winter 2012

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winter 2012 issue 6 editor in chief & art director cara livermore editor & sales bobby lawton printed by pixel preserve, llc in rochester, new york

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shelly westerhausen


marta dymek


heather poire


b.j. epstein


tiffany noe


courtney west


wallace west


dianne wenz


natalie rae good


nikki haney

bob lawton - editor, sales & shipping cara livermore - editor-in chief, photography lettering & design

pg 06

food feature: roots

pg 17

the great beetroot

pg 22

hunter’s stew

pg 24

smart cookies: baking for university students

pg 30

holiday spread

pg 38

books we’re loving

pg 43

winter fruits

pg 54

diy kitchen

pg 62

how to host an awesome vegan cocktail party

pg 70

cold dark day menu

pg 76

bourbon chocolate cake pops



they’re versatile, plentiful, flavorful and comforting. they can be as beautiful as a lily or as ugly as a sunchoke; common as a carrot or foreign as lotus root. they’re great for your body and mind. they can be kept stored for long periods, even without refrigeration if done right. whether sauteed, boiled, steamed, pickled, canned, mashed, roasted, or consumed as is, root vegetables are central to winter eating.






Here in the cold East we can’t imagine the winter without root veggies and especially without beets. These sweet roots are not only served with every winterly supper as pickles or puree, but also slowly cooked and turned into soup as a mouthwatering Christmas highlight. This hot, aromatic broth is also traditionally served at midnight at every Polish wedding as well as for breakfast on New Years Eve, often accompanied by a spicy horseradish-beetroot relish commonly eaten with bread or pates. Are you already wondering why beets are so beloved in Poland? Just try the recipes below and you will instantly get it!



my absolute favorite, clear beet broth - borshch For some reason Polish Christmas Eve is meatless so most dishes are vegetarian or vegan. The most special among them is barszcz – clear beet broth made with cooked beets and lot of flavorful winter treats. In the pot you can find cabbage leafs, smoked onions, parsley and carrot roots, sour apple, dried mushrooms and plums. When the broth is done it is then strained and finally served in cups. Tastes best during cold evenings or on hangover mornings. Instructions: 1. Wash all veggies but don’t peel them. Grate beets in a food processor or on the shredder, cut the apple in quarters and take out the seeds. 2. Put all ingredients except marjoram, salt, red vinegar and black currant juice to the pot. Cover them with about 2.5–3 liters of water. 3. Cover the pot and put it on the medium heat, once the water starts to boil reduce the heat and cook it for 1 hour. When it’s done add the marjoram and vinegar. Leave for the night. 4. Next morning strain the soup. Heat the clear broth and add salt and pepper generously to taste. Serve very hot, season with more marjoram and fresh grated pepper if you like.

Ingredients: 4 beetroots 2 cabbage leaves 2 celery stalks 1 sour apple 1 carrot 1 parsley 1/2 leek 8 peppercorns 6 allspice corns 2 cloves 2 garlic cloves (not peeled!) 3 dried mushrooms 2 dried plums 2 tbsp dried marjoram 1 tbsp canola oil 100 ml black currant juice 2 tbsp red vinegar salt and fresh grated pepper

beet and horseradish relish - tsvikwa This spicy horseradish relish made with baked and grated beets is every winter meal’s must have. Customarily eaten with veggie pates, terrines, savory pies or simply with bread. Each grandmother has her own secret recipe and doesn’t share it with anyone. Fortunately my grandma is a good soul so below you can find my family recipe for this great spread. And luckily it’s easier to prepare than to pronounce. Ingredients: 2 beetroots 2 tbsp white vinegar 4 tsp fresh grated horseradish 3 tsp sugar salt and fresh grated pepper Instructions: 1. Preheat the oven to 200°F. Wash the beetroots but don’t peel them. Wrap every beet in an aluminium foil and put them in the oven for about 50 minutes. 2. When beets are done, cool them for a while then peel and grate in a food processor or on the shredder. Use medium or smallest holes. 3. Mix together with vinegar, horseradish and sugar. Add salt&pepper to taste. Serve with veggie pate or on the bread. Tastes great with toasted hazelnuts. Put in the clean jar and keep in the fridge up to ten days.



thick beet soup with white beans Every nation has its own version and is proud of it – in Poland we love to keep it clear, in Russia they put some sauerkraut inside and in Ukraine they put in everything. The Ukrainian recipe includes white beans, potatoes, root veggies and lot of greens on top. It’s so rich and tasty that in Poland we also adore it – in the spring with young beet’s leaves and during the winter with plenty of beans and potatoes. Seasoned with dill and parsley is the essence of Eastern European cousin.

Ingredients: 4 beets 2 potatoes 1 can of white beans, drained 1 onion 1/2 carrot 1/2 leek (just white part) 1/2 parsley root 4 tbsp tomato puree 4 pepper corns 4 allspice corns 3 bay leaves 2 garlic cloves, chopped 2 tbsp red vinegar canola oil salt and fresh grated pepper dill and parsley for seasoning

Instructions: 1. Preheat the oven to 200°F. Wash the beetroots but don’t peel them. Wrap every beet in an aluminum foil and put them in the oven for 50 minutes. 2. In the meantime wash and peel all veggies. Cut carrot, potatoes, parsley and leek in small cubes, chop onion. 3. Prepare the soup base. Heat some canola oil in the big pot and sauté the onion. Once the onion starts to look transparent, reduce the heat and add other veggies with tomato puree. Stir gently, then add pepper corns, allspice, bay leaves and garlic. Mix from time to time and let it cook for about 10 minutes. 4. When beets are done, unwrap them and let them cool for few minutes. Peel them and cut into small chunks. Gently mix with the veggies and white beans. 5. Cover your veggies with 2,5-3 liters of water. Cook on the medium heat for 15 minutes or until veggies are tender. Add vinegar while stirring carefully then salt&pepper to taste. Don’t be shy with pepper, it should be pretty spicy. 6. Serve seasoned with dill and parsley. The soup is extremely rich so if you eat it with some bread it will be enough for a whole meal.






Hunters Stew an odd thing for a vegan to recreate. When making this stew, I was thinking of what it would be like to live in a cabin in the middle of the woods with a wood stove to cook over and a perfectly seasoned cast iron Dutch oven and frying pan. I think I would like to live like this, until I remember: a. I don’t like smelling like wood smoke b. I don’t like lugging firewood Cabin in the woods or not, this is the perfect stew for a cold winters night- a warm satisfying weekend meal you can share with friends with or with out the wood burning fireplace. A stew that warms your belly & your heart and more importantly, a Hunters Stew that does not require hunting. That, my friends, makes me smile.

