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Great Bay Express Votre Ferry entre St Barth et St Maarten ! Liaison rapide et confortable entre Philipsburg et Gustavia deux à trois fois par jour. Pont extérieur et pont climatisé.

0690 718 301 Tél. : 0590 879 239 - Fax 0590 29 54 70 - lenews@theconcierge.fr - www.news-sbh.com




aller-retour ! (Offre valable jusqu’au 29 février 2012).

wednesday February 8th 2012 Ste Jacqueline n° 3882’

COURS DE LA VEILLE 1.3249 $ pour 1€

Today’s Ocean temperature is:

26°c / 79°F


Time to jump into the water!

Le Carré d’Or - Gustavia Tél. 05 90 27 69 74


DaILy newS… PhILIPPIne reSCUerS SearCh For QUaKe SUrVIVorS Rescuers in the Philippines dug through rubble with shovels and their bare hands Tuesday after a powerful earthquake triggered landslides, collapsed homes and killed dozens of people. The 6.8magnitude quake hit a narrow strait between the heavily populated islands of Negros and Cebu around lunchtime Monday with more than 200 aftershocks, some nearly as strong, causing further panic throughout the day. Local military chiefs said 43 people were confirmed killed, but officials warned the death toll may rise. Dozens of others are feared injured or missing with landslides having blocked roads for rescuers in mountainous areas. "Heavy equipment we've requested from the provincial government has not arrived yet, because the roads and bridges are impassable," said Senior Inspector Alvin Futalan, police chief of Guihulngan town on Negros that was among the most heavily damaged. "We are using our hands and shovels to search in the rubble," he told AFP. Thirty-nine people were reported killed in Guihulngan, a coastal city of 100,000 people flanked by mountains that was close to the quake's epicentre. The city's public market, court house and private homes in the area had collapsed or were damaged, while landslides buried some houses completely, according to Fatulan. He said the city's overwhelmed 42-man police rescue squad had been joined by hundreds of army troops and volunteers in clearing debris as they raced against time to find people still believed missing. "The army (troops) had to walk about 50 kilometres (30 miles) from the last stop reachable by vehicle to reach us," Fatulan said. Guihulngan is about 90 kilometres to the north of Dumaguete, the capital of Negros Oriental province that covers the southeastern edge of Negros where the worst impacts of the quake were felt.






- G USTAVIA H ARBOUR - T EL . 0590 29 74 09


SHe LL Be ACH Fashion show everyday - Tél. 0590 52 08 08 Facebook : sunday saint tropez



Mercredi 8 février - 10€ Coquelet farci, gratin de p-d-t et patates douces, brocolis

Plats du jour

Jeudi 9 février - 10€

à emporter midi et soir ou livrés sur Gustavia

Bavette à l’échalotte, pommes sautées, haricots verts

La Pointe - Gustavia - Tél. 0690 55 93 49

InternatIonaL newS… ChIna-Internet-aPPLe-CoUrt A Taiwan-linked company which claims ownership of the iPad trademark in China has filed lawsuits against Apple for infringement, according to a lawyer acting on their behalf. UnICeF SayS 400 ChILDren KILLeD In SyrIa At least 400 children have been killed in 11 months of violence in Syria and almost the same number detained, with reports of torture and sexual abuse, the United Nations Children's Fund.

SPA PAYOT AU MANAPANY L’offre minceur de février :

Les 12 séances de LPG

300€ Hôtel Manapany - 0590 29 82 02

MaDonna LaUnCheS nInth worLD toUr Madonna will begin her ninth world tour in Tel Aviv in May, her promoter said Tuesday, passing through Europe and the Americas and returning to Australia for the first time in 20 years. The news comes just days after the 53year-old's dazzling performance at the Super Bowl, where rapper M.I.A. caused a furore by raising her middle finger during an ensemble version of Madonna's new single, "Give Me All Your Luvin". World Tour begins May 29th, 2012.

