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VOL. 1 ISSUE 6/7




M-13 - NOWEHERE 7”-


If it’s not one thig, it’s another. First an issue was late due to computer issue then June comes along and BAM! Computer crash mania at Studio 13500. No June issue. Well, we are going to just call this issue the June/July issue and be done with it. Not like done, done, there will be more issues. Don’t fret kids, mommy and daddy aern’t getting divorced just yet, we like the angry make-up sex too much. I’d like to thank the bands that we interviewed last month for being cool and understanding. Now onto my bit of whatever the fuck it is that I do in this box every month. Do any of you even read this? Do I waste my fucking time here in this box? I think some of you do as my piece on Google products seemd to garner me a few more circle adds on Google +. I was intereviewd last night bythe boys at Riple Music and want to thank them for taking an interest in what I do here holed up my room all evening and weekends. Not sure when. Or where that will be published. But when it does, I’ll be sure to let ya know so you can check that out. Todd asked me some hard questions and some of them really had me thinking all night long. One question in particular “What do you see happening in the music scene today, good and bad?”, After I sent the interview back to him, my answer to that question kept rolling through my mind and it really bummed me the fuck out. “I see a lot of hate, bitching, squabbling, back stabbing, and whining (nothing has changed since i was in a band 20 years ago). I’ve had bands ask me to take their music off the station simply because I aired a band they have beef with. Fucking immature jackasses. I see too many kinds think that because they scraped up enough change to have some records pressed means they are rock stars. I see a lot of kids getting ripped off by shitty labels with bad intentions, radio stations and magazines that charge them to air their music or do an article on them. It’s sad really.” I don’t just play the music these kids are making, I take an active interest in them as individuals as well. There are too many complaints and not enough thanks. And not that note I’d just like to say, To the guitarist that had to borrow a guitar from another band to finish a set and then opnely bitched that the guitar was out of tune. To the band that has dropped a show the day of the show. Three times in a row now. To the radio station, website, magazine, compilation developer, and venue that are out there charging kids to play their music, get interviewed, reviewed, featured, listed, or granted stage access. GO FUCK RIGHT OFF! Get the fuck out of this business. To the bands that think one live gig that had the kids hopping makes them stars. Darby Crash was a dickhead and so are you. Yes, I was guitly of this in my younger years and I was a dickhead too. Stop taking this so seriously. Step back and enjoy it. Play more house shows, get back on the floor level with your fans, involve them. Stop being so punk that you can only do for yourself, to please yourself. Learn the balance between making you happy and making your listeners happy. Trust me, there is a balance and that balance is what makes kids tell others about you and your band. Get an education, get a job that wont have you fretting about whether or not you can take off next Saturday night to play live, or interfere with your practice schedule. Stop giving the successful bands so much shit and start looking into why your band isn’t successful. Most importantly STOP paying people to notice you. Don’t fuck with a radio station that wants you to pay them to get a 10 minute feature on their station, stop paying websites and magazines to list you or interview you, stop paying for the right to play on a stage. Starve the beast and it will die. Earn your place and you’ll be much happier with it.

The Independent Punk Digital Magazine is a free entertainment magazine. If you’d like to know more about The Independent Punk please email zine@podunkradio.com


Send a self addressed, stamped envelope to: PoDunkRadio 8348 Farm Road 905 Paris, TX 75462


each month one lucky sticker request will receive a PoDunk Radio Care Package filled with various shit bands have sent to us!

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TIP Rich: How did ya come up with the name The Beat Dolls? TBD: My dad was a musician, Jack Starr. He's on Norton Records. He's had music covered by Jack White, written and performed songs for Anti-Seen and local faves The Blue Flames cover one of his songs, also. He has a song called Beat Doll and Ramon from The Scary Mondelos suggested that I pick one of my dads songs for my band name and that was the best one. awesome, because I love talking dad, so the name gives me the that. Page 4

TIP Rich:Has Austin always been home to the band? TBD: Yes. My very first band, SkateAroundChippy, moved from Dallas to Austin, for family, but we wound up breaking up, which gave me the opportunity to do it they way I really wanted to do it, as The Beat Dolls. None of my band members are or have ever been, I think, from Austin. I'm the only Texasborn member, but yes, The Beat Dolls. were formed here in Austin.

