated for demonstrating extraordinary commitment to their families and to their communities. In keeping with Real Men Cook’s core mission. Some of the high-profile men who have donned a chef’s hat and participated in the past include U.S. Senator Barack Obama, Congressmen Danny Davis, Congressman John Conyers, and John Lewis. Senate President Emil Jones and his son Senator Emil Jones and Rev. Jesse Jackson, Sr. and his sons, former Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr. and Professor Jonathan Jackson. Most recently two-time Grammy Winner, Che “Rhymefest” Smith and actors Mel Jackson, Anthony Anderson have also joined in the celebrations. In this new format, guests choose the event location they prefer. Those who opt to attend multiple celebrations will witness the different flavors and styles while seeing the same commitment to promoting fathers and family that has been at the heart of Real Men Cook. For more information, visit www.realmencook. com. Men interested in volunteering to star and cooks, donating their time and resources on Father’s Day, may contact Ayinde Cartman at AyindeCartman@gmail.com or Lafayette Ford at LafayetteFord@gmail.com or call 773-484-0624.
www.thechicagocitizen.com • 51 years of serving the Black community
CITIZEN / Chicago Weekend / Week of April 12, 2017 / 3
AHC HOSTS ‘FACES OF HOPE’ GALA By Christopher Shuttlesworth
igh school isn’t the same journey for everyone and not everyone reaches graduation the same way. Association House High School, located at 1116 N. Kedzie Ave., works with Chicago youth who have been left behind by traditional public schools and develops them around themes of power and social justice. Association House Chicago (AHC), which was established in 1899, will host its “We Too Sing America” at their annual Faces of Hope Gala on May 11, 2017 at the Chicago Cultural Center, located at 78 E. Washington. Sponsors, donors and special guests will have the opportunity to enjoy photo submissions and short essays based on personal experiences from the students, according to an AHC release. “We see students come from various neighborhoods such as Austin and Garfield Park because they feel safe here,” Director of Development Linda Tortolero said. “For many students, they were close to graduating, but for whatever reason dropped out of school and needed to come back. So, we provide them with a lot of mentors so they can be successful.” Although 70 percent of the staff speaks Spanish, Tortolero said in the past five years, the population of African American students has climbed dramatically. Thirty-nine
percent of the students are Black while 61 percent are Hispanic. “We continue to offer services in behavior health, child welfare, workforce development, adult education and currently have a charter high school for 16-21 year old students,” Tortolero said. “This semester as the students read Langston Hughes’ I Too Sing America, they participated in a photo voice project to document their personal experiences. “The photo voice project, which included the student’s photo submissions and short essays, was a beautiful and impactful glimpse into their hearts,” according to an AHC Press release. Some of the student’s project submissions were entitled, “It wasn’t time,” “Our Children’s Uncertain Future,” and “My Beautiful Chicago.” One AHC staff member said the student’s photo voice project helped him realize that while everything isn’t perfect in today’s world, there is still hope for youth to change for the better. “It was a beautiful reminder that while not all things are peaceful today, we are a country founded on a spirit of resilience and even though we seem to be divided, we should be aware, not afraid, active not angry, vigilant not violent and rejoice because overcoming adversity is what has made the country great...and lucky for us, it’s what our students have done best,” an AHC spokesperson said. Tickets for the AHC 2017 Annual Dinner will be $250 per person and $2,500 for a table of 10. Special guests will include NBC 5 Chicago Christian Farr, who will be the event’s emcee and Jim Miller will serve as the Charity auctioneer.
“For many students, they were close to graduating, but for whatever reason dropped out of school and needed to come back. So, we provide them with a lot of mentors so they can be successful.”
