Facing weekend may 3 2017

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Week of May 3, 2017 Vol 48 • No 18 • www.thechicagocitizen.com








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‘PROTECT OUR PROGRESS’ By Christopher Shuttlesworth


ational Urban League President and CEO Marc H. Morial discussed the 2017 State of Black America report, ‘Protect Our Progress,’ during a teleconference call April 25, 2017. Dr. Silas Lee, Executive Editor of the 2017 State of Black America and Economist Valerie Rawlston Wilson provided analysis for the Equality Index, the National Urban League’s mathematical calculation of African Americans’ and Hispanic Americans’ relative status in relation to white America. National Urban League President Marc H. Morial, said the organization is always excited this time of the year, adding this is the 41st year of the State of Black America report and the 14th year that the Equality Index will be released with the report. Both were released on May 2, 2017 in Washington, D.C. “The State of Black America report and the Equality Index is the very best snapshot of the conditions of both African Americans and


Dr. Silas Lee, who is the Executive Editor of the 2017 State of Black America, said the overview of the data report showed that 50 years after the Civil Rights Movement, data shows that African Americans have made progress, but progress has been interrupted. Photo Credit: National Urban League

First African American woman to be selected to be a CASA WASHINGTON - The newest civilian aide to the Secretary of the Army (CASA) was invested during a ceremony conducted on April 19, 2017 at the Pentagon. Ms. Erica Jeffries, Director of the Illinois Department of Veterans’ Affairs was selected by acting Secretary of the Army, Robert M. Speer to represent Illinois (North). She is the first African American woman to be selected to be a CASA. “I welcome the opportunity

to serve as a volunteer to help communicate the Secretary of the Army message to the military community throughout Illinois, and in particular in the city of Chicago,” Jeffries said. “It is my privilege to provide advice and local perspective on issues relating to our active duty Army soldiers, families, and the Army community writ large.” CASA are a vital part of the Army, promoting good relations between

the Army and the public and advising the Secretary on regional issues. “Erica already plays a significant role in serving our veterans in the state of Illinois,” said Speer. “I am pleased that she is willing to provide her knowledge to our current Soldiers as well and play a central role as we look to her to help represent the Army.”

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Continued from page 1

Latinos in the United States,” Morial said. “This is a seminal report that we have done on an annual basis for 41 years.” According to the 2017 State of Black America report, “The State of Black America has become one of the most highly-anticipated benchmarks and sources for thoughtful leadership around racial equality in American across economics, employment, education, health, housing, criminal justice and civic participation.” The report also stated that “each edition of the State of Black America contains thoughtful commentary and insightful analysis from leading figures and thoughtful leaders in politics.” Dr. Silas Lee, who is the Executive Editor of the 2017 State of Black America, explained that his team looked at the relational analysis

First African American woman to be selected to be a CASA Continued from page 1

Each state, the District of Columbia and the five U.S. territories have one or more CASA appointed to provide a vital link between the Army and the communities for which they serve. CASA are usually business or civic leaders who possess a keen interest in the welfare of the Army and their communities. For protocol, CASA rank is equivalent to that of a Lieutenant General. Jeffries leads the Illinois Department of Veterans’ Affairs. An Army veteran, Jeffries leads a team of nearly 1300 professionals that serves the more than 720,000 veterans through 80 veteran service offices, 4 skilled care nursing homes for over 900 aging veterans, and numerous programs for women veterans, veteran entrepreneurs, Gold Star families and Hiring Heroes. Jeffries holds a Bachelor of Science in International Relations and Systems Engineering from the United States Military Academy at West Point; a Master of Arts in National Security Studies from the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University; and a Master of Business Administration from the Pamplin School of Business at Virginia Tech University. CASA serve a two-year term without compensation. Terms may be extended to a total of 10 years of service. The Secretary may recognize a civilian aide as a CASA emeritus after 10 years of distinguished service.

and how the relationship between social and economic structures influence social outcomes and economic mobility. “The data reflects that the founder of institutionalized discrimination continues to impact the social and economic status and the mobility of African Americans in society,” Lee said. “So, what we see in the report is that yes, we’ve made progress. But at the same time, it gets interrupted.” Lee continued to say that, “Progress is not linear. When you look at the data, as it reflects right now, African Americans are about 73 percent equity in reference to whites, which means that we are missing more than 20 percent of the pie.” Economist Valerie Rawlston Wilson, who also provided analysis for the Equality Index,

said Black people are still a long way from full equality but said some of the finer points can get missed because advances in some areas are offset by losses in other areas. “In the area of education, we did see a higher percentage of African Americans between the ages of 18-24 who have earned an associates degree,” Wilson said. “We also, saw notable declines in high school dropout rates for all students. In the area of health, we saw fewer African Americans and whites who are without health insurance so we know the Affordable Health Care Act is working.” Lee remained in his stance that progress has been made but there is more to be done. “African Americans have made progress but it is still a very fragile commodity,” Lee said.

