Week of September 7, 2016 Vol 27 • No 42 •
Hyde Park
Audit Bureau of Circulation
By Safiyyah P. Muhammad
he Illinois Chamber of Commerce and the Illinois State Council for the Society of Human Resource Management (ILSHRM) will host its first annual Illinois Job Honor Awards, November 30th in Lisle, Illinois. The purpose of the honors award event is to highlight and celebrate Illinois employees for their employment contributions in spite of prior convictions, and those who struggle with mental and physical disabilities. Director and Founder, Kyle Horn, launched the job honors program in Cedar Rapids, Iowa in 2014. “Our society celebrates lottery winners, movie stars and professional athletes. We rarely hear inspiring stories of individuals whose lives are transformed through the hard work and perseverance that leads to meaningful employment. By publicly honoring these individuals we inspire others. We promote the programs that offer a helping hand. It’s time for a new kind of hero,” said Horn. > SEE MORE PAGE 2
Bank Helps Local Schools
Marquette Bank employees packed school supplies donated for its annual Neighborhood School Supplies Drive, which benefited sixteen local organizations.
With the start of a new school year, Marquette Bank, a locallyowned neighborhood bank, recently celebrated with two separate initiatives to support local schools and education organizations. Marquette Bank announced their eighth annual Adopt-a-Classroom prize drawing. The drawing will wrap up on Saturday, Sept. 10. Marquette Bank
customers, teachers and parents can enter at any bank location for a chance to win a $200 gift card for any elementary, junior high or high school classroom in Illinois. The gift card can be used for any education related purchase and there will be a total of 22 gift cards awarded – one winning classroom for each Marquette Bank location.
NATIONAL NEWS: NORTHCAROLINA’S VOTER ID LAW STRUCK DOWN, BUT QUESTIONS REMAIN + P3 www.thechicagocitizen.com • 51 years of serving the Black community
2 / CITIZEN / Hyde Park / Week of September 7, 2016
Bank Helps Local Schools
Continued from page 1
School in Chicago; Valley View School District Additionally, their annual Neighborhood in Bolingbrook and Walsh Elementary School in School Supplies Drive wrapped up, benefiting Summit. local students, neighborhood schools and “Marquette Bank is committed to organizations in need of supplies for the new supporting local schools through our Marquette school year. Neighborhood Commitment program,” said A total of sixteen organizations received Betty Harn, Executive Vice President. “We supplies donated by employees and clients, believe in the importance of supporting local including: Balmoral Elementary School in students and schools in order to give students Crete; Chicago High School for the Arts in the supplies and Chicago; Durkin resources they need Park Elementary in “We believe in the importance to start the year off Chicago; Englewood right.” Cares Outreach of supporting local students and Both initiatives Ministries, Chicago; schools in order to give students are part of the Esmond Elementary the supplies and resources they Marquette School in Chicago; Neighborhood JB Kennedy need to start the year off right.” Commitment to Elementary School support education. in Burbank; John F. Each quarter, the Eberhart Elementary bank focuses on a School in Chicago; Maria Kaupas Center in Chicago; McKinley Park different area of need, including shelter, hunger, - Back to School Event in Chicago; Metropolitan education and health/wellness. For more information about Marquette Family Services in Chicago; Morrill Math & Bank and its Neighborhood Commitment, Science Specialty School in Chicago; Our Lady visit www.emarquettebank.com/ of the Ridge School in Chicago Ridge; The neighborhood or call 1-888-254-9500. Port Ministries in Chicago; Tonti Elementary
Illinois honors Job heroes Continued from page 1
Studies show that many ex-offenders are ostracized and find it hard to get post release work after leaving the penal system. In 2016, President Obama released more than 6,000 non-violent drug offenders. For local companies to give individuals a second chance is commendable, especially exoffenders who have served time for non-violent crimes. The program also honors employers and or companies who demonstrate the willingness to hire disadvantaged candidates, develop their talent, and “take a chance” to help change the lives of underprivileged workers. Companies who are honored will receive an honoree biographical video according to the Job Honor Awards’ website. “This is the first year hosting this event in Illinois and we are reaching out to members in the Human Resources industry to participate in the upcoming event,” said Laurie Silvey, President of the Center for Business Management at the Illinois Chamber of Commerce in Springfield. “We have also partnered with the African-American chambers in the region and are networking with smaller companies who hire individuals that face difficulties finding jobs. The
national news
goal is to give two awards to disadvantaged workers and two awards to companies who have given jobs to underprivileged workers,” she said. Illinois has an impeccable workforce. However, employers are often faced with the difficult task of finding employees who are qualified to fill vacant positions. The honorees will be individuals who have overcome addictions and have gained marketable skills to better their chances of employment opportunities, according to Todd Maisch, president and CEO of the Illinois Chamber of Commerce. The Illinois Job Honor Awards mission is to rekindle hope and energize the work ethic across the state, through the celebration of a new kind of hero. Midwestern states participating in Job The honors program include Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin. The luncheon ceremony will be held at the Hilton Lisle/Naperville (Regency Ballroom), from 8:00 am – 4:30 pm, at 3003 Corporate West Drive, Lisle, Illinois. The deadline for nomination is September 16, 2016. To learn more about the Job Honors award program, please log on to the Job Honor Awards website at: www.JobHonor.org.
www.thechicagocitizen.com • 51 years of serving the Black community
Briefly White House Initiative Announces Third Class of HBCU AllStars The White House Initiative on Historically Black Colleges and Universities announced recently that 73 students from across 63 HBCUs have been named as the 2016 HBCU All-Stars. The All-Stars, comprised of undergraduate, graduate, and professional students, are being recognized for their accomplishments in academics, leadership, and civic engagement. “During the course of one academic school year, the 73 AllStars will distinguish themselves as exemplars of the talent that HBCUs cultivate and as noble ambassadors of their respective institutions,” said U.S. Secretary of Education John B. King Jr. “The Initiative is looking forward to working with this third class of All-Stars and is confident this opportunity will allow the Initiative to meaningfully connect with HBCU students and advance academic excellence at their schools.” Over the next year, the students will serve as ambassadors by providing outreach opportunities and communicating with other students about the value of both education and the Initiative as a networking source. Using social media, relationships with community-based organizations, and sessions with industry professionals, the students will share proven practices that support opportunities for all young people to achieve their educational and career potential. They will also participate in the White House HBCU Week Conference, national and regional events, and webinars with Initiative staff and other professionals on a range of disciplines that support a spirit of engagement and personal and professional development. The All-Stars were selected from over 300 students from 24 states, the District of Columbia, Ghana, Nigeria, and the Virgin Islands. They will work together and as a group and network with one another to achieve their goals. (Black PR Wire)
