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Great Bay Express votre ferrY entre St Barth et St maarten ! Liaison rapide et confortable entre philipsburg et gustavia deux à trois fois par jour. Pont extérieur et pont climatisé.

0690 718 301 Tél. : 0590 879 239 - Fax 0590 29 54 70 - lenews@theconcierge.fr - www.news-sbh.com




friday april 6th 2012 Vendredi Saint

n° 3931’

COURS DE LA VEILLE 1.30639 $ pour 1€

Today’s Ocean temperature is:

26°c / 79°F


Time to jump into the water !

Le Carré d’Or - Gustavia Tél. 05 90 27 69 74


dailY newS… Senegal muSic icon YouSSou ndour appointed culture miniSter Senegalese superstar Youssou Ndour has been appointed the country's new tourism and culture minister in President Macky Sall's cabinet, according to a decree issued on Wednesday night. The Grammy-award winning singer, a fierce critic of former leader Abdoulaye Wade, hung up his microphone to campaign for Sall and now forms part of a slimmed down government of 25 people appointed by Prime Minister Abdoul Mbaye. Cutting down a bloated government was one of the campaign promises made by new leader Sall, 50, a former prime minister who took over the reins this week after a crushing poll victory over the unpopular incumbent. One of Africa's most recognised artists, Ndour sent shockwaves through the music industry when he announced in January he was giving up performing to run for president amid rising tension over the incumbent's bid for a third term in office. However shortly afterwards the country's constitutional council rejected his candidacy on the grounds that he had failed to provide enough valid signatures to back his application. The same court ruling validated Wade's contentious candidacy, sparking deadly riots as anger grew over the 85-year old's plans to rule for another seven-year term. Ndour jumped to the forefront of an opposition campaign to unseat him and was often seen at protests addressing the crowd, uncomfortably at first but as weeks went on he took on his new role with more ease. He would often make an appearance in the chaotic streets as rocks and tear gas flew. When Macky Sall emerged as the most likely candidate to beat Wade, and 12 failed candidates threw their weight behind him, Ndour too hit the campaign trail for the opposition candidate.





- G USTAVIA H ARBOUR - T EL . 0590 29 74 09

SHe LL Be ACH Fashion show everyday - Tél. 0590 52 08 08 Facebook : sunday saint tropez


plats du jour à emporter midi et soir ou livrés sur gustavia


fermeture eXceptionnelle vendredi 6 dimanche 8 lundi 9

la pointe - gustavia - tél. 0690 55 93 49

dailY newS… maSSiv arreStationS in france French police swooped on suspected radical Islamists in pre-dawn raids for the second time in less than a week, arresting 10 people, a source close to the investigation said. pope againSt landmineS Pope Benedict XVI called for an end to the use of anti-personnel landmines, voicing his sorrow for the victims of the explosives around the world at his weekly Vatican audience.


PAYOT Peau Nette 1 microabrasion 1 soin Payot visage spécifique 1 Détox peau de DLAB Hôtel Manapany - 0590 29 82 02

fukuShima About 12 tonnes of radioactive water has leaked at Japan's crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, with the facility's operator saying that some may have flowed into the Pacific Ocean. wanted japaneSe cargo Japan's coastguard said that it was searching for a Hong Kong-registered cargo ship carrying 17 crew that went missing in the East China Sea during a violent storm this week.

Le Ti Zouk K’Fe

Tagliatelle aux pétoncles

A midi - 10€ avec une boisson

Dorade grillée sauce chien Sur place ou à emporter Gustavia - La Pointe - Tél. 0590 27 90 60

prêt a porter homme, femme, aDo

Les nouvelles ceintures et montres Kaporal sont arrivées !

