Week of October 19, 2016 Vol 47 • No 42 • www.thechicagocitizen.com
Chicago Weekend
Audit Bureau of Circulation ABC AUDITED
ayor Rahm Emanuel recently presented his 2017 budget proposal to the City Council. According to a press release, the proposed budget makes critical investments in Chicago’s families, neighborhoods, infrastructure and public safety, while building on his efforts to improve the City’s long-term financial stability. “This is a budget unlike any other in recent memory. It is free of an immediate pension crisis and free of the black cloud of insolvency threatening the retirements of City employees and the financial future of Chicago,” said Mayor Emanuel.
Mayor Rahm Emanuel
+ P6
+ P10
www.thechicagocitizen.com • 51 years of serving the Black community
2 / CITIZEN / Chicago Weekend / Week of October 19, 2016
New Survey Shows 94% of Americans Don’t Know African Americans Are High-Risk Group for Brain Aneurysm Ruptures The Lisa Colagrossi Foundation (TLCF) revealed new survey findings About Brain Aneurysms about the African American population A brain aneurysm is a weakness to help guide the focus of brain aneurysm or thinning of the wall of a blood education in the African American vessel in the brain that gradually community. In addition to the startling bulges outward. Eventually, the lack of awareness regarding the higher risk levels, 90 percent of Americans bulging blood vessel may leak ages 18+ can’t fully identify what a brain or rupture causing bleeding into aneurysm is and 30% don’t believe you the brain. A ruptured aneurysm can do anything about it. This is truly quickly becomes life threatening problematic for the African American and requires prompt emergency population as they are not only at a higher treatment. For more information, risk, but peak incidence of ruptures occurs please visit http://www.tlcfound.org. a decade earlier than other populations. According to Todd Crawford, founder of TLCF - the first organization wife, an ABC News television journalist who devoted to awareness and education, passed away 18 months ago from a brain millions of lives can be saved if Americans aneurysm rupture while on assignment. “Our are equipped with the critical information necessary to self-diagnose themselves and are mission and approach are very different and have already been validated as a number of informed about what to do. Right now, 93 people have credited TCLF with saving their percent of Americans admit their knowledge lives in just our first year. We have barely about brain aneurysms ranges from limited scratched the surface and won’t stop until our to non-existent. mission is complete.” “If someone had been doing the work According to Dr. Riina, a leading TLCF is now, advancing the signs and neurosurgeon at NYU Langone and the head symptoms, we could have recognized Lisa’s sudden onset of the worst headache of her life of the medical board for TLCF, there are prevention strategies and treatments in place as one of the classic warning signs of a brain to stop a brain aneurysm from rupturing. aneurysm and chances are that she would “The real problem is that brain aneurysms be working right alongside of us advocating occur suddenly and Americans are not for increased awareness,” says Todd, who informed to recognize all the signs,” says Dr. founded TLCF upon the loss of his beloved
Riina. “Consequently, they aren’t getting to the emergency room early enough and lives that might have been saved are lost or diminished by life-long disabilities.” To address this very real gap in knowledge about brain aneurysms, The Lisa Colagrossi Foundation hosted its first major fundraising event, “A Cerebral Affair” gala - on September 29 in the Lighthouse of Chelsea Piers. The gala raised funds for national awareness and educational programs. Because of TLCF and its work, the event attracted all of the major players from across the country in the brain aneurysm industry to discuss awareness, prevention and earlier treatment. Athletes including NFL player Albert Haynesworth who survived a brain aneurysm, celebrities, media personalities and others who have been touched by a brain aneurysm also joined the gala. The group honored survivors who have tackled the road to recovery with incredible spirit and determination and remembered those who have lost their lives to the devastating condition. Co-hosted by award-winning journalists Gretchen Carlson and Bill Ritter, the brain aneurysm event featured a festive reception, silent and live auctions, a formal dinner, a special performance by the NFL Players Choir and moving tributes from many who have been personally impacted by brain aneurysms.
Local Projects Receive $30.7 Million Boost SPRINGFIELD – The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) today announced a $30.7 million investment to expand travel options and enhance the quality of life in communities throughout the state. The 33 projects approved through IDOT’s Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program (ITEP) include biking and walking paths, trails, streetscape beautification work and other projects designed to encourage safe travel across the various modes of transportation at the local level. “We are proud to invest in these projects that allow our communities to showcase themselves as outstanding places to live, work and play,” said Illinois Transportation Secretary Randy Blankenhorn. “This program is one of the most popular at IDOT and highly competitive for a reason: It allows our partners in local government to put into action their plans for improving local transportation. We look forward to working with them to achieve their goals.” Made possible by federal funds administered by IDOT, ITEP awards are focused on improving bike and pedestrian travel, as well as other surface transportation improvements that promote alternative options for getting around your community. To be eligible, applicants must commit a local match of at least 20 percent to their project and demonstrate a plan to have their awards spent by 2019. For the latest funding cycle, IDOT received 241 applications for projects worth an estimated $261.3 million.
Emanuel Presents 2017 Budget Proposal Continued from page 1
To increase economic opportunity in neighborhoods, the Mayor is launching the Chicago Community Catalyst Fund to provide targeted investments in businesses and community projects in the City’s neighborhoods most in need. This will be a separate fund that will be registered as a qualified investment vehicle that can accept and invest funds from the City and from private investors. The Fund will have a three year funding period, and the City will allocate at least $100 million to the Fund during the initial funding period. To improve the way residents request services such as tree trimming, graffiti removal, potholes and more, the Mayor's budget begins the process of modernizing the 311 system. Whereas the current system is telephone-based, the modernized 311 system will be interactive, allowing residents to be able to tweet and text the system, and receive real-time updates on neighborhood service requests. This work is expected to be operational by 2019. The City will use the proceeds of the sale of the Fleet and Facilities Management property on Goose Island, which will move to Englewood, to pay for the new, modern, mobile 311 system. To strengthen public safety, the 2017 budget includes new resources for the Chicago Police Department, including additional police officers, detectives and
sergeants; the size of the police department will increase by 970 positions by the end of 2018. The budget also provides new investments in technology, including body cameras, to help police be more effective in solving and preventing crime. To expand mentoring services for at-risk youth, the Emanuel Administration will invest $36 million over three years in quality mentoring programs with half coming from the City and the other half coming from the private and philanthropic sources. Through this initiative, the City will provide roughly 7,200 Chicago Public School 8th, 9th and 10th grade young men in communities most affected by violence with a mentor through high quality programs like Becoming a Man (BAM). Further, the successful Working on Womanhood (WOW) program will be expanded by 30 percent in 2018. In order to continue to make these critical investments in Chicago’s future and ensure the City’s long-term financial stability, the Mayor’s 2017 proposed budget includes $33.7 million in government reforms and spending cuts, including: $9.4 million in energy savings; $17.5 million in savings from zero based budgeting; $1.3 million in savings from lease consolidations; $3.5 million from the sale of excess City-owned land; and $2 million in savings from the implementation of printer and
copier controls, reducing machine lease costs and printing costs. In total, since 2011, the City has identified over $600 million in savings and government reforms, changing the way the City delivers core services and ensuring investments continue to reflect the needs of Chicago’s neighborhoods. Further, the City, over the last five budgets, worked to increase sustainable revenue sources, match expenditures to revenue, and take advantage of economic growth following the Great Recession. Through these efforts, the City does not rely on one single revenue source, but a collection of diverse revenues to meet Chicago's investments and close the structural deficit, according to the release. 2017 revenue is projected to increase over the 2016 budget by $148 million. This is driven by growth in economically-sensitive revenue sources, like sales tax and personal property lease tax, coupled with growth in vehicle sticker tax revenue and changes to the State’s remittance of personal property replacement tax. This budget also includes $175 million in TIF surplus from the City’s annual TIF surplus process and $37 million in sweeps of aging revenue accounts and grant funds. Additionally, the Mayor is closing the budget gap and investing in neighborhoods through improved investment returns and improved debt collection efforts.
