About Me
Shen, Ching-Chun
Introduction 沈慶群 Shen, Ching-Chun 1994/08/26 +886 975590382 gcobs129607@gmail.com www.behance.net/bruceshen http://issuu.com/chinchinshen
Education Bachelor2016 National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Department of Industrial and Commercial Design MasterNow National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Department of Industrial and Commercial Design
Expertise Visual Communication Graphic Design Editorial Design Integrated Design Design Research
Experience 2017 Attend Asia Smart Living International School Workshop 2016 Red Peak Asia Summer Intern Red Dot Award- Preliminary Selection DASHI Award- Finalist Golden Pin Concept Design Award- Preliminary Selection Young Pin Design Award- Finalist IF Design Talent Award/ Packaging Design- Preliminary Selection NTUST Graduation Exhibition of Design- Deputy Chairman The Night of Glove Puppetry- Visual Disgn Attend Behance Portfolio Review NTUST 2015 NTUST Career Fair- Visual Design NTUST TTDW Theme Exhibition/ Roomer- Visual Design NTUST TTDW Opening Host 2014 NTUST Student Association of the Dep Design Deputy Chairman NTUST 103 Design Welcome Camp/ Bridenapping- Activities Chief NTUST Design Summer Vocational Camp- Activities Chief 2013 NTUST Design Christmas Party Host NTUST 102 Design Welcome Camp/ Mystexrious- Activities Chief 101 Design Class Representative to 2016
Content 01 Editorial Deisgn
17 Graphic Deisgn
33 Packaging Design
Dietary Elements Zebra Zebra Good Morning Tainan
Top 5 Peaks of Taiwan Jao The Night of Glove Puppetry Taiwan Hungry Ghost Festival Taiwan Athlete Issue
O MI MA Braised Snack MAM MA MIAM Beauty's Eyes
45 Brand Identity
63 Other Works
SCC Studio National Taiwan University Veterinary Hospital Chimera Base Sanyi International Woodcarving Art Festival
Pig Saving Roomer My Eyeball
01 02
Editorial Deisgn Dietary Elements Zebra Zebra Good Morning Tainan
03 09 13
人良集冊 沈慶群 2016 編輯設計
Dietary Elements Shen, Ching-Chun 2016 Editorial Design
03 04
人良集冊 Dietary Elements 「人良集冊」是一套你我都懂的飲食工具書。 最好的醫生是我們自己,最好的醫藥是我們的日常飲食。現代食安問題越來越嚴重,個人健康意識抬 頭,因此想推廣如何在對的季節吃對的食物,以達到健康生活的目的。「人良集冊」將古老的五行智 慧結合現代的健康飲食,以貼心、安心、創新為設計核心理念,將食材的選購要訣及營養價值以淺顯 易懂的閱讀方式呈現,插畫結合簡潔俐落的書法線條搭配色塊點綴,讓讀者可以更簡單吸收書中的飲 食知識,輕鬆吃出健康好體質。 Dietary Elements is a set of reference books that we can all catch on to. We are our best doctors, healthy daily meal is our best medicine. With the arousal of health awareness, Dietary Elements combine the ancient Chinese five elements and modern healthy diets. The core of our design lies in thoughtfulness, safety and innovation. We present tips to ingredients purchasing and nutrition value in a reader-friendly way. By combining illustration with neat calligraphy shape-line ,it makes it easier for readers to develop a healthy body constitution and to eat better to keep good body's constitution.
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1. 書殼細節 2. 海報設計 3. 五行月曆小卡 4. 五行明信片 5. 五行筆記本
The The The The The
details of the book cases poster design month calendars of Chinese Five Elements postcards of Chinese Five Elements notebook design
05 06
07 08
1 2 3 4 5 6 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
書籍內容 - 五行介紹 書籍內容 - 五行概說 書籍內容 - 食材介紹 書籍內容 - 食材功效 書籍內容 - 食材總覽 書籍內容 - 索引 人良集冊總覽
Book content- the introduction of Chinese Five Elements Book content- the concept of Chinese Five Elements Book content- the introduction of ingredients Book content- the treatment of ingredients Book content- the overview of ingredients Book content- index The overview of Dietary Elements
斑馬斑馬 沈慶群 2014 編輯設計
Zebra Zebra Shen, Ching-Chun 2014 Editorial Design
02 斑馬斑馬 Zebra Zebra 這是一本黑白雜誌,黑白可以說是經典也可以是簡約,在生活中有許多黑白的事物環繞著我 們不管是現在還是以前,因此將這些事物集結在一起設計出一本雜誌,推廣給讀者們了解。 This is a black and white magazine, black and white may also be said as a classical element or a simple way to present. In life, we’re surrounded by many black and white things no matter when it was or when it is, so I have put these things all together in order to design a magazine for people to read and understand.
