Senior Interior Design Capstone Design Manual

Page 1

A women focused Sexual Assault Center

contents 05 Schematic 07 13 23 41 47

Mood board directions Materials + furiture directions Diagrams Elevations Sketches

53 Design Development 55 61 65 69 75 89 103 127 133

Sketches Floor Plans 3D Section Cut RCP’s FF&E Materials 3D Views + Elevations Details Mini Model

137 Construction Documents 138-155 Contract Documents 156- 162 Furniture Specs 163 Sources


Chloe Erickson - Women Focused Sexual Assault Center - Deisgn Manual

Chloe Erickson - Women Focused Sexual Assault Center - Deisgn Manual



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Chloe Erickson - Women Focused Sexual Assault Center - Deisgn Manual



Chloe Erickson - Women Focused Sexual Assault Center - Deisgn Manual

Mood board Directions

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Chloe Erickson - Women Focused Sexual Assault Center - Deisgn Manual

analysis For the first mood board direction I wanted to keep the color scheme with what I had for my materials palette, which reflects an image of Alaska because of the fact that this center will be located in Anchorage, Alaska. Throughout this mood board all of the images have some sort of layering effect of texture. I felt that this layering or texture aspect tied back to how people go through the healing by going through layers of the process. Texture can make the space feel more dimensional and bring some movement as well. Another aspect that these images all have in common is that they tie back to my concept of “Orbital Reveal”. There are many circular or curved elements to this mood board which has helped related to space planning and creating elevations for the clinic, housing, therapy, and multi-purpose room. Having the walls, light, seating or ceiling have this texture shows the concept throughout. I also still wanted this space to feel feminine and I feel as though of the curves and colors being that in.

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Chloe Erickson - Women Focused Sexual Assault Center - Deisgn Manual

analysis For the second mood board direction I wanted to keep the color scheme with what I had for my materials palette, which reflects an image of Alaska because of the fact that this center will be located in Anchorage, Alaska. Throughout this mood board all of the images are more smooth and reserved compared to option one. I felt this mood board direction could be more relaxing and less busy for someone experiencing trauma. Lots of things can be overwhelming to someone experiencing lots of emotions at one time so this direction I feel wouldn’t overwhelm anyone. These non-layered curves bring a more delicate, and simple approach to the feminine look I am going for. Another aspect that these images all have in common is that they tie back to my concept of “Orbital Reveal”. There are many circular or curved elements to this mood board which has helped related to space planning and creating elevations for the clinic, housing, therapy, and multipurpose room.

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Material & Furniture Directions

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analysis As previously stated in the mood board section, I chose to base my material palettes off of an inspiration image of Alaska because Anchorage, Alaska is where my center will be located. Before choosing this image I looked into color psychology and how certain colors effected people. Since I am creating a center focused on women I thought of the color that people associate femininity with, which is pink. The color pink is thought to be a calming color associated with love, kindness, and femininity. Some shades of pale pink are described as relaxing, while very bright, vibrant shades can be stimulating or even aggravating so I decided to go with a more muted tone of pink so it would not be to stimulating or aggravating. The article also state that pink can also be seen as joyful and creative. I wanted to include another warm color that could balance out the pink and blues, so I chose orange, because it is the opposite of blue (which bring contrast) and has beneficial properties. People often describe orange as bright, happy, and uplifting. Orange is also the color of many sunrises and sunsets as that ties back to my branding and concept. Next up I decided to incorporate two blue tones, one being a more dusty blue and the other a dark blue. Blue is a color often found in nature such as the pale blue of a daytime sky, which ties back to healing day by day.

The color blue can bring feelings of calmness or serenity and can even lower blood pressure and body temperature and treat pain and soothe illness. It is often described as peaceful, tranquil, secure, and orderly. Based off of those statements I thought blue would work really well in this center for people who are trying to heal many aspects of their lives including their physical health. In this palette the materials I have chosen have some sort of design or texture to them to relate back to the first mood board. I think textured materials can work very well with the non-textured mood board because if you have a space that is textured and add textured materials as well it could be overwhelming and overall be too much texture. I also have some of these materials tying back to my concept “Orbital Reveal”; there are circles or revealed colors throughout this palette.

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Chloe Erickson - Women Focused Sexual Assault Center - Deisgn Manual

analysis As previously stated in the mood board section, I chose to base my material palettes off of an inspiration image of Alaska because Anchorage, Alaska is where my center will be located. Before choosing this image I looked into color psychology and how certain colors effected people. This information is also previously stated in the first palette direction but I am going to go over it again. Since I am creating a center focused on women I thought of the color that people associate femininity with, which is pink. The color pink is thought to be a calming color associated with love, kindness, and femininity. Some shades of pale pink are described as relaxing, while very bright, vibrant shades can be stimulating or even aggravating so I decided to go with a more muted tone of pink so it would not be to stimulating or aggravating. The article also state that pink can also be seen as joyful and creative. I wanted to include another warm color that could balance out the pink and blues, so I chose orange, because it is the opposite of blue (which bring contrast) and has beneficial properties. People often describe orange as bright, happy, and uplifting. Orange is also the color of many sunrises and sunsets as that ties back to my branding and concept. Next up I decided to incorporate two blue tones, one being a more dusty blue and the other a dark blue.

Blue is a color often found in nature such as the pale blue of a daytime sky, which ties back to healing day by day. The color blue can bring feelings of calmness or serenity and can even lower blood pressure and body temperature and treat pain and soothe illness. It is often described as peaceful, tranquil, secure, and orderly. Based off of those statements I thought blue would work really well in this center for people who are trying to heal many aspects of their lives including their physical health. In this palette I created it to match the second mood board direction which was smooth so I chose smooth materials and finishes. I think this palette would work best with the textured mood board direction to help balance out the textured structure. Having the furniture, walls and floors be simple can help create the focus onto that textured/ layered structure and not look to busy. I did although chose some terrazo to add some contrast to the simplicty.

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analysis For the furniture directions I wanted to focus on what types of furniture would be good in a place where people are experiencing trauma but also are sharing and healing together. In my research book I showed what psychiatric safe furniture looks like but you can also make lots of furniture psychiatric safe with the brand from my research book. For the first direction of furniture I focused on group and modular furniture. Based off of my research group therapy was often best for sexual assault survivors and having that space to collaborate and get to know one another is beneficial. I thought let’s bring that collaboration and sharing into other spaces where people may not think to share. It was also proven in my research that having these group lounge spaces helps to promote that collaboration in transitional housing because within that housing you are all living together and it can help make it easier getting to know others in the same situation. I also included collaborative furniture that can be private for a two person conversation. The colors of this furniture also tie back to my color palette direction and concept. Most pieces have a rounded or curved element to them to tie back to “Orbital Reveal”.

