for families in Chichester, Littlehampton, Bognor, Havant and the surrounding villages and countryside
Chichester’s Premier Family Directory • Spring 2010
thefamilygrapevine spring 2010 Hello, and welcome to The Chichester Family Grapevine!
Super Spring
What’s on in your local area
Easter is swiftly approaching, and we have been desperately trying to avoid the aisles of brightly coloured eggs/’toddler magnets’ when going shopping for the last few weeks!
Since the last issue, we have been busy wearing out our wellies at Queen Elizabeth Country Park’s Little Squirrels group, where toddlers can get into nature and also have chance to show off their art and craft skills with the help of the friendly Visitor Centre team. We took home this masterpiece (above) one week. Each session is only £3 and should be booked in advance.
Saturday 6th - Alice in Wonderland Day, Petwroth House & Park, 01798 342207
Although the weather hasn’t been brilliant, we have managed to find some great indoor activities - if you like getting crafty, then Moira, of Garage Ceramics fame, can be found at Stansted Park garden centre on the first Sunday of every month. We painted some wonderful keepsakes and gifts which were beautifully glazed. See our Super Spring section for additional dates.
Saturday 6th - ‘Weave Moore’, children’s workshop, Pallant House Gallery, 5-10yrs, 01243 774557
Saturday 6th - Horndean Hoppers Preschool nearly new sale, Lovedean Lane, 2-4pm, 02392 591263 Saturday 6th - Family Time at Havant Library, 2-4pm craft activities, 02392 484945
Thursday 25th - Common Accidents and Injuries of Children and Babies, Studio Seven Business Centre, Havant, 07554 732809 Thurs 25th-Sat 27th - “Over the Rainbow”, The Regis Centre, Bognor Regis. 4-11 yr olds performing exerpts from popular Disney musicals, 01243 861010 Saturday 27th - Chichester Players Youth Drama workshops, New Park Centre 11-3.30pm, 6-16yrs, 01243 536891
There are some great prizes up for grabs in this issue - you can WIN a FREE photo shoot on location with our cover photographer, Rosie Wooldridge, as well as a Family Tickets to Marwell Wildlife, and Blue Reef Aquarium!
Saturday 6th - Chichester Players Youth Drama workshops, New Park Centre 11-3.30pm, 6-16yrs, 01243 536891
Saturday 27th - Easter Egg Hunt, Look and Sea! Centre, Littlehampton. All children welcome, 2-4pm. 01903 718984
I’d like to thank all our advertisers, who support this publication and enable us to provide valuable information to local families. Please mention The Family Grapevine when contacting any of the businesses or groups featured in this magazine.
Saturday 6th - Paper Paintings, collage workshop for toddlers to age 5, 10-10.45am. Tissue Art, 5-8yrs, 1112.30pm Aspex, The Vulcan Building, Gunwharf Quays, 02392 778080
Saturday 27th - Easter Crafts at Havant Library, for children aged 5 and over, 02392 484945
Finally, I’d like to wish a Happy Mother’s day to all the fabulous Mum’s for March 14th, and a Happy Easter to all! Be sure to pick up next season’s copy from June 1st 2010.
Hailey Shearman Telephone 0844 504 1900 Email
The Chichester Family Grapevine, PO BOX 371, W’ville, PO7 9EA If you would like to advertise in our next issue please contact Hailey on 0844 504 1900 or email by April 10th at the very latest.
Front Cover
With thanks to Rosie Wooldridge Photography, based in Sussex, for this season’s cover photograph, featuring Sam from Brighton. For more information about Rosie, and for a chance to WIN a photo shoot on location with her, see page 11! If you would like to be a cover star, or if you are a photographer who would like to submit a photograph, please contact Hailey on 0844 504 1900
The Small Print
The Chichester Family Grapevine would like to thank the following stockists for their images; Mini A Ture (0207 348 7316), Room Seven (07917 764081) Publication of an entry does not imply a recommendation from the Editor. You should make your own enquiries and comparisons, as with any other form of advertising. The Chichester Family Grapevine cannot accept liability for loss, damage or difficulties resulting from contacts made through this publication, from errors or omissions, from claims made by advertisers, or from omissions or inaccuracies relating to telephone numbers, wording, spacing or positioning of any listing, advertisements or other material, regardless of how caused. Our headings reflect commonly used descriptive titles. They are not intended to be, and should not be read as trade descriptions of goods or services as required under the Trade Descriptions Act 1968. The listing of a business under a specific heading does not necessarily indicate that it supplies the goods or services suggested by the heading or that it is legally entitled or professionally qualified to provide those particular goods or services. When contacting any business we suggest you always confirm the exact type of goods and services offered, the qualifications held, and all other aspects of the service you are seeking.
Copyright The Chichester Family Grapevine 2010
Sunday 7th - Clown’s Parade, Butlins, Bognor Regis, from 2-4pm 01243 825535 Sunday 7th - Garage Ceramics at Stansted Park garden centre. 11am3.30pm, contact Moira 07832 209180 Saturday 13th - St Richard’s Hospital, Chichester: Home Birth: Find Out More. Free event, booking essential. Contact Mandy 02392 462786 or Sarah 07747843440
Sunday 28th - Easter Bunny Activities, stalls, games and egg hunt. The Cat and Rabbit Rescue centre, Sidlesham, 01243 641409 Mon 29-Fri 2nd April - Easter Own a Pony week, Lavant House stables. Hands-on caring for your favourite pony with a very special Easter twist! 01243 530460
Sunday 14th - “Oshima and the Big Sea” New Theatre Royal, 2pm, 02392 649000 Saturday 20th - World Storytelling Event, Look and Sea! Centre, Littlehampton. 2010 theme is “Light and Shadow”, all ages welcome. Book in advance on 01903 718984 Saturday 20th - Wild About Art, Arundel Wetland Centre, 11-1pm, 01903 881530 Sunday 21st - Family Race Day, Fontwell Park. Face Painting, Pets corner, and an appearance from Sportacus! Raising money for Sport Relief, 01243 543335 Sunday 21st - The Littlehampton Sport Relief and Harbour Park Mile, fun-run for all the family, in aid of Sport Relief. 01903 732985 Sunday 21st - Big Switch-on Weekend, Seafront, Littlehampton. Family entertainment from 8.15pm, switching on the summer seafront illuminations, and fireworks, 01243 862287 Wednesday 24th - Basic Life Support Class for Parents and Carers of Children and Babies, Studio Seven Business Centre, Havant, 07554 732809
April Fri 2nd-Mon 5th - Easter Holiday weekend at Amberley Museum, Easter Bonnet competition and Spring trail, 01798 831370 Fri 2nd-Sun 4th - Easter Bunny boat trips on the Chichester Canal, booking essential, 01243 377405 Fri 2nd-Sun 18th - Downy Duckling Days, Arundel Wetland Centre, 9.305.30pm, 01903 881530 Saturday 3rd - Easter Family Fun! Printmaking and egg hunt, 11-3pm Aspex, The Vulcan Building, Gunwharf Quays, 02392 778080 Saturday 3rd - “How The Koala Learnt To Hug” by Steven Lee, New Theatre Royal, 2.30pm, 02392 649000
to advertise, add or update a listing, contact
spring 2010 thefamilygrapevine
Cracked it! Easter at the Museum
What to do with the family for the holidays? Problem solved with Easter Activities for all the family on Sunday 4 & Monday 5 April: two days of fun and celebrations, with a bonnet competition and parade on the Monday. Then join us for Wonderful Easter Wednesdays on 7 & 14 April, with hands-on activities, arts, crafts and games.
