Spring 2016 free preview

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dine-dash.com bebeauty.org Amanda Citarella is the Founder and Executive Director of non-profit Benevolent And Enlightened Beauty, a humane education program and summer camp for teenage girls. Amanda believes an ethical vegan lifestyle is the most beautiful thing of all.

Polish food stylist and photographer, currently based in London. Loves beautiful food, culinary travels, sauna and hot yoga.

theminimalistvegan.com Michael and Masha are a down-to-earth couple that believe in conscious consuming in a world filled with obstacles and distractions. You can find more of their work over at The Minimalist Vegan and download a copy of their free cookbook.



kelly beth is a gardening clinical herbalist in the foothills of colorado. this mama of two teaches her family how to live close and connected to the earth and organically grows herbs for her business, twig and leaf botanicals.

Amy is the mother of one amazing daughter, a nature-lover obsessed with capturing beauty through photography, and a believer in a healthy, holistic, plant-powered lifestyle. kyraskitchen.com kyra. is a licensed naturopath, bodymind chef, selftaught (food) photographer and award-winning health food writer.

being-pall.com Michelle is a photographer, surfer and blogger from the UK. In 2008 Michelle embarked on a life with less plastic, while living on the West Coast of Portugal. This change influenced many of her daily habits, food being one of the most important ones.

becleanshop.com Becky is a vegan business owner, wife and mom to a sweet old miniature dachshund named Scooby. A DC transplant lusting after a few good West Coast vibes, you can find her one of two places: working in her shop studio or eating food at any number of local, plant-friendly joints.

coutellerie.pl Marianna is an art historian by education, and a food lover, chef and photographer by passion. Based in Warsaw, Poland, she explores the person and story behind a meal and is always thrilled to share it on her blog.

veggieblackboard.com Morwenna is a graduate architect living in Scotland with a passion for all things food, design and sustainability.

nicolemrivas.com jessarnaudin.com Jess Arnaudin is NYC-based eco-makeup artist, holistic esthetician, social media strategist and product photographer. She is committed to supporting women-owned small businesses and loves helping people heal their skin from the inside out with organic beauty and lifestyle products.

bitbybitwellness.com As a 500-hour registered yoga teacher, holistic health coach, writer, and wide eyed explorer, Marisa specializes in helping others nourish their body and

Nicole Rivas is a prose writer, grad student, and creative writing instructor living in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. When not writing, she can be found reading, hiking, and daydreaming about olives.

soul, allowing them to improve their lives bit by bit.


communitycomposting.org Community Composting is a residential and commercial composting service in Rochester, NY.

Stephanie’s blog, My Kind Closet, provides her readers with helpful tips and advice for building a vegan wardrobe and using cruelty-free products at home. In addition to sharing travel adventures and general musings, she strives to help others expand their understanding of “ethical consumerism” to encompass consideration for both humans and animals alike.

paigestjohn.com Paige Patterson lives on the eastern end of long island where she tends to a massive and excessive garden and has chickens but doesn’t eat their eggs -- so her neighbors tend to love her a lot.

words by Michael & Masha theminimalistvegan.com Minimalism has been a buzzword on the internet for the last 10 or so years and more recently, it’s made its way into mainstream media. We have seen the word being used across various industries including fashion, design, food, technology, beauty, housing, and more. Heck we even named our company, Minimalist Company Pty Ltd. But when the hype dust clears, what does minimalism actually mean? Minimalism has traditionally been linked to simple, intentional art and design concepts. We believe minimalism is so much more than that. We define minimalism as the process of identifying what is essential in your life and eliminating the rest. The concept banks on the idea that less is always more. With so many distractions around us, we often find it difficult to create time and space to enjoy the simple things in life such as spending time with our loved ones, exercising, working on a creative project, cooking or simply doing nothing. We’re too busy being overwhelmed with physical, digital and mental clutter that leads to increased anxiety and an overall sense of dissatisfaction. What minimalism looks like day-to-day is making decisions consciously as it relates to the


items you own, how many commitments you make, and with whom you choose to spend your time. It’s an empowering feeling to let go of things that aren’t adding value to your life. It ultimately means that you can spend the bulk of your time doings things that truly matter to you. Obviously, we’re passionate about simplification. However, we feel that minimalism in general has room for improvement. In fact, it can be amplified with the combination of vegan principles. Minimalism is, at its core, anticonsumerist and can be a way of showcasing “purchasing power,” or in this case, “nonpurchasing power.” Veganism can be used in the same way, and in many aspects, both movements are looking toward the same goal: being conscious of exploitative and wasteful practices for the purpose of our health, the environment, and the lives affected by unrestrained consumerism. (Whether human or animal.) The combination of the two ideals have the power to dramatically shift the demand for what we as humans consume. That’s why we work hard everyday to live a minimalist vegan lifestyle. It’s not perfect and we don’t always get it right - it’s just an ideal that we believe is worth pursuing.


For us, it all started about two years ago when we underwent major changes to become minimalist vegans. This decision happened within a 6-month time frame with minimalism leading the way, followed by veganism shortly after.


When people first hear of minimalism they think of someone in plain clothes sitting in a room with white space surrounded by nothing. At least, this is what we thought when we first heard about the concept. As we learned more about it from people like Leo Babauta from Zen Habits, we realized that this could be the perfect cure for what we call “the more virus” - a mentality of always wanting more.

We know that veganism and minimalism are powerful complementary lifestyles. The underlying theme that links them together is mindfulness; being mindful about what you consume, whether it is animal products or luxury goods. It’s about being aware of how every decision you make impacts you and what’s around you. For example, a minimalist vegan is not only picky about how many things they buy, but they’re also picky about how those things were made.