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11 12
1 2 3 1. 2. 3. 4.
雜誌內容 - 愉悅設計 雜誌內容 - 目錄 雜誌內容 - 卓别林 雜誌內容 -Zara
Magazine Magazine Magazine Magazine
Transform Design content page Charles Spencer Chaplin Zara
早安台南 沈慶群 2016 編輯設計
Good Morning Tainan Shen, Ching-Chun 2016 Editorial Design
03 早安台南 Good Morning Tainan 在台灣,台南的早餐與其他的城市有很大的不同。一日之計在於晨,身為台南人,早餐對我們來說是 很重要的,這樣才有更多的精力去工作。因此我設計了一本介紹台南傳統早餐的小冊子,有牛肉湯、 米糕、陽春麵、鹹粥、粽子、碗粿和碳烤三明治,替大家規劃出一整個禮拜的早餐行程。 讓我們一起去台南吃早餐吧! I am Tainanese. The breakfast in Tainan is very different than other cities. The most important thing in morning is breakfast. The residents of the city have beef soup, rice dumpling, soup noodle, salty congee, rice pudding, bowl rice cake and fire grilled sandwich as their breakfast and then they will have the energy to work. So I design a booklet to introduce our traditional breakfast and what you can have in the whole week. Let's have the breakfast in Tainan Now.
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2 4 3
1. 海報背面 2. 手冊內容 - 牛肉湯、粽子 3. 手冊內容 - 碳烤土司、鹹粥 4. 手冊內容 - 米糕、碗粿 Poster- back side Booklet content- beef soup. rice dumpling Booklet content- fire gilled sandwish. salty congee Booklet content- rice pudding. bowl rice cake
17 18
Graphic Deisgn Top 5 Peaks of Taiwan Jao The Night of Glove Puppetry Taiwan Hungry Ghost Festival Taiwan Athlete Issue
19 21 23 27 29
台灣五大山脈 沈慶群 2016 視覺設計
Top 5 Peaks of Taiwan Shen, Ching-Chun 2016 Graphic Design
04 台灣五大山脈 Top 5 Peaks of Taiwan 台灣又被稱為福爾摩沙,是全球第四高的島嶼。台灣擁有許多漂亮的風景及自然的生態環境值得介紹 給大家讓更多人知道,這些山脈不只是漂亮的風景更是台灣珍貴的資產,但許多人都只知道這些山脈 的名稱卻不知道這些山脈背後的知識,因此這也是為什麼我設計了這張海報,想讓更多人了解台灣山 脈的美。 Taiwan was called Formesa and Taiwan is the fourth height island on the planet. We have many beautiful view and natural environment so i want to introduce it to the others. These mountains are not only the beautiful scenery but also our wealth in Taiwan. The purpose of the poster design is to introduce the knowledge of Taiwan mountain. Many people know their name, but they don’t really understand the detail about the mountain. So that is why I design this poster.
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饒 沈慶群 2016 視覺設計
Jao Shen, Ching-Chun 2016 Graphic Design
05 饒 Jao 嘉南平原是台灣最大的平原,全台灣人民所需的 農作物幾乎都來自於這片平原,像是水稻、花生、 玉米和蕃薯,因此這片土地對台灣及台灣的人都 是非常重要的。 當有一天我搭車回家的時候,看到這片平原就想 著為什麼沒有人注意到它呢?嘉南平原就像是替 台灣的披風,這些稻田被鄉間小路被分割成許多 方塊形成了不對稱的美,這些台灣隱藏的美值得 被更多人看到。 In Taiwan, the Chianan Plain is the largest plain of the island, and this area also supplies many main crops like wet rice, peanuts, corn, sweet potatoes to the whole people of Taiwan. So this area is so important for Taiwan. I saw this place while I went home by train. I thought what a beautiful place, but no one ever notices. The Chianan Plain is like the cloak of Taiwan. The paddy field separated by the roads form the beauty of asymmetry. So I was amazed by the beauty of the chianan plain.