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North Carolina’s Voter ID Law Struck Down, but Questions Remain yet to determine how to carry out the appellate court’s Democrats and activists who supported efforts by mandate. the N.C. NAACP and others to legally overturn parts of When asked about meeting, Gary Sims, director North Carolina’s “Monster Voting Law,” were certainly thrilled to hear that a three-judge federal appellate panel of the Wake County Board of Elections, said, “We need to, and are awaiting direction from the N.C. Board of indeed struck down key elements of the 2013 measure, Elections and the executive director because whatever effective immediately. “The U.S. Fourth Circuit Court [of Appeals] ruling action does or does not happen, needs to come from [recently] is a people’s victory and a victory that sends a their guidance.” Ironically, all local BOEs were required to have message to the nation,” said Rev. Dr. William J. Barber, their early voting sites locked in by July 29th, the same II, president of the North Carolina State Conference day the federal ruling came down. of the NAACP. “The court found — under the sensitive Sims added, that while the 17-day early voting inquiry required by law — that how the law was enacted period is reinstated, the longer hours of operation per and its impact made crystal clear that discriminatory early voting location currently in force could be relaxed intent impermissibly motivated this General Assembly. since the period is being extended from 10 to 17 days. “Under our Constitution, and under the core But, exactly what to do with that seven-day extension principles and dictates of the Voting Rights Act…” would be up to local county BOEs. Rev. Barber continued, “… these provisions have no One of the other challenges BOEs face is that they legitimacy under the law.” are already locked into budgets prior to the July 29th In its ruling, the federal appellate court stated that ruling. That reality the Republicanwill also constrain led N.C. General how quickly and Assembly was adequately local racially-motivated BOE’s will be able with “discriminatory to comply. Having intent” in passing only one early voting the 2013 voting site open, namely restrictions, saying, the local BOE office that African itself and no satellite Americans were sites for the seventargeted “…with day extension, is a almost surgical possibility. precision.” Prior to the July “The Court’s 29th ruling, voting decision reinforces rights advocates had that race-based been distributing decision-making in materials educating the electoral system voters about will not stand,” said A recent ruling by a federal appeals court stated that the Republican-led N.C. General Assembly was racially-motivated with “discriminatory intent” in the photo ID Penda D. Hair, lead attorney for the N.C. passing 2013 voting restrictions, saying, that African Americans were targeted requirement, which “…with almost surgical precision.” (Joe Daniels/Carolina Peacemaker) went into effect NAACP. “We know this year during the that voters of color March and June rely most heavily on primaries. these voting measures, and that, without this decision, Now the community must also be clear that not all they would have borne the brunt of the burden this of the voter ID law was knocked down. They will still November.” be faced with no straight-ticket balloting, meaning that Unless a timely stay on the ruling is granted by the instead of voting for all candidates of a single party with entire U.S. Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals before the just one mark, voters will have to individually mark, race November 8th General Elections (something Gov. Pat by race, which candidates they choose. McCrory and Republican leaders have vowed to seek, Critics of the 2013 law have always said that voters but legal experts say isn’t likely), then voters will have may not be aware of all of the candidates, especially their early voting period restored to 17 days prior to during a presidential election year, and thus, only vote Election Day instead of the current 10 days; maintain for a few of the major offices, leaving judicial or local same-day registration and out-of-precinct provisional races blank. balloting; reinstate voting pre-registration for 16 and 17 Another element of the 2013 “Monster Voting year-olds; and most importantly, will not have to show a Law” left untouched is the provision that allows anyone government-issued photo ID in order to vote. from anywhere in the state, to confront any voter on This means Democrats no longer have to educate line at a precinct, and challenge their right to vote. That voters at rallies or by phone banks about making sure means the challenged voter is required by law to leave they have some form of official government-issued ID, the line, and report to the precinct judge’s table with or legal excuse for not having one. They can continue the challenger to answer questions about their voting their door-to-door canvassing of neighborhoods for qualifications. candidates to “Get Out To Vote” (GOTV). Now, not Activists say they have to have a strong voter only should excessive long lines be eliminated during protection plan in place – observers making sure that early voting and on Election Day, but voters will still people are educated, and that they are not intimidated at have their ballots counted, even if they go to the wrong the polls. precinct. The Carolina Peacemaker is a member publication But there’s a holdup as to how grassroots activists of the National Newspaper Publishers Association. Learn and others proceed in the aftermath of the momentous more about becoming a member at www.nnpa.org. ruling. Local Boards of Elections (BOEs) have not met
GOVERNMENTAL Affairs Janice Garth
Former U.S. Presidential Candidate speaks in Elgin, Illinois Dr. Ben Carson, former U.S. presidential candidate, will be the keynote speaker at the seventh annual World Leaders Forum on April 20, 2017 at Judson University in Elgin, Illinois. Carson is an emeritus professor of neurosurgery, oncology, plastic surgery and pediatrics at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. Carson was named as one of the nation’s top 20 physicists and scientists by CNN and TIME magazine in 2001. He holds more than 60 honorary doctorate degrees. He is also the recipient of numerous prestigious awards for his pioneering work, including the Presidential Medal of Freedom (2008) – the nation’s highest award for civilians. Assembly Member Chris Holden was recently elected to Chair the California Legislative Black Caucus. “I’m extremely proud to serve as chair for the Black Caucus,” said Holden. Together with my colleagues, I look forward to continuing our efforts to advance equality, justice and opportunity for all Californians,” Holden said in a news release. In the wake of historic flooding in the Baton Rouge, La., area, Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA), Ranking Member of the Committee on Financial Services and long-time friend to the Louisiana area, visited the disaster-affected region. Rep. Waters met with local officials as well as affected residents to review the damage, assess the federal government’s response thus far, and understand key issues ahead of the need to reauthorize the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) by September 30, 2017. Commissioner Richard Boykin, Rainbow Push, and Mothers Against Violence will host a series of weekly town hall meetings in the nine Chicago communities most impacted by violence, poverty, health disparities, and unemployment. The meetings will be concentrated on the South and West sides of the city of Chicago in the following neighborhoods, Austin, West Garfield Park, West Englewood, Riverdale, Auburn Gresham, Gage Park, Washington Park, Fuller Park, and North Lawndale. The meetings will be held on Tuesdays starting on September 13, 2016. The Jesse Brown VA Medical Center will host a free “Miracles for Heroes” Concert Tour featuring The Miracles, at the Harris Theater in downtown Chicago at 5 p.m., Saturday, September 10, 2016. The concert is being sponsored by the VA and the Warrior Summit Coalition. According to Patrick Gleason, voluntary service chief of the VA Medical Center, the concert is an opportunity to thank those who have served and our country. Alderman Michelle A. Harris and 33rd District State Representative Marcus C. Evans recently announced their plans to hold the 11th Annual “8th Ward Backto-School Parade & Picnic.” The event will be held on Saturday, September 10, 2016. The parade will begin at 10:00 a.m. in front of the alderwoman’s service office located on 8539 South Cottage Grove, and will culminate at Jesse Owens Park, located on 8800 South Clyde Avenue. The parade and picnic is a highenergy, family-friendly event. This year’s theme “One Community-One Family”, is designed to highlight the importance of education and the need to stop violence through community engagement.