11 - 4pm
Museum open throughout the Easter holidays 10.30 - 6pm
Sat 3rd-Mon 5th - Norman Knights and Crusaders event, Arundel Castle, 01903 882173
Monday 3rd - Garage Ceramics at Stansted Park garden centre. 11am3.30pm, contact Moira 07832 209180
Sunday 4th - Family Fun Day, Amberley Museum & Heritage Centre, contact 01798 831370
Tues 5th-Wed 6th - Heavy Horse and Working Animals Show, Weald and Downland Open Air Museum, 10.305pm, 01243 811348
Sunday 4th - Easter Eggstravaganza!, Staunton Country Park. Easter trail, encounter sessions, fun activities and crafts, 02392 453405
Saturday 8th - Breast Cancer Care Pink ribbon walk, Petworth House, 0808 800 6000
Monday 5th - Garage Ceramics at Stansted Park garden centre. 11am3.30pm, contact Moira 07832 209180 Tuesday 6th - Shell and Egg Hunt, 10am, Chichester Harbour Conservancy, 01243 512301 Tues 6th-Fri 9th - Shakespeare Theatre Project - The Taming of the Shrew, New Theatre Royal, Ages 13 – 17, £40, 02392 649000 Wednesday 7th - Wonderful Easter Wednesdays, Weald and Downland Open Air Museum, 01243 811348 Mon 12th-Fri 16th - Supercamps! at Kingscourt School, Catherington, 8am6pm, from £30 per day, 01235 832222 Mon 12th-Fri 16th - Ever-popular nonresidential Easter Camp, Lavant House Stables, 01243 530460 Tuesday 13th - Mud Hunt, 3pm, Chichester Harbour Conservancy, 01243 512301 Wednesday 14th - Wonderful Easter Wednesdays, Weald and Downland Open Air Museum, 01243 811348 Saturday 17th - “To Have and to Honk” New Theatre Royal, 2.30pm, 02392 649000 Friday 23rd - “Billy Elliot - The Musical” New Theatre Royal, 7.30pm, 02392 649000
May Sun 2nd-Mon 3rd - Food and Farming Fair, Weald and Downland Open Air Museum, 10.30-5pm, 01243 811348
Sat 8th-Sun 9th - Celebration of Steam, Portsmouth Historic Dockyard 10-6pm, 023 9283 9766 Sunday 9th - “The Ugly Duckling”, The Regis Centre, Bognor Regis, 01243 861010 Friday 14th - Night at the Museum, after-dark spectacular, Royal Armouries Fort Nelson, 01329 233 734 Tuesday 18th - “The Gruffalo”, New Theatre Royal, 02392 649000 Saturday 22nd - ‘Mini Multiples’ Twins, Triplets and More group Summer Fete, All Saints Church, Denmead, 10.302.30pm, 02392 439185 Sat 29th-Sun 6th June - Bugs Alive! Spinnaker Tower, Portsmouth, 02392 857520 Monday 31st - Spring into Action, 1/2 term activities at the Weald and Downland Open Air Museum, 01243 811348
See your Event listed in our ‘What’s On’ section for FREE! Contact
editor@ or call 0844 504 1900
visit our website
thefamilygrapevine spring 2010
Antenatal and Babies Antenatal Action on Pre-Eclampsia, information and advice, 020 8427 4217 Antenatal Classes at St Richard’s Hospital, 01243 788122 Ante-Natal Group at Park Futures, Botley Drive, 02392 424980 Antenatal Physiotherapy Classes at St Richard’s Hospital, 01243 831712 Baby Days Antenatal Sessions, 02392 294290 Chichester Home Birth: information and support for parents thinking of having a home birth. Contact Mandy 02392 462786 or Sarah 07747843440; or visit www. Foresight Preconception, help overcoming issues surrounding conception, pregnancy and birth 01243 868001 Freedom Therapies -hypnotherapy/ NLP help you to stop smoking, 01243 841174 Gill Thorn, independent birth preparation classes, 01243 374988 Hypnobirthing. Antenatal classes with a difference, 07900 883618 Lime Tree Pregnancy Crisis Centre, Littlehampton, 0792 871 9930 Midwife Clinic @ Bognor Regis Nursery, ring for appointments, 01243 642924 National Endometriosis Society Helpline, 0808 8082227 NCT Havant, 023 9247 6543 NCT West Sussex Coastal Area Antenatal Classes, 0844 243 6911 New Moon HypnoBirthing classes, for a relaxed birth, Linda Partridge 01243 603994 Options Pregnancy Counselling Centre, Bognor and Chichester, 01243 784177
Optio n s
Pregnancy Counselling in Chichester and Bognor Unplanned or Crisis Pregnancy? Miscarriage Support Pre and Post Abortion Counselling
Call us on 784 177 We can help Oakwood House, 4 St John’s St, Chichester Vineyard Fairtrade Shop, 5a Waterloo Sq. Bognor
Quitting for Two (stop smoking in pregnancy), 01903 708000
Post Natal Pilates & Group Exercise, bring your baby, 01243 641177
4 wk courses ring for details, Wickbourne Centre, 01903 276840
Pregnancy Pilates, Mon eve. at Westgate Leisure, Chichester, 01243 785651
6 Week courses at the Tree House, Bersted, 01243 642917
Prenatal Pilates and Group Exercise, Chichester area, 01243 641177
SANDS, Stillbirth & Neonatal Death Society, 0207 4367940
Vanessa Rose, private antenatal physio, Healthworks Clinic, 01243 538935
Real Nappy Helpline, 0845 850 0606
Midwives and Doulas Caroline Spear, Homeopathic Birthing & Postnatal Doula,, 01243 868440 Independent Midwives UK local list, 0845 4600 105 Kerry Lodge, Recognised Birth Doula and Member of Doula UK, 02392 256676 Mary Cronk, Independent Midwife, 01243 670382 Sharon Eccles, Independent Midwife, Havant, 0772 5840692 Sue’s Birth and Postnatal Doula Service. Member of Doula Uk, 07779 947410 Sussex Homebirths, independent midwifery care, 07787 832378 Vaginal Birth after caesarean section support & information, 01243 868440
Antenatal and Postnatal Exercise Pregnancy Yoga Classes Posture, Movement, Breathing, Pelvic Toning, Relaxation and Optimal Foetal Positioning Weekly classes designed especially for pregnancy with A fully qualified Yoga Teacher for Pre and Post Natal stages
Cheekies Nappies, Nappy Laundering Service, 01903 784291
West Sussex County Council - Free cotton nappies offer, 01243 642106 West Sussex County Council Nappy Info, 01243 642106 Wigwam Nappy Agents, 01243 824736
Gifts, Baby and Childrenswear Babyloolahs, gifts, hampers, clothing and more, 01737 833261 Baby Talk, clothes and baby equipment, Chichester, 01243 779248 Celeste Children Ltd, The Boardwalk, Chichester, 01243 538833 Centipede Shoes, Shripney Road, Bognor Regis, 01243 823877 Debbie V, christening gowns and accessories,, 01243 779932 Frogs + Sprogs, funky clothing and accessories for babies and toddlers, 07762 946928 Goody 2 Shoes, children’s shoes, Station Road, Bognor Regis, 01243 868111 Jackabellas, children’s clothing. 0 - 12 yrs, 02392 350000 Jester Boots, handmade fleece lined shoes for tinies, 01243 790009 Kids 2 Go Clothing, parties in your home/fundraising events, 01903 214615 Squibbly Biskit, baby and children’s clothes and accessories, 01903 884427
Call Jacqui 01243 535223 or go to
Buggycise, with Baby Starfish personal training, Chichester Marina, 01243 641177 Buggyfit, classes at Queen Elizabeth Country Park, call 07500 933766 Bumptastic, Weds 9.30 @ Littlehampton Children’s Centre, 01903 276840 Chichester Yoga, Pre- and Post-Natal Yoga classes, 01243 535223
TJ’s, The Arcade, Littlehampton, 01903 722992
Baby Equipment Baby Days Plus, Littlehampton, Equipment to buy and hire, 01903 722022
Baby Loves Massage courses, W Sx and Hants, Zena Hewett, 07919 537693 Baby Massage Course, The Villages Children Centre, Yapton, 01243 642958 Baby Massage with Kathryn Crosby, Chichester, 01243 671863
KARMA KIDS Baby Massage. Baby Yoga. Baby Music. Drop in classes from 6 weeks. In and around Chichester. Kathryn Crosby ( B.Ed, MISP, IPTI, RCYP2) 01243 671863, Developmental Baby Massage, 02392 294290 Freedom Therapies, to relax, bond and aid development, 01243 841174 Fridays at Bognor Regis Nursery School and Children’s Centre, 01243 642924 Little Miracles Baby Massage - Miracles deserve the best, 01243 574480
Babies Aquababies, the original swimming company, birth to 4 yrs., 01273 833101 Baby Babette, prettty, lightweight cover ups for breastfeeding, 01243 377470 Baby Dippers, water fun for your little one 01243 370126 Baby Gym, Fri am at Westgate Leisure Centre, Chichester, 01243 785651 Baby Yoga with Kathryn Crosby, Chichester, 01243 671863 BLISS, for families with special care babies, 0500 618140 Child Health Clinic, 0-6mths, Tue/ Wed pm, Wickbourne Centre, 01903 276840 Cry-sis helpline for crying and very demanding babies, 08451 228669 Little Dippers, Teaching your baby to love water, 0870 758 0302
Babywise Equipment Hire, cots, car seats etc. We can deliver, 02392 462561
NCT West Sussex Coastal Area Branch Enquiries, 07005 802172
Baby Slings by Shellie, custom made for your comfort, 07734 906744
