Week of June 8, 2016 Vol 46 • No 23 •
Chicago Weekend
Audit Bureau of Circulation ABC AUDITED
By Monique Smith
tates across the country have seen a rise in rental rates due the number foreclosures and homeowners who have now become renters. Illinois is no exception. ‘Out of Reach 2016’ is a report recently released by the research and advocacy group, National Low Income Housing Coalition out of Washington, D.C., and the Housing Action Illinois organization, a statewide coalition that advocates for the expansion and availability of quality affordable housing. In order to be able to afford a modest two-bedroom apartment in Illinois, renters need to earn $19.98 per hour or $41,567 per year, according to the report.
State funded subsidies help a family move into their new home, but affordable housing is out of reach for many others in Illinois. Photo Courtesy of Housing Action Illinois.
Affordable Housing Out of Reach for Many in Illinois
Op/Ed: Muhammad Ali: A Profile in Moral Courage > P5 www.thechicagocitizen.com • 51 years of serving the Black community
2 / CITIZEN / Chicago Weekend / Week of June 8, 2016
1 Illinois Treasurer Fights Insurance
Companies that Do Not Pay Death Benefits SPRINGFIELD - Families will no longer be victimized by life insurance companies that refuse to pay death benefits, Illinois Treasurer Michael Frerichs said recently. His remarks came after the General Assembly approved legislation pushed by Frerichs that requires insurers to use the federal Death Master File list to confirm if a policy holder has died and the death benefits have not been paid. The legislation is needed because not all life insurance companies pay death benefits when they know or should have known the policy holder has passed away. “It is clear that the purpose of a life insurance policy is to offer a small bit of help to our families,” Frerichs said. “It also is clear that insurance companies are expected to pay on the policy when the time has come. The General Assembly’s action closes a loophole and helps our families.” Rep. Robert Martwick, D-Norridge, and Sen. William Haine, D-Alton, are the chief sponsors of HB4633. After beating back attempts by life insurance lobbyists, the Senate approved the measure 54-0 and the House 118-0. It now goes to the
Governor where he could sign it into law or veto the legislation. Opponents include the Kemper Corporation. Three life insurance companies under Kemper’s umbrella have sued Frerichs. The lawsuit is a result of Frerichs’ request to have an auditor determine if the companies are holding life insurance policies that could have been paid but remain unclaimed. Kemper seeks to block the audit, saying “life insurers
“It is clear that the purpose of a life insurance policy is to offer a small bit of help to our families.” such as (Kemper) have no affirmative obligation to take any steps to determine that an insured has died and/or that benefits are payable…” and that they “do not want to … adopt a practice where (Kemper has) an affirmative obligation to identify deceased insureds and escheat policy proceeds five years after the date of
a death reported on the DMF.” (Kemper Complaint pp 9, 20) The AARP, Veterans of Foreign Wars, and the National Association of Social Workers supported the proposal so the final wishes of the deceased could be fulfilled. The Death Master File, or DMF, is used by the Social Security Administration and other government agencies to fight waste, fraud and abuse. More than 20 life insurance companies representing more than 70 percent of the national market routinely check their policies against the DMF. Since 2011, Illinois has used audits to identify more than $550 million in life insurance proceeds that should have been paid to beneficiaries in Illinois. “There are life insurance companies today that acknowledge in federal regulatory filings that they intentionally avoid paying death benefits to increase their profit margins,” Frerichs said. “We cannot allow this to continue. It hurts real people and stains the life insurance companies that are treating their customers fairly.”
Affordable Housing Out of Reach for Many... Continued from page 1
For areas that are on the outskirts of the Chicago metropolitan area, a $19.98 rental wage is necessary and the housing wage increases to a minimum of $22.26 when you look at rental rates in the city of Chicago. But these figures are out of step with the current minimum wage amount. Currently minimum wage in Illinois is $8.25 and even with a promise of success in the “Fight for $15,” most people will still need some form of housing subsidy or assistance. Housing Action Illinois Policy Director Bob Palmer said, “It’s an unacceptable situation, housing should be affordable enough that a family can pay rent and still put food on the table. Instead, minimum wage workers in our The current housing rental rates in Illinois. Photo Courtesy state face un-affordable rates whether of Housing Action Illinois. they live in Chicago, Bloomington, or Nearly $225 million in state funding is for Cairo.” human services programs that provide relief to Because there is such a large disparity in homeless shelters, supportive housing, rental rental rates and income in many communities, subsidies and housing construction is being the state provides funding that helps to held hostage and should’ve been available 11 alleviate that burden through programs and months ago had a budget passed. organizations that provide housing assistance “The state budget impasse has been and in many cases, temporary or transitional causing people to become homeless. We housing for the homeless or those facing urge Governor Rauner to help by signing the homelessness.
emergency spending bill,” said Palmer. The real estate market in Chicago is booming, but only for the population that can afford it. While state legislators struggle to come to some type of bipartisan agreement on this budget crisis, the average cost of rent and utilities for a two-bedroom apartment in Illinois had risen to $1039 per month. Palmer says the Housing Action Illinois advocates on behalf of those who don’t have a say, but state laws, city ordinances and zoning regulations make it difficult to build affordable housing in Illinois. “We support policies that have developers coming into the city to incorporate inclusionary housing.” Social service programs are always lowest on a state budget totem pole and almost always the hardest hit and deeply impacted. Palmer says the state budget impasse is making a bad situation worse, “We know that agencies had to reduce their intake of clients and in some cases reduce staff resulting in more homelessness. The state had never made an adequate investment in affordable housing and addressing homelessness to begin with,” he said.
www.thechicagocitizen.com • 51 years of serving the Black community
Briefly $36 million in job training grants will help more than 17,000 veterans U.S. Secretary of Labor Thomas E. Perez announced the award of $36 million in Homeless Veterans’ Reintegration Program grants today to help an estimated 17,000 veterans successfully transition to sustainable housing and good civilian jobs. The grants will fund a variety of services to assist homeless veterans in their return to the labor force including occupational, classroom and on-the-job training, as well as job search and placement assistance. “Veterans homelessness is a moral outrage and it hurts the economy as well,” said the secretary in announcing the grants at the National Coalition for Homeless Veterans’ annual conference today. “We know that America works best when we field a full team, and veterans are some of our most valuable players. When a lack of stable housing is keeping highly skilled veterans out of the workforce, we all lose out on their gifts and talents.” Grants were awarded on a competitive basis to state and local workforce investment boards, local public agencies and nonprofit organizations, tribal governments, and faith-based and community organizations. HVRP is the only federal program focused exclusively on employment of homeless veterans. President Obama has proposed increasing funding for the HVRP program to $50 million in the Fiscal Year 2017 Budget. Many HVRP grant recipients’ awards will also include funding to allow them to target specific at-risk veteran populations. The Incarcerated Veterans Transition Program provides funding for services to expedite the reintegration of incarcerated or recently incarcerated veterans who are at risk for homeless into the labor force. The Homeless Female Veterans and Veterans with Families Program provides funding for services to expedite the reintegration of homeless female veterans and veterans with families into the labor force.