We used to take on many different commitments and spread ourselves too thin. We also had goals of working up the corporate ladder, buying multiple houses, having nice clothes and cars. Minimalism enabled us to see that there was a different way to define success, and not to follow what is (directly or indirectly) advertised to us. Minimalism gave us the confidence to effectively

quit things that weren’t adding real value, whether it was dead end jobs, things we owned but didn’t need, commitments, negative friends or businesses that we were no longer passionate about. All of a sudden, success wasn’t about materialism anymore, it was about having simple, enriching experiences on our own terms. Our journey towards veganism was similar to what many new vegans experience all the time. We gathered up the courage to watch Earthlings one evening and became vegan overnight. In fact, Michael was eating chicken kebabs earlier that day! For us, it was pretty much impossible to go back to consuming animals and their bi-products after making the connection. Both lifestyles have heightened our awareness drastically and have enriched our lives in ways we thought wasn’t


A lot of people ask us what correlation we see between the two belief systems. It’s a fun question to discuss as both lifestyles are unique in their own right.

That’s ultimately how we came up with the concept for our blog, The Minimalist Vegan. Our goal is to live with compassion and simplicity each and everyday. It’s a good ideal to have and to be aware of as we navigate a world filled with distractions and mixed messages.

On a deeper level it’s fascinating to imagine a world where everyone is a minimalist vegan. What would that look like? Largely, it would reverse the consumerist mindset that’s embedded so deeply into the way most of us live today. Some might argue a minimalist vegan society would be bad for business. We believe the opposite. If every person lived with such awareness, unethical businesses would be exposed and successful businesses would be ones who create ethical solutions that last longer and perform better. We hope that mindfulness will be the key motivator for both consumers and businesses moving forward. And it starts with all of us making better decisions about how we spend our time and money. So are you ready to embark on a minimalist vegan lifestyle? r




words, recipes & photos by Karolina Wiercigroch dine-dash.com



1 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1

gluten-free oatmeal waffles with blueberries spring vegetable curry with rice

large banana green chilli pepper garlic cloves shallot lemongrass stalk limes small piece ginger bunch fresh cilantro bunch Thai basil bunch mint bunch asparagus bunch arugula or baby kale 15 oz. snow peas 5 oz. tenderstem broccoli 5 oz. green peas 1 sweet potato 2 avocados 2 tomatoes 2 portobello mushrooms 2 buns 5 oz. blueberries one 14 oz. can coconut milk

portobello burger with sweet potato fries

coconut rice pudding with blueberries mashed avocado on a bun spring vegetable soba noodle salad with green curry dressing


oat flour or oats rice baking powder ground cinnamon sea salt maple syrup coconut oil cumin seeds coriander seeds soy sauce muscovado sugar olive oil balsamic vinegar black pepper coconut flakes soba noodlesÂ




words by Morwenna Calow veggieblackboard.com A little while ago I moved a few meters down the street. Same country, same city, same neighborhood - but everything changed. Together with my partner I bought my first

bloody unlikely.

mistake the colourful little pellets for food,

home: a tiny one-bedroom apartment in the

I fear I am not alone. It is a common tale; I

which eventually leads to starvation.

see it with my friends and family. We own

It’s not much better on terra firma. Almost

too much, and it takes up both physical

four million tons of solid waste are generated

and mental space. It clutters our rooms, our

every day, much of which goes to landfill.

hearts and our emotional state.

According to the Danish Fashion Institute

We populate a planet with finite resources,

the clothing industry is the second largest

using it like we have ten tucked away for

polluter of the world, second only to oil.

later. With a westernised social norm of

Our cheap t-shirt is produced by modern-

mass consumption we plough through our

day slavery labour. Animals tortured for a

fields, people and rivers with the result of

piece of fabric.

too much stuff, stuff that ends up under our

These are consequence to our actions; I

heart of Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland. It’s a small space within a 1880’s tenement block. We moved from a generously-sized rented flat around the corner. This is where it starts. The realization kicks in - the need for less. We





materialistic. Prior to this I was convinced we owned hardly anything and were surely the shining beacon of simple non-consumerist living. This transpired to be incorrect and awfully misguided. We own too much: car loads, boxes full with a small village worth of items stuffed under the bed. Every nook and cranny of our old abode had been filled. Once all had been brought to daylight, it accumulated into a nauseating amount of possessions. These surely will one day come in useful, at least that must have been the reasoning for keeping it all. Maybe I could wear that dress this summer for a brief magnificent moment when Edinburgh turns mildly warm, maybe I will frantically be scouring my shelves for a book on Vitruvius

beds to be forgotten until the end of time. (Or, the next time we move.)

am ever so lightly skimming the surface of what we are doing to our planet Earth.

I stop and think, glaring at my boxes

Collectively, we are all accountable. But it

crammed into the corner of our new living

is exactly the safety in numbers that numbs

room. We have still not fully unpacked. It’s

the sense of responsibility. Eyes wide shut,

been two months. We simply don’t have

we continue to consume.

anywhere to put it, the sugary-sweet yet

It was the small jolt of change that caused

bitter irony of talking of minimalism whilst my house is a mess.

the full-on confrontation with my habits of consumption and started the process of

For what it’s worth, I am mid-stream;

yearning for less.

somewhere on a journey trying to be part of

So how do we approach consumerism,

the answer, however let me dwell briefly on the problem.

not as a quick fix, but a carefully thoughtthrough process? How can we create a more

Scotticus one day, maybe I will start liking

In the middle of the ocean there is an

meaningful relation with what we own?

that pair of shoes again, despite their sheer

island twice the size of Texas. It is made up

How do we create beautiful, succinct and

unwavering ugliness, they are so practical

entirely of plastic; just a range of micro to

living-friendly environments that inspire

after all? And the truth is yes, maybe; but it’s

macro particles of plastic lumped together.

and seed happiness without costing the

Seabirds, turtles and other marine animals






When speaking of his aesthetic tactic in architecture Ludwig Mies van der Rohe often stated “Less is more”,

By holding on to what we treasure we learn to associate

a vastly over-quoted phrase, yet too appropriate not

what we own with value and importance, stepping

to mention when trying to channel your inner

away from a throwaway mentality. What we own


should be a precious piece of our life. Just as important as acquiring possessions is the process of letting go. Be

The first step is about paring back. Be brutal and

thankful for what you own but be mindful to when


it becomes obsolete, a mere addition to your evergrowing pile, and pass it on.


Only keep what you love, what brings happiness within your soul when you touch it or use it. The ideal

Every two months my local pub runs a clothing swap.

way to go about radical de-cluttering is by category.

