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Great Bay Express Votre Ferry entre St Barth et St Maarten ! Liaison rapide et confortable entre Philipsburg et Gustavia deux à trois fois par jour. Pont extérieur et pont climatisé.

0690 718 301 Tél. : 0590 879 239 - Fax 0590 29 54 70 - lenews@theconcierge.fr - www.news-sbh.com




aller-retour ! (Offre valable jusqu’au 29 février 2012).

Vendredi 10 février 2012 St Arnaud

n° 3884

COURS DE LA VEILLE 1.3284 $ pour 1€

Today’s Ocean temperature is:

26°c / 79°F


Time to jump into the water!

Le Carré d’Or - Gustavia Tél. 05 90 27 69 74


DaILy neWS… IPaD 3 reLeaSe to CoMe DayS aFter MarCh ShoWCaSe It is pretty obvious considering the history of many of Apple’s products that the iPad is shortly due to receive an upgrade. The current model was released last March, which came just under a year since the original model was released. Now reports are hinting that the iPad 3 release will come days after an early March showcase.Before it was suggested that Apple would be holding two events with one this month and another during March, and now it seems there will be no event during February. But according to an article over at All Things D, sources are claiming that Apple has penciled in an event for the first week in March to showcase the next iPad. It is being claimed that the event will be taking place in San Francisco, which could be at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts. This is the company’s preferred location for many of its big product announcements. While there is no actual date given for the device hitting retailers it is believed to be similar to the iPad 2, and available around a week or so after the launch event. The sources are claiming the device will have a similar form factor to the current model but with an improved display, faster processor, and an improved graphics processing unit. Earlier today we brought you the news that the iPad 3 may not feature a quad-core processor, but you would have thought whatever unit it has it will be quicker than the current version uses. Meanwhile some more perspective iPad 3 components may have come to light, as AppleInsider are reporting of an apparent leak of an LCD panel that is made by Sharp. It is being claimed the unit is the 9.7-inch Retina Display for the iPad 3.






- G USTAVIA H ARBOUR - T EL . 0590 29 74 09


SHe LL Be ACH Fashion show everyday - Tél. 0590 52 08 08 Facebook : sunday saint tropez



Vendredi 10 février - 10€ Crevettes farcies au crabe, riz thaï, gratin de courgettes

Plats du jour

Dimanche 12 février - 15€

à emporter midi et soir ou livrés sur Gustavia

Gigot d’agneau, flageolets au jus

La Pointe - Gustavia - Tél. 0690 55 93 49

InternatIonaL neWS… FInanCe-PUBLIC-DeBt-GreeCe-eU ATHENS: Greek leaders cobbled together a lastminute deal on austerity cuts, clearing the way for the eurozone to decide on a bailout package as unions called a new strike against the terms. antarCtICa-SCIenCe-enVIronMent MOSCOW: Russian scientists said a probe to a pristine lake deep under the ice of Antarctica could bring revelations on the evolution of the planet Earth and possibly even new life forms.

SPA PAYOT AU MANAPANY L’offre minceur de février :

Les 12 séances de LPG

300€ Hôtel Manapany - 0590 29 82 02

hUnGary-PoLItICS-MeDIa-eU BRUSSELS: The EU's executive arm voiced "grave concerns" over Hungary's controversial media laws, warning the threat of big fines for breaking the rules can lead to self-censorship. entertaInMent-GerMany-FILM-FeStIVaL BERLIN: Diane Kruger opened the 62nd Berlin film festival with "Farewell My Queen", an erotically and politically charged drama about a lovelorn Marie Antoinette on the eve of the French Revolution.

Cabillaud à la tapenade, riz aux légumes OU Salade de Lentilles, œuf poché et lardons

Aide à la personne et baby sitting : Une équipe de professionnels à votre service Assistance aux personnes âgées et à mobilité réduite* Baby sitting à la demande* * A l’heure ou au forfait

Restaurant sweet restaurant !