CITIZEN / Chicago Weekend / Week of June 8, 2016 / 3
Sinai Health System Expanding Behavioral Health Services
vulnerable patient,” said Sinai Health System t a time when the results of unmet President and CEO Karen Teitelbaum. “Our crisis behavioral healthcare and crisis stabilization unit, open since July, has already seen intervention needs are making headlines, the power of timely treatment in a therapeutically Sinai Health System is expanding its appropriate, quiet, safe environment.” decades-long commitment to community To meet this need in its communities which by making a multimillion investment in mental health have some of the lowest access to care, Sinai services for the west and southwest sides of Chicago. “We know Health System is introducing a wide range of new The new services include intensive day, outpatient and that sixty behavioral health services at and near its Holy Cross expanded inpatient treatment, and Chicago’s first crisis percent Hospital, featuring: stabilization unit, which provides 24-hour access to care A new outpatient mental health clinic serving for patients experiencing a mental health emergency. of those children and adults that can accommodate 300 The service expansion comes as Chicagoans are diagnosed patient visits per week. In addition to traditional finding it hard to access the behavioral healthcare they with mental individual and group therapy, the clinic will feature need. In recent years, the City of Chicago has closed half intensive day treatment programming for up to 30 of its mental health clinics and the State has cut more illnesses patients at a time. The clinic will be located at 2601 than 30 percent of its budget for mental health services. never W. Marquette Road and will be open in summer In fact, Cook County Jail is currently the largest receive 2016. provider of mental health services in Illinois, and police A new dedicated adult inpatient behavioral are increasingly dealing with violence spawned from treatment.” health unit with 24 beds at Holy Cross Hospital addiction and mental health crises. opening in fall 2016. “We know that sixty percent of those diagnosed Chicago’s first 24-hour psychiatric observation with mental illnesses never receive treatment, that crisis stabilization unit (CSU) located at Holy Cross Hospital that the Chicago Police are called to pick up individuals who are experiencing mental health crises and that our jails and emergency can assess and counsel up to 32 patients experiencing a mental health episode. Sinai has been piloting a smaller version of the rooms regularly receive mental health patients. Emergency CSU since July 2015. The full CSU will open in winter 2016. departments are not always the right setting for this type of
Oklahoma Author Mersch Uncovers Racial Disparities In Moses Prosecution the room for 10 minutes In January 2015, to start dinner. When she an electrical contractor went back, the youngest for London Square was face down in the water. Apartments, a lowMakayla was charged income housing complex with “failing to provide in mid-town Tulsa, proper supervision,” a produced engineering court document says. She reports showing dangerous was released on bond after violations of electrical serving only four days in codes he says contributed jail and received a fourto a cooking fire that killed year suspended sentence. two small children. The Miashah Moses seen at her 2009 high school In July 2014, Amber fire has been blamed on commencement. (PRNewsFoto/Carol Mersch) Alexander, police officer’s a young African American wife, failed to check on her two-year-old foster child woman now in jail. for two hours from 7:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. She then Carol L. Mersch, an Oklahoma author and found the child drowned at the bottom of the family business entrepreneur followed the case and swimming pool. The toddler had gotten through an interviewed witnesses over the past two years. unlocked door and safety gate. No charges were ever The case of 25-year-old Miashah Moses, in filed. jail more than two years since the November 2013 The difference in the three cases: Makayla and kitchen fire that killed her nieces Noni, 4, and Nylah, Amber are white. 18-months, raises questions about racial disparity in Famous Tankersley, owner of EWS LLC, a local the Tulsa judicial system, Mersch found. electrical company, found defective wiring in rusted Miashah Moses was charged by then-District Attorney Tim Harris with two counts of second-degree conduits with no grounding and defective breaker boxes allegedly ignored by London Square owner Paul murder for felony child neglect by “failing to provide Forkeotes and passed over by City of Tulsa electrical proper supervision” of her nieces. Moses had left her inspectors, who approved the buildings for occupancy. London Square apartment for eight minutes to empty Internal emails reveal seven stove fires occurring trash during which time the stove erupted in flames. after the Moses tragedy were handled internally by Harris further alleged Miashah left to do more than apartment maintenance workers and went unreported empty the trash –she left to buy drugs from another to the fire department. tenant in London Square, Torrance Williams. Miashah faces a jury trial with 20 years to life in Similar Tulsa cases at that time had decidedly prison if convicted. Meanwhile, “There’s a young lady different outcomes. in jail right now who shouldn’t be there,” Tankersley In May 2014, Makayla Rhotenberry put her onesaid. and two-year-old girls in a bathtub together and left
A staff of telepsychiatry professionals who can provide coverage overnight and on weekends for patients in the crisis stabilization unit, as well as expand capacity in the behavioral health clinics. Sinai’s pilot CSU has been operating for ten months, serving up to 12 patients at a time, and has already had a big impact on the treatment of people facing a mental health emergency. An alternative to the standard emergency room, CSU patients receive immediate access to psychiatric and behavioral health professionals who can rapidly diagnose and treat their conditions, including prescribing medications. As part of the launch of the Holy Cross Crisis Stabilization Unit, Sinai also announced a partnership with Cook County Sheriff Thomas J. Dart to facilitate treatment for a wide array of individuals coming into the Sheriff’s custody. As part of the agreement, Sheriff’s Police officers and street units will utilize the Holy Cross CSU as part of Sheriff Dart’s mental health diversion strategy. The officers - all of whom have received advanced mental health training - will have the discretion to transport low-level, non-violent offenders undergoing psychiatric episodes to the CSU in lieu of arrest. Additionally, Sheriff Dart has committed to transporting Cook County Jail detainees in need of ongoing mental health treatment straight to the CSU upon their discharge and re-entry into the community. Construction for the outpatient clinic and inpatient unit is underway and will be completed later this year.
Illinois Legislature Passes Automatic Voter Registration The Illinois legislature passed SB250, which would enact voter registration in the state. The bill now heads to Governor Rauner’s desk for signature, and if signed would make Illinois the fifth state in the last year to enact automatic voter registration. Ellen Kurz, President of iVote, issued the following statement. “Today, Illinois is one step closer to making voting not only more modern and secure, but more cost-efficient by saving thousands by eliminating duplication and bureaucratic waste. These can be bipartisan values, and values we can all agree on, including Governor Rauner.” iVote, a national organization dedicated to going on the offense to expand access to voting, has built paid media campaigns in support of AVR in California, Illinois, Maryland, and New Jersey. In Illinois, iVote organized hundreds of grassroots phone calls into key legislators. Additionally, iVote spent $20,000 on digital ads to aide legislators and candidates, both Democrats and Republican, who signed iVote’s pledge to support AVR. iVote has also supported efforts in Oregon, Vermont, and West Virginia. The most recent AVR bills to pass into law, in Vermont and West Virginia, were passed with overwhelming bipartisan support. Additionally, Connecticut enacted automatic voter registration administratively at the end of May.
Senate votes to protect kids from lead-tainted water State Senator Heather Steans (D-Chicago 7th) sponsored legislation that earned the Senate’s approval recently and will require increased testing for lead in drinking water, especially in schools, and steppedup efforts to identify and replace lead service lines in water systems. Informed by the tragedy in Flint, Michigan, the measure also brings Illinois law into line with federal lead limits and includes new rules to keep the public informed about potential risks in their drinking water. Senate Bill 550 requires water systems to complete an inventory of lead service lines used to distribute drinking water; the Department of Public Health must develop a program to identify lead hazards in schools statewide and to require their mitigation within a reasonable State Senator Heather timeframe. Schools that serve preschool through fifth-grade Steans (D-Chicago 7th) students and were built before 1987 must take samples from their drinking water sources and have them tested for lead. If the level of lead in any water sample from a school is 15 parts per billion – the “action level” set in federal law – or higher, parents and guardians must be informed of the level and the associated risks. Finally, water systems must notify residents of any construction work likely to cause elevated lead levels in their tap water and inform them if their water supply has been tested and exceeds the action level. The legislation now moves to the House.
www.thechicagocitizen.com • 51 years of serving the Black community
CITIZEN / Chicago Weekend / Week of June 8, 2016 / 5
4 / CITIZEN / Chicago Weekend / Week of June 8, 2016
Bringing our readers vital news on local and national business issues that impact the communities we serve.
William Garth, Sr, CEO of the CItizen Newspaper Group, INC
Twitter Introduces Comment Moderation Tools in Periscope Broadcasts
S&P Dow Jones Indices recently released the latest results for the S&P/Case-Shiller Home Price Indices, the leading measure of U.S. home prices. Data released recently for March 2016 shows that home prices continued their rise across the country over the last 12 months.
