The Independent Punk January 2013

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VOl. 1 ISSUE 1


January 2013

X T . N I T AUS S R E K C PUNK RO Guest Contributors Bryan Defiance of the Bloody Muffs

ALBUM REVIEWS Fighting for Scraps Anthems From The Southside

Frank Nemethvargo III of Smileyfoot Bob Surren

The Subtitles I Am An Animal EP Tony Jones & The Cretin 3 Midnight Mass Minor Decline The Front Nine Soto St. Go!

Guest Review from The Musical Junkie Flagass The Noise We Make

Guest Review from Obscure Chaos Zine Rex 84You Are The Enemy


HOLY SHIT! The response to our End of Year Digizine was phenomenal! I’d like to thank everyone that read it, downloaded it, shared it, passed the link along, or whatever you it is that you did with it thank you!

Send a self addressed, stamped envelope to:

Due to the overwhelming response I have decided to publish a dizigine on a monthly basis; each issue being delivered the last week of each month.

PoDunkRadio 8348 Farm Road 905 Paris, TX 75462

I’d like to take this time to extend an offer to anyone that reads this to contribute whatever it is that you might feel like contributing. Why the fuck should I be the one to decide what you can and can not contribute to a PUNK ROCK digizine? I have long been a defender of the freedom of speech, and while I may not always personally agree with what you submit I will include it - but be advised when submitting to this digizine that your contribution will contain a link to your website, social media site or e-mail address, that way if anyone finds it offensive they can take it up with YOU directly. If you own a business - send me an ad! If you are an independent punk band, or label and want to promote your latest release or upcoming show, send me an ad or the flyer for the show!


AND there is no fucking catch, no strings attached. I just happen to recognize the necessity for a project such as this. Let’s face it, as an independent, it’s not like you have a huge budget for advertising, hell I know for a fact that most of you cats have a hard enough time covering the expense of covering studio time, pressing, and distribution costs not to mention eating, getting out of town to play a show, etc.... Maybe I’m just too fucking generous, maybe I’m just a fucking idiot, I don’t fucking care either way. Just like with PoDunk Radio, I want you punks to have a place you can promote yourselves to the ENTIRE WORLD!!! Not just your local area! I fucking like you bitches and I enjoy helping promote what you’re doing! If you would like an interview, get your recent album or ep reviewed please contact me at - please make the subject line DIGIZINE and we can work something out.


again, thanks so much for helping make this a success, ji* the podunk punk

each month one lucky sticker request will receive a PoDunk Radio Care Package filled with various shit bands have sent to us! Page 2

The Independent Punk

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The Independent Punk

Animal Train are a four piece female fronted punk band from Austin, TX. The band was formed in 2007 by Rich and CJ who relocated from Upper Darby, PA in early 2011 and continues to make noise around Austin. PDR: How long has Animal Train been around? Rich: We formed the band in 2007. We’ve moved around a bit and changed members a few times but the Animal Train is still rolling strong. PDR: Why the name Animal Train? CJ: The name pays tribute to a good friend Billy Keith Leatherwood a Dallas , Texas drummer who played the punk scene in many bands including one called Animal Train. PDR: What spurred the move from PA to TX? do you feel it has helped you as a band? Rich: We wanted to live in a place where weirdoes are welcome. Musically yes it has helped us. What a better place to be in a band then Austin. There’s a great music scene here with lots of great places to play. PDR: What are your thoughts on [the dreaded topic of Gun Control? CJ: Human nature is a funny thing, the worry, the fears, the need to control things is so pressing on us. There is this false sense of authority that looms like a savior to some people. It is their perception that some major impact can be achieved, when reality is, we will have no more control over the situations. Guns are here and there are far too many of them to ever believe we could clear or control their usage. Even in the best of situations there is breakdown, a person hoping to protect their home can use the weapon in fit of rage. But it makes it feel good to some people that we put the laws in place. Like the TSA searches, it's a way to give a false sense that everything is going to be ok. The BIG pacifier, the warm dry diaper to keep our egestions in place. At some point you know your rights are not being observed and yet it makes some of us feel better to have it done to us. The ultimate Dom experience, The Governmentrix will make sure everyone stays on their post and follows the instructions, or else! I know personally, it is a hard fact to face, we only have influence over what is going on in our own life, that in itself is small and contained. Most of us, myself included, are out of control in multiple areas of life and sometimes feeling right on the brink of insanity. That's just in our own little world, let your mind go unleash that