Orchard Children’s Centre Baby Group, Wednesdays, Pastoral Centre, Emsworth 023 92485181
Baby Massage Free 4 wk courses Orchard Children’s Centre 023 92485181
Post-natal Depression Group, Park Futures, Botley Dr, 02392 424980
to advertise, add or update a listing, contact
spring 2010 thefamilygrapevine SANDS, stillbirth and neonatal death helpline, 0207 4365881
MUSIKMATTERS, 18 months +, Central Chichester, 01243 776914
Swimbabies, water safety courses for babies, Chichester area, 01903 717652 Swimming groups for parents & preschoolers, Arena Sports Centre, 01243 870000
Singasaurus, musical activity group for babies to pre-schollers, Angmering and Rustington, 07810 070735
Waterbabies, classes in Bognor, Chichester and Littlehampton, from Birth to 24 months, 01794 399888 Milk!, Breastfeeding Support, The Tree House and The Wickbourne Centre drop-ins, 07770 704485
Signing for Babies and Toddlers
ToddleBop!, fun, dance, action, props, giggles 18mths - 4, Chichester, 01243 828505 Twinkle Tots, Music Club 0 - 5 years, Climping, Angmering and Rustington, 01903 859171
Toddlers Monday am Ark Toddler Group, Catholic Church, East Preston, 01903 778730 Bognor Baptist Church Toddler Time, Victoria Drive, 01243 821891 Busy Bees and Early Days, Drop in, Havant, 07990 553094 Caterpillar toddler club, 9.30, Sharps Copse Family Centre, 02392 475101 Cherubs, St Paul’s Church, Chichester, 01243 537236 Childminders Network, Wickbourne Centre, Littlehampton, 01903 736626
Babies and Toddlers Activities Felpham Methodist Parent and Toddler Group, Felpham Way, 01243 582250
Rainbow Baby and Toddler Group, L’hampton Baptist Church, 01903 717961
Free Messy Play, Selsey Children and Family Centre, 01243 642906
Rollies, Parent & Toddler Group, Rowlands Castle, term time, 02392 412412
Havant Playaway, Havant Methodist Church, 02392 268581 Jane and Peter Community Play group, 0-5 yrs, Rustington, 07714 478902 Leigh Park Baptist Church toddler group, 02392 450539 Paradise Adult and Toddlers Group, 01903 714670 Teddytots, Westway Family Centre, Littlehampton, 01903 736626 Tiddlers, 0-5yrs, Rustington Methodist Church, 01903 785436 Toddlers Drop In, the Villages Children Centre, Yapton, 01243 642958
Conker Club, St Michael’s Hall, Summersdale, Chichester, 01243 544214
Toddlers Tuesday am
Drop-in Toddler Group, Bognor Regis Nursery School, 01243 642924
Acorns, Chichester Baptist Church, Sherbourne Road, 01243 782582
Baby Signing from 6 mths, Chichester, Bognor and Havant, 07793 769496
Grandparents and Toddlers, Chichester Nursery, 01243 642950
Bognor Baptist Church Toddler Time, Victoria Drive, 01243 821891
Baby Signing, Park Futures SureStart centre, Tues am, 02392 424980
Mini Multiples, St Nicholas’ Church Hall, Bedhampton, 02392 439185
Clanfield Toddler group, 0-4yrs, 02392 597964
Pebbles Mother and Toddler Group, 0-4yrs, Baptist Church, Emsworth, 01243 375606
Dizzy Ducklings Toddler Gym 18mth3yrs, Pagham Village Hall, 07743 431225
South Bersted Parent and Toddler Group,S.Bersted Primary Sch, 01243 821678
Mother & Toddler Group, St Nicholas Church, Lavant, 01243 527047
Baby Signers, Littlehampton 01903 731551 Makaton Sign and Sing, Mill Hill Early Years centre, 02392 240077 Sing and Sign, learn baby signing the fun way! Chichester, 01243 790330 Tiny Hands, signing for babies, toddlers and families., email: tinyhands@btinternet, com
Toddlers Music and Dance Bebop da Looba Babes , L’hmpton Children’s Centre, 01903 276840 Birds & Butterflies. Music, movement, signing, Chi/Arundel, 07748 647340 Bubbling Babes, for under 1’s, Mon 10.3, Wickbourne Centre, 01903 276840 Melody Tots, St. John’s church hall, Rowlands Castle, Wednesdays, 02392 355584/02392593147 Music 4 Tots every Wednesday (term time only) from 9.00 - 9.30 - all sessions are free. Call Kingscourt School for more details, 02392 593251 Music Box, music classes for babies, toddlers and under 5’s, 01243 671863
St Andrew’s Playaway, St Andrew’s Church, Hayling Island, 023 92 363599 Stay and Play, Undercroft Playcentre and Creche, Leigh Park, 02392 643282 Sure Start Toddler Group, East Wittering CP School, 01243 777807 Toddlers Drop in, The Villages Children Centre, Yapton, 01243 642958 Toddler Tribe, The Venue, Chichester, 0-4yrs, 01243 531898
Toddlers Monday pm Bebop Da Looba Babes, Littlehampton Children’s Centre, 01903 276840 Dizzy Ducklings Baby and Toddler Gym, Pagham Village Hall, 3 sessions - Baby, Toddler and Mixed, 07743 431225
Mucky Pups where kids have messy fun and we clean up !!! * Term time weekly themed classes for pre-schoolers * Stimulating materials provided * Builds self-esteem
For classes in Chichester or Cosham call Helen or Karen on 0779 929 3280 Mucky Pups, pre-school arts and crafts in Chichester and Cosham, 07799 293280 Parent and Child group, Sidlesham Parish Hall, 01243 641829 Playful Ducklings, Southbourne Free Church, The Drive, 01243 376974
visit our website
Rough & Tumble, 2 sessions, Littlehampton Children’s Centre, 01903 276840 Sidlesham Parent & Child, S’sham Parish Hall, Church Farm Ln, 01243 531078 St Nicholas Church Toddler Group, Church Hall, Bognor, 01243 585120 Tangmere Tiddlers Baby and Toddler Group, Tangmere Primary School, 01243 539758 Teddy Toddlers, 0-4 yrs, Emsworth, 01243 371893 Tiddler Parent and Toddler Group,Rustington Methodist Church, 01903 776900 ToddleBop Fun Dance Action Drama,18mths-4, Bognor, 01243 828505 Tuesday Toddlers and Talks, Jubilee Hall, Bognor Regis, 07760 256276 Wecock Mother & Toddlers, Kite Close, Wecock, 02392 266777 Westergate Methodist Church, Westergate Street, 01243 543350 Witterings Mother and Toddler Group, East Wittering, 01243 673109 Wheels, Wellies & Sandals Parents Walking Group Orchard Children’s Centre meet at Havant Arts Centre 9.30am 023 92485181
Toddlers Tuesday pm Baby Rhyme Time, 0-3 yrs, Chichester Library, every Tuesday, 01243 777351 Barnham Parent & Toddlers, 0-5’s, Barnham Village Hall, 1pm, 01243 552630 Child Health Clinic, Park Futures,Sandleford Road, 02392 424980 Cowplain Community pre-school Parent and Toddler group, 02392 261822 Dizzy Ducklings Baby Gym, Pagham Village Hall, 0-18 mth, 07743 431225 Noah’s Ark, St Peter & St Paul’s Church, Rustington, 01903 783956 St Nicholas Church Toddler Group, Church Hall, Bognor, 01243 585120
thefamilygrapevine spring 2010 Sure Start Toddler Group, St Peter’s Hall, Selsey, 01243 777807 Tuesday Tots, Aldwick Free Baptist Church, Gossamer Lane, 01243 268020
Toddlers Wednesday am Arundel Parent & Toddlers, Scout Hut, Green Lane Close, 01903 884519 Arundel Toddler Group, Arundel Scout Hut, runs all year, 01903 882796 Bognor Baptist Church Toddler Time, Victoria Drive, 01243 821891 Cappuccino and Croissants, Bognor Regis Nursery, 01243 642924 Caterpillar toddler club, 9.30, Sharps Copse Family Centre, 02392 475101 Christ Church Parent and Toddler group, 10-11.30, under 4’s, 01243 531594 Donnington Baby and Toddler Group, Donnington Parish Hall, 01243 774101 Little Squirrels Under 5’s group, meeting at Queen Elizabeth Country Park activity centre 10.30-12pm every Wednesday. Please pre-book, 02392 595040 Little Tikes Toddler Group, Swanfield Community Centre, Chichester, 01243 788755 Lovedean Parent and Toddlers, 02392 343022 Mod Mums, creche - mums relax, Rustington Methodist Church, 01903 776900 Modern Mums Coffee Club, Rustington Methodist Church Hall, 01903 770415 Mucky Pups, pre-school arts and crafts in Chichester and Cosham, 07799 293280 Playgroup, Bosham, 07766 485637 Rainbow Baby and Toddler Group, L’hampton Baptist Church, 01903 717961 Sing, Pray and Play, Fishbourne Church, 10.30, 2nd/4th Weds, 01243 783364 St Andrew’s Playaway, St Andrew’s Church, Hayling Island, 023 92 363599 St Mary’s Toddler Group, Grassmere Close, Felpham, 01243 826886
Toddlers Wednesday pm Little Squirrels Under 5s Group, meeting at Queen Elizabeth Country Park activity centre 1-2.30pm alternate Wednesdays. Please prebook, 02392 595040 Play & Pray Toddler Group, St George’s, Eastergate 1st/3rd Weds, 01243 553955 Puddleducklings, bumps and babes at Chichester Nursery, 01243 776541 Seagulls, Bognor Regis Baptist Church, 73 Victoria Drive,, 01243 842336 Storytime Fun, S’bourne Library, every Wednesday 2.30-300pm, 01243 375924 ToddleBop!fun/dance/action/ props/giggles/18mths-4, Bognor, 01243 828505 Westbourne Baby & Toddler Group, St John’s Church Hall, 01243 379082
