VIS Annual Review

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VIS Annual Review 2011/12

Annual Review 2011/12 / New Facility - Lakeside Stadium, Albert Park.

Success in Sp



ort & Life.

Table of Contents / Cover - 2011 VIS Award of Excellence Recipient, Cadel Evans (Cycling).

Vision Statement Board Members CEO’s Report Chairman’s Message Minister’s Foreword Who We Are Organisational Chart VIS Award of Excellence World Champions Communications & Marketing Business Services Performance Services Performance Sports Aerial Skiing Athletics Cycling Diving Golf Gymnastics Hockey (Men’s) Hockey (Women’s) Netball Rowing Sailing Swimming Triathlon Water Polo Individual Scholarships Talent Transfer Index of Athletes Sponsors

4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 22 23 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 56 57 59 ANNUAL REVIEW


CEO’s Report Vision Statement / New Facility - Lakeside Stadium, Albert Park.

To be the leading provider of high performance sports programs for talented athletes, enabling them to achieve national and international success.



VIS Board Members

Kate Palmer

PROF. Mark Hargreaves

Ian Fullagar

ASSOC PROF. John Saunders

Ray Wilson

Tim Lane

Julie Sarll

Kathy McLean



CEO’s Report Anne Marie Harrison - CEO, Victorian Institute of Sport THIS Review sees us reporting from our new home at Lakeside Stadium. The transition for our athletes into their new training, preparation and recovery gym has gone remarkably well and they have voted with their feet; enjoying the new and improved equipment and the flexibility having our own home brings. STAFF: Deirdre Boyd, Executive Assistant

For world class athletes, traditional training is no longer enough. To go from great to the best in the world, it’s now essential to optimise every bit of performance, even if the gain is just a hundredth of a second. My thanks are expressed to all who assisted us with the planning, negotiating and relocation. It has at times been a struggle, however our fierce determination and full support of the Board has meant we have secured a great outcome for our athletes and staff. I would also like to acknowledge and thank Brian Morris and his team at MOPT as our former landlords for their support and assistance over nine years. Our new strategic plan, building on the successful formula of the past 21 years and capturing the elements of what will be required to be successful into the future, was implemented throughout the year. In our key areas of; athlete performance, including performing on the world stage, building our profile and revenue, and talent identification and development, we have made progress and reported favourably. However there is always more to be done and we will look to improving further on these in the next four years. For so many of our athletes this has been a year of consolidation, preparation and qualification as they strove for selection to the London Olympic and Paralympic Games. At the time of writing this report the outcomes were promising with 61 VIS athletes named in the Australian Olympic Team and 30 in the Australian Paralympic Team, thus achieving our representation target of 15%. However the year also saw 13 VIS athletes win 12 World Championships across six sports. This was made up of six senior world championships, four world championships by elite athletes with a disability and two junior



world championships, along with of course, the wonderful achievement of long term scholarship holder Cadel Evans in winning the Tour de France in July 2011. Sadly the year saw the passing of our inaugural Executive Director Dr Frank Pyke. A doyen of sport science and a prolific writer with a passionate commitment to athletes achieving success in sport and life, Frank passed away shortly after being diagnosed with motor neurone disease. To so many across Australian & international sport, Frank was a friend, mentor, wise counsellor, golf buddy, esteemed colleague, and just an all-round good man. To quote one of our greatest athletes; he was one of the best in all facets of life. On the national front we have welcomed Simon Hollingsworth as the CEO of the ASC and Matt Favier as Director of the AIS. It is appropriate to acknowledge the contribution of Prof Peter Fricker for his 30 years of contribution to the Australian sporting system and sincerely thank him for his commitment and dedication to athletes. The new leadership provides a further opportunity for the National Institute Network and NSO’s to examine what we do, why and how; with an eye on the future game and improving the margins for success. I appreciate and acknowledge the wisdom and support of my SIS/SAS/AIS colleagues as we strive to achieve medal success for Australia. The VIS farewelled long term Triathlon Head Coach Jono Hall who was appointed as the Head Coach for the USA; testament to his regard and international recognition and a disappointing loss to Australia. I also recognise two staff members who this year reached 10 years of service; Head Rowing Coach Chris O’Brien and ACE Coordinator Bernadette Sierakowski, as well as Performance Services

Manager Paul Kiteley who completed 15 years. All have made fantastic contributions to our athletes and the VIS more generally. Our business is all about partnerships and I am pleased that we have forged a positive one with our Minister for Sport, the Hon Hugh Delahunty, and thank him for his passion and interest in sport. More broadly through SRV we work with Dr Peter Hertan and Grant Cosgriff; their advice and support is also appreciated. Furthermore National and State Sporting organisations are critical in providing leadership, pathways and support to our programs which are implemented on their behalf. Sometimes this requires tough conversations to take place and I believe we manage this in a frank and open style to enable a good outcome. I am privileged to work with quality talented staff who require no additional motivation other than they relish the opportunity to work with our fantastic athletes and go about their task professionally every day. The VIS Board provides wisdom and guidance throughout the year and in particular, our Chairman Kate Palmer, who balances the demands of being a CEO in a national sporting organisation with the commitment and ad hoc requirements of being the leader of a high performance organisation and the many challenges that can produce. My thanks and appreciation to you all for your contribution. Our focus now turns to Sochi and Glasgow in 2014, Netball World Championships in Sydney in 2015 and Rio 2016 (with golf on the program), together with supporting all athletes to perform at their benchmark events. The business of the VIS never takes a break and we love that balance of enjoying current success and preparing for the next challenge.

I am privileged to work with quality, talented staff who require no additional motivation other than they relish the opportunity to work with our fantastic athletes and go about their task professionally every day.

/ New Facility - Lakeside Stadium, Albert Park. ANNUAL REVIEW


CEO’s ReportMessage Chairman’s Kate Palmer - Chairman, Victorian Institute of Sport IT was a year of triumph as we watched Victorian Institute of Sport athlete Cadel Evans win the 2011 Tour de France, of satisfaction and new beginnings when we moved into our new home, of acute sadness when our founding CEO Frank Pyke passed away and of anticipation as our athletes moved into the final stages of preparation for the Olympics and Paralympics.

On Monday, 20 February 2012 the Victorian Institute of Sport Board, management and athletes welcomed representatives from government, sport, media and the education sector to the new home of the Victorian Institute of Sport. In declaring the facility open, the Honourable Hugh Delahunty, Minister for Sport and Recreation and Minister for Veterans Affairs acknowledged the important role the Institute plays in Victorian sport. It is a credit to the Baillieu government for picking up on the vision and their foresight in getting right behind the project, investing significant time and money into not only meeting the expectations of the VIS but exceeding these and delivering what we see today: a world class facility that houses the latest technology and equipment which delivers an environment for our athletes to maximise their training, enhance their recovery and be well supported by coaches, sport science and sports medicine and career development. An army of people worked on the project and I would like to make special mention of CEO Anne Marie Harrison, Business Manager Jim Dean and Physical Preparation Co-ordinator Harry Brennan and all other VIS staff and athletes who worked to ensure every single detail was addressed and every question asked. Thank you to Dr Peter Hertan, Deputy Secretary, Sport and Recreation Victoria and his team at Sport and Recreation Victoria for their commitment to delivering a great outcome for the VIS but also for their ongoing support and guidance. Thank you to Major Projects Victoria led by Diana Zappacosta and Sheree Gome who have



certainly achieved their mission to deliver a unique facility that enhances the Victorian community. Congratulations to Tim Hurburgh and Alison Binks, architects from H2O, for managing to retain the beauty of the heritage building while creating a high performance environment, and to Watpac Construction for translating these designs into a facility that works. I would also like to acknowledge the former Chairman Steve Moneghetti and all VIS Directors for their passion and commitment to maximising the opportunity for the VIS over this four year journey. The new facility provides the VIS with the flexibility to achieve the strategic priority to commercialise services and programs. This priority is delivered in a range of ways including its use by visiting National squads and teams for their preparation and recovery for major events and competitions. This strategy will continue to evolve through the creativity and innovations of the sport science team. Another critical priority for the organisation is our active discussions with Minister Delahunty to seek continued and enhanced investment in the VIS to ensure that Victorian athletes are given every opportunity to represent Australia and succeed on the international stage. The sustainability of some of the most successful programs such as talent transfer, future talent, sport science and critical investment in equipment, technology and international training camps and competition is questionable without additional government funding. Central to this organisation are athletes. In 2012, 100 athletes from 25 sports disciplines completed their long and arduous

preparation for the London Olympic and Paralympic Games. The commitment of these athletes, their National and State Sport Organisations, coaches and athlete support personnel was first class. They represent their State and Nation with pride. It is with enormous sadness that we reflect on the passing of Dr Frank Pyke. Frank’s legacy will live on in the Institute through a culture focused on success in both sport and life, and passion for lifelong learning. Our thoughts are with Frank’s family and friends. Congratulations to CEO Anne Marie Harrison and her management team for leading the organisation so capably. The organisation is fortunate to have such a capable and committed workforce who go above and beyond and always keep the athletes central to their purpose. I would like to thank my fellow Directors for their ongoing commitment to the organisation.

Minister’s Foreword Hugh Delahunty MP, Minister for Sport & Recreation 2011/12 has been a fantastic year of Victorian sporting achievement.

From Cadel Evans’ spectacular Tour de France victory, one of the greatest athletic performances in Australian sporting history, to world championship performances by Matt Targett (Swimming), Shane Perkins (Cycling) and Jamie McDonald (Water Skiing); there is no doubt the past 12 months have been a groundbreaking period for the Victorian Institute of Sport. In February I had the pleasure of officially opening the new VIS headquarters at Albert Park. The state-of-the-art facility provides the environment, equipment and technology Victorian athletes need to compete and succeed at the highest level. The Victorian Government was delighted to deliver such an impressive new building as part of the $67million

redevelopment of Lakeside Stadium.

selected to represent Australia at the Games in London!

In the lead up to the Olympic and Paralympic Games, Victoria’s elite athletes have embraced the new facility in their final preparations for London. The road to Olympic and Paralympic selection was long and hard with many heated contests as our athletes battled it out to gain selection for the National team. In the end, 61 VIS athletes were selected for the Olympic team, testament to the high quality of coaching and support provided by the VIS. A further 30 athletes were selected to represent Australia at the London Paralympics, a reflection of the fact that 16 per cent of VIS scholarship holders are athletes with a disability. Congratulations to all of our athletes on being

I’m proud to say the Victorian Government has been a key supporter of our elite athletes through our continued investment in the VIS, to produce sporting excellence. Finally I’d like to congratulate the Victorian Institute of Sport on another fantastic year. Well done on all your hard work and commitment to furthering elite sport in the great State of Victoria. I look forward to continuing to support our elite athletes, coaches and officials in 2012/13 in pursuit of sporting excellence on the world stage.

There is no doubt the past 12 months have been a groundbreaking period for the Victorian Institute of Sport.



Who We Are THE Victorian Institute of Sport (VIS) was set up to assist the development of Victoria’s best athletes. It was established in 1990 by the State Government as a private trustee company, with its Board of Directors appointed by the Victorian Minister of Sport.

FUNDING The State Government provides funding through Sport and Recreation Victoria and the Commonwealth Government provides funding through the Australian Sports Commission and National Sporting Organisations. More than thirty corporate sponsors also support the VIS.

PREMISES In December 2011 the VIS relocated into the newly refurbished Grandstand at Lakeside Stadium, Albert Park, Melbourne, providing VIS athletes with a state of the art facility all their own. The facility encompasses a training gym, indoor running track, sprung floor, pool and recovery facilities, sport science laboratories, treatment rooms and offices.

VIS SPORTS & SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAMS VIS programs provide Victoria’s elite athletes with access to advanced and specialised coaching, sport science and sports medicine services, career and education advice, and training and competition support. This support is available through Tier 1 programs, and by offering scholarships directly to individual athletes.

TALENT TRANSFER The VIS is leading the sports industry in Australia with the introduction of a Talent Transfer Program (TTP). The program complements existing talent identification and development pathways, targeting athletes who have the potential to transfer from one sport to another, providing

/ Cycling - Lisa Jacobs. 10 |


them with a ‘second chance’ in another sport.

TIER 1 PROGRAMS Tier 1 sports programs have tenure with the VIS of up to four years. They are coordinated by a full time coach or program manager. Eligible athletes are offered annual scholarships on the basis of recommendations from their sport and have access to all program services. Tier 1 programs include aerial skiing, athletics (track & field), cycling, diving, golf, gymnastics (women’s), men’s and women’s hockey, netball, rowing, sailing, swimming, triathlon and water polo.

INDIVIDUAL ATHLETE SCHOLARSHIPS Support through the individual athlete scholarship program is offered annually to athletes from sports which do not have a Tier 1 program. Assistance is also offered to elite athletes with a disability. Successful VIS athletes with an individual scholarship have come from a wide variety of sports such as canoeing, shooting, snowboarding, softball, synchronised swimming and taekwondo.

for future Olympic, Paralympic and Commonwealth Games and support and “fast track” their development. The program has already achieved success with young shooter Alethea Sedgman winning gold at the Commonwealth Games and being selected in the 2012 Olympic team.

VISION To be the leading provider of high performance sports programs for talented athletes, enabling them to achieve national and international success.

MISSION To provide an environment in which talented Victorian athletes have the opportunity to excel in sport and life.

VIS ASPIRATIONS The aspirations of the VIS are: - All our athletes are world class - We understand what makes each athlete perform at their best - We are the “go to” place for high performance sport in Victoria - VIS and VIS athletes are well recognised brands in the hearts and minds of Victorians



The VIS acknowledges the financial support of the Australian Sports Commission for National Training Centre programs, and the Australian Olympic Committee for its endorsement of Olympic Training Centres.

At the VIS we value:

2012 & BEYOND The aim of the 2012 & Beyond Scholarship Program, re-named the Future Talent Program, is to identify medal potential athletes

Excellence Collaboration Integrity Passion Teamwork Creativity Respect Commitment

MOTTO “Success in Sport and Life”

Organisational Chart Board of Directors Chief Executive Officer Executive Administrator

Communications & Marketing Manager

Business Manager

Marketing & Media Coordinator Marketing & Community Projects Coordinator

Performance Services Manager

Performance Manager

Head Coaches/ Program Managers

Performance Services Coordinator

Receptionist Sports Medicine Coordinator

Performance Coordinator Sports Medicine Consultants (x3) Performance Administrator Sports Science Coordinator Talent Transfer Coordinator Sports Scientists (x4)

IT Manager

Physical Preparation Coordinator

IT Technician Information Services Officer Business Services Coordinator

ACE Coordinator

Physical Preparation Coaches (x4)

ACE Advisors (x2)

Administration Assistant Facility Operations Coordinator

Note: As of June 2012. ANNUAL REVIEW

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VIS Award of Excellence

EACH year the VIS holds its Award of Excellence function at which five main awards are presented; in addition, a Coach Award is presented to one athlete from every Tier 1 sport. The main awards are: the Award of Excellence, 2XU Youth Award, Gatorade Spirit Award, William Angliss Institute Athlete Career and Education Award and the Musashi Elite Athlete with a Disability Award. / Pictured left to right: Dale Stevenson with Jeff Riseley and Jordan Williamsz, MC - Nicole Stevenson, Katya Crema, The Hon Hugh Delahunty - Minister for Sport & Recreation, Rowie Webster & VIS CEO, Anne Marie Harrison. 12 |





Aerial Skiing - Tayla Dinuccio

2011 Award of Excellence Cadel Evans (Cycling)

Athletics - Kelly Cartwright

2011 2XU Youth Award Jack Cummings and Alex Morgan (Cycling)

Diving - Darcy Taylor

1991 Robert Allenby (Golf) 1992 Peter Antonie (Rowing) 1993 Danielle Woodward (Canoeing) 1994 Steve Moneghetti (Athletics) 1995 Daniel Kowalski (Swimming) 1996 Oarsome Foursome (Rowing) 1997 Catherine Freeman (Track & Field) 1998 Sarah Fitz-Gerald (Squash) 1999 Catherine Freeman (Track & Field) 2000 Catherine Freeman (Track & Field), Aaron Baddeley (Golf), Tom King & Mark Turnbull (Sailing) 2001 Matt Welsh (Swimming) 2002 Sarah Fitz-Gerald (Squash) 2003 Alisa Camplin (Aerial Skiing) 2004 James Tomkins & Drew Ginn (Rowing) 2005 Katie Mactier (Cycling) 2006 Glenn Ashby (Sailing) 2007 Cadel Evans (Cycling) 2008 Leisel Jones (Swimming) 2009 Leigh Howard (Cycling) 2010 Lydia Lassila (Aerial Skiing)

2011 Gatorade Spirit Award Mary-Anne Monckton (Gymnastics)

Cycling - Shane Perkins Golf - Nathan Holman Gymnastics - Ashleigh Brennan Hockey Men’s - Daniel Mirecki

2011 Musashi Elite Athlete with a Disability Award Jamie McDonald (Water Skiing)

Hockey Women’s - Stacia Joseph

2011 William Angliss Ace Award Katya Crema (Ski Cross)

Sailing - James Sly & Tom Dwyer

Netball - Madison Browne Rowing - David Webster Swimming - Matthew Targett Triathlon - Brendan Sexton Water Polo - Rowie Webster

VIS World Champions 2011/12 12 World Championships, won by 13 athletes, across 6 sports.






