Week of November 30, 2022 FREE | VOL 53 | ISSUE 49 citizennewspapergroup.com www.facebook.com/durrell.garth.9 w advertising@citizennewspapergroup.com twitter.com/citizennewsnow WEEKEND C WEEKLY citizennewspapergroup.com P2 P5 P8 Bounce and MGM partner for new original comedy series ‘Act Your Age’ A Communities in Schools Volunteer helps a family carry out their items during a recent event at Lawndale Christian Health Center. PHOTO BY TIA CAROL JONES. PROVIDE WARM WEATHER ITEMS SOLES4SOULS PARTNERS WITH COMMUNITIES IN SCHOOLS TO On the fourth floor of the Lawndale Christian Health Center, located 3750 N. Ogden, West side residents were treated to a personal shopping event BUSINESS The Mastermind Behind EZPZ Party Planning School, Teaching Students Around The Country To Start And Scale Party Planning Empires P4 Ugg Sreads The Love This Holiday Season With A Festive ‘Feels Like Ugg’ Campaign & Donation To Mental Health Organizations
Raoul’s Annual Guide Details Recalled Chil dren’s Products of 2022
Chicago – Attorney General Kwame Raoul today released his annual Safe Shopping Guide highlighting recently recalled hazardous toys, children’s products and household items to help Illinois families shop safely this holiday season. The 2022 Safe Shopping Guide includes detailed descriptions and photographs of children’s prod ucts recalled in the last year, including children’s toys, clothing and all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) that pose choking and fire hazards.
Attorney General Raoul is urging people to be aware of products such as e-bikes, toy guns and headphones with batteries that can overheat, ignite and pose a fire hazard. Attorney General Raoul also warns parents and caregivers of clothing and toys with lead levels exceeding the allowable limit and clothes that do not meet the anti-flammability standards.
Very importantly, Attorney General Raoul wants to ensure that everyone understands the risks posed by a wide variety of electronic items, including small electronic toys, electronic key fobs, and other non-toy items that are powered by small button batteries.
Attorney General Raoul is also urging people to be aware of bunk beds that pose entrapment and strangulation hazards due to a wide space between a ladder step and the cross-member of the dresser-top hutch.
Consumers can view and download the 2022 Safe Shopping Guide at the Attorney General’s website. Parents and caregivers also receive recall alerts directly by signing up at recalls.gov.
EVANSTON, Ill. -- Josina Morita was inaugurated as Cook County Commissioner for the 13th District, making history as the first Asian American woman to sit on the board. At a ceremony today with elected officials, community leaders, and 13th District residents, Morita was sworn in to fill the remainder of Larry Suffredin’s term following his retirement on November 18th. She was elected to a full four-year term on November 8th, which will begin in December. The event featured cultural performances by NaKapuno Hula Ukulele, Ho Etsu Taiko, and the Chinese Mutual Aid Associ ation Lion Dancers, and remarks by 13th District electeds, faith leaders, and community members to recognize the historic nature of Commission er’s Morita inauguration and the diversity of the 13th District.
U.S. Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky, Cook County Board President Toni Precki winkle, and former 13th District Cook County Board Commissioner Larry Suffredin gave remarks, and the program was emceed by Illi nois State Representative Kelly Cassidy, former Evanston Alderman Robin Rue Simmons, and Cook County Historian Matt DeLeon.
She previously served as Metropolitan Wa ter Reclamation District Commissioner. When she was first elected in 2016, she made history as the first Asian American woman to serve on a county board in Cook County. She co-founded the Asian American Caucus, which has seen its members grow to 17 people following the 2022 election. She also co-chairs the Mamas Caucus, a coalition of mothers in public office seeking to make Illinois the most “mama-friendly” state in the country. Her human rights, racial justice and water justice work has been recognized locally and nationally.
Soles4Souls partners with Communities in Schools to provide warm weather items
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Racks of coats, labeled by size, shoes along the wall were catego rized by size and whether it was adult or children, and backpacks and tote bags were stacked on tables, along with boxes of masks.
The personal shopping event, which took place on Wednesday, Nov. 16th, was a partnership between Communities in Schools, Soles 4Souls, Macy’s and the Lawndale Christian Health Center. At the end of their personal shopping experience, people needed help departing with their items, some used large blue pull away carts. People were also able to access resources from the YWCA and Lawndale Christian Health Center.
Soles4Souls began in 2006, with a mission to make a positive dif ference in people’s lives with their programs – 4Opportunity, 4Relief and 4EveryKid.
Communities in Schools was founded in the 1970s in New York City. The aim of the organization is to bring community resources to public schools. In Chicago, Communities in Schools partners with more than 200 community organizations and 200 schools to ensure the partner schools have access to no cost services, resources and programs, delivered by the community partners.
“We’re trying to meet the needs of families, remove those bar riers, so that students can be successful,” said Robin Koelsch, senior director of partnerships at Communities in Schools of Chicago. This was the 10th year for the partnership between Macy’s and Soles4Souls. Since 2013, more than 300,000 people have received new coats nation
wide. Through Macy’s “Buy a Coat and We’ll Donate One,” 10,000 brand new coats were donated to Soles4Souls.
According to Communities in Schools of Chicago, there were between 30-40 families who attended and approximately 700 items -- inclusive of coats, socks, shoes, backpacks with supplies -- given away to the families. This was the first year Communities in Schools of Chicago partnered with Soles4Souls.
Koelsch said the partnership happened because Soles4Souls was looking to expand into the Chicago area. Soles4Soles worked with Macy’s to donate the coats and socks, and Communities in Schools of Chicago worked with their community partners, North Lawndale Christian Health Center, to provide the space for the event.
“The idea is that this event is supposed to be more like an actual shopping experience, not just like here’s a bag of stuff, good luck to you. More of a curated shopping experience,” Koelsch said, adding that because Communities in Schools of Chicago works with a lot of the schools in the area, the organization was able to provide the students with the vouchers to get the coats.
If families could not find a size they needed during the event, they were asked to provide their contact information for Communities in Schools of Chicago to follow up with them. The goal is to ensure students had what they need, whether it was a program, a service or basic needs.
For more information about Soles4Souls, visit soles4souls.org. For more information about Communities in Schools, visit www. communitiesinschools.org.
CHICAGO — Mayor Lori E. Lightfoot and the Department of Planning and Development (DPD) has launched the first phase of the Equitable Transit-Orient ed Development (ETOD) grant program, a $10 million initiative. This initiative, supported by funding from the Chicago Recovery Plan, will fund and support commu nity-led, equitable development near train stations and high-frequency bus corridors.
During this first phase, organizations and entities are invited to respond to the RFP announced today to provide technical assistance for the community groups and other organizations that will receive grant funding in 2023. The City is looking for an experienced orga nization who can create support structures for local, grassroots organizations and community groups who are looking to realize community visions for development. The City anticipates opening up multiple funding rounds for ETOD projects.
The second phase of the program, launching next month, will provide grants and technical assistance to directly support the type of dense, mixed-use, pedes trian-oriented development enabled by the Connected Communities Ordinance approved by the City Council in July.
