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Family Italian Beachwear

Gustavia, 14 rue Général de Gaulle 0590 27 89 33 ­­­­­­­Tél. : 0590 879 239 ou 0590 29 54 70 - lenews@theconcierge.fr - www.news-sbh.com

Tuesday April 1st 2014

• St

Hugues n°4471 Yesterday exchange rate

1€=1.3775$ &


CLOTHES - SHOES - GENUINE BELTS Gustavia • Passage de la Crémaillère Tél. 0590 27 54 26 • De 9h30 à 13h et de 15h à 19h30.


Daily News… DID MICROBES CAUSE MASS EXTINCTION? Volcanoes and asteroids are sometimes blamed for wiping out nearly all life on Earth 252 million years ago, but US research Monday suggested a more small-time criminal: microbes. These microbes, known as Methanosarcina, bloomed in the ocean on a massive and sudden scale, spewing methane into the atmosphere and causing dramatic changes in the chemistry of the oceans and the Earth’s climate, according to the new theory put forth by scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and colleagues in China. Scientists studied sediments in rock formations in south China, seeking to explain why the end Permian extinction happened and what caused the largest of five major death events in Earth’s history to reap so much destruction over tens of thousands of years. Volcanic eruptions on their own could not explain why the die-off happened so fast, but they may have released extra nickel into the environment, which fed the microbes, said MIT researcher Gregory Fournier. «A rapid initial injection of carbon dioxide from a volcano would be followed by a gradual decrease,» said Fournier. «Instead, we see the opposite: a rapid, continuing increase,» he added. «That suggests a microbial expansion.» Microbes can increase carbon production exponentially, which might explain the speed and potency of the mass extinction, he said. The research, funded by the US space agency NASA, the National Science Foundation, the Natural Science Foundation of China and the National Basic Research Program of China, appears in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, a peer reviewed US journal.

RAY FRAZIER NEW limited VINTAGE collection ! Tél. 0590 27 52 16 • À côté de l’Isola



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International News… NEW MICHAEL JACKSON SONGS Five years after the death of the «King of Pop», a posthumous Michael Jackson album due in May is set to thrill fans with eight previously unreleased songs. The album, due for release on May 13, has been named «XSCAPE», which is also one of the new tracks mined from Jackson’s archives. After gaining access to four decades of the late singer’s material, Epic Records, a subsidiary of Sony, chose eight songs that featured completed vocal tracks by Jackson. The record company then asked producers to «contemporize» the music while «retaining Jackson’s essence and integrity».

CONGRATULATIONS ELTON Pop icon Elton John says he will tie the knot with partner David Furnish now that his native Britain has legalized gay marriage. The top-selling artist told NBC’s «Today» show that «we’ll do it very quietly.» «But we will do it and it will be a joyous occasion,» John added. The couple, who have two children together, entered into a civil partnership in 2005. A historic law legalizing same-sex marriage took effect in England and Wales on Saturday, the final stage in the long fight for legal equality for gays and lesbians. Civil partnerships have been legal there since 2005.

Great Bay Express NOUVEAU

Bavette Black Angus grillée, frites, salade et sauce béarnaise


Liaison rapide et confortable entre Philipsburg et Gustavia deux à trois fois par jour. Pont extérieur et pont climatisé.


Tél. 0690 718 301


Local news…

If it’s


9th Book Festival in Saint Barths


Fashion Show at

I sle de F rance 6:00 pm

For Monday, March 31st - Monday March 31st to Friday, April 4th School-based interventions by Anais Massini, Emmanuelle Houdart and Marie- Aude Murail. www.festivaldulivredesaintbarthelemy.com Wednesday, April 2nd

Flamands 05 90 27 61 81

s a l o n





Réservations au 0690 419 666 Place n°29 - Quai de la Collectivité www.st-barth-plongee.com