thought against the masses and it soon feels like anarchy at rage. I would rather the Government implement a law that forces everyone to participate in just five minutes of positive thinking every morning (not that they would be able to do that either, that is the point in saying this) but at least then I may feel like there's hope for mankind. PDR: iPhone, Android, or Crackberry? CJ: Give us all the devices, we must have them all !! Pushing, clicking, rubbing, swiping, touching, rolling... keep that Global Market spinning !!! Consumer chaos and mass us that invisible cyber rub down all around the world. Rich: I gotta say iPhone it’s a nifty device. PDR: When did you first realize that you wanted to play music professionally? How many people tried to discourage you? CJ: I didn't start playing in a band setting until 2005. Rich was playing in a band called Asslunch that our friend Sam had started. I was sitting in on bass while they were looking for other members and was added into the band. I have always enjoyed all types of music, and I try not to take it too seriously as I don't want anything to rob the fun away from it. I took piano lessons as a child, then purchased a guitar at 16 and was immediately discouraged when I couldn't play it within an hour. I had the patience of a angel at that age, and still do of course, my biggest obstacle was my own discouragement and attention deficiencies. Rich: Oh shit am I a professional? They must set the bar pretty low. I just bang on a guitar and make noise. Seriously though it must of always been in me its something I love to do. I started on bass when I was 17 but wasn’t’ very good. Some people said maybe playing isn’t for you but I stuck with it. Guess I showed those fuckers huh? PDR: You do a lot of shows to support various causes, most notably animal shelters - Are you more of a Dog person or a cat Person? Did you ever watch the movie Cat People?

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CJ: We have a little Dog named Wesley and I adore Cats... I like having animals around they are very honest and understanding.

it fun and for a good cause we played with some awesome bands to. We raise something like 136 pounds of food for those in need for the holidays.

CJ: Yes, both of them.. I like the original 1942 it has that awesome poster (She was marked with the curse of those who slink and court and kill by night)..had a strange and sexy thrills air about it.. reminds me too of the Bowie song Cat People from the later one... wow I can't imagine playing a song for over 6 minutes.. he's got a great voice and all and it's good for what it is (80's trance dance) but dang.. that would be hard for Animal Train to do.. 47 seconds beginning to end songs.. that's the way to do it .. ha-ha

PDR: You have a strong D.I.Y. philosophy, where does that come from?

Rich: I’m a dog person but cats are awesome to and no I have never seen that movie. I’ll have to check it out one of these days.

PDR: Honestly, what do you think about Tim Armstrong's beard? Compared to MY beard?

PDR: 2012 saw the official release of Zebra Crossing, I understand you guys are going to head back to the studio soon to start on a new album do you have a projected release date for that or is it kind of a it comes when it comes thing?

CJ: Your Beard is way more impressive. You have one of those beards that can stand on it's own, it‘s epic... can like to call it the Belle Beard of Wisdom.

Rich: Yes we’ll be in the studio soon to record tracks for a new EP. As for when it will be out nothing is set in stone as of yet. PDR: Where do you get your inspiration while writing for a new album?

CJ: Lack of patience really, not wanting to wait for someone else to do something. Feeling empowered, not concerned over what someone else is doing, not putting constraints on something having to be a specific way. Just allowing the art to express itself, stand on it's own, without any validation or expectations and no pretense.

Rich: It’s a good look for old Tim but hands down yours is the best. You wear it well it’s a good look for you. PDR: If you could hang out with any punk icon - who would it be? CJ: I'm sure none of them are as I would imagine, but Joey Ramone seems like a sweet person to me.

CJ: Beers and caffeine makes it's all mystical. Rich: Its hard to say it just comes out of me when jamming with the band. We just bounce ideas off each other and hash them out till we get a song. Then another and another and that becomes an album like Zebra Crossing did. I can’t wait to see what the future holds and what we come up with next.

Rich: I’d love to hang with Johnny Ramone if he was still with us. If not for his influence I wouldn’t be doing what I do now.

PDR: What is the current band roster?

CJ: Don't be a DICK !! Grow the fuck up, it's not your scene, it's not anyone's scene, it's fucking drop the fuckin ego... there's no need to hit to hurt people and if you must do that shit then go smash your own head against the wall for a while... then come back... punk is not just negative violence and if that's all someone sees then they've missed it completely.

CJ: Vocals Rich: Guitar, Vocals John: Bass Tron: Drums, Vocals PDR: Who is the strongest force in the band? CJ: I think we all have great inputs and together it is a force of it's own, but Rich puts it all together. Rich is The Coordinator keeps that master plan and schedules things for us, John's The Collector, and Tron's The Fuel. Rich: I do my part and do a lot of behind the scenes stuff to help the band. But with out a doubt CJ is the driving force in the band. She writes awesome lyrics and her voice is amazing.

PDR: what advice do yo have for the kids that are just entering the punk scene?

Rich: As a player I’d say just do it get out there and have fun with it. As a fan I’d say go to shows buy some merch and support your scene. Either way make it a good one its punk ya dick. PDR: Want to give anyone a shout out? CJ: Aunt Jenny for all her support and kindness, and all the friends we’ve made along the way who were kind enough to share their encouragement. Rich: Yes cheers to my Aunt Jenny for all her love and support.

PDR: Star Trek or Star Wars?


