Infocus Nov'15 to Jan'16

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2015/16 inFocus word uitgegee deur Agrinet


AGRINET Sterlingweg/Road, Kosmosdal, Privaatsak/Private Bag X165 Centurion 0046 Tel: 012 657 2000 Faks/Fax: 086 529 4424 Inbelsentrum/Call Centre: 012 657 2222 Agrinet Bellville: Posbus/P.O. Box 1300, Sanlamhof, 7532 Sacks sirkel/circle, Bellville Inbelsentrum/ Call Centre: 021 959 5420

Redaksie/Editorial staff: Jedrie Harmse, Nici Harmse Tel: 012 332 3833 Advertensiewerwing/Advertising: Anita Oosthuizen Tel: (012) 333 6965 Sel: 083 316 7529 e-pos: Agrinet Limited and/or InFocus nor any of its officials, members, employees, agents, representatives, shareholders or directors shall be liable for any loss, damage or any liability of whatsoever nature which may arise to the reader as a consequence of this publication of any article or advertisement in this publication or as a result of the reader or any other person acting on the strength, accuracy or correctness of the content provided in this publication. InFocus makes no representation, furnish no warranty or guarantee, actual or implied or otherwise that the content, information or data in this publication are free from errors, omissions or inaccuracies. No information, ideas, opinions, views or other data available in this publication should be regarded as professional advice or the professional opinion of InFocus or any of its members, employees, agents, representatives, or shareholders and all readers are informed to obtain professional advice before taking any course of action relating to anything contained in this publication.


6th Trade show was impressive 6 Agrinet on show 8


Success driven by distribution 10 Have some brew with Marius 13 The art of DIY 18 Drive your garden up the wall 21 Our top 10 DIY tools 24


inFocus verskyn 4 keer per jaar / inFocus appears 4 times per year



Get your reindeer in a row 5

Water on auto 26 The electric revolution coming your way 29 Stand-by, lights, action 30 14 Super handy waterproofing tips 31 A brush above the rest 32 U-Part parts for you 32 Agpoint – great teamwork product design 32 The art of mower maintenance 34 Lawnking has the range 35 Power products department geared for great service 36 Stocked up, ready to roll 37 Prepare your vehicle for your holiday 38 Pack your own emergency kit 38 Have a Kaufmann Christmas 41

Nov/Dec/Jan 2016 | inFocus




a, bel vir oom Gielie. Pa koppel die drade verkeerd, daai goed gaan Pa bo van die leer af skop,” my seun is driftig. Die kinders glo onwrikbaar dat oom Gielie alles kan regmaak - en hulle is reg, hy kan. Ek, wel ek ... het ander talente. Vir my sien jy nie sommer in die DIY-afdeling rondsnuffel nie, ek sal in elk geval nie eens weet waarna ek kyk nie. My diepste nagmerrie is ‘n ‘DIY-vakansie’ tuis, waarna my vrinne hier by Agrinet verwys – ek dog hulle maak ‘n grap. Maar so gesels ek met Morné Jacobs van Elektries en hy wys my die wye reeks veiligheids- en ander ligte wat in die NEXUS-reeks beskikbaar is, mooi goed wat elektrisiteit

spaar, “en jy kan dit maklik self installeer,” beweer hy. Ja, ja, ek het dit al voorheen gehoor, ek wil hom eers ignoreer soos ek altyd doen as ek daardie sin hoor, maar hy wys my. En ek sweer dit lyk maklik. En ek MOET die veiligheidslig by die motorhuis en die stoep dringend vervang kry. Die ligte wat Morné my wys werk nog met sonkrag ook – ideaal vir die donker kolle buite. Hoewel selfdoen nou nie my ding is nie, moet ek erken dat die moontlikhede wat dit vir my oopmaak om geld te spaar, baie aanloklik lyk. My gesukkel begin ongelukkig al by die regte gereedskap vir die joppie. Maar as ek kyk na die reekse kraggereedskap beskikbaar by Agrinet en ek vergelyk pryse met


die rekeninge van die laaste drie nutsmanne wat ek moes gebruik, nou ja, dan kon ek, oor die laaste twee jaar, al die gereedskap in een van daardie lekker nuttige trommels van Stanley gekoop het. Nou staan ek hier op die leer met my vinger op Gielie se naam in my selfoon se kontaktelys. “Wag Pa, ek dink EK sal die drade gekoppel kan kry. Kyk hier in die instruksies – dis doodmaklik. Klim af Pa,” Ek gee sommer sonder teenstribbel oor – lafaard. Ek klim van die leer af. Ek is dankbaar my vrou is nie hier nie. Ek kyk vir Boeta. “Ja, ek weet, ‘don’t tell mom’,” antisipeer hy my volgende versoek.

those inclined to DIY. See the blog on page 18 with those easy projects. The great thing about this is that retailers can use the wave of DIY creativity to sell a boatload of products to support DIY enthusiasts in their endeavours. Give them ideas and sell them the tools and materials! We started marking the ideas and information you can share with your customers in this edition. Look for the

My own incompetencies aside, when I look at the DIY vibrations on social media I realize how big this has become. There are a gazillion blogs and sites and strings on the amazing decor possibilities open to

logo to find handy information that is meant to inspire the consumer into buying some of the great products in your store. Go sell! Enjoy the season see you in 2016. Ed




THE FESTIVE SEASON is upon us and the Agrinet InFocus Editorial team and contributors have put together a fantastic issue of InFocus filled with great feature articles on security, 4 x 4 holidays, home renovation and garden trends – intended to help you make the most of the season’s opportunities.


y now your store is dressed up with festive music playing in the background soothing your customers and helping them get into the mood to buy what they need and even some items they never realised they needed. This is the opportunity to stock up and sell, increase basket mix and move the more profitable items. To this end, Agrinet will continue to give you our full support. Our representatives will be happy to assist with any requests or with events you are planning. Our support and warehouse staff are also ready to help you make this a bumper season to be remembered. Let’s not forget the back to work promotion which will kick off in the New Year – but remember this needs some planning before the retail rush starts. In closing, with another exciting year drawing to an end it is always pertinent to look back and take stock of what has happened. It has been a year filled with numerous and great advancements in our service and product offering to our clients. Naturally one wonders what the New Year has in store and I must say that I am particularly excited about the future plans Agrinet has for our partnerships. It is all based on our commitment to making our service to customers and suppliers more effective, efficient and profitable overall. We are constantly striving to be the solutionsdriven channel of choice for our portfolio of products in Africa. On behalf of everyone at Agrinet, I would like to thank you and your team for the support we have enjoyed over the last year and wish you and your family a blessed festive season. Together, we will have a prosperous new year!

Regards – Sean Bradshaw


Nov/Dec/Jan 2016 | inFocus





Impressive in many ways. It started at the digital registration stand where visitors were processed super fast and effective. A quick stop at the entrance got your details entered into the system and your name tag and courtesy bag handed over within seconds. It ended, rather late for some, on day two with great, interesting food and the music of Saarkie, an all-girl band that knows how to rock.

THE AGRINET TRADE SHOW has really grown in leaps and bounds. Feedback from clients were overwhelmingly positive. Almost all the reactions were that this is a world class event

on the SA retail calendar. Visitors mentioned the floor lay-out that created surprises around every corner, making visitors want to interact with each display.