GOVERNMENTAL Affairs Janice Garth
Rep. Stratton to Help Jobseekers Connect with Training Resources at Free Career Fair State Rep. Juliana Stratton, D-Chicago, is helping connect local jobseekers with resources that help them train for careers that do not require a four-year college degree at a free alternative pathways college and career fair on Monday, May 8 from 9 a.m. to noon at Vandercook College of Music, located at 3125 S. Federal Street in Chicago. The high cost of a college degree shouldn’t be a roadblock to a good career,” Stratton said. “There are many different paths to a good career, and a number of ways for local residents to get ahead in a competitive job market. I am excited to bring these resources to young people who want to build for their futures, and all jobseekers who are looking for new opportunities.” Stratton is partnering with state Sen. Mattie Hunter and state Rep. Sonya Harper to host the alternative pathways college and career fair. The fair is free and open to the public, and will allow residents to speak with representatives from various vocational and tech schools in addition to having the ability to collect free information on career opportunities and job training. Stratton’s job fair will feature information on barber and beauty college, massage therapy certification, law enforcement and security training and other certification and training programs. In addition, residents will have the opportunity to learn how to create an employer-ready resume, succeed during an interview and read common financial documents.
Federal Program Offers $35,000 to Assist Seniors Struggling with Reverse Mortgages The Illinois Housing Development Authority (IHDA) recently launched the Reverse Mortgage Assistance Program to help senior homeowners with reverse mortgages pay back taxes and avoid foreclosure. On April 3, IHDA began providing up to $35,000 in federal assistance to qualifying borrowers with reverse mortgages to pay overdue property taxes, eligible property expenses and future property taxes so they can avoid foreclosure and remain in their homes. “There is a real need for this kind of assistance in Illinois,” said IHDA Executive Director Audra Hamernik. “Many of these seniors are on fixed incomes and took out a reverse mortgage to help with healthcare or everyday living costs. They don’t have the resources to weather an unexpected home repair, medical event or loss of household income. This program offers the help they need to get back on track with their payments before they lose their home.” Reverse Mortgages allow homeowners 62 and older to borrow against the equity they have built up in their home. The proceeds the borrower receives from the reverse mortgage must be repaid when the house is sold or the homeowners move. The borrower is still responsible for paying property taxes and homeowner’s insurance, and if they are unable to keep up with their payments, they may lose the home to foreclosure.
Treasurer Frerichs to Return Purple Heart Medal to Vietnam War Veteran On Wednesday, April 5, Illinois State Treasurer Michael Frerichs returned a Purple Heart Medal to Vietnam War Veteran Harold J. Walker. Walker, who currently resides in Mississippi, lived in Illinois when he was drafted into the U.S. Army. The military medal is among several others belonging to Walker surrendered to the Illinois State Treasurer’s Office as unclaimed property. The Illinois treasurer’s office is the custodian of unclaimed property, including lost bank accounts, insurance policy proceeds, and forgotten safe deposit boxes. The Purple Heart is one of the most recognized and respected medals awarded to members of the U.S. Armed Forces.
www.thechicagocitizen.com • 51 years of serving the Black community
CITIZEN / Chicago Weekend / Week of April 12, 2017 / 5
4 / CITIZEN / Chicago Weekend / Week of April 12, 2017
Eggs: Handle Them Safely As You Celebrate!
New Entrepreneur Seminar for Students at Dyett High School
the second year in a row, the BWe will conduct a (CHICAGO) - Congresswoman Maxine national tour with stops in Washington, D.C. and Waters (D-CA), will keynote the Phenomenal Atlanta, Georgia. The rich cultural experience, Woman Awards Dinner on Thursday, April while targeted to women, has elements for men, 6, paying tribute to ten outstanding Chicago families and children. area women whose excellence in a variety of The BWE offers informative seminars and fields commands recognition. The event is the panel discussions presented by notable local and kickoff to The Black Women’s Expo (BWE), national speakers and lecturers, educational one of Chicago’s most anticipated annual experiential events, and will be held at the exhibits and corporate displays, and rousing Hyatt Regency Chicago, 151 E. Wacker Dr., entertainment. Historically, the standingCrystal Ballroom beginning at 6:00 p.m. room only seminars have addressed such Congresswoman Waters, who represents issues as health & wellness, racial equality, California’s 43rd District, is considered by hair & beauty, travel, career advancement, many to be one of the most powerful women business/entrepreneurship, the welfare of in American politics today. She has gained our children and much more. a reputation as a fearless and outspoken BWE’s seminars and workshops will advocate for women, children, people of color be far-ranging and engaging, featuring and the poor. First elected to the U.S. House topics that impact women’s daily lives. of Representatives in 1990, Congresswoman Additionally, there will be a Town Hall Waters represents a large swath of South Meeting with key local and state political Central Los Angeles. She serves as the leaders, and a Teen Summit addressing Ranking Member of the House Committee issues pertinent to African American youth. A photo of the main