CJ: Star Wars Rich: Star Wars John: Star Trek Tron: Star Trek PDR: What do you feel was the BEST show you played this year? Rich: Well we did another animal benefit this year. Not only was Page 6

The Independent Punk

Web Site: Booking Agent:


Super Sucker is a Punk Band out based of Flower City (Bandunk) in Indonesia.

through our internet media to disseminate for free or free Download, for easy access for your friends and have an album of songs by our SuperSucker. and we had not been released in the form of Full Album, may subsequently we realized. maybe there a label that would release a full album we? Fuck, i dont know. hahahahahaha :D

Wed and Fat Jeem started the band in june 2006, and soon picked up Richie Beck PDR: Any plans to get in the studio and on drums. griev! s make a new record this year? u with ngs i n h u t f e th Have Fat Jeem: yes, we are preparing some forget let's d n a se .... r o new songs that we will albumkan again, ances w The Trio released two songs in 2008 other ake us r b m and we’re still looking for a donor or a e t a h and picked up Dookie in 2010. th a s for t d d l n label that will release our next album. r a o h w Super Sucker Are: shake e the k a e t m a nd ! sk Fat Jeem: Horny Basser / Throat PDR: Would you like to come play in hood a iverse d d n a quad! ul s f i r America? t e u k a be ! php?id=100001373064685 all suc K u o N y U o P a punx t Teddy Wed: Bad String’s / Throat Fat Jeem: of course, we would love e for v o l a if there was access to a gig there, and give

greet our brothers there also did some jokes in a show of our band. hahahaha


Rychie Beck: Bitter

Dookie Punk: a crappy guitarist / Back Up Throat

PDR: If you could open for ANY major punk band who would it be?

PDR: So what inspired you to start a punk band?

Fat Jeem: for my own does not expect too using large to be a fucken MAJOR, I was more comfortable to be simple.

Fat Jeem: That definitely started from the intention, heart and soul! Our anger is also against the state shit and fucken government, as well as to the social environment in our fucken country that are more dominant with poverty communities. we provide resistance also criticized the idea for it all, one of them with a movement that we are doing well with our works were in pour in a song and art. PDR: Is it difficult to be a punk in Indonesia?

PDR: Who writes your lyrics? Fat Jeem: who wrote the lyrics of songs SuperSucker is my own, “Wed”, and “Dookie”, but mostly “Wed” who wrote the lyrics more.


Fat Jeem: not too hard to say because we are everywhere, but also somewhat difficult to say easy, because the hero (police officer fucking and asshole) who always stop our movement. and always there is discrimination in it. PDR: How many albums have you released so far? Fat Jeem: SuperSucker already released 2 EP we did with his own label, including “Lets Kick Ass”, and “THIS ALBUM IS MIDI” which we refer to as ALBUM STREAMING, meaning we release The Independent Punk!/Fatjeemshit!/sucker_super Press Contact: Booking Agent: 08568787075 (Fat Jeem) Page 7

Also many thanks to all who have been there for us over the years. All your kind words and support mean a lot to us.



The Enders - The Ruins of Ambition

Infested Records is a small independent punk rock record label and distribution located in North Central West Virginia

V/A - Music To Bleed To (1, 2, 3)

infested zine final 1.indd 1

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20.12.2012. 19:23:16

The Independent Punk

PDR: Where you cats from?

Fighting for Scraps Anthems From The Southside Self released 2011

JG: The band hails from a south suburb of Chicago, called Alsip. But our home will always be Blue Island.

I recently caught up with Jonathan Golden (Goldy) of Fighting for Scraps to get a little info from him regarding their album Anthems From the Southside. Fighting for Scraps is are hard working blue collared punks playing a highly aggressive Melodic/Punk/Hardcore. Heralding from the south suburbs of Chicago. Fighting For Scrap's highly aggressive sound is loud and heavy. Fueled by explosive drumming, dynamic guitar riffs, thunderous bass lines and old school, raspy vocals, Fighting For Scraps pushes the boundaries of punk. They exploded onto the Chicago music scene in 2010, playing shows across the metropolitan area at such clubs as Reggies,The Cobra Lounge,Ultra Lounge,and numerous other venues supporting such bands as The Star Fucking Hipsters, Channel3, The Infected, Deals Gone Bad, Last False Hope, Dead Town Revival, Calling all Cars (ex-Repellents )and numerous shows for F.C.S. Soundsystem. Gaining radio play on 88.9WARG THE DOC METAL SHOW, Podunk Radio, Asgard Radio, and Stig Stench radio; keep your eyes and ears open, Fighting For Scraps is the new sound of Chicago punk. Podunk Radio has been airing tracks off this album since we began as a station and look forward to more great music out of these guys. It is our opinion that Anthems From the Southside is good, honest approach to melodic hardcore punk with a sound that defines the energy and intensity of the Chicago punk scene and you'd be a damn fool not to try to get a copy of this album. Check them out HERE on facebook. PDR: How long have you been playing? PDR: What was the original release date of Anthems From The Southside? JG: It never really had an official release. A friend of our's owns 127 Riot Studios, and late 2011 he called us up, and told us he had a few hours open if we wanted to come in and blast some tunes out quick. So we loaded our gear and shot out to his studio, and blasted 6 tunes out in about six hours. A week later he mixed and mastered it, and sent it to us. That's when we started burning, promoting, and sending it to everywhere and everyone we could. People enjoyed the music.. a lot ...and there was a very strong positive feed back from it, scoring us shows with The Star Fucking Hipster's, Punk legends Channel 3, and numerous other established Chicago punk bands. We even gained the respect of The Chicago metal scene and The Chicago Metal alliance helping land us an opening slot for Chicago legends; like Spare Change and Maggot Twat . But I think what really propelled us forward was the live show. Our live shows tend to get pretty insane; Broken bottles, pits galore, and Goldy (me) has been compared to David Yow. For an old fat guy he never stands still.