Simple as can be, you bring the items you no longer

Collect every morsel of clothing you own, every last

want, then start shopping what others have brought.

silly sock, and spread it all out. Instead of scouring

Suddenly gaining and surrendering possessions

the selection of what you might be able to part with,

becomes part of the same circle and ritual. Most

go about it the other way around. Pick out the things

people leave with fewer items than they arrive with,

you love, adore, cherish. The rest must go. Not in the

largely because our need leans towards decreasing

bin though, make sure to pass it on to someone who

rather than increasing how much we own.

needs it.

The truth is the more I looked into the high street

believer of haptic qualities, items with a rich fabric, a

brands the more I was concerned. Workers earn

smell of nature or engrained patterns intuitively are

nothing close to a living wage, suffering unspeakably

held dear. An old timber chopping board with cracks

poor working conditions, and extremely long hours

running through, a crisp organic cotton shirt, a hand

with no chance of any basic trade union rights. Many

thrown ceramic bowl that neatly nestles perfectly

women are verbally abused and beaten on the job. So

into your palms as you sip your hemp milk chai

I asked myself: if I cared enough to go vegan for the

tea. Focus on the qualities of an item; the visual and

animals, why would I not care enough to buy fair-

tactile aspects of life matter. I truly believe beauty and

trade to support basic human rights?

good design make for a happier and a creatively more Thus it begins, a completely new way of shopping. Granted it takes longer, however the joy and love Three things that work for me are research, locality

you associate with each item is greater and fuller. The

and cost. Often delving deeply into who made your

cost is greater of course, resulting in fewer items that

coat, cup or shoes yields a willingness to pay more. We

make the cut. But wasn’t that the whole point from

see the people behind the products and care.

the start? r


center.sustainability.duke. edu/resources/green-factsconsumers/how-much-do-wewaste-daily europa.eu/eyd2015/en/ fashion-revolution/posts/ europe-world-garmenttextiles-and-fashion-industry waronwant.org/fashionvictims-facts

I have trained in architecture and design. I am a strong

flourishing life. Take care in choosing.


theguardian.com/usnews/2015/aug/23/pacificocean-plastic-trash-mappingmission garbagepatch.net/ garbagepatchintroduction worldbank.org/en/news/ feature/2013/10/30/globalwaste-on-pace-to-triple europa.eu/eyd2015/en/ fashion-revolution/posts/ europe-world-garmenttextiles-and-fashion-industry ecowatch.com/2015/08/17/ fast-fashion-second-dirtiestindustry/ trucost.com/blog/134/thecolour-this-season-is-green


words & photos by Jessica Hamm communitycomposting.org 18


The coffee grinder kicks up and the

the need to discard what we deem

published a post on Facebook asking

smell of fresh, dark roast beans begins to

weathered, outdated, useless or lost

Rochester residents to express their

permeate the air. Bright, fresh morning

without much thought and with great

interest in subscribing to a residential

light streams through the kitchen

speed. Remember that extra lettuce you

composting service, and the response

windows as you watch boiling water

bought? Did it get lost in the crisper

they received in return from community

bathe the soft bed of fragrant coffee

behind the other greens you forgot

residents was a resounding “YES!” The

grounds. The slow, stimulating drip

you already had? It's inevitable that

rest, as they say, is history; Community

mellows into the background as you

food waste will happen and we won't

Composting was born.

catch a spoonful of coconut oil gently

always be able to say no to a good sale,

sizzle, melting into a puddle on a warm

but how do we begin to scale back this

skillet. You bask in the warmth and

harmful and wasteful reality? We can

golden flame as you spice and stir and

become more aware of our behavior to

mingle with garlic, tomato and kale.

reduce buying more than we need, and

You coalesce with the others in the pan

turn to Mother Nature to recycle what

then prepare to dance on taste buds.

is no longer edible.

The peeled onion skin and leftover, discarded vegetable counterparts join the coffee grounds in a bowl on the counter top. The basin of discarded scraps is tossed and its future has a new twist. It’s a compost pile and it’s about to get dirty.

Rochester's food waste into a local resource,” says Arnold. “Many cities around the world have already adopted food scrap recycling programs and we had the chance to make it happen right here in Rochester.

We were

Composting, simply put, is the process

inspired by small businesses like

of organic matter decaying into a

Compost Now in Raleigh, NC, as

nutrient dense soil amendment. While

well as the people already composting

the premise of composting is simple,

in the city despite the complications

the goal is long lasting – responsibly

of maintaining a compost pile [in an

recycling food scraps in an economical

urban environment].”

and environmentally-friendly way. To

For most, tossing unused or leftover

some the process is intuitive; to others

organic matter into a kitchen trash

it requires learning how to scale back

can is the status quo. So much so,

while also (re)defining a personalized

that approximately one-third of food

approach to living consciously and

is wasted globally, while an average of

sustainably. Whether you compost in

40 percent of food goes uneaten in the

the backyard or actively participate in a

United States. Uneaten! The National

private or public program, composting

Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and

is an equal opportunity activity. Each

Kidney Diseases estimates that 150

one of us eats food, and so we can all

trillion calories are wasted in America

actively participate in this sacred and

each year. This is an alarming reality

healthy act. Composting is helping

and one that continues to grow.


We’ve heard it time and time again - we

“We were giddy at the idea of turning





communities around the world.

Since its inception three years ago, Arnold





garnered over 300 residential and commercial subscribers. Community Composting




Vermigreen, an organics processing facility in Palmyra, NY. Vermigreen makes magic happen, combining the food scraps with farm residues and other locally sourced inputs, creating luscious, soft compost. This finished compost is returned to Community Composting subscribers every Spring, in addition to a selection of community

exist in a world that tends to gravitate

Brent Arnold and Steven Kraft had

gardens and organizations in the

toward immediacy, often at the expense

been composting in their Rochester,

Rochester. Collectively, the company's

of long-term foresight. While this

NY community for years before they

customers have diverted over 350,000

mentality of instant gratification can

realized that their backyard hobby

pounds of food scraps from the landfill,

be rewarding in the moment - Lettuce is

had potential to evolve into a working

averaging 4,000 - 5,000 pounds a week.

on sale! Buy three! - we are encouraging

model for their city. In 2013, they

Even more incredible, this diversion of



waste has spared our atmosphere 650

it only requires a handful of ingredients


tons of greenhouse gas emissions.