Toddlers Thursday am Baby & Toddler Drop-In at the Tree House, Bersted, 01243 642917 Bosham Toddler Group, Village Hall, Bosham, 01243 576928 Toddlers Group, Cowplain, 02392 263711 Havant Playaway, Havant Methodist Church, 02392 268581 Little Fishes Toddler Group, St John’s Church, Southbourne, 01243 375576 Little Sunbeams Baby & Toddler Group, term-time 9.30-11.30am, North Mundham Village Hall. 0-4year olds all welcome, 01243 783446 Mucky Pups, pre-school arts and crafts in Chichester and Cosham, 07799 293280 Noah’s Ark, 10am , St. Pancras Hall, Chichester, 01243 531437 Parent & Toddler Group, St Francis Church, Leigh Park, unknown Parent and Toddler Group at Chichester Nursery School, 01243 642950 Park Futures, Sure Start Dropin, Dunsbury Way, Leigh Park, 02392 424980 Play Aways P&T Group Orchard Children’s Centre, Havant Methodist Church 023 92485181
St Richard’s R.C. Parent and Toddler, Chichester, term time, 01243 782343
South Hayling Parent & Toddler Group, Hayling Com’ty Centre, unknown
Yapton Free Church Parent and Toddler Group, 01243 553886
St Francis Parent and Toddler Group, Havant, 07707 330391
St Nicholas Church Hall Fun Club, Bedhampton, 023 92 475078 St Peter’s Mother and Toddler Group, Selsey, 01243 603119 Storytime Club, Chichester Library, Thursdays 10 - 10.30am, 01243 777351 SureStart Drop-in (0-5 years), Park Futures, Botley Drive,, 02392 424980
Toddlers Thursday pm Buggy Blast Boot Camp, 2pm at Emsworth Recreation/Cricket Ground Orchard Children’s Centre 023 92485181
Toddlers Library Sessions Baby Rhymetime at Havant Library, call for times and days, 0845 603 5631 Baby Rhymetime at Hayling Library, call for times, 0845 6035631 Baby Rhymetime at Leigh Park Library, call for details, 02392 484519 Bognor Regis Library, Rhymetime every Monday 10.15 - 10.45am, 01243 864638 Bognor Regis Library, Storytime every Tuesday 2.00 - 2.30pm, 01243 864638
Child Health Clinic, Park Futures, SureStart Dunsbury Way,, 02392 4249820
Chichester Library, Rhymetime, Tues 2pm, Storytime Sat 10am 01243 642110
Parent and Toddler Group at Chichester Nursery School, 01243 642950
Selsey Library, Rhymetime Tues 10.30 - 11am, 01243 602096
Toddlers Friday am Drop-in Toddler Group, at Bognor Regis Nursery School, 01243 642924
Southbourne Library, Storytime 2pm Sat, Rhymetime 2.15pm Fri, 01243 375924 Willowhale Library, Rhymetime every Tuesday 11.15am, 01243 265712
First Steps, St Mary’s Church Hall, Hayling Island, 02392 461166
Willowhale Library, Storytime every Friday, 2.15 - 2.45pm, 01243 265712
Friday Fun P&T Group Orchard Children’s Centre, St. Faiths Church Hall 023 92485181
Wittering Library, Rhymetime Thursday, 10.30-11am, 01243 673484
Fun-Time Friday, 0 - 5 year olds, Park Futures, Warren Park, 02392 424980 Glenhurst Nursery, Havant, play morning, everyone welcome, 02392 484054
Soft Play and Gyms Gym Joey, gym and movement, 9mths - 5 years, Felpham, 01243 865904
Kiddiwinks, Rustington Scout Hall, Church Road, 07986 896368
Horizone Play Centre at Havant Leisure Centre, 02392 476026
QT’s Baby Club, 10am, Sharps Copse Children & Family Centre, 02392 475101
The Flying Fortress, Ford, fun for all the family, 01903 733550
Rough and Tumble, 0-5 yrs, Horndean, 02392 597144 St Mary’s Baby and Toddler Group, Glamis Street, Bognor, 07786 256131 St Mary’s Pram and Toddlers, St Mary’s Church, East Preston, 01903 771161 Swanfield Chapel Parent and Toddler Group, Term Time only, 0-4yrs, 01243 778104 Tweenies, Littlehampton Baptist Church, Littlehampton, 01903 716961
Toddlers Friday pm Drop-in Toddler Group, Bognor Regis Nursery School, 01243 642924 Felpham Methodist Parent and Toddler Group, Felpham Way, 01243 863306
Toy Libraries Every Monday at the Villages Children Centre, Yapton, 01243 642958 Littlehampton Baptist Church Toy Library, Thursdays 1.30pm, 01903 717961 Littlehampton Children’s Centre, call for details, 01903 276840 Maths Packs, Fri 9 - 9.30, 1 - 1.30, Bognor Regis Nursery, 01243 642924 Mon am, Growing Places@ Jubilee Corner, Mill Hill Early Yrs, 02392 255411 Toy Library at Chichester Nursery all day Thursday, 01243 642950 Toy Library every Monday 10 - 4 @ the Tree House, Bersted, 01243 642917 Toy Library, Park Futures SureStart Centre, Sandleford Rd,, 02392 424980
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spring 2010 thefamilygrapevine
Childcare and Pre-schools
01243 788 699
Childsplay Nursery, St Mary’s Road, Hayling Island, 023 92 462608
Childcare Advice ChildcareLink, national childcare information service, 0800 2346346
Childminders and Babysitting Childminder Drop-In @ the Tree House, Bersted 1st Mon/month, 01243 642917 Childminders drop in at Swanfield Community Centre - Tues am, 01243 790880 Childminders Drop In, Friday a.m. St Mary’s Hall, Felpham, 07841 894308 Childminders Drop in, Wed. am,Villages Children Ctre, Yapton, 01243 642958 Childminding Network, Bognor, contact co-ordinator Heather, 07841 894308 L’hampton Childminding Network, Mondays, Wickbourne Centre, 01903 276840
Nannies and Au Pairs Holiday Nanny. For perfect holiday childcare, 01494 772400 Little Laura’s Nanny Agency, fully referenced nannies, 01243 788699
Maternal Response, maternity nurses, emergency childcare, 0845 838 2885
Creches First Steps Creche, Chichester College, Chichester, 01243 812207 Havant Leisure Trust Creche, 02392 488426
Coles Nursery School, Chichester Road, Selsey, 01243 602790
Poppins Early Learning, 0 - 5 yrs. Emsworth, 01243 377711 Stepping Stones Neighbourhood Nursery Westloats Lane, Bognor, 01243 871044
Corner House Nursery School, 02392 492351
Sure Start Sharps Copse Nursery, 3 mths - 5 years, 02392 475101
Daisy Chain Nursery, 0-5 years, Emsworth, 01243 370401
The Early Bird Nursery School, 01903 774464
First Steps Childcare, Manor Road, Selsey, 01243 603618
Thorney Island Nursery, Thorney Island, Emsworth, 01243 388345
First Steps Day Nursery at Bersted, 01243 42884
Trospacc Children’s Centre, Leigh Park, children 0-4 years, 02392 498377
First Steps Day Nursery, Chichester College, Chichester, 01243 532043
Sure Start Undercroft Play Centre & Creche, Leigh Park, 02392 643282
Glenhurst Nursery & Pre-School, 0-5 years, Havant, 02392 484054
Waterlooville Pool Creche, ages 0 to 5, weekdays, 02392 245903
Growing Places @Staunton Park, Leigh Park, Havant, 02392 498217
Westgate Leisure Centre Creche, 01243 521105
Havant Nursery, St Faith’s Church House, Havant, 02392 482586
Daycare Nurseries
Ladybirds Nursery School, East Ham Rd, Littlehampton, 07944 265641
ABC Hook Lane Nursery, Bognor Regis, 01243 821241
Ladybirds Nursery, 3 months - 6 years, Bracklesham Lane, 01243 671915
ABC Nursery, Aldwick Road, Bognor Regis, 01243 821557 Bognor Regis Nursery School and Children’s Centre, 01243 642924 Buffer Bear @ St. Richards Hospital, Chichester, 01243 536778 Butterfly House, 40 Norfolk Road, Littlehampton, 01903 732113 Chichester Montessori Ltd, Vinnetrow Road, Runcton, 01243 788331
Welcome House Day Nursery, Chichester, 2 to 5 yrs, 01243 783852 Westergate Day Nursery, Westergate, Chichester, 01243 544868 Woodpecker Nursery, Tangmere, 3mths - 5 years, 01243 839905
Little Learners Day Nursery & Youngstars Creche, 0123 810013 Littlehampton Day Nursery Community Interest Company, 01903 714365 Loveders Nursery School, Nutbourne, 2 to 5 years, 01243 377934 Park Futures, Sandleford Road, 3 mths - 5 years, 02392 424980 Pavilion Day Nursery, Longbrook Pavilion, Bognor Regis, 01243 841963
visit our website
thefamilygrapevine spring 2010 Rocking Horse Montessori and Preschool, Purbrook, 02392 231588
Education Preschool Nurseries and Playgroups Rocking Horse Preschool @ St. John’s Ofsted Reg EY 368553
Seal Island Playgroup, Selsey, 01243 605803 Daisy Chain Nursery at Westbourne, Emsworth, 01243 370401 Deverell Hall Pre-school, London Road, Purbrook, Waterlooville 2-5 Years, 02392 240645 Downview Nursery, Wroxham Way, Felpham, 01243 841762 East Preston Village Pre-School, Sea Road, East Preston, 01903 774428 Fishbourne Pre-school, Blackboy Lane, Fishbourne, 01243 779298
Warm and welcoming environment with lots of fun and learning too!
