Winter 13

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06 Krysten cooper

42 Natalie Rae good

14 Laurie sadowski

42 Rachelle sartini garner

18 Harriet mcatee

48 Madeline tolle

20, 56 Amanda aldinger sassafraseats.wordpress. com

48 Angela Liddon 62 Veronica an

30 David gianadda 30 Emily stoker 32 Justyna ledwoch

68 Lisa dawn angerame 74 Eliza gladkowska 82 Alexander Harvey

37 Heather poire



06-13 A winter picnic

32-36 Millet kingdom

14-17 Gluten-free entertaining

37-41 DIY kitchen gifts

18-19 On winter & blood oranges

42-47 A lesson in vegan creperie

20-29 Cocktails gone vegan

48-55 City guide: philadelphia

30-31 Spiced fig jam


56-61 Interview: Oh she glows 62-67 Grown up PB&j’s 68-73 In season: Butternut squash 74-81 Pierogi 82-87 Sourdough breads


This season embrace winter in all its chilled glory. Grab some friends, bundle up and get outside for a winter picnic. Words, Recipes, & Photos by Krysten Cooper



stay warm

✪✪ Variety of warm outdoor gear depending on your conditions: cozy sweater, vest, jacket, hat, gloves, scarf, waterproof snow pants for sitting in the snow. serve it up

✪✪ Heavy blanket that can be used as a table cloth on a picnic table, or can be paired with a ground sheet to set up your spread right on the snow. ✪✪ Plates, bowls, cups – enamel or melamine work well as they are sturdy and light. Mugs are great for both warm drinks and for soup. ✪✪ Cutlery. ✪✪ Napkins. ✪✪ Thermos to keep soup, mulled wine or other warm drinks nice and toasty. ✪✪ Cutting board - can be used for preparing food or as a makeshift table top for serving. clean up

✪✪ Damp cloth to wipe off hands and dishes. ✪✪ Dry cloth. ✪✪ Bag to gather any garbage and another to gather dirty dishes for transport home. have fun!

✪✪ Games - deck of cards, checkers, backgammon. ✪✪ Picnic play list on your music player. ✪✪ Camera.





Makes 12-15 cookies

Makes 5 cups

Ingredients 2 tbsp raw whole flax seeds, ground 6 tbsp water 1/2 cup rolled oats 1/2 cup Sucanat (or other raw sugar) 1 tsp baking powder 1 tsp cinnamon 3/4 cup almond butter (all-natural, no sugar added) 1/3 cup dried cranberries or raisins (or a combination of the two)

Ingredients 2 cinnamon sticks 10 whole cloves 3 whole star anise 10 whole peppercorns half a sprig of fresh rosemary 1/4 cup Sucanat (or other raw sugar) 1 bottle red wine (you can use any type that you like, but I like something with dark fruit flavors, like merlot or cabernet sauvignon) 2 slices of lemon

Instructions 1. Grind flax seeds – a spice grinder, Magic Bullet, or mortar and pestle will do the job. Add the water to the ground flax seeds and whisk together. Chill in the fridge for at least 15 minutes. 2. Combine all dry ingredients. Add almond butter and stir well to blend into a dry dough. Add the chilled ground flax seed mixture. Stir until dough comes together. Mix in the dried fruit. Cover bowl and let the dough rest in the fridge for 1 to 2 hours. 3. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Using your hands, roll dough into balls, about the size of a ping-pong ball. The dough may be a little sticky, so you might need to rinse your hands and then roll out the rest of the cookies. Gently press balls onto baking sheet to flatten into round cookies. 4. Bake at a pre-heated 350°F for 18-20 min. Remove from oven and allow to cool on the baking sheet.


Instructions 1. Combine dry spices and fresh rosemary in a loose-leaf tea sack, tea infuser, or small piece of cheesecloth tied with a piece of kitchen twine. You can snap the cinnamon sticks into smaller pieces so that they fit inside your spice pouch. 2. Pour wine into medium pot. Add spice pouch, Sucanat, and lemon slices. 3. Bring to a gentle simmer and then turn down to low. You don’t want it to boil or the alcohol will burn off. Stir to ensure Sucanat is fully dissolved. Allow flavors to steep for about 15 minutes. You can keep this on low heat to keep warm until ready to serve. 4. Remove spice pouch and lemon slices. Ladle into mugs or wine glasses.


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Makes about 8 cups Ingredients 2 medium-sized peeled & deseeded butternut squash, roughly chopped 2 tbsp olive oil 1 large onion, chopped

1 tsp cinnamon 1/2 tsp allspice pinch of cayenne pepper 1 tsp Sucanat 2 medium-sized apples, roughly chopped

Instructions 1. Preheat oven to 400°F. To make whole squash easier to peel, cut in half and remove seeds with a spoon or ice cream scoop. Place squash cut-side down on baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Bake for 15 minutes. Allow to cool. You should now be able to gently slice the skin off with a knife and then roughly chop the squash.

4 to 5 cups vegetable stock dozen sprigs fresh thyme salt and pepper handful of pumpkin seeds, toasted

2. Warm oil in large pot on medium-low heat. Add the onion and cook until translucent, about 20 minutes. The extra cooking time will be worth it, as the onions will start to caramelize and add more flavor to the soup. Once onions are softened, stir in spices and sugar. You can always add more cayenne later if you like your soup spicier, so I would start gentle – no more than 1/4 tsp - and build up the heat.

3. Add the chopped apples and squash to the pot and toss with onions and spices (if the squash is still too hot to handle, get going with the apples and add the squash when ready). Pour 4 cups of the vegetable stock into the pot. Add fresh thyme. To make cleanup easy, tie the thyme sprigs together and leave a long enough tail of string to tie the other end to the soup pot handle.

4. Turn heat up until soup comes to the boil, then turn down to a gentle simmer for about 20 minutes. Using a fork, test to see if squash and apple are fully softened. If squash and apple are not fully cooked, continue to simmer for another 5-10 minutes. 5. Remove from heat. Remove thyme sprigs. Blend until smooth with a hand blender. You can adjust thickness with remaining vegetable stock (or water if you don’t have enough stock). Add more cayenne if you like a little more spice. Season to taste with salt and pepper. 6. To serve, return to heat and warm through. Sprinkle each bowl of soup with toasted pumpkin seeds.



Makes 2 small loaves Ingredients 2 cups almond milk 2 tbsp lemon juice 4 cups all-purpose flour 1 tsp salt 1 tsp Sucanat (or other raw sugar) 1 tsp baking soda 1/4 cup mixed chopped herbs such as sage, thyme, parsley and rosemary Instructions 1. Add the lemon juice to the almond milk and give the mixture a gentle stir. Set aside for 5-10 minutes to allow the milk to ‘sour’ (you are creating a homemade vegan-friendly buttermilk). 2. Combine all dry ingredients and chopped herbs in a large bowl. Stir to distribute the baking soda evenly throughout the flour. Make a well in the center and add 1 3/4 cups of the soured almond milk. Using your hand, mix until all the milk has been absorbed and a soft, slightly sticky dough forms. I find large circular motions around the bowl work best. If the dough is too dry, add a little more of the milk until it all comes together. 3. Wash your hands to remove any dry bits of dough (so you don’t end up with crunchy dough bits in the final bread). With clean, lightly floured hands, turn the dough out onto a floured work surface. Cut into two halves. Shape each half into a round loaf, patting gently until about 1 inch thick. Using a knife, cut a large X across the top of each loaf (in Ireland, they say you do this to let the fairies out!). 4. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Transfer loaves to baking sheet. Bake in a pre-heated 425°F oven for 10 minutes, then turn down to 400°F and bake for a further 2530 minutes. When cooked through, the soda bread will sound hollow when tapped.r



Words by Laurie Sadowski These days, it’s pretty inevitable that someone with some sort of dietary restriction will be at the holiday dinner table. Maybe they are anti-mushroom. Perhaps they won’t touch a potato. Possibly they’re adverse to avocado. But sometimes, it goes further than that, and the special diet is a little more strict: like a food allergy or celiac disease. I’m not talking about an upset stomach— instead, I mean the real deal, where dining out can be risky, regardless of the location. If you’re the host of an upcoming holiday get-together, having those with food allergies or celiac disease as your guests doesn’t have to mean asking them to transport a Tupperware filled with their own dinner. And though they could easily bring over a dish to share, they’re still limited to one choice at the table—their own—which nearly defeats the purpose, anyway. Hosting dinner for those with food allergies or celiac disease can certainly be a challenge, but with a few tricks and tips, it can be pulled off with ease. As someone with celiac disease (who is also a vegan), this is a part of my daily life, always ensuring that, if I choose to eat out, I can do so with confidence and safety—no risks required. All it takes is for you—the host—to take a few necessary precautions, ask a couple questions, and possibly tweak a couple of details in your menu.



The biggest concern for cooking for others with celiac disease is the issue of cross-contamination. When it comes to celiac disease, just a crumb can cause a reaction, but once you have these few parameters in place, it’s smooth sailing. Certain items in your kitchen can harbour unwanted contaminants, so it’s best not to use them when preparing your meal. This includes anything porous, such as non-stick pans or wooden pans and spatulas, along with appliances that might be home to crumbs, like toasters or bread machines. Similarly, it’s beneficial to wash your bowls, small appliances, and countertops beforehand, to ensure your gear is safe when you’re getting started. If you’re choosing to make your full meal gluten-free (more on that below), the precautions can, for the most part, stop here. If you’re making gluten-containing items as well—especially simultaneously—be sure you’re using separate spatulas, mixing bowls, and other preparation items.

To make it easiest—likely on yourself, as well as your gluten-free guest(s)—it isn’t difficult to modify your menu to be completely gluten-free. Sure, it requires some (simple) swaps and a bit of double-checking, but then you get to entertain with ease. And after all, isn’t giving the greatest part of the holidays? Most foods are naturally gluten-free, especially if you are cooking from scratch. The problem can lie in using ready-made ingredients, dressings, sauces, and mixtures, all of which could contain traces of gluten (or might use it directly). The offenders? Wheat, rye, barley, and oats—just four ingredients!—and hardly a depletion in your dinner options.