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布袋戲之夜 沈慶群 2016 視覺設計
The Night of Glove Puppetry Shen, Ching-Chun 2016 Graphic Design
06 布袋戲之夜 The Night of Glove Puppetry 布袋戲又稱為手偶戲,是每個台灣人心中重要的回憶之一。 布袋戲是台灣的傳統技藝之一,布袋戲在臺灣所扮演的角色,與宗教信仰、文化價值的傳承有相當緊 密的關聯性,演出時,將手套入戲偶的服裝中進行操偶表演。因此,將不同的手勢結合布袋戲的元素 作為視覺元素,配色也已鮮豔奔繽紛色彩為主,讓年輕人可以更能接受,了解這項台灣的傳統文化。 Glove Puppetry, also known as hand puppet show, every Taiwanese sees it as our important traditional and memory of young times. Glove Puppetry is one of the traditional artistry in Taiwan. Glove Puppetry is related to the religious belief and the value of the culture closely in Taiwan. At the time of the performance, a gloved hand enters the puppet's costume and makes it perform. Therefore, I combine difference kinds of the gestures and the glove puppetry’s elements as the visual pattern and use the vivid colors predominantly. It is easy for the young people in Taiwan to realize this traditional culture and accept it.
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2 3
1. 路燈騎設計 2. 吊牌設計 3. 傳單設計
Street flag design Staff card design Flyer design
鬼月特刊 沈慶群 2014 視覺設計
Taiwan Hungry Ghost Festival Shen, Ching-Chun 2014 Graphic Design
07 鬼月特刊 Taiwan Hungry Ghost Festival 在創作時剛好快放暑假,因此以鬼門開為題材進行創作。內容簡單介紹鬼月由來並且讓大家 了解一些禁忌,插圖以可愛的方式呈現讓大家更能接受。 Summer was about to come when this creation work happened, so opening the ghost gate was the design concept. The content was about to explain the ghost month easily and to let the people know about some taboos, so the illustration were made in a cute way so that people can accept it more easily.
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台灣運動員議題 沈慶群 2017 視覺設計
Taiwan Athlete Issue Shen, Ching-Chun 2017 Graphic Design
29 30
08 台灣運動員議題 Taiwan Athlete Issue
在台灣,運動員認分認同是一直以來的問 題。這讓許多運動選手退出國家代表隊,另 一方面,國民對運動資訊也沒很關心,也造 成台灣運動氛圍與觀念無法盛行。 In Taiwan, the problem about the recognition of athletes’ identity has always existed. It makes a lot of athletes withdraw from the national sports delegation. Furthermore, people in Taiwan do not feel concerned about the sports information, so the sports atmosphere and concept can’t be prevalent in the country. 為了讓國民來反思這個議題,做了一款刮刮 卡設計。當運動員在外得獎是件榮耀的事 情,因此大家都認為他們的未來從此不必擔 心,但現實卻不是如此,與現實形成強烈的 反差。 In order to let people rethink about this issue, I’ve designed a set of scratch cards. It is very glory for the athletes to won the awards; but it makes a fact that everyone think they will have a smooth and easy life in the future. Sadly, it’s not true. Therefore, there’s a strong contrast of reality between the athletes’ real life and people’s recognition.
因此選了台灣在國際比賽較為突出的項目最為設計。卡 片的金銀銅代表榮耀的獎牌,當使用者刮掉卡片上的獎 牌時,他們會看到一句反諷的話語,每個句子也會與每 項運動做呼應,為了讓使用者獲得更多的運動資訊,卡 片的背面都有運動員介紹,讓大家更為了解。 I’ve chosen different sports themes which Taiwanese athletes’’ performances are significant in the international competition for this series of scratch cards’ design. The golden, silver and bronze medals printed on the card represent the glory. When the users scratch the scratch card, they will see an ironic saying that is related to each of different sports themes. In order to let the users get more information of athletics, there are different introduction of every athletes behind each scratch card.