Gorseway Nursery School, Hayling Island, 02392 469234
Set in the hall next to St John’s Church in Purbrook with access to lovely outside play areas
Happy Days Pre-school Playgroup, The Street, East Preston, 01903 771356
Monday to Friday - Term Time only 9am - 3pm, according to demand Places available - call Hazel on 02392 231588 for more information
Alpha Preschool, 2½ - 5 years Baptist Church, Littlehampton, 01903 717961 Angmering Village Pre-School, Station Road 2½ - 5 years, 07881 687623 Arun Vale, York Road, Littlehampton, 01903 716550 Auntie Ro’s Playgroup, Red Cross Centre, Selsey, 07833 106749 Barn Owls Community Pre-school, Havant, 3 years +, 02392 481962 Barnham Community Pre-school, Village Hall, Yapton Road, 01243 55993
Busy Lizzie’s Pre-school, Scout Hut, Whyke Rd. Chichester, 07976 894872 Butterflies Pre-School @ Arundel Youth Centre, 07947 113505 Chichester Nursery School and Children’s Centre, 01243 642950 Compton Pre-School, The Parish Room, Compton, 02392 631249 Cowplain Day Nursery, 02392 641989
St Clare’s Pre-School, Warren Park, Havant, 02392 451000
Central CE Junior School, Chichester, 01243 783709
St Richard’s School Nursery Unit, Chichester, 01243 776728
Chidham Parochial Primary School, Chidham Lane, Chichester, 01243 572380
Sunbeams Pre-School, 2-5years, North Mundham, 01243 787671 The Glade School Nursery Class, Westloats Lane, Bognor, 01243 863986
Connaught Junior School, Littlehampton, 01903 715575 Downview Primary School, Wroxham Way, Felpham, 01243 820511
The Learning Station Playschool, Hawkins Close, Bognor Regis, 01243 264439
East Preston Junior School, 01903 785672
Harting Village Pre-School, Harting Village Hall, 2-5 years, 01730 300527
The Old School Nursery, Bersted Street, Bognor Regis, 01243 867019
Hayling Island Community PreSchool, Mengeham Infant School, 02392 462470
The Village Pre-school, Village Hall, Pagham Rd, Pagham, 01243 268206
Eastergate CE Primary School, Church Lane, Chichester, 01243 542297
Tiny Tots, 55 Chantryfield Road, Angmering, 01903 782930
Edward Bryant Primary School, London Rd, Bognor, 01243 822454
Treasure Box Nursery, Bognor Regis Baptist Church, 01243 868823
Elm Grove Infant School, Elm Grove Road, Littlehampton, 01903 717178
Walberton Pre-School, Walberton Village Hall, 01243 555922
Emsworth Primary School, Victoria Road, Emsworth, 01243 375750
Warblington Community PreSchool, Southleigh Road, Havant, 02392 475480
Fairfield Infant School, Fairfield Road, Havant, 023 9248 3029
Hopscotch Pre-school, Aldingbourne Community Centre, 01243 545810 Jane and Peter Community Playgroup, Littlehampton, 07890 436825 Jubilee Pre-school, Jubilee Hall, Elmer Road, Bognor Regis, 01243 584907 Ladybird Montessori Nursery, Village Hall, Bosham, 07950 029706
Little Explorers Pre-School, Rustington Youth Centre, 01903 714815
Busy Bees Playgroup at St Mary Magdalene Church Hall, Bognor, 07979 926342
Boxgrove CE Primary School, The Street, Boxgrove, 01243 773309
Happytime Pre-school, North Bersted Street, North Bersted, 01243 826662
Birdham Nursery School, near Chichester, 01243 514277
Bourne Pre-school, Bourne Community College, Southbourne, 01243 375691 x 260
Bosmere Junior School, South Street, Havant, 023 9248 2988
East Preston Infant School, Lashmar Rd, Littlehampton, 01903 773177
Lavant Puddleducks Pre-school, East Lavant, Chichester, 01243 527584
Bosham Community Pre-school/ Playgroup, Brooks Lane, 07766 485637
Springwood Pre-School & Nursery, W’looville, 3 mths-5 years, 07870 634805
Bosham Primary School, Walton Lane, Bosham, 01243 572375
The Hungry Caterpillar Pre-school, Linden Road, Bognor, 07980 193204
Bidbury Pre-School, Bedhampton, 023 92 471472
Blackbirds Fun for Kids at Felpham Methodist Church, 07961 824049
Speckled Frogs Pre-School, 01243 536934
Birdham Primary CE (Controlled), Crooked Lane, Birdham, 01243 512399
Little Oaks Nursery, within the grounds of Oakwood School, 01243 575209 Little Toads Pre-School, 54 South Drive, Bognor Regis, 01243 583962 Magical Steps Nursery, Southfields Road, Littlehampton, 07956 023026 Noah’s Ark Pre-School, St Francis Church, Leigh Park, 07958 522223
West Dean Pre-school Nursery, West Dean, Chichester, 01243 811423 William Older Pre-school, Arundel Road, Littlehampton, 01903 771025 Windmill Playgroup, Methodist Church Hall, Selsey, 07909 784137 Yapton Community Pre-school at Yapton Primary School, 01243 551246
Primary Schools Aldingbourne Primary School, Westergate, 01243 542913 Arundel CE Primary School, Jarvis Rd, Arundel, 01903 883149
Old School Nursery, 01903 741830
Barncroft Infant School, Barncroft Way, Havant, 023 9248 4713
Parklands Nursery School, St Wilfrid’s Church, Chichester, 01243 536506
Barncroft Junior School, Park Lane, Havant, 023 9248 2331
Peter Pan Pre-school, 1 St. Floras Road, Littlehampton, 01903 732866
Barnham Primary School, Elm Grove, Barnham, 01243 552197
Phoenix Nursery School, Boxgrove, 07708 652957
Bartons Infant School, Romney Broadwalk, Bognor, 01243 822056
Phoenix Pre-School, Leigh Park, term time, 2¾ yrs- 5 yrs, 02392 498500
Bidbury Infant School, Fraser Road, Bedhampton, 023 9248 3336
Playhouse Nursery, morning sessions, for 2 - 3½ year olds, 01243 787665
Bidbury Junior School, Fraser Road, Bedhampton, 023 9247 4513
East Wittering Community Primary School, Church Road, 01243 672208
Fishbourne CE Primary School, Roman Way, Chichester, 01243 785974 Flora MacDonald Junior School, Littlehampton, 01903 716957 Front Lawn Infant School, Broadmere Avenue, Havant, 023 92 475904 Front Lawn Junior School, Broadmere Avenue, Havant, 02392 482092 Funtington Primary School, Heather Close, West Ashling, 01243 575675 Georgian Gardens Community Primary School, Rustington, 01903 771555 Glade Infant School, Westloats Lane, Bognor, 01243 863986 Hart Plain Infant School, Hart Plain Ave, Cowplain, 02392 262511 Hart Plain Junior School, Hart Plain Ave, Cowplain, 02392 263200 Jessie Younghusband Primary Sch, Woodlands Lane, Chichester, 01243 782192 Kingsham Primary School, Hay Road, Chichester, 01243 784046 Laburnum Grove Junior School, Bognor Regis, 01243 822885
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spring 2010 thefamilygrapevine Lancastrian Infant School, Orchard Gardens, Chichester, 01243 782818
St Margaret's CE Primary, Angmering, 01903 708222
Lavant CE Primary School, West Stoke Road, Chichester, 01243 527382
St Mary's Catholic Primary School, Glamis St, Bognor, 01243 822287
Lyminster Infant School, Wick Street, Littlehampton, 01903 713642
St Mary's CE Primary School, Brookpit Lane, Littlehampton, 01903 714325
Mengham Infant School, St Marys Road, Hayling Island, 023 9246 2470
St Peter’s Catholic School Primary School, Waterloville, 02392 262599
Mill Rythe Infant School, Havant Road, Hayling Island, 023 9246 5531
St Philip’s Catholic Primary, Arundel, 01903 882115
Mill Rythe Junior School, Havant Road, Hayling Island, 023 9246 3663
St Richard’s Catholic Primary School, Cawley Rd, Chichester, 01243 784549
North Mundham Primary School, School Lane, Chichester, 01243 785502 Padnell Infant School, Padnell Ave, Cowplain, 02392 263784 Padnell Junior School, Padnell Road, Cowplain, 02392 252752 Parklands Community Primary sch, Chichester, 01243 788630 Petersgate Infant School, Green Lane, Clanfield, 02392 593950 Portfield Community Primary sch, Chichester, 01243 783939 Queens Enclosure Primary School, Cornelius Drive, Cowplain, 02392 268067 Riders Infant School, Kingsclere Avenue, Havant, 023 9247 5258 Riders Junior School, Kingsclere Avenue, Havant, 023 9247 5342 Rumboldswhyke CE Infant School, Chichester, 01243 782368 Rustington Community Primary Sch, North Lane, Littlehampton, 01903 785271 Sharps Copse Primary School, Havant, 02392 484545 Sidlesham Primary School, Keynor Lane, Chichester, 01243 641238 Singleton CE Primary School, Charlton Rd, Chichester, 01243 811679 Slindon CE Primary School, The Meadsway, Slindon, 01243 814330 South Bersted CE Primary School, Church Lane, Bognor, 01243 821678 Southbourne Infant School, New Road, Emsworth, 01243 372727 Southbourne Junior School, 01243 375878 St Alban’s C E (Aided) Primary, St Alban’s Rd, Havant, 023 9248 2072 St Catherine’s Catholic Primary Sch, L’mpton, 01903 716039 St James C E (Controlled) Primary, Bellvue Lane, Emsworth, 01243 372715 St John’s CofE Primary School, Rowlands Castle, 02392 412095
St Thomas More’s Catholic Primary, Hooks Lane, Bedhampton, 023 9247 5909 St Wilfrid’s Catholic Primary, Angmering, 01903 782188
Cowplain Community School, Hart Plain Avenue, Cowplain, 02392 612020 Crookhorn College of Technology, Stakes Hill Rd, Purbrook, 02392 251120
Warblington School, Southleigh Road, Havant, 023 9247 5480
Independent Schools
Felpham Community College, 01243 826511 Manhood Community College, Selsey, 01243 602558 Oaklands Catholic Secondary School, Waterlooville, 02392 259214 Park Community School, Middle Park Way, Leigh Park, 023 9247 5254 Purbrook Park School, Park Avenue, Purbrook, 02392 370351 St Philip Howard Catholic High School, Barnham, 01243 552055
Glenhurst School & Nursery, 0-8 years, Beechworth Rd, Havant, 02392 484054 Great Ballard School, Day and Boarding, 01243 814236
Stakes Hill Infant School, Springwood Ave, Waterlooville, 02392 262078
Staunton Community Sports College, Wakefords Way, Havant, 02392 473031
Summerlea Community Primary School, Rustington, 01903 856783
Staunton Park Community School, 023 92 473031
Lavant House, Lavant, Girls, 3-18, 01243 527211
Tangmere Primary School, Bishops Road, Chichester, 01243 773339
The Angmering School, 01903 772351
Oakwood School, for boys and girls aged 2 to 11 years, 01243 575209
The March CE Primary School, Claypit Lane, Westhampnett, 01243 783987 The Seal Primary School, East Street, Selsey, 01243 602746 Thorney Island Community Primary School, Emsworth, 01243 371317 Trosnant Infant School, Stockheath Lane, Leigh Park, 023 9247 5673
The Bourne Community College, Southbourne, 01243 375691 The Hayling College, Church Road, Hayling Island, 023 9246 6241 The Littlehampton Community School, 01903 714361 The Westergate Community School, Lime Avenue, 01243 546800
Kingscourt School, mixed, 2¾ to 11 years, Waterlooville, 02392 593251
Slindon College, Nr Arundel, boys, 1016, 01243 814320 The Prebendal School, Chichester, mixed, 3-13, 01243 782026 Westbourne House School, Chichester, mixed 3-13, 01243 782739
Trosnant Junior School, Stockheath Lane, Leigh Park, 023 9247 5606 Waite End Primary School, Mill Rd, Waterlooville, 02392 256955 Warren Park Primary School, Sandleford Rd, Havant, 023 92 475502 West Dean Primary School, Chichester, 01243 811247 West Wittering Parochial CE School, Pound Rd, West Wittering, 01243 513015 Westbourne Primary School, River Street, Emsworth, 01243 372726 Wickbourne Infant School, 01903 713252 Yapton CE Primary School, North End Road, Arundel, 01243 551246
Secondary Schools Bishop Luffa C of E School, Chichester, 01243 787741 Bognor Regis Community College, 01243 871010 Chichester High School for Boys, 01243 787691 Chichester High School for Girls, 01243 787014
visit our website
thefamilygrapevine spring 2010 Chichester KIP Ad 9/6/06 Tutoring and Out of School
Special Schools Cornfield School, Worthing Rd, Littlehampton, 01903 731277
First for professional tuition
Glenwood School, Washington Road, Emsworth, 01243 373120 Littlegreen School, Compton, Nr Chichester, 02392 631259 Rachel Madocks School, Eagle Avenue, Cowplain, 02392 241818 Riverside Community Special Sch, Scratchface Lane, Purbrook, 02392 250138 St Anthony’s School, Woodlands La, Chichester, 01243 785965
Concerned about your child’s education? Kip McGrath can help. We provide professional Maths and English tuition for children aged 6 to 16. Our proven programme helps children reach their full potential.
