Great Bay Express
Votre Ferry entre St Barth et St Maarten ! Liaison rapide et confortable entre Philipsburg et Gustavia deux à trois fois par jour. Pont extérieur et pont climatisé.
0690 718 301 Tél. : 0590 879 239 - Fax 0590 29 54 70 - -
aller-retour ! (Offre valable jusqu’au 29 février 2012).
Friday February 3rd 2012 St Blaise
n° 3878’
COURS DE LA VEILLE 1.3148 $ pour 1€
Today’s Ocean temperature is:
26°c / 79°F
Time to jump into the water!
Le Carré d’Or - Gustavia Tél. 05 90 27 69 74
DaILy newS… FoUrth PotentIaLLy haBItaBLe PLanet IS DISCoVereD International astronomers said on Thursday they have found the fourth potentially habitable planet outside our solar system with temperatures that could support water and life about 22 light-years from Earth. The team analyzed data from the European Southern Observatory about a star known as GJ 667C, which is known as an M-class dwarf star and puts out much less heat than our Sun. However, at least three planets are orbiting close to the star, and one of them appears to be close enough that it likely absorbs about as much incoming light and energy as Earth, has similar surface temperatures and perhaps water. The new rocky planet, GJ 667Cc, orbits its star every 28.15 days meaning its year equals about one Earth month and has a mass at least 4.5 times that of Earth, according to the research published in Astrophysical Journal Letters. "This planet is the new best candidate to support liquid water and, perhaps, life as we know it," said Guillem Anglada-Escudé who was with the Carnegie Institution for Science when he conducted the research but has since moved on to the University of Gottingen in Germany. The theory about water, however, cannot be confirmed until astronomers learn more about the planet?s atmosphere. Other planets circling the same star which is part of a three-star system could include a gas-giant and an additional super-Earth with an orbital period of 75 days, but more observations are needed to confirm that. Some experts have been skeptical that M-class dwarf stars could have planets that support life because they are too dim and tend to have lots of solar flare activity which could send off lethal radiation to nearby planets.
- G USTAVIA H ARBOUR - T EL . 0590 29 74 09
SHe LL Be ACH Fashion show everyday - Tél. 0590 52 08 08 Facebook : sunday saint tropez
Vendredi 3 février - 10€ Daurade au four, gratin de bananes jaunes, haricots verts
Plats du jour
Dimanche 5 février - 15€
à emporter midi et soir ou livrés sur Gustavia
Entrecôte sauce pleurotes, gratin dauphinois
La Pointe - Gustavia - Tél. 0690 55 93 49
InternatIonaL newS… ChIna-GerMany-DIPLoMaCy-PoLItICS German Chancellor Angela Merkel sought to reassure Beijing over the crisis in the eurozone and urged China to press Teheran on its nuclear program as she began an official visit. norway-attaCKS-CoUrt-heaLth The Norway gunman who killed 77 people in twin attacks in July must submit to a second psychiatric exam, an Oslo court ruled, rejecting his appeal after a first evaluation found him criminally insane.
SPA PAYOT AU MANAPANY En février au Spa Payot : Manucure + pédicure + pose de vernis = 30€ Hôtel Manapany - 0590 29 82 02
entertaInMent-US-FILM-FranCe French actor Jean Dujardin tipped to win an Oscar for his role in "The Artist" was under fire at home for a poster showing him holding a woman's legs in the air under the line "Im going into a meeting." BrItaIn-SweDen-Internet-wIKILeaKS Swedish authorities told Britain's Supreme Court that a bid to extradite WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange for questioning over rape claims is valid and does not breach his human rights.
Calamars sautés à l'espagnole, riz pilaf OU Salade Lyonnaise
Votre Professionnel pour Particuliers et Entreprises PC et MAC Installation - Réparation - Maintenance - Cours Vente et arrivage régulier de matériel Forfait déplacement-main d’œuvre à petits prix !
Cédric GREAUX – 0690.65.23.42
prêt a porter homme et femme
CETTE SEMAINE, -30% SUR St Jean, Les Mangliers proche de la poste (derrière la station service) 9h30 à 13h - 15h30 à 19h - Tél. 0590 52 43 93
s a l o n
Les Jardins de St Jean - 0590 27 69 16 Du mardi au samedi de 10h à 19h.
