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A violation of nature will eventu


ually result in extinction.



視覺設計系 第八屆

National Kaohsiung Normal University Department of Visual Design The 8th




C h e n ,T z u - F e n

0988-585-718 tzufen4115@gmail.com


L i n ,Y u - J y u n

0972-860-929 me w4163@gmail.com


主題名稱 Subject


人衍可畏 表達人類過度繁衍所衍生之畏懼,之後令人畏懼的結局是因為現今人類的所作所為因果關係,影響 人類生存的最大威脅是人類本身。希望人類能正視自己所造成的滅世作為並反省改善。

Perishing Excessive population will threaten human survival. Hope that people can face up to the fact that we cause and reflect on improving the population's threat in this situation.


創作動機 此系列海報是針對人類自取滅亡來做發想的。

工業革命後,人類文明蓬勃發展。舒適的生活與便利的科技讓人類過得幸福安逸。科技的進步,醫療的發達,導致人口過剩。在 人口壓力需求下,我們把便利舒適的生活建立在消耗地球資源上,掠奪自然世界、利用地球資源。在這些過程中人類已是有意識 的扼殺生態系,但是,人心受制於經濟生活,常深陷於眼前的自我利益得失而忽略了環境和全人類的未來。

現代,由於網絡的發展,資訊量往往超過負荷,人們被迫同時處理各種事物。想當然耳比起環境人們更常忙碌於自己急迫的私事。 他們認為環境保護是一個主要問題,但不是一個緊急問題。然而,我們每天被災難性的環保新聞淹沒。每天,我們都面臨著一些 世界末日的環境新聞:乾旱、史上最高平均溫度、棲地劣化、極端氣候、空污紫爆等等。很明顯,我們的環境日益惡化,但我們 似乎逐漸因其頻繁而麻木,只暫時採取一些臨時緊急措施。這已經衍生出了許多對環境不可逆轉的嚴重問題,例如如工業汙染、 全球暖化、旱災、資源殆盡、物種滅絕。此外,還有由於饑荒,基因改造,經濟戰爭,藥物濫用等人類為私欲而發展出的問題。


浪費在世界排名是名列前茅的。我們對於環境議題的警覺性和嚴重性的迫切感似乎還沒有太深的感受與行動。這幾年異常的氣候 變化,天災人禍不斷,使未來充滿不安與臆測。我們不能再對這個不斷惡化的問題無動於衷。在浩瀚的宇宙中,地球只不過是一 艘小船,如果我們不注意一些將毀滅我們的星球的行動,全人類也會隨之進退。事實清晰無比,與其覺得沒希望,應該更積極的 調整步伐。開始解決,才能有所改變。


Moti v ati o n o f Cr e a tio n The concept of this project comes from human self-destruction. After the Industrial Revolution, civilizations developed vigorously. The advance in science and technology brought humanity fortune and comfort. This technological leap in turn also improved medical techniques, which led to human overpopulation. Under this population pressure, we may only enjoy the convenient and comfortable life at the expense of the Earth’s well-being, plundering and draining natural resources. Humanity is already aware that they are strangling the ecosystem in these exploitations. But we are often blinded by our concerns for the present economy and selfinterests, paying little attention to the environment and our future. Nowadays, because of the development of network, the flow of information is overwhelming. People are forced to deal with various tasks at the same time. It is certainly true that people are often too busy with their many urgent affairs to be concerned about the environment. It seems to them that environmental protection is a major issue but not an urgent one. However, we are drowned by catastrophic environmental news every day. Every day, we are faced with some apocalyptic environmental news: drought, the highest average temperature in history, habitat degradation, extreme weather, air pollution, etc. It is obvious that our environment deteriorates day after day, but we seem to become gradually numbed by its banality, and only take some temporary emergency measures for the time being. This has bought about many serious problems that are irreversible to the environment, such as industrial pollution, global warming, drought, depletion of resources, and extinction of species. Besides, there are problems which humans aggravated due to their insatiable desires, such as famine, genetic modification, economic war, drug abuse ,and so on. Humans think of themselves as the most intelligent animals in the world, but they are leading themselves to self-destruction for they will not stand the nature’s counterattacks. We will soon get what we deserve. As a Taiwanese, I am not proud to say that our country is on top of the list of food waste and energy waste in the world. We do not seem to have too much concern about the seriousness of the present ecological issues and thereby take little action, if not none, in this domain. In recent years, abnormal global climate change, natural and man-made calamities are taking place continuously, making the future full of anxiety and uncertainty. We can no longer be indifferent to this worsening issue. In the vast universe, the earth is just a small boat. If we pay no attention to the actions that are going to destroy our planet, we will perish with them. This may be frightening but such is the cruel reality. Nevertheless, rather than being hopeless, we should be proactive and ready to make changes. So we created this project to convey to the public. We took the form of ancient civilization to hint that the disintegration is a simultaneously concomitant of the construction. It is the consequence of human self-destruction.