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analysis For the furniture directions I wanted to focus on what types of furniture would be good in a place where people are experiencing trauma and it is important to think about the safety of furniture for the staff and guests. In my research book I showed what psychiatric safe furniture looks like but you can also make lots of furniture psychiatric safe with the brand from my research book. The previous direction wad focused on group and modular furniture. This direction is focused on individual use of furniture. I wanted to include individual use because sometimes people are not ready to share or they are coming right after their assault and sometimes it is important to give those people their space. Since this center will be located in Anchorage, there are many college students that live in that area based on my research so people with homework or work can bring it to this center and work on it privately without interruptions. In the transnational housing everyone will have a separate room so having the chair, bed or nightstand also falls under this category. The colors of this furniture also tie back to my color palette direction and concept. Most pieces have a rounded or curved element to them to tie back to “Orbital Reveal”.

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Adjacency matrix


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analys is Staring of the diagram section we have an adjacency matrix. This diagram shows how certain spaces need to relate to each other. The full black circle means it should be directly adjacent, the half-filled circle it needs to be conveniently adjacent and the empty circle means it does not need to be adjacent. For this adjacency diagram I wanted to focus on the functional needs of my building while also adding some important spaces within those functional needs. The four main functional needs of my center are, a clinic, transitional housing, therapy and the space for self-defense classes. Within those areas I added, administrative area, reception, lounge, kitchen, dining and restrooms. I feel that every functional need needed some sort of place to wait/lounge so each functional need has a lounge space adjacent. Something I wanted to point out in this diagram is I needed the administrate area to be close to the transitional housing because based of off a few site visits it was beneficial to have the resources/ offices close to that space. What I ended up doing is have the administrative area underneath the mezzanine level of the transitional housing.

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Level 1 Bubbles


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analysis When to havedeveloping them all bethese ADAbubbles accessible. diagrams In the Imedical based them clinic off I decided of my adjacency to put a separate matrix reception and I used desk partijust in plan for the to help medical me clinic and won’t space plan be andassociated really show with theany concept of the other services “Orbital Reveal” tothroughout make it easier theon center staff. A separate break structurally. I wanted room to will try and also have be inthe the clinic areclinic medical just to functional try and more keep the separately building more the from clean rest and of sanitary, the center butso this it could does to exclude have thethem spacefrom and privacy venturing it needs out into so other parts within theseofdiagrams the building I haveif the needmedical be. A smaller clinic onwaiting the leftarea sidespace of thefrom building the entry and will also then having be added the multi-purpose into the medical roomclinic to really have separate the clinic that aspect from the function rest ofeasier. the I researched center. Again abased lot about off oftherapy the adjacency and different matric I wanted kinds ofthe therapy administrative so I felt itarea was fair toto close include the transitional many types housing of therapy and I including felt it would lightbeneficial therapy because to have itofclose the to location. the therapy In some as wellofto thehave sitethe visits resources and case studies available afterI read therapy often sessions. times they Another said there reason whywas I wanted a wait the on people administrative seeking therapy area close andtoI the wanted housing try and and have therapy is that not the because be an majority issue inofthis thecenter staff will so be I included in those areas 20 individual so I wanted therapy to make and that 4 light therapy easily accessible for for a total everyone. of 24 rooms In these for individual the diagrams therapy. main reception I looked back is inatthe the programthe center; report reason from for my thatDomestic is you would Abuse Project walk andform see sophomore the reception year right andaway theyand had it acts 2 group a center therapy place areas. for the I think two wings groupof therapy the center. is very I didimportant not include and every getting aspect to socialize from my adjacency with others because is a Ikey wanted part in to healingonsothe focus I included main/biggest 4 group areas. therapy rooms; along with the fact Alaska sexual assault rate is the highest in the U.S. so there should be more spaces for the amount of people. Also there is a multipurpose room for the self-defense classes or any other events the center may hold. Chloe Erickson - Women Focused Sexual Assault Center - Deisgn Manual


Level 2 Bubbles


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analysis When developing these bubbles diagrams for my second/mezzanine level, I based them off of my adjacency matrix and I used parti in plan to help me space plan and really show the concept “Orbital Reveal” throughout the transitional housing structurally. This second level it for all of the aspects that go into transitional housing. I made the decision to have it on a mezzanine level to make it more safe for the women coming to stay and have to functional separately from all of the public spaces. In these diagrams I wanted the rooms to have windows so it could help the guest heal; as stated in my research the view of landscape and the effects of sunlight can improve both mental and physical health. Based on the adjacency matrix the restrooms should be adjacent to the bedrooms and I did this because it would make the process of living there easier because nobody wants to walk across a building to use the restroom or shower. I then thought that housing, bathrooms and laundry go hand in hand so I wanted the laundry to be close to the bedrooms and restrooms/ showers. The other section is mainly for storage, kitchen, dining and lounging. I felt the storage would be useful in the middle for any part that would need storage use. The dining and lounge area are adjacent because some people may not want to eat in a dining set up or might want to lounge after eating.

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Level 1 Blocks

analysis Again, for these block diagrams I based them off of my adjacency matrix and I used parti in plan to help me space plan and really show the concept “Orbital Reveal” throughout the transitional housing structurally. . I ended up developing three block diagrams from the six bubbles that I did. I felt like these three showed the adjacency the best out of the six bubbles and that I could see the space utilized to the best potential. In these block diagrams I started to think about where these space would start and stop and go into more depth on what would be in that space along with corridors. I added the clinic reception, and split the administrative area into meeting rooms and office space and played with splitting the multi-purpose room. Lastly i felt the administrative area should have windows to help increase productivity and reduce stress.

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Level 2 Blocks

analy sis I developed three block diagrams from the six bubbles that I did for the second level. I felt that these three worked the best for the adjacencies and window usage I wanted. For these block diagrams I thought about how many sections the housing could be split into to make it the most functional and where all of these spaces would start and stop. I wanted my concept “Orbital Reveal” to show well in plan and I felt the best way to do that was to have my parti act as walls/ corridors or in the ceiling plane. I didn’t add anything extra in these block diagrams because there wasn’t anything extra to add within these spaces.

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Level 1 analysis schematic

From the block diagrams I then developed two schematic diagrams based off of the first and third block diagrams. I chose these two because the location of the spaces and circulation they had would work best. In these schematics diagrams I thoroughly developed the spaces and thought out each individual space and the amount of rooms within the main spaces. I thought about which way doors should swing and what type of furniture might go within these spaces. Something I wanted to address in the process of these diagrams was the restrooms. I did additional research on designing for the transgender community and one way to inclusive towards the community was with restrooms. Restrooms are a big political topic for the transgender community and I had done some research on what restrooms work best. The best restroom is a family style restroom because it is a closed off private restroom where the transgender person would feel more safe and less judged. Also all family style restrooms are unisex or gender neutral meaning they have no assigned gender making it easier for that community to choose a restroom and feel confident. Even though this center is a women’s focused center it is important to keep in mind that some still may feel more comfortable not sharing a restroom with others.


