Infocus May/June/July 2015

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Mei/Junie/Julie 2015 | inFocus
















inFocus word uitgegee deur Agrinet AGRINET Sterlingweg/Road, Kosmosdal, Privaatsak/Private Bag X165 Centurion 0046 Tel: 012 657 2000 Faks/Fax: 086 529 4424 Inbelsentrum/Call Centre: 012 657 2222


Agrinet Bellville: Posbus/P.O. Box 1300, Sanlamhof, 7532 Sacks Sirkel/Circle, Bellville Inbelsentrum/ Call Centre: 021 959 5420 inFocus verskyn 4 keer per jaar / inFocus appears 4 times per year Redaksie/Editorial staff: Jedrie Harmse, Nici Harmse Tel: 012 332 3833 Advertensiewerwing/Advertising: Anita Oosthuizen Tel: (012) 333 6965 Sel: 083 316 7529 e-pos: Agrinet Limited and/or InFocus nor any of its officials, members, employees, agents, representatives, shareholders or directors shall be liable for any loss, damage or any liability of whatsoever nature which may arise to the reader as a consequence of this publication of any article or advertisement in this publication or as a result of the reader or any other person acting on the strength, accuracy or correctness of the content provided in this publication. InFocus makes no representation, furnish no warranty or guarantee, actual or implied or otherwise that the content, information or data in this publication are free from errors, omissions or inaccuracies. No information, ideas, opinions, views or other data available in this publication should be regarded as professional advice or the professional opinion of InFocus or any of its members, employees, agents, representatives, or shareholders and all readers are informed to obtain professional advice before taking any course of action relating to anything contained in this publication.




No need to stay in the dark 5 Kaufmann struts it`s stuff 6 Going off the grid 8 Goodbye Eskom 10 If you can`t shake it save it 12 Top 10 Survival Kit products 13 Coffee with Marius 14 The evolution of the globe 19 Let your true colours shine 21 Top 10 Father`s Day gifts 22 Agrinet werkswinkel gee gemoedsrus 24 Hou gebluste vure geblus 25 Installing a watertank 26 Off the grid plumbing 28 Hot water system ideal for the farm 29 Nexus designed for quality 31 All or nothing in a paint basket 32 Make your shop shine 33 Off the grid without a fuss 34 Agrinet is now officially a distributor of Agpoint products 35 Agrinet skaar hom by nog ’n wenner 36 Eurozappa 30 years of experience 37 Some like it hot! 39 Keep your temperature 39

Mei/Junie/Julie 2015 | inFocus




NO NEED TO STAY IN THE DARK Bear with me if you already heard this Eskom joke: what does stage 4 load shedding mean? It is the stage where Eskom is so desperate, they send people from door to door to blow out your candles and remove the batteries from all your tourches. Ah yes, jokes grow stale so fast.


oad shedding only happens when you absolutely don’t need it and just refuses to happen when you need it to happen. Yes, I needed load shedding, that fateful Saturday, when the Bulls played against the Stormers and I had to sit through it with gloating Province supporters in front of my own TV! While writing this I am keeping one eye on my cell phone, waiting for the load shedding schedules delivered via a handy app called Sharenet. The Sharenet app softened the load shedding experience, at least now one knows when and for how long it is going to strike. For most of the consumers, who are not Inus Dreckmeyrs – see the article about the man who said goodbye to Eskom on page 10 – getting off the grid is not possible. Those consumers are dependant on other measures to minimise electricity usage – this issue is packed with ideas on how retailers can benefit from this by helping clients with good alternatives to electricity.

A sample of wors for Marius.


When you read Marius Loubser’s column on page 16, please take note of his thinly veiled hint on his need for some braaiwors, we don’t want to let the man starve. He leads us into the hunting season with very useful ideas on how to tap into this lucrative season. Marius mentions some products for meat preparation which took me back to the time when we were youngsters living on the farm. Slaughter day was always a big family occasion with all hands on deck. Those who could walk had to help. The smallest child had to march around the meat table swatting flies while Ouma sat in her chair, dishing out much unwanted advice while also swatting flies. Us bigger boys had to help cutting meat and bones and filling the gut with the special mix of ground meat for the wors. The best part of the day was when the girls were done with the mixing, Mom fried small test samples of the wors mix to get it just right and we all had a chance to taste. No meat ever tasted as good as those small, spicy samples. Enjoy this issue Jedrie Harmse - Editor

Mei/Junie/Julie 2015 | inFocus


KAUFMANN STRUTS IT’S STUFF T This year Kaufmann Outdoor attended the annual Beeld Holiday Show 2015 at the Gallagher Convention Centre. Renowned for quality visitors and exhibitors, this expo is great for brands like Kaufmann Outdoor to get exposure to their target market.

he show also offers an opportunity to share information about the great quality of our product with the public. Kaufmann Outdoors’s success grows every time we attend events like the Beeld Holiday Show. People get to see and touch the product first-hand, making them comfortable with the decision to buy the product. The Beeld Holiday Show, your one stop holiday show, is the annual national launch pad for an array of products and services that include caravans, caravan services, motor homes, trailers, 4 x 4 accessories, camping kits and accessories as well as destination and leisure industries and much more. The Beeld Holiday Show supports the ultimate definition of


a leisure show that offers all the ingredients for those who want to map a holiday destination, or for those who want to equip themselves for outdoor vacations or excursions. The show is renowned for quality visitors & exhibitors associated with leading industry publications. The Beeld Holiday Show, known for an average of 26 000 visitors, was attended by 27 360 enthusiasts this year. It sports the largest indoor stands and compares with caravan shows hosted abroad. Something new is offered every year. The exhibitors of this fair present the best of products and services and create an interactive forum by means of the fair. One of the main exhibitors said in a testimonial: “It gets bigger and better


Above – Stack em’ high and sell em’ fast. The Römer was a hit at the Beeld show. Left – Kaufmann on show, the stand won the Silver Stand Award!

each year and we think it has become the premier show in our industry.” Kaufmann Outdoors’s stand did very well at the Holiday Show this year. According to Peter Nieuwenhuizen, product manager of Kaufmann Outdoor, it was

one of the best Beeld Holiday Shows. He reckons it may have something to do with the dates being changed to the end of the month instead of the middle of the month as last year. “It led to a rise in sales as well as great customer feedback.


Kaufmann Outdoor received the Silver Stand Award for Camping Accessories 2015. This is a great achievement for us as there are more than 300 exhibitors at this show. Next year we’re aiming for gold!!”

Mei/Junie/Julie 2015 | inFocus



OFF THE GRID - WHAT DOES IT IMPLY? With constant load shedding, insufficient power supply and never ending price increases for electricity in South Africa, more and more people are considering to move their businesses or/and homes partially or permanently off the utility grid or decreasing their dependency on utility power.

