Hammer Magazine Vol.13

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It is Time to Build Our World! Use Hammer Magazine as a tool to help you do it

Edition 1 Vol.12 2013

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It is Time to Build Our World! Use Hammer Magazine as a tool to help you do it

You really should check out the work of this dynamic 21-year-old artist from New Jersey named Salaam Muhammad. And you know what else you should do? Support him. Don't just be like 'wow, you are talented' and 'you do excellent work.' Do that too, but also support this young man. Purchase some [Birthday, Christmas, Kwanzaa, Savior's Day, Hanukkah] gifts, or artwork to decorate your dormitory, apartment or home. 'Like' his page 'Art of Salaam Muhammad' on Face Book, and spread the word. Visit us at www.hammermagazine.biz


It is Time to Build Our World! Use Hammer Magazine as a tool to help you do it

Give "good news" to the Believers! Help spread the word. This issue is full of information on the "time and what must be done." It includes how to prepare for a disaster, how to save and build, what history to teach our children, what foods to eat to stay young and beautiful and lastly, as an old world dies out, we have to have Fashions for a New World. Make sure you get your copy. www.virtuemag.com. Coming soon!.....

Yes we support our own. You may have never seen a cross promotion like this before. Maybe you Have. We don’t own Virtue Magazine and Virtue Magazine does not own us. But Because we are family. We want to show all of you how two publication can co exist and work hard to help build the people of Allah in every way Shape fashion and form. This is Building TIME! And this is the work all of us must be found doing. Go define refine and incline to what we need and get busy producing from what you learn, and learn to produce product s that are perfect for the total population of the planet earth. Study Muhammad's Economic Blue Print then go pick up Hammer Magazine and use it as a tool to help refine your own Virtue. Thank you, Your Brother Chris Muhammad

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It is Time to Build Our World! Use Hammer Magazine as a tool to help you do it

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It is Time to Build Our World! Use Hammer Magazine as a tool to help you do it

We can not blame the rich and wealthy for being wealthy— but we should study how they became wealthy; as the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said to us: “Study the White man. He’s successful. He makes no excuses about his failure. He works together in a collective manner. We should do the same.” So when you see any citizens successful, ask yourself: “Why are they successful and why are we failing? First of all, all of them work hand in hand. They know how to come to the table and what to bring when they come. What's wrong with us? The rich can unite to build and destroy empires and nations. But we have a problem coming together and pooling our money to even buy a newspaper that cost a dollar. Many of you see the fruit of Islam selling the Final call newspaper and won’t even give a dollar to read something to help save your rusty raggedy behind. But let it be some rich business owner with a every day product they mark up 85% to 400% of its real value and you run like a fool to make sure you get it. Tell me that’s a Lie? You know it’s the truth look at you every year on Black Friday. You wait in lines for hours to get some cheap items that ain’t worth what you spend. You even fight and trample people like a buffalo herd to get what you want. And don’t even know what Black Friday is all about. Why is it called "Black Friday? Due to the surge of holiday shopping traffic, many retailers are thought to officially turn profitable for the year on this day, or "move into the black". Many retailers run in the red (meaning, they lose money) up until this day, and then when people start pulling out their wallets and purses for holiday shopping, the retailers start turning a profit for the year. For this reason, "Black Friday" is an immensely important day of the year for retailers in the United States. The strength of "Black Friday" usually gives a very good indication as to how the entire holiday shopping season will turn out. In an effort to get as much foot traffic as possible, retailers will unleash some pretty crazy deals on "Black Friday".

in the red all year until “Black Friday” when you come with all your pennies to drag them out of debt? So They can make a profit? Well who is going to drag us out of debt so we can make a profit too? It should be you. It should be us. But if we don’t recognize the need for our unity, pool our resource, stop critizing each other, get rid of all the jealousy, while looking learning and observing ways to do it for us. Then we will never be able to build something we can call our own. It is time to Take Charge of ourselves. Take charge of our family, our community, our education our way of life our business and our Nation! But before we do any of that we must reconnect with Allah and his messenger who is really in Charge of it all. Allah is in Charge today! And if we will accept our own and be ourselves we will be in charge of what ever post we have and everything in our view. We Thank you for your support of “Muhammad's” Hammer Magazine and we invite you to find something of good to help you take your rightful place in The Kingdom of Allah and help build something we finally call our own. May Allah Bless all of you more and more As salaam Alaikum Your Brother Chris Muhammad Student Editor I am present For Peace

Thank you to our dear brother and friend, Mr. Joy & Pain, Omar Chandler. He was The legendary R&B singer from the hip hop classic song “Joy & Pain” featuring Rob Base& Dj EZ Rock. He gave me the privilege to manager his career back in 2008 for a short while. I learned so much from him in our short time. We worked from a very low budget to jump start his career and even did a video for his hit song Daddy Come Home. When my wife and I wanted to start this magazine he gave me a outline of how it should be done. There are no words to really say what I want to say. I just want to say thank you. And may Allah be pleased with your soul.

Now wait a minute! Think about what I just said. They Run Visit us at www.hammermagazine.biz


It is Time to Build Our World! Use Hammer Magazine as a tool to help you do it

The Purpose of Education [Editor’s note: The following text is excerpted from “A Torchlight for America,” chapter 4, pages 47-53, written by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, 1993.] We wanted to share this with

in our hope to help redirect our communities Put God first

In The Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful. Let’s deal with what education is supposed to be as opposed to what it is in America. One of the things that separates man from beast is knowledge. Knowledge feeds the development of the human being so that the person can grow and evolve into Divine and become one with The Creator. It’s not one’s maleness or femaleness, being Black or being White, rather it is our growth and reflection of knowledge that distinguishes us from the lower forms of life. Education is supposed to be the proper cultivation of the gifts and talents of the individual through the acquisition of knowledge. Knowledge satisfies our natural thirst for gaining that which will make us one with our Maker. So true education cultivates the person—mind, body and spirit—by bringing us closer to fulfilling our purpose for being, which is to reflect Allah (God). The second purpose for education, after self-cultivation, is to teach us how to give proper service to self, family, community, nation and then to the world. The problem in today’s education is that the root motivation is the acquisition of wealth and material things rather than cultivation of the human spirit. In a study conducted by Dr. Harold Stevenson, professor of psychology at the University of Michigan (in which he compared American schools to those in East Asia), the educational deficiencies of America’s youth were traced to the motivational forces promoted by America’s culture. In response to a “wish” question, Chicago children tended to wish for money and material objects, while Beijing children wished for educational goals. Dr. Stevenson concluded that “clearly, a challenge in the U.S. is to create a greater cultural emphasis on education and academic success. But we must also make changes in the training of teachers and in their teaching schedules, so that they, too, will be able to incorporate sound teaching practices into their daily routines.”

