summer 2012

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chickpea magazine summer 2012

chickpea is a publication meant to inspire and bring together the vegan community each season. we get our content from vegans and vegetarians of all levels from around the world. you can find us both online and in print. check out our website to find out more about submitting for future issues, buying print copies, stocking us in your shop, or advertising with us.

editor in chief cara livermore co-editor bob lawton

copyright 2011-2012 chickpea magazine all content within, including imagery, is property of its respective owner. this publication may not be reproduced in part or full without expressed permission. (press is okay, though!)

Hello and welcome to the fourth issue of Chickpea! For this issue we tried to focus on things we associate with summer: camping, cold desserts and the fresh summer harvest. You’ll notice a lot more hand-drawn content, as well as more varied and beautiful photography. This is all thanks to our talented contributors, who have somehow managed to outdo themselves this time around. Enjoy the magazine and thanks for your support, Bob and Cara


sarah mcneil


jen bardekoff


jenna blazevich


jennifer busby


kathy hester


kittee berns

katherine ryan

lea kralj jager

gobb marit stigson


riia berg


esse elle


janet hudson


jackie sobon


vanessa pastore


valery rizzo


mireille capiau


manon van der zwaal

79 64-67 59

special thanks to isa chandra moskowitz for doing the interview with us!


a summer together


foodie fun in the sun!


how to make soda from scratch


urban farming in brooklyn


no such thing as bad pizza


vegan revolution at the vegetarian butcher


becoming vegan: marit stigson


interview: isa chandra moskowitz


summer 2012 recipe book 64 lil kitchen! 68 lucky 13 vegan ice creams 75 garlicky dill cauliflower dip 76 raw cookies 79 salt and vinegar chickpeas 80 make your own cheap o’ cinnos 86 lebanese iced tea 88 blueberry cheesecake 90 white pizza with zucchini

by bob

& cara

I grew up camping. My father was an eagle scout, so my brothers and I - all four of us - had little choice but to earn every BSA rank from Bobcat to Eagle Scout. Naturally I’ve forgotten all my knots, though if I really need to lash together a tripod I’m sure I could refresh my memory. Where it failed to instill nationalism and the taut-line hitch, the BSA gave me a respect for nature, a belief in conservation and a love of the outdoors.

My camping experience has always been about bringing people together, especially family. Even today, after we’ve all moved out, we go camping together every summer. Those who come along are not just my five-person nuclear family, but my aunts, uncles, cousins and those close family friends we call “aunt and uncle” regardless of their real titles.

In Scouting, the quality of food varied by the event. At sleepaway camp, where you had three-walled cabins and worked on merit badges for a week or two, the dining hall food was predictably bad. Being in one place for any length of time did allow you to cook some of your own food. This was where my father introduced us to the dutch oven: a squat cast-iron pot that you’d cover in coals and bake desserts with. You could use it for anything, but the meals that stick out in my mind are french toast, peach cobbler, and even a pancake pastry my dad was fond of making. None of this was vegan of course - I would remain an omnivore for a few years past scouting -but all the ingredients that made camp cooking difficult (eggs, milk, quickly-spoiling meat) are ones that meatless cooking makes easy. One of my favorite camp-cooking successes was making french toast on a camp-stove griddle with dehydrated eggs. How hard could that kind of unfood be to duplicate? When you weren’t at a long-term camp, though, food became less of an event. Dehydrated meals and MRE’s were exciting when you were a kid but hardly counted as appetizing once the novelty wore off. Endless peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwiches solidified the monotony. When you’re backpacking your culinary choices are limited by the amount you can carry. Day hikes and weekend trips still have exciting meals, as you’re still able to haul in the cook gear, but the longer the trek the less excitement you can pack. Keep in mind that we were a bunch of teens in the 90’s; we certainly didn’t have the budget or the range of options of backpackers now. Go into an EMS or an REI in modern times and there are even vegan options hidden among the dehydrated meals, and they’re not half bad! My camping ideal is a backpack, a tiny tent, a compass and a map. As noted, the downside to this is the amount of dehydrated food you’re forced to eat. Despite that constant struggle to minimize weight and maximize taste, my recent vegan backpacking adventures have taught me that good food is possible without buying your own dehydrator!

Our camping locations have changed over the years, but my all time favorite is my Aunt Beth’s big old house on the North end of Lake Ontario. My family would get a great circle of tents and little campers together and stick some tables in the middle with tarps overhead. Every morning there would be a huge breakfast, my childhood favorite consisting of “orange drink” and trial sizes of cereal. We swam all day and had s’more’s all night. This style of camping is in some ways very “uncamping” in that we rarely camp in the wilderness. Especially when we were all very young it just wasn’t realistic for my parents to take all of us into uncharted territory. For my family it’s about creating this big party outside. Now that I’m an adult it’s easy to see why this all appealed to the grown-ups - it’s fun to have twenty tents in one little space! As an added bonus the workload per person is much lighter. I’ve also come to realize that this kind of camping is about finding an inexpensive way to escape from everyday life. Growing up, all of our houses were under 1,000 square feet, and our ovens were always busted. When you’re out camping, space is not an issue and you can always start a fire to cook a giant feast. This poor man’s vacation home is something I’ll always look forward to when summer comes back around. 09

With all of that history behind both of us, we decided to start the summer out the right way: together, out camping, bringing together our respective traditions. We’re lucky enough to be within an hour of New York’s incredible Letchworth State Park, advertised in its promotional material as the Grand Canyon of The East! We loaded our Volvo with a single-person tent with no rain fly, a cooler full of vegan eatables, and no bug spray. We were ready, as the scout motto (probably???) goes! On the first day we set out to explore the park. It turns out that it is VAST and full of unmanned midcentury recreation facilities, none of which will be open until after the magazine is released! Who knew?! After griping that the heat would be bearable if only they would unlock the gates to the pool we found a nice quite stream (pictured at right), kicked off our shoes and had our lunch.


chickpea mag summer 2012

IDEAS FOR BACKPACKING LUNCHES - HUMMUS WRAPS WITH FINELY CHOPPED SUN-DRIED TOMATOES pack the tortilla shells and hummus seperately in baggies so you don’t crush them before you eat them.

- HOMEMADE GRANOLA BARS AND/OR TRAIL MIX easily customizable with your favorite dried fruits and nuts.

- PEANUT BUTTER AND APPLES again, if you’re conserving weight get that peanut butter into lightweight baggies.

- HUMMUS AND BABY CARROTS another great reason to keep things seperate: reuse your hummus for multiple meals.


Our lunch finished, we settled on a campsite, pitched our inadequate tent and started a fire using only scout skills and three matches. As soon as we’d gotten it hot enough we broke out the vegan marshmellows (top left). We brought Sweet and Sara’s and Dandies, of which Sweet and Sara’s are our campfire favorites: they melt into smore-configuration just right and brown beautifully over the fire. Our second day was entirely devoted to the preparation of the feast (top right). We stoked the fire and got to it!

summer FEAST IDEAS - FRUIT SALAD Watermelon, peaches and berries mixed with finely chopped mint and basil. Swap out the fruits all you like, but the [FRESH] herbs give an unexpectly complex flavor to this summer staple.

- GRILLED CORN ON THE COB There are a few ways to do this -- tossing the corn straight on the grill works just fine, as does wrapping the pre-shucked corn in foil. If you decide on the latter strategy you can also add Earth Balance and salt to the foil-wrap, saving you the effort of buttering your corn later on!

- Grilled Romaine with Cashew Cheese Cut small heads of romaine into halves and grill flat-side down for one minute at most or until slightly charred. Make sure to hold off on this dish until the end, right before serving or they’ll get limp. Make the cashew cheese at home by blending together 1 1/3 cups soaked cashews, 1/3 cup water, 2 squeezes lemon juice, and freshly ground pepper and sea salt to taste.

- CHICKPEA BURGERS Pre-make these at home. Mix 4 parts chickpeas to 1 part rolled oats then add spices (basil, tarragon, oregano, sea salt, etc) and knead with vegetable stock until the patties hold together, adding the stock slowly to avoid watering down your patties and making them too soft.


chickpea mag summer 2012

- Grilled peaches Halve and de-pit a few peaches. Rub brown sugar into the cut side and grill over the fire until carmelized.

- Macaroni Salad Here’s another thing to prepare at home and stow in the cooler. Boil some elbow noodles until tender. While those cook blend together 1 package firm silken tofu, 1-2 tbsp sriracha, 1 tsp each onion and garlic powder, 1 tsp salt and 2 sprigs of finely chopped dill. Once the pasta is done mix it with your blended sauce and seal it up in a ziploc bag so you don’t get cooler ice in it!

- Wine We could’ve made a ton of cutesy lemonades here instead, but when camping we exclusively drink water all day and a little wine at night. Go to to see if your drink selections are vegan.

- Garlic Bread Cut off the tops of two heads of garlic and place them in tinfoil bags with some olive oil. Place these over the fire and allow to bake until they are soft and browned. Slice the bread medium-thin, squeezing out a now-mushy clove and mashing it onto each slice. Sprinkle with sea salt.