Restaurant sweet restaurant !
Samedi 4 février à 20h
Live Music with Papaguyo & Nungan Gustavia - 0590 27 53 20 Ouvert le soir du lundi au samedi.
LoCaL newS… La PoInte en MoUVeMent The fifth parade of La Pointe en Mouvement – drum band - is expected this Sunday, Feb. 5th on the theme: "Répwésyon". "Repression is the act of punishing offenses. The repression may be criminal, or as a punitive sanction. In politics, it is intended to prevent any opposition to the regime. Repression is the action of reprimanding. " Costume: camouflage military uniform, blue police, riot police, policeman, military officer (in white), Prefect, judge, lawyer, prosecutor, customs officer, security guard, politician with tri-colored scarf ... Departure from the association’s office Rue de la Paix in Gustavia (on top the Economic multiprofessional chamber) at 18:00 sharp. For more information (costumes, fees, workshops ...): cal Henri 0690 453 502. St Barth harMony On Saturday, February 4th at 5:30pm, in its premises in Colombier: the St Barth Harmony team. The board and its teachers invite the young musicians’ parents as well as all musician adults to participate to the second term meeting. We will make a review of the various actions, talk about the courses, past and upcoming concerts, and we will present the newest member. Your presence is always important since it participates to the completion and success of our actions aiming to improve, supplement or provide new energy courses given by our teachers. After the effort, let’s have fun! After this meeting we propose to share some "snacks" in our Company. See you on Saturday, then, at 5:30 p.m. at the St Barth Harmony school in Colombier! St Barth Harmony’s team
reD CroSS SPeCIaL SaLeS Saturday February 11th from 9am to 1pm at the local situated 34 rue de la paix, Gustavia, (above old town hall). BIG CLeanInG oF Bay anD oF the Grand Cul de Sac’s ManGroVe on February 5th orGanIZeD By StBarth eSSentIeL The appointment is set at 8 am in the fishermen’s parking lot after the construction of the hotel under construction. Trash bags and gloves will be distributed and it will be an opportunity to share a picnic by the beautiful lagoon after cleaning,. Thank you in advance for their generous participation: Hotel Sereno, Guanahani, Jojo, La Gloriette, O'corail, Alma, Tom Food, Enguerrand kite surfing, and all those who are actively engaged in safeguarding our environmental heritage. On an island that mainly lives from tourism and where cleanliness is a major asset, it is welcome that everyone contributes, we expect many of you! We need trucks and drivers for the transportation of waste to the garbage dump, please contact us if you would like to volunteer: 0690 63 46 09 reD CroSS The Red Cross organizes, every Tuesday morning, sales of clothing and miscellaneous items. The proceeds of this sales is intended to finance various projects in the hospital field. We invite individuals and stores to participate. You will be part, along with the Delegation of Saint-Barthélemy,of a large chain of solidarity. If you have clothing, linen and other clean and in good condition, please bring them to the "Croix Rouge, 34 Rue de la Paix Gustavia" above the old town hall or call 0690 71 91 21.
Aide à la personne et baby sitting : Une équipe de professionnels à votre service Assistance aux personnes âgées et à mobilité réduite* Baby sitting à la demande* * A l’heure ou au forfait
Pour tout renseignement : 0690 64 06 71
InForMatIonS LoCaLeS BarraCUDa MeetInG on SatUrDay The Barracudas would like to let you know about a meeting in his office on Saturday, February 4th at 11am at the clubhouse of the association (between dojo and the territorial pool). We encourage all interested members of the association will participate in this meeting.
Comptez sur nous pour vous faire dépenser moins !
La fidélité est toujours récompensée ! Bénéficiez de bons d'achats ou de paiement avec vos points fidélité directement en caisse.