Produce. The earth’s gift to both your vegan dinner table and a gluten-free paradise. Every single vegetable and fruit is free of animal products, as well as those four gluten offenders. Chances are, you have some veg-based meals in your dinner prep plans anyway (and if you don’t… you should!). Need some inspiration? Homemade cranberry sauce is a breeze, requires little preparation, and can be made in advance then refrigerated or frozen. Simply cook down fresh (or frozen) cranberries with apples (which add an amazing texture and natural sweetness), a splash of apple cider (for a bit of tang), a generous drizzle of maple syrup. Finish with a few shakes of cinnamon. Make your mashed potatoes that much better with a fresh herbs, good quality olive oil, roasted garlic, and coconut milk. Rich, creamy, and flat-out-amazing. Do you hate Brussels sprouts? No. No, you don’t. If you do, I bet you’ve only had them steamed. Cut those sprouts in half, toss with olive oil, salt, pepper, balsamic vinegar, and a bit of maple syrup, then roast ‘em at 425F for about 30 minutes. You won’t be sorry.

So you want to add a splash of sriracha? A drizzle of nondairy milk? Have a favourite feature ingredient? Don’t be above asking. If anything, your gluten-free guest will be happy to offer input (after all, they don’t want to get sick just as much as you don’t want to be the one behind it). Talk to them about any of your cross-contamination concerns (whether it is in your kitchen or in a product) and if there is a small amount of an ingredient you need, ask them if you can snag a few spoonfuls.


If you focus on meat alternatives as the main dish of your meal, they likely aren’t gluten-free. Most brands of vegan sausages, turkeys, and other similar products are made with actual wheat gluten itself—that’s what gives it the “meaty” texture. But there are other alternatives available. Do a different main dish. Without the faux-turkey, you can still make one extravagant centerpiece. Try a lasagna using gluten-free noodles instead (they hold up well), opt for a mushroom-based bourguignon (check the broth and thicken with sorghum flour), go for lentil and tempeh stuffed peppers, or make a tofu or nut-based eggplant rollatini. Love your legumes. Sans marinade, most brands of tofu, tempeh, and edamame are all naturally gluten-free—and versatile to boot. So are legumes, such as chickpeas and lentils, and can be featured in a great deal of dishes. Adopt something ancient. Ancient grains, that is. Wild rice, sorghum, quinoa, teff, millet, amaranth make for satisfying (and unique) main dishes. Adding one of these to your menu gives your dinner some distinctiveness and lets you unleash with creativity in the kitchen.



Just like dinner, focusing on a naturally gluten-free finish doesn’t mean fruit salad is the only option. And if your gluten-free guest does like to bake, this is the part of the meal that can always use an extra dish—after all, aren’t the holidays just about dessert, anyway? These options can round it out: Core and stuff apples with cinnamon, raisins, and walnuts. Bake until soft, then top with coconut milk-based vanilla ice cream (double check its gluten-free status, though most are safe), and drizzle with pure maple syrup or—for a twist—balsamic vinegar. Cook pears, cardamom, and brown sugar in a skillet until caramelized, then add some coconut milk whipped cream, and sprinkle with maple and cinnamon-tossed walnuts that have been roasted at 375F for 15 minutes. If you’re baking a gluten-free dessert, bear in mind: most baking essentials (such as baking powder, baking soda, and spices) might have been double dipped into wheat-based flours, making cross-contamination a possibility. But if baking is on the horizon, use fresh ingredients or look for recipes that require little changes to what you already have. Most homemade pie fillings are thickened with corn or tapioca starch—naturally gluten-free—and a simple no-bake pie crust can be made of nuts, seeds, and dates pulsed in the food processor. --There’s no need to dread the doorbell when your guests are heading over for a holiday dinner, and your gluten-free guests can dine easily without dealing with their disease. It might take a few extra steps but, trust me, the greatest gift you can give to someone who has to spend an awful lot of time thinking about food… is one day where they don’t have to think about food.r





Words & Photo by Harriet McAtee Blood oranges are one of the very few ways I mark the passage of winter. For a few short weeks - a month if you are lucky their ruby-dappled skin appears at the markets. My favorite stall-holder, a woman who owns a farm outside the city, cuts up the blood oranges for passersby to sample. I buy a bundle and hurry home to use their juice for braising cabbage, to freeze their peel to use later, and eat the vibrant flesh in salads or for breakfast. In the blink of an eye, and a quick turn of your head, the blood oranges are gone, and so has winter. That what it is like, here in Brisbane, Australia. Nestled into the south-east corner of the state of Queensland, our ‘winter’ would make most northern hemisphere dwellers giggle. It is easy to forget that we’re only 500 kilometers or so (about 310 miles) south from the start of the tropics, and our climate is technically classified as ‘humid subtropical.’ Our summers are long and hot, with temperatures routinely averaging over 30 ºC (86.5 ºF). Our winters, on the other hand, are almost laughable (and a running joke amongst Brisbanites). Winter in Brisbane means a few weeks (six, maybe, in a ‘bad’ winter) where it is finally cool enough to wear jeans without breaking a sweat. We might have one or two genuinely cool days, but temperatures tend to hover around 20-22 ºC (68-72 ºF). There are some definite advantages to living in such a climate: no need for investing in heavy coats, no heating bills to pay. At the markets, I can buy decent tomatoes year-round, and strawberry season comes early and abundantly. There is no stretch of months where the only available vegetables are roots or cruciferous varietals, and certainly no need to drastically turn to the hearty, rich, warming meals usually associated with winter. As one northern hemisphere colleague pointed out to me: our winters are warmer than many northern summers. So what is the problem? I probably sound ungrateful - I know many people would give their right leg for a continuous supply of fresh tomatoes, or to avoid the hazards and pitfalls of icy weather. But having lived through a few British winters as a child, I know there is something (many things, perhaps) that Brisbane’s pseudo-winter can not quite provide. The need for a fire. Or three pairs of socks. The deeply pleasurable feeling of walking into a warm house from a cold exterior and wrapping your hands around a steaming cup of tea. The complicated mix of utter joy and aching sadness as leaves change color and fall from trees. The hectic gathering and storing of the last apples and hedgerow blackberries, then baking them into oozing, marvelous pies and crumbles. If it snows, it is glorious. If it doesn’t, you wish it would.


I long for a real winter. One in which you have to shut all the windows, wrap yourself in cozy jumpers, and eat meals that stick to your sides, filling you all the way up. Winter is the season where the pace of life slows; a time for consolidation and preparation before the busy months ahead. Winter is a time when eating - perhaps because of food’s natural scarcity - is focused on availability and resourcefulness. The buying and eating of seasonal produce is ever-increasingly becoming a core aspect of contemporary food philosophies. We are urged to seek the fruits and vegetables that are in season, and with good reason. Taste, texture, quality, cost, and nutritional content all come into play when we start thinking seasonally. How must someone who relishes and wholeheartedly subscribes to the idea of seasonality adapt to, enjoy, and fully experience an essentially winterless city? What happens when an entire season is missing from your calendar? Initially, in my experience, one tries to replicate winter in the kitchen. Mushroom stews, root vegetables roasted with cinnamon, thick and filling vegetable hot pots, toothsome almond cakes and crispy Brussels sprouts. But it is never cold enough for the Brussels sprouts to be really delicious (they are best after a frost that we, unsurprisingly, lack), parsnips, celeriac and other root vegetables rarely become affordable, and perhaps only one or two nights in the whole season is a rich meal truly required. Despite all those obstacles, for a few weeks I will throw myself into cooking those hearty, winter-evoking meals. We will eat the mediocre Brussels sprouts, and form a light sweat as we slurp through a stew. Eventually though, it begins to feel a little like theatre: a performance of winter, nothing more. More and more, you become aware of this small feeling of contrivance that’s growing in your gut. At the markets, the potatoes and mushrooms lose their appeal, and you begin to overcome the guilt that somehow comes with buying tomatoes and zucchini in the middle of winter. You eat more salads, and remember that yes, it is warm enough to have smoothies for breakfast. You also start to pay more attention. That is when you start to notice the few signs of winter that have managed to creep in. You notice the blood oranges and the fennel. You notice the multiplying varieties of apples and mandarins. The pears are better. Towards the end of winter, strawberry season hits you square in the face, and for weeks strawberries are some of the cheapest produce at the markets. I purchase these little totems of winter while they are abundant, fresh and tastiest. I take them home, and marvel at their wonderful glory as I pile them into bowls on the kitchen table. I eat them simply, and relish them while their season (always too brief ) lasts. Our winter might not be much by the standards of others, but I will take (and eat) what I can.r


Words & Recipes by Amanda Aldinger I love cocktails. But, truth be told, I never order them because I do not love the highly-processed ingredient lists they usually come with. Simple syrups made from white sugar, juice-based mixers filled with fructose and preservatives. Not to mention all the seasonal drinks laden with eggs and heavy cream. So what’s a whole foods-eating vegan to do? Go without a drink during the holidays? Never. To save us all from the horrors of boozeless family get-togethers, I got down and dirty in my kitchen, giving four holiday cocktails a seriously upgrade. Infused with freshly juiced fruits, super food spices and nary a hint of dairy in sight, these drinks are so good for you, you should probably consider keeping them around all year long. Complete with menu pairings and vegan-friendly liquor brands, your party has arrived.



At my holiday parties, I’m famous for encouraging the nightcap no one needs, and nothing says seasonal nightcap like a freshly brewed pot of coffee and Baileys. No dairy required. Makes 4 Ingredients 1 cup homemade almond milk (see directions on Vegg Nog) 2 cups coconut milk (light or regular is fine) ½ cup coconut sugar 1 ½ tbsp cacao powder 1 tsp cinnamon (if not already infused into almond milk) ¾ cup espresso or coffee 1 cup of your favorite Irish whiskey Instructions After you’ve made your almond milk, combine all the ingredients in a blender and give it a quick whirl to mix it up. The great thing about Baileys is its flexibility. Pour the coffee or espresso into the blender and mix it all together, or keep the coffee on the side and use the Baileys as a creamer. To make just the cream, omit the whiskey. To turn it into a vegan grasshopper, omit the coffee and substitute the whiskey for crème de menthe. Blend it with vegan vanilla ice cream for a grasshopper milk shake. (Much to my mother’s chagrin, my grandfather would make these for us when we’d visit him as kids. They are awesome.)


Stuffed mushrooms with a spicy, cheezy cashew cream. Fennel and apple tarts. Citrus and vegan cheese bruschetta. entrees

Winter squash, roasted and stuffed with a freekah, fennel salad, topped with sage-infused cashew cream. Cauliflower apple soup. Carrot noodles with a spicy curry or peanut sauce. desserts

Because Baileys is so sweet, it’s nice to have desserts that balance spice and sweet, or sweet and salty. Try a spiced raw vegan carrot cake with cashew cream frosting (infuse with a bit of the leftover almond pulp for a nutty, cinnamon flair). Coconut date truffles with cacao. Or, pop a small scoop of vegan ice cream into your mug for a Baileys float. Vanilla bean, or even a scoop of well-blended frozen bananas would be divine.

