Hyde park august 24 2016

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Week of August 24, 2016 Vol 27 • No 40 • www.thechicagocitizen.com




Hyde Park

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ENTERTAINMENT People Standing (Left to Right) Jeff Daniels Asiah Forney Robert Qualls Isaiah Adams John Owens Keelan Moore Senyatta Linton Isaiah Shurn Two people holding sign kneeling down (left to right) Amandilo Cruzan Akeem McDore

Fun Fresh Veggie Farm Days in Bronzeville By Monique Smith


ood Deserts is often a phrase you hear when it comes to a lack of access to fresh, healthy and nutritious food options in the African American community. As defined by the United States Department of Agriculture, food deserts are defined as parts of the country vapid of fresh fruit, vegetables, and other healthful whole foods, usually found in impoverished areas. This is largely due to a lack of grocery stores, farmers’ markets, and healthy food providers. A lack of healthy food choices has become a big problem because while food deserts are often short on whole food providers, especially fresh fruits and vegetables, they are heavy on local quickie marts that provide a wealth of processed and sugary foods as well as fat laden food choices. The latter have been contributing factors to America’s obesity epidemic.


www.thechicagocitizen.com • 51 years of serving the Black community


2 / CITIZEN / Hyde Park / Week of August 24, 2016

myneighborhood Briefly

Rap Music Legend Darryl “DMC” McDaniels Discusses New Book The DuSable Museum of African American History in conjunction with the Seminary Co-op Bookstores will present rap music legend Darryl “DMC” McDaniels, who will discuss and sign copies of his new book, Ten Ways Not to Commit Suicide, on Friday, August 26, 2016 from 6:30 PM until 9:00 PM. The event will take place at the Museum which is located at 740 East 56th Place (57th and South Cottage Grove Avenue) in Chicago. In this moving memoir, the legendary rap star and co-founder of Run D.M.C. keeps it a hundred percent, speaking out about his battle with depression and overcoming suicidal thoughts which is one of the most devastating, yet little known health issues plaguing the Black community today. The discussion and book signing for Darryl “DMC” McDaniels and Ten Ways Not to Commit Suicide is free and open to the public, however, reservations are required. Please make reservations at: 1466.blackbaudhosting. com/1466/DarrylDMC-McDaniels-on-Ten Ways-Not-to-CommitSuicide-at-the-DuSableMuseum-of-AfricanAmerican. Copies of the book will be available at $26.99, plus tax each or the book may be purchased in advance at the Seminary Co-op Bookstores, 5751 South Woodlawn Avenue, Chicago. The DuSable Museum of African American History is open Tuesday through Saturday, from 10:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. and Sunday from noon until 5:00 p.m. The DuSable Museum of African American History is one of the oldest institutions of its kind in the country. For more information on the Museum and its programs, please call (773) 947-0600 or visit www.dusablemuseum.


Coalition Makes Push for Safe Roads Amendments polls consistently show overwhelming public a majority of those voting in the election, to SPRINGFIELD – A coalition of business, support for the idea that user fees collected for become part of the Illinois Constitution and labor and construction groups is launching roads should be used for roads. If the ballot prevent lawmakers from shifting these funds a statewide public education campaign for a language was that simple, there would be no again. constitutional amendment on the Nov. 8 ballot need for a major educational campaign,” said Coalition leaders say the campaign – that it says will protect Illinois’ investment in Michael Sturino, President and CEO of the featuring the website and online advocacy, its critical transportation infrastructure. Illinois Road and Transportation Builders grassroots organizing and television and Citizens to Protect Transportation Association. “Unfortunately, what will appear radio advertising – will revolve around a clear Funding recently announced it already has on the ballot is confusing and complex legalese. message: Protecting Illinois’ transportation raised nearly $1.2 million for an aggressive Transportation advocates want to cut through funding with the Amendment means safer advocacy campaign to educate Illinois voters the noise so that voters will be prepared to roads, a stronger economy and is the only way about the need to support the Safe Roads vote ‘yes’ on the amendment without having to to hold Springfield accountable for future Amendment. The group has a new website for parse the technical language while in the voting spending. voters to learn about the campaign and join “Investing in transportation infrastructure booth.” the effort: http://www.saferoadsamendment. “There is strong public support for com/. making sure the money government Lawmakers in the Illinois collects for our roads and bridges goes House and Senate in May “This is an unusual campaign because polls to our roads and bridges,” said Todd approved House Joint Resolution consistently show overwhelming public Maisch, co-chair of TFIC and president Constitutional Amendment support for the idea that user fees collected and CEO of the Illinois Chamber of 36, which calls for Illinois to for roads should be used for roads. If the ballot Commerce. “Our coalition is running the put transportation funding in a language was that simple, there would be no campaign these three months leading lockbox. A study by the advocacy into the Nov. 8 election to clearly explain group Transportation for Illinois need for a major educational campaign.” how a lack of transportation funding Coalition, whose members are has put our safety and economy in driving this ballot initiative jeopardy, and why an easy solution is to campaign, found more than $6.8 support this amendment to put these funds in has both immediate and long-term positive billion in funds earmarked for transportation a lockbox.” effects on the Illinois economy,” added Marc were swept out of the state’s Road Fund and “The key to improving our economy Poulos, Executive Director of the Indianaused for non-transportation spending over is investing in our transportation system,” more than a dozen years – including more than Illinois-Iowa Foundation for Fair Contracting. said Michael Kleinik, co-chair of TFIC and “Construction projects create and sustain $500 million in transportation dollars just last executive director of the Chicago Laborers employment for Illinois workers. Raiding year. District Council-LMCC. “By voting yes on transportation funding has cost Illinois nearly The constitutional amendment will the amendment, we can end the dangerous 5,000 jobs over the last decade, and it’s costing appear as the first question Illinois voters see practice that has put our roads and bridges the average driver $441 every year in vehicle when they go to the polls this fall and is the at risk and move our state forward. We look repairs, as well as wasted time and fuel costs only constitutional amendment approved by forward to reaching voters in many ways to because of congestion on our roads.” the Legislature this spring. It needs 60 percent build support in the coming weeks.” “This is an unusual campaign because of voters approving the question, or more than