www.thechicagocitizen.com • 51 years of serving the Black community
CITIZEN / Chicago Weekend / Week of October 19, 2016 / 3
1 TV meteorologist earns praise from MWRD Commissioners
In planning for rain events to combat flooding and operate the Chicago Area Waterways System (CAWS), the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago (MWRD) relies heavily on forecasts and weather projections. Few provide that outlook better to the public than iconic ChicagoMeteorologist Tom Skilling. In honor of Skilling's 38 years of educating the public on weather activity in the Chicago region, the MWRD Board of Commissioners presented Skilling with a resolution during their meeting recently. "Anyone who has grown up or worked in the Tom Skilling and Commissioner Cynthia Santos. Chicago region and tuned turned to him and benefited from his into WGN or the Chicago Tribune for a knowledge. It's that wisdom we at the weather forecast appreciates the value Tom Metropolitan Water Reclamation District Skilling provides to our daily lives," said of Greater Chicago try to impart each day MWRDCommissioner Cynthia Santos. when preparing to provide around-theSantos added, "Because of his clock flood control and protection of Cook intelligent, well-researched and endearing County's waterways." forecasts, many of us Chicagoans have
New Website Gives Black Women the News and Tools to Vote Higher Heights, the leading, independent and trusted political voice for Black women leading up to, and beyond Election Day 2016 recently launched #BlackWomenVote Get Out The Vote, a nonpartisan campaign. The nationwide effort is to ensure Black women have the news and tools to get out the vote on Nov. 8. The campaign was launched on the birthday of civil rights leader and voting rights activist, Fannie Lou Hamer. Hamer organized and encouraged Blacks to register to vote. Hamer died in 1977, Oct. 6, would have been her 99th birthday. The campaign is centered around the new website BlackWomenVote.com. The site provides the latest election news, commentary and tools for Black women to prepare to vote, and get out the vote within their social networks. The campaign over the next month, will reach Black women
across the country to activate their circles and give them the tools to raise their voice, cast their vote and flex their collective voting power. "The #BlackWomenVote campaign is about igniting a spark so that the voice of Black women and the power that we hold can be fully put to work and recognized at the ballot box in November," said Glynda C. Carr, co- founder of Higher Heights. "The new campaign provides Black women with tools they can use to vote and get their networks to vote. We know that when you fire up a Black woman she does not go to the polls alone, she brings her house, her block, her church, her sorority, and her water cooler." The new website includes an Election Center, where women can pledge to vote and make a voting plan as well as connect them to tools like register to vote and find their polling location.
GOVERNMENTAL Affairs Janice Garth
President Obama orders federal aid to South Carolina President Barack Obama recently declared that a major disaster exists in the State of South Carolina and ordered Federal aid to supplement state, tribal, and local recovery efforts in the areas affected by Hurricane Matthew. The Clinton Foundation and the Sisterhood of Congregation B’nai Israel, in conjunction with the Anne Frank Center for Mutual Respect, joined together recently to create a powerful permanent exhibit, The Anne Frank Tree, located on the grounds of the Clinton Presidential Park. The installation features a sapling taken from the white horse chestnut tree that stood outside Anne Frank’s Secret Annex when she and her family were in hiding from the Nazis during World War II. The Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, Incorporated (CBCF) mourns the loss of two emerging leaders, Jonathan E. Riley, Esq., CBCF Science and Technology Congressional fellow who served in the office of Rep. G. K. Butterfield and Dmitri Clemons, CBCF 2016 Emerging Leaders: U.S.- China Study Abroad delegate. Three groups with a focus on maintaining public safety have endorsed the “Safe Roads Amendment.” AAA Chicago, American Public Works Association-Illinois Chapter (APWAIL), and Citizen Action/Illinois have endorsed the proposed amendment to the Illinois constitution, which would protect taxes and fees collected for transportation purposes. The “Safe Roads Amendment” will be the first question on the ballot in November. The Black Is Back Coalition for Social Justice, Peace and Reparations recently held its state convention in Illinois at 11006 S. Michigan, in the Michigan Business Building. The theme addressed at the convention was, “The National Black Political Agenda for Self-determination.” Speakers at the convention included Kamm Howard, Reparations Road to the White House; Kalambayi Adenet, President of the International People’s Democratic Uhuru Movement; and Dorothy Holmes, mother of Ronald “Ronnieman” Johnson, who was murdered by Chicago police in October 2014. Community leader, Duvalier Malone, and other civic leaders recently held a press conference on the steps of the Mississippi State Capitol in Jackson, Mississippi to call on Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant to issue an apology to Mississippians during “Racial Conciliation Month.” Governor Bryant has declared that Racial Conciliation Month will be used to break down barriers between races, and encourage helpful dialogue that will promote stronger relationships. These leaders are asking Governor Bryant to apologize for his refusal to back the removal of the Confederate symbol from the Mississippi flag, and for his declaration of the month of April as Confederate Heritage Month.
ILLINOIS STATE BOARD OF ELECTIONS NEWS: Chicago Election Board officials recently opened their new annex, at the Loop Super Site for Early Voting and Registration, at 15 W. Washington St., a location designed to handle three times as many voters, particularly during peak periods in the last days before Election Day. Chicago’s Loop Super Site for Early Voting & Registration will be open every day through November 7. Hours for the first week will be 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Saturday; 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sundays. Closer to Election Day, weeknight hours also will be offered.
www.thechicagocitizen.com • 51 years of serving the Black community
4 / CITIZEN / Chicago Weekend / Week of October 19, 2016
Howard University Announces the Cathy Hughes School of Communications
(WASHINGTON) Howard University president, Dr. Wayne A. I. Frederick, recently announced a multimillion dollar gift to its School of Communications from Alfred C. Liggins III, President and CEO of Radio One, Inc. This notable contribution was made through the Catherine L. Hughes and Alfred C. Liggins III Foundation and establishes that the School will be named in honor of Cathy Hughes, Radio One founder and Chairperson, and former Howard University staff member. An official ceremony to announce the naming of the “Cathy Hughes School of Communications” will be held on Sunday, October 23, 2016, at Howard University. “The Howard community is thrilled that Mr. Liggins has chosen to honor his mother, Ms. Cathy Hughes, in this manner for her pioneering work in the field of communications,” said Dr. Frederick. “The gift will have a transformational impact on the School’s commitment to serve the communications industry
and as a high-level producer of diverse media specialists.” He went on to acknowledge that Ms. Hughes is well known for her accomplishments at the School and University, particularly at WHUR-FM where she created the popular, urban music format known as the “Quiet Storm.” She is also the School’s third Time Warner Endowed Chair. The donation recognizes the extraordinary vigor of Howard’s School of Communications and its faculty, students, staff, and alumni. It demonstrates Ms. Hughes’ and Mr. Liggins’ firm beliefs in the role that the School plays in providing and sustaining a range of educational and leadership alternatives for African Americans within the communications sector. In 2013, the School reorganized its undergraduate programs and departments, graduate studies, and interdisciplinary options. Now in its 45th year of existence, the School proudly boasts four progressive departments: Communication Culture and
Media Studies; Communication Sciences and Disorders; Media, Journalism and Film; and Strategic, Legal and Management Communication. The Catherine L. Hughes and Alfred C. Liggins III Fund at Howard University will assist the School in acquiring cutting-edge technology and equipment, which will support its academically rich programs. Radio One invites its supporters and business partners to join its effort to promote and support Howard-educated communication leaders who will continue the cycle of influence and upliftment personified by Ms. Hughes. Donations should be made to Howard University and designated for the Cathy Hughes School of Communications. As Howard University approaches its sesquicentennial anniversary, its enthusiasm about the next 150 years is heightened by the generosity of Ms. Hughes and Mr. Liggins, and the legacy that they are graciously leaving behind.