For a free assessment call Rustington 01903 775 300 Chichester 01243 780 776
Osca Out of School Care, 4 to 14 years, Hayling Island, 07854 743812 Oscar's Playscheme, Rustington Youth Centre, Woodlands Ave, 01903 786420
The Sundridge School, Silvester Road, Cowplain, 02392 261234
Saturday am, primary French tuition in your own home, Chi, 07981 733981
Rascals After School Club, East Preston Youth Club, 01903 772000
The Waterloo School, Warfield Ave, Waterlooville, 02392 255956
Spanish for beginners, schl. Yrs 1- 6, Arena Sports Centre, 01243 870000
Woodlands Education Centre, Pupil Referral Unit, Cowplain, 02392 265042
Out of School Clubs
Skylarks breakfast club, Bosham Village Hall from 7am-9am - School drop offs included, 07788825949
Alps Out of School Club, Staunton Park Community School, 023 92 473031 Arena Out of School Club @ The Arena Sports Centre, Bognor, 01243 870000 Arun District Council Playscheme, Oscars at Wick, Eldon Way, 01903 737500 Before & after school care, Cowplain Day Nursery up to age 8, 02392 641989 Blackbirds Fun for Kids, 4-11 yrs, Felpham Methodist Church, 07961 824049
Explore Learning, Maths and English tuition in Chichester, 01243 776087 Fleet Tutors, all subjects, all ages, 0845 644 5452
Busy Lizzie’s Out of School Club, Whyke Road, Chichester, 07891 815249 Catz Club (Arundel), 01903 883149
Kip McGrath, Tutoring for 6-16 year olds, Chichester and Rustington, 01243 780776/ 01903 775300
East Preston After School Clubs and Playscheme, East Preston, 01903 771356
KS1 and 2, fully qualified primary teacher, Arundel Area, 01903 884335
First Steps Childcare, Chichester College, Chichester, 01243 812207
Kumon Maths and English tuition, Chichester, contact Dr J Emerson, 01243 576000
Freezone @ Loveders, Nutbourne, Children 5-12 years, 01243 377934
Student Support Centre, home based study in English & Maths, 0800 132277 Tuition for literacy skills - Dyslexia Action, Chichester, 01962 856195
Language Classes Le Club Francais, fun french for primary school children, contact Manuele, 01243 822139
Gators Out of School Club at Six Villages Sports Centre, 01243 546830 Grover’s Breakfast and After School Club, 01243 734073 Kidzone, after school club, Hayling Island, 07976 611713 Lancastrian Extended School, 01243 782818 Little Orchards, Chichester, 01243 528243
Chichester City Council Holiday Schemes various locations, 01243 788502 CYE Sailing Centre, Chidham, Chichester, 01243 573375 Day Camps, 5 -12 year olds, Littlehampton Swimming Centre, 01903 725 451 Fantasia Music School, ages 6 - 18 at Lavant House School, 01243 586068
Sure Start Sharps Copse, Breakfast and After School Club, 02393 475101
First Steps Childcare, Chichester College, Chichester, 01243 812207
Sussex Autistic Society Playscheme at Summerlea CP School, 01903 882666
Freezone @ Loveders, Nutbourne, children 5 - 12 years, 01243 377934
The Pavilion 5-11 Club, Downview School, Felpham, 01243 841963 Timeout After School Club, Littlehampton Swimming Centre, 01903 725451 Walberton and Binsted Aftercare, Walberton Primary School, 01243 551398
Holiday Schemes and Activities Arena Holiday Playscheme at Arena Sports Centre, Bognor, 01243 870000 Arun Leisure Centre Holiday Playscheme and Creche, 01243 826612 Chichester College Sports Centre, 01243 812936
Havant Arts Centre, Childrens/ Youth Theatre/Drama workshops, 02392 472700 HDHV Holiday Activities, Havant, 07926 381243 Kidzone Holiday Club, Hayling Island, ages 4 to 12, 07976 611713 Parkside Holiday Club 2005, 1 St Floras Rd, Littlehampton, 01903 714670 StreetSport, free holiday time activities in the Havant area, 02392 794500 The Pavilion 5-11 Club at Downview School, Felpham, 01243 841963 Wickedly Wonderful, children’s camping holidays, Itchenor, 0794 123 1168
Children’s Holiday Clubs Easter & Summer For 4-12 year olds • Active Fun in Safe and secure environment • Sports activities and Creative fun • Childcare Vouchers Accepted • Qualified Coaches and Childcare Assistants • All staff CRB Checked Dorset House School, nr. Arundel St Anthony’s School, Chichester Web: Email: Tel: 01903 740020
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spring 2010 thefamilygrapevine
Toys, Gifts and Party Time Face Fanatics, fanatical about faces, Childrens parties and Corporate events including High School Musical parties, 07738 278646 Fun Food Academy, childrens cooking parties ages 4-11 years, 01243 787766 Garage Ceramics, mobile pottery painting parties, all ages, 07832 209180
Party Entertainers Adey the Magician, for children aged 3-8, 01243 552535 Angels Pamper Parties, for 5 to 16 year olds, 07976 897320 Artivity, art parties for children aged 5-11 years, 01243 789290 Balloon Artiste, fun balloon modelling for your party, 01243 552535
Caterpillar Music, fun music parties for 0 - 4 year olds, 01903 230810 Children’s Entertainment with Nolan, 01243 601023 Children’s Party Entertainment Ltd, 02392 379597 Clarkes Entertainment, Children’s Entertainer and Disco, 01243 782692 Dance Space, themed dance parties for children, 07979 814163
Battlefield Live, mobile laser parties for age 8+, 0845 338 6226
Dazzling Divas, Pamering Princess party packages, Havant, 07542 113330
Battlefront Games, laser shooting party, 02392 596027
Dragonfly Dance, clubs, workshops and parties, 01243 380900
Gym Joey, gym and movement parties, 9 mths-5 years, Felpham, 01243 865904 Hi Kids Disco, 01243 673027 Jellyroll, themed children’s parties, 01243 543660 Jez Greetham, singer, guitarist, entertainer, 01243 585227 Magic Mikey and Rocky Racoon, children’s parties, 01243 782632 Magical Encounters, magical unicorn pony rides, 01243 782569 Malcolm The Magician, magic, discos and party management, 01243 868084 Monster Parties, discos/face painting/ pamper parties, 02392 717925
Pamper Parties, Havant, for 8 to 16 year olds, 02392 480008 Petit Picasso, fun art parties for children up to 12, 07717 751515 Picturesque, beading parties for children age 7 - 11, 01903 718978 Pony Parties, ponies available to hire for any event, 07867 784945 Razzle Dazzle, cheerleading Parties, classes and workshops, 07989 667596 Rob Charles, party entertainer, 01243 583772 Rockets and Rainbows, Fun and creative children’s craft parties, 01243790229 The Wibbly Wobbly Magic Show, ages 3-6, 02392 377234 Ultimate Princess Parties, 2 hours of Princess crafts and fun, 07799 293280 Uncle Trev’s Punch and Judy Show, for your children’s party, 01243 264710 Wibbly Wobbly Circus Funtime, for outdoor events, 02392 377234 Winnie the Witch, 01243 671292
I am an experienced photographer working primarily around Sussex, Surrey and London. My main area of work is portraits though I also offer wedding packages. I am a strong believer in working in a client’s natural surroundings be it a beach, a park or family house, as I feel that this results in a much more intimate and personal portrait especially when working with families and children. I generally work with natural light though I do also use portable and very discreet studio lights which are ideal to work with in a client’s house or occasionally on location. One aspect of my approach to a portrait shoot is that I don’t put a time limit on number of hours we spend photographing you or your family. I will allow up to a whole day for the shoot with the aim of making it an enjoyable day out for your family. We will often start fairly early, though this is flexible, and there is always time in the shoot for having breaks or snacks during the day. The result is a memorable day out with beautiful photographs of your family enjoying time together lasting for years to come.
