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Great Bay Express Votre Ferry entre St Barth et St Maarten ! Liaison rapide et confortable entre Philipsburg et Gustavia deux à trois fois par jour. Pont extérieur et pont climatisé.

0690 718 301 Tél. : 0590 879 239 - Fax 0590 29 54 70 - lenews@theconcierge.fr - www.news-sbh.com




aller-retour ! (Offre valable jusqu’au 29 février 2012).

Saturday February 24th 2012 St Roméo


ALUMINIUM Menuiserie aluminium

COURS DE LA VEILLE 1.3459 $ pour 1€


Fini la pluie et le vent ! Abris de terrrasse téléscopiques Ouverture / fermeture en quelques secondes !

Tél. / fax 0590 29 17 43 - Anse des Cayes contact@sbhalu.com

n° 3896’


Le Carré d’Or - Gustavia Tél. 05 90 27 69 74

DaILy neWS… MaryLanD LaWMaKerS aPProVe SaMe-SeX MarrIaGe Lawmakers in the eastern US state of Maryland on Thursday approved a bill legalizing same-sex marriage, which is expected to be signed into law by the state's Democratic governor. The state Senate voted 25-22 to approve the bill, which had earlier gained approval from the lower House of Delegates, according to a government website. Maryland would become the eighth US state to allow gay marriage. Governor Martin O'Malley has said he will sign the legislation. It was not immediately clear when the bill would be sent to him for his approval. So far, seven US states Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Vermont and Washingtonplus the District of Columbia allow same-sex marriage, but the issue remains highly controversial, especially in this presidential election year. Last week, lawmakers in New Jersey approved a bill legalizing same-sex marriage, but Republican Governor Chris Christie vetoed it, saying the issue was so important "it should be left to the people of New Jersey to decide." Christie, a rising star in the Republican party, has advocated a popular referendum on the issue. Such a vote by New Jersey citizens, as opposed to their representatives in state government, he said, was "the only path to amend our state constitution and the best way to resolve the issue of same-sex marriage in our state." A group of 80 US mayors including New York's Michael Bloomberg, Chicago's Rahm Emanuel, Antonio Villaraigosa from Los Angeles and Annise Parker from Houston last month unveiled a campaign to win support for same sex marriage. Gay marriage was briefly authorized in California in 2008, but later banned by a referendum re-writing the state's constitution...

Le b ê te à z’ ailes

Sushi bar &restaurant MIC HAEL’S SUGGESTIONS


Tél. 0590 27 52 16 - 10h-13h - 16h-19h30

New " Non Sushi " Menu / Home Made Deserts Nouvelle Carte De Suggestions / Desserts Maison WWW.BAZBAR.COM

- GUSTAVIA HARBOUR - TEL. 0590 29 74 09

InternatIonaL neWS… CrISIS taLKS In reUnIon Officials on the French Indian Ocean island of Reunion held talks Friday after three days of violent protests over the cost of living that injured nine members of the security forces. Authorities will meet with local business representatives and oil companies to broker a deal to end the demonstrations which erupted Tuesday against price hikes in the cost of fuel. Almost a third of islanders are unemployed and over half are struggling in poverty.

SerBIa-KoSoVo-eU BRUSSELS: Serbia strengthened its chances of gaining entry into the European Union after enabling Kosovo to join it in official Western Balkans meetings. aUStrIa-netherLanDS-royaLS-aCCIDent INNSBRUCK, Austria: Dutch Prince Johan Friso, the second son of Queen Beatrix, suffered massive brain damage in an avalanche in Austria and might never regain consciousness, his doctors said.



En février au Spa Payot : Manucure + pédicure + pose de vernis = 30€


Hôtel Manapany - 0590 29 82 02

Open for Lunch tous les jours sauf mercredi.