The S&P/Case-Shiller U.S. National Home Price Index, covering all nine U.S. census divisions, reported a 5.2% annual gain in March, down from 5.3% the previous month. The 10-City Composite and the 20-City Composites’ year-over-year gains remained unchanged at 4.7% and 5.4%, respectively, from the prior month. “Home prices are continuing to rise at a 5% annual rate, a pace that has held since the start of 2015,” says David M. Blitzer, Managing Director & Chairman of the Index Committee at S&P Dow Jones Indices. “The economy is supporting the price increases with improving labor markets, falling unemployment rates and extremely low mortgage rates. Another factor behind rising home prices is the limited supply of homes on the market. The number of homes currently on the market is less than two percent of the number of households in the U.S., the lowest percentage seen since the mid-1980s. “Price movements vary across the country. The Pacific Northwest and the west continue to be the strongest regions. Seattle, Portland, Oregon and Denver had the largest year-over-year price increases. These cities also saw some of the largest declines in unemployment rates among the 20 cities included in the S&P/Case-Shiller Indices. The northeast and upper mid-west regions were at the other end of the ranking. The four cities with the smallest year-over-year prices gains were Washington DC, Chicago, New York, and Cleveland. The unemployment rates in Chicago and Cleveland rose from March 2015 to March 2016.” More than 27 years of history for these data series is available, and can be accessed in full by going to www. homeprice.spdji.com. Additional content on the housing market can also be found on S&P Dow Jones Indices’ housing blog: www.housingviews.com.
Briefly Expedia introducing summer coupon savings of up to 96 percent off to commemorate 20th anniversary
To celebrate the 20th anniversary of its founding in 1996, Expedia.com®, now one of the world’s largest full service travel sites, is introducing a 20th-themed sale as a special anniversary gift to customers. Consumers can ow visit expedia.com/20-yearsof-expedia where they will uncover coupons throughout the summer, including 20% off hotels, $20 off hotels, $150 off packages and a surprise coupon offer where the discount could be as much as 96% off. Expedia will also offer hotel deals throughout the entire promotion, which runs through August 2, 2016.
Twitter recently introduced a new tool to combat spam and abuse in Periscope broadcasts. Periscope allows anyone to broadcast live to a global audience and enables viewers to interact in real time. Designed to be transparent, live, and community-led, the new reporting tool gives people watching the broadcast the ability to report comments they find inappropriate as they appear on the screen. A small group of randomly selected live viewers will then vote on whether they agree with the reporter’s assessment. Those found to be sending spammy or abusive comments will be temporarily disabled from commenting within the broadcast. “We want our community to feel comfortable when broadcasting,” said Kayvon Beykpour, Periscope CEO and co-founder. “One of the unique things about Periscope is that you’re often interacting with people you don’t Logo know; that immediate intimacy is what makes it Twitter (PRNewsFoto/ such a captivating experience. But that intimacy Twitter, Inc.) can also be a vulnerability if strangers post abusive comments. Broadcasters have always been able to moderate commenters in their broadcast, but we’ve now created a transparent tool that allows the collective actions of viewers to help moderate bad actors as well.” The new report tool is accessible by tapping on a comment within a broadcast. People can report a comment for being spam,
abuse, or for other reasons, i.e., the comment is in a foreign language. Comments that are flagged as spam or abuse are then put to a jury of randomly selected live viewers who are asked to help moderate the comment by determining whether it is abuse or spam, looks okay, or they’re not sure. Periscope acknowledges that live viewers are best suited to ascertain what constitutes abuse, given that the context of the broadcast impacts the tone of the comments. Regardless of the outcome, the person reporting the broadcast won’t see comments from the person they reported for the rest of the broadcast. People whose comments have been deemed spam or abuse are then temporarily disabled from commenting within the broadcast. Repeat offenses will result in chat being disabled for that commenter for the remainder of the broadcast. Periscope has designed the feature to be transparent so people on both sides – reporter and moderators as well as commenter – understand the outcome, and lightweight so they’re able to participate with minimal disruption to their viewing experience. This system works in tandem with other safety tools already in place: the ability to report ongoing harassment or abuse, block and remove people from broadcasts, and restrict comments to mutual followers. People will have the choice to disable the comment moderation tool in their broadcasts or choose not to participate as moderators. For more information on how the comment moderation tool works visit data-omniture=”https://medium.com/@periscope/ df09439de956#.8caku2eue” target=”_blank”>the Periscope blog.
Muhammad Ali: A Profile in Moral Courage “I ain’t got no quarrel with them Viet Cong -- no Viet Cong ever called me nigger.” With those pointed words, Muhammad Ali explained his opposition to the US war in Vietnam and justified his refusal to submit himself to the draft. He declared himself a conscientious objector. After declining three times to step forward for induction into the US Armed Forces in April of 1967 in Houston, Texas, the reigning world heavyweight boxing champion was arrested, stripped of his title and state boxing licenses, and thrown into a three-year legal battle ending with his exoneration (on technical grounds) by the US Supreme Court. No one ever seriously doubted the physical courage of Muhammed Ali (born Cassius Marcellus Clay, Jr. in 1942 in Louisville, Kentucky). An Olympic gold medalist and winner of eight Golden Gloves titles, he became the youngest man ever to unseat a reigning heavyweight boxing champion at 22. Clay, named after a Kentucky planter who became a crusader for the abolition of slavery, converted to Islam and changed his name shortly after that 1964 technical knockout victory over Sonny Liston. He was fearless in the ring (perhaps forever “the greatest,” as he called himself and came
to be called by others). He went on to become professional heavyweight boxing’s only threetime world champion, winning the title in 1964, 1974 and 1978. But his singular act of MORAL courage -- a prominent black American at the pinnacle of youthful fame, standing firm against an immoral war in the face of disapproval from World War 2’s “Greatest Generation,” head unbowed to forced military service more than a century after his nation put an end to formal chattel slavery -- remains by far his greatest legacy. His stand rang the opening bell on a generation’s resistance to war and conscription and inspired Martin Luther King, Jr., who had hesitated to oppose civil rights supporter Muhammad Ali Lyndon Baines Johnson on the subject, to come out against the war in Vietnam. social justice, human rights, and/or social capital in Nor did Ali’s peace activism end with his draft their communities and on a global basis.” resistance. In 1991, he traveled to Iraq to negotiate Muhammad Ali died on June 3, 2016, in with Saddam Hussein for the release of American Scottsdale, Arizona. He was 74. hostages, and in 2002 he visited Afghanistan Thomas L. Knapp (Twitter: @thomaslknapp) as a “UN Messenger of Peace.” The Ali Center is director and senior news analyst at the William established the Muhammad Ali Humanitarian Lloyd Garrison Center for Libertarian Advocacy Awards in 2013 to honor those who make Journalism (thegarrisoncenter.org). He lives and “significant contributions toward securing peace, works in north central Florida.
La Jolla Physician Shares Strategies for Boosting 2 Powerful Longevity Factors When Valerie L. Youngblood was a young doctor she noticed that some of her 70-year-old patients looked like they were 50. She wondered why they were aging much slower than others. After studying them for decades Youngblood was able to identify patterns she could follow to age much slower herself. Then, convinced that other people needed to know what she had discovered, she wrote the new book The Youngblood Code: Proven Strategies to Optimize Your Health and Longevity By
Bending Time to Your Advantage (May 2016). She says, “The two most important aspects of your life to concentrate on if you want to live to be 100 are happiness and optimism. I have identified at least five things you can do every day that cost absolutely nothing. Yet faithfully followed they will lead to the mindset you need for a long, healthy life.” For more information, contact Valerie L. Youngblood, M.D., (888) 6736336; Email or www.ybihealth.com.
Verizon reaches tentative agreements with unions representing wireline employees After nearly a year of intensive negotiations, Verizon Communications Inc. announced recently that it has reached tentative agreements with the Communications Workers of America (CWA) and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) on new contracts for about 36,000 employees who work primarily for the company’s network operations and consumer and mass business units. The company will achieve cost savings and cost avoidance through healthcare plan design changes, adopting Medicare Advantage plans for retirees, maintaining limits on post-retirement healthcare costs, and freezing the mortality table for lump sum pensions using the GATT rate. In addition, the agreements allow for greater flexibility in call sharing to better serve customers and give the company the ability to offer special buyout incentives to employees. Employees covered by these contracts will receive a wage increase of 10.5% over the term of the contract, which would
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Valerie L. Youngblood (PRNewsFoto/Valerie L. Youngblood)
expire on August 3, 2019. The first increase would come after ratification.