St Jean, Les Mangliers proche de la poste (derrière la station service) Du lundi au samedi de 9h30 à 13h et de 15h30 à 19h - Tél. 0590 52 43 93

claSSified adS… real eState

Achète villa 2ch mini ou terrain vue soleil couchant, sans vue ou bord de route. Tél. 0690 59 15 73. Rech. coloc pour partager maison à Vitet dispo 1/05 loyer 700€. Tél. 0690 57 93 90. A louer à Toiny maison 2 ch + grde ch mezzanine, clim, cuisine, salon, salle à manger, terr, vue mer, 2600€ edf compris + 1 mois caution, libre 01/05. Tél. 0590 27 77 45 ou 0690 35 19 27. A vendre droit au bail 3/6/9 ctre Gustavia tel 0690 34 99 68 A Louer local com. 30m2 GC des Jardins de vSt Jean 1400€.Tél: 0690 69 55 95. Emmanuelle, prof des écoles et Rémy-Laurent, artiste peintre, depuis 20 ans sur l'île, rech. maison à louer 2 ch mini, cuisine, terrasse et jardin. Tél. 0690 76 46 64 ou remylaurentkraft@orange.fr Cple US senior rech. maison 2 ou 3 ch avec vue, libre du 01/01 au 01/05/13. Max 4500€/m. Tél. 0690 77 70 07. A louer bel appart. 2 ch., 2 sdb, magnifique vue St Jean. Agence C.M.I. 0690 35 18 35. Loue 1er mai maison Vitet pour cpl 1700€ 1ch salon dressing SDB cuis calme belle vue locvitet@yahoo.fr Loue du 01/06 au 15/10 2 mois mini. maison ind. recente 1ch park 1500€ cc ni animaux ni enfant. Tél. 0590 29 75 82. A louer apt aux Terrasses StJean équipé refait. Libre 1/5 1900€ vist à partir du 11/4: cyrto97133@hotmail.fr A louer à Toiny au calme maison 2 ch jardin 2000€ + EDF. Tél. 0632 63 52 60.

Recherche villa 2 ch., belles prestations, piscine, pour 1 couple. Tél. 0590 29 78 20 ou remax-rental@orange.fr Recherche villa très haut de gamme, 4 ch. min., piscine, pour 1 couple, 3 enfants et chien de garde. Tél. 0590 29 78 20 ou remax-rental@orange.fr A louer petit app. centré confort piscine du 1er Mai au 30 Sept 1600€ mois CC. Tél: 0590 87 84 28. Loue 100€, 110€, 120€, 130€/nuits, bungalows à SBH, pour 2 pers., piscine, vue mer, kitchenette, calme, clim. Tél. 0590 52 41 50 ou www.aucoeurcaraibe.com joB offerS

Le Glacier recherche une serveuse. Tél: 0590 27 71 30. Hôtel Carl Gustaf 4*L rech. chefs partie connaiss. pâtisserie. Poste nourri logé. CV à hebergement @hotelcarlgustaf.com ou se présenter. Urgent salon Cristophe by Marco St Jean rech. coiffeur(se) Tél. 0590 27 67 09. Eden Rock rech. agent maintenance. Conn. plomberie, exp. similaire. CV à rh@edenrockhotel.com ou Tél. 0590 29 79 91. Eden Rock rech. vendeur h/f bout. vêtements “Rockshop“, sens com, conn. gestion stocks, angl., esprit d’équipe indis. CV à rh@edenrockhotel.com ou Tél. 0590 29 79 91. Rech H/F accueil clientèle, secrétariat. Angl. exigé. bonne présent. Début mai CV et lettre à europsbh@wanadoo.fr / Tél. 0590 27 74 34.

Jojo Burger rech. serveur h/f se pres.sur place avec CV. Club Casa Nikki rech. barmaid dispo déb. mai à fin août. Tél. 0690 25 86 77. Hôtel Eden Rock rech. Commis pâtisserie 39 h/sem. Env. CV au rh@edenrockhotel.com ou se prés. à l’Hôtel côté Cup’s. Hôtel 4* L, rech. chefs rang room serv., Angl. et exp. en 4* L indisp. Tél. 0690 54 76 52. Petite colombe rech. Vendeuses (rs) anglais serait +, Cuisinier Traiteur et Livreur (poss. logement) Tél. 0690 65 84 30 ou 0690 65 61 41. Carole Place’s rech. resp. de boutique. angl. exigé. de 20h à 1h. Tél. 0590 51 15 80. Le Ti rech. chef de rang et commis en extra. Tél. 0590 51 15 80. Le Ti rech. barman h/f confirmé(e), angl.exigé. CV+photo à info@ caroleplaces.com ou 0590 51 15 80. Hôtel Isle de France, 5*, rech. réceptionniste, exp. et angl. exigés (CDD pour le 01/05/12, 39H hebdo). CV + lettre + photo à l’hotel a l’att. de Romain Restaurant La Plage recherche cuisinier pour service du soir. Se présenter ou contacter au 06 90 56 55 42. SunBarth rech vendeuse à tps plein, bonne présentation et anglais indis. Tél. 0590 87 77 21. Boutique Gustavia rech. vendeuse, CDI, temps plein. Bilingue, infos 0690 61 83 38. Le Ti rech. danseur latino. à pourvoir de suite. Tél. 0590 51 15 80.