JG: As a collective 2 1/2 years, but Creepy Brian and Jake have been together Jamming for years upon years. Goldy(me) took a break from the music scene, kinda settled and had a son. After my son turned 3, I received a call from Jake asking if I was interested in singing for his Hardcore Punk band. I told him I have been out of the game for a while, but I was willing to come out to a practice and check them out. So I went and listened to them. They started playing a tune (which is now Lonely Nights) and when I heard it I immediately had lyrics in my head. I grabbed a pen and paper, jotted down the lyrics, picked up a mic, and well the rest is history. PDR: Any upcoming shows we should know about? JG: Got Thursday, February 16th at the Ultra Lounge in Chicago, and the we are really excited about being part of the very first Chi Town Anarchy Fest at the Mutiny in Chicago. A free 3 day festival of some of the greatest Punk/ hardcore bands Chicago has to offer.

PDR: Is it a self release or a label release? JG: Self release. PDR: Who are the members of the band? JG: Jake-Guitars, Creepy-Bass, Brian- Drums, Goldy vox

PDR: Any plans for a follow up release? JG: We are currently weighing our options and looking to record. We would Love to go back to Steve Antoniazzi, and 127 Riot Studios. But our Schedule's never seem to line up. So we may be recording with a different party. But we do plan on recording and releasing a full length and having new tunes for our fans in 2013.

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The Subtitles I Am An Animal EP Released December 2012 There is lot of sound coming from this 2-piece garage rock outfit hailing from Leicester; over there across the big water that is the Atlantic. The Subtitles are Jonney Buck - vocals/guitar (Preacher & The Kings, Wild Strawberries) Chris Smith - drums (ex-Different Fish) and apparently garage rock is their expertise and let me tell you, these dudes OWN it! From the start of I Am An Animal the guitars just rip into throes of a dirty rhythm and do not relent and the vocals just sound like they are being piped in from outer fucking space. This EP has everything you expect to hear on good garage rock album. the kids really nail their cover of Can Your Pussy Do The Dog? with the drums setting a perfect beat to follow to send your lady friend into a frenzy. Buck & Smith lend their talents to many great covers on this EP and unlike many cover efforts these dudes really hold their own weight and prove that it’s still possible to play someone else's songs and still make them unique. This is a solid EP with a lot of great covers. These cats can do the bird, they can do the dog and they can damn sure play fucking great music! You can follow them on facebook here at twitter here and on tumblr here Download this EP on bandcamp here during the name your own price offer. GO ahead and give it a listen, then download it for yourself! AND they just released a new video which can be found here!

Who knew that two people could make so much angry noise?

Flagass The Noise We Make 2012 Reviewed by Musical Junkie (11/7/2012)