AmericInn® Adds FUN to Summer Vacations with a Fill in the BLANK Contest AmericInn® wants to hear about your great summer vacation. In return, the “upscale local” hotel brand is giving away prizes for the most unique, creative and often hilarious entries! AmericInn—the largest midscale hotel brand in the upper Midwest—is inviting travelers to participate in its “Fill Inn to Win” contest. The contest web page guides participants to fill in the blanks for things like favorite summer activity, strange animal and weird food. The program then provides a personalized story about your vacation experience based on the key words you submit. Entries can be submitted online at www.fillinntowin.com. Over 8,000 stories have already been submitted and guests can share their funny stories with family and friends through social media.
Keep things cool in your lottery pool. Play responsibly. Must be 18 or older to play. If you or someone you know has a gambling problem, crisis counseling and referral services can be accessed by calling 1-800-GAMBLER (1-800-426-2537). For more info or to exclude yourself call 1-800-252-1775 or visit illinoislottery.com.
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5/25/16 10:15 AM
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CITIZEN / Chicago Weekend / Week of June 8, 2016 / 7
Four Member Newspapers to Mentor the Selected Students in “Discover the Unexpected” Program
NNPA Drives with Chevrolet to Launch Historic Journalism Fellowship at Howard University WASHINGTON, D.C. – At a news conference on Wednesday, March 23 at Howard University, the NNPA partnered with Chevrolet and Howard University’s School of Communications to announce the “Discover the Unexpected” (DTU) Fellowship Program. Designed to support the next generation of African American journalists, eight Howard communications students will be selected for an innovative journalism program that will pair them in teams of two with a professional advisor from four NNPA member newspapers: Washington Informer, Atlanta Voice, Michigan Chronicle and Chicago Defender. The students will be challenged to develop news stories that impact their communities, thereby discovering the unexpected. chevy_homeMichelle Matthews-Alexander, Diversity Marketing Manager of Chevrolet, said the fellows will be paid a stipend and earn tuition scholarships. In addition, Chevrolet will present the all-new 2016 Chevrolet Malibu to the Fellows news teams to use during a portion of their reporting assignment. The application deadline Howard students to apply was April 10, 2016, with Fellows to be selected by a panel of NNPA publishers, editors and Howard faculty. Representing NNPA at the press conference were President and CEO Dr. Benjamin F. Chavis, Jr. and Chair Denise Rolark-Barnes. In his remarks, Dr. Chavis, who noted the NNPA’s longstanding
partnership with Chevrolet, said, “The Black Press is the trusted voice of Black America. When the students file their stories, they will do it within the context of that trusted relationship. This program is going to give the students a foundation that they will use for the rest of their careers.” Barnes, whose paper will be a mentoring institution stated, “Student journalists who work at
Black newspapers get a global experience, because the needs are often greater and the expectations are higher.” This program is illustrative of the kinds of partnerships that NNPA seeks to develop and expand as an ongoing initiative. For more information about the program go to www.nnpa. org/dtu.
This summer, a select group of Howard University students are bringing you something special - good news! They will share untold and uplifting stories from the African American community as part of the first-ever DISCOVER THE UNEXPECTED program presented by Chevrolet Malibu in partnership with the National Newspaper Publishers Association. Teams will cover stories in Detroit, Washington D.C., Chicago and Atlanta. Plus, they’ll get to navigate the city in an all-new 2016 Malibu. Join them on this exciting journey of discovery and inspiration. #discovertheunexpected
8 / CITIZEN / Chicago Weekend / Week of June 8, 2016
Summer Brain Games help keep kids engaged and learning this summer
ake off on a voyage of exploration this summer with hands-on science activities related to the theme of travel through the Summer Brain Games program from the Museum of Science and Industry. Summer Brain Games offers eight weeks of free and fun at-home science experiments designed to combat the “summer brain drain.” Families receive a FREE Museum Entry voucher when they sign up online at msichicago.org/summerbrain (one ticket per household). This year’s Summer Brain Games runs June 86 through August 13, 2016. Registration is now open, and vouchers will be emailed when the program kicks off on June 86. Registered families will receive weekly emails with detailed instructions on eight different travel-themed science activities that can be easily done (with some adult supervision) using items found around the house or inexpensively purchased. Kids will be on the move with experiments that teach about engineering, physics, materials science and other STEM subjects as they launch a glider,
move a vehicle with propulsion, engineer a parachute and more. It’s a great way for families with kids of all ages to stay active and enthused as they learn more about the world around them. “Kids lose about three months of learning over the summer, which means those first few weeks when school starts again is devoted to relearning the same concepts,” said Bryan Wunar, the Museum’s director of community initiatives. “With Summer Brain Games, thousands of kids and their families join us to experiment, learn and have fun together. We are excited to bring back this program for a fourth year.” Families can register NOW at msichicago.org/summerbrain. When the program kicks off on June 86, they’ll receive a voucher good for a FREE Museum Entry ticket to MSI, and the instructions for the first activity. Then each week, families will receive an email with instructions and tips on each activity and additional suggestions on how to explore science during the summer. Thousands of registrants from around the country have enjoyed the program the past four summers.
and find out how we can better prepare students for college, career and life. To learn more, visit XQsuperschool.org. Using everyday items, eight different science activities keep kids engaged this summer. Photo by: J.B. Spector/Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago.
hey chicago, the bus is coming. Explore XQ: The Super School Bus
The Movie Studio Reveals New Opportunities for Indie Filmmakers
CITIZEN / Chicago Weekend / Week of June 8, 2016 / 9
Independent films are the heart and soul of the movie industry. These original works of art have the potential to push the boundaries of film; engage new, underserved audiences and, just maybe, develop into blockbuster hits seen by millions of viewers worldwide. This journey of growth, however, is no easy task. For an independent The TMS model is two-fold. The company both filmmaker, distribution can be creates its own movies and simultaneously the difference between a flop and a distributes other independent films. million-dollar success. How can filmmakers trump this with audiences in more than 60 countries. trend? The Movie Studio (TMS) evolved with These moviemakers can also become a an answer to this ever-important industry member of TMS’ growing family of followers, problem. shareholders and supporters, ultimately The TMS model is two-fold. The working together for a mutual profit. company both creates its own movies and In addition, TMS continues to prove its simultaneously distributes other independent value through its finesse and speed, period. films. The combination provides TMS with a The organization prides itself on giving full library of diverse work that appeals to a viewers the power to decide for themselves if broad network of buyers worldwide. a film is successful. Currently, TMS is focused on EnglishAs a pledge to its commitment to the speaking films. Plans are in the works, industry, the TMS team has solidified a however, to enter the foreign films language powerful, well-coordinated media platform market in the near future. through NewsUSA and FilmFestival.com. Gordon Scott Ventures, CEO, stated, “We This platform will boast a strong social media are very excited to assist many independent program intended to reach new independent producers, with their collective team in their producers and savvy film watchers alike. quest for having their efforts rewarded by With the indie industry begging for more reaching audiences around the globe.” options to grow, TMS could be in the right TMS’ growth comes through enrolling position at the right time to swiftly become a indie producers from the top film schools leader in the entertainment industry at large. and film festivals. If recruited, producers To learn more, please visit www. have the opportunity to share their work TheMovieStudio.com. (NewsUSA)
10 / CITIZEN / Chicago Weekend / Week of June 8, 2016