Aligned with the Connected Communities Ordinance and Chicago Recovery Plan, this grant initiative will support Chicago’s economic recovery and foster thriving neighborhoods across the entire city. The City of Chica go’s ETOD approach supports a wide range of policies and plans to ensure every resident can live in a vibrant,
healthy, and affordable community that connects them to transit and makes it easier for them to get to what they need — from jobs and schools to services and more.
The City’s ETOD grant program, which is part of a new DPD universal application process for funding under $250,000, will support community-driven development near train stations and high-frequency bus corridors. Projects that show a commitment to advancing health and racial equity and that prioritize walkability and tran sit-orientation in their design will be prioritized for the funding and support. Projects can range from affordable housing developments to mixed-use developments with healthy food retail to community ownership business models and more.
In October 2021, the City partnered with Elevated Chicago to select 11 community-driven projects to par ticipate in an inaugural ETOD Pilot Program and receive micro-grant funding and access to technical assistance. The City is taking the lessons learned from this pilot program to launch this new $10 million initiative.
The City’s ETOD grant program will invest in proj ects that build on the policy plan’s goals and that benefit from the zoning enhancements created by the Connected Communities Ordinance while also providing those proj ects additional support.
To learn more about the City’s Equitable Transit Ori ented Development efforts, visit chicago.gov/etod. The deadline to respond to the Equitable Transit Oriented De velopment Implementation Plan RFP is Friday, December 9, 2022, at 12 p.m. CST.
NEWS Weekend | Week of November 30, 2022 2 C
briefly WEEKEND C citizennewspapergroup.com
Biden-Harris Administration Continues Fight for Student Debt Relief for Millions of Borrowers, Extends Student Loan Repayment Pause
The U.S. Department of Education announced an extension of the pause on student loan repayment, interest, and collections. The extension will alleviate un certainty for borrowers as the Biden-Harris Administration asks the Supreme Court to review the lower-court orders that are preventing the Department from providing debt relief for tens of millions of Ameri cans. Payments will resume 60 days after the Department is permitted to implement the program or the litigation is resolved, which will give the Supreme Court an opportunity to resolve the case during its current Term. If the program has not been implemented and the litigation has not been resolved by June 30, 2023 – payments will resume 60 days after that.
On August 24, President Biden and Secretary Cardona announced plans to provide targeted student debt relief to borrowers with loans held by the De partment of Education. Borrowers with annual income during the pandemic of
under $125,000 (for individuals) or under $250,000 (for married couples or heads of households) who received a Pell Grant in college would be eligible for up to $20,000 in debt cancellation.
To date, over 26 million people have provided the Department with the neces sary information to be considered for debt relief, and 16 million borrowers have been approved. But court orders are blocking the Department from discharging student loan debt and accepting additional applications.
The Department of Justice request ed that the Supreme Court lift the lower court’s injunction against the program and suggested that if the Court does not do so, it could take up the student debt relief case, to provide borrowers the clarity and relief they are depending on.
Borrowers can use the additional time to ensure their contact information is up to date with their loan servicers and consider enrolling in electronic debit and income-driven repayment plans to support a smooth transition to repayment. More in formation can be found at StudentAid.gov.
In addition to providing relief specifi cally targeted to alleviating the continuing economic effects of the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic, the Biden-Harris Administration has also taken other steps to support students and borrowers, make higher education more affordable, and improve student loan servicing, including providing nearly $48 billion in targeted loan relief to over 1.8 million borrowers. Actions within that include: Revamping the Public Service Loan
Forgiveness program in October, which has provided $24 billion in loan relief to 360,000 borrowers. The Department’s Limited PSLF Waiver helped eligible borrower count all prior payments made by student borrowers toward PSLF, regardless of the loan program.
Giving borrowers with Direct Loans or Department-managed Federal Family Education Loans (FFEL) more credit toward forgiveness. The Department’s one-time account adjustment counts for all months spent in repayment, includ ing payments prior to consolidation and regardless of whether they made partial or late payments or are on a repayment plan toward income-driven repayment (IDR) and PSLF forgiveness.
Establishing a fair and accessible bankruptcy discharge process to help strug gling borrowers discharge their student loans.
Providing $9.1 billion in relief for 425,000 borrowers who have a total and permanent disability.
Approving $14.5 billion in borrower defense claims to nearly 1.1 million bor rowers, including extending full relief to approved claims and approving new types of claims.
Providing $1.26 billion in closed school discharges to 107,000 borrowers who attended the now-defunct ITT Techni cal Institute.
Restoring eligibility for financial student aid to almost 7.5 million borrowers to help them complete their credential or degree.
Chatham, Avalon Park, Park Manor,GreaterGrand Crossing, Burnside,Chesterfield, West Chersterfield, South Shore,and Calumet Heitghts.
Washington Heights,Roseland,Rosemoor, Englewood,West Englewood, Auburn-Gresham, Morgan Park, Maple Park, Mt. Vernon, Fernwood, Bellevue, Beverly, Pullman, West Pullman, West Pullman,Riverdale, Jeffrey Manor and Hegewisch.
SOUTH SUBURBAN Serves communities in Harvey, Markham, Phoenix, Robbins, Dixmoor, Calumet Park, Blue Island,SouthHolland,and Dolton. Shopping- their favorite pastime!
HYDE PARK Lake Meadows, Oakland, Prairie Shores,Douglas, Grand Boulevard, Kenwood, Woodland,South Shore and Hyde Park.
Chicago Westside Communities, Austin and Garfield Park
SUBURBAN TIMES WEEKLY BloomTownship, Chicago Heights, Flossmoor,FordHeights, Glenwood, Homewood, Lansing ,Lynwood, Olympia Fileds,
More than 500 first generation and under-resourced Chicago high school juniors will be selected to take part in the rigorous academic and leadership program, primed to become Chicago’s next generation of leaders.
Leading youth nonprofit, Chica go Scholars is now accepting appli cations to join their 2028 college graduating class program. The orga nization encourages all high school juniors who are ambitious students and motivated leaders to apply by February 8, 2023.
Scholars come from all over the city of Chicago to take part in the organization’s seven-year college ac cess, college success, and leadership development program that provides them with the resources, training, and opportunities to navigate the college application process, successfully complete college, and transition into a professional career.
The newest class of Scholars will receive support throughout the
college application process, including the opportunity to attend the Chicago Scholars Onsite College and Lead ership Forum, a one-day event that results in offers of admission and merit aid.
Once enrolled in a four-year college, Scholars will receive lead ership development and supportive relationships directed towards their individual needs for academic and social success, as well as the resourc es, training, and opportunities needed to complete college and transition to a professional career.
For more information about Chi cago Scholars’ application process, visit: https://chicagoscholars.org/ apply. The application closes on Feb ruary 8, 2023.
Additionally, the organization has opened applications for profes sional Chicagoans to serve as men tors to this incoming class. For more information about Chicago Scholars and its programs, visit: https://chica goscholars.org.
The Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County announces that it is no longer under federal court oversight after a federal judge dismissed the Circuit Court Clerk’s Office from the consent de crees and court orders that governed the office’s hiring processes since 1983.