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1 2
1. 刮刮卡正面 2. 使用方法 3. 刮刮卡背面
Scratch card- front side Use method Scratch card- back side
33 34
Packaging Deisgn O MI MA Braised Snack MAM MA MIAM Beauty's Eyes
35 39 43
黑咪媽滷味 沈慶群 2015 包裝設計
O MI MA Braised Snack Shen, Ching-Chun 2015 Packaging Design
35 36
黑咪媽滷味 O MI MA Braised Snak 黑咪嘛滷味品牌宗旨要帶給大家天然、營養、衛生及環保的感覺,因此整體以農場為概念,讓消費者 可以吃得安心並且了解食材來源。 在產品名結合了台語,帶出臺灣意象及傳統風味。在食材包裝也採 用環保材質,並且可以直接微波食用,是現代繼方便又美味的食品。 Omima braised snacks' brand aims to bring a natural, healthy, safe, nutritional and ecology feeling to everyone, so having farms as the concept of this brand, we hope that people can eat our Omima braised snacks without any worries and knows the source of every ingredient. [Omima] is a name bringing taiwanese and taiwan's image plus traditional flavor all together. The package is made from ecological material and it can be microwaved, which is a modern product as it is convenient and delicious.
此包裝設計結和 2D 與 3D 概念,由農場 . 版畫及圖騰 作為視覺設計。 將所有包裝拼在一起時,會形成一 幅完整的農場場景圖,完整的呈現出食材。在設計上 融入了版畫及傳統圖騰,增添了另一層傳統意象,表 現出台灣的傳統食品。 將上蓋與下蓋結合時內包裝 的太陽會經由上蓋得簍空而呈現,表現出農場內外的 陽光是一置的。並且整體以暖色調為主來促進食慾, 增添消費者購買慾望。 This product design has farms, prints and totems, as visual design and involves a 2D to 3D concept. When we put all the packages together, it will form a complete picture of farm. Adding prints and totems in the package design, brings out a new traditional meaning which represents the traditional taiwanese food. As the top lid covers the bottom box, the sun will be presented from the hole of the top lid and gives away the unique sunshine from inside out. Using warm colors to create appetites and to increase people's willing to buy.
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1 2 3 1. 2. 3. 4.
黑咪媽整體包裝 個包裝設計 內包裝設計 包裝盒細節
The overview of O MI MA Individual packaging design Ineer packaging design The detail of packaging design
媽媽麵 沈慶群 2017 包裝設計
MAM MA MIAN Shen, Ching-Chun 2017 Packaging Design
10 媽媽麵 MAM MA MIAN 台灣南部日照充足,因此發展出獨特 麵食文化。關廟麵是一項台灣傳統麵 食,有細麵、粗麵、與刀削麵三種。 許多關廟人從小吃慣了關廟麵的口 味,長大後到外地工作總不忘隨身帶 著幾包 , 一解思鄉之愁。也是因為這 個緣故 , 才讓關廟麵從地方特產躍身 成為全國知名的美味。 With sufficient sunshine, people have developed in the southern area of Taiwan a distinguishing culture of noodles. Guan Miao Noodles is a kind of traditional Taiwanese noodles and there are three main species, such as Angel Hair Noodles, Fettuccine, and Sliced Noodles. A lot of citizens who live in Guan Miao are used to the flavor of Guan Miao Noodles. While they moved out from their hometown for work, they never forgot to bring some noodles with them to release their homesick. This is the reason why it became important for Guan Miao Noodles to become the famous food in Taiwan.
39 40
為了讓在外工作的關廟人,也能感受到家鄉的味道,包裝上 運用媽媽的視覺,呈現出媽媽的味道。每一個包裝上都是 媽媽會為小孩做的事情,分別有買小孩愛吃的菜、幫小孩煮 飯、與幫小孩打掃房間。三個放在一起呈現出媽媽從戶外到 室內的生活。每款麵條也與媽媽的髮型做呼應,增加視覺的 趣味性。 In order to satisfy people’s homesick, I have designed the visual pattern to represent the taste like mother’s recipe through the package. Each package has an image of things done by the mother for her kids, such as: buying the kid’s favorite ingredients, preparing the meals, and cleaning the rooms. If you put these three packages together, it represents the mother’s daily life from outdoor to indoor. In addition, these three different kinds of the noodles are related with the different hairstyle of the mother, which makes the visual more interesting and funny.