www.thechicagocitizen.com • 51 years of serving the Black community
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4 / CITIZEN / Hyde Park / Week of September 7, 2016
We Must Support the FreedomFighting Legacy of George E. Curry in the Black Press By Benjamin F. Chavis, Jr. (President and CEO of the NNPA)
line.” Sharpton concluded that Curry was “part of a long tradition, but he was one of a kind.” he freedom struggle and Civil Rights Roland Martin, accomplished news anchor for Movement of Black people in America TV One and former editor of the Chicago Defender, and throughout the world have lost as well as a lifelong colleague of George Curry, another courageous, iconic, freedom passionately stated, “There was no newspaper, no fighter, journalist and leader. The magazine George Curry could not have worked for, but National Newspaper Publishers he chose to work in Black media…He chose to do that, Association (NNPA) salutes, respects, and supports because he said there has to be an independent voice the freedom-fighting legacy of George Edward Curry. that is unapologetic, that thinks about Black people NNPA publishers, editors, journalists, and from the moment they wake up to the moment they photographers from across the nation attended the go to sleep.” “Celebration of Life” home-going service for George The passing of George Curry now raises the Curry in Tuscaloosa, Alabama at Weeping question of “Who will take his pen?” Who will step Mary Baptist Church on Saturday, August forward to keep the freedom-fighting legacy of 27, 2016. George at the age of 69 died George Curry alive today and into the future? from heart failure on August 20, 2016 Before George died, he had established in Takoma Park, Maryland. EmergeNewsOnline.com. The NNPA supports George Curry was our beloved George’s legacy and we encourage everyone Editor-In-Chief of the NNPA News Wire to support Emerge News Online to ensure Service and after decades of outstanding that what George envisioned and worked contributions and service to the Black hard to establish will continue to grow and be Press in America, George evolved successful in the marketplace. to be admired by fellow In my remarks on behalf of the NNPA at journalists as the the “Celebration of the Life of George “Dean of Black Press Curry,” I shared that, “I have been in Columnists.” As the presence of Malcolm X. I have a foot soldier in been in the presence of The Rev. Dr. the Civil Rights Martin Luther King Jr. I have been Movement in in the presence of the Honorable the 1960s, I Minister Louis Farrakhan. I’ve personally have been in the presence of some of been blessed to our giants, male and female, have known and but I want to say on this worked with public record, in my life, : Veteran journalist and then-Editor-In-Chief of the NNPA Newswire George Curry I’ve never met a brother George Curry speaks during a Black Press Week event at the as a fearlessly National Press Club in Washington, D.C., in March 2013. (Freddie that’s had more courage Allen/AMG/NNPA) effective than George Curry.” freedom fighter. As we face the If I could find one word in the English language immediate future, let us all first be thankful that we to describe the professional and brotherly tenacity of had the opportunity and blessing to work with George George Curry, it would be “courageous.” He used his Curry. But we must show our gratitude by making pen and his wit to openly challenge injustice in the face sure that his courageous example of journalism and presence of oppression. George had the courage continues. There is an African proverb that says to both write and speak truth to power without “Freedom fighters do not in spirit pass away, their compromise of principle or ethics. spirit lives to inspire the next generation of freedom Reverend Jesse Jackson and Reverend Al fighters.” Sharpton both travelled to Tuscaloosa to pay tribute We all know that George Curry supported and to eulogize the memory and legacy of George mentoring and guiding the development of young Curry. Rev. Jackson affirmed, “George was a freedom journalists who are committed to the Black Press. fighter.” Dr. Charles Steele Jr, President of the That’s why the NNPA’s Discover the Unexpected Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), (DTU) Journalism Fellowship program is so also a native of Tuscaloosa and lifelong friend of important. May these young journalists and others be George paid tribute to Curry’s leadership and activism guided by the great example of George Curry. as a “freedom movement” journalist. Dr. Benjamin F. Chavis, Jr. is the President In the eulogy rendered last Saturday, Rev. and CEO of the National Newspaper Publishers Sharpton said that, “George never knew he was much Association (NNPA) and can be reached for more of a minister to me than I ever was to him… national advertisement sales and partnership George Curry not only helped to mentor and bring proposals at: dr.bchavis@nnpa.org; and for lectures along students and the next generation, but he also and other professional consultations at: http:// did it to many of us that you see out there on the front drbenjaminfchavisjr.wix.com/drbfc.
Bringing our readers vital news on local and national business issues that impact the communities we serve. William Garth, Sr, CEO of the CItizen Newspaper Group, INC
The Princeton Review® Releases 25th Annual College Rankings According to a Princeton Review survey that asked 143,000 students at 381 top colleges to rate their schools on dozens of topics and report on their experiences at them, the college at which students gave their teachers the highest marks is Wellesley College (MA). It is #1 on the “Best Professors” list in the education services company’s tallies for its 25th annual college rankings being released recently. Topping the Princeton Review list, “Great Financial Aid,” based on students’ satisfaction with their aid award packages, is Vassar College (NY) -- a not-so-surprising distinction, given that Vassar’s average undergraduate need-based scholarship last year was $45,100. Bentley University (MA) captured the top spot on the list, “Best Career Services” and quite credibly: the university reports that a whopping 98% of its 2015 grad respondents are employed or in grad school. The Princeton Review’s ranking lists of the top 20 colleges in these and 59 other categories posted recently at www.princetonreview.com/best381, where the lists can be accessed in full for free with registration. The ranking lists are also published in the 2017 edition of Princeton Review’s annual “Best Colleges” guidebook, “The Best 381 Colleges” (Penguin Random House / Princeton Review Books, $23.99) on sale now in print and available October 11 in an e-book edition. It is the 25th annual publication of the book. “Since 1992 when we created this guide to the colleges we believe are the nation’s best, academically, our purpose has been twofold,” said Robert Franek, Princeton Review’s Senior VP-Publisher and lead author of the book. “One: we want to shine light on these exceptional institutions which represent only 15% of the nation’s four-year colleges. Two: we work to give applicants considering them an incomparable amount of campus feedback to decide which college may be best for them. We base our 62 ranking lists entirely on what the colleges’ customers, their enrolled students, report to us on our surveys. As such, they provide unique insights into the campus cultures, aid offerings, services, and student body communities at these schools. In the end, it’s all about the fit.” Of timely interest this year are the book’s ranking lists based on students’ reports about their political leanings. Topping the “Most Liberal Students” list is Sarah Lawrence College (NY), while Brigham Young University (UT) is #1 on the “Most Conservative Students” list. The book has lists naming colleges with the most and the least politically active students and a new list in this edition, “Most Active Student Government” on which Bucknell University (PA) is #1. Other ranking list categories in the book - and #1 colleges on them: “Best Campus Food” – University of Massachusetts Amherst “Best College Dorms” – Washington University in St. Louis “Best Health Services” – University of Wisconsin—Madison “LGBTQ-Friendly” – Sarah Lawrence College (NY) “Students Pack the Stadiums” – Syracuse University (NY) “Best Athletic Facilities” – Pennsylvania State University 10 of the #1 Rankings for 2017, from “Party Schools” – University of Most Beautiful Campus to Most Wisconsin—Madison Politically Active (PRNewsFoto/ “Stone-Cold Sober Schools” – Brigham Penguin Random House) Young University (UT) “Most Beautiful Campus” – Rhodes College (TN) “Happiest Students” – Rice University (TX) “Their Students Love These Colleges” – Virginia Tech The rankings in the 2017 edition are based on surveys of 143,000 students (average 375 per campus) at the 381 colleges in the book in 2015-16 and/or the previous two school years. The survey (http://survey.review.com) asks students 84 questions about their school’s academics, administration, student body, and themselves. The ranking methodology which is described at www.princetonreview.com/college-rankings/howit-works uses a five-point Likert scale to convert qualitative student assessments into quantitative data for school-to-school comparisons. “The Best 381 Colleges” is one of 150 Princeton Review books published by Penguin Random House (www.princetonreview.com/bookstore). The school profiles in the book include admission and financial aid information plus ratings of the schools in eight categories including: Admissions Selectivity, Financial Aid, Fire Safety, and Green. The rating scores (from 60 to 99) are based primarily on data from the Company’s surveys of administrators at the colleges in 2015-16. The book also has a list of “Great Schools for 20 of the Most Popular Undergraduate Majors” and a list of 200 “Colleges That Pay You Back” naming schools profiled in the Company’s book by that title published in February 2016. The Princeton Review is a leading tutoring, test prep and college admission services company. Every year, it helps millions of college- and graduate school-bound students achieve their education and career goals through online and in person courses delivered by a network of more than 4,000 teachers and tutors, online resources, and its more than 150 print and digital books published by Penguin Random House. The Princeton Review is headquartered in New York, NY and is an operating business of Match Group (NASDAQ: MTCH). For more information, visit www.princetonreview.com. Follow the company on Twitter @theprincetonrev. The Princeton Review is not affiliated with Princeton University.