True and proper education starts with the knowledge of God. And yet, God is taken out of the schools. It is ridiculous that the school day does not begin with prayer. God is the author of all knowledge, so why should He be taken out of the schools? Recognition of God is the proper beginning point for understanding every discipline. If we cannot honor God, the Supreme Teacher, then how can the children honor their teachers? We have this thing all backwards. You don’t pledge your allegiance to a flag, which is merely the symbol of a nation. You pledge allegiance to God, and you work for your flag and country. Awhile ago I coined the phrase, “he who gives the diameter of your knowledge prescribes the circumference of your activity.” If you gain a limited knowledge, then you restrict the possibilities of what you can and will achieve. The capacity of man’s brain is infinite. Therefore, the greater one’s knowledge grows, the greater becomes one’s sphere of activity until it encompasses and reflects mastery of self and mastery of the universe. The knowledge of God is infinite. I would argue that leaving God out of our schools limits our education and confines the scope of what we are equipped to do and achieve. As an example, in the recent movie on Malcolm X, we saw a young man who looks like many young men today, except that he rose from a low-life of crime and ignorance, into the man who a great many now admire. Malcolm rose to his heights because he was taught the knowledge of God, self and others by The Honorable Elijah Muhammad. Because Malcolm was taught outside of the sphere of White supremacist teaching, he never lost a debate, even against the most learned of the society, and Visit us at www.hammermagazine.biz


It is Time to Build Our World! Use Hammer Magazine as a tool to help you do it It’s imperative to teach people about themselves, their history, their bodies and their nature so that they can become self masters. Mastery of self is the key to mastery of all disciplines, because in some way every discipline is present within ourselves. Once we have a mastery of self-knowledge, it’s important to be taught the true history of the other people who make up this country. This promotes mutual respect for the members of the human family, lending to a peaceful and productive society. This is why Black history should be studied, not only by Black people, but by White people. As we have developed a respect for White people by knowing their history and great accomplishments, Whites will develop a respect for Black, Native American and Hispanic people and all the peoples of the Earth when they know the histories and contributions of others to the onward march of civilization in a pluralistic society such as they claim this is. even though he had just an eighth-grade education. God was present and foremost in Malcolm’s “true” education, and this is why he achieved what for others would be an impossibility. Teach the true knowledge of self and others Every human being requires a knowledge of self as part of the proper cultivation of the divinity that is in them. Additionally, and if we hope to live together in peace with others in the society, we must know something of the cultures that make up this so-called melting pot. A new public school system should relate the curriculum to the self. When we see the curriculum as an outgrowth of self, then we can identify with the curriculum, giving us an incentive to learn. In the Muhammad University of Islam school system, our students’ learning is facilitated because they identify with the subjects. They are taught that they are the subject. They are taught, “I am chemistry.” Not, “I am a student of chemistry,” rather, “I am biology. I am economics. I am history. I am mathematics.” When we relate the forces within self to the forces that lie outside the self, this connects us to subjects we are studying in a manner that we can ultimately master these subjects. Our bodies are controlled by the mind. So mastering economics should not be as difficult with this thought in mind. This body takes in and separates what is useful, puts it to productive use, and eliminates what is wasteful. Therefore, this body is economics and since I am the master of this body, I can master economics.

It is absolutely a vital necessity that the people who make up America should be a part of the study of those who call themselves Americans, and in that way we grow to respect one another. Even if we never grow to love one another, mutual respect is all that is really required to make the nation truly great. If America believes in pluralism, a new system of education must be developed that gives all human beings their proper due. The current study of American history is nothing more than the indoctrination of Americans in the ideas of White supremacy and Black inferiority. At best, Blacks, Hispanics and Native Americans learn how to use wit and skill to maneuver in a hostile environment, but they are not taught how to create new circumstances that make freedom, justice and equality, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness realities instead of just words on a piece of paper. The fundamental philosophies of Western civilization are rooted in White supremacy. You can’t bring a Black child into that kind of educational environment and produce a child who loves and respects itself. You produce a child who bows down to White people and looks at White people as being God. I’m not saying it’s wrong to respect another human being, but it is totally inappropriate to worship another human being—who is no better than yourself—as though they are a god beside Allah (God). If Whites patterned themselves after God then we could follow them. But they have done quite the contrary. And so we can’t follow their example and permit our children to be destroyed with false knowledge that breeds in White children a superior attitude and breeds a sense of inferiority in Black children and Visit us at www.hammermagazine.biz


It is Time to Build Our World! Use Hammer Magazine as a tool to help you do it an attitude that says we cannot accomplish what we will. This is why Malcolm X left school and went into criminal life. There seems to be a practice of identifying young, brilliant Black children, particularly Black boys, and casting in their minds suggestions that stagnate their development and kill their upward movement. Evil suggestions were made to Malcolm, to me (and others in the past) as students in the school system. I know that these same evil suggestions are being made to tens of thousands of today’s young Black children.

Teachers must be compensated commensurate with their role in society. We have to restore honor among those who choose and are employed in this noble profession. Better compensation of education professionals at the public school level can help us attract and retain those whose talent is otherwise channeled into corporate America and other endeavors that pay more and provide lifestyles that are treated with respect and honor. In so doing, the school system can be more selective and use only those teachers who have a genuine love for people and a desire to bring the best out of our children. Surely, with all of the recent layoffs in corporate America, there must be an abundance of qualified people who can provide our children with better education.

One of America’s greatest crimes was and is depriving us totally of the knowledge of self. This is a crime of immeasurable dimension. Having been deprived of the richness of our history deprives us of the springs and motives of human action that would tell us the possibilities that are within us. If you know what your forebears did, then you know the realm of possibility for you. If you are deprived of that history, then you have nothing to connect yourself to as a person. You are left vulnerable to attach yourself to the circumstances you are given, and in a White society everything that is given to us has a Eurocentric perspective that has historically been hostile to Black people. We as Black people never, therefore, get a root in ourselves, but focus instead on White people—their vision and accomplishments—as the standard by which we judge our possibilities. Further, we are subtly and overtly taught that we can never measure up to them and achieve their level of accomplishments because, by nature, we are inferior beings. Honor the profession of teaching Teachers are the stewards of the proper cultivation of the people. Without teachers, we have an underdeveloped people. With an underdeveloped people, we set the stage for a backward society, which we are witnessing in the presentday reversal of America as a world power. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said that education is the torchlight of civilization. If the educational system is declining, this is a sign that the whole of the civilization will follow into a state of decline. What are we going to do about a country that can give a man millions of dollars to throw a ball into a hoop and will not pay an educator an adequate salary? What does this say about our understanding of education and its importance? We have a serious misplacement of values and priorities that needs to be corrected. Visit us at www.hammermagazine.biz


It is Time to Build Our World! Use Hammer Magazine as a tool to help you do it

The End of Grafted Music By Chris Muhammad We know this is a huge subject. And we know the music industry is a giant among the people. But we want our readers to know about the false hood, in your hood (your mind or where you live), that is coming to us by way of music. This word grafted is a term used by The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad means to take from the original and put into another. It is the procedure of implanting or transplanting of a material. So when something is grafted from the original it is no longer authentic it becomes a copy of the original. Look up the word copy for your self. It means an imitation or reproduction of the original. When Allah (God) came to the Black man and woman here in America on July 4th 1930, he went to work to seek and find The Lost Sheep. That is you Black man and woman. He is the one who raised up a little black man from Georgia, at that time he was named Elijah Poole. But He made him The Messenger of Allah. How did he make him? He taught him night and day the knowledge of God himself and our open enemies, who are the real devils of the whole earth. What does this have to do with music? One of the first questions asked to The Messenger of Allah was “Who is The Original Man?” The Answer is The Asiatic Black man, The Maker, The Owner, The Cream of the Planet Earth The God of The Universe. The second question asked was, Who is the Colored man? The Colored man is the Caucasian (white man). Or, Yacub's grafted Devil the Skunk of the planet Earth. Yakub, who is he? We stand 66 trillion years from creation of the moon which has proven a great and wise show of the original power, to build wonders in the heavens and earth. A little over six thousand years ago, or to be more exact 6,600 years ago, as Allah taught The Messenger, our nation gave birth to another God whose name was Yakub. He was one of our own

who started studying the life germ of man to try making a new creation (new man) whom our twenty-four scientists had foretold 8,400 years before the birth of Mr. Yakub, and the Scientists were aware of his birth and work before he was born, as they are today of the intentions or ideas of the present world. Yakub was seen by the twenty-three Scientists of the black nation, over 15,000 years ago. They predicted that in the year 8,400 (that was in our calendar year before this world of the white race), this man (Yakub) would be born twenty miles from the present Holy City, Mecca, Arabia. And, that at the time of his birth, the satisfaction and dissatisfaction of the people would be: -- 70 per cent satisfied, 30 per cent dissatisfied. And, that when this man is born, he will change civilization (the world), and produce a new race of people, who would rule the original black nation for 6,000 years (from the nine thousandth year to the fifteen thousandth year) That means this man Yakub, made a wicked man from the original man to be a imitation of the original man. Are there any reproduced or music artist that imitate or are examples of this type of reproduction today? Every music artist who belongs to any record label in this world who has not come out of that type of mis-education is apart of the teaching and training of Yakub. For he was given a time to rule for 6000 years and the people of that time were taught to live and act according to what he taught them for that time period. Your question should be, what did Yakub teach and train his people to do an how does it relate to us? The end of his time to rule came in 1914.