Courvosier, Crème de Menthe, Glenlivet, Jameson, Jim Beam (not Red Stag), Knob Creek, Maker’s Mark







Even before I was a vegan, when I was a kid, I never liked eggnog. I was a picky eater, and white, creamy foods thoroughly creeped me out. I’ve moved past placing color restrictions on my food and am thrilled to have this vegan treat as part of my new holiday repertoire. I may not remember what real eggnog tastes like, but even if you do, this buttery, decadent, cinnamon-and-spice wonder is sure to transform even the most hardcore of eggnog fans. If you’ve never made your own almond milk before, this is the recipe to go for it. Infused with fragrant cinnamon, homemade almond milk straight from the blender will give your vegan eggnog the frothy, whipped feel of the dairy-based original.

Makes 4 Ingredients 1 cup raw almonds, preferably soaked 2 cups water 1 tsp cinnamon 1 tsp nutmeg 2 tbsp vanilla 4 tbsp maple syrup 2 frozen bananas 1/3 cup maple almond butter (cashew, macadamia or regular almond butter would work well here, too) 2 oz spiced rum, per drink cinnamon sticks for garnish

Instructions 1. To make your almond milk, soak 1 cup of almonds in water for up to 12 hours or overnight. (If you decide to make this on the fly or forget to soak the almonds, don’t worry about it. Soaking them makes the almonds easier to digest, but will not take away from the flavor of the almond milk.) 2. Toss the cinnamon, almonds and 2 cups of water into a blender. Blend for 2 minutes. Pour the milk through the nut bag into a measuring cup or bowl. Discard the almond pulp (or keep to bake into muffins for dessert!) and pour almond milk back into the rinsed blender. 3. Add the rest of the ingredients, except the rum, to the blender and blend on high until creamy. Pour 2 oz of rum in a glass, top with eggnog and garnish with a cinnamon stick. This will keep in the fridge for about four days.


Mini sliced beet sandwiches, layered with homemade hummus. A grapefruit, fig bruschetta tossed with vegan feta and sage. Baked onion rings with a roasted red pepper dip. Roasted winter squash rounds topped with vegan pumpkin seed pesto. entrées

Mini salads and sandwiches. Eggnog is fairly heavy, so think about treating your guests to an entrée buffet of tapas-style salads and sandwiches that pack a flavorful punch. Grain and fennel salad with fruit and roasted nuts. Mini fig and endive sandwiches drizzled with cashew cream. A puree of roasted veggies is beautiful, paired with seasoned mushrooms stuffed with a bit of tofu “cheese.” desserts

Coconut almond bark. Raw mint bon bons. Snickerdoodle cookies. Raw dark chocolate truffles.

Bacardi, Captain Morgan, Cruzan, Malibu, Mount Gay, Appleton Estate







Tequila always brings the party. And frankly, I don’t think we see it enough during the holidays. Homemade apple cider creates a distinctive twist on this typical summer cocktail. Infused with savory spices, it’s delicious both with tequila over ice, or served hot off the stove with a hearty hit of your favorite bourbon. Makes 3-4 Ingredients 1.5 oz tequila, per drink 1.5 oz triple sec, per drink 2 oz whiskey, per drink (If making hot whiskey cider. Not if making margaritas! That would be a scary margarita.) 6 large apples, juiced 5 whole cloves 2 whole nutmegs 2 cinnamon sticks + 1 per person to garnish 1 inch ginger zest from 1 lemon 2 star anise ½ orange, sliced (optional) 1 tablespoon coconut sugar ¼ tsp cinnamon

Instructions Juice six apples and pour the juice into a saucepan. Add the cloves, cinnamon sticks, nutmeg, star anise and lemon zest. Bring to a low boil, turn the heat down, cover and let heat for 20 minutes. The cider should not continue to boil — rather you want it to remain heated as the spices meld. If you’re using orange, add the slices after 15 minutes and re-cover. To make an apple cider margarita, chill the cider for about an hour or until cool. Feel free to pop it into the freezer if you’re running low on time. While the cider is chilling, garnish your glasses with the coconut sugar/cinnamon mix. Pour 5 oz of cider into a shaker with the tequila and triple sec. Shake, and pour over ice into a sugar-rimmed glass. Garnish with a cinnamon stick. For whiskey cider, simply add 5 oz of hot apple cider to a glass with 2 oz whiskey or bourbon. A hot tequila cider would be delicious as well. Garnish with a cinnamon stick and enjoy!


Everyone loves a good dip. Create a homemade salsa buffet infused with winter fruits like pear and grapefruit. Roasted brussel sprouts with rosemary and candied walnuts. Red quinoa salad with roasted pecans, sweet potatoes and spiced apples. Jalapeño poppers stuffed with vegan cheese. Infuse everything you can with a bit of cayenne, which helps to keep winter colds away. entrées

Vegan meatloaf (made with tofu, seitan, tempeh, lentils—the options are endless) goes beautifully with a chipotle barbecue or ketchup glaze. Winter gazpacho (served cold or warm). Tequila-grilled portobello mushrooms with mashed cauliflower and roasted root veggies. Tequila brings a lot of warmth—balance the heat of your entrée with a bright endive, escarole or kale salad. desserts

Spiced apple pie. Vegan apple crisp topped with a coconut whipped cream. Apple, cranberry crumble.

Sauza, 1800, Azul, Jose Cuervo, Patron, Three Olives


Hiram Walker




Grapefruit and ginger are two bold flavors that lend a welcome, fresh contrast to heavier holiday drinks. A simple juice of the two topped with a bit of champagne makes the perfect toasting cocktail for New Year’s Eve. Makes 4 Ingredients 2 grapefruits, peeled (save the peels for twists) 1 inch ginger ½ apple (optional, to add sweetness)* Directions: Juice all the ingredients and pour about 2 oz into a champagne flute or cocktail glass. Top the rest with your favorite vegan champagne and garnish with a grapefruit twist. *Note: ginger and grapefruit both pack a lot of flavor. Apple adds a bit of sweetness that some may prefer. Feel free to juice half an apple at a time until desired. You could vary the juice even further by adding lemon or lime for a sour, citrusy twist.


Vegan baked artichoke/sunchoke dip with winter veggie crudité: broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, celery, radishes. Spears of endive filled with a tofu salad, fennel and avocado. Tofu “crab” cakes, topped with freshly grated ginger and a bit of escarole. entrees

A vegan pizza bar! Beautiful flat breads and homemade mini pizzas are a delight when topped with unique ingredients like carmelized figs, roasted cardoons, endive and thinly sliced winter squash. Roasted winter squash topped with a quinoa, fennel and roasted grapefruit salad. desserts

Champagne and chocolate beg to be paired together. Mini vegan lava cakes. Tofu-based chocolate mousse topped with freshly sliced fruit. Orange, hazelnut cookies with dark chocolate (another good one for adding in leftover almond pulp). “Cheese”cake bites with cacao and berries. Gingerbread!

Champagne Palmer and Co., Domaine Ste. Michelle, Korbel Natural Champagne (not Brut or Extra Dry), Moet, Perrier-Jouet, Veuve Clicquot r



Canning is a way for us to take control of our personal environments and the foods we eat. By growing, gathering, or shopping farm markets seasonally, we enhance community, and encourage self-reliance. More importantly for me, though, the simple art of canning can fill your heart up with handclaps and tambourines. It’s the littlest of things that both place me firmly in the present and make me remember some forgotten moment. Canning to me has always seemed a bridge to the past as well as a nod to the future in the present moment. My grandmother canned peaches and tomatoes from her garden for the long winter while my mother watched. In turn, my mother did the same and the warmth of the kitchen while canning is a memory of her I cherish. As we gather pieces of fruit in morning light, I have the same sense of freedom I enjoyed as a child. The old enamelware pot, passed down from generation to generation, boiling the water for the jar bath reminds me of those moments. At the same time though, while canning, we tend to be more present. We notice each other longer, and spend time talking, while working together. As we can now, we make new memorable moments, and enjoy the slowing down of time in our busy lives.

Words by David Gianadda Recipe & Photos by Emily Stoker

Makes 5 half-pints Ingredient 20 to 25 medium to large figs 1 tablespoon minced fresh ginger root 1 (3-inch) cinnamon stick 1 tablespoon whole cloves 1 cup brown sugar 1 lemon Instructions 1. De-stem and coarsely chop your figs. You should end up with about 7 to 8 cups of chopped fruit. Tip: Keep the skins on if you like a chunky jam. 2. Mince 1 tablespoon of fresh ginger root. Feel free to add another spoonful if you want more kick. 3. Bundle the cinnamon stick and cloves together, and tie the spices into a cheesecloth satchel. 4. Combine the figs, spice satchel, ginger, sugar, and two tablespoons of lemon juice in a large pot. Bring everything to a full boil over medium- high heat. It is important to continue to stir so the figs don't burn and stick to the pot. You want the mixture to remain boiling at a point where it cannot be stirred down. 5. Boil down the mixture until a candy thermometer inserted into the pot reads 220째F. On my stovetop, this took about 30 minutes of constant boiling and stirring. The jam should be rich and thick, and the volume reduced by almost half. 6. When your jam is ready, remove from heat and discard the spice satchel. 7. Ladle the jam into hot, clean jars, seal with lids and rings, and process in a boiling water bath for 10 minutes (adjusting time for altitude if necessary). r



Words, Recipes, & Photos by Justyna Ledwoch In the grains family you can find plenty of ingredients to make amazing dishes: bold buckwheat, ever-popular rice, exotic couscous. But there is this one kind with tiny, yellowish grains, low in calories and fat, rich in proteins and minerals. With no distinctive taste and no special features, it can be easily forgotten. But once you get to know it, this grain will stay in your kitchen forever. Plenty of possibilities can overwhelm you, but gradually you will fall in love with this amazing grain. This grain will show you the possibilities you may have never thought about. From classical dinner, savoury dishes and tasty salads, to the sweet cakes and creamy frostings. Welcome to the millet kingdom.