3€ d'achats = 1 point Journées
Plus de points avec les produits
CoLLeGe BIShoP SChooL In CanaDa Lyne Labrecque, Associate Director of Admissions at Bishop's College School (Canada), will host a reception for information at the ‘Repaire’ Restaurant (Gustavia) on Wednesday, March 7th from 6pm to 8pm. Mrs Labrecque is also available to meet families interested in receiving some information on secondary education (from 7th grade to 12th grade) between from March 6th to 9th, by making appointment. For more information about the school or to make an appointment, contact us at: « eLeCtrICaL hoMoLoGatIon » CoUrSe Since July 1st 2011, the electrical homologation went from a recommended to a mandatory status for all workers involved in electrical installations. Workers who are already homologated benefit from a recycling. To this end, the C.E.M. (Economic and multi-professional Chamber) offers two "electrical homologation" training sessions for a period of 14 hours each, to be held at its premises located rue du Roi Oscar II in Gustavia: "Electrical homologation - Electrician Staff" = Monday, February 27th and Tuesday, February 28th, 2012 from 8am " Electrical homologation - Non electrician (*)" = Wednesday, February 29th and Thursday March 1st from 8am Information and registration (limited number of people) at the CEM’s Training Department (Christine): 0590.27.12.55 (*) As a reminder, non electrician staff means: people making small electrical interventions (replacement of fuses, lamps, cleaning ...) or non-electrical work (painting, masonry, gardening work surrounding conductor or electrical rooms ...), cleaning agents, guardians for apartments or villas, villa maintenance ...
Points Bonus
Quat’Pattes St Jean - Centre Commercial La Savane Tél. 0590 27 68 16 Du lundi au jeudi de 8h à 13h et de 15h à 20h. Vendredi et samedi de 8h à 20h non-stop. Dimanche de 9h à 13h et de 16h à 19h.
Toilettage à domicile Colliers antiparasitaires et accessoires à petit prix
Sophie sur RDV 0690 65 21 27
rUGBy SChooL On Saturday, February 4th, the rugby school (U7.U9.U11.U13) will go to St Martin. Let’s meet at 7am at the Voyager / Back at 5:15 p.m. (bring passports + € 25.00). For more information, contact Olivier 64 25 0690 00. SChooL enroLLMent: BaCK to SChooL: September 2012 The Schools Services would like to inform you that the enrollment for September 2012 for kindergarten and elementary schools in Gustavia will be held on: Monday, February 6th and Tuesday, February 7th, 2012 From 7.30am to 12am and from 1:30 to 5pm Thursday February 9th and Friday, February 10th, 2012 from 7.30am to 12pm Parents must come to the service’s office with the following documents: -2 recent ID pictures of the child -The health record of the child with mandatory vaccination to date -The family book or the child’s birth certificate of -An identity card of parents and children - Proof of residence of less than six months (electricity bill, water, Telephone bill, etc.). - A certificate of cancellation for enrollment in elementary classes. It is reminded that the entries for the first kindergarten class only applies to children born in 2009. For more information, please contact the service by telephone at 0590 29 80 40. FeBrUary hoLIDayS’ traInInG SeSSIonS anD MeetInG In St MartIn During the February vacation, Damien organizes basketball camps for girls and boys from 4 years-old from 9am to 12 at the primary school in Gustavia. Price € 15 / morning. On-site registration or call Damien 39 86 0690 22. The St Barth basketball club is going with the ‘benjamins’ and ‘minimes’ teams, on Sunday, Feb. 5 to St. Martin for a friendly competition. oUanaLao BeaCh CLUB Cheerleaders’ training sessions are starting again. See you every Wednesday from 2pm to 3:30pm at the elementary school in Gustavia. Enquiries 0690 73 16 07.
PLAT DU JOUR À 10€ Aujourd’hui :
Colombo de la mer, riz
carte !
Formule déjeuner :
1 plat du jour, 1 boisson, 1 café
SUR PLACE OU À EMPORTER Colombier - 0590 27 93 48
Rue Jeanne DArc - La Pointe - Gustavia - Tél. 0590 87 79 54 - Fermé le dimanche.
Hait dresser Deep Massages Energetic Massage Facial Care Pedicure - Manucure Waxing / Sugaring Body treatment Eye Lash Extentions Tanning Permanent make-up Pour tout renseignement : 0590 275 35 rue de la République, Gustavia
Choisissez parmi les formules So Cuisine, ou composez vous-même votre menu sur LIVRAISON À DOMICILE
Merci de passer votre commande avant 14h.
Tél. 0690 67 82 88
horoSCoPe Aries : It may seem that all things are possible for you now. Use this forward momentum to your advantage.