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CITIZEN / Hyde Park / Week of September 7, 2016 / 7
WHY DO BLACK BUSINESSES STRUGGLE TO GROW? By Julianne Malveaux (NNPA Newswire Columnist)
EBONY Magazine’s Fashion Issue Features Alicia Keys CHICAGO - Alicia Keys tells EBONY Manuel. she doesn’t believe in being “flawless,” yet “Alicia Keys is one of the artists I respect on the set of the September Issue shoot, most because of her dedication to social the 15-time Grammy® Award-winning justice and desire to go beyond lip service to music artist, philanthropist and judge on make the world a better place,” says Editorthe new season of NBC’s The in-Chief and Senior Vice Voice proves she’s still a girl President of Digital Editorial on fire. The fresh-faced star Kyra Kyles. “Her commentary posed perfectly in futuristic on race, class and gender were attire while maintaining her illuminating, and she shared dedication to the #nomakeup some sentiments with us that movement. you will see few other places.” “We are at a In EBONY’S exclusive The issue also reveals interview, the incomparable tipping point for the winners of EBONY’s entertainer gives updates annual Beauty Awards and major change. on her upcoming and highly trendsetting tips from “It”anticipated album. In addition Senseless killings girl group Chole x Halle. to giving insight into her Look out for coverage of are outrageous career moves, she holds actress Lupita Nyong’o, hipcourt on an assortment of and unacceptable. hop icons De La Soul and hot-button topics, including multitalented Donald It’s like a slap in the raising Black boys in the era Glover aka Childish Gambino. of #BlackLivesMatter. And this edition would not the face. “We are at a tipping point be complete without one for major change. Senseless of EBONY’s favorite timekillings are outrageous and honored traditions, the HBCU unacceptable. It’s like a slap Campus Queens, where they in the face. It’s a constant reminder that highlight over 50 of the lovely, talented our lives—our Black lives—are literally and community-oriented young ladies meaningless,” Keys says. who represent historically Black colleges She also talks about self-confidence and and universities across the country. Check out the cruelty of social media. Her viewpoints EBONY’S September issue on newsstands now, are especially relevant as Twitter trolls and visit EBONY.com for behind-the-scenes attack the #blackgirlmagic of Olympians videos. Join the conversation on social media Simone Biles, Gabby Douglas and Simone via #AliciaOnEbony.
This September, EBONY Magazine features Alicia Keys, the 15-time Grammy® Award-winning music artist, philanthropist and judge on the new season of NBC’s The Voice.
“Showcase at Sears,” a unique shop-in-shop experience
Sears is elevating its apparel offerings with the planned launch of “Showcase at Sears,” a unique shop-in-shop experience that gives members and customers an exclusive opportunity to shop more than 10 of Europe and Latin America’s hottest international apparel brands - most available for the first time in the United States. This rendering depicts the inviting shopping environment inspired by understated elegance, using natural textures that will entice members and customers to explore the Showcase. (PRNewsFoto/Sears, Roebuck and Co.)
HOFFMAN ESTATES, Ill. - Sears has taken a bold step toward elevating its apparel offerings with the planned launch of “Showcase at Sears,” a unique shop-in-shop experience that gives members and customers an exclusive opportunity to shop more than 10 of Europe and Latin America’s hottest international apparel brands – most available for the first time in the United States. “We are creating an experience for our members unlike anything in the U.S. retail industry – a fashion-forward, shop-in-shop apparel collection featuring established and popular international fashion brands,” said David Pastrana, president of apparel, Sears Holdings. “Showcase at Sears gives our members access to fresh international trends, styles and fashions at an affordable price – and only found at Sears.” Initially launching in five New York-area stores this fall, the Showcase will feature men’s and women’s apparel, women’s shoes, intimates and handbags, and children’s apparel. Sears is building a 10,000 to 15,000 square-foot boutique within the existing apparel footprint of each store that will be staffed by dedicated associates. Apparel styles will range from fast fashion and fitness to contemporary sportswear and professional looks, with prices ranging from $10 to $175. “These curated collections are a perfect complement to our existing apparel assortment and offer exposure to brands you’d
otherwise have to travel internationally to try on,” said Joelle Maher, president and chief member officer for Sears. “Not only will our members love the fashion and selection, they’ll love the unique space we’re building out in each store. It will be inviting, high energy, and staffed with knowledgeable associates dedicated to serving members who shop the Showcase.” Showcase at Sears will launch with the major international brands, each of which will feature the same core product they sell in Europe and elsewhere. To help create Showcase at Sears, Sears teamed with SGN Group, the market leader for established European fashion, cosmetic and jewelry brands that look to establish a U.S. presence. These brands, each so successful internationally, were eager to launch in America and the Showcase at Sears is the perfect platform for them to do so,” said Sever Garcia, founder of SGN Group. “Sears is a trusted brand, woven into the fabric of American retail. When you combine the unique shopping experience they’re building, the exclusive access to an incredible mix of fashion all in one location, at very affordable prices, it’s a win-win-win for the participating brands, Sears and its members.” Shop Your Way members will be able to both earn and redeem points on purchases of Showcase brands. For the latest fashionable clothing options from Sears, visit sears.com/apparel.
www.thechicagocitizen.com • 51 years of serving the Black community
he most recent data on minorityowned firms in the United States was collected in 2012 (and released at the end of 2015). It showed that the number of minority-owned firms rose from 5.8 million in 2007 to 8 million in 2012. Hispanic-owned firms grew the most rapidly – by 46 percent to 3.3 million. African American-owned firms grew by 34.5 percent to 2.6 million. Asian-owned firms grew by 23.8 percent to 1.9 million. Women-owned firms grew by 26.8 percent compared to firms Julianne Malveaux says that the biggest challenge that Black entrepreneurs owned by men that grew by just 6.8 percent. face is access to capital, or the difficulties experienced in attempting to get Since the total number of firms grew by just 2 a bank loan. percent, to 27.6 million, the growth in minority that African Americans experience a wealth gap so and women-owned firms could define the way that large that few can jump through the fiscal hoops that business is being done in our country. many banks require. It is in the national interest to It is possible that the growth in minority and promote minority entrepreneurship and particularly women owned firms could provide opportunities for Black entrepreneurship. Even Republican President women and people of color outside the traditional Richard Nixon “got it” when he authorized the labor market, outside traditional corporate work. establishment of the Minority Business Development Maybe. But the ugly underside of the growth data is Agency (MBDA) and used the term “economic the fact that only 11 percent of minority-owned firms justice” to talk about the barriers to entrepreneurship have employees. In other words, most of these firms that African Americans had experienced. Though the are one-person businesses, providing consulting agency, established in 1968, has been in existence for and other services from just one individual. Only nearly 50 years, many African Americans find entry 4 percent of African-American-owned firms – just barriers as daunting as they were when the agency 109,137 of the total 2.6 million businesses — have was established. Why? Many, thinking that we live employees. in a “post-racial” era have reverted to old patterns of The biggest challenge that Black entrepreneurs giving opportunities and contracts to their friends, face is access to capital, or the difficulties experienced instead of tapping a diverse pool of businesses that in attempting to get a bank loan. Some of the reasons can deliver. Others say they can’t deal with those have to do with lack of collateral, or with the fact tiny companies that have no employees and just
