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Great Bay Express Votre Ferry entre St Barth et St Maarten ! Liaison rapide et confortable entre Philipsburg et Gustavia deux à trois fois par jour. Pont extérieur et pont climatisé.

0690 718 301 Tél. : 0590 879 239 - Fax 0590 29 54 70 - lenews@theconcierge.fr - www.news-sbh.com




aller-retour ! (Offre valable jusqu’au 29 février 2012).

thursday February 16th 2012 St Julienne


ALUMINIUM Menuiserie aluminium

n° 3889’

COURS DE LA VEILLE 1.3065 $ pour 1€


Tél. / fax 0590 29 17 43 - Anse des Cayes contact@sbhalu.com

Le Carré d’Or - Gustavia Tél. 05 90 27 69 74

DaILy newS… Sao PaULo CarnIVaL to honor ForMer PreSIDent LULa A Brazilian samba school will pay tribute to hugely popular former president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva with a Carnival parade Saturday extolling his life of struggle and overcoming the odds. Lula, 66, who is currently undergoing radiation therapy for larynx cancer, will be honored by "Gavioes da Fiel," the samba school of the Corinthians, the local soccer team of which he is a die-hard fan. "Gavioes" (the hawks) will bring to the Anhembi sambadrome (in northern Sao Paulo) the life story of the former president who was born into poverty in Brazil's arid northeast but rose to lead the nation. The former metal worker and labor activist stepped down with a soaring 80 percent approval rating, after serving two consecutive terms from January 2003 to December 2010. "We will speak of Lula who resembles the people. (To show) that any citizen can accomplish what he did. All you need is to show perseverance, determination, to study a lot and stick to your goals," Delmo de Moraes, the director of the samba school told AFP. Some 3,900 members of the school will tell the story of "a Brazilian and Corinthians icon," said the soccer team, which will present a samba song entitled "You will see that a faithful son does not run away for the struggle. Lula, a portrait of a nation." Corinthians fans point to the social welfare programs created by Lula that helped pull 29 million Brazilians out of poverty. A tribute will also be paid to the mothers of Brazil's northeast symbolized by Lula's mother, "Dona Lindu", an illiterate but determined woman who emigrated with her children to Sao Paulo and raised them alone. "The secret of Lula's charisma is the humility he exudes. He is a man of the people. And as he is from the people, he is ours," de Moraes said.

Le bê te à z’ a ile s

Sushi bar &restaurant MIC HAEL’S SUGGESTIONS

vous présente sa nouvelle collection de


Tél. 0590 27 52 16 - 10h-13h - 16h-19h30

New " Non Sushi " Menu / Home Made Deserts Nouvelle Carte De Suggestions / Desserts Maison WWW.BAZBAR.COM

- GUSTAVIA HARBOUR - TEL. 0590 29 74 09

InternatIonaL newS… ItaLy-ShIPPInG-toUrISM-DISaSter An Italian consumer group formally requested that the operator of the Costa Concordia cruise ship which crashed last month with the loss of 32 lives should be held criminally accountable. SwItZerLanD-reSearCh-SPaCe-SCIenCe GENEVA: Swiss scientists announced plans to develop a machine that acts almost like a vacuum cleaner to scoop up thousands of abandoned satellite and rocket parts, cleaning up outer space.

PrInCe wILLIaM anD Kate BarBIe DoLLS to hIt the SheLVeS Most newlyweds have to make do with photos to immortalise the moment they say "I do". But Prince William and his wife Catherine will have their special day captured forever -- in Barbie doll form. "Available in April timed to their one year wedding anniversary, the gift set features the two wearing outfits inspired by their regal wedding day attire," said a spokesman for Barbie-maker Mattel.



