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Le Carré d’Or - Gustavia Tél. 05 90 27 69 74
DaIly newS… oCCUPy DC DeFIeS Ban, hoIStS 'tent oF DreaMS' Occupy DC protesters defied a threatened police clampdown on their tent colony Monday by pitching a massive "tent of dreams" in the park near the White House they took over four months ago. With several hundred cheering supporters looking on, but no police in sight, they hoisted a deep-blue tarpaulin over an equestrian statue of Civil War general James McPherson in the downtown Washington square that bears his name. Under the tarp, and surrounding the granite base of the statue, were about 18 smaller tents and pet igloos, as well as sleeping bags, signaling Occupy DC's intention to stay put and defy the National Park Service camping ban. "This is what democracy looks like!" the festive crowd chanted, as they took turns denouncing income inequality, bank bailouts, corporate influence on politics, student debt and war. On the edge of the tarpaulin painted with dreamy crescent moons and shooting stars, a theme-setting poster read: "Let us sleep so we can dream." "Their time is up," shouted one masked protester, referring to the US corporate and political establishment. "They just don't know it yet. They're paper tigers and we are a scorching fire." The National Park Service, which owns and polices the square, and under pressure from Republican congressmen, said Friday it would begin applying its ban on camping on park land from noon (1700 GMT) Monday. Spokesmen for the federal agency could not be reached for comment Monday. Since Occupy DC pitched camp on October 1 on the heels of Occupy Wall Street in New York, its presence has been tolerated by the National Park Service as a "24-hour vigil" despite a chorus of complaints from local businesses.
Le bê te à z’ a ile s
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InternatIonal newS… norway-DenMarK-attaCKS-ISlaM-MeDIa OSLO: An Oslo court sentenced two men to prison for planning to bomb the Danish newspaper that published cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed, in Norway's first-ever guilty verdict for "plotting to commit a terrorist act." eUroPe-weather WARSAW: Freezing weather has killed dozens of people in central and eastern Europe over the past few days and temperatures are set to drop even further, authorities warned
Le Spa Payot est ouvert tous les jours de 8h à 19h. Hôtel Manapany - 0590 29 82 02
JaPan-PoPUlatIon TOKYO: Japan's population is expected to shrink to a third of its current size over the next century, with the average woman living to over 90 within 50 years, a government report said. ClInton UrGeS SeCUrIty CoUnCIl to aCt on SyrIa US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Monday that the UN Security Council "must act" on Syria to end President Bashar al-Assad's "violent and brutal attacks" against demonstrators.
Cuisse de canard confite, gratin dauphinois OU Tomates farcies au thon, façon grecque
s a l o n
Les Jardins de St Jean - 0590 27 69 16 Du mardi au samedi de 10h à 19h.
maintenant en couleur sur IPhone et IPad ! loCal newS… InForMatIon FroM ColoMBIer’S SChool For the start of the school year in September 2012, the enrollment of children born in 2009 who have siblings at St. Marie’s School, will beJanuary 31st 2012 from 8 am to 11:30am and from 1:15pm to 4:30pm. In any case, please make an appointment by phone: 0590 27 61 18. Parents should bring the health record, the family book and 39 euros (check or cash) for fees. BIG CleanInG oF Bay anD oF the Grand Cul de Sac’s ManGroVe on February 5th orGanIZeD By StBarth eSSentIel The appointment is set at 8 am in the fishermen’s parking lot after the construction of the hotel under construction. Trash bags and gloves will be distributed and it will be an opportunity to share a picnic by the beautiful lagoon after cleaning. Thank you in advance for their generous participation: Hotel Sereno, Guanahani, Jojo, La Gloriette, O'corail, Alma, Tom Food, Enguerrand kite surfing, and all those who are actively engaged in safeguarding our environmental heritage. On an island that mainly lives from tourism and where cleanliness is a major asset, it is welcome that everyone contributes, we expect many of you ! We need trucks and drivers for the transportation of waste to the garbage dump, please contact us if you would like to volunteer: 0690634609 athletIC traInInG Esprit Athle Saint Barth organizes an athletic training. during the carnival holidays from Monday 20th to Friday, February 24th from 8:30am to 12:00 Beginners and advanced for jumping, throwing, racing and many other disciplines in the program. A meeting will be held on Saturday, Feb. 25th to end this course. Registration form are available during training hours, Tuesday - Wednesday-Friday from 5:30pm to 7pm and ask for Claire or Christian. ConSUltatIon For InFantS The next consultation of PMI infants will take place on Tuesday, January 31st, 2012 at the clinic. Make an appointment by calling at 0590 27 60 27 on the same day between 7:30 am and 8:30. am BeSt wISheS For 2012 FroM the PreFeCt Tuesday, January 31st, 2012 at 6pm, from the antenna of the prefecture in Saint-Barthélemy, the Prefect of Saint-Barthélemy and Saint-Martin will send his wishes for the new year. nePtUne Center: hUrt Cat A young male cat, neutered, Siamese type, beige and gray, hurt by the Neptune Centre (St Jean) on December 24th, is desperately looking for its owner. If this cat is yours, please contact the veterinary clinic in Lorient 05 90 27 89 72.