THE TIME & WHAT MUST BE DONE WITH HIP HOP MUSIC That means it was complete, and time (or The Final Call was announced) to wrap up that way of life and put it away for ever. The picture you see on the cover of this publication is of our brother who is affectionately known in hip hop music as “Problem 13”. If you listen to the words expressed in his music you will hear the mind of God that is transforming the culture of hip hop music. The cover was designed by our student editor Chris Muhammad, who is also the student manager of Problem 13. Take a close look at this, you see our brother standing over a grave filled with CD’s of music artist that we love but many have grown to worship as idols. And you also see a large machine behind him that says Idol crusher. But notice, you do not see the one who is operating the large machine. An idol is an image or other material objects representing a deity to which religious worship is addressed or any person or thing regarded with blind admiration, adoration, or devotion . Are there any idols in hip hop music? Sure there are! Many of our Visit us at www.hammermagazine.biz


It is Time to Build Our World! Use Hammer Magazine as a tool to help you do it

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It is Time to Build Our World! Use Hammer Magazine as a tool to help you do it

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It is Time to Build Our World! Use Hammer Magazine as a tool to help you do it young people admire them every day and you are devoted to their music. There are some of you who even mimic their songs and try to copy them and make music too. But do you know who made these idols for you and why?

grafted devil were given a time that has been concluded. And now we are living in The Time of Allah himself, and praise be to Allah for the Divine message coming to us through The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. Who is teaching and training us on what must be done in this time and for us.

Isn’t interesting, how Nebuchadnezzar used an image (Daniel 3:5-7) and demanded worship at the sound of the music. That's very interesting. Everyone was told to bow to the 90 x 9 foot golden obelisk when they heard the music (Daniel 3:5). Why did king Nebuchadnezzar tell the people from all nations to worship the image instead of him directly? It's because the image projected the man. That's very important to understand. The Great Pyramid and The All-Seeing Eye are iconic images used to represent the Antichrist and his kingdom, and their world order.

We are in no way trying to discredit the great music artist we know. We love the beautiful music that comes from them. But want you to know that you have been hoodwinked and led astray. They own you because you signed a contact with them that you are obligated to or they will move to keep you from ever performing. Or even worse, to terminate your life. We know you love music, all of us do. But you were made into idols for their purpose to profit by using words and sound in your song to rob rape and murder our own people. “ What does it profit a man to gain a whole world, and lose is only soul”. There is no soul in your music because you sold your right to express from your soul, to a pack of vipers who are also predatory lenders and banksters.

Notice we said “There world order”. For as it is written, Satan will appear as an angel of light. And right now you are hearing those who are rich blood suckers of the poor in positions of power attempting to gather the masses into a their way of living. But in truth, they know they can’ never enter the gates of heaven, so they are working to make the people believe they can enter with them. And they use those from among us and make them great music idols to attract the masses of people who they feed garbage and filth and are hard to lead and easily misled. Why do you think independent music is on the rise like never before today? Those big record labels are not giving out major recording deals like they used to because they have the major music artist they need to go after the majority of the population. The rich blood suckers of the poor hate The Christ. They are in fact Anti Christ, and they are doing the same thing as king Nebuchadnezzar (Revelation 13:15). It is not mere coincidence that we are seeing occult IMAGES all over the place today, in our faces. The masses of people have been taught to worship the Anti Christ. And if this is not true, then why so much multi media propaganda and high volume of destructive music and the large scale promotion of every violent and sexual act there is? The Promotion of violence and vulgar is everywhere. Why? Who controls the media that filters into our community? Who controls what we hear on the radio? WHO is in Control of ALL this grafted music and business? Why is all this happening? Because Yakub and his

You have become grafted music artist taken out your own origin and made into instruments of mass distraction. Why do you think those major labels are not offering huge record deals like they used to? It is because they have you who are their idols to make people worship and live according to them through you. This is why every time you attempt to put out a song to help inspire people to do good and build for themselves, that some executive comes in and tells you, “It’s a nice song, but today’s people won’t buy that. Can you go back in and talk more about what peo-

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It is Time to Build Our World! Use Hammer Magazine as a tool to help you do it ple they can relate to.?” Yes, Stinky Leg, or “ Treat her like a prostitute” or “bump and grind” or something that talks about money drugs and sex. That’s what your people need to hear. And that makes sense right Mr or Ms music artist? And you know cents will get you some big dollars.

See, you have been set up and don’t even know it. Set up for what? For total destruction and a ruined disgrace. The know there time to rule has been up. So they have been working night and day to take as many as they can to hell with them. And if you don’t turn from them you will certainly find yourself suffering from their fate too. Come out of there way of life and take your seat in the class room of The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, The eternal leader of the Nation of Islam under The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. So that you will be free to be who you are born to be and free to use your music to help build the kingdom of Allah. After learning Mathematics, which is Islam, and Islam is Mathematics, it will stand true. And we will always prove it at no limit of time. So dear music artist know that once we do this, we must learn to use it, and secure some benefit while we are living, and that is luxury, money, good homes, friendship in all walks of life. Sit yourself in Heaven at once! That is the greatest Desire of your Brother and Teachers.

Listen to this powerful song remixed by Chris Muhammad featuring The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and John Legend. “I hope this production will help ignite something in our people to get up and do for self.” Chris Muhammad. Please visit below and all questions can be sent to hammermagazine1@gmail.com www.soundcloud.com/chrismuhammad

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It is Time to Build Our World! Use Hammer Magazine as a tool to help you do it Praise Be To Allah! On April 17,2013 our Brother

Rasul Muhammad sent out a powerful message of healing and hope via Face book. We have been waiting to feature him about his music but we believe it is more important to let you know he is alive we and with us on our wonderful journey.

Good Morning FB family: I know it has been a minute since my last post but due to health challenges that culminated in temporary blindness I was unable to read or write until now that ALLAH is in His perfect time restoring my sight. it has been an extremely challenging road to healing and restoration but necessary. Through the pain, losses, reflections and acquired patience, I'm perfecting with ALLAH'S Help and Speed my resolve to serve HIM in more ways toward greater and more effective service to lost, damaged and fallen human beings with LOVE. I have wanted so much to write and share with you what and how ALLAH (GOD/DIOS) out of His Grace (Undeserved and unmerited kindness) and Mercy is making of me and I believe us for in HIS Cause. I am literally overjoyed to be able at this time to do so. I thank ALLAH for this opportunity. I read once in a book a woman wrote describing menopause as a PAUSE-FROM-MEN. I thought this was a great concept. I do not know whether or not she is the author of the concept but suffice it to say, I think it is a great concept which has lead me to believe that at a certain point in all of our lives we need from time to time 'PAUSE' for REFLECTION. Pause for CONTEMPLATION. Pause for REJUVENATION. Pause for RECONCILIATION, HEALING and RESTORATION to the ideals that started you on your journey through this life. Pause for CORRECTION, REORGANIZATION of your life and it's previous trajectory that was not producing the out-come hoped for. Pause for RECONNECTION with ALLAH-GOD-DIOS for the CONTINUATION of the aim and purpose of your life. I thank ALLAH for my health challenges as it provided me with this Blessed 'PAUSE' for TRANSFORMATION into a better me to you for ALLAH. They say the caterpillar must become so tired of crawling that at a certain point in its life it will spin it's chrysalis wherein it will 'PAUSE' to be born again as BUTTERFLY. These are clear signs in nature for us to reflect. I hope you are tired of crawling. Smile! GOD'S Cause is always for the Betterment and Perfection of the Human Condition with the aim of improving the quality of life. The Force (active power) that brings about this transformation in the Human Being is.. LOVE! LOVE is such a broad and deep term in that most people prefer to define it by what it means to them as oppose to objectively what it

