The Independent Punk February 2013

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VOl. 1 ISSUE 2


February 2013

ALBUM REVIEWS No Contest What’s Past is Prologue The Fail Sink or Swim Galactic Cannibal Demo Tape IDFK Nude, Crude, & Non-Tattooed The Guilford Blackouts We’ve Been Sent Here To Destroy You

Guest Reviews from The Musical Junkie & Brian Defiance





Well, here we are, the THIRD issue of the Zine!!! A LOT has been going on this month! I wasn’t sure if i was ever going to find the time to get around to getting this thing slapped together. In case you haven’t noticed, this zine is still a work in progress, I am still tweaking the formula, the layout, and the overall look and feel of it. I hope that by the end of the year I will have a class act product from the front cover to the back and everything between leaving you salivating for the next issue. I am working with a company to get this zine distributed directly via the iTunes Store and the Google Android App Market. Apple is kind of a cunt about the approval process so I am looking at a date around March or April before the zine will be available through those outlets.

Send a self addressed, stamped envelope to: PoDunkRadio 8348 Farm Road 905 Paris, TX 75462

I have reviewed several really great albums (if yours didn’t make it in this issue - it’s not because it sucked, i just didn’t have time to get to it. I work a full time job, run a radio station, do this zine, and have had the comp going on this month) this month and caught up with Benny No Good of The Enders and squeezed a nice little interview in with him about the band, their new album The Ruins of Ambition, and just bullshit in general. I hope you dig what we have for you this month as much as you did last month and please, if you dig this zine, tell a friend - they very well may dig it too. - In addition to getting shit ready for the zine I have been busy assembling this years PoDunk Radio Punk Rock Comp Vol. 2;. I want to take this moment to give a huge shout of THANKS to Ole O’Brien for the cover art for this years comp, dude, you’re a VERY TALENTED artist and your turnaround time is incredible! THANK YOU, THANK YOU SO MUCH! The PoDunk Radio Punk Rock Comp Vol. 2 will be ready to grab on February 28th and is packed with bad ass bands you may not know yet and a couple that I am certain every fan of punk rock will recognize! I’d also like to take a moment to thank the fine folks at The Jason’s Deli Shirt is FANTASTIC and i dig the shit you threw in along with it! I think that I have rambled enough for now; it’s time to get this thing to bed.


each month one lucky sticker request will receive a PoDunk Radio Care Package filled with various shit bands have sent to us!


The Independent Punk

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*Cover Photos Courtesy of as well

What bands were you in before The Enders? Benny No-Good: Oh shit... I was in a local band called Ulterior Motive, a Celtic punk band called Blue Ribbon AllStars... before that I was in a band called Jerk Alert, which was about the silliest bunch of stupid pop-punk jokiness ever. GREAT TIMES in that band and I was in a Metal band called Civil Disorder back in the 90's TIP: So it's safe to say you know your way around a band then. At what point did you realize you wanted something different? Benny No-Good: I was always way into punk, skateboarding, that kind of shit. It was just, in Texas, at the time, there was no scene for punk or hardcore.

We recently spoke with Benny No-Good of the Enders TIP: You got time for a quick Q & A or does the real rock star life have you all tied up? Benny No-Good: Well, I do have two bitches in bed right now, lol. Sure! shoot TIP: Hahahaa. You know - really after a while - that does actually become boring.. Benny No-Good: Not yet

TIP: Texarkana, right? Benny No-Good: Yep. The armpit of the universe. TIP: You know they've recently moved down into the smelly crotch position. Benny No-Good: It's been sliding down for a while. It's super heavy with strip malls now so the slide is getting faster.

