P2 Week of May 10, 2023 FREE | VOL 54 | ISSUE 20 w WEEKEND C WEEKLY P10 P6 HOKA® Debuts FirstEver Youth Collection for the Next Generation of Athletes National Battle of the Bands Documentary at 2023 American Black Film Festival BUSINESS P4 Black-Owned Edtech Company Stemuli Announces Merger of Infinity. careers and Oppti, Founders Take on New Roles
Sophia “So Gucci” Williams is part of the cast of OWNTV’s “Belle Collective,” which depicts the lives of Black women business owners in Jackson, Miss. PHOTO PROVIDED BY DENISE JORDAN WALKER.
Sophia “So Gucci” Williams is a realtor and a personal trainer. PHOTO PROVIDED BY DENISE JORDAN WALKER.
Williams watched the first season of OWN TV’s “Belle Collective” and thought she would be a great fit for the show detailing the lives of six Black women entrepreneurs living in Jackson, Miss. People started to tell her that she should be on the show. Then, one of the cast members contacted her and wanted to pitch her for the show.
CHICAGO, Ill. – Neighbors gathered at a “Blooming in Bronzeville” block party to marvel at the stunning bloom of 100,000 bright red tulips planted last fall by MacArthur Genius Grant Recipient and artist Amanda Williams as part of her ‘Redefining Redlining’ installation. Planted on a vacant lot that had once been a residential unit and was torn down due to redlining, the installation is inspiring neighbors to see the agency they have to take strengthen their community.
Williams notes that the narrative on the South Side too frequently focuses on what is lacking, but she hopes to show that, with action, neighbors can work together to highlight what’s beautiful and to be intentional about artful development.
The tulips were planted last Fall by Williams and several local volunteers in collaboration with Emerald South Development’s Terra Firma initiative. Launched in 2021, Terra Firma is a 5-year, $25 million land care initiative to beautify, maintain, and activate over 205 acres on Chicago’s mid-South Side. The initiative aims to address vacant land across disinvested communities and use it as an engine of opportunity to improve quality of life, create jobs, and grow small businesses.
This past week the tulips came into full bloom. On a nice day, throngs of neighbors can be seen walking by to admire the installation. Residents nearby note that community members have taken ownership of the lot, keeping it clean and tended to, while others note that not a single bulb has been stolen.
Mayor Lori E. Lightfoot and Department of Family and Support Services (DFSS)
Commissioner Brandie Knazze announced that $1.2M has been distributed to more than 2,400 eligible households who applied for financial relief from the Chicago Resiliency Fund 2.0. The purpose of the fund is to provide $500 relief payments to populations that had difficulties accessing and qualifying for federal relief payments, including households with dependents who were excluded from federal stimulus payments, undocumented residents, and domestic workers.
The initial application, for households with qualifying dependents on their 2019 taxes, (such as college students or disabled relatives) opened October 31 and closed March 31.
The Resiliency Fund 2.0 is still accepting applications from eligible undocumented residents and domestic workers. DFSS intends to award up to 7,000 domestic workers and 10,000 undocumented residents with a one-time $500 relief payment. To be eligible, applicants must be a domestic worker or undocumented resident, live in Chicago, be 18 or older, and have household income at or below 300% of the Federal Poverty Level ($74,580 for a household of 3). The Chicago Resiliency Fund 2.0 is open to all eligible Chicago residents, regardless of legal immigration status. No questions will be asked regarding citizenship or immigration status in the application or verification process. COVID-19 cash assistance is not considered under public charge analysis.
Residents should visit to learn more and submit their online application. Applications and customer support are available in Spanish, Polish, Chinese, and Arabic. Up to two applications per household will be accepted and paid. Those who have not received any previous COVID-19 cash assistance from the State of Illinois’ Welcoming Center COVID-19 Recovery Fund or from the Immigrant Family Support Project will be given priority for the Resiliency Fund 2.0 payments.
Star of ‘Belle Collective’ talks about upcoming season
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“The producers loved us. We were kind of told that we were kind of handpicked by Oprah,” Williams said, adding that producer Carlos King liked her and her husband’s charisma, energy and what they stood for. King has said in other interviews that Williams and her husband were a natural fit for the show.
Williams’ and her husband JJ’s first appearance on the “Belle Collective” was season 2. She said she had to go into prayer and meditation before appearing on the show. She wanted to show the world how her and her husband navigate having a blended family. When colorism became a topic during the second season, they talked about it.
“A lot of things that African Americans sweep under the rug need to be brought to the light to show people you’re not the only person to go through something and it’s OK to talk about it,” she said. Williams said while there are blended families out there, she felt a duty to show how her family is dealing with it. She admitted it has been a challenge at times to have a blended family while being the boss of a business.
Williams said JJ gave her the nickname So Gucci. He is always building her up and telling her how beautiful she is. “My husband is one person who lifts me up, keeps me motivated. He’s always compliments me,” she said, adding that she tries to portray positive Black love on the show.
So Gucci and her husband JJ Williams have shown how they navigate life as a blended family on OWNTV’s “Belle Collective.” PHOTO PROVIDED BY DENISE JORDAN WALKER.
Williams is a licensed realtor, a certified personal trainer and owner of Stairway 2 So Gucci Fitness. Her businesses have grown exponentially since she has appeared on the show. People reach out to her asking for advice about buying a home and about doing virtual personal training sessions. She hosts seminars and workshops for both businesses.
Williams, who was born and raised in Mississippi, de-
scribed it as the “hospitality state.” People come to visit and like the people’s vibe and energy. Williams said that she gets along with all the women on the show. She said, while she might throw a little shade, if they have an event, she will be there to support. She wants to bring positive energy and lift people up. “We’re all trying to represent Mississippi in a positive light,” she said.
The women on the show also make an effort to highlight Black-owned small businesses throughout the community. If they learn of a new business, they will try and film a scene there, just to bring visibility to the establishment.
“There are million-dollar homes here in Mississippi, there are millionaires here in Mississippi, there are smart, intelligent women that’s working together to build up our community and pass on positive information to everybody. I just want people to see Mississippi in a different light,” she said.
Williams said people have told her they love her and her husband on the show and their transparency about their family dynamic. It makes her feel like God gave her the platform of being on the show to show others it is OK to get a therapist and have bumps in the road when it comes to marriage and family.
Williams said she wanted to be transparent about her life on the reality show because she didn’t want to be fake. “I didn’t just want to give people a good TV show, I wanted to show the real me, the layers of So Gucci,” she said.
On Season Three, which premieres on OWN TV on May 19th, Williams is going to show more of the real her. She said what she likes about the women on the show is the support they give each other.
Williams is available to speak about her life experiences and do fitness boot camps. She can be reached at @sogucci007official on Instagram or email her manager at
Whitney Young Magnet High School Takes Second Place in National Decathlon Championship
CHICAGO – Whitney M. Young Magnet High School’s decathlon team took second place over the weekend at the rigorous and highly-competitive United States Academic Decathlon National Competition in Frisco, Texas, earning one of the school’s highest scores to date at the national level. Of note, both Lane Tech College Prep High School and the Chicago High School for Agricultural Sciences also participated at the national level in Texas but in a separate division with Lane Tech taking second place in that division and both schools bringing home individual gold medals as well.
During the U.S. Academic Decathlon, each student competes in 10 events both objective and subjective: Art, Economics, Literature, Math, Music, Science, Social Science Essay, Interview, and Speech. Team scores are then calculated using the top two individual scores from each division.
Earlier this school year, the Dolphins, the city champions who represented Illinois in the national competition, landed the school’s 20th consecutive state championship win at the 2023 Illinois Academic Decathlon State Competition with Lane Tech College Prep and Amundsen High School taking second and third place.
At the national competition, Whitney Young 11th and 12th graders Amber Sun, Leon Cao, Om Raizada, Renee Picard, Zara Khan, Gabriel Ratner and Daniel Lee all won gold medals across multiple subjects while Juniors Yiheng Gao and Taihei East-
wood earned silver and bronze medals in Social Science, Music, Math, and Economics. Whitney Young has participated in the state competition for nearly 40 years, earning the State title for the past 20 years and rising to the rank of second in the United States three times, in 1995, 2007 and 2012.