5 servings Roasted Pear Ingredients 3 pears (15oz/450g) 2 tsp sugar 2 tsp canola oil ½ cup walnuts (1,8 oz/50g) ½ cup dried cranberries (1,8oz/50g) Millet Balls Ingredients ¼ cup uncooked millet juice form ¼ lemon salt, pepper, za’atar* *a commonly found spice mix consisting of thyme, salt, ground sumac, and sesame seeds 3.5oz/100g arugula Vinaigrette Ingredients 3 tbsp olive oil, extra-vergine 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar 1 tbsp Dijon mustard pinch of sugar salt, pepper Instructions 1. Wash and drain arugula. Chop walnuts. Peel pears and cut out the cores, then cut into cubes. 2. Coat the pear pieces with the sugar and canola oil. Bake for 15 minutes in single layer in 180°C/350°F. Stir frequently to prevent burning/sticking. 2. Whisk together all vinaigrette ingredients. 3. Cook millet (proportions: ¼ cup millet- ½ cup water) for about 20 minutes. Add lemon juice and season with salt, pepper and za’atar. Set aside to cool down a little.

for a 10-in/25 cm tart pan 8 servings Filling Ingredients 2 ½ cup (14 oz/400g) brussels sprouts 4 cups (14 oz/400g) fresh mushrooms 1 tbsp olive oil Crust Ingredients 1 cup (180g) uncooked millet salt, red paprika, pepper, soy sauce Almond Cheese Ingredients 1 1/3 cup almonds (7oz/200g) 1 cup soy milk juice from ¾ lemon 2 tbsp olive oil 3 tbsp Dijon mustard 1 tbsp red wine vinegar 2 tbsp soy sauce 3-4 garlic cloves 1 tsp sweet red paprika salt, pepper for seasoning Instructions 1. Soak the almonds overnight. 2. In a medium size pot cook 1 cup millet in 2 cups water for about 20 minutes. Pour in more water if needed. 3. Coat the tart pan with olive oil. Using a spoon spread the hot millet on the tart pan evenly. Remember to form the edges! Bake for 15 minutes in 350°F/180°C. 4. To start on the almond cheese, remove the brown skins of the soaked almonds. Blend almonds, milk and the rest of the almond cheese ingredients until smooth and creamy. Season with salt and pepper. 5. Cut brussels sprouts in halves. In a nonstick frying pan, heat the 1 tbsp of olive oil. Add the brussels, then season with soy sauce and pepper. Fry for about 7-10 minutes.

4. Form little (teaspoon size) balls and fry them on frying pan, with no oil!

6. Cut the mushrooms in halves or quarters (depending on size). Mixed together the fried brussels sprouts, mushrooms and almond cheese. Set aside a few sprouts and mushrooms for garnish later. Spread the mixture on the millet crust evenly.

5. Mix all arugula, roasted pears, walnuts and cranberries. Drizzle on the vinaigrette. Season with salt and pepper.

7. Bake in 350°F/180°C for about 30-35 minutes. The almond cottage cheese should be golden on top, but still creamy and moist inside.




8 servings Ingredients 4 large sweet potatoes (42oz/1200g) 3 tsp canola oil salt, pepper ¼ tsp asafoaetida* 2 tsp ground cumin 2 cloves garlic, minced 2 tbsp minced ginger 1 tsp chilli flakes 1 red onion 2 tbsp canola oil 1 cup pitted dried plums (160g) ¾ tsp cinnamon 2 tbsp chopped fresh coriander leaves juice from ½ lemon ½ cup uncooked millet salt, pepper for seasoning *Spice powder that comes from a type of giant fennel. Found in Indian aisles or groceries. Instructions 1. Preheat oven to 400°F/200°C. Wash the sweet potatoes and cut in half lengthways. Coat with canola oil (3 tsp). Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Wrap in foil. Bake until tender, about 1 hour 10 minutes. 2. When the potatoes are tender let them cool down a bit. Using a spoon, scoop out most of the pulp, leaving the shell intact. Don’t throw the pulp away. Chop and add later to the stuffing. 3. Cook the millet in proportion ½ cup of millet to 1 cup of water. Cooking time is about 20 minutes. Add more water if needed, stir frequently. 4. Meanwhile, heat the oil in a medium size pot. Add ground cumin and asafoaetida and fry for 2-3 minutes, stirring continuously. Add chilli flakes, minced garlic and ginger and cook for another 3 minutes. 5. Chop the red onion and add to the pot. Cook until is soft and golden. 6. Add the dried plums, millet and chopped sweet potato. Pour in the lemon juice. Stir together all the stuffing ingredients well. 7. Cook for about 10-15 minutes. Season with salt, pepper and cinnamon. Add chopped coriander leaves. 8. Stuff each potato. Serve warm. r



Words, Recipes, & Photos by Heather Poire

DIY kitchen, locavore and homesteader- these terms are becoming more familiar within our society. I am willing to bet that not long ago, fast, quick, easy & instant were the familiar buzz words used in every day kitchens. A change is happening, in a good way - people are beginning to care a great deal more where their food comes from, what’s in it and the process in which it was made. Creating and making your own kitchen staples isn’t hard- yes, sometimes it can be time consuming depending on what you decide take on. I prefer to make items that tend to be more expensive in stores but very inexpensive to make at home. In my own kitchen flavored salts, instant chai tea and nut butters are on constant DIY rotation. Not only are these recipes helpful in stocking your own kitchen pantry, they have the added bonus of being an amazing special event, holiday or hostess gift. Making many kitchen staples in your own home is not only less expensive, but the homemade version often times tastes better than store bought. It also allows the freedom to adjust seasonings to suite your own tastes and the ability to play around with different flavor combinations. Love cinnamon? Add another teaspoon! Looking for an extra strong vanilla extract - tuck in another vanilla bean. You are in control of what you put in and leave out; that my friends, is the beauty of a DIY kitchen. Let’s get in the kitchen and get creative!



A good chai instantly puts me in an amazing mood – I love when my sister arrives on my doorstep Saturday mornings with a chai in hand for each of us, ready to conquer the farmer’s market. I love that girl; she knows the way to my heart. The problem is, coffee house chai’s can be expensive and FULL of sugar. For those two reasons I decided to try my hand at a homemade vegan instant chai mix. The beauty of making your own chai mix is that you can adjust the sweetness to your personal liking. Coconut sugar is used in the below recipe, however vegan granulated sugar can be subbed in for the coconut sugar using the same measurements.

Salt has the ability to bring out the best in a dish, elevating flavors to the next level. I have a home arsenal of salts with their own dedicated shelf in the spice cabinet. Gourmet salts can be a bit pricy, so I thought it was about time that I start making my own. Not only are gourmet salts super easy to make, making your own is economical and gives you to opportunity to experiment with different flavor combos that are unique. The flavor combinations that I choose for my DIY salt collection range from savory to sweet. The ingredients are ones I have on hand most often, so creating a batch of salt at a moments notice is easy. Each recipe makes 1/3 cup of salt smoked matsutake saffron salt

Ingredients 1 cup Now Foods Soy Milk Powder (Instant) 2 cups Vegan Soy Powder, Better than Milk Soy, Vanilla Flavor 2 ½ cups coconut sugar 1 ½ cups All Natural Organic Instant Black Tea Powder 2 tsp cinnamon 2 tsp ginger 1 tsp cloves 1 tsp cardamom Instructions 1. Place all ingredients in the bowl of your food processor- process until the mix becomes a fine powder. Transfer mix to airtight containers. (I used mason jars.) 2. To serve, add 3 tsp of chai mix to a mug of hot non dairy milk – add a splash of maple syrup or your favorite liquid sweetener for a chai that is a tad sweeter. Variations Raspberry Chai Mix – add 1 cup freeze dried raspberries Blueberry Chai Mix- add 1 cup freeze dried blueberries Strawberry Chai Mix – add 1 cup freeze dried strawberries


1/3 cup sea salt 4-5 small pieces of dried mushroom ¼ tsp liquid smoke 2 generous pinches of saffron Uses: risottos, olive oil dipper, pasta magic salt

¼ tsp of each: Sweet paprika, nutritional yeast, celery seed, dried garlic 1 small dried jalapeno Uses: tofu scramble, veggies, butternut squash, root veggies, popcorn, French fries

citrus herb

¼ tsp of each: rosemary, thyme, dried orange peel (powdered/optional) ½ tsp each: dried orange & lemon zest Uses: pan seared tofu, rice, quinoa, pasta, homemade crackers pow!

2 – 3 coffee beans ¼ tsp each: cinnamon, cardamom, ginger Uses: on chocolate, peanut butter cups, desserts, cookies as a cocktail rimmer, sprinkled on vanilla ice cream

Assembly Place all ingredients for the specific salt you are making into a food processor or blender (I used my 2 cup mini food processor) and blend/process until all ingredients are incorporated together – you want to avoid larger pieces of one single item. Store in an airtight container and enjoy for years to come (if it lasts that long!)


Making homemade nut butter is incredibly easy – it simply requires, nuts, a food processor large enough to take on the job and a little bit of patience. The patience was the hardest for me to grasp – there is no such thing as rushing a nut butter into smooth creamy bliss. Believe me, I’ve tried. The transformation from whole nuts to creamy nut butter goodness will happen, simply allow a little bit of time for the nuts & processor to work its magic. The wait is worth the creamy goodness that comes from a few inexpensive ingredients that can be easily found in just about any grocery store. dark chocolate hazelnut spread

Makes approximately 1 ¾ cups Ingredients 2 cups roasted hazelnuts – skins removed 2 tsp vanilla 6 tbsp dutch-processed dark cocoa powder ¼ tsp Himalayan salt ½ cup organic coconut milk (from the can) ¾ cup coconut sugar

Instructions 1. Spread hazelnuts on a rimmed baking sheet. Roast in oven for 10-12 minutes until fragrant. Allow nuts to become cool to the touch. With your fingers, roll the paper skins off of the nuts (do the best you can, it is okay if a little bit of the papery skin remains). 2. Place the hazelnuts in your food processor – process for 3-5 minutes or until a nut butter begins to form. Add remaining ingredients and process for an additional 5-8 minutes. 3. Transfer the chocolate hazelnut spread to an airtight container. Refrigerate and use within a month of making. For a very smooth spread add an additional ¼ cup of coconut milk and replace the coconut sugar with powdered sugar, process for an additional 3-5 minutes. For an ultra smooth spread, pour the mix into a fine mesh sieve and press spread through the sieve into a jar.



cinnamon maple almond butter

Makes approximately 1 ¾ cups Instructions 1. Roast whole raw almonds in a 350F oven for 12 minutes. 2. Place roasted almonds, maple syrup, cinnamon & salt in a food processor fitted with an s blade. Process for 20-25 minutes, stopping every 5-8 minutes to scrape down the sides and bottom of processor. Continue this process until almonds turn into almond butter- smooth & creamy. The smooth & creamy almond butter forms in about the last 5 -10 minutes of processing.