L’offre minceur de février :


Les 12 séances de LPG

Open for Lunch tous les jours sauf mercredi.


sur place ou à emporter

Hôtel Manapany - 0590 29 82 02

Grand Cul de Sac - Tél : 0590 29 85 71

Pizzas le soir,


ON THE BEACH A magic feel of Italy in St Barth This year Pascal Ramette is very proud to welcome you in This new location right on the Ocean at Hotel Manapany where he will take you to a fantastic voyage to the South of Italy.

Come and visit Estelle’s Boutique every day from 11 am to 2 pm and from 6 pm to 11 pm

Le Nostre Paste fatte in casa… I Ravioli al Tartufo Homemade ravioli filled with truffle and ricotta cheese

I Tortelloni di Prosciutto Homemade tortelloni filled with Parma ham. Served with Parmesan cream and roasted pine nuts. Drizzled with balsamic vinegar reduction

I Paccheri all’Aragosta e la sua Bisque Paccheri from Gragnano with fresh local lobster and its bisque, served in a cherry tomatoes sauce

Gli Spaghetti alla Carbonara di Mazzancolle Spaghetti with king prawns in a lobster carbonara

Il Risotto alla Milanese The Classical

Penne Pacri Thinly sliced beef and ham flambee, cherry tomatoes with a touch of cream and parmesan

Per cominciare…

Gli Gnocchi al Pomodoro Fresco, Timo e pecorino Homemade potato gnocchi with fresh cherry tomatoes sauce, pecorino romano and thyme

La Robiola e la Cipolla Rossa Robiola delle Langhe, Red Onion Compote with a touch of Balsamic vinegar

Dal Mare e dalla Terra…

La Bufala e il San daniele

Il Fritto dell’Adriatico

Buffalo Mozzarella imported from Naples with San Daniele raw ham

Deep fried king prawns and calamari in the traditional Adriatic way

La Lasagna di Granchio e Pomodoro

Il Wahoo con il Finocchio

Chicken salad with rimoulade of apple and nuts

Local fresh caught Wahoo seared and roasted, served with Fennel three ways: puree, tempura and aioli

La Burrata alla Caprese Authentic Burrata from Puglia with a salad of cherry tomatoes and basil

Il Tonno alla Plancha

L’Insalata Tricolore

Grilled steak of red tuna with taggiasche olives tapenade, served with roasted shallots and grilled green onions

Rocket salad, Mesclun, Tomatoes and Shavings of Parmigiano

La Tartare di Tonno Tartar of red Tuna, diced cucumbers, confit tomatoes and basil

Il carpaccio Local white fish seasoned with lime zests, topped with icy green apple

Il Vitello Tonnato

La Costoletta alla Milanese Veal chop with its bone, breaded Italian style and shallow fried in butter. Served with roasted rosemary potatoes

La Tagliata al Fior di Sale ed Erbe Profumate Beef Tagliata on the grill with aromatic herbs, served with layered roasted potatoes`

Thinly sliced roasted veal with home made tuna and capers sauce

Il Filetto di Manzo, la gremolada e le Cipolle

La Parmigiana

Beef Tenderloin pan seared and roasted, served with gremolada sauce, grilled green onions and red onions sweet&sour marmelade

Grandma’s famous roasted layered eggplant

Open everyday for lunch and dinner right on the ocean - Reservations : 0590 27 66 55 - Email : pacrisbh@orange.fr

LoCaL newS… Navarin d'Agneau OU Quiche Tomate, Chèvre et Basilic

Vacances de Carnaval Véronique vous attend du lundi au samedi de 9h à 12h et de 14h à 18h Réservations au 0590 29 10 82


Learn French ! Apprenez l'anglais ! Et aussi le Russe, l’Espagnol, le Portugais/Brésilien, l’Allemand et le Suédois…