Julie Corletto



Jul 2011


Matt Targett



Jul 2011

4 x 100m Freestyle Relay

Jamie McDonald

Water Skiing


Aug 2011


Jamie McDonald

Water Skiing


Aug 2011


Jamie McDonald

Water Skiing


Aug 2011

Overall Champion

Alex Morgan & Jack Cummings



Aug 2011

Team Pursuit

Jaron Gardiner



Aug 2011

1 Km Time Trial

Leanne Guinea

Canoe Slalom


Sep 2011

C1 Team

Karsten Forsterling



Sep 2011

Men’s Quad Scull

Tom Bertrand, Nick Baker & David Webster



Sep 2011

Lightweight Men’s Eight

Michael Gallagher



Feb 2012

4000m Individual Pursuit C5

Shane Perkins



Apr 2012

Team Sprint

/ Swimming World Champion - Matthew Targett. ANNUAL REVIEW

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Communications & Marketing THE Communications and Marketing department is responsible for delivering promotional, sponsorship, marketing, media, internal and external communications, event management, social media, website and digital services to VIS management and staff, sports, coaches, athletes and external stakeholders such as sponsors, government agencies and the media. Another major component of the marketing team is the VIS involvement at a community level, inspiring both primary and secondary school students and conducting tours of the VIS facility. Like us Follow us @VicInstSport

KEY ACHIEVEMENTS: Events The VIS held a number of significant events during the year, including the press conference following Cadel Evan’s Tour de France win, the 2011 Award of Excellence, the Official Opening of the new VIS facility at Lakeside Stadium and the launch of the Coles Sports for Schools 2012 program. The Tour de France winning press conference was held in August 2011 and was recognised as a coup for the VIS as the event attracted unprecedented media coverage and support. The second VIS Award of Excellence for 2011 was held in November at the Palladium at Crown - it was the first time the event had been held at the end of the year so all athletes were able to celebrate a break from their hard work at the end of a busy year. The night was a huge success and brought together staff, athletes and key stakeholders. The VIS moved into its new accommodation in the restored 1926 heritage grandstand at Lakeside Stadium in Albert Park. Our new home was officially opened by the Minister for Sport and Recreation, Hugh Delahunty in February 2012. In late May, Coles launched its National “Sports for Schools” campaign at the VIS. The event began early with live crosses to The TODAY Show on Channel 9 and provided a select group of children with the opportunity to meet some decorated VIS champions and participate in light sport-related activities.

/ Opposite, clockwise from top left: Coles Sports for Schools featuring Chef Curtis Stone with the VIS’ Jana Pittman, Matthew Targett & Dale Stevenson; Olympian Catherine Freeman; Rowie Webster inspiring students in the school community; media & pictorial extract. 14 |


Former VIS Award of Excellence winner Catherine Freeman attended and brought along her very special Gold Medal from the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games. The exposure gained from the event was invaluable to the VIS.

COMMUNICATIONS: Publications Two Pinnacle magazines were produced during the reporting period (November 2011 and April 2012). In both editions the majority of the content was

written by current or former VIS athletes and provided insights into their preparation for World Championships, London Olympic or Paralympic qualification and behind the scenes information about the daily workings of the VIS. The team continues to distribute the weekly Sports Express e-newsletter which provides subscribers with results across all sports and serves as a valuable reference tool for media and stakeholders. The content of recent editions has contained strategic linkages between the e-newsletter and the VIS website. These linkages have helped to increase the number of returning visitors to the VIS website by almost 10%. The VIS website underwent considerable changes designed to give visitors better access to up to date news and information about the organisation. The new site has improved features and functionality which enables visitors far greater interactivity to find information quickly and efficiently.

Social Media The VIS social media channels have changed the way people discover, consume and share information about the organisation and our athletes. With several content updates daily, the VIS Twitter and Facebook platforms have enabled people worldwide to connect and communicate with the organisation in an innovative way. During the reporting period, followers of the VIS Facebook page alone have increased by 720 to 1257.

VIS TV VIS TV, the dedicated official channel for the Victorian Institute of Sport, was launched in March 2012. The online television channel is a source of on demand content to stakeholders and supporters which includes exclusive behind the scenes footage from the VIS such as interviews with staff and athletes and competition previews and extended highlights.

Olympic/Paralympic Communications Plan With a captive audience of billions, the London 2012 Games provided the VIS with a unique opportunity to gain visibility amongst a worldwide audience. The marketing team

launched an Olympic/Paralympic Communications Plan in late March 2012 to capitalise on this opportunity. The plan was built on a three-phased approach which saw the team proactively work to strengthen media and partner relationships to raise the profile of VIS athletes and enhance awareness of the VIS brand. The world’s biggest sporting event will generate incredible media exposure and branding opportunities for the VIS that will spread from now until well beyond the closing ceremony.

SPONSORSHIP: The VIS greatly values financial and in-kind contributions from its sponsors and supporters. Without this, VIS athletes would not be able to prepare, compete and effectively recover for State, National and international competition. We continue to enjoy partnerships with Gatorade, Musashi, Swisse, Ambulance Victoria, 2XU, Sykes Racing, William Angliss Institute, AMCO, Titleist, Jayco, Wizard Training, Valley Computer Solutions, Events Worldwide, Barrett Consulting and of course, the Australian Sports Commission, the Government, through Sport & Recreation and the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, together with our National and State Sporting Organisations. These organisations make it possible for our athletes to compete at an elite level. As a result of our move to Lakeside Stadium, we have been able to secure a sponsorship with the South Melbourne Market which has been well received by our athletes. In return for the market’s generosity, the VIS will assist with the promotion of the freshness and convenience of market shopping. We look forward to continuing these alliances and working together with our partners to leverage their VIS involvement in accordance with set promotional strategies and targets.

COMMUNITY: Community Programs Our community programs have proven particularly popular in the lead up to the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games;

so much so we have had to limit access to our SPORT crew program to ensure we were able to reach as many schools as possible. SPORT crew is free to Government schools with approximately 190 athlete bookings available during a calendar year. Where possible we provided our athletes with multiple bookings prior to their London Olympic or Paralympic qualification, which offered them some financial security as they finalised their preparation for London. Interest in VIS Tours and our Athlete Speakers Program was higher in 2012 than the final six months of 2011. For example we conducted 75 VIS Tours in calendar year 2011, but in comparison we took 58 VIS Tour bookings in just the first six months of 2012. We have sought to promote the VIS as a “Tour destination” by offering a free return visit under the SPORT crew program to any school which makes the trip in to Albert Park. Moving into our exciting new premises has sparked renewed school interest.

School Visits In the last six months of the reporting period we reached out to schools in the Numurkah region which had suffered severe flooding and also sent athletes to Gippsland because the region has been overdue for SPORT crew visits. During April we helped with the Premiers Active Families Challenge by sending our athletes to a dozen primary schools in Melbourne and regional Victoria. In raw figures VIS athletes had spoken to nearly 3,000 Victorian school children by midyear and shown more than 1500 students through our marvellous facility.

Case Study - Monbulk Primary School This school, situated on Melbourne’s south eastern outskirts, best highlights the benefits which Government schools can accrue by working closely with the VIS. Olympic water polo players Rowena Webster and Sam McGregor visited Monbulk in April and were a huge hit with the children. Local media ran a story about the visit and we received strong feedback from the school itself. Monbulk children will

closely follow Rowie and Sam’s fortunes in London. In return we were able to offer Monbulk an opportunity to contribute to the Coles Sports for Schools Launch at the Lakeside Stadium which was televised live on Channel Nine’s Today show. More than 50 Monbulk children travelled by bus to the VIS and took part in a mini-Olympics with some of their sporting heroes, including former VIS scholarship holder Catherine Freeman. This was a huge thrill for the children and led to more media coverage for the VIS.

PROFILE: Our New Facility at Lakeside Stadium Our new facility represents one of the best examples of ‘architectural marriage’ in Australia with buildings from different centuries merging in a spectacular relationship that is as functional as it is handsome. The move has provided the Communications and Marketing team with a wealth of opportunities to promote our truly world class venue enabling us to raise the profile of our athletes

and enhance awareness of the VIS brand in Victoria, Australia and internationally. Schools which have previously toured the VIS facility have had an excuse to return, while those that have not yet toured will now benefit from a more state of the art experience. The media has utilised the facility to conduct interviews and for film and photography opportunities, particularly in the lead up to the London 2012 Games, which has helped to reinforce the organisation’s position as the media’s ‘go to’ place in Victoria. As we settle in to the new facility, we look forward to establishing ourselves as Australia’s premier sporting Institute.

STAFF: Mandy Passmore, Communications & Marketing Manager Rick Wall, Marketing & Community Projects Coordinator Lisa Szatsznajder, Marketing & Media Coordinator (to February 2012) Ashley Carr, Marketing & Media Coordinator (from March 2012)


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Business Services THE Business Services team is responsible for the provision of VIS corporate services, including: finance and accounting, human resource administration, information technology management, facility management, travel co-ordination, asset management, pay-roll, purchasing, corporate clothing, information services and general office administration.

BUSINESS TEAM James Dean, Business Manager Mark Schnabl, Information & Technology Manager Jake Rozen, IT Technician (to January) Satyam Bisen, IT Technician (from June) June Bradley, Information Services Officer Janeen Ayling, Facility Operations Coordinator Jing Ren, Business Services Coordinator (to January 2012) Carissa Fuss, Accounts Payable Officer Kirsten Jackman, Travel Consultant

Office relocation After much planning, design and preparation, the VIS finally relocated in December 2011 to our new home at Lakeside Stadium, Albert Park. Our new facilities have been enthusiastically embraced by our athletes and staff alike. The opportunity to singularly occupy our own building has been of enormous benefit already and we are most grateful to the Victorian Government for making this possible.

The ‘Green Team’ Our new building offers many opportunities for the VIS to reduce our carbon footprint. Some of the new initiatives include sensor lighting and air conditioning

/ Athletics - Kaila McKnight and Zoe Buckman. 16 |


controls, solar heated hot water, recycled water for toilets and reclaimed water from the roof going into the Albert Park lake.

Facility Management Whilst a significant amount of work has gone into the settling in period over the first seven months, the VIS continues to ensure the safe and effective operation of the offices and training/recovery areas of our facility. Usage of our training facility and recovery centre continues to grow with the number of athlete visits at an all time high. We continue to focus on targeted squad based training as well as hosting athletes from across the Sports Institute network, as well as occasional visits from national and international teams and individuals.

Information & Communication Technology & Services Over the past 12 months the focus has been on upgrading our services and standardised operating system to enhance the user experience. To this end we upgraded our server hardware and software and continued to provide and support a comprehensive suite of information, telecommunication and audiovisual (AV) systems and services. These include the computer network, email, telephone, fax, unified messaging,

internet, extranet, database, remote access, AV presentation and recording. The Information Centre services include access to a library of books, journals (both electronic and paper) as well as literature searches, interlibrary loans and document delivery, advice on copyright and database maintenance and support.

Travel Services Our partnership with travel and tourism agency Events Worldwide continues for the provision of inhouse travel consultancy services. This arrangement continues to provide our athletes and staff with the best possible access to a comprehensive range of travel services.

Consultant Services Professional consultants are engaged as required. Our legal services are provided by Lander and Rogers and insurance is arranged by the Victorian Managed Insurance Authority. Our external audit services are conducted by the Victorian AuditorGeneral’s Office. Valley Computer Solutions and Auzpac Information Services continue to provide IT hardware and support under our preferred supplier/sponsorship arrangements.

Performance Services PERFORMANCE SERVICES THE Performance Services team incorporates exceptional knowledge and expertise from full time staff and specialist consultants from Sports Medicine, Sport Science, Physical Preparation, Athlete Career and Education (ACE), Nutrition and Psychology. The move to our excellent new headquarters at Lakeside Stadium has been enthusiastically embraced by our athletes and coaches and has enhanced our reputation as an Institute providing a world class daily training environment.

PERFORMANCE SERVICES STAFF Paul Kiteley, (Performance Services Manager) Nerissa Byrne, (Performance Services Coordinator) Kelly Cartwright, (Receptionist) Mathew Gay, (Receptionist) Melissa Tapper, (Receptionist) Rowena Webster, (Receptionist)


THE VIS motto Success in Sport and Life reflects the philosophy of the Athlete Career and Education Program. The Program aims to assist athletes to plan for life, during and after their high performance sporting lifestyle, by adopting a holistic approach. Working on a one-to-one basis the role of the ACE Program is to help athletes achieve optimal sporting performance alongside life management and the pursuit of their educational and vocational aspirations. The ACE program provides career counselling and planning, educational guidance and information, employment preparation, personal development training courses, access to career referral networks and ongoing transitional support. Online services are available along with access to a range of tools and resources.

KEY ACHIEVEMENTS: The major focus of our work this year has been supporting Londonbound Olympic and Paralympic athletes. We have communicated with all campaign athletes, including those selected and not selected, and offered support on their journey.

We have established a number of strategic partnerships with key stakeholders; - Open Universities Australia “Open for Success” sponsorship, for athletes’ study

staff enabling greater work based flexibility and efficiency - Development of UBALANCER Tool application, a sporting commitments analysis tool for use with athletes

- Gymnastics Schools Partnerships: Lauriston Girls College, Melbourne Girls College, Mt Waverley Secondary College and Wesley College, along with a MOU with Stonnington Primary School

- Trial of Visual Coaching Pro with the Vixens Netball program for weekly monitoring of athletes

- Full activation of the Elite Athlete Friendly University Program: engagement of representatives from Melbourne, Monash, RMIT, Latrobe, ACU, Deakin, Victoria and Swinburne Universities

We have provided Professional Development opportunities for athletes, by way of:

- Australian Institute of Fitness: Scholarships in Certificate Courses in Fitness and Massage - AOC & ADECCO Olympic Athlete Employment Program: Pilot Program - Maribyrnong Sports SchoolAdvisory committee and consultancy support - Racing Victoria: Jockey support Program (Apprentices & Jockey Transition support) - V Squad: Consultancy to junior footballers - personal development workshop program - Football Federation of Australia: Player services to Melbourne Heart Football Club - Support and event preparation for community education program “Young Women in Sport Afternoon Tea” - Funding support from the Victorian Golf Foundation to facilitate the Certificate III in Sport for Golfers and the establishment of an alliance with the RTO Professional Golf Association of Victoria During this period we have engaged in a number of research projects and innovations: - Production of a ten minute DVD promoting ACE - Conducted research into the needs of regional athletes (student placement) - Developing the concept of ‘Athlete Friendly Employers,’ establishing links into the business community - Provision of Net Pads to all ACE

- VIS ACE Blog Spot - Regularly updating and posting ACE information to athletes

- Facilitating the VIS ACE Barrett Business Scholarship, a series of six workshops for athletes wishing to commence their own business, supported by our ACE sponsor, Barrett Consulting - Conducting the seventh Airlie Police Leadership Development Course for 16 athletes who attended a 6-week x 2-hour personal and professional development program - Providing a series of 4 sessions with a theme of leadership to the Victorian Fury Netball Team Program - Conducting a range of focused Workshops - Providing access to William Angliss Institute hospitality courses

KEY STATISTICS: Athlete Assessments: 350 Athlete Contacts: 3,386 Total Athlete Contacts: 3,736

FEATURE PROVIDER: Bernadette Sierakowski celebrated the great achievement of ten years service this year as the Coordinator of the VIS ACE Program. She came to the VIS after working in various educational settings and has a Masters Degree in Education. She very much enjoys the privilege of working with the outstanding athletes at the VIS; promoting well being and career planning for the short and longer term. In her spare time she enjoys spending time with her large family, the best of Melbourne’s theatre and keeping fit.

SPECIALIST STAFF: Dot Bussey, (Pastoral Care) Hannah Macdougall, (ACE Assistant) Marina Mateos, (ACE Adviser)

Bernadette Sierakowski, (ACE Program Coordinator) Clare Timmins, (ACE Adviser)

SPONSORS: We gratefully thank our ACE Program Sponsors: William Angliss Institute, Barrett Consulting and Wizard Corporate Training, for their generous support of our athletes and the ACE Program.

NUTRITION THE VIS Nutrition department provides a comprehensive service to all VIS scholarship holders, sports and programs. Offering a proactive service, the Dietitians conduct one on one dietary consults, training & competition diet planning, hydration testing, body composition monitoring, supplement advice and protocols, as well as practical education including supermarket visits and cooking sessions.

KEY ACHIEVEMENTS: The past year has been a busy one for the Nutrition team. - 2011 saw the commencment of the VIS Nutrition Trainee Program. Working one day a week, our trainee, a qualified Dietitian, not only learnt a lot about working with elite athletes, but also supported the department on a variety of projects, particularly in setting up our supplement ordering & distribution systems. - The Nutrition Department has continued to work closely with our supplement sponsors, Gatorade, Musashi & Swisse, to ensure that our athletes have access to the best quality and safest products to support their diet and training. - In 2012, the VIS established a link with the South Melbourne Market, which kindly provides a weekly delivery of fruit, proving very popular with our athletes. - In addition to our in-house services, Nutrition has enjoyed getting out to a number of sports’ training centres, competitions and camps to deliver nutrition education in a more practical and relevant setting. - Nutrition Coordinator Kylie Andrew has continued to work with the Victorian Women’s High Performance Centre to provide an elite nutrition program to all levels of gymnasts.


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Performance Services - Throughout the year, the Nutrition department has also serviced Basketball Australia, consulting with several Australian Opals. - Recently, the Nutrition team has enjoyed working with the High Performance Services program to provide nutrition advice to the wider sporting community.

KEY STATISTICS: For the 2011-2012 year, the Nutrition department have: - Conducted 670 individual consults with VIS scholarship holders - Distributed over 350 bags of Gatorade, enough to make more than 6000 litres of Gatorade

to service multiple squads at the same time.


Sports Servicing

Kylie Andrew, (Nutrition Coordinator and Sports Dietitian) Daniela Manche, (Sports Dietitian) Isabella de Castella, (Nutrition Trainee)

The Department has continued to focus on athletic development, with a minimum of bi-weekly sessions across all our Tier 1 sports and key individual scholarship holders. The training facility is operational from 6.30am to 7.30pm every week day and 9.00am-12.00pm on Saturdays. The focus has been on the technical coaching of the athletes and individually tailoring programs to athlete needs.

SUPPORT STAFF: Nerissa Byrne, Performance Services Coordinator

SPONSORS: Gatorade Musashi PowerBar Swisse


The sports have also benefitted from sessions being delivered off-site, for example, at the State Netball Hockey Centre and Prahran Gymnastics Centre, as well as support being delivered at training camps and competition.

- Provided 180kg of Musashi protein powder, over 2000 Musashi & PowerBar bars and over 1000 gels

THE aim of VIS Physical Preparation team is to improve the performance of VIS athletes by maximising their physical potential and robustness to withstand and overcome injury.




Carol Cooke was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (an incurable neurological disease) at age 36: fast forward 14 years and she is about to debut in Para-cycling at the London Paralympic Games.

Much of the planning and preparation over the last year was to establish the new VIS training facility at Albert Park, and manage a seamless transition, providing the athletes with uninterrupted preparation for the Olympic and Paralympic Games.