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Level 2 analysis schematic From the block diagrams I then developed two schematic diagrams based off of the first and third block diagrams. I chose these two because the location of the spaces and circulation they had would work best. In these schematics diagrams I thoroughly developed the spaces and thought out each individual space and the amount of rooms within the main spaces. I thought about which way doors should swing and what type of furniture might go within these spaces. Throughout the process of creating these diagrams I kind of got a sense of scale and how many rooms would maybe fit along with how someone is using this transitional housing space and what areas need to be easily accessible. Also in the diagrams you can see what the dining, kitchen and restrooms look like developed. Something I had mentioned in the last diagram was the transgender restrooms. In the transitional housing I did not make the restrooms/showers family style (individual) for safety reasons. In a site visit I did, they had mentioned how they do not have doors that lock for the restrooms and showers to make sure that no one is hurting themselves or others. I felt that safety was more important and doing things in a group setting would be more beneficial for everyone.

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Level 1 preliminary

a nalysis For the first floor preliminary plan I based it off of the first schematic plan because all of the adjacencies are exactly what I had in the matrix and the medical clinic is separated by the multi-purpose room to have it function separately and has a small lounge area for waiting. The administrative area is also right underneath the transitional housing to have easy access both ways and the therapy is right across the administrative area with a lounge area in between. I added furniture to all spaces similar to what I have picked out in the FF+E section. Also all of the areas that i ahd strived to have windows have them.


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Level 2 analysis preliminary

analysis For the second floor preliminary plan I based it off of the second schematic plan because I felt the adjacencies are exactly what I had in the matrix and the circulation is planned the best. The housing units have a windows and the corridors for the housing have windows as well to allow the light to come into the space. The restrooms and showers are easily accessible from the housing and kitchen, dining and lounge. The laundry and storage areas are also easily accessible for both halves of the space. The entire space has natural sunlight coming in from almost all sides and will help people feel better within this space. I included ADA accessible bathrooms, showers and corridors to be make sure everyone can sue the space.

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sun path winter


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analy sis For some of my additional research I chose to do sun path diagrams because night and day is a huge part of my project. These sun path diagrams were done on a website called andrewmarsh. com.You plug in the coordinates of your location along with the time zone, and time of year. I then calculate that sun path for that specific day of the year in that location. I out in the coordinates of Anchorage, Alaska and did the winter solstice because that is the day they get the least amount sunlight. To be exact they get around 5 hours of sunlight only and the sun is very low in the sky so that sunlight is not very bright. It also shows you where the sun is in the sky; for anchorage the sun is located south West but more towards the South. I have a small picture of my building and the orientation id should be to maximize the sunlight. I did one image from the front and one from behind so you could see the sun path better. The fact this diagram has buildings in the middle helped me understand where the sun was coming from and where the shadows would be.

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sun path summer


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analy sis For some of my additonal research I chose to do sun path diagrams becuase night and day is a huge part of my project. These sun path diagrams were done on a website called andrewmarsh. com.You plug in the coordinates of your location along with the time zone, and time of year. I then calculated that sun path for that specific day of the year in that location. I out in the coordinates of Anchorage, Alaska and did the summer solstice because that is the day they get the most sunlight. To be exact they get around 19 hours of sunlight. It also shows you where the sun is in the sky; for anchorage the sun is located South West but more towards the South. I have a small picture of my building and the orientation id should be to maximize the sunlight. I did one image from the front and one from behind so you could see the sun path better. The fact this diagram has buildings in the middle helped me understand where the sun was coming from and where the shadows would be.

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e lev ations

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1st floor elevations


Waiting Area




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analy sis These are some elevations I sketched for some of the areas on the first floor. I sketched a reception desk elevation; it has a protective glass partition in the front to keep the staff safe while also being able to help someone. The circle aspect ties back to the orbital part of my concept and the glass also contributes to the reveal because it reveals what is behind the desk. I think did an elevation of some custom seating that I was thinking could be built into the walls that surround the reception. These private nooks give the option for someone to not sit in a group setting. For the therapy I did an elevation of what I thought the doors would look like. I took some inspiration from my mood boards and chose to do some circular doors to tie back to concept along with doing a small glass piece for ornamentation; the numbering system above will have the logo with the number of the room. Lastly we have an elevation of an idea for what an entrance to the corridor could look like. I was tying this elevation back to the layered mood board and wanted the layering to act as a bench on the rest of the wall.

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2nd floor elevations



Kitchen 44




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analy sis Starting the second floor elevations off I sketched and elevation of what I wanted the showers to look like. As previously stated I did not choose to do a private room for showers because in a site visit I did, they had stated that their facility did not have door with locks on them to keep the guests from hurting themselves. It was also proven that have group settings was better for people that have experienced the same trauma so they can help understand and get to know one another. Same goes for the restrooms I did two elevations because I wasn’t sure if a full body mirror would be best or just an upper face mirror would be more beneficial, but in those restroom elevations there are small partitions in between sinks to give a sense of privacy while looking into a mirror after trauma. Next is kitchen and dining. The kitchen does have to accommodate more than a family of four so I had the idea to have sections of kitchen appliances and an island in the center that has sinks to make the circulation better. Lastly is the bedrooms I liked this idea of having the bed and closet together in a small nook area to have a sense of safety.

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a nalysis I drew fifty sketches based on concept, parti and my main areas of focus. I sketched multiple different variations of reception desks and how it could relate back to concept or parti while also trying to have some safety aspects to it. I wanted the reception desks to be a focal point and look unique so I played with curved and glass elements. Another aspect I focused on was the administrative area and what private workstations cool look like. I sketched some workstations/desks on a large scale and more of a small scale. There are sketches for some kitchen arrangements, showers and restrooms for the transitional housing. One area that I did not do sketches for was the medical clinic because I felt that clinics all have very similar looks to them and I wasn’t sure how to add anything custom in the exam rooms. I did sketch lounge furniture and set ups for all of the lounge areas (one in transitional housing, one by the clinic and then by the administrative area). Entrances were something that I felt could help with wayfinding so I sketched some ideas on some interesting entrances along with elevators/ stairs because there will be stairs and an elevator to get to the second floor. Lastly for therapy I thought about custom desks and furniture to make the therapy rooms unique and relate back to concept.

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design development

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analysis I started off the design development process with some sketches. This round of sketches was to have no furniture or lighting and was to be focused more on custom built-ins and featured elements. I sketched out some iterations of what I wanted the stair case that leads up to the transitional housing to look like. I played around with doing a spiral stair case to tie back to the orbital part of my concept and then thought about how they could be enclosed by glass to tie back to the reveal part of my concept. The reception desk was something I really wanted to stand out. I had done some previous sketches of my thoughts, but this time I really focused on the circle shape of the desk and how I could incorporate safety into it. Some of the other sketches are some ideas for custom built-in seating, entry ways, dining areas and a built in desk for the housing units.