Crouton Ingredients 1 square ciabatta roll - about 1 1/2 cups cubed 1tsp vegan butter 1tsp olive oil 1tsp nutritional yeast 1tsp all purpose seasoning pinch salt


Ingredients 1 tsp olive oil 1/4 cup diced onion 15 baby Bella mushrooms, quartered 8oz Light Life Gimme Lean Ground Sausage or seitan 2 cloves of garlic, minced 2 medium red skinned potatoes, cubed 2 medium carrots, sliced into rounds 1/2 cup yellow split peas 32oz veggie broth salt ground pepper parsley for garnishing

1. In a medium soup pot heat olive oil over medium heat - sauteé the onion until translucent. 2. Add the baby bellas and a pinch of salt - cook until the mushrooms begin to turn golden brown. 3. The sausage and garlic are added next, cooking until the sausage begins to turn golden brown. 4. Potatoes, split peas & carrots are added to the pot along with the veggie broth. Season with salt & pepper then bring to a boil. 5. Reduce heat to low, place the cover askew (to allow steam to escape) onto the pot & simmer for thirty minutes. - meanwhile 6. In a medium sauteé pan, over medium heat add the butter, oil & bread. Sprinkle with nutritional yeast, seasoning and salt- tossing to evenly coat all sides of the bread cubes. 7. Cook over medium heat tossing frequently until all sides are golden, about 10 minutes. Remove from heat. Note: This would equally work well baked in a 350* oven if you do not want to make on the stove top. 8. Allow the soup to sit for approximately 10 minutes prior to serving. Ladle finished soup in bowls, garnish with ciabatta croutons & fresh parsley. Serves 4.



text by B.J. Epstein, photos & lettering by cara livermore I’m a really keen cook and baker and I love to spend my weekends trying out new recipes on my devoted taste-tester (aka my wife), but my full-time occupation is teacher. Being a lecturer at a university is a demanding, time-consuming job, but one way I’ve found of still making time for my kitchen hobby is by baking for my students. A couple of times a semester and always on the last day of class, I bake an assortment of cookies, brownies, cupcakes, and other treats for my twenty-something charges. Not only does this make the class atmosphere lighter and more energetic, and of course it rewards my students for their hard work, but it also can provide a talking point. Students are sometimes amazed to learn that I’ve been a vegetarian for so many years (almost as amazed as when they hear I don’t own a television!), and they’re fascinated to find out about meat-free, dairy-free, egg-free cooking. Many have asked me for my recipes, but I think my favorite compliment was when a student wrote in an evaluation, “I learned a lot from B.J. and loved this class. My only complaint is that she didn’t bake often enough for us!” So here I present a few of my and my students’ favorite vegan baked goods. B.J. Epstein is a lecturer in literature and translation at the University of East Anglia in Norwich, England, and she is also a writer, editor, and translator from Swedish to English. She can be reached through



If you bake this recipe in a fairly small tin, it will puff up like a soufflé, so it’s a great recipe as a vegan soufflé. But if you bake it in a wider, shallower tin, you’ll end up with brownies. For a really unusual and delicious variation on this, use ¾ cup olive oil and ¼ - ½ cup water instead of the amounts of oil and milk listed here, and up the sea salt to 2-3 tsp. Then you have a savoury but sweet brownie, where the salt and the chocolate highlight one another.

Ingredients 1 cup flour 1/3 cup cocoa powder ¾ cup sugar (more if you like it sweet) 1 tsp baking powder 1 tsp bicarbonate of soda 1 tsp sea salt

1 tsp vanilla ½ cup rice milk (or water or coffee) ½ cup oil (I used rapeseed for a slightly nutty flavour) ¼-½ cup chocolate chips, optional ¼-½ cup nuts, optional

Instructions 1. Mix all the dry ingredients together. 2. Mix the wet ingredients together and add to the dry mixture. Blend thoroughly. 3. Add the chocolate chips and/or nuts, if using. 4. Bake at 175°C (350°F) for 15-25 minutes, depending on whether you prefer them more on the gooey side or more on the cakey side. CHICKPEA MAG WINTER 2012


vanilla cupcakes

w/ chocolate ganache

These can be topped with any vegan frosting you desire. I have used vanilla frosting and fresh strawberries or chocolate ganache. This recipe makes 6 big cupcakes or a bunch of mini-cupcakes, but it is very easily doubled or tripled. Cupcake Ingredients ¾ cup rice milk (or soy or almond) 1½ tsp lemon juice ¼ cup coconut oil 1 cup flour ½ cup sugar 1 tsp baking powder ½ tsp bicarbonate of soda ½ tsp salt 1 tsp vanilla

Chocolate Ganache Ingredients 90 g dark chocolate (about 2/3 cup if grated) 1 tbsp coconut oil 1-2 tbsp rice milk (or soy or almond) Chocolate Ganache Instructions 1. Melt all the ingredients together. 2. Cool slightly, then spread on the cupcakes.

Cupcake Instructions 1. Mix the rice milk and lemon juice together and set aside for 10 minutes to curdle. 2. Melt the coconut oil. 3. Mix the dry ingredients together. Stir in the vanilla, coconut oil, and milk mixture. 4. Pour into muffin cases and bake for 10-15 minutes at 175 C (350 F).

This recipe is also fantastic with some chocolate chips or pine nuts mixed in. The cookies are wonderful with a cup of coffee or tea. Ingredients ¾ cup coconut oil or sunflower oil 1 cup ground almonds (or another nut, if preferred) 2 1/3 cups flour ½ - ¾ cup sugar, depending on desired sweetness 1 tbsp vanilla ¼ cup water ¼ cup or about 50 g pine nuts or chopped hazelnuts or chopped chocolate, optional icing sugar


Instructions 1. If using coconut oil, melt it. 2. Mix the coconut oil with all the other ingredients, except the icing sugar. 3. Roll the dough into flat rounds. 4. Bake at 175 C (350 F) for 15-18 minutes. 5. Sprinkle with icing sugar.




text & photos by tiffany noe, lettering by cara livermore



The holidays are so full of cooking and revelry and energy, so it’s nice to have a really simple yet impressive and seasonal dish to fall back on. (Especially if you’ve got a house full of vegans waking up on Christmas morning rifling through your kitchen cabinets.) There are so many different ways to make french toast vegan and many of them are pretty complex and involve blending silken tofu and egg replacers and all that, but really all you need is a tasty thickened liquid to dip your fresh crusty bread in. Friends of mine in Oregon swear by just dipping bread in fruit juice and then grilling it up, which is by far the simplest french toast recipe out there, and it’s totally tasty.

makes 4-6 slices Cranberry Compote 2-3 cups fresh cranberries 2 cups grade A maple syrup pinch of cinnamon French Toast loaf of fresh crusty white bread, thickly sliced 2 cups soy nog 3 tablespoons syrup 5 tablespoons flour pinch of cinnamon dash of vanilla extract margarine and cast iron skillet (for cooking)

Making the compote is super easy: just pour your cranberries in a dry sauce pan and turn the heat to low. They will slowly start to pop and get juicy as their interiors heat up and burst. Cook them for about 10 minutes, or until most of them have popped, then add the syrup. Stir to incorporate and allow syrup to heat up, so that its nice and warm when you pour it on your french toast. What you don’t use you can always store in a jar in the fridge. Slice your fresh crusty white bread thick, and mix all other ingredients together in a bowl. Whisk the flour in quickly tablespoon by tablespoon to avoid clumping. Stab each slice of bread a few times with a fork to aerate it and make it more susceptible to soaking in the batter. Soak your bread in the batter for a few minutes on each side. This part of the process is the most important one for the success of your french toast if you ask me; if it soaks for too long the center will lose firmness and get sloppy and no amount of time in the skillet will bring it back from mushy mess. Soak it not long enough and the center will remain just bread, and so the french toast will be dry and hard. So keep an eye on your slices when they’re in the batter and be prepared to lift them out at just the right moment and throw them onto the skillet. your skillet should be hot enough so that when you throw a bit of margarine in it sizzles and bubbles, which should also happen when you start to cook the french toast. Once one side is golden brown, flip your slice. I flip a few times to ensure even cooking while I take my french toast from golden brown to caramelized kind-of-burnt brown. Plate and drizzle with cranberry compote and syrup!