ColleGe BIShoP SChool In CanaDa Lyne Labrecque, Associate Director of Admissions at Bishop's College School (Canada), will host a reception for information at the ‘Repaire’ Restaurant (Gustavia) on Wednesday, March 7th from 6pm to 8pm. Mrs Labrecque is also available to meet families interested in receiving some information on secondary education (from 7th grade to 12th grade) between from March 6th to 9th, by making appointment. For more information about the school or to make an appointment, contact us at: or +1-819-566-0227 ext 214. the terrotorIal Pool Jean Marc’s water aerobics are group lessons in the water: muscular work with no joint trauma, canning of the body and drainage of the legs. Program of the week: Monday (arms and legs) and Thursday (abs and gluts) from 12:20 p.m. to 1:05 p.m.; Tuesday (abs and gluts) and Friday (arms and legs) from 5.15pm to 6pm. Adult swimming lessons are organized by Olivier on Tuesday and Friday from 12:00 to 1pm. work on swimming techniques, endurance, strength, breathing and conviviality. Medical Certificate is obligatory and call 0590 27 60 96 for information. BaSKetBall Every Wednesday and Saturday morning from 9am to 12am, Damien organizes basketball sessions for girls and boys at the Gustavia primary school. Basketball practice on Tuesdays and Fridays at the Gustavia primary school from 4:15 to 5:15 and from 5:30 to 6:30 at the middle school. Registration by mail: stbarthbasketclub or by phone 0690 39 86 22. SwIMMInG SChool The St Jean public pool has a swimming school for all levels. Every evening after school, children can have lessons. For information, contact the pool: 05 90 27 60 96. the aSSoCIatIon ColoMBIer aPPel organizes a garage sale ( for individuals) and a flea market (for professionals) on the sports field at the school, on February 12th, 2012. Info: 06 90 71 57 38. tI oUana SalSa aSSoCIatIon Salseros y Salseras, the Ti Ouana Salsa association now offers lessons in Lorient’s ballroom (opposite to Jojo’s parking) according to the following schedule: every Monday at 9pm: Intermediate Course: every Wednesday at 9pm: Advanced course, every Thursday at 7pm: Lessons for beginners: 8:30pm. Initiation course (bachata in January). For more information, please contact us: 0690 30 25 12 or 0690 57 20 90 or We hope to see many of you.
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St Jean - Centre Commercial La Savane Tél. 0590 27 68 16 Du lundi au jeudi de 8h à 13h et de 15h à 20h. Vendredi et samedi de 8h à 20h non-stop. Dimanche de 9h à 13h et de 16h à 19h.
St Barth Fun Cup
A beautiful Caribbean final ! Even if the weather forecast was looking good, there was some rain this Sunday on the small island of St. Barts and, in addition, not much wind... The turquoise waters and steady trade winds postcard was seriously affected on the final racing day of the St. Barth Fun Cup, without mentioning a dramatic change in the weather with, in a few minutes only, a beautiful blue sky and from 16 to 18 knots on the spot ! The wind being very irregular in the lagoon, the race committee decided to shorten the course of the previous day by canceling two points to reach and by making a larger arrival. And on this last day, if victory seemed acquired for Antoine Albeau, behind him, anything was possible between Taty Frans and Antoine Questel for the second place on the podium. Moreover, these same three boys were found at the forefront of round No. 5 with a knife fight in which Albeau was separating himself over the minutes, followed by Taty Frans whose speed and glide were amazing as usual, while Pierre Mortefon and Julien Quentel, with a fall in the beginning, were here to complete the top five of the day. To take full advantage of these conditions, the race committee decided to launch a sixth and final race, a race that would finally see the local side of this St Barth Fun Cup win. A very good start, as usual, FRA-99 jibe, leading at the first buoy and speeding, while behind, Antoine Albeau had to deal with a very enterprising Taty Frans. FRA-192 controlled his opponent and gave an opportunity to Antoine Questel who rushed and increased its lead over the minutes.