Today, Judge Edmond Chang found the Cook County Circuit Court Clerk’s Office in substantial com pliance with the consent decrees and court orders. The finding of substantial compliance and dismissal of the office from the consent decrees and court orders is due to the creation and implementation of a new Employ ment Plan, acting in good faith to remedy instances of non-compliance, the absence of employment decisions based upon political factors, and the implementation of procedures that will prevent politics from interfering with the long-term operations of the office.
“When we took office on December 1, 2020, one of our top priorities was to institute hiring reforms and initiatives that enabled our office to hire, transfer, train, and retrain staff in a transparent and more efficient manner,” said Martinez.
At today’s hearing, Judge Chang noted that Clerk Martinez and her team came into office with a completely different attitude concerning Shakman, as evidenced by Clerk Martinez reaching substantial com pliance faster than any other defendant. He also noted that over 300 persons were hired without any findings or complaints of unlawful political discrimination.
Achieving substantial compliance in less than two years is an incredible feat, which was only achievable by the hard work of everyone in the office, and Cook County taxpayers will save hundreds of thousand dollars,” said Martinez.
During this holiday season, State Senator Patrick Joyce is encouraging people to write uplifting notes to veterans as part of the Illinois Department of Veterans’ Affairs Operations Rising Spirit Campaign.
“It is important for our veterans to know they are honored and appreciated every day,” said Joyce (DEssex). “The Operation Rising Spirit campaign makes sure that message is relayed.”
Operation Rising Spirit was first launched in 2020 during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic to support residents who were unable to visit with family and friends. The successful campaign encourages veterans and facilitates their connection with the community through positive, uplifting notes sent to veterans’ homes in Anna, LaSalle, Chicago, Manteno and Quincy.
“I encourage community members and organizations to take a moment and write letters to veterans who deserve our support and well wishes,” said Joyce. “This is a small act of kindness that will be very appreciated, especially with the holiday season approaching.”
To participate, notes may be sent directly to the Illinois Department of Veterans’ Affairs. Letters will be disseminated equally to the five homes:
The Illinois Department of Veterans’ Affairs
Central Office
833 South Spring Street P.O. Box 19432
Springfield, IL 62794-9432
Notes may also be sent directly through the IDVA website at https://www2.illinois.gov/ veterans/services%20benefits/homes/Pages/senda-note.aspx.
NEWS Weekend | Week of November 30, 2022 3 C WEEKEND C citizennewspapergroup.com
Park Forest,Sauk Village,South Chicago and Steger Citizen Newspaper Group Inc., (CNGII), Publisher of the ChathamSoutheast,South End, ChicagoWeekend,South Suburban and Hyde Park Citizen and Citizen Suburban Times Weekly. Our weekly publications are published on Wednesday’s (publishing 52 issues annually). Written permission is required to reproduce contents in whole or in part from the publisher. Citizen Newspaper Group, Inc. does not assume the responsibility for nor are we able to return unsolicited materials, therefore they become property of the newspaper and can or will be discarded or used at the newspapers disgratation. Deadlines for advertising is every Friday at noon. Deadlines for press releases are Thursdays at 10 am prior to the next week’s edition. Please send press release information to: editorial@citizennewspapergroup.com. For more information on subscriptions or advertising, call us at (773) 7831251 or fax (872) 208-8793. Our offices are located at 8741 South Greenwood Suite# 107, Chicago, Illinois 60619. ELIZABETH “LIZZIE G” ELIE LICENSED REALTOR
Tenia Davis Joins NORC as Senior Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer
CHICAGO, PRNewswire -- NORC at the University of Chicago is pleased to announce that Tenia Davis, PhD, has joined the organization as its first-ever senior vice president (SVP) and chief human resources officer (CHRO). An accomplished HR leader, Davis brings more than two decades of demonstrated expertise in leading HR strategy and operations for global, highgrowth companies.
As SVP and CHRO, Davis will partner with internal and external stake holders to support the continuous growth of NORC’s workforce and HR opera tions. She will act as a strategic business partner to shape a comprehensive talent strategy, design and operationalize HR department functions, enhance employee engagement, and drive a high-performing inclusive culture.
“NORC is experiencing unprecedented growth, and Tenia will partner with stakeholders throughout our organization to help lead and accelerate our commitment to fostering an equitable, inclusive, and high performing environ ment,” said Ellen Beatty, chief financial officer and executive vice president of Finance and Admin istration at NORC. “Her multi-industry, global human resources experience will be a tremendous asset to guiding the evolution of our culture at NORC locations nationwide.”
“I look forward to leveraging Tenia’s worldclass HR experience and organizational research expertise to further elevate NORC’s people strategy, with a focus on culture and engagement,” said NORC President and CEO Dan Gaylin. “I am excited to amplify our work and attract top talent into our values-driven organization.”
Davis joins NORC from HBR Consulting, where she served as chief talent and administrative services officer, overseeing the company’s talent, legal, information technology, and security operations. Prior to HBR Consulting, Davis led HR operations for a diverse range of organizations, including HARPO productions (The Oprah Winfrey Show), Johnson Publishing Company, Raise, and iManage.
“I am excited to join NORC at a pivotal time in workplace history and in the organization’s 80+ year journey,” said Davis. “I’m eager to build relationships with the current HR team, the Office of Diversity, Racial Equity, and Inclusion, and staff across NORC. I believe that by tapping into employees’ myriad perspectives and experiences, we will be able to effec tively identify opportunities for growth and change to support NORC’s overall strategic plan.”
Davis holds an MBA from Loyola University of Chicago and a PhD from Benedictine University’s Center for Values-Driven Leadership. She is a recognized community leader with a particular interest in mentoring the next generation of volunteers and leaders.
NORC at the University of Chicago conducts research and analysis that decision-makers trust. As a nonpartisan research organization and a pioneer in measuring and understanding the world, we have studied almost every aspect of the human experience and every major news event for more than eight decades. Today, we partner with government, corporate, and nonprofit clients around the world to provide the objectivity and expertise necessary to inform the critical decisions facing society. www.norc.org
The Mastermind Behind EZPZ Party Planning School, Teaching Students Around The Country To Start And Scale Party Planning Empires
LAKELAND, Fla., PRNewswire -- Due to the global economic crunch, many industries are struggling, including companies in the event planning space. To help them survive and thrive in this envi ronment, the renowned black-run business EZPZ Party Planning is trying to make a difference. The company is headed by black female entrepreneur Kimberly Per rymond, who has a track record of helping event planners grow up in tough times.
She started a Facebook group during the pandemic to help event planners glob ally. Since then, the business has evolved and become a full-fledged platform to help entrepreneurs in the industry stay afloat during the economic turmoil and grow their businesses to six figures.
Her team of trainers provides over 40 classes where they go over everything about the business, from finance, mar keting, logistics, and sales. Moreover, their students get a bank of online graphic resources that help them launch and scale their businesses quickly. The company wants to develop the necessary compe tencies in the evolving party management industry.
Speaking to the media, Kim said, “I started this business to help people em brace the possibilities that entrepreneur ship brings. People learn how to plan par ties from scratch and generate a good income using our platform. We aim to educate and empower you to create the life people want by scaling their party event planning business with revenue in six figures.”