Pizzas le soir, sur place ou à emporter Grand Cul de Sac - Tél : 0590 29 85 71

© JP Piter



Salade de Lentilles – Lentil Salad


Brochettes de Crevettes – Shrimp Kebabs


Salade Verte et Rouge – Green Salad with Tomatoes


Filet de Poisson Vapeur – Steamed Fish Fillet


Salade VENTURA – Tomatoes and Basil


Poisson Grillé Entier – Whole Grilled Fish


Salade de Guadeloupe – Tomatoes and Mango


Cassolette de Langouste - Lobster Cassolette


Salade Végétarienne – Raw Vegetables and Fruits


Poulet Grillé – Grilled Chicken


Caesar Salade


Burger TAIWANA fait maison - home made


Tomates mozzarella di buffala


Brochettes de filet de Bœuf – Filet of beef Kebabs


Salade de Poulet – Chicken Salad


Salade de Langouste – Lobster Salad


Entrecôte Grillée – Grilled Entrecote 250 g - 9 oz 500 g - 18 oz

35€ 45€


ENTREES - STARTERS Pizza TAIWANA Ceviche et son mesclun Ceviche with mix lettuces leaves


Tarte au Citron – Lemon Tart



Brownie au Chocolat + boule de glace Chocolate Brownie + icecream

12€ 12€

Prosciutto di Parma Avec son assiette de melon + 9€


Glaces et Sorbets Maison Home Made Ice Cream & Sorbets

Foie gras maison - Home made foie gras




Assiette de fruits frais exotiques Fresh exotic fruits plate


Ananas Frais - Fresh Pineapple




Taiwana Hotel St Barth French West Indies - Tel. +590 590 298 008 Fax : +590 590 279 407 - www.hoteltaiwana.com


Taiwana Hotel St Barth French West Indies - Tel. +590 590 298 008 Fax : +590 590 279 407 - www.hoteltaiwana.com


Samedi 25 février


RETRO Ambiance années 80 avec DJ Régis

Salle climatisée non-fumeur. Gustavia - La Pointe - 0690 40 96 11 Tenue correcte exigée - Ouvert vendredi et samedi et un dimanche par mois pour un


Brunch du Manapany au Restaurant


26 février 50€

venez savourer le Brunch en famille ou entres amis : des spécialités italiennes dans un cadre merveilleux, avec accès à la piscine.

par pers.

1/2 tarif pour les enfants

Salades variées, charcuterie italienne, poisson mariné, etc… Desserts maison.

Réservations : 0590 27 66 55 - Réservation Spa : 0590 29 82 02

LoCaL neWS… MUSIC FeStIVaL CarIBBean nIGht St Barts 10 th Anniversary Music Festival Caribbean Nights . Classical, Jazz, Klezmer music, Impros ... Friday 24th & Saturday, February 25th, 2012 Anglican Church at 8pm. Entrance fee 28 €

Pièce de Bœuf grillée OU Quiche aux poireaux

the aJoe reeFer SUrF CLUB Is pleased to announce the JOJO BURGER OPEN on February 25th and 26th 2012: Categories: children under the age of 10; children under the age of 14; OPEN - ONDINES - LONGBOARD Saturday Feb. 18th: Children Competition: Meeting at 8am (children under the age of 10 and children under the age of 14). OPEN Competition - ONDINES - LONGBOARD: Meeting at 1:00 p.m. Beach Bar - Music – Restaurant service at JOJO BURGER. Sunday Feb.19th: Children’s Final + following of the competition and finals OPEN - ONDINES - LONGBOARD Awards at 3pm Registrations directly at JOJO BURGER (5 €) Same same but different ... And as we love it, we're not going to stop ... Meteo CaraBIBeS: CyCLone eXhIBItIon Exhibition on tropical cyclones, presented at the Meteo Caraibes Center from January 16th to March 15th, 2012. The opening hours are: Monday to Friday from 08am to 11:30am and also on Thursday from 2pm to 4:30pm. For tours, contact 0690 65 16 89, tel / fax: 0590 27 66 03.