entrance of Walter H. Dyett High School on Financial Services, and is an integral BWe will again host themed pavilions for the Arts in Washington Park taken in 2015. member of Congressional Democratic Leadership. including: The Literary Café, which Congresswoman Waters serves as a member of the showcases African American authors and excited to have My Black is Beautiful Steering & Policy Committee, and is also a member of serve as a presenting sponsor of this year’s booksellers; the Natural Hair Pavilion, featuring products the Congressional Progressive Caucus and member specifically for natural hair; the Health & Wellness pavilion, Expo, and join us at the Phenomenal and past chair of the Congressional Black Caucus where local medical institutions provide much-needed Woman Awards.” (CBC). “Since its inception a decade ago, My health information and screenings; the Kidz Korner, an The 2017 Phenomenal Woman honorees are: Black is Beautiful has provided a powerful exciting space for young people with interactive games, MBIB Determination is Power Award - Jerline exercise and fun activities; an Art Pavilion curated by noted platform for African American women to Lambert, Lambert’s Realty; MBIB Fearless Leader artist Jonathon Romain. New this year, BWe will host ignite change within their communities Award – Jolinda Wade, New Creation Binding & a Culinary Pavilion, where local and national chefs will and work to redefine beauty standards,” loosing Ministries; MBIB Catalyst Award – Diane showcase their cuisine, and a Networking Lounge. says Verna Coleman-Hagler, Brand Latiker, Expo hours are Friday, April 7 from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 Manager of My Black Is Beautiful. “We’re Kids Off The Block; MBIB Inspire the Youth p.m.; Saturday, April 8, from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.; Mayor Rahm Emanuel honored to support this special evening Award – Cosette Yisrael, LUV Institute; MBIB and shine a deserving spotlight on each of and Sunday, April 9 from 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Ticket Knowledge is Power Award – Lisa Rollins, UNCF; My Beautiful is prices are $20 for adults, $6 for children, and $5 for the the award recipients whose achievements are leaving an indelible Igniting Change for Greatness Award– Barbara Bates, The Barbara mark on our society.” BWe Teen Summit with promo code; weekend passes are Bates Foundation; Woman of Valor Award –Lori E. Lightfoot, available for $45. Tickets for The Black Women’s Expo The Black Women’s Expo offers African American women President, Chicago Police Board; MBIB Luminary Award – Rona can be purchased online at www.theblackwomensexpo. an opportunity to get informed, empowered and enlightened, Fourte, Walgreens; Vanguard of Health Award, Debra Vines, The com . Half-priced, advanced adult tickets are on sale at while discovering the latest trends and amazing new products Answer, Inc.; Launa T. Thompson Spirit Award – Toi Salter, Salter participating Walgreens stores. For information or tickets and services specifically created for them celebrates its 23rd Financial Management. for the Phenomenal Woman Awards Reception, call 312anniversary in Chicago April 7-9 at McCormick Place. The Black “The Phenomenal Woman Awards allow us to showcase 454-6100. Women’s Expo has continued to grow in Chicago, and is now the women in our community who are leading in a manner that BWE Phenomenal Woman Awards. Follow The longest running exposition of its kind. Over 30,000 people, from makes us all proud,” says Merry Green, founder of the event. “The Black Women’s Expo on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and 14 surrounding states, are expected to attend the expo during its Black Women’s Expo is about celebrating the strength, savvy and Instagram using the hashtag #SheMatters. three-day run at the McCormick Place Convention Center. For significance of African American women.” We are particularly
2017 Business Opportunity Expo Forest Park, Ill. - Better business, better profits and bigger growth is the goal of the 2017 Business Opportunity Expo, sponsored by the Illinois Small Business Development Center (IL SBDC) at The Joseph Center® and the Joseph Business School. The expo is Friday, April 21, 2017, from 2 p.m. – 5 p.m. at the Joseph Business School located at 7600 W. Roosevelt Road in Forest Park, Illinois. The purpose of the Business Opportunity Expo has always been to help small businesses grow revenue, by providing direct access to opportunities that support business expansion. Melissa Duff Brown, the director of the IL SBDC at The Joseph Center® explains, “Attendees will have plenty
of opportunities to speak face-to-face with companies and government agencies offering procurement opportunities, business franchises, key business service providers, and funding sources with access to capital. We’re always excited to host our yearly expo because it provides small business owners with direct access to the information and resources they need in one location. Our primary goal is to assist aspiring and established entrepreneurs in reaching their goals on a daily basis.” Admission to the expo is FREE, but registration is required. Register at JBS.edu and click on the events tab. For questions, please call The Joseph Center® at
(708) 697-6234. Business owners and entrepreneurs will have an opportunity to speak with over 60 exhibitors including: ´Government and corporate entities ´Business franchises and B2B service providers ´Funding sources with access to capital The Business Opportunity Expo is part of the 2017 twoday, Missions & Marketplace Conference, featuring some of today’s most dynamic ministry and marketplace leaders and entrepreneurs from around the world. For additional conference information, visit mm.billwinston.org.