- Roasted Tomatoes Wrap 2-3 tomatoes in aluminum foil and put them over the fire. Allow to bake until they are soft with crinkly, broken skin. They get really sweet and flavorful this way, and make a great topper for the bread!



chickpea mag summer 2012

On our last day we awake and break out the BSA messkit to cook breakfast over the fire. We’d waited all weekend to make our FAVORITE french toast, which is out of the Rabbit Food Cookbook ( Essentially the recipe starts out with a teaspoon of vanilla extract with two cups rice milk, which we had combined before we left and stored in a tightly sealed mason jar in the cooler. The dry ingredients we also premixed in a baggie -- a mixture of flours, nutritional yeast, sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg. You’d think nooch would give it a cheesy flavor but it tastes surprisingly eggy! Anyway, dump your dry ingredients out of their baggy into your wet-ingredient jar and shake it like you’re mixing a cocktail. Meanwhile have someone else slice your bread and wash the fruit from the cooler, since you probably got gross cooler-water all over it. Dip your bread as usual (you may want to pour it out of the mason jar into a shallower piece of your mess kit) and crisp it over the fire. Did you forget the maple syrup? No, you just can’t afford real maple syrup cuz it’s almost time to print the Summer issue? Well melted earth balance and brown sugar are a spoton replacement! The fresh fruit also helps to balance out the rich flavors of the french toast, so don’t focus on those sickly-sweet toppings TOO much. Our camping styles are informed by vastly different backgrounds. Boyscout-for-life versus girlscout dropout, wealthy suburbanite versus hand-me-down queen, backpacking versus recreational vehicle. We brought our styles together in a way that highlights both of our favorite parts of camping. Each meal was a luxurious home-cooked meal, but all were packed with efficiency and transport in mind. A cooler for her, a dented messkit for him. We both agree that camping should be fun and food should NEVER suffer just because we left the comfort of our kitchen. 19



chickpea mag summer 2012

Five Ways to Make the Most Out of Your Summer

photos and story by jen bardekoff, header by cara livermore

If you’re not outside just yet, you will be very soon! The sun is out and it’s calling your name, beckoning you outside. One of the best parts of summer is that contagious “must be outdoors” feeling, and incorporating food into your summer itinerary is a must! Here are five ways to take advantage of the summer weather and the food that pairs oh-so-well with it:

Picnic Paradise

Grab a blanket and utensils! That’s a given. Now choose your favorite sandwiches and snacks to accompany you on your picnic adventure. You can make food from scratch or visit your local market for a fresh sandwich. The fresh, organic vegan sandwiches at Two Bits Market in Downtown Los Angeles fit the bill nicely for me. Be sure to bring refreshing beverages to accompany your grub. Agua fresca is good, or if it’s kosher in your picnicking area, make it a boozy picnic with mojitos made with fresh mint. Don’t forget dessert! Even a simple artisan chocolate bar will compliment your picnic feast.

Bake, Sell, Eat

Score some good karma points with a vegan bake sale! Pick your favorite local charity, grab your bake-happy friends, and bake up a storm. Sweets are irresistible, and loading them up with local, seasonal fruit will make them even more delectable. Strawberry shortcake is a guaranteed summer sellout! Mini cupcakes are a must. Bakesales always make for a fun, treat-filled afternoon for a good cause.

Pick a Patio

Which of your favorite local eateries and bars have patios? Relaxing on a patio with a cocktail (or two!) and some vegan tapas is one of the best parts of summer. And it’s even better if you can bring your four-legged friend, as many outdoor patios are dog-friendly.

Weekend (Food) Warrior

Take a weekend trip to discover out-of-town eats! Walkable cities are the best way to do this— you can learn a lot about a city from its food culture, and strolling around town to sample unique vegan dishes is a delicious way to spend your weekend. Doing some research before your trip is always helpful, and you can always strike up a conversation with other locals to find out some insider tips about their favorite spots!

Picking for Pies

Berry picking: it’s not just for kids. And Google makes it easy to find out where you can pick fruit in your neighborhood. What’s not to love? You get to pick the berries, eat the berries, and then, if you manage to save some, bake a pie! New to pie-baking? No problem! Pick up Vegan Pie in the Sky for an incredibly delicious selection of vegan pie recipes. Intimidated by pie-baking? Just toss some berries on sorbet, and voila, you have a refreshing summer treat.


homemade sodas a refreshing way to enjoy summer fruit! by jennifer busby

Americans spent $74.2 billion on soda in 2010. Some prefer Pepsi, others Coke, but a growing group of American soda drinkers are looking closer to home for their bubbly beverages. You too can subvert the soda giants by making your own pop this summer. In the late 1700’s, sparkling mineral water was lauded for its therapeutic benefits. And after the invention of mass-produced soda water in 1772, pharmacies began springing up around the nation, selling bubbling curealls for headaches and hangovers. Long before diet Mountain Dew and Vanilla Coke, sodas distilled the goodness of fruit, herbs, and mineral water into liquid refreshment. The first ginger ale, root beer, and cream soda hit the market in the 1800’s. Soon after, the recipe for CocaCola was created in an Atlanta, Georgia pharmacy. As the movement for small-scale, local food grows, modern soda aficionados can find a variety of ginger sodas and herbal colas on the shelves of natural foods stores. And in a call to rural American roots, high-end restaurants are bringing fizzy vinegar drinks to adventurous palates. Making soda syrups at home is almost as easy as buying them at the grocery store, and summertime is ideal for turning the freshest, sweetest seasonal fruit into a satisfying drink. Since Prohibition cemented soda as a mainstay of American beverage culture, sodas have continued to drift from their natural roots. The flavors of the biggest brands have remained constant (fake orange, “cola,” fake grape), but sweeteners have been in flux since World War II, when sugar rationing limited pop production. Since then, no-calorie sugar-replacements and dirt-cheap high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) have become industry mainstays.

Diet sodas have been around since the 1960’s, when super-thin supermodels like Twiggy cropped up in fashion. Look up an old Tab commercial on YouTube; their ads feature a pinched-waist soda glass and a healthy dose of sexism. Two decades later, when diet sweetener Saccharin fell out of fashion (it causes cancer) HFCS was introduced. Whether it’s sweetened with HFCS or cane sugar, an eight-ounce serving of Coca-Cola contains 27 grams of sugar -- more than 7 teaspoons. Some natural brands sweeten their brews with honey, so read the labels. By brewing your own soda, you can moderate your sugar intake and opt for low-glycemic index sweeteners like maple syrup or agave nectar while avoiding non-vegan ingredients like honey. Rather than overwhelming your palate with syrupy sweetness, natural sodas use sugar to heighten the subtleties of the fruits and herbs they contain. In many of these recipes, the natural sweetness of the fruit lends the soda its flavor. In others the pungent bite of ginger or other spicy ingredient is the dominant flavor. Among the new brands edging onto store shelves is Hot Lips Soda. The Portland, Oregon brand began in it’s small chain of pizzerias. Since bottling their first batch, their fruit sodas have found their way from the Northwest all the way to Florida. Each soda begins with fresh fruit and water that is combined with just enough sugar to bring out the flavors of the fruit. After the mixture is cooked down in open kettles, yeast is added. When the soda has reached prime carbonation, it is chilled to stop the fermentation process. Scaled down, this method is prime for home production.


Fermenting soda at home is like brewing beer - but easier. And unlike beer, soda’s brief fermentation time of three to five days isn’t long enough for yeast to produce significant quantities of alcohol. Fermented sodas are a simple combination of sugar, flavoring, and dry brewer’s yeast. The yeast consumes the sugar to create carbon dioxide-and increased pressure than can shatter glass bottles. “It’s very easy to make bottle bombs if you’re new and overcarbonate,” says Sheila Mason, of Portland’s Homebrew Exchange. “It happens with beer too, but more often with sweet, sugary drinks.” She recommends fermenting soda in plastic bottles because they can handle the pressure better than glass bottles can. Prime fermentation happens at room temperature--between 65 and 75 degrees. A batch should take less than a week, but the yeast will work faster the warmer the weather, so it’s a good idea to check the pressure daily. Most people ferment their sodas inside, Mason says, so they’re closer to the ideal temperature. When the bottles are firm to the touch, your soda is ready to be chilled. To stop fermentation, place the soda in the refrigerator. The cold slows the yeast, but it’s still working to carbonate the liquid. After a week of cold storage, crack open a bottle and enjoy. To avoid soda gushing from the bottle, consume fermented sodas within a few weeks after refrigerating. Dead brewer’s yeast used to carbonate soda is actually a favorite source of vegan B12--nutritional yeast. Sodas carbonated using brewer’s yeast typically have dead yeast sediment hanging around the bottom of the bottle, but it’s not advisable to drink the dregs.