Lasagne de Poisson OU Salade de Chèvre Chaud

Quat’Pattes Toilettage à domicile Colliers antiparasitaires et accessoires à petit prix

Pr aline

Sophie sur RDV 0690 65 21 27

Votre Professionnel pour Particuliers et Entreprises PC et MAC Installation - Réparation - Maintenance - Cours Vente et arrivage régulier de matériel Forfait déplacement-main d’œuvre à petits prix !

Cédric GREAUX – 0690.65.23.42 cedric.informatique971@gmail.com

LoCaL newS…





Nettoyage, lissage, modelage…

GUStaVIa harBoUr I We would like to inform you that during week six (Monday, February 6th to Thursday, February 9th included). The Commercial Port’s Marine Station will be open at the following hours: from 12:30 to 4:30.pm Gustavia Harbour’s Management team would like to apologize for this change. Thank you for your understanding. PreVISIon For the SChooL’S DeManD anD the CenSUS oF ChILDren Born In 2011 The Schools Service would like to inform you that the identification of children born in 2011 will be held on Monday February 13 and Tuesday, February 14, 2012 From 7.30am to 12am and from 1:30pm to 5pm on Thursday, February 16th and Friday, February 17h, 2012 From 7.30am to 12pm Parents whose children were born in 2012 are invited to come to the office of the service together with the family book or the child’s birth certificate, the parents’ identity card and a proof of address of less than six months (electricity bill, water bill, telephone bill, etc.). The Schools Services would like to remind that the census is for children to be educated in private and public schools on the island. It is important that all concerned parents meet this requirement in order to facilitate the organization of the next school year. The Schools Service also reminds parents of children born in 2010 who have not completed this process, that they can do it during this period. For more information, please contact the service by telephone at 0590 29 80 40. Thank you in advance for your participation. Opening hours of the office: Monday and Tuesday 7:30 to 12 am and 1.30pm to 5pm. Closed on Wednesday. Thursday and Friday 7.30am to 12pm. or +1-819-566-0227 ext 214.

athLetICS: MeSSaGe Mr Patrick Perron d’Arc would like to inform that the SBAC, St. Barth Athletic Club, will hold its first 2012 Meeting called: “the MEETING des ROIS). Date: Monday, February 6th, 2012. Time: 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Drinks with parents: 5:45 p.m. Events: REGISTRATION at 5pm at the Appeals Chamber (girls and boys) 1 - 50m Hurdles 2 - long jump 3 - shot put 4 - Categories: From Children to Veterans 5 - special 500 m event for high school students at 6pm We are looking for OFFICIALS, 3 people per workshop. CoLLeGe BIShoP SChooL In CanaDa Lyne Labrecque, Associate Director of Admissions at Bishop's College School (Canada), will host a reception for information at the ‘Repaire’ Restaurant (Gustavia) on Wednesday, March 8th from 6pm to 8pm. Mrs Labrecque is also available to meet families interested in receiving some information on secondary education (from 7th grade to 12th grade) between from March 6th to 9th, by making appointment. For more information about the school or to make an appointment, contact us at: admissions@bishopscollegeschool.com reD CroSS SPeCIaL SaLeS Saturday February 11th from 9am to 1pm at the local situated 34 rue de la paix, Gustavia, (above old town hall). oUanaLao BeaCh CLUB Cheerleaders’ training sessions are starting again. See you every Wednesday from 2pm to 3:30pm at the elementary school in Gustavia. Enquiries 0690 73 16 07.

Les soins les plus divins.

The epidermologue methode to evaluate the skin's nutrition requirements".

4, RUE DU GÉNÉRAL DE GAULLE GUSTAVIA - TÉL. 0590 27 99 77 CHRIS SHOP - TÉL. 0590 27 59 40 - La Villa Créole - St Jean - De 10h à 13h et de 15h30 à 19h30.