The food chain – Vuyo�s cooking real SA chow. Rock bokkies – SAARKIE in action!



Mistery consumer’s favourites at Trade Show


What, Q30? This is about as strange as a Ford Escort XR5 – it just doesn’t sound right. But, there it was, an amazing product by the same people who gave us Q20. The Q30 is sprayed onto anything that needs protection or needs to be water proofed and a thin plastic layer forms over it. Plastic in a can. The great thing about this is that it is just as easy to remove it if you need to, simply peel it off. Use it on electic switches, pumps, battery heads and anything you can think of – unbelievable.

Agrinet’s house brands went all-out with their displays. Nexus had a dark room set up to display their phenominal products in their natural environment. Kaufmann Outdoor, always a draw-card in the South African context, showed off the new branding and some really great oudoor equipment.

Product: HW1833662

Product: JDP1200-LDE

inFocus also spoke to Sean Bradshaw, CEO of Agrinet, who experienced his first Agrinet Trade Show. “This was an exceptional show and it is in tune with the vision I have for

The editorial staff at inFocus chose a mistery consumer to pick a few favourite products off the shelves at the Trade Show. His only brief was – choose anything that blows your hair back. Below are his choices, with his comments.

the business. We want to become a partner and not only a part in the supply chain. In four to five years you will see a totally different Agrinet,” he said.

Product: V0402033

I have had to cut a few locks in my time – a strong boltcutter or decent hacksaw usually did the trick. But the Master Lock items on display use a very strong disk combination lock that would laugh at any boltcutter AND you can change the code whenever you want to! A guest house for instance can give each guest his own new code. No stress about the angry fired worker coming back with his keys to do damage after hours. We all know how easily we hacked the codes on those bicycle locks at school, these locks are in a different class altogether and will not be fiddled open. I love diesel. That smell of the old Fordson Major tractor was the best thing in the world for a little boy in a blue Pep Stores one-piece overall. Power Master has this 5KVA diesel generator that will power my whole house (geyser excluded). Best of all it doesn’t sound like that cheap lawnmower my neigbour uses on Sunday afternoons to get everyone in the ‘hood’ charged up. No, this one is smooth and soft, like my bed. It has it’s own wheels and is not even that expensive – I think they said it retails around R12 000, VAT excluded? Now Kaufmann, wow, do they have good stuff for us! My choice might not excite the guys with the big caravans or the Ford F250s who have the luxury of space when packing. I lost my heart on a small triangular camping chair – it is lightweight, sturdy AND comfortable. Perfect to take with on a bike trip or to a sports event or for queuing at Home Affairs. Do you remember sugar soap? It will always remind me of Granny. It is unbelievable stuff – a powder mixed with water that will basically clean anything, ask Gran about it. Old oil stains on the paving or even dirty walls. It is alcaline and will not harm painted surfaces. AND IT IS CHEAP. Have a look at the product that Powafix has on offer. You will always have some in the broom cupboard.

Product: 6756000


Nov/Dec/Jan 2016 | inFocus


AGRINET ON SHOW Staff at Agrinet were on the run the last few months, showing off their product offerings at various shows throughout the country. AT EST Africa Elite Star Africa (EST) is a voluntary association of member shareholders that include independent wholesale and retail businesses within the building, hardware and general merchandise disciplines. Agrinet is also one of the 310 main suppliers of this buying group. “This is one of the fastest growing buying groups in SA,” said Wollie Wolmarans sales manager: retail at Agrinet.

AT MICA-MARKET Mica held their annual conference at the Wild Coast during August this year. Agrinet was among the top suppliers invited to exhibit during the first day of the conference. “This

Agrinet were among EST’s 50 top supplier members invited to exhibit in Johannesburg, Durban and Cape Town. “This was a great opportunity for us, we met some new clients and found new business opportunities. We even received an award as we were among the five best exhibitors! The criteria focussed on the quality of the exhibitions and of the offering suppliers had on show,” said Wollie.


was a high quality exhibition where buyers and sellers of Mica stores were exposed to products focussed on the coming high season – that is why it is held during August,” Wollie told inFocus.



Agri Mega Week Die 2015 Agri Mega-Weekskou is in September in Bredasdorp aangebied. Overberg Agri speel ‘n belang­rike rol in die Overbergstreek en vorm deel van die voorsieningsketting wat ‘n belangrike bydrae lewer tot die groter oogmerk met landbouontwikkeling. Overberg Agri het saam met van hulle hoofverskaffers ‘n tentoonstelling aangebied van ‘n wye verskeidenheid produkte wat deel vorm van produksiemiddele vir die landbou. Agrinet se handelsmerke soos Nexus, Power Master en die Kaufmann Buitelewe­ reekse het deel gevorm van die Overberg Agri-tentoonstelling. Nexus se solarsekuriteitsligte het veral die aandag getrek

27 Y ears ago a giant was born and grew up to be South Africa’s largest descaler manufacturer, meet Calciclean! Never heard of it? Not surprised as only a few thousand privileged people actually met Calciclean over the years. Excellent shop keepers who had a vision for Calciclean was supportive and loyal. People countrywide found that Calciclean solved their Calcium, better known as lime scale, effortlessly. Our loyal friends and consumers spread the word and our growth was phenomenal! Our policy of giving more than what the label suggested, made even more friends. Combined with this was the price consistency which secured the loyalty relationship. When people talk about Calciclean they report that no damages were experienced, reinforcing the meaning of our slogan “It’s only clean if it’s Calciclean.” In the early stages of Calciclean’s growth, at a show in the Eastern Cape, we were confronted by a lady who wanted calcium scale removed from an aluminium kettle that was halfway filled with scale. There were some betting going on and the challenge was rather severe. Calciclean Kettle descaler is aluminiumfriendly, but the amount of calcium scale was a real concern. Well, it took 10 bottles of Calciclean Kettle Descaler and the aluminium kettle was clean. We never learnt the extent of the betting, but one thing was sure, Calciclean was the real winner! At the show numerous people enquired on how to remove calcium from glass windows – all of them had success with Calciclean Stain Remover. For those concerned about safety, our 27 years in existence should give you the neccesary assurance. There will always be new descalers challenging Calciclean, but we are confident that our policy of keeping prices stable and limit price increases to bi-annually or even longer periods, have created an unbroken bond with our loyal friends. Because loyalty has such a significant value in the growth of the giant, Calciclean, we were fortunate to join hands with the foundation of loyalty – Agrinet!

by die landbouskougangers terwyl die solartuinligte die vroulike besoekers gaande gehad het. Die Power Masterkragopwekkers het ook wye belangstelling gelok. Dit bied verskeie oplossings vir volhoubare en ononderbroke kragvoorsiening.