TIP Rich: What do you think about the punk scene in Austin? It's about my opportunity to do

TBD: Hmmm, well, I've got to be honest. I've never been part of the in-crowd and I'm still not. I'm not about playing with punk bands just because they are punk bands, I'm about playing with bands that I enjoy listening to and seeing perform. So, I honestly have no idea what the punk scene in Austin is like. As

The Independent Punk

far as our supporters in Austin, now those people are awesome! We have supporters in Austin and around the world that support us with words, money, letters to publications, to help get our name out and just a simple little hug or a pat on the back. That's the scene we dig. TIP Rich: So what's it like being a girl in a band? TBD: I guess it's like being a guy in a band? I really have never thought about it, except I guess when the guys say gross stuff and I don't want to hear it. And I guess, my band members lift and move my stuff a lot. I mean, I'm not a very big person and my arms don't wrap around some of my stuff, so I suppose that may be a bit different but, I'm just a band member, like the other guys, only shorter and smarter! TIP Rich: How do yall go about song writing? TBD: Well, in the beginning, Ramon from The Scary Mondelos, was my original bass player and we shared song writing duties. Mostly, he would write the music, I couldn't play guitar, and he'd write some lyrics, and I wrote lyrics. The Beat Dolls. still perform those songs that we wrote together and they are some of my favorite songs. Though, I did write the music for some of our early songs, even though I couldn't exactly play the guitar, but I mean I could make sounds on it enough to come up with a song. Now, I play guitar, so I write the songs, music and lyrics, then I take that to the guys and if they're feeling it, they come up with their parts. Sometimes, I have an idea for the drums or the bass, and I'll voice that idea and it all comes together. Ă‚ We do have a song pending that Barry, wrote, so stay tuned.

Hmmm, well, I've got to be honest. I've never been part of the in-crowd and I'm still not. I'm not about playing with punk bands just because they are punk bands, I'm about playing with bands that I enjoy listening to and seeing perform. TIP Rich: Got any upcoming shows? TBD: Our next show is June 26th at Headhunters with two bands from Boston, The Union Boys, RF30 and local punks Revolt 45. We're taking a little break af-

ter that to continue the behind the scenes work that bands have to do to get their name out. It is not the fun part but it is necessary. TIP Rich: Got any releases ya want to plug?

TBD: Hopefully we'll be recording by the end of the year, but in the meantime, our EP "Death of the Party" can be purchased at www.thebeatdolls.bandcamp.com TIP Rich:What do you do when you're not busy with the band? TBD: I do hair in my little suite at Jamila Salon in Austin and I have a small family, but honestly, I am never not busy with the band. I also do hair on the road with the band and occasionally at the shows. It's a lot of fun!

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TIP Rich: Where can people find your stuff online? TBD: Oh man, The Beat Dolls. are in so many places online, because we put ourselves everywhere in the beginning and have since forgotten all of those places. If you search us, we are definitely there. We are on FB, www.facebook.com/thebeatdolls, www.reverbnation.com/thebeatdolls, and bandcamp (see above link) and we're all over youtube. And about.me


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Common Enemy drops their 5th release “As The World Burns” on Overdose On Records they are veterans having been around in various line ups since 1998. So it’s safe to say they bring it with this 5th full length. The tracks are all in your face, From the weed references in “All I Want For Christmas” and “Where’s It At?” (The last being my favorite track off the album.) All the way to politics “March Them Off To War (This is Fucking Business)” the tracks cover it all. I am actually at a loss for words for how good this release actually is. The message, the delivery, the Leicester, UK 2 piece garage rock act Subtitles are back with a new release titled "Dissolve". Johnny Buck, vocals/guitar (Preacher & The Kings, Wild Strawberries) and Chris Smith, drums (ex-Different Fish) are the dynamic duo behind this vox/guitar/drum beast of a band. Dissolve introduces Danielle Jeffery & Janice Raw as their backing vocal group The Kitchenettes. Johnny really puts a hurt on his guitar on this one but I get the impression the guitar doesn't mind at all and I'm pretty sure Chris' drum kit is really just a naughty girl begging for a good spanking.