is and what it actually means. I do not mean to negatively differ with those various views regarding what LOVE may mean to each person however, from a scientific stand point my teacher the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan teaches that LOVE is a CREATIVE FORCE. This would mean that LOVE like GOD requires NOTHING from what it LOVES to LOVE. This is what is meant by LOVE being deeper than an emotion or intense feeling in the human sense but a CREATIVE FORCE requiring nothing at all but an idea in the mind of the LOVER for what HE Imagines it can be. LOVE needs not to be LOVED to LOVE. The essence of LOVE is not reactionary.. it is PROACTIVE. According to the Scriptures of the Bible; "GOD is LOVE" LOVE as an emotion did not CREATE the Universe. Emotion’s do not Create. Creation produces emotion. Emotion or to be emotional means to be MOVED BY an occurrence or happening outside of you and out of your control, moving you to react or respond according to the quality and disposition of your heart which varies from person to person according to their individual human condition and life experience. LOVE is the CREATIVE FORCE (active power) that is discharged from any single IDEA or THOUGHT that is Governed by the Divine Principles of FREEDOM, JUSTICE and EQUALITY. To this my Father the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught that.. "LOVE means FREEDOM, JUSTICE and EQUALITY". Do you remember this song from the 80's by the artist Sting? "If you LOVE somebody.. set them FREE". As for JUSTICE, it is the LAW that regulates every action and reaction in the Universe of ALLAH'S (GOD/DIOS) Creation. JUSTICE is the Universal LAW that causes everything to reap what it sows. It is the JUSTICE in True LOVE that makes us to treat and do unto others regardless of their creed, class, race or color as you would have them treat and do by you. JUSTICE is what justifies our very existence. JUSTICE determines consequence which makes all in LOVE and LIFE.. FAIR. Only GOD'S forgiveness can with-hold that negative consequences of ones wrong doing. EQUALITY in LOVE means to be EQUAL in EVERYTHING. So let's try LOVING each other and everything by these fundamental principles and enjoy the PEACE it WILL PRODUCE in your life. Smile! Please continue to hear my teacher the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan every Saturday at 6:00 pm central standard time @ NOI.org in his weekly Preaching on the TIME AND WHAT MUST BE DONE. Or scroll down on my Facebook page and get the previous recordings you may have missed. I am your brother and servant in the Cause of Truth. Rasul H. Muhammad Visit us at www.hammermagazine.biz


It is Time to Build Our World! Use Hammer Magazine as a tool to help you do it

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It is Time to Build Our World! Use Hammer Magazine as a tool to help you do it ashamed to seek guidance and instructions from the brother or sister who has more experience, education and training than you have had. Accept his or her assistance.

The Black man in America faces a serious economic problem today and the White race’s Christianity cannot solve it. You, the so-called American Negro, with the help of Allah can solve your own problem.

The White man spends his money with his own kind, which is natural. You, too, must do this. Help to make jobs for your own kind. Take a lesson from the Chinese and Japanese and go give employment and assistance to your own kind when they are in need. This is the first law of nature. Defend and support your own kind. True Muslims do this.

The truth must be recognized by the Black man. He, himself, has assisted greatly in creating this serious problem of unemployment, insecurity and lack. Before the Black man can begin to gain economic security, he must be awakened from the dead and gain knowledge, understanding and wisdom which will enable him to follow my teachings. Islam and only Islam will point the way out of the entanglement of "want in the midst of plenty" for the followers of Islam, the true religion of the Black nation.

Because the so-called American Negro has been deceived and misled, he has become a victim of deception. He is today in the worst economic condition of North America. Unemployment is mounting, and he feels it most. He assisted in reducing himself to his present insecure economic condition. You, the Black man, are the only members of the human race that deliberately walk past the place of business of one of your own kind—a Black man— and spend your dollars with your natural enemy. The so-called American Negro has never in the history of America been known to boycott or criticize the White man as he does his own kind. He thus shows love for his enemy and hatred for his own kind.

Know thyself and be yourself. Islam makes a true brother to brother. If this be true, how can a believer (Muslim) be a true brother to another believer and boycott his brother and support the enemy? The believers in truth, Islam, must stop looking up to the White race for justice and take the following steps to correct this problem.

A true Muslim would never boycott the place of business of his fellow Muslim or Black brother. A true Muslim is proud of the success of his Black sisters and brothers. He recognizes that their success is his success. He recognizes the law of Islam. If one brother has a bowl of soup you have half of that soup.

Acknowledge and recognize that you are a member of the Creator’s nation and act accordingly. This action, in the name of Allah, requires you, as a Muslim, to set an example for the lost-found, your brothers in the wilderness in North America. This requires action and deeds, not words and lip service. The following blueprint shows the way: 1. Recognize the necessity for unity and group operation (activities). 2. Pool your resources, physically as well as financially. 3. Stop wanton criticisms of everything that is Blackowned and Black-operated. 4. Keep in mind — jealousy destroys from within. 5. Observe the operations of the White man. He is successful. He makes no excuses for his failures. He works hard in a collective manner. You do the same. If there are six or eight Muslims with knowledge and experience of the grocery business — pool your knowledge, open a grocery store—and you work collectively and harmoniously, Allah will bless you with success. If there are those with knowledge of dressmaking, merchandising, trades, maintenance—pool such knowledge. Do not be Visit us at www.hammermagazine.biz


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It is Time to Build Our World! Use Hammer Magazine as a tool to help you do it Do not be ashamed to seek guidance and instructions from the brother or sister who has more experience, education and training than you have had. Accept his or her assistance. Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty

The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad

spirit before a fall.

He that handleth a matter wisely shall find good: and whoso trusteth in the LORD, happy is he. Proverbs 16 Muhammad's Economic Blue Print is a divine plan for a divine people that calls for those who accept it to advance from it and apply it into our daily lives. That means we must learn how to handle business. Every human being is continuously engaged in some activity in order to satisfy their unlimited wants. Every day we come across the word 'business' or 'businessman' directly or indirectly. Business has become essential part of modern world. Business is, An organization or economic system where goods and services are exchanged for one another or for money. Every business requires some form of investment and enough customers to whom its output can be sold on a consistent basis in order to make a profit. Businesses can be privately owned, not-for-profit or state-owned. An example of a corporate business is PepsiCo, while a mom-andpop catering business is a private enterprise. Business is an economic activity, which is related with continuous and regular production and distribution of goods and services for satisfying human wants. All of us need food, clothing and shelter. We also have many other household requirements to be satisfied in our daily lives. We meet these requirements from the shopkeeper. The shopkeeper who gets from wholesaler. The wholesaler gets from manufacturers. The shopkeeper, the wholesaler, the manufacturer are doing business and therefore they are called as Businessman. Or business women.