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IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT, DOMESTIC RELATIONS DIVISION IN RE THE MARRIAGE OF ETHEL HILL Petitioner, -vTORRENCE HILL Respondent Case No.: 2016D004437 NOTICE BY PUBLICATION NOTICE IS GIVEN TO YOU, Torrence Hill, Respondent, that is case has been commenced in the Circuit Court of Cook County against you asking for Dissolution of Marriage and other relief. UNLESS YOU file your response or otherwise file your appearance in this case in the office of the Clerk of the Court, 50 West Washington, Room 802, Chicago, Illinois 60602, on or before June 22, 2016, A JUDGMENT OR DECREE BY DEFAULT MAY BE TAKEN AGAINST YOU FOR THE RELIEF ASKED IN THE PETITION. Asisat Y. Williams, 41781 PO Box 208501 Chicago, Illinois 60643 (773) 445-5274 __________________________________
HELP WANTED DRIVERS Drivers: Expect Different. OTR Drivers in Chicago, IL. Join Nussbaum before the end of June 2016 to earn: $3k sign-on bonus, $1,000 immediately, and $1,000 in 90 days, and 1,000 at anniversary. Plus: Beginning Yearly Earnings $57K$62K. Guaranteed a minimum of $950$1,050/week. Avg. Weekly earnings are higher. Weekly Home Time. Call Nussbaum Transportation 309-265-0307 http://jobs.nussbaum.com __________________________________ Drivers-CO & O\Op’s. Earn Great Money Running Dedicated! Great Benefits. Home Weekly. Monthly Bonuses. Drive Newer Equipment! 855-582-2265 __________________________________ Drivers: $7,500 SIGN-ON!! Dedicated Account hauling PODS brand containers. Safety Bonuses, Great Benefits! 401k, $1k for driver referrals! Regular hometime! OwnerOperators welcome! CDL-A w/exp. 855-205-6361 __________________________________
MISC Education/Instruction Learn to invest in real estate with no money!Work for yourself https://www.crizzleinc.com/crizzle ebooks/ __________________________________ TRAINING/EDUCATION AIRLINE CAREERS START HERE BECOME AN AVIATION MAINTENANCE TECH. FAA APPROVED TRAINING. FINANCIAL AID IF QUALIFIED - JOB PLACEMENT ASSISTANCE. CALL AIM 866-315-0650 __________________________________ FARM & RANCH Our Hunters will Pay Top $$$ To hunt your land. Call for a Free Base Camp Leasing info packet & Quote. 1-866-3091507 www.BaseCampLeasing.com __________________________________ KILL BED BUGS & THEIR EGGS! Buy Harris Bed Bug Killers/KIT Complete Treatment System. Hardware Stores, The Home Depot, homedepot.com __________________________________ Wanted to Buy BUYING BLACK PANTHER PARTY EMORY DOUGLAS POSTERS. ORIGINAL 1960'S. FRED HAMPTON ERA. JABLAKE@UNISERVE.COM. 1519-673-0625 __________________________________
REAL ESTATE Available Commercial Warehouse and Furnish Office Space, located on the Southeast side 7738214000 __________________________________
RENTAL CHATHAM — Clean, XL, very nice, 2BR, 3rd FI, 81st & Evans, quiet bldg, h/w flrs, appls/heat incl. $895. Avail 6/1. No section 8. 312 857 8480. __________________________________ 5 Room apartment, 2 bedrooms, large rooms in the area of 90th & Stony Island for more details call 773-255-2245 or 773-491-3716 __________________________________
LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given, pursuant to “An Act in relation to the use of an Assumed Business Name in the conduct or transaction of Business in the State,” as amended, that a certification was registered by the undersigned with the County Clerk of Cook County. Registration Number: D16146837 on May 18, 2016 Under the Assumed Business Name of DNA TECH with the business located at: 7843 S. ADA ST, CHICAGO, IL 60620.The true and real full name and residence address of the owner is:DAVID JOHNSON 7843 S. ADA ST CHICAGO, IL 60620, USA __________________________________ ORDER FOR HEARING CASE NO: 16PA001473 STATE OF WISCONSIN - CIRCUIT COURT - MILWAUKEE COUNTY TO: James Harper Pursuant to Section 822.25, Wis. Stats., you are hereby notified that your wife claims you are not the father of a child born to her on February 12, 2012. You have the right to appear before the Court to contest this claim. If you wish to do so, you must appear at the hearing which will be held on July 7, 2016 at 2:15 P.M., in Room 711, Office of the Family Court Commissioner of the Milwaukee County Courthouse, 901 North 9th Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53233. Ann Hetzel Attorney for the State of Wisconsin Department of Child Support Services Room 101, Courthouse 901 N.9th Street Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53233 (414) 615-2593 __________________________________
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to “An Act in relation to the use of an Assumed Business Name in the conduct or transaction of Business in the State,” as amended, that a certification was registered by the undersigned with the County Clerk of Cook County. Registration Number: D16146927 on May 24, 2016 Under the Assumed Business Name of CREATE IN ME MOBILE ARTS with the business located at: 351 CONSTANCE LANE, CHICAGO HEIGHTS, IL 60430 The true and real full name and residence address of the owner is:TOREN N TURNER 351 CONSTANCE LANE CHICAGO HEIGHTS, IL 60430, USA __________________________________
COPYRIGHT LEGAL NOTICE Common Law CopyrightNotice CH-08081988-CN Copyright Notice: All rights reserved re common-law copyright of tradename/trade-mark Cynthia Hurd©, -- as well as any derivatives and variations in the spelling of said trade-name/trademark, not excluding "Cynthia Hurd," -Common Law Copyright© 1988, by Cynthia Hurd©. Said common-law tradename/trade-mark, i.e. CYNTHIA HURD©, may neither be used, nor reproduced, neither in whole nor in part, nor in any manner whatsoever, without the prior, express, written consent and acknowledgment of Cynthia Hurd© as signified by the red ink signature of Cynthia Hurd© , hereinafter "Secured Party." With the intent of being contractually bound, any juristic person, as well as the agent of said juristic person, consents and agrees by this Copyright Notice that neither said juristic person, nor the agent of said juristic person, shall display, nor otherwise use in any manner, the common-law tradename/trade-mark CYNTHIA HURD©, nor the common-law copyright described herein, nor any derivative of, nor any variation in the spelling of, CYNTHIA HURD©, without the prior, express, written consent and acknowledgment of Secured Party, as signified by Secured Party's signature in red ink. Secured Party neither grants, nor implies, nor otherwise gives consent for any unauthorized use of CYNTHIA HURD©, and all such unauthorized use is strictly prohibited. Secured Party is not now, nor has Secured Party ever been, an accommodation party, nor a surety, for the purported debtor, i.e. "CYNTHIA HURD" nor for any derivative of, nor any variation in the spelling of, said name, nor for any other juristic person, and is so-indemnified and held harmless by Debtor, i.e. "CYNTHIA HURD," in Hold-Harmless and Indemnity Agreement No. CH08081988-HHIA dated the Eighth Day of the Eighth Month in the Year of Our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Eighty Eight against any and all claims, legal actions, orders, warrants, judgments, demands, liabilities, losses, depositions, summonses, lawsuits, costs,
fines, liens, levies, penalties, damages, interests, and expenses whatsoever, both absolute and contingent, as are due and as might become due, now existing and as might hereafter arise, and as might be suffered by, imposed on, and incurred by Debtor CYNTHIA HURD©, for any and every reason, purpose, and cause whatsoever. Take note also that Common Law Copyright is claimed by Secured Party Cynthia Hurd© over, including, but not restricted or limited to, all means of personal identification of Debtor defined as; all fingerprints, footprints, palm prints, thumbprints, hand-prints, toe-prints, RNA materials, DNA materials, blood and blood fractions, biopsies, surgically removed tissue, body parts, organs, hair, teeth, nails, eggs, urine, feces, excrement, other body fluids and matter of any kind, and breath samples, voiceprint, retinal image, and the description thereof, and all other corporeal identification factors, and said factors physical counterparts, any and all body tissues of any kind, in any form, and all records and record numbers, including the results, recorded or otherwise, of all and any tests performed on any material relating to Debtor, and information pertaining thereto, and any visual image, photographic or electronic, notwithstanding any and all claims to the contrary. In addition, Creditor retains absolute control and mastery over the property of her body, mind and mental faculties to the extent that no medications, foods or otherwise may be administered to her without her fully-informed, formal consent, in written form, signed in red ink. Self-executing Contract/Security Agreement in Event of Unauthorized Use: By this Copyright Notice, both the juristic person and the agent of said juristic person, hereinafter jointly and severally "User," consent and agree that any use of any of CYNTHIA HURD©, other than authorized use as set forth above constitutes unauthorized use, counterfeiting, of Secured Party's common-law copyrighted property, contractually binds User, renders this Copyright Notice a Security Agreement wherein User is debtor and Cynthia Hurd© is Secured Party, and signifies that User: (1) grants Secured Party a security interest in all of User's assets, land, and