At the territorial library, Gustavia, 9 am- 11am: Workshop from 7 years-old with Anais Massini Call 0590.27.89.07 or 0590.27.15.88 for registration - free - limited space - booking advisable. «Bird Study» : Anais is interested in birds on our island and we have lots of birds, permanent or stopping by. A great opportunity to discover and learn also how to recognize them. Equipment needed for the child: color pencils, markers, scissors and glue. Entertainment «Go tell» by Anne -Gaël Gauducheau, storyteller and musician Mihai Trestian At the Anglican Church in Gustavia 3:00 p.m. - 3-5 years-old: Children’s stories from all around the world, and stories accompanied by dulcimer. 5:00 p.m. - 6-8 years-old: tales from the large repertoire of Afanasyev and Grimm. Children must be accompanied by one adult - free entry INFORMATION FROM THE PRESIDENT The latest findings of the French Institute of Health Surveillance are encouraging. The results published indicate that the progression of the Chikungunya virus is slowing down. In Saint Barthelemy, the epidemic appears to have stalled. Saint- Barthélemy is classified by the health authorities in an epidemic situation, the number of visits at the Emergency is down and for more than 24 hours no hospitalization of patients biologically positive to the virus has been reported. Operations of regular spraying conducted by the government on all areas of the island, steps to raise awareness among individuals and professionals seeking to avoid the proliferation of breeding sites, interventions of companies specializing in mosquito control in housing and hotel sites are effective. Together we must maintain that vigilance and these good practices so that these initial encouraging results persist. Bruno Magras PHONE FOR FIREFIGHTERS The telephone number of the administrative help center has changed; it is now 05 90 27 62 31. The emergency number is 18. Today’s weather forecast :


Saturday, April 5th At the territorial library in Gustavia, 9am11am: Workshop, from 7 years-old, with Emmanuelle Houdart. Call 0590.27.89.07 or 0590.27.15.88 for registration –registrations limited - free - up - booking advisable. « Manteau de voyage - Traveling coat ». Travelling to another planet, draw your traveling coat. Equipment needed for the child: thin indelible black pen, color pens, a pencil and an eraser. Entertainment «Allez raconte - Go tell» by Anne -Gaël Gauducheau , storyteller and musician Mihai Trestian at the Theatre at 7pm. For all ages: tales of 1001 Nights – free entry Sunday, April 6th Wall House dock from 9am to 12pm. Dedications of all guest authors. Exchange for books Participation of authors who are St. Barths residents. 11am: Awards ceremony for the Contest new «jeunes plumes – young writers «and» Adults» WALL HOUSE MUSEUM St. Barths Territorial Museum, called the Wall House Museum. To understand St Barths as it is today, there is nothing like a trip to the Wall House Museum. The island’s history is presented from its indigenous origins until today, including Columbus’ story. The tour continues with spaces dedicated to life on the island during the last four centuries: the Swedish heritage, fishing, sailing, traditional crafts, architecture ... The Museum regularly organizes additional temporary exhibitions. Gustavia, La Pointe. Monday to Friday from 8.30 am to 1pm and 2:30pm to 5pm, Wednesday and Saturday from 9am to 1pm. Admission: e2. PILATES AND AFRICAN DANCE AT AJOE Gym/Pilates courses on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday at 8.15am/9am and 6pm/6.45pm. African dance classes for children on Monday at 5.15pm/6.15pm (Gazelle group 7 years-old) Tuesdays at 5pm/5.45pm (Leopard Group 9 years-old). African dance classes for adults on Wednesdays at 6pm/7pm. Information and registration with Cecile 0690 81 80 90 ou cecilecoudreau@gmail.com.

17 km/h



Nouveautés fraîches et colorées à prix doux... La Villa Créole, St Jean - 10h/13h, 15h30/19h30

Tél. 0590 29 03 17




La Villa Créole - Route de Saline - Saint-Jean Du lundi au samedi 9h30-19h. Dimanche 10h-13h et 15h30-19h. Tél 0590 27 57 08 - www.kiwi.fr

PLAT DU JOUR À 11E Aujourd’hui :

Filet mignon de porc au romarin, pommes de terre sautées SUR PLACE OU À EMPORTER Colombier - 0590 27 93 48




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Horoscope Aries : If you pursue commitment under these stars, an attractive someone might decide it is best to be «just friends.

Leo : Hitch a ride on the love boat. Be aware, however, that an attractive prospect could tempt you to jump ship.

Sagittarius : Variety is the spice of life. With relationships, you may be happiest with a «just friends» situation.

Taurus :  You might be carrying a torch and not even know it. A friendship might be developing into something more intimate.

Virgo : Keep your cool. Good fences make good neighbors, but you want them low enough that you can reach across.

Capricorn : In the future, you will look back at this week, month or year and think how grand it was to be so young.