Using her school’s resources, many of her clients have been able to quit their 9-5 jobs and build a lifestyle that matches their passion. Some users have also been able to create a full-time income while working part-time after their day jobs. The courses are designed in an easy-to-understand language that caters to their diverse clients.
Eazy Peezy Party Planning is a thriving
online community dedicated to providing tools to entrepreneurs globally that allows them to elevate their businesses. The EZPZ Party Planning Facebook group now has more than 50,000 members. This group helps people to do networking and grow their businesses globally. Many of Kim’s students now run successful intercontinental event management companies with high-profile clients, including celebrities.
Aspiring Party Planners can skip some of the hardships of navigating the startup phase of entrepreneurship by following the blueprint developed by Kim and her team of elite party planning experts.
Streamline Media Group Names Sheloman Byrd as New COO
LAS VEGAS, PRNewswire -- Streamline Media Group (Streamline), a video game and metaverse development com pany, welcomed Sheloman Byrd as their new Chief Operations Officer.
Byrd recently left Warner Bros. Discovery after three years, where he led external development as Executive Produc er. His most recent title, MultiVersus, debuted earlier this year as the most-played PC fighting game ever with over 20 million players. Before this, Byrd spent nine years at Tencent driving business development and strategy for the US & European PC/ Console market, working with key partners like Epic Games (Fortnite), Psyonix (Rocket League), and Ember Lab (Kena: Bridge of Spirits).
“Anyone who’s worked with me knows how much I love games, from production and design to marketing and business development. It’s a passion that is continued for nearly twenty
years with no end in sight, “ says Sheloman Byrd, COO, Streamline Media Group. “It’s an exciting time overall, with over 3 billion global gamers and more playing every day. With this new role at Streamline, we’ll scale our success and expand our capabilities to drive the next wave of interactive experi ences—ones that take diversity, high quality, and authentici ty into account from the start.”
Since 2001, Streamline has serviced international developers, publishers, and brands, including Genvid, Balenciaga, Capcom, and Microsoft from production studios in Southeast Asia, Japan, and The Americas. As an active member of the games and tech global industry for over twenty years, Streamline has always committed to driving meaningful change through diversity, inclusion, and accessibility for emerging markets and social and economic minorities.
“Streamline is transforming entertainment and global industries through video game technology and craft,” added Alexander Fernandez, CEO, and Co-Founder of Streamline. “I’m excited to have Sheloman join us at this incredible moment of growth as we continue building talented teams’ representative of the world as it is.”
Byrd joins Fernandez, CEO, and Bo Kjægaard-Jensen, CFO, in the C-Suite. As COO, Byrd will lead production and development, expand capabilities and capacity to include new segments beyond gaming and the growing demand for video game technology expertise.
You can visit the Streamline website to learn more about Streamline and its diverse leadership team delivering video games and metaverse solutions.
See the Streamline Careers page for on-site and remote career opportunities at any of their studios.
C Weekend | Week of November 30, 2022 4 BUSINESS
Tenia Davis, PhD, joins NORC at the Univer sity of Chicago as its first-ever senior vice president and chief human resources officer. PRNewsFoto.
SANTA BARBARA, Calif., PRNewswire -- South ern California-based global lifestyle brand UGG® (a division of Deckers Brands [NYSE: DECK]) celebrates its position as the ultimate gift-giving brand by unveiling Feels Like UGG, its global holiday campaign featuring multi-hyphenate creative Jorge “Gitoo” Wright, a star on the cutting edge of the New York City fashion club culture scene known for bringing together all types of people to celebrate the pursuit of well-being, much like UGG®. His energy, passion, self-confidence, and love for others demonstrate the meaning of the season: the comfort and support one experiences from compassion and love. Gathered around him is his community of creative friends, as well as his family who join him in celebrating holiday joy.
To further spread the love and support this holiday season, UGG® is proud to partner with PFLAG and Sad Girls Club, who share the same passion of offering comfort and mental health services to those who are par ticularly vulnerable and who might not otherwise have access. UGG® is honored to support the two charities by donating each $50,000 to support their missions. PFLAG is dedicated to creating a more caring, just, and affirming world for LGBTQ+ people and those who love them through support, education, and advocacy, while Sad Girls Club is committed to destigmatizing mental wellness for Millennial and Gen Z, women, girls, and femmes of color.
Proving everyone deserves comfort, warmth, and joy in the form of footwear, the holiday offering by UGG® features fresh iterations of the globally beloved Classic Boot, slippers and updated versions of fan-favor ites. Consumers now can give the gift of UGG® to cher ished friends, family, and their own chosen communities.
This season the brand expands on the opportunity to give with the environment in mind through statement styles like the new Fluff Momma Sugar Boot. Offering a leg-lengthening boost, the layered 2” SugarSole™ foam platform replaces petroleum-based ethylene with a renewable alternative derived from sugarcane, while its cozy lining with plant-based TENCEL™ Lyocell deliv ers the unparalleled feeling of UGG®. Modern interpre tations of the brand icon, the Classic Mini Platform and Classic Ultra Mini Platform reach new heights with a leg-lengthening 2” platform. Offering a bolder look than ever before, each style is made with the same rich suede as the original, plus UGGplush ™ wool blend for signa ture softness. The Classic Mini Boot is iconic for its soft sheepskin and enduring design, incorporating a durable, lightweight sole to increase cushioning and traction, the mini iteration is versatile in wear.
Lined in signature shearling, the Classic Slipper maintains the iconic feel of the original. Featuring a fluffy sheepskin collar, it’s crafted from soft suede and finished with a Treadlite by UGG™ outsole for
indoor-outdoor wearability. The best-selling Tasman features the same light, durable outsole as the Classic Boot, lined with plush sheepskin and upcycled wool and crafted from soft suede with an embroidered braid and easy slip-on silhouette. An essential house slipper, the Scuffette is cast in soft suede with plush wool lining. As soft as it is versatile, the Coquette features soft UGG® sheepskin and a lightweight sole that travels both indoors and out.
Updating everyone’s favorite boot with shimmer ing sequins, the statement Classic Mini Chunky Sequin features the same cozy feel and enduring design as the original. Lined in our UGGplush™ wool blend for sig nature softness, it’s finished with a Treadlite by UGG™ outsole for enhanced cushioning and traction. Updating the Funkette with dazzling sequins this holiday take features the same slip-on silhouette, graphic backstrap, and soft sheepskin collar as the original, finished with a 2” platform for a leg-lengthening boost.
Combining premium materials and effortless style, the Neumel is the iconic UGG® heritage chukka. A timeless boot made of rich suede, it’s lined in upcycled UGGpure™ wool and finished with a durable Treadlite by UGG™ sole for all-day cushioning, offering a signa ture slipper-like feel indoors or out. With its thin rubber sole, the Scuff is best worn indoors, making the best of its temperature-regulating, and moisture-wicking wool. With the look of a loafer and the softness of the slipper, the Ascot is a best seller with durable sole rubber sole. A slipper that travels well outdoors, the Tasman features the same light, durable outsole as the Classic Boot. Lined with plush wool, it’s crafted from suede with an easy slip-on silhouette.