“Chicago Public Schools is extremely proud of all our students who qualified to participate in this rigorous national competition and then went on to show the nation what our students can do,” said CPS CEO Pedro Martinez. “Being recognized as among the top teams in the country is a monumental accomplishment and I want to extend my congratulations to the Office of Teaching and Learning, our dedicated high school principals, faculty, as well as parents, and, most importantly, these amazing decathletes.”
Whitney Young decathlon coach Ben Gucciardi hopes his team revels in the historic achievement.
Lane Tech College Prep High School took second in Division IV of the competition after taking second place in the state competition in March. It was the second time in the past 40 years that Lane Tech was invited to send a team to the Nationals competition and the first time they have participated in person. Lane Senior Oscar Stennes was recognized as the top scoring decathlete in Division IV making him the Division IV National Champion, as well as the Honors Division overall Gold Medalist. Lane Sophomore Elijah Jackson also received the
NEWS Weekend | Week of May 10, 2023 2 C
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CHICAGO – The Chicago Departments of Public Health (CDPH), Streets and Sanitation (DSS), and Transportation (CDOT), in partnership with The Southwest Collective, celebrated Arbor Day with tree plantings on the 4300 block of South Keeler Ave. in the Archer Heights community as part of the City’s Our Roots Chicago tree equity initiative.
Launched in 2021, Our Roots Chicago is just one facet of the City’s dedication to environmental justice and health equity, grounded in the Chicago 2022 Climate Action Plan. Mayor Lori E. Lightfoot launched the program in 2021 with funding through the Chicago Recovery Plan, committing to planting 75,000 trees over the next five years in historical-
ly underserved neighborhoods with low tree canopy cover.
“It is with great pride that our City’s commitment to plant more trees is materializing,” said Mayor Lightfoot. “Our Roots Chicago is an investment in our City’s future and in generations to come. We owe it to them to expand the urban tree canopy and preserve the existing trees we have to promote healthy, beautiful communities.”
Using a community-driven and data-informed approach, the community tree ambassador program trains community-based organizations to submit free public parkway tree requests on behalf of residents in priority communities while discussing with residents the public health, social, economic, and environmental benefits of trees. And as the initiative grows, the over 100-member, Community Tree Equity Working Group continues to partner, advise, and work with the City.
“The Southwest Collective has long been an advocate for improving the tree canopy here on the Southwest Side, which is heavy on industry and light on greenery. Since 2019, we have worked tirelessly to bring trees to our neighbors’ residential blocks, in an effort to cool down our overheated streets, and we look forward to continuing that effort,” said Jaime Groth Searle, Founder and Executive Director of The Southwest Collective.
“Community involvement and partnership are at the heart of Our Roots Chicago,” said Chief Sustainability Officer Angela Tovar. “This year’s planting season continues the strategic guidance and participation of the community residents who make up the Tree Equity Working Group, and we are excited to expand the groups’ efforts to more neighborhoods in need of trees.”
“The City’s commitment to its residents includes both the people in our neighborhoods and the areas in which they live. Through its Climate Action Plan and Our Roots Chicago, we are supporting both,” said CDPH Commissioner Allison Arwady, MD, MPH. “As we move the needle on expanding green space in areas that need it, we are also moving the needle on creating a healthier, safer, and more equitable Chicago.”
While Chicago has roots as a “Tree City USA” cohort participant, the historic investment and ongoing dedication of the City and its partners led to more than 18,000 trees being planted in 2022, exceeding the City’s pledge of 15,000.
“With more than 18,000 trees planted last year, we are picking up right where we left off to expand Chicago’s tree canopy and create greener, healthier, and more sustainable neighborhoods,” said CDOT Commissioner Gia Biagi. “CDOT is proud to partner with our sister agencies and community groups through the Our Roots Chicago initiative to ensure a more equitable distribution of trees across Chicago.”
“We are thrilled to have surpassed the City’s goal last year, and our Bureau of Forestry has been working year-round with city partners on this year’s tree planting,” said DSS Commissioner Cole Stallard. “Residents are encouraged to contact the City to request a tree for their parkways so they can begin to reap the many benefits trees bring to their community.”
Chicago residents can request a free tree to be planted on the parkway in front of their home by using the CHI311 app or by calling 311. For more information on how to get involved, visit OurRoots.
SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Bill Cunningham advanced legislation that ensures Chicago police officers, firefighters and paramedics who contracted COVID-19 while on the job will receive the disability benefits they earned.
“Chicago first responders are entitled to the exact same health and safety protections that were provided to other essential workers during the pandemic,” said Cunningham, a Democrat who represents portions of Chicago and the Southwest Suburbs. “If the Chicago police and fire pension funds are going to claim a legal technicality to refuse to protect our first responders, then the state legislature will have to step in to put protections in place. That is exactly what House Bill 3162 does — it requires the Chicago pension funds to grant the same COVID-19 presumption that all other workers receive.”
As a result of this presumption, affected police officers and firefighters would be entitled to 75% of their salary at the time of disability and duty disability benefits, instead of the current 50% under ordinary disability benefits. The legislation applies retroactively, providing relief to those who were denied full duty disability benefits after contracting COVID-19 while on the job.
Illinois Comptroller Susana Mendoza has been leading the fight for passage of House Bill 3162. Her brother was denied full duty disability benefits after contracting COVID-19 while working 17 straight days before a vaccine was available in November 2020. Police Sergeant Joaquin Mendoza spent 72 days in the hospital, suffered kidney failure, had five strokes, and lost the use of his left arm. If he had been granted full duty disability, he would have received 75% of his salary and health insurance. His claim was denied and he was instead granted 50% of his salary for no more than four years, regardless of injury, and had his health insurance canceled.
“There are a few dozen officers and firefighters like Sgt. Mendoza who contracted COVID-19 on the job and have been unable to return to work because of the extent of their injuries,” Cunningham said. “House Bill 3162 will ensure they will be able to pay their bills, support their families, and keep their health insuranc.”
CHICAGO – Mayor-elect Brandon Johnson released the following statement on the new arrival of asylumseekers in Chicago:
WHITNEY YOUNG Continued From Page 2
award for the highest score and overall Gold Medal in the Scholastic Division for Division IV.
Chicago High School for Agricultural Sciences also participated in the Division IV competition, marking the second time the school has been invited to the competition but the first time they participated in person. Sophomore Catherine Lyons earned a gold medal in the Essay competition.
CPS Students whose teams did not advance to the national competition also had the opportunity to compete as individuals in nationals online.
Lane Tech College Decathletes:Oscar Stennes, Aidan Lau, Mike Majewski,
Elijah Jackson, Samantha Serrano, Iris Finelli, Michaela Wagner, Charlotte Cornell, and Nemo Kim.
Whitney Young Magnet High School Decathletes: Amber Sun, Leon Cao, Zara Khan, Gabriel Ratner, Renee Picard, Yiheng Gao, Taihei Eastwood, Daniel Lee, Om Raizada, Rhian Dixon-Yearby, Helen Kuenster, Jakob Caisip, Mathilda Taufmann, Derrick Jiang and Sebastian Thompson.
Chicago High School for Agricultural Sciences Decathletes: Catherine Lyons, Grace Murphy, Elijah Spencer, Nicolette Carodine, Liam Curtin, Maggie Shannon, Michael Heenan, LaMariah Jackson, and Ashley Upchurch.
“The truth of the matter is that we have governors around the border who have demonstrated they are not open to collaborating, and that of course is a disappointment. I’m prepared to have conversations with everyone — particularly those who have used this as a weapon against cities — because asylum seekers are experiencing extremely difficult conditions, both emotionally and physically.
“What we will do day one is make sure there is a real effort to coordinate our resources at the federal, state, county and city levels. We are already in the process of developing the infrastructure for that type of coordination, but also for engaging in a real community process that allows for our response to not just meet the need, but include all stakeholders in solving what is ultimately a crisis that was engineered by outside forces.
“I’m going to work collaboratively with the people of Chicago and alderpersons who represent areas where we can be supportive for asylum seekers to make sure every community, and every person in it, is protected. Many communities have for too long been denied basic amenities and resources that could help strengthen them, but the stronger our communities are, the better position we are in to support both newcomers, and current residents and families.”
NEWS Weekend | Week of May 10, 2023 3 C WEEKEND C POLITICAL
SOUTH END Washington
Chatham, Avalon Park, Park Manor,GreaterGrand Crossing, Burnside,Chesterfield, West Chersterfield, South Shore,and Calumet Heitghts.