Gemini : An imaginative gift might warm the cockles of someone’s heart and earn you a kiss or lifelong appreciation.

Libra : Remain loyal to your company or your family ; it is better to be safe than sorry about an indiscretion.

Aquarius : Be a good sport. The coach might ignore your talent and gifts, leaving you without a turn at bat.

Cancer : Time of network for dollars. Put on your best smile and meet new people from various walks of life.

Scorpio : You may change from a frog that is secure on its own lily pad to royalty that needs to find a bigger pond.

Pisces : This could be a good time to set down some relationship guidelines without offending anyone.

Magnifique vue sur le port

Christina Voyante à St Barthélemy Diplômée en parapsychologie et radionique

Boule de cristal Carte / tarots Désenvoutement Protection Consulte tous les jours sur place ou à domicile :

06 90 71 08 84

Ouvert LE DIMANCHE (7J/7) Rue Jeanne d’Arc - Rive gauche - Gustavia - Tél. 0590 87 79 54

Aide à la personne et baby sitting : Une équipe de professionnels à votre service Assistance aux personnes âgées et à mobilité réduite* Baby sitting à la demande* * A l’heure ou au forfait

Pour tout renseignement : 0690 64 06 71 uraldesa@orange.fr • www.perspectives-stbarth.fr

Thierry Pierre Liot Diplômé de l’Institut Français d’Hypnose Eriksonienne

Hypnothérapeute Programmation Neuro-Linguistique

Stress, anxiété, tabagisme, trouble émotionnel L’hypnose peut vous aider... Pensez-y ! Cabinet à Lorient - Sur RDV

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Coupe de champagne + déjeuner à l’Indigo (hors boissons et plats signatures) + soin au spa 1h + accès et service transat plage

Petit déjeuner + soin au spa 1h + coupe de champagne + déjeuner Indigo (hors boissons et plats signatures) + accès et service transat plage.

* Validité du 10 janvier 2014 au 31 août 2014 selon disponibilités


Grand Cul de Sac • 97 133 St Barthélemy Uniquement sur réservation : 0590 52 90 36 • Pour de plus amples informations, contacter l’hôtel

Pa ie m en t en 4 fo is sa ns fr ai s *

*Voir conditions en magasin


Tél. 0690 561 888 Du lundi au samedi 8h - 12h / 16h - 18h30 Fermé le mercredi Villa Victoria Sbh


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Connu par son efficacité et la rapidité du résultats de son travail, avec la maîtrise de sa force spirituelle il vous aidera à résoudre vos problèmes et vous conseillera en amour. Retour immédiat de l’être aimé. Annulation de divorce. Fidélité, impuissance sexuelle, maladie inconnue, chance aux jeux, protection contre l’invisible, business, attraction de clientèle, examens, permis de conduire, protection contre toute sorte de jalousie etc...

0690 55 76 50

Paiement après résultats, consultation gratuite vendredi de 14h30 à 18h

Tél. 0690 17 57 39

Classified ads… REAL ESTATE Loue Bungalows de charme 130e/nuit pour 2 personnes. Nuit ou semaine. Vue mer, calme, 2 piscines, Kitchenette, Lit King Size, Clim, Wifi, TV DVD... 0590 52 41 50 ou www.aucoeurcaraibe.com Urgent We are looking for land for sale for serious clients Avalon Real Estate. Tél 05 90 873 080 email contact@stbarth-villa.com For sale apartment of over 100 m² 2 rooms, on the harbor of Gustavia. Avalon Real Estate prix1.890.000e Tél 05 90 873 080 email contact@ stbarth-villa.com For Sale renovated apartment in St Jean: 420.000e Price Avalon Real Estate 0590873080 email as contact@stbarth-villa.com Villa for sale 2 bedrooms with swimming pool completely renovated with a very nice sea view: 1.790.000e Avalon Real Estate 0590873080 email contact@stbarth-villa. com Loue à l’année studio neuf vue mer piscine tt confort calme 1700e HC, ref exigées. Tél. 0690 830 860. Luxury Villa for rent. Nov. 01, 2014 to May 31, 2015. 3 Bed, 2 Bath, 2 patio, pool and garden. Fully equipped, very quiet area. 3000e/week. 0690 41 79 62.