length, it’s perfect. All that’s left for me too say is I highly advise you to seek this out and give it a listen. Even if you end up not liking it (which I doubt) you have to admire the message. By Kyle Grissom

These cats have such an infectious big energy and sound on their albums and the introduction of the girls on backing vocals really brings the Subtitles game a step forward. If you dig a raw rock sound that you can just get lost in Dissolve is a musty have album for your collection and at just 3 GBP there's no real excuse to not have it in your collection. Stream it (as I am sure you already are) and buy it. Support Independent artists! facebook | twitter | website | email bandcamp | soundcloud Page 8

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TIP Rich: So tell us how you got into this crazy game and how you ended up where you are now.

CC: Been playing music my whole life in various bands. In 2011 I decided to take my own catalog of music and start my own band Blest Mess. I sing, play guitar, write the music and manage the band. Blest Mess is My Baby ... my very own Demon Spawn ... LOL

Punk Band. I do more then just look pretty like most. I am more concerned with how we sound and presenting ourselves as professional as possible. I feel I can never stop learning or growing as a player. I am a Musician and my Bandmates are my brothers and equals. TIP Rich: Influences? Who inspires you and your music?

TIP Rich:Tell us about the name Blest Mess. CC: A Blest Mess is how I define myself and my music. blest - highly favored or fortunate (as e.g. by divine grace) mess - a person whose life or affairs are in a state of confusion (esp. a person with a confused or disorganized moral or psychological outlook) TIP Rich:So what's it like being a girl in a punk rock band? CC: I don't consider myself the typical chick in a The Independent Punk

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CC: British Punk & American Hardcore TIP Rich:What do you think of the east coast punk scene?

Junkies, Lady Clorinda, Agitator, Done With You, No Control, The Accelerators, The Choices. ... We couldn't get there ... oh well, next time. More shows in the Fu-

CC: What scene ? Unless I have been hiding under a rock it is very weak. We all need to work more collectively as bands to keep our scene alive and strong. TIP Rich: What are your live shows like and who are some bands you have played with? CC: Our live shows are Real and Raw - No Smoke & Mirrors and No Rabble-Rousing - Old School Punk/ Hardcore - Honest. We are just concerned with the music. We are Not Poseurs And It Ain't A Fuckin' Fashion Show. Sure I wear a dress sometimes but I don't wear a ton of makeup on my face and my bandmates are NOT PUSSIES. We Are Very Concerned About Our Sound. Even though me and my bandmates have played for years, Blest Mess has only been in existence since 2011. Some of the bands we have had the pleasure so far of sharing the stage with have included

ture With More Great Bands TIP Rich:Got any upcoming shows or releases coming soon? CC: UK Tour July 25 - August 11, 2013 Blest Mess - The Album (Release Date March 29,2014) TIP Rich:How do you go about song writing? Are you the main song writer or is it a collaborative effort with others? CC: I am the Founding Member And Songwriter Of Blest Mess but on The Album in 2014 you will see collaborations with Bert Reynolds and Randi Stokes. TIP Rich: What do you do when not rocking out with the band? CC: I try to go to the gym and stay out of trouble because I am a Blest Mess ... LOL

but are not limited to The Nihilistics, Iconicide, DisCon, Reagan Youth, Dust Angel, The Blame, Rejuvenate, Zombie Fight, Social Decay, Graveyard School and more. We were supposed to play a Halloween Show last year with Murphys Law and Chesty Malone and The Slice'em Ups but THANKS TO HURRICANE SANDY, Lynch Pigs, Sexual Suicide, Haunted Hacienda, Slut

TIP Rich: Tell us where we can find your stuff online. CC: If you go here you will have links to CD Baby , Facebook, etc. check us out on Reverbnation Thank You Very Much Rich !!!