www.thechicagocitizen.com • 51 years of serving the Black community
SILVER SPRING, Md.- PRNewswireUSNewswire/ -- The egg has been regarded as a symbol of new life and has been associated with springtime celebrations, such as Easter and Passover, for many centuries. But, even during festive occasions, eggs can cause food poisoning (also called foodborne illness). That’s why the U.S. Food and Drug Administration reminds consumers to follow safe food handling practices when buying, storing, preparing, and serving eggs or foods that contain them during their springtime celebrations and throughout the year. Salmonella can be found on both the outside and inside of eggs that look perfectly normal. These bacteria can cause diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, and fever. Symptoms usually last 4 to 7 days and most people get better without treatment. However, certain people, such as children, older adults, pregnant women, and people with weakened immune systems (such as transplant patients and individuals with HIV/AIDS, cancer, and diabetes), are at greater risk for severe illness. In these individuals, a Salmonella infection may spread from the intestines to the blood stream and then to other parts of the body, and can cause death unless the person is treated promptly with antibiotics. Protect yourself and your family by following these food safety tips to prevent food poisoning: Clean Wash hands, utensils, dishes, and work surfaces (counter tops and cutting boards) with soap and hot water after contact with raw eggs and raw eggcontaining foods.
Eat eggs promptly after cooking. Do not keep eggs warm or at room temperature (between 40° to 140° F) for more than 2 hours. For recipes that call for raw or undercooked eggs (like Caesar salad dressing and homemade ice cream), consider using pasteurized shell eggs or pasteurized egg products.
Buy eggs only if sold from a refrigerator or refrigerated case. Keeping eggs adequately refrigerated prevents any Salmonella bacteria in or on the eggs from growing to higher numbers (which makes them more likely to cause illness). At home, keep eggs refrigerated at 40° F or below until they are needed. Use a refrigerator thermometer to check. Refrigerate unused eggs or leftovers that contain eggs promptly. For school or work, pack cooked eggs with a small frozen gel pack or a frozen juice box.
Discard cracked or dirty eggs.
Never let raw eggs come into contact with food that will be eaten raw (or with utensils that could cross-contaminate other foods).
Cook eggs thoroughly until both the yolk and white are firm. Lightly cooked egg whites and yolks have both caused outbreaks of Salmonella infections. Casseroles and other dishes containing eggs should be cooked to 160° F. Use a food thermometer to be sure.