I’ve been living in Germany for about six years now, and Kalter Hund is my favorite German holiday dish. The name translates to “cold dog” which is pretty hilarious and unappetizing, as is the origin of the name. The internet tells me its named that because the dish is sort of like a dog’s cold wet nose… which it isn’t at all. It’s more like a giant bread-loaf shaped candy bar. So yes, its junky, as a giant candy bar should be. But its also super easy to make; there are only four ingredients and they’re all store bought, so it’s more about assembly than anything else. Ingredients coconut oil confectioners sugar cocoa powder packet of tea biscuits (the brand depends on what you have available around you. lots of these are accidentally vegan, just read the labels and find a vegan one. i think most brands of Maria cookies are vegan, if you have access to those go ahead and use them) Assembly 1. Line a small bread pan with wax paper. As you can see in the photo I folded mine kind of neatly in the corners and taped it down, so that it wouldn’t move around and be a pain in the butt while I was pouring in the chocolate. 2. Heat the coconut oil so that it turns into liquid, then add confectioners sugar and cocoa powder. I didn’t include specific amounts here because its really up to you and your tastes, there’s no way to go wrong here. Because you’re using coconut oil it’ll firm up in the fridge irregardless of the amount of cocoa in it. I used about 2:2:1 cocoa to confectioners to oil, but use less sugar if you’re into less sweet chocolate. The consistency should be pourable, not thick like icing. 3. Once that’s all mixed together the assembly starts by pouring a thin layer of chocolate into the mould and letting it set a bit. Then add a layer of cookies, then chocolate, then cookies, then chocolate, then cookies, and so on. As you’re adding layers, let each one firm up a bit before adding the next one or your cookies will float or go nuts and move around and cause a mess. I threw mine in the freezer for a minute between each layer and that worked really well to keep things moving. 4. Once you’ve filled up your bread loaf pan add a kind of thicker layer of chocolate, to form a nice sturdy base, and thats it! You’re done! The dish is supposed to be eaten cold, and to serve just cut thick slices off the loaf. I added some cocoa and powdered sugar to the top of mine for decoration but its not mandatory. I’ve also found that its easier to cut if it’s not super cold, so maybe let it sit out for a few minutes before digging in if you want fancy impressive non-crumbly slices.



Mincemeat, despite its name, does not contain meat! Let’s just get that out of the way first. It used to be made with ground meat, and a ton of suet (animal fat) but it’s been vegetarian for a while now, with most people skipping the unrendered meat fat and going for butter, but its super easy to veganize. My mother is british, as is mincemeat, so Ive been snacking on the little store bought pies since I was a kid, and I love the taste, although I get the impression its an acquired thing. Mincemeat, most simply put, is like a Christmas chutney. Its main ingredients are apples, christmas spices, dried fruits, nuts and booze. There are a ton of recipes that one can follow besides mine, since people have been making it for so long, but what I really encourage is allowing yourself to do tons of substitutions based on what you’ve got in the kitchen, whats in season, what you can get locally, and what you like. If one were to follow a recipe exactly they’d most likely have to buy tons of stuff for it, and its much more fun and cheaper to just acknowledge the main types of ingredients you need (like liquid to solids to fats ratios) and then just go for it. In my recipe below I’m including possible substitutions for the ingredients that I used. makes 40 ounces (thats 5 8oz mason jars) 1 grapefruit, Juiced 1 lemon juiced + its zest 1 clementine orange juiced 1 cup apple cider (or apple juice, or cranberry juice, or whatever sweet juice you’ve got around) 1/2 cup whiskey (i used whiskey cause i had it in the house, but brandy, rum, or any spicy brown alcohol will do) 2 cups total of finely chopped nuts. i used 1 cup each of hazelnuts and pecans, but use any nuts you like 5 cups total of dried fruits. i used 1 cup each of dried figs, raisins, yellow raisins, cranberries, sour cherries 1-3 apples of any kind, shredded with skins 1/2 cup brown sugar (i bet maple syrup or agave would work fine) 1 cup vegan margarine 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon 1/2 teaspooon nutmeg 1/4 teaspoon ground cloves 1/4 teaspoon allspice 1/4 teaspoon salt

Lots of recipes call for candied citrus peel, so if you’re into that you can add some. I added some crystalized ginger that I had in the cupboards already, and a splash of orange bitters. A really cool addition could be a sachet of mulling spices, which are sold for making mulled cider or red wine. Even though there are a ton of ingredients this recipe is crazy easy to make. you just dump everything in a heavy bottomed saucepan and simmer it for a few hours, or until the liquid has been absorbed and the dried fruits are plump and the apple has dissolved. If i had a crock pot, i would’ve made this in it; I get the impression that it would benefit from a long slow cooking like that of a crock. Once it’s all cooked down you can pour it into clean mason jars to save it for making pies, or give it away as a holiday gift. I bet your favorite brit would be so excited to get a jar of homemade mincemeat this year! To make the pies just use your favorite vegan pie crust recipe to whip up some pie crust, cut it into small circles for baby pies, spoon some mincemeat into the center, add a piecrust top, and bake! so easy and adorable, great for parties and as gifts.









The first thing that drew me to this book was the amount of enticing food photos. but as I found out behind all of the pretty pictures there’s a lot of substance as well. The Happy Herbivore books are always favorites of mine because they rely on extremely simple combinations of whole foods, but the results are never boring or lacking flavor. Her new contribution, Happy Herbivore Abroad, keeps with that concept but takes it to a new level. Besides writing about her intereresting journeys in between recipe sections, all of the recipes are either copied or inspired by meals and cooks in the many areas she traveled.

who this book is for new-ish vegans who want to expand their palate beyond processed faux meats

what this book is for

vicariously traveling the world while cooking in the comfort of your own kitchen

the best part

All of the recipes are centered around the notion of eating snacks made with real ingredients (hence the title) instead of picking up a quick fix from the gas station or a way-too-expensive cardboard snack from the natural foods store. The recipes are whole-foods based and very versatile. Even though the book isn’t technically vegan, each and every recipe has thoughtful substitutions listed for gluten-free and vegan versions.

who this book is for anybody (omni, veg*n, gluten intolerant) that wants to become more conscious about their consumption (or just wants to try making twinkies from scratch!)