Fun Fresh Veggie Farm Days in Bronzeville Continued from page 1

The food desert problem has in fact become such an issue that the USDA has outlined a map of the nation’s food deserts. According to the United States Department of Agriculture, eating a diet rich in vegetables and fruits as part of an overall healthy diet may reduce the risk of heart disease, including heart attacks and strokes. Eating a diet rich in some vegetables and fruits as part of an overall healthy diet may also protect against certain types of cancers and other diseases. People who have diets rich in foods containing fiber, such as some vegetables and fruits, may reduce the risk of heart disease, obesity, type 2 diabetes and lower high blood pressure. The Centers for New Horizons in the

Bronzeville community hosted a Farm, Fitness, & Fresh Produce Harvest Day on Saturday, August 20th on 42nd and Calumet. “The community garden was started 3 years ago by John Owens, Centers for New Horizons Director of Community Outreach and Dr. Sokoni Karanja, Founder of Center For New Horizons as a way to present opportunities for youth within the community based around healthy and sustainable living,” said one of the event organizers, Mac Gordon. Many residents throughout the community; (including seniors, children, and families of all demographics) come to the garden to not only purchase fresh, locally grown produce, but to also learn various methods on how to prepare the produce.

“We hope to teach our community how to live healthy, sustainable lifestyles by developing healthier food options that are currently nonexistent in most of our local food stores,” said Gordon. Community gardens are popping up all over Chicago and community growers are not in it for the money. According to a report by The American Nutrition Association and the British Food Journal, the average urban farm sees sales of just under $54,000 a year. Gordan says the Bronzeville Community garden is open to the community throughout the year, “so our hopes are to continue expanding our resources, and outreach, to all of our Bronzeville residents & neighbors,” he said.

www.thechicagocitizen.com • 51 years of serving the Black community



CITIZEN / Hyde Park / Week of August 24, 2016 / 3

Virtual Reality Hackathon Kicks Off in September Dhat Stone High Tech Learning Academy (Compton, CA) and Bay Area Tutoring Association (Oakland, CA) recently announced plans to host the highly-anticipated ‘We Are Code’ Virtual Reality Hackathon during Labor Day weekend (Sept. 3-4, 2016). The live streaming coding competition between youth teams in Compton, CA (SoCal) and Oakland, CA (NorCal) will involve nearly one hundred 7-to-11th graders from each area. While the event’s final stage planning persists, diverse and unrivaled partners continue to pledge support for the unique project. Multi-genre artiste Ben Vereen, virtual reality innovator Oculus VR, Inc., reputable social justice, civil rights and political activism organization Rainbow PUSH and hip-hop rapper Nipsey Hussle each have committed unique forms of sponsorship to this first-of-its-kind programming competition. The ‘We Are Code’ VR Hackathon experience inside host sites, NASA Columbia Memorial Space Center (Compton) and East Oakland Youth Development Center (Oakland), will create a platform for teams of youth to attend workshops on virtual reality technology, animation design, mobile apps and website design, innovation and creativity realized through partnerships with computer programmers and technology specialists. The objective of ‘We Are Code’ VR Hackathon is to ignite a passion for innovation and inspire youth of color to come up with their best mobile apps or website ideas that attempt to solve issues in their respective communities. Over the event’s two days, the hackathon will be transformed into a lively virtual reality space, where the youth take center stage with coding classes, interactive virtual reality sessions, healthy meals and refreshments and fun! Skills to be learned include communication, code thinking, teamwork, entrepreneurship and out-of-the-box thinking according to a press release. The live-streamed competition between SoCal and NorCal students will allow finalists to exhibit their projects, prototypes or designs to a panel of professional judges to win cash and other prizes, along with the incubation of their ideas. The program is being designed to ensure two full fun-filled days with musical performances, community leaders, celebrity guests, space center simulations and an inspirational learning fest. Reverend Jesse Jackson, Sr., founder and president of Rainbow PUSH Coalition commented, “We offer congratulations to Dhat Stone Academy