Eating Out
Avoid restaurant dishes made with raw or undercooked, unpasteurized eggs. When in a restaurant, ask if they use pasteurized eggs before ordering anything that might result in consumption of raw or undercooked eggs (such as Hollandaise sauce or Caesar salad dressing). Learn more at: http://www.fda.gov/Food/ResourcesForYou/ Consumers/ucm077342.htm http://www.fda.gov/ForConsumers/ ConsumerUpdates/ucm170640.htm
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6 / CITIZEN / Chicago Weekend / Week of April 12, 2017
CITIZEN / Chicago Weekend / Week of April 12, 2017 / 7
Local Designer Presents “Brave is Beautiful” fashion to support Domestic Violence Families The fashion show is LAKE COUNTY, IL – When a highlight of Wine the models of the “Brave is Women & Shoes. Beautiful” fashion show walk the runway at Wine Women & Shoes on May 6 at Ravinia Festival, they will not only be wearing the unique silk, denim, and lace creations of Lake Forest fashion designer, Ave Sanjuan, they will be helping to raise funds to support domestic violence victims and their children. Local designer Ave Sanjuan is no stranger to charity fashion events. Her first full collection was presented in 2010 at Lake Forest Sportscars to help raise money for the Gorton Community Center in Lake Forest, for which she won a Diamonds Designer Award. Since then, she has participated in shows for Susan G. Komen and Bear Necessities Pediatric Cancer Foundation and will present her designs in the American Cancer Society Fashion Show fundraiser later this year. “It is a true gift to help A Safe Place, an organization that helps domestic violence victims feel safe again,” Sanjuan said. “Home is where the heart is and where you should feel at ease. No one should ever have to suffer and feel unsafe. I am honored to be able to help.” Sanjuan started designing when she was 11 years old. Her mom designed beautiful dresses for her and her sisters. “She was so talented, I remember trying on new dresses and how sweet for the “Brave is Beautiful” theme at Wine they were. I dedicate all my work to my Women & Shoes, an event to benefit A Safe Mother Celi,” she said. Place, northern Illinois’s sole provider of She was studying Art Therapy at Lake services exclusively focusing on domestic Forest College when her professor suggested violence victims and their children. All she pursue a degree in Fashion Design proceeds raised that evening help A Safe after seeing that her class project was two Place continue to provide lifesaving services sculptures, a gown made all of safety pins for survivors and children of domestic and another gown made of window mesh violence. Last year, A Safe Place served over and fishing line. She ended up with a degree 13,000 community members. in Fine Art Fashion Design from the Art Along with the glamorous fashion show, Institute of Chicago. Wine Women & Shoes includes unlimited “Designing clothes is a very innate part wine tastings and wine raffle, a “Key to of me, being creative is a state of being and the Closet” raffle where the winner takes I am completely in touch with the cloth,” all, live and silent auctions, a photo shoot Sanjuan said. “It all begins with a sketch area with a complimentary memento, Best and then becomes something you can in Shoe Awards, and the charismatic Shoe actually wrap around you.” Guys. Don’t miss Sanjuan’s unique designs Tickets are available at http://www.
Ave Sanjuan
winewomenandshoes.com/asafeplace for $100, which includes a trendy swag bag filled with a variety of goodies. VIP admission is $150 and includes express VIP check in, prime seating for the fashion show, a dedicated Shoe Guy at your table, and a VIP Swag Bag filled with exclusive items. Those who cannot attend but would like to support A Safe Place can make a donation on the website or purchase Key to the Closet raffle tickets. Founded in 1978, A Safe Place is the leading advocate for eliminating domestic violence in northern Illinois, and is Lake County, Illinois’ only provider of services exclusively for victims of domestic violence. A Safe Place provides emergency shelter, permanent housing, a 24-hour crisis line (847249-4450), court and non-legal advocacy, individual, group, and children’s counseling, art therapy, family visitation services, batterer intervention services; and community outreach, prevention education, and professional training. Service areas include Lake, McHenry, and northern Cook counties in Illinois; however, clients come from across the state, region, and country. For more information about A Safe Place, visit www.asafeplaceforhelp.org, Facebook, and Twitter. For more information on Wine Women & Shoes and to learn about sponsorship opportunities, please visit the event’s website at www.winewomenandshoes.com/ asafeplace. For more information on Ave Sanjuan Designs, visit www.avesanjuan. com.