Is it for me?


hile renewable energy is a welldiscussed topic, it is still a fairly unknown phenomenon in South Africa, and the actual idea of making a move can be quite daunting. “Where does one start? How much will it cost?” are some of the questions your customers grapple with. As needs differ from one person to another, there is no one-solution-for-all that can be offered. Ultimately, if what you select for your customers is not tailored to suit their specific requirements, they may well end up purchasing the wrong equipment, or even substandard equipment. These will have to be replaced in the end to successfully complete the installation of the systems, costing your client more than what it was ultimately intended to save him! Where do I start? So what can be done? Make sure you have the knowledge to advise your clients. Involve experts right from the get go. You should become the expert or experienced consultant helping the client in the planning process. This will help reduce their risks of selecting the wrong equipment. Ensure you have a proper and adequate needs analysis of the client’s environment that covers costs and specifications, right from purchase to installation. What are the options? Your client may be one of those people who are considering dipping his toes in the water as a start and going partially off the grid, which is the preferred option when retrofitting existing infrastructure, in order to save money in the long run. However he may be one of a handful of people looking to go off the grid permanently in order to be in full control of their power supply. continues on page 10




Mei/Junie/Julie 2015 | inFocus




nus Dreckmeyr and his family live completely ‘off grid’. That means that his house is disconnected from the Eskom power network, and every drop of electricity he needs is generated on site. There’s not a single cable connecting his home to the outside world, yet in six years of living there he’s never suffered a power cut. He is environmentally conscious and believes that people are rather too cavalier about the sources of their energy than they should be. Dreckmeyr is the very successful managing director of Netshield South Africa, an IT firm focusing on electronic research and development. For Dreckmeyr, the decision to abandon Eskom, was a to-and-fro one. When he

Inus Dreckmeyr, Mr Off-Grid.

and his wife started dreaming about their perfect home, north-east of Pretoria, they carefully planned the house to be self-sufficient. When it came to powering their house, however, the Dreckmeyrs had a problem. Connecting to the grid would mean paying Eskom to install a step-up transformer by the road side, cable all the way up to the house, and then fit

a step-down transformer to bring the voltage back in line with domestic supply. On top of the huge costs involved with that, Dreckmeyr figured that a kilometre and a half of unguarded cable would be too tempting a target for thieves. Going solar meant a big up-front cost, but with no electricity bills in the future and no worries about it being lifted in the night, the sums

started to make sense. “The amazing thing is that there’s no real regulations around this,” Dreckmeyr says, “There’s nothing that really encourages you to invest in renewables, but very little stopping you too.” The house design is as much about Dreckmeyr’s practical engineering background as it is for aesthetics, though. Those high ceilings and raked floors aren’t just for effect, they help airflow move through the house keeping it cool in the summer and minimising heating requirements in the winter months. “We run five fridges and there’s a TV in every room,” says Dreckmeyr, “We’re not roughing it at all.” There’s also a state of the art security system and two


There are three options when it comes to selecting a domestic solar system: 1. Grid tied systems 2. Stand alone systems 3. Hybrid systems

We have the muscle to protect your vehicles

1. Grid tied system (best for retrofitting on existing installations) A grid tied system is a solution that is designed to feed power to your environment from both the renewable sources you have in place as well as the Power Utility power grid. It consists of solar panels and a control unit that ties into the utility grid. A real benefit is that these systems can be fitted with less expensive smaller battery subsystems to enable the use of critical services during a power blackout and could include lighting and power to a television set but would definitely exclude stoves, geysers, electrical

QUICK START 350 ml AO800/7168 Spanjaard Quick Start gives instant starting of Petrol and Diesel engines, including outboard motors. Spray directly into air intake for 2-3 seconds then start engine normally. Contains upper cylinder lubricant.

BITUMEN PRIMER 500ml AO800/5094 A multi-purpose liquid bitumen solution designed to penetrate and seal porous surfaces, protect bare metal from corrosion, and act as an industrial water-proofing / rustproofing agent. Chassis, undercarriage and inside of wheel arches are protected against stone chipping. The high build formula often covers weld marks and seams in one application. Spanjaard Bitumen Primer is a durable steel wire rope coating. Available in 500ml aerosol and 1 litre tin.



stoves and other high power devices. Where is the benefit? The downside to systems without a battery subsystem is that there is no increase in the reliability of your electrical feed. It does however reverse the metering process, decreasing your electrical bill by the amount of energy that is fed back onto the utility grid. This ultimately reduces the cost of ownership as the energy storage system or battery as it remains one of the most costly components and most maintenance intensive components of any renewable energy installation. The greatest advantage of a grid tied system is the reduced cost of ownership! However remember that when considering how many solar panels to buy, factors such as angle, space, strength and position of the roof should be taken in


three MPPT circuits and power inverters which balance the output of the panels, and a back-up diesel engine just in case. In the next room, there are 32 batteries which keep the house running at night. The solar array itself is mounted on a motorised carriage designed by Dreckmeyr, which keeps the panels running at their most efficient by turning them as the sun passes overhead. At night, the whole thing swings back into position. Dreckmeyr reckons he increases the output of the panels by about 70% this way. When the amount of energy being produced by the panels is surplus to domestic needs, the output is switched over to charging the batteries. When they’re full, the borehole pump is switched on and the water tower on a nearby hill – which supplies the house

The array atop the outhouse. The batteries are kept in their own room for safety, and regularly tested and topped up.

electric gates between his house and the road. Just inside the ironwork gateway to the house there’s a large 8×3 array of 200W photovoltaic panels, which sits on top of a purpose built

consideration as this might affect the energy output. It is also wise to try and calculate wattage usage during the day in order to not buy unnecessary panels. 2. Stand alone systems (best for new and remote installation) This system has no access to the utility grid and has the advantage that the initial investment is partly covered by the cost that would have been needed to extend power line infrastructure to the point of installation. This is true “off the grid” living and these systems increase the sense of pride of being self-sufficient, and not bound to a utility, which for some people is worth more than just saving money. If a sufficient area is available a “solar room” can be built – complete with batteries, inverters and

outhouse and capable of producing 4.8KW of energy at their peak. Next to this is a single wind turbine. The generator building, which is about the size of a large double garage, houses

with high pressure water – is refilled. It’s an elegant design which follows a hierarchy of needs, and one which works, too. As long as the family is reasonably careful about its energy use, there’s no need to compromise on a modern lifestyle. And the fact that they keep a careful eye on the amount of energy being generated and used on the plot has been a great tool for teaching the kids about environmental responsibility and the finite nature of any resource.

(Excerpt from an article written by Adam Oxford, journalist and editor-in-chief of Hypertext Media, a SA publishing house that specialises in technology issues.)

remote management systems. Solar tracker and panels can be erected to ensure a customised solution that is completely self-sufficient. 3. Hybrid system (best of both worlds – recommended) Hybrid systems really do offer the best of both worlds as they not only increase your independence but also increase power reliability, as the systems in place feed from, and feed to, multiple sources and loads. A hybrid system is based on a “Grid tied” solution with a battery bank (small or large depending on your installation requirements) and includes sources like backup diesel or compressed air driven electrical generators. This allows you to store sufficient energy, decreasing utility dependency and increasing reliability through back generation.