vehicule SaleS

Cherche voiture Jimmy Tolé Tél. 0690 67 27 82. Vend Scooter Sym VS125 Année 2009 12500 Km Excellent état Prix 1500€. Tél. 0690 35 10 11. AV Susuki Gd Vitara. V6, 5p, 2003. TBE, CT OK. 6000€ à deb. Tél. 0690 46 74 67. Vend Quad 250cc Sym, 7.200kms, vign. ok, TBE, 2.200€. Tél. 0690 57 43 41 AV Scooter Piaggio Typhoon 125 BEG 6200km Vign. OK 1.200€. Tél. 0690 34 45 88. Quad sym lander 250, entret. OK. 1200€. Tél : 0690 35 23 11. nautic

Bateau 2 mot. 40cv + chariot + mouillage ,17 pieds équipé plaisance + pêche Tél. 0690 63 99 01. Bat. à moteur + Chariot + Mouillage 17 Pieds équipé plaisance + pêche 2 moteurs 40cv Tél. 0690 63 99 01. AV voilier Catamaran 9 m, visible sur corps mort à Corossol, 45 000€ à deb., rens. et photos Tél. 0690 61 97 97. miSc. SaleS

Vends Malinois nés le 5/12/11, 500€. Tél. 0690 11 31 29 ou 0690 40 94 30. Vend lot de 19 chaises terrasse inox, le lot 250€ ou 15€ l'unité, tel 0690 61 97 97 Cause départ, vend tout (meubles, puériculture, accessoires,...). infos www.monsbh.com (mises à jour) Tél. 0690 73 84 98.

P L AT S TRADITIONNELS VIETNAMIENS Choisissez parmi les formules So Cuisine, ou composez vous-même votre menu sur

www.socuisine.net LIVRAISON À DOMICILE - Tél. 0690 67 82 88

Merci de passer votre commande avant 16h.

Votre Professionnel pour Particuliers et Entreprises PC et MAC Installation - Réparation - Maintenance - Cours Vente et arrivage régulier de matériel Forfait déplacement-main d’œuvre à petits prix !

Cédric GREAUX – 0690.65.23.42 cedric.informatique971@gmail.com

Points de vente/RETAILERS : Chamade / Totem, Gustavia - Black Swan / Sud sud, St Jean - Guanahani Boutique, Cul de sac

PLAT DU JOUR À 10€ Aujourd’hui :


Escalope de mahi-mahi grillée sauce coco citronnelle,riz thaï

carte !


Formule déjeuner :

1 plat du jour, 1 boisson, 1 café

SUR PLACE OU À EMPORTER Colombier - 0590 27 93 48

Rue Jeanne DArc - La Pointe - Gustavia - Tél. 0590 87 79 54 - Fermé le dimanche.



s a l o n


Les Jardins de St Jean - 0590 27 69 16 Du mardi au samedi de 10h à 19h.

R U E D E L A R É P U B L I Q U E • C O N TA C T : 0 5 9 0 5 2 0 4 0 3 • D E S I G N @ H U M A N - S T E P S . C O M W W W. FAT B O Y. C O M

horoScope Aries: If you’ve been having problems with your feet, you may consider massage as a way of getting back full functionality.

leo : Time for your reward. Leo is sitting on the throne, as all kings should, and you are completely comfortable there.

Sagittarius : Your extraordinary clarity of mind will help you easily get to the root of any problems facing you.

taurus : The bigger the decision, the larger the chance you will judge in error. Don’t take on more than you can handle.

virgo : It’s time you realized what is truly important in your life. If you have no friends or family, what matters to you ?

capricorn : You’re coming up with all sorts of good ideas. The trick will be getting others on board with your vision.

gemini : Your communication skill continues to expand until you are representing a large organization of professionals.

libra : The changes happening in your life fill you with a sense of wonder. Be sure you express gratitude where it is due.

aquarius : Your performance may be less than you’d like it, but will be enough to satisfy those who matter most to you.

cancer : Rest assured today there are things going on behind the scenes that you’re unaware of.