HEALTH CARE TRAINING PROGRAM BOASTS 90% GRADUATION RATE When LaTara Ward disenfranchised gave birth to her first neighborhoods, often son, she could have reflecting large minority never imagined the populations and diagnosis he was about high unemployment to receive: cancer. After rates. According spending years in and to the Corporation out of hospitals with for Enterprise him, she knew she Development: wanted to be on the The unemployment other end caregiving. rate of AfricanNow, a working mother Americans and of five, LaTara is Hispanics in Chicago is employed as a certified three times that of their nursing assistant, thanks white counterparts. to training from the African-Americans Healthcare Workforce and Hispanics in Collaborative. Chicago generally Led by Advocate struggle more than Health Care and their peers nationwide, funded by JPMorgan yet Chicago’s white Chase, the Healthcare population often Workforce Collaborative has better economic brings together several outcomes than that community based population nationwide. LaTara Ward receiving certificate of completion organizations, including from Advocate Trinity Hospital president, Terika The median income Richardson. City Colleges and of whites in Chicago is the National Latino $70,960 compared with Education Institute, to offer free health care $41,188 for Hispanics and $30,303 for training to under and unemployed residents African-Americans. across Chicagoland. To date, the initiative LaTara was one of over 100 graduates has trained more than 200 participants and honored on Thursday, April 20 at Advocate has a 90% graduation rate. Illinois Masonic Medical Center. For more This initiative especially aims to bring information about the program, visit http:// employment opportunities to historically advocategiving.org.

www.thechicagocitizen.com • 52 years of serving the Black community

Janice Garth


scholarship. Most Black parents encourage and expect their children to do well in school. Black parents do have, however, All parents want the best for their children. We all low expectations about the priorities that state boards of acknowledge that attaining a high-quality K-12 education is education, as well as county and city boards of education, have probably the single most important factor that will determine presented thus far in response to the inclusive accountability the future life success of a student in the public school systems mandates of ESSA. throughout the United States. Inclusion presupposes involvement. Parental Yet, the reality for millions of Black American parents in involvement is a key factor that determines the effectiveness of the U.S. is that there is a lingering educational achievement our public school system. The National Newspaper Publishers gap between Black students and White students. This is why Association is, therefore, pleased to join and to support I believe that raising awareness about all efforts that will increase Black American the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) parental involvement concerning ESSA and its among all parents, especially Black implementation at both the state and federal parents, is vital. levels. This should be a national priority Yes, Black student K-12 educational for all who stand for equality in effective achievement gaps that now exist in too many high-quality public education for all school districts in the U.S. can be bridged going students. Now that states have begun forward, if there is a substantial and measurable the tedious process to refine and increase in the consistent involvement of Black submit their ESSA state plans to the parents at all levels of decision-making and U.S. Department of Education, Black public policy implementation of ESSA. Please parents should increase their input into pass this message to others that you may know Dr. Benjamin F. Chavis, Jr. says that who are likewise concerned about these issues. these plans in each state. Recent national studies have pointed parental involvement is a key factor The future of our families and communities to what some researchers have concluded that determines the effectiveness of is at stake. Our collective awareness and our public school system. as “low expectations” about the academic involvement can help to make a positive achievement levels of Black students difference in improving K-12 education in being a major contributing factor to America. I have faith that Black American parents will once their underachievement in the classroom. Unfortunately, again rise to this challenge. sometimes these predictions based on external research about Learn more about how you can get involved with the Black America can become self-fulfilling prophecies and Every Student Succeeds Act in your state at NNPA.org/essa. mere justifications for the current educational disparities and Dr. Benjamin F. Chavis, Jr. is the President and CEO of inequities between Black students and White students. the National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA) and Black parents do not have low expectations about their can be reached at dr.bchavis@nnpa.org. You can follow Dr. children’s academic potential to achieve excellence and Chavis on Twitter @drbenchavis. By Dr. Benjamin F. Chavis, Jr. (President and CEO, NNPA)


As part of Child Abuse Prevention Month and Foster Care Awareness Month, SOS Illinois’ #RaisingSuperheroes campaign created a service opportunity for children in foster care to be superheroes in their own way and to thank local superheroes-firefighters and police officers in the community. SOS Children’s Villages Illinois, a non-profit, child-welfare agency that serves children in foster care and at-risk youth in communities surrounding its sites, recognized local police officers and firefighters on National Superhero Day, April 28, 2017. National Superhero Day is an important part of SOS Illinois’ #RaisingSuperheroes campaign during Child Abuse Prevention Month and Foster Care Awareness Month (April and May respectively). The #RaisingSuperheroes campaign recognized children in foster care as superheroes, and allowed them an opportunity for the children at SOS Illinois to honor the real-life superheroes that keep the communities surrounding the SOS Illinois Villages safe. The children created lifesaver tumblers to thank police officers and firefighters for their courage. The gifts were then delivered to police and fire stations near each Village on National Superhero Day. “The children in our care accomplish great feats of courage on a daily basis. They do so with the love and support they receive from their Foster Parents and staff,” said Tim McCormick, CEO of SOS Children’s Villages Illinois. “I look forward to this opportunity for the children at SOS Illinois, who are all heroes in their own right, to meet and celebrate local heroes in the community.”

Job Losses Reported in More than Half of the Metro Areas

Unemployment rates were down over-the-year in all but one of Illinois’s metro areas. Six of the metro areas had increases in nonfarm jobs and eight reported declines, according to preliminary data released April, 27, 2017 by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) and the Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES). “This month’s report almost mirrors last month’s,” said IDES Director Jeff Mays. “The only difference is the overall increase in jobs is down when compared to last month. Even though the unemployment rate is lower, we still don’t have enough people working.” Illinois businesses added jobs in six metro areas, in which the largest increases were seen in: Kankakee (+1.1 percent, +500), Elgin (+0.6 percent, +1,500), and Springfield (+0.6 percent, +700). Total nonfarm jobs in the Chicago-Naperville-Arlington Heights Metro Division increased (+0.8 percent or +28,500). Illinois businesses lost jobs in eight metro areas including Carbondale-Marion (-2.6 percent, -1,500), Rockford (-2.3 percent, -3,500), and Peoria (-1.5 percent, -2,600). The industry sectors recording job growth in the majority of metro areas were: Education and Health Services (10 of 14), Professional and Business Services (nine of 14) and Mining and Construction (eight of 14).