Pour tout renseignement : 0690 64 06 71 uraldesa@orange.fr

LoCaL neWS… reD CroSS SPeCIaL SaLeS Saturday February 11th from 9am to 1pm at the local situated 34 rue de la paix, Gustavia, (above old town hall). La PoInte en MoUVeMent The sixth show of LA POINTE EN MOUVEMENTdrum group - is expected this Sunday, February 12th on the following topic: "Mas-a-Roucou". Departure from the association’s office - Rue de la Paix in Gustavia (above the Tresorerie) at 6pm sharp. For more information: Henri 0690.453.502

Gustavia - 0590 27 53 20 Ouvert le soir du lundi au samedi.

prêt a porter homme et femme


sont arrivées chez GAAP !

Nouvelle marque de chaussures Sandales à talon - Bottines

St Jean, Les Mangliers proche de la poste (derrière la station service) 9h30 à 13h - 15h30 à 19h - Tél. 0590 52 43 93


s a l o n


Les Jardins de St Jean - 0590 27 69 16 Du mardi au samedi de 10h à 19h.

CaPoeIra CoUrSeS AJOE annouces the opening of capoeira courses for adults and children on Wednesday from 2pm to 5.30pm at the danse class in Lorient and on saturday from 2pm to 5pm at AJOE’s ‘plateau’. On-site inscriptions with Elie. SaInt Barth yaCht CLUB aSSoCIatIon On the occasion of the Carnival holidays, the association Saint Barth Yacht Club organizes sailing courses from Monday 20th to Friday, February 24th, 2012. Children will be welcomed from 9am to 11:30 am on optimist (from 7 to 9years old) and from 2pm to 4:30pm on RS Feva/optimist (from 11 years old). The price of the course for 5 half-days is 120 €. The price for the second training for members of the same family is € 100. Information by phone 05 90 27 70 41 and on-site registration at the sailing school in Public. FeBrUary hoLIDayS’ BaSKet traInInG SeSSIonS During the February vacation, Damien organizes basketball camps for girls and boys from 4 years-old from 9am to 12 at the primary school in Gustavia. Price € 15 / morning. On-site registration or call Damien 0690 39 86 22. SChooL enroLLMent: BaCK to SChooL: September 2012 The Schools Services would like to inform you that the enrollment for September 2012 for kindergarten and elementary schools in Gustavia will be held on: Thursday February 9th and Friday, February 10th, 2012 From 7.30am to 12pm Parents must come to the service’s office with the following documents: 2 recent ID pictures of the child, the health record of the child with mandatory vaccination to date, the family book or the child’s birth certificate of , an identity card of parents and children, proof of residence of less than six months (electricity bill, water, Telephone bill, etc.). - A certificate of cancellation for enrollment in elementary classes. It is reminded that the entries for the first kindergarten class only applies to children born in 2009. Informations : 0590 29 80 40.

reD CroSS The Red Cross organizes, every Tuesday morning, sales of clothing and miscellaneous items. The proceeds of this sales is intended to finance various projects in the hospital field. We invite individuals and stores to participate. You will be part, along with the Delegation of Saint-Barthélemy,of a large chain of solidarity. If you have clothing, linen and other clean and in good condition, please bring them to the "Croix Rouge, 34 Rue de la Paix Gustavia" above the old town hall or call 0690 71 91 21. « eLeCtrICaL hoMoLoGatIon » CoUrSe Since July 1st 2011, the electrical homologation went from a recommended to a mandatory status for all workers involved in electrical installations. Workers who are already homologated benefit from a recycling. To this end, the C.E.M. (Economic and multi-professional Chamber) offers two "electrical homologation" training sessions for a period of 14 hours each, to be held at its premises located rue du Roi Oscar II in Gustavia: "Electrical homologation Electrician Staff" = Monday, February 27th and Tuesday, February 28th, 2012 from 8am " Electrical homologation - Non electrician (*)" = Wednesday, February 29th and Thursday March 1st from 8am. Information and registration (limited number of people) at the CEM’s Training Department (Christine): 0590.27.12.55 (*) As a reminder, non electrician staff means: people making small electrical interventions (replacement of fuses, lamps, cleaning ...) or non-electrical work (painting, masonry, gardening work surrounding conductor or electrical rooms ...), cleaning agents, guardians for apartments or villas, villa maintenance .. notICe to CLIentS oF the Port For the security of our clients, there are certain practises that should be respected in order to avoid serious accidents : - It is considered very dangerous to drop passengers off from dinghies at Saline, Gouverneur, Flamands and Grand Galet beaches. - Anchoring in the bay of Saint-Jean is limited. Anchoring in the same axis as the airport is strictly forbidden at all times. The use of jet skis and scooters is forbidden within 300 meters (1000 feet) of the beach, the coastline, and within all zones of the Marine Park. - Maneuvering dinghies in the various bays around the island should be done carefully and in consideration of the swimmers. - All anchoring, at night and during the day, is forbidden in the acces chanel of the port. Please respect the speed limit of 3 knots when entering the port, and listen carefully to chanel VHF 16 (security messages). - The port office can be reached on VHF channel 12, every day from 7am to 6pm. We hope we can count on your cooperation and sense of civic spirit. For more information: www.portdegustavia.fr Le Directeur du Port, E.BRIN.