Number of athlete visits in 2011/12 = 13,147

Initially Carol competed in swimming before trying her hand as a rower, then discovering her talent as a cyclist; last year winning silver at the Para-cycling Road World Championships in Denmark. In 2011 the head coach of Australian Paracycling promised Carol he would build her a new trike if she worked on her health and fitness, something Carol really needed to perform at her best. The first step was weight loss and Carol turned to the VIS Nutrition department to help her cut out the fat, sugar and junk foods from her diet. Fortnightly meetings with Daniela Manche helped to keep track of every meal, Carol’s weight loss and her measurements. Dani also helped Carol look at what she was eating before training, after training and while in race mode, and they learned that at times Carol wasn’t eating enough, which affected her training and slowed her weight loss. With support from the VIS Nutrition department and VIS sponsors Gatorade and Musashi, Carol went on to defeat the reigning world champion in June, and is now on track for London. To top things off, the head coach lived up to his promise and Carol will be competing

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on her new trike. We wish Carol every success at her first Paralympics!


Enhanced Daily Training Environment The new training centre includes a sprung floor area, swimming pool and recovery area, gym, and 50m indoor running track. An investment of $400k in new equipment has provided the VIS athletes with arguably the best world class training facility within the SIS/SAS network. The wide range of equipment includes six weightlifting platforms, 14 IWF competition bars and weight plates, Maxim custom designed racks and benches, six Wattbikes, eight Concept II rowing Ergometers and two Pilates Reformers. The VIS is also the first Institute within Australia to acquire the state of the art antigravity Alter-G rehabilitation treadmill. The new sprung floor area has been used extensively by a number of sports for technical sessions including netball, hockey, rowing, wheelchair rugby, track & field and table tennis. The swimming pool has been utilised by our swimming squads, triathlon and water polo squads as well as other athletes for cross training or rehabilitation. And the new gym is better equipped

FEATURE PROVIDER: Dr Harry Brennan, Physical Preparation Coordinator: Harry joined the VIS in April 2009. Originally from Northern Ireland, Harry completed his degree and PhD at the University of Ulster Belfast. His first position was Sport Science Manager at The Queen’s University, Belfast providing consultancy services to a number of Northern Ireland and Irish teams. He then took up the position of Strength and Conditioning (S&C) coach for Ulster, the provincial rugby team, during which time they became the first Irish team to win the prestigious Heineken European Cup. Harry left Ireland in 2002 to become the Strength and Conditioning Coordinator at the English Institute of Sport’s SE Region based at Bisham Abbey. Here he worked with a number of sports including field hockey, rowing and athletics. Highlights included working with 22 medalists from the Beijing Olympics. During his seven years at the EIS, Harry went on to manage the technical and strategic development of the S&C discipline across the whole of the EIS network. He was also selected to manage the S&C provision for Team GB at the Beijing Olympic holding camp. Harry married a Melbourne girl, Ruth, and with their son Luke, the family

was keen to relocate to Melbourne, hence the move to the VIS in 2009. Outside of work Harry has regained his teenage love of cycling, last year winning the Victorian Masters Road Race Championship.

ATHLETE SERVICE PROVIDERS: Dr Harry Brennan, (Physical Preparation Coordinator) - Rowing, Road Cycling, Triathlon Michael Crooks, (Senior PP Coach)- Netball, Individual Scholarships, Future Talent program Nathan Heaney, (PP Coach) Woman’s Hockey, Track & Field, Golf James Karageorgiou, (Senior PP Coach) - Men’s Hockey, Aerial Skiing, Gymnastics Ben Willey, (PP Coach) - Track Cycling, Water Polo, Sailing Selwyn Becker, (Casual PP Coach) - Wheelchair Rugby, Paralympic Table Tennis Scott Conway, (Casual PP Coach) - Diving

SPORT SCIENCE THE VIS sport science team includes experts with a broad range of specialist skills and knowledge. They deliver innovative and individually tailored programs in close consultation with coaches and athletes, with a clear goal of performance improvement.

KEY ACHIEVEMENTS: The sport science department has played a significant support role for athletes and coaches in their preparation for qualification and during the London Olympic and Paralympic Games as well as for sports where world championship or international competitions are a priority. The relocation into the new Lakeside Stadium home has provided the department with not only fantastic facilities for lab testing but also with versatile spaces that can be used for acclimation to different environments and to service our new external servicing arm, High Performance Services.

Sport Science The Olympic year often draws to a close the specific, individualised work of our scientists who have planned, refined and implemented innovations and programs with coaches and athletes over the four year cycle. The athletes usually leave for overseas bases several months

prior to the Games, but one of our staff members, Danielle Stefano, was able to continue her work after receiving accreditation as a coach from the Australian Olympic Team. In the months leading into the Games Danielle became triathlete Brendan Sexton’s personal coach based on her extensive involvement as the sport scientist in the VIS Triathlon program over a number of years. This is a terrific acknowledgment of Danielle’s skills and commitment, not only to the Triathlon program but to the other VIS sports she works with, Swimming and Men’s Hockey. Cathryn Pruscino was embedded in the VIS rowing program and assisted Head Coach Chris O’Brien and Senior Coach Bill Tait in the preparation of their two crews for the Olympics. An amazing amount of detailed daily monitoring was undertaken over a number of years including using sleep watches to monitor not only the amount of sleep but also the quality of sleep the athletes got; the next step was then to identify specific strategies that could be used to improve sleep. Sleep is a critical factor aiding recovery in athletes and their physiological adaptation to training stimulus. In preparation for the Paralympics Doxi Geroyiannis has assisted the preparations of Paralympic athletes Michael Gallagher and Carol Cooke. The Velotron system replicates the Paralympic race course, providing video footage of the course on a projector screen and modifying the resistance of the bike to replicate the physical profile of the course, giving the athletes an opportunity to practice and become familiar with the actual race course. Nick Owen has assisted the Australian Wheelchair Rugby Team with a specific iPad statistics application for real time data collection during games, providing clearer game information for the coach to make critical tactical decisions. Sport Science in partnership with gymnastics secured grant funding to install a state of the art camera system in the gymnastics facility. Kylie Thomas has led the project, with the system linking broadcast quality video through Dartfish and a very simple iPad interface, which enables coaches and athletes to critically analyse technique immediately after a performance. The establishment of an external

servicing arm of the VIS Sport Science department, High Performance Services, has expanded our servicing capabilities and our collaborations within the wider community. Simon Blundell was tasked with setting it up and has quickly been able to provide other elite sporting teams based in Melbourne or visiting, with the benefit of our extensive expertise. We have assisted AFL teams in testing physiological adaptation to altitude training with a specialised carbon-monoxide re-breathing technique run by Danielle Stefano. The purchase of a second metabolic cart has given us flexibility to test elite external athletes without impacting on services to VIS athletes. Our environmental training facility has been used by a professional law enforcement group to test the properties and comfort of new clothing, by measuring specific sweat rates, thermal comfort and internal body temperature (determined by an electronic measurement pill originally designed by NASA). The services have also been taken up by State and National sporting bodies undertaking benchmark testing to quantify the capabilities of athletes as well as assess the effectiveness of prescribed training programs. In 2012 we farewelled the head of our sport science department, Dr Susie Parker-Simmons. Susie came back to Australia in 2010 to take up the VIS position after 10 years working in the USA Olympic system. We are sad to again lose her from the Australian sporting landscape but thank her for her great work and wish her good luck (well, not too much!). We would also like to acknowledge Dr Dan Dwyer’s contribution to our team; Dan moved on to take up a position as senior lecturer in Deakin University’s School of Exercise & Nutrition Sciences, heading up the new sport science course at the Geelong - Waurn Ponds Campus.

FEATURE PROVIDER: Nick Sanders, Sport Scientist: In 1999 Nick started his sport science training at RMIT University as a mature age student of 27, having previously completed a degree in industrial design. In 2001 he participated in the successful VIS sport science placement program, initially working with the women’s hockey program which led to a part

time role until 2003. A joint role then followed, servicing the Australian shooting team and the Australian Sports Commission’s Talent Search Program based within the VIS sport science department. As the Athens Olympics approached the shooting role expanded and resulted in Nick attending the 2004 Athens Olympics as a member of the Australian team. He then assisted in the shooting team’s preparations for the 2006 Melbourne Commonwealth Games and the 2008 Beijing Olympics. From 2009 until now he has serviced the VIS netball program encompassing the Melbourne Vixens, in an expanded match analysis role, as well as assisting the VIS golf and individual scholarship programs. Nick enjoys riding and vegetable gardening and has two young children, Anna and Ronan.

SPORT SCIENTISTS: Full Time Staff Simon Blundell, (High Performance Services Coordinator and Talent Transfer) Doxi Geroyiannis, (Cycling, Track & Field and Sailing) Cathryn Pruscino, (Rowing) Nick Sanders, (Netball, Golf and Individual Scholarship Holders) Danielle Stefano, (Swimming, Triathlon and Men’s Hockey) Sylvie Withers, (Aerial Skiing, NSQAA)

Part Time Staff: Kylie Thomas, (Gymnastics and Women’s Hockey) Nick Owen, (Diving, EAD Wheelchair Rugby, High Performance Services) Dr Paulette Mifsud, (Sport Psychology)

SPORT SCIENCE STUDENT PLACEMENT PROGRAM: Julian Chua (Victoria University) Andrew Hibbert (Victoria University) Shannon Hunkin (Deakin University) Jason Hunt (RMIT University) Marcus Krygger (Deakin University) Nathan Lee (Deakin University) David Li (Deakin University) James Marshall (Deakin University) Carmen Marton (Deakin University) Steven O’Bryan (Deakin University) Ben Oman (Ballarat University) Sophie Peskett (Deakin University)

SPONSOR: Gatorade

SPORTS MEDICINE THE VIS sports medicine team includes leading experts and consultants with extensive experience in the high performance sport environment. They deliver an innovative and proactive program of support aimed at the early detection and management of injuries and illness.

KEY ACHIEVEMENTS: In the past year, the VIS Sports Medicine department has played a key support role to both the Australian Olympic Committee and the Australian Paralympic Committee in the lead up to the London Games, providing crucial medical and musculoskeletal screenings for Victorian athletes. As part of the medical screenings and in line with new protocols, ECG Screenings were conducted for all Olympic and Paralympic athletes and for new scholarship holders, with the focus on early detection of issues.

Sports Medicine The VIS Sports Medicine team has extended its already impressive experience with significant involvement in many sporting teams and sport related committees. VIS Sports Medicine Coordinator, Dr Peter Harcourt has been to six Olympic Games as the head doctor of the Australian Boomers Men’s Basketball team and has just been appointed President of the Medical Council of the Federation of International Basketball Associations (FIBA). Peter will be attending the London Olympic Games in the role of Chief Medical Officer of the Basketball Tournament. Peter also continues his roles as the Medical Director of the Australian Football League, the Anti-Doping Medical Officer at Cricket Australia, the Chairman of the Medical Committee of the International Cricket Council (ICC) and the Chief Medical Officer of Basketball Australia. In 2011/2012, Dr Anik Shawdon continued her work as AFL Talent Pathway Medical Officer, which involved managing the AFL player medical screening program, and conducting medical screenings of players in the AFL talent pathway. Anik plays a key role liaising with AFL Clubs and their medical officers regarding player medical issues. Anik continues to provide a regular in-house medical service to VIS athletes Dr Greg Hickey continues to balance his commitments as the Richmond


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Performance Services Football Club head doctor with regular sessions at the VIS, providing our athletes with access to his extensive experience. Greg remains a popular member of our team. In 2012 we thanked and farewelled Dr Sandra Mejak who moved to Western Australia with her husband. Sandra made an important contribution to the welfare of athletes during her years with the VIS. In her place we welcome Dr Larissa Trease who was working with the VIS Rowing Program but she now provides consultations to VIS athletes from various other sports as well.

Physiotherapy In an exciting appointment for Wendy Braybon, VIS Physiotherapy and Soft Tissue Therapy Coordinator, Wendy was named Head Physiotherapist of the Australian Olympic Team for the London Olympics, while Steve Evans will once again be heading to the Games as physiotherapist for the Australian Boomers Men’s Basketball Team. Ebonie Scase will also be travelling to London to work in the headquarters at the Paralympic Games. Throughout the year, Ebonie has looked after the Table Tennis athletes Kate McGillivray continues to work with the VIS Gymnastics team, providing physiotherapy and Pilates, as well as looking after VIS athletes with our in-house physiotherapy sessions.

FEATURE PROVIDER: Dr Anik Shawdon, Sports & Exercise Medicine Physician: Long serving VIS Sports and Exercise Medicine Physician, Dr Anik Shawdon completed her medical training in the United Kingdom. She came to Australia in the early 90’s to specialize in Sports Medicine and is now a Fellow of the Australasian College of Sports Physicians. She was appointed as the inaugural and current Medical Officer for the Melbourne Victory Football Club in the A-League and in 2010 was appointed AFL Talent Pathways Officer, assisting in the AFL draft process. Anik has previously undertaken other roles, including Deputy Chief Medical Officer for the Melbourne 2006 Commonwealth Games, and Chief Medical Officer for the World and Australian Masters Games, Deaflympics, and World Swimming Championships. Anik has two children, Emma and Luke, and enjoys running, keeping fit and going to the gym.


Arnaud Domange and Jim Stevanovski continue to provide regular sessions at the VIS assisting our athletes with their rehabilitation and well being.

Wendy Braybon, (Physiotherapy & Soft Tissue Therapy Coordinator) Arnaud Domange, (Soft Tissue Therapist Steve Evans, (Physiotherapist) Dr Peter Harcourt OAM, (Sports Medicine Coordinator) Dr Greg Hickey, (Sports & Exercise Medicine Physician) Kate McGillivray, (Physiotherapist) Dr Sandra Mejak, (Sport and Exercise Medicine Registrar) Gillian Niven, (Soft Tissue Therapist) Ebonie Scase, (Physiotherapist) Dr Anik Shawdon, (Sports & Exercise Medicine Physician) Jim Stevanovski, (Soft Tissue Therapist) Dr Larissa Trease, (Sports & Exercise Medicine Physician)



Soft Tissue Therapy Soft Tissue Therapist Gillian Niven has worked extensively with the Australian Wheelchair Rugby team throughout the year in their preparation for the Games, and has been selected to work in headquarters at the Paralympic Games.

- Number of sports medicine visits in 2011/12 = 537 - Number of physiotherapy visits in 2011/12 = 1688 - Number of soft tissue therapy visits in 2011/12 = 1130

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- Number of medical and musculoskeletal screens in 2011/12 = 143


Club Warehouse

FUTURE TALENT THE Future Talent program aims to identify promising junior athletes and provide them with a unique opportunity to become part of the VIS. The program exposes them to the

facilities and services usually only available to senior scholarship athletes, providing them with a bridge between elite junior and elite senior preparation and competition. The program is designed to provide them with the highest level of support in their ongoing sporting journey.

- Trained in Korea for one month as part of the Australian Ice Racing Training Group


Lachlan Edwards - Water Polo - Named in the Australian Schoolboys team

- Six (current and previous) athletes were promoted to scholarships: Alethea Sedgman - Shooting Damien Birkinhead - Athletics Paris McCathrion - Athletics Byron Walton - Hockey Samantha Wilkins - Swimming Josh Callan - BMX - One athlete is going to the London Games (Alethea Sedgman); three others were in contention for selection but narrowly missed out (Josh Callan - BMX; Catherine Skinner - Shooting; Nicole Blanks - Para-Equestrian) - Thirteen athletes have competed in international events and fifteen have competed at National events Nicole Blanks - Para-Equestrian - Named in the National Para-Equestrian A Squad - Invited to compete in CPEDI3 international competition in Hartpury, England Hannah Trotter - Judo - 1st National Championships U52 kg class - 3rd Oceania Championships U52 kg class Bodi Turner - BMX - UCI Junior Mens ranking of 9th - 1st Rounds 5 & 6 of National Probikx Tour Joel Tobin-White - Triathlon - Selected to Australian squad for the ITU Junior World Championships - Invited to compete in the Australian Sprint Distance Triathlon Championships in the Elite Men’s category Jacinta Carroll - Water Skiing - 2nd US Masters - Named 2011 Skier of the Year at the 2012 Australian National Waterskiing Titles Armstrong Lazenby Short Track Speed Skating - Represented Australia at the Junior World Championships

Catherine Skinner Clay Target Shooting - Won the Victorian State title - Won the National Women’s Trap title

- Named in the Australian Born 1993 squad to tour Europe Scott James - Snowboarding - 11th World Snowboarding Championships Halfpipe - 5th Stoneham World Cup Mens Halfpipe Alex Graham - Swimming - 1st 100m and 200m Freestyle 2012 Australian Age Championships - Selected onto Australian Team for Junior Pan Pacs in Hawaii Lisa Phillips - Lawn Bowls - 2nd Australian Open Singles - 1st Victorian Singles Ben Schreiner - Swimming - Finals of Victorian Open State Championships Samantha Wilkins - Swimming - 6th 400IM and 200IM at Olympic Trials

KEY STATISTICS: When applications opened in November in excess of fifty nominations were received from thirty-two different sports. Four athletes were offered the opportunity to remain in the program and nine new scholarships were offered. The current group of scholarship holders is from 11 different sports.

ATHLETES: Nicole Blanks, Para-Equestrian Jacinta Carroll, Water Skiing Lachlan Edwards, Water Polo Alex Graham, Swimming Scott James, Snowboarding Armstrong Lazenby, Short Track Speed Skating Lisa Phillips, Lawn Bowls Ben Schreiner, Swimming Catherine Skinner, Clay Target Shooting Joel Tobin-White, Triathlon Hannah Trotter, Judo Bodi Turner, BMX Samantha Wilkins, Swimming

/ Paralympian - Kelly Cartwright. ANNUAL REVIEW

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Performance THE VIS Performance team provides high level integrated support to Tier 1 programs through a multi-disciplinary service delivery model. The staff work closely with National and State organisations, as well as the internal VIS Performance Services team, to deliver world class programs and ensure that program key performance indicators are achieved at a National and International level.