About Howard University Founded in 1867, Howard University is a private, research university that is comprised of 13 schools and colleges. Students pursue studies in more than 120 areas leading to undergraduate, graduate and professional degrees. The University has produced three Rhodes Scholars, nine Truman Scholars, two Marshall Scholars, over 60 Fulbright Scholars and 22 Pickering Fellows. Howard also produces more on campus African-American Ph.D. recipients than any other university in the United States. For more information on Howard University visit www.howard.edu.
About Radio One, Inc. Radio One, Inc. is the largest African-American owned multimedia company in the United States. It reaches more than 80-percent of the black community through its a highly successful divisions, TV One, Reach Media, Interactive One, One Solution and OneX. Its founder and Chairperson, Cathy Hughes is the first African-American woman to Chair a publically traded company. Her contributions have allowed her to provide opportunities for other women and underrepresented minorities to pursue careers in the field of communications. In 2005, Howard University befittingly lauded Ms. Hughes for her work when it bestowed upon her the degree of Doctor of Humane Letters, honoris causa. The name of this well-respected, nationally acclaimed entrepreneur, radio and television personality, business executive and philanthropist will be indelibly connected to the School of Communications at Howard University. (Black PR Wire)
Illinois Awarded $850,000 to Support Small Business Exports Illinois Lottery Unveils New ‘Carolyn Adams Ticket for the Cure’ Instant Game In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the Illinois Lottery recently introduced the 13th edition of its breast cancer awareness instant lottery game, Carolyn Adams Ticket for the Cure. This was the first specialty lottery game of its kind in the United States. The unveiling of this unique lottery game took place at Presence Saints Mary and Elizabeth Medical Center located at 2233 W. Division St. Presence Saints Mary and Elizabeth Medical Center is a recent grant recipient of Ticket for the Cure funding.
SPRINGFIELD – The Illinois Department of Commerce & Economic Opportunity’s Office of Trade and Investment has received $850,000 in federal funds to support export growth among Illinois small businesses. The funding was awarded through the Small Business Administration’s competitive State Trade Expansion Program (STEP). In our increasingly global economy, companies looking to grow need to look beyond domestic markets,” Department of Commerce Acting Director Sean McCarthy said. “Illinois companies reported exports of more than $63.4 billion in 2015. STEP will allow the Illinois Department of Commerce to continue to help Illinois companies explore new markets and grow their businesses through our State Trade and Export Promotion program.” Illinois’ State Trade and
Export Promotion (ISTEP) program provides small businesses with financial and technical assistance to increase their exports. Eligible companies may participate in group or individual trade and sales missions, and receive training and support in international marketing, product compliance and general export education. Through ISTEP, Illinois companies have the opportunity to attend international trade shows across the globe. “Our STEP program, as well as SBA’s export loans and International Trade Centers, ensure local resources are available to help small businesses tap into the global marketplace,” SBA Illinois District Director Robert “Bo” Steiner said. “By funding Illinois and its export development partners, the SBA is delivering the tools and resources necessary
for small businesses in our state to build relationships and launch their services and products abroad.” STEP helps businesses increase their market reach and international sales, generating significant returns for U.S. companies. STEP recipients on average generate $22 in U.S. small business export sales for every $1 of STEP investment. In total, Illinois has received nearly $3.9 million in STEP funding since FY 2011. Exports represent a significant opportunity for Illinois businesses. Small and mediumsized companies account for 98 percent of U.S. exporters, however less than one percent of U.S. companies currently export. Illinois is the largest exporting state in the Midwest, and the fifth largest exporting state in the country.
www.thechicagocitizen.com • 51 years of serving the Black community
CITIZEN /Chicago Weekend / Week of October 19, 2016 / 5
Film Review:
Kevin Hart Kills in New Stand-up What Now? By Dwight Brown (NNPA Newswire Film Critic) Has success spoiled Kevin Hart? Forbes Magazine lists him as 2016’s highest paid comedian with an annual income of $87.5 million, from June 1, 2015, to June 1, 2016. Unlike many of his cohorts (Jerry Seinfeld, etc.) Hart makes lots of his income from live performances in large stadiums where he can earn $1 million a pop. So, it’s fitting that his latest live concert film was shot outdoors at Philadelphia’s Lincoln Financial Field, in Hart’s hometown. Fifty thousand people ate up his bawdy, personal humor like they were famished. Spoiled by success? Maybe. Spoiled by his fans? Definitely, yes. The ninety-six minutes of hilarity opens with a mock James Bond shtick over the titles that segues into Hart hooking up with Halle Berry as they scheme and con some crooks out of their money at a casino’s no-limit poker table. The spoof is funny (written by Hart), unexpected and features a cameo by a profanity-spewing Don Cheadle as Hart gets under his skin. Hart: “Don’t you have an empty room at Hotel Rwanda?” Clad in a tight-fitting black muscle T-shirt and a fancy gold-jeweled necklace he takes center stage, staring out into a record-setting night. He’s filled a football stadium, every seat, ardent fans and a very multicultural audience. They’ve come to see a brand of comedy that eschews
politics, topical news and social issues. The humor sticks to Hart’s personal life, kids, fiancée and sexual prowess (he calls satisfying his paramour “Operation put a hole in your back”), or lack thereof. Scatological humor, nothing is off the table. One of the reasons Hart’s game is so prime for live performances is that fans can see him up close or on jumbo screens as he doles out his brand of physical humor. He stalks the stage, mimics odd characters (a woman with one shoulder, a man with no knee caps), prances, dances, makes funny faces and bugs his eyes. It’s all intricately intertwined with an endless supply of anecdotes. The best joke line involves Hart sending his seven-year-old son out to empty the trashcans at the end of their long driveway, in the ‘burbs of Southern California. Standing at the door he hears his kid yell and sees him start running towards the house. It’s as if he’s being chased by a mountain lion. Hart slams the door, locking the offspring out so he can protect himself. It’s an outrageously funny bit that highlights his keen ability to tell stories that become so crazy and graphic you think that you witnessed the whole thing firsthand. Director Leslie Small (“Kevin Hart: Let Me Explain”) guides the concert footage with little fanfare and lots of close-ups of folks in hysterics. Peter S. Elliot and Guy Harding cut the footage down to a tight hour and a half. It’s just enough time for Hart to do his thing and
not wear out his welcome. Tim Story is credited with directing the James Bond segments, which are fairly intriguing and fill out some crucial time, otherwise this live performance film would barely last 80 minutes. Be prepared to laugh. Be prepared to sit through some routines that are not as funny as others. What gets you over the rough spots is this diminutive comedian’s uncanny ability to welcome you into his life, like he’s invited you over for a poker game and
he’s just telling you what happened to him the past week—no holds barred. Any comic who is willing to talk about the skid marks in his white underwear has no compunction about putting it all out there to get a laugh. That kind of attention-needy humor is what gets 40 million fans to follow him on social media. If you’re in his corner, this film will hit your funny bone. If you’re not, he’s trying to win you over. Hart says, “If
we can laugh together, we can live together.” It’s a branding slogan that’s too long to put on a welcome mat, but you’ll get the point. Dwight Brown is a film critic and travel writer. As a film critic, he regularly attends international film festivals including Cannes, Sundance, Toronto and the American Black Film Festival. Read more movie reviews by Dwight Brown here and at DwightBrownInk. com.
