Chor Leoni Portland Tour Program 2017

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Erick Lichte Artistic Director

Chor Leoni men’s choir May 5, 2017 7:30 pm | First United Methodist Church 1838 SW Jefferson St, Portland, Oregon | A benefit concert for First United Methodist Friends of Music 1


MANLANDIA CHORAL FESTIVAL Friday May 5, 2017 First United Methodist Church


HERITAGE SYMPHONIC MEN’S CHOIR Joel Karn, Conductor; Thomas Rheingans, accompanist

UNION HIGH SCHOOL – SELECT MEN’S ENSEMBLE Mikkel Iverson, Conductor; Lori Collier, accompanist

THE PORTLAND STATE MAN CHOIR Dr. Ethan Sperry & Allison Bassett, Conductors; Daniel Hughes, accompanist Jonas Nordwall, organist and special guests

CHOR LEONI MEN’S CHOIR Erick Lichte, Artistic Director Ken Cormier, pianist Chor Leoni Men’s Choir 949 West 49th Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Z 2T1 #Manlandia



PROGRAMME Camas High School Select Bass Choir Invictus Andrew Marshall Pilgrims’ Chorus (from Tannhäuser) Richard Wagner, arr. John Rutter Heritage Symphonic Men’s Choir Shenandoah arr. by Kevin A. Memley I’ve Been Everywhere Geoff Mack/arr. by Jay Althouse Union High School - Select Men’s Ensemble Exultate Deo Dan Davison Lament of a Fisherman’s Wife Vijay Singh Vive L’Amour arr. Robert Shaw/Alice Parker The Portland State Man Choir The Last Words of David Randall Thompson The Walls of Zion Aaron Copland Manlandia Mass Choir Laulja Veljo Tormis I N T E R M I SS I O N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Chor Leoni Men’s Choir O Kristus valgus oled sa Gunnar Idenstam Grim and glacial funeral waltzes Jaakko Mäntyjärvi Evening Song Nicholas Ryan Kelly Twelve O’Clock Chant riks Ešenvalds from Wandering Heart Incantatio maris aestuosi Veljo Tormis Vastalaulud Veljo Tormis 1. Vistel-vastel 2. Lina loitsimine 3. Liulaskmise-laul Loch Lomond Trad; arr. Jonathan Quick Bridge Over Troubled Water Paul Simon; arr. Miles Ramsay Manlandia Mass Choir We Rise Again Dubinsky , Macmillan

, arr. Stephen Smith

Canadian Composer or arranger recorded by chor leoni Canadian Choral Composition Competition (C/4) winner



Oh Kristus valgus oled sa Oh Kristus valgus oled sa sull’ pimedus on teadmata. Ja meie südant valgusta ja tõe teele juhata.

O Christ, you are the light You do not know darkness. Enlighten our hearts And lead us on the path of truth.

Kõik rasked uned kaota, et jääme ilma kahjuta. Ja keela lihahimustust ja kurja vaimu kiusatust.

All heavy dreams avert, That we shall not be harmed. Ban the earthly desires And the temptations of evil spirits.

Kui silmad läävad magama siis jäägu süda valvama. Meid kaitse oma käega ja patu köiest päästa ka.

When our eyes close in sleep Let the heart stand guard. Protect us with your hand And save us from the snares of sin.

Mind raskel ajal mäleta ka siis kui võitlen patuga. Mu kurba hinge rõõmusta oh Jeesus õnnistegija.

Think of me in dark times, Also when I battle with sin. Bring light to my saddened soul, O Jesus, my saviour.

Au olgu taeva isale, Au tema ainu pojale. Au Püha vaimul olgu ka nüüd järjesti ja lõpmata.

Glory to God in the highest, Glory to his only Son, Glory to the Holy Spirit, Now and forever.

Evening Song Sherwood Anderson

My song will rest while I rest. I struggle along. I’ll get back to the corn and the open fields. Don’t fret, love, I’ll come out all right. Back of Chicago the open fields. Were you ever there—trains coming toward you out of the West—streaks of light on the long gray plains? Many a song—aching to sing. I’ve got a gray and ragged brother in my breast—that’s a fact. Back of Chicago the open fields—long trains go west too—in the silence. Don’t fret, love. I’ll come out all right.