Casques Monsterbeats by Dr Dré

The first whales arrive in St Barth's waters, the first observations were reported on January 6th and 7th 2012. If you are lucky to observe whales, call the Nature Reserve on the cell phone to give their number, their position and their direction. Your data allow their protection. Thanks to the gardener Gary and to the crew of the Motor Yacht "JO » which diverted and reports us observations of whales and dolphins around St Barth.

Merlin falcon

Girls, you gonna love it… Karl Questel, ranger of the Nature Reserve and enthusiast of the nature discovered a new sort of endemic Solifuge to St Barthélemy. This arachnid was officially described in an international scientific journal, what officializes its existence and Karl's paternity. Congratulations to him and welcome to Ammotrechella Beatriceae !

Camera Go Pro HD 2 et accessoires

Aquanote MP3 étanche

Montres Avalanche Série Alpha

The ornithologist Gilles Leblond observed for the first time a merlin falcon in St Barth. This falcon is strictly protected on the French territory, it feeds on small birds, from insects to small mammals. It is the compact bird of prey which hunts from a hide, perched on a cliff or a tree, it dashes shaves clod to capture its preys which are set by surprise.

The treasure of seaweeds

Radio internet : plus de 11 000 radios mondiales

Xsories blackbox Rangement pour Camera GOPRO

Beach Speaker Bag Brancher votre Ipod, Iphone et MP3 et écoutez

3 BlueRay = 50€ 5 DVD = 50€ 5 CD = 50€ Espace Neptune - St Jean - Tél. 0590 27 52 05 Ouvert de 10h à 12h30 et de 15h30 à 19h.

Loulou Magras from Corossol was interested in what he could indeed have there in these famous sargassum, these seaweeds which hide numerous young species (tortoises, fishes, shellfishes) and transport in particular vegetable seeds (grapes the seaside, the mangroves). Miracle! He discovers some alevins of eels better known in Europe under the name of Elvers. These alevins migrate from Sargasso Sea to the

European coast where they go swim up the rivers to settle down finally in ponds, puddles, ditches. Eels do then the inverse route at the end of ten years at the approach of their sexual maturity, they get down again the same rivers and return to Sargasso Sea by the depths of the ocean to reproduce there. This year, the currents decided to bring down these seaweeds towards the Antilles and it is in Corossol that these alevins were discovered. But why so much emotion? Elvers are very popular in Europe where they constitute a delicious meal. It needs 2900 alevins to be one kilo which costs between 200 and 1000 euro! Of course, fishing is very supervised in Europe because elvers are fragile and threatened, but it is a beautiful Christmas present for this resident of St Barth.

Join us on Facebook : Réserve Naturelle St Barth Thanks to all the volunteers who are calling the Réserve Naturelle, They are our local observation network ! Emergency cell : 0690 31 70 73

PLAT DU JOUR À 10€ Aujourd’hui :


Tartare de thon et daurade à la coriandre fraiche, riz thaï

carte !


Formule déjeuner :

1 plat du jour, 1 boisson, 1 café

SUR PLACE OU À EMPORTER Colombier - 0590 27 93 48

Rue Jeanne DArc - La Pointe - Gustavia - Tél. 0590 87 79 54 - Fermé le dimanche.