As a shortcut to bubbling bliss, most of Manson’s customers use carbonated water for their sodas. She recommends fermented sodas for their improved mouth-feel. Fermenting the soda makes the liquid seem thicker and more satisfying, a velvety texture that can be replicated with polysaccharide additives such as maltodextrin or gum arabic. Vinegar drinks, known as shrubs or switchels, are a rural American mainstay and close relative to kombucha, as the bacterial process used to turn wine into vinegar is the same as the one that transforms sweet tea into tart, refreshing kombucha. To make a shrub, a vinegar-laced fruit syrup is diluted with sparkling water for an unusually light thirst quencher that rural Americans have been enjoying for more than a century. Combining seltzer water with flavored syrups is the fastest way to homemade soda. Stockpiling the syrups in advance makes it easy to enjoy a refreshing homemade soda without turning on the stove. Most of the following recipes make 1-2 cups of syrup, which is easily kept in a sterilized mason jar or bottle with a pour spout. Use these recipes as a guideline for your own flavors. Flavor bases made with herbs and sugar will keep, refrigerated, for 2 months, while bases made with fresh fruit are best used immediately. Check the bulk section of your local natural foods store for culinary lavender. Herb shops are also a great resource for purchasing precise quantities of high-quality herbs, while you’ll find bottles, sanitizer, yeast, and soda flavorings at homebrew stores.


chickpea mag summer 2012


lavendar simple syrup

chai simple syrup

Makes about 1 cup

Makes about 1 cup

1 cup water 1 cup sugar 1 tablespoon dried culinary lavender

1 cup water 1 cup raw, unwashed (tubinado) sugar 2 teaspoons loose-leaf black tea 8 green cardamom pods, cracked 1 star anise 12 whole cloves 1 4-inch cinnamon stick 1/4 slice fresh ginger root 1/4 teaspoon black peppercorns

Combine all ingredients in a saucepan. Bring to a boil and stir until the sugar dissolves. Remove from heat and allow to cool completely before straining into a sterile container. To serve, combine 2 tablespoons simple syrup with 8 ounces seltzer water. Add ice.

simple syrup Makes about 1 cup

Combine water and sugar in a saucepan. Bring to a boil and stir until the sugar dissolves. Remove from heat and add tea and spices. Allow to steep for 5 minutes before straining the syrup. Cool syrup to room temperature before using. Note: If fresh spices are unavailable, use 4 teaspoons of your favorite loose-leaf chai blend in lieu of the tea and spice mixture. To serve, mix 2 tablespoons chai syrup with 10 ounces seltzer water over ice.

This basic recipe can be infused with a variety of herbs and spices. Steep them in the syrup and strain before using. Some personal favorites are included below, but feel free to experiment with your favorite flavors.

mint simple syrup

1 cup water 1 cup sugar

1 cup water 1/2 cup sugar 1/4 cup chopped fresh mint leaves

Combine water and sugar in a saucepan. Bring to a boil and stir until sugar dissolves. Remove from heat and allow to cool to room temperature. Store in a sterilized container for up to 2 months.

Makes about 1 cup

To prepare the mint syrup, combine water, sugar, and mint in a saucepan. Bring to a boil, stirring often. Once the sugar and salt dissolve, remove from heat and allow to cool to room temperature. Strain into a sterile jar and store for up to two months. Variation: To prepare an herbal antioxidant soda that straddles the line between sweet and savory, increase the sugar to 1 cup and add 1/4 cup finely chopped fresh basil leaves and 1 tablespoon fresh rosemary leaves after removing saucepan from heat. To serve, mix 1/2 cup syrup with 1 cup seltzer water and add ice.


chickpea mag summer 2012


Flavored syrups are a good way to increase the flexibility of your home bar. Old standards like the gin and tonic are reinvigorated with a helping of fresh seasonal produce to create a simple and satisfying beverage.

Honeydew-Mint Mojito

In a highball glass, pour 2 oz. white rum over ice. Add 1/2 c. honeydew-mint base, the simple syrup, and stir. Top off with sparkling water, garnish with a mint sprig, and serve.

Chai Toddy

In an 8-ounce mug, combine 1/4 c. chai syrup with 2 ounces dark rum. Top off with hot water and serve.

Dark n’stormy

Add a shot of dark rum to a glass of homebrewed ginger beer.

Gin and Cukes

In a highball glass, pour 2 oz. gin over ice. Add 1/2 c. cucumber-mint syrup, stir and top off with sparkling water.

Gin & Grapefruit tonic

In an old-fashioned glass, pour 2 ounces gin over ice. Top off with grapefruit soda and garnish with a grapefruit curl.


chickpea mag summer 2012

Cardamom-Agave Sparkler Cooking down agave into a thick syrup intensifies the flavor while the bright flavor of the cardamom adds interest. This recipe makes 1/4 cup syrup, which is enough for 4 servings. 16 green cardamom pods 1/3 cup agave nectar 1/4 cup water 2 teaspoons fresh lemon juice Spread the cardamom pods on a study surface and smash with a hammer, mallet, or small cast-iron skillet until the pods are crushed and the seeds within are bruised. Be careful not to pound on a tile counter, as it may crack in the process. Combine all ingredients in a small saucepan. Bring to a simmer and reduce until about 1/4 cup liquid is left. Remove from the heat and allow to cool for 15 minutes before straining into a small container. Store in the refrigerator for up to 1 month. To serve, mix 1 tablespoon cardamom syrup with 1 1/3 cups seltzer.

Fermented Ginger Brew Makes 1 gallon (10-16 servings) 3 1/2 quarts water 3 ounces fresh ginger root, coarsely grated

Grapefruit Soda Makes 2 cups syrup, enough for 4 12-ounce servings The flat tonic water in this recipe adds a bitter flavor to the syrup. The result is a bittersweet grapefruit soda that is unusually refreshing. If you don’t have flat tonic water, substitute plain water. 1 cup sugar 1 cup flat tonic water 2 grapefruits, zest finely grated and juiced 1/2 t fine sea salt In a small saucepan, combine grapefruit zest, tonic, and sugar and bring to a boil over medium heat. Stir until sugar dissolves and remove from heat. Allow to cool to room temperature, then strain out the zest. If left in the syrup, the zest will lend an unpleasant bitter aftertaste. Add the sea salt and grapefruit juice and stir until dissolved. This syrup keeps for 2 days, refrigerated. To serve, mix equal parts syrup and seltzer water.

1 1-inch pice dried ginger 1 lb. sugar 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar 1/8 teaspoon champagne yeast (saccharomyces bayanus)

Prepare for brewing by sanitizing your plastic bottles and funnel. Homebrew shops carry commercial agents such as Idophor or Starsan. You can also swirl a small amount of vodka around to coat the inside of the bottle. The alcohol will kill any unwanted pathogens. Bleach solution is not recommended. In a large saucepan, combine water and gingers. Bring to a simmer over medium heat, stirring occasionally. Simmer, uncovered for 15 minutes. Add the sugar and vinegar and stir until the sugar dissolves. Remove from heat and let cool until the mixture reaches warm room temperature--between 75 and 80 degrees. Strain out the ginger. Add the yeast and stir until completely dissolved. It’s important to wait until the mixture cools to room temperature, otherwise the yeast will die as soon as it’s added and the soda will not carbonate. Using your kitchen funnel, pour the mixture into the sanitized bottles, leaving 1 1/2 inches of air space at the top of each. Seal and store at room temperature for 3-5 days. When the bottles feel hard, the soda inside is fully carbonated. Move the bottles to the fridge and chill for a week before serving. Consume within 3 weeks of chilling to avoid overcarbonation.


Cucumber-Mint Reviver Makes four 8-ounce servings 1 cup mint simple syrup, cool or at room temperature 1/4 teaspoon fine sea salt 1 large cucumber, ends trimmed, peeled, and cut into chunks Combine syrup, salt, and cucumber in a blender. Puree until smooth. Strain through a fine mesh sieve to remove chunks. This syrup will keep for 24 hours, refrigerated, and is best used immediately. Mix equal parts cucumber base and seltzer water and serve over ice. Honeydew-Mint Variation: Substitute 1/2 ripe honeydew melon, rind and seeds removed, for the cucumber. Adjust salt to taste and add more simple syrup if necessary.

Peaches and Cream Soda 2 ripe peaches, peeled and chopped (about 2 cups) 1/2 cup plain soymilk, or your favorite nondairy milk 1 teaspoon agave 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract Combine all ingredients in a blender and puree. This puree is best used immediately, but will keep for up to 24 hours in the refrigerator. To serve, mix 1/3 cup puree with 1 cup seltzer over ice and stir gently to combine. Variation: Use your favorite seasonal fruit. If using berries with small seeds, you may strain the puree to remove them.

Balsamic Shrub 1 tablespoon aged balsamic vinegar 1 cup seltzer water To serve, combine balsamic and seltzer in a glass. Stir gently and add ice. This is a good introduction to vinegar drinks. The balsamic is the star of the show here, so spring for a good-quality aged balsamic that comes out of the bottle thick and dark. Expect a dry, tart drink with a savory finish.


chickpea mag summer 2012


urban farming IN BROOKLYN! by valery rizzo



On the shoreline of the East River and with a sweeping view of the Manhattan skyline, Eagle Street Rooftop Farm was the first of it’s kind, a 6,000 square foot green roof organic vegetable farm located atop a warehouse rooftop in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. During New York City’s growing season, the farmers at Eagle Street Rooftop Farm supply an onsite farm market, a seasonal CSA and fresh, organic, local, harvested today, produce to area restaurants.

Recipe: Farm Fresh Radish and Hemp Seed Salad I created a salad made with green leaf lettuce, watercress, baby kale, cherry tomatoes and slices of farm fresh radishes then topped with hemp seed, which has a nutty flavor and crunch, add a bit of balsamic vinegar, extra-virgin olive oil, freshly ground black pepper and a bit of sea salt. This together with a piece of sprouted bread is a perfect lunch.


chickpea mag summer 2012

The Added Value Red Hook Community Farm in Red Hook, Brooklyn is one of the largest farming projects in Brooklyn. In 2003, the founders, working with the Department of Parks converted a dilapidated playground into a farm. The Added Value Farm is now a thriving 2.75 acre farm, as well as an anchor of the community. Neighborhood kids help with much of the work at the farm each season. They provide a Saturday Farmers Market, CSA and provide fresh produce to local Brooklyn Restaurants. The farm has three major initiatives, Growing a just food system, youth empowerment and farmbased learning.