Win a free photo shoot worth over £100! Win a free portrait shoot in a location of your choice and an 8x10” print with a total value of over £100! Simply email your name and contact details and a few words about the location you would like your photo shoot to take place at to: The FIVE most interesting locations win! For more inspiration, have a look at our website: Closing date 30th April. RosieWooldridgePhotography
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thefamilygrapevine spring 2010 Photographers Barrett & Coe, Specialist Baby & Family Photography, 01243 641624 Blush: Wedding photography & family portraits, 01243 573520 Cherished-Images Photography, 07904 345603
Tank Designs, Handmade sweaters, 01252 702166
Party Supplies ABC Bouncy Castles,fun inflatables, rodeo bull and lots more, 02392 349526 Arun Bouncy Castles, 01243 542852
Cherubs, beautiful specialist baby photographs, 01243 641624
Barnham Bouncy Castles, 01243 554887
Clare Faulkner Photography, family portraits, 01243 781671
Big ‘n’ Bouncy, all functions catered for, 02392 699397
Flash Bang, 02392 462462
Bounceabouts, bouncy castles and slides, 01243 607772
GreenApple Design, sensibly priced portrait photography, 01243 601007 James Pepper, Wedding, Portrait and Family Photography, 0777 6182091 James Potter Photography, Child and family portraits, 01243 537059 MEP Photography, Award winning family photography, 01243 861634 Olan Mills ‘Watch Me Grow’ Photography, 02392 455255 People Photography, 07831 366136 Philippa Jeffs Location Portraiture, Photography, 01243 376788 Pregnancy and newborn portraits by a female photographer, 07891 434318 Richard West Photography (LRPS LBPPA), 01243 778156 Switch Photography, Family photography. Realistic price!, 07825 333303
Bouncy Rascals, bouncy castle hire, slides etc, 01243 868313 Chichester Fancy Dress, costumes to hire and buy, 01243 790555 Crazy Clowns, bouncy castle hire, 07952 061 850 Inflatabounce, bouncy castle hire, Littlehampton, 01903 726913 Jumping Jacks Bouncy Castles, Chichester area, 01243 774455 Little Monsters Bouncy Castle Hire, in your area, 02392 788427 Ready 2 Party, buffets for all occasions, 01243 788528 The Pink Limo, limo hire for that extra special moment, 02392 358627 The Squidgybug Shop, themed party goods, gifts and cards, 07894 27135
Tim Hollis, contemporary lifestyle portraiture, 07774 664672 Tobias Key Photography (ABPPA), 0845 094 5496
Toys and Gifts 4little1s, handmade children’s door and wall plaques Cards/stationery, Kirsten Sanders, Ind Phoenix Trader 13421, 07803 988665 Confident Kids Ltd, Wyevale Garden Centre, Chichester, 01243 839359 Hidden Nature, books and learning toys, West St, Chichester, 01243 784884 Kids love earth, nature & science shop, Cooper St Chichester, 01243 774500 Little Impressions, castings of your child’s hands and feet, 01798 344766 Mad About Puppets, impressive range of puppets, all shapes and sizes, 01428 712533 Personal Pillows, inspirational message on a white cotton Oxford pillowcase, 01243 586410 Priceless Treasures, beautiful gift books for you to fill, 01892 863300
Business Opportunities Do You Want To Have Fun and Earn Money? Successful entrepreneur mum is seeking another 5 working partners to work part-time, perhaps from home, alongside and without compromising family commitments or current career. If you have supervisory, managerial, sales, marketing, recruitment or self-employed experience or wish to develop a better lifestyle or independent income; please contact Claire Evison
07974 444382 01243 790977
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spring 2010 thefamilygrapevine Arts and Crafts
Scottish Highland Dancing, Purbrook, children and adults, 02392 648967
Art Masterclass! School years 2 - 7, Arena Sports Centre, 01243 870000
Stagecoach Theatre Arts School, Chichester, 01243 587885
Artybobs, art, craft & messy sessions, 1 - 5 yrs, Emsworth, 07887 661588
Tap/Jazz/Acrobatics/Show Work, Littlehampton, 01903 721499
Cookery Cookery Courses, all ages, Park Futures, Warren Park, 02392 424980
Dance and Drama Arabesque School of Performing Arts, Chichester, 01243 531144 Art of Dance and Fitness, Bognor Regis, children and adults, 01243 840755 Chichester Dance Centre, ballet, tap, modern and jazz, 01243 780893 Chichester Festival Youth Theatre, 01243 784437 Chichester School of Dance, ballet/ tap/modern/choir, 01243 773892 Children’s Dance Class @ Selsey Centre, 01243 603836 Cloud 9 Musical Theatre Group, for children age 7-18 years, 01243 602260 Dance Club 2000, Salsa/L. American/Modern/B’room, 5 to adult, 01243 776393 Dance Core, Musical Theatre, contemporary, ballet and more, New Park Centre, 07875 235401 Dance Industry Studios, Ballet/Tap/ Modern, Littlehampton, 01903 725487 Dance Space, Freestyle/Disco/Street/ Hip Hop, Tangmere, 07979 814163 Denisdor School of Dance, tap/ballet/ disco etc, Bognor, 01243 841749 Glen Grant Scottish Dance Group, Chichester area, age 10 +, 02392 792073
Teresita Marsden School of Dancing, Ballet/Jazz, Bognor, 01243 863880 The Classique School of Dance, Bishop Otter, Chichester, 02392 640706 The Theatre Workshop, Chichester, Performing Arts, 5 ½ - 18, 01273 733736 VM Musical Theatre training, 8-18yrs, 0800 6809075 Youth Moves, Movement classes to music for 4-7 year olds. Fridays (term time) 5.15 - 6.15, All Saints Church hall Denmead 02392 641123
Fitness and Exercise Abba Aerobics, Wed. eve. Wickbourne Centre, L'hampton, 01903 721563 Aerobics, Wed. eve. Wickbourne Centre, L'hampton, 01903 721563 Dancercise, Monday eve. The Wickbourne Centre, 01903 721563 Fitball, Monday eve. Wickbourne Centre, 01903 721563 Hampshire CKD, modern self defence for all the family, 0800 990 3071
Football Bognor Regis Town Football Club, 01243 822325 Bosham Football Club, 01243 574011 Castle United Youth FC, Recreation Ground, Rowlands Castle, 02392 369171 Chichester City Colts, 6-10 years, Sat 9.30-11am, 01243 641189
Hayling Island Amateur Dramatic Society, 02392 466363
Felpham Girls FC, 8 - 15 years, 07989 420291
Island Tap School, Disco/Tap, Hayling Island, All age groups, 02392 469159
Havant and Waterlooville FC, Havant, boys and girls, 07940 380524
Jellyroll dance and drama classes, Chichester, 01243 543660
Havant Town Football Club, 02392 787822
Joanna Blunden School of Dancing, Hayling Island, 02392 462173
Hayling United FC, The Hayling College, 023 92 468919
Julia Warren School of Dancing, Childrens RAD Ballet, Bosham, 01243 572521
Horndean FC, Fiveheads Park, Horndean, 02392 591363
LeRoc Modern Jive, Chichester, 01798 343389 Melana Dance, Ballet/Tap/Modern/ Pre-school, Emsworth, 01243 779795 Rochelle Ballet School, I.S.T.D Ballet classes, Havant, 07754 001970 Ruth Stein School of Dance, Selsey, RAD ISTD, 3 to Adult, 01243 605709
New Skills Training, girls/boys at Chi Girls High Sch. Weds, 07769 645311
A-Z Children’s Activities Gymnastics and Trampoline Chichester Olympic Gym Club, 5 years +, all abilities, 02392 790255 Gymnastics, age 5+ ability groups, Arena Sports Centre, 01243 870000 Harlequin Gymnastics Club, Staunton Community Sports College, 023 92 617318 Scorpio Acro, Park Community School, Leigh Park, 02392 470176 Southbourne Gymnastics Club, age 4½ upwards, 07748 985637 Trampolining at Westgate Leisure , Chichester, age 6 +, 01243 785651 Trampolining, preschool to adult groups Arena Sports Centre, 01243 870000
Horseriding Cakeham Equestrian Club, 01243 672194 Goodwood Pony Club, for children 4 to 18 years, 01243 781765 Hunters Lodge Riding Centre, riding lessons and hacking, 01243 780651 Lavant House Stables, all ages/ abilities, lessons and events, 01243 530460 Pook Lane Stables, 02392 479222 Willowbrook Riding Centre, Hambrook, lessons and hacking, 01243 572683
Martial Arts Aikido Circle Black Belt Academy, family/private sessions, 07747 788128 Arun Aikido at Arun Leisure, aged 16 years +, 01243 824329 Blue Dragon Martial Arts, classes for all ages, Chichester, 07768 654256 Bognor Regis Tae Kwon Do Academy, all ages and abilities, 0800 298 8781 Chichester Ronin Judo Club, 5 yrs + at New Park Centre, 01243 380965 Hampshire CKD, modern self defence for all the family, 0800 990 3071 Havant Judo Kwai, 02392 798367
Pagham Football Club, 01243 266112
Junior Martial Arts, New Park, Chichester, Arena in Bognor, 07931 326568
Portfield Football Club, Chichester, 01243 779875
Kickboxing and Kung-fu, all ages and abilities, local areas, 01243 389886
Selsey Football and Social Club, 01243 603420
Kickboxing, New Park Centre, Chichester, 07931 326568
Phoenix Shotokan Karate, Warblington Sch, Emsworth, 02392 492760 Sama Karate, Karate for Kids in Chichester, 02392 713067 Shoshin Karate, lessons for all ages in your area, 01903 726838 Shotokan Karate Club, Tangmere Village Hall, age 12 +, 01243 537404 Soul Martial Arts Academy, 0800 9804858 Southern Judokan, Havant and Waterlooville, 07973 196409 Swarm Tae Kwon Do, Havant, for all ages, first lesson free, 07887 523047 T.A.G.B. Taekwondo, 4 - 11yrs, Felpham Community College, 07941 308954 West Sussex Tae Kwon Do, 01243 826917
Music Teachers Des Mills Drum Tuition, Bognor Regis, all ages and abilities, 01243 823626 Jam Studios, drum tuition, 1 to 1 lessons, 02392 349574 Jeremy Heywood guitar tuition, all ages and abilities, 01243 827274 Jez Greetham Mobile Guitar and Vocal School, est 1988, 01243 585227 Lois McBride Music - Piano, Flute and Theory tuition undertaken from home. All grades and standards, 01243 574762 Music Matters, learn to play an instrument at Music Matters, 02392 255 558 Paul Smyth guitar tuition, all ages and abilities, 07880 601405 Regis School of Music, instrumental and vocal tuition, 01243 866462 Rhythm Room Drum school, Emsworth, all ages and abilities, 01243 371336 Susie Pugh,Piano/Cello Tuition,Havant all ages and abilities, 02392 484344
Rugby and Mini Rugby Bognor Rugby Football Club (inc Minis), 07810 765414 Chichester Rugby Football Club (inc. Minis), Oaklands Park, 01243 779820 Havant Rugby Football Club (inc. Minis), 02392 477843
Martial Arts Classes, 0705 0073007
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thefamilygrapevine spring 2010 The Theatre Workshop Success Story… The Theatre Workshop, created in 2003, is now the south coast’s premier Stage School. Our newest school, in Chichester, opened in January 2009, and all our students are proud to be part of the success. We are fully committed to creating unrivalled professional training for budding performers of all ages. Students can currently be seen playing roles in feature films (NANNY McPHEE with Emma Thompson, GULLIVER’S TRAVELS with Jack Black), on TV (EASTENDERS, EMMERDALE, TRACY BEAKER, LARKRISE TO CANDLEFORD), and in The West End. As well as in our own productions (ANNIE, BUGSY MALONE, GUYS AND DOLLS, HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL), hundreds of our students have performed in professional UK touring productions all over Sussex - including JOSEPH AND THE AMAZING TECHNICOLOR DREAMCOAT, EVITA, BEAUTY AND THE BEAST, and CHITTY CHITTY BANG BANG!. Our annual ‘plan’ of Shows, Festivals, Exams, Summer Schools, and Workshops all evolves from our regular 3 hour session of singing, dancing and acting classes, which always maintains the ‘fun factor’ at all times. We also offer EXTRA CLASSES that include ‘Screen Acting and Audition Technique’, ‘Street Dance’, ‘Advanced Drama’, LAMDA and private singing lessons. The highlight of the summer term will be our OSCARETTES AWARDS NIGHT in July with students getting dressed up to impress in prom party wear and with Mini Oscars awarded whilst being entertained by West End performers. We are now offering FREE TRIAL SESSIONS! Come along and meet our friendly teachers. Make some new friends, and learn how to perform with the professionals!