Leo: If you’ve recently begun an exercise regimen, you are able to obtain results much faster than you had expected.
Sagittarius : Your unique mental energy comes into play today in a surprising way or surprising to you, anyway.
taurus: There’s nothing wrong with being strong in your ideas, but remember to allow others to express themselves as well.
Virgo : This is going to be a very romantic month for you. You’re looking for perfect love, and it may soon be yours.
Capricorn : You could be feeling a real lack of direction. This is not a good time to make any important decisions.
Gemini : Leave the details to lesser minds today. Things should pick up in a big way by the end of the day!
Libra : Your creativity is at a zenith you’ll find yourself anxious to get involved in any sort of artistic or creative endeavor.
aquarius : If you find yourself changing today, make sure that change is being brought about for the right reasons.
Cancer : This may not be the best time to make any sudden or impetuous changes with regard to your work situation.
Scorpio : You may find yourself getting into better shape by experimenting with new and exciting methods of exercise.
Pisces: You may discover you have a greater strength of character than you had previously guessed.
AVEC LA PARTICIPATION DE: Petit Bateau, Laurent Effel, VillaNueva, Lunett, Dom St Barth, Now St Barth, le Village market
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Soin du corps, soin du visage… à partir de 60€ Pensez à vos bons cadeaux Spécial St Valentin ! rubrique SPA 0590 27 58 60
Hôtel St Barth Isle de France - Baie des Flamands Tel : (59) 0590 27 61 81 - Fax : (59) 0590 27 86 83 - -
Le Ti Zouk K’Fe Aujourd’hui midi - 10€
Poisson de roche frit mariné Gustavia - La Pointe - Tél. 0590 27 90 60
L’informatique qui a le sourire !
0690 55 76 50
Les petits prix sont arrivés ! Venez découvrir la nouvelle collection de prêt-à-porter.
Perdu le 22 janv à Saline, chat noir à poils longs, yeux verts, nommé Zorro. Pour toutes infos, tél. 0690 51 74 09. AV 2 chiens petite taille, Lévriers Italiens mâle (levrette) 5 mois, vaccinés, ne perdent pas leurs poils, n'aboyent pas,calins doux et enjoués, très chic, idéal pour famille, 650€ chaque. Tél 0690 49 09 50 ou 0690 77 00 95. Trouvé à Anse-des-cayes, petite chatte (6 mois), noire avec tâches blanches sous le cou et sous le ventre, très sociable. Tél. 0690 41 60 44. reaL eState
Pélican Plage - St Jean - Tél. 0590 51 17 45 Du lundi au samedi de 9h30 à 19h30 non-stop. Le dimanche de 12h à 19h30.
A louer au 01/04 appt séjour, cuisine, 1 ch., terrasse couv., résidence avec piscine, Le Rocher à Public, 1 600€ HC. Destination St Barts Immobilier, tél. 0690 73 26 06. A louer au 01/04 maison plein pied plage, 2 ch., 1 sdb, cuisine am./salon, terrasse, 3600€. tél. 0690 75 42 15. Couple sérieux avec emplois ch. studio à louer ou colocation. Tél. 0690 57 43 03. Urgent. AV hauteur Anse des Cayes maison en 2 parties, 80 + 54 m2 sur terrain 1153 m2, jaccuzi, garage, pking, 2 citernes. Info mail à Rech. local à louer avec électricité et eau courante, min. 30m2, emplacement indifférent. Tél. 0690 51 74 17. Urgent part vend terrain 2 000m² constructible, maison 2 ch existante, le tout 1.7M€, pas d'agence, offre à
Couple, sérieux et référencé (cadres / CDI), cherche un logement 2 chambres à l’année. Tél. 05 90 52 90 02. Le News recherche logement pour 1 personne à partir du 01/03/12, de pref. ss coloc. Tél. 0590 87 92 39. Part. vend hauteurs de Corossol terrain 1630 m2, vue sublime, permis batir villa 3 chbres, citerne, terrassement fini, 1,850 m€. Tél. 0690 73 88 06 ou wine-art-travelling Loue 130€/nuits, bungalows de charme à SBH, pour 2 personnes, piscine, vue mer, kitchenette, calme, climatisé … Tél. 0590 52 41 50 ou JoB SeeKerS
JH avec expérience en restauration recherche extra midi et soir. Disponible de suite. Tél. 0690 40 16 51. Femme de ménage indépendante cherche à faire ménage chez particuliers sur rdv, experimentée. Tél. 0690 53 86 54 JoB oFFerS
Hôtel Eden Rock recrute équipier polyvalent 20h / sem. Envoyer CV par email ou de se présenter à l’Hôtel côté Cup’s. Tél. 0590 29 79 91. Mail : Boutique cherche vendeuse experimentée et motivée à plein temps, anglais indispensable. Tél. 0690 73 44 13.