Mei/Junie/Julie 2015 | inFocus


IF YOU CAN’T SHAKE IT SAVE IT Some of your customers might be in the market for energy-saving products and desperately want to save on their electricity bill. So the next time you sell warm white LED bulbs, take a minute and tell your customer how to save on electricity because besides converting to a complete LED solution you can still save on electricity – and it will not cost you a single cent. Ways to save electricity


urn geyser temperature down to 60°C and insulate the geyser and pipes. In most cases, the thermostat is located in the little cover over the electrical element of the geyser. Switch off the electricity circuit at the mains, undo the cover, and then turn down the thermostat using a screw driver. Use less hot water Reducing the amount of hot water used is easier than you

think and should be general knowledge by now. Shower instead of bath, and take shorter showers – it is not necessary to sing the complete La Traviata in one session. Only fill the kettle with as much water as you need. Wash a full load of dishes, rather than one dish at a time. Use cold water where possible for laundry washing. No need to boil every time Boil a full kettle and pour the water into insulated flasks for making coffee and tea. If you

have a gas stove, chuck out the electric kettle. Switch off all equipment when not in use Switch all electrical appliances off at the wall plug, rather than leaving them on standby as this can still draw about 20% or more of normal electricity use. These include TVs, music systems, computers, phone chargers, washing machines, hair dryers etc. Also turn the geyser off when you go on holiday. Reduce pool pump operating hours If you have a pool with a cleaning system pump, reduce its operating hours to the minimum e.g. 6 hours a day. Clean filters regularly, cover the pool during winter and turn off the pump at times in winter.


Reduce excessive heating or cooling Space heating in winter is a big power ‘guzzler’, and the same for summer cooling for those homes with cooling systems. Use localised equipment rather than central air-conditioning or heating systems, and only heat or cool occupied rooms. The room temperature should not be more than 10 degrees (Celsius) more or less than the outside/ ambient temperature. Fan or oil heaters with thermostats are best, and avoid under-floor heating. In summer use a fan rather than air-conditioning. But rather than use equipment at all, the best ‘no cost’ saving options are things like wearing warmer clothing and using blankets in winter or opening the windows in summer.


Leaving the grid altogether is not for every one. Your customer either has to have the technical skills to do it himself or the money to hire a pro. The rest have to save as best they can.





The Top 10 products on this page are the recommended survival kit for load shedding, suggested by Wollie Wolmarans, Sales Manager.











Hou sy neus nat Maintenance en Classique is ‘n ten volle gebalanseerde hondekos en is al wat jou volwasse hond nodig het om gesond en in ‘n puik kondisie ty bly. Maintenance of Classique is geskik vir enige hond, groot of klein, wat in die ideale gewigsperk vir sy spesifieke ras val. Classique is wetenskaplik geformuleer en bevat beesproteïene en Omega 3 & 6 olies. Die produk het dieselfde samestelling as Maintenance, behalwe vir die beesproteïene waar Maintenance volstruisproteïene bevat. Al is Maintenance nie spesifiek ‘n dieetproduk nie, het ons al terugvoer van verbruikers ontvang dat hul honde gewig verloor, asook hul kondisie, energievlakke en algehele gesondheid ver­be­ ter het na ‘n paar maande op Maintenance. Dit is baie belangrik om te onthou dat jy jou hond moet voer volgens

sy eie kondisie en nie streng moet hou by die voedings­ riglyne agter op die sak nie. Dit is slegs ‘n riglyn en alle honde, net soos mense, se aktiwiteitsvlakke en meta­ bolisme verskil. Die hoë verteerbaarheid en absorp­ sieratio het tot gevolg dat jou hond minder gaan eet, en meer voedingstowwe gaan absorbeer wat minder vir jou los om op te tel. Die Omega 3 & 6 olies gaan jou beste vriend ‘n blink pels gee en jy gaan al hoe meer begroet word met stertswaaie tydens etenstye omdat Complete so ‘n smaaklike produk is. Ons is trots om te sê dat Agrinet alle Complete produkte aan koöperasies verskaf. Alle produkpryse is ook op die Agrinet sisteem beskikbaar en indien daar enige spesifieke produknavraag is, kan Complete Pet direk gekontak word.










Mei/Junie/Julie 2015 | inFocus






ollowing my bold statement in the previous InFocus edition regarding the Lions rugby team’s prospects this season and the editor slapping me over the fingers for not sticking to the context of my article, I’ve decided to exchange my cup of coffee for a brand new Cup of Cappuccino – as this is most probably the only CUP that the Lions supporters will hold this year – but the Currie Cup is not won in April – still watching this space –sorry Ed! Back to the serious stuff In her budget vote, Environmental Affairs Minister Edna Molewa has said that the hunting industry shows the value of SA’s biodiversity and would be supported by the government ….

Molewa said the country is the third most diverse in the world in this regard. This was a big call card. Hunting, along its entire value chain, earns R6.2-billion a year. She said her department of environmental affairs would therefore

Quality Putty has been producing consistently high quality putty for over 10 years.

Tegso putty is an easy to use DIY self-setting putty for steel and wooden window frames. Pack sizes from 500g to 40kg.


“Our oxides are high in staining power and ideal for concrete and brick staining.”

support this sector. “We will promote South Africa as the destination of choice for hunting ….” So how is the above information relevant to Agrinet, and more important, to you our valued customers? Over the years Agrinet has become a supplier of choice for various products complimenting the offering to the market during the hunting season. At least once a year the average male - and in certain instances the average female, because someone needs to cook … sorry ladies - will spend a couple of moolas on a hunting trip. Meat preparation The top of the range Claasen’s products, consisting of biltong slicers, sausage fillers and


pattie formers is a must-have on your shelves. This will add to your diverse offering and generate additional revenue. Hunters in South Africa comes from all demographics. As a rule they purchase their equipment and must-haves close to where they reside, often generating a certain degree of impulse buying. It will do no harm to promote your retail shop, sporting a range of hunting related products, in your local newspaper. Distributing leaflets with a “Prepare for the Hunting season” look and feel might just surprise you with the response! Don’t ignore the catering side of the hunt. For a wide catering offering you can also browse the Agrinet website under the Outdoor / Hunting menu for a list of products consisting of


The hunting offering of Agrinet is worth looking into and provides the opportunity to share in this R6.2 billion potential market. food crates, a variety of knifes, electric and hand meat saws etc… Outdoor But that’s not all – Agrinet also stock the range of Kaufmann outdoor accessories. With this long list of products your hunter clients can fill their F250s to the tail gates with the ‘bearest neccesities’ needed on a hunting trip. They will surely need the Kaufmann LED torches with adjustable focus to spot the rattle snake at the camp site and the 200 lumens Kaufmann Led headlight to ensure a well prepared steak for supper. For some comfort in the harsh veld, Kaufmann

offers luxurious camping chairs, cooler boxes and a lot more you can add to your offering in the advertisement in your local paper. One could never be too prepared and the “dark Eskom factor” must also be taken into consideration. Being out of power somewhere in the bush might not be a train smash initially, but after a day or two it might be a nuisance if you can’t charge your cellular or keep the beer cold. Once again Agrinet comes to the rescue with the range of PowerMaster inverter generators, ranging from a 1,2 kVA to the 3,5 kVA units. These lightweight and compact units, very low on the

decibels, are ideal for a plan B on the hunting trip – don’t be left in the dark! I’m convinced that you would agree with me that the above hunting offering of Agrinet is worth looking into and provides the opportunity to share in the R6,2 billion potential market. I trust that you will hit the ”bulls eye” with this suggested initiative – happy hunting & selling! I wish to conclude with the invitation to contact and discuss the newly launched NEXUS electrical range of products with your Agrinet representative. The initial success with the launch of the NEXUS solar range of


products have laid the foundation for a very successful introduction to the market of the NEXUS electrical range – NEXUS is an Agrinet registered trademark. Good luck to all our customers for the off season, going into the winter months – so much more reason to diversefy your offering by including the above hunting offering. Please feel free to contact me at any time in order to make arrangements with me to collect my biltong and dried wors – much appreciated.