what this book is for

taking snacks back into our own hands, rather than leaving it to food scientists

the best part

the author’s stories and how they tie into the recipes!

the variety and flexibility of all the delicious-looking recipes

aloo gobi, swedish meatballs, cassoulet, gin’s gnocchi, quick queso

sugar wafers, mini-cake doughnuts, hot pockets, potato tots, cheesy fish

our five favorite recipes


our five favorite recipes



by willi galloway

Grow Cook Eat is Willi Galloway’s kitchen garden cookbook. Your first hint that this book isn’t wholly vegan is right on the cover: honey is featured prominently. The focus of the book is homegrown produce, though, so most of the content is at least vegetarian. If you’re like us, your first gardening experience started at the library: every out-of-date gardening handbook and landscaping text spread out on a table in front of you, the contradictory advice marked by sticky notes. Grow Cook Eat has all that familiar advice, but makes a refreshing departure from the pattern of focusing a page and a chart to esoteric conditions and measurements for each plant. Willi describes not only how she plants and harvests each crop, but the different stages of growth during which it’s edible and what to put it in. The book starts with an introduction to gardening, followed by plant profiles. Each plant is flanked by a recipe -sometimes with meat, egg or cheese, yes, but less often than you’d think, and usually with easy-to-replace ingredients. The focus here is whole foods; you’ll need a lot of garlic, olive oil and ground almonds. The photography is, of course, beautiful. Grow Cook Eat is a great book to have around for inspiration when you’re planting your garden (for the helpful advice on plant varieties and their requirements) and when you’re harvesting it (for ideas on how to prepare your bounty).

Who This Book is For The beginner gardener (like us!).

What This Book is For

Reference for gardening newbies, inspiration for everyone else. There’s not much new here for experienced gardeners, but it’s thoughtfully put together.

The Best Part

The ‘what’s edible’ sections! Who knew radish blossoms could be a snack food!

Our Five Favorite Recipes

Butternut Squash Tacos with Spicy Black Beans, Oven-Roasted Beets with Winter Citrus Vinaigrette, Ginger-Glazed Baby Turnips, Rhubarb Chutney, Theresa Jarjura’s Tabbouleh






4 Navel or Valencia oranges 3 cups of organic natural vegan cane sugar, plus more for rolling ¼ tsp ground cloves ½ tsp cinnamon Start by scrubbing the skin of your oranges very well. Cut the ends off, then score about five or so lines down the length of the fruit into the skin with a paring knife. You want to go deep enough to cut through the skin and pith, but not deep enough to cut into the flesh. Next, carefully remove the peel with your fingers, keeping it intact as much as possible. Reserve the fruit for another use. Place all of the citrus peels in a large stock pot and fill it with enough water to cover them. Bring the water to a boil over medium heat, then reduce the heat to medium low and simmer for 20 to 30 minutes. Drain the peels and allow them to sit until they are cool enough to handle. Once they are cool enough to handle, gently scrape the white pith from the peels with a spoon. Discard or compost the pith. After the pith has been scraped away, slice the pieces of peel lengthwise into strips that are roughly ¼-inch wide. Set the peels aside. Rinse your pot out and then combine the 3 cups of sugar with 1 1/2 cups of filtered water. Bring the sugar mixture to a boil over medium heat, stirring it so that the sugar will dissolve. This will take about 5 minutes. Once the sugar has dissolved, add the citrus peels and reduce the heat to medium-low. Simmer the peels in the sugar syrup until they are translucent and the syrup has thickened, about 40 minutes to one hour. Remove the pot from the heat and allow the peels to cool in the syrup for a couple of hours. While the peels are cooling, fill a bowl with sugar (about ¾ of a cup) and stir in the spices. Place a cooling rack over some paper towels or wax paper. When the peels are cool enough to handle, remove them with a slotted spoon, making sure to drain as much syrup off as possible. Place the peels in the sugar and roll them around to coat. Move them to the rack and allow them to air dry overnight. Store the peels in an airtight container in your pantry for up to a month, or for longer in your fridge. Makes roughly 4 cups or enough to fill up 2 pint jars



First and foremost, a clean kitchen and clean tools are very important! Make sure to disinfect your counter tops, and run all of your utensils/tools through the dishwasher before using. If you plan to make marmalade or jams more than once a year, I suggest investing in an inexpensive canning kit. It will come with everything you need and will make your life a lot easier. If you plan on eating up your marmalade within a couple of months and these steps seem a bit daunting, forgo the canning process and store the filled jars in the fridge. On to marmalade making! 1. Ready your tools – You will need: a large, wide pot to cook the marmalade in(the wider the better); a silicone spatula to stir the marmalade; a large, deep stockpot to process the jars; a jar lifter or rubber ended tongs; canning jars with 2 piece lids; a chopstick or butter knife; a small rack that will fit in your stockpot (so the jars won’t touch the bottom of your pot) or a clean kitchen towel to place in the bottom; a funnel; a ladle or small measuring cup; a small plate; 2 metal spoons. 2. Prepare your jars – The best jars to use are glass mason jars with 2-piece lids such as the Ball or Kerr brand. I tend to favor the half pint (8-oz) size. Before using your jars, you will need to clean/sterilize them. My preferred method is to boil them. Put a rack (or a clean kitchen towel) in the bottom of your canning pot, then place your jars (without the lids) in the pot on top of the rack and bring the water to a full, rolling boil. Make sure the jars are completely submerged. Once the water reaches a boil, let it go for at least 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, the jars are sterilized and ready to go. Leave them in the pot and turn the temperature down to medium/medium-low. This keeps the jars warm and prevents possible cracks when you fill them with the hot marmalade. As for the lids and bands, simply wash them in warm, soapy water and allow them to air dry. Place the lids (not the bands) in a shallow heat-proof bowl as you will pour hot water over them later. 3. Prepare your work surface – I prefer to keep a bit of counter space free as my clean “work surface”. I lay a clean kitchen towel down on my counter close to the marmalade pot so that I can easily fill my jars when the time comes. While I am making the marmalade, I’ll keep any clean tools here that I may need so they are within reach.


Put a couple of clean spoons in the freezer – I tend to test my marmalade set with the spoon test. Simply put a couple of spoons on a plate and store them in the freezer until you are ready to test your marmalade. Testing the set of your marmalade ensures that it doesn’t come out too runny. 4. Make your marmalade – Make your marmalade according to the recipe you are using. A lot of marmalade recipes require you to complete steps over 2 days (like the one included here). If this is the case, you won’t have to do the above steps until the 2nd day right before you make your marmalade. 5. Test the set of your marmalade - Once you have cooked your marmalade and believe it is ready, remove one of your spoons from the freezer and place a small amount of the hot marmalade on the spoon. Return the spoon to the freezer and leave it there for 1 minute. Remove the spoon from the freezer and feel the bottom of it: it should be neither hot nor cold. If it’s hot, return it to the freezer for another minute, if it’s cold, leave it out to take the chill off. Tilt the spoon to a vertical position slowly. The marmalade should either not run at all, or run very slowly down the spoon. If this happens, your marmalade is ready! If it seems watery and runs down the spoon easily, you will have to cook your marmalade a bit more and then test it again.