TIP: Hahaa. Okay. So you're currently in The Enders. Page 4

The Independent Punk

TIP: So at what age did you first pick up a guitar and did you know then that you wanted to play it on stage? Benny No-Good: Hmmm... I think I got a keyboard for christmas one year early on, maybe 12 or so... it was traded for an old Silvertone Strat knockoff by new years. I wasn't in my first band until after I graduated high school. TIP: Slivertone Strat knock off? That was my first guitar. Helluva heavy chunk of wood for sure. What would you say was the hardest thing to get used to as far as being in a band goes? Benny No-Good: Relationships, Relationships, Relationships and stinky swamp ass dudes with smelly shoes together in a van for weeks. TIP: So, your first band, did you actually play any real gigs or was that the typical first band playing the shit out of other peoples songs in someone’s garage or did you dive right in and start writing your own material and working the clubs? Benny No-Good: Oh, it was tons of really, really badly executed covers it was almost immediately that we started writing though. TIP: What's your favorite aspect of writing a new song? Are you one of those guys that just wakes up at 4am and has got to sit down and work a song out? Benny No-Good: I go months with NO output whatsoever, then I'll write a dozen songs. TIP: Kinda got to let the shit build up in other words? Benny No-Good: It's like it's just not there, and then it floods. TIP: What role do Omar and Pete take in the songwriting process? Benny No-Good: Well, we're working on more collaborative efforts on new material, but other than Human Potential (which was one Pete and Omar had from a previous band) and Take Control (which was collaborative), a lot of the album was already in place. So we're evolving right now into a collaborative writing team? I guess... somewhere between there. lol TIP: By album, you mean The Ruins of Ambition? Benny No-Good: Yeah.

TIP: So you guys actually wrote and recorded TROA back in early to mid 2012 right? Benny No-Good: March. It was written between Dec 2009 (2 of the songs were among the first written as The Enders) through the week we recorded (World That Is Dead was a set of lyrics I had from during the BP shit in the gulf and I built riffs for it on the spot, and showed them to Pete while we were waiting on Omar to get to practice) TIP: And TROA is your first official full length? - what is/where can the kids find a full discography? Benny No-Good: Yes, TROA is the first full-length album. We’ve dropped a 5 song EP (March 2010), and the Stop This/Static single in April of 2011. The discography is going to be up on State Line Records’ page in the next day or so. TIP: Ah , yes, State Line Records, great guys - repping some very serious talent, you’ve got to be geeked as fuck to be on the roster. - fans of the band of course know what led up to being signed by State Line - and I understand you have some pretty heavy hitters endorsing you now, is this right? Benny No-Good: Oh shit yes. We’re crazy stoked. Ducky Boys, well, nobody has to vouch for them... Bryan McPherson (absolutely AMAZING songwriting and performances)... I got to lay a show with him acoustic in November; listening to that guy is almost religious, Sinners and Saints, Ebenezer Blood, Mark Lind and the Unloved... tons of amazing people on SLR. It’s seriously an honor to be included in that list. Dan Vapid has been really nice, saying very kind things too after the Ammunition cover. I’ve gotten to talk to him a bit. Really cool guy. TIP: And you have just today (2/20/13) released a Methadones cover of Ammunition - It’s caught Dan’s [Vapid] attention - how did he come across your recording of it? Benny No-Good: I sent him a copy to check out. We recently parted ways with a label, so wouldn’t be putting it on the release it was originally slated for. I wanted to let Dan check it out A out of respect for him having created the song, and B. to ask for inclusion on one of our own releases; turns out he really dug it and is being very cool and supportive

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TIP: How influential have the Methadones been to you? Benny No-Good: Honestly from the songwriting perspective not that much specifically. We play a much more hardcore vein of punk. We jumped on the idea of playing Ammunition because it was one of their more aggressive releases, and because we liked the idea of hardcore going pop punk as a diversion. TIP: Indeed and you did a hell of a job with it. Benny No-Good: I suppose in the much broader sense, we have a more pop-influenced structural approach to songs than a lot of hardcore bands. Thanks. We really like playing it. We added it to our live set and are waiting for the vids of our last show, where we played it publicly for the first time. TIP: Okay, so you have gotten quite a bit of attention over the past few years from internet radio - how would you say that has helped you as a band? I won’t be naive and assume Podunk Radio has been the only station backing you guys. - and do you feel internet radio is a positive force for independent bands? Benny No-Good: Dude, people like you, Steaming Heathen, Bryan Defiance (of the mucho badass Bloody Muffs), Tom Meehan of Real Punk Radio, Meg Jacobson (who is thus far the only non-band member DJ to attend one of our shows) shit. It’s endless. We couldn’t get exposure nationwide and further without you. TIP: Speaking of radio exposure - what are your thoughts on FM radio?

weeks at a time. Hopefully we’ll be able to do a longer trip in late summer between semesters. TIP: You’re also in a side project band with Ronnie Capiz of Shallow Hearts - how’s that going? and who else is in on that? Benny No-Good: We’re hoping to get together in the next few weeks and spend an afternoon recording. That’s SO FAR more os a studio-focused side project since we all have our own full-time bands to focus on (Ronnie with The Shallow Hearts, Steeve with Death And Memphis, and Pete with Calling All Cars. Benny No-Good: :) TIP: Sounds like fun. If you have any word advice to offer to new bands - what would it be Benny No-Good: Play as much as you can, expect as little return as you can and do it for the love of doing it. If you get support, LOVE it and work harder when you do. Cultivate friendships. This is a family in a lot of ways. Remember that. TIP: That’s some pretty solid advice right there man. Thanks so much for taking the time to squeeze this interview into your schedule, I appreciate it. One last thing before I let ya go. Two bands you think the kids out there need to be aware of.