CarnIVaL SChooLS’ ParaDe On Friday, February 17th, 2012 The President of the Collectivity would like to inform all visitors and inhabitants of Gustavia, road users and articipants in the events of the Schools’ Carnival, that special measures have been taken to ensure safety of the parade to be held on Friday, February 17th, 2012. It is organized as follows: Meeting will be around the school and preschool in Gustavia, The parade will start at 2pm The parade will successively take place in the following streets: Rue de la Plage (for Gustavia’s kindergarten) à rue de l’Eglise (for Gustavia’s primary school and Lorient’s school) à rue Victor Hugo à rue Samuel Fahlberg à rue Adrien Questel (for the return of Gustavia’s preschool) à rue du Bord de Mer à Quai Général de Gaulle (Lorient school’s place for the celebrations) à rues du Bord de Mer and Adrien Questel (return of Gustavia’s primary school). It is strongly requested to parents and other users do not use these routes with their vehicles, to limit their movements and to refer to the guidelines that are issued by the territorial law and those which will be given by the police officers present on the circuit. Parking is recommended in the adjacent streets and parking areas not used by the parade and especially at the entrances of Gustavia and in La Pointe. All users coming from the preschool or from the beach of Grand Gallet "Shell Beach" will absolutely have to take the street des Normands, then the street Lubin Brin going down from the Prefecture, for getting downtown. Your ability to circulate will depend on your understanding. The President, Bruno Magras. SaInt Barth tennIS CLUB The St Barth Tennis Club organizes a tennis training session during the Carnival holidays from Monday, February 20th to Friday, February 24th, 2012 from 9am to 12pm, lunch included. Registration form available at the St Barth Tennis Club Office, open from 4:30pm to 8pm, Monday to Saturday. Tel / Fax: 0590 277 981 or Cell: 751 523 0690.

• Cours de langues sur mesure • Professionnels et particuliers (Formation pro remboursées DIF) • Enfants: scolaires et initiation • Traductions assermentées • Interpretariat

rIDerS oF GaLoPS DeS ILeS on the PoDIUM In St. Barths, riders are talented and are coming back to prove it at the " Championnat des sauts d’obstacle”( Jumping Championship)" which took place this weekend in Guadeloupe, attended by many competitors. Marie Miossec brilliantly arrived first and Manon Miot second. Mathys Blanchard, unfortunate this time, still got the 28th position .... Riders, "coached" by their instructor Aurélie de Vos, are expected for the fifth round of the championship to be held on March 11th 2012. traFFIC anD ParKInG In GUStaVIa For the SChooLS’ CarnIVaL On Friday, February 17th, 2011 from 1:30pm to 4:30pm, traffic and parking will be severely disrupted in the town of Gustavia because the schools’ carnival parade to be held between the primary school and the dock of General de Gaulle. It will use the following streets: Rue de la Plage, rue de l’Eglise, rue Victor Hugo, rue Samuel Falbherg (beetween rue Victor Hugo et rue du Bord de Mer), rue Adrien Questel et rue du Bord de Mer. Parking will be prohibited from 1:30pm to 4:30pm on both sides of the streets named above. Some streets and roads will partly be closed to traffic from 1.30pm to 5 pm with removable guardrails. It is strongly recommended that drivers traveling to the event park their vehicles at the entrances of Gustavia and in La Pointe.

★ ★ ★ ★


Blue Spa Package

par personne 45€

Déjeuner (hors boissons) + accès à la zone hydro Lunch (beverage not included) + acces to the hydro zone

Massage and Lounge Package

par personne 95€

Déjeuner (hors boissons) + massage relaxant Carl Gustaf (50 mn) Lunch (beverage not included) + Carl Gustaf relaxing massage (50 mn)

Thierry Pierre Liot

Hypnothérapeute diplômé de l’Institut Français d’Hypnose Eriksonienne

Cabinet à Marigot - Sur rendez-vous. Tél. 0690 25 44 95

VoLLeyBaLL toUrnaMent On Saturday, February 18th The Ouanalao beach club would like to invite you to a beach volleyball tournament, open to all ages, members or not, this Saturday, February 18th from 6:30 on the beach volleyball court in Saint-Jean. Price: € 5 per team. Bar and snacks. Information: 0690 73 16 07.