With its thick but light sole and soft wool lining just like its adult counterparts, the kids’ Tasman can work as a slipper or a shoe – or both; while the Cozy is lined with fluffy, soft wool and features an ultra-light sole.
The UGG® brand’s holiday collection is available now for purchase at the newly unveiled Feel House pop-up retail location (25 Kent Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11249), UGG.com, UGG® stores and select wholesale retailers nationwide.
5 Trending Holiday Looks for the Whole Family
MISSION, Kan., PRNewswire -- (Family Features) Creat ing trendy ensembles when you just want to stay warm can be a challenge, but this season’s hottest looks make it easy to keep cozy while dressing up or down. Whether you’re aiming for style for a holiday celebration or planning an evening out to shop and take in the holiday lights, this season’s trends have you covered.
Stylish layers and updates to winter wardrobe staples are two keys to nailing this season’s on-trend looks, according to acclaimed American fashion designer Brandon Maxwell, who is collaborating with Walmart as creative director for Free Assembly and Scoop, the retailer’s exclusive, elevated fashion brands.
“Like many people across the country who live in a small town, Walmart was the destination for everything where I grew up, includ ing holiday fashion,” Maxwell said. “When I first teamed up with Walmart, I was excited to bring the joy of fashion to people across the country. Everyone deserves to enjoy their holidays in clothing they love. This year, we are proud to offer the biggest trends in holi day fashion, from cozy outwear to glamorous party looks.”
Maxwell offers these tips for creating the perfect affordable look, no matter where your plans take you this winter:
Metallic Shine: Metallic sweater sets, like a boxy crewneck and matching mini skirt in a glitzy gold shade, are must-have pieces for the holidays. Wear the show-stopping set with matching gold earrings and platform sandals for a head-turning party look.
Layers of Style: Layer festive multicolor patterns in intarsia knits like this Free Assembly fair isle sweater with a plaid puffer jacket for an easy update to winter closet staples like lightly dis tressed jeans and booties.
Party Perfect: Sophisticated outerwear pieces like a dou ble-breasted coat add a modern touch to classic holiday party looks. Pair with a berry-hued mini dress, black tights and black boots for a look that stands out. For a bit of edge, choose a faux moto jacket layered over a sequin cami top or metallic sweater to complement a faux leather skirt.
Casual Comfort: This season, menswear is all about intentional layering and looks that prioritize both comfort and style. Update vintage-inspired flannels by layering with a quilted puffer pullover and matching them with wintry prints and cargo joggers for a look that’s casual and put together all at once.
Little Lookers: Fashionable little ones can also get decked out this season. Colorful sparkly girl’s dresses from Scoop perfectly complement matching versions for women, ideal for family photos and mommy-and-me moments that make the season extra special. For a more casual event, fair isle sweater dresses in fun shades like lavender can make a classic look oh-so-now.
Find more festive fashion inspiration by visiting Walmart.com.
FASHION Weekend| Week of November 30, 2022 5 C WEEKEND C citizennewspapergroup.com
PRNewsFoto/The UGG Brand
Photo courtesy of Walmart
Love Filled Thhe Rooom ..."The Ervins Still Do"
ON THE MOVE Weekend | Week of November 30, 2022 6 C WEEKEND C citizennewspapergroup.com ON THE MOVE C citizennewspapergroup.com C
Photos by L.M. Warbington Photography
Melissa and Jason Ervin Is All A Glow As They Renew Wedding Vows After 10 Years
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Bounce and MGM partner for new original comedy series ‘Act Your Age’
ATLANTA, PRNewswire -- Bounce, the popular broad cast and multi-platform entertainment network serving African Americans, today announced a partnership with MGM to produce a new original series, “Act Your Age.”
The multiple-camera, half-hour comedy tells the story of three vibrant, successful Washington D.C./Northern Virgin ia-area women in their 50’s who are each at a personal cross roads and who decide the best way forward in life is together. “Act Your Age” stars Kym Whitley (“Curb Your Enthusiasm,” “Next Friday,” “Young and Hungry”) and Tisha Campbell (“Uncoupled,” “My Wife and Kids,” “Dr. Ken”) with special guest star Yvette Nicole Brown (“Community,” “The Mayor,” “Big Shot”).
Whitley plays Bernadette, a successful, no-nonsense real estate developer. Campbell plays Keisha, the wild card of the group who is always up to something, and Brown plays Ange la, the former First Lady of Norfolk, Virginia, who is looking to redefine her life after being widowed by her husband, a revered career politician.
The multi-generational sitcom also features Mariah Robinson (“The Wrong Valentine”) and Nathan Anderson (“All About the Washingtons,” “Richie Rich,”) as the 20-something children of Angela and Bernadette, respectively.
Alyson Fouse (“Big Shot,” “Everybody Hates Chris,”
“The Wanda Sykes Show”) created the series and serves as showrunner and executive producer. The series is produced by Mark Burnett, Barry Poznick and Bradley Gardner (“Hot in Cleveland”) and co-executive producer Ken Ornstein (“Everybody Loves Raymond”).
The 16-episode first season of “Act Your Age” has begun production in Los Angeles and will premiere on Bounce in the spring of 2023.
“The opportunity to do ‘Act Your Age’ with Kym, Tisha and Yvette on Bounce, a network that has made me feel so comfortable being my authentic self, means the world to me,” said Fouse. “We’ve built a world where the stories of Black women in the prime of their lives can be both funny and heartfelt; a world where individually they shine but they also show support for one another.
‘Act Your Age’ is a celebration of the Black women who have loved, raised, befriended and held me up through the years and it honors and salutes the ones who have inspired me.”
“Partnering with MGM Television, working with top showrunner Alyson Fouse, and attracting immensely popular and talented actors Kym Whitley, Tisha Campbell and Yvette Nicole Brown are game-changing and huge steps forward for Bounce originals,” said David Hud son, vice president of original program ming, Scripps Networks.
“Act Your Age” is the newest Bounce original series, joining “John son,” the critically acclaimed hit show focusing on four lifelong best friends, and “Finding Happy,” starring B. Sim one as a mid-30s woman determined to change her life for the better. Both of these shows come from Eric C. Rhone’s & Cedric The Entertainer’s production company, A Bird And A Bear Entertainment.
ADCOLOR Announces Winners of the 16th Annual ADCOLOR Awards
LOS ANGELES, PRNewswire -- ADCOLOR, the premier organization dedicated to celebrating and promoting professionals of color and diversity in the creative industries, unveiled the winners of the 16th Annual ADCOLOR Awards. This year’s illustrious event marks the long-awaited return to a fully in-person gathering following a virtual-only event in 2020 and a smaller, hybrid event in 2021.
As part of the ceremony, the organization honored Issa Rae with the 2022 ADCOLOR | ADWEEK Beacon Award for her change-mak ing efforts in using her platform to advocate for diversity, equity and inclusion in the entertain ment industry. The organization also honored Grammy Award-winning producer and musician Robert Glasper, as well as prominent figures such as Louis Carr, President of Media Sales at BET Networks; Marvin Chow, Vice President, Global Marketing at Google; and Kinney Edwards, Global Head of Creative Lab at TikTok amongst other industry titans.