Until next time …. for now it’s off to happy hunting grounds.

Mei/Junie/Julie 2015 | inFocus



At the heart of the start HAWKINS has been the South African leader in developing and manufacturing battery chargers for the domestic, leisure, professional and industrial markets since 1961.

Available from




Skakel aan met skop HAWKINS is sedert 1961 al die leier in die ontwikkeling en vervaardiging van batterylaaiers vir huishoudelike, ontspannings, professionele en industriĂŤle markte.

Available from


Mei/Junie/Julie 2015 | inFocus





The globe as we know it didn’t just happen during a ‘big bang’. A lot of researchers worked at it during the early 1800s and it was eventually in 1880 that Thomas Edison’s company, Edison Electric Light Company, began marketing the first commercially viable light bulbs. And now, 134 years later this amazing invention is banned just about all over the world. Lucky for us, this first commercially available light bulb only started the evolution.

All the options HALOGEN GLOBES


he trusty old tungsten filament, which served us for the last 134 years, is an electricity guzzler and seriously contributes to global warming. “Although a few options are available to replace the tungsten bulb, I believe it is the Light Emitting Diode, or LED, that will win the evolutionary race for better, more efficient lighting,” says Morné Jacobs Product Manager: Electrical at Agrinet. Reducing the amount of electricity we use and our carbon footprint is not just important but also a necessity. Installing low energy light bulbs is the easiest and quickest way to improve energy efficiency in the home. The following options are available as replacements for the tungsten filament globe.

Halogen Globes are the most efficient direct replacement for the tungsten filament globes – it can give the same amount of light output with up to 30% less power consumption. Halogen globes are still quite new to our market and still needs to find its feet. The pricing of this globe is quite similar to CFL globes, so it will be interesting to see if the Halogen globe will get momentum or if the CFL and LED markets will dominate this space. ENERGY SAVERS (CFLs) Compact Fluorescent Lamps are low watt high light output lamps that make use of a chemical reaction to produce light. They are very efficient but do contain mercury and phosphor which does not go down well in the environment friendly books. Consumers must please ensure that the CFL that they are purchasing is ROHS compliant and is rated more than 6000 hours, anything under this spec does not comply to SABS standards. CFLs do however have a few drawbacks and that is that the light output deteriorates over time as the chemicals inside burn up. The lamp also does not fare well with power


continues on page 20

Mei/Junie/Julie 2015 | inFocus


Manufacturers of bandsaws, mincers and biltong slicers


MEAT-O-MATIC BANDSAW Equipped with No 10 malleable casting Mincer

surges and is therefore prone to be replaced quite often under the South African electricity conditions. They are still very good replacements for filament globes, are well priced and are available in a vast array of shapes, colours and sizes. LIGHT EMITTING DIODE LIGHTS (LED) LEDs have become more and more popular over the past 5 years due to their low power consumption and efficiency. Unfortunately due to the pressures of having LED lights at cheaper pricing consumers have been getting low watt LED’s that are NOT efficient at all. The reason for this is because quality and light output needs to be sacrificed to get to a certain price point. This doesn’t mean that all well priced lamps are bad but that caution needs to be taken. The best way to ensure that the LED is up to standard is to compare the Lumens – which is the amount of visible light that the LED emits. The higher the Lumens the better the LED. You can therefore get a 4W globe that has 180 lumens and a 4W that has 320 lumens. The 320 lumen LED is therefore the better buy of the two. Another important feature is the design life, 25 000 hours vs 50 000 hours – the higher the design life, the higher the quality of the LED. LED’s also indirectly assist in saving electricity through emitting very low levels of heat and therefore allowing aircons to come on less often. Efficient LED globes are therefore the perfect energy and carbon solution that will

SPRINGBOK SUPER S234 BANDSAW Equipped with a No 22 malleable casting Mincer – Dual Mincer Mount Point for fast & Slow Speed

MOMS no.22 electrical mincer – Dual Mincer Mount Point for fast & Slow Speed

ELECTRIC BILTONG SLICER Equipped with own motor

Samrand 012-6572222 Bellville 021-9595420


not just save electricity but also help save our planet. Agrinet has a complete offering of Nexus LED’s on the way that will be a combination of high lumens and long design life at very affordable prices! The Nexus range of LED’s encompasses the latest technology and design with a 5 Year exchange warranty. Please feel free to contact Morné Jacobs, Product Manager Electrical at Agrinet for any further queries at




t is important to sell the right LED for your client’s application. Help them choose the right colour for the room it will be used in. Technically, LED lights can replicate any kind of light colour in the red, blue, yellow, and pure white light spectrum. This is why LED technology is used in various applications. For commercial and residential lighting, the colour choices in LED lights are warm white, cool daylight and cool white and they are available in a variety of shapes and sizes.

TRUE COLOURS The Kelvin Scale LED colour temperature is measured using the Kelvin scale represented by numbers followed by a “K”. Warm White is around 2700K to 3500K, Natural White is around 4000K to 4500K, Daylight White is around 5000K to 6000K, and Cool White is around 6000K to 7000K. As a reference consider the colour temperature of other light sources: Candle flame: around 1850K; Traditional incandescent lights: around 2700K to 3300K; Moonlight: around 4100K Warm White and Cool White are the most commonly used colour temperatures in LED applications. Agrinet offers a Cool Daylight (CDL) LED that has a colour temperature resembling daylight. It has a very natural colour rendering and Agrinet replaces the Cool White with their CDL lights.

Warm White vs. Cool Day light Warm White is soft and warm, ideal for living spaces, dining areas, and any other places where a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere is preferred. On the opposite end of the spectrum, Cool Daylight is bright and bold, perfect for any setting where a modern look is preferred. Cool Daylight is mostly preferred in industrial and commercial settings whereas Warm White is usually found in homes and leisure areas. Which colour temperature is best? It all depends on your customers needs. If he is fitting a factory or a hospital, Cool Daylight is the best choice because it illuminates almost every corner of the room. Where bright lights are essential, Cool Daylight is ideal. It is also a great choice should they want a modern look in their home. Cool Daylight looks great in modern rooms


with a bold, clean, minimal design. It is also popular for work areas such as home offices, laundries and garages. Warm White is the more popular colour temperature for homes especially if traditional light bulbs are to be replaced. People usually tend to stick with the kind of lighting they already have and Warm White LED lights offer similar lighting but with a longer lifespan. Help your customer to choose between Warm White and Cool White, by explaining colour temperature representations in the Kelvin scale, as manufacturers always provide this information with their products. As your customer do not always have the chance to test lights before purchasing, knowing the colour temperature will always give them a colour reference.