– carbon, nitrogen, water and heat.

process will allow your food scraps to

Sound easy already, right?

contribute to the creation of rich soil

Currently over 97% generated food scraps and waste end up in the landfill in

The carbon comes from woody materials

the US. This treatment of the material

such as yard trimmings, cardboard,

not only takes up precious space, but

leaves or straw. Nitrogenous materials

prevents the nutrients and energy latent

come from your food scraps. The key to

in the material from ever reaching fields

making a successful compost pile, and

and soil again. Organic matter that is

what is often the most common mistake

destined for the landfill breaks down

with backyard composters is creating

anaerobically (without oxygen) and

the correct balance between the carbon

produces methane, which is 21 times

and nitrogen. On average, there should

more potent than carbon dioxide as a

be about 25 times more carbon than

greenhouse gas. And as we all know,

nitrogen by volume, meaning all those

greenhouse gases are what contribute to

leaves you rake and all those dry, brown

climate change. More importantly, it’s

grass clippings from your summer lawn

critical that we replenish the soils where

mowing, can and should be put to

we grow our food each year. We can

good use. You can even toss in paper

follow the example of all sustainable

or soiled pizza boxes if you shred them

ecosystems where all that lives and

adequately. To get the water balance in

dies contributes to the nourishment of

check, stick your hand into the pile and

new life, through the soil. Composting

pull out a sample to assess the moisture

is a practical application of this

level. It should feel about as moist as

cycle. Putting these nutrients back in

a wrung out sponge: neither dripping

our fields and gardens prevents soil

water, nor too dry, either.

erosion, improves the nutrient density



used to make your garden grow. “It’s exciting to think food can be food again,” says Arnold.

We know tossing food scraps and waste in the trash is detrimental to the earth’s atmosphere, keeps the material from benefitting future food production, and contributes to converting our landscape into more landfills.“Waste is just a word to describe materials for which we haven’t thought of a good use,” says Kraft. Composting can contribute to a more viable and sustainable lifestyle, but our living situations dictate our opportunities to participate in the process. If your small apartment doesn’t offer the landscape to create a pile and your city doesn’t offer curbside service, what can you do to make a difference? Find a local operation like Community Composting. Start a

When selecting a place to begin your

community garden and compost with

pile, it’s important to find a spot that

your neighborhood. If sustainability is

is dry and shady. Permaculture design

central to the long-term success of any

would say it should be convenient

goal, action, relationship, or chosen

enough to access in all seasons, but be

lifestyle, it’s necessary that we support

With a bit of practice and the right

far enough away from your outdoor

and involve ourselves in the endeavors

recipe, backyard composting can be a

hangout space to reduce the possibility

that support us. Even if it starts in the

viable solution for those who have the

of drifting odors. If you can place it


space or live in a town where a pickup

near your garden it will save trips and

service is not offered. For many though,

make incorporating it into your beds

the idea of starting a compost pile in

much easier. Layering your food scraps

their yard can seem overwhelming.

under carbon material will help the

Will it smell? Does it require a lot

nitrogen to break down, given there’s

of attention? Will it attract rodents?

an appropriate amount of moisture

When broken down, the process is less

from your organics. Over time, and

daunting than one might suspect, and

with continual contributions of carbon

of the food grown in these areas, improves water retention, and reduces our dependence on petrochemical fertilizers.



The number of cities offering residential and commercial composting services is growing. To see if your town offers service style composting, visit Compost Now. r compostnow.org/compost-services




words by Paige St. John Patterson paigestjohn.com 22


Okay, so the rabbits ate the peas again,

to rip it all up and plant dahlias instead.

all the cilantro bolted in the heat and

there. And my raspberries have grown into a tangled sprawling, out of control

the Genovese basil succumbed to powdery

I think I feel compelled mostly because

mess that is unharvestable unless you

mildew within weeks of being planted.

although I don’t really cook, I married

put on my bee suit and wade into the

Plus can we talk weeds? The beets were

someone who does. My husband Dereyk

morass as if for war.

swamped by an explosion of crabgrass,

is fantastic in the kitchen. Hand him a

crabgrass that appeared out of nowhere and

couple of ingredients, and he can invent

I’m not actually a complete failure when

dug its roots in with such determination

something delicious. Unlike me, with

it comes to growing edibles, but the

I’d have been impressed by if I wasn’t on

my reams of vegan cookbooks, blog

other problem is that we’re both sort

my hands and knees with my Japanese

printouts and my scales and measuring

of bad about going out and harvesting,

weeding knife, swearing my head off and

cups, Dereyk is improvisational. As long

so when I’m successful, we suffer from

trying to rip it out.

as I keep the refrigerator stocked, he’ll

the most amazing gluts. One year we

make dinner every night and all I have

had so many cherry tomatoes it was

And let’s talk about the thornless

to do are the dishes. It’s a great deal, and

upsetting. Some of the seven plants

blackberries that take up an amazing

of course, since I’m a gardener, I thought

must have followed me home, because

amount of garden real estate. Honestly?

I should grow him everything he needed

I don’t even remember planting three

The fruits are just terrible -- bitter and

just a few steps away from the kitchen.

of them. I pushed those orbs on friends

boringly bad. So after twelve years is it time to remove them and plant something

and family and the people at the post Doesn’t that sound perfect?

else in their place? And should it be food?

office. I brought them to work. I left them on the neighbor’s doorsteps. I

Okay, so the reality didn’t really work.

invited strangers to stop over and pick

Listen. I work in the gardening

Yes, Dereyk made an amazing Roasted

their own and still they sat there, fistfuls

profession. It’s how I make a living. But

Beets with Hazelnut Vinaigrette the

of them, rotting on the vines. Gluts are

I’ll be the first to confess - I’m sort of

summer of the crabgrass invasion, but

bad. Almost worse than failures because

over this veggie gardening thing.

did he use the guys I’d rescued from the

then there’s the guilt of all this food

ever-encroaching weeds? No, he grabbed

going to waste.

