Infocus nov:des:jan 15 issuu

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November/Desember 2014/Januarie 2015 – PEAK IN PEAK SEASON

If they Like they buy Millennials can make or break you – even when their personal experience of your product or service isn’t a true reflection of it’s attributes.
















inFocus word uitgegee deur Agrinet


AGRINET Sterlingweg/Road, Kosmosdal, Privaatsak/Private Bag X165 Centurion 0046 Tel: 012 657 2000 Faks/Fax: 086 529 4424 Inbelsentrum/Call Centre: 012 657 2222 Agrinet Bellville: Posbus/P.O. Box 1300, Sanlamhof, 7532 Sacks sirkel/circle, Bellville Inbelsentrum/ Call Centre: 021 959 5420




inFocus verskyn 6 keer per jaar / inFocus appears 6 times per year Redaksie/Editorial staff: Jedrie Harmse, Nici Harmse Tel: 012 332 3833 Advertensiewerwing/Advertising: Anita Oosthuizen Tel: (012) 333 6965 Sel: 083 316 7529 e-pos: Agrinet Limited and/or InFocus nor any of its officials, members, employees, agents, representatives, shareholders or directors shall be liable for any loss, damage or any liability of whatsoever nature which may arise to the reader as a consequence of this publication of any article or advertisement in this publication or as a result of the reader or any other person acting on the strength, accuracy or correctness of the content provided in this publication. InFocus makes no representation, furnish no warranty or guarantee, actual or implied or otherwise that the content, information or data in this publication are free from errors, omissions or inaccuracies. No information, ideas, opinions, views or other data available in this publication should be regarded as professional advice or the professional opinion of InFocus or any of its members, employees, agents, representatives, or shareholders and all readers are informed to obtain professional advice before taking any course of action relating to anything contained in this publication.


HARDWARE - plumbing HARDEWARE - loodgietery



Verwag beter verkope dié feesseisoen 5 kykNET hoe lyk Kaufmann 6 Agrinet kamp in die Overberg 7 Hands-on irrigation training 8 New blood for power products 9 Another happy Agrinet winner 9 Connect with generation ME 10 Branded by your brand 11 Shaped by technology 11 To like or not to like 13 Kry vakansieterapie voor die storm kom 17 Coffee with Marius 18 Top 10 gifts for women 20 Top 10 gifts for men 21 Kaufmann se selfdoen-keuses 23 Top 10 back to work heavies 25 Belville se passie 26 Windpomp vs sonkrag 29 Irrigation systems in 1, 2, 3 24 Tuinbesproeiing uit die boonste rakke 33 Have a cool hot summer 33 Gebruik warm water verantwoordelik 34 Franke Geysers - it̕s about quality 34 This is Henk Kruger 35 Copper pipes and fittings for work and play 37 Eurolux for long-term savings 37 Top 8 outdoor gifts 39

Nov/Des/Jan 2014/15 | inFocus



At the heart of the start HAWKINS has been the South African leader in developing and manufacturing battery chargers for the domestic, leisure, professional and industrial markets since 1961.

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leinhandelaars het vir die grootste deel van hierdie jaar die druk van swak verbruikersaanvraag beleef. Die rede hiervoor is natuurlik die voortdurende styging in lewenskoste en ‘n skuldlas weens die oormaat beskikbare persoonlike lenings wat huishoudelike begro­ tings onder druk geplaas het. Bedryfsleier Shoprite verklaar dat dit die laagste jaarlikse winsgroei in 15 jaar beleef het. Terselfdertyd het spelers in die kredietmark, soos Truworths en die JD Groep, strenger uitleenkriteria in plek gesit omdat klante sukkel om hulle rekeninge te betaal. Daar is egter ‘n glinstering van hoop. Die meerderheid kleinhandelaars in die Ernst & Young Buro vir Ekonomiese Navorsing (BEN) se kleinhandelsopname verwag dat besigheid en groei in verkope in die feesseisoen gaan verbeter. Dit is die eerste keer in twee-en-’n-halfjaar dat meer as 50% kleinhandelaars wat deel was van die BEN-opname, verklaar het dat hulle tevrede is met die heersende besigheidsklimaat. Sakevertroue het van 49 tot 60 indeks­ punte gedurende die derde kwartaal gestyg. Die stakings in die metaal- en ingenieursektore gedurende die eerste helfte van die jaar en in Julie, kan ekonomiese groei en daarmee saam besteebare inkomste knel. ‘n Effense afname in die inflasiekoers en die verlaging van 67c in die brandstofprys in September sal waarskynlik huishoudings se koopkrag stut en die volumes van kleinhandelverkope in die komende maande ondersteun. Groei in kleinhandelverkope was veral swak gedurende die staking-geknelde tweede kwartaal. Die resultate van die opname dui egter reeds op ‘n beskeie herstel in die volumegroei vir die derde kwartaal. Statistiek SA se data oor kleinhandelverkope wys dat volumegroei tot 2.4% jaar-op-jaar gedurende Julie herstel het. Dit ondersteun die BEN se jongste resultate. Die verbetering in verkoopvolumes is hoofsaaklik in produkte soos hardeware, verf en glas asook reekse soos klere en skoene beleef. Landbouklante kan ‘n beduidende verbetering in die seisoen verwag weens die rekordsomeroes wat teen redelike hoë graanpryse verhandel het.

LOOKING BACK ON 2014 When reflecting on the year behind us, many would agree they have felt the pain of adverse economic conditions. The positive thereof is that it challenges us to think differently about business and more specifically the business model. Agrinet has used the opportunity to adjust its strategy to establish a sustainable business for the future. The following highlights of 2014 stand out: The good progress we made with organisational transformation as far as people and processes are concerned. For the first time we did an employee climate study with astonishing results. Training of employees started off this year and will continue more aggressively into next year. Processes right through the business were improved, with several inefficiencies still to be addressed. To help us identify the inefficiencies in Agrinet, we are planning a customer survey early next year. The reformatted Trade Show: For the first time Agrinet created open concept areas for Outdoor, Garden, Hardware and Irrigation where ‘shop’ and ‘showcase’ areas were set up. Customers could see Agrinet’s ranges and solutions in ‘real life’ settings and were able to visualise these ranges in-store. Launching Agrinet’s exclusive brands such as U-Part (new mechanisation parts and autoshop products), Pascali (new water pumps) and Power Master (new power products). The good news for customers is that Agrinet will be expanding own-product brands in the near future with the benefit of lower prices and improved availability as Agrinet controls the supply chain. The issue of Agrinet shares to an employee trust has been finalised in August 2014 which will improve Agrinet’s BEE rating to a level 5. A level 5 would enable our customers to recognise 80% of purchases from Agrinet as preferential procurement for BEE purposes. The dedication and buy-in of management and employees in creating a better future for Agrinet on our journey from good to great. Finally I would like to thank our customers and sup­ pliers for their support during this year. Be assured that Agrinet will continue its quest to be your preferred business partner. May you all have a successful peak season and I sincerely hope that you will have a blessed time over the festive period. Kind regards

Jaco Kriel


Nov/Des/Jan 2014/15 | inFocus




In die foto hierbo is die Agrinet-span wat die uitstalling beman het, van links Carlo Bezuidenhout, Tulani Dlamini, Doné van der Westhuizen, Hans Strydom en Gerdus Yssel. Die foto's links en regs wys hoe Kaufmannprodukte uitgestal kan word.



grinet se verkoopspan het die naweek van 20 September die Kaufmann-buitelewereeks by die KykNET-ekspo in Limpo­ po uitgestal as deel van ‘n handelsmerkbekendstelling en ondersteuningsaksie. Dié ekspo word jaarliks by Mbizi vakansie-oord net anderkant Warmbad gehou en trek sowat 18 000 besoekers. Dit beteken dat die Kaufmannhandelsmerk baie goeie blootstelling gekry het. Die skou is hierdie jaar vir die 5de keer aangebied en is die grootste buitelewe-ekspo in SuidAfrika. Die skou het bestaan uit 120 uitstallings wat fokus op die hele familie. Die Kaufmann-reeks, wat perfek by die teikenmark pas, is goed ontvang en die belang­stelling en terugvoering van die pu­ bliek oor die produkreeks was baie positief.