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Floor Plans

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1st floor 6

5 4 3 2 1 1



Exam Rooms






Clinic Reception


Administrative Area

analysis This is the first floor of the building. Way finding is something I had researched and previously mentioned in my research book. I found an interesting way to do wayfinding by creating different colored paths in the floor. I used blue terrazzo for the clinic, orange terrazzo for the multi-purpose and pink terrazzo for the therapy. When you first walk in from the vestibule, the reception desk will be the first thing you see in the center of the colored terrazzo in area 1. Moving to the left on the orange path way in area 2 will lead you to the multi-purpose space which is used for the self-defense aspect. Starting at the reception desk and taking the blue path will lead you to the separate reception desk for the clinic in area 3 and will also guide you to the exam rooms in area 4. On to the right side of the reception, taking the pink path will lead you to the therapy rooms in area 5. Lastly, in area 6 there is an administrative area for staff members. There are also lounge spaces spread throughout. 62

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2nd floor 2 3 4 1

5 6





Housing Units


Kitchen + Dining





Showers + Laundry

analysis On to my second floor it the transitional housing. This floor is just on the right half of the building. In area 1 is where the elevator would come up from the first floor. There is also a stair case in the upper left hand corner for users to get down in case of an emergency or for their pleasure. Following the pink path into area 2 are the housing units. There are a total of fourteen rooms and they are for single use so there are no sharing of rooms. I did this because sexual assault is traumatic and some may feel very conscious of their body and who they wish to be around in a place of sleeping and changing. Following the pink path around the semicircle will lead to areas 3 and 4, 3 is the bathrooms and 4 is the showers and laundry area. I chose to have group showers and bathrooms for safety so nobody could lock themselves in a bathroom or shower and hurt themselves. Going into area 5 if you were to follow the orange path would lead you to the kitchen and dining area. There are two separate dining spaces. One has two dining tables and the other is high top bar seating along the windows. Lastly, area 6 is a large lounge space. Chloe Erickson - Women Focused Sexual Assault Center - Deisgn Manual



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3D Section Cut

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analysis I chose to do a 3D section cut of my building to show the difference in the levels and to show how the atrium is working. The second floor is on the right half of the building and is not over the entire first floor. The therapy lounge space, which is where you would walk through the circle opening, does not have a ceiling so if you were on the second floor you could see that lounge space along with the reception area. This diagram also really showcases the atrium in the center reception space. This atrium acts as a large gathering space and a center hub to wayfinding. There are many curtain walls and windows to help harness as much light as possible during the Polar Winter. Also, having views of nature and sunlight are proven provide easy and minimal health benefits such as: reducing stress, increasing well-being, decreasing headaches and decreasing SAD (seasonal affective disorder). Chloe Erickson - Women Focused Sexual Assault Center - Deisgn Manual



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1st floor

LED strip lights

The Frosted 25 Bubble Chandelier

Ceiling drop downs

Ceiling drop downs

Recessed cans

ET2 Lighting Multi Orb Pendant

Ballroom Pendant

Suspension Nebuleuse Bola Disc wall sconce/ celing light

Custom Pendant Ballroom wall sconce


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analysis For the first floor plan RCP, I created ceiling drop downs in spaces that needed to be more personal and comfortable such as the exam rooms, therapy rooms, reception areas and the multi-purpose space. Also having a difference in ceiling plane along with lighting helps guide the user to these separate spaces. For all of the drop down ceiling there are LED strip light that will be placed to create an uplighting glow effect. Recessed cans will be used throughout the existing spaces. For reception areas and dining area I chose to do the bubble chandelier to signify points of large gathering. I also designed a custom pendant that will be for lounge spaces to make those spaces more stand out. The remaining lighting fixtures go throughout the entire floor plan and I chose them based on concept (orbital reveal) because they are rounded, made of glass, or both.

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2nd floor

LED strip lights

The Frosted 25 Bubble Chandelier

Ceiling drop downs ET2 Lighting Multi Orb Pendant Custom Pendant

Recessed cans

Ballroom Pendant

Suspension Nebuleuse Bola Disc wall sconce/ celing light

Ballroom wall sconce


Custom Pendant

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analysis For the second floor plan RCP, I created ceiling drop downs in spaces that needed to be more personal and inviting such as the housing units, lounge spaces and kitchen area. Also, having a difference in ceiling plane along with lighting helps guide the user to these separate spaces. For all of the drop down ceilings there are LED strip lights that will be placed to create an up-lighting glow effect. Recessed cans will be used throughout the existing spaces. I chose to do the bubble chandelier about the islands to signify a large point gathering while also having some rounded accent pendants as well. I also designed two custom pendants that will be for lounge spaces to make those spaces stand out. In the housing units there is the pink glass orb ballroom pendant and the bola disc wall sconce that can either act as a wall sconce or a ceiling mounted light; in the rooms I have it acting as a ceiling mounted light. The remaining lighting fixtures go throughout the entire floor plan and I chose them based on concept (orbital reveal) because they are rounded, made of glass, or both.

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Furniture Fixtures & Equipment

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analysis For the clinic FF&E, I refined it down from what I previously had in the schematic section of this manual. I found a company that makes modular case work for healthcare design so I went with one of their modular designs. I chose to opt out of doing a traditional exam table and chose to do an exam recliner from Nemschoff. The reasoning for this is that I felt in the situation of being raped or sexually assaulted it is best or feel comfortable and relaxed rather than sitting on top of an exam table that really has no comforting properties. This way, with a recliner the patient can sit in any position they feel most comfortable and the care giver can easily put them into a position as well. I think the recliner adds a sense of safety and comfort, and that is needed in an environment like this. The doctor also needs a place to be seated so I chose to a traditional swivel stool with a round seat to tie back to my concept of orbital reveal. The lighting fixtures at the bottom are used in the separate reception are for the clinic specifically; they are round and glass to once again tie back to orbital reveal.

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analysis Staring off the therapy FF&E I chose to have a big comfy couch. I chose to do this from personal experience in therapy and also asked some of my friends who attend therapy if they thought having a large plush couch would make them more comfortable in a therapy-like setting and they said yes. This couch has multiple different sized poofs that come together to create this comfy but stylish piece. I also felt that the therapist should have a comfortable place to sit as well, as they are just as important in this setting. I wanted the chair to be rounded so it would to tie back to concept of orbital reveal. For this area to feel a little less intimating I added a coffee table to make the space more casual. This table has a glass top which ties back to the reveal part of concept and has three spheres on the bottom which ties back to orbital. There is also a small side table for the client to set any belongings on. To bring everything together I chose to do a pink glass rounded pendant, which fit my color scheme and concept all in one. Lastly, I also wanted to add the light therapy lamp to show that this can be added in the space to work with those who might need it during the polar winter.