Ingredients 2 cups whole almonds 1-3 tbsp pure maple syrup 2 tsp ground cinnamon ½ tsp salt

Note: do not be alarmed of steam escaping the processor – this is simply steam created from the almonds & the friction of the processor. r





Recipes & Photos by Natalie Rae Good Calligraphy by Rachelle Sartini Garner Slip on your fuzzy slippers, put on the espresso, and surprise your friends with a brunch featuring these oh-so-fancy eggless crepes. All of the fillings can be baked at the same time in an oven heated to 400 degrees, which means saved space for those of us with small kitchens. Make the batter first and allow it to chill while you chop herbs, marinate tofu and toss halfmoon apple slices in a cloud of cinnamon sugar. Here’s two wintery reasons to wake up early! To make crepes, heat a medium non-stick pan over medium heat for five minutes, dry. Once hot, rub with a bit of margarine and pour 2/3 cup batter into the center of pan. Here comes the tricky part! While you are pouring the batter onto the hot pan, tilt the pan in each direction to make a thin coat. Let gravity do the work! When the crepe is golden on its edges and quite bubbly throughout, carefully flip. This may take a bit of practice, so be patient! Add 1 Tbs. of water if the batter seems too thick. Each recipe makes 8-10 crepes.


sweet cinnamon crepe batter

1/2 cup plain soy or almond milk 3/4 cup water 1/4 cup melted margarine 1 tsp vanilla 1 cup flour 1/4 tsp salt 1 tsp cinnamon 2 tbsp brown sugar In a medium bowl, whisk ingredients together until very smooth. Let chill for 20 minutes. Prepare crepes as directed above.


apple pie filling

1 cup sugar 3 tbsp flour 1 1/2 tsp cinnamon dash nutmeg dash salt 6-7 cups tart apples, sliced thinly Preheat oven to 400째F. Combine all ingredients in a large bowl. Pile into a pie or cake pan and bake covered for 40 minutes or until apples have softened.


savory crepe batter

1/2 cup plain soy or almond milk 3/4 cup water 1/4 cup melted margarine 1 cup flour 1/4 tsp salt In a medium bowl, whisk ingredients together until very smooth. Let chill for 20 minutes. Prepare crepes as directed above.

simple baked tofu

1 block firm tofu, pressed and cut into 1 inch planks 1 tbsp olive oil 3 tbsp soy sauce 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar 1 tbsp maple syrup

roasted acorn squash puree

To roast the squash, simply split an acorn squash in half and scoop out the seeds. Coat with olive oil, salt and pepper, and place face down on a baking sheet. Bake at 400°F for an hour or until squash is quite soft. Let cool slightly then scoop out the squash and mash with a fork. Add salt and pepper to taste. sage aioli

½ cup vegan mayonnaise 2 cloves garlic, pressed 1/4 tsp salt 3 sage leaves, chopped finely 1 tbsp water 1 tsp olive oil Puree ingredients until smooth. Add water as needed. r

Preheat oven to 400°F and lightly grease a cooking sheet. Stir together the marinade ingredients in a medium-sized bowl. Add the tofu and let marinate for ten minutes. Arrange tofu in one layer on the baking sheet and bake for 30 minutes, flipping once.







Words & Photos By Madeline Tolle As the home of the Cheesesteak, Rocky, and the most aggressive sports fans in the would think the Philadelphia would have little to offer but rudeness and good old-fashioned American gluttony. However, that simply is not true. Being only 2 hours from New York, and 3 hours from Washington DC, Philadelphia is its own sort of East Coast city. By comparison, it is much more laid back and the people are generally more concerned with having a good time. Philly, though often underrated, is a city bursting at the seams with creative energy and is, while perhaps not obviously, a very vegan friendly city. Within the past decade, Philadelphia has grown to become a culinary capital of the US. Driven by a community invested in supporting the efforts of young and adventurous chefs, there is a wide range of affordable restaurants for every cuisine and occasion. More often than not, these restaurants are committed to local sustainable food and offer a range of options for their vegan patrons. Dining in Philadelphia with groups of mixed dietary needs is a dream. Most restaurants offer a range of dishes so that everyone can choose something they like. Located between the Delaware and Schuylkill Rivers, it’s a pleasantly compact city that’s extremely accessible by foot, but perhaps seen best by bicycle. Philly boasts the largest number of bicyclists in the country and is considered the most bike-friendly city on the Atlantic coast. Whether by foot or bicycle, the city is extremely easy to navigate. The streets lie on a grid, and those that run North-South are numbered, with the lowest numbers being to the East and increase as you head West. As a visitor, you’ll have no problem finding your way around the entirety of the city.



Philadelphia isn’t broken up into distinct boroughs or quadrants, but the city is divided into dozens of neighborhoods. It’s these neighborhoods that give the city its spirit. Center City (as it’s so creatively named) is the downtown area at the “center” of the city. It doesn’t have the quirky personality of some of the further out neighborhoods, but it’s the main area of the city with shops and restaurants lining each block. South Philly is the old Italian neighborhood, but you’ll now find a mix of Italian, Hispanic, and Southeast Asian neighbors all infusing their cultures and cuisines into the neighborhood. Northern Liberties/Fishtown is in the northeast corner of the city. This used to be the industrial area of the city, but now the industrial warehouses have been mostly converted to apartments and artist studios. Across the Schuylkill, on the opposite side of the city, lies West Philly, which can be characterized by UPenn students and century old mansions with co-ops full of bike messengers, teachers, dog walkers, and pretty much every kind of person imaginable. Each neighborhood has a unique personality and look, but because of their proximity to one another(you can get from almost anywhere in the city by bike in about 20 minutes,) they still have a distinctly “Philly” character. Most visitors end up in Philadelphia for another round of American History, but the happiest visitors will be those who focus less on the sights and more on enjoying the unique culture of Philadelphia. Though not the green conscious paradise of the pacific northwest, or an urban mammoth like New York; Philly, with all its grit, is a city that feels a lot like a small town. It will welcome you with that “brotherly love,” and keep you coming back for more.


WHERE TO STAY the independent hotel

Nestled in the Washington Square West neighborhood, The Independent is a boutique hotel with only 24 rooms that offers a break from the mega-hotels of Center City, while still offering a great proximity to all the city has to offer. Within blocks you can jump on the subway line, sit and relax in Washington Square Park, or shop along Midtown Village. the palomar

The Palomar Hotel is where you want to stay if you’re looking to be in the center of it all. It’s a highly-designed luxury hotel that doesn’t feel fussy in the slightest. This is the ideal place to stay if you want to be in the center of it all. Start the day with a coffee from La Colombe and some people watching in Rittenhouse Square, which is only a block away from the hotel. hotel monaco

The newest boutique hotel in Philly is literally feet from the historical center of the city. Hotel Monaco is kitty-corner from Independence Hall and across the street from the Liberty Bell. If you’re more concerned with nightlife than the origins of democracy, Hotel Monaco is only a couple of blocks away from Old City, which is home to the highest density of bars and restaurants in Philadelphia.


sweet freedom


Certainly the most upscale vegan option in philadelphia, Vedge is the brainchild of Chef Rich Landau and his wife Chef Kate Jacoby. While using absolutely zero animal products in the kitchen, the dishes at Vedge are inspired by cuisines from all over the world, but use mostly locally-sourced ingredients. The cocktail menu pairs back beautifully with the ever changing menu to create a full dining experience. If there’s one restaurant not to be missed on your trip to Philadelphia, this is it. jharoka

At the furthest point in Philadelphia, lies the Navy Yard, and within it, the URBN Inc. (Urban Outfitters, Anthropologie, Free People, etc.) headquarters. Jharoka is the coffee shop on site and is exclusively vegan during the lunch hour of 11:30am to 2pm. Using local, seasonal ingredients, they offer 5 or 6 daily specials, as well as a pay-by-the-pound composed salad bar. Beyond the food, Jharoka is a unique dining experience as it is home to some of the best people watching (or at least most fashionable) in the city. The dining area is also directly across from a decommissioned aircraft carrier. Now, where else can you have a completely vegan lunch next to an aircraft carrier? new harmony vegetarian restaurant

Your standard chinatown chinese restaurant gone vegan. The menu goes on for pages and reads exactly like those chinese restaurants you’ve been missing since you went vegan. The dim sum is a great way to get a wide variety of tastes on a budget. miss rachel’s pantry

A unique farmer’s table dining experience in the heart of South Philly. Each Saturday at 7pm, Miss Rachel’s Pantry serves a 5 course vegan meal from an ever changing menu. Each seat is $45, and is also a BYOB, which makes it actually a very affordable and unique dining choice. The table is limited to twelve people, so it’s best to make reservations well in advance.


Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free, Vegan, Casein Free, Soy Free, Corn Free, Refined Sugar Free, Egg-Free, and Peanut-Free... Sweet Freedom is a vegan bakery unlike any other. Focused on serving Philadelphia sweet treats that are allergy free, they make a wide range of Cupcakes, cookies, cakes, donuts, baked loaves, and other goodies. While nothing they bake is guilt-free, it’s about as close as you’ll get. blackbird pizzeria

This Queen Village spot, is one of the most popular vegan spots in the city. With pizza choices like the Haymaker (seitan sausage, daiya cheese, and tomato sauce) or the Funghi (assorted exotic mushrooms and mozzarella style daiya cheese) it’s easy to see why. They also offer a wide assortment of sandwiches and salads that make Blackbird feel like any other go-to Italian restaurant, without the unnecessary animal products. They also sell pizza by the slice, so it’s a great option if you’re looking for a quick bite on the go. hip city veg

Right off Rittenhouse Square, Hip City Veg is the goto vegan choice if you’re in center city. Their shop offers fast-food that’s entirely plant based, that has become a Philadelphia favorite. This is the ideal spot to grab a sandwich then head across the street to Rittenhouse square to enjoy your lunch with some people watching in the park. grindcore house

An all vegan coffee shop in the depths of South Philly. It’s a bit gritty to get there, and once you’re there, expect a clientele of bike messengers and metal music. Despite the slightly rough-around-the-edges atmosphere, Grindcore still offers the best vegan lattes and breakfast pastries in the city. mi lah vegetarian

The name says “vegetarian,” but it’s actually entirely vegan. If you’re looking for a nice sit down brunch in Philadelphia, this is the spot. The menu features dishes inspired by cuisines all over the world, from Indonesia to Africa. There’s so much variety, that there’s really something for everyone, at any time of the day.



cantina los caballitos

memphis taproom

This is where Philadelphia’s vegan-friendly attitude really comes out to play. While there aren’t that many strictly vegan restaurants, almost every restaurant has a plethora of vegan options and substitutes.