Tony Jones & The Cretin 3 Midnight Mass EP Released 2013 Cretin Records I've been to Rhode Island a couple of times. Well, make that through; only stopping long enough to piss or shit in a gas station on my way to somewhere else. Maybe that's why I am often surprised at the quality of the music that comes out of that state. I never gave it a proper run through. Man, I really should have; maybe then I could have bought these fine gentlemen a beer, the Kraken knows they deserve it. Tony Jones & the Cretin 3 formed back in 2008 and have apparently made quite the name for themselves in and around the RI area. They bring a rockabilly/psychobilly sound infused with a bit of punk rock to their garage rock tunes without adding too much of one nor the other to the mix and the result is something quite spectacular. Claiming influences from acts such as the Ramones, Nick Cave, Dick Dale, The Dead Boys and Jim Carroll to name a few. To put it simply, this band just fucking rocks. Exactly what a band should do. FUCKING ROCK! Consisting of Tony Jones: Sillyness (& Vocals), R.J. Gregory : Drums, Sean Leary: Guitar, & George Goner on the Bass; Tony Jones & the Cretin 3 have a great sound and they have it nailed, I'd be one happy camper to catch them live some time. Their latest release, Midnight Mass released on Cretin Records, consists of 5 tracks, why just 5 tracks you might ask, well because that's all they fucking needed to release to give you a proper taste of what this band is about. The guitars are BIG, like fucking HUGE fuzz big. Tony has a voice that you can recognize right away, which is always a good thing when you're looking to stand out amongst the crowd of other bands. Midnight Mass begins with a nice deep south crunchy guitar and I'm thinking to myself, "Holy fuck, if I weren't half crippled I could totally spin my wife around the floor of a honky tonk to this!" Second in line is Bobby's Shed, which takes the e.p. a darker turn but still has enough rock and roll spank to it to remind us that it's fun. I really dig the soulful guitar work throughout this song. With the intro to Christine these guys take us in a whole new direction entirely and throw us nice bouncy, toe tappy kinda tune that compels you to wiggle in your seat and bob your head around - how many fucking ways can this band keep switching things up and still sound like the same band??? Mother fucker!!! Cindy Was A Terrorist takes us straight to the glory days of the pop-punk sound and now I just can't sit still anymore. I'm making my dog nervous. She isn't used to seeing me move this much. And then BAM! Mr. Goner does some neat dark, spooky shit with his bass, Sean gives us a crunch or two on the guitar into a neck slide and I'll be damned if these dues didn't just roll us into some early DC sound on the track titled Bring Out Your Dead, by far my favorite track off this e.p. It's heavy, it's dark, it's deep.

This band from Chicago is full of gun powder and it will explode in your face. Their songs have a habit to throw you into the ground and scrape you until you are mess. The vocals are so piercing at moments that you could feel the rage entering This is the most diverse sound that I have heard out of an e.p. and I can not your ears. The guitar tone is so noisy and fast, it’s a force without any control and recommend it enough. Seriously get your clicker finger moving and get a copy of will run you over. The drummer pounds through every note leaving cracks and Midnight Mass as soon as fucking possible, your soul will thank you for it. debris. This kind of drumming could easily break through a brick wall. It’s a cross ji* of old school death metal and punk, which is pretty much thrash. Every song is a the PoDunk Punk dedicated to destruction of one’s soul slamming in all four walls. “The Noise We Make” is an early punk rock gem. “Scum” has an addictive groove. “Not A Clue” is my favorite from the band especially the guitar riffs. This is one of those songs that get the crowd bouncing up and down nonstop. “Close to the Chest” has a melodic built up intro that instantly grabs your attention and warns you of the approaching madness. Then it quickly pushes you into a whirlwind of angry moshers. This song must sound insane live. I love the intensity of the instrumentation. It’s a replication if someone were to take a bunch of uppers and jam. “Nowhere to go” is another moshing tune with barely distinctive vocals. “Flagass” is a driven powerful angry punk song. There is much rage oozing out of the music. It also has some catchy moments that will stick to your head. This band was built to compel a storm and Midnight Mass is Available now at you will get caught it. Don’t try to escape it and just follow the rough currents. If you survive you won't regret it. www.TonyJones.Org Check out Flagass HERE and Musical Junkie HERE. Page 10 The Independent Punk

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Minor Decline - The Front Nine Released 10/13/12 on BHJ Records

Soto St. - Go! Released 2012 on Infested Records

If you haven't had the pleasure of listening to Minor Decline yet, you're going to wind up kicking yourself in the ass repeatedly for a while after checking out this album. The Front Nine is the first full length release for Minor Decline, a follow up to their Hippie-Crit E.P. and quite possibly one of the BEST punk rock releases of 2012; I have no qualms saying this. This is an album for practically every punk out there. Pop-Punk? Power-Pop, Skate Punk? They fit into them all. Jake Thomas (guitarist/vocalist/song writer) says "We call ourselves "Not-So West Coast Skate Punk", cause the majority of our influences came from the 80's/90's west coast skate punk band but we're nowhere near the west coast hah!", and I have to agree. The early skate punk sound is definitely well represented here. The irony of all this is that these kids are rolling out of Galesburg, IL!!!!! FUCKING ILLINOIS SKATE PUNK, BITCHES!!!! Recorded by Nick Nativo at The Nook Recording Studio in New Lenox, IL. and released on BHJ Records, The Front Nine starts off with a track that should be a punk rock anthem called Puke Parade. A powerful, skillfully executed track with just the right amount of everything. Jake is a lyrical master, his songs speak candidly about life and the situations pretty much everyone finds themselves in on a daily basis, whether they put themselves there or were drug into it by outside sources without making them too serious. Drinking, skating, fucking shit up, and having a good time. This album flows smoothly from track to track and you will definitely find yourself playing it over and over again. If ever there were an album that proves it's creators deserve to be in the big leagues The Front Nine is that album and Minor Decline is that band! The instrumental are tight, the vocals are clean, this is what hard work sounds like. Hands down, my personal favorite track off this album is I.F.Y.M (I Fucked Your Mom) it is the perfect fuck you to every redneck bastard you will ever encounter.