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analysis For this portion of the FF&E it is focused around the housing units, the group style bathrooms and showers. The top three bubbles and two middle bubbles are for the housing units. I wanted there to be a lot of floor space so I went with a wall mounted desk. I ended up finding a circular wall mounted one which fit perfectly with my concept. To go with the desk I chose a simple stool so that area could be mainly focused on the desk and structural elements. For the bed I wanted to do something custom, but just show that there is a bed in this space I added that in. Above the bed is the second bubble in the middle row. This light fixture is actually very cool is can either be used as a wall sconce or a ceiling mounted light so for the rooms I had it act as a ceiling mounted light. Next up, the remaining bubbles are for the bathrooms and showers. I have a circular vessel style sink. In my opinion I feel as though this style sink feels more residential, and I want these women feeling like they are at home and at ease. For the lights in the bathrooms I went with a wall sconce version of the glass pendant lights I have been using to tie everything together. Lastly, the stool is for the showers because I think sometimes you may need to sit in the shower and having a free standing stool allows the user to be able to either sit in the water or to sit out of it. Chloe Erickson - Women Focused Sexual Assault Center - Deisgn Manual


Kitchen + Dining


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analysis In the transitional housing there is a community kitchen space along with some dining areas. The top three bubbles are some of the lighting fixtures used in this space. The first two are used of the two islands to draw attention to this work/gathering space. The last fixture is above the dining tables to again help draw attention to this place of gathering. I have the bubble like light fixture in spaces to draw you in and to help guide where you should be. These fixtures are also rounded and have glass elements to tie back to the concept orbital reveal. The middle row shows the regular seated height dining chairs that will go with the dining table in the middle. The last chair is bar height and it used for a custom bar height counter space for dining. I chose these chairs becuase I felt they brought a simple yet slightly modern touch to the space and they are also rounded as well. For the dining table I wanted something made from glass and was rounded to tie back to concept, but I also wanted it to be big enough to have more than four people and that is why I chose this table for dining. The last row is some equipment that will be used in the kitchen such as a stove, refrigerator and apron front sink. I chose not to have a dishwasher to promote communication between others by doing chore like activities such as washing dishes. Chloe Erickson - Women Focused Sexual Assault Center - Deisgn Manual




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analysis I categorized reception and lounge together because the reception is very custom and is surrounded by lounge areas. The reception areas have the bubble like light fixture within the reception desk (see page 104) and the lounge areas do not have that lighting fixture. Along with the reception is the swivel work chair and that would be for staff members behind the reception desk. The rest of the FF&E is for the different lounge areas. The last bubble in the first row is a private working pod from a company called Framery; this is for women who maybe don’t feel ready to be in a group like setting. Some other pieces that would fall under that category would be the first bubble in the third row and the last bubble in the last row. It is important to recognize not everyone may be ready to share their story or would like to be alone. The rest of the furniture pieces are for group settings that will encourage users to get to know one another so they can help each other heal. One piece I want to point out is the flower like lounge piece. I chose this because it has a center table portion and multiple different seats around it and is big enough for 2 people to sit on each “petal”. I think it also adds to the femininity of this center.

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analysis The multi-purpose room’s main use is for self-defense classes so these women can get back out into society safely. In this space there are wall mounted punching bagsand a wrestling mat for people to be able to learn these skills properly. There are benches for this space so others will be able to watch, change shoes, to set belongings. For the multi-purpose there are two locker rooms that also act as a family restroom so these women can change in private and also put any belongings in a locker and those lockers are the last bubble in the middlerow. In the locker rooms, the pink glass orb pendant is used again and the same vessel sink from the housing; this was done to connect the first and second level visually. The lighting in this space is custom and or are strip LED’s.

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analysis The entire first row and the two bubbles of the second row are paint colors that will be used throughout. The last bubble in the second row is a dark blue and light blue spotted fabric that will be used for the custom booth seating. The third row are fabrics used through various lounge areas and all of the fabrics used in this section are from Knoll Textiles. Most of these fabrics had small circular elements to tie back to concept in a subtle way. The fourth row is the colored terrazzo that starts at the reception of the way finding. I chose terrazzo because it is durable, low maintenance, low cost, and is ecofriendly. The remainder of the flooring throughout is a homogenous LVT tile because it is durable, long lasting, and scratch resistant and the raw materials won’t come apart, which is in the first bubble of the last row. The middle bubble of the last row is a spotted wall covering used on some of the walls surrounding the reception area. I didn’t want all the walls to be white to I felt adding a spotted blue wall paper, ties back to the orbital part of concept without being too busy. The last bubble is a white and light gray quartz used for the reception desk itself. I chose quartz because it is non-porous, highly durable, low maintenance, and has reduced imperfections. Chloe Erickson - Women Focused Sexual Assault Center - Deisgn Manual




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analysis When choosing a color scheme for the clinic area, I went back to my research on color psychology. There’s a reason we think of blue as relaxing; it actually tends to lower our heart rates, blood pressure, and even our body temperature. Blue can also have an effect on the pituitary gland, affecting our sleep patterns, and it can slow our breathing as well. I felt in a area of physical healing having blue in this space was necessary because it has many positive effects on physically healing. Having blue in this space I think will help these patients relax in a situation they may be nervous or overwhelmed in. Also this ties back to how I came up with the name for my center, Circa Diem (around a day) Day By Day Healing. Something people may not know about the color blue is it represents introspective journeys and symbolizes wisdom and depth of understanding. The first bubble is the light blue, white spotted wall paper I chose to do for an accent wall. I thought this would make the exam rooms seem a little more fun and less intimidating. For the floor I chose to do the homogenous LVT tile because it is durable, long lasting, and scratch resistant and the raw materials won’t come apart.

There is also a small inlay of some blue terrazzo. For the modular case work I decided to use a warm wood tone to bring some warmth into the space. For the exam recliner and guest bench I chose to do a non-woven non-PVC fabric. This fabric has many healthcare grade qualities such as; fluid barrier, moisture resistance, staining resistance, antimicrobial properties, resistant to commonly-used healthcare disinfecting agents including diluted bleach., diluted bleach cleanable, maximum concentration 25%, resists penetration by liquid-borne pathogens.

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analysis The first bubble in the first row is a wall covering that will be used for an accent wall. I didn’t want this space to be plain and or to look like typical gym so I included this spotted wall covering. Next is the flooring throughout the entire multi-purpose room. It is a rubber tile that is durable, flexible, and easy to maintain. It can take constant punishment from foot traffic, heavy rolling or standing equipment and even resist punctures and cuts. The final bubble in the first row is a fabric use on the benches and it also has small circular pattern to subtly include concept. The last two remaining rows are paint colors that will be used throughout the space. I did not include the materials for the wrestling mat and punching bags because those will come in a standard material.

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analysis The first row is flooring. I am using the same homogenous LVT tile because it is durable, long lasting, and scratch resistant, and the raw materials won’t come apart. To accent the flooring, I am doing an inlay of the second bubble which is an Interface carpet tile; Interface is a carbon neutral company and their carpet tiles have acoustical properties and protects against the growth of mold, mildew, and other odor causing organisms which overall improves indoor air quality. In the second row, the first bubble is the material for the couch; it is a pink ecological fur texture. The second bubble is a circular wall covering used for an accent wall. I chose this because it has circular elements that tie back to my concept as well as it has the majority of the colors in my color scheme. The last bubble in the second row is for the two chairs that the therapist and guest would most likely be sitting in. It has a small circles writhing the pattern to give a subtle texture while also relating back to concept. On to the last row are all paint colors. The white is used for the remaining walls and the orange and pink are used for ceiling drop downs.