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AT&T INVESTS $1.5 MILLION IN CHICAGOBASED ONEGOAL TO HELP INCREASE COLLEGE GRADUATION RATES FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS FROM LOW-INCOME COMMUNITIES CHICAGO - Thousands of high school students nationwide will benefit from the expansion of OneGoal, a college access and success organization. Founded and based in Chicago, OneGoal works to dramatically increase the percentage of students from low-income communities who complete college. The expansion is made possible by a $1.5 million contribution from AT&T. OneGoal has grown from a small afterschool program serving 32 students (called OneGoal Fellows) in Chicago to a movement that equips excellent teachers with the curriculum, technology, training and coaching to implement OneGoal’s three-year, in-school model. OneGoal plans to serve more than 9,300 Fellows throughout the country by the end of the 2016-2017 school year and is currently working with Fellows and teachers in 180 high schools, 84 of which are in Chicago. AT&T’s contribution will allow OneGoal to serve more Fellows in their flagship region of Chicago, as well as Houston, Massachusetts and New York City. This contribution is part of AT&T Aspire, AT&T’s signature philanthropic initiative that drives innovation in education to promote student success in school and beyond. “It is exciting to see these high school students accelerate their academic achievement and succeed into their college years with the support of the OneGoal, and AT&T is proud to support the expansion of OneGoal to help thousands of more students – here in Chicago and in communities across America,” said AT&T Illinois President Paul La Schiazza. “Through Aspire, we are committed to supporting organizations implementing verifiable, evidenced-based interventions focused on improving high school retention rates
and preparing students – especially those most at-risk – for college or careers. ” OneGoal CEO and Co-Founder, Jeff Nelson, shared, “AT&T’s investment will allow us to increase our reach to more than 5,000 Fellows within Chicago, and fuel our expansion nationwide. This collaboration is also the catalyst to key innovations of the OneGoal model, from curriculum, to the training and support of those teachers who lead it. We are continuously improving not only how we support our Fellows, but how we can better recruit and coach the truly gifted teachers who work with Fellows throughout the three-year program. We couldn’t be more grateful to AT&T for recognizing the incredible talent of our teachers, and ultimately becoming a part of our Fellows’ success stories.” A University of Chicago evaluation led by Tim Kautz and Wladimir Zanoni, and advised by Nobel Laureate James Heckman found: · OneGoal increases college enrollment and college persistence rates by 10 to 20 percentage points. · OneGoal improves high school academic indicators including ACT scores, number of credits accumulated, GPA, and absences. · Growth in non-cognitive skill development is a factor in the positive college outcomes for OneGoal Fellows. · Non-cognitive skills can be measured using school administrative data. The evidence from OneGoal demonstrates that non-cognitive skills are key drivers for important life outcomes, and also that they are malleable into late adolescence,” said James Heckman, Nobel Laureate and Director at the Center for the Economics of Human Development at the University of Chicago.
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6 / CITIZEN /Chicago Weekend / Week of October 19, 2016
The Art of Shaving Launches
New Power Brush System
he Art of Shaving has introduced a new “Power Brush” System and regimen. The Power Brush and Unscented Pre-Shave Gel for Power Brush are made specifically to combat ingrown hair and razor bumps, two of the most commonly cited shaving issues.*** This new system, when used in preparation for a shave, has been clinically tested to help reduce the amount of new bumps in three months* while reducing the occurrence of razor bumps by up to 69%*. The Art of Shaving Power Brush System reduces the occurrence of ingrown hairs significantly - up to 47% after first month of use** and increases the release of ingrown hair by up to 85% over 12 weeks** The Art of Shaving Power Brush is a three speed brush device for men suffering from razor bumps. Featuring soft nylon bristles and water resistant
thermo-plastic for use in the shower, this spinning brush can be used with the Pre-Shave Gel to gently exfoliate the skin and help release trapped hairs and minimize razor bumps with daily use**. The Art of Shaving Pre-Shave Gel creates a thin layer of protection on your face and neck while decreasing any tug and pull during a shave with its lightweight emollient, glycerin and a touch of Shea Butter. “Good skin starts with good shave preparation. It was the foundational belief that inspired our first product – the preshave oil – and our “4Elements of the Perfect Shave”. Modernizing this step of preparation through the Power Brush system allows us to meet men’s grooming needs with a new solution, clinically tested to reduce razor bumps.” – Todd Brisky, The Art of Shaving CEO. The Power Brush System is available at Art of Shaving store locations and at www. theartofshaving.com.
Popping the Question Over the Holidays? What Every Guy Should Know (NewsUSA) - Congratulations, guys, on being so in love that you can save yourself at least one big headache this holiday season. Yes, for those wondering, if you’re planning on popping The Big Question -marriage, that is -- a diamond engagement ring can also count as her Christmas or Hanukkah present. “If a guy’s gonna pop the question eventually, he might as well use the opportunity to avoid shopping for a holiday gift and kill two birds with -- ahem -- one stone,” the Washington Post declared. And you won’t be alone: While 39 percent of all marriage proposals occur between Thanksgiving and Valentine’s Day, what sanethinking male wants to be the one who waited till February to give his girlfriend a ring she was expecting in December? Ergo, to help you out, it’s time to separate some myths from facts when it comes to the whole engagement ring-buying process. (Alternate Plan Alert: For those not quite ready to propose -- or, for that matter, who have other diamond jewelry lovers on their holiday lists to shop for -- we’ve also got some tips for you.) MYTH: You need to be prepared to spend two months’ salary on a ring.
FACT: That’s just a guideline. Your financial circumstances -- and your girlfriend’s taste -ultimately rule. MYTH: There’s no way of telling whether a diamond has been produced “ethically” or not. FACT: This is a big issue for some couples, so know that the Diavik mine in Canada’s North West Territories, for one, has gone to great lengths to provide buyers with proof that it’s adhering to
international standards of labor, health, safety and environmental practices in producing the nicely sized diamonds of good color and gem quality it’s famed for. “Each certified gem is laser-etched with a unique number that indicates the date mined, and each gem’s unique optical fingerprint is recorded in an international database so that it can be positively identified,” says an expert in the field, noting that many insurance companies offer discounted rates in such cases. MYTH: Most women want a pearshaped diamond engagement ring. FACT: Round diamonds are the most popular. MYTH: You must pick the ring out yourself in order to maximize the effect. FACT: Thankfully, no, so you’ve dodged a bullet there. But if you prefer shopping stag, at least have your girlfriend’s hints in mind. Finally, about those other diamond jewelry gift-gifting tips we promised. “Classic diamond stud earrings will never go out of fashion,” says jewelry and style expert Michael O’Connor, “and diamond line bracelets can be worn with any outfit.”