(Compton) and Bay Area Tutoring Association (Oakland)—founders and co-producers of the “We Are Code” Virtual Reality Hackathon—for preparing youth in underserved communities to compete on equal footing for employment and entrepreneurship in the digital work space.” For end of day entertainment, accomplished and versatile stage and film actor and singer BenVereen will be on-site in Compton, CA on both competition days. Vereen said, “Give the young people the tools they need today to make our tomorrow better and brighter with positivity.” Additionally, one of the 21st century’s most revered singer-songwriters and founder of the Agape International Spiritual Center Choir, Rickie Byars Beckwith will perform two solo selections on Saturday evening. Acclaimed hip-hop rapper Nipsey Hussle will also perform live for the youth. Dhat Stone Academy and Bay Area Tutoring Association also announced that Mary T. Duda, president and CEO of SCiOart Inc., will deliver the weekend’s keynote address. She is a Media Eco-System expert in Virtual & Augmented Reality and educational initiatives. Duda is the woman behind the buzz … “NASA meets NASCAR,” the Moon Racing Challenge (MRC), that is the first virtual gaming experience for PCs and arcade cabinets. MRC accurately renders NASA’s physical and topographical data of the moon, while sitting in a full motion seat that operates like a rocket ship on wheels. Duda infuses virtue into the virtual— creating games that are engaging, entertaining and enlightening. The simultaneous live-streaming coding sessions and related activities will take place Saturday and Sunday, September 3-4, 2016 from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm at the following venues: NorCal: East Oakland Youth Development Center (EOYDC) 8200 International Blvd., Oakland, CA 94621 SoCal: NASA Columbia Memorial Space Center (CMSC) 12400 Columbia Way, Downey, CA 90242 All competitors will receive gifts donated by sponsors. First place Hackathon winners in both Compton and Oakland will receive cash prizes, VR headsetsprovided by Oculus VR, Inc.—a virtual reality company recently acquired by Facebook, Inc.—and a chance to have their application ideas developed through a business incubator. Unofficial Cardboard will create engaging virtual reality experiences using smart phones.

The goal of the ‘We Are Code’ virtual reality hackathon is to create a learning environment where students from underserved, urban communities can participate in STEM education and technology design, and explore careers in the rapidly advancing world of high technology. Ben Vereen, Oculus VR, Rainbow PUSH and Nipsey Hussle, among others, are supporting the competition.

Domestic Workers Celebrate Hard-Fought Landmark Victory District) in the Senate, and Rep. Elizabeth Chicago, IL) --Illinois home cleaners, Hernandez (D-24th District) in the House, nannies and care workers recently ensures that home cleaners, nannies, care celebrated a significant victory in the workers, and other domestic workers receive growing movement for domestic workers’ the state minimum wage, protection against rights through the state’s first Domestic sexual harassment, as well as a day of rest Workers Bill of Rights. After a five-year “This is one step if they are employed by one employer for campaign led by the Illinois Domestic in a long process. at least 20 hours a week by amending four Workers Coalition, the state’s 35,000 state laws that previously excluded domestic workers won a monumental change in After so many years workers: the Minimum Wage Law, the state law. The 1938 federal Fair Labor of struggling to get Illinois Human Rights Act, the One Day of Standards Act explicitly excluded domestic by, and so many Rest in Seven Act, and the Wages of Women workers, majority of whom are Black trips to Springfield, and Minors Act. women, women of color and immigrant I can finally say that House sponsor Rep. Elizabeth women, and was mimicked by many we won! Now we Hernandez noted the importance of the states, including Illinois. domestic workforce in Illinois: “Domestic Following years of worker organizing, need to make sure workers are essential for the economy, but on Friday August 12th, Gov. Rauner that all domestic too often are excluded. That is, until now.” signed House Bill 1288 into law granting workers know Workers like Maria Esther Bolaños Illinois domestic workers the same their rights, and shared stories of working without legal protections that other workers have had that employers protections: “When I started working as a for generations. Polish domestic worker Magdalena nanny, I worked from 6am to 5pm earning know their Zylinska reflected on the five-year Illinois $12 a day. With the signing of this law, we responsibilities Domestic Worker Coalition’s campaign: have come out of the shadows. Domestic under the new law.” “This is one step in a long process. After workers are finally visible in society, with so many years of struggling to get by, and equal protections under the law. Together, we so many trips to Springfield, I can finally are going to make history.” say that we won! Now we need to make Wendy Pollack, director of the Women’s sure that all domestic workers know their rights, and that Law and Policy Project at the Sargent Shriver National employers know their responsibilities under the new law.” Center on Poverty Law who led the legislative advocacy on The new law, sponsored by Sen. Ira Silverstein (D-8th the bill, explained the employer mindset change: “We talk to