Die meganisasie-uitstalling by Mega Week in die Kaap Agrisaal. Speroni, U Part en Power Master handelsmerke is ook in die Kaap Agrisaal vertoon.


ie jaarlikse Agri Mega Week het vanjaar vir die eerste keer in 22 jaar meer as 25 000 besoekers en net minder as 500 uitstallers na Mega Park op Bredasdorp gelok. Agrinet Bellville was een van die uitstallers en het verskeie eie handelsmerke saam met Kaap Agri en Overberg Agri uitgestal. Kaufmann Outdoor het gaan kamp opslaan by die Overberg Agrisaal en verkope van die reeks het alle verwagtinge oorskry. Dit is veral die nuwe reeks buitelewe stoele wat aandag getrek het. Die nuwe Römer-koelhouers het ook deel gevorm van die uitstalling en die verskeie goeie verkoopsvoordele het

Marius Loubser (nasionale verkoopbestuurder by Agrinet), Annemarie Joubert (hoofaankoper van Overberg Agri) en Shane de la Harpe (Bellville verkoopbestuurder) het die weer trotseer om die Kaufmann Outdoor-uitstalling te bekyk.

die verbruikers na hulle beursies laat gryp. Die ekspo, wat elke jaar in September ‘n vertoonvenster van landbou- en landelike ontwikkeling in Suid-Afrika en die Wes-Kaap is, het vanaf Woensdag, 17 tot Saterdag, 20 September plaasgevind. “Sonder die ondersteuning van die sakesektor as borge, uitstallers en adverteerders het Agri Mega Week geen bestaansreg nie. Dan dra die duisende besoekers aan die ekspo se behoeftes aan produkte en dienste, akko­ modasie, etes, bank- en selfoondienste, asook basiese inkopies ook doelgerig by tot besighede in die streek se volhoubare groei,” aldus Orton King, Groep Uitvoeren­ de Direkteur van Agri Mega Groep. Die verkoopsmateriaal vir die Kaufmann-stoele was baie effektief.


Nov/Des/Jan 2014/15 | inFocus


LEFT: Students hard at work on the manifold in the workshop. Below: A proud Stefan Weber with his star pupils after the job was done.




group of 11 students received intensive, hands-on training in developing and installing a large irrigation system at the SARO Agro Industrial headquarters in Lusaka, Zambia earlier this year. The week-long training session came about when Agrinet technical advisor, Stefan Weber, was requested by the company to give their staff practical training on an installation on site. The preparation of the site and the training took a full week. The intensive training kicked off on the first day and was followed up with a re-cap session early on day two. After this session the irrigation team of SARO started building the manifold for the irrigation system in their workshop. All 11 students participated by building a part of the manifold. The training focused on products like Orbit, Stairs, Speroni pressure pump systems, USB BB, VSD’s, drip irrigation, mikro irrigation, filters, water metres and solar submersible pumps. The irrigation system was designed by Stefan, using an Orbit 12 station outdoor computer with 70 voyager pop-ups, 1 200 m polyethylene 32 mm class 3 irrigation pipes, a 12 station manifold and the necessary irrigation fittings. Water was supplied by a Speroni CM45 centrifugal 230 V pump. The students also learned how to use the computer, how to use it in the different settings of auto and manual. They had to start the system with the computer, teaching each one the necessary computer skills. “Student participation was remarkable and I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of their questions and the extent to which they understood the contents of the technical training. I think they would be able to go far in life with the skills they obtained,” said Stefan.





hris Coetzee joined the Agrinet team in October as Product Manager: Power Products. Chris has extensive experience in sourcing of products, sales and marketing, technical experience and also in managing a team of specialists and generalists. He has a BTech degree in production management, completed a sales and marketing course at Damelin and did various in-house training at Barloworld Equipment where he worked for a few years.

ANOTHER HAPPY AGRINET WINNER Claudia Krishna from the company LR Brands won the lucky draw for the Power Master 6.5 kW generator at the Agrinet Trade Show earlier this year. Wollie Wolmarans personally delivered the generator and handed it over at Claudia̕s office. Her entry was one of 150 entries at the Power Master stand. There was a lot of interest in the Power Master generators.


Nov/Des/Jan 2014/15 | inFocus


Retailers need to know everything about this ‘new’ group of consumers, THE MILLENNIALS. You are probably already selling to them ... and causing them to ‘unlike’ you.



They HATE AND DISRESPECT conventional office hours. Many bosses DISLIKE them but STILL RESPECT their guts, creativeness and multitasking abilities. Companies FEAR them because they can make or break their products or services. Marketers BATTLE TO UNDERSTAND them.


et, the Millennials cannot be ignored: they are growing up and are fast becoming a buying force in the global marketplace. Johann van Zyl, freelance financial writer, was invited to research this upcoming buyers generation, the so-called Millennials, for us and to share his findings here. Egocentrical approach Roughly born between 1982 and 2001, the Millennials (also known as Generation Y, Generation Why Not or even Generation Me because of their egocentrical approach to life) are already spending billions globally. Ironically a considerable percentage of them still live with their wealthy Baby Boomer or Generation X parents, even those lucky enough to find employment in a world of growing unemployment. This has a significant effect

As retailers we need to have more than only instinctive on their spendknowledge about ing patterns and the market and the adds to companies’ marketing consumer we want to strategy headserve. A much more aches. intimate knowledge Jean Twenge, of who they are and author of the how they think and the 2006 book act is needed. Generation Me, describes them as confident and tolerant, with a sense of entitlement but with much more narcissistic tendencies than any preceding generation. Researchers agree that Millennials have distinctly different values, attitudes and behaviours than previous generations. This is attributed to their ongoing exposure to new technologies, especially the Internet. “They are very stimulated, excellent at multi-tasking, don’t like set rules and demand personal, friendly service in shops,” youth researcher Jason Levin said at a Produce Marketing Associa-


tion (PMA) conference held in Pretoria in 2012: “Never underestimate them – in South Africa more than 50% of the population is younger than 23 years old and they are spending about R105 billion annually and have a significant influence on their parents’ spending patterns.” According to Elissa Vallano, contributing writer of the USA magazine fresh, Millennials are the most analysed and sought after piece of the consumer puzzle. “Their numbers overshadow the Baby Boomers and Generation X. In terms of purchasing power, they are a force to be reckoned with.” This implies that manufacturers, retailers and marketing decision makers cannot ignore them. They simply have to connect to Generation Y.



TOP 4 BRANDS MILLENNIALS LOVE When asked (unprompted) which brands they love, these were far and away the favourites, according to Mooslyvania, an independent digital advertising agency,

Millennials can make or break you – even when their personal experience of your product or service isn’t a true reflection of its attributes.