www.thechicagocitizen.com • 51 years of serving the Black community
CITIZEN / Chicago Weekend / Week of October 19, 2016 / 7
Diversity is good for communities, companies and our nation. A plurality of viewpoints, experiences and beliefs has the potential to foster both understanding and innovation. And in the healthcare field, the need for diversity is evident every day. Providers in the U.S. serve people from all walks of life, and each patient’s personal background plays a significant factor in the way care is delivered. That’s why it is critical for healthcare organizations to have leaders who reflect the diverse populations they treat, and who understand that different communities can have different health needs – leaders who know, for example, that breast cancer tends to appear in black women at a younger age, and in more advanced forms, than in other racial and ethnic groups; and who are committed to eliminating disparities when it comes to prevention, detection and treatment of this disease. We need leaders who understand the foundation of person-centered care is trust, and who are acutely aware of the need to broker trust in African-American communities where, historically, the healthcare system has been underutilized for a number of reasons. Unfortunately, the reality today is both women and minorities are underrepresented in healthcare leadership positions. Last year, a mere 11 percent
of executive leadership positions at U.S. hospitals were held by members of minority groups, and in a 2015 survey of healthcare executives, less than 20 percent of respondents said that minority executives were well represented in management teams. Simply put, women and minorities continue to be significantly underrepresented in the business and clinical areas from which healthcare organizations usually draw their executives. African-Americans, for example, make up just over three percent of practicing physicians nationwide, and a 2014 survey of 5,300 MBA candidates in the United States found that only six percent identified as Black. Working toward greater representation of women and minorities in healthcare leadership roles is not only the right thing to do, it’s also a care imperative. Consider that 32 percent of hospital patients in the U.S. belong to racial and ethnic minorities, and that each patient experiences the healthcare system differently based on his or her unique history, environment, cultural background and personal beliefs. If healthcare providers are serious about offering culturally competent, community-based solutions, having leaders who can implement organizational strategies that meet patients where they are and advocate for the needs of diverse populations is mission critical. Not only is this approach good for patients, it’s good for the continued strength and sustainability
of healthcare organizations. In a 2015 survey of healthcare executives, 72 percent reported that diversity enhances care equity, 71 percent believed cultural differences within management teams foster successful decision-making, and two-thirds said diverse leaders can help an organization reach its strategic goals. To take advantage of these benefits, healthcare providers should consider a number of measures to boost the share of women and minorities in their executive ranks, from making stronger efforts to advance female and minority candidates from within to promoting healthcare management as a career among diverse audiences. And all along the talent pipeline, it’s critically important to communicate an inclusive organizational culture — one that ensures diverse candidates are welcome and successful at the organization.As an African-American woman, I know the road to the C-suite can be a difficult journey, and even uncertain. But a willingness to take risks and step outside one’s comfort zone is critical for aspiring executives. If organizations commit to pulling the best and brightest diverse talent to the top, and if promising minority candidates continue to strive upward, we can create a healthcare system in which our leaders better represent the backgrounds and interests of the patients we serve. Patricia A. Maryland, Dr.PH, is the President of Healthcare Operations and Chief Operating Officer of Ascension Healthcare, a division of Ascension.
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8 / CITIZEN / Chicago Weekend / Week of October 19, 2016
7th Annual Neighborhood Leadership Awards
Join the Neighborhood Housing Services of Chicago (NHS) as they celebrate its 7th Neighborhood Leadership Awards: Sharing a Vision for Dynamic Neighborhoods. The event is free to the public and will include a reception, featuring a silent auction, raffle, and program honoring heroes in NHS’ target markets. Valet parking - $15 *Cash bar When Tuesday October 18, 2016 from 5:30 PM to 8:00 PM CDT Where Venue One 1034 W. Randolph Chicago, IL 60607 Contact NHS Chicago - Lakesha Nelson NHS of Chicago 773-329-4138 lnelson@nhschicago.org
THE AMERICANS ARE COMING TO FREE STREET THEATER The Americans are eating soft-serve. The Americans are debating who won the debate. The Americans are Team Orange, Team Pantsuit, or Team It’s All Rigged Anyway. The Americans are wondering what Rihanna sees in Drake. The Americans are headed to Free Street Theater for a special election- edition performance. The Americans is an ensemble-based performance that uses 5-minute “flash interviews” as its primary source material. Creator Coya Paz, working with a team of artists, spoke with over 200 people in 10 states, asking two starting questions: What does it mean to be an American? If you could tell 100 people something about being an American, what would it be? Respondents range from undocumented immigrants to founders of local Minutemen chapters; mothers of active-duty servicemen to Vietnam draft dodgers; flag wavers to (literal) flag burners. The result is a fast, funny, and open-hearted snapshot of a national culture built on the importance of individual freedoms. Originally performed in 2011, this special touring edition of the show has been updated to respond to the 2016 presidential election. Director Katrina Dion notes, “We are excited to share this new version of The Americans with audiences which explores multiple points of view on the current election and searches to find solidarity in the divide”. Created by Coya Paz WHERE: Free Street Theater, 1419 West Blackhawk Street, 3rd Floor. ABOUT FREE STREET THEATER: Founded in 1969, Free Street Theater is dedicated to producing new work by, for, with, about, and in Chicago’s diverse communities. Directed by Katrina Dion Featuring: Ashlyn Lozano, Sharaina L. Turnage, Karla Estela Rivera and Nick Benz WHEN: Mondays October 17, 31, and November 7 Wednesday October 24th All shows at 7pm TICKETS: As part of Free Street’s commitment to public access programming, all shows are pay-what-you-can. Advance tickets strongly recommended: theamericans.brownpapertickets.com
South Suburban College October PAC Performances Please note: This calendar is correct at the time of publication and is subject to change. All events are held in the Kindig Performing Arts Center (PAC) on SSC’s Main Campus and admission is FREE for these events. (Donations are appreciated to benefit the Music Scholarship Fund.) Wednesday, October 19, 2016, 12:00 p.m. Lecture Recital Presented by Band of Brothers Pipe and Drum Band Wednesday, October 19, 2016, 7:00 p.m. Jazz Orchestra and Jazz Combo Concert and SSC Voices Concert Friday, October 21, 2016, 7:00 p.m. Symphonic Band and Orchestra Concert For more information or to confirm dates and times, call (708) 596-2000, ext. 2316. South Suburban College is located at 15800 South State Street, South Holland, Illinois.
Third Annual Children of Hope Fundraiser presented by Franciscan Works + Liberia Mission, Inc. Join Franciscan Works and special guest Most Reverend Bishop Joseph N. Perry for Harvest for Hope, an Octoberfest fundraiser benefiting the children of Liberia Mission, Inc. Liberia Mission provides religious formation, housing, education, trade skills and leadership development to more than 400 youth living in extreme poverty in Liberia, West Africa. Harvest for Hope will take place Saturday evening, October 22, 2016 from 6-9pm at the Ukrainian Cultural Center, located at 2247 W Chicago Ave, Chicago, IL 60622. Tickets are on sale and can be purchased
online at www.harvestforhopechicago.org for $50. Tickets include a German menu with brats, pretzels, strudel and more, as well as three servings of beer or wine. Guests will enjoy live German music from the Die Musikmeisters Band, a silent auction, raffle and photo booth. For more information, visit Franciscan Works at www.franciscanworks.org.