結構與表 現 風 格 以海報的方式呈現,畫面構圖引導觀者發現細節及理解其意。這系列有九張海報並分為兩大主題,一是人與環境,有工業汙染、 全球暖化、旱災、資源殆盡、物種滅絕。另一種是人與人,有飢荒、基因改造食品、經濟戰爭、藥物濫用。


嚴重性。參考了馬雅古文明圖畫符號結構當成基底元素。配色部分採用高反差高對比的配色,呈現病態、神經質,表達人類瘋狂 的作為。

利用 2012 馬雅預言世界毀滅人類的畏懼心態,結合現代世界的各大議題,創作一系列世界人類環境議題海報。藉由古文明的表現 形式,將現代化的過去歷史註釋轉化為我們關於現代歷史和文明發展趨勢。

S tructure a n d Pe r fo r ma n c e s t y l e In the form of posters, the composition of the pictures could guide the seer to mention the details and catch the meanings they express. There are nine posters in this series and they are divided into two major themes. One is man to environmental damage which is included industrial pollution, global warming, drought, resource depletion, species extinction. The other is man to man which included famine, genetically modified food, economic war, and drug abuse. The subject of the picture is a single object which can be recognized by general audience. By using metaphor to express cause and effect, people can understand how severe these problems are. This composition refers to the structure of the Mayan ancient civilization drawing as the basic element. We use the high contrast and contrast matching colors to show morbid, neurotic so that the appearance can expresses what insane things human have done. Using human fear of 2012 Mayan prediction of world destruction, combined with the major issues of the modern world, to create a series of environmental topics posters. Through the ancient civilization of the form of expression, the modern regarding the past history annotation transformed into which we regarding the modern history and the civilized development trend.

創作目的 透過一系列的海報創作,促使觀眾思索未來可能發生的慘淡光景。試圖傳達一個

更深刻的反省,認為可以事先避免的錯誤。我們想讓人們了解這些人類和環境問 題的原因和影響,以及這些問題的嚴重程度。讓大眾明白,享受現代科技和娛樂 的代價是污染和破壞,人類一定會付出代價。希望透過我們的海報,能喚醒活在 這時代我們,在為時未晚之前,採取行動阻止災難發生。

Structure a n d Pe r fo r ma n c e s t y l e Through a series of posters, we try to inspire the audience to think about our environment which might become dismal in the future, trying to touch people to make a profound self-examination, thinking what mistake can be avoided beforehand. We also want to make the people understand the cause and effect of major human and environmental problems and how serious those problems are. The general public should know that the price of enjoying modern technology and amusement is pollution and destruction and human surely will pay the price someday. We hope we can involve ourselves to prevent those disasters occurring by waking people from prosperous mirage though our posters.


LO G O 及 標準字 以人類吞食地球為此專題標示,表達人類的私欲違反自然,讓大眾 一眼明瞭人類作為將導致自我滅亡。

標準字參考馬雅文字符號和漢儀方墨體的架構設計現代文字,採用 如石塊般厚重感呈現出此專題的沉重性。



Logo and Fonts This topic is human swallowing the earth, expresses humanity's selfish desire to violate the nature, and let the public at a glance of human behavior will be self-destruction.Fonts referred to the Mayan text symbol architecture and Han Yi Fang Mo Font design. To express this serious topic, I use a heavy stone like fonts.