Danita Potgieter and Arien Strasheim of the University of Pretoria found considerable decision-making style differences with different age groups in a recent study pub“They are the most distrustlished in the Journal of Family ing of company advertising,” Ecology and Consumer Sci­ Australian marketing guru ences. Their findings included John Stanley writes in his that younger consumers are popular marketing blog. “One significantly more driven by survey indicated that 80% of recreational shopping styles, them distrusted advertising by that they are more fashionbusinesses.” concious and more impulsive Jamie Gailewicz of Bailey than older consumers. Brand Client Services agrees Don’t try to fool them, in a recent marketing article: Louise Marsland warns in “Millennials don’t like brands a Bizcommunity article on that explicitly ‘sell’ to them how to ensure your brand is but those that provide new, acceptable to and loved by robust, relevant information.” Millennials. “You can’t sell Gailewicz stresses that the same ‘fairy-tale’ to every a brand has to engage a generation.” cause and add Our first truly THE BRANDS significant value digital generation or a pleasant THEY HAVE BUILT has a different experience in world view, MarsRELATIONSHIPS land stresses. “In order to be accepted and liked fact, it is not only WITH TODAY by Millennials. certain brands WILL BE THE However, ongothat Millennials ing engagement ONES THEY ARE want nothing is necessary to to do with, but LOYAL TO keep Generation entire categories. Y’s interest and Havas Worldwide TOMORROW. make them feel calls this the that a brand is adding value ‘Hashtag Nation’. They share to their lives. “The brands they everything and need nothing. have built relationships with Advertising doesn’t fool them. today will be the ones they ‘Their brands’ have to stand are loyal to tomorrow.” for something, so they can tell Stanley says Millennials the world.” would rather shop with a The real marketing danger local, independent business lies in the fact that Millennithan a larger group – provided als share negative views on that you relate to them and the social networks, causgive them a pleasant purchasing serious damage to your ing experience. beloved brand within hours. Andrew Benett, CEO of When McDonald’s launched Havas Creative Group, says a marketing campaign on that young people want Twitter a few years ago called brands to better there lives #McDStories, inviting consumand to stand out from the ers to share their good expericrowd. Their relationship with ences with them, it resulted in brands are built on mutual ina marketing nightmare when terest and trust and it is up to more than 1 000 consumers brands not to blow it by being shared their bad experiences. disingenious or failing to keep The restaurant group had to their promises. stop the campaign within two Researchers Melanie Wiese, hours after its launch.

Millennials are incredibly brand-centric

For the millennials brands have become a lifestyle, representing more than simple names and products. Brands represent the essence, expressions and attitudes of this generation. It is a growing paradigm that is further catalysing and character­ising the very human nature that brands are taking on as they humanise themselves. Facebook, for instance, is propelling its own brand into a dynamic that is truly unprecedented. Through the ever-expanding page abilities and on-going attempts at the brandification of the user’s social presence, Facebook has brought its brand to the epicentre of our lives. Other brands have realized the power in humanising their brands and attempt to engulf the consumer, becoming an extension of their being.



illennials are the first generation to grow up with new technology and they have embraced it with passion. This has shaped their personalities and world view to a large extent. “To say technology is a significant factor in how this generation communicates is an understatement,” says Jamie Gailewicz of Bailey Brand Consulting Client Services. “They use technology not just as a device or platform for communication but as a way to improve life, make better choices and contribute to society. They have the highest numbers of early adoption of new technology ever.” Their primary news source is the social media and therefore a significant percentage seldom picks up a newspaper or other traditional forms of communication. In order to get their attention, companies have to communicate with them on their preferred platforms (Facebook, Twitter


and others). This calls for companies to be social and mobile in order to get the attention of this fast growing consumer group amidst the digital overload Millennials face every day. In an earlier article in Ad Age (Millennials want to party with your brand but on their own terms) Erin Mulligan Nelson writes that Millennials are the first generation to wring out 26 hours of a 24-hour day by multitasking on multiple devices at once: 80% of them uses two or three devices while watching TV. Gailewicz says that Millennials often shop online, although they still make in-store purchases. Whatever form of shopping, they look for speed, continues on page 15

Nov/Des/Jan 2014/15 | inFocus






illennials are known by several appropriate names. One name given to them – affectionately based on the tendency to return to their parents’ home or to stay there longer than any other generation – is the Boomerang Generation. But beware: don’t be fooled by this rather meek label given to a generation that is known for its confidence, informed decision-making and their sharing of opinions. They are well aware of the fact that a combined voice is a powerful voice. In simple terms: your wellplanned campaign or product will boomerang on you if the Boomerangs dislike what you have to offer. Even those who are pretty confident that they know how the Millennials tick, are often in for an unpleasant surprise. Although nothing can be considered fool-proof, the following five tips can help you to hook these often unpredictable customers:

1. Meet them on their home ground Millennials like to research and purchase products online and openly admit that they seldom look at conventional media. Therefore companies have to be mobile in order to grab their attention.

According to Jamie Gailewicz of Bailey Brand Consulting Client Services smartphone apps, recommendations on blogs or social networking sites, in-store touch screens, mobile advertising, websites and lastly online advertising (in that order) have


Your well-planned campaign or product will boomerang on you if the Boomerangs dislike what you have to offer. been indicated as the most effective ways to get them on board. However, make sure your company has the know-how to hook them. To sell to them, you have to understand how they think and operate. Use people who know exactly

Nov/Des/Jan 2014/15 | inFocus





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OOMBLIK VAN WAARHEID | MOMENT OF TRUTH how they function and not someone who thinks he knows them well enough. Millennials can spot a fake miles away. 2. Be transparent to attract them Don’t make false promises – they will see through you. Be transparent and honest and try to build relationships on trust and mutual interest. Admit mistakes. Remember that 80% of Millennials distrust advertising by businesses. Erin Mulligan Nelson of Bazaarvoice warns on adage. com that the way they are handled online and in your store – the approach, not necessarily achieving resolution – can have a major impact on attracting them as future customers. “Marketers that make it easy for young consumers to interact with their brands, each other and the wider web community will be the first in line to capture some of their spending.” 3. Give them experiences and something to talk about Millennials want to like brands and you should give them a reason to like yours, says Marketing Magazine. “They want to talk about brands – give them the ‘conversational currency’ to do so.” Andrew Benett, CEO of Havas Creative Group, says that they want to rely on brands to make their lives better and to help them stand out from the crowd. For instance: if you sell irrigation or outdoor products, give them fascinating facts and show them qualities that will excite and inspire them. Assist them with how-tos and help them to feel smarter – although they are IT experts,

many can’t fit a light bulb. The facts make it all worthwile: Millennials are dedicated brand loyalists, with 70% always coming back to brands they like.


everal researchers have found that Millennials desire greater transparency and are sceptical of traditional marketing claims. This implies clear messaging about your products or shop. The Chipotle restaurant chain’s exploding popularity in the US is used as an excellent example of how Millennials should be targeted: the group focuses on fresh ingedients and gives a clear explanation of where their food comes from and the road it follows before being served to customers. • Millennials believe that they can have a bigger impact with what they buy than with how they vote, Marketing Maga­ zine states. “They want brands they can be loyal to, so they match brands with their personalities.” • Millennials have a deep desire to make the world a better place, says David Burstein in his book Fast Future. • Participation is frequently enough reward to Generation Y, reflecting a trend in competitive sports and other aspects of life, says Wikipedia in a piece on the Millennials. • Although two recent recessions have shaped their views on finances, individual success and spending, they are the best educated group ever. According to Jamie Gailewicz of Bailey Brand Consulting Client Services this puts them in a position to generate higher incomes once they start working. • They love technology (see separate box) and battle to function well without it. This contrasts with the fact that they are labelled as extremely naïve and definitely not street wise. Some sociologists even call them the Peter Pan Generation – due to a perceived resistance to adulthood. Once again: you just cannot afford to underestimate or ignore them. Rather try to understand them.