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1. 包裝盒細節 2. 個包裝設計 3. 個包裝設計 4. 內包裝設計 5. 內包裝設計 The detail of packaging design Individual packaging design Individual packaging design Ineer packaging design Ineer packaging design
鳳眼糕 沈慶群 2014 包裝設計
Beauty's Eyes Shen, Ching-Chun 2014 Packaging Design
11 鳳眼糕 Beauty's Eyes 替鹿港名產【鳳眼糕】做 6 入及 12 入包裝視覺設計 12 入 - 以傳統花紋及圖騰作為設計概念,並且運用強烈的對比色脫穎而出。 6 入 - 以實體照片為主,讓消費可以馬上了解產品的樣子,整程以沉穩 . 復古 色調為主。 I have made the visual packaging design for Lugang’s specialties called [Beauty’s eyes] into 6 and 12 pieces’ box. 12pieces – traditional pattern and totem as design’s concept, using strong contrasting colors to make the patterns and the totems to come out on the package. 6 pieces – By putting real pictures, consumers may know directly the product ‘s image itself, using calm and old fashioned colors.
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Brand Identity SCC Studio National Taiwan University Veterinary Hospital Chimera Base Sanyi International Woodcarving Art Festival
47 51 55 59
沈慶群工作室 沈慶群 2013 品牌識別
SCC Studio Shen, Ching-Chun 2013 Brand Identity
12 沈慶群工作室 SCC Studio 設計,不應該畫地自限,活在自己的框框裡 以自己的英文字縮寫 為 (scc),組成一個無限的符號,並運用藍色和紅色代表理性與 感性。 Design shouldn’t be limited in a certain frame. By using my English name’s initial, it has built up an limitless’ icon. Blue and red represent reason and sensibility.
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名片設計 Name Card Design
APP 設計 APP Design
1. 2. 3. 4.
2 3 4 沈慶群工作室總覽 名片設計 Logo 延伸應用設計 Logo 延伸應用設計
The overview of SCC Studio Name card design The extended application of logo The extended application of logo
49 50
臺大動物醫院 沈慶群 2014 品牌識別
National Taiwan University Veterinary Hospital Shen, Ching-Chun 2014 Brand Identity
13 臺大動物醫院 Natioanl Taiwan University Veterinary Hospital 台大附設動物醫院的宗旨在提升動物醫療品質,為大學提供良好的教育環境, 並矢志作為動物健康的守護者。 NATIONAL TAIWAN UNIVERSITY VETERINARY HOSPITAL’s aim is to promote animal’s medical care quality, to provide a great educational environment for the college, and to be the angel guardian of the animals. 以溫馨及大自然為主體,想讓動物以及主人一走進醫院感受到溫暖、可愛的感 覺,並切容入了一點大自然的原素,讓動物們可以更放鬆、更自在,不像待在 醫院得緊張壓迫感。 The great nature and warmness being the concept, I would like to provide the feeling of cuteness and warmness for the animals and the guardian once they get into the hospital. I have also added some nature’s elements, in order to make the animals feeling more comfortable and relaxed unlike how they usually felt anxious in the hospital.
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名片設計 Name Card Design
醫院標誌設計 Hospital's Icon Design
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
2 3 4 5 6 網站設計 臺大動物醫院總覽 信封設計 名片設計 信件設計 樓層簡介
Website design The overview of NTUVH Envelope design Name card design Letter design The introduction of floor
53 54
奇美拉股份有限公司 沈慶群 2014 品牌識別
Chimera Base Shen, Ching-Chun 2014 Brand Identity
14 奇美拉股份有限公司 Chimera Base 用遊戲帶玩家進入各式各樣的奇幻世界,與來自不同城市得玩家 共同冒險享受刺激冒險的奇幻故事。 In this game, Players will be put in different kinds of fantasy world, and they will adventure with other players from different cities to enjoy the exciting and venturesome fantasy stories.