Recipe: Fire Roasted Red Peppers with Garlic and Thyme 4 organic orange and red peppers 4 brown lunch paper bags 2 cloves of garlic 4 sprigs of thyme extra-virgin olive oil fresh ground black pepper sea salt You can roast your peppers directly on your stovetop. Place each pepper separately on it’s own burner with the fire on high. The idea is to roast the skin of each pepper until it is entirely black. With a pair of tongs or a large kitchen fork continually rotate each pepper until all sides are burnt and black. Then take each pepper and place in its own separate brown paper bag and let cool for about 10 to 15 min. Preparing one at a time shake the pepper while inside the bag, allowing for the skin to loosen from the flesh. Tear each bag and use as a base to peel the black skin off the pepper. First remove the top stem area including all of the seeds and in sink under cold running water rinse the remaining black areas of the pepper until clean. Tear lengthwise into 2 to 3 inch strips and place on a plate. Do the same for other three peppers. Finely chop your cloves of garlic and separate the thyme leaves from their stems. Dress your plate of roasted peppers with the garlic, thyme leaves, a drizzle of olive oil, freshly ground black pepper (using a pepper mill) and a bit of sea salt. 41


Recipe: Farro Salad with Roasted Red Grapes, Kale and Swiss Chard

2. Combine farro, 1 tablespoon rosemary and 1 ½ teaspoons salt in a medium saucepan. Cover with water by 1 inch. Bring to a simmer, cover the pan and 3 cups seedless red grapes (about 1 pound) cook until tender, about 25 min. Drain if necessary 8 ounces farro (about 1 ½ cups) and transfer to a bowl. 2 tablespoons coarsely chopped fresh rosemary 3. Heat 1 tablespoon oil in a medium skillet over me¼ cup extra-virgin olive oil dium-high heat. Cook onions and remaining table2 small red onions, chopped spoon of rosemary for 2 min. Reduce heat to me1 tablespoon red wine vinegar dium, and cook until onions are golden brown. Add 4 cups mixed kale, swiss chard and other baby greens of 1 tablespoon oil and a pinch of salt, cook, flipping choice until onions are tender and browned on both sides, sea salt and freshly ground pepper about 8 to 10 minutes more. Remove from heat. Stir in vinegar and remaining 2 tablespoons of oil. Pour 1. preheat oven to 250°. Cut grapes in half and lay in a mixture over Farro, toss. Season with salt and pepper. single layer on a rimmed baking sheet. Sprinkle with ¾ Stir in red grapes. Let stand for 20 min. Gently stir teaspoons salt. Bake until grapes have shrunk to about in kale, swiss chard and other baby greens just before half their size but are still juicy, about 1 hour and 30 min. serving, plate and enjoy! Let cool. 42

chickpea mag summer 2012

Tenth Acre Farms is a raised bed farm located on an abandoned basketball court of the now closed St.Cecelia’s school in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. They run a CSA as well as a farm market on Sundays and sell the farms produce to The Brooklyn Kitchen and Brooklyn Standard. Their goal is to provide the freshest, healthiest and most beautiful vegetables to the residents of NYC.

story by beth cramer, color illustration by sarah mcneil, header by cara livermore My longest love affair in life has been with a delicious but temperamental mistress. My husband entered into our marriage with the knowledge of the other woman and has seen me turn to her while on vacation or at special occasions. I’ve seen her on days where she wasn’t at her best and I’ve had dates with her that made me question if I truly know her at all. Plus, as a NJ resident, I feel that I’m an expert in everything about her, good and bad. Her name is Pizza and as hard as I try I can’t quit her. While I view most fancy restaurants as a waste of money and time, I’ve gone on car trips dedicated to just locating a well-made pie. I’ve read websites dedicated to locating the best slice and debated with people regionally about what qualities make up the most delicious examples of it. At a certain point I realized that if I was going to be truly dedicated to our relationship, I would have to perfect my homemade version. I approach pizza-making like a flowchart, with different segments of ingredients allowing me to construct the perfect combinations and proceed towards my final goal of a healthy, delicious meal. Vegan pizza can be slightly disappointing if its success is dependent completely on dairy-free cheese, so by including seasonal vegetables and experimenting with sauces, you can achieve a pie that will make even the most die hard carnivore swoon.


chickpea mag summer 2012

THE DOUGH The first decision you will want to make is about your dough. While the recipes used for pizza dough are pretty standard (see my recipe for Savory Monkey Bread in the Spring 2012 issue for an example), the real creativity comes from how you shape your pizza as well as the additions you make to the dough. • Enjoy deep-dish but there’s too much to go around? Try making mini-deep dish pizzas in muffin tins. • Want a crunch to each slice? Add cornmeal to the bottom of your pie for a textural change everyone will love. • Find pizza dough a little bland? Add some basil or rosemary to the crust. While I love the old standard of a thin, New York-style pie, I also love the flexibility that comes from being able to make changes depending on my mood, ingredients, and who I’m serving.

THE SAUCE For a vegan pizza, the sauce needs to stand on its own and not need cheese flavor to back it up. You can always go for the traditional tomato (from scratch or from a jar), but if you are in the mood for something different, why not try one of the following: Pesto Sauce 3 cups of fresh basil 1 cup of parsley 1/4 cup of pine nuts, toasted lightly in a sauté pan (almonds can be substituted) 1/2 cup of olive oil 4 cloves of garlic 1/2 tsp of pepper 1/2 tsp of salt 1/2 tsp of nutritional yeast When you aren’t in the mood for tomato sauce and you’re cooking for a crowd, pesto sauce is a great, easy to make alternative. Combine the above ingredients in a food processor. Add a little lemon juice or water if it’s too thick to spread like tomato sauce.

White Bean Sauce 1 can of cannellini beans 2 tbl of olive oil 3 cloves of garlic (if you are feeling fancy, roast the garlic using the instructions below first) 1/4 tsp of salt Fresh herbs as desired and preferred (some suggestions: dill, mint, basil, rosemary) Since I would eat cannellini beans in any form, I must warn you to not eat this sauce the second you are finished with it. You might think that you have an iron will, but it is delicious and if you have any pita chips in the room, you will be tempted. Just take the above ingredients and blend them together in a food processor until smooth.To be on the safe side, consider doubling the recipe so you can enjoy some with chips while your pizza cooks.


Potato “Sauce” 3 Yukon Gold potatoes boiled and mashed (or leftover from a previous night’s dinner) 1 tblspn vegan margarine (Earth Balance) 1 tsp of salt 1 tsp of Sriracha (or hot sauce of your choice) Living in Pittsburgh has taught me that potatoes belong on a pizza and that anything in pierogie form is always delicious. Combine the above ingredients with a handheld or standmixer to a whipped consistency for a sauce that is complemented by any vegetable.

Dessert Pizza Sauce 1 container of Tofutti Cream Cheese ½ cup of Sugar Not everything you eat will always been processed food free, full of ingredients that you can pronounce. If you’re going to make such an exception, a dessert pizza is always a delicious option. Use this sauce and a combination of fruit, chocolate, and, if you’re feeling particularly devious, candy for a pizza that will blow your vegan guests’ minds.

AWESOME WARM-WEATHER VEGGIES Asparagus - Asparagus season is one of my favorite times of year because asparagus is the ultimate utility player of the vegetable team. Roasted, sauteed, or steamed; in full spears or chopped into small pieces; it is an ideal vegetable for pizza because it can be prepared so many different ways. Broccoli Rabe - Do you like spinach on your pizza? If you answered yes, try broccoli rabe for a familiar but different flavor profile. Pea Shoots - Pea Shoots are a great option if you want to add some raw vegetables to the top of a cooked pie. While you could wait till your pizza is almost finished if you want to get a slight roast to them, the pea shoots are also great uncooked and added to the top of a tomato pie. Purslane - Eating something that people treat as a weed to rip from their yard is one of the greatest joys of the growing season. Purslane is similar to spinach or watercress and can be used the same way as a great pizza topping. If you have any extra leftover, try adding it to your breakfast smoothie (to go with your cold leftover pizza, of course). Purslane is prone to over-cooking, so remove it about 5 minutes sooner then you would another leafy green.


chickpea mag summer 2012

GUEST STARS! Everyone has a favorite go-to topping for their pizza but those toppings could always use a supporting player to make them stand out. For vegan pizzas, these supporting players can add a depth of flavor: • Caramelized Onions- Is there any savory food not made more delicious by the addition of caramelized onions? Even desserts can benefit from them! • Roasted Garlic - Roasting garlic is something that sounds difficult but is shockingly easy and rewarding. Take your full head of garlic, remove the outer skin, and cut ½ inch off of the top of the cloves to reveal the inside.. Drizzle olive oil over it and wrap it in tinfoil. Throw it in the oven at 400 degrees and bake for 30 minutes. It will come out of the oven able to be treated as a spread and you will need to learn to resist the urge to only eat toast and roast garlic for every meal. • Fake Bacon Bits- Do other vegheads remember the moment they realized fake bacon bits are vegan? Did you experience the same level of joy and bliss as I did?! • Nutritional Yeast - While I tend to feel like a vegan stereotype when I suggest to add nutritional yeast to everything, but as soon as it stops being delicious I will stop suggesting it. Add it to get a parmesan cheese-like depth of flavor on your pie.