Twelve O’Clock Chant Leonard Cohen

from The Spice Box of Earth Hold me hard light, soft light hold me, Moonlight in your mountains fold me, Sunlight in your tall waves scald me, Ironlight in your wires shield me, Deathlight in your darkness wield me. In burlap bags the bankers sew me, In countries far the merchants sell me, In icy caves the princes throw me, In golden rooms the doctors geld me, In battlefields the hunters rule me. I will starve till prophets find me, I will bleed till angels bind me, Still I sing till churches blind me, Still I love till cog-wheels wind me. Hold me hard light, soft light hold me, Moonlight in your mountains fold me, Sunlight in your tall waves scald me, Ironlight in your wires shield me, Deathlight in your darkness wield me.

Chor leoni/Men’s Choir

Erick Lichte

ArTisTic DirecTOr

Manely/Fun June 19 & 26, 2017 2pm & 7:30pm BMO Mainstage tent at Bard On the Beach, Vanier Park, VancOuVer

TickeTs AVAiLABLe NOW! | 604.739.0559 5


Incantatio maris aestuosi (Incantation for a Stormy Sea) text: Kalevala, translated by Tuomo Pekkanen


Veni, Numen nunc in navem, in carinam, Deus clemens, adiuves ut virum parvum desque debili virtutem amploribus in aquis, in his fluctibus immensis! Vente, cunula carinam aqua, navem agitato, opem ferto remiganti, levamentum gubernanti, amplioribus in aquis, ubi pontus est apertus!

“Come aboard my ship, O Ukko, come with me, thou God of mercy, to protect thine ancient hero, to support thy trusting servant on the breasts of raging billows, on the far out-stretching waters. Rock, O winds, my magic vessel, homeward drive my ship, O billows; lend the rowers your assistance give the oarsmen easy labour on this vast expanse of water!”

Transit temporis momentum, interest haud longa mora. Iam supremus deus Ukko, ipse dominus aurarum, flatus iussit, ut afflarent, saevos ventos, ut saevirent. Surgunt flatus ad afflandum, turbines ad saeviendum. Zephyrus flat violenter, Caurus ventus vehementer, auster gravius anhelat, foede stridet subsolanus, eurus mugit malo more acer aquilo conspirat.

We have journeyed but a little, scarce a moment had passed over, when the King of all creators, mighty Ukko of the heavens, made the winds blow full of power, made the storms arise in fury, made them rage upon the waters. From the west the winds came roaring, from the north-east came in anger, winds came howling from the south-west; came the winds from all directions, in their fury, rolling, roaring.

Aqua, filium vetato, unda, natum prohibeto, Ahto, pelagus placato, aquae, Vellamo, catervas, ne liquores super latus, intra costas conspergantur! Surge, vente, caelum usque, pete nubila suprema, tuam stirpem, nationem, et orginem et ortum! Lintrem ligneam ne vertas, puppim pineam ne mergas!

“Sea, command thy warring forces, bid thy children cease their fury! Ahto, still thy surging billow! Sink, Vellamo, to thy slumber, that our boat may move in safety. Rise, ye storm-winds, to your kingdoms, lift your heads above the waters to the regions of your kindred, cut the trees within the forest, bend the lindens of the valley, let our vessel sail in safety!”



I. Vistel-vastel

I. Vistel-vastel

Täna on meil visteli, homme on meil vasteli, tunahomme tuhkapäeva. Vistel-vastel vennikene, Pistel-pastel poisikene.

Today is Shrove Monday, tomorrow is Shrove Tuesday, the day after Ash Wednesday, Vistel-Vastel my little lad, Pistel-Pastel my little fellow.

Ei vastel toassa istu, vastel vahib vaini’ulla, kükitab küla vahella, külmakinda’ad käessa külmakirjad kinnastessa, ootab liu laskijaida, kelgu peale istu jaida.

No, shrovetide does not sit indoors, it looks out over the meadow, Squats in between the village houses, wearing mittens of frost, frost patterns on the mittens, waiting for sliders and those sitting on their sleds.

Vastel laulab vaini’ulla: Linad saavad liulaskijalle, kelgu peale istujalle, ebemed eesvedajalle, takud taga, taga, taga, tõukajalle.

Shrovetide sings upon the meadow: Flax is given to the sliders, to those sitting on their sleds, fluffy down to those up front and pulling, tow to those pushing at the back.

Kes ei tule liugu laskma, Sel lined liguje jäägu, Seina äärde seenetagu, Aia alla hallitagu.

And to those who do not come sledding, may their flax stay soggy, and grow moldy by the wall, fungus grow against the fence.