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CHICAGO WEEKEND Chicago Westside Communities, Austin and Garfield Park SUBURBAN TIMES WEEKLY BloomTownship, Chicago Heights, Flossmoor,FordHeights, Glenwood, Homewood, Lansing ,Lynwood, Olympia Fileds, Park Forest,Sauk Village,South Chicago and Steger Citizen Newspaper Group Inc., (CNGII), Publisher of the ChathamSoutheast,South End, ChicagoWeekend,South Suburban and Hyde Park Citizen and Citizen Suburban Times Weekly. Our weekly publications are published on Wednesday’s (publishing 52 issues annually). Written permission is required to reproduce contents in whole or in part from the publisher. Citizen Newspaper Group, Inc. does not assume the responsibility for nor are we able to return unsolicited materials, therefore they become property of the newspaper and can or will be discarded or used at the newspapers disgratation. Deadlines for advertising is every Friday at noon. Deadlines for press releases are Thursdays at 10 am prior to the next week’s edition. Please send press release information to: For more information on subscriptions or advertising, call us at (773) 7831251 or fax (872) 208-8793. Our offices are located at 8741 South Greenwood Suite# 107, Chicago, Illinois 60619. ELIZABETH “LIZZIE G” ELIE LICENSED REALTOR
communities in Harvey, Markham, Phoenix, Robbins, Dixmoor, Calumet Park, Blue Island,SouthHolland,and Dolton. Shopping- their favorite pastime!
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Black-Owned Edtech Company Stemuli Announces Merger of and Oppti, Founders Take on New Roles
DALLAS, PRNewswire -- Stemuli—a gaming company at the intersection of AI, education, and workforce development— announced the merger of and Oppti into Stemuli, with all companies focused on providing career navigation tools to empower students with the skills needed to thrive in the 21st century economy.
Stemuli, led by Taylor Shead, Founder & CEO, is a Black and woman-owned company with a mission to provide a pathway to an intellectually and economically fulfilling career for all. Naomi Thomas, Founder of, will take on the role of Head of Digital for Stemuli, while Khiry Kemp, Co-founder of Oppti, will serve as Head of Operations. The company announced the merger was made possible because the three founders met in Jobs for the Future’s (JFF) Entrepreneur in Residence incubator, led by JFFLabs, JFF’s innovation lab, which brings together talented and driven entrepreneurs to collaborate and solve real-world problems.
“Stemuli is a shining example of what can happen when we bring together and incubate talented and driven entrepreneurs to collaborate and catalyze new ways to support people facing systemic barriers to advancement,” said Kristina Francis, executive director of JFFLabs, JFF’s innovation lab. “We are thrilled to see the success of our program in action, and we look forward to seeing the impact this merger will have on the future of learning.”
According to the National Bureau of Economic Research, access to capital is a major barrier for black entrepreneurs. Despite making up over 13% of the US population, Black-owned businesses only receive less than 1% of venture capital. The merger of and Oppti into Stemuli highlights the power of Black founders com -
Wells Fargo and T.D. Jakes Group Announce Ten-Year Strategic Partnership to Build Inclusive Communities
SAN FRANCISCO, PRNewswire -- Wells Fargo & Company (NYSE: WFC) and the T.D. Jakes Group, which includes T.D. Jakes Real Estate Ventures, LLC (TDJREV), TDJ Enterprises (TDJE) and T.D. Jakes Foundation (TDJF), announced a strategic partnership to drive economic vitality and inclusivity in communities across America. Over the next 10 years, the partnership between these organizations could result in up to $1 billion in capital and financing from Wells Fargo, as well as grants from the Wells Fargo Foundation, with the goal of revitalizing neighborhoods, fostering economic opportunity and creating long-term change in communities most in need. The partnership marks the first of its kind in driving long-term transformational impact over the next decade.
“We are excited to collaborate with the T.D. Jakes Group as they play a key role in the transformation of communities that will have a lasting impact for generations to come,” said Charlie Scharf, CEO of Wells Fargo. “This strategic partnership goes beyond a one-off capital investment and underscores our continued commitment to diverse and inclusive communities. We look forward to seeing the meaningful difference we’ll make together in communities across the country.”
“This alliance with our organization allows us to further our four decades-long work to provide economic justice, eradicate food deserts, construct desirable workplaces and affordable housing, closing the digital divide and ultimately help families leave a rich and lasting legacy for the next generation,” remarked T.D. Jakes, Chairman & CEO of the T.D. Jakes Group. “We recognize the need for CEOs like Charlie Scharf bending the arc and aim of Wells Fargo toward correcting systemic inequalities. We are committed to ensuring additional opportunities actually reach as many areas of need that we can influence. Disruptive partnerships like this create a paradigm shift in how we can collectively bring long overdue transformation, particularly to Black and Brown communities and other marginalized groups around our nation.”
ing together in a way that hasn’t been done before, and demonstrates their commitment to creating new opportunities in the edtech space.
“This merger marks an important milestone for both black entrepreneurs and the edtech industry as a whole,” said Taylor Shead, Founder and CEO of Stemuli. “We are excited to join forces and bring our collective expertise to create a company that truly empowers students and addresses the needs of the education system. We believe that education is the key to unlocking opportunities and driving social and economic mobility, and we are committed to making that a reality for students across the country.”
Stemuli is a Black and woman-owned gaming company at the intersection of AI, education, and workforce development. For more information, visit
In 2022, TDJREV began purchasing nearly 100 acres of Fort McPherson, the historic former army base situated in enviable proximity to downtown Atlanta with plans to create an innovative community of commercial and residential space. The plans for this land include mixed-income housing with an array of living choices such as single-family homes, townhomes and apartments positioned in well-designed neighborhoods with ample amenities aimed at enhancing the quality of life through healthy food choices, healthcare options and other wraparound services. One of the first prominent projects that Wells Fargo intends to support as a financial partner is the revitalization of the Fort McPherson property, with the vision of aiding TDJREV in developing the area into an inclusive neighborhood equipped with ample green space, a bike path, recreation centers, impacting the Historic Business and Cultural districts at Fort McPherson.
The Wells Fargo Foundation and T.D. Jakes Foundation also expect to provide financial empowerment education and revitalize neighborhoods in underserved low-and moderate-income communities by increasing homeownership and fostering business creation in several cities including Atlanta, Chicago and Dallas.
WEEKEND C C Weekend | Week of May 10, 2023 4 BUSINESS
(from left: Naomi Thomas, Taylor Shead, Khiry Kemp) IMAGE CREDIT: KATHY TRAN
Offering the community more ways to go
We’re always looking for ways to support people’s choices in the communities we serve. That’s why Bank of America is adding charging stations for electric vehicles (EVs) to over 90 financial centers nationwide. We’re also supporting the choices our teammates make with employee rebates on EVs.
I am proud of the steps we’re taking in the Chicago community to help people pursue what matters to them. The same goes for my teammates, as many have chosen to participate in My Environment,® one of our employee engagement initiatives.
Rita Sola Cook President, Bank of America Chicago
WEEKEND Weekend | Week of May 10, 2023 | 5 See all we’re doing at
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HOKA® Debuts First-Ever Youth Collection for the Next Generation of Athletes
GOLETA, Calif., PRNewswire/-- HOKA®, a division of Deckers Brands (NYSE: DECK), announces the launch of its first ever collection of footwear for kids. Designed specifically with the young athlete in mind, the Youth collection was made with Kid-centric features, a focus on fit and all the signature HOKA technology found in HOKA adult products. The collection will launch with three HOKA icons: the Speedgoat 5 Youth, Clifton 9 Youth, and Ora Slide 3 Youth.
“You’ll find 100% HOKA DNA woven throughout our new Youth collection, including sustainably minded materials that help our next generation of athletes tread lighter,” said Hy Rosario, Director Outdoor and Kids. “The Youth collection was inspired by our three most popular HOKA styles, built with performance first and designed to empower every child to choose their own adventure – whether it be on the road, trail or every day wear.”
Speedgoat 5 Youth
A Trailblazer for the Next Generation
The Speedgoat 5 Youth is built off the blueprint of the HOKA original trail icon. Thoughtfully de-
signed with sustainability in mind, this trailblazer enlists a woven mesh upper with 21% recycled polyethylene terephthalate (rPET) yarns, a 30% sugarcane midsole, and durable lugs to enhance grip and control for even the most rugged explorers. The youth model also features a quick-toggle lace system, for easy on-and-off usage. The Speedgoat 5 Youth is available in sizes 3.5Y-7Y and has an MSRP of $110.