employers, many of them sincerely care about the workers they employ, and often think of them as part of the family, but then they don’t make the leap to the fact that there exists an employer-employee relationship between them. That’s why we plan to do outreach and education for both domestic workers and their employers about their rights and responsibilities under the new state law and the existing federal law.“ Yomara Velez, States Strategy Organizer at the National Domestic Workers Alliance, noted the significance of the Illinois victory on a national scale: “The Illinois Domestic Workers Bill of Rights marks the seventh state win of the domestic workers movement, which had its first legislative victory in New York in 2010. We are another state closer to ensuring that all domestic workers, who care for our children, our loved ones living with disabilities, our aging parents, and our homes, have respect, dignity, and the support to take care of their own families.” Home care worker Grace Padao reflected on the coalition and the path to victory, “We won because we are organized. We won because we are united. We won because we are brave women who stood in front of politicians and said, we will not be denied! From this day forward, domestic workers in Illinois will never have to endure the conditions I did.” Rev. Oscar Varnadoe gave a blessing over the workers, prefacing his prayer with his own connection to the campaign: “This is personal. My mother was a domestic worker. As a young boy growing up in the Englewood community, I saw what she was going through. Blessings you my sisters for the work have done and for the work you ahead.”

www.thechicagocitizen.com • 51 years of serving the Black community

CITIZEN / Hyde Park / Week of August 24, 2016 / 5 4 / CITIZEN / Hyde Park / Week of August 24, 2016



agencies, anytime and anywhere Illinois State Fair App – provides information to enhance the state fair experience for visitors, volunteers, and vendors Department of Innovation & Technology (DoIT) – offers access to technology services, information, and products ISAC (Illinois Student Assistance Commission) Student Mobile Portal – helps students and parents with the college planning process The new version of the ISAC Student Mobile Portal is now available as a highly responsive mobile site that provides students and families with access to free tools and resources that can help them make smart decisions about college and financial aid. DoIT will continue to develop and deploy a wide variety of mobile responsive applications that increase the ways Illinois citizens can access their state government services, as well as streamline how state employees provide those services.

Citizens Bank Names Lamont Young Head of Digital (Black PR Wire)--Citizens Bank recently announced the appointment of Lamont Young as Head of Digital. Young will also continue to manage his existing responsibilities for Multi-Channel Marketing. With more than 20 years of digital and marketing experience in the consumer goods and financial services industries, Young will oversee Citizens strategic investments in digital, online and mobile banking, digital marketing, user experience and social media. Young was also named to the Executive Committee for Citizens Consumer Bank. “Our digital capabilities are increasingly important to our customers and to our businesses,” said Beth Johnson, chief marketing officer and head of Consumer strategy for Citizens. “To meet our

Lamont Young

customers’ evolving needs, we are continuing to optimize our digital strategy and distribution capabilities to enable them to able to bank when, where and how they want. Lamont’s breadth of experience in digital and marketing will be pivotal to helping us move forward in this


William Garth, Sr, CEO of the CItizen Newspaper Group, INC

Illinois Goes Mobile SPRINGFIELD, IL – The days of employees alike, for tools such as event calling or visiting an office for assistance participation, business and personal are quickly disappearing. Today, people license access and renewals, and want to find information and answers government services information,” Bhatt when and where it’s most convenient recently stated. for them, which is often from a mobile The newly released mobile apps device. To coincide with that growing can be downloaded at Going Mobile in preference, the Department of Innovation & Technology (DoIT) is releasing four new mobile responsive “As part of our Illinois “FIRST” initiative, applications to provide we are accelerating Going Mobile in Illinois citizens with easier access and are launching a new app every month. to government services and These apps provide easy to use solutions information. for citizens and state employees alike, for The Department of tools such as event participation, business Innovation & Technology (DoIT), under the direction and personal license access and renewals, of Hardik Bhatt, Illinois CIO and government services information” and Secretary Designate, is on a progressive path toward making Illinois more efficient and effective through the use of technology. “As Illinoisand are available for both Apple part of our Illinois “FIRST” initiative, and Android devices. DoIT will feature we are accelerating Going Mobile in the following new apps in the Governor’s Illinois and are launching a new app Tent during the Illinois State Fair: every month. These apps provide easy ILocate –provides tools to find to use solutions for citizens and state services provided by Illinois state

FRI, AUG. 26-SUN, AUG. 28

Bringing our readers vital news on local and national business issues that impact the communities we serve.

space.” Prior to assuming his new role, Young served as senior vice president of digital and direct marketing, a position he held since joining Citizens in 2012. Previously, Young held several leadership positions with Bank of America in digital sales, digital media, and content development. Before joining Bank of America, Young founded a firm that provided web and design services to small business. Young earned his BS in Marketing from Penn State University and his Master of Business Administration from Winthrop University. Young is a member of several organizations including Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, the American Marketing Association, the Consumer Bankers Association Digital Committee and the National Association of Black MBA’s.