Choose your style ! We welcome you from 9.30 am to 7.30 pm non-stop. Gustavia - La Pointe - 0590 27 68 12

eaSB MeetInG rePorteD We inform you that the "meeting" is postponed to a later date. We made this decision with the Athletics Club of St. Martin, to allow all members to be present for this event. It appears that many children are not present on the island of St Barts for this "meeting". So we will soon give you the exact date of the future event. Thank you for your understanding. Port oF CoMMerCe We would like to inform you that on week 9 (Monday, February 27th to Saturday, March 3rd, 2012 included). The Marine Station of the Commercial Port will open at the following hours: Monday to Friday from 12:30 to 4:30pm. The Management of the Port of Gustavia apologizes for this change and thank you for your understanding. Phone FoUnD Cell phone found on the carnival day next to the Bagatelle Restaurant: 0690 22 58 58 VoLLeyBaLL GeneraL aSSeMBLy The Volleybal District Committee in St. Barths would like to invite you to a general meeting to be held on Tuesday, February 28th, 2012 at 6pm at the beach volleyball court in Saint-Jean. Agenda: renewal of the office committee and other matters. tennIS CLUB SaInt Barth On Saturday, February 25th, the St Barth Tennis Club is organizes a Beach Tennis Tournament in St Jean. 5:30 p.m. children, 5 € registration fee. 6:30 p.m. adults, € 10 registration fee. Bar and snacks on site. CheSS The next Chess tournament will take place on Saturday, February 25th at Ti Zouk Café from 12:30. Cadence 2x5 minutes. Open to all. Registration fee € 1. Registration required at this number: 0690 55 12 14

reD CroSS The Red Cross organizes, every Tuesday morning, sales of clothing and miscellaneous items. The proceeds of this sales is intended to finance various projects in the hospital field. We invite individuals and stores to participate. You will be part, along with the Delegation of Saint-Barthélemy,of a large chain of solidarity. If you have clothing, linen and other clean and in good condition, please bring them to the "Croix Rouge, 34 Rue de la Paix Gustavia" above the old town hall or call 0690 71 91 21. « eLeCtrICaL hoMoLoGatIon » CoUrSe Since July 1st 2011, the electrical homologation went from a recommended to a mandatory status for all workers involved in electrical installations. Workers who are already homologated benefit from a recycling. To this end, the C.E.M. (Economic and multi-professional Chamber) offers two "electrical homologation" training sessions for a period of 14 hours each, to be held at its premises located rue du Roi Oscar II in Gustavia: "Electrical homologation - Electrician Staff" = Monday, February 27th and Tuesday, February 28th, 2012 from 8am " Electrical homologation - Non electrician (*)" = Wednesday, February 29th and Thursday March 1st from 8am Information and registration (limited number of people) at the CEM’s Training Department (Christine): 0590.27.12.55 (*) As a reminder, non electrician staff means: people making small electrical interventions (replacement of fuses, lamps, cleaning ...) or non-electrical work (painting, masonry, gardening work surrounding conductor or electrical rooms ...), cleaning agents, guardians for apartments or villas, villa maintenance. BaSKetBaLL Every Wednesday and Saturday morning from 9am to 12am, Damien organizes basketball sessions for girls and boys at the Gustavia primary school. Basketball practice on Tuesdays and Fridays at the Gustavia primary school from 4:15 to 5:15 and from 5:30 to 6:30 at the middle school. Registration by mail: stbarthbasketclub@hotmail.fr or by phone 0690 39 86 22. oUanaLao BeaCh CLUB Cheerleaders’ training sessions are starting again. See you every Wednesday from 2pm to 3:30pm at the elementary school in Gustavia. Enquiries 0690 73 16 07. horSerIDInG LeSSonS For aDULtS The association Galop des Iles reminds you that adult lessons are offered every Sunday morning from 9 am to 10 am for beginners (up to Galop 3 level) and from 10am to 11am for advanced adults (from Galop 4 level). Feel free to contact Aurelie: 0690 39 87 01. USe oF roCK BreaKer anD PneUMatIC or eLeCtrIC JaCKhaMMer During the high season from March 15th to March 31st (unless prohibited), the use of these two machines will be allowed from Monday to Friday from 9am to 12pm and from 2pm to 6pm and on Saturdays from 9am to 12pm. Outside the high season, from Monday to Friday from 7am to 12pm and from 2pm to 6pm and on Saturdays from 7am to 12pm.