Treasurer Frerichs Announces First Quarter Investment Return

A shift in investment strategy that embraced longer-term investments and higher yields allowed the state to more than double its investment income to $26 million in the first quarter of this year, Illinois State Treasurer Michael Frerichs said recently. The shift is possible after an analysis showed that core investment strategies could be more aggressive and still follow the office’s primary objective to ensure the safety of principal. “We had too many overnight investments that precluded us from earning higher rates,” Frerichs said. “We examined how money flows in and out of accounts, compared that flow to how much cash is needed to pay bills, and shifted our strategy so that we could earn more money in interest,” Frerichs said. “We did what households do every day. We looked to see how much money is needed in checking, what does that leave for savings, and what can be directed toward investing for our long-term goals.” The shift, along with higher market rates, enabled the state to double its investment income return in the first quarter of calendar year 2017. In Q1 2016, the state earned $12.753 million. In Q1 2017, the state earned $26.292 million. The earned interest increase in the $13 billion state portfolio is attributed to a move into longer-held positions; the legislative changed allowing investments into higher yielding corporate bonds; the investments into higher yielding municipal and supranational bonds; and the stability of the transportation lockbox legislation that prevented the Governor from using that money to pay non-transportation-related bills.

NAREB PROMOTES HOMEOWNERSHIP AS BEST WAY TO INCREASE BLACK WEALTH WASHINGTON- PRNewswire/ -- Black real estate professionals recently geared up to focus the nation’s attention on building Black wealth through homeownership during Realtist Week, which took place on April 23-29, 2017. Established by the National Association of Real Estate Brokers (NAREB) in the early 1970s, the event spotlights the important role Black homeownership plays in strengthening and stabilizing communities with a particular focus on the revitalization and desirability of the nation’s urban neighborhoods. Throughout the country, NAREB’s local chapters scheduled community events and activities that engaged social, civic and business organizations, as well as the Black church community as part of NAREB’s focused effort to Build Black Wealth through Homeownership. “NAREB has taken on the charge to encourage Black Americans to purchase homes as the first step toward building wealth. We have always aspired to be homeowners and live the American Dream. Now is the time for us to turn that aspiration into

reality; for ourselves, our families and for our future generations,” said Ron Cooper, NAREB president. Black homeownership has been on a steady decline since 2004 when it reached its peak of nearly 50%. Today, the Black homeownership rate hovers nationally, just below 42% compared to the nonHispanic white homeownership rate of just above 72%. “Our Realtist Week events in over 30 cities and more than 21 states demonstrates NAREB is at the forefront of Building Black Wealth Through Homeownership in the country,” stated Antoine M. Thompson, national executive director for NAREB. Realtist Week also serves as a showcase for NAREB’s new 2 Million New Black Homeowners in 5 Years program initiated to reverse the wealth drain among Black Americans. Realtist Week activities heighten the community’s and policymakers’ awareness about the importance of affordable homeownership. For more information about NAREB visit www. nareb.com.

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Carol H. Williams Inducted Into the American Advertising Federation Hall of Fame First Black Woman Creative Inductee

Survey Shows “Made in America” Resonates with Small Business Shoppers

(NEW YORK) -- The first woman and first African American to serve as creative director at a major advertising firm was inducted into the American Advertising Federation (AAF) Hall of Fame at a ceremony held at Cipriani Wall Street in New York City. Carol H. Williams is founder, president, and chief creative officer of Carol H. Williams Advertising and the first Black woman creative to be inducted into the Advertising Hall of Fame. She began her career at Leo Burnett advertising in 1970, where she became its first woman and African American vice president and creative director, and next worked at Foote Cone & Belding before launching her own firm in 1986. Ms. Williams was among seven advertising professionals inducted at the ceremony. She also received

ATLANTA, - An overwhelming number of Americans visit a local small business at least once a week, with slightly more than a quarter (27 percent) patronizing small businesses twice a week. According to the 2017 Cox Business Consumer Pulse on Small Businesses, only eight percent of survey respondents don’t visit any type of small business in an average week. Consumers may have a stronger sense of familiarity with the small business owners and employees who work in those businesses, according to the findings. However, survey respondents selected local support and convenience as the top reasons they go the “Main Street” route. When selecting their top three reasons for shopping and supporting small, the rundown ranked as follows: Local support – 67 percent Convenience – 63 percent Greater customer service (than a large business) – 50 percent Familiarity between respondents and small business owner/employees – 45 percent

Carol H. Williams

the distinguished David Bell Award, established by AAF in 2014 to recognize extraordinary and unique contributions and services to the advertising community and industry as a whole. Renetta E. McCann, chief talent officer at Leo Burnett, presented Ms. Williams her award. Ms. Williams body of