PREPARATION For those of us without air conditioning in our kitchens, the summertime doesn’t need to mean an end to pizza for dinner. While the oven is a traditional option, consider using your grill this summer. A grilled pizza allows you to get the thin crispy crust that, if you’re like me, you envy at any coal or wood-fired stove pizzeria. The main steps for grilling your pizza: 1. Clean your grill. It might be gross, but your crust will thank you. 2. Preheat your grill with a medium flame. If you are using a gas grill, a setting of medium will be good. If you are using a charcoal grill, you will want a steady flame but nothing that reaches above the grill grate. 3. Prepare your pizza dough but don’t apply toppings yet. You will first be grilling the empty dough to prep it for your future toppings. 3. After adding a light coating of olive oil, apply your pizza dough to the grill. You can do this with a cookie tray and slide it onto the grate. However, this is a great opportunity to request a pizza peel for a special occasion. It will help you live out your pizzeria owner fantasy while actually making the job easier. 4. Let the pizza dough sit for 5-10 minutes or until the bottom is browned. 5. Take your pizza dough off the grill, and proceed to add toppings to the now browned bottom. When you return the pizza to the grill, the previously uncooked side will now face the heat. 6. At this point, place your now fully dressed pizza back on the grill and close the lid. After another 5-10 minutes, you will have a fully cooked pizza and a house that is not overheated from running the oven. 47

By combining all of these different variables, you can start or rekindle your own personal love affair with Pizza. But if you need some suggestions for where to begin, here are some of my favorite combinations.

~ Traditional Vegan Values ~ Tomato Sauce/Basil/Caramelized Onions

~ Mock White Pizza ~

White Bean Sauce/Caramelized Onions/Sliced Leeks  Â

~ Bruschetta Pie ~

White Bean Sauce/Sliced Tomato/Olives

~ Forger*s Prize ~

Pesto Sauce/Fiddlehead Ferns/Ramps

~ The Black Sheep ~

Dessert Sauce/Blackberries/Blueberries

~ Cleaning Out the Crisper ~

Tomato Sauce/Every and Any Vegetable left in your fridge


chickpea mag summer 2012

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PURCHASE A COPY OF THIS ISSUE and help us support the future of chickpea! print copies are made using high quality materials, there are NO ads, and are just fantastic to keep around the house. consider it a mix between a magazine, a coffee table book, and your favorite recipe book.



at the vegetarian butcher

story by mireille capiau, photos by manon van der zwaal

A big juicy hamburger, topped off with some lettuce, to-

mato and mayonnaise, a spicy grilled chicken sate or Grandma’s meatball in gravy? You can find it all at

The Vegetarian Butcher in the Dutch city of The Hague.

Find out where meat eaters, vegetarians and vegans meet to buy their meat.

A big black-and-white Dutch cow shines in front of a small historical building in centre of The Hague. Inside a woman with a white apron shuffles the pieces of chicken, minced meat, meatballs and hamburgers in a big fridge. In the back of the store there’s a big cutter. A normal butchery, I would say. Only there is something strange to this one. On the window, underneath the image of another Dutch cow, it’s saying: The Vegetarian Butcher. A vegetarian butcher, are you kidding me? But biological farmer Jaap Korteweg isn’t joking. He is deadly serious. Together with a master chef, scientist and concept creator he founded a Vegetarian Revolution and baptized it The Vegetarian Butcher. The four Dutch men found each other in a common idealistic dream: to take animals out of the foodchain. They hope to seduce as many meat eaters as possible to a plant-based diet by showing them that they don’t have to miss anything by eating vegetarian or vegan. The best way to do that, they thought, would be to invent and produce meat substitutes that taste, look and feel like real meat. And so they did.


FOOD FOR CATTLE But what turned a meat eating farmer into a Vegetarian Butcher? Jaap Korteweg, coming from a long family line of Dutch farmers in the South of Holland: “I couldn’t cope any longer with the thought that we spray our crop with poison and feed it to our children. And that we see our farm animals mainly as products. A cow seems to be a product that you need to turn plants into meat. And a way make money out of that. Add to that all those horrible animal diseases we’ve heard of lately and I was ready to stop eating meat.” Lupines, or rather the lupin bean, is the key to the succes of The Vegetarian Butcher. Lupines used to be food for the cattle, cynically enough. But produced to be a meat substitute, this bean provides the bite and texture of real meat. “I thought it would be better to eat the cattle food ourselves and turn it into something that gives us a real meat experience, but isn’t an animal”, says founder Korteweg. Lupines is a genus in the legume family and widely used in mediterranean countries, but also by the Native Americans in North America. Lupines make good companion plants for crops that need significant amounts of nitrogen in their soil and can be intercropped properly, like cucumbers, squash, broccoli, and spinach. Given that lupines seeds have the full range of essential amino acids and that they, contrary to soy, can be grown in more temperate to cool climates, lupines are a great alternative to soy. Another benefit of that lupines can grow all over the world is that it doesn’t have to be exported. So it’s a very sustainable crop. Way more sustainable than meat. Dutch master chef Marco Westmaas, later joined by chef Paul Bon, turned the lupines into meat substitutes that are blinded tasted by meat eaters as real chicken, pork or minced meat. Paul Bon, dressed as a real butcher in a ‘bloody’ apron with a sharp knife: “In Holland our chicken pieces and meatballs were nominated [as] the best meat substitute. [...] Hardcore meat eaters told me that our vegetarian chicken taste[s] even better than the real meat. That’s a big compliment.”


chickpea mag summer 2012


It’s obviously no coincidence that Jaap Korteweg and his team chose the name Vegetarian Butcher for their lupine-based creations and decided to create a genuine butchery, selling real meat with staff dressed as butchers. But aren’t they afraid to chase vegans and vegetarians away? Why the focus on the meat eating market instead of the vegetarians or vegans? “That is an easy question to answer”, says master chef Paul Bon. “We want to be accessible to everyone. But the vegetarians and vegans are already aware of what they should and shouldn’t eat. They will find our products anyway. But [...] meat eaters are a difficult group to turn around. They know it is better not to eat big size packages of meat. But still, they don’t want to take the animal out of their meal. We think this is the only way to do it.” Therefore the Vegetarian Butcher is focusing on this group and the growing group of part-time meat eaters, who want to eat less meat, but don’t know what to cook. “We also think it brings vegetarians, vegans and meat eaters closer to each other”, says Bon, laughing. “They can all eat together now. Even without knowing they don’t eat real meat.”


It has to be said, the lupine-based products of The Vegetarian Butcher taste great. And when you see the big variety of hamburgers, chicken sate, smoked pork, Teriyaki and Yakitori meat, but also lupine springrolls, sausage bread, tuna and Tiger Prawns you don’t want to leave the little butchery without a big bag of groceries. Luckily The Vegetarian Butcher has webshop where people who are not able to go to The Hague can order all the products. Jaap Korteweg has a mission and a future dream. He wants to be the wholesaler of the Vegetarian Butcher products. His goal is to make his ‘meat’ and ‘fish’ accessible an available for an affordable price and sell it in supermarkets all over Holland, Europe, UK and, in the end, the whole world. Funny enough he is already selling his products in biological butchery’s in The Netherlands, next to the real meat. “We want to be a world famous brand and used in restaurants and bought all over the world”, says Korteweg. And he’s expanding quickly already. Restaurants in Holland, the UK and other parts of Europe are selling the products on the menu or using it in vegan or vegetarian meals. Famous master chef ’s like Ferran Adria from the Spanish El Bulli and the French Alain Passard from the three star restaurant L’Arpège in Paris are already using the products. And in april of this year Jaap Korteweg released the first Vegetarian Butcher’s cookbook. But he’s dreaming of another spin-offs too. Paul Bon, laughing: “When The Vegetarian Butcher is well known all over the world, we are thinking of a new peculiar adventure: the Vegan Milkman.”



Serves 4

Ingredients: 1 onion, chopped 1 big carrot, chopped 1 celery stalk, chopped ½ leek, chopped 1 clove of garlic, chopped (rape seed) oil 1 spoon of tomato purée 1 dl red wine 5 dl water 3 teaspoon vegan brothpowder or fresh broth 1 sprig of rosemary, 2 sprigs of thyme, 5 juniper, 3 cloves, 2 bay leaves ½ teaspoons of pepper 2 teaspoons of mustard seed 2 x 160 gr of The Vegetarian Butchers chicken pieces 1 spoon of flower Preparation: Stir fry the union, garlic and vegetables in the rape seed oil until they’re brown. Add the tomato purée to and fry for 1 more minute and deglaze it with red wine. Add mustard seeds, herbs, spices, broth and simmer slowly with the lid on the pan. After 15-20 minutes take the lid of the pan and boil down until the broth is thicker. Take all the sprigs of herbs and spices out of the pan. Roll the chicken pieces in the flower and fry them in (other) rape seed oil. Put the chicken in the broth and simmer for 10 more minutes on small fire. And your stew is ready. Serve it with mashed potatoes or rice, red cabbage, a crispy green salad and some corn bread.


chickpea mag summer 2012

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BECOMING VEGAN by marit stigson

As 2011 came to an end I found myself forming my first serious new year’s resolution. I’d been a vegetarian for almost four years and I needed a challenge, not to mention my growing suspicion that vegetarianism wasn’t enough when there were still people starving, animals suffering, and industry polluting. No matter how much you dance around it you can’t get away from the fact that growing perfectly good human food, feeding it to animals to feed ourselves and losing about 90 percent of its energy in the process is universally stupid. It started with me moving to London in September. All of a sudden there were actually restaurants, cafés and grocery stores with all sorts of delicious vegan food, a lot of it without funny textures or weird ingredients. This was a phenomenon unknown to me, a girl raised in a small Swedish town with a hunting father and old-fashioned ideas about food. Sure I’d been surfing the vegan waves before but this was different. Feasting on fully animal-free English breakfasts, munching on bean burgers and digging into vegan banoffee pies -- I fully spread my vegan wings.