one principal scrambling to do all the work. Small minority businesses do themselves no favors, when they can’t manage the scope and scale of work that some larger employers require. For all the barriers and challenges of scale, minority businesses are important, because they are more likely to hire minority workers, those affected by the persistent unemployment rate gap. Minority businesses, when they have employees, are also more likely to hire and advance women in executive positions. Entrepreneurship matters because it expands the realm of possibility for people of color, allows people to participate fully in the economic realm, and provides people with the opportunity to earn profits and to share those profits with family and community. In order to fully encourage minority business, Fortune 500 companies must commit to supplier diversity and set numerical procurement goals. Federal, state and local governments, must also ensure that there is full minority participation in the contracts they award. But minority businesses must also understand that economic development can’t happen without economic justice. Minority businesses must provide jobs that pay living wages to the workers that they hire. Minority entrepreneurship matters. It matters most when it is both profitable and communitytransforming. Julianne Malveaux is an author and economist. Her latest book “Are We Better Off ? Race, Obama and Public Policy.” is available via http://www. amazon.com. For booking and wholesale inquires visit www.juliannemalveaux.com
8 / CITIZEN / Hyde Park / Week of September 7, 2016
Warner Bros. Records to Release Soundtrack to
Upcoming Film Deepwater Horizon
(Burbank, CA) — Gary Clark Jr. has written an original new song, “Take Me Down,” which will be featured in the upcoming and highly anticipated film Deepwater Horizon from Lionsgate’s Summit Entertainment label, as well as on the movie’s original soundtrack. Deepwater Horizon Original Motion Picture Soundtrack – Music by Steve Jablonsky Featuring an Original Song by Gary Clark Jr., also features an original stirring score by Steve Jablonsky (The Transformers franchise, Lone Survivor) and will be released by Warner Bros. Records on September 23rd. Deepwater Horizon, which hits theaters on September 30th, is directed by Peter Berg (Lone Survivor) and stars Mark Wahlberg, Kurt Russell, John Malkovich, Gina Rodriguez, Dylan O’Brien, and Kate Hudson. It tells the story of how on April 20, 2010, one of the world’s largest manmade disasters occurred on the Deepwater Horizon in the Gulf of Mexico. The story honors the brave men and women whose heroism would save many on board, and change everyone’s lives forever. “Take Me Down” displays the rootsier, more intimate side of Clark’s singer/songwriter oeuvre. Clark continues to broaden his musical pallet with this achingly beautiful and
Deepwater Horizon will be released in theaters from Liongate’s Summit Entertainment Label. Gary Clark Jr. will perform “Take Me Down, on ABC’S Jimmy Kimmel Live. Photo by Frank Maddocks
melodic track. “Take Me Down” is a departure from his usual blistering blues, rock & soul compositions on albums Blak and Blu and The
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Story of Sonny Boy Slim. “Take Me Down” was produced by Clark and Mark Corben exclusively for Deepwater Horizon. The track features Clark on all vocals, acoustic guitar, harmonica and cinematic electric slide guitar. Clark’s touring band provides a slinky, New Orleans-style second-line rhythm that underscores a deeper authenticity to this reallife global event that took the lives of 11 men. “Take Me Down” will also be released as a digital single beginning September 9th from all participating digital retailers. Steve Jablonsky has composed the music for many of Hollywood’s most successful films including Transformers, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, Transformers: Dark of the Moon and Transformers: Age of Extinction. He has worked on multiple projects with director Peter Berg including Lone Survivor and Battleship. Jablonsky’s other film credits include Pain & Gain, The Island, A Nightmare on Elm Street, The Last Witch Hunter, Ender’s Game, Gangster Squad, and most recently Keanu and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows. On Oct 6th, Clark and company will perform the song on Jimmy Kimmel Live. Tune into ABC stations at 11:35pm EST / PST, and 10:35pm CT.
BET Networks Chairman And CEO Debra Lee To Serve As Honorary Co-Chair For The 30th Annual NAMIC Conference NEW YORK -- Debra Lee, chairman and chief executive officer, BET Networks has been named honorary co-chair for the 30th Annual NAMIC Conference. Held as part of the cable industry’s Diversity Week, the 30th Annual NAMIC Conference is scheduled for September 20-21, 2016 at the New York Marriott Marquis in New York City. Presented by the National Association for Multi-ethnicity in Communications (NAMIC), the theme for this year’s conference is Diversity 3.0—Innovation through Inclusion. Ms. Lee is one of our industry’s true visionaries and we are thrilled to have her provide honorary leadership for this year’s conference,” said Eglon E. Simons, president and CEO, NAMIC. “BET Networks and Ms. Lee have established a legacy of advocating for diversity and inclusion. NAMIC is honored to have their continued support.” In her role as chairman and chief executive officer of the leading media and entertainment company aimed at African-Americans, Lee is one of the highest ranking African-American women at the media giant Viacom Inc. Prior to her appointment as
CEO, Lee a graduate of the John F. Kennedy School of Government and Harvard Law School, served as the network’s President and Chief Operating Officer. Under her leadership, BET Networks continues to bring quality programming to their audience of 90 million households. “I am pleased to serve as honorary co-chair for this year’s NAMIC Conference, which presents a perfect opportunity to highlight diversity and inclusion as central to all aspects of our business,” said Lee. “Congratulations to NAMIC as it celebrates 30 years of producing a
forum that supports our industry’s goal of maintaining a robust pipeline of professionals of color.” An impressive roster of the media and entertainment industry’s business leaders, influencers and subject-matter experts will highlight the 30th Annual NAMIC Conference. Focused on three learning tracks: Business Solutions, Content & Imagery and Leading & Learning, this year’s conference agenda will feature informative general sessions, a Breakfast Recognizing the Cablefax 2016 Most Influential Minorities in Cable, the L. Patrick Mellon Mentorship Program Luncheon, the Excellence in Multicultural Marketing Awards, evening receptions and other networking opportunities. For more information or to access online registration for the 30th Annual NAMIC Conference log onto namic.com/events or contact Sandra Girado, vice president of Events and Partner Relations, NAMIC, at 212-594-5985 or via email at sandra.girado@namic.com. Group registration discounts are available for multiple attendees from the same company.
Eight Howard University students were selected to take the journey and DISCOVER THE UNEXPECTED—a first-ever fellowship program sponsored by the all-new 2016 Chevrolet Malibu in partnership with the National Newspaper Publishers Association. Congratulations to our brilliant fellows! Thank you for taking us on this wonderful journey. May you continue to discover new roads that help you shatter perceptions and inspire us all.
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Free Back to School Jam Free to all, Chicago City of Learning’s Back to School Jam is where youth and teens can do what they like and learn what they want. Hands-on activities hosted by 20 organizations citywide will meet interests in space, robotics, music, building, coding, cooking, writing, nature, art and more. Participants of this festival of doing and making will earn digital badges and chances to win prizes, including iPad Minis! It’s all happening at Jones College Prep on Saturday, September 10, from Noon to 4pm. To RSVP for your family and enter the special pre-registration raffle, visit http:// CCOL.io/BTSJ. It’s Not Too Late to Register for Fall – Late Start Classes at South Suburban College Registration for the Fall Semester at South Suburban College is still in progress for a wide range of “Late Start” classes. Current and prospective students are encouraged to register soon for these 12-week courses, set to begin the week of September 19, 2016. Prospective students should get started with the Online Application at www.ssc.edu. Becoming a student is simple, and there is still time to apply for Financial Aid and speak with Admissions staff and counselors. Once the application process is complete, new students will receive an SSC email account and a “My SSC” Username & Password via email which will allow access to student information and class registration. The “My SSC”
portal also allows students 24-hour access during college closed periods. Both interactive and printable Fall Credit Class Schedules are also accessible online from www. ssc.edu. The Late Start classes are offered in a variety of subject areas. Payment is currently due at the time of registration for Late Start classes, but Financial Aid can be utilized for the 12-week credit classes (FAFSA must be completed by September 12). SSC’s Financial Aid Office encourages all students to complete the Free Application for Federal
Student Aid (FAFSA) as early as possible at fafsa.gov using institution code 001769. For help filling out FAFSA, please call (708) 596-2000, extension 5780 or stop by the Financial Aid Office (Room 2355) for assistance.