Nov/Dec/Jan 2016 | inFocus



DISTRIBUTION The success of any wholesaler rides on save and timeous delivery of goods. Even the best product at the lowest price will not sell if it cannot be delivered. Delivery is always a contentious issue and one that needs to be managed with much more than just an iron fist.


grinet is continually concerned with improving service delivery and is therefore constantly upgrading the technology that drives the delivery process. Control over the process is the real issue where a fleet of vehicles travels large distances through rural areas. Live video tracking is one of the modern and best means to accomplish this and Agrinet recently implemented a new CCTV system. After testing several units of CCTV Vehicle tracking systems available in the market for a period of two

months, Agrinet have decided to make use of a company that is currently the leader in Live Video Tracking Technology in South Africa. The entire Agrinet Fleet will be equipped with this system enabling the company to monitor the fleet from the security control room. The system has many advantages: o Continuously recording after the ignition is switched off, o monitor the contents of the cargo-in-transit from the comfort of the user’s desk,

Detail about the cargo, the driver and the vehicle can be monitored from the security control room at Agrinet – the new CCTV system installed in Agrinet�s fleet is one more method to enhance service delivery.


o evaluate the driver’s behaviour behind the wheel with a camera in the cab, o keep a watchful eye on the goods during loading or off-loading, o observe driver and passenger activity in the cab, and o identify the causes that lead to an accident with the in-cab camera and forward-facing camera and many more. Live video tracking allows you to track and view your vehicles in real time via live camera streamline from up to four cameras per vehicle. Using the Internet, GPS and mobile CCTV Technology, you can view your vehicle, the drivers and cargo wherever they are in the country from the control room. The cloudbased Control Room software also allows you to track your fleet, identifying speed, location, fuel level and much more.


Get the quality to complement your lifestyle.


Since 1995 Kaufmann Outdoor leisure products have been expertly developed with the latest designs and materials to satisfy the needs of the outdoor enthusiast.

Kaufmann Outdoor is exclusively distributed by For more information visit or contact: Samrand - T. 012 657 2222, E. Bellville - T. 021 959 5420, E.


Nov/Dec/Jan 2016 | inFocus






“When the going gets tough, the tough gets going”… The phrase is a play on words involving idiomatic and distinct meanings of ‘go’ and ‘tough’. In context, ‘the going’ means ‘the situation’, ‘gets tough’ means ‘becomes difficult’, ‘the tough’ means ‘people who are strong or enduring’, and ‘get going’ means ‘become fully engaged’. At the time of writing this article, the Springboks have just won their match against Scotland and the defeat against the Land of the Rising Sun was still hurting like a karate kick to the jaw. At the same time the Rand was at an all-time low and the drought in big parts of our country have reached devastating measures. Overall business sentiment and confidence was reeling in a market environment with disposable income under pressure and where recession looms as a reality in certain industries ie. agriculture and mining.

The DOP I’m referring to, is: D –dedication, O – Ownership and P – Passion. As a rule it’s dangerous to mix your DOP, but in this case I suggest we all do. I suggest we mix the attitude of being fully dedicated, taking ownership and expressing passion for your business, with a bit of ‘sticking to the basics’ and ‘being smarter than the next guy’. Remember: ‘Tough times never last, but tough people do’.

Take DOP


Enough of the tough realities and negative factors surrounding us. The question is what are we going to do? In my mind it is rather simple, just take a DOP! One could argue that a DOP doesn’t solve any problems, but I can assure you that coffee doesn’t help much either. But what kind of DOP will assist us in our current business environment?

Agrinet remains fully committed to support and guide customers through the tough times and I can promise each one of you that the ‘tough already got going’ on our side through constantly focussing on improving our service levels, listening to your individual requests and needs and action it accordingly. We combine this with our new product

Agrinet remains fully committed to support and guide customers through the tough times and I can promise each one of you that the ‘tough already got going’ on our side.

offerings, strong brands, support at branch level and a comprehensive competitive basket. Agrinet remains your partner in the tough times as we strive to be fully engaged with you, our valued customer. Despite the realities of the current market place, there still is money to be spent.


Reality is that the end-users are buying smarter and are more selective. When your retail offering provides a combination of stock availability, excellent service and advice on the floor with value for money products (new and impulse products as well as known brands) you will most probably be the top of mind retailer in your neighbourhood. We are already in our peak “silly” season – even more reason, as business partners, to make the most of this window of opportunity. Core ranges to focus on during this season is most definitely the garden-, outdoor- and DIY sections of our business. Consumers want to maintain and improve their gardens for the upcoming holiday season. They also need to get those neglected chores done in and around

Continued on p 17

Nov/Dec/Jan 2016 | inFocus



At the heart of the start HAWKINS has been the South African leader in developing and manufacturing battery chargers for the domestic, leisure, professional and industrial markets since 1961.

Available from




Skakel aan met skop HAWKINS is sedert 1961 al die leier in die ontwikkeling en vervaardiging van batterylaaiers vir huishoudelike, ontspannings, professionele en industriĂŤle markte.

Available from


Nov/Dec/Jan 2016 | inFocus




WHEN THE GOING GETS TOUGH ... the house and last but not least, shop around for some Christmas gifts. Agrinet can support our customers with the introduction of new and exciting ranges in all these core categories.

Lawn King

The newly launched Lawn King range of lawnmower and trimmer accessories is comprehensive, of excellent quality and very well priced. A two-drop merchandising display will help your customer find the right trimming line, the correct lawnmower blade for replacement and even some two-stroke oil. Don’t just talk about becoming a destination, make sure that you are. Add the NEXUS garden solar light offering, which we’ve expanded to a much bigger range, and you will definitely create some impulse buying and become the destination of choice. The typical end-user don’t have additional money to spend on contractors to do the DIY chores at home. They would rather spend the money wisely on equipment and consumables to do it themselves. Our newly launched range of Stanley Tradesman power tools will have that drill and the grinder your customer wants. He will also find the cordless screwdriver, which is not only a very strong and well-known brand, it’s also a product that will do the job at home at a very good price – the ideal from-dad-to-dad present for Christmas as well. The long anticipated wait for the new NEXUS LED and emergency lights is over – the range is now available. It will be a sin not to make use of this newly-launched range that compliments the existing range of NEXUS electrical accessories and solar products. Contact your representative or Agrinet call-centre to ensure that you place your orders in time – these products are going to connect with your customers and fly out the door, hopefully after they were paid for …

Nastec solar pumps

Innovation and solutions are part and parcel of Agrinet’s offering and the range of Nastec solar pumps is evidence of this statement. When we recently introduced this range, taking a rather conservative approach initially, we were overwhelmed with the demand and initial success. Due to this we invested in more stock and I invite you to discuss this product with your sales or technical rep or simply call one of our technical irrigation advisors at the Agrinet call centre. The easy to install, basically ‘plug and play’, is a must-have for any lodge owner, farmer or those fortunate enough to have a borehole at home. Living off the grid and saving electricity is a current reality. The combination of our Stairs borehole motors and Speroni borehole pumps is going from strength to strength and the equity, demand and trust in the market for these two strong brands is evident in the ongoing growth in sales. Stock is king and Agrinet can serve the demands of our loyal stockists during the peak season.

generators and we have all the various models in stock. The sustainability of ESKOM’s current supply is a dark cloud, but talk in the alleys is that the grid is once again going to come under enormous pressure. With a little extra cash after the Christmas bonus consumers can definitely invest in this product. If the Power Master generator is not on your floor it’s not going to sell, as simple as that, don’t miss out on this opportunity. Just as the going got tough for Heyneke and the Bokke, and for most of us, I trust that you will get tough and get going as well. Hopefully by the time you read through this edition of InFocus sales will be booming with our Agrinet products and everybody’s spirits high … I wish to take this opportunity to thank each and every customer, colleagues and loyal

suppliers for yet another exiting year in which we not only celebrated our 65th birthday at Agrinet, but a year in which I believe we’ve moved closer to our customers by becoming partners through providing profitable solutions and exciting brands and products, adding the value which you expect from us. All of the best for the peak retail period, may your business prosper and I trust that you will enjoy the festive period with your friends and loved ones. Travel safely and we look forward to an exiting 2016 with all its challenges. Thanks once again for your loyal support, highly appreciated. I will definitely take a DOP on all of you, enjoy and cheers for now!