SECC and Bank of America Renew Business Development Partnership CHICAGO - The South East Chicago Commission (SECC) recently announced a renewed grant partnership with Bank of America for SECC’s Business District Program for the second consecutive year. This funding will help SECC, a City of Chicago Neighborhood Business Development Center (NBDC), provide technical assistance and build capacity of businesses within its five-community footprint on the mid-South Side: Hyde Park, Kenwood, Oakland, Washington Park and Woodlawn. “Bank of America’s investment will allow us to reach more individuals and families, helping them regain and maintain financial stability through access to strong and vibrant business corridors, which ultimately makes financial lives better in the Chicago area,” said SECC Executive Director Wendy Walker Williams. SECC’s Business District Program activities include: • Conducting business consultations with small businesses looking to start up or grow, help refer businesses to financial counseling, business planning, access to training and resources, and applying for City licenses and permits. • Facilitating skills development for small businesses such as marketing City programs, arranging for local experts to speak at workshops, and hosting networking events. • Providing economic development support in business corridors (e.g., helping to fill storefront vacancies and marketing TIF programs and projects). • Playing an active role in driving neighborhood safety efforts by convening small businesses and Chicago Police Department (CPD)/ Chicago Alternative Policing Strategy (CAPS) representatives. • Organizing Small Business Saturday events and activities. “We’re honored to partner with SECC for a second year and continue to support residents of South Side communities by helping to provide access to the resources they need to lay a foundation for a stable financial life, and in turn, drive economic growth,” said Paul Lambert, Chicago market president, Bank of America. “Our philanthropic investments, in organizations such as SECC are key demonstrations of our efforts to build thriving communities in support of our purpose to make people’s financial lives better.” The funding provided last year from Bank of America enabled the SECC to host four kick-off events and offer a free passport-style coupon book, with more than $200 in savings from local businesses, for Small Business Saturday in November. The events helped shine a spotlight on Woodlawn and Hyde Park small businesses and attracted local media attention, including a live interview with SECC Executive Director Wendy Walker Williams and Jake Sapstein, owner of Robust Coffee in Woodlawn, on ABC 7 Chicago.

www.thechicagocitizen.com • 51 years of serving the Black community


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8/17/16 5:30 PM

on the go

6 / CITIZEN / Hyde Park / Week of August 24, 2016

CITIZEN / Hyde Park / Week of August 24, 2016 / 7 T:10.75 in

Salvation Army Ray and Joan Kroc Jesse Owens ParkCOOK AdvisorCELEBRATES Council Celebrates the 80th year REAL MEN 18 YEARS Corps Community Center

Jerome Photo 312.375.5704 Jerome Photo 312.375.5704

Photos by Jerome Photography 312.375.5704

Anniversary of his Olympic Feat

(L-R) Major Darlene Harvey, Salvation Army; Benny the Bull, Major Ald. Carrie Austin (34), center, poses with Ald. Sandi Jackson (7), left, and Sandi’s Thousands of attendees streamed into the Kroc Center David Harvey, Salvation Army; Lt. Colonel Ralph Bukiewicz, Salvation Army sites and Governor Pat Quinn cut the ceremonial ribbon. children Jesse III and Jessica. Real Men Cook celebrates it’s 18th Year Anniversary by celebrating at 18 different on its grand opening day. (Photo by Thelma Sardin) This year, Real Men Cook celebrated in the parking lot of the Regal Theater with Chef (Photo by Thelma around the city. Real Men Cook celebrations are held annually on Father’s Day. This Sardin) (Photo by Thelma Sardin) Lawrence Ludlow serving up his famous chicken. year, the of the location included the University of Chicago at the Maryann Mosque.

QBG Foundation QbG FOUNDATION MENTORING SESSION Mentees participated in a special creative expression project that required them to list, in their opinion, their top five positive attributes without The family of Jesse Owens accepts art in his honor. The painting listing physical traits. will hang in Jesse Owens Park. Pictured left to right are Beverly Illinois State Senator Donnie They were then Trotter. 17 Dist. praises Jesse Owens' accomplishments in the black Prather, Malcolm Hemphill, Gloria Hemphill, Marlene Rankin, asked toin portraythe community and United States during the Olympics in 1939. Steward Rankin, Dawn Prather Hawk and Nijah Hawk. those attributes in a self-portrait drawing/ painting. Standing L-R Terrel Mahoney, Ald. Carrie Austin (34) takes in Rich Gardner, volunteer trainer, runs through footMonique Trujillo (mentor), Debra Jackson (mentor), Laneen Blount (mentor), Judge LaGuina Claythe moment after cutting the ribball drills with young men at the Kroc Center grand Herron (mentor), Larissa M. Tyler, Managing Editor, Chicago Citizen Newspaper, Dawn Hines (mentor), Nathan Kirkwood, Jr. (mentor) Karl W. Lewis. Seated L-R Deondre Brown, Kimry McFadden, bon for the Kroc Center. opening. (Photo by Thelma Sardin) Karon Smith, Shadiyah Cammack and Stacie Webb. (Photo by Thelma Sardin)


T:13 in

Chicago Football Classic Kickoff 2016 Festivities

RECONNECTING FAThERS EVENT Alderman Carrie Austin 34th Ward pose with Judge Freddrenna Lyle during the festivites.