Web-based client portal lets community managers and board members manage business operations PHOENIX, AZ -- Associated Asset Management (AAM), a nationally recognized leader in community association management and accounting services for clients throughout the United States, propels into 2017 with the launch of new technology, BoardVue and Live Chat, to better deliver total peace of mind to their clients. BoardVue , AAM’s propriety web-based client portal, is a powerful tool that provides Community Managers and Board Members a unique collaborative platform to manage the business operations of each Association. It enables AAM clients to have interactive access to their Association’s records and activities, day or night and from any computer or mobile device. “Our office was the first to offer a test version of BoardVue to a couple of our communities,” said Janice Martinez, Regional Vice President of Central Valley Operations. “With BoardVue , our Board members are readily connected to their community’s

documents including announcements, Board documents, record archives, Board tasks, calendars and various reports. With access to documents in one central easy to navigate location, it has significantly increased overall efficiency, collaboration and oversight of the community’s day-to-day operations. This new revolutionary system was developed specifically to further deliver peace of mind to our clients.” “As a true partner of our clients, we recognize and appreciate that in order to ensure AAM consistently provides the level of care our client’s deserve, we need to first establish for them a high level of trust,” said Amanda Shaw, President of AAM. “We understand that a high level of trust must be earned by being transparent, communicative and accountable while empowering our clients to be well-informed. This is precisely why we developed BoardVue, to equip our Boards of Directors with a set of tools and resources to help effectively lead their

independently- and AfricanAmerican owned agencies in the nation. “To be recognized by the industry that I love is one of the best, there’s no feeling like it, said Carol H. Williams. “This is the proudest moment in my career.” Williams is a strategic creative who recognized the need for advertising that speaks to the sophisticated and influential AfricanAmerican and urban markets and forever changed the

landscape of multi-cultural messaging. The agency’s diverse team has created campaigns for clients that include Coors, General Motors, Allstate Insurance Company and The Walt Disney Company. Carol H. Williams Advertising was formed more than 30 years ago, and has offices in Chicago, Oakland, California,and New York. Its annual billings have exceeded $100 million for more than a decade.

work spans more than 40 years, and includes the timeless Secret Antiperspirant campaign “Strong Enough for a Man, But Made for a Woman”. She also has helped to launch and guide the careers of dozens of African Americans in creative fields through the agency she founded, which currently is one of the largest

Protect yourself from

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communities while also enhancing their experience as volunteer Board members.” AAM now offers a Live Chat feature available through their website to help better serve their homeowners. The Live Chat function is located on their www. homeownerresources.com site, positioned at the top of the homepage. Available during normal business hours, it can easily be activated by clicking the Live Chat icon and simply entering your name, email, topic for chat. Within minutes, homeowners are able to connect live with one of AAM’s highly trained customer service professionals that are ready to assist and provide a solution. “We recognize the true value of our homeowner’s time,” said Amanda Shaw. “As an industry leader, we are continuously developing ways to broaden our depth of resources and increase the overall satisfaction of our homeowners and Boards by consistently elevating the level of service, adaptability and accessibility we provide.”

These illnesses have serious consequences, but getting vaccinated can help keep you healthy. Talk to your pharmacist

Vaccines subject to availability. State-, ageand health-related restrictions may apply.

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Learn to Look Like a Star Regardless of Your Body Type The popularity of cosmetic procedures clearly illustrates how unsatisfied many women are with their bodies, but what if a few simple style tips could transform you into becoming more confident and attractive? Internationally celebrated wedding dress designer and author Rani St. Pucchi, who has styled countless celebrities and over 15,000 brides, says you can learn to flatter your figure if you know the style secrets of the professionals. In her new book, Your Body, Your Style https:// youtu.be/EsGKSzRCAYg St. Pucchi says that there are simple tricks on how to dress in a way to enhance your best features and camouflage those you’re not so fond of. By dressing strategically, you can boost your self-confidence and present yourself to the world in the way you want to be seen. Rani St. Pucchi answers questions like: How does planning your wardrobe help you make smarter style decisions? What steps can you take to develop your personal style? How can different colors impact your mood? What kinds of styles make you look more slender and conceal specific areas?

N E E K Z N I I T I C E H T 18

How can you dress appropriately for your age and still feel sexy? CREDENTIALS: For three decades Rani St. Pucchi has been an internationally recognized and award-winning designer of wedding dresses and the founder of St. Pucchi Bridal House. Her designs have been embraced by an all-star roster of celebrities, actresses, athletes, and singers and have been featured by global media. St. Pucchi is famous for designing the wedding dress worn by “Phoebe” on the finale of the hit television show Friends. Her couture collections have been shown on runways in Milan, the UK, Dusseldorf, Osaka, Saint Petersburg, New York, Chicago, and Dallas, among others. In addition to Your Body, Your Style she is also the author of The Soulmate Checklist and her forthcoming memoir, Unveiled: A Celebrity Fashion Designer’s Story. St. Pucchi has been featured by CNN, Entertainment Tonight, Cosmopolitan, E!, People magazine, Harper’s Bazaar, the Los Angeles Times, Brides, Town & Country, Martha Stewart Weddings, Huffington Post, and many more.