Cantina has two locations, but the South Philly location is the go-to mexican restaurant for much of the city’s locals. With an extra large outdoor seating area, a notoriously good-looking wait staff, and strong yet delicious margaritas, it’s easy to find yourself spending an entire evening lingering at one of their tables.

Of all the gastropubs in Philly, Memphis Taproom may be the most vegan friendly. There’s a beer garden to the side that offers canned beer and a variety of hot dogs, all of which can substitute the all-beef hot dogs for vegan dogs (just be careful to check that the toppings are vegan.) Inside, the menu is clearly marked with which options are vegetarian or vegan. You don’t really need the menu though. The star of the show is the Smoked Coconut Club. Trust me.

little baby’s ice cream Artisanal ice cream has been on the rise in Philadelphia, and Little Baby’s is the shining star. With a storefront in Fishtown, a roaming tricycle, and pop up stands in West Philly, Little Baby’s offers a wide range of entirely vegan coconut milk based ice cream flavors. They’re all good, but the Earl Grey Sriracha is literally out of this world. pizza brain

Located next to Little Baby’s, Pizza Brain is the home of the world’s first pizza museum and the best pizza in Philadelphia. Unfortunately they only have one vegan option, which just makes their signature plain pizza gone vegan, but that’s all you really need. It is really the best pizza in the city.

govinda’s gourmet vegetarian

It’s hard to say that you’ve been to Philadelphia and never tried a cheesesteak. Govinda’s is home to the best Vegan “Cheesesteak.” Just try it. the pope (pub on passyunk east)

Though it may be more notorious for its reputation as a hipster hangout than anything else, but it still offers one of the best draft lists and vegan menu options in the city. Their Vegan Nachos are a force to be reckoned with. sketch burger

khyber pass pub

The Khyber used to be a dive bar that boasted The Strokes as the house band years and years ago. Since then it has been redeveloped into a southern food outpost but still maintains that slightly grungy dive bar atmosphere. The beer list goes on for days and there’s a solid variety of vegan options. The menu stars vegan options with 2 stars, so you can feel comfortable with your order. The Vegan Pulled Pork Sandwich is not to be missed. mama’s vegetarian

Philly’s choice falafel spot. For when you just feel like a classic.

Fishtown’s favorite burger joint. They’re aware that vegans love a good burger too and happily offer veggie burgers in lieu of meat patties. Top with one of the house made sauces and you’re in for one spectacular burger. standard tap

The infamous Northern Liberties gastropub. There’s a rooftop for good weather and a nice open bar. With one of the best draft lists in the city (and that’s a huge claim,) it’s a great place to grab a drink and try one of the rotating seasonal specials.



A coffeehouse in the Art Museum Area offering soups and sandwiches with plenty of vegan options, but there’s a Vegan BLT sandwich. If for nothing else, that makes the trek up there worth it. cedar point

A Fishtown restaurant/bar with an outdoor deck and plenty of vegan options. The kale and white bean burger makes this a favorite. singapore vegetarian

With an 100+ item entirely vegetarian menu, and a large selection of vegetarian dim sum, this Chinatown mainstay is mostly vegan as well. The wide range of dishes are influenced by a variety of Southeast Asian cuisines, making this is a restaurant with something for everyone. royal tavern

Owned by the same restaurateurs as Cantina and the Khyber, Royal is the neighborhood hangout of the bunch. It’s a friendly place with a long draft list and multiple vegan specialties. The Sweet Potato Banh Mi is a unique twist on the traditional Vietnamese hoagie that will not disappoint.


Where to Drink dive bars

As I said earlier, Philly is a city with grit. There’s a true love for dive bars and the City Wide Special (a shot and a beer normally for $5.) It’s not a complete trip if you don’t find yourself in at least one grungy neighborhood spot. Stop in for a drink, meet some classic Philly locals, and let them gush about the city for a little while. You can tell the ones that have been there for ages by their use of classic American names; Bob & Barbara’s, Dirty Franks, Ray’s Happy Birthday Bar, and Doobies are all classic picks. breweries

Philadelphia, is home to the first brewery and bar in the nation, so it’s no surprise that the drinking culture has lingered here. It has become a destination for craft beer aficionados. There are two main breweries within the city; Philadelphia Brewing Company is located in Kensington and is the largest in the city, and Yards Brewing Company is nearby in Northern Liberties. Both breweries have their craft brews on tap around the city, but offer brewery tours on the weekends.

art in the age of mechanical reproduction

This is actually a highly curated boutique, focused on showcasing work inspired by fine craft and intelligent thinking, but Art in the Age is also the genius company behind their own artisanal spirits, Root, Snap, Rhuby, and Sage. While not manufactured within the city limits of Philadelphia, the Art in the Age liqueurs are a local specialty. These are not just infused vodkas or bourbons, but rather entirely organic spirits inspired by historical recipes. Root tastes like Root Beer, Snap tastes like Ginger Snap, Rhuby has a Rhubarb Tea taste, and Sage, tastes like a variety of fresh herbs and safe. Definitely swing by the shop for a taste or two and to pick up a bottle of your own. They make the best souvenirs.



Museums Movies & Music


independent theaters

music venues

The Philadelphia Art Museum (yes, the home of those infamous Rocky steps) has a great collection and free admission Wednesday nights between 5-8pm. Also along the Benjamin Franklin Parkway, The Barnes Collection is the newest art museum in the city.

The Ritz Theaters are the best option. There are 3 theaters, all within 2 blocks of each other. At any given time they show approximately 10 films ranging from classics, to independent films and documentaries.

For a truly memorable show check out Johnny Brenda’s, which feels a whole lot like a friend’s living room. The First Unitarian Church is a BYOB venue that has shows in both its basement and the chapel. It’s equal parts “high school houseshow”and urban grunge. I highly recommend trying to catch a local band at either of these venues before leaving Philadelphia.

The one must visit museum is The Mutter Museum. It’s a medical museum with an inventory of medical oddities, historical tools, and even a collection of swallowed objects. It’s not an ideal place for those with weak stomachs, but it’s one of those “only in Philly,” kind of places.


Other Venues: Union Transfer, Kung Fu Necktie, Ortlieb’s Lounge, The Mann Music Center, Boot & Saddle, and Milkboy.


Where to Go

schuylkill river trail and wissahickon

aka music

The Schuylkill (pronounced Skoo-kill) River Trail connects downtown Philadelphia with the Wissahickon, a 10,500 acre park and one of the largest urban parks in the world. It’s a great way to feel a million miles away without ever leaving the city limits. Most Philly residents enjoy the trail and park by foot, but you can also bicycle through both.

One of the last great record stores on the east coast and certainly the finest in Philadelphia. There’s a great selection of both new and used records in almost every genre that you’re bound to leave with more than just one.

love letter train tour

It’s just one of those things you have to do when you’re in Philly. Independence Hall can only be seen via ticketed tours, but the tours are free and start every hour. The Liberty Bell also has free admission. Word to the wise, get there early to avoid school field trips and seemingly endless lines.

Philadelphia is home to over 3,600 murals, but some of the most beloved are the Love Letter series of 50 rooftop murals done in collaboration with Stephen Powers (aka ESPO.) The series was designed to be viewed best by riding the Market Frankford “El” Train. You can take a guided tour run by Mural Arts, or you can just take the train west to the end of the line on your own. bario neal

A Queen Village gem, literally. Bario Neal is a handcrafted jewelry studio that is committed to low impact, environmentally conscious jewelry. Their shop also doubles as their studio where they make each piece with loving care using reclaimed metals and ethically sourced stones. italian market

The oldest street market in America. Stock up on severely discounted produce and chat with the South Philly Italians who’ve been working the stands for generations.


independence hall/the liberty bell

the coffee shops

Next to restaurants and bars, the coffee scene is a pretty big deal. Try as many as you can. La Colombe, Ultimo, Elixr, Shot Tower, Chapter House, Good Karma, Milkcrate, Rocket Cat, and One Shot are all good bets.

valley forge

If all the colonial American sights aren’t enough for you, head 20 miles northwest to Valley Forge, where the Continental Army spent the harsh winter of 1777. Even if historical war sites aren’t your thing, the scenery is beautiful and you can spend the day hiking along the nature trails. r




Oh She Glows an interview with award-winning blogger angela liddon

By Amanda Aldinger, photos courtesy of Angela Liddon Beautiful homemade sauces and creamy casseroles, a smoothie for every occasion, super food salads and the most decadent vegan desserts you can imagine—the delicacies of Angela Liddon’s vegan food blog, Oh She Glows, are truly transformative. Throughout her five years as a blogger, Angela has evolved into a celebrated figure in the vegan food world, creating over 400 recipes featured everywhere from the Huffington Post, Glamour and Cosmopolitan Romania, to the Food Network and Buzzfeed. But if there’s one thing Angela has mastered, it’s the art of hearty, soul-soothing, comfort food—winter cuisine at its very finest. Here, the writer takes a break from working on her first cookbook (out this winter!) to talk with Chickpea about her favorite seasonal ingredients, how to kick the mid-winter cooking rut and her tips for veganizing the holidays.