Also organizer of the St. Barth Fun Cup, Antoine Questel passed the finish line as number 1 with pleasure , cheered by a dedicated beach audience ! This result was largely validated after 6 rounds in 3 days, the organization decided to switch to a show race, a short downwind slalom with arrival on the beach. If Antoine Albeau victory is almost anecdotal for this race that does not count for the general classification, we will note the beautiful show, a few meters from the audience, a moment which is often too rare. For this Saint-Barth Fun Cup, Antoine Albeau goes up to the podium's top step, which celebrates as it should be his new RRD contract, followed byTaty Frans whose innate talent remains impressive and Antoine Questel who already seems very strong at the beginning of the season. Finally, a big applause to the organizers, the same Antoine Questel, Chrystèle Escure, Arnaud Daniel and Lionel Motière, 4 windsurfing enthusiasts from St. Barth who, with the St. Barth Fun Cup, opened, very beautiful way, hostilities of the 2012 season ...
Youth cleans Grand Fond's beach A group of 6 little girls aged from 8 to 10 years old have decided to create their "club nature". Last sunday, they have taken the initiative to clean Grand Fond's beach and collected not less than five big bin bags full off wastes and garbage. Spontaneous actions from a young generation, let's encourage them.
Le Ti Zouk K’Fe
à partir de 19h Mardi 31 janvier
Sunny Side
Promotions du mardi 31 janvier au samedi 4 février avant nouvelle collection printemps été
30€ 50€ 60€
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Retrouvez le Ti-Zouk sur facebook ! Gustavia - La Pointe - Tél. 0590 27 90 60 Ouvert de 11h à 14h30 et de 18h à 23h. Fermé le lundi.
Nungan en live ! Tous les mardis à partir de 20h
Bonito Cocktails Bar Discover the
with Special Tiki Cocktails by Mixologist Jérôme * L’abus d’alcool est dangereux pour la santé. A consommer avec modération.
Gustavia Tél. 0590 27 96 96 Réservation recommandée. Visit our website :
L’hôtel Taïwana est composé de 30 chambres uniques offrant chacune une splendide vue mer. Certaines d’entre elles disposent d’une piscine privative, d’un balcon ou d’une terrasse. Le Taïwana se transforme et met à votre disposition un salon de coiffure Neville Hair & Beauty, une boutique de prêt-à-porter féminin Poupette St Barth, ainsi qu’un centre de fitness du coach Stéphane Demouy proposant un programme d’entrainements personnalisés, de pilates, etc … Le Chef et le célèbre Food and Beverage Manager Octavio Lopez (anciennement à l’hôtel Blakes à Londres) sont heureux de vous accueillir dès à présent au restaurant pour le petit déjeuner, le déjeuner et le dîner. L’accès à la plage est à présent disponible à l’ensemble des clients de l’hôtel et du restaurant.
Taiwan hotel consists of 30 unique rooms, each sea view, some of them have a private pool, ba
Le Taiwana is changing and offers a hair salon & Beauty", a ready-to-wear Poupette St Barth center with coach Stéphane Demouy offering a p trainers, pilates, etc...
The chef and the famous Food and Beverage Man (formerly working at the Blakes Hotel in Lond welcome you, from now-on, at the restaurant f and dinner.
The beach is now available to all the hotel and r
Le Taiwana and its team have decided to keep th while diversifying its activities and allowing the h year-long.
Le Taiwana et son équipe ont décidé de garder le cachet de l'hotel, tout en diversifiant ses activités et en permettant une ouverture tout au long de l’année. Bienvenue...
Taiwana Hotel St Barth French West Indies - Tel. +590 590 298 008
Š JP Piter
h offering a splendid alcony or terrace.
called "Neville Hair h shop and a fitness program of personal
nager Octavio Lopez don) are pleased to for breakfast, lunch
restaurant's guests.
he seal of the hotel, hotel to be open allWelcome ...
Fax : +590 590 279 407 -
Aujourd’hui :
Souris d'agneau braisée à l'orientale, semoule
Visionnez vos caméras de surveillance depuis votre Iphone ou ordinateur partout dans le monde.
SUR PLACE OU À EMPORTER Colombier - 0590 27 93 48
Automatisation et fabrication de portails
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Flamands 05 90 27 61 81
horoSCoPe Aries : You’ll be surprised at the cooperation you get from those around you. That’s what friends are for.
leo: Though you work hard, you should make sure and set aside plenty of time tonight for family and friends.
Sagittarius : Those around you will be willing to help point you in the right direction. Take advantage of their assistance.
taurus : Things are looking up for you, so make sure that you’re ready to throw yourself into the next big thing.
Virgo : It’s likely you’re not seeing things clearly. If at all possible, try to put off making any important decisions.