6. Fill the jars - Once your marmalade is ready, carefully remove the jars from the water, making sure to pour any water in them back into the pot. Pour a bit of the warm water over the lids that are set aside in a heatproof bowl. This will soften the rubber seals and facilitate sealing later on. Place a funnel in the jar and fill it carefully (it’s hot!) with marmalade, making sure to leave a ¼ inch headspace at the top. You want the marmalade to have room to expand when you are processing it in the water bath. If you end up with a small amount leftover that won’t fill up an entire jar, put it in a clean jar and store it in the fridge for immediate consumption. Once the jars are filled, using a chopstick or a butter knife, gently stir the marmalade to remove any air bubbles. Carefully wipe the rims/tops of the jars with a clean, damp paper towel to remove any excess marmalade, then place a lid atop each jar. Screw on the bands until they are just tightened. 7. Process your jars – Once all of the jars are filled and their lids and bands are securely attached, carefully place them back into your pot/water bath canner with your jar lifter or tongs. You want to make sure the jars are resting on the rack (or towel) and that they are not in direct contact with the bottom of the pot. Make sure there is at least one inch of water covering the tops of the jars, then turn the heat to high, allowing the water to come to a boil. Process the jars in boiling water for the time specified in the recipe (typically 5 to 10 minutes), then carefully remove the jars with your jar lifter or tongs. Place the jars upright on your clean kitchen towel and leave them for 1 hour, undisturbed. During this time you should hear the “pop” of the lids sealing. After 1 hour, check to make sure the lids have sealed. The “button” on the top should be depressed, and when you remove the band, you should be able to hold the jar up by the lid without it coming off. If any of your jars did not seal, you can still refrigerate them and use them up within a month or two. Label your jars and store them in a cool, dark place up to one year.



**method adapted from Urban Pantry by Amy Pennington 2 ½ pounds of blood oranges, organic if possible 1 large lemon, organic if possible 3 cups of filtered water 2 to 4 cups of natural vegan cane sugar 1 to 2 tbsp freshly grated ginger (depending on how strong you want the ginger flavor) Day 1 Scrub all of the oranges and the lemon well. Using a vegetable peeler, carefully remove the peel from all of the oranges and the lemon, making sure not to get the white pith with it. It’s okay if you end up getting a bit of pith with the peels because you will be soaking everything overnight to help break it down. Once you have removed all of the peel, carefully slice it into thin strips then add it to your pot. Next, cut the oranges and lemon in half and juice them, making sure to reserve the seeds and halves. Add the juice to the pot. Put the reserved seeds, the lemon halves, and 4 of the orange halves into a few layers of cheesecloth (4 layers will do) and tie the bundle closed with a bit of twine. Add the bundle to your pot along with the water then set it over medium high heat and bring it to a boil. Once the mixture comes to a boil, reduce it to a simmer (medium low) and cook it until the rinds are soft. This should take between 30 and 45 minutes. When the rinds are soft, remove the pot from the heat and allow it to cool a bit before covering it and placing it in the fridge to rest overnight. Day 2 Remove your jam pot from the fridge. Remove the cheesecloth bundle of seeds and carefully measure out the contents of your jam pot. You will need to add ¾ cup of sugar for every cup of juice/peels you have. Add the sugar, the grated ginger, the juice and peels, and your bundle of seeds/halves back to the pot. At this point make sure that your jars are ready and your spoons are in the freezer. Return your jam pot to the stove over medium heat. You will need to cook the marmalade, stirring occasionally, while it reduces down. As it is cooking, it will produce a lot of foam on the surface which you will need to skim off with a spoon and discard. The marmalade will cook until it thickens and gels, which will take anywhere from 30 minutes to one hour. To test the gel of the

marmalade, use your spoons in the freezer (see the primer). Once the marmalade is ready, remove the cheesecloth bundle with a pair of tongs, making sure to squeeze any of the excess marmalade out. Discard the cheesecloth bundle, or compost it. Carefully fill your jars with the marmalade leaving a quarter inch of headspace, then process the jars in the water bath for 10 minutes according to the instructions in the primer. After the jars have been processed, remove them and allow them to cool on a clean kitchen towel on the counter, undisturbed. After 1 hour, check to make sure all of the jars have sealed, placing any that haven’t in the fridge. Allow the jars to cool completely overnight. Label and store the marmalade in a cool, dry place up to 1 year. Makes 2 to 3 8-oz jars.

Marmalade Variations: If you can’t find blood oranges, you can use regular lemons or meyer lemons in their place. For a straight-up, no-frills marmalade, leave the ginger out. For a subtly spiced marmalade, add a couple of cinnamon sticks while the marmalade is cooking. For a more complex marmalade, steep a few Earl Grey tea bags in the mixture while it is cooking.



or the crust F 1 ½ cups almond flour/meal ½ cup unsweetened desiccated coconut Pinch of sea salt ¼ cup of coconut oil, melted 2 tbsp pure maple syrup For the filling ½ cup plus 2 tbsp of silken tofu ¾ cup vegan natural cane sugar Zest from 1 large grapefruit (about 1 tbsp) 1/3 cup freshly squeezed grapefruit juice ¼ tsp baking powder 2 tbsp arrowroot starch/flour or oat flour Grapefruit slices to garnish (optional) Preheat your oven to 350°F. Brush an 8-inch square pan or baking dish with coconut oil, then line it with parchment paper leaving an overhang. In a bowl, mix together the almond flour, coconut, and sea salt until combined. Add the coconut oil and maple syrup and mix until the crust starts to stick together and form a ball. Pour the crust into your prepared pan and spread it out into an even layer with your fingers. Using a fork, prick the crust a few times. Bake the crust for 15-18 minutes until it is just starting to turn golden on the top and edges. Remove the crust from the oven and allow it to cool while you make the filling. In a blender or a food processor, combine all of the ingredients for the filling except for the grapefruit slices. Process until the mixture is smooth. Carefully pour the mixture over the crust then place it back in the oven. Bake the bars until the filling sets, about 30 minutes. Remove the bars from the oven and let them cool completely. Once cool, gently slide a knife along the edge of the pan, then lift them out with the parchment paper. Cut the bars and garnish each with a grapefruit slice if using. Makes 9 to 16 bars, depending on how large you slice them.