CHICKPEA: Let’s get to the good stuff. When you think about vegan cooking in the winter, what makes a truly standout cold-weather vegan recipe? What sorts of ingredients are your go-tos? ANGELA LIDDON: Spices, spices and more spices. I absolutely adore my spice collection—I actually need a larger cupboard because it’s overflowing and a huge mess! Let’s face it; sometimes winter food can look and taste as dull as it is outside. Adding a multitude of spices enlivens dishes and awakens the senses! I love freshly made curry powder. There’s something about spicy Indian food that warms the soul during the long winter months. I crave it all the time. CHK: What does a typical day of winter vegan meals look like for you? Besides curry, is there anything you can’t live without? AL: I’m an oddball because I enjoy smoothies for breakfast year round, even when it’s cold outside! I have no problem with putting on a fleece robe and freezing my buns off with a smoothie in hand for breakfast, as long as I can follow it with a hot tea. It’s easy for my vegetable intake to drop a lot in the winter, so I like to keep my daily smoothie consistent. If I can pack in 4-5 servings of fruit and veggies in the morning, I don’t have to worry about it as much throughout the day. I’ll start with a cup of homemade almond milk for the smoothie base and add frozen kale along with other veggies, fruit, coconut oil, hulled hemp seeds or chia seeds, etc. For lunch, I typically eat whatever blog recipe I’ve prepared that day. It can be anything from a hearty soup to a pasta dish or even freshly baked cookies. Yes, cookies happen for lunch sometimes. Oops! When I don’t have a fresh cooked meal on hand, my go-to lunch is a toasted sprouted-grain sandwich (or wrap) made with homemade sundried tomato hemp pesto and hummus, layered with avocado, seasonal fresh or grilled vegetables, red pepper flakes and sea salt and pepper. I’ll usually have a pear or apple and almond butter to go with it. It’s divine. My husband and I like to keep dinner simple and easy. I’m usually not in the mood to cook an elaborate meal after a day of recipe creation anyway and he doesn’t like to cook, so we tend to have simple meals like stir-fries or baked sweet potatoes with beans and sauteed greens. Chana Masala is a quick and easy Indian dish that I make a couple times per month in the winter. It’s ready


in 30 minutes flat and the leftovers keep well for lunch the next day. A girl has to get in her chickpea quota, you know. Wink, wink. I always end the day with something sweet like dark chocolate and tea or fresh seasonal fruit and whipped coconut cream. CHK: You’ve shared that when you first started Oh She Glows you barely knew how to chop an onion. Do you have any tips for newbie vegan chefs about how to cook seasonally— particularly in the winter? AL: Yes, it’s true. I actually remember Googling one day how to chop an onion properly. In our family packaged foods and canned vegetables were the norm for our meals (as was popular in the 80’s and 90’s!) and I didn’t know much about cooking until I started to teach myself through trial and error in my mid-twenties. Firstly, it’s important to know what vegetables are in season. A tomato sauce made from out of season tomatoes in the middle of winter is going to taste sub-par no matter what you add to it. Root vegetables, hearty greens (like kale), cruciferous vegetables, and


winter squash are great for winter meals, so I try to focus my recipe creation around the vegetables that are readily available. If I’m stuck for ideas I often turn to recipes on my blog or I search the ingredients I want to cook with and see what comes up. For example, searching “winter broccoli recipe” can bring up all sorts of exciting recipes! The Internet is your friend... use it whenever you are stuck. If the recipe isn’t vegan, challenge yourself to try and “veganize” it. CHK: The holidays are rarely vegan-friendly. How do you veganize traditional fare when cooking for a non-vegan holiday crowd or seasonal party? AL: My motto during holidays: Come prepared, have a one liner ready when Uncle Jack cracks that 500th vegan joke and dazzle the crowd with your vegan creations! A marinated kale salad is always a go-to for me because they are portable and can be made the night before a holiday meal. Plus, it’s fun surprising people with how good kale can taste! I also love bringing a lentil loaf because both the meat eaters and plant-based people go crazy for it, many claiming that it tastes better than traditional meatloaf ! Pair it with some mashed potatoes and vegetables and you have yourself a fantastic holiday meal without much fuss.

CHK: Favorite winter recipe? AL: My Roasted Butternut Squash with Kale and Almond Pecan Parmesan recipe is an all-time favourite (and a top recipe on my blog too!) It’s a comforting winter side dish that will warm you to the bone. CHK: Favorite winter ingredient? AL: Oh, that’s a tough one. After careful thought, I’d have to say delicata squash—it’s small and easy to slice through (yay, no missing fingers!), not to mention the thin peel is edible so there’s no peeling required! What could be easier? I love adding warm roasted squash on top of a marinated kale salad with toasted pumpkin seeds in the winter. CHK: Your top holiday dessert that no one can believe is vegan? AL: This one is easy—my Sinless Sticky Toffee Pecan Pudding Cake. Drooling. I made the classic dessert vegan with half the sugar and fat, but I promise you won’t know the difference.

CHK: It’s easy, as the seasons drag on, to get stuck in a cooking rut. What are the main dishes you cook in the winter and how do you shake things up? AL: I’m a soup fanatic. I seriously think there is no better way to get a hefty dose of nutrition in a relatively quick, one-pot meal. Plus, soup freezes well. I love to make several batches at the beginning of fall and stock my freezer full of soup for the season. Nothing is easier than popping a dish on the counter to thaw. My Spiced Red Lentil, Tomato, and Kale Soup is one of the easiest and most popular on my site.



CHK: I rarely go a week without cooking something from Oh She Glows, so I can’t wait for your cookbook, which comes out in March. How did it develop, and what were some of the unexpected challenges you faced along the way? AL: Thank you for your excitement! I always say if I knew how much work the cookbook would take, I probably wouldn’t have signed up for it. So, I guess it’s a good thing that I was totally naive going into the process! I totally underestimated how long the book would take to create. I took on the task of doing all the writing, recipe creation, and food styling and photography (100 photographs), so it was a massive, overwhelming project. Some weeks were really hard. In total, I spent about 19 months creating the book with another month after that devoted to editing. The hardest part for me was balancing this intense cookbook work with maintaining my blog. Of course, I didn’t want to abandon my blog during this time, so I continued to post recipes 1-3 times per week on Oh She Glows. I went through periods where I really struggled with burnout and a lack of creativity, which was tough. Now that I’ve finished most of the book I’m happy to say my creativity has returned once again. It feels so good to have that motivation to blog again and get excited about the recipe development! I’m still looking forward to the day when I hold my book in my hands for the very first time. Gosh, I sound like a mom-to-be don’t I?



CHK: It’s your baby! Are there any vegan-friendly foods you can’t stand? Any you can’t live without? AL: Olives. I absolutely shudder at the taste, the smell...oye. I once made the mistake of buying an olive hummus. Double oye. I never say never though because many foods have grown on me over the years, like brussels sprouts. And those certainly do not smell very nice! As for foods I love, chickpeas are obviously at the top of the list. Hummus is a food group for me. Avocado, sweet potato, hulled hemp seeds, dark chocolate, coconut oil, homemade almond milk, and Green Monster smoothies are also daily (or almost daily) staples. CHK: Despite that healthy list of must-haves, you are gifted at making vegan food feel truly decadent. What does decadent eating mean to you? Chocolate, chocolate, and more chocolate. Some days that’s just what the stars have in store for me. CHK: You’ve had such a dynamic transition into veganism—from starting the blog, developing your Glo Bars and beginning the bakery, to transforming Oh She Glows into one of the most recognized vegan blogs on the web, and now to publishing your first cookbook! Can you talk about your movement into this lifestyle and share some tips for those interested in becoming vegan? AL: I love how you call it a “movement into this lifestyle” because that’s just what it has felt like—a slow, gradual transition. I’ve never been one to cut things cold turkey or to make rash decisions. Slow and steady wins the race! My advice to new vegans is to not overwhelm yourself with everything all at once and to focus on the foods you are adding to your diet, rather than taking away. CHK: As it has become your lifestyle, how has veganism most changed your life? AL: I’ve always been an animal lover ever since I was a young child, but veganism has increased my love and appreciation for animals ten-fold. I now have a huge respect for all living creatures (even insects that I used to fear, like spiders) and I think animals are so much more intelligent than humans give them credit for. I now see there is value in all life, no matter how small or scary looking they may be. Everything on this earth has its own purpose. It’s a beautiful thing to consider. There’s a certain peace that comes with this appreciation and I feel much more connected to the world around me than I used to. Going through my life inflicting the least amount of harm is now a principle that guides me. I want to grow as a compassionate, loving person throughout my life.r





Words by Veronica An

You probably had your first vegan meal before you even knew what “vegan� meant. The humble peanut butter and jelly sandwich is the gateway to more sophisticated plant-based fare. Forget everything you knew about this brown bag staple and get ready to re-imagine this vegan comfort food.









Words & Recipes By Lisa Dawn Angerame

It’s butternut squash season! This light orange hourglass-shaped fruit, which everyone calls a vegetable, is sweet, nutty, and full of fiber, vitamins A and C, minerals, phytonutrients, and carotenoids. That means it is really good for you. Even better, butternut squash is very versatile. It can be made savory paired with rosemary or sweet when sprinkled with maple syrup and cinnamon. It can be roasted to adorn a holiday buffet or puréed to make soup. But, it can be also be used as a secret ingredient in pancakes and chocolate mousse. This squash can look intimidating, the sort of thing I used to pass by at the market. But now that I got the hang of it, I can hardly wait for this gift of the fall harvest to arrive. Here is how to prepare a butternut squash for roasting and puréeing.

Step 1: Slice the butternut squash in half from top to bottom. Step 2: Scoop out the seeds and membranes. Step 3: Cut off the top and bottom. Step 4: Remove the skin with a vegetable peeler. Step 5: Cut the squash into small cubes.

Step 6A: For roasting, toss the cubed squash with a tablespoon of olive oil. Turn out onto a baking sheet and bake in a 400 degree oven for 25 to 30 minutes. Step 6B: For puréeing, place the cubed squash in pot and cover with water. Bring to a boil and then reduce to a simmer. Cook for 15 minutes until it is soft and easily pierced with a fork. Drain the water and then use a potato masher to purée the squash.

Here are three recipes to get you through an entire day – from breakfast to dessert – using this great veggie-fruit.





Makes about 2 dozen pancakes

Makes 12 parfaits

Ingredients 1 cup spelt flour 1 cup oat milk 1/2 cup puréed butternut squash 1/2 medium sized banana 1 flax egg (1 flax egg = 1 tablespoon ground flax + 3 tablespoons water) 1 tbsp maple syrup 1/2 tbsp baking powder 1 tsp vanilla extract 1/2 tsp cinnamon 1/2 tsp ground nutmeg 1/2 tsp salt

Chocolate Mousse Ingredients 2 cups puréed butternut squash 6 tbsp raw cacao powder 1 ripe banana 1/2 cup turbinado sugar 1/2 cup oat milk 2 teaspoons vanilla extract 1/2 teaspoon salt

Instructions 1. In a small bowl, make the flax egg by combining the ground flax and water. Whisk together. It will thicken up in a few minutes. 2. Mash the banana in a separate small bowl and set aside. 3. Place the flour into a big mixing bowl. Add the baking powder, cinnamon, nutmeg, and salt. Mix together with a fork. To the flour mixture, add the oat milk, puréed squash, mashed banana, flax egg, maple syrup, and vanilla extract. Mix together with a wooden spoon until the batter comes together. 4. Heat a nonstick skillet. Using a tablespoon measure, scoop up the batter and drop it onto the skillet, 4 to 6 at a time, depending on the size of your skillet, leaving a little space between the pancakes. When the tops of the pancakes are bubbly, use a spatula to flip them over. Cook the second side for a minute. Serve hot topped with maple syrup. Note: This batter keeps in the refrigerator for up to five days. Make some pancakes today and save the rest for tomorrow!