Introducing Julia Hair Wig Brand
XUCHANG and HENAN, China, PRNewswire -- Julia Hair as a brand combines beauty, fashion, and quality with all kinds of women’s hair. Hence, grabbing human hair from the platform offers a unique opportunity to experience the latest in fashion and bold living.
While embracing fashion, Julia Hair focuses on women and is based on products on the main platform. They uniquely design to provide warmth and enhance self-esteem through quality products and services. Looking at the brand name, it is easy to guess their business line.
Pros of Julia Hair:
Factory direct sales, the price is cheaper than trading companies; Strict quality control, 100% Brazilian human hair, free of animal and synthetic hair; Good origin, imported perfect hair from Brazil, Peru, and India;
Accepts customized orders.
Three Features of Julia Hair:
Love at first sight
Julia Hair integrates style, fashion, and noble quality with each bundle of hair, so
when you get a bundle of hair, you also get an understanding of fashion and an attitude toward life. Julia Hair’s belief is - to bring beauty to the world, women-oriented customers, with a special design to convey to you warmth, romance, free and easy, elegant, and delicate.
Create your unique beauty
Julia Hair has a wide range of hair products for 100% human virgin hair, such as body waves, straight hair, curly hair, loose wave, deep waves, and different hairstyles for you to choose from. In addition, there are pre-cut lace wigs, colored wigs, and lace front wigs for human hair. All of these are most popular with modern girls. Customized service to create your unique beauty.
Strong team
Julia Hair has a strong sales team, cares about every link, and treats every customer with high-quality service. Customer service personnel are online 24 hours a day, and free logistics allow you to buy high-quality products.
For more information, visit
Clifton 9 Youth Big Performance, Small Size
Designed for future milers, the brand-new Clifton 9 Youth delivers the same performance features as the HOKA Clifton in a slightly smaller package. Like the Speedgoat 5 Youth, it has a 30% sugarcane midsole as well as 31% rPET yarns woven throughout the lightweight, breathable upper. The gusseted tongue mitigates any tongue migration during high movement while sustaining all-day foot-hugging comfort. This lightweight runner is a future-friendly option for the next generation, and is available in sizes 3.5Y-7Y with an MSRP of $110.
Ora Slide 3 Youth
TLC for Kids Feet
The Ora Slide 3 delivers big on recovery in a small size. Loved for its cushy, post-run relief, this slip-on silhouette enlists sustainably minded materials, including 20% sugarcane across the midsole and topsole. The softer foam directly underfoot is complimented by a rubberized EVA underneath, supplying the durable traction that active kids require. The Ora Slide 3 Youth is available in whole sizes 4-7Y for an MSRP of $50.
The Speedgoat 5 Youth, Clifton 9 Youth, and Ora Slide Youth are available for purchase today at HOKA. com and at HOKA authorized HOKA dealers worldwide.
FASHION Weekend | Week of May 10, 2023 6 C WEEKEND C
The new collection includes youth sizes of iconic HOKA franchises: the Clifton 9, Speedgoat 5, and Ora 3 Slide. PRNEWSFOTO/HOKA ONE ONE.
Julia Hair
– The 6th District Cook County Commissioner Donna Miller, Cook County Sheriff Thomas J. Dart, and Cook County Department of Public Health COO Dr. LaMar Hasbrouck announced a new ordinance prohibiting the sale of flavored liquid nicotine products in Cook County. Commissioner Miller, Sheriff Dart, and Dr. Hasbrouck were joined by Cook County Commissioner Scott Britton, Cook County Commissioner Stanley Moore, Derrick Cabrera from the American Heart Association, and Dr. Nicole Williams with the Cook County Physicians Association, to speak about why banning the sale of flavored liquid nicotine can help improve health outcomes for youth in Cook County and beyond.
“Tobacco companies are aware that adding flavors to their products increases their appeal to consumers, especially our young people. We have known for many years that smoking in any form is dangerous to the health of users, and these flavored products are worsening health outcomes,” said Commissioner Donna Miller. “That’s why I’m proud to join together with Cook County Sheriff Dart and his office as well as Dr. Hasbrouck and the Department of Public Health to introduce an ordinance to prohibit the sale of flavored liquid nicotine products in Cook County, which will help protect the health and safety of our youth and communities as a whole.”
Commissioner Miller will introduce the ordinance at Thursday’s meeting of the Cook County Board. The ordinance prohibits the sale of flavored liquid nicotine products in Cook County, which studies find are hooking a new generation
on nicotine, putting children at risk and threatening decades of progress in reducing youth tobacco use. Flavored products, especially e-cigarettes, are driving youth use and also increasing instances of severe respiratory illnesses and hospitalizations amongst youth and adults.
“As a parent, I am deeply concerned about efforts to market dangerous tobacco products to young people, which we know is directly linked to a rise in hospitalizations for respiratory and cardiovascular issues,” said Sheriff Thomas J. Dart. “The time has come for Cook County to take proactive measures to combat this very serious public health issue. That is why I am proud to stand alongside Commissioner Donna Miller and I am grateful for her partnership with the Cook County Sheriff’s Office. I urge the Board of Commissioners to take immediate action on this ordinance.”
The Cook County Sheriff’s Office and Department of Revenue will be responsible for enforcing the ordinance. Businesses found to be in noncompliance with the ordinance are subject to fines ranging from $500 to $5,000, as well as the possible suspension or revocation of their tobacco license. This ordinance follows in the footsteps of similar measures in several states and counties across the country.
“This is an important step that we can take to help protect and improve the health of residents –especially our youth – of suburban Cook County,” said Cook County Department of Public Health COO LaMar Hasbrouck, MD. “Prohibiting the sale of flavored liquid nicotine products will save lives.”
Derrick Cabrera from
the American Heart Association also spoke at the press conference about the detrimental health effects of the chemicals found in flavored nicotine products, and about the dangers of smoking overall. According to the CDC, tobacco and nicotine use are associated with higher instances of respiratory illness in youth and adults, have detrimental impacts on mental health, and can impact brain development in children and teens.
“In the US, more than 3.6 million kids are vaping. E-cigarettes are the most used tobacco products among children, and our kids are attracted to flavored tobacco: fruit, mint and menthol are the most popular flavors,” said Derrick Cabrera, community advocacy director for
the American Heart Association. “We stand with Commissioner Miller in her efforts to stop the sale of flavored liquid nicotine here in Cook County and hope this marks a new beginning in the fight against tobacco products in our community.”
According to the 2022 National Youth Tobacco Survey (NYTS), over 2.5 million U.S. kids used e-cigarettes in 2022 and almost 85% of youth users report using flavored e-cigarettes. From 2017 to 2019, e-cigarette use among high school students more than doubled to 27.5%, which led the U.S. Surgeon General and other public health authorities to declare the problem an “epidemic.” 81% of youth who had never used a tobacco product started with a flavored product.
WEEKEND Weekend | Week of May 10, 2023 | 7 Weeknights at 7pm on CAN TV19 Streaming live and on-demand on and can tv+ EXPERIENCE THE POWER OF COMMUNITY TELEVISION Join the Conversation on Hot Topics, Get Inspired by Local Creatives, and Connect with Your Community on CAN TV. TUESDAYS Just Got Better Discover Chicago’s Best Community Television on CAN TV! Airing at 7:00PM Airing at 7:30PM We are Hyper-Local. We are Community. We are IN MY OWN WORDS with Andrea Zopp CHICAGO
“This is an important step that we can take to help protect and improve the health of residents – especially our youth – of suburban Cook County,” said Cook County Department of Public Health COO LaMar Hasbrouck, MD.
Rep. Robin Kelly Meets with Everytown for Gun Safety Leaders
WASHINGTON, D.C – Congresswoman Robin Kelly, along with fellow members of the Regional Leadership Council (RLC), met with leaders from Everytown for Gun Safety, including Senior Legal Director Rob Wilcox, Director of Implementation Chelsea Parsons, and Federal Counsel Jack Budish, to discuss the implementation of the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (BSCA). Enhancing background checks for buyers under the age of twenty-one, disarming domestic abusers, investing in mental-health services, and empowering law enforcement to keep firearms out of the hands of those who would use them to harm others, the BSCA will touch every community impacted by gun violence. The RLC – along with key partners like Everytown – will continue supporting the effort to identify funds and programs, implement these measures, and inform Americans about how these changes will help address our gun-violence epidemic.