PERFORMANCE TEAM Marty Aitken, Performance Manager Andrew Nolen, Performance Coordinator Matt Burn, Performance Administrator Simon Blundell, Talent Transfer Coordinator

KEY DEVELOPMENT AREAS: Coach and Program Development Coaches selected to represent Australia: Cycling – Dave Sanders & Donna Rae-Szalinski, National Junior Road Team, Holland Gymnastics – Mikhail Barabach & Tracey Penaluna, National Squad Coaches, Women’s Artistic World Championships, Japan Rowing - Chris O’Brien (Men’s Four) & Bill Tait (Women’s Pair), FISA World Rowing Championships, Bled, Slovenia; selected to coach at London Olympics Swimming - Lee Nicholson, Performance Analyst, FINA World Championships, Shanghai China; selected as Performance Analyst at London Olympics Triathlon – Jonathan Hall, National Squad Coach, ITU World Championship Series (various events) Water Polo - Dalibor Maslan, Assistant Coach Women’s National Team, FINA World Championships, Shanghai China; selected as Assistant Coach at London Olympics In addition to this group, Jay Stacy (Men’s Hockey) and Katie Allen (Women’s Hockey) both coached the Australia A Hockey teams which competed in a series of international matches during the year. Diving Coach, Mat Helm was invited to attend the London Olympics as part of the AIS Scholarship Coaches Study Tour, which will provide a great opportunity for Mat to add to his previous Olympic experience as an athlete. Former VIS athlete and Australian representative, Eloise SouthbyHalbish was appointed as the Assistant Netball Coach. Eloise, who played in 36 Tests for Australia and captained Melbourne Phoenix,

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brings excellent leadership and experience and has been a great asset in helping to improve the Vixens program. Jonathan Hall left the VIS in March to become the Performance Leader for USA Triathlon. We wish Jonathan all the best for the future and thank him for his valuable seven years of service to the VIS. The majority of coaches attended the NESC Forum in Canberra, held every second year for all service providers and coaches from the AIS and SIS/SAS. This forum provides a great opportunity to observe a wide variety of presentations from world leading professionals as well as network within specific disciplines. All VIS Tier 1 coaches travelled to the Healesville RACV Resort to attend the annual two-day coach development seminar. VIS Board Member, Professor Mark Hargreaves, presented on the progress of sport science in a molecular age, which gave the coaches great insight into the latest developments in science and the application to their specific programs. Interactive discussion sessions were facilitated, with a focus on improving the VIS performance structure and a number of initiatives that came from the session have now been introduced into the VIS.

Reflections on the last 12 months The lead up to an Olympic year is always our busiest period and the past year has been no exception. Many coaches and athletes travelled extensively, either chasing selection or preparing for the Games. At the end of June 2012, 44 Tier 1 athletes had been selected for the Olympic Games and nine Tier 1 athletes for the Paralympic Games. There are strong medal chances in all the sports in which we are competing so we are looking forward to seeing the VIS athletes perform at the Games. Once again VIS athletes became world champions and world championship medallists. Karsten Forsterling won his maiden world championship with a gold medal in the Men’s Quad Scull at the FISA

Rowing World Championships in Bled, Slovenia, where Nick Barker, Tom Bertrand and David Webster also won gold in the Lightweight Men’s Eight. Shane Perkins took his second crown at the UCI Track World Championship, this time in the Team Sprint. Julie Corletto was a member of the Australian Diamonds Netball team which defeated New Zealand in the World Championship final. It was also a successful year for our junior cyclists, who returned with gold medals from the UCI Junior Track World Championships in Moscow. Jack Cummings and Alex Morgan were members of the winning Teams Pursuit team, taking the gold medal in world record time, while Jaron Gardiner won gold in the 1km time trial. In men’s hockey four VIS players - George Bazeley, Chris Ciriello, Glenn Simpson and Luke Doerner – played a part in the Champions Trophy victory. Erin Densham was dominant in the two major races held in Australia in 2012, winning both the ITU World Cup in Mooloolaba and the ITU World Championship Series Race held in Sydney. She followed this success with a second place at the WCS race in San Diego to ensure her selection in the National Team for the London Olympics. All in all, another successful year for the Performance team, with the majority of programs focused on delivering strong performances at the London Olympics and Paralympics. Preparations have already begun for Rio in 2016 and the Performance team looks forward to assisting our athletes and coaches to deliver their best results.

VIS Sports / Olympian - Erin Densham (Triathlon).

Our mission is to provide an environment in which talented Victorian athletes have the opportunity to excel in sport and life.


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Aerial Skiing THE VIS Aerial Skiing program takes skilled and experienced gymnasts/acrobats and transfers their skills into workable talent on the snow, eventually creating world class and Olympic aerial skiing athletes. Training for this sport begins with learning to ski on the slopes at Mt Buller, Victoria. Athletes then learn to slide on plastic and synthetic water ramps, while learning new acrobatic skills on the trampoline, often with the help of a bungee/harness system. The next stage of learning sees athletes learn to jump, starting with small bumps in the snow to purpose built aerial kickers. The largest kicker stands at four meters high and sees the athlete perform up to three back flips with multiple twists six meters into the air and twenty meters above landing height. The landing hill pitch is 34-39 degrees and landing from these heights requires consummate technical skiing skills which are paramount to the athlete’s longevity in the sport.



Laura Peel - 7 finishes in the top 6 in her second World Cup season

Belinda Price

- Gold medal - World Cup event, Kreischberg, Austria

Jerry Grossi, (Olympic Winter Institute Aerial Coach) Cord Spero, (National Head Coach)

- Bronze medal - World Cup event, Mont Gabriel, Canada


- Overall international ranking of 4th to end the season Danielle Scott - 7 top 10 finishes in her rookie World Cup season - Highest finish: 6th - Minsk, Belarus - Aerial Skiing FIS Rookie of the Year Samantha Wells - 4 top 10 finishes in her rookie World Cup season - Highest finish: 5th - Calgary, Canada Lydia Lassila - Gave birth to her son, Kai Erik Lassila, in May 2011 - A gondola car was dedicated to her at the VIS North American ski training base, Snowbasin in Utah, USA - Has returned to full time training with another Olympic winning performance in her sights at the Sochi 2014 winter Olympic Games

KEY STATISTICS: Twelve athletes were on VIS Aerial Skiing scholarships in 2011/12, four of whom were new to the program Five athletes competed on the international World Cup competition circuit and in North American regional competitions The remaining seven athletes continued refining their skills and working progressively towards their next tricks in preparation for future World Cup seasons The average age of the six athletes aiming for the 2014 Winter Olympics is 24 years old The average age of the 2018 Winter Olympic target group is 16.5 years old

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Nicolette Barnett Ebonie Boucher (training agreement) Alice Cheung Brittany George (training agreement) Lydia Lassila Emma Ludowici Renee McElduff Lidia McLean (training agreement) Laura Peel Danielle Scott Sarah Taig (training agreement) Samantha Wells

ATHLETE SERVICE PROVIDERS: Kylie Andrew, (Nutrition) James Karageorgiou, (Physical Preparation) Marina Mateos, (ACE) Ashley Merkur, (Physiotherapist) Sylvie Withers, (Sport Science/ Assistant Coordinator)

TRAINING VENUE: Water Ramp Training Facility, Wandin, Victoria North American Water Ramp & Aerial Jump Site Facility, Utah Olympic Park, USA Ski Training & Aerial Skiing Home, Mt Buller, Victoria North American Ski Training Base, Snowbasin Ski Resort, Utah, USA

SPONSORS: Bolle Karbon Mountain Star Medical Group, Utah USA Mt Buller Resort Snowbasin Resort, Utah USA

PARTNERS: Ski and Snowboard Australia Olympic Winter Institute of Australia Financial support for the program is provided by the OWIA and SSA.

FEATURE ATHLETE: Danielle Scott. A former gymnast, Scott took up aerial skiing at 16 after being scouted by fivetime Australian Olympian and former VIS scholarship holder Jacqui Cooper. Embracing the idea of a new challenge, she soon set her sights on representing Australia at the Olympic Winter Games. Scott honed her skills for two years before attempting a somersault and backflip in her first aerial ski jump at the age of 18. In her first year on the FIS World Cup circuit in 2011/2012, the 22 year old young gun captured seven top 10 placings, ending the season in equal 10th position with 265 points. The youngster’s impressive result earned her the title of FIS Rookie of the Year, an award won by several former Olympic and World Cup Champions.

THE VIS Aerial Skiing program takes skilled and experienced gymnasts/acrobats and transfers their skills into workable talent on the snow, eventually creating world class and Olympic aerial skiing athletes.

/ Olympian - Lydia Lassila. ANNUAL REVIEW

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Athletics THE central role of the athletics program is to provide case managed, individually tailored high performance support and competition services to scholarship athletes with the key focus of maximising athlete performances at IAAF World Championship, IAAF Junior World Championship and Olympic and Paralympic Games.

KEY ACHIEVEMENTS: In 2011/12 nine VIS Track and Field athletes were selected to the Australia Flame Team to compete at the IAAF World Championships. Benn Harradine was the best performing athlete, placing fifth in the discus. The lead in to the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games saw nine athletes selected to the Olympic Team and nine athletes selected to the Paralympic Team to compete in London. A further five junior athletes were selected to the Australia Spark team to compete at the IAAF Junior World Championships.

KEY STATISTICS: During the reporting period, the program comprised 14 female athletes and 16 male athletes. Of the 30 athletes on scholarship, 10 are athletes with a disability. Elite Athletes with a Disability are fully integrated into the broader Track and Field Program. 25 athletes were selected to the National Team during 2011/12, representing 83% of scholarship holders. The most experienced scholarship holder is Craig Mottram who was selected to his fourth Olympic Team.

PROGRAM MANAGER: Derek Boothroyd

NETWORK COACHES: Nic Bideau John Boas Mandi Cole John Eden Mike Edwards Phil King Adam Larcom Tim Matthews Gus Puopolo Justin Rinaldi Iain Simmons Mark Stewart Russell Stratton Dick Telford Chris Wardlaw

ATHLETES: Damien Birkinhead Collis Birmingham Zoe Buckman Luke Cann Monique Cilione Benn Harradine Scott Martin

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Paris McCathrion Kaila McKnight Craig Mottram Kim Mulhall Jana Pittman Jeffrey Riseley Aaron Rouge-Serret Alexander Rowe Dale Stevenson Brooke Stratton Lisa Weightman Jordan Williamsz Sean Wroe

AWD: Kelly Cartwright Richard Colman Jessica Gallagher Madeleine Hogan Sam McIntosh Brydee Moore Katy Parrish Russell Short Jack Swift Noni Thompson

ATHLETE SERVICE PROVIDERS: Kylie Andrew, (Nutrition) Laura Baquie, (Physiotherapy) Dr Adam Castricum, (Sport Medicine) Anthony Clarica, (Sport Psychology) Dani Manche, (Nutrition) Marina Mateos, (ACE) Paulette Mifsud, (Sport Psychology) Dr Peter Harcourt, (Sport Medicine) Nathan Heaney, (Physical Preparation) Dr Greg Hickey, (Sport Medicine) Doxi Geroyiannis, (Sport Science) Dr Anik Shawdon, (Sport Medicine)

TRAINING VENUE: Lakeside Stadium, Albert Park VIS Gymnasium

SPONSOR: 2XU Performance Apparel

PARTNERS: Athletics Victoria Athletics Australia Financial support for the National Training Centre program is provided by the Australian Sports Commission through Athletics Australia

FEATURE ATHLETE: Dale Stevenson. VIS shot put athlete Dale Stevenson was recruited to the program in 2009 and had a breakout performance at the 2010 Commonwealth Games where he won a bronze medal with a personal best of 19.99m. In 2011 and 2012 Dale participated in a strategic international training and competition program, funded by the VIS Program. On both occasions Dale spent six weeks in the USA, based at the University of Georgia where he trained with 2007 world champion Reece Hoffa and Coach Bob Babbitt. In 2012, Dale qualified for the London Olympics via his performances in the USA and will make his Olympic debut in London. Dale is mentored by fellow VIS Track and Field Olympian Scott Martin who won gold in the discus and bronze in the shot put at the 2006 Commonwealth Games. Dale, in turn, provides mentoring support to Damien Birkinhead, VIS junior throws athlete. Dale works as a coach for the Blue Earth foundation, promoting sport and healthy recreational pursuits in schools and is an enthusiastic host on VIS TV! Dale also incorporates meditation, whole body awareness programs and tree climbing within his training regime.

The 2012 London Olympic and Paralympic Games saw nine athletes selected to both the Olympic & Paralympic Teams.

/ Olympian - Craig Mottram (5000m). ANNUAL REVIEW

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Cycling THE VIS cycling program comprises two structured sub-programs, Road Cycling and Track Cycling, and services an exciting group of world class athletes from junior through to Olympic and professional level.


VIS cyclists train according to individual programs, with road and track cycling in and around metropolitan, country Victoria and interstate, complemented by physical preparation work. The program provides athletes with medical, sport science, physiotherapy, psychology, nutritional and ACE services.

Cadel Evans - 1st Place, Tour De France

In the 2011/12 reporting period, the VIS Cycling program continued to enhance its reputation as the national leader in junior development on both the track and road. VIS riders also performed well on the international stage, with three UCI World Championships and capped off by a superb victory by Cadel Evans in the Tour De France 2011.

Shane Perkins - 1st Team Sprint, UCI Senior World Championships, Melbourne Jack Cummings & Alex Morgan - 1st Team Pursuit (World Record), UCI Junior World Championships, Moscow

Road Australian National Road Championships Simon Gerrans - 1st Elite National Road Race Matthew Lloyd - 2nd Elite National Road Race Eric Sheppard - 2nd U23 National Road Race Calvin Watson - 3rd U23 National Road Race

KEY STATISTICS: 90% of squad competed in international competition during 2011/12 reporting period 32 individuals received VIS scholarships during the 2011/12 scholarship period, comprising 24 men and eight women


Nick Aitken Simon Clarke Baden Cooke Cadel Evans Simon Gerrans Tom Hamilton Kendelle Hodges Joanne Hogan Lisa Jacobs Patrick Lane Matthew Lloyd Chloe McConville Bridie O’Donnell Eric Sheppard Calvin Watson Matt Wilson

ATHLETE SERVICE PROVIDERS: Kylie Andrew, (Nutrition) Wendy Braybon, (Physiotherapist) Dr Harry Brennan, (Physical Preparation) Arnaud Domange, (Massage) Dr Andrew Garnham, (Medical Services) Doxi Gerioyiannis, (Sport Science) Dr Peter Harcourt, (Medical Services) Bernadette Sierakowski, (ACE) Ben Willey, (Physical Preparation)


The average age of scholarship holders was 23 years old

VIS Gymnasium Darebin International Sports Centre (DISC)



Dave Sanders

SPECIALIST COACHES AND STAFF: Hilton Clarke, (Track Sprint) Scott McGrory, (Track Endurance) Donna Rae Szalinski, (Women’s Road)

ATHLETES: Track Ziggy Callan Jack Cummings Sean Finning Jaron Gardiner Maddison Hammond Emerson Harwood Leigh Howard Evan Hull Alex Morgan Jason Niblett Luke Parker Shane Perkins Jacob Schmid Zachary Shaw Adele Sylvester Caitlin Ward

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Jayco Apollo Bikes Bikesportz Santini Clothing

PARTNERS: Cycling Australia Cycling Victoria Financial support for the National Training Centre program is provided by the Australian Sports Commission through Cycling Australia and Cycling Victoria

FEATURE ATHLETE: Alex Morgan. Alex Morgan is one of Australia’s most promising all-round riders. A master of both track and road disciplines, Morgan openly prefers road cycling and hopes to one day conquer the ultimate road race, the Tour de France. His long term goal is to ride for a pro team in the Tour de France, and also compete in the 2016 Rio Olympics. As a year 12 student at Vermont Secondary College, Morgan combines his study with a gruelling training and racing regime. Morgan has cycled competitively for four years and started his racing career at the Blackburn Cycling Club. Alex dominated Victorian Open events in 2011/12, winning the Fred Icke Memorial and Preston Mountain Classic, both off scratch, and both in race record time. In addition, Alex has also won the Oceania U19 time trial title and Australian U19 Criterium championship.

The VIS Cycling program continues to enhance its reputation as the national leader in junior development on both the track and road.

/ Cycling - Alex Morgan. ANNUAL REVIEW

| 29

Diving THE VIS Diving Program is Victoria’s elite program providing divers with a pathway and opportunities to achieve their full potential and compete at the highest level. The program continues to develop high quality athletes with strong representation on both Senior and Junior National Squads during the reporting period. With a combination of youth and experience the VIS Squad has gone from strength to strength since its inception as Tier 1 program in 2009, with a focus on success at benchmark events such as the 2012 London Olympic Games and the 2012 FINA Junior World Championships in Adelaide.



Loudy Wiggins - 1st - 10m Platform, Australian National Championships

Mathew Helm

- 2nd - 10m Platform, FINA Grand Prix - Montreal, Canada & Madrid, Spain Annabelle Smith - 1st - 3m Synchro, Australian National Championships - 2nd - 3m Synchro, FINA Grand Prix - Montreal, Canada & Madrid, Spain - 3rd - 3m Synchro, FINA World Championships, Shanghai, China

KEY STATISTICS: 75% of the VIS diving squad competed at international level during 2011/12 36% of athletes were new into program in 2011/12 The 11 scholarship athletes comprise five male and six female athletes The average age of the athletes is just 20 years old


ATHLETES: James Connor Anna Gelai Joshua Kehagias Grant Nel Jaele Patrick Matthew Pozzobon Anabelle Smith Darcy Taylor Hannah Thek Anna-Irene Tsoukalas Loudy Wiggins

ATHLETE SERVICE PROVIDERS: Kylie Andrew, (Nutrition) Wendy Braybon, (Physiotherapy) Scott Conway, (Physical Preparation) Jess Gallagher, (Massage) Nathan Heaney, (Physical Preparation) Eliza Keaney, (Sport Science) Nick Owen, (Sport Science) Samantha Short, (Massage) Bernadette Sierakowski, (ACE)

TRAINING VENUE: Melbourne Sports & Aquatic Centre VIS Gymnasium

PROGRAM PARTNERS: Diving Australia Diving Victoria Financial support for the National Training Centre program is provided by the Australian Sports Commission through Diving Australia and Diving Victoria

FEATURE ATHLETE: Loudy Wiggins (nee Tourky). They say diving is a young persons’ sport because of the tough training routine and the enormous physical demands it places on the body, but VIS veteran Loudy Wiggins(nee Tourky) is an exception to the rule. 2011 saw the return of the two-time Olympic bronze medalist to the VIS program with the aim to compete at her fourth Olympic Games in 2012. Wiggins made her Olympic debut in the 3m springboard when she was 17 at the 1996 Atlanta Olympics. In Sydney 2000, she teamed with Rebecca Gilmore to win the bronze medal in the women’s synchronised platform. At her third Games in Athens she won bronze in the individual 10m platform. Loudy, a multiple medalist at Commonwealth Games and World Championships, was aiming for her fourth consecutive Olympics when a serious calf injury at the Beijing 2008 Olympic Trials ended her career. But the dedicated diver overcame that injury to take part in her fourth Olympics in London. Loudy has produced some outstanding results in 2011/2012 at FINA World Cup events and also took out the 10m Platform Synchro event at the 2012 Australian National Championships which ultimately saw her gain selection to the Olympic Team for London.