www.thechicagocitizen.com • 51 years of serving the Black community
While the Obama Presidential Library promises to benefit the community, groups call for a written agreement By Christopher Shuttlesworth
A local community coalition is calling for a community benefits agreement for the Obama Presidential Library. The Obama Library Community Benefits Agreement Coalition said they feel a Community Benefits Agreement (CBA) is necessary due to Black residents being displaced by changes in communities such as the transformation plan of the Chicago Housing Authority (CHA) and the fall out of school closings, according to an Obama Library Community Benefits Agreement Coalition press release. Attorney Allegra Cira Fischer of The Law Project, who’s working on behalf of the coalition to create an agreement said, attorneys view the CBA as a binding agreement between the developer and community members within the neighborhood. Dominic Surya, who is an organizer of the Obama Library Community Benefits Agreement Coalition added, “We want to make sure that during the CBA meetings, we’re not affirming language about community benefits, but bringing community benefits to the Southside of Chicago and to the people who made former President Barack Obama who he is.” Jawanza Brian Malone, a community leader who favors the agreement and who is also the Executive Director of the Kenwood-Oakland Community Organization, said every business in the world is bound by a contract and believes that this should be no different. Malone added, “Communities around the world have been able to hold developers accountable to the communities where they seek to build. For us, this isn’t about whether we trust the first Black president to do the right thing. This is simply about business.” “President and Mrs. Obama chose to develop the Obama
Eugene Taylor has been golfing since 1973. Taylor says he can’t believe that he is still alive to witness the beginning stages of the first Black presidential library on the south side of Chicago in Jackson Park. Photo by Christopher Shuttlesworth
Presidential Center in the heart of Chicago’s South Side because it is the neighborhood they call home and the place they believed they could have the most impact,” The Barack
Obama Foundation Vice President of Civic Engagement Michael Strautmanis said. “The Obama Presidential Center will strengthen the economic climate in our community by bringing thousands of visitors to the South Side every year, creating new jobs, and revitalizing historic Jackson Park, he said, adding, “the foundation maintains the position that a community benefit agreement is not the tool that will have the most lasting economic impact on the South Side,” Strautmanis said. “The Foundation is encouraged by the energy and ideas that have come from hundreds of meetings with community organizations and residents, including those who are creating an economic development strategy that will engage the creativity, entrepreneurship, and work ethic that exists in the neighborhoods around the site of the Obama Presidential Center. We appreciate the efforts of everyone who is working hard to ensure the OPC becomes a catalyst for additional growth, and encourage everyone with an idea, expertise to offer, or additional resources to share to join the effort,” Strautmanis stated. The Obama library is estimated to cost $600 million and could potentially create 1,900 permanent jobs and help build thirty restaurants, eleven stores, and even a hotel, according to UChicagogate.com. “The permanent Obama Presidential Library will be constructed on Chicago’s South Side in Jackson Park. The Barack Obama Presidential Library will be the 14th presidential library administered by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), a federal agency. The Barack Obama Foundation has selected Tod Williams Billie Tsien Architects | Partners (TWBTA) as the design team, with partners Interactive Design 3rd (IDEA),” according to obamalibrary.gov.
CITIZEN / Chicago Weekend / Week of April 12, 2017 / 9
8 / CITIZEN / Chicago Weekend / Week of April 12, 2017
church Inspirations
from Rev. Dr. Derrick B. Wells,
Senior Minister of Christ Universal Temple
Adversarial Awareness