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名片設計 Name Card Design
網站設計 Website Design
1 2
1. 遊戲網站介面設計 2. Logo 延伸設計 - 胸章 3. 奇美拉股份有限公司總覽
Website and Interface design The extended application of logo- badge The overview of Chimera Base
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三義國際木雕藝術節 沈慶群 2014 品牌識別
Sanyi International Woodcarving Art Festival Shen, Ching-Chun 2014 Brand Identity
15 三義國際木雕藝術節 Sanyi International Woodcarving Art Festival 三義木雕涵蓋的層面相當廣泛,不僅是藝術領域的極致展現,也是地方的 重要產業,在生活工藝、藝術文化和經濟產業等元素的相互激盪下,融合 成為雅俗共賞的地方特色,進而拓展國際視野,成為苗栗和世界接軌的重 要媒介。 Sanyi’s wood craft covers quite a large field in any possible way, it’s not only the limitless show of the art area, but it’s also the most important financial industry in Sanyi. In the agitation of art craft, cultural art and economical industry, we may see it becoming a very good mix of the local distinguishing feature, so that it can leads to popularize the international vision and become the most important link between the world and Miaoli. 在創作中去嘗試不同的表現手法,讓視覺海報有更多的可能性。寫實、插 畫、媒材和向量,對我來說都是極大的挑戰,從中去激發自己,讓自己也 有更多的可能性。 In my creation work, I try to use different techniques of expression, in order to give more possibilities on the visual poster. Realistic drawing, illustration, mixed media and vector creation, they are all quite big challenging task for me, but I’m letting myself to explore my limits and to discover more possibilities of me.
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活動視覺海報 - 圖像 . 複合媒材 . 插畫 . 向量 Poster- Picture. Mixed Art. Illustration. Vector graphic
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2 3
1. 主視覺海報 2. 路燈旗設計 3. 三義木雕藝術節總覽
Final poster Street flag design The overview of sanyi woodcarving art festival
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Other Works Pig Saving Roomer My Eyeball
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小豬撲滿 沈慶群 2015 介面設計
Pig Saving Shen, Ching-Chun 2015 Interface Design
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16 小豬撲滿 Pig Saving 在現有商店可以抓取到的免費記帳軟體來說,枯燥的一味儲存每日 花費,有時可能因為忙碌,而荒廢繼續記錄,也有可能在當下的時 間來不及。 針對 Pig Saving 特性,以「趣味」、「互動」、「備忘錄」、「無 負擔」等與市場上的記帳 app 作為最主要的區分特點。 In the situation of being able to easily get any free keep accounts application, getting bored of saving all your spending history, and you may even get busy so that you forgot to note your expense, or you didn’t have time at all to do so. Pig Saving’s different aims such as fun, interaction, note and unload burden, makes it outstanding from the keep accounts application market.
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1 234 1. 2. 3. 4.
App 總覽 App 主頁面 App 筆記本 App 使用設定
the overview home page notes setting
房間設計師 沈慶群 2015 介面設計
Roomer Shen, Ching-Chun 2015 Interface Design
69 70
17 房間設計師 Roomer ROOMER 為遊戲 APP 設計,以輕鬆有趣的方式,布置最 貼近自己生活的房間,培養設計美感,進而重視生活周圍 的環境設計。 ROOMER, a game’s app design ,allows you to get the aesthetic design by decorating your room in an easy and interesting way. You may start to think highly of your environment design all over your life space.
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臺灣的設計人才在各大國際競賽中大放異彩,回到本土設計卻沒有想像中的受 人重視。時代的潮流滄海桑田,設計產業的變化也瞬息萬變,培養人才的叫育 觀念與教學方法如何與時俱進呢 ? 希望從中探討,讓每種年齡層的人都能了解 設計,享受設計,並創造屬於自己的設計。 Taiwan’s talented designers are doing extremely well in many international competitions, but people are not thinking highly of our own local design. There is a great change in times’ trend, and the design industry undergoes instantaneous changes as well. Under the circumstances, how should education and teaching method of personal training be improved along the times? Hopefully through the investigation, we can let people of any age know design, enjoy design ,and create their own design.
1 2 3
4 5 6
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
展覽海報 登入畫面 輸入資料 主畫面 佈置房間 完成
Poster Begining Log in page Home page Playing page Finish
73 74
不同風格傢俱設計 Different kinds of furnitures
小怪物的眼球 沈慶群 2015 角色動畫
My Eyeball Shen, Ching-Chun 2015 Animation
18 小怪物的眼球 My Eyeball 故事發生在一個髒亂的房間哩,主角因為平常部整理房間而下床時 踩到自己的玩具,導致眼球掉了出來,而在找尋得過程中,他最後 會順力的找到自己的眼球嗎 ? 以現代小孩不愛收房間為題材,而最 後害到自己的故事。 The story happens in a dirty messy room, the character usually steps on his own toy when he tidies up his room, so that his eye ball falls, and he starts searching for it. Will he finally find his eye ball in the end? The design concept is about the main situation that most children don’t like to tidy up their rooms, and they got themselves harmed in the end.
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My Eyeball