Along came Christmas and I felt the urge to get serious about taking the final step. One day, walking with soya cappuccino in hand from Marble Arch to Notting Hill I told my friend that my new year’s resolution was to live January 2012 as a vegan. It all seemed so big and deadserious back then. I told everyone who reacted poorly to that -- and I promise you many people did -- that it was just a trial; a month and then I’d probably be happily nibbling on goat cheese again. As it turned out I couldn’t even wait until that due date. On December 27th I found myself in a Belgian hotel lobby, stranded by a storm in Sweden that severely delayed my train journey back to London. Stuffed on traditional fatty Christmas food, I threw away the partially eaten chocolate-dipped ass of my massive marzipan pig and announced myself a vegan. I’m now about three and a half months in and I see no reason why I should go back to eating dairy and eggs again. Sure the road’s been rocky at times, and of course I’ve slipped, unintentionally, once in a while. Before you take the step you’re oh so good at creating these uncomfortable scenarios for yourself but once you’re here you discover that most things can be handed smoothly with a bit of patience and compassion. I’m also truly happy to have such open minded friends and family.

My best friend and I started slowly, promising to live like vegans for one day a week and as much as possible in our everyday lives. Inspired by Paul McCartney’s meat-free Monday campaign, we teamed with another Swedish veggie-blogger and announced a new campaign; I know this will be difficult. In less than two Vegan Wednesday! The path to veganism months time I’ll be moving back to Sweden to go to university. Away goes the vegan cafés, bakseemed to grow wider through the Fall. eries and food markets, away goes the money to experiment with exciting ingredients. That’s another story though!

XX 59



interviewer: bob lawton We were super excited to be able to talk to Isa Chandra, founder of the Post Punk Kitchen and author of the Veganomicon and Vegan Cookies Invade Your Cookie Jar, our two stand-by kitchen references. She’s currently working on her next cookbook Isa Does It!, coming out Fall 2013.

(starting with the obvious one) We know you started out vegetarian as a teenager, what made you decide to go vegan? The same things that made me go vegetarian made me go vegan. I just always loved animals, especially my cats. As soon as I realized that cows, pigs and chickens were just as awesome as cats, I couldn’t imagine eating them. And then when I learned about how awful the lives of mama cows and chickens were, I decided to give up milk and eggs, too. A lot of people say veganism is only attainable for rich white people -- how would you respond to this criticism? A lot of people like who? Thatís a pretty racist statement, and one that I personally haven’t heard since the 90s (from a rich white person), so I don’t think it even needs a response. But somewhere in there is a legitimate complaint about the cost of food, so I’ll respond to that. I do think that many specialty vegan products are out of the budget for most people, that’s why it’s best to cook whole foods like grains, legumes and veggies. It’s really tragic that organic vegetables are so expensive and that meat is subsidized. Some people really don’t have access to anything but fast food and that sucks! But if you’re not in that situation, and you have access to real food, then it’s actually very economical to eat vegan. I try to make all of my recipes from stuff I can get in the bulk bins, like quinoa, cashews and lentils. And of course if you can afford to eat out then there are more and more vegan options popping up everywhere all the time. 60

chickpea mag summer 2012

How many animals/pets do you keep? What are their names? (Our cats are Loki and Baby!) I’ve got three kitties - Fizzle, Avocado and Kirby. I Instagram them constantly. And I have birdfeeders so I’ve got like 2 million birds. Are you pleased with the progress mainstream outlets like the Food Network have made in terms of embracing/acknowledging veganism since you started the PPK? Hmm, not really? I don’t think that they are embracing or acknowledging vegan food any more than they were ten years ago, save for cupcakes. I’m not sure that they ever will, simply because the advertising isn’t there. I predict that there will be 20 more shows about ice carving, giant burger making and cakes shaped like president’s heads before they have one show about veganism. I’m a Food Network addict, it’s almost always on, and it’s great entertainment and but I don’t think that’s where the revolution is going to be happening. What’s one food that you couldn’t stand before going vegan but have learned to love? I don’t have a good answer for that because when I went vegan I still had teenage tastebuds so I had to learn to like absolutely everything that wasnít pizza or french fries. But as it stands today, I’ll eat any ingredient besides baby corn. WHAT DO YOU THINK IS MISSING FROM THE VEGAN COMMUNITY AS IT STANDS NOW? It probably varies from place to place. I don’t think that there is one vegan community to speak of. I think there just needs to be more of us! It needs to be as accessible as possible. More restaurants, more groceries, more sanctuaries, more vegans setting a positive example and being awesome. WHAT WOULD YOUR ADVICE BE FOR SOMEONE WHO INSISTS THEY “CAN’T COOK”? My best advice would be --- cook! Follow a simple recipe, something with the basics, like pesto pasta or lentil soup. Most people mess stuff up because they get impatient or distracted and end up not following directions or letting things burn. If you really want to learn, watch a friend that can cook make something, watch videos online, see how to chop onions, and mince garlic, read recipes from beginning to end. Immerse yourself in it for a month or so, pump your favorite tunes, try to make it fun. If you can’t make it fun, then do whatever it takes to make it through. And once you get some basics down and make some food that you love, you’ll see that the work is worth it. Above all, don’t be lazy! I sometimes have to whisper that to myself before diving into a lasagna, and it helps. 61


and help us support the future of chickpea! print copies are made using high quality materials, there are NO ads, and are just fantastic to keep around the house. consider it a mix between a magazine, a coffee table book, and your favorite recipe book.



lil kitchen!


lucky 13 vegan ice creams


garlicky dill cauliflower dip


raw cookies


salt and vinegar chickpeas


make your own cheap o’ cinnos


lebanese iced tea


blueberry cheesecake


white pizza with zucchini



chickpea mag summer 2012



chickpea mag summer 2012


story and photos by janet hudson, type by jenna blazevich Summertime means warm days and lots of sun -- we work hard and play even harder. One easy way to cool off is enjoying frozen snacks- in our case, we serve a lot of ice pops and “Kreme” sickles.I use the freshest ingredients, and use what I have in the garden and pantry for fast, wholesome and delicious treats. Use ice pop molds, mini jello-type molds, shot glasses, paper cups, let your imagination fly… you can make these non-alcoholic or bring on the booze -- it’s up to you. Let’s chill!

Like a walk in the rainforest...

Sweet as the summer sunshine!

1/4 cup spearmint, minced 4 cups watermelon, juiced 1/2 cup vegan lemon lime soda

2 cups vegan black cherry cola 1/2 cup Sangria (or club soda) 1 cup chopped ripe plums

Combine and pour into molds – don’t forget to add the sticks after an hour in the freezer. Makes 8-10 depending upon the mold you use.

Combine. Pour into molds-- don’t forget to add the sticks after an hour in the freezer. Makes 8-10 depending upon the mold you use.

Freeze 4-5 hours or overnight.

Freeze 4-5 hours or overnight.


chickpea mag summer 2012

Like a tropical island... 1 lg plantain 1/2 cup dark brown sugar 2 tbsp maple sugar 1 cup soy milk 1/2 cup Mimic Cream 1 tsp vanilla 1 tsp lime juice Dash cinnamon 2 tbsp rum (optional) Place the plantain in aluminum foil and roast in a 400 degree oven 45 minutes. Cool. Mash the plantain and add the sugars. Puree all the ingredients together and pour into molds – don’t forget to add the sticks after an hour in the freezer.

Clean and delicate. 3 cups water 6 tbsp green tea powder 1/3 cup agave syrup 1 1/2 cups sliced peaches Boil the water- add the matcha powder. Steep the tea and add the agave syrup. Chill. Combine with the peaches and pour into molds -- don’t forget to add the sticks after an hour in the freezer. Makes 8-10 depending upon the mold you use. Freeze 4-5 hours or overnight.

Makes 8-10 depending upon the mold you use. Freeze 4-5 hours or overnight. 69

Dreaming about autumn!

With vanilla cookie coating! 2 cup Mimic Cream 1 cup agave syrup ¾ cup key lime juice 2 tbsp zest of key limes Pinch salt Combine ingredients. Pour into molds- don’t forget to add the sticks after an hour in the freezer. Makes 8-10 depending upon the mold you use. Freeze 4-5 hours or overnight.

2 cups prepared canned pumpkin 3 tsp pumpkin spice 1 cup Mimic Cream Optional: 3 tbsp Bourbon Puree all ingredients together. Pour into molds-don’t forget to add the sticks after an hour in the freezer. Makes 8-10 depending upon the mold you use. Freeze 4-5 hours or overnight.

Unmold. Roll each pop in crushed vegan vanilla wafers (you will need about 3 cups). Eat. 70

chickpea mag summer 2012

Spicy! Ritzy & Boozy Juice from 3 lemons ½ cup raw sugar 2 cups water 1 shot Citron Vodka Juice from one lime In a sauce pan, mix water and raw sugar over heat and bring to a boil, then simmer until syrupy. Chill the simple syrup then add lemon, lime and vodka. Pour into molds – don’t forget to add the sticks after an hour in the freezer. Makes 8-10 depending upon the mold you use.