Since 2007, the ADCOLOR Awards have highlighted and honored the achievements of diverse communities in the creative industries. The awards recognize those who go above and beyond to make a difference and who embody the organization’s mission of “Rise Up, Reach Back.”
Those honored not only excel in their own careers but also give back to the creative community and support their peers through effective campaigns and ongoing initiatives.
All nominees were carefully reviewed by more than 50 elected judges who represented a diverse range of industries, titles, levels and backgrounds. This year’s honorees in non-competitive catego ries were chosen by ADCOLOR’s highly esteemed Board of Directors and respective partners.
“Congratulations to this year’s esteemed honorees and winners, who not only exemplify this year’s ‘Still Rising’ theme, but also our organi
zation’s mission of ‘Rise Up, Reach Back,’” said ADCOLOR Founder and President, Tiffany R. Warren. “It’s been a challenging year filled with ongoing uncertainty and difficulty, but each honor ee and winner has continuously displayed incredi ble perseverance and resilience. We are honored to celebrate this inspiring group of industry veterans, changemakers, and rising stars and to continue highlighting their accomplishments and impactful work.”
Please see the below list of this year’s winners and honorees: 2022 ADCOLOR WINNERS
WINNER: “The Myth” by Wieden+Kennedy ADCOLOR IN TECH
WINNER: Annie Jean-Baptiste, Director, Product Inclusion & Equity, Google ADCOLOR INFLUENCER
WINNER : Tony Weaver, Jr., Founder, Weird Enough Productions
WINNER: Mira Kaddoura, Founder, Red & Co. DEI EXECUTIVE OF THE YEAR
WINNER: Jason Rosario, Chief Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Officer, BBDO Worldwide INNOVATOR
WINNER: Kamala Avila-Salmon, Head of Inclu sive Content, Lionsgate
WINNER: Google & WNBA Changemaker Part nership RISING STAR
WINNER : Rosalina Jowers, Director of Commu nications & Marketing, Participant ROCKSTAR
WINNER: Devin Baker, Global Creative Director, 72andSunny
HONOREE: Robert Glasper, Grammy Award-winning Producer and Musician ADCOLOR | ADWEEK BEACON
HONOREE: Issa Rae, Writer, Producer, Actress & Entrepreneur
HONOREE: Kinney Edwards, Global Head of Creative Lab, TikTok
HONOREE: Rony Castor & Anthony O’Neill, Creative Directors, Goodby Silverstein & Partners
HONOREE: Alana Mayo, President, Orion Pic tures
HONOREE: Leanne Pittsford, CEO & Founder, Lesbians Who Tech & Allies
HONOREE: Diego Scotti, Chief Marketing Offi cer, Verizon
HONOREE: Marvin Chow, VP Global Market ing, Google
HONOREE: Oriel Davis-Lyons, Founder, ONE School
HONOREE: Jill Kelly, U.S. CEO, EssenceMedi aCom
HONOREE: Neal Arthur, CEO, Wieden+Kennedy HONOREE: Shawn Martinbrough, Artist & Author
HONOREE: Aaron Walton, CEO, Walton Isaac son
HONOREE: Louis Carr, President of Media Sales, BET Networks
HONOREE: Raúl Alarcón, CEO, Chairman, Spanish Broadcasting System (SBS)
Mr. ADCOLOR: Aaron Francois, Senior Connec tions Strategist | Founder, R/GA | Black Visionar ies
Ms. ADCOLOR: Ivy Phan, Art Director, Grey NY
ENTERTAINMENT Weekend | Week of November 30, 2022 8 C WEEKEND C
Take Control: How managing blood pressure can help save lives
MISSION, Kan., PRNewswire -- (Family Fea tures) Effectively managing your blood pressure can help reduce your chances of life-threatening medical events, even death.
Gain confidence and learn how to take control of your blood pressure with these tips and resources from the American Heart Association.
The Silent Killer
High blood pressure is often referred to as the “silent killer” because it typically has few, if any, no ticeable symptoms but can lead to heart attack, stroke, heart failure and even death. Many people with high blood pressure don’t even know they have it. Some overlooked symptoms can include dizziness, facial flushing and blood spots in the eyes.
Understand Your Readings
The only way to know if you have high blood pressure is to regularly take an accurate blood pressure measurement. Understanding your results is key to controlling high blood pressure. Blood pressure numbers of less than 120/80 mm Hg are usually considered within the normal range, yet it is important to talk to a doctor about your healthy range. Even if you fall within a healthy range, it can be beneficial to stick with heart-healthy habits like following a balanced diet and getting regular exercise. Consider these numbers and rang es to know if it’s necessary to take action:
Elevated blood pressure is when readings consistently range from 120-129 mm Hg systolic (the upper number) and less than 80 mm Hg diastolic (the lower number). People with elevated blood pressure are likely to develop high blood pres sure unless steps are taken to control the condition.
Hypertension stage 1 is when blood pressure consistently ranges from 130-139 mm Hg systolic or 80-89 mm Hg diastol ic. At this stage, doctors are likely to prescribe lifestyle changes and may consider adding blood pressure medication based on your risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, such as heart attack or stroke.
Hypertension stage 2 is when blood pressure consistently
ranges at 140/90 mm Hg or higher. At this stage, doctors are likely to prescribe a combination of blood pressure medications and lifestyle changes.
A hypertensive crisis requires medical attention. If your blood pressure readings suddenly exceed 180/120 mm Hg, wait 5 minutes then test again. If your readings are still unusually high, contact your doctor immediately. Seek emergency help if your blood pressure is higher than 180/120 mm Hg and you are experiencing signs of possible organ damage such as chest pain, shortness of breath, back pain, numbness or weakness, change in vision or difficulty speaking.
Know Your Risk
While many risk factors for high blood pressure may be related to your age, gender and family history, there are also risk factors you can change to help prevent and manage high blood pressure. People at added risk may be those who engage in lower levels of physical activity, eat a diet high in sodium (particularly from packaged, processed foods), may be over weight or obese, drink excessive amounts of alcohol and may
have multiple chronic conditions.
Talk About It
Whether you’re making changes in your own life to combat high blood pressure or helping someone else, pos itive feelings and confidence are longer-term motivators to making health changes. If you’re talking with friends, loved ones or your doctor, be prepared to ask open-ended questions. Be curious and kind to yourself and others you may be helping.
Lowering Your Pressure
You can reduce your risk of heart disease, stroke, heart failure and even death with lifestyle changes and medication.
Watching your weight, especially if you are over weight or obese, can bring health gains; losing as little as 5-10 pounds may help lower your blood pressure.
Managing your stress by relaxing for short periods during your workday, at night and on weekends is another productive practice.
If you have diabetes, it’s important to work with a doctor to manage the disease and reduce your blood glucose levels.
If you think you could have sleep apnea, getting screened for and treating the condition can also reduce your risk for developing high blood pressure.
When you have high blood pressure, medication may be an important part of your treatment. Follow the recom mendations carefully, even if it means taking medication every day for the rest of your life.