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J.Crew Group, Inc. Announces Strategic Organizational Changes

FashionMia updates its latest collections in the women’s clothing line HONG KONG -FashionMia, the leading online fashion store that prides itself in some of the trendiest collections of fashion clothing and accessories is filled with the hottest trends of the season for women at unbelievably affordable prices. FashionMia makes searching for women clothing online easy as they are dedicated to providing the very best of high-quality clothing for women that will make them standout and feel special. Every woman deserves to dress

right and doesn’t have to break the bank to get a good look. FashionMia’s line which includes some of the hottest spring and summer trends such as the Round Neck Keyhole Color Block Skater Dress, Awesome Printed Round Neck Slit Chiffon Maxi Dress, Fancy Band Collar Floral Hollow Out Skater Dress, an array of amazing bodycon dresses suitable for dates, parties and events and so much more. For more information, visit http://www.fashionmia.com

NEW YORK - J.Crew Group, Inc. (the “Company”) recently announced several strategic changes across its organization to better position the Company for sustainable and profitable growth. As a part of the strategic reorganization: Michael J. Nicholson, President, Chief Operating Officer and Chief Financial Officer of J.Crew Group, Inc. will additionally assume responsibility for the J.Crew Brand which includes the planning and allocation, merchandising, marketing and design functions. Mr. Nicholson joined J.Crew in 2016 and has been instrumental in directing and driving J.Crew’s strategic evolution. Mr. Nicholson has extensive experience across all aspects of retail and will continue to optimize operational excellence while leveraging the power of the iconic J.Crew brand. He will continue to report to Millard Drexler, Chairman and CEO. Lisa Greenwald has been named Chief Merchandising Officer of the J.Crew Brand. In her new role, Ms. Greenwald will oversee merchandising across J.Crew women’s, men’s, and crewcuts. Ms. Greenwald joined J.Crew in 2004 and has held various positions of increasing responsibility in both the J.Crew and Madewell merchandising organizations. Most recently, Ms. Greenwald served as Senior Vice President of Merchandising for Madewell where she leveraged her proven merchandising skills to build and grow the business. Ms. Greenwald will now report to Mr. Nicholson. J.Crew also recently announced that Somsack Sikhounmuong was named Chief Design Officer, effective April 5, 2017. In this role, he oversees the women’s, men’s and crewcuts’ design teams. Mr. Sikhounmuong has been with J.Crew since 2001, serving in various senior design roles, and from 2013-2015 he was Head of Design for Madewell where he was a key contributor to the brand’s success. Mr. Sikhounmuong will now report to Mr. Nicholson. Libby Wadle has been named President of the Madewell Brand. Most recently, Ms. Wadle served as President of the J.Crew Brand and joined the Company in 2004. Throughout her tenure, Ms. Wadle has held senior management roles across multiple functions of the business, including J.Crew Factory and Madewell. Ms. Wadle will continue to report to Millard Drexler, Chairman and CEO and is well positioned to lead the Madewell team into its next phase of growth. “We have an incredibly talented team of passionate leaders and will further leverage their strengths and talents as we continue to focus on making critical improvements in our business,” said Drexler.

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CITIZEN / Chicago Weekend / Week of May 3, 2017 / 9

8 / CITIZEN / Chicago Weekend / Week of May 3, 2017


NHS Hosts Workshops to Maintain and Repair Greystone and Vintage Homes



CHICAGO – Neighborhood Housing Services of Chicago’s (NHS) The Chicago Greystone & Vintage Home Program® is hosting a series of spring workshops to educate homeowners about how to best rehab and maintain a vintage home – from greystones and cottages to bungalows and raised ranches. The workshops are free to the public but space limited and registration is required. The schedule of available spring workshops is included below: Wednesday, May 3rd, 6-7:30 PM Greater Grand Crossing Branch Library 1000 E. 73rd St., Chicago, IL 60619 Thursday, May 4th, 6-7:30 PM North Pulaski Branch Library 4300 W. North Ave., Chicago, IL 60639 Wednesday, May 10th, 6-7:30 PM Greater Grand Crossing Branch Library 1000 E. 73rd St., Chicago, IL 60619

Gone Dark: What’s Happening with that Vacant Building?

Chicago still has thousands of vacant buildings left over from the Great Recession. Some are being held by investors waiting on better market conditions to sell or redevelop. Many others, unfortunately, are “stuck” in limbo. Learn about tools and resources available to unravel the story of why a building is vacant and how you can help keep such properties from being unduly demolished. For more information or to register visit nhschicago.org (click on “Learn How”) or call (773) 329-4111.

The Chicago Greystone & Vintage Home Program

Is a nationally recognized program that promotes historic preservation and appreciation for architectural improvements to low-income, minority communities throughout Chicago. Through the program, NHS uses design, preservation, and local history to build “pride of place,” to promote neighborhood reinvestment. The program also educates residents about their neighborhood’s rich cultural and architectural legacy, as well as how to care for their vintage home, and to foster an appreciation for aesthetic enhancements in the community. Event dates and times are subject to change without notice. Funding for the Chicago Greytsone & Vintage Home Program® is generously provided by the City of Chicago, the Alphawood Foundation, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the State Farm Insurance Companies. For more information about the Chicago Greystone & Vintage Home Program, visit nhschicago.org or call (773) 329-4111.