Kaufmann Outdoor

The market took the newly launched look and feel of our Kaufmann Outdoor range, with a brand new designed logo and improved packaging, like sweet cake. Complementing the new look we’ve recently launched even more innovative products in the range. The Kaufmann Outdoor spotlights and torches are must-haves in your retail offering but there are many more. Please take the time to browse the website for all the latest available products. Make sure that your ranges are complete – make full use of the holidaymaker, camper and Christmas shopper looking for good quality in a well-known brand. And yes, we are still selling a lot of our Power Master


Nov/Dec/Jan 2016 | inFocus


If you heed all the internet traffic on DIY and start searching for projects, you realise just how popular and creative going DIY has become. It is becoming an artform and what is more, it is not only open to the handy and practical people, with the amount of help available ‘everyone can!’ Encourage your clients to go DIY by showing them how.



SHARE THESE SMART IDEAS WITH CUSTOMERS TO INSPIRE THEM Here at Agrinet, we are loving the DIY revolution. The Marketing department keenly follow a plethora of bloggers online, on Instagram and Pinterest and there is just so much amazing inspiration out there. (Who wouldn’t with a warehouse full of most of the goodies we need at your back door!?)


or this edition of InFocus we decided to feature one of our favourite blogs, HomeMade Modern. We have followed Ben Uyeda’s blog since the early days and now the blog has gained a great following (and a book deal). The team have partnered with HomeDepot in the USA and the quality and high level of design of the projects are really inspiring. Who wouldn’t want modern on a DIY budget? This type of blog is good to watch, as it can give hardware stores great and new ideas to inspire customers to try some of these projects. Ideas

are the fuel that drive the DIY engine! What has HomeMade Modern taught us? • Cement is amazing • Galvanised pipes and copper piping add modernity to just about anything • A pop of colour in moderation oozes style, if you can paint in gradient, even better • We need to get a 3D printer as soon as possible See some of our favourite projects here.

with customers

HOT TIP! Build/make these projects as a team at your store and showcase your projects to customers. This way customers get great inspiration and ideas, and the team can sell the product and give advice with confidence after doing it themselves.

Be sure to have a look at the blog and Youtube channel next time you are online!







Nov/Dec/Jan 2016 | inFocus

WATER PRESSURE SOLUTIONS For domestic water pressure supply and garden irrigation.

PASSSSK With Flow Control

PASSS/24 With Pressure Control


The Pascali range is exclusively distributed by For trade enquiries contact Samrand: T. 012 657 2222 - Bellville: T. 021 959 5420 or E.






his growing consciousness of organic and environmentally friendly practices, as well as the increasing need for smaller living spaces should prompt retailers to start putting together solutions for these types of gardeners too. We’ve picked some of our top ideas and hopefully these will spark some ideas for the shop floor or gardening offering!

UP THE WALL Photo credit:

With summer in full swing and energy levels high, everyone is in DIY-mode and the garden is always a firm favourite to spruce up. Gardening is the most loved hobby for South Africans and has a very broad appeal as a recreational passion. Trends and in some cases the need for edible and “green” or water-saving gardens recently started reshaping the South African garden culture.

with customers

VERTICAL GARDENS are gaining popularity in all different shapes and sizes. The Living Room in Joburg’s trendy Maboneng district has created a restaurant experience with its urban garden utopia setting. They have some of the most stunning vertical gardens and container garden displays, creating a relaxing space that is an escape for the inner city dwellers.


Another great example of this trend can be seen at the Green Room in Sandton’s SLOW In The City, a very modern meeting and work space for executives and travellers.


Translate this trend into the DIY market >> SALAD/VEGETABLE PALLET PLANTERS Fresh greens in a small space? Who wouldn’t want to have this close to the kitchen? With a bit of elbow grease and the right tools this DIY project is a cinch and can supply you with yummy leafy greens throughout summer. Some products to offer: • Woodworking tools • Seeds/seedlings • Drip/micro irrigation kits • Shade netting if there is too much sun (blue netting promotes faster growth) • Sanded down pallets or wood • Wood sealer.


SUCCULENT FRAMES Succulents are not only considered living sculptures in all their wonderful shapes and sizes, these great plants are also water-friendly. Succulents are great for vertical gardens and container gardens alike and are perfect for flat living. A fun and beautiful project idea is to create a “living frame”. Show one in store with all the components to make some and this is sure to be a hit! Some products to offer: • Woodworking tools • Chicken wire • Pliers • Sanded down pallets or wood - or sell a sander and sanding paper • Wood sealer • Misting kits • Hooks to hang frames • Paints & brushes if frames need to be painted

Nov/Dec/Jan 2016 | inFocus





Nov/Dec/Jan 2016 | inFocus





s DIY l o o t CHOICE

Doing things around the home yourself can be satisfying and even fun IF YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TOOL for the job. We compiled this list of tools that will make life for the DIY enthusiast much easier.


Use these ideas in a special DIY display to promote the products and DIY as a ‘hobby’.




1000 mm LEVEL KAUFMANN HW1310118










Nov/Dec/Jan 2016 | inFocus




AUTOMATIC 2-VALVE 1-DIAL TIMER - BSP Product Description Digital watering programming for both outlets 
Features and Benefits · Oversized dial controls all programming · Easiest to use hose tap timer on the market · Rain delay easily programmable PRODUCT CODE 101015



ORBIT 4-STATION EASY-DIAL TIMER Product Description The Easy-Dial Indoor Timer makes programming a snap! Utilizing Orbit’s Easy-Set Logic programming, your timer can be watering in a few minutes. This new timer also includes an auto-reset circuit breaker, and large easy-to-read LCD and dial. 
Features and Benefits · Simple programming with Easy-Set Logic · Large easy-to-read LCD and Dial · Large Dial and Buttons

EXPANDABLE WATERING TIMER Product Description The Orbit Expandable Watering Timer will turn your hose faucet into a programmed sprinkler system in minutes. No digging is required to install this watering system that can control up to four watering areas. With a large digital display, oversized dial, and simple controls, programming is fast and easy. Built with high quality materials and water-resistant construction – you can count on many years of dependable service. Features and Benefits · Includes 2 valves and expandable to up to 4 valves · Three independent start times · Days-of-the-week programming · Interval programming – every day up to every 7th day · Watering duration from 1 to 360 minutes · Simple to program · Rain-delay from 1 to 7 days · Manual watering-without-interrupting programming · High quality construction · Long battery life · Overmolded brass hose faucet swivel · IP 35 certified · Requires two AA batteries (not included)


Altyd Innoverend. STAIRS is ‘n toonaangewende wêreldleier in die pompvervaardigingsindustrie en bedien een van die snelgroeiendste segmente in hierdie mark. Sedert 1981, volg STAIRS ‘n produkontwikkelingsfilosofie wat die fokus plaas op die behoeftes van die kliënt. Die STAIRS reeks van boorgatmotors is top gehalte en sal aanhou werk in uiterste omstandighede.