A découvrir… Crème hyaluronique Masque hyaluronique - Booster collagène

Avant Après 100% de satisfaction*




Joyeuse Saint Valentin

(* Après le 1 er traitement).

Pour tout renseignement : 0590 275 946 35 rue de la République, Gustavia www.venusbeautyspa.com R U E D E F R A N C E - G U S TAV I A - D E 9 H 3 0 À 2 0 H .

horoSCoPe Aries : Don’t think to much on past mistakes, remember that it is the future that holds the key to your personal happiness.

Leo: It’s a good time for introspection your energy is dwindling, Close the door, find a quiet place and reflect.

Sagittarius : If you’ve been seeking answers to questions, you may find this is the time some of the answers.

taurus : Your life is blossoming like an early spring. Make sure that your people are ready to stand by your side.

Virgo : It's looking good in your emotional sphere. The single hearts can come accross a true serious relationship.

Capricorn : Daring, you will find the necessary amount of willpower and energy to push yourself forward.

Gemini: You are being influenced by the Sun and many planets, which will lead you to experience of great success.

Libra : Something new on the horizon ! You will get back that wonderful motivation you were lacking for so long.

aquarius : Just another day where you need to escape. A trip could give some depth to a sentimental relationship.

Cancer : You’ve got a pretty sizable task list! Make sure that you find some new way to keep track of things, too.

Scorpio : You will get through the day easily helped by a good physical form and a very strong mental attitude.

Pisces: The Planets will be very kind to you, giving you great charisma that will not leave many people indifferent.

Joyeux anniversaire Mamie Mimi Love, Aaron

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Breakfast package

✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

1 newspaper 2 croissants 2 pains au chocolat 1 baguette


Delivery included.

Please Order your favorite newspaper before 6pm and get it delivered the next day!

Cell 0690 49 43 55 - Tél. 0590 87 92 39 Fax 0590 29 54 70 - eric@theconcierge.fr

CONÇUS AVEC LE CŒUR 0590 51 15 60 - Aéroport Gustave III Du lundi au samedi de 9h30 à 17h non-stop, et le dimanche de 9h30 à 13h30.

Rue de la République Gustavia Tél. 0590 27 72 48

Tonight ! Live Music at "Le Repaire" Friday 10 at 7:30 -10 pm


GEMMA GENAZZANO & JOE SCOTT Cocktail or Dinner • Chill Out Music Reservation recommended. Carte habituelle + suggestions.

Salle Climatisée - Service continu de 12h à 22h30 -

Ouvert 7j/7 même le dimanche !

Le Ti Zouk K’Fe Aujourd’hui midi - 10€

Daurade grillée sauce chien Gustavia - La Pointe - Tél. 0590 27 90 60


Vends 20 équerres métal pour échaffaudage couverture : 400€. Tél. 0690 59 01 84 reaL eState

JF- non-fumeuse, travaillant sur l'île, cherche petit studio ou chambre en colocation. Tél. 0690 88 45 99. Restaurant Do Brazil rech. logement proche Gustavia pour son personnel. Etudions toutes propositions. Tél. 0690 19 09 45 ou xavier@dobrazil.com Particulier cherche maison 2 ou 3 chambres. Étudie toutes propositions. Tél. 0690 37 20 10. Ch. Jolie villa à louer pour juillet/août couple en grandes vacances, 2 ch., clim, visible cette semaine. Tél. 0645 33 02 98. A louer maison neuve, Anse des Cayes, 2 ch., 2 sdb, terrasse, vue mer, belle prestation, 2950€. Tél. 0690 54 85 11.

Couple, sérieux et référencé (cadres / CDI), cherche un logement 2 chambres à l’année. Tél. 05 90 52 90 02. Loue 130€/nuits, bungalows de charme à SBH, pour 2 personnes, piscine, vue mer, kitchenette, calme, climatisé … Tél. 0590 52 41 50 ou www.aucoeurcaraibe.com JoB SeeKerS

Prof de Maths certifié donne cours particuliers tous niveaux. Tél. 0590 27 73 42 ou 0690 75 89 03. JoB oFFerS

Blackswan cherche vendeuse expérimentée et dynamique, disponible les week-end. Tél. 0690 49 56 08. Urgent ! Le Bonito recherche 1 serveur et 1 chef de partie, exp. Haut de Gamme et anglais exigés ! Tél. Nicolas au 0690 68 76 86.