4. Build on their impulsiveness In April 2012 Time Magazine referred to Millennials as “the biggest suckers for selfish impulse buys”. They like to see it first, wear it first or use it first and then tell others about it. If you could hook them in their first wave of enthusiasm the deal is done. However, says Jamie Gailewicz of Bailey Brand Consulting Client Services, open, ongoing and relevant communication is the key to ongoing success. Quality is very important to them, but the price should still be fair as they are very conscientious about how they spend their money. 5. Monitor their views and reviews It is important to keep track of Millennials’ view of your products in order to establish if you have reached them through the clutter of many choices, haven’t oversold or haven’t lost them along the way. Be careful of negative online reviews and guide positive (and negative!) views and reviews to your advantage. It is a well-known fact that the car brand Mini’s successful interaction on social media during the 2010 Soccer World Cup in South Africa – in spite of the fact that they weren’t one of the sponsors – was worth millions of rands in marketing value. On the other hand: abandon campaigns that have negative results.

We have the muscle to protect your vehicles EXTREME KLEEN TRIGGER 750 ml AO800/5160 A powerful detergent in a trigger pump spray bottle. Environmentally friendly, use this multi-purpose cleaner for car, home, office and workshop. Contains no abrasive, ammonia or bleach. Cleans everything and anything.

SHAPED BY TECHNOLOGY continued from page 13


ease of purchase and efficiency. If a brand’s offering doesn’t satisfy their needs, the judgment they pass can make or break its adoption and success. Jeff Fromm, author of Marketing to Millennials,says Generation Y buyers will look closely at what companies do and not what they are saying. “Millennials make themselves available,” Fromm explains on “They are open to new messages, friends and influencers. That flexibility and willingness to listen make them easy to reach, but that’s when the challenge starts. Millennials default to Google, so you had better do what you say or they will catch you out.”


Silicone Spray can be used as a rubber and plastic lubricant, and a vinyl protector. It also renews faded and sun damaged plastics and rubber. Silicone Spray is a releasing agent for plastic and rubber mouldings. It’s a non-toxic, clear lubricant for everyday use.

Lubricants • Greases • Additives • Aerosols


Nov/Des/Jan 2014/15 | inFocus


Hier teen einde Oktober raak ek al jeukerig vir die Desembervakansie. Dan is dit goeie terapie om al die kaste en trommels te begin deurkyk om seker te maak ek het alles wat nodig is vir daardie drie (of hopelik meer) weke van absolute afsluit van die normale. Dit verhoed sommer die ellendige getoustaan in winkels gedurende Desember – dit dryf net die stresvlakke verby plofpunt.



ie gedagte aan die voor-vakansiestres gee my sommer heimwee na kindertyd se vakansies. Toe Pa hom bekommer het oor die waar, waarmee, wanneer en hoe van die vakansie. Die lekkerste was om sommer direk na skool opgelaai te word met ‘n voorafgepakte kar. Ons moes ons sommer so in die ry agter in die stasiewa uit die skoolklere wikkel en kortbroek aantrek. Man, dan was dit vakansie, sommer so vier weke van vryheid! Ek proe daai blou eiers en frikkadelle by die sementtafeltjie en -bankies onder ‘n boom in die Karoo. En Cokes uit glasbotteltjies, want dis vakansie. Ai, die sorgeloosheid van daardie vakansies, nie ‘n enkele ding om jou oor te bekommer nie. Ek moet erken, om vandag ‘n vakansie te reël is in baie opsigte veel makliker as in die dae toe my pa dit moes doen. As jy nie ’n permanente vakansiehouplek het nie of daarvan hou om elke vakansie iets nuuts te doen,

kom jy deesdae gou-gou reg op webwerwe soos Lekke­ slaap,, Farmstay, RoomsForAfrica en vele meer. Jy is binne oomblikke klaar met bespreek en betaal en jy het sommer ’n paar foto’s van die plek gesien sodat vroulief nie senuwees kry nie. Praat van maklik vakansiehou – destyds was die koudhou van varsprodukte die groot uitdaging. Vandag is dit maklik om jou kos vars te hou. Snomaster se ys/vrieskaste sou Pa se tone laat krul het. Ons het meeste van ons Desembervakansies op Sodwana, heel Noord aan die KwaZulu-Natal-kus, deurgebring. In daardie dae was daar net ‘n gehawende grond- en sandpad tot op Sodwana en geriewe was baie skraps, jy moes maar alles saamry en jy kon eintlik net met ‘n viertrekvoertuig daar uitkom. So koop my swaer sy eerste (van baie) Landrovers vir die eerste (ook van baie) Sodwana-vakansie. Ons is saam in die Passat-stasiewa – Swaerie sal ons met die Landy uitsleep as ons vashaak iewers. Genade tog, het ons

maar Agrinet se herwinnings­ pakket gehad. Die kinetiese uitsleepband sou ons baie ure se sukkel gespaar het. Kyk, dit maak nie saak hoeveel keer jy ‘n gewone nylontou dubbelvou nie, jy kan nie ‘n gelaaide kar uit die diksand gesleep kry nie. Daardie kinetiese band het ‘n minimum breekkrag van 8 000 kg. Ons hele gesin sit later op die Passat se neus om die voorwieletjies op die pad te probeer hou terwyl Pa boë sand uitspin om die Landy se werk makliker te probeer maak. Ma was nie lus om die volgende jaar weer Sodwana toe te gaan nie. Daardie eerste jaar het Swaerie voet-by-stuk gehou – Ouma gaan saam. Ouma sê sy het op Biesiesvlei grootgeword, sy kan enige plek saamgaan, sy moet net ‘n lekker bed hê. So laai ons Ouma se ‘divan’ met matras en al bo-op die Landy, dit lyk of ons Morea toe oppad is vir Paasnaweek. Ouma slaap dat hoor en sien in Sodwana se bosse vergaan op haar ‘divan’ en ons kinders skaam ons dood vir die bed op die kar se


dak al die pad tussen ander vakansiegangers oppad see toe. Ouma sou net so gemaklik gewees het op ‘n Kaufmann aluminium kampeerbed. Die ding het ses verskillende posisies en ses pote wat kan stel vir ongelyke oppervlaktes. Ek vermoed ons sou waarskynlik nooit teruggegaan het huis toe as Pa-hulle al hierdie luukse toerusting gehad het.

Artikel en foto’s: inFocus sub-redakteur: JJJ Harmse

Nov/Des/Jan 2014/15 | inFocus





The Garden Route can either be a stretch of the south-eastern coast of South Africa, which extends from Mossel Bay in the Western Cape to the Storms River in the Eastern Cape, OR it could be the stretch of land from your swimming pool via the lapa, across the front lawn to the sidewalk. The first is most probably one of the most beautiful scenic routes in our country and the latter is most likely the route we are all most familiar with ‌


es, the festive season is around the corner and most of us would have finalised our planning for the December holiday by now. The question is, which Garden Route would be your destination for the festive season? Whichever route you choose, both these Garden Routes create the opportunity for all retailers to generate additional turnover during this period. The focus of shopping/ spending of your customers would be: Gifts, DIY products and Outdoor & Leisure products Not all South Africans are fortunate enough to spend their December holiday at the coast. Indications are, seeing that we are still in a state of recession, that many



will spend their holiday doing their backyard Garden Route, spending their bonuses on DIY products for home maintenance and improvements, gifts for families and friends or invest in a new set of outdoor or leisure products to impress their friends at the braai … Agrinet’s range of products cater for all the above- mentioned categories and it’s my privilege to propose some of our must-have products and ranges to ensure that you, our valued customer, catch both types of Garden Route customers during the festive period! Gifts What to buy Dad for Christmas, or even better …. to Dad from Dad! Most men enjoy gadgets such as a brandnew Kaufmann LED torch, a new Cadac kettle braai or a stainless steel Kaufmann braai grid, each one a must-have for the local ‘king of braai’! Agrinet supplies a comprehensive range of LED torches and braai grids under the very popular Kaufmann Outdoor brand, as well as the complete CADAC range of products. The increased popularity of the National Braai Day on Heritage Day creates an opportunity for our retailers. Be sure to add these ranges to your offering, making full use of impulse buying by your customers or to be the local outdoor destination for your customers. Remember what happened to the early worm in the previous edition of inFocus magazine. Men normally get very creative around the braai (must be something in the ice) and National Braai Day was no exception. The old classic song by Bob Marley, “No Woman No Cry”, triggered the South African version of this song and the intro is as follows: ”No Tjoppie No Braai, No Tamatie No Slaai”. I trust that somewhere you’ll be singing this Proudly South African version on your Garden Route this coming holiday … Whether mom will be impressed by her brand-new