ith constantly increasing time limitations, you have to admit that automating your gardening system will decrease stress and in my case, time spent on replacing plants due to severe dehydration. I bought the Orbit 4-station Garden Watering Control System, (101018) hoping to solve this problem. I had to read the instruction manual only twice. That, for me, is a shortcut. I am not the technical whiz-type of girl, so this clear-to-follow instruction manual saved a lot of time. The installation itself is also quite easy. I had to call my husband only once for help – only to make sure the system was firmly connected to the tap. So, all I did was connect the current sprinkler system to the Garden Watering Control System and irrigation was a go! This is the ideal system to

save time, money and water. There is only one problem with this system – it is more an operator problem than a system problem though – I forget to change the batteries! So please remember to check the batteries at least every four months. When your lawn starts looking a little pale, you should probably check the batteries. I am not a gardening person and my parents weren’t either. So I always thought a brown lawn was a sign of winter and there is nothing you can do about it. Now I realize that grassy bums on couch would have caused a lot less fighting, had this system been around years ago. My advice, go ahead and try this. I will recommend this system to anyone who has brown fingers like me. (Probably because of all the replanting).



I know it is five a clock in the morning when the outdoor tap opens to fill our dog’s water bowl. It is a stainless steel bowl and the sound usually wakes me up. I don’t mind because I know it means that I don’t have to worry about checking whether my dog has enough water for the day before I leave for the office. I am always late and checking the water will only increase my morning frustration. One less thing to worry about. So, for those who thought that automation of your tap is only for watering your plants, think again! Filling up your swimming pool on a weekly schedule, is also a great reason to automate.

Die Stairs reeks word eksklusief deur versprei. . Vir handelsnavrae kontak: Samrand: T. 012 657 222 – Bellville: T. 021 959 5420 of E.

Nov/Dec/Jan 2016 | inFocus






here is a serious focus on the DIY sector where lighting products are concerned. It is becoming so easy to install light fittings that even those with two left hands can get it right the first time. InFocus spoke to the product manager: Electrical at Agrinet, Morné Jacobs, about this. “There is such a variety of new products, we have to keep running to stay ahead. It is an extremely exciting time in the development of electrical products. The range of Nexus products are definitely leaning towards more user-friendly products for the DIY oriented consumer,” said Morné. Security is a major topic this time of year and Nexus has the solution to all your needs. Nexus has a new aesthetic and modern range of DIY solar security lights that are very user friendly and is totally independent from Eskom. These lights boast glass

There seems to be a lot happening world-wide in the research and development fields of electrical products and more so in lighting. If the stream of new innovations from Nexus is something to go by, they are surely on par with this revolution!

lenses, aluminium finishes and lithium ion batteries. Your customers will start thinking security as soon as the final holiday plans are made so it is best to be prepared. Remind customers that a home that is well-lit is less prone to break-ins than a house with poor outdoor lighting – especially during the holiday season! On the other hand Nexus offer both day/ night and motion activated high level solar security lights and consumers should combine both these lights for full security. Motion activated lights come on when you get into your drive-way so you are not taken by surprise by burglars when getting out of your car or garage. Day/night solar lights come on automatically when it gets dark and



with customers

continued on p 30

Product: NXS0008

1) Do not install your solar lights close to other light sources as they will not switch on. 2) Remember to clean solar panels regularly with a damp cloth. Clean solar panels are much more effective.

Consumers should combine day/night and motion activated high level solar security lights for full security.

3) Do not install solar panels in shaded areas preferably not in areas where there is more than four hours of shade per day. The panels need at least four to six daylight hours to charge effectively.

Product: NXS0007


Nov/Dec/Jan 2016 | inFocus



Stand-by lights are new arrivals from Nexus. This range offers much more than the obvious use during load shedding. They are stand-by lights for a variety of uses such as camping, fishing, roadside assistance, studying and even in restaurants. They offer much higher lumen output and a wide angle of light than any torchlight. The stand-by lights from Nexus also lasts a lot longer - offering up to 12 hours of light. UNIQUE FEATURES - Latest LED chip technology offering high lumen output, - high battery capacity of up to 12 hours depending on the lumen output, - various mounting options: foot stands, hang tags, wall mounts and carry handles, - versatility - auto switch-on, ideal for load shedding - plug the lights in permanently and as soon as the mains fail, the stand-by automatically turns on immediately, - certain models are dimmable - some models has a USB cell phone charger option, ideal for the teens in the home.


Product: NXL0100

MERCHANDISING TIP Display the stand-by light in different environments within the shop - use the lights at the camping display. Hang it from a gazebo, display it at the automotive section, the furniture department and even at the till.

stays on for the duration of the night. This is ideal for perimeter lighting and high risk areas where permanent lighting is required. The high level range of Floodlights boast polycarbonate lenses, aluminum bodies, stainless steel screws and lithium ion batteries The whole range uses the latest technology LED chips, solar panels and batteries and only quality materials are used in production. Agrinet also has spares available and offers a one year warranty.

The new aesthetic and modern range of DIY solar security and perimeter lights are very user friendly.

Product: NXS0020

TIPS FOR CUSTOMERS SOME MERCHANDISING TIPS The best way to sell lights is to show their effect. A good display should demonstrate the installation as well as the effectiveness of the light. “We must become creative where merchandising is concerned,” said Morné. Use a demo to light the shop’s sign board at night. This is a great way to actually show clients how effective the lights are. Another great idea is to arrange a demo for a few contractors at night. The income potential of these products will justify the cost of such a demo. Morné also encouraged shop owners to think outside the box, “Be aware of new developments in your area, like new shopping centres, hotels, lodges, schools and security companies, these are all potential opportunities that can be tapped with a little extra effort.”


Remember that up to 60% of a household’s electricity consumption consists of electricity used for lights. By replacing bulbs with LEDs up to 95% of this part of the bill can be saved. The LEDs are more expensive, but clearly will pay for themselves soon. Most households cannot afford to replace all bulbs at once, but start replacing them over time and you start saving immediately.

with customers



with customers


10] Avoid waterproofing into 90째 corners; use a suitable filler to create a 45 fillet.

11] In ponding applications (water features and fish ponds)

surface preparation and priming with Hypercrete Primer is crucial. 12] In ponding applications leaks normally occur were there is any form of detailing (inlet pipes, corners, drains or joints between plaster and rock). Pay special attention to these areas. 13] In ponding applications take care to ensure compatibility when applying a waterproofing compound over an existing unknown product. 14] In ponding applications, seven rain free days are required for curing, before water is re-introduced.


Always read ALL the instructions. If in doubt phone the manufacturer before undertaking a specific application 2] Ensure that you have selected the correct product for your application. 3] Correct surface preparation and priming is essential for best results. 4] Do not attempt a waterproofing job if rain is imminent. 5] Ensure to apply the product at the specified application rate. 6] When using a membrane system, such as Liquid Plastic or One Shot, full saturation from underneath the membrane is the key to success. 7] The first coat of waterproofing compound must be liberally applied and still be wet, in order to saturate a membrane effectively. 8] Over-applying waterproofing compound on top of the membrane does not give proper results. 9] Do not attempt to waterproof over cracks and gaps, use a suitable filler to create a base before waterproofing.