Pictured Left to Right: Judges Thaddeus Wilson, Andrea Buford, John Fitzgerald Lyke, Freddrenna Lyle, and Retaining Judge Mark Salone, all were participants at the celebration.

Community Celebrations

L-R Kobie Brown, Sony Music; Stefan Holt, NBC-5; Pastor Bobby L. Rush, Ronald Harris, Chicago State University; and Erwin McEwen, Casey Family Programs. All were panelists at the Reconnecting Fathers event.

Dr. Charles E. Lewis, Jr. addresses fathers at the conference.

Advertising executive Carol H. Williams delivers an insightful speech on capitalism.


Pictured Left to Right are the Honorable Judge Freddrenna Lyle and 9th Ward Alderman Anthony Beale,

America’s Got Talent available on XFINITY TV app.

A Flash In The Past Of Chicago History

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L-R Father Michael Pfleger, Pastor Bobby L. Rush and Curtis Moore.


The 19th Annual Chicago Football Classic kicked off its 2016 festivities with members from Central State University and Clark Atlanta University recently. Game day is September 10, 2016 at Soldier Field.

1. Chicago Football Classic Sponsors and


2. Everett Rand-CFC CoFounder, Larry

Huggins-CFC Co-Founder.

Festivities were held this weekend In Washington Park as a kick off to the Annual 2016 Chicago Lin Dawson Director, Clarkrecently, Celebrated its- Athletics 100th Anniversary Football Classic . Pictured Left to Right are Arthur WGN Flag Company 3. Atlanta Chicago. University, Jahan Culbreath, located on 79th and South Pictured left to vice right are: Cotton, President of Langston University Alumni president of institutional advancement & Porter III, Pamela Porter, Gwenevere Porter, Assoc., Everest Rand, co­founder of the Chicago Jessica Porter, Carl athletics CentralSmith State University, Getchel JohnnyatSmith, Movers; Kari Steele, L-R Betty Hancock-Perry, Comm. Deborah Sims, Cook CountyJr. andL-R Carl Porter 8th Alderman Michelle Harris. The com­ L. Ward Caldwell II, senior vice of instiFootball Classic, Danielle James President democratic candidate for president Metropolitan Water Board, Carnice Carey and Mary Gardner. The ladies were on pany has made flagstutional for presidents, sporting events,rela mayors to advancement and university Howard University Alumni Assoc. and 3rd Ward and Commissioner hand to participate in Sims’ annual golf tournament.wars and all kindsReclamation at Clark Atlanta University. Deborah Sims, of tions occasions. AId. Pat Dowell. Cook County Board.

Members of We Can, Inc. pose with golf phenoms Erica, 14 and Mya, 12 who will be the beneficiaries of the We Can photograph Golf Tournament onleft June Herman Hedgeman, A rare shows to 28. rightL-R Boxer Muhammad Can, Inc.; Erica Jackson, Florence Cox, We Can, Inc.; Ali,We Herman Roberts, founder of the Roberts Motel, and Jackson, J.W. Smith, We Can, Inc. For more info, theMya second mostand popular heavyweight boxing champion call 773-615-1200 or visit Joe Louis, all of whom werewww.wecanorg.biz. residents of Chicago.

Restrictions apply. Not available in all areas. © 2016 Comcast. All rights reserved. NBCU celebrity endorsement not implied. All networks are divisions of NBCUniversal. © NBCUniversal Media, LLC. All rights reserved.



Photos by - John Wheeler



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8 / CITIZEN / Hyde Park / Week of August 24, 2016