personal property, and all of User's interest in assets, land, and personal property, in the sum certain amount of $500,000.00 (Five Hundred Thousand) United States Dollars per each occurrence of use of the commonlaw-copyrighted trade-name/trade-mark CYNTHIA HURD©, as well as for each and every occurrence of use of any and all derivatives of, and variations in the spelling of, CYNTHIA HURD©, not excluding "Cynthia Hurd," plus costs, plus triple damages; (2) authenticates this Security Agreement wherein User is debtor and Cynthia Hurd© is Secured Party, and wherein User pledges all of User's property, i.e. all assets, land, consumer goods, farm products, inventory, equipment, money, investment property, commercial tort claims, letters of credit, letter-of-credit rights, chattel paper, instruments, deposit accounts, accounts, documents, and general intangibles, and all of User's interest in all such foregoing property, now owned and hereafter acquired, now existing and hereafter arising, and wherever located, as collateral for securing User's contractual obligation in favor of Secured Party for User's unauthorized use of Secured Party's common-law copyrighted property; (3) consents and agrees with Secured Party's filing of a UCC Financing Statement in the UCC filing office, as well as in any county recorder's office, wherein User is debtor and Cynthia Hurd© is Secured Party; (4) consents and agrees that said UCC Financing Statement described above in paragraph "(3)" is a continuing financing statement, and further consents and agrees with Secured Party's filing of any continuation statement necessary for maintaining Secured Party's perfected security interest in all of User's property and interest property, pledged as collateral in this Security Agreement and described above in paragraph "(2)" until User's contractual obligation theretofore incurred as been fully satisfied; (5) consents and agrees with Secured Party's filing of any UCC Financing Statement, as described above in paragraphs "(3)" and "(4)", as well as the filing of any Security Agreement, as described above in paragraph "(2),", in the UCC filing office, as well as in any county
recorder's office; (6) consents and agrees that any and all such filings described in paragraphs "(4)" and "(5)" above are not, and may not be considered, bogus, and that User will not claim that any such filing is bogus; (7) waives all defenses; and (8) appoints Secured Party as Authorized Representative for User, effective upon User's default re User's contractual obligations in favor of Secured Party as set forth below under "Payment Terms" and "Default Terms", granting Secured Party full authorization and power for engaging in any and all actions on behalf of User including, but not limited by, authentication of a record on behalf of User, as Secured Party, in Secured Party's sole discretion, deems appropriate, and User further consents and agrees that this appointment of Secured Party as Authorized Representative for User, effective upon User's default, is irrevocable and coupled with a security interest. User further consents and agrees with all of the following additional terms of Self-executing Contract/Security Agreement in Event of Unauthorized Use: Payment Terms: In accordance with fees for unauthorized use of any and all of CYNTHIA HURD© as set forth above. User hereby consents and agrees that User shall pay Secured Party all unauthorized-use fees in full within ten (10) days of the date User is sent Secured Party's invoice, hereinafter "Invoice," itemizing said fees. Default Terms: In event of non-payment in full of all unauthorized-use fees by User within ten (10) days of date Invoice is sent, User shall be deemed in default and: (a) all of User's property and interest in property pledged as collateral by User, as described above in paragraph "(2)", immediately becomes, i.e. property of Secured Party; (b) Secured Party is appointed User's Authorized Representative as set forth above in paragraph "(8)"; and (c) User consents and agrees that Secured Party may take possession of, as well as otherwise dispose of, in any manner that Secured Party, in Secured Party's sole discretion, deems appropriate, including, but not limited by, sale at auction, at any time following User's default, and without further notice, any and all of User's property and interest in property, as described above in paragraph "(2)", formerly pledged as collateral by User, now property of Secured Party, in respect of this "Self-executing Contract/Security Agreement in Event of Unauthorized Use," that Secured Party, again in Secured Party's sole discretion, deems appropriate. Terms for Curing Default: Upon event of default, as set forth above under "Default Terms," irrespective of any and all of User's former property and interest in property, described above in paragraph "(2)," in the possession of, as well as disposed of by, Secured Party, as authorized above under "Default Terms", User may cure User's default only re the remainder of User's former property and interest in property, formerly pledged as collateral that is neither in the possession of, nor otherwise disposed of by, Secured Party within twenty (20) days of the date of User's default only in payment in full. Terms of Strict Foreclosure: User's nonpayment in full of all unauthorized-use fees itemized in Invoice within said twenty- (20) day period for curing default as set forth above under "Terms of Curing Default" authorizes Secured Party's immediate non-judicial strict foreclosure on any and all remaining former property and interest in property, formerly pledged as collateral by User, now property of Secured Party, which is not in the possession of, nor otherwise disposed of by, Secured Party upon expiration of said twenty- (20) day default-curing period. Ownership subject to common-law copyright and UCC Financing Statement and Security Agreement filed with the UCC filing office. Record Owner: Cynthia Hurd , Autograph Common Law Copyright© 1988. Unauthorized use of any and all of "Cynthia Hurd ©", incurs same unauthorized-use fees as those associated with CYNTHIA HURD©, as set forth above in paragraph "(1)" under "Self-executing Contract/Security Agreement in Event of Unauthorized Use." __________________________________ Common Law CopyrightNotice LJBD-25071970-CN Copyright Notice: All rights reserved re common-law copyright of tradename/trade-mark Larry James Bockman
CITIZEN / Chicago Weekend / Week of June 8, 2016 / 11
Davis©, -- as well as any derivatives and variations in the spelling of said tradename/trade-mark, not excluding "Larry James Bockman Davis," -- Common Law Copyright© 1970, by Larry James Bockman Davis©. Said common-law trade-name/trade-mark, i.e. LARRY JAMES BOCKMAN DAVIS©, may neither be used, nor reproduced, neither in whole nor in part, nor in any manner whatsoever, without the prior, express, written consent and acknowledgment of Larry James Bockman Davis© as signified by the red ink signature of Larry James Bockman Davis© , hereinafter "Secured Party." With the intent of being contractually bound, any juristic person, as well as the agent of said juristic person, consents and agrees by this Copyright Notice that neither said juristic person, nor the agent of said juristic person, shall display, nor otherwise use in any manner, the common-law tradename/trade-mark LARRY JAMES BOCKMAN DAVIS©, nor the common-law copyright described herein, nor any derivative of, nor any variation in the spelling of, LARRY JAMES BOCKMAN DAVIS©, without the prior, express, written consent and acknowledgment of Secured Party, as signified by Secured Party's signature in red ink. Secured Party neither grants, nor implies, nor otherwise gives consent for any unauthorized use of LARRY JAMES BOCKMAN DAVIS©, and all such unauthorized use is strictly prohibited. Secured Party is not now, nor has Secured Party ever been, an accommodation party, nor a surety, for the purported debtor, i.e. "LARRY JAMES BOCKMAN DAVIS" nor for any derivative of, nor any variation in the spelling of, said name, nor for any other juristic person, and is so-indemnified and held harmless by Debtor, i.e. "LARRY JAMES BOCKMAN DAVIS," in Hold-Harmless and Indemnity Agreement No. LJBD-25071970-HHIA dated the Twenty Fifth Day of the Seventh Month in the Year of Our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Seventy against any and all claims, legal actions, orders, warrants, judgments, demands, liabilities, losses, depositions, summonses, lawsuits, costs, fines, liens, levies, penalties, damages, interests, and expenses whatsoever, both absolute and contingent, as are due and as might become due, now existing and as might hereafter arise, and as might be suffered by, imposed on, and incurred by Debtor LARRY JAMES BOCKMAN DAVIS©, for any and every reason, purpose, and cause whatsoever. Take note also that Common Law Copyright is claimed by Secured Party Larry James Bockman Davis© over, including, but not restricted or limited to, all means of personal identification of Debtor defined as; all fingerprints, footprints, palm prints, thumbprints, hand-prints, toe-prints, RNA materials, DNA materials, blood and blood fractions, biopsies, surgically removed tissue, body