When you’re discussing high blood pressure concerns with your health care provider, also be sure to talk to your doctor about over-the-counter pain relievers that may raise your blood pressure. Talking with your doctor can help you identify over-the-counter pain medications that won’t raise your blood pressure to ensure you’re not creating a blood pressure problem while treating other concerns.
Learn more about monitoring and managing high blood pressure at heart.org/bptools.
Life After Stroke 5 tips for recovery and daily living
MISSION, Kan., PRNewswire -- (Family Features) In the weeks and months immediately following a stroke, an ear ly rehabilitation program offers the best possible recovery outcomes. While each person’s stroke recovery journey is unique, starting the path toward rehabilitation as soon as it’s medically safe allows stroke survivors to mitigate the lasting effects.
According to the American Stroke Association, a division of the American Heart Association, each year, approximately 800,000 people in the United States have a stroke. Strokes can happen to anyone, at any age. In fact, globally about 1 in 4 adults over the age of 25 will have a stroke in their lifetime.
Early Intervention
The rehabilitation and support a survivor receives can greatly influence health outcomes and recovery. The first three months after a stroke are especially critical. Although recovery may continue for years after a stroke, this time in the immediate aftermath of a stroke is when the brain is most able to adjust to the damage done by the stroke so the survivor can learn new ways to do things.
Physical, Communication and Cognitive Changes
Following a stroke, a survivor may experience
physical changes, such as fatigue, seizures, weakness or paralysis on one side of the body or spasticity, stiff or rigid muscles which may cause difficulty with completing daily activities and tasks. If experiencing fatigue, speak with your health care provider about ways to reduce it. Your care team may also be able to provide medications to help with seizures and spasticity. Physical therapy is also an option.
Challenges after a stroke depend on the severity and location of the stroke. In addition to various physical disabilities, stroke survivors may experience aphasia, communication and thought problems related to speaking, listening, understanding or memory. Planning, organizing ideas or making decisions can also be harder.
Customized Rehabilitation
Once a stroke survivor’s medical condition is stabi lized and he or she is ready to leave the hospital, rehabil itation can help restore function and teach new ways to complete everyday tasks. Rehabilitation may take place in an inpatient facility, skilled nursing facility or long-term acute care facility. Outpatient clinics and home health agencies can also provide rehabilitative care in certain circumstances.
One patient’s rehab journey might include therapy to improve balance, strength or mobility while another might need speech or other therapies. A rehabilitation designed for the individual is critical.
Preventing a Recurrence
After a first stroke, nearly 1 in 4 survivors will have another. Stroke survivors can help reduce their risk of hav ing another stroke by working with their health care team to identify what caused the stroke and uncover personal risk factors.
Taking steps such as healthy eating, reducing sedentary time and taking medications as prescribed can help your brain and reduce your risk of a repeat stroke. Controlling conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes and sleep apnea also reduce your risk of having another stroke.
Support During Your Journey
Caregivers and other loved ones can provide important long-term support during your recovery and rehabilitation.
Find resources for stroke rehab and recovery including the “Life After Stroke” guide, “Simply Good” cookbook and a support network to connect with other survivors at Stroke.org/Recovery.
HEALTH Weekend | Week of November 30, 2022 9 C WEEKEND C
Photo courtesy of American Heart Association
More Than 400 People Attend Black Tech Talent’s 2nd Annual Community TechFest
On Saturday, November 12, 2022, Black Tech Talent held its 2nd annual Community TechFest at coworking space Fueled Collective - Downtown in Minneapolis. Sponsored by Best Buy, Arctic Wolf, and Sunrise Banks, the event saw more than 400 attendees throughout the event’s four-hour duration. Keynote speaker Tarek Tomes, Commissioner and Chief Information Officer at Minnesota IT Services, discussed his experiences pursuing a career in tech nology and what piqued his interest in the field, while outlining the importance of attending events such as Community TechFest to spark inspiration for one’s future.
Of the various activities that were available, par ticipants were most excited about video gaming with the Minnesota Esports Club, drone racing with the Youth Drone Sports Championship, and playing in Black Tech Talent’s Metaverse, which was developed in partnership with the virtual reality company Rem5 VR. Black Tech Talent’s original superhero Black Circuit joined a young boy who was playing in the Metaverse as Black Circuit. The boy’s father posted a video of the interaction to Instagram, writing, “Imag
ine playing a video game with the character you’re playing with.” Moments like this affirm Black Tech Talent’s efforts to expose the community to technolo gy and its various applications.
Jackson says it feels amazing to be able to have an impact on the community. “To have attendees say that they’re going to come back every year, that they’re mad that they’ve been missing out, or that they’re actually signing up for some of the programs to learn how to code or to learn how to get into gam ing or drone racing, is humbling,” he said. “I feel like we’re literally changing people’s lives.”
Black Tech Talent (www.blacktechtalent.org) was launched by Michael A. Jackson in July 2020 and is working to bridge the racial equity gap. The award-winning organization (2022 Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal 40 Under 40, 2021 MN Cup Impact Ventures, Tekne Awards, Inclusive Evolution Award) leverages relationships with leading tech companies to provide a platform for Black technolo gists to find jobs, training, and culturally specific con tent, and a sense of community. They also produce the podcast BTT Discussions.
Justice Department and Department of Education Announce a Fairer and More Accessible Bankruptcy Discharge Process for Student Loan Borrowers
The Department of Justice, in close co ordination with the Department of Education, announced a new process for handling cases in which individuals seek to discharge their federal student loans in bankruptcy. The new process will help ensure consistent treatment of the discharge of federal student loans, reduce the burden on borrowers of pursuing such pro ceedings and make it easier to identify cases where discharge is appropriate. The Associate Attorney General distributed guidance outlin ing the new process to all U.S. Attorneys.
Congress has set a higher bar for discharg ing student loan debt compared to other debt — borrowers who seek to discharge their loans through bankruptcy must demonstrate that they will suffer “undue hardship” unless the debt is discharged. Although the bankruptcy judge makes the final decision whether to grant a discharge, the new process announced today provides Justice Department attorneys with clear standards for recommending discharge to the judge without unnecessarily burdensome and time-consuming investigations. The new process will also help borrowers who did not think they could get relief through bankruptcy more easily identify whether they meet the criteria to seek a discharge.
“Today’s guidance outlines a better, fairer, more transparent process for student loan borrowers in bankruptcy,” said Associate Attorney General Vanita Gupta. “It will allow Justice Department attorneys to more easily identify cases in which we can recommend discharge of a borrower’s student loans. We are grateful to the Department of Education for its partnership in developing this guidance.”
“Congress may have set a higher bar for granting student loan discharges during bankruptcy, but in practice that bar has become
very difficult for deserving borrowers to clear,” said U.S. Under Secretary of Education James Kvaal. “After decades of inaction in Washing ton, our Department of Education team was determined to partner with the Justice Depart ment to craft clearer, fairer, and more practical standards to guide recommendations for student debt discharges during bankruptcy pro ceedings. This guidance is an important step toward helping struggling borrowers, many of whom never completed college or were misled into debt by dishonest schools.”