The Kelvin Scale Incandescent lamps CFL lamps

Warm White

Cool Daylight


Cool White

Mei/Junie/Julie 2015 | inFocus

27 000K

15 000K

10 000K

6 500K

6 200K

6 000K

5 500K

5 000K

Clear blue sky

4 100K

3 200K

3 000K

2 700K

1 700K

1 850K

LED Range

3 350K

Moon light

Candle flame




Remember Father’s Day is not too far off. Retailers should get ready for this great opportunity. Not just preparing your wish list if you are a father, but also planning ahead to make sure you take your slice of this commercial cake. Father’s Day is a relatively modern holiday, so different families have different traditions. These can range from a simple phone call or greeting card to large parties honoring all father figures in an extended family. Most of these traditions include a gift of some sort and it being winter in South Africa, many fathers are planning a hunting trip ....

Father’s Day Sunday, June 21, 2015




Here’s to all the dads who teach, train and love ...





















Mei/Junie/Julie 2015 | inFocus





ingestap en oor jare baie bestuursvernuf opgedoen. As werkswinkelbestuurder was hy daar verantwoordelik vir die herstel en diens van verskeie tipes industriële enjins soos Honda, Yanmar en Perkins. Daarna het hy by Talisman ondervinding opgedoen met masjinerie in die konstruksiebedryf. “Ek het eindelik geleer dat selfs die moeilikste of die verkeerdste kliënt met die korrekte kommuniksie tevrede gehou kan word.” Derik, sy vrou Jolandi en hulle twee seuns van agt en vier woon in Doring­ kloof, Centurion.

Agrinet se eie werkwinkel op die perseel in Samrand is deel van hulle nasorgdiens. Die werkswinkel gee naverkopeondersteuning aan klante op die produkte wat verkoop word. Dit sluit produkte in wat nog onder waarborg is of ouer produkte wat herstelwerk nodig het.


ie werkswinkel is met verskeie toets­ apparate toegerus, van elektriese meetinstrumen­ te tot druk- en vloeimeters waarmee waterpompe getoets word. Ons het verskeie instru­ mente wat gebruik word in die foutvind proses wat probeme vinnig help identifiseer. Ons doen onder andere ook herstelwerk op Yanmar-dieselmotors,” het Derik Kok, nuwe bestuuurder van dié werkswinkel aan inFocus vertel. Die werkswinkel het ‘n vloer­oppervlak van ongeveer 200m² en akkommodeer naas die werkswinkelbestuurder ook twee administratiewe en drie tegniese persone. Die tegnici het jare se ervaring op elektriese en meganiese toerusting en ontvang die nodige opleiding om Agrinet se produkte deeglik te verstaan. Derik wil die standaard in die werkswinkel opskerp sodat ’n omdraaityd van 48 uur op die herstel van alle produkte gehandhaaf kan word. Hy wil ook die terugvoer na klante verbeter om navrae en klagtes

Derik Kok, nuwe bestuuurder van Agrinet se werkswinkel – “Ek het eindelik geleer dat selfs die moeilikste of die verkeerdste kliënt met die korrekte kommuniksie tevrede gehou kan word.”

tot die minimum te beperk. “Die uitdaging is tans om die toetsstasies en terugvoerverslae op standaard te kry en ek en my personeel moet binne ’n jaar opleiding op al Agrinet se produkte kry,” het hy gesê. Oor die langtermyn sal die werkswinkel ’n toetsstasie inrig waarmee alle nuwe produkreekse getoets kan word voor dit in die mark ingaan. “Dan moet elke produkbestuurder van Agrinet ’n uitgebreide verslag oor die nuwe produk kry met aanbevelings of die produk bemark behoort te word en of dit voldoen aan spesifikasies vir Suid-Afrikaanse omstandighede,” het hy vertel. Derik het wye ondervinding by ’n paar maatskappye opgedoen, maar volgens hom het hy by Nissan SA en Genpower die meeste geleer. By Nissan moes hy die werk met sy eie hande in die Special Vehiclesafdeling doen. Hier was hy betrokke by die ontwerp- en vervaardigingsproses. By Genpower het hy vir die eerste keer in ‘n bestuurspos






ollie Wolmarans, verkoopsbestuurder by Agrinet, vertel dat hy tydens die brande in die Kaap weer gesien het hoe effektief be­nattingsmiddels is. “Die groot voordeel van die produk is dat dit verhoed dat ‘n gebluste vuur weer deur die wind opgestook kan word. Ek kon duidelik met die onlangse brande in die Kaap sien waar benattingsmiddels gebruik is en waar nie.” Hy vertel dat hulle op skoue die effektiwiteit van die benattingsmiddel met groot effek illustreer deur grasbale aan die brand te steek. Die helfte van die bale word dan met benattingsmiddel geblus en die res net met water. Die bale met water geblus, raak altyd weer aan die brand sodra daar wind oor dit waai.


041-125 Die middel is uiters omgewingsvriendelik en werk deurdat die middel die waterdruppels kleiner maak en so penetrasie verbeter en sommer ook water bespaar. Een liter van die produk word op 500 Ɩ water gebruik.


Mei/Junie/Julie 2015 | inFocus

BESPROEIING | IRRIGATION Apart from the existing electricity crisis in South Africa, another crisis looms in the distance: Water. According to a report by News24, in more than half of the country, South Africans are using more water than what’s available. We are already using 98% of our available water supply, and 40% of our waste water treatment is in a “critical state”.



staggering 37% of our clean, drinkable water is being lost through inefficient ways of using water such as leaking pipes, dripping taps – and that is what’s being re-


ported, the figure could be much higher. By storing water in a watertank, home owners can deal with a water crisis.

Ball valve 320025



Minimum 25 mm Pipe

Speroni pump 509CAM 60/25 PUMP Use either one of the two following operating options when supplying water/pressure to a household: • Use a pressurised control system, according to the operating pressure in the system, where the pump is switched on and off by system pressure. A typical system will be limited to a maximum of 2.3 bar. The pump normally engages at 1.6 – 1.8 bar. This system is easily identified by a pressure vessel or tank fitted to the pump. • This system is controlled by a flow control device. The pump would start as soon as flow is detected (when a tap or valve is opened downstream). Be aware that, with this system, the pump will deliver at full capacity until flow is completely stopped. In other words if the pump’s pressure rating is 6 bar the plumbing inside a house is at risks as the average geyser is only rated at 4 bar and this could lead to the geyser exploding if a safety valve is not installed.

Non-return Valve

Municpal or borehole water supply

TANK – FLOAT VALVE When using municipal or borehole water, ensure that the float valve used to close the inlet to the tank has the ability to isolate water pressure of 10 bar minimum. Always use this configuration for municipal inline water storage.

426SP050 NON-RETURN VALVE Use a spring loaded brass check valve and not a swing check valve. Ensure that the arrow on the spring check valve is in the direction of the flow.


Ball Valve 320025 BALL VALVE Make sure the downstream pressure can be isolated with a ball valve to simplify the fault finding process should there be any problems with the installation. The valve must be installed as close as possible to the outlet. The same apply to the inlet side isolation valve although it is not a prerequisite

Flight Hand Cleaner

Flight Spray Klean

• Cleans, Protects and Conditions the Hands

• Cleans anything and everything in the home, office and workshop

• Contains Lanolin to prevent drying-out of hands

• Anti-Bacterial, Bio-Degradable and environmentally friendly

• Available in Original Smooth Gel or With Grit

• For all surfaces including kitchen, bathroom, floors, tiles, baths, basins, windows, carpets (can be used in carpet-cleaning machines and high-pressure washers)

• Still the best hand cleaner for over 50 years



Mei/Junie/Julie 2015 | inFocus


HARDEWARE loodgietery | HARDWARE plumbing

OFF THE GRID PLUMBING Alternative means of heating water and generating electricity is becoming increasingly popular in today’s economy and taking the state of our infrastructure, especially the electrical grid, into consideration.


olar water heaters provide a cost effective, and sustainable alternative to main stream water heating solutions currently in use. A few different applications and variations are available: • Low pressure gravity feed systems. • High pressure dual units (Solar + Electrical) • Retro fit units (where the current geyser is used as a warm water vessel) • Direct and indirect fitment options (tank in roof with only the panels visible.)