If you didn’t learn enough about skate-punk from bands like Adolescents, Vandals, or Face to Face; Soto St. is here to help you further your lessons. Rocking the shit out of Orange County, Soto St. is a fast paced, gritty guitar oriented band. Their full length album GO! was released on BHJ Records back (yeah, way back) in 2012 and my apologies to the band, I let this review slip through the cracks. From the first track We Don’t Want It, We Don’t Need It you pick up a vibe that reminds you of the Vandals and makes you want to pull your old Powell Peralta out of the back of the closet and maybe break a hip trying to be young again. The songs on this album are quick, fast paced and full of an energy that I don’t hear too often in punk rock these days and I applaud these guys for keeping this sound alive while still keeping it fresh. Soto St. is: Jeff - Voxxx/ insults, Dane - Guitar/vox/ intensity, Pat - Percussive beatdown, & Dean Deal- Bass bashing. I’ve probably listened to this album at least a hundred times since I got it and still remains in my most listened to list on my googleator. The bassline intro of Five Finger Fuck You is fucking stellar; It’s the bass line every band wants to start their song off with and it just keeps popping about through the whole song. This album captures the youthful “fuck you” of punk rock roots and hints at a promising future for punk to come. I fucking love this album. If I didn’t have a copy, I’d get one, quick! Fuck, it’s just 8 bucks at the BHJ webstore and shipping is included (inside the U.S.) Go! Gets 4 star treatment here at PoDunk Radio and we wish Jeff Soto and crew nothing but the best in their future as a band. AND, if you happen to be in the area they are doing an all ages show Friday the 25th along with some pretty impressive company. ji* the podunk punk.

I give this album a 9/10 just because I am one of those assholes the firmly believes there is always room to improve (and because I don't have a Minor decline T-shirt [hint hint 2x]) As always, don't just take my word for it - listen to it for yourself and you'll find that you want to own a copy of this. Minor Decline has several live shows coming up so don't miss your chance to catch them live Check them out on the facebook and be sure to tell them that PoDunk Radio sent ya! Press Contact/Booking agent for Minor Decline is Jake Thomas Jake Thomas || || (309) 716-5345 ji* the podunk punk.

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The Independent Punk

THE UNDERGROUND MUSIC CONNECTION BY BRYAN D About a year ago, there were a lot of people talking about the punk kids in Indonesia that were arrested, were forcibly head shaved, had their piercings removed, then sent to re-education camps to be trained military style how to be responsible citizens again. The government claimed they were a gang of miscreants who were causing mischief and committing crimes. The punk community said they were guilty of being punk. Next thing you know, benefits started popping up here in the USA to raise money and awareness to the situation. A multi CD set was released of bands who were sympathetic to the situation. Benefit concerts were everywhere in the punk community. I felt one thing was missing from all this- Indonesian punk bands. No one was talking about any of them. Think about it, if there is that many punks that the government is cracking down on them, what were they listening to? Was it American punk bands that barely anyone in the USA was listening to? Or was there a thriving punk scene there that barely any Americans knew about? Around the same time, I realized that my band was getting a number of “likes” from Indonesia. I was hanging out with my bassist, and we were talking about how to get an edge with my radio show. I thought, “hmmm, if there is something going on there, I should find it and give it exposure.” I felt bringing exposure to the punk bands over there was a far better means of support than just putting a song of mine on a compilation to raise money that the Indonesian government would just take. I Googled” Indonesian Punk Bands”. I found this website that listed a whole bunch of them. Now, I am hardly an expert on Indonesian punk, but I grabbed all the free mp3’s I could get and started listening. I was blown away! I couldn’t believe my ears! My favorite of the bunch is The Frankenstone. A very exciting trio, they bring a Nirvana influence mixed with outstanding songwriting. Songs like Place Where I Belong, “Spend Spend”, “ Don’t Mess W/The Timebomb”, and “Too Many Anxiety In My Life” are all amazing songs that will kick you in the ass! They also pay homage to Dummy with “For The Dummies” Dummy is a kick ass band that range from the quiet ballad of “Yeeaahh Jameela !!”, to raging, blistering, kick ya in the head punk on songs like “Life Is Freedom”, and “Money !!”. These guys will absolutely blow your minds!!!!! Bequiet bring a harder edge sound crossed with extremely catchy hooks. You’ll be singing “who stole my bike? I wanna

know!” or “don’t fuck with the bitch” in your head all day long. Killer tracks are “Who Stole My Bike”, Don’t Fuck W/ the Bitch”, and “Total Peanuts” Super Sucker blasts through a fast paced style, with melodic vocals. They are one of the few bands to get notoriety here, with their inclusion on Infested Records “Music To Bleed To Volume 3” compilation. The Kuda give one minute blasts of sheer intensity mixed with surf, while REVOLUSHIT delivers angst laden classic punk/hardcore, that is reminiscent of the 1980’s NYHC crowd that ruled A7. Hard Milk & Class Of 13 are both great ones, reminiscent of 90’s style punk, as is Remote Control. In the end, there are far too many too list. I highly recommend exploring the entire Indonesian punk scene. I encourage spreading the word to all your friends. Every time I tell one of these bands that I played them on my radio show, they are shocked I knew who they were. Every one of these bands is contributing towards a release for kids trapped in a very restrictive society. Every band deserves to be heard. Every band is a middle finger shoved straight up their society’s ass. Isn’t that what punk rock is all about?