Here Are Some Features of Business Characteristics or features of business are discussed in following points :1. Exchange of goods and services All business activities are directly or indirectly concerned with the exchange of goods or services for money or money's worth in order to produce a profit in order to stay in business. No business can stay in service if it does not make money to stay in service. 2. Deals in numerous transactions In business, the exchange of goods and services is a regular feature. A businessman regularly deals in a number of transactions and not just one or two transactions. 3. Profit is the main Objective The business is carried on with the intention of earning a profit. The profit is a reward for the services of a businessman. 4. Business skills for economic success Anyone cannot run a business. To be a good businessman, one needs to have good business qualities and skills. A businessman needs experience and skill to run a business. 5. Risks and Uncertainties Business is subject to risks and uncertainties. Some risks, such as the risk of loss due to fire and theft can be insured. There are also uncertainties, such as loss due to change in demand or fall in price which cannot be insured and must be bared by the businessman. 6. Buyer and Seller Every business transaction has minimum of two parties involved. Those parties are the buyer and the seller. Business is nothing but a contract or an agreement between buyer and seller.

7. Connected with production Business activity may be connected with production of goods or services. In this case, it is called as industrial activity. The industry may be primary or secondary.

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8. Marketing and Distribution of goods Business activity may be concerned with marketing or distribution of goods in which case it is called as commercial activity. 9. Deals in goods and services In business there has to be dealings in goods and service. Goods may be divided into following two categories :1. Consumer goods : Goods which are used by final consumer for consumption are called consumer goods e.g. T.V., Soaps, etc.

2. Producer goods : Goods used by producer for further production are called producers goods or Machinery, equipment's, etc. Services are intangible but can be exchanged for value like providing transport, warehousing and insurance services, etc.

10. To Satisfy human wants The businessman also desires to satisfy human wants through conduct of business. By producing and supplying various commodities, businessmen try to promote consumer's satisfaction. 11. Social obligations Modern business should be service oriented. Modern businessmen must be conscious of their social responsibility. “There is only one boss. The customer. And he or she can fire everybody in the company from the chairman on down, simply by spending his money somewhere else.� -Sam Walton

Other rates will apply according you area size and the time you need your ad to run. We Also have space available on our website and our blog. So let us help you reach more consumers from around the world to help your business grow. Email us today! hammermagazine1@gmail.com

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Several important questions raised in this report regarding the official version of events. A number of central issues, however, remain to be substantiated. Some of the points raised are unsubstantiated. For a careful review which addresses media inconsistencies, see: Boston Marathon Bombing: Rush Media Reports of “Terror Attack”



Substantiation By Barry


wsws.org and Global Research April 16, 2013 *


2) The reported arrest of a “Saudi national” has now been retracted. Apparently that was a mistake published by the NY Post. 3) Instead, the mainstream media is pushing a new narrative that blames “right-wing extremists” for the bombing, even without a shred of evidence to back that up. 4) It is impossible for a bomb squad to have located, analyzed, rigged and detonated the third bomb in under an hour, especially when it was located one mile away, at the Kennedy Presidential Library. Why did the Boston bomb squad know all this in advance?


It’s now becoming clear that members of the Boston bomb squad had advanced notice of the horrific bombing that took place at the marathon today. As an eyewitness reports, once the bombs went off, officials began announcing, “this is just a drill!” This logically means they were all informed of the “bomb drill” beforehand. Otherwise, why would they respond with, “this is just a drill” ? According to Local15TV.com, a University of Mobile’s Cross Country Coach said there were bomb-sniffing dogs at both the start and finish lines, long before any explosions went off. He said: “They kept making announcements on the loud speaker that it was just a drill and there was nothing to worry about. It seemed like there was some sort of threat, but they kept telling us it was just a drill.” The official story of the bombing is that terrorists detonated two bombs at the marathon finish line and that the Boston bomb squad magically located a third bomb one mile away, identified the bomb, rigged it with explosives and initiated a “controlled explosion” all in less than an hour!(Absurd.) The official story sounds like nothing more than a cover story. Here are some of the facts we know so far 1) Bomb-sniffing dogs were present at the start of the race and the finish line, even before bombs went off. Visit us at www.hammermagazine.biz


It is Time to Build Our World! Use Hammer Magazine as a tool to help you do it Given these facts, ask yourself: Who is the most likely culprit in the bombing? The Boston bomb squad clearly had advanced notice of the presence of the bombs at the marathon, and they also had advanced notice of the location of the bomb at the Kennedy Presidential Library. There are two reasonable explanations for this: 1) Someone called in a warning and threatened to bomb the event, which is why the bomb squad was on scene. 2) The bomb squad carried out the bombing as a false flag operation to achieve a political goal (unleashing TSA on the streets, blaming right wingers, increasing the bomb squad budget, etc.). For explanation number one: If a credible threat had been called in, why didn’t the Boston police cancel the marathon or try to warn runners about the security threat? Is it their policy to allow people to jog right into a massacre they’ve already been warned about?

American people. (The number was 1.6 but has now been upgraded to over 2 billion.) The real proof is in what happens next Regardless of what you might think is behind this right now, the real proof will be found in what Obama calls for in response to the bombings. If he calls for TSA on the streets of America to “keep everybody safe” at sporting events, then it’s all clearly a false flag rolled out for a political purpose. It was all a pretext to justify a TSA lockdown. If the bombing is used to frame and blame veterans, patriots or “right-wing extremists,” then it’s clearly a false flag, too. Veterans and patriots have been severely demonized by the Obama administration as well as the leftist media. If the administration avoids using the bombings to roll out its political agenda, then it might have legitimately been a random terrorist attack by a deranged individual. We’ll have to wait and see what Obama calls for in reaction to the attacks in order to know their true political purpose.

For the second explanation, there are all sorts of reasons why the Boston bomb squad might have placed the bombs at the marathon. It could have been a drill that went terribly wrong (i.e. no explosions were planned but they accidentally went off), or it could have been a deliberate attempt toterrorize the American people and justify armed TSA agents on the streets for all future sporting events. This looks more and more like a planned event to justify a TSA lockdown Although it’s still a bit early to know for certain, this looks more and more like a planned event that was deployed by the Boston bomb squad, called a “drill,” then used as a pretext for the President to call for TSA agents to be on the streets at all future sporting events. And that, in turn, is the run-up to the TSA occupation of America, which has always been the goal of Obama. Remember that back on the campaign trail, he announced he wanted to build a “civilian national security force.” Presidents Obama says: “We’ve gotta have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded…” The fastest way to build a domestic national security force is to stage domestic bombings as a pretext. More and more, that seems to be what unfolded today in Boston. Remember, too, that DHS has now purchased over 2 billion rounds of ammunition to be used domestically, against the Visit us at www.hammermagazine.biz