“NewInternational York Times available ! ”

0690 49 43 55 - Fax 0590 29 54 70 - eric@theconcierge.fr

Urgent recherche terrain à vendre pour clients sérieux Avalon Real Estate Tél 0590 87 30 80 email contact@ stbarth-villa.com AV à St Jean VILLA 3 chbres à rénover , très belle vue mer : Prix 1.850.000e Avalon Real Estate Tél 0590 87 30 80 email contact@stbarth-villa. com AV appt + de 100 m², 2 chbres, situé sur le port de Gustavia ! prix 1.890.000e. Avalon Real Estate Tél 0590 87 30 80 email contact@ stbarth-villa.com AV appt entièrement rénové à st Jean : Prix 420.000e Avalon Real Estate Tél 0590 87 30 80 email contact@ stbarth-villa.com AV villa 2 chbres, piscine entièrement rénovée, TB vue mer : Prix 1.790.000e Avalon Real Estate Tél 0590 87 30 80 contact@stbarthvilla.com A louer St Jean (dessus Glacier) gd studio meublé, espace chbre isolé, espace à vivre, sdb. Loyer 1550e cc. Dispo le 03/04. Destination St Barts Immobilier : 06 90 29 49 98 Terrain à vendre à Devet 625m 2, 180 m 2 shom vue magnifique 750ke, tel 0690 63 48 09. A louer appart deux chambres à Grd cul de sac Tél. 0590 27 75 41.

For sale beautiful new villa up from Salines, sea view 3 master bedrooms, swimming pool. Contact +59 0690 554 682, mail: kay. quattrocchi@gmail.com

Hotel Tom Beach rech. Assistant Chef de Réception confirmé. Anglais exigé - Se présenter à la réception. Contact Guillaume 0590 27 53 13. LCF rech technicien JOB SEEKERS en téléphonie, réseau, JF 10 ans d’exp rech poste domotique, CV à info@ ass maître d’hôtel, maître lescourantsfaibles.com d’hôtel ou responsable uniquement en journée (matin/ VEHICULE SALES midi). Tél. 0690 55 14 90. AV scooter Piaggio MP3 400


All black TBEG 12000 km 3500e.€ Tél. 0690 41 78 59.

Rech 1 vendeur et 1 venMISC. SALES deuse pour stand Gaastra du 14 au 19 avril contact AV TBE chariot élévateur Sandrine au 0690 39 48 27. Komatsu 2,5T boite autoRestaurant Océan recherche matique 6.000e à débattre personnel de cuisine avec 0690417838 ou 0590 27 87 expérience. Se présenter 78. avec CV jusque 15h. AV table de soin système Hôtel Eden Rock rech femme/valet de chambre. Déposer CV et LM à l’hôtel côté Cup’s ou l’envoyer à rh@edenrockhotel.com. L’Aérosnack recherche un(e) cuisinier(ere) service midi en cdi. Déposer votre CV à l’aéroport ou l’envoyer par mail : chezjoe70@hotmail.fr

hydraulique à pédale rotation 360°. L 175 cm l 56 cm, revêtement cuir beige, 300e. Tél 0690 59 15 83. Form Fitness vd tirage horizontal, 400e. Tél : 0590 27 51 23. AV Vitrine Wild Side avec cadre en inox (L 61cm x l 124cm) : 300e. Contacter Morgane 05 90 27 56 10.

Wall House cherche chef A cause double emploi APN de partie. Se présenter le compact neuf Sony WX200, matin, muni d’un CV. 2 mois, 170e. AV centrale Agence Ici et La rech. Agent vapeur pro Rowenta Pro de réservation bilingue angl/ Perfect, état neuf, 100e . fr. CV à marketing@icietla- Sèche cheveux Calor Movevillas.com ou contacter Ici et ling 1400, 15e. Tél. 0590 57 26 19. La : 0590 27 78 78.



Publication Director : Eric Mortier - Designer : Sébastien Poyato - Commercial : 0590 879 239 Published and printed by SARL The Concierge, B.P. 636, 97099 St Barthélemy. Le News declines all responsability for advertisement content. Any total or partial reproduction is prohibited. Do not drop to the ground. RC 500 089 297 00013 - Dépôt légal à parution - ISSN :1289-0235 - Source A.F.P. - News online : news-sbh.com - Facebook : News St Barth

You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams. Dr. Seuss

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