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analysis The entire first row of bubbles is used in the housing units. The same blue carpet tile is being used along with the circular wall paper from the therapy, will be for an accent wall in the room to bring some excitement; these two finishes are being used to tie the first and second floor together as well. The last bubble in the first row is a paint color used around the opening for the bed. The middle row are paint colors used in the housing units, bathrooms and showers. The third row is specifically for the showers except the blue spotted wall paper is also used in the bathrooms. I used the same blue spotted wall paper from the exam room to try and tie together the first and second floor while also showing these are spaces of cleanliness. I felt the showering space should have blue qualities for relaxation so I went with a blue subway tile and a blue penny tile; I chose to do a glass penny tile to tie back to my concept orbital reveal. The last row is for the bathrooms. I went with a pink penny tile again to tie back to concept and my color scheme. The middle bubble is a subway tile used behind the mirrors for easy cleaning and will be beneficial in a place where water is being used. Lastly, I am using a frosted glass for in-between mirrors to give a sense of privacy in this environment. I think looking in the mirror can be hard for some of these survivors and wanted to give them of sense of privacy during this time. Chloe Erickson - Women Focused Sexual Assault Center - Deisgn Manual


Kitchen + Dining

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analysis Starting off in the first bubble is a white paint used throughout the dining and kitchen area. Next, the same subway tile from the bathroom is used and has a counter to ceiling back splash for easy cleaning and durability. The last bubble in the first row is terrazzo that is being used for the counter tops. I chose to do a dark blue terrazzo to match the dark blue paint that will be used in a ceiling element above the counter tops. Terrazzo is durable, low maintenance, low cost, and is eco-friendly and that is why I also wanted it to be used a counter top. In the middle row the first two bubbles are flooring; again I am using the same homogenous LVT tile because it is durable, long lasting, and scratch resistant and the raw materials won’t come apart. I then am using a light orange/coral terrazzo for flooring as well because of the same reasons I have listed above. The remaining bubble in the second row and the entire third row are paint colors used throughout the space.

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3D Views + Elevations

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analysis The top image is a 3D rendering of my reception desk/area and the bottom image is front view elevation. I designed this desk to embody the meaning of orbital reveal by using all circular elements and a lot of glass. This view is from the blue path that leads to the clinic area. On the other side of the desk there is an opening to enter the therapy portion of the building which would follow the pink path. In this 3D view and elevation you can really see the desk come to life. The desk also has two ADA counters for users who may need them. I used the colors for my color palette as the glass circular tiers. The top tier is aluminum because that is a lite metal and it needs to be able to hold the three lighting fixtures. As previously stated, I wanted to use the bubble chandeliers to signify points of gathering. The reception also show cases the brand I developed, Circa Diem Day by Day healing, along with the logo. I didn’t want this desk to be too colorful because of the surrounding colors from the floors and walls so I kept the desk itself a white and light gray quartz. Based on a virtual site visit I completed, having glass to separate the receptionist and guest was important for this space. The large glass circles act as this safety element and, in-between these circle are openings that make it easy to hand paperwork back and forth along with two ADA counters. Chloe Erickson - Women Focused Sexual Assault Center - Deisgn Manual


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analysis The top image shows the adjacencies of the custom wall seating and the reception desk. The bottom image is a front elevation of the custom wall seating. The view is looking out from one of the circular therapy openings which would be on the pink path.You can also see in this view the orange pathway that would lead to the multipurpose space. I really wanted the reception to be exciting and to stand out so I wanted to create something custom. In reception areas you need place for people to sit and gather so I designed this custom wall seating that has three booths in the middle and some fun circular bench options on the sides. Since there are modular furniture pieces for multiple people to sit, this custom wall was to focus on a single user. I felt this feature should stand out and be bold so I used all the colors from my color palette along with a spotted upholstery for the booth. There is also a blue glass wall scone in the booths to help draw attention to this seating area while also being beneficial for the user.

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analysis Lounging areas are important for this center. When researching I had read that communicating and sharing with people how have experienced similar trauma as you can actually help you heal faster because it is comforting to know you are not alone. I designed many lounge spaces throughout this center. The top 3D view is a lounge space on the second floor. On the right hand side of this image you can see a curved curtain wall; this shows that this lounge area can over-look the reception in the atrium. In all of the lounge spaces are custom lighting fixtures to make these areas have a custom element along with some celing drop downs to create some subtle intimcy. There are many different seating arrangements throughout: chairs, tables, private work areas sofas, poufs and some modular group furniture. The bottom image is an elevation of another lounge space; this show cases some sofas and private work spaces as it is important to again recognize that people may not ready to communicate or need to work privately. In the elevation you can see I have the logo in a large scale and also inverted on the other side to drive that branding around the center.

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analysis I only did one view of the therapy area because this view is a typical which means all the therapy rooms look this way. When thinking about therapy there might be some stereotypical ideas you have and I wanted to try and change those stereotypes. I wanted this space to feel fun and inviting and what better way to do that than having a large comfy couch and a unique style. There is also a glass coffee able with spheres on the bottom which ties back to concept and allows the space to feel more casual. There is also a circular rug and pendants that help ground the space. I did not end up including a desk for the therapist because I felt I wanted this space to seem less clinical. Also, by not having a desk for the therapist implies that the user is not there to see them but rather the therapist is there to see them. I designed a custom book shelf to hold any books, decoration items or the light therapy lamps. There are also ceiling drop downs to make the space feel more intimate. The bottom image is an elevation of the therapy corridor. I created a custom numbering system by using the colors from the logo and having it come down behind the door. The curve from that shape then plays into the door itself by becoming the frosted glass element. In this elevation it also showcases the elevator which has the logo on it to drive the branding throughout. Chloe Erickson - Women Focused Sexual Assault Center - Deisgn Manual




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analysis These images show the separate reception area I designed specifically for the clinic. As stated in my research I wanted the clinic to function separately from the rest of the space so it could work and function as a full clinic. I wanted some similarities between the main reception and the clinic reception. I used the same quartz for the desk itself and it has the same bubble chandeliers on each end but will be glowing in orange, these chandeliers signify large gathering spaces. I also went with multi-orb blue glass pendants to draw attention to the desk as well as tie back to concept. The desk also has two ADA counters for users who may need them. I felt the logo should also be placed at this reception just so the user knows they are still be treated within this center. The ceiling drop down also helps bring the users attention towards the desk so they know to go there. In the left hand corner of the 3D view you can also see the blue pathway guiding the user as well.

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Chloe Erickson - Women Focused Sexual Assault Center - Deisgn Manual

analysis The main part of the clinic is the exam rooms. All of the exam rooms are laid out the same. In the exam rooms I didn’t want it to feel like any other exam room. I wanted these women to come in and feel invited and safe. I think breaking the clinical feel really helps with that. I created some ceiling drop downs to make it more intimate and comfortable. I chose to opt out of doing a traditional exam table and chose to do an exam recliner from Nemschoff. The reasoning for this is I felt in the situation of being raped or sexually assaulted it is best or feel comfortable and relaxed rather than sitting on top of an exam table that really has no comforting properties. This way, with a recliner the patient can sit in any position they feel most comfortable the care giver can easily put them into a position as well. There is a floor change of light blue terrazzo to acknowledge where the doctor would be stationed in this area. The elevation at the bottom shows what the corridor of these exam rooms look like. There is a large number to easily identify along with the semicircle to tie it back to the logo but are done in blue to signify that you are I the clinic area. I also designed a custom door for the exam rooms that features a curved shape made from frosted glass so it ties back to concept while still having privacy. Chloe Erickson - Women Focused Sexual Assault Center - Deisgn Manual




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analysis This is the space where women would be able to have the option to take selfdefense classes so they can reconnect with society safely. I labeled it as a multi-purpose space because they could use the space for other events if needed. For this space, I did not want it to feel like a typical gym space, so to try and do this I added some circular ceiling drop downs the light up along with a blue spotted wall covering. I designed two semi-circle walls where one semi-circle has cubbies and the other has glass so people can sit behind safely and watch others. There are also some benches to rest and to set some belongings. On the curved wall are punching bags and on the floor is a wrestling mat; these will help with properly teaching these women how defend themselves.