主海報為物種滅絕。 我們主題是人衍可畏,物種滅絕具有出生跟毀滅在同一個主體的涵義,反諷貫穿所有主題。


Species Extinction 過度開發及濫捕生物造成物種相繼滅亡,以怪手象徵人類的過度開

發,連根拔起生態系的未來,濫伐森林導致物種就像失去母親的保 護般而滅亡。

This topic is human swallowing the earth, expresses humanity's selfish desire to violate the nature, and let the public at a glance of human behavior will be self-destruction.Fonts referred to the Mayan text symbol architecture and Han Yi Fang Mo Font design. To express this serious topic, I use a heavy stone like fonts.




Industrial Pollution 自工業革命以來人類文明的齒輪已經無法停下來,人類為了經濟 發展,不停地掠奪消磨地球資源,並製造出工業廢氣及汙染物質, 籠罩生態環境殘害生物的健康。

Concept: Since the industrial revolution, mankind has kept the earth resources for economic development and made industrial waste and pollutants, a situation that threatens the health of all creatures.




Global Warming 人類的進步發展建立在科學實驗,過多的追求、不停地消耗有限的地球 資源,轉為我們需要的熱能源,造成地球逐漸消融暖化。

Concept: Burning fossil fuels makes the earth hotter. The energy needed for human progress is built on the constant consumption of limited earth resources and causes the Earth to melt away gradually.




Drought 濫伐樹木造成地表水土流失而導致乾旱,土地乾裂,動植物無法生 存,就像心臟被切斷血管一樣,無法輸血而逐漸死亡乾裂。

Concept: Cut off the surface of life.Deforestation caused surface soil erosion and drought. Land chaos, animals and plants can’t survive. Just as the heart was cut off blood vessels, and can’t blood transfusion and gradually die.




Resource depletion 人口過多已造成地球資源供不應求,人類所追求的欲望不加節制反 而予取予求,地球資源就像是快被啃食殆盡的果實般,邁入滅亡。

Concept: Earth resources are exhausted. Too much population has caused the earth resources in short supply. Worse, the human desire is endless, the earth's resources are like the fruit that is almost eaten, the earth will go into the demise.




Famine 在 21 世紀的饑荒之中,已經不像前個世紀那樣子是因為天候的關 係導致農作物不足以提供人民食用,而是因為貧富不均、政治詐 欺、分配不均才導致民不聊生。

Concept: Capitalism controls the basic survival needs of mankind.The causes of famine in the 21st century were different from those of the previous century. Not the climate led to insufficient crops to provide people with food, but the rich and the poor uneven and political fraud, led to people are destitute.



基因改造食品 Famine

基因改造食品已經變成漸漸浮現的隱憂之一,在不斷混合動植物基 因的過程中,有些已知或未知的危害已經逐漸擴散開來,以玉米作 為糧食象徵,與殺蟲劑結合,玉米粒也變形為有如腫瘤一般的型 態,此非天然,而是人類自行創造出來的。 Concept: Humans kill themselves like killing pests. Humans had transformed the foods which just like insecticide and killed ourselves which just like earth pests.




Economic War 人類製造出共同經濟目標追求合理化自己的慾望,國與國的追求經 濟利益,為使自己掌握經濟競爭的優勢,引發戰爭造成人類文明的 浩劫。

Concept: Human beings are subject to the economy and cause catastrophe.Mankind is in pursuit of economic rationalization of their desires. States and countries want to grasp their own of the advantages of economic competition, triggering economic war, resulting in the catastrophe of human civilization.




Drug Abuse 毒品操控著腦袋讓人失去理智與自律,身體如木偶人般被操控,進 而做出毀滅自身的行為。

Concept: Self-destructive puppet.Drugs control the head to make people lose rationality and selfdiscipline, people just like being manipulated the puppet, can’t stop doing self-destruction behavior.




酷卡設計 - 銀箔紙 酷 卡 採 用 銀 箔 紙, 當 觀 者 觀 看 酷 卡 時, 也 會 看 到 自 己 的 倒 影, 反 省 自 己 的作為。



周邊設計 - 紋身貼紙 紋 身 有 著 紀 念 性, 激 勵 性, 解 脫 性。 將 作 品 置 於 人 的 身 上, 成 為 生 活 的 一 部分,具有更深刻的省思。



A violation of nature will eve


entually result in extinction.


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