Congresswoman Robin Kelly has been a champion for gun violence prevention efforts since she entered Congress over ten years ago. The Congresswoman has led multiple legislative efforts to strengthen background checks, prevent illegal gun trafficking, modernize licensing, and more. Congresswoman Kelly recently spoke on the floor of the House of Representatives to call for action to reduce gun violence.
Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries
created the Regional Leadership Council in January 2023. The council consists of twelve Members who each represent one of the United States’ twelve regions. The council is working to ensure that Americans in every corner of the country and in every zip code can access the opportunities created by the historic polices that Democrats secured in the 117th Congress, including the American Rescue Plan, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the CHIPS and Science Act, the Inflation Reduction Act, the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, the Honoring Our PACT Act, and many others.
“I’m proud of everything we were able to accomplish last Congress under Democratic leadership, but there is still so much more to do to make sure that these resources reach our constituents. The Regional Leadership Council has been meeting with administration officials and other key stakeholders to ensure that we distribute these resources equitably,” said Congresswoman Robin Kelly, representative for Region 4 on the RLC. “I’ve been committed to reducing gun violence and keeping our communities safe since my first day in Congress. The Bipartisan Safer Communities Act was a necessary first step toward creating safe neighborhoods for all. I’m grateful that resources are becoming available to districts like mine to stop the cycle of violence and give families an opportunity to live happy, healthy lives.”
“From Uvalde to Newtown, Colorado Springs to Buffalo, El Paso to Las Vegas, communities in every part of America have been forced to contend with the tragedy of gun violence.” Chairman Hoyer said after the meeting. “The enactment of the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act last summer was a crucial first step in breaking the cycle of inaction perpetuated by Republicans in Congress. Just as Democrats were united in our effort to enact that legislation, our steadfast cooperation continues as we push for its swift implementation. The Regional Leadership Council is playing a leading role in that mission, which is why we were pleased to meet with the leadership team at Everytown for Gun Safety earlier today to discuss how we can maximize the BSCA’s positive impact on communities across the country.”
“The billions of dollars in funding from last summer’s landmark gun safety law to support state crisis intervention programs like Red Flag laws, community violence prevention programs, and other school safety programs and mental health services, will save lives,” said Rob Wilcox, Federal Legal Director at Everytown for Gun Safety. “The Regional Leadership Council plays a key role in continuing to work with the Biden-Harris Administration to ensure that these programs are implemented in the most effective ways possible to end gun violence.”
8 | Weekend | Week of May 10, 2023 WEEKEND
Congresswoman Kelly represents Region 4 on the twelvemember Regional Leadership Council.
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National Battle of the Bands Documentary at 2023 American Black Film Festival
HOUSTON, PRNewswire -- Webber Marketing is proud to announce that its film, “National Battle of the Bands: A Salute to HBCU Marching Bands,” has been chosen as an official selection for the prestigious 2023 American Black Film Festival (ABFF) in the Documentary Features section. The renowned festival, which showcases the finest in independent Black cinema, will take place in Miami Beach, Florida, from June 14-18.
The compelling National Battle of the Bands (NBOTB) documentary delves into the vibrant world of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) marching bands and their annual Battle of the Bands event. Captivating audiences with an inside look at the rigorous preparation, showmanship, and storied history of HBCU marching bands, the film offers a unique perspective on this cherished cultural institution. The documentary will be an ABFF premiere.
“We are honored and delighted that our film has been selected for the 2023 American Black Film Festival,” stated executive producer, Derek Webber. “The festival has a distinguished legacy of showcasing the best in Black cinema, and we are proud to contribute to that tradition and provide audiences with a glimpse into the captivating world of HBCU marching bands.”
Featuring insightful interviews with band members, directors, and other notable figures in the
world of HBCU marching bands, the documentary also includes exhilarating footage from the National Battle of the Bands event, held annually at NRG Stadium in Houston, Texas.
The 2023 American Black Film Festival will
encompass diverse films, panels, and events dedicated to celebrating Black cinema and promoting cultural understanding.
For more information about the NBOTB visit and stay updated on social media at @NationalBattleOfTheBands (Facebook/Instagram/ TikTok/YouTube) / @NationalBOTB (Twitter).
Enhancing the exposure of Historically Black Colleges & Universities marching bands, while developing students through music and education, the NBOTB is an annual musical showcase. The National Battle of the Bands’ mission is to enhance the exposure of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), their marching bands, and their roles in educating aspiring musicians and developing future leaders. Event organizers have generated close to $1 million in scholarships for the participating colleges and universities. The 2023 event is in Houston, Texas, and features HBCU bands from across the country.
Webber Marketing & Consulting (WMC), LLC is based in Charlotte, North Carolina and is the largest marketing agency of record for HBCUs specializing in strategic outreach program development, on-site event execution, experiential marketing, and media. WMC provides their clients with focused programs that deliver measurable results, improve market position, and build for future successes.
Bounce renews ‘Johnson’ for season three, debuts Aug. 5
ATLANTA, PRNewswire -- Bounce TV, the popular broadcast and multi-platform entertainment network serving African Americans, announced a jam-packed slate of new original programming, including the renewal of the hit series “Johnson” for a third season, the return of the new smash comedy “Act Your Age” and the premiere of a Juneteenth original documentary special celebrating a civil rights leader, “Xernona Clayton: A Life in Black and White.”
“From the continued momentum of our latest hit in ‘Act Your Age,’ to the return of one of our staples with ‘Johnson’ and an extremely moving documentary telling the largely untold story of a cultural treasure Xernona Clayton, Bounce viewers have a lot to be excited about this summer,” said David Hudson, head of original programming at Scripps Networks. “We are looking forward to telling these incredible stories in the months to come.”
Bounce announced the renewal of “Johnson” – the popular dramedy that focuses on four lifelong best friends, all of whom share the same last name – set to premiere Saturday, Aug. 5 at 8 p.m. ET/7 p.m. CT with two all-new episodes back-to-back. Shot on location in Atlanta, the series is a journey of love, self-discovery and brotherhood told from the Black male perspective but is inclusive of all men. The second season saw the series touch on hot-button topics including fatherhood, classism and the ever-evolving relationship dynamics between Black men and women.
“Johnson” is produced in partnership with Eric C. Rhone and Cedric The Entertainer’s
A Bird & A Bear Entertainment, Deji LaRay (the show’s creator) and Thomas Q. Jones’ Midnight Train Productions. The ensemble cast is led by Jones (“P. Valley,” “Luke Cage”), LaRay (“Bosch,” “Greenleaf”), Philip Smithey (“Murderville,” “The Rookie”) and Derrex Brady (“NCIS,” “First”) with D.L. Hughley. LaRay and Jones serve as showrunners and executive producers; Rhone, Cedric The Entertainer and Reesha L. Archibald serve as executive producers.
‘Act Your Age’ summer season
Bounce’s newest hit series “Act Your Age” returns on Saturday, June 3 with two new episodes back-to-back starting at 8 p.m. ET/7 p.m. CT. The premieres kick off the second half of the 16-episode first season of “Act
Your Age,” running weekly on Saturday nights through the summer. Leading up to the summer run, Bounce will air the first seven spring episodes in double-features every Saturday night at 8 p.m. ET/7 p.m. CT starting April 29. A spring season marathon is set for Saturday, May 27 starting at 5:30 p.m. ET/4:30 p.m. CT.
The series premiere of “Act Your Age,” produced in partnership with MGM, was seen by 2.14 million viewers in its debut telecasts in March, making it the most-watched half-hour series launch in Bounce history. The multiple-camera, half-hour comedy tells the story of three vibrant, successful Washington D.C./Northern Virginia-area women in their 50s who are each at a personal crossroads and who decide the best way forward in life is together. “Act Your Age” stars Kym Whitley (“Curb Your Enthusiasm,” “Next Friday,” “Young and Hungry”) and Tisha Campbell (“Uncoupled,” “My Wife and Kids,” “Dr. Ken”) with special guest star Yvette Nicole Brown (“Community,” “The Mayor,” “Big Shot”).
Viewers can catch up on all Bounce originals anytime exclusively on Brown Sugar, Bounce TV’s subscription video-on-demand service. Brown Sugar is available on Apple TV, Roku, Chromecast, Comcast Xfinity X1, Cox Contour, VIZIO TVs, Amazon Prime Video, Amazon Fire TV, Google TV, and Android and Apple smartphones and tablets. Visit www. for more information.