II. Lina loitsimine

II. Spell upon Flax

Lääme liugu laskema, liugu, laugu. Meie lina liupiku, liugu, laugu. Küla lina küündrepiku, liugu, laugu. Valla lina vassapiku, liugu, laugu. Meie lina liupiku, liugu, laugu.

Let’s go sleighing, sliding down, liugu, laugu, May our flax grow long as sleigh tracks, liugu, laugu, Village flax let grow an ell’s worth, liugu, laugu, Parish flax let grow a span’s worth, liugu, laugu, May our flax grow long as sleigh tracks, liugu, laugu.

III. Liulaskmise-laul

III. Sledding Song

Livvelgeme, lavvelgeme, liuge, lauge! Nii pikäs meie lina, liuge, lauge, kui sii riitiikene, liuge, lauge, liuge, lauge, liuge, lauge eeh, aah, ooh!

Let us slide down, let us glide down, liuge, lauge! Then let our flax grow long as, liuge, lauge, long as sleigh runners’ sliding, liuge, lauge, Liuge, lauge, liuge, lauge eeh, aah, ooh!

Köstri lina küüvitsass, liuge, lauge, papi lina pajupiitsass, liuge, lauge, Livvelgeme, lavvelgeme, liuge, lauge!

Sexton’s flax to marsh heather, liuge, lauge, Parson’s flax to reed thin willow, liuge, lauge! Let us slide down, let us glide down, liuge, lauge! 7


Erick Lichte

chor leoni/men’s choir

ArTisTic DirEcTor

vanman male choral summit

April 6 & 7, 2018 QueeN eLizabeTh TheaTRe & ChaN CeNTRe FoR The PeRFoRMiNg aRTS VaNCouVeR, CaNaDa Sing with Chor Leoni and other men’s choirs during this two-day festival in gorgeous Vancouver, Canada. The VanMan Male Choral Summit celebrates the joy, power, and beauty of male choral music. $150 CDN Details & Registration:





ABOUT CHOR LEONI Known internationally and loved locally, CHOR LEONI MEN’S CHOIR is recognized as one of the world’s vanguard male vocal ensembles. With stylistic grace and an adventurous spirit, Vancouver’s Singing Lions have enriched and transformed people’s lives through singing for over twenty years. Aspiring to the highest professional standards, Chor Leoni performs annually to over 10,000 patrons and is one of the most active amateur choirs in North America. The ensemble has been honoured with many awards at the national and international level including five 1st place awards in the CBC National Radio Competition for Amateur Choirs. In July 2012, Chor Leoni won a dozen awards at the 51st Concorso Internazionale di Canto Corale “Seghizzi” (Italy), including 1st place trophies in the 19th and 20th Century categories, two Audience Favourite awards, and second place in the competition’s overall Grand Prix. Chor Leoni prides itself on its musical ambassadorship for Vancouver and Canada and has performed at major festivals and concert venues across Canada and the United States. Internationally, the choir has shared its music in Italy, Croatia, Bosnia, Germany, and the Czech Republic. Chor Leoni has been a champion of new music and has commissioned hundreds of pieces for male choir, ranging from pop and folksong arrangements to modern works. The ensemble has commissioned works by notable composers such as riks Ešenvalds, Bob Chilcott, Imant Raminsh, R. Murray Schafer, Stephen Chatman, Malcolm Forsyth, Bruce Sled, Jocelyn Morlock, and Steven Smith, among others. The choir’s inaugural Canadian Choral Composition Competition (C/4) in February attracted 36 entries from across Canada. Generously supported by