Lawnstar lawnmower for Christmas is debatable, only issue is that it’ll take quite an effort to gift wrap. I would rather play it safe and invest in the Bestduty glass lid casserole sets on offering or the all new Solar Lantern Jars which are ideal for the garden, camping or venues, available in both cool white or warm white. DIY and Maintenace Exploring the Garden Route at home can be fun, but often results in a long list of “To Do’s for Dad” (thanks Mom!). Home maintenance and improvement is a must and December is the ideal time to catch up on the pending chores that had to be set aside during the year’s rat race. Agrinet’s comprehensive range of pool, garden & DIY, paint & waterproofing and many other products cater for all our customer’s needs. People will be spending money on their homes, but they will spend it wisely. Offering the quality, good value products supplied by Agrinet will ensure that you make the most of this opportunity created by the local Garden Route customers. Please contact your Agrinet representative to discuss the KVI products and specials on offering – ranging from the Kaufmann knapsack range, Lawnstar lawnmowers and trimmers, garden hoses, Flash Harry and ABE waterproofing products, garden spades & forks as well as the Orbit garden irrigation products and much, much more! At the Agrinet Tradeshow we launched the brand-new garden solar lights range which will be available from the beginning of November – avoid disappointment and place your orders as soon as possible. These products are becoming increasingly popular and the Agrinet range is rather unique, well priced and a great impulse buy opportunity!

net and is growing in stature day by day. We all know that camping and the outdoors is very popular in our country and once again a vast number of holidaymakers will be sitting at camp sites this coming holiday. All the new additions to our Kaufmann Outdoor range, in combination with the existing comprehensive range, offer a one-stop solution for both the serious camper as well as the first-time buyer. The new additions to the range of camping chairs, ie the SOFA, LAYBACK, BERMUDA, LOUNGER & HIGHBACK in brown colours are state of the art. Combine this with the new backpack cooler, complementing the current soft cooler bag range, as well as the new bottle flasks and you have a winning combination in this new and exciting offering. Visit for more information. The brand-new Kaufmann Outdoor crate is now available, offering an in-store merchandising solution for the various Kaufmann Outdoor chairs. Please contact your Agrinet representative for the T & C’s regarding the crate, don’t miss out on this unique display offering!

Agrinet will be advertising in popular outdoor magazines such as Weg, Go and 4x4 Out­ door during the festive period, giving great exposure to the Kaufmann Outdoor range and definitely create demand for the product range. We’ve done our bit to promote the brand and product, all you need to do is place your orders and ensure that you sell as many chairs as possible – happy selling and camping! As the year is nearing its end, I wish to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of our loyal customers and suppliers for your continuous support during 2014. It’s been a great journey for Agrinet during 2014 with a number of highlights, thanks to you! May all of you have a successful festive trading season with all the above-mentioned Agrinet products. Please travel safely, whichever Garden Route you may take, enjoy the special time with your friends and families and may 2015 be the best year ever for all of us!! I will definitely exchange my coffee for a cold one this holiday, so cheers on 2014 ….until next year!

Mom might be more impressed by these Solar Lantern Jars than the Lawn Star lawnmower you were thinking of getting her as a Christmas gift.

Outdoors and Leisure The Kaufmann Outdoor brand is synonymous with Agri-


Nov/Des/Jan 2014/15 | inFocus


OUR TOP DECEMBER – traditionally the month of giving. Our product managers got together to compile a few TOP9 baskets, for different consumer groups, to help our customers to get their product mix ready for the season of giving.


GIFTS for women

Black & Decker Usb Charger



Black & Decker Travel Cooler & Warmer

Lantern Solar Jar Cool White Organic Soul



IN KONTAK | IN CONTACT Flask Bottle 500 ml Stainless Steel Grey Kaufmann


Pot Superbake Best Duty No. 10

Lantern LED Kaufmann

Chair Outdoor Loafa Grey Kaufmann

Coolerbag Picnic 4 Man Kaufmann





Mat Picnic 200X150 Kaufmann

Tent Beach Instant Blue



Gazebo Dome With Sides 3.5M X 3.5M Kaufmann




GIFTS for men Cooler Bag Back Pack Kaufmann Blue


Bag Fisherman Surf Pro Kaufmann Green

Biltong Slicer Wood Type Chunk Claasens

Flashlight LED Headlight 200 LUM Kaufmann

Braai Set S/Steel 5Pce Alum Box Kaufmann





Ice Machine With Bag 15 kg Snomaster

Biltong Maker Sunbeam



Coolerbox 40 l Romer Olive Green

500A Jumper +Compressor +200W Power Station




Nov/Des/Jan 2014/15 | inFocus




Produkbestuurder vir Hardware by Agrinet, Eric Reynolds, het ‘n lys produkte saamgestel waarsonder geen selfdoen­ entoesias kan klaarkom nie.

e s u e k

Veselglas Klou Hammer

Skroewedraaier Stel 9 Swartpunt

Gereedskapstel 22 Stuk

Tang Waterpomp 250 mm





Saag Yster ˝Supersaw˝ Tct110

Waterpas 800 mm



Tangstel 3 Stuk Sagtehand

Handskoen Egte Leer Sag



Maatband Cr90 5 m X 25 mm



Nov/Des/Jan 2014/15 | inFocus




OUR TOP Contractors open up for business on 15 January every year. The product managers at Agrinet suggest you stock these heavier working tools to cater for the contractor’s needs.

Wheelbarrow Concrete-Poly Pan + S/R Wheel Lasher


10 heavies


Welder DC Inverter and Accessories Kaufmann

Tie Down Set Ratchet Kaufmann



Plier Set 3 Pce Soft Handle Kaufmann

HW0440300 Tool Set and Box Farmers Tool Kit Kaufmann

Compressor Belt Driven John-Air



Tape Measure Cr100 Kaufmann


Shovel Round Nose Black 415 Lasher

Hammer Sledge Poly Handle Kaufmann

Level Kaufmann





Nov/Des/Jan 2014/15 | inFocus


BELLVILLE SE PASSIE Die afgelope 2012/13 finansiële jaar se rekordomset en winsprestasie het nie sonder pyne gebeur nie, maar die pyn was nodig om die strategiese waarde van die Bellvillekantoor vir Agrinet te ontsluit.