Source: Nielsen, Live+SD. 03/04/2023. Average delivery across the six episodes (Bounce 8p, 8:30p, 11p, 11:30p and ION 11p, 11:30p).
ENTERTAINMENT Weekend | Week of May 10, 2023 10 C WEEKEND C
Webber Marketing
U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Federal Student Aid Awards New Contracts
The U.S. Department of Education’s (Department’s) office of Federal Student Aid (FSA) announced it has signed contracts with five companies to modernize and enhance loan servicing for more than 37 million borrowers with federally managed loans. Central Research, Inc.; EdFinancial Services; Maximus Education, LLC; Missouri Higher Education Loan Authority (MOHELA); and Nelnet Diversified Solutions received contracts today through the Unified Servicing and Data Solution (USDS) solicitation and will implement much-needed improvements to better serve borrowers. This new loan servicing environment is part of the Biden-Harris Administration’s sweeping efforts to improve the student loan repayment system and help all borrowers successfully manage their debt.
These awards are the first step toward implementing the Department’s new servicing environment next year, which will be FSA’s long-term loan servicing solution. The new environment is designed to provide federal student loan borrowers with a high-quality customer experience and to deliver support for at-risk borrowers so that all borrowers can take advantage of the most affordable ways to repay their loans, avoid default, and claim loan forgiveness, if they are eligible for it. Vendor accountability is a central goal of the new servicing contracts, which provide rewards for better customer outcomes and impose consequences for failing to meet expectations. For example, servicers that keep vulnerable borrowers current on their payments will receive a financial performance incentive, and FSA will allocate new accounts to servicers that have proven they are able to keep borrowers current. Likewise, servicers that provide unsatisfactory or untimely service will face financial disincentives.
Since day one, the Biden-Harris Administration has taken a comprehensive approach to fixing the broken student loan system and increasing college affordability for every student. Under President Biden and Vice President Harris, the Department has completely revitalized targeted debt relief programs like Public Service Loan Forgiveness, Borrower Defense, and Total and Permanent Disability Discharge, approving $55 billion in discharges for more than two million borrowers to date. Additionally, the Department continues to implement and enforce strong consumer protections for higher education in America to ensure bad actors are held accountable for cheating students and leaving them with unaffordable debts, and it continues to propose new investments in Pell Grants and other scholarships to reduce borrowing before students step foot on a college campus.
Ultimately, the new loan servicing environment will provide all federally managed student loan borrowers with complete account management capabilities on; reduce disruptions from account transfers; and increase servicer accountability through clear, service-level metrics. Because of the scope of this work, FSA will take a phased approach to implementing the new environment. The long-term contracts awarded today will make major improvements when they go live in 2024. These include updated cybersecurity provisions and compliance with consumer protection rules as well as improved customer experience through a single sign-on using a borrower’s FSA ID, which will make it easy to navigate between servicer websites and Over the five years of the base contract, FSA will continue to expand functionality on with the goal of transitioning full account management, branding, and repayment away from servicer websites.
The contracts awarded under the USDS solicitation will replace the legacy servicing contracts for Direct Loans and federally managed Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) Program loans to drive improved borrower outcomes, especially for vulnerable borrowers. To maintain stability as the new loan servicing environment gets underway, FSA will extend the legacy servicer contracts through December 2024, as Congress has authorized, which will help facilitate a smooth transition for borrowers.
Awarding the contracts for the new loan servicing environment is the culmination of nearly a decade of work to overhaul federal student loan servicing. Through the new servicing environment, FSA is leveraging these investments to deliver the next generation of loan servicing.
The President’s Budget seeks $2.7 billion for Student Aid Administration, including to FSA, a $620 million increase over the fiscal year 2023 enacted level. This addition-
al funding is essential to support students and student loan borrowers. The increase would allow FSA to continue to operate the student aid programs, implement critical improvements to student loan servicing, continue to modernize its digital infrastructure, and ensure successful administration of the financial aid programs through a simplified and streamlined application process for students and
More information about how the new loan servicing environment will provide federal student loan borrowers with a 21st-century customer experience, hold servicers to a high level of performance, and enable the Department to focus on impactful objectives like reducing delinquency and default can be found here.
WEEKEND Weekend | Week of May 10, 2023 | 11 To register and learn more, visit: WEDNESDAY, MAY 24 • 10 A.M. – 2 P.M. UIC FORUM, 725 W. ROOSEVELT ROAD, CHICAGO AIRPORT EXPO AND JOB FAIR
Spelman College Announces 136th Commencement Speaker, Valedictorians and Honorary Degree Recipients
-- Spelman College announced, Nikole Hannah-Jones, the Pulitzer Prize-winning creator of the 1619 Project and a staff writer at The New York Times Magazine, will deliver the keynote address to graduates during Spelman College’s 2023 Commencement Ceremony on Sunday, May 21, at 3:00 p.m. She will also receive a Doctor of Humane Letters, honoris causa. The ceremony will be held at the Georgia International Convention Center in College Park, GA.
Hannah-Jones has spent her career investigating racial inequality and injustice, and her reporting has earned her the MacArthur Fellowship, known as the Genius grant, a Peabody Award, two George Polk Awards and the National Magazine Award three times.
She also serves as the Knight Chair of Race and Journalism at Howard University, where she founded the Center for Journalism & Democracy. Hannah-Jones is also the co-founder of the Ida B. Wells Society for Investigative Reporting, which seeks to increase the number of investigative reporters and editors of color, and in 2022 she opened the 1619 Freedom School, a free, afterschool literacy program in her hometown of Waterloo, Iowa. Hannah-Jones holds
a Master of Arts in Mass Communication from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and earned her Bachelor of Arts in History and African American studies from the University of Notre Dame.
This year’s graduating class of 468 students, receiving 294 Bachelor of Arts and 174 Bachelor of Science degrees, will include four valedictorians, a salutatorian and many high-achieving graduates from across the country.
Class of 2023 Co-Valedictorians and Salutatorian and Majors
Maya Blasingame, Co-Valedictorian, Biology
Amaia Calhoun, Co-Valedictorian, Economics
Sydney DuPree, Co-Valedictorian, Theatre and Performance
Chandler Nutall, Co-Valedictorian, English
Maya Phillips, Salutatorian, Sociology
Class of 2023 Top Ten Scholars
Maya Blasingame, Co-Valedictorian, Biology
Amaia Calhoun, Co-Valedictorian, Economics
Sydney DuPree, Co-Valedictorian, Theatre and Performance
Chandler Nutall, Co-Valedictorian, English
Maya Phillips, Salutatorian, Sociology
Annaya Baynes, English
Kayla Bowman, Psychology
Alexandra Jenkins, Economics
Jesseca Lindsey, Spanish
Adrianna Richardson, Biology
2023 Honorary Degree
Tracee Ellis Ross, award-winning actress and producer, and CEO and Founder of PATTERN Beauty will receive an honorary degree, Doctor of Fine Arts. Ross is an award-winning actress and producer best known for her roles in ABC’s award-winning comedy series BLACK-ISH and GIRLFRIENDS. For her role as Rainbow Johnson in BLACK-ISH, as a comedic leading actress, Ross won the Golden Globe Award in 2017 as well as nine NAACP Image Awards.
She was nominated for five Emmys and two Critics Choice Awards. Ross is the CEO and Founder of PATTERN Beauty, a award-winning haircare brand she launched in 2019 for the curly, coily and tight textured masses.
Ross is executive producer and narrator of THE HAIR TALES, a docuseries about Black women, beauty and identity through the distinctive lens of Black hair. It debuted on the Oprah Winfrey Network’s cable channel and on Hulu in October 2022. Ross recently produced a ten-episode podcast, I Am America, which aims to break through the noise during this divided time in our country in an effort to create space and to heal. Ross will star in and executive produce the animated MTV Entertainment Studios film JODIE, a spinoff of MTV’s iconic DARIA franchise.
Young changemakers awarded $15,000 each from Prudential Financial at Emerging Visionaries Summit
NEWARK, N.J., PRNewswire -- For initiatives that range from promoting financial literacy to combating mental health stigmas, five young people were named Grand Prize winners by Prudential Financial’s Emerging Visionaries program at a fourday summit held this week at Prudential’s Newark headquarters.