Vanilla Crème Ingredients 1 cup cashews * 3/4 cup water 1/4 cup turbinado sugar 1/2 tablespoon vanilla extract 1/4 teaspoon salt * If you do not have a Vitamix or other high-speed blender, soak the cashews for at least 4 hours. Instructions 1. To make the mousse, place the squash, cacao powder, banana, sugar, oat milk, vanilla extract, and salt into the food processor and process until completely smooth. Refrigerate for 30 minutes. 2. To make the crème, place the cashews, water, sugar, vanilla extract, and salt into the blender and blend until completely smooth. Refrigerate for 30 minutes. 3. Spoon the mousse and crème into separate pastry bags. If you don’t have pastry bags, no worries! Spoon the mousse and crème into separate Ziploc bags and cut a small hole at one corner. 4. Pipe the mousse into the bottom of a parfait cup about 1/4 the way up. Next, pipe in a small layer of crème. Continue to alternate mousse and crème until the cups are just full, finishing with a layer of crème. Serve chilled. Note: Store any leftover mousse and crème in the refrigerator for up to a week.




Makes 4 big bowls Ingredients 1 cup roasted butternut squash 1 cup cooked cannellini beans 1 1/2 cups + 1/4 cup vegetable stock, divided 4 shallots 1 5 oz. box baby spinach 1/2 cup walnuts 1 lb. bucatini pasta Salt, to taste Instructions 1. Make the cream sauce by placing the roasted butternut squash, beans, 1 1/2 cups of vegetable stock, and a pinch of salt into the food processor. Process until completely smooth. Pour into a fine mesh sieve, over a bowl, pressing the sauce through with the back of a spoon. Set aside. 2. Chop the walnuts and place on a baking sheet. Toast in a 350°F oven for 7 to 10 minutes until fragrant. Check them to make sure they don’t burn! 3. Slice the shallots thinly. Heat 1/4 cup of vegetable stock in a big pan. Add the shallots and cook on medium heat until the shallots become translucent. Add the spinach and toss with tongs until wilted. 4. Bring a big pot of water to boil. Drop the pasta in and cook until al dente. Drain and return back into the pot. Add the shallot and spinach mixture and the cream sauce. 5. Use tongs to toss everything together. Season with salt, to taste. To serve, place the pasta into a big bowl and top with walnuts. Note: This goes well with hearty roasted vegetables, like brussels sprouts, mushrooms, and cauliflower!r







Words, Recipes, & Photos By Eliza Gladkowska The Italians have ravioli, the Germans savor maultaschen and East Europe can boast of pierogi. I remember being a child and waiting for an annual winter journey to my grandmother in the south of Poland. I would sit in a small kitchen and stare in awe at my granny kneading the dough, anticipating the moment when I could cut out small circles and fill it with delicious potato filling. Making pierogi is, of course, food preparation but at the same time all the cutting, folding, filling and sealing the edges of the pats of dough border on a handicraft. These culinary creations constitute some of my merriest childhood memories. Since then I have wondered how such simple ingredients can turn into so refined a culinary masterpiece. My grandmother made about 300 hundred pieces but I propose a version for a decent meal of about forty pieces. Choose one of the variants of filling. Generally, there are endless possibilities for the seasonal fillings, for example: cherries or blueberries in summer, pumpkin or mushrooms in autumn. Those presented here make use of ingredients available during winter resulting in delicious comfort food for cold days. You may indulge yourself even more and add some sauce which will enhance the taste of the pierogi. Traditionally the dumplings with sauerkraut are often served with clear beetroot soup at Christmas Eve in Poland. (I moderated this filling a bit by adding dried tomatoes.) The classic dough recipe includes all purpose flour but you can also experiment with different flour, I recommend spelt or whole grain wheat flour.



basic dough

makes about 36-40 pieces 2.5 cups all-purpose flour 1 cup warm water 1 tablespoon canola oil ¾ teaspoon salt 1. Mix all ingredients and knead the dough well on a floured pastry board or a table (about 8 minutes, until it doesn’t stick to your fingers). Then, cover the dough with an inverted plate for half an hour. 2. After that time, the dough should be softer and more flexible. Roll it out (about 1/8 inch-thick) and cut out circles with an inverted glass. 3. Place a 1 ½ teaspoon of any given filling in the center. Fold it so it forms a semicircle and seal the edges by pressing your fingers on them. Put a batch of pierogi into a big pot of salted boiling water and cook about 3 minutes after they float to the surface. After straining with a slotted spoon, they are ready to be served.





sauerkraut filling

1 medium onion 4 tablespoons canola oil 1 apple, peeled and grated 3.5 cups sauerkraut, chopped 1 Ÿ cup dried tomatoes in oil, drained 1 bay leaf ½ tsp whole allspice 1 tsp molasses Salt and pepper 1. Heat oil in a pan and cook onion until translucent, about 4 minutes. 2. Add apple, sauerkraut, bay leaf and allspice. Cover the pan and cook the ingredients 8 minutes over low heat. 3. Add molasses, discard bay leaf and allspice. Season with salt and pepper and stir thoroughly.

potato filling

1 pound potatoes, peeled 5 tablespoons canola oil 3 onions, chopped 1 tablespoon marjoram Salt and pepper 1. Put potatoes into a pot, cover with water, and bring to a boil. Add salt and cook about 15 to 20 minutes over medium heat until the potatoes are soft. 2. Drain and mash warm potatoes thoroughly. Heat the oil and cook the onions until translucent, about 5 minutes. 3. Add the cooked onion with oil from the pan to mashed potatoes. Add marjoram, season with salt and pepper, and stir to combine.



buckwheat filling

1/2 cup raw buckwheat groats ž teaspoon salt, divided 2 tablespoons olive oil 1 small onion, chopped 1 cup spinach leaves, chopped 1 garlic clove, minced 1/3 ground nutmeg Pepper 1 medium tomato, chopped


1. Add buckwheat groats to a pan of one cup boiling water. Add ½ teaspoon of salt and cook about 20 minutes until the groats are tender and soak all the water. 2. Heat oil in a pan, add onion and cook until translucent, about 5 minutes. 3. Add spinach leaves and simmer about one minute. Add garlic and nutmeg. Season with remaining salt and pepper. 4. Remove from heat, stir in tomato and cooked buckwheat.




basil sauce

2 handfuls basil leaves 1 medium onion, finely chopped 1 garlic clove, minced 1 cup soy cream Salt and pepper 1. Shred basil leaves and blend them or grind in a mortar. 2. Heat oil, add onion and cook until translucent. 3. Add basil, cover and simmer for 3 minutes. 4. Add garlic and cream, cook two minutes over medium heat without a cover. Season with salt and pepper.

mushroom sauce

1 cup chanterelle (or other available mushrooms) 3 tablespoons canola oil ½ medium onion, chopped 1 cup soy cream Salt and pepper 1. Clean the mushrooms, cut out the stems, and wash with water. Halve the mushrooms horizontally, put into a pan over a medium heat. Cook them in their own water for about 5 minutes until the water evaporates, reserving about 1/3 of the liquid for later use. 2. Add oil and onion, cook until the onion is translucent, stirring frequently. Pour in soy cream and the reserved water, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for about 5 minutes for the sauce to thicken. Season with salt and pepper.r





Recipes & Photos By Alexander Harvey

White sourdough loaf Ingredients 2 2/3- 3 cups strong white organic bread flour 1 1/2 cups sourdough starter 1 cup tepid water 1 tbsp agave syrup 1 tsp fine sea salt

Instructions 1. Mix together the starter, and the water, then add half the flour and mix well, add the salt and the remaining flour and mix until well combined. 2. Knead on a floured surface until the dough s smooth and elastic, about 10 minutes, and transfer to a big bowl to sit over night and rise. 3. In the morning transfer to a lightly floured surface and shape into a batard/ oval loaf. Let rise for 4 hours on a lined baking sheet. 5. Bake for 45 minutes to 1 hour in an oven that has been preheated to 230째C/450째F. Cool completely on a wire rack before slicing.



Sourdough cranberry and hazelnut kringle bread Ingredients 1 recipe of sourdough white loaf dough 1/2 cup toasted skinned hazelnuts, roughly chopped 1/2 cup sweetened dried cranberries icing sugar for dusting Instructions 1. Follow the directions for the sourdough white bread until it comes to shaping the dough ready for its second rise. 2. Grab a rolling pin and roll the bread dough out into a large rectangle, a little thinner than a 1/4 inch thick. 3. Sprinkle on the cranberries and hazelnuts and roll up like you are making cinnamon rolls- starting with one of the longer sides. 4. Carefully slice the roll in half lengthways and lay each half next to each other. Braid the two halves together carefully, and shape the braid into a wreath shape. 5. Carefully transfer to a lined cookie sheet, cover and allow to rise for about 2 1/2 to 4 hours. 6. Bake in a oven preheated to 180째C/350째F and bake for 3545 minutes. Cool on a cooling rack before slicing and serving.







Sourdough gingerbread bundt Ingredients 1/4 cup canola oil 3/4 cup unrefined light brown sugar 1/2 cup blackstrap molasses 1/4 cup almond milk 4 tbsp ground flaxseed 1 cup organic plain white flour 1/4 cup organic rye flour 2 1/4 tsp baking soda 2 1/2 tsp ground ginger 1 tsp cinnamon 1/4 tsp ground cloves 1/4 tsp fine sea salt 1 cup room temp active sourdough starter icing sugar for dusting Instructions 1. Preheat the oven to 180째C/350째F and lightly grease a bunt pan before dusting with flour and then tapping out the excess flour. 2. Beat together the oil, sugar, almond milk, molasses and ground flax seed in one bowl and combine the white flour, rye flour, baking soda, salt and spices in another bowl. 3. Add half of the flour mix and stir it in then add the other half and stir it together a bit more. Now fold in the sourdough starter until well combined and transfer the sticky gingerbread mix to the prepared pan 4. Bake for up to 1 hour. Ginger bread is always better eaten the day after baking to allow the flavour to develop, so cool overnight in the pan. Dust with icing sugar before slicing. r








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