WHAT: Back to School Jam WHEN: Saturday, September 10, Noon-4pm WHERE: Jones College Prep, 700 South State Street WHO: Youth 4-24 and Families As a payment alternative, SSC offers the FACTS interest-free monthly payment plan. There is a $25 nonrefundable enrollment fee per semester. Payments may be made from savings, checking, or credit card accounts. SSC is also now offering a Free Class to first time credit students residing in District 510, Lake County, IN, or those who qualify for the Chicago Regional Rate. The Free Class applies to tuition only, and does not apply to courses of more than 5 credit hours. Individuals must not be receiving any state or federal financial aid or employer subsidies. More information is available at www.ssc.edu/freeclass For more information about all of SSC’s programs, admissions and registration, please visit www.ssc.edu or contact the Admissions Office at (708) 210-5718. SSC is located at 15800 South State Street, South Holland, Illinois. The college’s extension site, the Oak Forest Center, is located at 16333 S. Kilbourn, Oak Forest, Illinois.
our community to learn more about environmentally friendly and Iyanla Vanzant, relationship expert, television personality and he concept of “going green” is still new in many sustainable living. What better way to have that conversation then bestselling author; Cora Masters Barry, CEO of the Recreation African American communities, but thanks to Wish List Committee; Micheline Bowman, news coordinator of with a radio show like Café Mocha that has the ear of mothers, the Toyota Green Initiative (TGI)—launched by WTTG Fox 5; philanthropist and NBA mother “MVP” Wanda sisters and millennials”. Toyota USA six years ago – the concept has grown Durant; Carla Reid, GM/CEO of Washington Suburban Sanitary “Sustainable living is a topic rarely touched on in our substantially spotlighting green solutions through Commission; Carol Y. Dudley, director of Career Development, communities, yet it is important that we as a community begin to interactive business partnerships and innovative programs within Howard University School of Communications; celebrity have conversations about ways to protect our Earth and ensure communities of color to increase recycling, reduce waste, and hairstylist and entrepreneur Kim Kimble; Maisie Dunbar, future generations have the resources needed to live healthy lives,” overall educate the public. founder/CEO of Maisie Dunbar Understanding the impact of women Spa Lounge. as decision makers and a key advocate for The Café Mocha Salute Her any serious initiative, Toyota partnered with series benefits the Mocha Cares Café Mocha, the #1 nationally syndicated Foundation that supports women radio show for women of color, to serve as and children in local shelters with the presenting sponsor of the Salute Her: mentorship programs. Created as Beauty of Diversity Tour. Additionally, with an outgrowth of the radio show the creation of the Toyota Green Award, the foundation is designed to use organizations and women are honored for their media platform to employ their work in the sustainable field to help a network of experts, celebrities advance minority communities. and corporate friends to develop At the tour’s recent stop in Washington, interactive programming to DC the inaugural Toyota Green Award was improve the lives of families in presented to Ms. Jerri Evans owner and operator of Turning Natural, juice bar and transition. café is the first vegan restaurant in Southeast Next stops for the Salute Washington’s Anacostia neighborhood. Evans Café Mocha Radio, Toyota and ORS Hair Care honors phenomenal women in Washington, DC. Left to Right: YoYo, Carol Her: Beauty of Diversity Dudley, Micheline Bowman, ORS Hair Care rep, Shawn Tollerson (of Namaste Laboratories, LLC, Iyanla Vanzant, Johnna was recognized as a sustainability champion presented by Toyota Tour are for the rigorous green standards she adheres Gause—ORS, Cora Masters Barry, Wanda Durant, Maisie Dunbar, Carla Reid, Jerri Evans, Mo Ivory, Alva Adams Mason— New York City, Mist Harlem to – and also for bringing healthy, vegetarian Toyota, Angelique Perrin and Café Mocha executive producer Sheila Eldridge. (Eclipse Photography) October 13th with WBLS-FM fare to a neighborhood long considered a and Chicago, Hotel Allegro says Café Mocha creator and executive producer Sheila Eldridge. food desert. As such, Evans best exemplifies the goals of TGI. December 1s with WSRB-FM. An array of diverse This year Toyota USA and ORS Hair Care joined Café Alva Adams Mason, Director of African American Business honorees will be announced and saluted in each market. Mocha as the sponsors of the annual Salute HER: Beauty of Strategy for Toyota Motors, North America, says she was More information about the Toyota Green Initiative Diversity Awards to pay tribute to African American women particularly proud of the honoree for the first Toyota Green can be found at its website, http://www.toyota.com/usa/ Award. “Jerri Evans personifies what the Toyota Green Initiative is making a difference in their communities around the country. environmentreport2013/communities.html#toyotaThe Salute Her: Beauty of Diversity Awards also honored all about. It’s so important for us to be responsible and challenge green.
The 48th NAACP Image Awards Hosted by NAACP Image Award Winner And Black-ish Star on TV One The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and TV One, a television network dedicated to the best of black culture and entertainment, today recently that the 48th NAACP Image Awards will be nationally telecast live on TV One on Saturday, February 11, 2017 as a twohour special from the Pasadena Civic Auditorium. Image Awards winner, Emmy-award nominated actor and star of black-ish, Anthony Anderson, returns as host for the 48th NAACP Image Awards. The telecast on TV One will also include a live pre-show from the star-studded red carpet. The NAACP Image Awards is the most respected event of its kind and is well attended by many of the top names in the entertainment industry. This past telecast, which also aired on TV One in February 2016, some of the biggest names in film, television and music appeared including Viola Davis, Gabrielle Union, Will Smith, Jada Pinkett Smith, Gina Rodriguez, Chrissy Teigen, Kerry Washington, Nate Parker, Morris Chestnut, Ice Cube, LL
Cool J, Gugu Mbatha-Raw, Tika Sumpter, Keegan-Michael Key, O’Shea Jackson Jr., Chadwick Boseman, Michael B. Jordan, Tracee Ellis Ross, Laurence Fishburne, Spike Lee, Loretta Devine, Shonda Rhimes, Omari Hardwick, Wendy Raquel Robinson, Don Cheadle, Sanaa Lathan, Keke Palmer, Michael Ealy, Ken Jeong, Sylvester Stallone, and cast members from “Empire” – Terrence Howard, Taraji P. Henson, Jussie Smollett, Bryshere Gray, Grace Gealy, Trai Byers, Serayah, Gabourey Sidibe, Ta’Rhonda Jones, Kaitlin Doubleday, Lee Daniels, Danny Strong and more. In addition, John Legend was the recipient of the NAACP President’s Award and the NAACP Chairman’s Award was bestowed on Brittany “Bree” Newsome; Justice League NYC; Concerned Student 1950 Collective at the University of Missouri, Columbia; The University of Mississippi NAACP College Chapter; Rev. Dr. Otis Moss III; Rev. Dr. Howard-John Wesley; Rev. Dr. Jamal Harrison Bryant, and Jussie Smollett. Michael B. Jordan was named NAACP Entertainer of the
Remember, after buying your lottery ticket, sign it and make that winning ticket officially yours. Year. The 48th NAACP Image Awards production team will be returning including Executive Producers Reginald Hudlin and Phil Gurin, Director Tony McCuin, Co-Executive Producers Kimmie H. Kim and Byron Phillips, and Talent Producer Robin Reinhardt. Following are the key dates for the 48th NAACP Image Awards: Monday, October 31, 2016 - Submissions closes for the 48th NAACP Image Awards Tuesday, December 6, 2016 – 48th NAACP Image Awards Nominees’ Press Conference Saturday, January 28, 2017 – 48th NAACP Image Awards Nominees’ Luncheon Friday, February 10, 2017 – 48th NAACP
Image Awards Non-Televised Awards Dinner and Ceremony Saturday, February 11, 2017 – 48th NAACP Red Carpet and Image Awards Telecast Airs Live on TV One The NAACP Image Awards is the premiere multicultural awards show. It celebrates the accomplishments of people of color in the fields of television, music, literature and film, and also honors individuals or groups who promote social justice through creative endeavors. For all information and latest news, please visit the official NAACP Image Awards website at http://www. naacpimageawards.net. FB: /naacpimageaward | Twitter: @ naacpimageaward (#ImageAwards)
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Play smart and sign your ticket. Play responsibly. Must be 18 or older to play. If you or someone you know has a gambling problem, crisis counseling and referral services can be accessed by calling 1-800-GAMBLER (1-800-426-2537). For more info or to exclude yourself call 1-800-252-1775 or visit illinoislottery.com.