The Time and What Must Be Done....is really at hand .........Second Chronicles Chapter 7 verse 14 reads “ If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” Let us really look at this scripture......If “My” people.....who are the true people of Allah? Is it not the original man and woman of the planet earth...the Asiatic Black Man? Who are called by “My” name .........what is the name that the people are called by? Did not the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan grant the name of Muhammad to all of the registered Muslims in the Nation of Islam Savior's Day 1996? Not at all to say that these are the only ones but this is to say that to anyone that is in possession of the God that created the Heavens and the Earth in their hearts and minds you too are called by His name. However, a rebirth MUST take place and that is why The Honorable Min. Louis Farrakhan is providing the world with this 52 week series. Let us look at the number 52- remembering that Islam is Mathematics and Mathematics is Islam ...5 + 2 = 7 ....the number of Allah. What will take place after the series is completed? The series represent the Final Call , the last warning to a deviant people who remain in rebellion against Allah, His Messenger, and His Christ. Will we hear and will we obey? Will we condemn the message as we have condemned the man who brought the message and the man that reminds us of the message ? “Shall humble themselves”- what a challenging task to release the ego, pride and vanity, and submit our will to do the will of Allah. Has not Allah been merciful to us the undeserving and foolish people that we have been? Yet through the mercy and grace of Allah the task is yet still so

simple and yet has proven to be such a struggle to humble ourselves and accept the message of Allah. .......AND PRAY........What a saving ritual is prayer....that one act that connects us all directly to Allah, that establishes us in the bosom of the Christ and that grants us love , knowledge, wisdom, and understanding to the sincere hearts. “Seek Thy Face”...what does Allah ( God) look like? ......He looks like sinful flesh because He came to condemn sin in the flesh...what sin? what flesh? The sin that has allowed us to become contrary to what Allah has created us to be. The sin that has made us hate , kill, and rob one another of freedom , justice, and equality, as well as the one that we have submitted to that is the Father of lies...we have so conformed to the ways of Satan by the rule of the colored man that we have lost our very nature and it is the losing of that nature that has been the sin that has burdened us for over 400 years. We must seek the face of Allah in the Messenger and the appointed one. We must remove the shackles of our minds that tells us to hate the Messenger and the Minister. Do you turn a deaf ear and lose your life because you don’t like the one that was sent to save us ?Whoa to a foolish people. Allow your self to be humbled so that you will be granted ears that hear the word of God and so that the truth will be certain to you. “Turn from their wicked ways”...What is wicked about us ? ....Notice the wording...wicked ways....informing the Black Man and Woman that it is not your nature but that we have become a habitation of devils...we have conformed to the habits of Yacub and we have practiced his craft and his way and have failed o resort back to our very nature that we fight against each day.

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Why is the Original Man of the planet so dissatisfied ? It is because he is in a habitation that is contrary to his nature? That is why we must obtain a new habit...the habit of making Islam a way of life and not a religion. “Then I will hear from Heaven”- Who is the “I” that will hear from Heaven? - It has to be one that was sent from Heaven ...so to speak ...that was given a task and a duty and a message to deliver and to watch the reaction of the people. There has to be a rod of discipline established before we as a people will be blessed by Allah. Allah blessed whom He pleases for certain, and He is most merciful and most forgiving. Allah’s word will never fail, so if the previous instructions are followed there is a great reward for obedience. “Will forgive their sin , and heal their land”. The process of atonement and prayer are such beautiful gifts. Praying without atonement just won’t do . We must carry into practice what we say we believe. We must go back onto the womb and be born again. Which means that Allah created Himself in triple darkness and in that darkness He gathered material and forged His way to bring Self into fruition. He had a determination, a will , a righteous desire, and power, and the use of all these in one unit made Him God ( a force). We His people are made in His image...fashioned into physical form to resemble Him. In His likeness, having power, will, determination, and desire for righteousness. Let us all get back to being Gods so that we can be blessed by the Most High God, so that the Christ can hear from Heaven, forgive our sin, and heal our land. As Salaam Alaikum, Your Sister, Queen Azizza Maryam Muhammad ( Gidget)

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Food loaded into Dumpsters while Hundreds Hungry Americans Restrained by Police

Residents filled the parking lot with bags and baskets hoping to get some of the baby food, canned goods, noodles and other nonperishables. But a local church never came to pick up the food, as the storeowner prior to the eviction said they had arranged. By the time the people showed up for the food, what was left inside the premises—as with any eviction—came into the ownership of the

Many people in that parking lot probably knew all too well

property holder, SunTrust Bank.

how evictions work, and were in desperate need of the food

The bank ordered the food to be loaded into dumpsters and hauled


to a landfill instead of distributed. The people that gathered had to

This story is not some bizarre exception. It reeks of the truth

be restrained by police as they saw perfectly good food destroyed.

of capitalism and is strikingly similar to the H&M scandal

Local Sheriff Richard Roundtree told the news “a potential for a

that broke in 2010 when clothes were being shredded before

riot was extremely high.”

being thrown away, so as to make sure the value of the mer-

“People got children out here that are hungry, thirsty,” local resi-

chandise was unaffected.

dent Robertstine Lambert told Fox54 in Augusta. “Why throw it

In a capitalist society, the motive behind the production of

away when you could be issuing it out?”

food is not to feed people, housing is not made to give them

SunTrust bank is trying to confuse the issue and not take direct responsibility for their actions. Their media relations officer Mike McCoy, stated, “We are working with store suppliers as well as law enforcement to dispose of the remaining contents of the store and secure the building.” Yet he also said that the food never belonged to SunTrust Bank. There is no need to sugar coat what happened. Teresa Russell, chief deputy of the Marshal’s Office in Richmond County, said the owner of the building ordered that the food be taken to the landfill. Some people even followed the truck to the landfill and were still turned away.

shelter, clothing is not made to keep them warm, and health care is not offered primarily to keep people healthy. All of these things, which are and should be viewed as basic rights, are nothing other than commodities—to be bought and sold—from which to make a profit. If a profit cannot be made, usually due to overproduction in relation to the market, the commodity is considered useless by the capitalist and destroyed. In this case, it appears the bank simply did not care. For the banks that have made their profits through evictions and foreclosures, it is little surprise that they showed no remorse in leaving people staring in disbelief, with empty bags, as

In Richmond County, there are about 20 evictions per day, and the

they watched the food that could be feeding their families

area surrounding the supermarket is one of the poorest in the state.

dumped into a landfill instead.

According to the last available data, the poverty rate is 41 percent.

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On the other side of people who do not care. Here are the peace keepers who are men and women from where we live who do care. We need more who of us who care about us. The poor are in desperate need of assistance. Will you become one of those who will respond? Visit us at

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It is Time to Build Our World! Use Hammer Magazine as a tool to help you do it

Time management is the act or process of planning and exercising conscious control over the amount of time spent on specific activities, especially to increase effectiveness, efficiency or productivity. Time management may be aided by a range of skills, tools, and techniques used to manage time when accomplishing specific tasks, projects and goals complying with a due date. We must encompass a wide scope of activities, and these include planning, allocating, setting goals, delegation, analysis of time spent, monitoring, organizing, scheduling, and prioritizing. Initially, time management must not be just referred to business or work activities, but today the term must be broadened to include personal activities as well. We must have a time management system designed and combined with processes, tools, techniques, and methods. Time management is a necessity in our project development as it determines the project completion time and scope.

Practice the following techniques to become the master of your own time:

1. Carry a schedule and record all your thoughts, conversations and activities for a week. This will help you understand how much you can get done during the course of a day and where your precious moments are going. You'll see how much time is actually spent producing results and how much time is wasted on unproductive thoughts, conversations and actions. 2. Any activity or conversation that's important to your success should have a time assigned to it. To-do lists get longer and longer to the point where they're unworkable. Appointment books work. Schedule appointments with yourself and create time blocks for high-priority thoughts, conversations, and actions. Schedule when they will begin and end. Have the discipline to keep these appointments. 3. Plan to spend at least 50 percent of your time engaged in the thoughts, activities and conversations that produce most of your results. 4. Schedule time for interruptions. Plan time to be pulled away from what you're doing. Take, for instance, the concept of having "office hours." Isn't "office hours" another way of saying "planned interruptions?" 5. Take the first 30 minutes of every day to plan your day. Don't start your day until you complete your time plan. The most important time of your day is the time you schedule to schedule time. 6. Take five minutes before every call and task to decide what result you want to attain. This will help you know what success looks like before you start. And it will also slow time down. Take five minutes after each call and activity to determine whether your desired result was achieved. If not, what was missing? How do you put what's missing in your next call or activity? 7. Put up a "Do not disturb" sign when you absolutely have to get work done. 8. Practice not answering the phone just because it's ringing and e-mails just because they show up. Disconnect instant messaging. Don't instantly give people your attention unless it's absolutely crucial in your business to offer an immediate human response. Instead, schedule a time to answer email and return phone calls. 9. Block out other distractions like Facebook and other forms of social media unless you use these tools to generate business. 10. Remember that it's impossible to get everything done. Also remember that odds are good that 20 percent of your thoughts, conversations and activities produce 80 percent of your results.