LoCaL neWS…

Carnival 2012

ses semaines et vous propose au 18 mars culinaires jusqu'

La Savoie er : Du 1 au 4 mars

ais, Au Rayon frtiè re et sélection charcu ges pa fromagère des al s. te pour vos raclet

* de Les suggestions ste ! vi ca tre David no

** Grand Jeux e Anniversair

* L’abus d’alcool est dangereux pour la santé. A consommer avec modération. ** Voir conditions en magasin.

La fidélité est toujours récompensée ! Bénéficiez de bons d'achats ou de paiement avec vos points fidélité directement en caisse.

3€ d'achats = 1 point

St Jean - Centre Commercial La Savane Tél. 0590 27 68 16. Horaires : Du lundi au jeudi de 8h à 13h et de 15h à 20h. Vendredi et samedi de 8h à 20h non-stop. Dimanche de 9h à 13h et de 16h à 19h.

BRULÉ VAVAL par Rémy-Laurent Kraft

Every Sunday, Live Music with

Soley and Papaguyo from 8.30pm.

Bonito Cocktails Bar with Special Tiki Cocktails by Mixologist Jérôme.

Gustavia Tél. 0590 27 96 96 Réservation recommandée. Visit our website : www.ilovebonito.com



Plus de 400 m2 de meubles exposés !

Grand choix de canapés et de lits en teck Disponibles à petits prix Ouvert du lundi au samedi de 8h30 à 12h30 et de 14h30 à 18h30. Petit Cul de Sac (anciennement Blanchisserie Solaire). Tél. 0590 29 16 79

Fermé le samedi midi. Ouvert le samedi soir. agrée

Colombier - 0590 27 93 48


Automatisation et fabrication de portails Visionnez vos caméras de surveillance depuis votre Iphone ou ordinateur partout dans le monde.

Le N°1 de l’automatisme - Guillaume : 0690 64 11 26

OFFRE EXCEPTIONNELLE Michel et son équipe vous attendent pour déjeuner ou dîner au bord de la piscine.

Langouste fraîche du vivier Les 100 grs à 6,50€

Johnnie Walker Black Label 12 ans

Gustavia Free Port Liquor Store

La bouteille de 2 litres avec anse et étui

& Magasin ETS H. Lédée / St Jean




Ouvert tous les jours.


(face à la gare maritime)

(face à l’aéroport) Offre valable dans la limite des stocks disponibles. L’abus d’alcool est dangereux pour la santé. A consommer avec modération.



1900+ newspapers from 95 countries in 51 languages

The times - Daily Mail - The Wall Street Journal - New york Post - Financial Time - Il Giornale Corriere della Serra - Le Figaro - Le Monde L’Equipe - Коммерсанть - Ведомост…

Breakfast package

✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

1 newspaper 2 croissants 2 pains au chocolat 1 baguette


Delivery included.

Please Order your favorite newspaper before 6pm and get it delivered the next day!

Cell 0690 49 43 55 - Tél. 0590 87 92 39 Fax 0590 29 54 70 - eric@theconcierge.fr

Aries : Don’t move too quickly when considering a change. You may find not everything is as it seems at first.

Leo: You are about to enter a time of peace, at least of the emotional and spiritual nature. Answers are now yours.

Sagittarius : Don’t be too certain you are in the right when it comes to an important issue. Consider all the points of view.

taurus : Do not engage anyone in confrontational behavior, particularly when it comes to “vehicular slights”.

Virgo : This is a good time for investing, but you must use caution before signing on the bottom line.