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With a combination of youth and experience, the VIS Squad has gone from strength to strength since its incepton as a Tier 1 program in 2009.

/ Olympian - Loudy Wiggins (Diving). ANNUAL REVIEW

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Golf THE VIS Golf Program provides Victoria’s leading amateur and emerging professional golfers with services and support to help them reach their full potential.



Nathan Holman won his second National selection event against a world class field in the Masters of the Amateurs.

Darren Lay, (Physiotherapy) Luke Mackey, (Physical Preparation) Daniela Manche, (Nutrition) Nick Sanders, (Sport Science) Bernadette Sierakowski, (ACE)

The VIS Golf Program developed and improved significantly during the 2011/12 reporting period. Athletes began to reap the full benefit of what the program and organisation has to offer after establishing great relationships and receiving support from all areas within the VIS.

Grace Lennon played consistently over the past twelve months, taking her R&A world ranking from around 300 to inside the top twenty.


Tilly Poulson has also moved considerably in ranking from around 700 to 130.


All athletes proactively utilised the services provided by the VIS and this showed in their results; with equal importance the program provided tools and pathways to teach athletes the right skills to enable them to have successful professional careers in and out of playing golf.

Todd Sinnott won his first National selection event

Kieran Pratt assured himself of a spot in the final stage of the European Tour school and second stage of the US Tour school after finishing 12th on the Australian order of merit in 2011. Kieran got off to a flying start at the 2012 Asian Tour with a win in the first event of the year, the Myanmar Open.

KEY STATISTICS: All members of the VIS squad actively competed in National competition; 2011/12 was the first year that the whole squad participated in international events in both the UK and the US. There were six males and three females in the program, and the average age of full scholarship holders was 21 years old. We welcomed one new athlete, Julienne Soo, on a training agreement (because of her age and school commitments).

HEAD COACH: Marty Joyce

SPECIALIST COACHES AND STAFF: Darren Cole, (Assistant Coach) Richard Cooney, (Science and Motion System) Ryan Lumsden, (3D Biomechanics)

ATHLETES: Rory Bourke Geoff Drakeford Matthew Griffin (associate) Nathan Holman Grace Lennon Poulsen Mathilda Kieran Pratt (associate) Todd Sinnott Julienne Soo (training agreement)

Spring Valley Golf Club Moonah Links Golf Academy VIS Gymnasium Acushnet Golf Company (Titleist)

PARTNERS: Golf Victoria Golf Australia PGA (Southern Division)

FEATURE ATHLETE: Kieran Pratt. Kieran Pratt got off to a flying start at the 2012 Asian Tour with a win in the first event of the year, the Myanmar Open. He continued his good form with consistent tournament results this year. The most memorable moment of Kieran’s career to date is playing in his first professional event with Tiger Woods, and beating him in that round. Kieran’s most significant challenge moving forward is earning his European Tour card by the end of the year with the limited starts he has had; if he can achieve this he can compete at the US PGA tour school. Interestingly, Kieran is passionate about his home town, Melbourne. Travelling is a challenging part of his career and he always looks forward to getting back to Melbourne, particularly for the good food, fine wine and decent coffee.

/ Golf - Kieran Pratt. 32 |


All athletes proactively utilised the services provided by the VIS and this showed in their results.


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Gymnastics THE VIS Gymnastics Program continues to provide athletes to Junior and Senior National Squads, the Olympic Squad and Australian Teams, and presently boasts two dual Olympians, Ashleigh Brennan and Georgia Bonora, the first time in the history of the VIS gymnastics program. Seven VIS athletes trialled for 2012 Olympic Selection, with four athletes making the Australian Team; Ashleigh Brennan and Georgia Bonora were selected as members of the five athlete team, while Mary-Anne Monckton and Georgia-Rose Brown were named as the travelling reserve athletes. Junior VIS athletes Alexandra Eade and Madelaine Leydin were members of the Pacific Rim Australian Team, with Alexandra qualifying in the top 8 for Floor and Vault finals. The journey to Rio has begun! We have exciting up and coming junior gymnasts and as well as senior gymnasts who are keen to lead the way.

KEY ACHIEVEMENTS: 2011 Japan Cup Ashleigh Brennan, Georgia-Rose Brown, Mary-Anne Monckton were members of the Australian Team of five 2011 World Championships Ashleigh Brennan, Georgia-Rose Brown, Mary-Anne Monckton were members of the Australian Team of six which finished 8th All Around 2012 Gymnix International Alexandra Eade and Madelaine Leydin were members of the Junior Australian Team of three which won silver Ashleigh Brennan - 3rd All Around, Georgia-Rose Brown - 3rd Uneven Bars, Alexandra Eade 2nd - Floor 2012 Pacific Rim Championships Alexandra Eade, Madelaine Leydin were members of the Australian Team; Alexandra Eade - Vault and Floor Finals 2011 Victorian Championships Ashleigh Brennan - Senior Victorian Champion, Senior Beam Champion, Senior Vault Silver Medallist, Senior Floor Silver Medallist Mary-Anne Monckton - Senior Victorian Silver Champion, Senior Uneven Bars Champion, Senior Floor Bronze Medallist Georgia-Rose Brown - Senior Victorian Bronze Champion, Senior Floor Champion, Senior Uneven Bars Silver Medallist, Senior Vault Bronze Medallist, Senior Beam Bronze Medallist Zoe Lorenzin - Senior Vault Champion Georgia Bonora - Senior Uneven Bars Bronze Medallist Angela Donald - Senior Beam Silver Medallist Kiara Munteau - Junior Victorian Champion, Junior Vault Champion, Junior Uneven Bars Champion, Junior Beam Champion, Junior Floor Champion Grace Flood - Junior Victorian Silver Champion, Junior Beam Champion, Junior Vault Silver Medallist, Junior Uneven Bars Silver Medallist, Junior Floor Silver Medallist 2012 National Championships/ Olympic Trial 1 Ashleigh Brennan - Senior National Champion, Senior Beam Bronze Medallist, Senior Floor Bronze Medallist

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Mary-Anne Monckton - Senior Bronze All Around, Senior Uneven Bars Silver Medallist Zoe Lorenzin - Senior Vault Bronze Medallist Georgia-Rose Brown - Senior Uneven Bars Bronze Medallist Kiara Munteanu - Junior National Silver All Around Champion, Junior Floor Champion, Junior Uneven Bars Silver Medallist, Junior Vault Bronze Medallist Grace Flood - Junior Floor Bronze Medallist

Aimee-Lea Warnock (training agreement) Georgia Wheeler


10 athletes on AIS/GA Olympic Squad

Kylie Andrew, (Nutrition) Wendy Braybon, (Physiotherapy) Dot Bussey, (Pastoral Care) Anna Byrne, (Massage) Melanie Cousins, (Massage) Charissa Fermelis, (Physiotherapy and Core Stability) Phil Francis, (Orthotists) Fiona Jacobs, (Physiotherapy) James Karageorgiou, (Physical Preparation) Kate McGillivray, (Physiotherapy) Dr Don McIntosh, (Sports Medicine) Lisa Stevens, (Sport Psychology) Kylie Thomas, (Sport Science) Clare Timmins, (ACE) Lauriston Girls School ( Primary and Secondary School) Melbourne Girls Secondary College (Secondary School) Stonnington Primary School



2012 Olympic Games Ashleigh Brennan, Georgia Bonora - Australian Team Members (Team of 5), Reserve Athletes – GeorgiaRose Brown, Mary-Anne Monckton

KEY STATISTICS: 11 Scholarship Holders 8 Training Agreement athletes 12 athletes on National Squads

Tracey Penaluna

Victorian Women’s High Performance Centre, Prahran MLC Gymnastics Club Waverley Gymnastics Centre



Mikhail Barabach


Lisa Bradley, (Dance and Artristry Coach) Melic Tichabaev, (Acrobatic Specialist) John Hart, Shaoyi Jiang (Waverley Coaches) Michelle Dehighden, Jeb Selisbury (MLC Coaches)

ATHLETES: Georgia Bonora Rachael Boyd (training agreement) Ashleigh Brennan Georgia-Rose Brown Emma Curry (training agreement) Angela Donald Alexandra Eade Grace Flood (training agreement) Britt Greeley Laura Hingston (training agreement) Madelaine Leydin Zoe Lorenzin Amelia McGrath Mary-Anne Monckton Kiara Munteanu (training agreement) Svetlana Sanders (training agreement) Stella Savvidou (training agreement)

Amco Gymnastics - leotard provider Melbourne Physiotherapy Group (partnership)

PARTNERS: Gymnastics Australia Gymnastics Victoria Financial support for the National Training Centre is provided by the Australian Sports Commission through Gymnastics Australia

The journey to Rio has begun!

/ Gymnastics - Ashleigh Brennan.

FEATURE ATHLETE: Ashleigh Brennan. After the Beijing Olympics, VIS gymnast Ashleigh Brennan felt she had achieved everything she wanted in her sport. Then, over a seven month period, she recharged her batteries and reassessed her goals in the sport and decided to continue, after almost

giving gymnastics away entirely. Brennan, 21, will now lead the Australian gymnastics team into the London Olympics as the oldest member of the five-strong team. Ensuring she was in good form in the lead up to her second Olympic campaign, Ashleigh claimed her first senior All Around National

Championship in 2012. A strong all round performer, the VIS scholarship holder has found most of her success on the floor and beam. Highlights from Brennan’s career include:

Competed at 3 World Championships (2007, 2010, 2011) VicSport Female Athlete of the Year 2011 Gymnastics Victoria Athlete of the Year 2011

Dual Olympian (Beijing, London) Dual Commonwealth Games Medalist (Melbourne, Delhi)


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Men’s Hockey THE VIS Men’s Hockey program is continually improving on all fronts under the guidance of head coach Jay Stacy. Every year the program looks to challenge and develop the athletes so they are equipped with the latest skills, trends and match tactics in world hockey. This was evident with the inaugural VIS European trip held in February/March 2012 for VIS squad members. The current squad has an average age of 23 with all athletes playing for the Victorian Vikings (AHL), Victoria U21, Victoria U18 or national teams. The ultimate goal of the program and players is for National Squad selection across all levels. Five players were involved with the Kookaburras Olympic preparation. Chris Ciriello and Russell Ford were selected in the London 2012 Olympic team and have a strong chance of medalling at the games.



VIS European Tour (27 Feb - 15 March 2012) This year the VIS squad participated in the inaugural VIS tour of Holland and Belgium, which was a fantastic success both on and off the pitch. The main objectives for the group during the tour were:

Jay Stacy

Quality competition against European structures International tour experience Observe world class players Representing the VIS Group dynamics Life experience The squad played eight matches in 13 days. Though the schedule was hectic, the players had adequate rest and recovery between matches. The VIS Men’s Hockey program will be running the tour annually as it looks to build strong links with European hockey clubs. 2012 VIS European Tour Results VIS vs Oranje Zwart 2-2 VIS vs Den Bosch 0-6 VIS vs HC Eindhoven 6-2 VIS vs HC & BH Breda 1-1 VIS vs HC Eindhoven 7-3 VIS vs HC Tilburg 1-0 VIS vs Braxgata Antwerp 3-2 VIS vs KHC Dragons Antwerp 3-4

COMPETITION: 3rd, bronze medal, AHL, Victoria Vikings (14 out of 18 VIS Athletes were selected)

ATHLETES: George Bazeley Chris Ciriello Tyler Cowley Luke Doerner Johan Durst Justin Ellis Russell Ford Sam Fraser Stephen Jarvis Malcolm Kemp Aaron Kleinschmidt Daniel Mirecki Andrew Philpott Josh Pollard Jadium Rees Glenn Simpson Heath Simpson Adam Truepenny Byron Walton James Webster Timothy Wischusen Oscar Wookey Luke Young

ATHLETE SERVICE PROVIDERS: Andrew Fooks, (Physiotherapy) James Karageorgiou, (Physical Preparation) Daniela Manche, (Nutrition) Danielle Stefano, (Sport Science) Clare Timmins, (ACE)

TRAINING VENUE: State Netball Hockey Centre, Parkville VIS Gymnasium

2nd, silver medal, Sultan of Johor Cup, Australia U21 (Johan Durst, Tyler Cowley)

Hockey Victoria Hockey Australia

44% of athletes in the program have been nationally identified across all age groups


Travis Brooks, (AHL, Assistant/Specialist Coach) Stephen Mowlam, (Goal Keeping Coach)

1st, gold medal, Champions Trophy, Kookaburras (Chris Ciriello, Luke Doerner, Glenn Simpson, George Bazeley)


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PARTNERS: Financial support for the National Training Centre is provided by the Australian Sports Commission through Hockey Australia and Hockey Victoria.

FEATURE ATHLETE: Chris Ciriello. Years on National Team: 5 Primary Training Base: Perth, Australia Club: Doncaster Hockey (Melbourne, Australia) and Curtin Trinity Pirates (Perth, Australia) Interesting Facts: Ciriello started playing when he was four years old. By 16 he had qualified for the Australian U18 team. Two years later, with his sights set on the senior team, he shed nearly 20 kilograms to get in shape. Ciriello followed his father and grandfather into hockey. His grandfather Rudolf Pacheco played for India and coached his father - who met his wife through hockey. 2011/12 Performances: 1st 2011 Champions Trophy (Auckland, New Zealand) 1st 2012 International Series vs Germany (Mannheim, Germany) 1st 2012 International Series vs Belgium (Antwerp, Belgium) 2nd 2012 London Invitational Olympic Test Event (London, United Kingdom) 1st 2012 International Series vs Japan (Canberra, Australia) 1st 2012 International Series vs China (Wollongong, Australia) 1st 2012 Three Nations (Perth, Australia)

The ultimate goal of the program and players is for national Squad selection across all levels.

/ Men’s Hockey - Chris Ciriello (right). ANNUAL REVIEW

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Women’s Hockey THE VIS Women’s Hockey program enjoyed another impressive year at both senior/national and junior level. The program’s responsibility is to prepare and develop Victorian based athletes for international competition, AHL and to identify the next generation of State and National players. Head Coach Katie Allen organised and implemented the inaugural combined SIS/SAS competition which was held at the Sunshine Coast over Easter. The competition coincided with the AUS v USA series. Thirty athletes (including four from the VIS, with coach Katie Allen and program administrator Matt Burn) from seven NTC programs formed two teams and played three matches as curtain raisers to the international games. The competition provided a timely development opportunity for National, junior and State based athletes who were not involved in Olympic squad preparation. Stacia Joseph, Rachael Lynch, Claire Messent, Ashlee Wells and Georgia Nanscawen all represented Australia throughout the year. The five athletes were in contention for the Olympic team up until the final selection. Georgia Nanscawen was eventually picked to represent Australia in London 2012 with Ashlee Wells named as one of two reserve players for the Olympic team. 38 |





The two key achievements which best illustrate the progress made by the VIS women’s hockey program this year are:

Katie Allen

Hockey Victoria Hockey Australia

Five VIS athletes were selected in the 2012 Olympic squad, the greatest number in VIS history The U18 State team reached the Grand Final of the National Championships for the fourth year in a row and five athletes were selected in the National Futures Squad These results indicate a healthy present and future for women’s hockey in Victoria.

KEY STATISTICS: There were 11 VIS athletes included in National Senior, Development and Junior squads in the reporting period Two VIS scholarship holders played for the National Junior team in the 4-Nations Tournament in India in November 2011 Victoria won the silver medal in the 2012 U18 National Championships, the fourth year in a row this team has been in the final (winning the title twice in four years) Victoria placed fourth in the 2011 U21 National Championships Three VIS scholarship holders played in the Netherlands Hockey League for the 2011/2012 season

SPECIALIST COACHES AND STAFF: Jesse Adams, (Physiotherapy Coordinator) Helmut Doerner, (Massage Therapist) Michelle Flouch, (Specialist Goalkeeper coach)

ATHLETES: Tegan Boucher Kary Chau Hannah Cohen Stephanie Doutre Stacia Joseph Rachael Lynch Claire Messent Georgia Nanscawen Hayley Padget Hana Peake Meg Pearce Isabelle Peskett Stephanie Riordan Danielle Schubach Sam Snow Renee Trost Ashlee Wells

ATHLETE SERVICE PROVIDERS: Nathan Heaney, (Physical Preparation) Daniela Manche, (Nutrition) Marina Mateos, (ACE) Kylie Thomas, (Sport Science)

TRAINING VENUE: State Netball Hockey Centre, Parkville VIS Gymnasium

Financial support for the National Training Centre program is provided by the Australian Sports Commission through Hockey Australia and Hockey Victoria.

FEATURE ATHLETE: Georgia Nanscawen. Nickname: Pippin 2011/12 Highlights: 2nd - 2011 Oceania Cup 1st - 2012 Four Nations Tournament 2 (New Zealand) 1st - 2012 Four Nations Tournament 1 (New Zealand) 2nd - 2012 Test Series v Argentina Career Highlights: Being selected in the Hockeyroos team at the age of 17 in 2009 Playing at the Hockey World Cup in Rosario, Argentina in 2010 Interesting Facts: Georgia Nanscawen became the third youngest Hockeyroo when selected on her first national team tour when she was 16. The young red-haired bolter packed her year 11 school work and her hockey stick for her debut and played her first game just one day after her 17th birthday. At just 19, Georgia has already played over 70 games for Australia and has proved to be a prolific goal scorer. Georgia’s great, great uncle was Geelong VFL footballer Edward ‘Carji’ Greeves, the inaugural Brownlow Medal winner from 1924.

/ Women’s Hockey - Georgia Nanscawen.

The VIS Women’s Hockey program enjoyed another impressive year at both senior/national and junior level.