Contact us on 01273 733736
Swimming and Snorkelling Aquababies, the original swimming company, birth to 4 yrs, 01273 833101 Arena Swimming pool, all ages/ abilities, Arena Sports Centre, 01243 870000 Arun Swim School, children’s lessons Saturday a.m, 01243 868641 Arundel Lido, open air pool - May to September, 01903 882404 Baby Dippers, classes for babies under 12 month, Emsworth 01243 370 126
Inspire Swim School, teaching skills from birth onwards, Littlehampton, 01903 725451 Little Dippers, teaching your baby to love water, 0870 758 0302 MXT swimming, Littlehampton. All ages inc. special needs, 01903 532765 Nemos Swim school, Chichester Park Hotel, 07812 700242 Nuffield Health Centre, Chichester swimming lessons, 01243 788678 Selsey Bill Sub Aqua Club, 01243 602202 Sussex Otters Swimming Club for the disabled, 01243 781259
Bognor Regis Swim School and Club, all ages and abilities, 01243 830798
Swimbabies, water safety courses for babies, Chichester area, 01903 717652
Chichester Area Youth Swimming 5-15 and Lifesaving Club, 01243 527224
Waterbabies, essential skills from birth to 24mths, 01794 399888
Chichester Swim School, 07752 903 916
Wittering Divers, snorkelling/diving for children age 10 +, 01243 672031
Cormorants Swim School at Westbourne House, ages 5 to 12, 01243 776685 Cormorants Swimming Club at Westgate Leisure Centre, 01243 776685 DPD coaching, swimming lessons, Chichester/L’hampton areas, 01903 740020 Havant and Waterlooville Swimming Club, junior section, 07922 146827
Tennis Advantage Tennis Academy, Havant, ages 4-18, all abilities, 01329 668515 Bognor Lawn Tennis Club, 01243 585536 C.S Tennis Academy, Chichester, coaching for ages 3 +, 01243 780768 Chichester Lawn Tennis and Squash Club, all ages incl. minis, 01243 785644
Crablands Bowls and Tennis Club, junior tennis coaching, 01243 603499
Mengeham Rythe Sailing Club, Junior section, 02392 463337
HoppCoaching for junior and adult tennis coaching, 01243 784776
Pagham Yacht Club, 01243 265025
Junior Tennis Coaching at Fishbourne Tennis Club, 3+, 02392 477922 Seacourt Tennis Club, Hayling Island, 02392 466122
Arun Yacht Club, Sea Cadets and children's sailing, 01903 716016
Shore Watersports Ltd, 01243 672315 Thorney Island Sailing Club, 01243 371731 West Wittering Sailing Club, 01243 511377 X-Train, Windsurfing/Kitesurfing/ surfing age 5 + ALLA/RYA, 01243 513077
Arun Youth Aqua Centre, sailing and canoeing for 9-18 years, 01903 714753 Chichester Harbour Turtles, dinghy sailing for families, 07863 567584 Chichester Watersports, Coach Road, Westhampnett, 01243 776439 CYE Sailing Centre, Chidham, Chichester, 01243 573375 Emsworth Slipper Sailing Club, Junior and Youth Section, 01243 372523 Felpham Sailing Club, 01243 865115 Havant Youth Sail Training Scheme, 02392 478142 Hayling Island Sailing Club, active youth section, 02392 463768 L A R Watersports, 01243 266446 Langstone Cutters Rowing Club, juniors welcome, 02392 451075
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thefamilygrapevine spring 2010
Family Days Out Places to Visit Alexandra Theatre, Belmont Street, Bognor Regis, 01243 861010 Arundel Castle, Arundel, West Sussex, 01903 882173 Arundel Ghost Experience, Arundel Town Hall, all ages, 01903 889821 Bognor Regis Museum and Wireless Museum, 01243 865636 Bosham Walk and Craft Centre, Bosham, 01243 572475 Butlins (Holidays and fun family days out), 01243 822445 Centurian Way Cycle Path, Chichester Chichester Cathedral, West Street, Chichester, 01243 782595 Chichester Cinema at New Park, 01243 786650 Chichester District Museum, Little London, Chichester, 01243 784683
Chichester Ship Canal, 01243 771363 Cineworld, 0871 200 2000 Earnley Butterflies and Gardens, Chichester, 01243 512637 Fishbourne Roman Palace, Salthill Road, Fishbourne, 01243 785859 Goodwood House and Estate, Chichester, 01243 755000 Havant Arts Centre, Theatre and Cinema, 02392 472700 Havant Museum, open Tuesday Saturday, 02392 451155 Hotham Park, Hotham Way, Bognor Regis, 01903 737500 Littlehampton Museum, Manor House, Church St, free entry, 01903 738100 Marine Park Gardens, Marine Drive West, Bognor, 01903 737500 Mewsbrook Park, Seafront, Littlehampton, 01903 737500
Chichester Festival Theatre, Oaklands Park, Box Office, 01243 781312
Noah’s Ark Animal and Reptile Rescue Centre, Chichester, 07961 516731
Chichester Harbour Water Tours, 01243 670504
Pallant House Gallery, North Pallant, Chichester, 01243 774557
Picturedrome Cinema, Bognor Regis, 01243 823138 Queen Elizabeth Country Park, Gravel Hill, Horndean, 02392 595040 Selsey Lifeboat Station and Museum, Selsey, 01243 602833 Staunton Country Park, Middle Park Way, Havant, 02392 453405 Sussex Falconry Centre, Birdham, 01243 512472 Tangmere Military Aviation Museum near Chichester, 01243 775223 The South Downs Planetarium, Kingsham Farm, Chichester, 01243 774400 Weald and Downland Open Air Museum, Singleton, 01243 811020 West Dean Gardens, 6 miles north of Chichester, 01243 818218 The Young Screen Scene @ New Park, 25 and under, 01243 786650 Theatre Royal, 35 Bond Street, Brighton, 01273 764400 Windmill Entertainment Centre, Littlehampton, 01903 722224
Leisure and Sport for those with Special Needs Action for Blind People, The Russell Hotel, Aldwick, 01243 871300
look out for the next issue from June 2010!
Arun Sports Association for the Disabled, The Arena, Bognor, 01243 583868 Arundel Riding for the Disabled, Mrs Sandy Roud, 0845 2411349 Birds & Butterflies, preschool music & movement, Chi area, 01243 553491 Chichester Riding for the Disabled at Hunter’s Lodge, 01243 785622 Emsworth Slipper Sailing Club, 01243 372523 Havant Hawks Netball Club, 8-16 years, call for times/venues, 023 92 599380 Multi Sports-Club, Chichester, all ages and ability levels, 01243 785651 PACSO (Parents and Carers Support Organisation), 01243 533353 Sussex Disability Sports Database, 0800 859929 Sussex Otters Swimming Club for the disabled, 01243 781259 Waterlooville Leisure Centre, Waterlooville, 02392 245900 Arena Sports Centre, Westloats Lane, Bognor Regis, 01243 870000 Arun Leisure Centre, Felpham Way, Bognor Regis, 01243 826612 Chichester College Sports Centre, 01243 812936 Horizon Havant Leisure Centre, 023 9247 6026