Scorpio : You may experience a sudden resurgence of romance. Prepare yourself to be the center of attention.

pisces : You’re feeling a great deal of confidence right now, but that does not mean you’re always right.

LOCAL NEWS… Plats du jour et autres actualités du restaurant Facebook : Wall House Restaurant Ou, Twitter : @wallhouseresto"

Nous informons notre aimable clientèle de notre fermeture lundi 9 avril, ré-ouverture mardi aux horaires habituels. JOYEUSES PÂQUES À TOUS !

St Jean - Centre Commercial La Savane Tél. 0590 27 68 16

Du lundi au jeudi de 8h à 13h et de 15h à 20h. Vendredi et samedi de 8h à 20h non-stop. Dimanche de 9h à 13h et de 16h à 19h.

Ribs & Blues Gustavia - 0590 27 53 20 Ouvert le soir du lundi au samedi.

Découvrez SUN FLASH pour une peau bronzée instantanément et naturelle visage et corps produit naturel You may discover SUN FLASH for an instantly natural tan skin face and body natural product

Pour tout renseignement : 0590 275 946 35 rue de la République, Gustavia. www.venusbeautyspa.com

information from the preSident of St BarthelemY’S collectivitY to road uSerS of guStavia Due to the events of "Voiles de Saint-Barth," the President of the Collectivité of St. Barthelemy invites motorists going to Gustavia : To Avoid stopping and parking in the north-east part of Gustavia, the quays of Commerce in Public all the way to churches. Particular attention will be paid to the four main streets of this area, ie the streets "Bord de mer, Republique, De Gaulle and Roi Oscar II extended by Street Auguste Nymann " and the surroundings of docks General de Gaulle where the PC race and the press will be. Entering Gustavia by road known as the "de Sous le Fort" and Rue "Republique". Exit will be done by the road called "du Calvaire," towards the "Tourmente" provided by territorial Order No. 2012045 (P). On Wednesday, April 4th, 2012 from 6:30pm to 11pm, part of the festivities will be distributed on the beach at Grand Gallet (Shell Beach) and will end with fireworks. These events will lead to a major inconvenience of traffic and parking in the south area of the city. For security reasons, only residents and organizers will have access to vehicles on the portion of Church Street, Beach Street and Norman Street, leading to the beach. Visitors and guests must leave their vehicles parked in the rest of the city. These measures are expected to promote the movement of many different stakeholders of the event and especially to facilitate the traffic of fire, rescue and safety departments. traffic during leS voileS de St Barth As of Monday, April 2nd, 2012 at 8 am until Tuesday, April 10th, 2012 at 8 am, traffic of all vehicles will be on one way on the road (formerly CD 209) so-called "de Sous le Fort," from the "Jeanne d'Arc" doks in Public and on the street "Republique". xit of vehicles from North Gustavia, will be made by streets "Oscar II" and "Augustus Nyman" towards the "Tourmente" roundabout. aScco : tenniS and multiSportS The internship will be supervised by Amandine and Franck for 6-12 year olds (girls and boys); racquets and balls will be provided. Dates of internship: Monday 9th, Tuesday 10th, Wednesday 11th, Thursday 12 thand Friday, April 13th. From 9 to 12: €100 for 5 days. Registrations until Saturday, April 7th. Tel. 0690 433 133. parking during voileS de St Barth From Monday, April 2nd, 2012 at 8 am until Tuesday, April 10th, 2012 at 8 am, the specific measures provided by Order No. 2009-110 (P) from 07/12/09 which establishes a blue zone parking in Gustavia have been suspended.