Now granted, there’s isn’t anything as

a bunch of big, beautiful beets from a

good as picking, steaming and eating

farm stand on the way home and made

I’ve learned to be very creative with

your own artichokes, and thanks to local

them baby beet size bites by quartering

overwhelming harvests, but remember:

starts of two, Tavor and Imperial Star,

them after roasting.

I’m not a cook. I tend to make salads

I’ve done that. But let’s be honest, I ate

and popcorn and have been know to live

two artichokes and the rest opened into

We’re fortunate in that we live in a

on microwaved potatoes and salsa for

their purple extraordinariness and were

place where you can’t go 50 feet without

months – luckily I actually grow a pretty

used in floral arrangements instead. It’s

tripping over a farm stand or a farmers

mean potato so I’m really somewhat self

one of the reasons I might not rip up the

market or a CSA and all those folks

sufficient, but the year I pickled up all

blackberries - their unripened fruits look

know how to do this vegetable growing

our excess veggies just left me with a lot

amazing in arrangements as well.

thing light years better then I ever have.

of uneaten pickles and a house cluttered

And although I stood at one of those

with vegetable-filled jars.

But I have over two acres of flowers. The

farm stands and watched an employee

kitchen garden should be for food. Or at

empty plastic containers of Driscoll

So before last spring, Dereyk and I laid

least that’s how I’ve always felt about it.

raspberries and blueberries into little

down some rules for the coming year’s

That I should have one. It’s one of those

green cardboard boxes, there are still a

garden. As much garlic as possible, since

things I felt compelled to do every year,

lot of good, straightforward folk, with

Dereyk considers his garlic scape pesto

and by the end of each season, I’d vow

honest, homegrown raspberries out

a personal kitchen basic. But no more



peas, carrots or beets. (I ignored the pea

time and energy.)

please. I allowed myself to keep my

edict and planted a blue podded variety

asparagus and artichokes since they were

anyway, only to have the crop come

There’s enough thyme for the rest of our

both perennial, but had to think about

to perfection and not get harvested. It

lives and the same with sage but Dereyk

working them into my flowerbeds if I’m

was torrentially pouring on three of my

was all for banning basil. I know it

wasn’t going to harvest the buds.

days off last pea season – so the peas

sounds strange - a cook not wanting his

got bitter and I threw the whole crop

own homegrown basil, but I sort of got

So we followed all the rules and

on the compost pile. Sigh.) No more

it. Once garlic scape time was past, and

had another frustrating season. The

cilantro either, as ours has always just

we had pounds of pre-portioned pesto

nasturtiums went crazy, billowing out of

bolted right when he needs a handful.

stuffing the basement freezer, what was

their raised beds like newly fluffed down

No more lemon grass, no more oregano

Dereyk meant to do with those 12 basil

bedding, but there weren’t more than

or summer savory or lemon verbena.

plants all getting ready to flower and

three flowered salads. The rest went in

Yes to parsley, which for some reason

demanding to be harvested? Why not

huge armfuls straight into the compost

doesn’t overwinter for us although it

just get basil when we needed it?

pile. Such a waste. It’s not really, if I

does for everyone else. Yes to potatoes

pretend I’m growing a very fancy green

and no to spinach. Yes to onions and

We were torn over the tomatoes. The

manure for the garden. More compost

no to parsnips. Although in case you’re

heartache of losing the slicers each year

is never a bad thing, but every time

curious, if you neglect to harvest your

to blight has been discouraging for both

I walked past the billows of peppery

parsnips over the winter months, they

of us. Plus I know the fiasco of the 7

blooms I’d be saddened - and that’s not

have the most amazing acid yellow

cherry tomatoes plants that wouldn’t

the way I wanted to feel in the garden.

umbels that rock a bouquet and will

stop giving was scarring for the poor guy,

stump all the florists in town.

and kind of put him over the edge, but

The tomatoes were a mixed bag. Lots

they were promised as blight resistant

of cherries but only one slicer did okay.

We gave up on lettuce when we got

(and were!) so we compromised. Only 4

And neither of us really ever want to ever

chickens, who believe that what’s my

tomato plants. Besides, I wasn’t ready to

see a cherry tomato again. The eggplants

kale is their kale. But honestly with the

give up the taste of just picked in the sun

did okay, but they’d be ready when I

lettuce, all I had to do was look at the

and popped in your mouth tomatoes,

wasn’t in an eggplant mood. And when

stuff and it would bolt. Nor was I allowed

no matter what Dereyk decreed. And

I was, the ones I’d picked previously

to bring home any more enormous

finally, only one summer squash or one

were shriveled on the counter and

rosemary plants that needed to be

zucchini plant allowed. Not both.

nothing would be ready in the patch.

brought inside for the winter as each

The onions rotted and the edamame

year they look like they might survived

On the plus side, I could grow as many

were also enjoyed in leaf form by the

in the house, and then, as soon as the

beans and cucumbers as I wanted. And

rabbits. Frankly, we had a terrible bean

weather turned and it threatened to get

radishes. Also allowed were chives and

season. I’m not sure what happened,

warm, they’d bite the dust. Dereyk felt

as much dill as I could handle (which

but I think the plants got swamped and

terrible about the rosemary plant deaths,

is funny since we lose this crop to the

disappeared. Either that or elves stole

so just one smaller sacrifical one was

swallowtail butterfly caterpillars each

them. Regardless we did not harvest a

fine. No more arugula – thank you flea

year but I’d grow it for both of them

single haricot vert all season. I believe I

beetles. (Although if you want to try one

with pleasure, regardless of my success.)

even planted two crops. Terrible right?

buy Wasabi from Renee’s Seeds. It really

He encouraged nasturtium plantings

tastes like the Japanese horseradish, but

for salads, eggplants that he’d be happy

And did I mention that my potatoes,

it bolted very early for us. The thirty

to grill as long as he didn’t have to eat

which had always been an easy crop for

leaves we ate were amazing, but really?

them, and I could knock myself out with

me, were either dug up and eaten by

Thirty leaves? Not such a good return on

wax and hot peppers, but no habaneros

rats, rats that have come to the garden



to celebrate my adventures with chickens, or inexplicably

for clearing the head. I actually enjoy it. But the growing

collapsed into liquid puddles of nastiness? Oh yes, and even

season is also my working season, so invariably I’m trying to

with only one plant, there was way too much squash. I tried

fit a week’s worth of chores and errands and garden activities

an heirloom zucchini and we hated it. We tried feeding them

into one day off and weeding the beets and thinning the

to the chickens but they hated it too. Hello compost pile.

lettuce will always be deprioritized.