There are also variations in the type of collector panels used (evacuated tubes and flat panels). Technology in this sector has advanced much in terms of the efficiency and durability of the product. Eskom had a rebate program in place where rebates were given to consumers

incentivising the purchase of these units. Unfortunately Eskom ceased these rebates. The department of Energy is currently busy working on a workable plan to re-instate the rebate program. It is advisable that people installing solar units still do it to the Eskom specifications. These units should be installed by professional accredited installers, as the correct installation plays a huge role in the effectiveness of the geyser. The most important aspect is to have maximum exposure to the sun. The market on these commodities has expanded drastically in the last couple of years. It brings various business opportunities to the retail sector that can be tapped into. Agrinet experimented with a few options regarding solar water heating. A workable agreement has been negotiated with the local supplier

Kwikot. Kwikot is a wellknown brand and has a loyal following in Southern Africa. They have the back-up service and expertise to service the market effectively. Agrinet can offer tailormade solutions in terms of so-


lar water heating for varying customer bases. Contact Henk Kruger, assistant-product manager: Plumbing for more information at henkk@agrinet.

COVER UP AND Insulation is one of the easiest ways to save on electricity. Much heat is lost through the geyser body and warm water pipes. Insulation also prevents the freezing of water installations.


lthough there are many products from various suppliers on the market, many of these products are of questionable quality and effectiveness. Agrinet has the following on offer: Pipe insulation – we currently stock 15 mm and 22 mm insulation, but larger sizes are available on request. The product has a zipp function, which makes installation really user friendly. Insulation 15mm LPI0001A Insulation 22mm LPI0002A

HARDEWARE loodgietery | HARDWARE plumbing

HOT WATER SYSTEM IDEAL FOR THE FARM Kwikot Kwiksol Cistern Type Solar Water Heating System The Kwikot Kwiksol Cistern Type Solar Water Heating System is a close coupled direct system ideal for farm houses and houses provided for farm workers, where there is no readily available electricity to heat water.

Produkkode: LSS0100L

The system comprises of: • An 110 l solar tank made of stainless steel and covered in an outer galvanized casing, • a set of 12 vacuum tubes, • a self filler tank with a float ball valve which controls the water flow into the solar tank, • a floor assembly stand, which the system is erected onto. The floor assembly stand with system can be erected at floor level or on a flat roof, or on a roof pitch of more the 8° but not greater than 30°. The back legs of the assembly stand have to be cut in accordance to the pitch of the roof.

No lagging Percent of savings Cut in time hh:mm:ss

 Operates at zero pressure – no additional pressure control valves required.  Operates according to the basic principles of physics – when water is heated it rises.

SAVE Standing loss kW/day



Pipes lagged


Geyser covered

GB + pipes lagged











Geyser blanket sets – these are universal and fits all geysers. Using a geyser blanket in conjunction with pipe insulation can result in considerable savings and a lower carbon footprint. The table above gives an indication of the actual savings that can be achieved. External insulation can be painted with an acrylic PVA to protect it against the sun, this also results in a better aesthetic look.

To summarise: there are effective, affordable ways to save considerably and reduce the carbon footprint on the environment, and this niche in

the market also opens up a lucrative business opportunity to the retailer. If you have any queries or training requirements, please contact Henk Kruger at Agrinet for more info: Geyser Blankets LSB1010A


 The system has no back-up electrical thermostat, so the heating of the water is solely dependent on sunrays.  A thermostatic mixing valve, which is a safety feature, is fitted to the installation in order to regulate the hot water temperature as water is drawn off. The temperature setting is at 55°C.  The system is connected to a single tap inside the house.  The individual vacuum tubes can be replaced should they break or crack. Warranty periods and conditions are provided on the various components, however the warranty does not cover the installation of the system if carried out incorrectly. An installation manual is supplied with the system.

Mei/Junie/Julie 2015 | inFocus

HARDEWARE loodgietery | HARDWARE plumbing



HARDEWARE loodgietery | HARDWARE plumbing



The professional, modern and uniform in store display of Nexus products.

QUALITY AND STYLE Nexus Electrical is a complete prepack solution that includes multi-plugs, extension leads, adaptors, switches & sockets and prepack cable to name just a few. The packaging design is modern and clean, making it easy to identify the product.


he new Nexus electrical range is very competitively priced and will surely be a formidable competitor in the electrical market. Consumers will be really pleased with the quality and also the innovation that Nexus will have on offer in the near future. The range is going to expand even more during the course of the year and new and current ranges will be on display at the Annual Agrinet Trade Show. The Nexus Packaging material quality is exceptional and completely different from the industry norm, adding to the value of the product. The colour was chosen to stand out from the traditional red and blue to ensure that customers notice the range and are drawn to it. It also helps with after-sales as customers remember colour better than text. The range also expands into garden solar, solar security, solar jars and solar lanterns. The range was officially launched on 16 March 2015 and is available in small, medium and large concepts. Please contact your Agrinet Sales Representative for more details or view the info on our website at You can also email queries to



FERD is the leading brand for the development, production and support, as well as the distribution of tool solutions for surface finishing and material cutting. 

In keeping with a tradition that dates back more than 200 years, PFERD operates as an independent, internationally oriented familyowned company. 
 PFERD tools offer the user maximum benefit and costeffectiveness. 

Its unlimited commitment to premium quality, its reliability as a supplier, and its responsible use


of resources all make PFERD a dependable and reliable trading partner that operates with sustainability in mind.

 All those involved in PFERD play their part in securing PFERD’s position as an internationally valued premium brand. Thanks to their personal involvement, people across the whole world Trust Blue and choose PFERD. The company has factories in South Africa, Spain and Germany. All the shares of the company are still owned by the August Ruggeberg family after 200 years.


Mei/Junie/Julie 2015 | inFocus




“If you want to offer a successful paint solution to retail clients, you have to go all out and not only supply paint but also stock all the related products. This market is extremely competitive and you need time to nurture a division like this to success,” says Johan Roets, proud assistant product manager of the newly created Paint and Related Products division at Agrinet.


his division will supply a full house of painting supplies to clients at competitive prices. With products and ranges like Harris Brushware, Steel Cladd and Sprayon, which were launched with great success in the market, the task is almost accomplished. The Jacks Paint “shop in a shop” concept is a huge success and grows daily with more clients that implement the concept, coming on board. With the help and cooperation of our suppliers, as well as the loyalty of our clients, Agrinet will become one of the largest distributors of paints and related products. Agrinet is stocked to the hilt,

with major brands such as Dulux, Abe, Kaufmann paint, Henkel, Alcolin, Pratley, Isaacson Ladders, SA Ladder, Spray on, Flash Harry, Excelsior paints, Saint Gobain, Permoseal, Powafix and Woodoc, just to name a few. Planogrammes are made up for all the related products to ensure a neat and complete range can be offered to the consumer. Even colour cards and product information are available to our clients on request. In future all the following sub-divisions will fall under Agrinet’s Paint and Related Products Division: o decorative paint for indoor and outdoor,


Formulated for protecting interior and exterior steel surfaces with exceptionally high gloss for long lasting finish e.g, steel cabinets, shelves, tools and garden sets.