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8/24/16 2:08 PM
> Profile > Events > Bible verse
SPIRITUALLY SPEAKING: FAITH IS A VERB By James Washington (The Dallas Weekly, NNPA Member)
cripture says you should live your life in such a way that those around you can see the Jesus in you. “In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16. I know that sounds good. But what does it really mean? The only explanation that works for me is the one that talks about service, i.e. doing something in the name of the Lord. I still believe faith is a verb. We all know no one can live a perfect life. But it shouldn’t take a district attorney’s cross-examination to figure out where a person is coming from. The man who professes to love Jesus shouldn’t be okay with cheating on his wife, be content with a life of crime, or rationalize illicit sex, drugs
and satanic rock and roll. If so, then Allow me to testify about what the Lord cannot be your leader, nor I know to be true. My Bible says the Christ your example. We’ve all done it closer we come to Jesus, the more we to some degree, but at some point in experience the blessings of God. And your supposed walk with God, your why wouldn’t we? After all, those behavior, your are Jesus’ obedience, your footprints principles and in the snow. integrity must The path to shine through. righteousness Perfection may be is clear. The impossible, but goal is simple. serious effort is Be in right not only possible, relationship it’s mandatory. with God. You’ve got to give “But seek first it your best shot His kingdom each and every James Washington says that perfection may be and His day. You can and impossible, but serious effort is not only possible, it’s righteousness will fall short, but mandatory. and all things it shouldn’t be for will be given you lack of effort. I forget who said, if you as well.” Matthew 6:33. This ‘seeking’ try you might fail. But if you don’t try, to me has always meant working in you’re guaranteed to fail. Please note some capacity. Jesus said, “As long as that God requires effort. it is day, we must do the work of Him who sent me.” John 9:4. Now none of us has Jesus’ pedigree, but I am not opposed to working for what I want. I’ve done it all my life. You probably have too. So the important question is how hard are you willing to work knowing that your very soul is at stake? Just what are you willing to do to let the world know who you are and whose you are?
The good news of the gospel makes it clear that this is easy, if not ridiculously easy. Love God and love your neighbor. In this context love is a verb. Do enough so that the Jesus in you meets the Jesus in me. Do something, anything, that another person can’t mistake for anything else but kindness from above. For me, I’m asking God to walk with me in an effort to witness (see this column). I don’t exactly have it down yet. I’m finding that it’s not something you can study. I do know it’s triggered by the recognition that somebody needs to hear, in my case read, a word from God. You should know that at that particular moment, God has chosen you to deliver His Word. So open your mouth and speak. This work that I am trying to focus on is recognizing that I must let go and let God use me to uplift another human being. For those of you who are used to this, you know this is a very humbling experience. But, “…If a man will not work, he shall not eat…And as for you brothers, never tire of doing what is right…” Thessalonians 3:10-13. In the vernacular of the day, get up. It’s time to get busy. May God bless and keep you forever. The Dallas Weekly is a member publication of the NNPA. Learn more about becoming a member at NNPA.org.
1 Peter 4:10 - As every man hath received the gift, [even so] minister the same one to another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.
Kirk Franklin,ft. Pharrell-123 Victory Remix debuts at #1.
If you have a calendar item or news event that you would like to include in the Citizen’s church news section, please submit your information to editorial@thechicagocitizen.com.
You can also mail your information to: The Chicago Citizen Newspaper Group Inc., 806 East 78th Street, Chicago, Illinois 60619, Attn: Church News.
Dallas, TX - Recently, Kirk Franklin teamed up with singersongwriter, rapper and producer Pharrell Williams to create “123 Victory Remix”. The new single debuted this week at #1 on the Gospel Digital Sales chart and features the smooth sounds of Williams on the hip-hop infused track. “123 Victory Remix” is available
now—exclusively on Apple Music.
For more information and the latest news on Kirk Franklin, visit: https://www.facebook.com/ KirkFranklin https://twitter.com/kirkfranklin https://www.youtube.com/user/ realkirkfranklin
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SOUTHSIDE WITH YOU By Dwight Brown (NNPA Newswire Film Critic)
“Thought he was just another smooth talking brother?” says an inquisitive Chicago mom. She’s repeating the words her daughter used to describe a colleague she’s meeting for a first date. Never have eight words been so inaccurate. That “he,” is a twenty-something Barack Obama. The daughter is Michelle LaVaughn Robinson. As this very romantic and intelligent film brings one of the world’s most famous relationships into view, it’s easy to see why Barack and Michelle are still in love. Famous presidential relationships abound. There’s the eccentric, Franklyn and Eleanor Roosevelt. The tumultuous, Jack and Jackie. The divisive, Bill and Hillary. Now there’s Barack and Michelle, this generation’s famous POTUS union. And their relationship is almost the model for cohabitation. Both are smart, sharp, liked and admired. They’re private, yet they live their lives in the public eye. How the hell they’ve kept their marriage together, without much controversy, is a mystery to most. Until now. It’s ironic, but perhaps the best way to understand their relationship is by looking at the seeds of their romance through a reimagined first date, through the eyes of a White filmmaker who doesn’t even know them. First-time writer/director Richard Tanne recreates the first days of the Obama’s partnership with a reverence fit for a king and queen and an intimacy few romantic films achieve. It’s almost as if you’re hiding in the backseat of Barack’s old beat-up car and eavesdropping. Or sitting next to them in the movie theater when they see Spike Lee’s “Do The Right Thing.” Or standing in the back of a community center when Barack delivers one of his first rousing speeches and Michelle is impressed. Tanne’s efforts are helped greatly by Patrick Scola’s unobtrusive cinematography, Lucio Seixas’s simple production design, Megan Spatz’s lived-in costumes, Evan Schiff’s spot on editing (84 minutes) and a caressing musical score by Stephen James Taylor (Maya Angelou and “Still I Rise”). Their collective efforts set the time and place perfectly. It’s 1989, and a hot summer day/night on the Southside of Chicago. Even with the A/C cranked up high it can’t cool things down. In the midst of a heat wave,
Tika Sumpter (left) and Parker Sawyers star in “Southside With You.” (Miramax)
this decades-old African American community faces challenges it still encounters today. A desire to get ahead, live in peace and bring opportunities to a neighborhood that is stymied by crime, an apathetic government and all that goes with life in the inner city. Michelle Robinson (Tika Sumpter, “Ride Along”) is a Harvard Law School-educated attorney working at Sidley Austin LLP, the sixth-largest U.S.-based corporate law firm. As one of only a few Blacks in the office, she’s in a highly visible position. Michelle is the advisor for the first-year law associate Barack Obama (Parker Sawyers). It is with great reservation that she agrees to join him on an excursion to a community meeting at a church. She is adamant about not fraternizing with one of her Black, male colleagues. People will talk. Barack shows up in a junkyard chariot, a broken down, compact car with a hole in the floorboard of the passenger side. They drive off, sitting close but a cool distance apart, emotionally and intellectually. Her part of the conversation is very academic and professional. His is nosy. They verbally spar, like defense and prosecuting attorneys feeling each other out to see who has the She talks about the job. He asks, “Do you believe in God?” She resists his invasive questioning. He persists. As day turns into evening, and evening into night, a platonic meeting becomes a mating dance. A tête-à-tête between two brilliant minds. You have to wonder how Tanne was able to recreate a very
intimate moment, without actually being there or interviewing the first couple. His source materials were news articles and a video he viewed of the couple recounting their first date. The rest is his imagination and a smart creative strategy that bridges intellect, emotion and physical attraction. Surprisingly, Tanne achieves
his goals with a dialogueheavy script and a style that is reminiscent of the Richard Linklater/Ethan Hawke/Julie Delpy long-winded, but thoroughly beguiling films “Before Sunrise,” “Before Sunset” and “Before Midnight.” It’s the same kind of heady, verbal movie that artfully blends romance, life affirmations, thoughtful opinions and deep emotion. Films that make you think and feel. There are points in “Southside With You” when the Afrocentric discussions (arguing over the best Stevie Wonder song) between the two colleagues become more personal and depict a supportive relationship in the making. Barack talks about his father who died and was buried under an unmarked tombstone. Michelle tells him his mission should be to put words on the stone. The connection Tanne depicts between the two provides an illuminating backstory to a powercouple that under the glare of the spotlight always looks like they have a private bond and shared mission that will endure.