grinet se kantoor en pakhuis in Bellville in die Wes-Kaap is deel van die maatskappy se langtermynstrategie om ‘n nasionale rolspeler in die verspreidingskanaal aan die landbou-, hardeware- en verwante industrieë te wees. Conrad van Eeden, algemene bestuurder in Bellville, plaas egter die klem op waardetoe­ voeging en “wow”-diens wat ‘n gefokusde en kundige span personeel aan klante bied. Agrinet se kantoor en stoor, wat in Bellville-Suid geleë is, bied nie net aan die verskaffers ‘n nasionale verspreidings­kanaal nie, maar hou groot voordele in vir die omliggende kleinhandelon­ dernemings. Weeklikse aflewerings word sover as Port Nolloth in die Noord-Kaap en Beaufort-Wes tot Port Elizabeth in die Oos-Kaap gedoen. Daaglikse aflewerings in die Skiereiland, is die norm. Die werklike waarde van ‘n produk lê nie noodwendig in die prys wat jy daarvoor betaal nie. Goedbestuurde stelsels, opgeleide personeel en ’n span verteenwoordigers ondersteun klante met tegniese kennis vanuit dié kantoor. “Dit is juis hierdie waardetoevoeging aan ons


klante wat ons hoogste prio­ riteit is,” sê Conrad. Die relatiewe jong span verteenwoordigers, onder leiding van Shane de la Harpe, is toegerus met bewese kennis van die mark en die produkte wat bemark word. Hulle kennis van die unieke Kaapse kleinhandelmarkomgewing en die aanbod van produkte van gehalte en handelsmerke vir die spesifieke plaaslike mark, maak die span ‘n waardevolle sakevennoot vir die winkelbestuurder. Shane, Wes-Kaapse verkoop­ bestuurder, voeg by dat hy in ‘n gesamentlike wen-wen vennootskap glo waar die totale voorsie­ningsketting tot voordeel van die kleinhandel bestuur word. Die Kaapprovinsie is ‘n groot besproeiings­ omgewing en AJ de Klerk en Charlie du Plessis, albei kenners op dié gebied, kan die besproeiings­produkreeks met vertroue bemark en klante ondersteun. Die waardetoevoegingstrategie word gerugsteun deur ‘n wêreldklas logistiekesisteem wat die akkuraatheid en kwaliteit van tydige aflewerings moontlik maak. Die prosesse in die stoor word noukeurig bestuur en voortdurend verfyn om juis ‘n


positiewe aankoopservaring aan die klant te bied. Aanko­ pers by kleinhandelwinkels het die gemoedsrus dat hulle bestellings korrek, betyds en in ‘n netjiese toestand gelewer sal word. Hierdie proses is oor die afgelope jare getoets en omskep tot ‘n diens waarop klante kan reken. Die werkswinkel is volledig toegerus en is net nog ‘n diens wat hier eintlik as vanselfsprekend aanvaar word. Neels de Beer is besonder goed opgelei om die herstelpro­ sesse en nasorgdiens na ‘n volgende vlak te neem. Die mark in hierdie bedieningsgebied is uniek en vereis dat spesifieke produkte aangekoop of ontwikkel moet word. Jacques Rheeder se posisie as assistent-produkbestuurder is juis by die Bellville-struktuur gevoeg om hierdie uniekheid te bestuur. Sy kundigheid van die mark en verhoudings met klante is die antwoord vir die uniekheid van die streek. “Natuurlik is voorraadbeskikbaarheid ‘n prioriteit, maar om klante

se probleme op te los is ons motto. Met Jacques aan stuur van die proses, het besigheidsverhoudings net nog verder versterk,” sê Conrad. “Die klein span perso­ neel van Bellville is passievol oor die besigheid en fokus daarop om elke transaksie in ‘n “wow”-ervaring vir ons klante te omskep. Die personeel beskou dit nie as net nog ‘n werksplek nie, maar eerder as elkeen se eie besigheid en besluite word teen dié agtergrond geneem. Die trots waarmee elkeen sy dagtaak aanpak en deurvoer, is aansteeklik en dit maak dit aangenaam vir almal wat hier werk,” sê Conrad. Deur ‘n hoëvlak-diensgeorienteerde ervaring aan ons klante te bied, ondersteun ons nie net die verhouding met ons klante nie, maar dit skep ook vertroue in die vennootskap. Conrad se uitnodiging is opreg: “laat ons deel word van jou wêreld en ons sal ons beste lewer om van jou besigheid ‘n sukses te maak.”

Die Bellville-bestuurspan is van links: Shane de la Harpe (Verkoopbestuurder), Conrad van Eeden (Algemene Bestuurder), Evelyn de Vos (Pakhuisbestuurder) en Willie Mouton (Versendingsbestuurder).


Nov/Des/Jan 2014/15 | inFocus




WINDPOMP VS SONKRAG Hoe vergelyk die tradisionele windpomp met die moderne toepassing van sonkrag om energie beskikbaar te stel? WYNAND UECKERMANN, produkbestuurder by besproeiing het navorsing hieroor gaan doen. Hier is sy bevindings.




Afhanklik van die wind. As daar geen wind is nie is daar geen water nie. As daar te veel wind is moet die remme getrek word om die installasie te beskerm.

Afhanklik van sonskyn. Met moderne tegnologiesgevorderde sonpanele kan daar selfs op onweersdae water gepomp word. Hoewel dit minder is, kan dit steeds genoeg wees vir die doel, daarom is dit altyd wys om eerder die behoefte opwaarts aan te pas. As daar in die nag gepomp moet word, kan ‘n kragopwekker gebruik word.

Insetkoste is baie hoog, maar konstant oor die hele vloeispektrum, aangesien die grootste koste in die wiel, kop en installasie is.

Koste op kleiner toedienings is laer as met windpompe, maar hoe groter die behoefte hoe groter die sonpaneel. Daar is dus ‘n gelykbreekpunt waar solar duurder raak as windpompe, maar teen daardie punt bereik word, is die lewering van die solarpomp ver hoër as die lewering van die windpomp.

Konstante druk – omdat die windpomp ‘n positiewe verplasingspomp, of ‘wurmpomp’ gebruik, is die druk konstant. As daar ‘n toe kraan is sal die kraan bars voordat die water in die pomp terug gehou sal word. Die vloeitempo word bepaal deur die spoed waarteen die windpomp se wiel draai.

’n Verskeidenheid solarpompe is beskikbaar. Daar is ook ‘n positiewe verplasingspomp met dieselfde goeie en slegte punte as die windpomp. Die alternatief is om ‘n sentrifugale pomp te gebruik soos ‘n gewone dompelpomp. Dit gee weer twee verdere moontlikhede. Die pompmotor word deur ‘n inverter aangedryf wat die solarkrag omskakel. Die inverter kan op die oppervlak of op die pompmotorkombinasie gemonteer wees. Hier kan die pompdruk beter beheer word omdat die pomp die vermoë het om teen ‘n half-toe kraan te werk.

Onderhoud op windpompe neig om oor tyd toe te neem. Hulle breek mos op ‘n Saterdagmiddag wanneer ‘n Springbok-wedstryd op TV is of die wind steek op en halftyd moet jy die rem gaan vasdraai.

‘n Solarsisteem behoort vir jare onderhoudsvry te werk. Dit sluit egter sommige boorgat­ modelle wat met borsels werk uit.

Diefstal is nie ‘n groot probleem by windpompe nie.

Diefstal van solarpanele is ‘n redelike groot probleem. Daar moet baie slim gewerk word om dit te voorkom.

Nov/Des/Jan 2014/15 | inFocus

BESPROEIING | IRRIGATION The Irrigation division of Agrinet helps the customer by quoting on a complete Bill of Materials for a specific farmer’s project. This service removes the customer’s frustration of having to procure multiple quotations and it gives him the opportunity to quote on a complete irrigation system. As soon as your order is placed, the complete order is procured and when ready, transported to the farm, as a complete package.

The basic process is illustrated here:

IRRIGATION Irrigation Designer

1. The designer sends in the bill of quantities of his design via email or fax to Agrinet.

2. The staff receiving the bill of quantities will quote per item on both Agrinet’s range and other suppliers on an agency basis.

3. The complete system will be quoted on. 4. The designer may then add a mark-up on the total system or an agreed upon mark-up can be included and quoted on by Agrinet.

This service is available from both Agrinet Samrand and Bellville.






Agrinet Sales

5. The client/farmer is then quoted by the designer, based on the given information.

6. If the quotation is successful,

the designer then places the order with a single order number for the total system.