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analysis I did some extra research in designing for the transgender community, and creating family style or gender neutral bathrooms can really help include their community. In my center, I wanted transwomen to be included and not feel singled out, so I created all family style restrooms along with this 3D view of a locker room that would house one person at a time but still having lockers available for use; this allows those who may be uncomfortable changing in front of others to change comfortably. Also having all family style restrooms that require no gender breaks the stigma of needing bathrooms to have a gender. I designed custom built in lockers that tie back it concept by being curved. I put a full body length mirror behind the sink for changing purposes, some may want to see their full body and how they look before they go out. I wanted this space to be a bathroom/ locker room you want to take pictures in because it looks that cool. I played a lot with color and some circular designs through out to bring my vision to life. The elevation at the bottom is a feature wall I designed with some seating to separate the blue clinic path from the orange multi-purpose path. There are some different kinds of single use furniture because this is near the reception area as well.

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analysis In the housing units, I wanted the people staying here to feel safe and comfortable. I created a circular opening for the bed to make this space unique while tying back to concept. On the other end of the bed in the circular opening there is shelving for clothing; shelving is recommended instead of a closet in this space so there are no hangers which could ultimately lead to self-harm. I wanted the bed to feel more enclosed to bring the sense of safety so I also added some ceiling drop downs to bring in that cozy feel. In rooms like this I think it can tend to feel small so I opted for more floor space by adding a circular wall mounted desk and simple stool. I also designed a ceiling drop down by the desk area to draw the user to use that space along with some lighting above to brighten up the room and to be able to see what you are working on. To make this space feel more like home I wanted to have the floor be entirely carpet to add comfort and acoustical properties. As previously stated, I also used the same blue carpet and wall covering from the therapy to tie the first and second floor together; the wall covering also give some visual interest.

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bathroom + SHowers

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analysis The top elevation shows the group style bathroom for the transitional housing. The bottom elevation shows the showers and laundry portion of the transitional housing. During my ideation sketcheds, I did many iterations of how I wanted this group style bathroom to be. The reasoning for a group style bathroom, in the transitional housing is mainly for safety so no one can lock themselves or other is the bathroom but also having this group style bathroom helps promote others to communicate and same goes for the showers. I chose to do a floating counter to allow for someone in a wheel chair to roll underneath. In between all of the sinks are thin dividers of frosted glass and the reason behind doing this is looking at yourself in the mirror after an assault can be very hard and I think that moment should be a little more private. Circular mirrors were chosen to once again tie back to concept. Next to the mirrors are the wall sconce blue glass versions of the ballroom pendant used through the center and I felt these sconces can tie the spaces together.

Now for the showers and laundry area. When designing this space I really needed to think of safety. I had to make the shower stalls quite high so the user cannot reach the top and end up harming themselves. There is a moveable stool for each showering stall because I think sometimes you may need to sit in the shower and having a free standing stool allows the user to be able to either sit in the water or to sit out of it. Blue colors are used for relaxation and to show this is a place of cleanliness. On the other side is the laundry along with some shelving to place any laundry accessories.

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Kitchen + Dining

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analysis When creating this community kitchen space I wanted it to feel more like a residential kitchen to make the users feel connected, comfortable and prompted to communicate with others when staying here. I did double of everything that would be in a normal sized kitchen to account for the amount of users such as two refrigerators, two stoves and two sinks. I did not include did not include any dishwashers and the reason for this is to promote communication between others by doing chore like activities such as washing dishes, which will help the healing process move along faster. On the back curved wall is custom designed glass shelving. I chose to do glass to tie back to the reveal part of my concept and chose to use shelving instead of top cabinets for easier access. There are also two large islands for people to gather round to any kitchen activities. For this design I wanted it to be intriguing so I used a lot of bright inviting colors and some circular shapes to tie back to the logo and orbital reveal. We also see the bubble chandelier again which is to signify large gathering spaces. The elevation is two show the custom circular entries to the dining area and the adjacency of the lounge area and the adjacency of the dining tables in the dining area. Chloe Erickson - Women Focused Sexual Assault Center - Deisgn Manual


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Booth detail

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analysis This is a section cut detail of custom booth seating I have in the reception area. I chose to do this as a detail because I felt like it was important to show that I am thinking about how this custom piece of furniture is actually being made. This also helped me when I was thinking how deep the wall needed to be in order to house a booth inside of it. A lot goes into designing a booth such as wood framing, wood supports, toe-kick, foam and upholstery. The colored bubbles on the right hand side corresponded with the bubbles on the left hand side and what the line is connected too.

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recpetion desk detail

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analysis Throughout my ideation sketches I did many iterations of what I wanted my reception desk to look like. I wanted this desk to be a statement piece, to be unique and represent orbital reveal as a whole. I ended up creating a 3D model in Revit and then decided to do a detail to show that this desk can be made. In the detail itself I felt it was not necessary to add all of the tiers of glass because its main focus is the desk and the glass circles. The exterior of the desk is quartz so wood framing and supports are needed to help hold the structure. When doing research I did a virtual site visit to a transitional housing center and they had stated to have protective glass for the receptionist safety so I chose to include that, but made it work in more unique way with glass circles and some openings in between them. The colored bubbles on the right hand side corresponded with the bubbles on the left hand side and what the line is connected too.

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Mini Model

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analysis Again throughout my ideations sketches I did many iterations of what I wanted my reception desk to look like. I wanted this desk to be a statement piece, to be unique and represent orbital reveal as a whole. I had created a 3D model in Revit and wanted to do a physical 3D model to see if physically in front of me. I did this model at a ¼” scale. The top thing tiers are suppose are in real life supposed to be made from glass along with the round chip board circles. The white material is modeling pulp board and this is easier to use for modeling rounded elements and it worked perfectly for creating the rounded desk and tiers. I did not use real glass. I did think about using a thin plastic but it did not hold so I just needed up using both chip board and modeling pulp board. I felt like doing a mini model would help me understand my design better and to see if it needed any changes. Overall I felt like it turned out really well and I took pictures from the front, right and left view.