The Nastec range is distributed by For more information visit or contact: Samrand: T. (012) 657-2222, E. Bellville: T. (021) 959-5420, E:


Nov/Dec/Jan 2016 | inFocus

VERF | PAINT Founded in 1928, Harris is a world class manufacturer of decorating products using some of the finest materials and designed for ease of use. In 1961, the company was awarded the Royal Warrant (see the side note article) in recognition of product excellence. Today, Harris is a thriving company leading the way in product quality and innovation; successfully supplying millions of decorators around the world.



ith an intense programme of product development, Harris continues to demonstrate its market leading design capabilities in a way which makes decorating easier, enjoyable, and more effective. Combine this with one of the strongest brand portfolios and it’s easy to understand why Harris is the UK’s favourite, and fast becoming South Africa’s too. Furthermore, because all Harris products come with a Lifetime Guarantee, consumers can enjoy a professional finish and better performance for generations to come.

It is not commonplace in today’s throwaway consumer economy to find companies that still understand, embody and have a drive towards the value of quality. From product quality and innovation to great value Harris has a decorating solution to please all types of decorator. What makes Harris Brushes so great? From the finest natural bristles and high performance synthetic filaments, to their revolutionary shaped handles, Harris brushes are unrivalled in both quality and innovation, ensuring that every brushstroke delivers an unmistakably smooth finish. Agrinet stock a range of Harris brushes, rollers and paint accessories. Visit www.agrinet. to view the full range of products and merchandising solutions online, or contact your local Agrinet representative.


THESE BRUSHES ARE AVAILABLE NOW Harris NoLoss Range This is the 3rd generation of the famous NoLoss brush! The range has been improved with a blend of specially shaped synthetic filaments to ensure better paint pick up and an even smoother finish. The filaments are deeply set into the ferrule to guarantee no bristle loss for the lifetime of the brush. 12 mm HW20716104 25 mm HW20716110 25 mm ANGLED WINDOW HW20716112 38 mm HW20716114 50 mm HW20716120 75 mm HW20716130


Royal Warrant of excellence In 1961, Harris were awarded the Royal Warrant in recognition of product excellence for the supplying of painting and decorating brushes - reinforcing the reputation of quality through innovation. Royal warrants are granted to people or companies who have regularly supplied goods

or services for a minimum of five consecutive years to The Queen, The Duke of Edinburgh or The Prince of Wales. Each of these members of the Royal Family can grant only one warrant to any individual business, but a business may hold warrants from more than one member of the Royal

Family. They have always been regarded as demonstrating the very highest standards in excellence, quality, service and innovation, hence are highly prized and are a mark of the best of British. The mark can be seen on all packaging.




Great teamwork-product design



-Part is continuously extending its range of replacement parts, focussing on the needs of the agricultural market for good quality mechanical replacement parts at a good price. The following ranges are available: Linkage parts - U Part Agrinet stocks a comprehensive range of quality linkage parts such as: Toplinks Gripclips Linch pins Implement pins Hitch pins Top link pins Stabilizer chains Weld-on and top-link balls

We also have a pre-pack shop concept available on this product range. Centre pivot wheel drives Agrinet offers a range of replacement centre pivot wheel gearboxes in the following configurations: 50:1 Ratio 52: 1 Ratio 50: Ratio towable Agrinet also carries a range of spare parts on the above gearboxes U Part PTO shafts Agrinet has a quality range of PTO shafts and components in stock such as: PTO shafts B1,B2,B4,B6, Pto covers - Inner and outer tubes, triangular and lemon profile - Tube yokes triangular and lemon profile - Universal crosses - Qr yokes - Non interfering yokes, slip clutches, clutch plates


ver the past 20 years Agpoint has worked hard to improve on the design of the current products in the market by introducing such features as the parallel wing, wrap around necks, 8 mm material as well as the unique dart feature. All these improvements have led to vastly improved wear rates and longer lasting products, providing cost and time saving benefits for the farmer.



Dart feature This picture shows the benefit of the dart feature on most of the Agrinet range. The nose has held together allowing for even wear to the end of the wings. The sweep also held its width, allowing for the product to be used to the very end of its life.

7/16 single bolt hole knives Agpoint also specializes in a vast range of No-till products and is a leader in No-till tillage accessories in Australia. These include a full range of knives for 7/16 and ½ bolt holes as well as conversion kits to turn most two bolt hole tillage bars into disc seeders.


Nov/Dec/Jan 2016 | inFocus

HARDEWARE - tuin | HARDWARE - garden


Regular preventative maintenance can prolong the life of your lawnmower. It is very important to read the owner’s manual since this will tell you how to take care of your lawn mower.


Follow these basic steps to maintain your lawnmower with customers Drain the gasoline at the end of each mowing season Old fuel is one of the main suspects when a mower won’t start. Run the remaining fuel out of the mower or drain it at the end of each mowing season, and always use fresh fuel in the spring. Discharge the fuel tank by letting the mower run until the fuel is gone. Keep the tank empty until the following cutting season. Old fuel that was left in the tank for a prolonged period will cause moisture and become thick, producing sediment in the fuel lines and carburetor, causing the engine to die. Dispose of the old oil and change for clean oil. Check the oil Monitor the oil level in your mower and look for floating debris or oil that is dark black in color. Old or contaminated oil should be drained in an environmental safe manner and replaced. To change the oil, remove the drain plug underneath the mower and allow it to drain completely. If your mower doesn’t have a drain plug, you’ll need to carefully tilt the mower on its side and drain the oil through the fill hole. Consult your owner’s manual for the correct method and type of oil to use.

Clean out the undercarriage Grass can get caked in the undercarriage potentially clogging the mower’s discharge chute. Use a wire brush to scrape grass clippings and dirt from the undercarriage and spray the remaining debris away with a hose. As a safety precaution, always disconnect the spark plug before working around the undercarriage. Remove, disassemble and clean the carburetor Inspect the air filter A clogged or dirty air filter puts added stress on the mower and burns fuel less efficiently. Most lawnmowers have a paper or foam air filter that can be easily accessed. Replacement air filters are inexpensive, so most pros recommend an annual replacement to ensure optimal performance. A dirty or clogged air filter will affect engine performance and increase fuel consumption of your mower. Symptoms of a clogged air filter include difficulty starting and quickly stopping after several sputters, or a weak idle.

Like the air filter, the spark plug is extremely important to a functioning lawnmower, yet inexpensive and easy to replace. Change the spark plug every year to ensure an easy start. Unhook the spark plug wire and remove the old plug with a socket or spark plug wrench. Install the new plug but do not overtighten it, it could prevent the mower from starting. Sharpen the blade Mower blades endure a great deal of stress caused by rocks, large branches and other hidden objects. A dull blade rips and tears grass instead of providing a clean cut. Some people sharpen their own blades

Change the spark plug Adding fuel stabilizer to your fuel at each fill-up will help keep the fuel and carburetor clean throughout the season.


with a vice and metal file, but it’s not recommended for the inexperienced. A mower repair shop can sharpen your blade for a small fee, and it’s usually included with mower tune-up. A mower with dull blades, for example, can damage grass by tearing it out rather than cutting it evenly. Get a professional tuneup It’s a great way to ensure your mower is in top working order for the mowing season. A lawnmower repair shop will drain the old fuel from the mower, replace the air filter and spark plug and perform basic diagnostic tests.