/ Women’s Hockey - Claire Messent. ANNUAL REVIEW

| 39

Netball THE primary aim of the VIS netball program is to prepare athletes for competition at elite level, both the ANZ Championship and the Australian National League (ANL), and to prepare athletes for selection in State and National teams. The VIS awards scholarships to the top twelve athletes who comprise the Vixens and a further twelve scholarships to athletes in the second tier squad, the Fury. The Vixens training program is based on preparing for and competing in the ANZ Championship, which consists of 13 home and away rounds plus a three week finals series. The demands of the competition require the athletes to be able to perform maximal short, high intensity repeat efforts while maintaining their skill and concentration. Strategies for recovery and regeneration are also incorporated into the training program. The Fury competes in the ANL which runs through August and September and comprises a team from each State and Territory, plus an AIS team. The weekly training regime consists of skill training, strength and fitness, sport science, strategic preparation, match analysis, sports medicine and ACE activities, with the athletes utilising the specialist facilities of the VIS gym for physical preparation, and various outdoor venues for skill based training. 40 |




Five athletes named in the 2011/2012 Australian squad

Julie Hoornweg

Largest membership numbers for any ANZ team in the competition

Cathy Fellows, (ANL Coach, Victorian Fury) Kristy Keppich-Birrell, (ANL Assistant Coach, Victorian Fury) Susan Jennings, (ANL Team Manager) Jen McIntyre, (Vixens Team Manager) Simone McKinnis, (Vixens Specialist Coach) Eloise Southby-Halbish, (Vixens Assistant Coach)

Largest crowd attendance for the season for any team in the ANZ competition

KEY STATISTICS: - National Competition In the ANZ Championship 2012 the Melbourne Vixens won 10 home and away matches out of a possible 13 games finishing the season as minor premiers The Fury finished in second place in the Australian National League Victorian Fury Head Coach, Cathy Fellows, is also an Australian U21 selector and the Australian U19 Assistant Coach - International Competition Five athletes named in the 2011/2012 Australian squad Julie Corletto selected in the Australian Diamonds team that won the 2011 World Championships against New Zealand in July 2011 Two athletes selected in the Australian Diamonds team that won the Constellation Cup in October 2011 Three athletes in the Australian U21 team that defeated New Zealand in a three test series Two athletes selected in the Australian U19 team which defeated the Samoan National team in a three test series Percentage of new athletes in the program Two returning athletes to the Melbourne Vixens program: Kara Richards (from the Adelaide Thunderbirds) and Ashlee Howard (from the West Coast Fever) Karyn Howarth moved up from the underpinning program into the Vixens and won Australian squad selection in her first year


ATHLETES: MELBOURNE VIXENS Kate Beveridge Madison Browne Tegan Caldwell Bianca Chatfield Julie Corletto Ashlee Howard Karyn Howarth Sharelle McMahon (training agreement) Geva Mentor Kara Richards Chelsey Tregear Sarah Wall Micaela Wilson

VICTORIAN FURY Kelsey Browne Maggie Lind Mary Livesay Sarah Main Kate Moloney Simone Nalder Ella Priestly Stephanie Puopolo Kasey Stanaway Liz Watson Demi Woodlock

ATHLETE SERVICE PROVIDERS: Kylie Andrew, (Nutrition, Victorian Fury) Michael Crooks, (Physical Preparation) Steve Hawkins, (Physiotherapy) Dr Susie Parker-Simmons, (Nutrition, Melbourne Vixens) Heidi Pollington, (Physiotherapy) Nick Sanders, (Sport Science) Bernadette Sierakowski, (ACE)

TRAINING VENUE: State Netball Hockey Centre VIS Gymnasium

PARTNERS: Netball Australia Netball Victoria

FEATURE ATHLETE: Madison Browne. Positions: C, WA Nickname: Madi, Maddogg Madi Browne is the ideal mid-courter: fit, strong and smart. Her athleticism and grace across the mid-court has seen her secure a place in the Australian Diamonds squad and become an important weapon in the Vixens attacking end. Her fast movements, quick thinking and vision make it difficult for any opponent to defend her. The 24 year old is an integral part of the Vixens team and her form in 2012 has been scintillating. 2011/12 Highlights: Winning the Holden Netball Test Series against New Zealand (October, 2011) Player of the match in the final against New Zealand (Constellation Cup) Melbourne Vixens Co-Vice Captain (2012) National Highlights: Australian Netball Diamonds Squad (2008 - present) Australian Netball Diamonds (2010 - present) Australian U21 Team (200609) Captain (2009) Australian U21 Team, World Championships (Gold-2009) Australian U21 Player of the Year (2008) Major Achievements: Melbourne Vixens (2008, 2011-12) Melbourne Vixens Co-Vice Captain (2012) Melbourne Vixens Runner Up Best & Fairest (2011)

/ Melbourne Vixen - Madison Browne.

The primary aim of the VIS netball program is to prepare athletes for competition at elite level, both the ANZ Championship and the Australian National League (ANL), and to prepare athletes for selection in State and National teams.


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Rowing THE VIS rowing program operates in conjunction with the national rowing program and provides world-class coaching opportunities, training and competition, facilities and support services to improve athlete development. The VIS program remains a dominant force in the Australian rowing landscape, with success in national and international competition and a large representation on the National Squad at benchmark events. 2011/12 saw continued international success with our athletes performing well at the 2011 World Championships contributing to seven medals (two gold, three silver and two bronze). Following the Olympic Selection Regattas in December 2011 and April 2012, VIS athletes made up over 40% of the team to represent Australia in London, a tremendous achievement for the athletes and staff involved in the program.



Highest representation of all SIS/ SAS on National Team for 2011 World Championships Team and 2012 Olympic Team VIS athletes contributed to seven of the eight medals won by Australia at 2011 World Championships

VIS Gymnasium Yarra River (Melbourne University Boat Club) National Water Sports Centre, Carrum Nagambie Lakes Regatta Centre Tambo River, Gippsland



100% of the VIS rowing squad was selected on the National Squad during 2011/12 period at various benchmark events 25 individuals received VIS scholarships during the 2011/12 reporting period, 15 male and nine female The average age of scholarship holders was 27 years old

HEAD COACH: Chris O’Brien


ATHLETES: Nicholas Baker Katrina Bateman Thomas Bertrand Joshua Booth David Crawshay Kimberley Crow Joshua Dunkley-Smith Karsten Forsterling Pauline Frasca Drew Ginn Francis Hegerty Kate Hornsey Tom Larkins John Linke Will Lockwood James Marburg Cameron McKenzie-McHarg Alice McNamara Elizabeth Patrick Pippa Savage Phoebe Stanley Thomas Swann Sarah Tait David Webster

ATHLETE SERVICE PROVIDERS: Kylie Andrew, (Nutrition) Wendy Braybon, (Physiotherapy) Dr Harry Brennan, (Physical Preparation) Arnaud Domange, (Massage Therapy) Marina Mateos, (ACE) Luck Nicholls, (Massage Therapist) Kate McGillivray, (Physiotherapy) Cathryn Pruscino, (Sport Science) Dr Larissa Trease, (Medical Services Coordinator)

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Sykes Racing Rowbust

Program Partners: Rowing Australia Rowing Victoria Financial support for the National Training Centre is provided by the Australian Sports Commission through Rowing Australia

FEATURE ATHLETE: Karsten Forsterling. Following the 2011 World Rowing Championships in Bled, Slovenia, Karsten Forsterling returned to Australia as a World Champion. In what was his eighth World Championships, Karsten and his teammates pulled off a major upset against Germany to win gold in the men’s quad scull. However his selection to the London 2012 Olympic Team was the most memorable moment of his career to date. His selection to the Olympic team is the realisation of years of hard work and devastating near-misses. After missing out on the men’s eight crew for Athens in 2004, Forsterling travelled to Beijing as the reserve in 2008 and almost filled in for an ailing Drew Ginn but never actually took to the course. In London he will finally realise his dream as a member of the quad scull.

/ Rowing - Karsten Forsterling (far left) and David Crawshay (second from left).

VIS athletes made up over 40% of the team to represent Australia in London.

/ Olympians - Kate Hornsey and Sarah Tait.


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Sailing THE VIS Sailing Program progressed well in 2011/12 with a squad combining Australian Sailing Team representatives and a strong group of development athletes to give the program great diversity.


With athletes competing in the majority of Olympic classes the focus has been on providing a strong domestic training base at Sandringham and Sorrento Yacht Clubs and giving the athletes exposure to high quality national and international camp and competition opportunities.

Oliver Tweedell (Finn Class) 2nd ISAF World Cup, Melbourne, Australia

The overall goal of the program is to work closely with the athletes and our program partners to increase VIS representation on National Squads at Senior, Youth and Junior level over the next four year cycle.


Krystal Weir (Laser Radial Class) 1st ISAF World Cup, Medemblik, The Netherlands 1st Australian Laser Radial Championships, Manly, Australia 3rd ISAF World Cup, Melbourne, Australia Sam & Will Phillips (49er Class) 2nd ISAF World Cup, Melbourne, Australia

Sam Kivell (470 Class) 3rd ISAF World Cup, Melbourne, Australia

KEY STATISTICS: All athletes competed at international level during the year in Senior, Youth and Junior competition Average age - 20 years There is one female and 12 male athletes in the squad Johnny Rodgers

ATHLETES: George Davies Tom Dwyer Tim Hannah Tom Klemens Sam Kivell Jack Lloyd Jeremy O’Connell Sam Phillips Will Phillips James Sly Max Taylor Oliver Tweedell Krystal Weir

ATHLETE SERVICE PROVIDERS: Kylie Andrew, (Nutrition) Bernadette Sierakowski, (ACE) Doxi Geroyiannis, (Sport Science) Ben Willey, (Physical Preparation) Dave Williams, (Sport Psychology)

TRAINING PROGRAMS/CLUBS: Sandringham Yacht Club Sorrento Sailing & Couta Boat Club

SPONSORS: 2XU Performance Apparel Gill Clothing Financial support for the National Training Centre is provided by the Australian Sports Commission through Yachting Australia

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FEATURE ATHLETE: Krystal Weir. At age 13, Krystal Weir was forced to make a decision: choose between attending State trials for hockey, or sailing - the latter won and she has never looked back. Weir campaigned for Australia’s only Laser Radial spot for Beijing 2008, and though she missed out, her Olympic dream was realised when she stepped in as a late injury replacement in the three-person Yngling class, eventually finishing in tenth place. Fast forward four years and Weir is back again, this time selected for the Laser radial Class in which she won the 2004 World Championship. Weir has performed consistently throughout 2011 and 2012, winning silver at the World Cup in Kiel and gold at the 2011 Australian Laser Radial Championships before signaling herself as a medal contender for London after winning the Medemblik World Cup only a couple of months prior to the London Olympic Games.

/ Sailing - Tim Hannah.

The VIS Sailing Program has a strong domestic base at Sandringham and Sorrento Yacht Clubs.


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Swimming THE VIS Swimming program had a busy 2011-12 period with a major focus on the FINA World Championships, Para Pan Pacific Championships and the 2012 Olympic selection trials. The VIS swimming program is unique in that it coordinates fully integrated servicing and support to both able bodied and disabled (SWD) athletes. The coaches and processes put in place by the VIS are world class and the athletes selected on scholarship have great potential to represent Australia successfully at major benchmark events in the future.

KEY ACHIEVEMENTS: FINA World Championships, Shanghai CHN Matt Targett - 1st Men’s 4 x 100m Freestyle Relay; 2nd Men’s 50m Butterfly Leisel Jones - 2nd Women’s 100m Breastroke; 3rd Womens’ 4 x 100m Medley Relay

ATHLETE SERVICE PROVIDERS: VIS Based Daniela Manche, (Nutrition) Danielle Stefano, (Sport Science) Clare Timmins, (ACE) Paulette Misfud, (Psychology)

External Providers

The VIS swimming program is an integrated program with 8 male and 12 female able-bodied athletes and 5 male and 4 female SWD athletes

Daniel Meehan, (Physical Preparation) Simon Moule, (Physical Preparation) Jeremy Oliver, (Physical Preparation) Justin McEvoy, (Physiotherapy) David Morarty, (Physiotherapy) Cory Prout, (Physiotherapy) Helen Walker, (Physiotherapy) Christine Garbett, (Massage) Katie Pettifer, (Massage) Samantha Short, (Massage) Lisa Stephens, (Psychology)



Lee Nicholson

Casey Tigersharks Swimming Club Haileybury Waterlions Swimming Club Melbourne Vicentre Swimming Club Nunawading Swimming Club

KEY STATISTICS: 90% of squad competed in international competition during 2011/12 scholarship period The average age of scholarship holders was 23 years old

SPECIALIST COACHES AND STAFF: Ben Hiddlestone, (Squad Coach) Wayne Lawes, (Squad Coach) Ian Pope, (Squad Coach) Rohan Taylor, (Squad Coach)

ATHLETES: Joshua Beaver Belinda Bennett Andrew Cameron Ashley Delaney Sophie Edington Rachel Goh Marieke Guehrer Mack Horton Sarah Katsoulis Andrew Lauterstein Matson Lawson Grace Loh Travis Mahoney Samantha Marshall Jessica Morrison Koti Ngawati Belinda Parslow Emily Selig Kelly Stubbins Matthew Targett

Financial support for the National Training Centre is provided by the Australian Sports Commission through Swimming Australia and Swimming Victoria.

SWD Daniel Bell Sam Bramham Amanda Drennan Matthew Haanappel Tanya Huebner Ahmed Kelly Nicole Latham Jeremy Tidy Prue Watt

/ Swimming - Matthew Targett 46 |


FEATURE ATHLETE: Matthew Targett. Matthew Targett is a dual Olympic medalist and world champion swimmer. In Beijing 2008, on his Olympic debut, Targett won a bronze medal in his first event as a member of the Men’s 4x100m Freestyle Relay team. He then went on to take silver, as a heat swimmer, in the 4x100m Medley Relay. It was the Shanghai World Championships in 2011 where Targett really made his mark on the sport. The 25 year old took silver in the Men’s 50m Butterfly and then combined with James Magnussen, Eamon Sullivan and Matthew Abood to claim gold and take the world championship title in the final of the Men’s 4x100m Freestyle Relay. Targett has been selected to compete in his second Olympics in the Men’s 4x100m Freestyle Relay in London.

/ Swimming - Matthew Targett

The VIS Swimming Program is unique in that it coordinates fully integrated servicing and support to both able-bodied and disabled (SWD) athletes.

/ Photo Credit - Delly Carr/Swimming Australia ANNUAL REVIEW

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Triathlon THE VIS Triathlon Program provides scholarship holders with world class coaching, training facilities and support services. In partnership with Triathlon Australia and Triathlon Victoria, the VIS program works to develop world-class triathletes capable of representing Australia and achieving success at major International Triathlon Union (ITU) events. The VIS program continues to develop a reputation on the international scene by offering greater exposure for athletes in training and competition throughout Europe and the USA. Senior athletes Erin Densham and Brendan Sexton continued to lead the way in 2011/12 and with the next wave of developing athletes beginning to show great promise in agegroup racing, the future of the VIS Triathlon program looks promising.




Erin Densham 1st 2012 ITU World Championship Series Race, Sydney

Jonathan Hall (until April 2012) Jan Rehula (interim coach from April 2012)

1st 2012 ITU World Cup, Mooloolaba


2XU Performance Apparel CBD Cycles Giant Bicycle Event Worldwide SuperSprint Events Edge Composites

2nd 2012 ITU World Championship Series Race, San Diego, USA 2nd 2012 ITU World Cup, Banyoles, Spain Selected in the Australian Olympic team for the London 2012 Games Brendan Sexton 1st 2012 ITU Oceania Championships, Devonport AUS 5th 2012 ITU World Cup, Mooloolaba AUS Selected in the Australian Olympic team for the London 2012 Games

KEY STATISTICS: Four VIS triathlon scholarships were awarded to athletes during 2011/12; scholarships went to three male and one female athlete The average age of the scholarship holders was 24 years 100% of athletes on scholarship competed at major ITU events throughout the 2011/12 triathlon season

Jarrod Evans, (Assistant Coach) Peter Robertson, (National Talent Academy Coach)

ATHLETES: Erin Densham Jamie Huggett Peter Kerr Brendan Sexton

ATHLETE SERVICE PROVIDERS: Dr Harry Brennan, (Physical Preparation) Danielle Stefano, (Sport Science) Bernadette Sierakowski, (ACE)

TRAINING VENUE: VIS Gymnasium Melbourne Sports & Aquatic Centre Lakeside Stadium Various roads and running tracks through Victoria Camp based activities: Falls Creek, Victoria Vittoria, Spain Aix Les Bains, France

/ Triathlete - Erin Densham.

Financial support for the National Training Centre is provided by the Australian Sports Commission through Triathlon Australia

FEATURE ATHLETE: Erin Densham. Erin Densham competed in swimming and cross country at State level when at school in NSW and decided to combine her strengths at age 16 by taking up triathlon. She announced herself on the world triathlon scene when she won the U23 World Championship in Switzerland. In 2009, after competing at the elite level for a number of years, Erin collapsed during the swim leg of a race and was pulled from the water at a triathlon in Des Moines, Iowa. She was subsequently diagnosed with supraventricular tachycardia (racing heartbeat) and forced to drop out of several major competitions and eventually have surgery. Erin made a remarkable recovery, and proved she was back with a series of consistent performances at the 2010 French Triathlon Club Championships. In 2012 Erin had an exceptional start to the year, running third in the Oceania Championship and the Sydney World Championship, before winning the Mooloolaba Triathlon. Erin continued to race well, earning a place on the Olympic team and confirming herself as one of Australia’s leading medal hopes for the London 2012 Olympic Games.

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The VIS program continues to develop a reputation on the international scene.

/ Triathlete - Brendan Sexton. ANNUAL REVIEW

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Water Polo THE VIS Water Polo program continues to grow after it commenced as a Tier 1 program in January 2010. The program includes both men’s and women’s elements, supporting up to 20 scholarship athletes annually.


There are currently 17 athletes on full scholarship comprising both senior national players and future stars of the sport. All the athletes are extremely dedicated to their sport and training in the VIS squad.

Rowena Webster & Victoria Brown Members of Australian National Team, London Olympics, 2012

A typical training week consists of six early morning sessions of water polo-specific skill training. On top of this there is also strength and conditioning and separate swim sessions involved.

The average age of the scholarship holders is 22 for men and 22 for women

The hard working athletes and coaches all strive to achieve the aim of the VIS Water Polo program in identifying and developing talented athletes and preparing them for elite and international success.

