Landscape Architecture Graduate

Conny is an environmental designer from interested in creating a poetic narrative with a unique perspective through details in daily life. Ordinary matters. In the future, being sensitive to the sustainable and resilient community will be one of the keys to the nature-human coexistence after the pandemic. As a landscape architecture student, I am aware of the environmental and city issues nowadays which are highly involved in emotional well-being.

2020-22 MLA Studio
Cattle Chronicles:
Wetland & Ponds Revitalization with Returning Wildlife
Nocturnal Garden I: Nocturnal Garden II: 02/
Rhubarb Cultivation in closed highstreet in Covid 2019
Mushroom Habitat in Subterranean Dark Park
2019 Summer & Studio
Sonigin: 04/ Sustainable tourism planning & redevelopment in Soni, Kyoto
Green Chronicles 05/
Algaculture Network in TKW 13 Street, Hong Kong
Desertopia 06/
Kubuqi Design Champion: Desert renovation & tourism planning

Projects & Experiences
Seniorman Design. Ltd.: Architectural Assistant
Assisting Registered Architect in construction project in terms of drawings & 3D modelling Preparation.
Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL: Postgraduate Teaching Assistant
2022 Spring - Summer
Assisting the teaching and material preparation for Design Realisation (MArch Course).
SONIGIN - HK PolyU x ROOTS construction: Landscape Designer
2019 Autumn

A Japanese creative project conducting local site studies to promote a self-boosting local sustainable development and tourism planning witth the Kyoto government.
Walt Disney Imagineering: Creative Design Intern
2019 Summer
Stages design and renovation based on the parks and resorts.
POKARI - HK PolyU x ROOTS construction: Project Assistant
2019 Summer
An overseas cooperative community design project with the built-up of a tree house in kehoku, Kyoto which serves as a symbol of the local neighborhood.
Kent Lui Lactics. Ltd : Design Intern
2018 Summer
GroundWork Architect.Ltd: Project Freelancer
2017/18 Summer
Awards & Recognitions
Kubuqi Design Award: Champion
2019 Summer
Addressing desertification by desert greening and boosting local economy and talent pipeline by promoting tourism and unique industry.
Walt Disney Imagineering Competition: Finalist
2018 Summer
A narrative project proposing a new thematic-land for Hong Kong Disneyland resort based on the story in Grand Canyon.
Nippon Paint (H.K.) Co. Ltd. Asia Young Design Award
2018 Spring
Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London
2020 - 2022
Landscape Architecture MLA Y1: 63.75
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
2016 - 2020
School of Design BA (HONS) Environment & Interior Design CGPA:
3.56 Second Class Honours Division I
Köln International School of Design, Technische Hochschule Köln
2018 Summer
Major in Integrated Design
Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong
2015- 2016
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Landscape ArchitectureCGPA: 3.71

San Wai with Returning Wildlife it out

Brackish Water: The Forest Front
Natural barrier for the Buffalos
Boosting Ditritus ecology with its rich soil content
Shifting Water: Immersive Experience
Transitional zone of the brackish and fresh water
Free-roaming spaces of Buffalos
Moses Bridge for immersive experience
Fresh Water: Food & Floating Vision

Fresh water zone with open vision of aquatic group
Free-roaming spaces of Buffalos
Flood park connecting to the short mangrove buffer
Wildlife Corridors:
Platforms & Moses Bridges acrossing Ponds

Transitional Connection in Wetland & Ponds

This wetland conservation and revitalization demonstrated in Taisanwai with a complexity of ditritus and shifting content of landscape. The detailed proposal will be dividing the land into 3 transitional areas with 4 programmes with the incrementally reduction of human intervention.
Local Ecology
Wetland as Water Filtration Wetland as Water Absorption

Wastewater Disposal from human activities through the downstream and creeks.

Contaminants & Sediment from both nature and human activities filtered in progress. Local wildlife habitat and lifecycle within the marsh-and-mangrove microclimate.
Filtered Water outflow to the coast.

Acrossing the previous 2 zones, it comes to the end of the wetland, the mangrove forest. It is an expanded forest with the circulation structure. Apart from both the wooden trestle and the bridge connection, birdhides are also created according to different habitats and local features. All of these are created with the new mangrove zoning. But why is this project proposed to re-shape the mangrove hanitat?

This project re-inforces the native and subtle mangrove with the avoidance of Sonneratia and Kandelia, which are too aggressive with its prop roots and superb capability of survival. They dominates ones habitats while the other species are no longer competitive in the same circle.

Nocturnal Garden I Lives in the Darkness
MLA Studio 8 project

Nocturnal Garden & Recycling Unwanted Furnitures
· Stage 1
Forcing Cooperation
· Starts in Late Nov
· Collecting roots
This project starts from the poetic experience of a climate and shady weather which seeks to challenge conventional thinking of creating landscapes in the presence of sunlight only. We are changing our relationship with sunlight as there are growing evidence of global warming causing harm to our skin and health. Would it be a reasonable postulation us to escape the sun and exist only in the shade and darkness in the future?
· Stage 2

Rhubarb Harvesting
·To New Year
· Collecting Rhubarb
·Stage 3
Public Engagement
·After Harvesting
·Renovation & Setup

Nocturnal Garden II Escaping from the Light
MLA Studio 8 project
Abandoned underground has been an important historic part of London infrastructure since the last decade. Even though many of them are unwanted, they can still be charming by reinvigorating the mysterious hilly terrain and growing energetic green. What if we dig deep to the underground and relieve the earth surface back to the planet?
Can we escape from the light?
The project divides the land context into two, the terrain surface and the subterranean. It is about the nature to speak itself by minimizing the human intervention in the abandoned station. Turning the disused underground system into a night-time wildlife havens with a local network, a sanctuary is created for the abandoned natural refugees suffering from the lack of darkness. It domesticates the underground mushroom farming and excavates the underground for the spatial experience of escaping from the glazing light. It is the day for reviving the nocturnal ecologies in London.