MORE TIPS ON TIPPING It is best not to tip, but if you do, you should remove the air filter so that it does not become saturated with oil or fuel and be prepared for oil and or fuel spillage! Most mowers now have a fuel line between the carburetor and fuel tank, and it is a good idea to clamp this in some way. Small needle nose vise grips with rubber hose slid over each jaw work great but should clamp only tightly enough to stop fuel flow. If your lawnmower is a “four stroke” mower (separate fuel and oil), never tip it on its side with the spark plug to the ground. Most four strokes have a crankcase vent that routes to the air filter box and will pour or seep oil into the air filter or carburetor throat if they are tipped with the spark plug pointing skyward. If your lawnmower is “two stroke” (oil and fuel mixed) turn off the fuel tap. You can tip a two stroke mower almost any way that is suitable to you, as long as the fuel doesn’t spill from the tank.

HARDEWARE - tuin | HARDWARE - garden

LAWNKING Since 1986 Lawnking have expertly selected a range of reasonably priced, prepacked consumable replacement products and parts for Garden Machinery. The range consist of a “one stop” solution that is easily merchandised and visible in stores. The range has enjoyed a great uptake as consumers are seeing and believing the value it brings, and the brand is growing from strength to strength. The range includes blades (bar and swing blades) as well as blade fittings. After recognising the need in the market, lawnmower wheels (150mm and 200mm) were later added to the range and includes bearings and hub caps (3501626/3501828). Other products in the mix include electric cables for electric lawnmowers which range from 1 000 W (3500032) to 3  000 W & upwards (3500037). It is very important to choose the correct cable as matching the incorrect cable could cause serious damage to a lawnmower’s engine. Spark plugs come in both the short and standard fittings for your lawnmower (3501050/3501055). Universal fittings are also included in the range, such as chain saw chains (3501552 /3501573) and universal brush cutter heads (3501560/3502008) that fit on most makes and models.


Code: 3501628

The range has an impressive line-up of Trimmer line options, suitable for all popular makes and models. New this year, and introduced due to popular demand, is Lawnking oil, which has been specially developed for lawnmowers and other garden machines. This performance oil has been blended locally and includes a low-smoke, fully synthetic, two-stroke oil which is also particularly suited for chainsaws and brush cutters. For more information on the Lawnking range, please visit Planogram for both 1.5m and 1.8m stands and for small, medium and large stores are also available. These planograms can be found on our website under category management under lawnmower accessories.

Code: 3501126

Code: 3501615

Code: 3501016

Code: 3501531 Code: 3501561

Code: 3501034


Nov/Dec/Jan 2016 | inFocus


STOCKED UP, READY TO ROLL The specialist Power Product division at Agrinet has made great strides the past year. This division specialises in offering a comprehensive and high quality range of generators, engines and customized generators to retailers and OEM’s (Original Equipment Manufacturers). Armed with technical know-how and an expertly selected range, the team is growing this division’s offering to the market with leading brands such as Honda, Iveco, Yanmar and Power Master.

The Power team from left: Nico Louw, Calvin Fernandes, Hettie Liebenberg, Chris Coetzee and Derek Pedder.



For more information on the ranges available from Agrinet’s Power Product division, do not hesitate to contact the Power Products division at Samrand on 012 657 2000 or email the Product manager, Chris Coetzee, at

Product: 313-WB20XT

Product: SRGE8500D

Power Master With winter behind us, and load-shedding not a daily occurrence at the moment, sales of generators have slowed down. Eskom seems to have everything under control, but just in case the power supply dwindles, we’ve stocked up and are ready for demand when it hits again. For the camping and 4x4 crowds getting ready and planning for their holidays, the Power Master range of invertor-type generators are ideal. There are four models in the range namely the 1.2, 2.5, 3.5 KVA recoil and the 3.5 KVA Key Start units. All these models run at a low 65 dB and is a must for the avid adventurer, or TV junky that cannot go without a sport fix in the bush. The revamped Power Master powered Mamba firefighter units were launched recently, in time for the Cape dry season and drought stricken areas. The new Mambas have taken off like wild fire and are indispensable on farms and lodges because it can turn any bakkie or truck into a powerful, mobile firefighting unit. The well-priced generatorwelder with a 200 A welder function combined with a 5.5 KVA generator, has been

popular with our client-base. This petrol-driven unit comes with a wheel kit and can operate under tough conditions. New models have arrived and are in stock in time for the back-to-work season that is around the corner. Overall, the Power Master brand has enjoyed a lot of growth and exposure this past year, and will continue to capitalise on this in the coming year.

Honda The Honda range has been a key range in the Agrinet stable for many years, and for good reason. The Honda brand is still ahead of the curve where quality and work rate are concerned. Agrinet stock a range that starts at 2.5 KVA all the way to 10 KVA. The units are robust and come with a sturdy frame manufactured in South Africa, with the imported Honda engine and Sincro alternator. The most popular unit combination is the 6 KVA electric-start units with AVR. Also included in the range are the water and fertiliser pumps which enjoyed a good season.


Yanmar The Yanmar brand has established a great reputation in the South African power products market over many years. Although the strain in the economy does tend to make clients look for cheaper alternatives, there is no denying the quality, durability and tried and tested performance of Yanmar products. Agrinet has negotiated stable and volume-related discount pricing for clients. This prevents clients from skimping on quality & performance. New ranges will be arriving in 2016, so watch this space.

Iveco After a short stint of marketing and selling completed units to the market, due to high demand, Agrinet is now back to focussing on providing loose FPT Iveco engines to OEM’s (Original Equipment Manufacturers). Agrinet stock an expanded range of Iveco engines ranging from 30 KVA to 550 KVA (a 100 more KVA than previously stocked). Due to this increase in offering, OEM’s can now spec projects up to 1 MWA with this product selection by synchronising two generators. This is more advantageous than buying one 1 MVA generator. For example, load transfers and engine running times can me managed better and altered if necessary. Another advantage is that if one engine fails, there is still half of the capacity available, instead of losing all power generated.

Product: YDL180GWELT

Nov/Dec/Jan 2016 | inFocus


PREPARE YOUR VEHICLE FOR YOUR HOLIDAY inFocus spoke to Wollie Wolmarans, Sales manager: Retail, at Agrinet, an avid 4x4 enthusiast and camper, about the upcoming holiday season and what he would pack to make sure he is ready for all enventualities in the bush.


e asked Wollie for a few tips on how to prepare our vehicles for the coming season and the equipment that he would not go without. He also had some advice on merchandising of your camping and 4x4 ranges. “Use your imagination, think holiday and design a exhibit that would grab customers’ attention. Allow clients to touch the merchandise and

engage with the exhibit. Talk to them and make suggestions about items that can be used together. Ask questions; where they are going, the kind of weather they expect, what type of vehicle they are using. “When you use a gazebo in the exhibit, don’t pack the space underneath too tight, allow space to walk around items in the exhibit,” was his advice.

Pack your own Emergency Kit Whether you are driving crosscountry or just going to visit the family around the corner, you want to be prepared for anything. Things you may need are: Jumper cables (AO256/ 0488/P), small shovel (HW1881090), tyre fix (AO800/0360), triangle (AO401/0003), tow strap (AO625/7043)

Jack (AO627/0005R) light bar (BDLB14-XJ). A light bar is better than the usual flash light because it leaves your hands free. The new Black and Decker jumper cables (BDBBC2C-XJ) work from your cigarette lighter socket, allowing for greater personal safety as there is no need to leave the vehicle to open the bonnet.