Youth Summit ~ DSTV Guide to Enlightening our Youth The Joliet Area/South Suburban Alumnae Chapter (JASSAC) of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., in conjunction with Jassac Charitable Foundation, Inc. present JASSAC Youth Summit on Saturday, October 29th from 1pm-5pm. This event is free and will be held at River Oaks Mall in Calumet City, IL. Children, ages 11-18, and their parents are invited to attend this event which will provide interactive opportunities for all attendees.
The summit will provide information on various subjects affecting families today and will also bring awareness to international concerns affecting young people. Some of the highlights of the JASSAC Youth Summit include: How to Get Away With an Election: Learn more about the upcoming election and become more educated in the political process and how it affects you and your family. Information will be provided on other candidates who will be on the ballot, including judges, alderman, and more. UNITE: Learn more about the United Nations campaign to bring awareness and put an end to violence against women. Also learn more about how NOT to become a victim in human trafficking. Bullies be Gone!!: Participate in our Anti-Bullying poster contest and learn more about how to deal with bullies. The winning poster will be used at our February 4th Youth Empowerment Workshop. #YOLO: Learn about secret tips to keep you healthy and safe. Learn how to live a lifestyle that matters. Dr. Kara Davis will be discussing how to live your best life. JASSAC Youth Shark Tank! The Next Generation: Open to teens, 14-18 years. Aspiring entrepreneurs will have
a chance to present business ideas and get advice from a team of experts. Prizes will be awarded. Free registration is required. Love and Conviction: If you were under 18 years of age when you were arrested or convicted, learn how to get your record Expunged or Sealed.
JASSAC has a rich history of giving back to the south suburban communities. “We are excited to host this Summit, because it provides a lot of important information all in one place,” says JASSAC Chapter President, Kimberly RoweBarney. “Our sorority was founded on five principles; Economic Development, Educational Development, International Awareness and Involvement, Physical and Mental Health, and Political Awareness and Involvement. We will exemplify all five at this event.” For more information on JASSAC and to register for the JASSAC Youth Shark Tank, please visit www.jassacdeltas.org. For questions or other information on this event, please contact the Community Outreach Committee at communityoutreach@jassacdeltas.org
www.thechicagocitizen.com • 51 years of serving the Black community
CITIZEN / Chicago Weekend / Week of October 19, 2016 / 9
To the Electors of the State of Illinois:
The Illinois Constitution establishes a structure for government and laws. There are three ways to initiate change to the Illinois Constitution: (1) a constitutional convention may propose changes to any part; (2) the General Assembly may propose changes to any part; or (3) a petition initiative may propose amendments limited to structural and procedural subjects contained in the Legislative Article. The people of Illinois must approve any changes to the Constitution before they become effective. The purpose of this document is to inform you of proposed changes to the Illinois Constitution and provide you with a brief explanation and a summary of the arguments in favor of and in opposition to the proposed amendment. Proposed changes in the existing constitutional amendment are indicated by underscoring all new matter and by crossing with a line all matter which is to be deleted. PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO ADD SECTION 11 TO ARTICLE IX OF THE ILLINOIS CONSTITUTION ARTICLE IX – REVENUE SECTION 11. TRANSPORTATION FUNDS (a) No moneys, including bond proceeds, derived from taxes, fees, excises, or license taxes relating to registration, title, or operation or use of vehicles, or related to the use of highways, roads, streets, bridges, mass transit, intercity passenger rail, ports, airports, or to fuels used for propelling vehicles, or derived from taxes, fees, excises, or license taxes relating to any other transportation infrastructure or transportation operation, shall be expended for purposes other than as provided in subsections (b) and (c). (b) Transportation funds may be expended for the following: the costs of administering laws related to vehicles and transportation, including statutory refunds and adjustments provided in those laws; payment of highway obligations; costs for construction, reconstruction, maintenance, repair, and betterment of highways, roads, streets, bridges, mass transit, intercity passenger rail, ports, airports, or other forms of transportation; and other statutory highway purposes. Transportation funds may also be expended for the State or local share of highway funds to match federal aid highway funds, and expenses of grade separation of highways and railroad crossings, including protection of at-grade highways and railroad crossings, and, with respect to local governments, other transportation purposes as authorized by law. (c) The costs of administering laws related to vehicles and transportation shall be limited to direct program expenses related to the following: the enforcement of traffic, railroad, and motor carrier laws; the safety of highways, roads, streets, bridges, mass transit, intercity passenger rail, ports, or airports; and the construction, reconstruction, improvement, repair, maintenance, operation, and administration of highways, under any related provisions of law or any purpose related or incident to, including grade separation of highways and railroad crossings. The limitations to the costs of administering laws related to vehicles and transportation under this subsection (c) shall also include direct program expenses related to workers’ compensation claims for death or injury of employees of the State’s transportation agency; the acquisition of land and the erection of buildings for highway purposes, including the acquisition of highway rights-of-way or for investigations to determine the reasonable anticipated future highway needs; and the making of surveys, plans, specifications, and estimates for the construction and maintenance of flight strips and highways. The expenses related to the construction and maintenance of flight strips and highways under this subsection (c) are for the purpose of providing access to military and naval reservations, defense-industries, defense-industry sites, and sources of raw materials, including the replacement of existing highways and highway connections shut off from general use at military and naval reservations, defense-industries, and defense-industry sites, or the purchase of rights-of-way. (d) None of the revenues described in subsection (a) of this Section shall, by transfer, offset, or otherwise, be diverted to any purpose other than those described in subsections (b) and (c) of this Section. (e) If the General Assembly appropriates funds for a mode of transportation not described in this Section, the General Assembly must provide for a dedicated source of funding. (f) Federal funds may be spent for any purposes authorized by federal law. EXPLANATION The proposed amendment adds a new Section to the Revenue Article of the Illinois Constitution that provides revenue generated from transportation related taxes and fees (referred to as “transportation funds”) shall be used exclusively for transportation related purposes. Transportation related taxes and fees include motor fuel taxes, vehicle registration fees, and other taxes and user fees dedicated to public highways, roads, streets, bridges, mass transit (buses and rail), ports, or airports. Under the proposed amendment, transportation funds may be used by the State or local governments only for the following purposes: (1) costs related to administering transportation and vehicle laws, including public safety purposes and the payment of obligations such as bonds; (2) the State or local share necessary to secure federal funds or for local government transportation purposes as authorized by law; (3) the construction, reconstruction, improvement, repair, maintenance, and operation of highways, mass transit, and railroad crossings; (4) expenses related to workers’ compensation claims for death or injury of transportation agency employees; and (5) to purchase land for building highways or buildings for to be used for highway purposes. This new Section is a limitation on the power of the General Assembly or a unit of local government to use, divert, or transfer transportation funds for a purpose other than transportation. It does not, and is not intended to, impact or change the way in which the State and local governments use sales taxes, including the sales and excise tax on motor fuel, or alter home rule powers granted under this Constitution. It does not seek to change the way in which the State funds programs administered by the Illinois Secretary of State, Illinois Department of Transportation, and operations by the Illinois State Police directly dedicated to the safety of roads, or entities or programs funded by units of local government. Further, the Section does not impact the expenditure of federal funds, which may be spent for any purpose authorized by federal law. FORM OF BALLOT Proposed Amendment to the 1970 Illinois Constitution Explanation of Amendment The proposed amendment adds a new section to the Revenue Article of the Illinois Constitution. The proposed amendment provides that no moneys derived from taxes, fees, excises, or license taxes, relating to registration, titles, operation, or use of vehicles or public highways, roads, streets, bridges, mass transit, intercity passenger rail, ports, or airports, or motor fuels, including bond proceeds, shall be expended for other than costs of administering laws related to vehicles and transportation, costs for construction, reconstruction, maintenance, repair, and betterment of public highways, roads, streets, bridges, mass transit, intercity passenger rail, ports, airports, or other forms of transportation, and other statutory highway purposes, including the State or local share to match federal aid highway funds. You are asked to decide whether the proposed amendment should become part of the Illinois Constitution. YES –––– NO
For the proposed addition of Section 11 to Article IX of the Illinois Constitution.