2 medium/large beets (about 12 to 14 oz total) ¼ cup fresh meyer lemon juice Zest of 2 meyer lemons 2 cups vegan natural cane sugar 1 cup filtered water Peel the beets and cut them into quarters. Steam the beets until they are very tender, about 20 to 30 minutes. Place the beets into a food processor or a blender and process until you get a very smooth purée. Measure out 1 ¾ cups of the purée and add it to a bowl. If for some reason you don’t end up with enough beet purée, you can add a bit of water to make it 1 ¾ cups. Stir the meyer lemon juice and zest into the puree, then cover it and chill it in the fridge overnight or for several hours. While the beet mixture is chilling, combine the water and sugar in a saucepan over medium heat. As the mixture is coming to a boil, stir or whisk it to help dissolve the sugar. Once the syrup comes to a boil, remove it from the heat. Place it in the refrigerator to chill completely. When the beet mixture and sugar syrup have been thoroughly chilled, remove them from the fridge and combine them into one bowl, whisking the mixture thoroughly to incorporate the ingredients. Pour the mixture into an ice cream maker and process it according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Place the sorbet into an airtight container, cover it tightly, and freeze it at least 2 to 4 hours before consuming. ** If you don’t have an ice cream maker, you can still make sorbet as long as you have a blender or a food processor. Once your sorbet mixture is made, freeze it in a shallow pan or in ice cube trays. When it is frozen, break it up and add it to your blender or food processor and process until you have a soft sorbet consistency. Makes roughly 8 servings.





text & photos by shelly westerhausen, lettering by cara livermore DIY has already been a big part of the vegan culture, from the zine craze of the 90s to the PostPunk Kitchen phenomenon that struck the scene in the early 2000s. There is something so liberating and gratifying about being self-sufficient. Still, a lot has changed in the world of vegan food in the last decade that makes being self-sufficient less of a necessity. We are now able to purchase half a dozen different flavors of tofu, pre-packaged egg replacers, and non-dairy milk in any nut imaginable. It’s wonderful that being vegan is more accessible than ever and that we have tons of options available through local co-ops and grocery stores. However, just because you can ride your bike down the street to pick up a carton of almond milk for 4 bucks doesn’t mean you should not still stop to think twice about what you are consuming. As vegans, we all obsess over whether there is gelatin, whey, or other animal products in our foods, but do you check the sugar level? Or the type of preservatives in pre-packaged products? Almond milk from the store is awesome when you need something quick, but making homemade milk will guarantee that any extra sugar is kept out of your otherwise delightfully healthy and sustainable diet. There are so many reasons to make your own pantry staples. For one, this gives you complete control over what is going into your food, which means no animal products, no extra sugar, and no hidden preservatives. This also means that your goods will be the freshest possible for optimal nutrients and flavor! And—and let’s be real, this can be a real deciding factor in what we eat—making your own staples is great because it’s often cheaper than store-bought versions. As you can imagine, making your own staples for everything would mean spending hours everyday in the kitchen. This article is not here to make you feel like you have to try harder in the kitchen or make everything from scratch. This is only to remind you to be aware of what is going into your food, and then to choose a few staples that you use most frequently to make fresh. Don’t eat a whole ton of ketchup? Don’t bother spending two hours in the kitchen on your weekend making it! Is it the dog days of summer right now? Don’t whip up that monthly batch of vegetable broth if you won’t be making soup anytime soon! Just be practical, consider what you eat on a weekly basis, and think about if it could be healthier to make your own. Easy? Easy!



Now let’s make some staples! All three of these are ridiculously easy as long as you plan ahead! I am going to share recipes for three easy pantry staples: homemade vegetable broth, almond milk, and vanilla extract:

Ingredients 1/2 cup almonds 2 cups water. Should last for up to 3 days. Make sure to shake before using (separation is natural).


Instructions 1. Soak 1/2 cup almonds in filtered water overnight. 2. Drain the almonds and rinse thoroughly. 3. Line a bowl with cheesecloth and set aside. 4. Blend together the almonds and 2 cups water in a high-speed blender for about 3 minutes. 5. Transfer mixture to the prepared bowl and let the cheesecloth catch any of the solid chunks. 6. Discard pulp (or freeze for later use) and store milk in an airtight container.


Ingredients 2 vanilla beans (order in bulk online if they are expensive at your local grocery store) 1 1/2 cups vodka This should keep for up to a year.



Instructions 1. Slice the vanilla beans lengthwise and scrape out the seeds from the inside. 2. Place the empty pod and seeds in a sealable container and set aside. 3. Heat the vodka over the stove until just boiling and then pour into the sealable container. 4. Let cool completely, then seal and store in a dark, cool place for 6 weeks. 5. Strain the seeds and pods (if you want- I don’t because I love the flavor of a few vanilla beans creeping into my baked goods) and enjoy.





Ingredients 3 cups chopped vegetables & herbs (frozen or fresh) (optional) Flavoring - bay leaf, peppercorns, garlic, etc. (optional) Tomato chunks or 1 tbsp tomato paste Instructions There are two ways to decide on what vegetables to use in this recipe: either save and freeze all your vegetable scraps until you’ve accumulated 3 cups, or buy an assortment of root vegetables (onions, carrots, parsnips, etc) and roughly chop them into equal-sized hunks. 1. Place your vegetables in a large pot with all your favorite flavorings (peppercorn, garlic, tomatoes, paste, etc) and fill with water until all the veggies are covered. 2. Let simmer over medium low for one hour. Strain out vegetable chunks and either use vegetable broth immediately or pour into ice cube trays and freeze in portions (6 ice cubes equal about a half a cup). The broth will last for about a week in the fridge and up to 3 months in the freezer.




I’m a firm believer in introducing, and perhaps even converting, people to veganism through delicious food. People ask “if you don’t eat meat and cheese, what do you eat?” and sure I could answer “everything else,” or “tempeh, tofu, kale, quinoa…”, but both answers are still pretty vague and neither really seems that appealing. But if I were to present the asker with a delicious kale and quinoa salad or tofu scramble, they will be more likely to “get it”. Of course I don’t walk around with containers of prepared food (that would be rather inconvenient and really weird), but I do like to cook for people whenever I can. My vegan friends and I get together often for potlucks, but trying to get an omnivore friend to attend one of those is as difficult as trying to keep my cat Archie out of the Christmas tree in December. So I like to throw little cocktail parties here and there and invite all of my friends. Through these parties I have been given the title of “The Vegan Martha Stewart” and people know that if I’m hosting, there will be lots of good food to eat and a fun time to be had! I usually throw parties twice a year – in June for my birthday and in December for Christmas – and if I skip one for some reason, my friends start to get antsy and ask when the next one will be. I might have gotten myself into something I can’t get out of here, but getting myself into the role of vegan party planner extraordinaire is not a bad thing at all. Hosting a vegan cocktail party for yourself isn’t difficult. Here’s how to do it!





That might seem like a no-brainer, but you need to make sure there’s nothing else big going on at the same time. This year I accidentally scheduled my birthday party at the same time as The Seed, a vegan conference in New York City. I was able to go to part of The Seed and still get ready for the party, but it did cause problems with a few friends who couldn’t attend both.

Cocktails that fit the occasion add to the fun. Sea breezes and margaritas are quintessential summertime drinks. Apple cider sangrias make for perfect fall imbibing. Playful cocktails such as Christmas Cosmos and Candy Cane Martinis add to the fun of holiday parties, and chocolate kiss martinis are ideal for Valentine’s Day.

INVITE PEOPLE I used to make fancy paper invitations and then go all the way to the post office to mail them, but for some reason people are less likely to RSVP to a piece of snail mail than they are to an email, so I’ve switched to using an online invitation service. Ask your friends to RSVP no less that a week in advance, so you can figure out how much food to make.