Capricorn : If there is someone you have been meaning to get in touch with, do it now. He or she is waiting to hear from you.
Gemini : Follow your gut feeling regarding your business ventures. You will have a productive day.
libra : You may need to turn to a friend or relative to deal with problems which have been bothering you.
aquarius : If you don’t move ahead with your great idea, someone else may be thinking of taking it for their own.
Cancer : You are feeling unusually creative today. Whatever you do, you’ll enjoy the results.
Scorpio : Don't try to get even without having all the facts. You'll be able to discuss your ambitions with your mate.
Pisces: You have a good grasp of how things really are now. Use that to your advantage today and focus on the detail.
ASBAS L’Association St Barth des Amis de la Suède Les membres de l’Association St Barth des Amis de la Suède (l’ASBAS) souhaitent une bonne année à tous ! Merci à ceux qui en 2011 ont comme toujours soutenu les commémorations du jumelage de Saint Barthélemy avec la ville de Piteå en Suède et l’amitié franco-suédoise :
Partenaires prinicipaux : La Collectivité de St Barthélemy La Commune de Piteå (Suède) Le Comité du Tourisme de St. Barthélemy Le Consulat de Suède de St. Barthélemy L’Ambassade de Suède à Paris Lurin Menuiserie Sibarth Budget Sponsors de la lotterie 2011 : Le Comité du Tourisme Magasin Tendances ITEC Services St Barth Electronique Optic 2000 Privilèges parfumeries Alma Quincaillerie CCPF Le Wall House Restaurant Hot Stuff GDM Fun Motors
Les entreprises : Segeco AMTM La Bobine Garage Turbe/Blanchard Tom Food Island Flavors Groupe ASB Menuiserie Blanchard Rémi Le Cellier du Gouverneur Le Royaume des Enfants Ets Hyppolite Lédée (Lédée Robert) A vos Marques Le Select Le Super Marché U Le Marché aux Fleurs Le Great Bay Express
Organismes et associations : Les Romantiques Bay Kout Men Haïti et Solidarité Haïti La Capitainerie Les Services Techniques et de Propreté de la Collectivité La Police Territoriale, Gendarmerie et les Pompiers La Bibliothèque Territoriale Le Rotary et la Croix Rouge L’Equipe de la pêche au fond L’Equipe des Dominos Les jeunes acteurs du Ti-Théâtre L’Association des jeux d’Echecs L’Association « St Barthélemy Sällskapet » (à Sockholm) L’Association «Amis de St Barth» (Piteå) L'Association de Public L’Equipe organisatrice de l’exposition au Musée
Les médias : Le St Barth Magazine Tropik FM St Barth Vidéo Live Radio St Barth St Barth Weekly Le Journal de St Barth Le Magazine de la Famille Le News Caraïbes Magazine
Personnes : Per Tingbrand (Citoyen d’Honneur de St Barthélemy) Le Père Eugene Kaze Le Révérend Charles Verré Nicol Françoise Gréaux (Ti-Théâtre) La famille Pain Jean-Marc Outil et Olivier, Michel Laplace, Nelly Questel Le Dr. Worthington Ernest Magras (à la guitare)
Et à ceux qui ont pu être oubliés... !
Le Ti Zouk K’Fe Aujourd’hui midi - 10€
Spaghetti à la carbonara Gustavia - La Pointe - Tél. 0590 27 90 60
L’informatique qui a le sourire !
0690 55 76 50
Lagon Gd Cul De Sac - 0690 59 66 06
ClaSSIFIeD aDS… Le News recherche logement pour 1 personne à partir du 01/03/12, de pref. ss coloc. Tél. 0590 87 92 39. Part. vend hauteurs de Corossol terrain 1630 m2, vue sublime, permis batir villa 3 chbres, citerne, terrassement fini, 1,850 m€. Tél. 0690 73 88 06 ou Loue 130€/nuits, bungalows de charme à SBH, pour 2 personnes, piscine, vue mer, kitchenette, calme, climatisé … real eState Tél. 0590 52 41 50 ou Urgent part vend terrain 2000m² constructible, maison JoB oFFerS 2 ch existante, le tout 1.7M€, pas d'agence, offre à Femme de ménage indépendante cherche à faire ménage Couple, sérieux et référencé chez particuliers sur rdv, expe(cadres / CDI), cherche un rimentée. Tél. 0690 53 86 54 logement 2 chambres à l’an- JF sérieuse garde votre enfant à son domicile la journée. Tél. née. Tél. 05 90 52 90 02. Loue grde chambre indépen- 0590 29 66 01.