CAPITOL BUILDING SPRINGFIELD, ILLINOIS OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE I, Jesse White, Secretary of the State of Illinois, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the Proposed Amendment, the Explanation of the Proposed Amendment, Arguments in Favor of the Amendment and Arguments Against the Amendment and a true copy of the Form of Ballot for this call as the regularly scheduled general election on Tuesday, November 8, 2016, as set forth in compliance with the Illinois Constitutional Amendment Act. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and affix the Great Seal of the State of Illinois, Done in the City of Springfield, this 22nd day of June, 2016.
Jesse White Secretary of State This voter information material is available in written format in English, Chinese, Hindi, Polish, Spanish, and Braille. It is also available in audio format in English. For more information visit www.cyberdriveillinois.com or write the Secretary of State’s office at 111 East Monroe Street, Springfield, IL 62756.
Este material de información para el votante está disponible en formato impreso en inglés, chino, hindi, polaco, español y sistema Braille. También está disponible en formato de audio en inglés. Para obtener más información, visite www.cyberdriveillinois.com o escriba a la oficina del Secretario de Estado en 111 East Monroe Street, Springfield, IL 62756. 此投票信息资料提供英语、中文、北印度语、波兰语、西班牙语书面版本,另有盲文版本。同时还有英语音频版本。如需更 多信息,请访问 www.cyberdriveillinois.com,亦可致函州务卿办公室,地址:伊利诺伊州斯普林菲尔德市东门罗街 111 号, 邮编 62756(111 East Monroe Street, Springfield, IL 62756)。 यह मतदाता सूचना अंग्रेजी, चीनी, हिंदी, पॉलिश, स्पैनिश तथा ब्रेल लिपि में लिखित स्वरूप में उपलब्ध है। यह अंग्रेजी में ऑडियो स्वरूप में भी उपलब्ध है। अधिक जानकारी के लिए www.cyberdriveillinois.com पर जाएँ अथवा राज्य सचिव के कार्यालय को 111 ईस्ट मनरो स्ट्रीट, स्प्रिंगफील्ड, इलिनॉयस 62756 पर लिखें। Ten materiał informacyjny dla wyborców jest dostępny w formie pisemnej w języku angielskim, chińskim, hindi, polskim, hiszpańskim oraz alfabecie Braille’a. Jest on również dostępny w formacie audio w języku angielskim. Aby uzyskać więcej informacji należy odwiedzić stronę internetową www.cyberdriveillinois.com lub napisać do biura Sekretarza Stanu przy 111 East Monroe Street, Springfield, IL 62756.
10 / CITIZEN / Chicago Weekend / Week of October 19, 2016
Halloween Colored Contacts Could Permanently Damage Your Eyes CHICAGO — With the Halloween season upon us, the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFPR) is reminding the public that purchasing colored contact lenses from anyone other than a licensed eye care professional or pharmacist is dangerous. In recent years, illegally-purchased colored contacts have flooded the retail market during Halloween and are most often found at malls, beauty supply stores and via online websites. These lenses are often made overseas in non-FDA approved facilities with tinting materials that may be toxic to the eye. Without a proper examination and fitting, colored contacts can cause damage to the eye, including blindness. “Decorative contacts surge in popularity every year around the Halloween season as a fashion or costume accessory,” said Bryan A. Schneider, IDFPR Secretary. “Unfortunately, both children and adults alike often neglect to realize that these lenses are classified as medical devices that pose the same potential safety and health issues as corrective
lenses. As regulators, In addition to it is important that scratches from ill fitting we remind consumers lenses, bacteria build of the unnecessary within the eye very rapidly dangers of infection and can cause infections. from over-the-counter Some types of bacteria can “Decorative colored contacts made cause permanent scarring from potentially unsafe contacts surge in within twenty hours of the materials.” if left untreated. popularity every outbreak, IDFPR licenses While the infection may an estimated year around the look like pinkeye, an easily 2,300 optometrists treated eye infection, Halloween season contact lenses can cause and hundreds of ophthalmologists eye ulcers which must as a fashion in Illinois. Many be treated with strong or costume have reported antibiotic medicine. If seeing patients who left untreated, ulcers accessory” have suffered from can cause partial or total infections or corneal irreversible blindness. scratches as a result of “While there are a contact lens problems. number of concerns, the Because contact lenses sit directly on the risk of infection is among the highest,” cornea and could potentially limit the said Dr. Christine Allison, Illinois amount of oxygen reaching the eye, all Optometric Association President. contact lenses pose some risk to wearers. “Mild to severe bacterial infections By requiring lenses to be fitted and sold can ravage the eye resulting in major by professionals, that risk is limited and ramifications.” Dr. Allison reminds managed. parents that “all contact lenses are
considered a medical device and should be prescribed by their Optometrist.” Because the health risk is serious and most of the customers seeking cosmetic contact lenses are teens and young adults, IDFPR is partnering with the Illinois State Board of Education and the Department of Public Health to alert teachers, administrators and health care professionals in every school district and county in the state about the serious health and vision problems facing young people and warning signs to look for in their students and patients. Sales of contact lenses to consumers without a valid prescription are considered the unlicensed practice of optometry and subject to cease and desist orders and civil fines of up to $10,000. Illinois residents are encouraged to notify state officials if they see lenses for sale at retail outlets that do not require a prescription from a licensed eye-care professional. Consumers can file complaints at www.idfpr.com or by calling our consumer hotline number at 1-888-4REGUL8 (1-888-473-4858).