VEHICLE CHECKLIST Check your fluids – The various fluids under the hood keep the mechanicals in your car from seizing, which means it is vital to check and change them if necessary. We’re talking oil, transmission and brake fluid. Also make sure that your windshield wiper fluid is good to go. Coolant system – Extreme temperatures force the coolant system to work overtime. Have the antifreeze, hoses and radiator checked. Although it is a simple component of your cooling system, your radiator cap plays a crucial role in maintaining your vehicle’s cooling efficiency. Radiator caps are cheap, easy to find and take only a few seconds to replace, but ignoring a faulty one can cause overheating problems and potential engine damage. The following are available from Agrinet: Antifreeze code: AO800/7181, Radiator cap code: AO270/1000 Windshield wipers and lights – If your windshield


wiper blades are more than six months old, odds are it’s time to replace them. Being able to see and be seen are absolutely essential to your safety. Interior and exterior lights should be checked periodically. The following are available from Agrinet: Wipers code: AO260/0692, Globe code: AO410/6925/P Check tire tread, air pressure, and alignment – Improperly inflated tires are not only dangerous, they are also more costly as tire inflation directly affects fuel consumption. Uneven wear and tear and bulges or bald spots on your tires may be a warning sign that it’s time to replace your tires. Available from Agrinet: Gauge air pressure code: AO620/0417 Charge your phone! – The most important thing to have in an emergency is a phone. Invest in a good quality phone charger for those long trips. Available from Agrinet: Charger code: BDPC10USB-XJ


Member of


Nov/Dec/Janw 2016 | inFocus

OUTDOOR Water is life. NUUS | NEWS


Italian company, Speroni, has been on the forefront of technological design and research since 1955. Today Speroni is one of the leading manufacturers of water pumps in the world. This high quality range, with a market leading presence in Southern Africa, has been distributed and supported by Agrinet since 1996.

Speroni is exclusively distributed by For more information visit or contact: Samrand - T. 012 657 2222, E. Bellville - T. 021 959 5420, E.




CHRISTMAS Christmas is a golden time of the year for retail sales. But as any retailer knows, the busiest time of the year also requires the most preparation. Before customers start shopping in December, retailers have to do the ground work NOW to ensure they’re ready for the sales rush. Stock is the one thing that needs to be considered well in advance of the Christmas rush.

Think ahead: What can retailers do to prepare for Christmas sales?


e encourage our customers to stock up on product lines that are new and those that traditionally peak during summer to avoid stock shortages. It is important to remember a Christmas gift shopper is often not the end user. To help shoppers avoid disappointing their loved ones (and product returns to you), take the time to give them a quick demonstration. Take products out of their boxes and let consumers experience them personally — this is something they can’t experience online! Retailers can also get a head-start by making sure their staff are trained on all the products available in-store. Before the approach of those last frantic weeks, it’s worth thinking about store layout and how products will be positioned on the shop floor to capture attention. Encourage your staff to use the products and get to know it well, this will be invaluable in building their own product knowledge. A customer will engage with a salesperson talking from personal experience with a product. The key to success during the very busy and often cluttered Christmas period is to position products that have high gift appeal and provide great value for money in front and at centre. Choosing presents for people can be a stressful experience, help your customers by giving them gift ideas. Consumers are keen to ‘get in and get out’. Make it as easy as possible for them to navigate through the retail space, find what they are looking for, make the purchase and then feel great about it. Fill your stocking with Kaufmann outdoor products.

GREAT GIFT IDEAS FOR LOVERS OF THE GREAT OUTDOORS New High Powered spotlights for night owls Super bright 650 lumens of light delivers outstanding night time visibility up to 400 m. Hands free stand. Ergonomic anti-slip handle. Over charge and discharge protection. Includes an additional detachable 3AAA battery operated mini lantern, AC/DC adaptor and DC 12 V car charger. Approximately 3.5 hours of continuous run time. Ideal for hunting, fishing and outdoors. RECHARGEABLE LED (T650) SPOTLIGHT


RECHARGEABLE LED (T600) SPOTLIGHT Super bright 600 lumens of light delivers outstanding night time visibility up to 400m. Ergonomic pistol grip with rubber coating provides enhanced grip and comfort. Trigger style on/off switch. Over charge and discharge protection. Includes: AC/DC adaptor and DC 12 V car charger. Approximately 3.5 hours of continuous run time. Ideal for hunting, fishing and outdoors.



Nov/Dec/Jan 2016 | inFocus



For all the braais and outdoor get-togethers Insulated cooler bag back pack. Adjustable shoulder harness for easy carrying. Additional storage pouch. Will hold a 2lt bottle upright. Ideal for camping, picnics, day walks, etc. All Kaufmann Outdoor cooler bags are manufactured to high quality standards and offer good value for money and useful features to improve the performance of the product.


Convenience in a bag – keeps drinks and food cold in style Stylish well insulated cooler bag with hard EVA moulded base. This unique cooler bag includes a convenient fold-out side table with adjustable legs to keep your food and beverages off the ground. Handy front storage zipped pouch and side netted pocket. Adjustable padded shoulder strap and side handles for easy carrying. Holds 2lt bottles upright. Ideal for camping, picnics, beach or outdoor events.

BACK PACK COOLER BAG Size: 28 cm(w) x 18 cm(d) x 35 cm(h). V0402039

Solar vintage style lanterns for the stylish outdoor enthusiast


This classical styled solar lantern is ideal for the lapa or around the campsite and during power outages. The eco-friendly solar technology draws energy from the sun and stores it in a rechargeable battery. Charging time approx: 6-8hrs in direct sunlight. Light is also dimmable and will run for approximately: 4-6hrs.




New High Power LED Lanterns for the practical camper The Kaufmann LED lanterns combines the latest in LED lighting technology along with an innovative design that results in high performance and the ability to run for days. Special features: • Choose from 200/400/600 lumens of brightness. • 2 years manufacturer’s warranty. • Three light settings 50/100/SOS. • Innovative insect deterrent, orange LED function (on 400 and 600 lumen models only). • High-efficiency LED light generates little to no heat and can be used continuously. • Sturdy rubber and plastic moulding for maximum durability and water resistance. • Removable top for focused forward lighting or for use as a hanging area light, providing 360 deg light. • Slow-pulse LED indicator light ensures that the lantern can be easily found in the event of an emergency. • LED lights are guaranteed for up to 100,000 hours of use and rarely need replacing. These lanterns are a must-have for camping, hunting or any emergency situations - such as power outages and storms. They will perform their duties for many years to come.





Nov/Dec/Jan 2016 | inFocus





Whether you need portable power for your campsite or reliable power to keep your household or small business going, we’ve got the range for every need.

NEED A GENERATOR FOR YOUR STORE? Custom Power Master Industrial Generator units also available! Contact us for an obligation free quote.

Power Master products have been designed and manufactured to keep working in Africa’s tough conditions. The whole range has been developed to strict international quality and technology standards and is supported by a well-established service and warranty network. The Power Master range is exclusively distributed by For trade enquiries contact Samrand: T. 012 657 2222 - Bellville: T. 021 959 5420 or E.


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