PICK OUT SOME RECIPES I’ll let you in on the secret to my delicious food – it’s my extensive cookbook collection! You don’t need to become a compulsive cookbook collector like me though, since it’s easy to find delicious recipes online. You can also buy pre-made food to save time. I usually serve a combination of both home cooked and store bought goodies. It’s easy to dress up store bought dips. People always think my store-bought hummus is homemade because I serve it in a hollowed out red pepper in a glass bowl surrounded by carrots and celery sticks. The key to pleasing party-goers is to make sure everything is really tasty and will appeal to just about everyone. Save the nutritional yeast mac and cheese for vegan potlucks, because omnivores will think it’s too weird. Try to have a good balance between savory and sweet, and get really decadent with your desserts, as this is the perfect time to show omnivores that vegans are just as capable of living it up as everyone else. Cupcakes and cookies are always good at parities since they’re easy to pick up and walk around with. A frosting bag and some simple decorations go a long way to impressing guests. Peppermints, candied ginger, pieces of fruit, cookies and even a little chocolate drizzle can really dress up an otherwise plain little piece of cake.


If your party is nonalcoholic, you can make a delicious fruit punch, sparkling iced tea or warm mulled cider. If you are serving alcohol, make sure you have beverages for those who don’t drink.

MAKE A SCHEDULE AND PACE YOURSELF Don’t try to bake cupcakes, make spinach artichoke dip and mix drinks all at the same time. I always start making baked goods earlier in the week and store in them in the refrigerator until the day of the party. I usually make hot food such as spinach artichoke dip and stuffed potato skins a day in advance and then heat them up about an hour before the party starts. I reserve the day of the party for cleaning and decorating and mixing drinks. (Although you shouldn’t wait until the last minute to do a really big spring-cleaning type of cleaning. Pace your cleaning throughout the week too, if necessary.)

DECORATE You don’t need to go crazy with decorations. Sometimes just a few candles and twinkling lights will suffice. You can get crafty and make your own banners and centerpieces if you have time. When I’m hosting a Christmas party I like to bring out the sparkles so I make sure my Christmas tree is up (and free of cats) and I tend to completely redecorate with red and green accessories, but I leave those decorations up for the entire month of December, so the extra time spent decking the halls is worth it.

OPEN YOUR DOORS AND HAVE FUN! This is the easy part! Guests tend to help themselves to food and drinks, so have things like glasses and plates out in the open where they can see them. People also tend to congregate around the food, so try to set things up in a few different places to make sure they’re not all grouped together in one spot. I like to have drinks in one area, savory snacks in another and desserts in a third spot. This also encourages mingling, as people like to travel around to make sure they’ve sampled all of the treats. Enjoy yourself and let the festivities begin!


This dip is super easy to make and I can guarantee that everyone will love it. My friends now look for it when they come over. I’m afraid that if I don’t make it for a party, there’ll be an uprising! Ingredients 15 ounce can of vegetarian refried beans 12 ounce container of vegan sour cream (make sure it’s non-hydrogenated) 12 ounce container of guacamole (or you can make your own) 16 ounce jar of salsa (or you can make your own) 1 cup vegan cheese, cheddar or Monterrey jack, shredded Directions Carefully spread each layer in a large, flat glass bowl or dish. Start with the refried beans at the bottom. The next layer should be the sour cream. The third layer should be guacamole, and the fourth should be salsa. (Layering the guacamole next to the salsa keeps it from oxidizing and turning brown.) Top with a layer of shredded cheese. Serve with organic tortilla chips and watch it disappear!







Ingredients 1/3 cup vodka 1 tablespoon peppermint schnapps 1/3 cup wparkling water Mini candy cane or starlight peppermint for garnish Directions Pour the vodka, peppermint schnapps and sparkling water over ice in a cocktail shaker. Give it a quick shake, and then stir. Pour into martini glasses and garnish with a mini candy cane or a peppermint. Makes 2 or 3 martinis depending on your glass size

Ingredients 1/4 cup vodka 2 tablespoons orange liqueur 2 tablespoons cranberry juice 2 teaspoons lime juice Lime slices and cranberries for garnish Directions Pour the vodka, orange liqueur, cranberry juice and lime juice over ice in a cocktail shaker. Shake until very cold and then strain into martini glasses. Garnish with a slice of lime and cranberries on a cocktail pick. Makes 2 or 3 martinis depending on your glass size

Ingredients 4 cups of water 4 tea bags, black or green tea 1 cup orange juice 2 inch piece of ginger root, peeled and sliced 1/4 cup agave nectar 1 liter bottle of sparkling water 2 oranges, sliced Directions In a medium sized pan over medium-high heat, bring the water to a boil. Remove from heat and add the tea bags and agave nectar. Let tea bags steep for 5 to 10 minutes and then remove. Blend the orange juice and ginger together in a blender. Mix the tea, orange juice and ginger, and sparkling water together in a pitcher. Serve over ice with orange slices for garnish. Makes 6 to 8 glasses of tea



text & photos by natalie rae good, lettering by cara livermore





When cooking up a meal with many parts I like to include dishes that are simple, vegetable-focused, and hassle-free. This is one of those perfectly effortless recipes that showcases one unusual and beautiful vegetable, Romanesco Cauliflower. Toss the roasted treetop-shaped florets with toasted pecans and serve alongside all your holiday favorites. Sure to impress omnivores and vegans alike!

2 Romanesco Cauliflower (cored and broken into florets) 6 Tbs. Olive Oil 3/4 tsp. sea salt or smoked sea salt 1 tsp. crushed red pepper (optional) black pepper juice of 1 lemon 2 cups pecans

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. In a large bowl, toss the cauliflower in olive oil, salt, and pepper. Spread the coated florets on a large baking pan and place in the oven for 20-30 minutes, or once slightly browned and soft. Remove from oven and squeeze with lemon juice. To toast pecans, spread on a small pan and place in the oven with the cauliflower for 5-8 minutes, until fragrant. Remove from oven and chop coarsely. Toss with cauliflower and serve!



Ring in the season with this beautiful pink pie suitable for your gluten-intolerant friends! I use a gluten-free all purpose flour mix but if you are feeling adventurous you can make your own by mixing rice flour, tapioca starch, and zanthan gum. Crust 1/2 cup Earth Balance 3-4 Tbs. Ice Water 1 1/4 c. gluten free all purpose flour 1 tsp. salt 1 Tbs. sugar Place a few ice cubes in a glass of cold water to chill. In a food processor, pulse the flour, sugar, and salt until combined. Add the margarine and pulse until grains form. Add the cold water one tablespoon at a time while pulsing. Place in a bowl and cover with waxed paper. Let chill in the refrigerator for 1 hour.