parts, organs, hair, teeth, nails, sperm, urine, feces, excrement, other body fluids and matter of any kind, and breath samples, voiceprint, retinal image, and the description thereof, and all other corporeal identification factors, and said factors physical counterparts, any and all body tissues of any kind, in any form, and all records and record numbers, including the results, recorded or otherwise, of all and any tests performed on any material relating to Debtor, and information pertaining thereto, and any visual image, photographic or electronic, notwithstanding any and all claims to the contrary. In addition, Creditor retains absolute control and mastery over the property of his body, mind and mental faculties to the extent that no medications, foods or otherwise may be administered to him without him fullyinformed, formal consent, in written form, signed in red ink. Self-executing Contract/Security Agreement in Event of Unauthorized Use: By this Copyright Notice, both the juristic person and the agent of said juristic person, hereinafter jointly and severally "User," consent and agree that any use of any of LARRY JAMES BOCKMAN DAVIS©, other than authorized use as set forth above constitutes unauthorized use, counterfeiting, of Secured Party's common-law copyrighted property, contractually binds User, renders this Copyright Notice a Security Agreement wherein User is debtor and Larry James Bockman Davis© is Secured Party, and signifies that User: (1) grants Secured Party a security interest in all of User's assets, land, and personal property, and all of User's interest in assets, land, and personal property, in the sum certain amount of $500,000.00 (Five Hundred Thousand) United States Dollars per each occurrence of use of the commonlaw-copyrighted trade-name/trade-mark LARRY JAMES BOCKMAN DAVIS©, as well as for each and every occurrence of use of any and all derivatives of, and variations in the spelling of, LARRY JAMES BOCKMAN DAVIS©, not exclud-
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ing "Larry James Bockman Davis," plus costs, plus triple damages; (2) authenticates this Security Agreement wherein User is debtor and Larry James Bockman Davis© is Secured Party, and wherein User pledges all of User's property, i.e. all assets, land, consumer goods, farm products, inventory, equipment, money, investment property, commercial tort claims, letters of credit, letter-of-credit rights, chattel paper, instruments, deposit accounts, accounts, documents, and general intangibles, and all of User's interest in all such foregoing property, now owned and hereafter acquired, now existing and hereafter arising, and wherever located, as collateral for securing User's contractual obligation in favor of Secured Party for User's unauthorized use of Secured Party's common-law copyrighted property; (3) consents and agrees with Secured Party's filing of a UCC Financing Statement in the UCC filing office, as well as in any county recorder's office, wherein User is debtor and Larry James Bockman Davis© is Secured Party; (4) consents and agrees that said UCC Financing Statement described above in paragraph "(3)" is a continuing financing statement, and further consents and agrees with Secured Party's filing of any continuation statement necessary for maintaining Secured Party's perfected security interest in all of User's property and interest property, pledged as collateral in this Security Agreement and described above in paragraph "(2)" until User's contractual obligation theretofore incurred as been fully satisfied; (5) consents and agrees with Secured Party's filing of any UCC Financing Statement, as described above in paragraphs "(3)" and "(4)", as well as the filing of any Security Agreement, as described above in paragraph "(2),", in the UCC filing office, as well as in any county recorder's office; (6) consents and agrees that any and all such filings described in paragraphs "(4)" and "(5)" above are not, and may not be considered, bogus, and that User will not claim that any such filing is bogus; (7) waives all defenses; and (8) appoints Secured Party as Authorized Representative for User, effective upon User's default re User's contractual obligations in favor of Secured Party as set forth below under "Payment Terms" and "Default Terms", granting Secured Party full authorization and power for engaging in any and all actions on behalf of User including, but not limited by, authentication of a record on behalf of User, as Secured Party, in Secured Party's sole discretion, deems appropriate, and User further consents and agrees that this appointment of Secured Party as Authorized Representative for User, effective upon User's default, is irrevocable and coupled with a security interest. User further consents and agrees with all of the following additional terms of Self-executing Contract/Security Agreement in Event of Unauthorized Use: Payment Terms: In accordance with fees for unauthorized use of any and all of LARRY JAMES BOCKMAN DAVIS© as set forth above. User hereby consents and agrees that User shall pay Secured Party all unauthorized-use fees in full within ten (10) days of the date User is sent Secured Party's invoice, hereinafter "Invoice," itemizing said fees. Default Terms: In event of non-payment in full of all unauthorized-use fees by User within ten (10) days of date Invoice is sent, User shall be deemed in default and: (a) all of User's property and interest in property pledged as collateral by User, as described above in paragraph "(2)", immediately becomes, i.e. property of Secured Party; (b) Secured Party is appointed User's Authorized Representative as set forth above in paragraph "(8)"; and (c) User consents and agrees that Secured Party may take possession of, as well as otherwise dispose of, in any manner that Secured Party, in Secured Party's sole discretion, deems appropriate, including, but not limited by, sale at auction, at any time following User's default, and without further notice, any and all of User's property and interest in property, as described above in paragraph "(2)", formerly pledged as collateral by User, now property of Secured Party, in respect of this "Self-executing Contract/Security Agreement in Event of Unauthorized Use," that Secured Party, again in Secured Party's sole discretion, deems appropriate. Terms for Curing Default: Upon event of default, as set forth above under "Default Terms," irrespective of any and all of User's former property and interest in property, described above in paragraph "(2)," in the possession of, as well as disposed of by, Secured Party, as authorized above under "Default Terms", User may cure User's default only re the remainder of User's former property and interest in property, formerly pledged as collateral that is neither in the possession of, nor
otherwise disposed of by, Secured Party within twenty (20) days of the date of User's default only in payment in full. Terms of Strict Foreclosure: User's nonpayment in full of all unauthorized-use fees itemized in Invoice within said twenty- (20) day period for curing default as set forth above under "Terms of Curing Default" authorizes Secured Party's immediate non-judicial strict foreclosure on any and all remaining former property and interest in property, formerly pledged as collateral by User, now property of Secured Party, which is not in the possession of, nor otherwise disposed of by, Secured Party upon expiration of said twenty- (20) day default-curing period. Ownership subject to common-law copyright and UCC Financing Statement and Security Agreement filed with the UCC filing office. Record Owner: Larry James Bockman Davis , Autograph Common Law Copyright© 1970. Unauthorized use of any and all of "Larry James Bockman Davis©", incurs same unauthorized-use fees as those associated with LARRY JAMES BOCKMAN DAVIS©, as set forth above in paragraph "(1)" under "Self-executing Contract/Security Agreement in Event of Unauthorized Use." __________________________________ Common Law CopyrightNotice AH-14071981-CN