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The Meaning of As-Salaam-Alaikum By Messenger Elijah Muhammad (Editors note: This was Transcribed from an audio-taped radio broadcast. We think it is good to share with our readers)

The greetings, As-Salaam-Alaikum, which means peace – peace be to you- or unto you. This is a very very good greeting words to use. The Western world of mankind can not use the greetings of peace to one another because they are not at peace with each other. Therefore there would be absolutely false greeting if the world would try greeting each other with peace. Especially the Western world. Therefore the greeting of peace is the greeting of those whom we call the righteous, who are always at peace with God, and at peace with man, and peace with himself. Therefore they are justified in using this greeting of peace which is the greatest greeting words that we know of. Long before the creation of this world, it was the word or greeting of the righteous, peace. In whatever language was used, it meant peace. WE, today desire most of all to have peace with God and with ourselves. WE desire to have it but most of us are not trying to give peace or to enjoy peace between man and man, due to the fact that the greed of the riches and luxury of this world takes all of our love, all of our peace, from our hearts towards one another. Because the love of the riches of this world and its luxuries, it makes one desire to take advantage of the other one. And in this race for wealth we destroy the peace of the neighborhood. We destroy the peace of the world of mankind, seeking to enjoy wealth and luxury of this life at the expense of and … of others. I say to you my beloved people, the socalled American Negro. Who Are We and Why use the term“ so called negros”? You are “so-called” because you are not a Negro. You are an Asiatic man from the Tribe of Shabazz, so God almighty Allah has taught me To whom be praise forever. I want you to know that it is the great desire of almighty God, Allah to give to you, my people, who has been trodden under the feet of civilization for hundreds of years. peace he wants to give to you. He has spread forth his hands in your midst and over you and has given to you this word, PEACE. He brings to you, peace. He removes grief, sorrow and fear from the hearts of you who believe. That I mean in His Religion. There are many of us thinks that we believe in God, but when we are tested to that belief, we are not believers. We are believers in fear. And fear takes away obedience to the Divine Supreme Being. It removes fear of almighty God, Whom we should fear because He has power over all things. And He is the Greatest of them all. He is the Wisest. He is the Most Merciful and He has the power to bring the living from the dead and the dead from the living. He’s All-Powerful and is able to bring light out of darkness. And He’s able to make darkness over this light. This is Allah! According to the Holy Quran and Bible. I am so sorry for you, my people.

I grieve over you. I am really over-anxious to see you enjoy peace. I am over-anxious to see you united with each other. Showing the love of a sincere brotherhood among you, yourselves. You have been destroyed. You have been robbed. You have grieved and moaned and suffered every kind of evil that man could think of. There is no evil that you have not had experience of. Today I am your brother. And I am also a sufferer of these things that you suffered with and therefore I love you and desire for you what I desire for myself. What is your Desire? I desire peace. I desire love for my brother. I desire unity with my brother. And I can not have unity with my brother unless I love my brother. And it is all possible, and not impossible for me to love my brother. He’s flesh of my flesh, bone of my bone; blood of my blood and if I don’t love my brother, who is flesh of my flesh and bone of my bone, and blood of my blood, then alright, I don’t love myself. This is the condition that the poor so-called American Negroes are in in North America. Because of the robbery of the slave-master of you when you were in servitude slavery. You were robbed of the love for self. You were robbed actually of unity, which you should be enjoying. All of this was taken from you by the slave-master and his children. Now today, they are in unity when it comes to you and I. They love each other when it comes to you and I. They have proven beyond a shadow-of-a-doubt that they do not desire that you and I love each other as brothers and do unto each other as we would have done unto us. And again, they not only desire that we not be united but they have and still are doing everything they possibly can to keep us from being united. Unity means Strength. Visit us at www.hammermagazine.biz


It is Time to Build Our World! Use Hammer Magazine as a tool to help you do it What Does Unity Mean? Unity means power. Unity means love. Unity means peace. I say my beloved people remember that we are a people beloved of almighty God and has been lost for 400 years in a people that are not our people. The Blackman and the white man are two distinct people. They are not brothers of each other. No sir! They are not the same race No sir! These are two distinct people- races or nations- as you would call them. And by no means could you ever expect true brotherly love and absolute unity between the two.

It is impossible unless that you make them all one nation. And since almighty God, Allah, did not make us one nation or one race of people but made us different and this difference is not in color alone. But the difference is actually in the very nature of us. I am so sorry for you today who are so spiritually blind, that you can not see and recognize even your own friend. Your own friend is almighty God, Allah. And the friend of you of your own self is those who believe in Allah and believe in His religion of entire submission and peace, called Islam. Now I said that almighty God is your only friend, He’s your only true friend and you do not even know Him….This is the Muslims. What is a Muslim? Muslim, that word means a righteous person. One who has submitted to do the will of Almighty God, Allah. One who, the Holy Qur’an says, “walks the earth in humbleness.” One who is not proud. One who is not aggressive. One who seeks not to take advantage of no one. One who greets, not only, another righteous in peace, but even he will greet the weak and foolish in that language of peace because he’s at peace with the author of peace, Whose proper name is Allah. He’s at peace with himself. He’s at peace with the world of man. Therefore he can say, “As-Salaam-Alaikum (Peace be to you)” regardless to where he may be, or to whom he may be speaking with. This is true. We are that people. Though the Holy Qur’an teaches a Muslim that he never be the aggressor, seek not to use physical force against no one Unless it is by the order of almighty God, Allah. Kill no one, the Holy Quran says, unless it is by the order of almighty God, Allah. What is happening today? Now, today, the whole world, every hour, every minute of the hour, are killing and destroying each other through their hatred and dislike of each other, through their divisions and confusion of each other. Their lack of understanding causes them to destroy each other and finally themselves. I say that we should have peace but we should be prepared for fight for peace. We must lay aside that which is causing other than peace and unite in love

and your fellowman, your brother. Your own black blood and flesh. What Should we Love?

Love that black blood and flesh. Love that brother of that same flesh and blood. And hate not your own flesh and blood as the Bible teaches you. But the so-called American Negro, as I repeat, he has been made to hate himself. And this hatred of himself is from his slave-master and his slave-masters children. He was divided in the cradle against each other. He was taken from his mother's breast while he was yet unconscious to the knowledge of a mother. Reared by an enemy. Reared by those that hate him and had no love in their heart for that black baby and its black mother and father. But was taken and sold between each other from one to another of their kind for the purpose of enslaving the child robbing the child of t's labor. Free labor. What did America do to Us? America used these hundreds and thousands and millions of us for three hundred long years, our labor, for nothing. They did not give our fathers anything like money for that three hundred years of servitude slavery. And it grieves me to see the leadership of the so-called American Negro, today, willing to forget all about those cruel three centuries that our parents suffered under the lash and gun-fire of their slave-master. You are willing to forget the killing for a naught. You don't want anything but the love of their children. You are not asking America to separate you and put you to yourself or in the midst of your own people. But is asking America to allow you to be planted in the gate white race and become one of them, members. Is There a future for the wicked in America? There is not any future, whatsoever, in your own children but total destruction, the loss of the identity of self. This is all the ignorant, blind, deaf, and dumb Leadership of my poor people is asking for. They criticize you of asking for a future. I don't ask to be planted in a place of people that is not my flesh and blood. I'm asking separation. I'm asking a place to myself and my own kind here. It has been proven and is still proven to be actually the truth and other-than-the-truth that the so-called Negro, the Blackman, can not live in peace with the white man. It is proven that the Blackman wants for himself what the white man wants for himself. So why keep troubling each other until we arrive at the boiling point. There is an end to these things. There is an end. And that end is now approaching. It is at our door what that we must lay aside even the thought and desire to try to make Blackman and white man two brothers. You can't do that. It is against the Creators own will. He didn't create you like that. There has been, ever since you have been on this earth, separation of nations.