Filling 1 c. sugar 2 Tbs. gluten free all purpose flour 1 tsp. cinnamon dash nutmeg dash salt juice of 1/2 lemon 6-7 cups tart apples (sliced, half of them peeled) 1 cup blackberries Topping 1/4 c. brown sugar 1/4 c. sugar 3/4 c. gluten free all purpose flour 1/3 c. Earth Balance Preheat oven to 400°F. Prepare the filling in a large bowl. Combine the topping ingredients. I do this with my hands because I don’t own a pastry cutter, but I suppose a fork would work too. Carefully roll the crust dough between two pieces of waxed paper. Place in pie pan and poke lightly with a fork. Place in preheated oven for 5-7 minutes to pre-bake. Remove from oven and immediately fill and cover with crumb topping. To protect the exposed crust from burning, cover the edges with a thin strip of aluminum foil. Bake at 400 for 45-55 m. or until browned and crispy on top.




There’s really nothing better than a good old-fashioned vegan pizza party. Once the dough has doubled, call up a few friends, preheat the oven, and bust out the two liters. Here’s a look at my favorite topping combination, inspired by a delicious pie served up at Paulie Gee’s in Greenpoint. Cashew ricotta is easy, light, and oh-so impressive when dolloped atop a crispy handmade crust. Combine the cheesy delight with caramelized onions and spicy, fresh arugula and you have a match made in vegan heaven. Components Pizza dough (recipe below) Cashew ricotta (recipe below) Pizza sauce 1 pack fresh Arugula olive oil for drizzling

Pizza Dough 2 tsp active dry yeast 1 tsp sugar 2 cups warm water 5 cups all purpose flour 2 tsp salt

In a large food processor mix the flour, yeast, and salt together. Stir the sugar into two cups of warm water. While the processor is mixing, slowly add the sugary water until a loose ball forms. Add more flour or water as necessary. Place in a large oiled bowl and let sit in a warm place for two hours. Once dough has risen, divide into 4 balls. Let rest for another 20 minutes. Prepare your toppings. Press the dough out from the center of the circle and pick up the dough, stretching it with your fists and pointer fingers. It doesn’t have to look perfect, just focus on a thin crust with a thicker exterior ring. Cashew Ricotta 1 cup raw cashews 3 cloves garlic 3 Tbs. olive oil 2 Tbs. nutritional yeast juice of 2 lemons rind of 1 lemon 1 lb. firm tofu (pressed and broken into pieces) 1 1/2 tsp. salt In a food processor, blend the cashews, garlic, olive oil, nutritional yeast, lemon juice, and lemon rind until a thick paste forms. Add the tofu and salt and blend until smooth. Add salt and lemon to taste!

Place a pizza stone in the oven and preheat to 450°F. If you don’t have a stone a baking sheet will do just fine! Once the oven is fully preheated (20 minutes), remove the stone or pan and assemble the pizza. Stretch the dough and place on the surface, top with pizza sauce, caramelized onions, and dollops of cashew ricotta. Place in the oven and bake until crust is crispy (approximately 15 minutes). Once removed from the oven, top with fresh arugula and drizzle with olive oil. Slice and serve immediately!





text by nikki haney, photos & lettering by cara livermore

I created these Bourbon Chocolate Cake Pops as a way to add a new spin on the traditional holiday bourbon ball. They’re dense and rich, with the perfect kick of spicy bourbon flavor inside. Although any bourbon will do the trick for this recipe, I recommend choosing from this list of vegan bourbons, all of which are distilled in my home state of Kentucky: Baker’s Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey Basil Hayden’s Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey Booker’s Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey Buffalo Trace Distilleries – all bourbons Bulleit Bourbon Four Roses Distillery – all bourbons Heaven Hill Distilleries – all bourbons Jim Beam Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey Knob Creek Straight Bourbon Whiskey


Maker’s Mark Bourbon Old Forester Wild Turkey 101 Wild Turkey 80 Wild Turkey Rare Breed Wild Turkey Russell’s Reserve Wild Turkey Kentucky Spirit Wild Turkey Straight Rye Whiskey Woodford Reserve




3 cups all-purpose flour 1 cup vegan refined sugar 3/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder 2 teaspoons baking soda 1 teaspoon sea salt 3/4 cup vanilla soy yogurt 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract 1 cup water, room temperature 1 cup bourbon 1/2 cup vanilla coconut milk 1 tablespoon fresh squeezed lemon juice

FROSTING INGREDIENTS 1/2 cup vegan butter substitute, softened 2/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder 3 cups vegan confectioners’ sugar

1/3 cup vanilla coconut milk 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 tablespoon bourbon

GANACHE INGREDIENTS 2 1/2 cups vegan semisweet chocolate chips 1 cup soy creamer


BAKE THE CAKE Preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Lightly oil and flour a 9x13” baking pan (I like to use grape seed oil).

In a large bowl, whisk together the all-purpose flour, refined sugar, unsweetened cocoa powder, baking soda and sea salt. In a separate bowl, stir together the soy yogurt, vanilla extract, water, bourbon and coconut milk. Slowly pour the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients, stirring until fully combined, then stir in the lemon juice. Pour the cake batter into the pan and bake for 25-30 minutes, or until a toothpick can be inserted and removed cleanly.Allow the cake to cool completely.



Once the cake cools, make the frosting by combining all frosting ingredients into a large bowl and mixing on low-medium speed until fully combined. Using a fork or your fingers, crumble the entire cake into the smallest crumbs possible. If you come across any crisp edges, remove them from the pile of cake crumbs and discard (or eat) them. Place the cake crumbs and frosting in one large bowl and stir, or use your hands to knead the mixture like dough. Continue to stir/ knead until the cake and frosting are fully combined.

STEP THREE CHILL Cover the bowl of cake and frosting with plastic wrap and refrigerate until the mixture is firm, roughly 1 hour. You can leave the covered bowl in the refrigerator for up to 3 days if you’d like to do this step ahead of time.

2 cups dry roasted pecan pieces 60 lollipop sticks 78




Bring the soy creamer to a boil in a medium saucepan. Once the creamer begins to boil, remove immediately from the heat. Place the chocolate chips in a bowl and pour the creamer over top of the chocolate chips. Stir until all of the chocolate has melted. Let the ganache sit, uncovered, at room temperature.



Cover a baking sheet with parchment or wax paper. Remove the cake and frosting mixture from the refrigerator. Roll the cake into small balls, roughly 1” to 1.5” in diameter. If you want your cake pops to stand upright like a lollipop, keep the balls on the smaller side. If you plan to place the pops cake-side-down, you can roll the cake into larger balls. Place each cake ball on the parchment paper. Dip the tip of one lollipop stick in the ganache. Pick up a cake ball and slide the stick into the cake. The ganache will help keep the cake pop on the stick. Place the cake pop back on the baking sheet, with the stick facing up (cake pop upside down). Repeat until all of the cake balls have sticks in them.

STEP SIX FREEZE Place the baking sheet in the freezer, uncovered, for one hour. Meanwhile, leave the ganache sitting at room temperature, uncovered.

STEP SEVEN ASSEMBLY Pour the pecan pieces in a large bowl or plate. Dip each cake pop into the ganache. Rotate the cake pop in one hand while using the other hand to sprinkle the pop with pecan pieces. Complete this step as quickly as possible so the pieces don’t slide off of the ganache. Place the cake pop back on the baking sheet and repeat until each cake pop is complete. Serve immediately, or store in the refrigerator for up to 3 days before serving.











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