© JP Piter



Salade de Lentilles – Lentil Salad


Brochettes de Crevettes – Shrimp Kebabs


Salade Verte et Rouge – Green Salad with Tomatoes


Filet de Poisson Vapeur – Steamed Fish Fillet


Salade VENTURA – Tomatoes and Basil


Poisson Grillé Entier – Whole Grilled Fish


Salade de Guadeloupe – Tomatoes and Mango


Cassolette de Langouste - Lobster Cassolette


Salade Végétarienne – Raw Vegetables and Fruits


Poulet Grillé – Grilled Chicken


Caesar Salade


Burger TAIWANA fait maison - home made


Tomates mozzarella di buffala


Brochettes de filet de Bœuf – Filet of beef Kebabs


Salade de Poulet – Chicken Salad


Salade de Langouste – Lobster Salad


Entrecôte Grillée – Grilled Entrecote 250 g - 9 oz 500 g - 18 oz

35€ 45€


ENTREES - STARTERS Pizza TAIWANA Ceviche et son mesclun Ceviche with mix lettuces leaves


Tarte au Citron – Lemon Tart



Brownie au Chocolat + boule de glace Chocolate Brownie + icecream

12€ 12€

Prosciutto di Parma Avec son assiette de melon + 9€


Glaces et Sorbets Maison Home Made Ice Cream & Sorbets

Foie gras maison - Home made foie gras




Assiette de fruits frais exotiques Fresh exotic fruits plate


Ananas Frais - Fresh Pineapple




Taiwana Hotel St Barth French West Indies - Tel. +590 590 298 008 Fax : +590 590 279 407 - www.hoteltaiwana.com

Aide à la personne et baby sitting :

L’informatique qui a le sourire!

Une équipe de professionnels à votre service

0690 55 76 50

Assistance aux personnes âgées et à mobilité réduite* Baby sitting à la demande*

Installation, Réparation, Formation Mac et PC, Internet, Réseaux, Solutions professionnelles.

* A l’heure ou au forfait

Pour tout renseignement : 0690 64 06 71 uraldesa@orange.fr

InForMatIonS LoCaLeS roaD traFFIC The traffic and parking conditions on part of road 209 in Saint Jean, between the airport gas station and the Neptune Centre going to Lorient are as follows: - Traffic goes in both directions, - Parking vehicles is forbidden on the right side of the road, except in specifically indicated areas and after "Kiki-é Mo-" according to the right of plot AP.75 until " Villa Creole " - Parking vehicles is prohibited on the left side of the road, except where specifically indicated. DenGee FeVer PreVentIon Simple daily habits are important for everyone’s health. In order to effectively fight against the proliferation of mosquitoes, we would like to remind you of how to stop them: Cover all water reservoirs, Avoid stagnant water in containers (cups, pots, buckets ...), Clean the gutters, Eliminate useless clutter, Change water in vases every week, Turn over dinghies and other small boats on the beach. Professionals (Construction managers, Villa managers, etc ...) and individuals, let’s act together!

roaD traFFIC II The junction between road 209 linking Saint-Jean to Lorient and the road linking Saint-Jean and Saline is made as a roundabout. Pursuant to road regulations, vehicles entering this roundabout must yield to vehicles involved in the junction (priority on the left). Speed is limited to 30 km / hour on a roundabout and for a 100-meter distance. There is a pedestrian crossing on road 209, before the roundabout, at the "The Villa Creole." SoLIDarIty St Barth / haItI Our Association, Law 1901, has existed since April 2010, although so far it has been quite discreet. However, she would like to thank all people who, directly or indirectly have helped the actions and continue to do so. Today, this article is a way to draw your attention on what is being done, and what must be done to help the poorest in Haiti. Each action being made is only a small piece for the construction of the great project of rebuilding the country, but it is important, even if it is small. Our actions focus on: - the completion of a well as drinking water supply for populations. - the construction of a small concrete building