I love strawberries, but I know myself well enough to know

Nor am I motivated to check to see what needs to be

I will never maintain a strawberry patch perfectly, and why

picked everyday. I fulfilled that need with the big armfuls

should I when the farm stand on Wainscott Main Street has

of blooms I drag up and down my two acres, cackling with

such excellent berries right when they’re truly ready. They

glee at each fabulous find. If I’m out there with a basket,

also had the most incredible asparagus last spring, which

I’m probably filling it with something that’s pretty and frilly

put my poor little pathetic patch to shame. But I wasn’t

and voluptuous. And that’s okay. That’s who I am. That’s

embarrassed; I was grateful.

my passion and why I garden. It’s how I ended up with foxgloves overtaking and swamping the area where the peas

I’m happy to confess that I’m a bad veggie grower.

were meant to be.

I think it’s the maintenance that’s required. I’m not a big

So last fall, when my disappointment with the vegetable

weeder, I’m a planter. I believe if there’s an empty hole you

garden still outweighed the pleasure I got from growing

should fill it with a plant, or throw down a few more seeds or

my own food, I planted tulips instead. And when those are

pop in a bulb, a theory that doesn’t really work when you’re

done this spring I plan on stuffing the vegetable patch with

growing crops. Crops require thinning and weeding. Two

dahlias, verbena bonariensis, nicotianas and ammi mas.

skills that I really don’t have either the time or inclination

And I’m not going to beat myself up about it.

to pursue. It’s not that I’m not good at weeding, I am. And

weeding has always been some of my most grounding and

I’m a bad veggie gardener and that’s okay. Although I might

healthy time in the garden. Weeding is good for the soul,

be disappointing Alice Waters by no longer providing my

mostly because no one can weed when they are angry or

own sustenance from my own land, I imagine if she saw

distracted, so you have to be in the present or you’ll do

last years’ pathetic radishes she’d forgive me for giving up.

damage, ripping out good seedlings and plants you want

And if I explained to her that the way I was feeding myself

with the bad guys. When you weed you have to leave the

was that I was adding more flowers to stuff my soul, I think

frustrations, irritations and distractions of the world behind.

she’d be okay. Especially if I handed her a huge purple and

You have to see what you are doing and be aware. Weeding is

orange bouquet. r

one of the most Zen activities I know, and amazingly helpful







words & photos by Jess Arnaudin jessarnaudin.com



At every season we are called to listen to the earth and to our bodies. We respond to

I’ve come to realize that simplicity truly

longer in the sky, and to the bees that

eliminate the clutter, we discover daily

the soft urges of the sun staying a bit hum as the budding ground is roused to life. We slip yet again into the beautiful magic






is the ultimate sophistication. When we self-care rituals that are simple, but not simplistic.

season of awakening we must tune in and

Streamlining your stash is not only about

full, nourished, and complete.

quality, and choosing products that are

ask ourselves what we need in order to feel









empty, to surrender the things in our lives

less quantity; it’s also a commitment to made with good-for-you ingredients with no

harmful side effects. Download apps like

Think Dirty, Environmental Working Group

which no longer serve us. It’s a universal

Skin Deep, and My Conscience My Choice that

a collective craving to purge, to lighten.

empower you to shop more thoughtfully. (Make

impulse. With every vernal equinox we feel Love it or dread it, we call it spring

cleaning. Perhaps somehow this basic need contains more enduring universal truths for

our planet as a whole. Maybe each year we understand again that we must do more with less – and in doing so, learn to find bliss in life’s simple pleasures.

As a society, we speak the language of stuff.

We delight in having a rich storehouse of possibilities






stocked fridge, or a closet bursting at the seams with color, texture, patterns.

As an esthetician and makeup artist, my specific dialect was always a beauty bag overflowing





rate personal care products on safety and sure to always steer clear of the supervillains: parabens, phthalates, synthetic colors,





consideration when downsizing quantity is to upsize value. Find sustainable products that work double time; perhaps your cleanser

is also supremely moisturizing, or your

body oil can be used as a hair serum to tame flyaway strands. The “do more with less” lifestyle





yourself of luxurious sensory experiences.

Quite the opposite! It’s about honoring yourself, your skin, and the environment

by selecting only the best-of-the-best, and saying farewell to the rest.

clusters were varying colored glass bottles

Our lives are the reflection of our actions

my nightstand. Heaped into boxes beneath

to bring another product into your life,

and countless jars stacked haphazardly on the bathroom sink lived an apothecary of

tonics and masques and clay powders. There were the tucked away treasures, too, the

once-loved-now-forgotten lip balm, or the hand-poured vials filled with essential oils

scattered to pieces among tote bags and denim pockets. I found comfort in being insulated by endless options.


and beliefs. Each time you make the choice you are in essence voting for that product – the manufacturing methods, the ingredients,

the packaging. You are placing your trust in that particular company. When examining

your self-care habits, take a look at every

aspect of the products that you bring into your home.


In addition to the non-negotiable purity of the product, all of these factors play a role in the decision to purchase with intention.