Hôtel 4* luxe rech. 1 veilleur de nuit à partir de fin février. Exp. confirmée 4* Luxe, TB connaissances Anglais. Tél. 0590 52 90 00, demander Arnaud. Ch. cuisinier avec expérience pour service du midi & soir. Tél. 0690 39 80 98. St-Barth Electronique rech. pour magasin Galeries du Commerce, 1 employé polyv., pour fonctions vendeur etmagasinier. Adresser cv et photo à ou déposer ces pièces à la caisse, ss pli fermé. St Barth Commuter ch. Employé polyvalent niveau CAP mécanique souhaité, permis B requis. Recherche barmaid. Tél. 0690 24 57 45. Hotel St Barth Isle de France recherche Valet de Chambre, à temps plein, avec permis de conduire. Se présenter à la réception de l’hôtel et demander Jocelyne. Pas sérieux s’abstenir. Hôtel Le Toiny, recherche personnel de salle en extra, anglais indispensable / femme de chambre à temps partiel. Postes à pourvoir de suite, se présenter avec CV. Hôtel St-Barth Isle De France recherche un assistant maitre d’hôtel , références hôtellerie de luxe , se présenter au restaurant. Poss logement Tel Fred ou Jérome au 0590 27 58 68.
Jicky Marine ch. agent de marina, très bonnes connaissances bateaux et permis bateau, bonne présentation et angl. cour., CDI. Env. CV à VehICULe SaLeS
AV Tucson Hyundai 2005, CT OK, TBE mécanique, clim + 4/4, 6 900€, gris métallisé, 42000km. Tél. 0690 72 99 95. AV cause départ scooter Peugeot Sum Up 125, CT OK, 5 500 km, nov. 2010, 700€. Tél. 0690 23 46 37. AV Samourai pour pièces détachées, bâche, pneus, radiateur, démarreur, moteur, etc... 450€. Tél : 0590 29 33 41. AV Scooter Sym 125, 2008, Top case, 14000km, TBEG, révision OK, 1600€ + Hamac 2 Places, 40€. Tél. 0665 33 06.68 AV Scooter MIO 50, TBEG, 2010, 8000km, révision OK, 1100€ + TV Sony Bravia, 3D, 32 pouces, 700€. Tél. 0665 33 06 68. AV cause départ, Terios 2004 TBEG suivi par garage, 65000km, 6200€ à débattre. Tél. 0690 61 96 19. naUtICaL
AV voilier Catamaran 9 m, visible sur corps mort à Corossol, 45 000€ à deb., rensgt et photos tél. 0690 61 97 97. MISC. SaLeS
AV terre végétale noire et beau remblai. Tél. 0590 27 82 72.
V E N T E E N G R O S ET D E M I - G R O S
Gros BBitrQine, brochettes… Poulet, ribbs, po
Samedi et dimanche
Réservations: 0590 29 68 42
SPECIAL SUPERBOWL Côte de bœuf Steak haché Brochette de bœuf Ribbs de bœuf
le kg
le kg le kg
le kg
Tél. 0590 29 68 42 - St Jean, face à la villa créole. Parking privé. De 9h à 13h et de 15h à 19h30. Dimanche : de 9h à 12h30.
Publication Director : Eric Mortier - Designer : Julie Berlizon - Commercial : 0590 879 239
Published and printed at 1.000 ex in English by SARL The Concierge, B.P. 636, 97099 St Barthélemy. Le News declines all responsability for advertisement content. Any total or partial reproduction is prohibited. Do not drop to the ground. RC 500 089 297 00013 - Dépôt légal à parution - ISSN :1289-0235 - Source A.F.P. - News online :
Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves. Carl Jung