Formulated for the priming of interior and exterior steel surfaces when used in conjunction with Dulux Quick-Dry Enamel.



An acrylic waterproofing paint developed to be used with a mesh membrane. This product can be used on flashing, roof joint, roof screws, parapets and chimney cappings. Dulux waterproofing is not suitable for areas of long term ponding.

Colours of the WorldTM is an interior, low sheen and low odour washable paint for walls in unique colours – the colour collection was inspired by the world’s most beautiful landscapes • • • • •

Available in 25 Ready-Mixed Colours 5 Globally-inspired easy-to-use Colour Ranges Quality interior low odour washable paint Lighter shades in 5 litre packs Darker shades in 2.5 litre packs




o industrial paint – primers and qd primers, o wood treatment, o waterproofing, o sealants, o silicons, o adhesives, o solvents and cleaning agents, o preparation – sandpaper, fillers, masking tape, o painting equipment – brushes, scrapers, pans, rollers and paint scrapers, o ladders – wood and aluminium. Contact Johan Roets or Chappies Roux for more information on

Johan Roets, proud assistant product manager of the newly created Paint and Related Products division at Agrinet.


GET CHIPPY No one will know what can be created unless examples are shown. Serious paint outlets offer up to 12 running meter of colour selectors. A decent department will have at least 2.5 m and preferably 3 m worth of choices. STOCK IT HIGH People expect to be able to pick a color, buy a 25 liter, and get to work right away, so all necessary products need to be on hand. SUNDRIES MATTER Brushes, rollers, tarps, and tape should be within an arm’s reach. Remember profit margins on sundries are higher. LIGHT IT UP The right colour cannot be picked if a light above the sample display is burned out. Equally important, remember to plug in all the lights.

Tips on those little extras that will draw the crowds.

PROVIDE GREAT HELP Make sure sales people have the knowledge. The customer will need help on colour choices, how much paint to buy, best brushes for the purpose and how to prep the surface. Walk that extra mile. PLAY UP BEING LOCAL Keep prices competitive, pros and most consumers would rather buy paint from your store nearby than leave town to buy somewhere else. CLEANLINESS IS KEY “If you have time to lean, you have time to clean.” Make certain the paint chips are in their proper places on the display. Dust on cans and cards detract from the shopping experience.


Mei/Junie/Julie 2015 | inFocus


OFF THE GRID WITHOUT A FUSS NEW POWER MASTER 10KVA GASOLINE & DIESEL SILENT GENERATORS In today’s day and time, who would have ever thought that one would need to “get off the grid”? In simple terms, this means that we need to make alternative plans not to use the main source of electricity supplied, namely Eskom.


here are various forms of alternative electricity, such as solar power, wind turbines, generators and gas. And offcourse, Agrinet Power Products division supply quality generators of world class with after sale service and service parts support. “We have a wide range that will meet the specific needs of your customers. It ranges from a small 1.2kVA Power Master Invertor type petrol generator to the 550kVA Iveco Powered diesel generator. We also offer quality Yanmar diesel powered generators from 4kVA to 50kVA, being a Yanmar Distributor for years now,” said Chris Coetzee, product manager: Agrinet Power Products division. When your help is needed by a client who wants to get off the grid, there are a few factors to consider, such as what he wants to power, what the allowed noise levels are, etc etc. Agrinet Power Products can assist you in providing the right solutions to your clients. We are a key supply chain group and pride ourselves in our products and after sales service. “Do not hesitate to contact us while you are gearing your shop up for the winter sales season. We recently saw that Eskom cannot supply the required demand, and the resulting load shedding caused the whole of SA to panic, looking for alternatives – go out and meet their demand,” said Chris.

JDP12000SC This remarkable 10kVA sound-proof 220V, 2 pole, self excitating, 3000 rpm diesel generator competes with the best in the market! With a quality AVR, V Twin cylinder, water cooled engine AND electronic governor, the standby power on this generator will supply the solution to your need. It is supplied with a wheel kit for ease of movement or rigging on site and has an optional extra ATS unit available. It comes with a full 1 year / 500 hrs warranty and will really impress your clients. Just launched!

JDP12000ES This generator has the same specs as the SC: 10kVA sound-proof 220V, 2 pole, self excitating, a quality AVR, V Twin cylinder, air cooled, 3000 rpm petrol engine. It also has a wheel kit for ease of movement or rigging on site. Unfortunately no ATS unit available yet. It comes with a full 1 year / 500 hrs warranty and will really impress your clients. With a fuel tank capacity of 25 litres this unit will run at least 10 to 12 hours on a tank. Just launched!

USE GRINDERS SAFELY Unlike drill motors that run at about 700 to 1,200 rpm, grinders spin at a breakneck speed of 10,000 to 11,000 rpm. They’re fast enough to be scary! Follow these precautions for safe grinder use: • Wear a face shield and gloves. • Unplug the grinder when changing wheels. • Attach the handle and maintain a firm grip with both hands. • Always use the guard if possible. • Run new wheels for one minute in a protected area before using them to make sure the wheel isn’t defective.


• Orientate the work so debris is directed downward. • Keep bystanders away. Everyone in the vicinity should wear safety glasses. • Orientate the work so the wheel spins away from, not into, sharp edges. Wheels, especially wire wheels, can catch on an edge and dislodge the object or cause the grinder to kick back. • Keep sparks away from flammable materials. • Clamp or secure the object safely. • Store angle grinders out of children’s reach.



JDP12000ES3 This is our 10kVA sound-proof 380V, 2 pole, self excitating, 3000 rpm petrol generator. It has a quality AVR, V Twin cylinder, air cooled engine, with impressive standby power. It is supplied with a wheel kit for ease of movement or rigging on site. Unfortunately no ATS unit available yet. It comes with a full 1 year / 500 hrs warranty. It is a key start with battery. Just launched!

JDP12000LDE This generator is a 10kVA sound proof 220V, 2 pole, self excitating, direct injection, 3000 rpm diesel generator. It also comes with a quality AVR, V Twin cylinder, air cooled engine, with standby power that will impress. A wheel kit is supplied and an optional extra ATS unit is available. It comes with a full 1 year / 500 hrs warranty. This one is a price beater compared to the rest and gives you 45 Amperes in total. Just launched!

JDP12000LDE3 This is our 10kVA sound-proof 380V, 2 pole, self excitating, direct injection, 3000 rpm diesel generator also with a quality AVR, V Twin cylinder, air cooled engine, and standby power to meet your client’s need. It is also supplied with a wheel kit and an optional extra ATS unit is available. It comes with a full 1 year / 500 hrs warranty and will really impress you. Also a price beater compared to the rest and gives you 15 Amperes per phase. Just launched!