Is the packaging recyclable or biodegradable? Are the products 100% cruelty-free? Who founded the line/what’s their story? Are the ingredients organic or wild-harvested? Does the company give a portion of proceeds to charity?







words & photos by Becky Waddell of Be Clean becleanshop.com

props by Salt & Sundry instagram.com/saltandsundry

There seems to be a point in our lives when days mysteriously transform from hours long to minutes short, and our list of obligations stretches beyond our furthest horizons. There’s a point when adulthood creeps in and politely requests that we support ourselves financially, emotionally, and physically, all while being present for our family and confidants. It’s here where we start overlooking the details, and begin shifting from task to task instead of participating in the moments that shape our lived experience. Of this casual acceptance for missing moments, I may be more guilty than you. I easily and often forget to stop and smell the roses. My thoughts drift (read: run) toward the future, only to miss the infinite beauty that exists right in front of me. I want to remember these moments, and in a twist of trite fate, I’m doing so by stopping, and indeed smelling, the roses. And lavender. And mint. And sage. I’ll admit it: I’m falling in love with herbs. Though only in the very early stages of discover I’ve found that paying attention to their scents is almost meditative. Stepping away from overpowering fragrance, most notably the artificial scents found in everything from hand soap to room spray, has enabled me to uncover a world of subtle complexity in herbs. Do you know how many ways lavender can smell? I spend most of my time exploring the herbal creations of talented makers and herbalists, and it’s an incredible privilege. But recently, mindful moments call me to explore. These are a few simple recipes I’ve discovered so far, and though one takes longer than the other, it’s worth the time; indulge in the moment it offers.

Have you ever made your own nut milk? If so, you know how focusing the process can be. I am endlessly struck by the nuance of a homemade milk: the texture, the scent, the flavor. They’re so delicate and sweet. Here, I’ve softened the stronger flavor of pistachio milk with some almonds, brightened them both with roses and lavender, and kept things grounded with warm turmeric and vanilla. The herbs transform this humble milk into a refreshing drink, and I can envision it poured on ice and enjoyed over conversation on a sunny spring day. I recommend using organic ingredients and purchasing organic herbs from a reputable source for this recipe. Ingredients 3/4 cup raw soaked pistachios 1/4 cup raw soaked almonds 1 date 4 cups water pinch of sea salt 1/4 cup dried edible rose petals 1 tsp dried edible lavender 1/8 tsp powdered turmeric 1/4 tsp alcohol-free vanilla extract

Tools blender nut milk bag large bowl milk jar

Instructions 1. Place soaked and rinsed nuts in blender with the date, water, and salt. Blend on high for 30 seconds, or until liquid looks frothy and creamy, and no pieces of nuts or dates are seen in the blender. 2. Place nut milk bag in a bowl and slowly pour the milk mixture into the nut milk bag. Squeeze liquid out gently with clean hands until you’re left with pulp only. Discard pulp and rinse bag. 3. Transfer your pistachio milk to a storage container. If you stop here and just make the milk, add a pinch of cinnamon and enjoy! 4. Rinse your blender. Add 1 cup of milk to blender with the rose petals, lavender, turmeric and vanilla extract, and blend for 15 seconds. 5. Place nut milk bag in a bowl and slowly pour the milk mixture into the nut milk bag. Strain liquid out gently until you’re left with pulp only. 6. Pour your fresh glass of floral almond pistachio milk over ice and garnish as desired. Enjoy!



For many years, during a time prior to unending to-do lists, I crafted my own tea with dried flowers from my local herb shop. This blend of chamomile, lavender and mint smells to me like a comforting cup of delicately crafted tea. Dominated by the aroma of chamomile, the oil is sweet and warm with subtle hints of crisp lavender and bright mint. The recipe below is only a suggestion; I enjoy the warm florals of this chamomile-forward recipe, but please explore and modify to your liking. This oil can be used as a light moisturizer for body and hair. Again, I recommend using organic ingredients and purchasing organic herbs from a reputable source for this recipe. Ingredients 6 oz. jojoba oil (I used USA-based brand Oro de Sonora) 1/4 cup dried chamomile 3 tbsp dried lavender 1 tsp dried peppermint

Tools 2 small sanitized glass storage jars with sealable lid (I used Ball jars) small clean muslin bag

Instructions There are multiple ways that you can prepare herbal oils. Because I don’t have reliable access to a sunny window, I used a stove top method but it’s quite time intensive. (The preparation must be checked regularly over several hours for safety reasons.) In deference to the reality of our schedules, and in the spirit of the springtime weather, I suggest trying the solar infusion method instead. 1. Place herbs in a sanitized jar and cover with oil. The oil should cover the herbs completely, plus provide enough coverage for herbs to expand about an inch. The jar also should have about an inch of space between the oil and the lid, so make sure to use an appropriately sized container. Label jar with ingredients and date for reference.

3. Once your oil and herbs have infused, carefully pour the mix through a muslin bag (which acts as a filter) into a fresh, sanitized jar. Some oil will naturally pour through, but you must also squeeze the bag to extract the rest of the oil. Make sure you thoroughly wash your hands before squeezing the bag to prevent contamination, and perhaps wear a fresh pair of sterile gloves to play it extra safe.

2. Place jar in a sunny window and allow to infuse for 2-4 weeks 4. Discard your herbs (compost them if possible) and seal your (some resources suggest up to 6 weeks), making sure to gently jar. Label it with ingredients and the date, and store it in a cool, shake the jar daily in order to distribute the herbs and dislodge dry place. air bubbles. If you’re concerned about exposing the oil to sunlight, cover the jar with fabric or a paper bag. Notes You will have slightly less oil than you started with because it can’t be recovered 100% in the filtering process. I like starting with a small volume like this because it has allowed to me figure out which scents are stronger, and balance my batches according to preference. I am also more likely to use it all up before the oil reaches its shelf life of several months. As you become more experienced, you can make larger batches of your favorite blends! It is very important that your jars are sanitized, the herbs are totally dry, and that no water enters your oil batch. Water will encourage bacterial growth. Always perform a patch test to make sure you don’t have any adverse reactions to your herbal oil, and do not use any herbs or oils you are allergic to. Do not use your oil if it smells bad or has any growth. r



words by Amy Hebert elementseven.net In a world that keeps us spinning round and round and upside down, that is ever changing, and that constantly offers us new information every minute of every day - it can be a challenge (to say the least) to remain grounded in a healthy lifestyle. Another cool event, another superfood, and yet another method to discover your passion! While entertaining, potentially helpful, and probably well intentioned - it’s important to decipher the relevant from the irrelevant according to your life, and actively seek the information that will be helpful in your world, as opposed to living in a reactive state.