TIP: Do you think corporations like clear channel are shooting themselves in the foot by overlooking the newer unsigned bands? Benny No-Good: Hell yes they are. how much fucking Nicki Minaj and Nickleback can they vomit and keep listeners?

Benny No-Good: Live Fast Die Fast are straight up brutal NYHC and solid fuckin’ bros. We plan on trying to set up an East coast circuit with them when we get out and travel again. Cry Havoc are Connecticut thrash and hardcore band who are just fucking amazing. Jonny Disaster looks like Steve-O and is obsessed with Top Gun. Go check those bands out. This is no slight to the other bands we’re friends with, by the way... they’re just two that popped into my head because I just listened to them!

TIP: What kind of touring do you plan on to support TROA?

TIP: Awesome man, and again, thank you for your time buddy, take care and have a great weekend.

Benny No-Good: Sporadic. I’m a full-time student right now so we can’t just pack up and run off for

Benny No-Good: You too! thanks a ton! Later.

Benny No-Good: Is there an emoticon for disdain? Dead medium. might as well be Morse fucking code.

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The Independent Punk

Available Thursday, February 28th


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The Independent Punk

The Fail - Sink or Swim EP - Self Released January 2013 Sink or Swim is the title of the new EP from The Fail. Drinking beer and raising hell seems to be the theme these kids were shooting for on this release and it comes through as thick as the head on a pint of ale. This release definitely Swims all on it’s own; this is classic punk rock here kids - no other genre label can lay claim to it. I grew up with UK punk like this and I fucking love that there are purists out there still cranking it out. This is a 6 track EP of pure fun and enjoyment. It’ll get you hopping about the room in no time flat that’s for damn sure. This EP puts me in mind of tightly packed pits right in the faces of the band. I hope these cats spit and vomit on the crowd - if they don’t I’m gonna be pretty upset. You can actually smell the sloshed beers and sweaty kids while this EP plays out, which only takes 14 minutes for 6 songs but you could easily lose a good hour or so just replaying this one over and over. I personally feel the first 4 tracks are just a build up to track 5 - FML which is the snottiest, fuck you - I’m doing this shit my way and you can bugger on off if you don’t like it track on the EP. Track 3, Paid Peanuts, is worth it’s weight as well as a song about getting back what you put in, something I think more kids in punk rock business should pay serious attention to.

WE ARE SIX TITS AND A DICK Biography: Rising from the ashes of Indianapolis punk favorites No Where Good Fast, Dirty Little Secrets plus the nerdpop of God Made Robots, The Lickers are turning heads with the release of their cleverly titled EP “Six Tits and a Dick.” The Lickers began when guitarist Jennfire Diamond (Jennifer Bryant) and bassist Rebel Jane (Jane Mills) started writing songs in January of 2011. They were joined by “Guitar Licker” Gwen (Gwen Noel) and the lone male member of the band, Scott H8 (Scott Tolley) on drums almost a year after their songwriting began. They premiered their live show in January of 2012 and the buzz around them continues to grow. They recorded and released their debut EP “Six Tits and a Dick” to their rabid fans on June 16, 2012 and in keeping with their raw, DIY ethic, the CDs have hand stamped sleeves and patches included with the disc. The Lickers have created an infectious and raw sound filled with big, dirty chords and classic riffs mixed with sneering vocals and shimmering harmonies. Drawing from the best of Nirvana, Babes in Toyland, The Eyeliners and The Runaways. Their influences shine through on tracks like the bouncy “Make You Mine” and the dark, but with a sense of humor, “Vyvyan.” The Lickers Are Jennifire Diamond - Rhythm Guitar/Vox, Rebel Jane - Bass/Vox, Guitar Licker Gwen - Lead Guitar, Scott H8 - Drums

The Enders - The Ruins of Ambition

20th Dec, the Holy Tree Inn aka The Cave, Addlestone, thanks to

The Fail, heralding from Aldershot, Hampshire, UK; is band spawned of old and new. Former members of Pop punk band Espionage (Jack, Rustang) Former members of Aldershot’s greatest Hardcore Thrash Punk band Children of the Cleg (Jack, Rik, Max). The lineup for The Fail is Rusty: Vocals Jack: 6 Strings, Vocals, Rik: 4 Strings, Vocals, & Max: Drums. These kids have performed with some pretty big acts which include The Buzzcocks, Vice Squad, Septic Psychos, 2 Sick Monkeys, Slodgeanessabound, Oiz2Men, The Exposed, Monkish, The Fun Die Young, Harrison Wilde, The pUkes, The Flying Alexanders, Archive 45, Wonk Unit, & Trevor’s Head. I think its pretty safe to say that these kids are skipping down the broken bottle and trash littered path to punk rock fame.