Capricorn : You will need to let yourself go to dreaming. Favor mental escape or even physical escape when possible.

Gemini : In a much better shape, you should find the way to bring back the colors in your sentimental bubble.

Libra : Your other half will enjoy more than anything your joie de vivre that will cheer him/her right up.

aquarius : You could be lured toward somewhat unusual philosophies. Be sure to keep your wits about you now.

Cancer : Your physical condition is back. This should definitely be a dynamic Saturday, with a fabulous optimism.

Scorpio : Be patient with your loved ones at this time. It’s possible they are only trying to do what seems best for you.

Pisces: This time, you will be the one taking initiatives, bringing your loved one to places you've never been before.

Pour déjeuner, pour diner au bord de l’eau, avec vue sur le Port de Gustavia…


Sunday FASHION SHOW R É S E RVAT I O N S : 0 5 9 0 8 7 7 9 5 4 - R U E J E A N N E



- L A P O I N T E - G U S TA V I A

Thierry Pierre Liot

Le Ti Zouk K’Fe

Hypnothérapeute diplômé de l’Institut Français d’Hypnose Eriksonienne

A midi - 10€ avec une boisson

Poulet basquaise Sur place ou à emporter Gustavia - La Pointe - Tél. 0590 27 90 60

Bon Cadeau, offrez une pause plaisir ! Offre mise en beauté et soin relaxant. Tarif découverte spécial résident.

RDV Tél. 0690 77 43 77


Formule - 9€ Gustavia - La Pointe

CLaSSIFIeD aDS… AV 20 équerres métal pour JoB oFFerS échaffaudage couverture : Jicky Marine recherche 400€. Tél. 0690 59 01 84. Capitaine 200 Voile et reaL eState Moteur, bonne présentaMaison à louer avril - tion et anglais courant, novembre vue mer parking poste à pourvoir à partir quartier calme 2 chambres d’Avril. CV à info@jickymapas d'animaux, 1500€. Tél. rine.com 0690 76 83 35. Marché U rech. Hotes/sses Ch. à acheter maison Caisses et employés/ées récente, 2 ch., gd séjour, Libre Service ts rayons, deck, calme, petit terrain et sérieux, consciencieux et vue. Agence s'abstenir. Tél. disponibles, Postes à pour0590 52 92 65 (heures des voir de suite, CDI si perrepas). sonnes sérieuses. Déposer Sté IDEAL (Orange, Canal- CV à l’accueil ou sat) Ch. d'urgence local sur julie.chevreul@systemel'ile. Etudie toutes proposi- u.fr tions. Tél. 0690 81 58 15. Restaurant à Gustavia Urgent SG Ostéo cherche recherche cuisinier et pizvilla ou appt, 1 ou 2 ch, zaïolo. Tél. 0590 27 90 60. bonne prestation, jardin et Ch. vendeuse de préférence terrasse, proche Gustavia. expérimentée, bilingue Tél. 0690 21 50 07. français / anglais, libre de Ch. boutique ou bureau à suite. Tél. 0590 27 76 25. louer sur St Jean ou Gusta- Urgent: Hôtel 4* luxe rech. via. Tél. 0662 80 38 72 ou 1 lingère qualifiée à plein jlagadic@hotmail.com temps (11h30 – 20h). Tél. Loue 130€/nuits, bunga- 0690 33 29 96. lows de charme à SBH, Hôtel Eden Rock recrute h/f pour 2 personnes, piscine, Agent de réservations, Exp. vue mer, kitchenette, 2 ans min. en 4*, anglais Tél. courant, CDD, poss. CDI calme, climatisé 0590 52 41 50 ou logé. Env. CV + photo à www.aucoeurcaraibe.com rh@edenrockhotel.com

L'hypnose peut vous aider: motivation, définition d'objectif, mal-être, tabagisme, ect.. Cabinet à Marigot - Sur rendez-vous. Tél. 0690 25 44 95