with three classes to accommodate a hundred children. Our association wishes to support and transform this shelter into a permanent building so that children can work, learn how to read and write, in better conditions : This small building will cost about 7000 USD, equipment with benches and tables is about $ 600. Different operating expenses (income for teachers, lease of land) represent a cost of $ 2353 USD. But be aware that the goal of the Association is to offer a hot meal at least once a week to each child. However, given the different costs of this project we can only offer one sandwich to each child per week. This represent about $ 100 a week, or about $ 5200 USD per year. How you can help: If you wish to participate to the solidarity and sharing with the poor, you can: Join our association by becoming an active member of the association, and participate in its actions. Membership is € 30 / year; Make a donation. You can send your donations to the address below. Association "Solidarity Saint-Barth/Haiti" BP 231 97133 Saint-Barthélemy - Tel: 0690 39 81 78 - Thank you for supporting us, help us ... helping the poor.

Déshumidificateur et purificateur d’air naturel 100% charbon de bambou - Dure jusqu’à deux ans 100 % naturel - Inodore - Respectueux de l’environnement

100% bamboo charcoal Lasts up two years Fragrance free Non toxic Eco friendly Ventes aux hôtels et autres professionnels Sales to hotel and professionals

Ventes aux partiuliers Sales to individuals

Comptoir Commercial des Antilles SARL Petit Cul de Sac Tel : 06 90 47 18 03 / Fax : 05 90 29 75 11 Email : moso-bags@cca-fwi.com

Caraïbe Médical Services (C.M.S) Immeuble FINCA, Rue Jeanne d’Arc, Gustavia Tel : 06 90 75 41 45 / Fax : 05 90 29 66 51 Email: matignonfrancius@gmail.com

Nouvelle boutique à Marigot

L’adresse arts de la table - décoration - luminaires

Votre intérieur a désormais son adresse ! Venez découvrir nos collections de luminaires et vaisselle à des prix très doux…

Du lundi au samedi de 8h30 à 13h et de 16h à 20h Marigot (en face de Monoshop) - Tél. 0590 27 19 34

PLAT DU JOUR À 10€ Aujourd’hui :


Gnocchi "di patate" au gorgonzola et fondue de poireaux

carte !


Formule déjeuner :

1 plat du jour, 1 boisson, 1 café

SUR PLACE OU À EMPORTER Colombier - 0590 27 93 48

Rue Jeanne DArc - La Pointe - Gustavia - Tél. 0590 87 79 54 - Fermé le dimanche.

Michel et son équipe vous attendent pour déjeuner ou dîner au bord de la piscine.

Langouste fraîche du vivier Les 100 grs à 6,50€ FLAMANDS - RÉSERVATION 05 90 27 63 61

Ouvert tous les jours.


P R Ê T- À - P O R T E R H O M M E F E M M E

Aries : You need time to be alone. However, you must avoid completely cutting yourself off from those around you.

Leo: You are at your peak today, so make sure that you get to work on something that means a lot to you.

Sagittarius : Your natural advantages are shining today, so make the most of them! Don’t worry about playing fair.

taurus : You may have a tough time working as part of a team. If possible, tackle any projects you may have on your own.

Virgo : You will not be able to stand any constraint. You will have a lot of luck and happiness. You will feel good.

Capricorn : You can’t quite trust your instincts today, you’ve got to deal with what you’re sure that you know.

Gemini: Relax and let go today of all things, including ego and control. You may find that your energy is best spent.

Libra : You will have a lot of luck. Your feelings will be controlled, no passion. You will be in good health.

aquarius : Your profits increase and many of your financial goals will be met far earlier than you had anticipated.

Cancer : Your opinions are clear today, and others should know just where you stand on any issue.

Scorpio : You’re feeling carefree and fun loving. Life in general seems a little silly and even frivolous at the moment.

Pisces: See if you can get your people to give you the space you need to dream yourself into a better life.