Infested Records is a small independent punk rock record label and distribution located in North Central West Virginia

V/A - Music To Bleed To (1, 2, 3)

I’m happy as a pig in shit that this band exists and gives proper respect to the ghosts of punk rock past while shoving the future of punk rock out of the way to take the lead for others to follow. Grab this EP while it’s listed at Name Your Own Price on BANDCAMP and play it loudly, proudly, and most importantly, DRUNKENLY! Find these kids at these fine locations on the interwebs: Facebook Twitter SoundCloud YouTube

ji* - jacks insanity the podunk punk The Independent infested zinePunk final 1.indd 1

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20.12.2012. 19:23:16

No Contest - What’s Past is Prologue 2012 - Self Release

Great work and Kudos to No Contest on this album and I look forward to hearing more from you kids in the future. Website: More Places to Find No Contest: Press Contact: Booking Agent: ji* - jacks insanity the podunk punk.

photo courtesy of Max Laisin

Hailing from the Seaport town of Grimbsy on the Humber Estuary in Lincolnshire, England comes a 4 piece melodic hardcore/skate/ punk act named No Contest. They’ve take influences from bands such as Comeback Kid, No Trigger, and Good Riddance and thrown in an edgier, rockier sound and produced an album titled What’s Past is Prologue. The fact that they know what prologue is tells me that these kids are maybe a touch brighter than your average punk band. The band’s lineup for this album is Sime (which I’ve misread for SLIME several times now) on drums, Rick on vocals, Pete on bass, and Lee on guitar. 2011 saw them playing quite a few live shows in preparation for release of this album and 2012 saw them off to more venues and live shows to promote it. What’s Past is Prologue is a very guitar and drum oriented album with the vocals and the bass sitting the back seat seeming to just kinda go along for the ride which ordinarily would put me off but don’t seem to mind so much here. The guitars are big, expertly executed and the drumming is solid, and well played. Typically when a band puts the vocal tracks on a more subtle layer - they are hiding a bad throat, but Rick has a damn fine set of pipes on him I just find it a damn shame they don’t get a chance to really shine until the final track His Name is Robert Paulson. This final track is a stunningly beautiful piece of music filled with soul and pride, accented (not understated) by acoustic guitar and clean vocals. I’m not certain if I read the bands intent with this song correctly but I see them using Robert Paulson (Fight Club) in the place of the working class. If you’ve not seen Fight Club, Paulson didn’t get name recognition until his death, much in the way that those who stand against governments go mainly unnoticed until their death. That’s how I see the song. You can draw your own conclusions.

The album consists of 10 tracks of which I am personally drawn to tracks 1, 4, and 10 - not that the others aren’t any good mind you, I just happen to “feel” these tracks more than the others. Track 6 - 28 Seconds Too Long kinda sticks out to me as a sore thumb in the group. While a couple of the other tracks have the love lost theme to them, track 6 takes it to a level of anger and aggression that the others convey quite well with less intensity. I’ll be honest, I typically stay away from anything with the word “melodic” in it’s name, but No Contest have pulled this album off rather well and I feel you’d be hard pressed to find a better album for ₤5 GBP (just under 8 bucks American). I am excited to see that they are back in the studio working on a follow up and a bit disappointed to read that they have a new singer in the lineup but I may find myself pleasantly surprised when I hear the new tracks. As always, don’t take just my word to formulate your own opinion of this album give a proper go for yourself - you can stream it here - click the link and download it (name your own price) or be a stand up kind of fella and buy the physical copy. Overall - I dig this album - have it pinned to my Android and listen to it quite often in the car. Page 10

