Designed With Destiny in Mind Women's Conference

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PRESS RELEASE DESIGNED WITH DESTINY IN MIND WOMEN'S CONFERENCE Greensboro, NC, Wednesday, May 1, 2013—Jackie Mason Ministries ( presents her third annual Designed with Destiny in Mind (DWDIM) Women's Conference. The theme for 2013 is "Go Get It" and the DWDIM Conference will be hosted from Friday September 27, 2013 to Saturday, September 28, 2013 at the Galleria Events Center, located at 1325 S. Eugene Street, Greensboro, NC 27406. The cares of life, ministry and the world can distract us from our purpose. The DWDIM Conference builds a safe environment that allows women to be built up. Women who may have come out of challenging places and have a testimony coupled with a desire to be in an even a greater place than they are now. Attendees of DWDIM are able to understand reaching each level of glory that is promised. Jackie Mason exclaimed, " with God transitioning me to Evangelist, he is calling me to marketplace ministry. The DWDIM Conference is designed for women who need to work their gifts, talents, and skills, can develop leadership potential. " In 2004, her first book, My Father’s Child… From Gloom to Glory, was published and nonprofit 501c3 organization, Building Up People, Inc. was founded. In addition to ministering in conferences, revivals, retreats, summits, prayer breakfasts, and other assignments, Evangelist Jackie has engaged in monthly Women’s Prison Ministry for 16 years. In the Summer of 2012 she transitioned to being an Evangelist to pursue of goals of bringing her message to the community while still having roots in her former community of Rocky Mount, North Carolina. This will be the first year that the conference is held in Greensboro, NC and she expects to have a great turnout for the women in the Triad and beyond. The DWDIM Conference will also feature pastor Cheryl D. Moore of Durham, NC on Friday, April 5, Apostle and Prophet Ernestine Brinkley of Rocky Mount, NC on Saturday, April 6, and the RVC Dance Company will be featured both days. Attendee admission is $40 until March 22, 2013 and tickets can be purchased at Vendors will be at the DWDIM Conference and exhibitor spaces are available at a rate of $100 until March 22, 2013. Additional information can be found at ### About Jackie Mason Ministries Evangelist Jackie Mason is an Apostolic-Prophetic Leader of the Lord Jesus Christ, a fiery teacher, preacher, and messenger noted for her arresting, cutting edge ministry style. Evangelist Jackie has diligently served in various ministry capacities including Pastor, Bible Institute Assistant Dean, New Member's Teacher, Single's Ministry Facilitator, and Spiritual Clinic Counselor.

Senior Pastor, Preacher, Conference Speaker, Life Coach, Advisor, Community Organizer and Visionary are just a few of the divine assignments that Pastor Cheryl has embraced in her life. Known for her dynamic and powerful preaching style, she has been in ministry – preaching and teaching – for over 20 years. Using the backdrop of her life and her own struggles to fuel her ministry, Pastor Cheryl is passionate about impacting the people of God with life changing truth. Receiving the call to the gospel ministry, Pastor Cheryl was the first woman licensed to preach in the 127 year history of First Missionary Baptist Church in Smithfield, North Carolina. She was subsequently nationally ordained to the Gospel Ministry. Pastor Cheryl served as the Youth Pastor at Friendship Missionary Baptist Church in Charlotte NC from 1996 to 2004. Known as the “hip hop preacher,” God used her to impact countless lives of young people across the nation. In 2004, Pastor Cheryl relocated from Charlotte to Durham, NC, where she currently serves as the Senior Pastor of Zion Temple. A true trailblazer, she is the first female pastor of this church in its 107 year history. Her ministry in Zion Temple is touching lives in powerful ways, and the church has experienced exponential growth on all levels under her leadership. Zion Temple is quickly becoming a multi-faceted ministry that is on the cutting edge of spiritual and personal growth and development. It has become a magnet for persons of all backgrounds who are on the fringes of life—recovering addicts, victims of abuse, and broken families. As a modern critical thinker and a cultural revolutionist, Pastor Cheryl studied in several regions in the Middle East including Israel, Syria, Jordan, Greece, and Northern Sudan. Her passion for people has also led her to complete several mission endeavors in the impoverished areas of the West Indies.


As an education enthusiast and academian, Pastor Cheryl earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in English Literature and a Master of Divinity degree from Duke Divinity School at Duke University. Because of her desire to mentor and equip, she is also the Founder and President of the YADAH School of Theology and The Pink Power Puncher Empowerment Group. Among her other gifts, Pastor Cheryl is a prolific song writer, lyricist, writer, and sports enthusiast. Her impactful and transformational messages of hope, healing, and unlimited possibilities coupled with a unique indomitable style of delivery has earned her the affectionate title “The People’s Pastor.” Pastor Cheryl has a great passion for those who are disenfranchised and on the fringes of life. Her community outreach endeavors have uplifted and mobilized many across the nation. In 2008 Pastor Cheryl was honored by the National Congress of Black Women at their 24th Annual Awards brunch with the first ever Sojourner Truth Award for her community efforts. In Her Own Words: “I cannot conform to anyone’s predetermined notions concerning me. The only box in which I fit is the one that God has placed me in. God has truly graced my life in so many phenomenal ways. My only desire is to impart the wonders of His Grace and the Efficacy of His Power into the lives of others.” We pray that you are blessed by the ministry gift of this anointed vessel of God, Pastor Cheryl D. Moore.