We finally feel the origin of the nature,

Airshafts & Elevators
Mushroom garden
Green Corridors
Existing Highgate tunnels (Bats' habitat)
Existing tube station
This is a proposal of an underground park series consisting of different dark activities and planting with the mushroom habitat. The abandoned grassland will be partially renovated into a community landmark with limited access. The circulation starts from the tube access which is connected to the ground and existing stations as the green corridors, which will be presented as a moist tropical environment and buffer from artificial spaces to the wild natural underground. At the same time, airshafts take an important role as the vertical connection and the main access at different hot spots of Highgate. After the transition from both the airshafts and green corridors, it comes to the mushroom garden which will be at the underground of the parkland walkways and 2 pairs of highgate tunnels.
Zoning of the Nocturnal garden Axonometric view of the underground network Disused Train Station on Ground Surface Existing Underground Tube Station Renovated Cottage house Renovated airshaft as site monument Mushroom Habitat fungi growing Dark Park Greenland as public space
Soil comsposting Spawns Pre-fab Spreading & Casing Env cond. control
Local habitat competitors
Bats Pollination
Bats can pollinate over 500 species of plants and the process of pollination of plants by bats is called chiropterophily.
Plants with pale nocturnal flowers are attractive to the bats for working on pollination. These flowers are often large and bell shaped, and some bats have evolved specifically to reach the nectar at the bottom of them. The tube-lipped nectar bat of Ecuador and the banana bat that lives only on the Pacific coast of Mexico both have extraordinarily long tongues for this exact reason. The tube-lipped nectar bat’s tongue is more than one and a half times the length of its body!
Carbon sources
Inedible biomass
Lignocellulose break down Crystalization of mushroom
Pigeons ’fly ing p a t h providingfood
Colonization on logs
Healthy trees provides the best log for mushroom colonization . Any trees with decayed wood or signs of infection have an increased risk of competition due to pre-existing fungi that might already exist in the logs.
Logs used to grow mushrooms can vary in size. However, the larger a log is, the longer it will take for mycelium to colonize the entire length and begin producing mushrooms.
B i etal r a l a t t r action inhabitatnt colonization

Sugar/Glucose Fermentation
pdivorgni ef r t i l i z e r s
Underground Aqua
Organic acid crystal
Pigeons & mushroom
Mycelium exists in soil, it starts to dry out and stops producing mushrooms. A next incarnation in its existence starts to manifests itself. Spaces are created within its walls. And pigeons share with their guano. Pigeons’ excrement is a rich fertiliser in dense population areas which provide nutrient for platns . Each pigeon dropping adds value to the mycelium structure for when the next phase of its lifecycle arrives.
A system of reservoir are built in the underground network in order to ensure the source of water and irrigation for the mushroom growing. It complies with the airshaft and also as a part of air ventilation cycle.

Sustainable Tourism

This project built up a tourist information centre and generate a well-fit sustainable branding for Soni. Soni is a village located in Uda District, Nara Prefecture, Japan. It is situated in a cool climate, and most dwellings are located near the valley. Determining for the design concept details and having a real onsite experience help us to refine the whole tourism package design and information centre design to make a sustainable tourism in Soni.

Local Branding & IP.

Tourist info. Centre Renovation

The left side of the centre is the main place for extension and also the location of workshop and bike shelter. This makes it feel like the place is always transforming and active. While guests walk by the centre, the noise and activities of the workshop offer them the first impression. The bike park will be the key element of the extension since it is believed that the bikes will be the main transportation for the guests instead of walking.
The workshop is placed in the end of left size of the centre. It is because it can reach to the exterior for extra space and the dirts and air particals can be separated from the core areas where guest will have diet on.

As well as the dining area and common zone, this is the main place where guest will gather and view the information of tours at.

Throughout the history of Hong Kong, TKW is an old industrial town remarked the golden age of Hong Kong production even it is now fading out. It is an interesting site with local HK features but also some conflicts. This project starts with the study of TKW history and existing situation in order to find the local problem for improvement.

Algae pipes roof system


Shared Garden Observation Deck

Adaptive Reuse of Cattle Depot

Rationale & Proposition

DESERTOPIA aims at re-defining the Desert through Public Participation. Addressing desertification by desert greening and boosting local economy and talent pipeline by promoting tourism and unique industry, this project has romote the unique scenery, history, and culture for Kubuqi with business plan, mobile gaming app, hostel series and factories settled in different stages. At the same time, this project tends to Gather public attention with internet virality to educate the world on heritage and environment of Kubuqi desert with local idea from local people.

Thematic Hostel Plan

5 hostels are designed for the whole district with different themes (including Ancient hakka walled village, palace etc.) according to the stroyline in the mobile gaming app. Mass sand bricks production by local materials will make a sustainable construction and effective building envelop.

Sustainable Sandbrick & Merchandize

Sand Brick
Cement Concrete
Wire Reinforcement
Polystyrene Insulation Foam
Wire Reinforcement
Sand Blinding
The desert sand will be collected for making recycled bricks (plastic bottles filled with sand) and manufactured as construction sand and glass. Recycled bricks are new construction materials that are adopted in African and some other countries. They could be stacked up into simple cubic frameworks or further poured with cement and concrete as strengthened modulars. This material is used to make sustainable houses. The Salix cheilophila woodlands could be harvested and made as composite timbers and paper products.
Sand Pavement
Top Soil & Humus
Underslab insulation
Cement Concrete
Sand Blinding
SALTPAN & Calcite
Weathered Rocks
Parent Bedrock