The African Festival of the Arts Announces Rose Royce and Howard Hewett to headline ‘togetherness” celebration (CHICAGO) – The African Festival of the Arts (AFA) has announced a stellar line-up of entertainment led by its Labor Day headliners Howard Hewett and Rose Royce. Held each Labor Day weekend in Chicago, the Festival offers the best in entertainment from around the world, and this year is no exception. These headliners are just one element of the renowned festival that offers a glimpse into the many unique treasures of the African Continentincluding African-centric offerings from across the globe. Hewett and Rose Royce will take the stage Monday evening, September 5, and the Festival will run from September 2nd - 5th in historic Washington Park. Rose Royce ascended to the top of the Soul Music world with a string of hits and a tight full sound that rivaled many of the best self-contained soul and funk groups of the era. Formed by trumpeter-vocalist Kenny Copeland, drummer Henry Garner, trumpeter Freddie Dunn and keyboardist Michael Nash in the mid 70’s, the group first served as a backup band for Edwin Starr, who introduced them to his “War” producer, Norman Whitfield. Howard Hewett, who was one-third of the group Shalamar began his solo career in 1985 when he signed with Elektra. His second single, “I’m for Real,” was a number two R&B hit and the follow-up single, “Stay,” also made the Top Ten, while “I Commit to Love” reached number 12. His hit “Strange Relationship” was followed by duets with Dionne Warwick and Anita Baker. Hewett isalso a prolific song writer, producer, and session vocalist. He cowrote and produced “Frustration” for LaToya Jackson, and sang on her LP “Heart Don’t Lie”. He did lead vocals on LPs by Stanley Clarke and George Duke, a duet with Stacy Lattisaw on “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough,” and sang with Firefox, as well as doing background on a Donna Summer release. An eponymous 1990 album by Hewett included the number two R&B hit “Show Me,” and the singer followed up with“Allegiance” and It’s Time. His also served as abackground vocalist on albums by a variety of jazz musicians, including Duke and Joe Sample. Hewettreturned to the spotlight with his gospel album The Journey, and the single “Enough”,featuring Duke, followed by the holiday effort Howard Hewett Christmas. The theme of this year’s festival is ‘Ruwadzano’ which means ‘togetherness’ in the East African language of Shona in Zimbabwe. During this year’s event AIH will recognize the impact togetherness has in relationships, in business, and in service to community by recognizing those who embody the concept. This year’s Grand BaBa is WGN’s Robert Jordan and the Grand YeYe Diane Dinkins-Carr. The Festival is known for its themed entertainment,featured on two stages, each day of its four-day run. Friday night will be Chicago Dance Night featuring tunes chosen especially for Chicago steppers; Saturday night is Juju Night with Nigerian musician Chief Commander Ebenezer Obey. He will be joined by Angel ‘d Cuba andthe1 EPA! AfroColombian Band; Sunday will feature singer/composer Dee Alexander and the Evolution Ensemble, part of Chicago’s Best night, a line-up of area talent. The African Festival of the Arts is one of the largest, and longest running festivals in the Midwest focused on African art and culture, and each year

draws tens of thousands of people to Washington Park. The AFA is a four-day immersion into African culture and heritage as Chicago’s historic Washington Park is transformed into an authentic African village. Over 300 vendors and artisans will present artifacts, textiles, traditional crafts, and museum-quality art. Enjoy the African-influenced food, music, and dance traditions during an entertainment rich, family-focused celebration unlike any other in the Midwest. The Festival boasts four distinct areas each representing a center of culture and commerce on the African Continent: Nubia (fine arts); Kush (wearable arts); Songhay (African arts & crafts, collectibles and natural products); Timbuktu (African fabric and fashions); and Bank of the Nile (food court). There will be pavilions highlighting South African wines, health and wellness and fine arts. Pavilions include - Quilting Pavilion; David Durojaiye Olupitan African Heritage Pavilion; Author & Book Pavilion; Drum Village;Dr. Nurudeen Olowopopo Health & Wellness Pavilion; and the Bernice Gardner Children’s & Family Pavilion. Master African drummer Olu Shakoor is the founder and conductor of the African Drum Village. He masters in both traditional and contemporary styles of African Drumming but he excels in the Djum-DJum and Djembe Drum. For those wanting to sample the tastes of Africa, you can dine on dishes in the tradition of Nigeria, Senegal, and the Caribbean, as well as Cajun and Southern soul. But, the real stars of the Festival are the fine arts and the artists who make them—be they painters, sculptors, jewelers, or wood carvers. Founded by Liberian-born business leader P. Saingbey K. Woodtor, the African Festival of the Arts has become a national destination point for those seeking to immerse themselves in the African culture. Each year tens of thousands attend the four-day event from across the U.S. Woodtor founded the African Festival of the Arts as an outgrowth of his art shop, Windows to Africa, and he, along with his board of directors, have grown the event into a Labor Day staple. In all these ways, the Festival gives attendees a glimpse of Africa without the need for plane tickets and for less than the cost of applying for a passport. Sponsors of the 2016 African Festival of the Arts include the Chicago Park District, University of Chicago Medicine, ComEd, Next Level Health, Community Currency Exchange, Jewel/Osco, ISF Bank, The Chicago White Sox, Moneygram and The Illinois Lottery. Media partners include Comcast NBS Universal, WVON, Bronzecomm, the Chicago Citizen and the Chicago Crusader. Tickets are $15, in advance, and $20 at the gate. There are discounts for seniors, as well as four day and VIP passes. Children under five are free. Learn more by visiting www.aihusa.org and clicking on African Festival.