La Saint Valentin à la Case St Barth, des idées cadeaux pour tous les amoureux ! Collection été 2012 Les sandales compensées à semelle de corde, qui font la jambe légère, légère… Gustavia (à coté de la Crêperie) 9h30 - 12h30 et 15h30 - 19h30 Tél. 0590 27 67 57

-20% sur

Delesse Aéroport Gustave III • Saint Jean • Tél. 0590 272 041 • Du lundi au dimanche de 9h à 17h30 non-stop.

Le Ti Zouk K’Fe r à partir de 19h Mercredi 8 févrie

Soley Live Music Show

Nouvelle carte à midi

Carte pizzas Fabriqués et vendus depuis 4 ans sur l'île Retrouvez le Ti-Zouk sur facebook ! Gustavia - La Pointe - Tél. 0590 27 90 60 Ouvert de 11h à 14h30 et de 18h à 23h. Fermé le lundi.

En vente chez JoJo, Marché U, Maison des plantes, MonoShop, Epicerie St Hélène et Epicerie de Corossol.



SOIRÉE AFTER WORK à partir de 20h sur le thème du



BAL GRAND MOUN à partir de 18h

Salle climatisée non-fumeur - Ouvert du jeudi au dimanche inclus - Tenue correcte exigée - Gustavia - La Pointe - 0690 40 96 11

Le Ti Zouk K’Fe Aujourd’hui midi - 10€

Poulet grillé Gustavia - La Pointe - Tél. 0590 27 90 60

CLaSSIFIeD aDS… Vends 20 équerres métal pour AV hauteur Anse des Cayes maiéchaffaudage couverture : son en 2 parties, 80 + 54 m2 sur terrain 1153 m2, jaccuzi, garage, 400€. Tél. 0690 59 01 84 pking, 2 citernes. Info mail à reaL eState centrealizessbh@yahoo.fr Restaurant Do Brazil rech. Rech. local à louer avec éleclogement proche Gustavia tricité et eau courante, min. pour son personnel. Etudions 30 m2, emplacement indiffétoutes propositions. Tél. 0690 rent. Tél. 0690 51 74 17. 19 09 45 ou xavier@dobraCouple, sérieux et référencé zil.com (cadres / CDI), cherche un Particulier cherche maison 2 logement 2 chambres à l’anou 3 chambres. Étudie toutes née. Tél. 05 90 52 90 02. propositions. Tél. 0690 37 20 Loue 130€/nuits, bungalows 10. de charme à SBH, pour 2 perCh. Jolie villa à louer sonnes, piscine, vue mer, kitjuillet/août pour couple en chenette, calme, climatisé … grandes vacances, 2 ch., clim, Tél. 0590 52 41 50 ou visible cette semaine. Tél. www.aucoeurcaraibe.com 0645 33 02 98. Part. vend hauteurs de A louer maison neuve, Anse Corossol terrain 1630 m2, des Cayes, 2 ch., 2 sdb, ter- vue sublime, permis batir rasse, vue mer, belle presta- villa 3 chbres, citerne, tertion, 2950€. Tél. 0690 54 85 rassement fini, 1,850 m€. 11. Tél. 0690 73 88 06 ou A louer au 01/04 appt séjour, wine-art-travelling@hotmail.fr cuisine, 1 ch., terrasse couv., JoB SeeKerS résidence avec piscine, Le Rocher à Public, 1 600€ HC. Prof de Maths certifié donne Destination St Barts Immobi- cours particuliers tous niveaux. Tél. 0590 27 73 42 ou lier, tél. 0690 73 26 06. A louer au 01/04 maison plein 0690 75 89 03. pied plage, 2 ch., 1 sdb, cuisine am./salon, terrasse, 3600€. tél. 0690 75 42 15. Couple sérieux avec emplois ch. studio à louer ou colocation. Tél. 0690 57 43 03. Urgent.

JoB oFFerS

Urgent! Le Bonito recherche 1 serveur et 1 chef de partie, exp. Haut de Gamme et anglais exigés! Tél. Nicolas au 0690 68 76 86.