As part of the undue hardship analysis, courts review the borrower’s past, present and future financial circumstances. The new process will leverage Department of Education data and a new borrower-completed attestation form to assist the government in assessing a borrower’s discharge request. The Justice Department, in consultation with the Depart ment of Education, will review the information provided, apply the factors that courts consider relevant to the undue-hardship inquiry and determine whether to recommend that the bankruptcy judge discharge the borrower’s student loan debt.
The Department of Justice and Depart ment of Education are committed to making this system work for borrowers. Both agencies will continue to monitor how the process plays out on the ground and will assess the effective ness of this guidance after the first year, and beyond as warranted.
By simplifying the process and estab lishing clear standards, the agencies hope to significantly reduce the burden on borrowers and government attorneys, provide a clear path for borrowers to seek discharges and add safeguards to promote consistency and predictability.
Match Group’s BLK Announces Inaugural Members of New Advocacy Council
DALLAS, Texas -- BLK, the largest dating and lifestyle app for Black singles, announced the inaugural members of the BLK Advocacy Council. A first-of-its-kind committee for the brand, the BLK Advocacy Council will provide advice and recommen dations that support BLK’s mission of creat ing meaningful connections for Black singles and supporting causes that are important to members of the app.
The mission of the BLK Advocacy Council is to bring raw perspective and critical strategic thinking around current topics of cultural importance to aid BLK’s commitment to make a positive impact on society for today’s and future generations. The council will address issues relevant to the Black community that pushes culture forward, by building an inviting, inclusive and welcoming community. The BLK Advocacy Council Members will meet periodically throughout the year to advise BLK on:
Causes and organizations the brand can amplify via its platform
Mobilizing the BLK user base to drive positive change
How BLK can take action to best impact the Black community.
“In order for our brand to give visibil ity to pillars that unite the BLK communi ty in business, lifestyle, and relationships, it’s essential that we bring in a diverse set of unique perspectives and lived experi ences from opinion leaders and innovators in the Black community,” said Jonathan Kirkland, Head of Brand and Market ing for BLK. “Our new BLK Advocacy Council, which is made up of some of the foremost leaders in the Black community,
will provide culturally relevant insight and advice to strengthen and reinforce our work in the community.”
The 6 inaugural members of the BLK Advocacy Council come from a wide range of backgrounds including academia, activism, business, enter tainment, financial services, technolo gy, and feminism. Advocacy Council members share a common experience and working knowledge of the cultur al implications that impact the Black community, as well as a deep commit ment to pushing Black culture forward.
BLK Advocacy Council Members: Phaedra Parks, Attorney/Law Firm Owner, TV Personality, Entrepreneur, and Social Activist
Sesali Bowen, Author, Media Per sonality and Cultural Commentator
Cedric J. Rogers, Co-Founder and CEO of Culture Genesis, Inc.
Geoff Edwards, Creative Leader at GALE
Krystal Garner, Executive Enter tainment Strategist
Ryan Wilson, Co-Founder and CEO of The Gathering Spot
A subsidiary of Match Group, BLK was introduced in August 2017 and is currently the leading dating and lifestyle app for Black singles. To help users find love at its core, with over 8 million downloads to date, BLK has built a community and space where Black love can happen every day in all its forms and expressions. BLK’s mission is simple: bring Black people together to spark meaningful connec tions.
NATIONAL NEWS Weekend | Week of November 30, 2022 10 C WEEKEND C
Black Tech Talent CEO Mike Jackson speaks at the organization’s second annual Community TechFest. (PHOTO CREDIT: FRANCIS SAMPAH)
Notice is hereby give, pursuant to “An Act in relation to the use of an Assumed Business name in the conduct or transaction of Business in the State,” as amended, that a certification was registered by the undersigned with the County Clerk of Cook County. Registration Number: Y22009837 on NOVEMBER 9,222.
Under the Assumed Business Name of DOMIN ION CONSULTING with the business located at: 1352 W. WILSON, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60640. The true and real full name (s) and residence address of the owner(S)/partner (s) is:
Owner/Partner Full Name SARAFINA ASIEDU Complete Address 1352 W. WILSON, CHICA GO, ILLINOIS 60640, USA.
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to “An Act in rela-tion to the use of an Assumed Business Name in the conduct or transaction of Business in the State,” as amended, that a certification was registered by the undersigned with the County Clerk of Cook County. Registration Number: Y22009848 on NOVEMBER 9,2022.
Under the Assumed Business Name of CHICA GO SOURCE with the Business located at 403 PAXTON AVE., CALUMET CITY, ILLINOIS 60409. The true and real full name (s) and res idence address of the owner (s) / partner (s) is;
Owner/Partner Full Name TWANDA MOBLEY
Complete Address 403 PAXTON AVE., CALUMET CITY, ILLINOIS 60409, USA.
Should Step Up
(StatePoint) While the holiday season is full of fun, festivities and meaningful time spent with family and friends, it’s often accompanied by work and school deadlines, tedious to-do lists and shopping stress. Here are a few reasons to step up your self-care routine during this busy period so you can usher in the new year, happily and healthily:
Catch Some Z’s
The holidays come on the heels of the end of Daylight Saving Time, and your body may still be adjusting to the time change. Plus, with all the commitments of the season, you may be more likely to be pulling early mornings and late nights. These factors combined could be leaving you feeling drowsy during the day. Even more concerning, lack of sleep over time can contribute to a number of chronic health issues. Set yourself up for greater alertness and better health this winter by carving out time for sufficient, high-quality sleep. Having trouble nodding off? Check out sleep aid apps that offer soundtracks, guided meditation and breathing exercises.
Gain Smile Confidence
According to a 2020 Cigna Dental Report, smile satisfaction is one of the top three drivers of self confidence among U.S. adults. So while practicing good oral care and maintaining a solid beauty and self-care routine is always important, it’s espe cially so during a time of year when you may be eating extra sweets and smiling more for the camera.
The good news is that you can give yourself the gift of a healthy,
Self-Care Game During the Holiday Season
beautiful smile you can feel confident about, starting at an affordable price with the new Oral-B iO4 + iO5 electric tooth brush series. Multiple brushing modes offer a personalized clean, and when you brush for 2 minutes, which is what the American Dental Association recommends, the brush lights up to celebrate the accomplishment. What’s more, the iO Series 5 provides you with real-time tracking and coaching via the OralB app, helping you commit to better oral care throughout the holidays and beyond.
The many innovative features of an Oral-B iO toothbrush, which include a pressure sensor that helps guide optimal brushing to protect gums and teeth, will help ensure you get a purifying, clean feel like you just left the dentist. In fact, 96% of Oral-B iO users feel more confident about their oral health when using an iO brush. To learn more, visit oralb.com.
Reduce Stress
The holidays are supposed to be fun, and yet, stress often creeps its way into the festivities. To be more present for all the joyful moments the season has to offer, keep your stress levels in check by prioritizing a bit of “me time” each day. Whether you use that time to take a brisk walk around the neighborhood, check out that fitness class you’ve been wanting to try or to curl up with a good book, you’ll be giving your mind and spirit the mental refresh that it needs.
During the season of giving, don’t neglect your own needs. For greater health and happiness, give your beauty and self-care routine a tune-up over the holidays.
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12 | Weekend | Week of November 30, 2022 WEEKEND