The Independent Punk

Midnight Mass is Available now at www.TonyJones.Org

Galactic Cannibal - Demo Tape Self Released - Jan. 2013 What’s better than being in one punk band? Being in two punk bands of course! Punk rock has long been a culture prone to band swapping musicians and Nick Woods gravel throated front man of Direct Hit! fame sees no reason to not jump in on the greasy sweaty pit of an orgy that is the punk rock scene with his new project/band Galactic Cannibal. Nick is on Bass here along with his brother Peter J Woods on vocals, and their friends Andy Slania, Guitar, Ryan Bollis on Drums, and Steve Maury on Guitar. If you’re a fan of the Hardcore Thrash sounds of Direct Hit! you may feel like Nick and company have missed the boat with Galactic Cannibal, well, they’re just on a different boat in this band. Borrowing more from the Pop Punk guitar stylings of the Ramones, The Queers, and Screeching Weasel. Galactic Cannibal have really done something great here with this Demo Tape. They've produced a great marriage of the intensity of hardcore punk rock and the fun nonsensical attitude of pop punk. The standard four chord progressions have been overhauled with a meatier tone, there’s more to sink your teeth into here while putting the bass lines on a poppier busier role than you typically hear in hardcore music. I think that Nick has hit the nail on the head with his approach to pop punk here and I think you’ll agree. The lyrics for the Demo Tape were written by Peter and he did a real stand up job here as a lyricist. I especially love the track Air Runs Dry, I think it’s the truest example of the talent that each member of the band have. The Demo Tape is available as a free download (Name Your Own Price) or you can pre-order a copy of the cassette that will be available soon on www.HEWHOCORRUPTSINC.COM ‘s website. I dig the shit out of this album and even though I am not a huge fan of cassettes, I plan to grab one just to show proper support for what these kids are doing. Have a listen at bandcamp here for yourself and I think you will agree, this is some pretty good punk rock right here and is further proof that Wisconsin is going to be the next big hotbed for American punk rock. ji* - jacks insanity the podunk punk

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GUEST REVIEWS Agenda 21 – Fuck Punk Rock! EP Review This band has been founded by Johnny Dodo who after going through so many bands, lineup changes, homelessness, incarceration, has finally achieve a punk rock band that could make lots of noise while speaking the truth of politics and the world. Even though, they are all over the age of 30, they have the energy to play really energetic and chaotic music that was known to polluted the airwaves back in the 70s and 80s. You could hear it all in their EP “Fuck Punk Rock.” The titled was inspired by a warcry that the singer’s cousin, who was drunk and waiting to get pick by the police, screamed outside a punk show. All these songs were recorded in one day fueled by Newcastle and Soul Diesel. These tracks are really fast and every song is fit for a mosh pit. Ricky Chopz guitar riffs hail the lands of every punk guitarist before him. It’s full with adrenaline and distortion. Jimmy OG pounds away the drums and leaves it mark on every beat. This is where the music gets its horse power and what makes it unstoppable. Ronnie On The Spot bass line is what gives the songs it’s darken shades and keeps it all together while standing out from time to time. The opening track is called “3 Shotz” and it’s about the conspiracy of the JFK assassination. It’s still a mystery ‘till this day. Watch out for the chorus. It’s extremely catchy. “I Love You Baby” is an ex girlfriend anthem and should be relatable to anyone who has been betrayed and stabbed in the back by a girl. You could hear the anger straight out of Johnny Dodo voice. The riff on here will rip up your skin and dance on the open wound. “Suburbanites” is the first song Johnny Dodo ever written and it’s about growing up in the suburbs. The music on here is highly influenced by Social Distortion. You could hear this on the guitar riff and vocal melody. There’s a nice short guitar solo that makes it more chaotic. When you listen to this song, it’s like you are taking a quick breath of reality and noticing how ugly it taste. “Worldwide Anarchy” is a song about the liberal American dream which is achieving peace through anarchy. It was original written by their original bass player but taken over by Ronnie. This song has a fist pumping guitar riff over destructive drums that will remind one of Black Flag. It’s really discordant and will shake every fiber in your bones. The final song “PTSD” has been composed by their drummer and he also sings lead vocals. He sings in a drill sergeant fashion about the mental instability soldiers get after coming back from fighting in the war and the lack of attention from others as well. This track is dominated by the bass and the drums follow along so nicely. The fast pace rhythms possibly resembles the shellshock that soldiers commonly have. I love the kind of music this band plays and they also give me lots of support. I hope one day I could see this band live. If you love old school punk and I know many of you do. Listen to this band. They have gone a long way to get where they are right now and you could feel it in the music. Check them out on Reverbnation & on Facebook Page 12