7. Agrinet purchases the total system and delivers it to the designer’s premises or directly to the client’s farm or property.

8. After delivery of the system, a single invoice is received.

IDEAL WATERPROOFING FOR DIY a.b.e. Construction Chemicals now offers another proven waterproofing product to retail, abe waterproofing slurry, which can be used to stop penetrating damp around the house as well as to waterproof outside walls, window sills and ledges; underground foundations, basements and garages as well as ponds. Elrene Smuts, a.b.e.’s Marketing Communications Manager, says: “abe waterproofing slurry provides DIY enthusiasts an economical waterproofing coating which will render a permanent waterproof skin onto surfaces. It can be applied onto new and existing structures on either the interior or exterior side of the structure to obtain optimum waterproof properties. In addition to its suitability for waterproofing, the product can also be used for damp proofing as it protects concrete, brick and mortar from water penetration.” “Among abe waterproofing slurry’s advantages as being a ready-to-use cement based waterproof coating, it only requires the addition of water,” Smuts adds. It can be applied to the surface with a block brush. On completion, abe waterproofing slurry can be left exposed or painted with a high quality PVA acrylic paint. The product is supplied in 5kg bags.


Nov/Des/Jan 2014/15 | inFocus



Orbit se visie is om die wêreld se mees toonaangewende maatskappy vir huisverbeteringsprodukte te word. Orbit se missie is ook om die verbruikers van hulle produkte te bemagtig en te inspireer om self hul huise te verbeter deur innoverende, maklik-om-te-gebruik produkte met onvergelykbare gehalte te verskaf. Met fasiliteite wêreldwyd, is Orbit die wêreldleier in die vervaardiging en verskaffing van besproeiing- en huisverbeteringsprodukte aan huiseienaars in veertig lande oor vyf kontinente. Orbit streef daarna om verbruikers se verwagtinge te oorskry en verskaf uitstekende produkte teen die beste waarde. Maar soos enige toonaangewende maatskappy, bly Orbit nie tevrede met hul vorige prestasies nie. Orbit is toegewy aan die voortdurende verbetering van die huidige reekse en skep voortdurend nuwe produkte om kliënte verder te help om tyd, water en geld te spaar. Orbit wil kliënte hê wat 100% tevrede is met hul produkte; in terme van funksies, duursaamheid en eenvoud. Orbit het ‘n aanlyn ontwerpprogram ontwikkel waarmee enige endverbruiker sy eie tuinbesproeiing kan beplan, net soos ‘n professionele kontrakteur. ‘n Baie volledige aanlyn videoteek is ook ontwikkel vir elke moontlike vraag en projek. Orbit glo daaraan om verbruikers met die hele proses te help – vanaf die kies, installering en onderhoud van hulle produkte.

Dit is min dat ‘n mens in kontak kom met ‘n maatskappy waar eienskappe soos innovasie, aanhoudende ontwikkeling en passie vir die eindverbruiker in hulle daaglikse besigheid en produkte sinoniem is. Met Orbit is dit virseker die geval. Dit is dus geen verrassing dat Orbit die nommer een besproeiingshandelsmerk in die VSA is nie.

AGRINET is die eksklusiewe verskaffer van Orbit-produkte in Afrika.

HAVE A COOL HOT SUMMER Orbit®|Arizona Mist® misting systems incorporate a spray nozzle designed to produce water droplets as small as 5 microns (smaller than the diameter of a human hair). These ultra-fine water droplets flash evaporate as they hit the surrounding air—reducing surrounding temperatures up to 6 degrees Celsius. This scientific principle, known as evaporative cooling, is the basis for the development of Orbit®|Arizona Mist® outdoor cooling products. Determine your misting needs Decide which mist system best suits your needs by figuring out how much mist coverage you require. 1. How much mist line is needed? Measure all open sides of your patio or area you wish to cool. 2. How many mist nozzles are needed? Recommended spacing between mist nozzles is every 60 cm. Divide the total measurement of mist line in half (e.g. 6 metre of mist coverage = 10 nozzles). 3. How much feed line is needed? Measure the distance from the garden hose to the first nozzle of mist line. (The first nozzle should be 60cm from the house or patio cover).

Basic Outdoor Mist Cooling System (Product code: 102003) Orbit®|Arizona Mist® Basic Outdoor Mist Cooling System includes everything you need to get a home mist system started. This kit includes a filter, auto drain valve and clamps to hang the tubing. This kit provides for 3 metres of mist coverage. The system can be expanded up to 15 metres with the Orbit®|Arizona Mist® Basic Expansion Kit. Each expansion kit provides for an additional 3 metres of misting coverage. Connects to a standard outdoor faucet. Preassembled and ready to install — begin cooling in less than 30 minutes. Includes a four year warranty.

Performance PVC outdoor Mist Cooling System Orbit®|Arizona Mist® 1/2 in. Performance PVC Outdoor Mist Cooling System provides 3 metres of mist coverage. It is expandable up to 76 metres, with sufficient water pressure, using standard PVC pipe, fittings and our split section couplings with brass and stainless steel mist nozzles. Quickly connects to any standard garden hose. Assembles in less than one hour. Includes a four year warranty.


Portable Outdoor Mist Cooling System (Product code: 102006) Portable systems can be installed virtually anywhere a hose connection is available. A system for 3 metres of mist cooling is preassembled for fast and easy installation. Begin cooling in less than 30 minutes. Connects to a standard hose faucet or garden hose. Includes a four year warranty.

Nov/Des/Jan 2014/15 | inFocus


HARDEWARE loodgietery | HARDWARE plumbing

GEBRUIK WARM WATER VERANTWOORDELIK Elke verbruiker het ‘n verantwoordelikheid om energie te spaar, al is dit dan net om die rekening so laag moontlik te hou. Vryskutskrywer Andries Joubert het gaan somme maak en stel ’n paar maklike maniere voor om dit reg te kry. Help jou klante om ook hulle deel by te dra.




ranke Water Heating Systems was established in 1995 and the factory is based in Midrand as an offspring of the mother company in Switzerland who also, besides conventional geysers, manufacture heat pumps, solar water heaters and plumbing spares. Quality is the key in Franke manufacturing and Franke carries the SABS SANS 151 certification. This covers fixed electric storage water heaters and standardise the labeling on such heaters where geysers are classed from A to G, depending on the heat loss rate of each. The IPX ratings associated with Franke geysers also indicate the level of water resistance of each product (from 1 to 8). This leaves the options open to install a Franke geyser outside where it will be exposed to rain, sun and wind and still be functional. An additional benefit is ease of accessibility during installation and no damage to the property in case of failure. Franke is also ISO 9001 qualified which is an indication of the peace of mind when you have a Franke installed. An ISO 9001 certification needs to be renewed regularly. This implies the organisation complies, alongside millions of other companies worldwide, to a set of standards and best practices that can be improved continuously.