he prophet writer of Isaiah shared that just as the rain and snow fulfill the purpose for which each is sent, so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and succeed in the thing for which I sent it. Likewise, our words do not return to us void and these same words are filled with the power to accomplish what we speak. So whether we realize it or not, we never really outperform our conversation. If we want to change our lives, we have to change the way we think of ourselves and if we want to change the way we think of ourselves, we need to change the words we say to ourselves. Life is already full of issues and challenges. Why add to them by discouraging yourself every day with negative self-talk? Beneath the surface, each of us has an inner voice on a loud speaker trying to convince us of something about ourselves. What does your self-talk sound like and what is it saying to you? Is it a blessing to you? Do you encourage you? Alternatively, do you curse and criticize yourself? Become your own encourager, your own cheerleader. Every time you do a good job, do not just let it pass; give yourself a compliment. Every time you choose discipline over indulgence, encourage yourself; recognize how much you are helping you. When you make a mistake, learn from it and improve but do not beat yourself up and relive the mistake without getting the lesson. The help, boost, and acceptance you have been looking for might be found in the things you say to yourself! Speak life, especially to yourself! Address: 11901 S Ashland Ave, Chicago, IL 60643 Phone: (773) 568-2282 www.cutemple.org
> Profile > Inspirations > Bible verse
he African Children’s Choir melts the hearts of audiences with their charming smiles, beautiful voices and lively African songs and dances. The program features well-loved children’s songs, traditional Spirituals and Gospel favorites. Concerts are free and open to all. A free-will offering is taken at the performance to support African Children’s Choir programs, such as education, care and relief and development programs. Music for Life (The parent organization for The African Children’s Choir) works in seven African countries such as, Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda, Sudan, Nigeria, Ghana and South Africa. MFL has educated over 52,000 children and impacted the lives of over 100,000 people through its relief and development programs during its history. MFL purpose is to help create new leadership for tomorrow’s Africa, by
Assessment Checklist that can help you evaluate the range of issues and activities that you - There are two things may find most interesting in a that older adults have in volunteer setting. spades these days: time and For example, are you knowledge. And both make interested in animals, politics, them the perfect match for or art? volunteering. Do you enjoy activities By giving back as little as such as gardening, tutoring, or two hours a week, or about 96 counseling? hours a year, older adults are The Checklist gives you discovering how to keep their dozens of options. lives active and healthy. One prospective volunteer Research shows that who completed a checklist of seniors who volunteer can his interests was a lifelong combat depression, stave off musician. He checked “arts and chronic pain, and boost brain culture” as a favorite and said power. In short, volunteering he loved teaching others. When can promote longevity. the local volunteer coordinator Still need another reason signed him up, she had no idea to get out and volunteer? that his instrument of choice With the number of was a ukulele. Two years later, volunteers age 65 and older his lessons have become so expected to double in a few popular, he’s teaching in two years, chances are you’ll senior centers to packed classes. reconnect with old friends The point is, there’s a and make new ones. volunteer opportunity for “Volunteering gave me everyone, and it can be found a reason to get up in the Research shows that seniors who volunteer can combat depression, stave off chronic pain, and boost brain power. with the simple click of a morning and stimulated my mouse. brain as I learned about topics public education campaign to raise awareness For more information on volunteering, and and issues that were completely unfamiliar to me,” of the issue and to prompt older adults to take to download your free copy of the brochure and says one volunteer. action. The centerpiece of the campaign is a other resources, visit www.n4a.org and find To help educate older adults about the publication, “Doing Good Is Good for You: the “Volunteer Resource Center” under n4a benefits of volunteering, the National Association Volunteer!” Initiatives. of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a) launched a This brochure provides you with a Self(NewsUSA)
focusing on education. The African Children’s Choir has had the privilege to perform beore presidents, heads of state and most recently the Queen of England, Queen Elizabeth II, for her diamond jubilee. The Choir has also had the honor of singing alongside artists such as Paul McCartney, Annie Lennox, Keith Urban, Mariah Carey, Michael W. Smith, and other inspirational performers! The African Children’s Choir is a nonprofit humanitarian and relieforganization dedicated to helping Africa’s most vulnerable children today so they can help Africa tomorrow. Event Details are as follows: When: Wednesday, May 10, 2017 at 7 p.m. Where: Shiloh Seventh Day Adventist Church located on 7000 S Michigan Ave. in Chicago Phone: (773) 224-7700 No tickets, donations welcome.
Mark 11:24 Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive [them], and ye shall have [them].