Erick Lichte Erick Lichte has carved out a distinct niche in the vocal music world and concert life in North America. The Washington Post has hailed the “audacity” of his programming, the Chicago Tribune has noted the “meticulous preparation” of his choirs and Fanfare Magazine declared that he created and helmed “the premier men’s vocal ensemble in the United States.” As a founding member, singer and Artistic Director of the male vocal ensemble Cantus, Lichte created and sustained one of only two full-time vocal ensembles in the United States. From 2000-2009, Lichte’s programming and artistic direction were heard in over 60 concerts a year and he has collaborated with artists such as Bobby McFerrin, the Boston Pops, The Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra, Doc Severinsen, Minnesota Orchestra. His work with Cantus garnered the 2009 Margaret Hillis Award for Choral Excellence, the highest honor for the professional choral organization Chorus America. As a choral conductor, Lichte has served as conductor for many professional, educational and amateur choral ensembles. In January of 2013, he began his tenure as Artistic Director of Chor Leoni Men’s Choir. Lichte is an active clinician and guest conductor, and is especially passionate in his work to get young men singing. He is the conductor of the Chancel Choir at Portland’s First United Methodist Church, and has conducted choirs at Portland State University, and Oregon Repertory Singers. Lichte is a published composer and arranger, especially known for his writing in All is Calm: The Christmas Truce of 1914 which has been taken on seven North American tours. Ken Cormier Ken Cormier is a pianist equally at home in the classical, pop, and jazz genres. Upon completion of his classical studies at the UBC School of Music, his professional career began with three seasons as repetiteur with Vancouver Opera. He then moved into the world of professional music theatre, first with the Livent Company, and more recently with Vancouver’s Arts Club, in whose productions he continues to work regularly as keyboardist, arranger, and musical director. Ken has been with Chor Leoni since 1998. He makes his home in Burnaby with his wife Lisa and their two wonderful children. Jonas Nordwall Portland native Jonas Nordwall is an internationally renown concert organist and recording artist performing in North America, Europe, Australia, China and Japan. For over 30 years he was with the Rodgers Organ Company as a factory artist, product designer and marketing executive. Nordwall was the organist for the Oregon Symphony Orchestra during Maestro James DePriest’’s tenure as conductor and has appeared as a soloist with many other West Coast symphony orchestras. He is a unique organist having experiences performing with classical and jazz greats of the latter 20th century plus playing for several movie scores. He is a graduate if the University of Portland where his organ studies were with Arthur Hitchcock. Additional studies were with Canadian virtuoso organist Frederick Geoghegan, American virtuoso Richard Ellsasser and organist composer Richard Purvis. For ten years Nordwall was the the Senior Staff Organist for Portland’s famous Organ Grinder Restaurant playing one of the world’s finest theatre pipe organs. He is celebrating his 47th year as organist for Portland’s First United Methodist Church and 17th year as the Artist Music Director. He currently is a consultant and artist for the Allen Organ Company. 10


MEMBERS OF CHOR LEONI First Tenors Corey Hollett Ken Hollett Shaun Jackman Bob Keyes Derek Kief Mark MacDonald Hyo Shim Peter Spira William Ting

Second Tenors Jordan Back Kevin Chiang Kyle Harland Bruce Hoffman Reid Howard Liam Kearns Jim Knight Marc Petrunia Ben Scoten John Wyness

Section Leaders Mark MacDonald, Byron Hanson, Greg Martin, Michael Soderling

Baritones Joseph Anthony James Carter Ian Farthing Doug Graeb Conor Graham Phil Jack Mike Jackman Peter Joosten Tom Kidd Paul Larocque Greg Martin Rob McAllister Greg Mohr Daniel Sheinin

Basses Paul Birch Lucas Brown Stash Bylicki Garth Edwards James Emery Ed Friesen Barry Honda Eric Kristensen David Love Chris Moore Bob Rankin Larry Smeets Michael Soderling Nick Van der Velden

Honorary Lifetime Members Christopher Gaze, o.b.c., m.s.m. Martha Lou Henley, c.m.

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Erick Lichte Artistic Director

CHAIR James Emery Vice-CHAIR Ted Chiasson Treasurer Marni Johnson Secretary Rod Locke MEMBERS AT LARGE Rick Bennett James Carter Mike Cavaletto Leanne Denis Fred Lee Peter Joosten Masato Oki Patricia Penner

STAFF Artistic Director: Erick Lichte General Manager: Stash Bylicki Production Manager: David Carpenter Manager of Marketing & Patron Relations: Bruce Hoffman Digital Media Producer: Phil Jack Archivist: Eric Kristensen Accompanist: Ken Cormier FOUNDER Diane Loomer, c.m. HONORARY PATRONS Judith Forst, o.c., o.b.c. Martha Lou Henley, c.m. Brett Polegato Wayne Riddell, c.m. Robert Sund Bramwell Tovey, o.c., o.m. Patrick Wedd



neW reCording

Chor Leoni / Wandering heart

Stars+ riks EšEnvalds

I Saw Eternity Paul MEalor

Wandering Heart * riks EšEnvalds/lEonard CohEn

Vespergesang Op.121 FElix MEndElssohn

Even When He Is Silent+ kiM andré arnEsEn

Sure on This Shining Night MortEn lauridsEn

$20 ea | 4 for $60

avaiLabLe today in the Lobby. 12

Yahrzeit* robErt Moran

Long Road+ riks EšEnvalds * World Premiere recording | + Male Choir World Premiere recording

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