Apostle/Prophet Ernestine along with her husband, Apostle Theadford Brinkley, is the cofounder and senior pastor of Deliverance Tabernacle of Praise Ministries International, Inc., located in Rocky Mount, NC where she also resides. She has been pastoring since 1991 and has decade’s worth of experience in the Word and work of the Lord, with strong emphasis on deliverance in the body of Christ. A submitted General of the faith she was trained by the Holy Spirit to boldly proclaim the office and is favorably known as "The Mother of the Apostolic" in the eastern region. Because of her uncommon love for the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ she travels extensively fulfilling the call of God. Prophetess Ernestine accepted the call to the office of Prophet in 1998. The Holy Spirit divinely connected her to great experiences as part of her supernatural training. In the fullness of time, after being purged and qualified by God in the refiner’s fire, the Father saw that it was His set time for the sending forth of this anointed vessel and she was officially commissioned on December 5, 2004 with participation from a company of apostles into the offices of Apostle and Prophet. Her ministry vision is “Through Christ: Changing Hearts and Building Lives.” Integrity and godly character are a major part of the foundation of her ministry, for she is under a mandate from God to raise the standard for the people. Apostle Ernestine, along with her husband, also majors in relationship building and marriage counseling. Because of great compassion for people, she sees the need to express to society the impact of God’s love for the whole man: spirit, soul and body. Prophetess Brinkley is bonded to the community as an Intercessor of Rocky Mount and surrounding areas, by providing ministry to the poor, through the Adopt-a-Street campaign, and as Citizens’ Police Academy alumni. The ministry also strongly promotes evangelism as weekly hosts of the “Changing Hearts and Building Lives” telecast.

Apostle Ernestine continually immerses herself in study and prayer in order to maintain a consistent flow of revelation, knowledge and wisdom from the Lord Jesus Christ. As a result, she’s constantly growing in the Word of God and is extremely sensitive to the Holy Spirit. She has continued education and training at the Ephesus Training Institute in Goldsboro, NC under the instruction of Dr. Paula Price of Tulsa, OK. As a ministry gift, she is committed to putting the Word of God in action that lives may be changed. Prophetess Ernestine Brinkley firmly believes that people don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care. She is the proud parent of three sons, one daughter and many spiritual children across the globe.

Designed With Destiny In Mind Women’s Conference 2013 Conference Host, Evangelist Jackie Mason Sep 27th 7:00 pm & Sat Sep 28th 9:00 am - 2 pm Galleria Events Center 1325 S. Eugene Street Greensboro, NC 27406 PLEASE PRINT REGISTRATION INFO: Name_____________________________________________________________________________ Address__________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone_______________________ Email _______________________________________________

A Non Refundable Payment of $40.00 Must Accompany All Pre Registration Forms Door Price $50.00 Attending Both Conference & Lunch Extravaganza Yes ( ) Attending the Conference Only Yes ( ) Ordered T-shirt Online Yes ( ) Size (es) Requested __________________ Individual (

) Group ( ) # __________ Total Amount Enclosed $________

*Vendor Yes (

) Product __________________________

Early Bird $75.00 ___ After Sep 13th $100.00 ___ Register Online @ Make Checks Payable to JMM Registration Info: 252.904.3121

Email to: PO Box 18204 Greensboro, NC 27409 Vendor/T-Shirt Info: 252.314.9550

Designed With Destiny In Mind Women’s Conference 2013 Conference Host, Evangelist Jackie Mason Sep 27th 7:00 pm & Sat Sep 28th 9:00 am - 2 pm Galleria Events Center 1325 S. Eugene Street Greensboro, NC 27406 PLEASE PRINT REGISTRATION INFO: Name_____________________________________________________________________________ Address__________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone_______________________ Email _______________________________________________

A Non Refundable Payment of $40.00 Must Accompany All Pre Registration Forms Door Price $50.00 Attending Both Conference & Lunch Extravaganza Attending the Conference Only Ordered T-shirt Online Individual ( *Vendor Yes (

Yes ( Yes ( Yes (

) Group ( ) # __________

) ) ) Size (es) Requested __________________ Total Amount Enclosed $________

) Product __________________________ Early Bird $75.00 ___ After Sep 13 th $100.00 ___

Register Online @ Make Checks Payable to JMM Registration Info: 252.904.3121

Email to: PO Box 18204 Greensboro, NC 27409 Vendor/T-Shirt Info: 252.314.9550

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