Headliners for the 2017 Printers Row Lit Fest were announced recently. The event, which will take place June 10-11, 2017, is the largest literary festival in the Midwest. Presented by the Chicago Tribune, Lit Fest is well-known for showcasing a diverse lineup of panelists, from internationally bestselling authors and literary luminaries to celebrity chefs and cultural icons. Headlining authors include NBA star Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (COACH WOODEN

CHICAGO WEEKEND COLLEGE SUMMER & FALL REGISTRATION IN PROGRESS Summer classes will begin at Chicago Weekend College on Monday, June 6th at the college’s Main Campus and Oak Forest Center. The summer session allows students to begin or continue their college experience with SSC, or to come home from their four-year institution to take additional credits conveniently and at a more affordable rate. SSC is also offering a special 50% discount for summer classes at the Oak Forest Center. The discount is only applicable at the Oak Forest Center in order to promote expanded offerings at this location, and is good for credit classes on a first come, first served basis. Some restrictions apply – the 50% discount will only apply to courses offered at the OFC, not programs such as Basic Nurse Assistant Training (BNAT). Open Registration for the Fall 2017 Semester at Chicago Weekend College (SSC) is in progress. The Admissions/ Registration areas are open Mondays through Thursdays 8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. and Fridays 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Apply online at www.ssc.edu to begin the enrollment process. New students

& ME); bestselling novelists Cory Doctorow (WALKAWAY) and Jonathan Safran Foer (HERE I AM); popular “Ask Amy” advice columnist Amy Dickinson (STRANGERS TEND TO TELL ME THINGS); Pulitzer Prize-winning poet Rita Dove (COLLECTED POEMS: 1974-2004); and Senator Al Franken, whose humorous and candid memoir, AL FRANKEN, GIANT OF THE SENATE, traces his journey from Saturday Night Live to the campaign trail and behind the scenes in the halls of Congress. Cultural conversation enthusiasts will discover plenty to discuss during presentations from Heather Ann Thompson, author of 2016 Pulitzer Prizewinning, BLOOD IN THE WATER; transgender activist and HBO’s The Trans List executive producer Janet Mock (SURPASSING CERTAINTY); and 2016 National Book Award-winner Ibram X Kendi (STAMPED FROM THE BEGINNING: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America). Food lovers will have the opportunity to view cooking demos by several renowned and celebrity chefs on the Food and Dining stage, including The Food Network’s Chopped judge Amanda Freitag (THE CHEF NEXT DOOR); PBS-TV’s Mexico-One Plate at a Time host Rick Bayless (MORE MEXICAN EVERYDAY); and Indian as Apple Pie blogger Anupy Singla (INDIAN FOR EVERYONE). The outdoor festival boasts an exciting new

The summer session allows students to begin or continue their college experience with Chicago Weekend College (SSC), or to come home from their four-year institution to take additional credits at a more affordable rate.

will receive an SSC email account and a “My SSC” Username & Password via email which will allow access to the online schedule and class registration. The “My SSC” portal also allows students 24-hour access during college closed periods. Fall classes begin Monday, August 21 at the college’s Main Campus and Oak Forest Center.

footprint this year, taking place on Dearborn Street, from Harrison Street to Polk Avenue, rounding the corner on Polk and continuing to State Street. The lively location will complement the extensive and dynamic programming at Jones College Prep High School and the Harold Washington Library. Supporting the robust lineup of author events, Lil Lit Park will showcase family-themed performances and activities (including parent-and-tot yoga), and hundreds of booksellers, publishers, and authors will offer books for purchase. The current lineup is available on the Printers Row Lit Fest website and on the Printers Row App. Additional speakers will be added in the coming months. Attendees can use the app to stay up to date and bookmark events they want to attend.

Detroit Institute of Arts presents “Art of Rebellion: Black Art of the Civil Rights Movement”

Exhibition of art asserting black identity and racial justice issues As part of a city-wide commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the 1967 Detroit rebellion, the Detroit Institute of Arts (DIA) presents “Art of Rebellion: Black Art of the Civil Rights Movement,” July 23–Oct. 22, 2017. The exhibition is free with museum admission, which is free for residents of

Contact the Office of Admissions at (708) 210-5718 for enrollment information. Contáctanos al (708) 210-5740 o a Latino@ssc.edu. SSC’s Main Campus is located at 15800 South State Street, South Holland, Illinois. The Oak Forest Center is located at 16333 South Kilbourn Avenue, Oak Forest, Illinois.

Wayne, Oakland and Macomb counties. Art of Rebellion” features 34 paintings, sculptures and photographs mostly by African American artists working both collectively and independently in the 1960s and 70s. Artists in the collectives created art for African American audiences that asserted black identity and racial justice and, situated within the story of these collectives, is the Detroit rebellion of 1967. The exhibition also includes works by artists who were not part of a collective and artists working in later decades who were inspired by art from the Civil Rights Movement. A scholarly catalog accompanies the exhibition. The exhibition is co-organized by the DIA and Detroit’s Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History, which is hosting a complementary exhibition, “Say it Loud: Art, History, Rebellion.” Both are part of a community-wide reflection on the Detroit rebellion of 1967 that involves about 100 local institutions led by the Detroit Historical Museum. Museum Hours and Admission 9 a.m.–4 p.m. Tuesdays–Thursdays, 9 a.m.–10 p.m. Fridays, 10 a.m.–5 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays. General admission (excludes ticketed exhibitions) is free for Wayne, Oakland and Macomb county residents and DIA members. For all others, $12.50 for adults, $8 for seniors ages 62+, $6 for ages 6–17. For membership information, call 313-833-7971.