The Emerging Visionaries program is conducted by Prudential Financial in partnership with the social entrepreneurship network Ashoka, with advisory support from the Financial Health Network. It honors remarkable young people between 14 and 18 years old from across the United States for leading initiatives that produce fresh, innovative solutions to current financial and societal challenges.
“The goals of our Emerging Visionaries program reflect Prudential’s overarching purpose: to make lives better by solving the financial challenges of our changing world,” said Prudential Chairman and CEO Charles Lowrey. “We applaud all of our honorees for their commitment to improving the lives of others and creating inclusive and thriving communities.”
The 25 winners, named in February, each earned a $5,000 award and an all-expenses-paid trip to this week’s Emerging Visionaries Summit, plus a chance to win an additional $10,000. The summit included an awards ceremony, where winners were celebrat-
ed by special guests including actress, activist and author America Ferrera. The students also consulted with Prudential senior leaders on topics of strategy and impact, and worked with Prudential employee coaches who helped them refine and advance their projects.
The students join a community of like-minded changemakers that includes 2022 Emerging Visionary Sriya Tallapragada of New Providence, New Jersey. She was honored for her efforts to encourage girls to participate in STEAM programs — science, technology, engineering, art and math. She describes her Emerging Visionaries experience as “life-changing.”
“The prize money I received completely changed the scope and accessibility of our programs,” Tallapragada explains. “And suddenly, I had 24 new friends, all of whom were leading inspiring initiatives and changing their community. We all support each other, sharing opportunities and celebrating each other’s wins.”
During the summit, the five young people whose solutions are focused on financial challenges were selected to pitch their ideas to a panel of judges for a chance to win an additional $10,000 in funding for their initiative. Pitch-off judges included Lowrey, leaders from Ashoka and
the Financial Health Network, and two program alumni.
The judges were tasked with selecting one Grand Prize winner from the five who pitched their projects. However, after hearing the pitches, judges decided to award $10,000 to each of the five presenters, in recognition of the societal impact of their initiatives.
In addition to the Grand Prize winners, Prudential employees voted on an Employees’ Choice Award winner, who received an additional $5,000 to support their work.
Read on to learn about the five Grand Prize winners and the Prudential Employees’ Choice Award winner.
Grand Prize Winner: Nikita Agrawal, 17, of Chicago
Grand Prize Winner: Okezue Bell, 17, of Easton, Pennsylvania
Grand Prize Winner: Aaryan Doshi, 16, of Cupertino, California
Grand Prize Winner: Catherine Mellett Felix, 17, of New York
Grand Prize Winner: Jordyn Wright, 15, of Rosharon, Texas
Employees’ Choice Award Winner: Kean Dao, 17, of Winterville, North Carolina
To learn more about Prudential Emerging Visionaries and all 25 winners, visit
NATIONAL NEWS Weekend | Week of May 10, 2023 12 C
Pulitzer Prize-winning creator and journalist Nikole Hannah-Jones. PRNEWSFOTO/SPELMAN COLLEGE.
Baked Vegetarian Taquitos
Prep time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 20 minutes
Servings: 4
1 bag Success Brown Rice
1 cup shredded collard greens, packed
1/4 cup frozen corn
1 cup canned black beans, drained and rinsed
2/3 cup canned pumpkin puree
1 1/2 tablespoons taco seasoning
8 flour tortillas (6 inches each)
1 cup Monterey Jack cheese, shredded
2 tablespoons olive oil
sour cream, for dipping
salsa, for dipping
guacamole, for dipping
fresh cilantro, for garnish
Prepare rice according to package directions; add collard greens and corn to water during last 5 minutes.
Preheat oven to 450 F. Drain rice and vegetables; transfer to saucepan. Stir in black beans, pumpkin puree and taco seasoning.
Spoon 1/3 cup rice mixture into center of one tortilla; sprinkle with 2 tablespoons Monterey Jack cheese. Roll up tightly. Place seam side down on parchment paper-lined baking sheet. Repeat with remaining tortillas, filling and cheese. Brush taquitos with olive oil; sprinkle with remaining cheese.
Bake 10-15 minutes, or until tortillas are crisp and cheese is melted.
Serve taquitos with sour cream, salsa and guacamole for dipping. Garnish with fresh cilantro.
Meatless Meals Made Easy
(Family Features) Regardless of your motivation, opting for meatless meals regularly provides plenty of benefits that extend from the health of you and your loved ones to your wallet and the environment.
Whether you’re a vegetarian, vegan, considering making some lifestyle changes or just want to give an on-trend meal prep strategy a try, going meatless can help reduce your intake of red and processed meats, decrease greenhouse gas emissions that cause climate change and save money on substitute ingredients like grains, vegetables, fruits and legumes that are often cheaper than meat.
For example, starting with a versatile pantry staple like Success Brown Rice can make mealtimes quick and easy. Ready in just 10 minutes without measuring or the mess, the fluffy, nutty, non-GMO rice is free of MSG and preservatives, lending itself perfectly to satisfying and hearty meals like these Baked Vegetarian Taquitos. Or for a twist on a classic dish, Tri-Color Quinoa can be layered with traditional flavors in this Mushroom Spinach “Lasagna.” Packed with protein and all nine essential amino acids, the quinoa is a good source of fiber.
To find more meatless meal inspiration, visit
Mushroom Spinach “Lasagna”
Prep time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 30 minutes
Servings: 6
2 bags Success Tri-Color Quinoa
1 tablespoon olive oil
2 garlic cloves, chopped
1/2 cup onion, chopped
1 cup mushrooms, sliced
4 cups baby spinach leaves
3 cups tomato sauce
2 cups ricotta cheese
1 egg, lightly beaten
1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese, divided
1 tablespoon Italian seasoning
1 1/2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese, divided
Prepare quinoa according to package directions.
Preheat oven to 375 F.
In large skillet, heat oil over medium heat. Add garlic and onions; saute 1 minute. Add mushrooms and cook 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add spinach and stir until wilted, about 2 minutes. Stir in tomato sauce and keep warm.
In medium bowl, combine ricotta, egg, 1/4 cup Parmesan cheese and Italian seasoning.
Place 1 cup sauce in bottom of 2-quart baking dish. Spread half of quinoa evenly over sauce. Top with half of ricotta mixture.
Top with 1 cup sauce. Sprinkle with 1 cup mozzarella. Repeat layers, finishing with remaining mozzarella and Parmesan cheese.
Bake uncovered 30 minutes. Serve warm.
Weekend | Week of May 10, 2023 13 C FOODS WEEKEND C
Black Women’s Health Imperative shares thoughts on access to medication abortion pills
ATLANTA, PRNewswire -- Black Women’s Health Imperative (BWHI) issues the following statement on SCOTUS decision to preserve access to safe medication abortion.
“This morning Black women across America have one less worry,” said Linda Goler Blount, MPH, President of Black Women’s Health Imperative.
“This morning Black women across America have one less worry,” said BWHI President, Linda Goler Blount, MPH.
The Supreme Court issued a decision to pause a lower court ruling in Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine v. FDA. A ruling that challenged the FDA’s 23-year-old approval of mifepristone, part of a two-drug protocol for medication abortion, the most common form of abortion in the US.
“The preservation of the right to drugs used to support women’s overall reproductive health means Black women can make healthcare decisions without fear of arrest or incarceration,” said Blount. “Since
the dismantling of Roe, BWHI has worried about the health and safety of Black women in the face of unabashed legal maneuvers flagrantly designed to prevent Black women from making the most basic health care decisions.
This morning, we are less worried, but we remain vigilant. Our fight for complete rights to bodily autonomy continues.”
BWHI will continue to stand with our partners in this fight and remain steadfast in our mission to protect and promote the health equity needs of Black women.
The Black Women’s Health Imperative is the first and only national non-profit organization created for and by Black women dedicated to improving the health and wellness of our nation’s 22 million Black women and girls -- physically, emotionally, and financially. Our core mission is advancing health equity and social justice for Black women, across their lifespan, through policy, advocacy, education, research, and leadership development.
Autism Speaks Launches Autism by the Numbers
NEW YORK, PRNewswire -- This World Autism Month, Autism Speaks is bringing together data sources to address gaps in nationwide autism data with the launch of Autism by the Numbers, created in collaboration with the National Autism Data Center at Drexel University. For the first time, the Autism by the Numbers Dashboard and Annual Report centralize autism data across the United States to foster insights into the systems that serve autistic individuals, spotlight accessibility of supports and services, and enable advocacy in key areas for the autistic community.