Parker Sawyer has a slightly darker complexion than President Obama, but the cheekbones, shape of his head, skinny build and determined eyes are a spitting image. It’s uncanny to watch him smoke cigarettes and give an inspiring speech. Tika Sumpter captures the essence of Michelle Obama. Her aura is identical. Her performance is brainy, assured, loving and nurturing. “Southside With You” vividly recreates the budding romance of Barack and Michelle. It also puts on a screen, for everyone to see, a romantic courtship between educated African Americans, the kind that Hollywood rarely depicts. A very winsome and loving film. It’s hard not to be swept off your feet. Dwight Brown is a film critic and travel writer. As a film critic, he regularly attends international film festivals including Cannes, Sundance, Toronto and the American Black Film Festival. Read more movie reviews by Dwight Brown here and at DwightBrownInk.com.
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14 / CITIZEN / Hyde Park / Week of September 7, 2016
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10824 S. Halsted OFFERED at $200,000.00 HUGE FRONT STORE/ OFFICE 4 SIDE STRIP STORES, PARK ING CERTIFIED GENERAL APPRAISED $250,000.00 J.A. GIBSON REALTY 7732131732 __________________________________ Available Commercial Warehouse and Furnish Office Space, located on the Southeast side 7738214000 __________________________________
LEGAL NOTICE PUBLIC MEDIA RELEASE For NonPricing Programs DAY's Adult Day & Personal Care Providers FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE DAY's Adult Day Care & Personal Care Providers, Inc., announces its participa tion in the USDA's Child and Adult Care Food Program. The same meals will be served at no separate charge to enrolled participants at the following site(s): DAY's Adult Day Care 245355 E 75th Street, Chicago IL 60649. Hours of Services: 7:00 am until 6:00 pm Monday thru Friday. This program, is administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Illinois Department on Aging, gives financial assistance to adult day care service so that nutritious meals can be integrated with nonresidential care serv ices. The goal of the program is to improve the diets of participants. The meals and snacks served meet stan dards established by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Listed below are the USDA Income Eligibility Guidelines which are effective July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017. The amount of reimbursement received by DAY's Adult Day & Personal Care Provides is based on the number of enrolled participants whose family income is at or below: FREE MEAL CATEGORY: If income is at or below: Family Size Yearly Weekly
SERVICE ARE YOU PREPARED? If You Were to Die Tomorrow, How Would Your Family Pay For The Cost Of Your Funeral? Put your family 1st today by giving them one less thing to worry about. Help ensure your love ones have the funds to cover funeral costs and other final expenses. Call Jeanine Waters Today for information! Family 1st Insurance Agency, LLC Chicago: (773) 2988900 or Suburbs: (708) 7482170 Ask me about policies for newborns, toddlers, preschoolers, gradeschoolers, teenagers, adults, and seniors ____________________________________
HELP WANTED DRIVERS Owner Operators, Lease and Company Drivers Wanted! Sign On Bonus, Mid States Freight Lanes, Consistent Home Time, No Northeast. www.Drive4Red.com or 8778115902, CDL A Required __________________________________ CDLA Drivers: New Pay & WEEKLY HOME TIME! Earn up to $0.49 CPM with Bonus Pay PLUS $5,000 Sign On Bonus. Call 8772942777 or SuperServiceLLC.com __________________________________
DriversCO & O\Op’s. Earn Great Money Running Dedicated! Great Benefits. Home Weekly. Monthly Bonuses. Drive Newer Equipment! 8555822265 __________________________________ Drivers: Co. CDLA. Guaranteed Salary + Mileage. $2500 Sign On + 401K. Quarterly & Annual Bonuses. Excellent Benefits Package 8559027681 __________________________________
RENTAL Newly decorated 1 Bd. Rm. Apt. $475.00 per Mo.Stove & Fridge Incd. 5200 S. Racine Call Mr. Lambert 773 370 7744 __________________________________
MISC AUCTION LIVE & ONLINE AUCTION September 10th 10am 8512 South Union Road, Union, IL Rare Phonograph Disc Cylinders & Recordings, Parts, Literature, Advertising MORE! 815923 7000 www.donleyauctions.com __________________________________ EVENTS POSTAGE STAMP SHOW Free Admission Lindner Conference Center 610 E. Butterfield, Lombard, IL September 10 & 11 Hours 10am 4pm Buy, Sell, Appraise www.msdastamp.com __________________________________ FARM EQUIPMENT Our Hunters will Pay Top $$$ to hunt your land. Call for a Free Base Camp Leasing info packet & Quote. 1866309 1507 www.BaseCampLeasing.com __________________________________
1 $15,444 $1,287 297 2 20,826 1,736 399 3 26,117 2,177 401 4 31,590 2,633 608 5 36,973 3,081 711 Each Additional Yearly Monthly Family Member 5,408 451 Weekly 104 REDUCEDPRICE MEAL CATEGORY If income is at or between: Family Size Yearly Monthly 1 $15,445 & $21,978 $1,288 & $1,832 Weekly $295 & 423 Family Size Yearly 2 20,827 & 29,637 Weekly 402 & 570
Monthly 1,737 & 2,470
Family Size Yearly 3 26,209 & 37,296 Weekly 505 & 718
Monthly 2,185 & 2,108
Family Size Yearly 4 31,591 & 44,955 Weekly 609 & 865
Monthly 2,634 &3,747
Family Size Yearly Monthly 5 36,973 & 52,614 3,082 & 4,386 Weekly 712 & 1,012 Each Additional Monthly Family Member Yearly 5,409 & 7,696 452 & 642 Weekly 105 & 148 DAY's Adult Day & Personal Care does not discriminate in admission to pro grams or activities in compliance with the Civil Rights Act. The same meals will be served at no separate charge to enrolled participants at the center listed below and will be provided in accor
dance with federal law and United States Department of Agriculture policy. Institutions are prohibited from discrim inating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability. To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W. Washington, D.C. 202509410 or call (800) 7953272 or (202) 7206382 (TTY). For further information, contact: DAY's Adult Day & Personal Care Providers at 245355 E 75th St. Chicago IL 60649 Phone (773) 3637770 ATTN Harriet Day/Administrator. Email: nuday2806@yahoo.com __________________________________
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to "An Act in relation to the use of an Assumed Business Name in the conduct or trans action of Business in the State, as amended, that a certification was regis tered by the undersigned with the County Clerk of Cook County. Registration Number: D16147835 on August 17, 2016 Under the Assumed Business Name of SOC SECURITY with the business located at: 7625 S. COT TAGE GROVE, CHICAGO, IL 60619. The true and real full name and residence address of the owner is: CIDNEY J THOMPSON 819 E. 193RD PLACE GLENWOOD,IL 60425,USA. __________________________________
16 / CITIZEN / Hyde Park / Week of September 7, 2016
QBG Foundation, 800 E. 78th Street, Chicago Saturday, September 24, 2016
ENTRY FEE Prizes Awarded
Special Early Bird Team Registration fee: $125 before September 17 General Team On-Site Registration fee: $150
1st Place Trophy
Four player teams, (1 alternate) Teams must average rating under 2200 Four Round Swiss Time control: G/45 + 3 sec delay
Registration: 9:00-9:45 a.m. 1st Round Starts: 10:00 a.m. Tournament Ends: 7:00 p.m. Award Ceremony: 6:30 p.m.
For more information or to register, Please contact Mr. John Porter (312) 593-4859 informationnow21@gmail.com