Most of the facilities are spread out on the ground floor for easy access and navigation. Small pockets have been created for contemplation and interaction. The view of the pond from the pond has been maintained as well. Most of the spaces are semi-covered with pergolas and polcarbonate sheets. Facilities catering to women have been givn privacy, utilising vertical gardens and fences. A seperate waiting area has also been provided. The women’s side also has direct access to the women’s park situated nearby, which leads furthur to the learning centre. The kitchen and the eating space overlook the pond and is semi-open. It is divided into two levels, with a store on the second level. The second level also leads to the Staff Room that is on top of the Maternity Ward. The Ayurveda Clinic has been placed closed to the garden which leads to the road leading to the temple and Cold Store and Veterinary. This way the Health Centre is easilt accessible to the people coming from th temple and the cold storage. The Granary and the Veterinary have been places together, close to the temple so that peolpe can access them easily