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BY Bob Surren Excerpt from Bob’s upcoming book. Because most record stores in the 80s didn’t carry much punk rock stuff, those with an esoteric craving had to resort to mail order. Once I’d absorbed as much of the “big name” bands as I could find in local shops, I became a mail order addict. One of my favorite mail order operations was Toxic Shock, a record store in Pomona, CA which boosted its income peddling vinyl through the mail -- and still does to this day, although based in Tucson, operating under the Westworld moniker. I had been ordering a record or two at a time directly from my favorite record labels -- Subterranean, Dischord and B.Y.O. -- for a year or two. But one day my friend, the Reverend Fucking Mike Anarchy, brought to school a fat, yellow Toxic Shock catalog. A bunch of us gathered around a desk oohing and ahhing over the massive selection of old favorites and bands we’d never even heard of. The best part of the Toxic shock catalog was the descriptions for each item. “Blazing thrash from Italy” or “Fast and furious Finnish hardcore.” Punk rock from Brazil? Sweden? Indiana? Toxic Shock seemingly had it all. There were even a few bands from Florida, my home state, which I absolutely had to pick up. We each circled the things we wanted, and figured up our total. A day or two later we all brought in our money, dumped it on the desk and looked at it. We didn’t know what to do. But we did know that we couldn’t just send something like $116 in cash and coins through the mail. We were probably too stupid to know what a money order was and of course none of us had a credit card. I volunteered to take the money home and have my mom write a check. Naturally my mom wanted to know exactly what the hell “Toxic Shock” was and what the hell she was writing a check for. I sheepishly showed her the list of records that my friends and I picked out. (I did not want it to come to this.) We selected such classics as: Dayglo Abortions, Discharge, Hagar the Womb, Motorhead, Scared Straight, Justice League, Anti-Scrutiny Faction, Roach Motel, Sewer Zombies, Blood Farmers, Permanent Scar and, of course, Pillsbury Hardcore. I will never forget the uneasy look on my mother’s face as she read the list. And I will never forget what she said as she reached for her checkbook. She said, “You’re a nice boy, Bobby. I hope this music doesn’t change you.” Of course, the music did change me. I think it made me a better, stronger, funnier, more critical person and it has Page 14

The Independent Punk


Pillsbury Hardcore “In A Straightedge Limbo” 7” Fartblossom Records 1985

given me some of the greatest moments of my life. And I still think I am a nice boy. Maybe six or seven years later I started my own record label. The first place I thought of for distribution was Toxic Shock. I sent them a sample as they requested and never heard back. After a couple of months, I called and asked about it. I spoke to Bill Sassenberger, owner of Toxic Shock. He very gently told me that the record was not something he wanted to carry but to please keep him in mind. I was kind of crushed. Toxic Shock was the main place I wanted my record sold and it was not good enough. Shit. But I did keep Toxic Shock in mind and two years later Bill Sassenberger decided to pick up my third release, beginning a working relationship that lasted fifteen years. I’m out of the music business, but as of this writing, I think Bill is in his thirty-first year. When I began my own mail order operation in 1993, I based it largely on what I learned buying from places like Toxic Shock. I am glad Sassy is still hanging in there. He’s a lifer. In 2012 I was running a weekly podcast. In one episode, I did a tribute to Toxic Shock and played a set of records that I purchased from there, including Pillsbury Hardcore, to this day one of my go-to records. One of the people who heard the podcast was Bill Tuck, the singer of Pillsbury Hardcore, who quickly got in touch to thank me for remembering his band. He also informed me that he used to work at Toxic Shock and that he may very well have packed a few of my orders. Cool. Bill Tuck continues to play music. And I am sure it has changed him for the better as well.

Bob Suren PO Box 3204 Brandon, FL 33509-3204




Jennifer Pinney has been a portrait photographer for 7 years. She considers herself different than other portrait photographers because she likes to photograph in a relaxed environment. Recently she’s been into concert photography in Ft. Worth & Dallas. She has photographed bands such as Skeleton Coast, Year of the Bear, Daniel Hart, Not Half Bad, Ice Eater, Blackstone Rangers, The Longshots, Cyanotic, Angelspit, Sally Majestic and several others. She has done promo pictures for The Hanna Barbarians & Cyanotic. If you're interested in getting together, she is available for work on the weekends and weeknights. Her rates are very reasonable and probably the most affordable around Ft Worth. You can email her at or message her at my photography facebook page:

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The Independent Punk

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Few people are as serious about making music as Stevie Bastard. I first met Stevie a couple years back and have always enjoyed conversations with him. You might to be able to tell it from looking at him but Stevie is one of the nicest, most genuine, and sincere kids that I know. From what I can tell, aside form being a helluva musician (Stevie is well rounded on guitar, drums, and bass as well as being a pretty good punk singer) he is also a heck of a husband and parent of many, many, many (do you know what condoms are?) children. I caught up with Stevie Bastard recently and fired off a few rounds of questions. Here is our interview.

started as a side project but it stands on its own these days...Stevie Bastard gives me the room to explore more but not at the cost of compromising the sound of the other two. That didn’t really answer you did it?.. OK, here’s how the list goes 1. Coffin Flag as it has a more rocky commercial quality. 2. Stevie Bastard, because it weaves in a lot of musical forms.. And 3. REX 84, it’s 100% not skinny jeans’s ugly music for ugly people…simple as that… PDR: What label are you on? SB: I am currently on B.H.J Records. PDR: You, write a lot of music - some weeks churning out as many as 4-5 songs a week, where does your inspiration come from? SB: I don’t drink, smoke, or this is my release/ therapy/sounding board. I do it all in-house; I write, compose. execute, and record it all myself more often then not.. as for inspiration...all the shit we see hear and deal with everyday. PDR: I often give you a lot of grief for being from Kentucky, but really, honestly, which goes better with pork rinds, the red drink or the purple?

PDR: How long have you been playing music? SB: About 25 years Jacks, I’m (as George Carlin said) an old fuck..

SB: Honestly?, red and purple are for the weak. Its gotta be orange drank for this hillbilly. PDR: How do you foresee the future of punk rock?

PDR: What first got you into music? SB: I wasn’t a sports fan, I didn’t connect with most of the kids I was an escape. PDR: What is your attraction to punk rock?

PDR: You currently have multiple bands/projects you work in, which do you feel shows the most promise?

SB: There isn’t a future for punk rock. Or at least there shouldn’t be as most would categorize it. It was never about mega tours, Nike commercials, or punk rock royalty. We are supposed to stir shit up, scare the straights, and give the freaks a voice. It was about the kids, house shows. Unity not ticket sales..

SB: That’s a hard one to answer, I’ve done Rex 84 the longest and it is the purest punk I can make, Coffin Flag was

PDR: What if anything do you think is the biggest

SB: The anger, the rage, I had a lot of both PDR: Is it hard to be in a punk band in Kentucky? SB: I’d say it’s hard about anywhere, but yes, being in Western KY has made it doubly so.

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obstacle to emerging punk bands/artists today?


SB: The business end of it. Too many suits calling shots, and selling shit music as punk rock.

PDR: Thanks stevie. SB: Thank you Jacks..and fuck your couch…

PDR: If you could open for any "Major League" band, who would it be? SB: LMFAO, they need to be told there aren’t fucking sexy… and then id shit in their deli tray. Seriously.. id say OFF! Keith still seems to get it… PDR: When can we expect a new album out of you and under which band will it be?

PDR: How far are you able/willing to travel for touring? SB: Willing to travel pretty far if there’s money to cover gas ect.. Able sort of falls into the same area... that’s my big trip.. touring. PDR: Anything you'd like to say directly to the readers of the independent punk? SB: Don’t believe anything that’s been written by me here, I am really a Korean transvestite named mama roo roo… do your best to fuck up the system as much as you can. Or if you’re too lazy for that buy our CDs on Interpunk, you dirty

Web Site: Booking Agent: or 2706010115


SB: Not a clue, I got about half a cd for each band, and romie writes lyrics for coffin flag daily too..I’ve put out a few at this point, so personally I’m more worried about live shows.. Nothing beats screaming at the audience to eat your shirt…


This is a twenty track full length release from U.S.A punk band Rex84 a band I know absolutely nothing about, first time I have ever heard any of their material is when I got a copy of their album to review. What do you get for your buck, pretty basic, shambolic punk rock is what you get, and it’s pretty good if you like some old school punk. With twenty tracks you know you are not getting any epics here, it’s all short and sweet with all the pent up anger they can muster. I don’t know who’s who in the band so can’t really say who plays drums etc but suffice to say they are all decent enough musicians with the guitars giving a great buzz saw effect which I am always a sucker for, drums are totally chaotic the way punk drummers should be, the bass is fine and the vocals are well done, you can hear the lyrics very clearly. My favourite tracks are probably “Terminal Middle Class” which is a cracking Dischargish type thing and “Cop” the next track on the album which is a slower more moody song that gives a nice feeling of real menace. In all honesty I enjoyed all the tracks, they are all off a very decent quality, if you are into punk you will get something out of this album as it’s a decent release from a band that are worthy off your support, good old punk rock with no frivolities and a damn fine message in their songs. Good album, go buy it!! The review was done by Donnie MCGibbon The Independent Punk

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