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constrUCtion documents

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CIRCA DIEM, WOMENS FOCUSED SEXUAL ASSAULT CENTER 2854 Cordova St East, Anchorage, Alaska 99503



Bola Disc wall sconce / celing light

LED strip lights

Ballroom Pendant

Suspension Nebuleuse

Ballroom wall sconce

Custom Pendant



Recessed cans

The Frosted 25 Bubble Chandelier





















’ 11









13’ - 0” AFF






13’ - 0” AFF



11’ - 0” AFF

13’ - 0” AFF




ET2 Lighting Multi Orb Pendant 13

13’ - 0” AFF






13’ - 0” AFF

10’ - 5” AFF



12’ - 0” AFF 12’ - 0” AFF

12’ - 0” AFF

13’ - 0” AFF 12’ - 0” AFF

12’ - 0” AFF







13’ - 0” AFF













LED strip lights

Custom Pendant

Recessed cans ’-



0” A


F 2” A 8’ - F AF

- 0”






0” 9’ 13’



Bola Disc wall sconce / celing light



AFF ’-






Ballroom wall sconce


- 0”A

’ 11

-0” 12’


- 0”




’ 11





F ”A

- 0”







The Frosted 25 Bubble Chandelier


ET2 Lighting Multi Orb Pendant




Ballroom Pendant

Suspension Nebuleuse

Custom Pendant

0’ - 3” 1’ - 5” 3’ - 1/4”

3’ - 7 3/4”

2’ - 4”

10’ - 5 1/4”



PAINT, FEILD WALLS SHERWIN WILLIAMS- SuperPaint Interior Acrylic with Air Purifying Technology- SW 7004 PAINT, ACCENT WALL SHERWIN WILLIAMS- SuperPaint Interior Acrylic with Air Purifying Technology -SW 6641 Outgoing Orange


PAINT, ACCENT WALL SHERWIN WILLIAMS- SuperPaint Interior Acrylic with Air Purifying Technology- SW 6590 Loveable


PAINT, ACCENT WALL SHERWIN WILLIAMS- SuperPaint Interior Acrylic with Air Purifying Technology- SW 6521 Notable Hue


PAINT, ACCENT WALL SHERWIN WILLIAMS- SuperPaint Interior Acrylic with Air Purifying Technology- SW 2739 Charcoal Blue


WALL COVERING, ACCENT WALL SPOONFLOWER- Prepasted Removable Smooth Wallpaper #5315897 soft blue dots spots painted dot soft blue


WALL COVERING, ACCENT WALL SPOONFLOWER- Prepasted Removable Smooth Wallpaper #8255504 Baby blue watercolor stains


WALL COVERING, ACCENT WALL SPOONFLOWER- Prepasted Removable Smooth Wallpaper #5315897 Creative Dreams










TERRAZZO FIBONACCI STONE- Muse Collection Fatima’s Reflection




TERRAZZO CONCRETE COLLABORATIVE- rivi collection Alabaster large bp chip




TERRAZZO ALIBABA Custom terrazzo pink and blue

Windows GL1 KAWNEER516/518 Thermal Windows





PENNY TILE TILE DAILY- Porcelain Mosaic PM0019PK Penny Round





CARPET TILE INTERFACE- Shishu Stitch 106643 Indigo




GLASS KAWNEER- Interior Framing Trifab® 400 Framing System GLASS



156 Chloe Erickson - Women Focused Sexual Assault Center - Deisgn Manual

furniture specs

157 Chloe Erickson - Women Focused Sexual Assault Center - Deisgn Manual

s o-1 Quantity: 5 Location: Reception Item Name: Luizet Sofa- Designed by Luca Nichetto

Manufacturer: La Manufacture Model: 3 seats without pillows and 2 seats + top Dimensions: W2580xD890xH585mm W1770xD890xH820mm

Finish: Upholstery: Fabric or leather Top: Verde Marinace granite/Emperador Silver dark/Emperador Tundra/Red marble/Terrazzo Botticino marble or Noce Canaletto wood. Structure: Powder-coated metal, Cast aluminium legs

Description: Luizet is a modular sofa system that invites to combine together various elements by a distinctive geometry.An arched angular piece, a central square and a circular one, available both as a table and as a pouf, are the foundation for a variety of settings. Supported by a discrete and elegant metal frame, the three modules can be juxtaposed and mixed with the addition of cylindrical and rectangular cushions for the backrest.From a classic three seater sofa to a number of wider and more complex solutions.

s p-2 Quantity: 6 Location: Multi-Purpose Item Name: Nevatear Heavy Bag

Manufacturer: Everlast Model: 40 LB and 80 LB Dimensions: 40-lb bag approximately 28.5” in height with a 12.75” diameter; 80-lb bag approximately 40.5” in height with a 13.75” diameter

Finish: Synthetic Leather Description: Specially blended filler mix of sanitized synthetic and natural fibers provide resilient shock absorbency. Premium synthetic leather with reinforced webbing along with superior heavy bag construction provides long lasting durability and functionality. Heavy duty nylon straps provide security and safety, while the double end loop provides increased functionality.

co-4 Quantity: 5 Location: Clinic Exam Rooms Item Name: Prísto Recliner

Manufacturer: Nemschoff Model: PRTT-16FA Recliner Dimensions: W: 34.5 D: 41 / 79.25 H: 47.5 SW: 24.5 SH: 20.25

Finish: Silicone - Avail 8DC01 Snowcap Non-Woven Non PVC

Description: The Prísto Recliner provides a high level of comfort, style, and functionality. Its many optional accessories make it versatile enough for a variety of uses and settings. The independently operated back and footrest and optional fold-down arm enhance patient comfort, and the exceptional ease of use supports caregivers in their work.

s o -3 Quantity: 16 Location: Therapy Rooms Item Name: Cipria Fernando and Humberto Campana

Manufacturer: edra Model: CPR010 Dimensions: W7.22’ X H 4’ X D 3.74” Finish: Lacquered steel tube and multilayer wood panel. Padding in Gellyfoam® and Synthetic wadding. ecological fur covers Undercover in Polyester

Description: A sofa composed of nine structural cushions that resemble powder puffs attached to an invisible metal tube frame. Very comfortable thanks to the stuffing in Gellyfoam® and synthetic wadding. Thanks to the ecological fur covering, it is soft to the touch like a caress.

d s-4 Quantity: 14 Location: Transitional Housing Units Item Name: Multifunctional Pill by Dalius Razauskas

Manufacturer: Emko Model: MPWW Dimensions: 4.5 x 8 x 4 cm

Finish: MDF painted, lacquered, glossy 20% White plywood, edges oiled

Description: The Multifunctional Pill works great in the treatment against clutter and messy environments. The Pill is a round cabinet that works fixed to a wall and can instantly transform into a fully-functional working place, a dressing table, or even a bar! Attach it at standard table height, a bit higher or a bit lower – it’s your choice. The shelving system inside is designed with the idea to allow the user to change and adapt it easily: it can fit a laptop, standard files, catalogues, books or any other personal belongings. Furthermore, the Pill comes equipped with sockets and the option of integrating LED lights. The materials and the fittings used into manufacturing are providing a reliable desk transformation and tabletop stability. Pill suits perfectly to every kind of interior, enabling you to have a hidden space for your items.

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163 Chloe Erickson - Women Focused Sexual Assault Center - Deisgn Manual

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