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10 / CITIZEN / Chicago Weekend / Week of April 12, 2017
FILM REVIEW: T2 TRAINSPOTTING By Dwight Brown (NNPA Newswire Film Critic)
“Trainspotting” was a breakthrough film back in 1996. An edgy, eccentric blend of debauchery and rebellion set to one of the best British rock soundtracks ever made. Twenty years later, the original director Danny Boyle (“Slumdog Millionaire,” “28 Days Later”) and screenwriter John Hodge assemble the same set of Scottish miscreants and make them deal with the aftermath of a betrayal that affected all their lives. In the ‘90s film, Mark (Ewan McGregor) and Simone, aka Sick Boy (Jonny Lee Miller), were best friends since childhood. In their midtwenties, they hung out with the tall skinny dullard Daniel “Spud” Murphy (Ewen Bremner) and the short, violent and temperamental Francis “Franco” Begbie (Robert Carlyle). The four of them, and other comrades, had one thing in common: heroin addiction. It united them. Broke them
(From left-right) Jonny Lee Miller, Ewan McGregor and Anjela Nedyalkova in “T2 Trainspotting.” (Sony)
apart. Caused death and destruction. Their depraved indifference to life and traditional mores ended with a
dope deal gone bad. Mark, who flirted with sobriety, ran off with £12,000 pounds. He left Spud £4,000, which
went right into his arm. Simone got nothing. Franco got a jail sentence and a grudge against Mark that was eating him alive. In 2017, nearing middle age, Mark’s yuppyish job at a Dutch software company ends. He returns to the scene of the crime, Edinburg. These days, Simone, a cokehead, is in love with a prostitute named Veronika (Anjela Nedyalkova). The couple makes money by blackmailing clients, “Johns,” who are secretly videotaped as they bed Veronika, who dresses up as a dominatrix. Spud is a bit of a depressed loner. In fact, Mark is banging at the door of his flat just as his dejected friend is attempting suicide. Mark saves his life and Spud’s sour response is: “You ruined my life, and my death.” Meanwhile, the fiercely vindictive Franco is plotting an escape from jail. The reunion of these four is fraught with more anger, deceit, maleficence, apologies and ill will than a feud between Mick Jagger and Keith Richards. It’s a hard task recapturing the dark humor and light spirits that made the original movie so shocking yet endearing. This script puts Mark and Simon on a mission to build a spa (brothel) that Veronika can operate. Mark, whose libido knows no bounds, flirts with Veronika, knowing that Simon loves her. But that’s Mark’s M.O: he can’t be trusted with a friend’s girlfriend. The character that gets the best facelift is Spud, who dares to dream big and finds an ounce of courage, when he had none in the first film. Franco, who makes a junkyard dog look
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like a prince, is so mean and violent he alienates himself from his family and goes after Mark with a sheer vengeance. Boyle has a fun way with the footage. He will stop it cold; shoot scenes at odd angles (cinematographer Anthony Dod Mantle, Slumdog Millionaire); Cut in flashbacks (editor Jon Harris, “Kingsman: The Secret Service”); and add colorful and textured dreamy images over scenes (production design Patrick Rolfe and Mark Tildesley; art direction Patrick Rolfe). It is a pleasure to watch him weave his artistic magic. And though the soundtrack doesn’t boast a song as catchy as the first movie’s hit tune “Lust for Life,” some of the kinetic music has a throbbing beat. Boyle’s innovation helps greatly as you realize that this script is not as fresh as the 1996 one, which was based on a novel by Irvine Welsh. That screenplay treaded new territory that audiences couldn’t fathom: Poor Scottish adolescents, living in and around wealth and middle-class amenities, unable to hold down a nine-to-five and relegated to a parallel world. Their degeneracy and irresponsibility had no limits, and they were so oblivious to reality that a baby died while in their custody. That stream of decadence was a jolt to the senses. Nothing in this film is quite as shocking. But then again, what could be? McGregor, Miller, Bremmer and Carlyle slip into their old characters, friendships, jealousies and rivalries comfortably—like they were trying on a pair of old faded, torn jeans that still fit or dusting off old drug paraphernalia. At one point Veronika points out to Mark “You’re a tourist in your own youth.” That’s the way it feels watching these graying, saggyeyed fortysomethings trying to get their mojo back. They can’t relive their lives, but they can die trying. In the end, there is something woefully nostalgic about watching McGregor, Miller, Bremner and Carlyle running down the cobblestone streets of Edinburg with an urgency and abandonment that is similar to the chaos they wreaked in “Trainspotting.” The guys are a few paces slower, and almost as reckless. Just like T2. Dwight Brown is a film critic and travel writer. As a film critic, he regularly attends international film festivals including Cannes, Sundance, Toronto and the American Black Film Festival. Read more movie reviews by Dwight Brown at DwightBrownInk.com.
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