Autism by the Numbers encourages autistic individuals, families, advocates and researchers to better understand the utilization of select autism services, outcomes and policies across the U.S., including early diagnosis and intervention, healthcare costs and transition to adulthood.
actionable data and offering guidance for future planning, Autism by the Numbers has the potential to transform the way we understand and meet the needs of the autistic community, making a positive impact in the lives of people with autism and their families.”
In this collaboration, Autism Speaks and the National Autism Data Center at Drexel University conceptualized the project, identified data sources and engaged in the data analysis, as well as the visualization, of Autism by the Numbers.
The innovative tool, developed in collaboration with Drexel University, centralizes select autism data for 50 states and the District of Columbia
“We’re proud to introduce Autism by the Numbers as a first-of-its-kind dashboard that uniquely delivers autism information from across the nation in an accessible, authoritative hub,” said Andy Shih, Chief Science Officer, Autism Speaks. “In mobilizing reliable and
“People and communities need data that can be accessed and used to navigate systems, from getting an autism diagnosis and linking to needed services, to understanding policies where they live,” said Jessica Rast, Research Scientist at the National Autism Data Center at Drexel University. “Together, we are exploring additional data sources and identifying solutions across communities through Autism by the Numbers.”
In delivering visibility into the landscape of autism services and supports, Autism by the Numbers offers a tool to facilitate planning and
advocacy, and reinforces Autism Speaks’ commitment to better support the diverse needs of all people with autism.
Learn more about Autism by the Numbers at:
Explore the Dashboard at:
Autism Speaks is dedicated to creating an inclusive world for all individuals with autism throughout their lifespan. We do this through advocacy, services, supports, research and innovation, and advances in care for autistic individuals and their families. To find resources, join an event or make a donation, go to www.AutismSpeaks. org. Learn more by following @AutismSpeaks on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.
The National Autism Data Center is a project of the A.J. Drexel Autism Institute Policy and Analytic Center. The mission of the National Autism Data Center is to house and utilize data to create meaningful information for autistic individuals, their caregivers, policymakers, service providers, and stakeholders seeking to improve systems of care. We promote secondary analysis of national-level data that fuels population-level information about the care people report they need and the services they use.
HEALTH Weekend | Week of May 10, 2023 14 C WEEKEND C
“The preservation of the right to drugs used to support women’s overall reproductive health means Black women can make healthcare decisions without fear of arrest or incarceration,” said Blount.
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to ..An Act in relation to the use of an Assumed Business Name in the conduct or transaction of Business in the State, amended, that a certification was registered by the undersigned with the County Clerk of Cook County. Registration
Number: Y23010452 on April 13, 2023.
Under the Assumed Business Name of DRCGRIOTMEDIAwith the business located at: 8350 S, LASALLE, CHICAGO, IL60620. The true and real full name(s) and residence address of the owner(s)/partner(s) is: Owner/Partner
Optimism Prevails Among Minority Business Owners, Survey Shows
(StatePoint) Even as minority business owners face new economic challenges, including supply chain disruptions and inflation, results from PNC’s recent Economic Outlook survey show an impressive resiliency and positive mindset among these business leaders, according to Marshalyn Odneal, national sales executive for Minority Business at PNC Bank.
According to PNC’s survey, more than two-thirds (68%) of minority business owners feel highly optimistic about the prospects of their own company in the next six months, compared to just 60% of non-minority-owned businesses.
While business owners as a whole remain cautious about the national economy, the gap between optimism among minority business owners for their own company versus the broader U.S. economy is 40 percentage points, significantly higher than the 31-point difference among non-minority owners.
“I have no doubt that minority business owners who were able to manage through the pandemic had to make unprecedented decisions related to staffing, business models and pricing. In doing so, they faced a Goliath – and won. It’s unsurprising that their mindset about the future of their businesses, despite current economic challenges, is optimistic,” Odneal said.
According to PNC’s survey, 65% of Black- and Hispanic-owned business owners stated they have a business plan suited to the current direction of the economy, significantly more than nonminority owned businesses (55%). This highlights the importance of access to crucial resources for these business owners. The survey reinforces this point, showing that 86% of Black- and Hispanic-owned businesses interacted with or leveraged resources from the Small Business Association (SBA), a local chamber of commerce or a community economic development organization. Only 69% of non-minority business owners reported doing the same.
“The truth is that the unique financial challenges minority-owned businesses have long faced were amplified during the pandemic. As a result, more minority business owners are now seeking Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) certification, which is also an important and needed resource,” Odneal said.
Businesses that become MBE-certified gain exclusive access to premium networking events, affordable consulting services and technology programs, among other benefits, according to the National Minority Supplier Development Council.
“Our survey revealed that 87% of Black-owned businesses are now MBE-
certified, up from 69% last year. Threequarters of Hispanic-owned business are MBE-certified, compared to 67% last year. Of MBE-certified businesses, 80% of Black- and 84% of Hispanic-owned businesses said that certification has been a helpful business development tool,” Odneal said.
PNC has taken significant steps in doing more for minority-owned businesses and providing necessary resources to help them overcome roadblocks.
As a part of its Small Business organization, PNC’s Minority Business Development Group’s mission is to deliver solutions and resources that foster financial wellness for small businesses within diverse communities. They’ve been able to do this, in part, through the PNC-Certified Minority Business Advocate initiative, a voluntary advocacy program that helps PNC employees understand the challenges facing minority-owned business owners.
“If the optimism of these entrepreneurs is realized and the U.S. business landscape prospers further down the road, minority business supporters must continue to execute against their mission and accelerate their efforts. The outlook is bright, but we must continue to do our part to advocate for these entrepreneurs and help their communities thrive,” Odneal said.
Small Business Tips to Launch and Thrive
(StatePoint) May, which is National Small Business Month, is the ideal opportunity to celebrate the accomplishments of small business owners, take a closer look at the challenges they face, and connect them with valuable resources.
“Being a small business owner within an ever-changing landscape can feel intimidating without support,” says Michelle Van Slyke, senior vice president of sales and marketing at The UPS Store, Inc. “Fortunately, a variety of resources exist to help business launch and thrive.”
With more than 5,100 locations across North America, The UPS Store network comprises the nation’s largest franchise system of retail shipping, postal, print and business service centers, and is leveraging its expertise to offer new and seasoned entrepreneurs alike these small business tips:
1. Find a one-stop shop. One of the first steps in creating a business is sending out paperwork for the business formation and acquiring the licenses or permits needed. Save time and effort by using a onestop small business services shop to have documents notarized, faxed, copied, scanned
and securely shredded.
2. Simplify correspondence. Consider using a private mailbox rental, so you can give your small business a real street address, as well as establish a central location to pick up mail and packages. Consider a mailbox service that offers package acceptance from all carriers, receipt confirmation, mail forwarding and holding, and easy delivery updates.
3. Get out the word. Be sure to regularly let your customers and prospective customers know when you’ve added new products and services to your portfolio with both print and digital marketing. Update the company website, blog and social media channels regularly and be sure to use tried-and-true methods of promotion as well, like direct mail services. The UPS Store, which can help you design, print and mail postcards, flyers and other marketing materials, offers two direct mail options, one that provides total market coverage, and another, more targeted option to reach a specific list of customers.
4. Don’t pay full price for business services. Some vendors may have discounts for qualifying businesses, so be sure to inquire about that. You can also access deals and promotions on packing, shipping, logistics management, printing, marketing consultation, secure mailboxes and more by joining The UPS Store email program.
5. Get inspired by the work of other small business owners. The UPS Store and Inc. Magazine have teamed up to host the 2023 Small Biz Challenge, an opportunity for entrepreneurs to win up to $25,000, one-on-one mentoring with a business expert, an editorial feature in an upcoming issue of Inc. Magazine and, and a trip to the final event in New York City. Recognizing the inspiring business skills and expertise of entrepreneurs, this year’s competition requires entrepreneurs to demonstrate their unique problem-solving skills and innovative thinking.
“Every day we see entrepreneurs overcome obstacles on their path to success. Our goal is to find the most unstoppable business owners across the country,” says Van Slyke.
To learn more about the contest, the nine semifinalists, and to vote for your favorite entrepreneur, visit
For more tips and resources, visit The UPS Store small business blog at:
Running a small business presents new challenges every day. However, finding the right resources can help you focus on the big picture, so you can grow your business and see your vision through.
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