CIL - Immeuble Lafayette - Gustavia 0690 61 37 60 / 0590 27 13 01 www.cil-stbarth.com

L'hypnose peut vous aider: motivation, définition d'objectif, mal-être, tabagisme, ect..

VoLLeyBaLL GeneraL aSSeMBLy The Volleybal District Committee in St. Barths would like to invite you to a general meeting to be held on Tuesday, February 28th, 2012 at 6pm at the beach volleyball court in Saint-Jean. Agenda: renewal of the office committee and other matters.

Prestige Carita Package

par personne 135€

Déjeuner (hors boissons) + soin visage Carita 90 mn Lunch (beverage not included) + facial by Carita (90 mn)

Romantic Night Package Tél. 0590 29 79 00 www.hotelcarlgustaf.com reception@hotelcarlgustaf.com

par personne 450€

Massage couple «Tête à tête» (50 mn) + 2 coupes de champagne + dîner servi accompagné d’une bouteille de champagne rosé Couple massage «Tête à tête» (50 mn) + 2 glasses of champagne + dinner with a bottle of rose champagne


© Xavier Merchet-Thau

Nouvelle Collection PETITES ROBES D E C OTO N B L A N C

Pélican Beach - St Jean (near Nikki Beach). Horaires : du lundi au samedi de 10h à 19h et le dimanche de 12h à 19h. Tél. 05 90 52 08 82.







Bonito latino ! Latin Music by DJ Pauleen tonight at 8 pm !

Bonito Cocktails Bar Discover the

with Special Tiki Cocktails by Mixologist Jérôme Gustavia Tél. 0590 27 96 96 Réservation recommandée. Visit our website : www.ilovebonito.com



Aujourd’hui :

SUR PLACE OU À EMPORTER Colombier - 0590 27 93 48


Bavette grillée, créme d'échalotes, frites et salade verte

Automatisation et fabrication de portails Visionnez vos caméras de surveillance depuis votre Iphone ou ordinateur partout dans le monde.

Le N°1 de l’automatisme - Guillaume : 0690 64 11 26


Eddy vous propose : Ses Ragoûts… Sa Fricassée de Lambis… Son Tourment d’Amour… Saline Beach - Fermé le lundi. Réservation conseillée : 0590 52 46 05 De 12h à 15h30 et de 19h à 22h.


Choisissez parmi les formules So Cuisine, ou composez vous-même votre menu sur

www.socuisine.net LIVRAISON À DOMICILE

Merci de passer votre commande avant 14h.

Tél. 0690 67 82 88




Aries : Besides the difficulties you are facing in your personal sphere, your professional life should be fairly calm today.

Leo: If you are in a relationship and not 100% faithful to your partner, be wary of anything coming your way.

Sagittarius : This looks like the right time to refresh that smile of yours and give it a shine. Come on, get going!

taurus : You won't prove to be extremely manageable at work, and this is especially true if you have your own business.

Virgo : This is your chance to unload of some of these belongings that act only as anchors on your otherwise free spirit.

Capricorn : You may begin to look inside yourself in an effort to understand the clockwork of your mind and emotions.

Gemini: At times you will be too direct and slightly nervous. Try to calm down and put things into perspective.

Libra : A few emotional upsets can be instrumental in giving you a deeper understanding of the spiritual side of your life.

aquarius : You could feel tired and stressed. Hardly surprising with the way the Stars are treating you today!

Cancer : Do what you can to be supportive of your spouse’s efforts;all this good will may come back to you.

Scorpio : However nothing to mention about your vitality and morale which will both be excellent without doubt!

Pisces: Very original and borderline extravagant, your creativity and vitality will definitely make you stand out today.