Die elektriese warmwaterstelsel in huise is sekerlik die grootste oorsaak van hoë elektrisiteitsrekeninge. Juis daarom bied dit ook die grootste geleentheid vir moontlike kostebesparings in die huishouding. Dit is nou die tyd om te besluit of die huishouding gaan oorskakel na sonenergie of by die bestaande elektriese stelsel gaan bly. Indien die koste aan oorskakel te groot is, kan ons poog om die bestaande elek­ triese stelsel meer effektief te bestuur. Daar is min opsies om die bestaande stelsel meer optimaal te laat funksioneer en daarvoor moet verstaan word hoe `n elektriese warmwaterstelsel werk. Die vergelyking kan met `n koppie koffie gemaak word. Vanaf die oomblik dat die ketel afskakel, begin die water energie verloor en koel dus af. Om warm koffie te geniet moet die koffie dadelik gemaak en gedrink word nadat die water gekook het. Sou die koffie nie dadelik gedrink word nie, sal daar weer elektrisiteit gebruik moet word om die water weer te kook en dus gebruik jy twee keer energie vir een keer se genot. Die water in die ketel kan slegs op twee maniere warm gehou word. Die een manier


is om nie die ketel af te skakel nie. Dit is nie `n opsie nie omdat daar energie gebruik word wat geen doel gaan dien nie. Dit gaan nie koste-effektief wees nie. Die tweede manier is om die ketel te isoleer met iets soos `n kombers wat goeie isolasie verskaf. Die beginsels kan só opgesom word: Warm water in die geiser begin energie verloor vanaf die oomblik dat die element dit begin warm maak. Hierdie ener­gie gaan voortdurend verlore deur die geiser se struktuur en pype. Die oomblik as die warmkraan oopgedraai word, word koue water bygevoeg en die energie gaan dus vinniger verlore. Energie moet elke keer aangewend word om die water te verhit. Meer energie gaan verlore as die water vanaf 60°C na 20°C afkoel, as vanaf 40°C na 20°C. Om die beginsel makliker te verstaan, kan ons sê dat 5 een­hede gebruik word om water se temperatuur met 10 grade Celsius te laat styg. Kom ons aanvaar dat iemand in die huis die warm kraan 20 keer per dag onnodig gebruik, byvoorbeeld om hande te was. Die tabel wys dat 15 eenhede 3 keer gebruik is om

HARDEWARE loodgietery | HARDWARE plumbing vanaf punt A (20°C) tot by punt B (60°C) te kom. Wat by punt B gebeur, is dat die warmkraan oopgedraai is en koue water ingelaat word. Elke keer word nog 5 eenhede energie gebruik om die water weer tot by punt D (60°C) te verhit. Die patroon tussen B en D kan daagliks honderde kere herhaal word, elke keer wanneer iemand die warmkraan oopdraai. Indien ons vir die doel van die argument aanvaar dat dit 20 keer per dag gebeur, beteken dit dat 20 x 5 = 100 energie-eenhede deur die dag gebruik word. Daarom is dit meer ekonomies om die geiser af te skakel tot ongeveer een uur voordat dit badtyd is, want dan gebruik die geiser eenmalig 15 eenhede energie om die water te verhit tot `n gerieflike temperatuur. Skakel dus die geiser een uur voordat jy warmwater

in grootmaat gebruik aan en weer af die oomblik voordat die warmkraan oopgedraai word. Dit sal verhoed dat koue water verhit word maar nie gebruik word nie. Om afkoeling verder te vertraag, moet `n geiser en die pype behoorlik geïsoleer word. Daar is verskeie produkte hiervoor in die mark (teen geweldige hoë pryse), maar die beste en goedkoopste is gewone plafon-isolasie wat deeglik om die geiser gevou kan word. In kort dus: Gebruik slegs die kouekraan behalwe wanneer jy bad. Skakel die geiser aan een uur voor badtyd en af die oomblik voordat jy die bad se warmkraan oopdraai. Isoleer die geiser en pype so goed as moontlik.


THIS IS HENK KRUGER PRODUCT MANAGER PLUMBING Henk Kruger certainly is not new to managerial positions – at the age of 22 he was appointed as a branch manager for the first time and has been in management positions ever since. He wants to let the plumbing department at Agrinet grow into a profitable business unit. “The department must become a major competitor in the wholesale/distribution sector of the industry within less than ten years. We have already gained valuable market share and various market segments acknowledge us as a plumbing related supplier,” says Henk. The competitive nature of the industry is one of the challenges he faces. Fortunately Henk loves a challenging environment and he is goal driven. It is already clear that he would go the extra mile to achieve his goals. He was involved in a corporate retail environment since a young age. It laid a sound foundation that still has a profound impact on how he does business today.

Nov/Des/Jan 2014/15 | inFocus


HARDEWARE loodgietery | HARDWARE plumbing



FOR WORK AND PLAY Due to the competitive nature of the copper tube industry locally, Agrinet had to look abroad for suppliers that could meet the criteria regarding price and quality for copper and brass compression fittings.

Eurolux for long-term savings

“Various alternative avenues were scrutinised to find a suitable supplier and after an intensive filtering process we came to an agreement with a company that does not only comply with the SABS standards, but also gives us a competitive edge regarding our price offering to the market,” said product manager, Henk Kruger This supplier has a longstanding relationship with various big brands internationally like: Hi Sence, Sharp, LG, Samsung, Hitachi, Electrolux and many more. If these brands associate them with a supplier there must be due diligence in their processes and the way they conduct business. Agrinet now believes that they have good quality products in this range that will enable customers to make a profit without compromising quality.


The product range on offer are the following: Hard drawn Class 0 copper tubing of 15 mm and 22 mm sizes, that comply with the SABS standards and are accordingly marked on the tube. This gives the user peace of mind in using the product. All the certification is also available on request. Copper Capillary Fittings These fittings are made to the highest quality standards and also comply with the relevant SABS certification, which is available on request. Capillary fittings are used in conjunction with a solder /flux-based welding system. 15 mm and 22 mm are available. Brass Compression Fittings These fittings are also made to comply with the SABS standards and will bear the SABS mark as from the next container load that comes in. These fittings are also available in 15 mm and 22 mm.

eeping with global thinking, the South African government phases out inefficient bulb technology. The process started on the 7th August 2014, with all old-fashioned stock finally off-shelf from 7th February 2015, giving local industry six months to comply with legislation. Bulbs that are not banned include pilot lamps in your oven, automotive lamps, extra low voltage lamps below 12V, temperature and shock-proof lamps plus special lamps not used for domestic and general lighting. It’s good news to know that all those important tiny parts that make up our dish-washer lights, ovens and vehicle indicators are still available for replacement to keep our lives ticking over. ‘Replacing-As-You-Go’ is the motto – but what option is best for your pocket? Yes, the new bulbs are more expensive. Get with the programme, people, and move with the times – there’s a bigger picture at play. Halogen bulbs offer a 30% saving and are dimmable (lovely for those romantic evenings) and come in all shapes and sizes. Continues on p 39


Nov/Des/Jan 2014/15 | inFocus






OUTDOOR PICKS from Kaufmann

PETER NIEUWENHUIZEN chose these products from the stylish Kaufmann outdoor range as possible gifts for the Christmas season.

Sofa Chair

Mat Beach Kaufmann

1.2L Stainless Steel Flask

Flashlight 2D LED





Chair Beach Fold Up Kaufmann

Flashlight AAA LED



est option on the market right now from a buyers’ perspective. Halogen replacements for the 40W, 60W, 100W and 200W globes will be available as well as lower wattage golf ball and candle shapes. The most popular and government supported replacement bulb is the CFL (Compact Florescent Lamp). For some time Eurolux has carried the most extensive range of CFL’s available to South Africa.

You cannot get away from the fact that CFL’s offer a massive 80% saving including a 6 000 hour per bulb lifespan that glows a warm or cool white light. The South African market is cluttered – one can find cheap, nasty options on shelf with a myriad of odd prices, but remember, quality lasts. Rather pay a few extra bucks and you won’t be taken for a ride!

Aluminium Camping Bed

48 Can Trolley




The halogen alternative will be your best direct replacement – the lamps look exactly the same, except instead of

having a filament it has a halogen capsule inside the voluptuous glass shape. And of course, the wattage is lower. The Eurolux halogens boast striking new packaging, so you won’t miss making the right decision when shopping. The most logical first step is replacing the old-fashioned incandescent 60W with a halogen lamp that meets the specs at 42W with the same colour and lumen output – the cheap-


Nov/Des/Jan 2014/15 | inFocus



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