Foreign Policy - Kevin Eat Pee Jan 2012 Before I started listening to this EP, I knew that these songs were compacted anger and very noisy. I have reviewed this band in the past. Their music is full of punk riffed guitars, screaming vocals that sometimes get ear piercing, messy bass and demolishing drums. The opening song “Martial Law” is sung in a manner that the singer grabs your shirt and shouts the words. This is done by the talents of Victor Perez. The song starts off with a fuzzy bass intro and the guitar follows with the banging drums. “Scheduled Procrastination” begins with rumbling drums and then overtaken by punk guitar. These contiguous punk riff were created by Julian Pereda who you will hear constantly strumming the guitar harshly. Here is where the vocals will cut open your ears and sing his precious melody. The music on this track is like a wave of mutilation. It all ends with a short bass solo. This fine bass playing is played by Nick Fontana. The songs have a tendency to pick you up and leave you in the midair. “Fear Campaign” is my favorite track on here because it’s politically charged music. It’s obviously inspired by the punk gods known as Black Flag. The vocals and the guitar riff complement each other really well. It’s a really addictive track especially where the vocals fill in the gaps between the riffs. “Caged” begins with a destructive drum introduction played by Jose Bedoya as its pressed fiercely against the bass. The riff sounds slightly black metal inspired. This is hardcore punk. You could feel the sense of isolation with the vocals. It has imprisoned anger. There’s a messy canvass of a guitar and bass. The final track “My Life” has a quiet intro with a cymbal and bass but that is soon overshadowed by the guitar. The music explodes in your face. It’s like a night terror. Every instrument is destroying everything alongside the vocals. This band has created a soundtrack of self destructing. Each song is a moshing song. They are playing real raw music. Find them on Facebook & on Twitter and check out the EP on BANDCAMP

The Independent Punk

THE PULSE OF THE UNDERGROUND by Bryan D This month, I’m reviewing some brand new releases that are either just out, or due to be released soon.

highly aggressive pop punk band from Madison Wisconsin. They’ll tell you all about who they are as soon as the album starts with a great introduction! Lady Vodka is one of the coolest songs I have heard in a long, long time. I love the trade off vocals and harmonies, I love the sing along-ability of it. Curmugeon has the hook from hell! Brutal as fuck! I can honestly say, this is one fucking amazing release! I am absolutely floored! Go get this immediately!!!!!! The Shidiots/Rackatees- Split 7”

Prions- Self Titled Prions is a brand new band out of Austin TX, featuring members of Exile (Unrepentant Records). This EP is BRUTAL! Fantastic guitar work, brutal drumming and an overall brutality that just doesn’t let you breathe. By the time the third song kicks in, you are already in love with this music. Sounds like a cross between late 80’s thrash metal and brutal NYHC acts like Madball or Cro Mags, but with a really cool modern sound that says “PRIONS ARE HERE, MOTHERFUCKERS! Stand out track is Never. There isn’t a bad song in this bunch. Like I said before- this is BRUTAL! The Brewser Boys- Watertown Blackout EP formerly known as Backslide) Fabulous punk from the great state of Wisconsin. The Brewser Boys just fucking get it! This is the kind of stuff that gets a room moving! Elements of street punk, fused perfectly with Oi, and in your face! The sonic assault just beats you down into a beer soaked mush covered in piss and cigarettes, and loving it. DDFF kicks you in the jaw, but Whiskey Reflections is the stand out track! I had to play it twice since I liked it that much. Straight up- The Shidiots are one of my favorite bands. Omaha’s favorites are a band you need to hear! They are totally catchy, completely fun, & absolutely perfect music to get wasted to. I absolutely love How Many Drinks! I love it! . I love the shout outs in Over The Top, a tale of being on the road and loving it. Their three tracks just blow right through you like a burrito from hell! The Rackatees, from Lawrence Kansas are on the flip side. Man, oh man are they killer! Managers is such a great song! What a great band! All 5 songs on this 7” are FUCKING STELLAR!

Wiscoholics- More Beer Needed (Infested Records 2013) Speaking of Wisconsin bands that just fucking get it, Wiscoholics have just released their debut EP on Infested Records! More Beer Needed is definitely a smoking, white hot hunk of Wisconsin Cheddar! A The Independent Punk

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IDFK - Nude, Crude, & Non-Tattooed Self Released December 2012 Fond du Lac, Wisconsin hasn't rocked this hard since.... well, since the LAST IDFK release, Music To Mow The F​*# ​ ​^i​ng Lawn To. IDFK are back bitches, and this time they mean business! Nude, Crude, & NonTattooed is the second full length release from this 4 piece group of cheese-heads. Coming in at just under 19 minutes with 18 tracks and utilizing partial nudity for album art these kids are definitely showing off their lighter (paler - seriously - get some fucking sun dudes.) side on this album.