Rue de la République Gustavia Tél. 0590 27 72 48

Tous les jeudi, soirée

Tous les jours

Moules marinières Plat du jour 16 Suggestions frites maison à partir de 20

TU ES D AY - S ATU RD AY 1 0 - 14 H / 16 - 19 H

22€ Salle Climatisée - Service continu de 12h à 22h30 -

Ouvert 7j/7 Même le dimanche !

Le Ti Zouk K’Fe Aujourd’hui midi - 10€

Rôti de veau farci Gustavia - La Pointe - Tél. 0590 27 90 60

Depuis 20 ans à votre service !

Cel. 0690 63 76 97 Stores extérieurs et intérieurs Toiles sur mesure - Voiles d’ombrage Bâches PVC blanc, couleur et transparent Luminaires Luce Plan - Matelas

Equipez vos baies ou terrasses de moustiquaires plissées ! - Système révolutionnaire - Esthétique - Passage totalement préservé - Pas de rail au sol - Garantie 2 ans

DEVIS GRATUIT - 0690 63 76 97 Visible sur rendez-vous ou du lundi au vendredi de 17h à 18h30 et le samedi de 10h à 12h.

Anse des Cayes Place de l'anse des cayes (à côté de DAWA) Tél. 0590 27 67 78 - Fax : 0590 27 68 15


Formule - 9€

CLaSSIFIeD aDS… Perdu Grand sac noir besace Nike le 14 fév. entre Flamand et St Jean. Recompense si retrouvé. Tél. 0690 59 02 34. AV 20 équerres métal pour échaffaudage couverture : 400€. Tél. 0690 59 01 84. reaL eState

Loue 130€/nuits, bungalows de charme à SBH, pour 2 personnes, piscine, vue mer, kitchenette, calme, climatisé Tél. 0590 52 41 50 ou www.aucoeurcaraibe.com A louer : Appartement 1 ch, salon, se, cuisine-sejour, terrasse : 1400 € + charges. Agence CMI, tél. 0590 27 80 88 de 9h à 12h. A louer : appartement 2 ch, sb, sejour-cuisine, terrasse: 1700 € + charges 250 €. Agence CMI: 05 90 27 80 88 de 9 h à 12 h. Loue 80€ / nuit, Gde chambre indépendante + SDB, Piscine, Calme, belle vue, VITET du 26/03 au 13/04 + Mai et Juin. 06 90 72 08 79.

JF non-fumeuse, travaillant sur l'île, cherche petit studio ou chambre en colocation. Tél. 0690 88 45 99. JoB SeeKerS

Aide soignante diplômée d'état, disponible J & N, ch. personne ayant besoin d'une aide à domicile. Tél. 0690 40 51 07. Particulier rech. prof pour cours soutien en angl., franc., maths et esp 3h/ jour matin ou apm du 27/02 au 8/03. Niveau 2nd. 0690 62 98 86. JoB oFFerS

Hôtel 4* rech. personne pour service petit déjeuner et déjeuner parlant anglais, poste à pourvoir fin février. Tél. 0590 27 66 55. Ch. vendeuse de préférence expérimentée, bilingue français / anglais, libre de suite. Tél. 0590 27 76 25. Hotel St-Barth Isle de France rech. chef de rang confirmé, anglais obligatoire , se présenter au restaurant avec CV, demander Fréderic ou Jérome. Restaurant le Bagatelle ch. 1 barman et 1 chef de rang. Se présenter sur place, demander Nicolas ou tél. 0690 51 51 59.