AV 2 chiens de petite taille, Lévriers Italiens mâle (levrette) 5 mois, vaccinés, ne perdent pas leurs poils, n'aboyent pas,calins doux et enjoués, très chic, idéal pour famille, 650€ chaque. Tél 0690 49 09 50 ou 0690 77 00 95. Trouvé à Anse-des-cayes, petite chatte (6 mois), noire avec tâches blanches sous le cou et sous le ventre, très sociable. Tél. 0690 41 60 44.
Christina Voyante à St Barthélemy Diplômée en parapsychologie et radionique
Boule de cristal Carte / tarots Désenvoutement Protection Consulte tous les jours sur place ou à domicile :
06 90 71 08 84
dante + sdb, dans maison avec piscine, Vitet, 80€/nuit du 1/03/12 au 6/04/12. Tél. 0690 72 08 79. Loue duplex meublé, StJean, piscine & parking, 1700€ HC, Tél. 0690 55 67 30 Loue à l'année stud. meublés: TB standing à St Jean 1 500€/HC et à Colombier 1200€/HC. Tél. 0690 58 82 90 de 9h à 11h ou 14h à 17h.
JoB SeeKerS
St-Barth Electronique rech. pour magasin Galeries du Commerce, 1 employé polyv., pour fonctions vendeur etmagasinier. Adresser cv et photo à ou déposer ces pièces à la caisse, ss pli fermé. St Barth Commuter ch. Employé polyvalent niveau CAP mécanique souhaité, requis. B permis
Recherche barmaid. Tél. 0690 24 57 45. Hotel St Barth Isle de France recherche Valet de Chambre, à temps plein, avec permis de conduire. Se présenter à la réception de l’hôtel et demander Jocelyne. Pas sérieux s’abstenir. Hôtel LE TOINY, recherche personnel de salle en extra, anglais indispensable / femme de chambre à temps partiel. Postes à pourvoir de suite, se présenter avec CV. Hôtel St-Barth Isle De France recherche un assistant maitre d’hôtel , références hôtellerie de luxe , se présenter au restaurant. Poss logement Tel Fred ou Jérome au 0590 27 58 68 Jicky Marine ch. agent de marina, très bonnes connaissances bateaux et permis bateau, bonne présentation et angl. cour., CDI. Env. CV à Restaurant La Bagatelle rech. Chef de partie. Se présenter sur place.
AV Scooter Sym 125, 2008, Top case, 14000km, TBEG, révision OK, 1600€ + Hamac 2 Places, 40€. Tél. 0665 33 06.68 AV Scooter MIO 50, TBEG, 2010, 8000 km, révision OK, 1100€ + TV Sony Bravia, 3D, 32 pouces, 700€. Tél. 0665 33 06 68. AV cause départ, Terios 2004 TBEG suivi par garage, 65000km, 6200€ à débattre. Tél. 0690 61 96 19. AV scoot kymco vitality, 2 temps, 50cc, - de 6000 km, 1000€, TBE,, tél. 0690 86 93 82. AV voiture Hyundai Tucson, 2005, TB état mécanique, clim, 4x4, CT ok, 7 000€. Tél. 0690 72 99 95. naUtICal
AV voilier Catamaran 9 m, visible sur corps mort à Corossol, 45 000€ à deb., rensgt et photos tél. 0690 61 97 97. MISC. SaleS
AV terre végétale noire et beau remblai. Tél. 0590 27 82 72. Surf 8' channin surftech, bon VehICUle SaleS état, 400€. Tél. 0690 72 08 79. AV Samourai pour pièces déta- Recherche déco: instruments chées, bâche, pneus, radiateur, de musique / planches de surf démarreur, moteur, etc... 450 / mini moke, etc... Tél. 0690 73 13 20. €. Tél : 05 90 29 33 41.
A vendre à St Jean Studio rénové, bon état, avec vue mer. A saisir !
Prix : 315 000 €
Référence: 655327 / 496/SBH. * Frais d'Agence Inclus - N. SIREN : 500 02 3 817
Les Jardins de St Jean 97133 St Barthelemy Tél. : 05 90 27 70 19 Cel. : 06 90 76 39 59 Carte professionnelle 07-145 T/G Caisse de garantie SOCAMAB
Publication Director : Eric Mortier - Designer : Julie Berlizon - Commercial : 0590 879 239
Published and printed at 1.000 ex in English by SARL The Concierge, B.P. 636, 97099 St Barthélemy. Le News declines all responsability for advertisement content. Any total or partial reproduction is prohibited. Do not drop to the ground. RC 500 089 297 00013 - Dépôt légal à parution - ISSN :1289-0235 - Source A.F.P. - News online :
Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didn't. Erica Jong