www.thechicagocitizen.com • 52 years of serving the Black community


Gentleman Jack And Omari Hardwick Celebrate African American Filmmakers With Real To Reel Aspiring film creatives can enter now for a chance to win $10,000 and a VIP trip to Miami Beach in the following cities: LYNCHBURG, Tenn. Gentleman Jack Double Mellowed Saint Louis: April 27 Tennessee Whiskey is joining with Los Angeles: April 28 Codeblack Entertainment and Chicago: May 11 TVOne to support and highlight New York City: May 20* bold, new African American voices Atlanta: June 4* in film, with its Real to Reel Houston: June 8 contest. Participating filmmakers Miami: TBA (Final) across the country will have a *Denotes Omari Hardwick appearance. chance to win $10,000 and a VIP And dates may change. trip to Miami Beach to screen their “We are thrilled to team with Omari short film for an exclusive audience, Hardwick, Codeblack Entertainment and alongside writer, producer and TVOne to recognize the emerging talent award-winning actor, Omari in African American film,” says Tracey Hardwick. Johnson, Multicultural Marketing Manager, Real to Reel is a rare Brown-Forman. “As filmmaking continues opportunity for new filmmakers to evolve, Gentleman Jack is proud to to screen their work for industry celebrate the creativity, passion and insiders,” said Omari Hardwick. inspiration behind the next big filmmaker “As a writer and actor who owns in the African American community.” Gentleman Jack Double Mellowed Tennessee Whiskey is joining with Codeblack Entertainment and a production company, I am The Gentleman Jack Real to Reel personally excited to collaborate with TVOne to support and highlight bold, new African American voices in film. contest is only open to individuals who Gentleman Jack on such necessary have created, directed and/or written a film a seven-city tour, with local film screening events to recognition of Black talent behind the camera.” (in which they own the rights). Entrants must be showcase the works of additional aspiring African The short film entries submitted online for the 21 years old or older at the time of submission. American filmmakers. The local events will feature national competition will be judged by a panel of Entries close on May, 21 2017 at 11:59pm. For more a panel discussion around the selected films, and industry experts, and will be based on the following information on the program, contest submissions, attendees will also have an opportunity to vote for their criteria: screenwriting, production quality and Official Rules and local screening events, visit favorite short film, with the winner recognized at the entertainment value. Real to Reel will also feature GentlemanJackFilm.com. final local screening event. Local screenings will be held

Chicago Art Department’s 2nd Annual Crystal Ball Honors Amanda Williams and Mothers Everywhere Chicago, IL – On Saturday, May 13th, Chicago Art Department (CAD) will present its second annual Crystal Ball, the organization’s yearly fundraising event at their location in Pilsen. The evening is a celebration of CAD’s resident artists, vibrant community, and vision for the coming year. As the event falls on Mother’s Day weekend, the celebration will tie into maternal themes celebrating artists who are mothers and work connected to motherhood and feminine identity. At the ball, CAD is particularly excited to be honoring one of their favorite mothers, artist Amanda Williams, who’s socially conscious and multi-disciplinary work has involved projects as varied as painting vacant houses in Englewood vibrant colors and a recent appointment to help design the Obama Foundation’s Chicago library. “Amanda Williams’ work continues to inspire people of all kinds in Chicago and Chicago Art Department’s audience in particular,” says CAD Executive Director, Mike Nourse. “Her work in areas of urban design, advocacy for the arts, and youth mentoring have contributed greatly to our community, and we are ecstatic to celebrate her work as an artist (and mother) at this year’s Crystal Ball.” The fundraiser is integral in subsidizing residency costs, furthering CAD’s education and outreach programming, and raising capital necessary to support organizational operating expenses, but the night is far from

a traditional gala. The colorful event will closely match the character and passions of CAD and its community through extraordinary art, music, workshops, and plenty of food and drink. Guests will be able to participate in a silent auction featuring items from Thompson Chicago, Southwest Airlines, Boka Restaurant Group, Goodman Theatre, and the Chicago White Sox, as well as art curated from some of the city’s most prominent voices. Additionally, the night will feature a site-specific installation and crystal readings by artist Dana Major, live music curated by resident AMFM, making opportunities and takeaways fromDelicious Design League, custom poetry from Poems While You Wait, future reports by Documents Bureau, tarot readings from Rhonda Wheatley, and a host of other activities from CAD’s residents and friends. Crystal Ball co-chair Chris Smith says, “Nobody likes asking for money, and so we’re seeking to make a night that feels more like a great party than a fundraiser. The work CAD is doing in the Pilsen community and for the Chicago art scene at large is beyond important; the Crystal Ball is a fun and very affordable way to come be a part of that magic.” Individual tickets and packages are available here: http://www.chicagoartdepartment.org/ crystalball2017/

Sundial Brands Honors Tina Knowles Lawson With The Inaugural Community Commerce Impact Award AMITYVILLE, N.Y. - PRNewswire/ -- Sundial Brands, a leading skincare and haircare manufacturer recently awarded fashion icon, entrepreneur and philanthropist Tina Knowles Lawson with its first Community Commerce Impact Award, presented by SheaMoisture. Sundial founder & CEO Richelieu Dennis presented “Miss Tina” with the honor during the Variety Power of Women Luncheon at Cipriani Midtown in New York City, where she was among six other honorees recognized for dedicating their time and energy to philanthropic and community efforts that improve the world. Her fellow 2017 Power of Women honorees include Jessica Chastain, Chelsea Clinton, Gayle King, Blake Lively, Audra McDonald and Shari Redstone.