The point of simplifying your life is to create more time and space for that which you truly love, and to live with more joy, less stress, and increased energy levels. It’s about separating yourself from the noise and distractions of life, and connecting with your truest desires and most authentic purpose. Focusing your purpose entails coming from an authentic place in all aspects of your life, including choosing food and cooking options that work for you and your life, committing to spending your time with people - and at places - that enhance and energize you, and making sure to carve out time for self-care. Clearing out both mental and physical clutter and implementing some guidelines can help you simplify your life, and create space for your mind to think clearly, your body to move with ease, and your soul to shine.



If you are vegan, I am almost certain you have been asked

the energy of having to figure it out as I go. In this sense, how

this question, in one form or another: How do you manage

we eat is just as important as what we eat.

to survive/thrive without eating meat or dairy? As I evolve, I often respond that being vegan is not the challenge for me. The

Food is fuel for our minds and bodies. And digestion is key

challenge is staying healthy amongst a hectic schedule, which I

when it comes to being full of energy, and with that in mind -

believe pertains to anyone, plant powered or not. I have learned

simplicity is paramount. Though I love plates full of all sorts of

that it’s about making a healthy lifestyle work in my world,

vegan deliciousness, the simpler I eat, the less energy used up on

and being in tune with my needs enough to know what works

digestion, the better I feel.

for me, and what doesn’t. And that takes simplifying through planning. For example, if I don’t have a plan for what I’m going

Having a routine and a few meals that you consistently make

to eat that day, I could very well resort to eating a bag of chips

different variations of will help you simplify your life. Outline

and hummus for dinner - which is amazing and satisfying every

the components of an ideal dish. Perhaps it’s one legume, one

now and then - but could never be sustained long term and will

protein, and a few different veggies at each meal. In addition,

zap my energy in half. Planning ahead helps me simplify as it

a simple framework for recipes and how we eat throughout the

takes the guesswork and confusion out of the day, and saves me

day can do wonders for energy levels, and combating stress.

This may not be a perfect plan, but it works for me. I feel good and having this framework helps me keep my health and stress in check. It even helps when I go shopping so that I’m not aimlessly shopping the aisles.

Breakfast is almost always a smoothie. (After coffee, of course.) Typically it consists of whatever greens are on hand, almond butter, almond milk, chia seeds, a few berries or a frozen banana, and a dash of cinnamon and nutmeg.

Lunch is a salad or sandwich on bread of choice, tons of greens and veggies that I have on hand, and the leanest protein source possible, maybe tempeh or nuts/ seeds. As of late, my favorite combo has been arugula, avocado, carrots, sunflower seeds and a dressing made up of Dijon mustard and balsamic vinegar.

At dinner I like to bring on the carbs. A favorite - sautéed veggies in coconut oil, with a starch and flavorful sauce, always adding in spices like turmeric, cayenne, black pepper, and curry powder. Lately I’ve been doing a veggie burger or sweet potato with a portabello and as many veggies as I can fit on my plate. I also like to indulge in Treeline cashew cheese to brighten things up. (Bonus: it contains probiotics for better digestion.)

Other things I have found that help me simplify are shopping on the same days every week and having a set a meal prep day once or twice a week. On Sundays I think about planning for workdays and on Thursday as the weekend approaches, my plan shifts accordingly.



Reducing clutter in your space - whether it be physical or space or in your schedule - can do wonders for reducing stress levels and increasing your creativity. When you create space, you make room to attract that which is meant to be in your life. Clutter can show up as a messy desk or hanging on to clothing we don’t like, for fear there may be some occasion down the road for which we will need them. Clearing stacks of old papers and any objects that don’t light us up when we look at them will allow us to operate our lives from a place of peace and clarity. Surrounding ourselves with things that are beautiful and which evoke great memories will inspire us regularly. Creating space can also be about how you organize your day. Are you always running late or filling your schedule with things that you don’t really don’t want to, or have to do? Choosing commitments that align with your greatest purpose will help you scale back. We don’t have forever on this planet, and making the most of your time will free up mental energy and promote clarity. It’s not easy, as we can feel pretty guilty about telling people no. A good friend shared a quote with me about guilt.

And I agree. Though I want everyone to be happy and don’t want to let anyone down or hurt their feelings, I know that looking out for myself and putting my needs first does not have to be selfish. On the contrary, it can be quite selfless. When you look out for your self and practice loving yourself through self-care, you become a kinder person. It’s really quite simple: I don’t want to be grumpy and stressed. So if that means I have to say no to an event and instead stop at a juice bar and go home to zen out in hot bubble bath, then let me be. Please. I’ll be a better friend in the long run.



We have all heard by now that meditation is a remarkable tool to clear the clutter from our brains, but it can also feel like “another thing we have to add to our routine.” I think that meditation isn’t something we should add, but rather something we must add. The process does get easier with time, and it seems the more you need it, the harder it is. In other words, the more stressed out you are, the harder it will be to be still. Start meditation with an act such as walking. Then you are at least doing something, while actively focusing on breath and dismissing mind chatter/random thoughts. Speaking of which, physical activity is a great way to clear mental clutter and regain clarity. Sweating out your body, limiting thoughts, and confusion is a great way to start and/or end your day. Taking a break from technology will also provide you with more connection to what matters most to you. Carving time out time to be in nature or read great books that delight you can be great ways to reboot. Or you can make technology work for you. Headspace is a powerful meditation tool. When we are plugged in, even our laptops can feel the effects of too much stuff. Logging onto an organized laptop and having systems in place for blocking distractions can help us get our meaningful work done. Personally, Facebook simply cannot be open while I am working on a project. Though I’m happy for them, do I really need to hear about how my friends’ son made honor roll or how cold it is out when I have creative expression to attend to? And unless it simply won’t work for the work you do, it would be awesome to only check email 2-3 times a day. If at all possible, give all aspects of your life a reboot by taking a few days whenever you can to replenish yourself. Quiet time, simple foods, and a little sweat go a long way. Maybe you can only fit in an evening, but it will be worth it! Clearing clutter from these aspects of our lives will allow us to move forward and live more intuitively, and more in tune with our greatest, genuine purpose. r




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