Hôtel Le Toiny recherche 1 Réceptionniste (h/f), maitrise de l’anglais indispensable. Poste à pourvoir de suite (poss. logement). Se présenter avec CV, demander Maria ou Claire. Hotel St Barth Isle de France rech. Valet de Chambre, tps plein, avec permis de conduire. Se présenter à la réception de l’hôtel pour déposer CV. Pas sérieux s’abstenir. Escales Gustavia cherche vendeur(se) bilingue à l'année à partir de fin mars. Tél. Philippe 0690 55 96 90. Cherche manœuvre charpente couverture, urgent. tél. 0690 39 80 87.Recrute technicien Courant Faible, Bac+2 ou exp., sens du service, esprit positif, rigueur et capacité à fournir un travail de qualité. CDD ou CDI pl. tps. Env. CV : rh@solutech.net + d’info: 0590 27 80 00. La Petite Colombe rech. Vendeuses(rs) anglais serait un plus, 1 cuisinier traiteur (poss. logement). Tél. 0690 65 84 30 ou 0690 65 61 41.

Restaurant Les Bananiers rech. personnel de salle qualifié et motivé pour extras le vendredi et samedi soir ainsi que pour remplacement en salle au mois d'avril. Tél. 0590 27 93 48. VehICULe SaLeS

AV Suziki Grand Vitara V6 5 portes, année 03, très très bon état, CT OK, x 7000€. Tél. 0690 46 74 67. AV Quad Yamaha 700 R, noir et orange, équipé, TBE, vignette OK, 5800€ à débattre. Tél. 0690 55 64 50. AV Quad SYM 200 avec Top Case et 2 casques.TBE Aucun frais à prévoir. 1500€. Tél. 06 08 35 59 00. MISC. SaLeS

AV DSi bleu état neuf + 1 jeu 200€ à débattre. Tél. 0690 51 32 12 à partir de 16h. AV 1 moteur hor-bord injection Yamaha, 225 cv, 1000€. Tél. 0690 49 23 64.

Déshumidificateur et purificateur d’air naturel 100% charbon de bambou - Dure jusqu’à deux ans 100 % naturel - Inodore - Respectueux de l’environnement

Plat du jour + boisson + dessert

Cel. 0690 800 994

De 12h à 22h30 - Fermé le dimanche

L’informatique qui a le sourire!

0690 55 76 50 Installation, Réparation, Formation Mac et PC, Internet, Réseaux, Solutions professionnelles.

100% bamboo charcoal Lasts up two years Fragrance free Non toxic Eco friendly Ventes aux hôtels et professionnels Sales to hotel and professionals

Ventes aux partiuliers Sales to individuals

Comptoir Commercial des Antilles SARL Petit Cul de Sac Tel : 06 90 47 18 03 / Fax : 05 90 29 75 11 Email : moso-bags@cca-fwi.com

Caraïbe Médical Services (C.M.S) Immeuble FINCA, Rue Jeanne d’Arc, Gustavia Tel : 06 90 75 41 45 / Fax : 05 90 29 66 51 Email: matignonfrancius@gmail.com



COLOMBIER - TÉL. 0590 27 93 48 SERVICE DE 12H À 14H ET DE 18H30 À 22H. Fred et son équipe vous accueillent midi et soir (sauf samedi midi et dimanche). Suggestions et carte «Saveurs du Monde». Plat du jour à 10 euros tous les midis. Pizzas sur place et à emporter midi et soir.

Publication Director : Eric Mortier - Designer : Julie Berlizon - Commercial : 0590 879 239

Published and printed at 1.000 ex in English by SARL The Concierge, B.P. 636, 97099 St Barthélemy. Le News declines all responsability for advertisement content. Any total or partial reproduction is prohibited. Do not drop to the ground. RC 500 089 297 00013 - Dépôt légal à parution - ISSN :1289-0235 - Source A.F.P. - News online : news-sbh.com

Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new. Albert Einstein

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