Gustavia - La Pointe

Plat du jour + boisson + dessert

Cel. 0690 800 994

De 11h à 22h30 - Fermé le dimanche

Offre découverte résident Technologie breveté et exclusive Mise en beauté (30 min) 70€ 40€ Soin complet visage (60min) 120€ 65€

RDV Tél. 0690 77 43 77

Le Sereno cherche Reservation/Réceptionniste/Night/ch auffeur. Contacter Julie : receptionmgr@ lesereno.com American Gourmet ch. empl. polyv. gestion stock, mis en ray. angl. & tenue cor. exigé. yachtprovisioning @hotmail.com Hotel St Barth Isle de France recherche Valet de Chambre, à temps plein, avec permis de conduire. Se présenter à la réception de l’hôtel pour déposer CV. Pas sérieux s’abstenir. La Petite Colombe recherche Vendeuses (rs), anglais serait un plus. Tél. 0690 65 84 30 ou 0690 65 61 41. VehICULe SaLeS

AV Grand Vitara V6, année 2003, bon état, CT ok, 5800€. Tél. 0690 73 73 57. AV Pick- up Mitsubishi, L200, 4WD, bon état général, CT OK, 3800€. Tél. 0690 35 98 61. AV quad 300 Sym, 2 ans, 7000km, 3000€. Tél. 0690 33 30 68.

AV Vitara automatique 1998 - bachée pour pièces détachées - état de marche. Tél. 0690 57 86 54. AV Samourai pour pièces détachées, bâche, pneus, radiateur, démarreur, moteur, etc... 450€. Tél : 0590 29 33 41. naUtISCaL

AV 2 moteurs hor-bord injection Yamaha, 225 cv, 1000€. Tél. 0690 49 23 64. AV 2 winches Lewmar 46ST neufs : 1.700€; Av ou échange mot Honda 10CV pour plus léger, tel 0690 57 39 50. AV voilier Catamaran 9 m, visible sur corps mort à Corossol, 45 000€ à deb., rensgt et photos tél. 0690 61 97 97. MISC. SaLeS

AV 5 jeux de Playstation 2, 100€ le lot. Tél. 0690 55 62 26. AV sofa, lit, table, chaises et beaucoup d'autres choses à bon prix, état neuf. Tél. 0690 77 27 77. flkarin7@aol.com Recherche lave linge d'occasion, faire proposition. Tél. 0690 35 10 11.

Le Ti Zouk K’Fe à partir de 19h Jeudi 16 février




Latino Party

À partir du jeudi 16 février

DJ Pana Show ! ana Salsa Avec la participation de Ti Ou Carte habituelle + pizzas

Rue Schoëlcher - Gustavia - La Pointe Tél. 0590 87 79 18 Contact@backstreet-gallery.com

Retrouvez le Ti-Zouk sur facebook ! Gustavia - La Pointe - Tél. 0590 27 90 60 Ouvert de 11h à 14h30 et de 18h à 23h. Fermé le lundi.

V E N T E E N G R O S ET D E M I - G R O S - By far the best fresh meat on the island !


Promotions valables du jeudi 16 au dimanche 19 janvier 2012.

Côte de porc Poitrine de porc Basse côte

Le kg 4€90 Le kg 8€99 Le kg 9€90

Beefsteak 1er choix

Le kg 12€90

T Bone Onglet

Le kg 18€90

Côtes d’agneau

Le kg 22€90

Et aussi: Poulet, Poulet label Rouge, Chapon…

Morue Bacalhau grande

Gros BBQ

Le kg 15€90

Samedi et dimanche

Cochon de lait Leitâo

Réservations: 0590 29 68 42

Le kg 14€90

Tél. 0590 29 68 42 - St Jean, face à la villa créole. Parking privé. De 9h à 13h et de 15h à 19h30. Dimanche : de 9h à 12h30. www.st-barthsbutchershop.com

Le News declines all responsability for advertisement content. Any total or partial reproduction is prohibited. Do not drop to the ground. RC 500 089 297 00013 - Dépôt légal à parution - ISSN :1289-0235 - Source A.F.P. - News online : news-sbh.com

Love takes off masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within. James Arthur Baldwin


Publication Director : Eric Mortier - Designer : Julie Berlizon - Commercial : 0590 879 239

Published and printed at 1.000 ex in English by SARL The Concierge, B.P. 636, 97099 St Barthélemy.

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