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Endangered Feces is a band from Queens, NY inspired by their head nurse who delivered all four of them to form a punk rock band. So too preserve her memory they did. Obviously all four brothers are inspired by the old school punks bands like The Ramones, and The Misfits. It’s also obvious they are not taking much seriously except having fun and making music. For instance the song “Fire In The Hole” is talking about diarrhea and a song called “Shart At The Devil” talking about ..... well you get it. Most songs on the album have to do with bowel movements in fact. The best way to listen to them maybe with a nice beverage just make sure it isn’t brown. Brown `M - 13 started out as just another hardcore band like most they last a little while then go away. However after thinking about it they decided to come back. The first thing they did was get a new drummer then record and rerecord some songs. That resulted in 2012’s “13/HC” 7” self release seeing it as a success they signed to PA’s Overdose On Records and this spring will release their new 7” “Nowhere”. The 7” starts off strong with “Cops Get Away With Murder / FDA” rallying cry to wake up and take back the country. Started off by a spoken word piece and ends up in a frenzy of rousing guitars and cymbal crashes. Very reminiscent of early Hardcore songs which actually had a message.

Ale may work though. Just make sure to fast forward track 8 if you are drinking a brown beverage. They are excellent at vivid imagery. I don’t know if anyone shouldn’t hear this album it’s been in my head for the past 5 days. So get your ass to Overdose On Records website and buy Endangered Feces - Insane Brown Posse. By Kyle Grissom

Next the title track “Nowhere” continues the chaos definitely not for the faint but, then again if you are reading this magazine you are ready. If you are a teenager good news your parents will hate it. Finally “Overloaded” is a slam dance masterpiece (however don’t be that dick who actually hits on people). It’s fast and really gets the blood pumping you listen to it and feel you could do anything and actually succeed. I can’t recommend this 7” enough. I’d advise all of you reading to buy this as soon as it comes out. By Kyle Grissom The Independent Punk

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TIP Rich: So start by telling us about your band and how you came up with that crazy name. AK: We like to consider ourselves an old-school punk rock band and at the same time almost an “anti-punk” band at the same time. Don’t try to follow me on that, you’ll probably trip on something. We started in 1998 with just Judge Kok and Eddie Sex writing songs in Eddie’s small bedroom. Once we had a few we asked some friends, Craig Pfeiffer and Chris Post, the original drummer and bassist to join along. Played garages and had some fun then we split about a year later. 12 years later another friend, Eric, told us to put the band back together….so we did. The rest is history. The name came when Eddie Sex said “The Aristocrats”…Judge Kok thought for a second and then said “Aristokoks”…that was the extent of that.

The bands that have influenced us that you probably won’t hear are: The Screamers Crass Pink Floyd Iggy Pop Richard Hell The Rolling Stones TIP Rich: How do you find the Philly punk scene? AK:When I do find it, I’ll let you know. TIP Rich: What are some of your favorite bands to play with?

AK:Make U Suffer, Tine Tine, Animal Train, Bunny Savage, Autocracy East, Valacar, Ganto Barn, The KMX Band, The Fetals TIP Rich: You guys got any upcoming shows or releases?

TIP Rich: What are some of the bands influences?

AK:Working on our second album right now that is (so far) called “Party” and our next show will be at the MThe bands that you can hear in our music at times that Room in Philly on June 22nd. influenced us are: TIP Rich: So I hear yall put on a crazy show. What all goes in The Dead Kennedy’s to getting ready for the insanity? What is your favorite stage The Meatmen prop? GG Allin The Germs AK:Lots of drinking and then some practice…my favorThe Sex Pistols ite prop is by far a crushed Pabst tall can. Flipper Black Flag Page 16

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TIP Rich: Have you ever done a tour or have plans to do a tour? AK:Nah…if we get enough requests we will, but right

now just having fun playing and making music We like to consider ourselves an old-school punk rock band and at the same time almost an “antipunk” band at the same time. Don’t try to follow me on that, you’ll probably trip on something.

TIP Rich: If you could play with anyone dead or alive who the hell would it be? AK:It’s actually 2 people from 2 different bands. GG Allin and Darby Crash TIP Rich: What do yall do for fun when not rocking out with each other? AK:Drink, argue politics and poop TIP Rich: How can people get at ya to hear and get a hold of your music? AK:You can search us on Facebook “The Aristokoks” and we’ll be the only thing that comes up. I tried to get the actual page address but it’s not really working… or email us at thearistokoks@hotmail.com Keep Punk Rock alive…not with your Mohawk….but with your attitude! The Independent Punk

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