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To learn more, call Cigna-HealthSpring today. 1-855-721-1612 (TTY 711), Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. SpecialCareIL.com All Cigna products and services are provided exclusively by or through operating subsidiaries of Cigna Corporation, including HealthSpring of Tennessee, Inc. The Cigna name, logos, and other Cigna marks are owned by Cigna Intellectual Property, Inc. You can get this document in Spanish, or speak with someone about this information in other languages for free. Call 1-866-487-4331 (TTY: 7-1-1), Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Central Time. The call is free. Puede recibir este documento en español, o hablar con alguien sobre esta información en otros idiomas, sin costo alguno. Llame al 1-866-487-4331 (TTY: 7-1-1), de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. a 5 p.m. Hora del centro. La llamada es gratis. Limitations and restrictions may apply. For more information, call Cigna-HealthSpring SpecialCare of Illinois Customer Service or read the Cigna-HealthSpring SpecialCare of Illinois Member Handbook. Illinois Client Enrollment Services will send you information about your health plan choices when it is time for you to make a health plan choice and during your Open Enrollment period. © 2016 Cigna ICP_16_43324 05202016 ICP_16_43324 Ad 24 hr Health Info line v2 ICP IL 10.75x6.5.indd 1
9/1/16 1:08 PM
CITIZEN / Chicago Weekend / Week of October 19, 2016 / 11
classifieds CLASSIFIEDS Notice is hereby given, pursuant to “An Act in relation to the use of an Assumed Business Name in the conduct or trans action of Business in the State,” as amended, that a certification was regis tered by the undersigned with the County Clerk of Cook County. Registration Number: D16148238 on September 27, 2016 Under the Assumed Business Name of KEE RECRUITING SERVICES with the business located at:430 E 162ND ST, SOUTH HOLLAND, IL 60473The true and real full name and residence address of the owner is: SANDRA KEETON 2251 W 157TH PLACE MARKHAM, IL 60428, USA __________________________________
Ed McElroy dies
HELP WANTED DRIVERS CDLA Drivers: Great Pay and bonuses PLUS up to $10,000 Sign On Bonus. WEEKLY HOME TIME! Call 8772777298 or DriveForSuperService.com __________________________________ Owner Operators, Lease and Company Drivers Wanted! Sign On Bonus, Mid States Freight Lanes, Consistent Home Time, No Northeast. www.Drive4Red.com or 8778115902, CDL A Required __________________________________ Drivers / Owner operators wanted Regional/OTR Bonus programs tank / hazmat endorsements Twic 1 year trac tor trailer experience Owner operators 5000 sign on bonus. www.work4qc.com 18779675472 __________________________________ DriversCO & O\Op’s. Earn Great Money Running Dedicated! Great Benefits. Home Weekly. Monthly Bonuses. Drive Newer Equipment! 8555822265 __________________________________
RENTAL Newly decorated 1 Bd. Rm. Apt. $475.00 per Mo.Stove & Fridge Incd. 5200 S. Racine Call Mr. Lambert 773 370 7744 __________________________________
MISC AUCTION State of Illinois Surplus Property Online Auction Equipment, watches, boats, vehicles, knives, jewelry and much more iBid.illinois.gov __________________________________ ONE HUGE AUCTION Saturday, October 22nd Monee, IL 60449 Heating & Air Conditioning Tools Supplies Office Equipment Tractors Lawn Equipment Household 7084210074 www.loren zauctions.com __________________________________
HELP WANTED Entry Level Heavy Equipment Operator Career. Get Trained Get Certified Get Hired! Bulldozers, Backhoes & Excavators. Immediate Lifetime Job Placement. VA Benefits. 18663626497 __________________________________ HOPE TOWING PARKING Bus or Truck parking 8043 S. South Chicago. Call 7732593984 __________________________________ MONEY TO LOAN ( NOW ) Through Progressive Lenders • For Electric & Gas Bills • Furniture & Medical Equipment • Car Payment & Insurance • Real Estate & Business Call 7735683186 or 7737038400 johnnydallocofinance@gmail.com __________________________________ HELP WANTED Entry Level Heavy Equipment Operator Career. Get Trained Get Certified Get Hired! Bulldozers, Backhoes & Excavators. Immediate Lifetime Job Placement. VA Benefits. 18663626497 __________________________________ LEGAL This is to inform any creditors of the death of George Shelton, on September 4, 2015. You may send any correspon dence to: P.O. Box 803478, Chicago, IL 60680. Please send any details of claims by October 21, 2016. __________________________________
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by Susan Malone Edward M. McElroy has died at 91 years of age. The communities of Chicago and its outlying suburbs mourn the loss of a great man. It is truly the end of an era. Everyone knew Ed McElroy. He was one of a kind. He was known for his radio and television appear ances as early as the 1940's. Ed was active in the field of news and sports on WJOB, WIND andWJJD radio for over 67 years. He was the host of "Community in Focus" on Channel 19, and received numerous awards for news coverage in the United States. Ed had entertained hospitalized veterans and underpriv ileged children for many years. He was Past National Commander and Past State Commander of the Catholic War Veterans of the United States. McElroy built and ran one of the
largest public relations firms of its tin1e. Amazingly, he worked this business full time up until his death. He worked sidebyside with his lovely wife Rita. Ed and Rita were married for over 60 years and Ed still lovingly referred to Rita as his bride. "Ed McElroy was the living embodin1ent of the city of Chicago and its history for most of the past century. But more than that, he was a good man, hardworking and decent, certain in his faith and fami ly, devoted to his wife Rita and their children and grandchildren, reliable to his friends and colleagues. He helped countless judges, politicians, and government servants navigate the labyrinth of public life. Ed not only knew you, he knew your father, and he would share moments that happened 60 years ago as clearly as if they happened yesterday. I had dinner with him 1 two weeks ago yesterday, and he was, as always, marveling at his longevity and the good fortune he has enjoyed; it's hard to believe he's gone. Ed was truly among the very last of a tremendous generation. He was a good friend and I will always miss him," stated his friend Neil Steinberg, Chicago SunTimes. Ed was definitely old school. Old school in the way that he thought of family and friends, and old school in his remarkable approach to busi ness. He always stated that to be successful, you needed to establish relationships people to people. You needed to always look your best and have your shoes shined. You need ed to be a man of your word. You needed to know people and get to
know everything about them. You should be available to celebrate their victories and mourn their loss es. You needed to be loyal to God and country. State Senator Martin Sandoval said, "Ed was a great man. He had such a joyful spirit that touched everyone who knew him. We feel truly lucky to have been able to know him and will miss him dearly." Ed was quite the character, quite the interesting man. He was a dapp_er gentleman, a storyteller, an icon, a friend. Mr. McElroy lived a full and robust life. He never drank, never smoked a cigarette, and never drank a cup of coffee. He kept very active. Ed was quite the star on the basketball court, up until a few years ago. He knew how to laugh. And, he had respect for one and all. He was an example to many. Constable of Chicago? Yes, that was Ed McElroy. It was an honor bestowed upon l1in1 by his long time Friend Alderman Edward M. Burke (14) on July 19, 2015. This came about one day prior to Ed’s 90th birthday. Ed received 100’s of awards over th ecourse of his life time, but this one was quite special to hom. “To see Ed McElroy Walk down the street was truly a wonder to behlod. Like a oneman PR machine he knew the name of every crossing guard, traffic aide and police officer. Ed never missed a polical event”, recalled Alderman Burke. “The stories surrounding Ed’s long and colorful life pay testa ment to the old Chicago adage that who you know in life really does
matter. He was a very dear friend who will be remember and missed by coutless people whose lives he touched in such postitive way.” Ed’s life and times entwined with Hyde Park occassion ally over the years. During one of Ed’s appearances in the area, he mt a young state senator, Barack OBama. They abumped into each other at this particular event and started talking. Ed ended up driving President Obama home and formed a lasting friendship on the way. Ed was heard saying that he was very impressed with this classy, young man. He spent many a day with Barack Obama, introducting this ris ing star to elected officials, digni taries, and newspaper publishers far and wide. Ed was a valued friend to the common man, to mayors, governors, and even presidents of the United States. THose that knew him can testify to the impact that he has made on society. He will be remembered as a good and a decent man. Rest easy,my friend. Ed McElroy was the beloved husband of Rita Marie; lov ing father of Edward T. (Demetra) McElroy, Beth (Jack) Kirkwood and David McElroy, Ret. CFD; proud grandfrather of Danny, Lily, Mike, Tim and Megan and the late Emily. McElroy. McElroy passed away on October 13, 2016. Visitation was held at Curley Funeral Home, 6116 W. 111th Street in Chicago Ridge on October 16, 2016 and his funeral was held on Octber 17, 2016 from St. Germaine Church, 9711 S. Kolin Avenue in Oak Lawn.
12 Weekend Week of October 16 // CITIZEN CITIZEN // Chicago South End / Week/of October 12, 201619, 2016
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