3 tsp pink peppercorns, ground ¼ cup agave syrup 2 cups soy yogurt 1 cup pomegranate juice Place the pomegranate juice and agave in a saucepan with the peppercorns. Bring to a boil and then simmer until it gets syrupy. Chill. Add the soy yogurt. Pour into molds – don’t forget to add the sticks after an hour in the freezer. Makes 8-10 depending upon the mold you use. Freeze 4-5 hours or overnight.

Freeze 4-5 hours or overnight. 71

Sweet & tart.

Deep and flavorful.


1/2 cup dried hibiscus flowers ¼ cup raw sugar 2 cups water

3 cups of blackberries ¼ cup Merlot Wine 1 cup raw sugar Water

1 cup Mimic Cream 2 cups soy milk 8 ounces good dark chocolate, grated 2 cups chopped strawberries

Put the flowers, water and sugar into a sauce pan and bring to a boil. Lower the heat to a simmer and continue to cook until the mixture becomes syrup. Remove from heat and chill. Set aside. ¼ cup raw sugar 4 cups raspberries Mix the berries and sugar and let them sit 20 minutes or so. Add the hibiscus mixture to the berries and combine. Pour into molds-- don’t forget to add the sticks after an hour in the freezer. Makes 8-10 depending upon the mold you use.

Puree 2 cups of blackberries- add enough water to thin as needed. Add up to 1/4 cup Merlot and taste it - if you want more, add. Stir in ½-1 cup raw sugar until dissolved. Chill. Macerate the rest of the berries and add to the mixture. Pour into molds-- don’t forget to add the sticks after an hour in the freezer. Makes 8-10 depending upon the mold you use. Freeze 4-5 hours or overnight.

In a saucepan, heat the cream and milk, add the chocolate and bring to a simmer and stir 4-5 minutes then remove from the heat and chill. Add the berries. Pour into molds-- don’t forget to add the sticks after an hour in the freezer. Makes 8-10 depending upon the mold you use. Freeze 4-5 hours or overnight.

Freeze 4-5 hours or overnight.


chickpea mag summer 2012

A sweet pop.

Light as air.

Peel of 1 lemon ½ cup water ¼ cup agave syrup 1 ½ cups soy yogurt 2 cups fresh blueberries

2 cups coconut cream 1 cup coconut milk 1 tsp vanilla 1/3 cup shredded coconut

Place the water and half of the agave in a saucepan with the lemon peel. Bring to a boil and then simmer until it gets syrupy. Strain out the peel and chill. Combine the soy yogurt with the rest of the agave. Add the syrup and the berries. Combine and pour into molds – don’t forget to add the sticks after an hour in the freezer.

Spread the coconut out on a cookie sheet and toast at 325 degrees 4 minutes. Cool. Combine all ingredients. Pour into molds-- don’t forget to add the sticks after an hour in the freezer. Makes 8-10 depending upon the mold you use. Freeze 4-5 hours or overnight.

Makes 8-10 depending upon the mold you use. Freeze 4-5 hours or overnight. 73

GARLICKY DILL CAULIFLOWER DIP recipe by esse elle, photo by cara livermore

I’m sure some vegans, especially those who are lactose-intolerant, will recognize the tribulation that is chips ‘n’ dip night, or nacho night, with friends. The former is likely stocked with store-bought dips rife with animal products (think Philly); the latter is a test of wits as you pick at the pile of cheesy nachos to find one non-cheesed chip to dip in salsa. And I love guacamole like anybody, but too much is just not fun. It’s time to reclaim dips from the dairy industry, and what better way to start than with an under-appreciated vegetable: cauliflower! This cultivar of the Brassica oleracea species -- same as kale, broccoli and brussels sprouts -- has a distinct sharper flavor that becomes complex and almost nutty when cooked. This, as well as its grainy quality, lends cauliflower well to a delicious and textured dip. Note: I used dill in this recipe, but other herbs and spices can also be used. My suggestions: cumin, basil, black pepper, poppyseed. Ingredients: - 1 head of cauliflower - ¾ cup plant oil (canola works best) - juice from ¼ lime - 1 clove of garlic - 1-2 tablespoons fresh or dried dill (see note above) - salt (to taste) - food processor or blender Instructions: 1. Heat your oven up to 400 degrees Farenheit. 2. Chop up your cauliflower into bite-size pieces and place them in a bowl. Add ½ cup of oil and some salt, mix well, then lay out the cauliflower on a baking pan. 3. Roast the cauliflower for 10 minutes, then flip or stir the cauliflower around a bit, and return to the oven for 5 more minutes or until well-roasted. 4. Peel your garlic clove and mince well, either by hand, with a garlic press, or in the food processor. Add as much cauliflower to the processor as you can and blend until smooth. Keep adding cauliflower until all of it is blended. 5. Add the rest of the oil and the dill, squeeze the juice out of the lime, and process until everything is evenly distributed. Place it in a dip bowl and serve with pita bread, baguette chunks, chips or crackers! Alternative Serving Suggestion: Instead of dill, use cumin in the recipe, then mix the dip with steamed rice and roasted red peppers, and spread it on a pita! 75


chickpea mag summer 2012

RAW MINT CHOCOLATE FUDGE COOKIES recipes & photos by riia berg

These cookies were inspired by Girl Scout Thin Mints! They have a fudge like consistency but I find that it makes the flavor richer! Hope you enjoy! Ingredients: 1/4 cup Cashews 1/4 cup Walnuts 1/4 cup Oats 1/4 cup Chocolate chips (any type…semi sweet, carob, cacao, etc) 1/8 cup Cacao powder 2 tbsp Agave nectar 1 tsp Peppermint Extract How To: In a food processor, blend together cashews, walnuts, oats, and chocolate chips until they form a floury texture. Add in cacao powder, agave nectar, and peppermint extract. Process again until dough forms. Shape batter into cookie or truffle shape. Refrigerate. Enjoy! :)

RAW CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIE DOUGH TRUFFLES Ingredients: 2/3 cup Raw Almonds 1/3 cup Rolled Oats 3 tbsp Organic Agave Nectar 1 tsp Vanilla Extract Handful of Cacao Chips

How to: In a food processor, blend almonds and oats. Once they reach the texture of flour, add in agave and vanilla. Blend until dough forms. If neccesary, add more agave. Mix in cacao chips with a spoon. Roll into little balls. Refrigerate. Enjoy! :)


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chickpea mag summer 2012

salt and vinegar chickpeas Great for a healthy snack, on a salad, or as a side! Feel free to try your different spices with this recipe as well.

recipe by katherine ryan, photo by cara livermore

2 cans (540mL each) chickpeas, rinsed and drained 2 cups white vinegar 2 cups water 2 tbsp olive oil 3-4 tbsp course sea salt 1 tsp garlic powder sugar to taste

In a medium pot with a lid, bring chickpeas, vinegar and 2 tbsp salt to a boil over medium-high heat. Reduce heat and let simmer for around 20 minutes. Cover a rimmed baking pan with tin foil. Drain the chickpeas and place back into the pot. Add oil, garlic, and remaining salt and stir until well combined. Spread chickpeas on baking sheet and place in the oven at 300 degrees ferenheit. Stir chickpeas every 10-15 minutes until crunchy when tasted, or when desired texture is reached. If they’re too sour when you test them add sugar to taste and pop them back in for a few minutes. Enjoy!


how to make your own

cheap-o-cinnos by kathy hester

As soon as the temperature starts rising you’ll find a nice frozen concoction in my hand. If you’re already smoothie savvy you have the main tool you need - a powerful blender. But don’t worry, a regular blender works fine; just use a bit less ice or a bit more liquid. These cheap-o-cinno’s are inexpensive to make, they taste better since they have all natural flavors, and they don’t have things that you can’t pronounce in them like the big coffee chain’s frozen coffees. And you can rest easy knowing that every ingredient is vegan! To make them like the ones you are familiar with, you need to add a binding agent to keep the liquid from separating out. That makes all the difference, as you already know if you’ve tried and failed in the past. Xanthan gum is my go-to, but you’ll find tons of pectin in stores right now because it’s also used in canning jams. Pectin is a cheaper initial investment, but the xanthan gum will go father since you use less of it. The other thing you need to have on hand is some coffee concentrate. In some parts of the world you can just go to the store and pick some up, however most of us need to make it ourselves. The good news is that it’s super simple. You can buy a fancy Toddy Maker, but if you have a French Press you are on your way to many perfect batches of coffee concentrate. When you make your own you can use your favorite organic, fair trade coffee - another plus. French presses come in different sizes and the way I make my concentrate will work in any of them. Just fill the press with ground coffee until it’s between ¼ and ⅓ full. Then add cold water to the fill line and stir the grounds into the water. Take the press and set it gently on top, just as you would if you were brewing hot coffee. Let sit overnight (8 to 12 hours) and press in the morning. No French Press? Mix the coffee grounds and water in a jar or pitcher to sit overnight, then strain through cheesecloth or other strainer that will catch those fine coffee grounds. Pour the coffee concentrate into a storage vessel of some sort and store in the fridge. It keeps in the fridge for about a week, but you can also freeze extra in ice cube trays and keep a bag of those in the freezer for a last minute treat. The frozen cubes will last for a few months. If you think the concentrate is too strong you can always add extra water before you use it or simply use less. This is great for plain iced coffees too and it won’t melt your ice at all! Are you a coffee hater? You can make any of these without coffee for a creamy refreshing caffeine-free drink. Sometimes I use matcha powder instead of coffee for a green tea cheap-o-cinno. I have a few recipes for those on my blog, 80

chickpea mag summer 2012

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Almond joy Makes about 2 servings soy-free, gluten-free