National Water Polo League (NWPL) 2nd - Men’s Team 4th - Women’s Team NTC Challenge 5th - Men’s Team 3rd - Women’s Team Sam McGregor Captain of Australian National Team London Olympics, 2012

Emma Beanland, (Sport Science) Daniela Manche, (Nutrition) Clare Timmins, (ACE) Ben Willey, (Physical Preparation)

TRAINING VENUE: Melbourne Sports & Aquatic Centre South Yarra Sports VIS Gymnasium



65% of athletes on full scholarship have represented Australia in various squads and teams

Water Polo Victoria Water Polo Australia

The current scholarship group comprises 11 male and six female athletes

HEAD COACH: Dalibor Maslan

SPECIALIST COACHES AND STAFF: Travis Bloom, (assistant coach) Scott Gargoura, (swim coach - women) Greig Richardson, (assistant coach)

ATHLETES: FEMALE Katie Blunt (training agreement) Victoria Brown Jade Hanson (training agreement) Madison Morrison Elise Rossato Madeleine Steere Allison Van Ommen (training agreement) Genevieve Venosta Rowena Webster Gabriel Addley Josh Barrington Blake Edwards Daniel Egan Jarrod Gilchrist Richie Hyden (training agreement) William Lovelock (training agreement) Matt Martin Sam McGregor Max Mellor (training agreement) Chris Perrott (training agreement) Matthew Perrott Milan Stojkovic (training agreement)





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Lloyd Tarrant James Woods Carl Zvekan

Financial support for the National Training Centre program is provided by the Australian Sports Commission through Australian Water Polo Inc and Victorian Water Polo Inc

FEATURE ATHLETE: Sam McGregor. Nickname: Rambo Career Highlights: Olympics (2004, 2008, 2012) Becoming Captain of the national team in 2010 Winning the 2010 MVP for the Australian National Water Polo League Interesting Facts: Sam has achieved 200+ international caps. Outside of the pool, Sam balances his time between his young family and his job in investor relations; he has recently completed his studies in accounting. Sam’s great-grandfather John competed at the 1902 Empire Games in equestrian.

/ Water Polo - Sam McGregor.

The VIS Water Polo program includes both men’s and women’s elements, supporting up to 20 scholarship athletes annually.


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Individual Scholarships THE VIS Individual Athlete Scholarship Program is offered annually to athletes from sports which do not have a Tier 1 program. The program extends to a wide range of sports and features a number of Australia’s leading high performance athletes from Olympic and Paralympic sports. The athletes, who are all achieving excellent results in senior National and international competition, are able to access the comprehensive range of athlete support services as well as utilise the outstanding training and recovery facilities at the new VIS headquarters at Lakeside Stadium.

KEY ACHIEVEMENTS: Badminton Ross Smith & Glenn Warfe 2nd (doubles) - 2012 Air Tahiti Nui International Challenge (Punaauia, French Polynesia) 1st (doubles) - 2012 Oceania Championships (Ballarat, Australia) 1st (doubles) - 2012 Oceania Team Championships (Ballarat, Australia)

Baseball Justin Huber 5th - 2011 IBAF Baseball World Cup, Panama 2nd - 2011/2012 Melbourne Aces, Australian Baseball League Named on the 2011 Australian National Team

Basketball (AWD) Kaitlyn Papworth & Molly Urquhart-Moran 1st - 2011 Global Games (Loano, Italy) 1st - 2012 Ivor Burge Nationals (Maitland, NSW) Michael Paterson 1st - 2011 Ivor Burge Nationals (Maitland, NSW) 4th - 2011 Global Games (Loano, Italy) 1st - 2012 National Basketball Championships (Belconnen, ACT)

Beach Volleyball Tamsin Hinchley 1st - 2012 Continental Cup (Fuzhou, China) 9th - 2012 FIVB Moscow World Tour (Moscow, Russia) 9th - 2012 FIVB Beijing World Tour (Beijing, China) 9th - 2012 FIVB Shanghai World Tour (Shanghai, China)

Boxing Ibrahim Balla 1st U56kg - 2012 Oceania Olympic Qualification Tournament (Canberra, Australia) 1st U56kg - 2012 Australian Championships (Hobart, Australia) 1st U56kg - 2011 Arafura Games (Darwin, Australia) 3rd U56kg - 2011 Australian Championships (Melbourne, Australia)

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Canoe Slalom Warwick Draper 17th (K1) - 2012 Oceania Championships (Penrith, Australia) 2nd (K1) - 2012 National Championships (Mersey, Australia) 12th (K1) - 2012 Australian Open (Penrith, Australia) 13th (K1) - 2011 World Cup 3 (Markkleeberg, Germany) Sarah Grant 2nd (K1) - 2012 Australian Olympic Selection (Penrith, NSW) 2nd (K1) - 2012 Australian National Championships (Mersey River, Tasmania) 1st (K1) - 2011 Victorian Championships (Eildon, Victoria) 2nd (K1) - 2011 Oceania Championships (Managahao, New Zealand) Leanne Guinea 3rd C1 - 2012 Oceania Championships (Penrith, NSW) 4th C1 - 2012 Australian Open (Penrith, NSW) 1st C1 Relay - 2011 ICF World Championships (Bratislava, SVK) 2nd C1 - 2011 ICF World Cup 1 (Tacen, SLO) 3rd C1 - 2011 ICF World Cup 2 (L’Argentiere, FRA)

Cycling (AWD) Carol Cooke 1st T2 - 2012 Time Trial URT Velo Tour (France) 1st T2 - 2012 Road Race URT Velo Tour (France) 1st T2 - 2012 Time Trial World Cup (Segovia, Spain) 1st T2 - 2012 Road Race Cycling Australia Para-cycling Road National Championships (QLD) 1st T2 - 2012 Time Trial Cycling Australia Para-cycling Road National Championships (QLD) Michael Gallagher 1st C5 - 2012 4km Individual Pursuit Para-cycling Track World Championships (USA) 3rd C4/C5 - 2012 C4/C5 Scratch Race Para-cycling Track World Championships (USA) 2nd C5 - 2011 Time Trial UCI Para-cycling Road World Championships (DEN)

Stuart Tripp 1st H4 - 2012 Road Race Cycling Australia Para-cycling National Road Championships (QLD) 1st H4 - 2011 Road Race National Handcycle Series (Echuca VIC) 1st H4 - 2011 Road Race Cycling Australia Para-cycling National Road Championships (QLD)

Cycling (Mountain Bike) Lachlan Norris 4th - 2012 Short Track Australian Mountain Bike Championships (SA) 2nd - 2012 Cross Country Australian Mountain Bike Championships (SA) Katherine O’Shea 2nd - 2012 Australian Mountain Bike National Series - Super D (Mt Buller) 4th - 2012 Australian Mountain Bike National Series - Cross Country (Mt Buller)

Equestrian (AWD) Kate Doughty 4th (Individual) - 2011 Tamworth Para equestrian (London qualifier) 3rd (Team Test) - 2011 Tamworth Para equestrian (London qualifier) 18th (Open) - 2012 Dressage with the Stars, FEI Prix St George’s (Werribee, VIC) Anne Skinner 1st (Individual) - 2011 Grade 3 National Championships 1st (Team) - 2011 Grade 3 National Championships

Fencing Joanna Halls 1st (Epee) - 2011 Australian National Championships (Sydney, NSW)

Gymnastics (Men’s Artistic) Luke Wadsworth 1st (Australian - vault) - 2011 World Championships (Japan) 2nd (Australian floor) - 2011 World Championships (Japan) 2nd (Day 1 all-round) - 2011 National Championships

Football Melissa Barbieri QF - 2011 World Cup (Germany) 3rd - 2011 Olympic qualifiers


Shooting (AWD)

Mark Anthony 1st U90kg - 2012 Oceania Championships (Cairns, Australia) 1st U90kg - 2012 ACT International Open (Canberra, Australia) 1st U90kg - 2011 Oceania Championships (Papeete, Tahiti)

Luke Cain 1st - IPC Shooting World Cup R4 10m Air Rifle Standing Mixed Teams (Ft Benning, USA) 1st - IPC Shooting World Cup R5 10m Air Rifle Prone Mixed Teams (Ft Benning, USA) 2nd - 2011 Paralympic World Shooting Championships Prone 600/600 (London)

Ivo Dos Santos 1st U66kg - 2012 Oceania Championships (Cairns, Australia) 2nd U66kg - 2011 Apia World Cup (Apia, Samoa) 3rd U66kg - 2011 US Open (Miami, USA)

Lawn Bowls (AWD) Josh Barry 4th - World IBD Championships (South Africa) 1st (Pairs) - South Australian Championships 1st (Singles) - Australian Open

Jason Maroney 1st - IPC Shooting World Cup R4 10m Air Rifle Standing Mixed Teams (Ft Benning, USA) 1st - IPC Shooting World Cup R5 10m Air Rifle Prone Mixed Teams (Ft Benning, USA) 1st - 2011 Australia Cup 4 Air Rifle Prone R5

Luke Harper After a very successful career in Life Saving proudly representing Australia, Luke retired from high performance sport and is focussing on his career.

Natalie Smith 1st - IPC Shooting World Cup R2 10m Air Rifle Standing Women (Sydney) SH1 1st - IPC Shooting World Cup R2 10m Air Rifle Standing Women (Ft Benning, USA) SH1 3rd - IPC Shooting World Cup R3 10m Air Rifle Prone Mixed Team (Ft Benning, USA) R3


Shooting (Pistol)

Life Saving

Tim Blanchard 5th - 2012 Dunlop Series for V8 Supercars (Barbagallo) 7th - 2012 Fujitsu V8 Supercars (Sandown) 19th - Bathurst 1000 6th - 2012 Phillip Island L&H 500 V8 Supercars Endurance Race (Phillip Island)

Dina Aspandiyarova 2nd (10m air pistol) - 2012 Australia Cup 2 (Sydney, Australia) 1st (10m air pistol); 2nd (25m pistol) 2012 Australia Cup 1 (Adelaide, Australia) 1st (10m air pistol) - 2012 Meyton Cup (Innsbruck, Austria)

1st (10m air pistol) - 2011 Oceania Championships (Sydney, Australia) 5th (10m air pistol) - 2011 World Cup 1 (Sydney, Australia) Lalita Yauhleuskaya 5th (10m air pistol) - 2012 World Cup (Woolwich, England) 1st (10m air pistol); 1st (25m pistol) 2012 Australia Cup 1 (Shepparton, Australia) 2nd (10m air pistol) - 2011 Oceania Championships (Sydney, Australia) 3rd (10m air pistol) - 2011 World Cup Final (Wroclaw, Poland)

Shooting (Clay Target) Lauryn Mark 1st (skeet) - 2012 Australia Cup 2 (Lilydale, Australia) 1st (skeet) - 2012 Australia Cup 1 (Adelaide, Australia) 1st (skeet) - 2011 Oceania Championships (Sydney, Australia) Russell Mark 1st (double trap) - 2012 Australia Cup 3 (Perth, Australia) 1st (double trap) - 2012 Australia Cup 2 (Lilydale, Australia) 1st (double trap) - 2012 Australia Cup 1 (Adelaide, Australia) 1st (double trap) - 2011 Oceania Championships (Sydney, Australia) Laetisha Scanlan 1st (trap) - 2012 Australia Cup 3 Olympic Trap - Australian Record (Perth) 1st (trap) - Oceania Championships 3rd (trap) - 2011 Australia Cup 3 Olympic Trap (Brisbane)

Adam Vella 1st (trap) - 2012 Australia Cup 2 (Sydney, Australia) 2nd (trap) - 2012 ACTA Nationals (Newcastle, Australia) 3rd (trap) - 2011 Oceania Championships (Sydney, Australia)

Shooting (Rifle) Alethea Sedgman 2nd (10m air rifle) - 2012 Australia Cup 2 Event 1 (Sydney, Australia) 2nd (10m air rifle) - 2012 Australia Cup 2 Event 2 (Sydney, Australia) 1st (10m air rifle) - 2012 Australia Cup 1 Event 1 (Adelaide, Australia) 2nd (3m prone) - 2011 Oceania Championships (Sydney, Australia)

Softball Justine Smethurst 4th - 2011 Oklahoma World Cup 3rd - 2011 Canada Cup Squash

Squash Melody Francis 1st - 2011 Australia Day Challenge 1st - 2011 South Australia Open 1st - 2011 Victorian Open 1st - 2011 Mackay Open

Synchronized Swimming Tarren Otte 4th (Team) - 2012 Spanish Open (Palma de Mallorca, Spain) 1st (Solo) - 2012 Oceania Championships (Noumea, New Caledonia) 1st (Combo Team) - 2012 Oceania Championships (Noumea, New Caledonia)

/ Canoe Slalom - Leanne Guinea. Photo Credit -


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Individual Scholarships Table Tennis (AWD)

Water Skiing (AWD)

Sarah Lazzaro 1st (class 10) - 2011 Czech Open Ostrava (Czech Republic), women’s teams 1st (class 9-10) - 2011 British Open (Sheffield, Great Britain) Women’s teams 1st (class 6 - 10) - 2011 Arafura Games (Darwin, NT) Women’s teams

Jamie McDonald 1st - Tricks, 1st - Jump (New WR), 2nd - Slalom, 1st Overall (Standing Division), 2011 World Championships, (USA)

Rebecca McDonnell 3rd - 2011 Taiichung TT Open for the Disabled. Womens Singles Class 6-7 3rd - 2011 Czech Open Womens teams class 7 1st - 2012 Australian National Championships Mixed Class 6 Singles Melissa Tapper 2nd - Czech Open 1st - British Open 2nd - Hong Kong (Asia/ Oceania Regionals) 2nd - Slovenia Open

Table Tennis Miao Miao 3rd (singles) - 2012 Oceania Qualification Tournament (Sydney, Australia) 3rd (singles) - 2012 Australian Olympic Qualification Tournament (Sydney, Australia) 3rd (singles) - 2011 Oceania Cup (Adelaide, Australia) 1st (team) - 2011 World Teams Cup, Intercontinental Cup (Madgeburg, Germany)

Taekwondo Carmen Marton 3rd U67kg - 2012 World University Championship (Poncheon, Korea) 1st U67kg 2012 Dutch Open (Eindhoven, Netherlands) 3rd U67kg - 2012 USA Open (Las Vegas, USA) 3rd U67kg - 2012 Spanish Open (Alicante, Spain) Bernadette Branca Unfortunately a torn ACL Ligament in the Olympic Selection Tournament ruled Bernadette Branca out for most of the year, however after undergoing rehabilitation, she is back competing in 2012.

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Wheelchair Basketball Dylan Alcott, Jannik Blair, Michael D’Amelio 1st - 2012 Fazza International Wheelchair Basketball Tournament 1st - 2011 Oceania Championships (Goyang, South Korea) Amanda Carter, Shelley Chaplin, Cobi Crispin, Leanne Del Toso, Melanie Domaschenz, Kathleen O’Kelly-Kennedy, Katherine Reed 1st - 2011 Oceania Championships (Goyang, South Korea) 1st - 2012 Osaka Cup (Japan) 2nd - 2012 Paralympic World Cup (Manchester, England) Cobi Crispin - 2012 International Player of the Year

Wheelchair Rugby Nazim Erdem, Andrew Harrison, Josh Hose, Jason Lees, Greg Smith 1st - Oceania Paralympic qualification tournament 1st - London Paralympic Test event defeating Great Britain in the final 1st - Australia def Japan test series in Sydney 5-0 3rd - Canada Cup Shane Brand Following a shoulder injury sustained in 2011, and subsequent surgery and rehabilitation, Shane was ruled out of competition for most of the year. He returned to playing in the VWRL competition in March 2012.

Wheelchair Tennis Michael Dobbie A Beijing Paralympian, Michael decided 2011 was time to concentrate on his career outside of sport; he finished his tennis career on 96 singles wins and 100 doubles wins. Matthew Ingram In 2011, after 29 career singles wins and 9 career double wins, Matthew decided to hang up the racquet to focus on his instant family - triplet girls!

Luba Josevski Semi-Final - 2011 US Open USTA Wheelchair Championships QF - 2011 Trofeo Della Mole (Torino, Italy) - Doubles 2nd - 2012 Wheelchair BNP Paribas World Team Cup Asia/ Oceania Pre-qualifying event (India) QF - 2012 ACSA South African Open - Doubles

Weightlifting Simplice Ribouem 2011 Personal Best lifts - 153kg Snatch & 200kg Clean & Jerk In 2012 Simplice has been working diligently with the VIS sports medicine team to overcome an injury

Winter Sports Skiing (Alpine - AWD) Jessica Gallagher After making the athletics team for the 2012 London Paralympic Games, Jess has put her time into full time training for her events but looks forward to resuming full training in Alpine skiing with the aim of making the team for Sochi 2014. Mitch Gourley 1st - Giant Slalom, World Cup (La Molina, Spain) 1st - Giant Slalom, World Cup I (Winter Park, USA) 2nd - Super G, World Cup (Winter Park, USA) 2nd - Giant Slalom, 3rd - Super G, 3rd Overall World Cup, World Cup Overall Crystal Globe Cameron Rahles-Rahbula 1st Giant Slalom, 1st Super G, 2nd Slalom 2011 NZ Nationals

Skiing (Cross Country) Esther Bottomley 1st - 5km Classic, 5km Freestyle, Sprint Classic, Sprint Freestyle, 2011 Australia New Zealand Cup, (Falls Creek & Perisher) 1st - 42km Freestyle, 2011 Kangaroo Hoppet (Falls Creek) 2nd - Sprint Freestyle, 2012 National Championships (Bad Ischl, Austria)

Skiing (Freestyle Aerials) David Morris David took time off due to injury, returning to train off water ramps during the US summer.