Copyright Notice: All rights reserved re common-law copyright of tradename/trade-mark Alonzo Hurd©, -- as well as any derivatives and variations in the spelling of said trade-name/trademark, not excluding "Alonzo Hurd," -Common Law Copyright© 1981, by Alonzo Hurd©. Said common-law tradename/trade-mark, i.e. ALONZO HURD©, may neither be used, nor reproduced, neither in whole nor in part, nor in any manner whatsoever, without the prior, express, written consent and acknowledgment of Alonzo Hurd© as signified by the red ink signature of Alonzo Hurd© , hereinafter "Secured Party." With the intent of being contractually bound, any juristic person, as well as the agent of said juristic person, consents and agrees by this Copyright Notice that neither said juristic person, nor the agent of said juristic person, shall display, nor otherwise use in any manner, the common-law trade-name/trade-mark ALONZO HURD©, nor the common-law copyright described herein, nor any derivative of, nor any variation in the spelling of, ALONZO HURD©, without the prior, express, written consent and acknowledgment of Secured Party, as signified by Secured Party's signature in red ink. Secured Party neither grants, nor implies, nor otherwise gives consent for any unauthorized use of ALONZO HURD©, and all such unauthorized use is strictly prohibited. Secured Party is not now, nor has Secured Party ever been, an accommodation party, nor a surety, for the purported debtor, i.e. "ALONZO HURD" nor for any derivative of, nor any variation in the spelling of, said name, nor for any other juristic person, and is so-indemnified and held harmless by Debtor, i.e. "ALONZO HURD," in Hold-Harmless and Indemnity Agreement No. AH-14071981-HHIA dated the Fourteenth Day of the Seventh Month in the Year of Our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Eighty One against any and all claims, legal actions, orders, warrants, judgments, demands, liabilities, losses, depositions, summonses, lawsuits, costs, fines, liens, levies, penalties, damages, interests, and expenses whatsoever, both absolute and contingent, as are due and as might become due, now existing and as might hereafter arise, and as might be suffered by, imposed on, and incurred by Debtor ALONZO HURD©, for any and every reason, purpose, and cause whatsoever. Take note also that Common Law Copyright is claimed by Secured Party Alonzo Hurd© over, including, but not restricted or limited to, all means of personal identification of Debtor defined as; all fingerprints, footprints, palm prints, thumbprints, hand-prints, toe-prints, RNA materials, DNA materials, blood and blood fractions, biopsies, surgically removed tissue, body parts, organs, hair, teeth, nails, sperm, urine, feces, excrement, other body fluids and matter of any kind, and breath samples, voiceprint, retinal image, and the description thereof, and all other corporeal identification factors, and said factors physical counterparts, any and all body tissues of any kind, in any form, and all records and record numbers, including the results, recorded or otherwise, of all and any tests performed on any material relating to Debtor, and information pertaining thereto, and any visual image, photographic or electronic, notwithstanding any and all claims to the contrary. In addition, Creditor retains absolute control and mastery over the property of his body, mind and mental faculties to the extent that no medica-
tions, foods or otherwise may be administered to him without him fullyinformed, formal consent, in written form, signed in red ink. Self-executing Contract/Security Agreement in Event of Unauthorized Use: By this Copyright Notice, both the juristic person and the agent of said juristic person, hereinafter jointly and severally "User," consent and agree that any use of any of ALONZO HURD©, other than authorized use as set forth above constitutes unauthorized use, counterfeiting, of Secured Party's common-law copyrighted property, contractually binds User, renders this Copyright Notice a Security Agreement wherein User is debtor and Alonzo Hurd© is Secured Party, and signifies that User: (1) grants Secured Party a security interest in all of User's assets, land, and personal property, and all of User's interest in assets, land, and personal property, in the sum certain amount of $500,000.00 Five Hundred Thousand) United States Dollars per each occurrence of use of the commonlaw-copyrighted trade-name/trade-mark ALONZO HURD©, as well as for each and every occurrence of use of any and all derivatives of, and variations in the spelling of, ALONZO HURD©, not excluding "Alonzo Hurd," plus costs, plus triple damages; (2) authenticates this Security Agreement wherein User is debtor and Alonzo Hurd© is Secured Party, and wherein User pledges all of User's property, i.e. all assets, land, consumer goods, farm products, inventory, equipment, money, investment property, commercial tort claims, letters of credit, letter-of-credit rights, chattel paper, instruments, deposit accounts, accounts, documents, and general intangibles, and all of User's interest in all such foregoing property, now owned and hereafter acquired, now existing and hereafter arising, and wherever located, as collateral for securing User's contractual obligation in favor of Secured Party for User's unauthorized use of Secured Party's common-law copyrighted property; (3) consents and agrees with Secured Party's filing of a UCC Financing Statement in the UCC filing office, as well as in any county recorder's office, wherein User is debtor and Alonzo Hurd© is Secured Party; (4) consents and agrees that said UCC Financing Statement described above in paragraph "(3)" is a continuing financing statement, and further consents and agrees with Secured Party's filing of any continuation statement necessary for maintaining Secured Party's perfected security interest in all of User's property and interest property, pledged as collateral in this Security Agreement and described above in paragraph "(2)" until User's contractual obligation theretofore incurred as been fully satisfied; (5) consents and agrees with Secured Party's filing of any UCC Financing Statement, as described above in paragraphs "(3)" and "(4)", as well as the filing of any Security Agreement, as described above in paragraph "(2),", in the UCC filing office, as well as in any county recorder's office; (6) consents and agrees that any and all such filings described in paragraphs "(4)" and "(5)" above are not, and may not be considered, bogus, and that User will not claim that any such filing is bogus; (7) waives all defenses; and (8) appoints Secured Party as Authorized Representative for User, effective upon User's default re User's contractual obligations in favor of Secured Party as set forth below under "Payment Terms" and "Default Terms", granting Secured Party full authorization and power for engaging in any and all actions on behalf of User including, but not limited by, authentication of a record on behalf of User, as Secured Party, in Secured Party's sole discretion, deems appropriate, and User further consents and agrees that this appointment of Secured Party as Authorized Representative for User, effective upon User's default, is irrevocable and coupled with a security interest. User fur-
ther consents and agrees with all of the following additional terms of Self-executing Contract/Security Agreement in Event of Unauthorized Use: Payment Terms: In accordance with fees for unauthorized use of any and all of ALONZO HURD© as set forth above. User hereby consents and agrees that User shall pay Secured Party all unauthorized-use fees in full within ten (10) days of the date User is sent Secured Party's invoice, hereinafter "Invoice," itemizing said fees. Default Terms: In event of non-payment in full of all unauthorized-use fees by User within ten (10) days of date Invoice is sent, User shall be deemed in default and: (a) all of User's property and interest in property pledged as collateral by User, as described above in paragraph "(2)", immediately becomes, i.e. property of Secured Party; (b) Secured Party is appointed User's Authorized Representative as set forth above in paragraph "(8)"; and (c) User consents and agrees that Secured Party may take possession of, as well as otherwise dispose of, in any manner that Secured Party, in Secured Party's sole discretion, deems appropriate, including, but not limited by, sale at auction, at any time following User's default, and without further notice, any and all of User's property and interest in property, as described above in paragraph "(2)", formerly pledged as collateral by User, now property of Secured Party, in respect of this "Self-executing Contract/Security Agreement in Event of Unauthorized Use," that Secured Party, again in Secured Party's sole discretion, deems appropriate. Terms for Curing Default: Upon event of default, as set forth above under "Default Terms," irrespective of any and all of User's former property and interest in property, described above in paragraph "(2)," in the possession of, as well as disposed of by, Secured Party, as authorized above under "Default Terms", User may cure User's default only re the remainder of User's former property and interest in property, formerly pledged as collateral that is neither in the possession of, nor otherwise disposed of by, Secured Party within twenty (20) days of the date of User's default only in payment in full. Terms of Strict Foreclosure: User's nonpayment in full of all unauthorized-use fees itemized in Invoice within said twenty- (20) day period for curing default as set forth above under "Terms of Curing Default" authorizes Secured Party's immediate non-judicial strict foreclosure on any and all remaining former property and interest in property, formerly pledged as collateral by User, now property of Secured Party, which is not in the possession of, nor otherwise disposed of by, Secured Party upon expiration of said twenty- (20) day default-curing period. Ownership subject to common-law copyright and UCC Financing Statement and Security Agreement filed with the UCC filing office. Record Owner: Alonzo Hurd , Autograph Common Law Copyright© 1981. Unauthorized use of any and all of "Alonzo Hurd©", incurs same unauthorized-use fees as those associated with ALONZO HURD©, as set forth above in paragraph "(1)" under "Self-executing Contract/Security Agreement in Event of Unauthorized Use." __________________________________
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