www.thechicagocitizen.com • 52 years of serving the Black community

CITIZEN / Chicago Weekend / Week of May 3, 2017 / 11

10 / CITIZEN / Chicago Weekend / Week of May 3, 2017



> Profile > Inspirations > Bible verse

GUIDEPOSTS OURPRAYER AND TEAM JESUS MAGAZINE EXPAND THE GOSPEL THROUGH CONTENT AND PRAYER. Guideposts’ OurPrayer and Team Jesus Magazine Announce Strategic Partnership to Promote Prayer and Christian Content ATLANTA- PRNewswire/ -- OurPrayer, the online prayer ministry of Guideposts, and Team Jesus Magazine, the digital Christian playbook and media outlet, announced recently a strategic partnership to integrate Christian content and prayer services across their mutual platforms. The synergy between the two organizations provides their respective communities with increased access to uplifting and informative Christian articles and unifies users under the banner of prayer. Guideposts OurPrayer and Team Jesus Magazine Expand the Gospel Through Content and Prayer. Guideposts-OurPrayer and Team Jesus Magazine will co-develop and Manager of OurPrayer. co-market Christian content and campaigns across all “It’s an honor to grow up on Guideposts’ content digital platforms. As Team Jesus Magazine integrates and now call them a valued partner in Christian media,” the OurPrayer online prayer request service on its site, said Team Jesus Magazine publisher, Kim J. Bright. “The their community will now have the ability to submit opportunity to share OurPrayer’s expertise in prayer prayers 24 hours a day, 365 days per year, as well as the ministry complements every section of our magazine – we opportunity to unite in prayer for others. As OurPrayer all need prayer to be effective members of Team Jesus.” promotes and shares Team Jesus Magazine’s content, Guideposts-OurPrayer and Team Jesus Magazine the 60-year-old non-profit enhances its portfolio of look forward to sharing and engaging with both quality Christian content and expands its reach into new communities through their digital and social media demographics. presence. Follow Team Jesus Magazine and OurPrayer “It’s always exciting to partner with ministries on social media to stay informed of upcoming like Team Jesus Magazine who are like-minded in announcements. For more information about OurPrayer encouraging the hearts of God’s people. We look forward or to submit a prayer request, visit OurPrayer.org. For to the joy of communities collaborating to expand the more information about Team Jesus Magazine or to read gospel through content and prayer,” said Ty’Ann Brown, today’s featured “play call,” visit TeamJesusMag.com.


Proverbs 29:23 - A man’s pride shall bring him low: but honour shall uphold the humble in spirit.

If you have a calendar item or news event that you would like to include in the Citizen’s church news section, please submit your information to editorial@ thechicagocitizen.com. You can also mail your information to: The Chicago Citizen Newspaper Inc., 8741 S. Greenwood Ave., Chicago,Illinois 60619, Attn: Church News

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from Rev. Dr. Derrick B. Wells,

Senior Minister of Christ Universal Temple



hen living the inspired life, we must decide whether the inspiration God gives us will be nurtured by our design, or ignored by default. American politician Frank Clark said, “What great accomplishments we would have in the world if everyone had done what they intended to do.” So why do we sometimes lack the necessary inspiration to execute? While in Canada, I once saw a beautiful piece of graffiti art that said, “We’re inspired but too tired.” An inspired life is a choice wholly based upon attitude rather than circumstance. If you do not develop your own design and become responsible for how your inspiration will be used, you will by default empower other people and circumstances to not only direct, but also benefit from your inspiration. Your design setting directs inspiration according to your vision, while your default setting directs inspiration according to your script. The design setting gives clarity to the pattern. The default setting gives you back the baggage and excuses of past failings. True inspiration enables us to push past the humdrum existence in which we now find ourselves. When we are truly inspired it is as if the very breath and life of Christ is arousing, animating, and empowering us with the Spirit to do something amazing. Inspiration links us with divine influence and brings us back to our purpose, for inspiration and purpose are always synchronized. Job 32:8 says, “There is a spirit in man and the breath of the almighty gives them understanding.” Get in sync with the divine design of your inspiration. It will help you better understand the unique gifts that reinforce your unique contribution to the world. Now is the appointed time to live an inspired life. Address: 11901 S Ashland Ave, Chicago, IL 60643 Phone: (773) 568-2282 www.cutemple.org

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LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given, pursuant to "An Act in relation to the use of an Assumed Business Name in the conduct or transaction of Business in the State, as amended, that a certification was registered by the undersigned with the County Clerk of Cook County. Registration Number: D17150423 on April 11, 2017 Under the Assumed Business Name of TWO ROADS THEATRE PROJECT with the business located at: 1474 W FOSTER AVENUE 3E, CHICAGO, IL 60640.The true and real full name and residence address of the owner is: AUDRA JULIET BLASER 1474 W. FOSTER AVENUE, 3E CHICAGO, IL 60640,USA __________________________________ PRIVATE FOUNDATION ANNUAL NOTICE The annual report of the BENJAMIN F. & ERNESTINE BURTON FOUNDATION Is available at the address noted below, for inspection during normal business hours, by any Citizen who so requests within 180 days after the publication of this notice of its availability BENJI F. & ERNESTINE BURTON 4212 CEDARWOOD LANE MATTESON, IL 60443 ALICE S WALKER, PRES. (708) 747­1094. __________________________________ Notice is hereby given, pursuant to "An Act in relation to the use of an Assumed Business Name in the conduct or transaction of Business in the State, as amended, that a certification was registered by the undersigned with the County Clerk of Cook County. Registration Number: D17150477 on April 12, 2017 Under the Assumed Business Name of ORGANIZING with the business located at: 9653 S.YALE, CHICAGO, IL 60628.The true and real full name and residence address of the owner is: DONNA C. LAWRENCE 9653 S. YALE CHICAGO, IL 60628, USA __________________________________

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12 / CITIZEN / Chicago Weekend / Week of May 3, 2017


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