The sound is BIG, like Long Duck Dong on the front lawn Big! IDFK started in November 2008 with Aaron and some other guys. There is some debate if Opy is an original member or not. Josh was a fan who ended up in the band, and then a few years later they met Scotty somewhere and said, "you'll do." In case you've been living under a rock, IDFK is Aaron Smash - lead guitar; Josh Oddity - bass, vocals; Opy X - guitar, vocals Scott Stutters - drums. However they began, I'm glad they're here - IDFK has been a staple on my android for a couple of years now and their sophomore release is an outstanding accomplishment of their talent, drive, and skill. Each song on this album is just plain fucking fun to listen to - just like pop-punk should be AND it's CHEAP! in the words of the band "Our stuff is cheap. We're not out to make money, we got jobs for that. We make good music that deserves to be heard whether you can pay for it or not." Which explains why you can stream it for free until you can scrounge up the six measly bucks to buy it. My personal favorite tracks off this album are 3. Billy's Gonna Blow His Brains Out, 7. Joe Queer II, 8. Crawling Back Under My Bed, and 17. Potty Mouth. That's not meant to discount the other tracks at all, by any means. BUT, if you're in an upstart pop punk band - this is band to take your lead from. The boys are currently lining up dates to tour this album here are a few of the upcoming dates: (in case you're fucking stupid click the dates for full details)

Saturday, March 9th @ Reptile Palace, Oshkosh, WI Thursday, March 14th @ Maritime Tavern, Appleton, WI Sunday, March 17th @ Finney's Lounge ,Kenosha, WI Thursday, March 21st @ Frank's Power Plant, Milwaukee, WI

The Guilford Blackouts We've Been Sent Here to Destroy You Self Released Jan 2013 The break-out album from The Guilford Blackouts has approval stamped all over it! From the fuzzed out opening notes of Calling the Shots to the final muted giggle at the closing of Brass Mug this 8 track album is packed full of high energy punk and roll. Self released in January of 2013 We've Been Sent Here to Destroy You is a great ride of an album. A three-piece act consisting of Jason Firebaugh - guitar & amp; lead vocals, Gary Warren- bass & vocals, Matt Jones - drums & amp; vocals and noticeably influenced by bands like Screeching Weasel, The Queers, NOFX, & Face To Face; The Guilford Blckouts mean to do some serious business in the world of punk rock and have clearly kicked the front door in with this release. Easy to follow lyrics are spouted from a throat that must have once belonged to a drunken Irishman - maybe Welshman, both celebrated drinkers! To me personally this is a great kick back and chill out album it's not too busy and not too sedate, perfect for hanging with buds and knocking back a whiskey or eight while doing your social groove thing.

I dig the hell out of this release and will enjoy it for years to come. We've Been Sent Here to Destroy You is a well written, well played album that deserves a good listen. It's as solid an album as any on the market today. You can stream all 8 tracks on Bandcamp. Get in touch with The Guilford Blackouts on Facebook I think you'll agree that this is a band worth paying attention to and keeping an eye on for good things to come in the future. It was recorded in Indianapolis, IN at a place called Ark Barn Studio, a small individually owned studio. It was engineered, mixed and mastered by Ryan Koch. So far We've Been Sent Here to Destroy You has only been released digitally, however, there plans for a potential small run of physical CD's and possibly vinyl too. ji* - jacks insanity the podunk punk

Preview the album on Bandcamp then go buy it!! I think you'll agree with me when i say these kids have a real hit record on their hands here and the Big Label bands just need to go ahead and hang up their instruments and get out of the way so real musicians can step up and show the kids of America how pop-punk is supposed to be done.! ji* - jacks insanity The PoDunk Punk

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The Independent Punk

Japanese & American Horror Film Review Suzanne Isabel Rodriguez “BUNSHINSABA”- S.KOREA-



rected by Takashi Shimizu I debated reviewing this movie. It is my


personal favorite. But it can be difficult for


some not used to J-Horror. This film if you


exclude the prequels is the 3rd installment in


the series. Granted, you don’t have to watch


the other ones to understand this one, but it


helps. “Ju-on”-is the curse of one who dies


in the grip of a powerful rage. It gathers and


takes effect where that person was alive.