Jicky Marine recrute Capitaine 200 Voile et Moteur français et anglais. Bonne présentation requise. Envoyer CV à info@jickymarine.com Restaurant l’Esprit de Saline rech. Chef de partie en CDD. Tél. 0690 30 50 53. Hôtel Eden Rock recrute Plongeuse 39 h / semaine. Merci d’envoyer votre CV par email ou de se présenter à l’Hôtel côté Cup’s. Société de location de véhicules recherche laveur livreur, permis B obligatoire, anglais serait un plus, pas sérieux s'abstenir ! Env. CV à europsbh@wanadoo.fr - Tél. 0590 27 74 34. Hôtel Eden Rock recrute équipier polyvalent 20h / sem. Envoyer CV par email ou de se présenter à l’Hôtel côté Cup’s. Tél. 0590 29 79 91. Mail : rh@edenrockhotel.com Boutique cherche vendeuse experimentée et motivée à plein temps, anglais indispensable. Tél. 0690 73 44 13. St-Barth Electronique rech. pour magasin Galeries du Commerce, 1 employé polyv., pour fonctions vendeur etmagasinier. Adresser cv et photo à sbe@sbh.fr ou déposer ces pièces à la caisse, ss pli fermé.

Jicky Marine ch. agent de marina, très bonnes connaissances bateaux et permis bateau, bonne présentation et angl. cour., CDI. Env. CV à info@jickymarine.com VehICULe SaLeS

AV Samuraï blanc, an 2003, CT et vignette OK, 30 000km, bâche et carosserie BE, 3000€ à déb. Tél. 0690 53 85 94. AV Suzuki Jimmy baché de 2004, CT OK, pneus et freins neufs, TBE, 3800€. Tél. 0590 87 49 73. Vends Smart, 700€. Tél. 0690 33 42 48. AV Tucson Hyundai 2005, CT OK, TBE mécanique, clim + 4/4, 6 900€, gris métallisé, 42000km. Tél. 0690 72 99 95. AV cause départ scooter Peugeot Sum Up 125, CT OK, 5500km, nov. 2010, 700€. Tél. 0690 23 46 37. AV Samourai pour pièces détachées, bâche, pneus, radiateur, démarreur, moteur, etc... 450€. Tél : 0590 29 33 41. naUtICaL

AV voilier Catamaran 9 m, visible sur corps mort à Corossol, 45 000€ à deb., rensgt et photos tél. 0690 61 97 97.

Tout pour votre s et grands, Costumes pour petit … accessoires, confettis


Du lundi au samedi de 9h-13h à 15h30-20h. - St Jean, à côté de Marché U. - Tél. 0590 87 07 12


Avec le Babou One, votre liaison rapide et confortable entre Gustavia et Marigot !

Encore plus de liaisons entre St Barth et Marigot, et en une heure seulement !

Horaires du lundi au dimanche :

Départs de Gustavia à 7h15, 12h et 16h45. Départ de Marigot à 8h45, 15h15 et 18h15. Horaires en vigueur au 1er février 2012.



40€ OFFRE SPÉCIALE L’aller et retour


* Offre valable du 1er au 29 février 2012 inclus. Les billets sont valables jusqu'au 30 avril 2012. Offre non cumulable avec d’autre promotion et réservée aux résidents.

Points de vente des bilets

A St Barthélemy: chez SBTT gare maritime Gustavia . A Saint Martin: Bellevue - Saint-Martin (0590- 296370) Port de Marigot - Saint-Martin (0690-227668)

Le News declines all responsability for advertisement content. Any total or partial reproduction is prohibited. Do not drop to the ground. RC 500 089 297 00013 - Dépôt légal à parution - ISSN :1289-0235 - Source A.F.P. - News online : news-sbh.com

Life has meaning only if one barters it day by day for something other than itself. Antoine de Saint-Exupery


Publication Director : Eric Mortier - Designer : Julie Berlizon - Commercial : 0590 879 239

Published and printed at 1.000 ex in English by SARL The Concierge, B.P. 636, 97099 St Barthélemy.

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