Jicky Marine recrute Capitaine 200 Voile et Moteur français et anglais. Bonne présentation requise. Envoyer info@jickyCV à marine.com Restaurant l’Esprit de Saline rech. Chef de partie en CDD. Tél. 0690 30 50 53. Hôtel Eden Rock recrute Plongeuse 39 h / semaine. Merci d’envoyer votre CV par email ou de se présenter à l’Hôtel côté Cup’s. Société de location de véhicules recherche laveur - livreur, permis B obligatoire, anglais serait un plus, pas sérieux s'abstenir! Env. CV à europsbh@wanadoo.fr - Tél. 0590 27 74 34. St-Barth Electronique rech. pour magasin Galeries du Commerce, 1 employé polyv., pour fonctions vendeur etmagasinier. Adresser cv et photo à sbe@sbh.fr ou déposer ces pièces à la caisse, ss pli fermé.

VAGUE DE FROID par Rémy-Laurent Kraft

Quat’Pattes Toilettage à domicile Colliers antiparasitaires et accessoires à petit prix

Sophie sur RDV 0690 65 21 27

Votre Professionnel pour Particuliers et Entreprises PC et MAC Installation - Réparation - Maintenance - Cours Vente et arrivage régulier de matériel Forfait déplacement-main d’œuvre à petits prix !

Cédric GREAUX – 0690.65.23.42 cedric.informatique971@gmail.com

Jicky Marine ch. agent de marina, très bonnes connaissances bateaux et permis bateau, bonne présentation et angl. cour., CDI. Env. CV à info@jickymarine.com VehICULe SaLeS

AV Vitara automatique 1998 - bachée pour pièces détachées - état de marche. Tél. 0690 57 86 54. AV Samuraï blanc, an 2003, CT et vignette OK, 30 000km, bâche et carosserie BE, 3000€ à déb. Tél. 0690 53 85 94. AV Suzuki Jimmy baché de 2004, CT OK, pneus et freins neufs, TBE, 3800€. Tél. 0590 87 49 73. Vends Smart, 700€. Tél. 0690 33 42 48. AV Samourai pour pièces détachées, bâche, radiateur, pneus, démarreur, moteur, etc... 450€. Tél : 0590 29 33 41. naUtICaL

AV voilier Catamaran 9 m, visible sur corps mort à Corossol, 45 000€ à deb., rensgt et photos tél. 0690 61 97 97.



Ladies’ Night une coupe de champagne offerte à toutes les PinUp* * L’abus d’alcool est dangereux pour la santé. A consommer avec modération.

Salle climatisée non-fumeur - Ouvert du jeudi au dimanche - Tenue correcte exigée - Gustavia - La Pointe - 0690 40 96 11

Venez découvrir nos

Des classiques aux spéciaux : Hamburger, Double Cheese Burger, Bacon Burger, Pepper Burger, Savoyard Burger, Deluxe Burger…

chés Steaks ha ITÉ UAL 100% Q virons 175 g en

Et toujours nos pizzas cuites au feu de bois ! le domici Livraison àde de 25€ minimum) (pour une comman

La Saintoise - Corossol Tél. 0590 27 68 70 Pizzas du lundi au dimanche de 18h à 22h. Burgers du mardi au dimanche de 18h à 22h.

Le News declines all responsability for advertisement content. Any total or partial reproduction is prohibited. Do not drop to the ground. RC 500 089 297 00013 - Dépôt légal à parution - ISSN :1289-0235 - Source A.F.P. - News online : news-sbh.com

The fact that life has no meaning is a reason to live moreover, the only one. E. M. Cioran


Publication Director : Eric Mortier - Designer : Julie Berlizon - Commercial : 0590 879 239

Published and printed at 1.000 ex in English by SARL The Concierge, B.P. 636, 97099 St Barthélemy.

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