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Eight Howard University students were selected to take the journey and DISCOVER THE UNEXPECTED—a first-ever fellowship program sponsored by the all-new 2016 Chevrolet Malibu in partnership with the National Newspaper Publishers Association. Congratulations to our brilliant fellows! Thank you for taking us on this wonderful journey. May you continue to discover new roads that help you shatter perceptions and inspire us all.



10 / CITIZEN / Hyde Park / Week of August 24, 2016

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PUBLIC MEDIA RELEASE For Non-Pricing Programs DAY's Adult Day & Personal Care Providers FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE DAY's Adult Day Care & Personal Care Providers, Inc., announces its participation in the USDA's Child and Adult Care Food Program. The same meals will be served at no separate charge to enrolled participants at the following site(s): DAY's Adult Day Care 2453-55 E 75th Street, Chicago IL 60649. Hours of Services: 7:00 am until 6:00 pm Monday thru Friday. This program, is administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Illinois Department on Aging, gives financial assistance to adult day care service so that nutritious meals can be integrated with nonresidential care services. The goal of the program is to improve the diets of participants. The meals and snacks served meet standards established by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Listed below are the USDA Income Eligibility Guidelines which are effective July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017. The amount of reimbursement received by DAY's Adult Day & Personal Care Provides is based on the number of enrolled participants whose family income is at or below: FREE MEAL CATEGORY: If income is at or below: Family Size Yearly Monthly Weekly



Howard Rose Royce & Hewett

September 2 - 5 10AM - 10PM | Labor Day Weekend in Washington Park nd


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in AFRICAN MARKETPLACE Food Court • African Drum Village • Family-Fun Activities and More! SATURDAY







EPA! AfroColombian Band

Queen Bunmi Ajibade



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RENTAL Chief Commander Ebenezer Obey

Angel d’Cuba

Dee Alexander's Evolution Ensemble

La’Tasha Johnson John Baker

For More Info & To Purchase Tickets Visit: www.aihusa.org SPONSORED BY


Newly decorated 1 Bd. Rm. Apt. $475.00 per Mo.Stove & Fridge Incd. 5200 S. Racine Call Mr. Lambert 773 370 7744 __________________________________

FOR RENT UPDATED 1-BEDROOM APARTMENT 77th AND PRAIRIE AV. 2nd FLOOR READY NOW $700.00 MONTH INCLUDE HEAT. G.R.&B.CO 773-955-0900 __________________________________ Rooms for rent includes heat cooking gas light kitchen utilization laundry facility full bathroom central air located in Park Manor, Grand Crossing neighborhood rooms start at $350 per month if interested please call Ms. Sibley 312-208-8870. __________________________________

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LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given, pursuant to "An Act in relation to the use of an Assumed Business Name in the conduct or transaction of Business in the State," as amended, that a certification was registered by the undersigned with the County Clerk of Cook County. Registration Number: D16147616 on August 3, 2016 Under the Assumed Business Name of BLACKOPS MANAGEMENT CONSULTING & CONCIERGE with the business located at: 1711 E 85TH ST, CHICAGO,IL 60617. The true and real full name and residence address of the owner is: BRITTNEY N GAULT 1711 E 85TH ST CHICAGO, IL 60617,USA __________________________________

1 $15,444 $1,287 297 2 20,826 1,736 399 3 26,117 2,177 401 4 31,590 2,633 608 5 36,973 3,081 711 Each Additional Yearly Monthly Family Member 5,408 451 Weekly 104 REDUCED-PRICE MEAL CATEGORY If income is at or between: Family Size Yearly Monthly 1 $15,445 & $21,978 $1,288 & $1,832 Weekly $295 & 423 Family Size Yearly 20,827 & 29,637 2 Weekly 402 & 570

Monthly 1,737 & 2,470

Family Size Yearly 3 26,209 & 37,296 Weekly 505 & 718

Monthly 2,185 & 2,108

Family Size Yearly 4 31,591 & 44,955 Weekly 609 & 865

Monthly 2,634 &3,747

Family Size Yearly Monthly 5 36,973 & 52,614 3,082 & 4,386 Weekly 712 & 1,012 Each Additional Family Member Yearly Monthly 5,409 & 7,696 452 & 642 Weekly 105 & 148 DAY's Adult Day & Personal Care does not discriminate in admission to programs or activities in compliance with the Civil Rights Act. The same meals will be served at no separate charge to enrolled participants at the center listed below and will be provided in accordance with federal law and United States Department of Agriculture policy. Institutions are prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability. To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call (800) 795-3272 or (202) 720-6382 (TTY). For further information, contact: DAY's Adult Day & Personal Care Providers at 2453-55 E 75th St. Chicago IL 60649 Phone (773) 363-7770 ATTN Harriet Day/Administrator. Email: nuday2806@yahoo.com __________________________________

12 / CITIZEN / Hyde Park / Week of August 24, 2016

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