Quat’Pattes Toilettage à domicile Colliers antiparasitaires et accessoires à petit prix

Sophie sur RDV 0690 65 21 27

Swimming courSeS eaSter holidaY The lifeguards Jean-Marc and Olivier from St Jean territorial pool organize during the holidays, two weeks of learning swimming course and development in swimming for 4 years-old children and for everyone every morning from 8:30 to 11:45. The week : Tuesday April 10th to Saturday, April 14th. Program : swimming (Learning and Development) / super organized games (relay, water polo, treasure hunts, ect ...) / free games (educational materials for all ages). Bring : sunscreen, towel and lycra, cap for long hair. Snacks are provided by the pool (chocolate bread or croissant and a small juice) €90 for the week (6 days) or €16 per morning. Nice price for large families or several weeks. Information and registration : 0590 27 60 96. theatrical plaY SeSSionS Sb Artists offers a dramatic play session for the Easter holidays from Monday April 9th to Friday, April 13th from 9 to 12, € 125 for the week + € 25 of membership for non-members . Children welcome from age 7. The course will be held in the auditorium of gustavia. Information and registration with Samantha 0690 65 18 80.0 Saint Barth Yacht cluB : courSeS for the eaSter holidaYS On the occasion of the Easter holidays, the association Saint Barth Yacht Club offers two weeks of sailing courses. Tuesday 10th to Saturday, April 14th, 2012. Optimist courses, morning, RS Feva Course and Opti Competition in the afternoon. The price of the course of 5 half days is 120€. The second course for members of one family is 100€. The St. Barth Yacht Club also offers throughout the year adult courses and equipment rental (single or double dinghies, kayaks, paddle). Additional information on 0590 27 70 41 and onsite registration at the sailing school in Public. ti ouana SalSa aSSociation Salseros y Salseras, the Ti Ouana Salsa association now offers lessons in Lorient’s ballroom (opposite to Jojo’s parking) according to the following schedule: every Monday at 9pm: Intermediate Course: every Wednesday at 9pm: Advanced course, every Thursday at 7pm: Lessons for beginners: 8:30pm. Initiation course (bachata in ). For more information, please contact us: 0690 30 25 12 or 0690 57 20 90 or mail: tiouanasalsa@gmail.com. We hope to see many of you. photoS eXhiBition: dreaming of SailS From March 27th to April 7th, photos exhibition from Julie Berlizon. A poetic vision of big sailing wessels in St Barthelemy. At VillaNueva, passage de la Cremaillere, Gustavia. From Tuesday to Saturday from 10am to 1pm and from 4 to 7pm.



By far the best fresh meat on the island !

ANGUS CERTIFIED D CERTIFIED CANADIAN HEREFOR Ribs de bœuf Côte de bœuf Entrecôte Basse côte à griller Bavette prime Angus

Filet de bœuf Angus Le kg 38€90 Les fameuses brochettes ! Brochettes de bœuf: poivre, teriyaki, souvlaki, nature. Brochettes de porc Brochettes de poulet

PORC Grillades de porc BB Back Ribs de porc Le kg 4€80 Oreilles, nez et queue de porc

Rouelle de porc

Toutes les

Saucisses fraîches

vous attendent pour vos BBQ !

Gros BBQ

Merguez, bacon cheddar, nature porc et bœuf, Toulouse, fines herbes.

es tout le weekend de Pâqu

on de lait, Poulet, ribbs, coch de porc, brochettes, poitrine côte à l’os…

Réservations: 0590 29 68 42


Le kg



ET BIEN SÛR EN TO GO : Poulet rôti, frites, salades, sandwichs, fruits frais, jus pressés…

SANS OUBLIER… Bière , vin , pizzas surgelées… *


Tél. 0590 29 68 42 - St Jean, face à la villa créole. Parking privé. Ouvert de 9h à 13h et de 15h à 19h30. Dimanche : de 9h à 12h30. www.st-barthsbutchershop.com - *L’abus d’alcool est dangereux pour la santé. A consommer avec modération.

Le News declines all responsability for advertisement content. Any total or partial reproduction is prohibited. Do not drop to the ground. RC 500 089 297 00013 - Dépôt légal à parution - ISSN :1289-0235 - Source A.F.P. - News online : news-sbh.com

There is no more thrilling sensation I know of than sailing. It comes as near to flying as man has got to yet - except in dreams.

Jerome K. Jerome


Publication Director : Eric Mortier - Designer : Julie Berlizon - Commercial : 0590 879 239

Published and printed at 1.000 ex in English by SARL The Concierge, B.P. 636, 97099 St Barthélemy.

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