AGRINET NOW OFFICIAL DISTRIBUTOR OF AGPOINT TILLAGE TOOLS Agpoint tillage tools for harsh climates. Product code AO902/8515


gpoint Australia has been proudly distributing a select product range into South Africa for the past twenty years and there are many farmers who insist on the “Blue Agpoint” brand when ordering their tillage requirements. Additionally, Agpoint has a vast range of Rowcrop, No-till, minimum

tillage as well as conventional tillage products available to the Southern African market. Agpoint Australia is based in Freeling South Australia and is celebrating its 150th year in continuous operation, manufacturing an extensive range of ground engaging and tillage tools for the agricultural market. Agpoint distribution

includes every state of Australia, New Zealand. Thailand, Malaysia, South Africa and parts of far northern Africa. Agpoint uses only the highest grade, Australian made BlueScope Boron steel for all products. Australian agriculture is extremely challenging and Australian farmers constantly face


the harshest climates. Agpoint products are manufactured to cope with these extreme climatic conditions. South African agricultural conditions have many similarities with the farming challenges experienced in Australia and so the Agpoint product range will also handle the tough South African conditions with ease.

Mei/Junie/Julie 2015 | inFocus




grinet is trots op sy verbintenis met die Brasiliaanse maatskappy Metisa, vervaardigers van grondslyttoerusting, omdat hulle nie wegskram van die uiters veeleisende verwagtinge van die wêreld se grootste vervaardigers van landboutoerusting nie. Metisa se ploegskare het ’n baie goeie reputasie by hierdie vervaardigers. Volgens Agrinet se produkbestuurder: Mega­nisasie, Lourens Boshoff, vertrou Agrinet hierdie verskaffer onder andere omdat al hulle produkte in een fabriek vervaardig word onder dieselfde streng kwaliteitbeheer regdeur die hele vervaardigingsproses. Nog ’n oorweging is die proses waar kruis-gerolde staalplate gebruik word om hulle skottels en kouters mee te vervaardig. Die metode behels dat die staal in verskillende rigtings gerol word en meebring dat die skare eweredig slyt en nie so maklik breek met harde werk nie. Metisa voer hulle produkte na meer as 40 verskillende lande uit en is dus altyd op die hoogte met die nuutste ontwikkeling in die landboumeganisasiesektor. Hulle is ook ISO 9001 geakrediteer en vervaardig grondslyt­ onderdele sedert 1942. Hulle reeks produkte is sedert die laat sewentigs al in die SuidAfrikaanse mark beskikbaar. Metisa se skare is in ’n verskeidenheid ontwerpe beskikbaar, soos konkaaf, plat, getand, geriffel en vele meer. Elkeen van die ontwerpe is ook in ’n wye verskeidenheid groottes beskikbaar.


Die Metisa-aanleg dek ‘n gebied van 240 000m2 en hier word jaarliks 80 000 ton warm gerolde staalprodukte vervaardig in sewe produksielyne.




he Italian company Eurozappa supplies Agrinet with a comprehensive range of agricultural implements. The company was built on the entrepreneurial drive of Giuseppe Brighenti, who began working in the field in the 1960s. He established and laid the foundations of Eurozappa in 1972, enhancing its growth almost to current dimensions and exporting its products all over the world. Thanks to over thirty years of experience in the field and also to the group’s innovative capacity, the Eurozappa Team has created and developed a range of products with extraordinary and unique features. Eurozappa has 30 forging lines for the manufacture of farming implements such as blades, teeth for harrows, cutters, tines, points, discs, etc. Apart from the company’s range of agricultural imple-

ments, they are also leaders in the production of hoes, spare parts and accessories for milling machines, enginedriven cultivators, enginedriven hoes, farming machines in general and gardening machinery. They also supply molded parts for earth moving machinery and motor vehicles in general. Production is followed by stringent tests such as systematic checking of steel rods, steel chemical analysis using a spectrometer for detection of potential surface defects or other problems connected to rolling. Furthermore systematic in-line sampling is done to check for other potential metallurgical defects. Dimensional and hardness testing is also done on the surface and at the center of each piece by sectioning.

Product code: Ao902/3901

Product code: AO902/3900

Product code: AO100/1480

Product code: AO100/1805

Product code: AO100/1810


Mei/Junie/Julie 2015 | inFocus







ne way to build a container to keep your drinks hot would be to take a jar and wrap it in foam insulation. Foam as an insulator works on two principles. First, the plastic in the foam is a poor heat conductor. Second, the air trapped in the foam is an even worse heat conductor, thus reducing conduction. Because the air is broken up into tiny bubbles, convection inside the foam is largely eliminated. Heat transfer through foam is therefore pretty small. It turns out there is an even better insulator than foam: a vacuum. A vacuum lacks

atoms. A “perfect vacuum” contains zero atoms. It is nearly impossible to create a perfect vacuum, but you can get close. Without atoms you eliminate conduction and convection completely. It is for this reason the Kaufmann range of high–end flasks all make use of stainless steel vacuum technology. What you find in a Kaufmann flask is a double wall food-grade stainless steel, holding a vacuum. The silver colour of the walls goes one step further to reduce infrared radiation. The combination of a vacuum and the silver lining greatly reduces heat transfer by convection, conduction and radiation. So why do the hot contents in a flask ever cool down?

tents. Our Multi Flask range (product codes: V0402703 and V0402701) includes a standard and wide-mouth cap for easy filling with soups or large ice cubes.

There are two main heat loss paths. The big one is the cap. The other one is the top of the flask where the inner and outer walls meet. Although heat transfer through these paths is small, it is not zero. Kaufmann double-wall vacuum insulation flasks provide maximum temperature retention, while the unbreakable stainless steel interior and exterior ensure years of service. It also stays cool to the touch when filled with hot contents and does not sweat when filled with cold con-

Kaufmann Flask 500ml V0402062

Kaufmann Flask 700ml V0402074

Kaufmann Flask 1 litre V0402062


The secret is in the vacuum.



acuum flasks are invaluable for keeping food and drinks either hot or cold while travelling, camping, boating, picnicking, or wandering anywhere in the outdoors. Kaufmann outdoor have everything from 450 ml insulated mugs, through to 1.8 l stainless steel vacuum flasks, to accommodate all consumer needs. The Kaufmann stainless steel vacuum bottle flask is a stylish and handy drink bottle that can be used for both cold and warm drinks. It has a large opening for easy cleaning and adding ice, while the vacuum insulation keeps drinks warm or cool for up to 18 hours. Great for camping trips or for general day to day use.

TOP TIPS • Prior to initial use, clean the flask with warm water and dishwashing liquid. • Prior to each use, fill with hot water for hot drinks and cold water for chilled drinks, to ensure the contents retain the desired temperature for longer. • If you have not used your flask for some time, rinse with warm water to remove residual odours. • Never overfill the flask, always leave sufficient space in the neck to fit the stopper. • After use, rinse the contents away and wash out with warm water and dishwashing liquid. Make sure any traces of food are removed. Then rinse thoroughly with hot water. • Filling the flask with hot water and adding a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda can remove difficult stains. Secure the cap and soak overnight. • Make sure the flask is thoroughly dry before storing, leaving the stopper off. • Do not place your flask in a dishwasher or microwave. • Never keep carbonated drinks in the flask, as the build-up in pressure can force the stopper out.

Mei/Junie/Julie 2015 | inFocus



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