Skiing (Ski cross) Katya Crema 1st - 2011 Australian National Ski Cross Championships 2nd - 2011 Australian / New Zealand Cup Overall 7th - 2012 World Cup Ski Cross (Les Contamines, France)

Skiing (Slope-style) Anna Segal 3rd - 2012 X-Games (Aspen) 2nd - 2012 European X-Games (France) 2nd - 2012 Dew Tour finals (Snowbasin, Utah) 4th - 2012 World Cup (Mammoth Mountain, California)

Speed Skating (Long Track) Daniel Greig 3rd - 1000m (B division)World Cup (Salt Lake City, USA) 16th - 500m, Calgary Day 2, World Championship Sprint, (One of only 4 skaters in history to skate under 35 seconds on the 500m before the age of 21) 21st No.1 500m, 16th No.2 500m, 20th Overall, Single Distance World Championships (Heerenveen)

Snowboarding (Boardercross) Stephanie Hickey Steph was injured for the 2011/2012 year, but has worked hard in her rehabilitation program with the goal of competing at Sochi in 2014. Alex Pullin 4th - Snowboard Cross World Cup (Blue Mountain, Canada) 5th - World Cup Team Event (Telluride, Colorado, USA)

KEY STATISTICS: In 2011/2012, the VIS Individual Scholarship program received 249 applications from 73 sports. Of this number, 75 athletes were selected for Individual Scholarship from 28 sports. All Individual Scholarship holders participate in national and international competition 26% of athletes within the program were new to the VIS in 2011/2012 Average age of individual scholarship holders was 29 There were 36 male and 39 female scholarship holders


FEATURE ATHLETE: Russell Mark. A long serving VIS scholarship holder, commencing in 1995, Russell Mark grew up on a country property in Ballarat with his two older brothers. Most people will remember Russell’s gold medal at the 1996 Atlanta Olympics. Russell was one of Australia’s four individual gold medalists at these Games, winning gold in the double trap. Russell has had a glittering career, winning 36 Australian Championships, his first coming as a 16 year old junior, as well as two Olympic medals, gold in Atlanta and silver in Sydney, and two Commonwealth Games medals, gold in Melbourne and bronze in Delhi. In 2012 he won gold in the double trap at Australia Cups 1, 2 and 3, the ACTA Commonwealth Championships and the ACTA Nationals. In 2011 he won the Oceania Championships in Sydney. Russell will be competing in his sixth Olympics in London 2012. In 2004, Russell married fellow Olympian and triple Commonwealth Games gold medalist shooter, Lauryn Ogilvie. They have three children, two daughters, Holly and Sierra and a son, Indiana. Interesting facts: With his win in Atlanta, Russell became the first shotgun shooter in the history of the sport to win all four of the world’s major individual titles, the World Cup, World Cup Final, World Championship and Olympic Games. A double trap competitor has 0.7 seconds in which to hit two ten centimetre(in diameter) clay targets, flying away from the competitor at 100 kilometres per hour.

Paul Kiteley, (Performance Services Manager) Nerissa Byrne, (Performance Services Coordinator)

ATHLETES: Dylan Alcott, Wheelchair Basketball Mark Anthony, Judo Dina Aspandiyarova, Shooting (pistol) Ibrahim Balla, Boxing Melissa Barbieri, Football Josh Barry, Lawn Bowls Jannik Blair, Wheelchair Basketball Tim Blanchard, Motorsport Esther Bottomley, Skiing (Cross Country) Bernadette Branca, Taekwondo Shane Brand, Wheelchair Rugby Luke Cain, AWD Shooting (Rifle) Amanda Carter, Wheelchair Basketball Shelley Chaplin, Wheelchair Basketball Carol Cooke, AWD Cycling Katya Crema, Skiing (Ski Cross) Cobi Crispin, Wheelchair Basketball Michael D’Amelio, Wheelchair Basketball Leanne Del Toso, (Wheelchair Basketball) Michael Dobbie, Wheelchair Tennis Melanie Domaschenz, Wheelchair Basketball Ivo Dos Santos, Judo Kate Doughty, AWD Equestrian Warwick Draper, Canoe (Slalom) Nazim Erdem, Wheelchair Rugby Melody Francis, Squash Michael Gallagher, AWD Cycling Mitchell Gourley, AWD Skiing (Alpine) Sarah Grant, Canoe (Slalom) Daniel Greig, Speed Skating (Short Track) Leanne Guinea, Canoe (Slalom)

Joanna Halls, Fencing Luke Harper, Surf Life Saving Andrew Harrison, Wheelchair Rugby Stephanie Hickey, Snowboard (Boardercross) Tamsin Hinchley, Beach Volleyball Josh Hose, Wheelchair Rugby Justin Huber, Baseball Luba Josevski, Wheelchair Tennis Sarah Lazzaro, AWD Table Tennis Jason Lees, Wheelchair Rugby Lauryn Mark, Shooting (Clay Target) Russell Mark, Shooting (Clay Target) Jason Maroney, AWD Shooting (Rifle) Carmen Marton, Taekwondo Jamie McDonald, AWD Water skiing Rebecca McDonnell, AWD Table Tennis Miao Miao, Table Tennis David Morris, Skiing (Freestyle Aerials) Lachlan Norris, Mountain Bike Kathleen O’Kelly-Kennedy, Wheelchair Basketball Katherine O’Shea, Mountain Bike Tarren Otte, Synchronized Swimming Kaitlyn Papworth, AWD Basketball Michael Paterson, AWD Basketball Alex Pullin, Snowboard (Boardercross) Cameron Rahles-Rahbula, AWD Skiing (Alpine) Katherine Reed, Wheelchair Basketball Simplice Ribouem, Weightlifting Laetisha Scanlan, Shooting (Clay Target) Alethea Sedgman, Shooting (Rifle) Anna Segal, Skiing (Slopestyle) Anne Skinner, AWD Equestrian

Justine Smethurst, Softball Gregory Smith, Wheelchair Rugby Natalie Smith, AWD Shooting (Rifle) Ross Smith, Badminton Melissa Tapper, AWD Table Tennis Stuart Tripp, AWD Cycling (Handcycling) Molly Urquhart-Moran, AWD Basketball Adam Vella, Shooting (Clay Target) Luke Wadsworth, Gymnastics Glenn Warfe, Badminton Lalita Yauhleuskaya, Shooting (Pistol)

ATHLETE SERVICE PROVIDERS: Kylie Andrew, (Sports Nutrition Coordinator) Wendy Braybon, (Physiotherapy & Soft Tissue Therapy Coordinator) Arnaud Domange, (Soft Tissue Therapist) Steve Evans, (Physiotherapist) Dr Peter Harcourt, (Sports Medicine Coordinator) Dr Greg Hickey, (Sports & Exercise Medicine Physician) Kate McGillivray, (Physiotherapist) Daniela Manche, (Sports Dietitian) Gillian Niven, (Soft Tissue Therapist) Ebonie Scase, (Physiotherapist) Dr Anik Shawdon, (Sports & Exercise Medicine Physician) Jim Stevanovski, (Soft Tissue Therapist) Dr Larissa Trease, (Sports & Exercise Medicine Physician)


/ New Facility - Lakeside Stadium, Albert Park.


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Talent Transfer THE establishment of a Talent Transfer program in 2010 reflects the VIS’s understanding that elite athletes possess a range of talents, abilities, and characteristics that do not disappear once those athletes come to the end of their journey in a particular sport. The Talent Transfer program aims to provide athletes with an alternate pathway in elite sport and to harness those talents built up and developed over years of specialised training, with the view to assisting the athletes to achieve National and International success in a new sport.

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KEY ACHIEVEMENTS: Two athletes were promoted to Tier 1 scholarships: Ziggy Callan (Track Cycling) and Chloe McConville (Road Cycling) and Joel Tobin-White (Triathlon) was promoted to the Future Talent Program Brittany Steele, Rowing 2nd Women’s U23 Quad, 3rd Women’s U23 Eight, 6th Women’s U23 Pair Nationals Regatta 2nd Womens’ U23 Quad, 3rd Women’s U23 Pair Victorian State Championships Christian Williams, Archery Achieved score above State team qualifier, Sherbrooke QRE 720 Achieved score above State team qualifier, Diamond Valley QRE 720 Madeleine Pape, Cycling 1st A Grade St Kilda Cycling Club Criterion Race 7th (Individual) & 1st (Team) Cykel Grand Prix

Sam de Riter, Cycling 13th Phillip Island Grand Prix 21st National Time Trial 3rd Elite Women Sprint, Australian Track National Championships Hannah Macdougall, Para-cycling 3rd Time Trial, 3rd Road Race, 2012 Australian Para Road Cycling Championships 3rd 3km Individual Pursuit, 3rd 500m Time Trial, National Track Championships

KEY STATISTICS: Since the program commenced there have been fifty one enquiries, across twelve sports that have led to a trial with a sport or specific sport science testing. Thirty three athletes have been offered a training agreement and six of these athletes have gone on to full scholarships. There are currently eight athletes on Talent Transfer training agreements (not including those

athletes in the aerial skiing program), from six sports. Currently there are another six athletes going through the transition phase with whom we are working to identify an alternate sporting pathway.

ATHLETES: Samantha De Riter, Cycling Tierra Exum, Athletics Mark Fountain, Triathlon Hannah Macdougall, Para-cycling Nicholas McGuire, Triathlon Madeleine Pape, Cycling Brittany Steele, Rowing Christian Williams, Archery

/ Clockwise from top left: Tierra Exum, Madeleine Pape, Joel Tobin-White, Ziggy Callan.

VIS Athletes Index AERIAL SKIING Nicolette Barnett Ebonie Boucher (training agreement) Alice Cheung Brittany George (training agreement) Lydia Lassila Emma Ludowici Renee McElduff Lidia McLean (training agreement) Laura Peel Danielle Scott Sarah Taig (training agreement) Samantha Wells

ATHLETICS Damien Birkinhead Collis Birmingham Zoe Buckman Luke Cann Monique Cilione Benn Harradine Scott Martin Paris McCathrion Kaila McKnight Craig Mottram Kim Mulhall Jana Pittman Jeffrey Riseley Aaron Rouge-Serret Alexander Rowe Dale Stevenson Brooke Stratton Lisa Weightman Jordan Williamsz Sean Wroe

AWD Kelly Cartwright Richard Colman Jessica Gallagher Madeleine Hogan Sam McIntosh Brydee Moore Katy Parrish Russell Short Jack Swift Noni Thompson

CYCLING TRACK Ziggy Callan Jack Cummings Sean Finning Jaron Gardiner Maddison Hammond Emerson Harwood Leigh Howard Evan Hull Alex Morgan Jason Niblett Luke Parker Shane Perkins

Jacob Schmid Zachary Shaw Adele Sylvester Caitlin Ward

ROAD Nick Aitken Simon Clarke Baden Cooke Cadel Evans Simon Gerrans Tom Hamilton Kendelle Hodges Joanne Hogan Lisa Jacobs Patrick Lane Matthew Lloyd Chloe McConville Bridie O’Donnell Eric Sheppard Calvin Watson Matt Wilson

DIVING James Connor Anna Gelai Joshua Kehagias Grant Nel Jaele Patrick Matthew Pozzobon Anabelle Smith Darcy Taylor Hannah Thek Anna-Irene Tsoukalas Loudy Wiggins

FUTURE TALENT Nicole Blanks, Para-Equestrian Jacinta Carroll, Water Skiing Lachlan Edwards, Water Polo Alex Graham, Swimming Scott James, Snowboarding Armstrong Lazenby, Short Track Speed Skating Lisa Phillips, Lawn Bowls Ben Schreiner, Swimming Catherine Skinner, Clay Target Shooting Joel Tobin-White, Triathlon Hannah Trotter, Judo Bodi Turner, BMX Samantha Wilkins, Swimming

GOLF Rory Bourke Geoff Drakeford Matthew Griffin (associate) Nathan Holman Grace Lennon Poulsen Mathilda Kieran Pratt (associate) Todd Sinnott Julienne Soo (training agreement)



Rachael Boyd (training agreement) Ashleigh Brennan Georgia-Rose Brown Emma Curry (training agreement) Angela Donald Alexandra Eade Grace Flood (training agreement) Britt Greeley Laura Hingston (training agreement) Madelaine Leydin Zoe Lorenzin Amelia McGrath Mary-Anne Monckton Kiara Munteanu (training agreement) Svetlana Sanders (training agreement) Stella Savvidou (training agreement) Aimee-Lea Warnock (training agreement) Georgia Wheeler


MEN’S HOCKEY George Bazeley Chris Ciriello Tyler Cowley Luke Doerner Johan Durst Justin Ellis Russell Ford Sam Fraser Stephen Jarvis Malcolm Kemp Aaron Kleinschmidt Daniel Mirecki Andrew Philpott Josh Pollard Jadium Rees Glenn Simpson Heath Simpson Adam Truepenny Byron Walton James Webster Timothy Wischusen Oscar Wookey Luke Young

WOMEN’S HOCKEY Tegan Boucher Kary Chau Hannah Cohen Stephanie Doutre Stacia Joseph Rachael Lynch Claire Messent Georgia Nanscawen Hayley Padget Hana Peake Meg Pearce Isabelle Peskett Stephanie Riordan Danielle Schubach Sam Snow Renee Trost Ashlee Wells

Kate Beveridge Madison Browne Tegan Caldwell Bianca Chatfield Julie Corletto Ashlee Howard Karyn Howarth Sharelle McMahon (training agreement) Geva Mentor Kara Richards Chelsey Tregear Sarah Wall Micaela Wilson

VICTORIAN FURY Kelsey Browne Maggie Lind Mary Livesay Sarah Main Kate Moloney Simone Nalder Ella Priestly Stephanie Puopolo Kasey Stanaway Liz Watson Demi Woodlock

ROWING Nicholas Baker Katrina Bateman Thomas Bertrand Joshua Booth David Crawshay Kimberley Crow Joshua Dunkley-Smith Karsten Forsterling Pauline Frasca Drew Ginn Francis Hegerty Kate Hornsey Tom Larkins John Linke Will Lockwood James Marburg Cameron McKenzie-McHarg Alice McNamara Elizabeth Patrick Pippa Savage Phoebe Stanley Thomas Swann Sarah Tait David Webster

SAILING George Davies Tom Dwyer Tim Hannah Tom Klemens Sam Kivell Jack Lloyd Jeremy O’Connell


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VIS Athletes Index Sam Phillips Will Phillips James Sly Max Taylor Oliver Tweedell Krystal Weir

SWIMMING Joshua Beaver Belinda Bennett Andrew Cameron Ashley Delaney Sophie Edington Rachel Goh Marieke Guehrer Mack Horton Sarah Katsoulis Andrew Lauterstein Matson Lawson Grace Loh Travis Mahoney Samantha Marshall Jessica Morrison Koti Ngawati Belinda Parslow Emily Selig Kelly Stubbins Matthew Targett

SWD Daniel Bell Sam Bramham Amanda Drennan Matthew Haanappel Tanya Huebner Ahmed Kelly Nicole Latham Jeremy Tidy Prue Watt

TRIATHLON Erin Densham Jamie Huggett Peter Kerr Brendan Sexton

WATER POLO FEMALE Katie Blunt (training agreement) Victoria Brown Jade Hanson (training agreement) Madison Morrison Elise Rossato Madeleine Steere Allison Van Ommen (training agreement) Genevieve Venosta Rowena Webster

MALE Gabriel Addley Josh Barrington Blake Edwards Daniel Egan Jarrod Gilchrist

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Richie Hyden (training agreement) William Lovelock (training agreement) Matt Martin Sam McGregor Max Mellor (training agreement) Chris Perrott (training agreement) Matthew Perrott Milan Stojkovic (training agreement) Lloyd Tarrant James Woods Carl Zvekan

INDIVIDUAL SCHOLARSHIPS Dylan Alcott, Wheelchair Basketball Mark Anthony, Judo Dina Aspandiyarova, Shooting (pistol) Ibrahim Balla, Boxing Melissa Barbieri, Football Josh Barry, Lawn Bowls Jannik Blair, Wheelchair Basketball Tim Blanchard, Motorsport Esther Bottomley, Skiing (Cross Country) Bernadette Branca, Taekwondo Shane Brand, Wheelchair Rugby Luke Cain, AWD Shooting (Rifle) Amanda Carter, Wheelchair Basketball Shelley Chaplin, Wheelchair Basketball Carol Cooke, AWD Cycling Katya Crema, Skiing (Ski Cross) Cobi Crispin, Wheelchair Basketball Michael D’Amelio, Wheelchair Basketball Leanne Del Toso, Wheelchair Basketball Michael Dobbie, Wheelchair Tennis Melanie Domaschenz, Wheelchair Basketball Ivo Dos Santos, Judo Kate Doughty, AWD Equestrian Warwick Draper, Canoe (Slalom) Nazim Erdem, Wheelchair Rugby Melody Francis, Squash Michael Gallagher, AWD Cycling Mitchell Gourley, AWD Skiing (Alpine) Sarah Grant, Canoe (Slalom) Daniel Greig, Speed Skating (Short Track) Leanne Guinea, Canoe (Slalom) Joanna Halls, Fencing Luke Harper, Surf Life Saving Andrew Harrison, Wheelchair Rugby Stephanie Hickey, Snowboard (Boardercross) Tamsin Hinchley, Beach Volleyball Josh Hose, Wheelchair Rugby Justin Huber, Baseball Luba Josevski, Wheelchair Tennis Sarah Lazzaro, AWD Table Tennis Jason Lees, Wheelchair Rugby Lauryn Mark, Shooting (Clay Target) Russell Mark, Shooting (Clay Target)

Jason Maroney, AWD Shooting (Rifle) Carmen Marton, Taekwondo Jamie McDonald, AWD Water skiing Rebecca McDonnell, AWD Table Tennis Miao Miao, Table Tennis David Morris, Skiing (Freestyle Aerials) Lachlan Norris, Mountain Bike Kathleen O’Kelly-Kennedy, Wheelchair Basketball Katherine O’Shea, Mountain Bike Tarren Otte, Synchronized Swimming Kaitlyn Papworth, AWD Basketball Michael Paterson, AWD Basketball Alex Pullin, Snowboard (Boardercross) Cameron Rahles-Rahbula, AWD Skiing (Alpine) Katherine Reed, Wheelchair Basketball Simplice Ribouem, Weightlifting Laetisha Scanlan, Shooting (Clay Target) Alethea Sedgman, Shooting (Rifle)

/ Shot Put - Dale Stevenson.

Anna Segal, Skiing (Slopestyle) Anne Skinner, AWD Equestrian Justine Smethurst, Softball Gregory Smith, Wheelchair Rugby Natalie Smith, AWD Shooting (Rifle) Ross Smith, Badminton Melissa Tapper, AWD Table Tennis Stuart Tripp, AWD Cycling (Handcycling) Molly Urquhart-Moran, AWD Basketball Adam Vella, Shooting (Clay Target) Luke Wadsworth, Gymnastics Glenn Warfe, Badminton Lalita Yauhleuskaya, Shooting (Pistol)

TALENT TRANSFER Samantha De Riter, Cycling Tierra Exum, Athletics Mark Fountain, Triathlon Hannah Macdougall, Para-cycling Nicholas McGuire, Triathlon Madeleine Pape, Cycling Brittany Steele, Rowing Christian Williams, Archery


/ Design & Print -


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/ Victorian Institute of Sport Lakeside Stadium 33 Aughtie Drive, Albert Park Victoria, Australia, 3206

Ph: +61 3 9425 0000 Fax: +61 3 9425 0100

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