•1/4 cup cold brewed coffee concentrate [or 1 cup (250ml) regular brewed coffee] •1 cup nondairy milk •1/4 cup coconut flakes •1 heaping tablespoon cocoa •1/2 teaspoon almond extract •1/4 teaspoon Nu-stevia, or your favorite sweetener to taste •1/8 teaspoon xanthan gum or 1 teaspoon pectin (do not leave out – it holds it together!) •1 1/2 to 2 cups ice

In a blender add everything except for the xanthan gum and ice. Blend until smooth. Add xanthan gum (or pectin) and ice then blend. Depending on your blender you may have to add the ice 1/2 cup at a time. I have a really powerful one so I can blend it all in at once. You can add more almond milk if it’s too thick or add more ice if it’s too thin.

cardamom rose Makes about 2 servings soy-free, gluten-free

•1/4 cup cold brewed coffee concentrate (or 1 cup (250ml) regular brewed coffee) •1 1/2 cup nondairy milk •1 teaspoon cocoa •1 teaspoon rose water •1/2 teaspoon ground cardamom •1/4 teaspoon Nu-stevia, or your favorite sweetener to taste •1/8 teaspoon xanthan gum or 1 teaspoon pectin (do not leave out – it holds it together!) •1 1/2 to 2 cups ice

In a blender add everything except for the xanthan gum and ice. Blend until smooth. Add xanthan gum (or pectin) and ice then blend. Depending on your blender you may have to add the ice 1/2 cup at a time. I have a really powerful one so I can blend it all in at once. You can add more almond milk if it’s too thick or add more ice if it’s too thin.


chickpea mag summer 2012



chickpea mag summer 2012

sweet potato Makes about 2 servings soy-free, gluten-free


•1/4 cup sweet potato puree (or pumpkin) •1/4 cup cold brewed coffee concentrate [or 1 cup (250ml) regular brewed coffee] •1/4 cup nondairy (to make it extra rich – you can use only non-dairy milk if you prefer) •1 cup nondairy milk •1/4 teaspoon cinnamon •1/8 teaspoon cardamom •pinch cloves •pinch allspice •pinch nutmeg •Sweetener to taste (I used ¼ teaspoon Nu-Stevia) •1/8 teaspoon xanthan gum or 1 teaspoon pectin (do not leave out – it holds it together!) •2 cups ice

In a blender mix everything except for the sweetener, xanthan gum and ice. Taste and adjust sweetener as needed. Remember this is a concentrated flavor so it needs to be a little sweeter now to be just right later. Add xanthan gum (or pectin) and blend. This will keep the different ingredients from separating. Add the ice. Depending on your blender you may have to add it 1/2 cup at a time. I have a really powerful one so I can blend it all in at once. You can add more coconut milk if it’s too thick or you can add more ice if it’s too thick.


lebanese iced tea by kittee berns

I’d never heard of Lebanese Iced Tea before I moved to New Orleans, but since it’s offered at every Middle Eastern joint down there, it’s hard to miss. Especially since it’s generally served in giant tacky Styrofoam cups with a big sturdy straw. In hot weather, Lebanese Iced Tea becomes highly addictive. Chomping on pine-nuts between bites off floral scented crushed ice is insanely refreshing and tasty. More fun is catching the little seeds and delivering them into your mouth using only the bottom of your straw. Maybe because it’s almost never hot here in Portland, OR, or because Styrofoam is such a NO NO NO in the Pacific Northwest, but I can’t find it here. I make my own like this. Easy directions: Make sweet tea and season to taste with orange blossom water and pomegranate molasses. Add lots of crushed ice and serve with lemon wedges and pine-nuts floating on top. Fancy directions:

• 6 regular teabags, like Lipton • 12 cups water, boiled • 1/3 cup granulated sugar, unbleached • 2/3 cup orange blossom water • 2/3 pomegranate molasses • 1/4 cup pine-nuts • 1 lemon, wedged • crushed ice 1. Into a large gallon jug, place the tea bags and boiling water. Steep to taste, about 4 minutes, then discard/compost tea bags. 2. Mix in the sugar, orange blossom water and pomegranate molasses and stir until dissolved. 3. Allow to cool to room temperature, then refrigerate until cold. 4. Just before serving, add in enough crushed ice to fill the gallon jug to the top. Stir in the pine-nuts and ladle out into big glasses.


Blueberry Cheesecake -with- Strawberry Balsamic Sauce

by jackie sobon

Ingredients: 2 Cups Almond Meal 3 Dates, Pitted 2 Tbspns Coconut Oil 2 Tbspns Maple Syrup Pinch of Salt 2 ½ Cups Raw Cashews, Soaked for 2-3 Hours 1 Cup Water ¼ Cup Coconut Oil ¼ Cup Maple Syrup 4 Dates, Pitted 1 Tbspns Fresh Lemon Juice 1 Tbspns Arrowroot Powder (or Cornstarch, Xantham Gum, etc.) 2 Cups Fresh Blueberries 1 Cup Strawberries, without Stems 2 Tbspns Balsamic Vinegar 1 Tbspns Organic Sugar

Directions: 1. Preheat the oven to 350F. Place the almond meal, 3 dates, 2 tbsp. coconut oil, 2 tbsp. maple syrup and a pinch of salt in a food processer. Pulse until the mixture becomes crumbly or forms a ball. 2. Press the crust mixture into the bottom of a 9” round spring-form cake pan that has been oiled and dusted with flour. Have the crust go roughly an inch up the sides of the pan, press firmly until it is even all the way around. 3. Bake the crust for 5 minutes. Now, puree the cashews, water, ¼ cup coconut oil, 4 dates, ¼ cup maple syrup, fresh lemon juice, and arrowroot together in a food processor. Make sure to get the filling as smooth as possible. 4. Pour the filling into the crust, spread it out evenly and tap the cake pan down carefully a couple of times to get any air bubbles out. Place the pan back in the oven for 10 minutes. 5. Take the blueberries and place them on the top surface of the cheesecake until the cover it entirely. Bake for an addition 15-20 minutes, or until the filling does not jiggle when you move the pan around. 6. While it is baking, place the strawberries, balsamic vinegar and sugar into a blender. Puree completely and then simmer in a small pan over low-medium heat for 5 minutes. 7. When the cheesecake is done baking, place it in a refrigerator for an hour, then serve with a drizzle of the strawberry balsamic sauce.


chickpea mag summer 2012


White Pizza with Zucchini by vanessa pastore

I came across this recipe a bit ago and thought to myself: When was the last time I had white pizza? Was it at Sal’s as a 7 year old? Really? Well, it’s quite possible. It’s definitely been longer than since I last had a donut. Since I saw that, I have been planning and plotting. The key to this recipe is the very thinly sliced zucchini artfully layered across the surface. That way there’s no pre-cooking, and no overly raw crunchy zucchini on top of your otherwise perfect pizza. Now, I thought I would be clever because I have a food processor with mandolin disc blades to do the hard work for me. A food processor that has pretty much been following me where ever I moved since 2001. Well, you see, if you don’t have this one plastic stem-like attachment, you pretty much just have a shiny disc blade that no matter how hard you try to cram it into your Cuisinart, just won’t stay. You may lose a finger trying to do that too, if you’re not careful. Those suckers are sharp. If you find yourself in the same situation, I advise you to make peace with your knife skills now. 1 Recipe of Pizza Dough (I picked up a ready made one from Trader Joe’s) Cornmeal for dusting 2 medium zucchini (one gold, one green) Juice of 1/2 Lemon Pseudo-Ricotta 1 16 oz Tub of Tofu 1 tsp salt A few grinds of cracked black pepper 3 Tablespoons of toasted pine nuts 1/4 cup + 1 heaping tablespoon of Tofutti Cream Cheese 2 - 3 Tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil Preheat your oven to 450 °F If you have a pizza stone, you’re in luck! If not, you can use a silpat lined cookie sheet. Lightly dust the silpat with some cornmeal. Stretch out you dough to the desired shape and let it relax a bit while you chop the veg. As above, if you’re lucky enough to have some sort of mandolin, employ it now- aim for 1/4 inch slices. Elsewise, get in some quality time with your chef ’s knife. For the Tofu Ricotta: This is something I came up with over Christmas a few years back. It’s not exactly ricotta, as my Italian mother will inform me of each time, but the tangy-ness from the tofutti cream cheese, and the body from the pine nuts makes it a damn fine substitute, if I don’t say so myself. Drain the tofu (like we did here) and crumble into a food processor (a blender could also work here) Add all the ingredients except the oil, and pulse to combine. Drizzle in the oil while blending, and process until you’ve got a smooth texture. Spread a layer of the tofu ricotta over the pizza dough- don’t lay it on too thick, or your dough will remain somewhat gooey. Layer on your zucchini slices. You can be fancy, or you can be utilitarian, knock yourself out. 90

chickpea mag summer 2012


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