Those who encounter it die, and a new curse


is born.” The story is told in “chapters” each


representing one victim of the “curse”. This


makes it difficult to the viewer. A lot of Asian horror is “fragmented”. As the story


unfolds seen through the perspective of 6 people the film moves back and forth


through time, slowly revealing how each character ends up in the ‘cursed” house and their eventual demise In this case it begins after a husband kills his wife and


son, after discovering an affair she has been having. And the fun begins. What “JUON” does successfully is show that you do NOT need a movie filled with special effects and a huge budget to get scared shitless. The climax of the film comes during the story of ‘Rika” a student nurse who tries to rescue her friend. When she sees her friend being pulled into the attic she follows and with a flashlight looks around the attic. Instead of finding her friend, she encounters a terrifying creeping Kayako coming towards her. As she tries to make her escape she stops when she sees something in a mirror. This is when her story comes full circle. The “iconic” scene of Kayako, bloodied, covered in plastic and unnaturally coming down the stairs is unsettling to say the least. Rika can do nothing but watch in terror. It’s at this moment when the vengeful spirit reveals her story and brutal death. Moaning in agony, with her hand extended it seems like she is asking for help. As Rika opens her eyes and finds she is alone. She sees the dead husband. As he approaches her, Rika realizes her fate will be the same as Kayako. What makes this series unique is that it’s not a simple axe to the head that kills you. It’s the psychological horror you go through as the spirits toy with you. Before scaring you to death, and sending you into the “void”.

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Shitty Local Records Release their FIRST comp! Punk From The Gutters of Ohio Vol. 1 13 of the best punk bands from Ohio (well, one's from Detroit) come together on Shitty Local Records first compilation album "Punk From The Gutters of Ohio Vol. 1". With styles ranging from 80's hardcore, to psychobilly, to folk-punk to straight up punk rock and everything in between this album shows you how diverse current punk from Ohio is. With 35 tracks clocking in at over 75 minutes there's something here for every fan of punk or any open minded fan of music. Download the tracks by clicking HERE Digital Release Date - February 5, 2013 - Pressed CD's are coming in March or April.

Felony 4 FREE Sampler at F.Y.M Records! Grab this bitch for FREE at Fuck Your Mom Records bandcamp page by clicking the title of the track! FORMER MEMBERS OF: AVIGILANTE , GOVERNMENT FOR HIRE, NOTHING RIGHT NOW, JAGGED, AND TEEN SLUT. Felony 4 are BRANDUN FELONY(GUITAR), M F(FRONTMAN), R. BONES(DRUMS), D. OXIDE(BASS) ,EDDIE CONVICT(GUITAR) Page 16

The Independent Punk

The Alan Milman Sect New " EP Coming this winter!

Al Milman: The sociological and political climate in America is begging for good punk rock! TIP: Who are you diggin' in the punk scene today? Al Milman: I dig Ty Segall and always dig The Stooges! TIP: You got that right. Do you have plans to tour any in support of this new one?

Al Milman: Something in Seattle and we'll take it from there.The first video will be for Cocksuckers & Motherfuckers! Just wait for the record because it's coming out very soon.

The Alan Milman Sect plan to release a new 7" EP during the winter of 2013 (their first actual release since 1978) You can Pre-Order the 7" EP ON 180 GRAM Vinyl titled Cocksuckers And Motherfuckers from Scrabbly Bottom Records by clicking here. This will also be available for download on I-Tunes through No Count Records!

TIP: You got it and thanks for your time man; appreciate it.

Al Milman: Thanks,take care! Now that we have some of the low-down - you can listen to the 4 demos on REVERBNATION and you can order Alan Milman Sect 30th Anniversary CD @ Flotation Records

I talked a bit with Alan this morning about the upcoming 7" EP - Here's what he had to say. TIP: So, this is your first official release since, what was it, Stitches back in '78 ?



Al Milman: It's the first new Alan Milman Sect release since '78! Stitches In My Head was in '77 and Happy World was '78. TIP: Nice. And my apologies for the confusion on the previous album. I have digital copy of Stitches; hard to believe that came out when I was 8 and still stands up. A great record that can stand up next to anything that's been released lately. TIP: Where was it recorded and who did the mastering? Al Milman: It was written and recorded with Evan Foster on guitar who also produced it at his studio. It is being mastered in March. TIP: What was the inspiration to release this new 7"? Page 17

The Independent Punk

side a thin thread & vital core sibe b sith vicious

Limited pressing of 300 each will be hand numbered

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