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What Happened to the Indians?

When the white man came to North America, he found Red Indians here. He didn't find white people here, he found Red Indians here, whom he has annulated, killed off to take their home. Their home was taken by the price of blood. Blood was the price paid for their home. Woe unto thee that builds a city of blood and establish it upon sin. Who did this crime? This America has done. She has gotten her country by the price of blood. She has established it in sin and evil, and has acted with evil under the worse evil murder and crime of our. This, today, you , my beloved people, denounce the God and God into his peace. I warn you that you area absolutely making a grave mistake by trying to force the white man to accept you as his own brother his own sister. Even if he would do so, hes till would be the loser. He would not be able to live in peace with you in his home, while trying to intermix. with you. in hopes that you will separate and that you and I know and have known for a long time. We just cannot defeat Gods own plan, His own hopes. We cannot destroy that. If God has declared that He will separate us in the Last Days, then He will separate us. He separated us in the beginning. You have found it so beautifully situated off on this planet earth, the nations of this earth.

The brown man living to himself. The black man living in a country to himself. The red man living to himself. The yellow man living to himself. The white man living in Europe to himself. But he came out of Europe and spread all over the earth upsetting the unity of the Black, brown red and yellow man, dividing them, one against the other‌

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It is Time to Build Our World! Use Hammer Magazine as a tool to help you do it

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It is Time to Build Our World! Use Hammer Magazine as a tool to help you do it

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It is Time to Build Our World! Use Hammer Magazine as a tool to help you do it

Ruqayyah Muhammad is a young entrepreneur and jewelry designer. Born in Los Angeles, California. At the age of 17 she began venturing out in the hopes of one day being her own boss. When she was 18 she did multi level marketing in the hopes of one day never having to work a day in her life. Although she has been through many obstacles and learning experiences when it comes down to business she is now taking matters into her own hands. As a progressing 21 yr. old with her new high fashion jewelry line (Royal Elegant) dropping this fall 2013. This is only the beginning. Watch out world! She can be reached at: facebook.com/ruqayyah.muhammad.1

Talib Muhammad,

is the owner of

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It is Time to Build Our World! Use Hammer Magazine as a tool to help you do it

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It is Time to Build Our World! Use Hammer Magazine as a tool to help you do it An LLC is probably the best business structure, but don’t worry about incorporating until you’re earning money, just do a sole proprietorship, you can always incorporate later (you can get it setup with the IRS in just a few minutes by calling them at 800-829-4933)

Ways to Start a

1. Learn how to do your own financial statements for your business in Excel instead of hiring a CPA or bookkeeper (again you can do this after you’re making money)

Business With No Money


Take a Quick books class at your local community

college Most people who want to start their own business don’t have a ton of money laying around and probably one the most common questions is : How can I get started without a lot of cash? Well here is a list below of the best ideas that you may find it useful!

Make a website for your business Don’t pay a premium for a top end domain name, there are plenty of good ones left Test out your ideas by writing to a blog, you’ll get feed-

The three basic strategies to starting a business without much

back on what people like and don’t like

money are:

Get a free business website at www.wordpress.com or tumblr.com. It won’t be your own domain (it will be something like yourbusiness.wordpress.com) but…

Delay the normal “business starting” activities like incorporat-

ing, hiring, renting office or retail space, etc until AFTER your business has started earning money. This is known as bootstrapping. 

Doing everything yourself and spending your personal time in-

stead of hiring an expert. (Takes longer but costs less.) 

Become more creative with your ideas.

Start With The Easy Stuff: Eliminate Expenses 1.

When you’re ready to have your own domain, register it at domain.com and add this as a custom domain to your Wordpress or Tumblr site. Get a professional website design for free with a wordpress theme that you can install with a few clicks (no programming knowledge needed)

Don’t rent an office! - work from home. Or better yet work from

the best free office with locations everywhere: Go to places that have free WIFI. If you need to meet with a client and are worried about seeming small time without an office, don’t be. Just meet them at a restaurant for a lunch meeting. This is what people with the nicest

Getting a Logo Don’t hire a fancy graphic designer. At least not yet. Use LogoYes to create your own logo (or at least get ideas that you can recreate on your own for free)

offices do anyway. 2.

Don’t hire any employees! - do it all yourself until you have

some $ coming in the door. 3.

Don’t hire lawyers, technical people, ,or assistants (see below)

Legal Stuff and Incorporating Get a free lawyer and legal advice from the mentors at Score.org Find a website with a similar legal document and modify it to your needs

Accepting Credit Cards 1 Don’t bother with a full merchant account to start off with, they are complicated, come with monthly feeds, and require programming expertise. Instead try a simpler (and much cheaper) solution like Google Checkout or Paypal For a more professional look and a complete shopping cart for only $5/month use E-Junkie If you have lots of physical products, try a Yahoo Store

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It is Time to Build Our World! Use Hammer Magazine as a tool to help you do it Starting a service business where you consult, coach, teach, etc Create several pages on your wordpress site: one for your experience, testimonials, rates, availability, etc Pick a domain name with your #1 keyword in it! (Assuming it isn’t a very competitive keyword you’ll rank on the first page of google within a month or two for that keyword which means customers!) here’s some more info and an example Creating Info Products Use an ebook template like these from Eben Pagan For print books, self publish it at www.lulu.com and use print on demand (they don’t print a single book until someone buys it which means you have zero up front cost for inventory!)

Use a $20 webcam or digital camera to create educational video products Use camtasia ( $200 for PC) or iShowU ($20 for Mac) to record your screen and make great videos like this one. Or record powerpoints and do the voiceover to make great educational products. Update: even cheaper use ScreenToaster. Use a mac to edit your videos (iMovie is free) and you can even produce DVD’s Before investing in a retail location… Go to a local fair or festival and rent a booth to see if anyone buys your product. Talk to potential customers and get feedback.

Try selling it on ebay Always be learning about business Go to a meetup.com groups in your city related to business/entrepreneurship Read all the best business books by getting them from the library or where you can. Get 3 of the top 10 books on building wealth for free in PDF Make friends with other entrepreneurs and share material Install the stumble upon toolbar and choose business/ entrepreneurship as one of your interests to find all the best videos and talks out there (this is literally like going to a free semester of business school, you get to see all the best speakers and thinkers of our time, and those of the past) Read blogs Marketing, free website traffic, and getting your first customer Get 250 full-color business cards for free to hand out to people you meet Post an offer on craigslist Post videos on youtube with links to your website

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It is Time to Build Our World! Use Hammer Magazine as a tool to help you do it Post the same video to all video sharing sites (Google Video, Yahoo Video, MySpace, Revver, etc) at once withTube Mogul (this is some of the best free marketing you can do) Generate leads by offering an incentive on your website for people to give you their contact info (some incentives that work well: Top 10 reports like the top 10 myths about…the top 10 thing you should know before…etc, videos, audio interviews, one page cheat sheets, free ebooks) Write a good article and send it to more popular websites (include your byline at the bottom). This is also known as doing guest posts and is the #1 thing we can use to grow when we first start out. Learn how to use google adwords and spend $10 and see if it brings in at least $10 (if so keep going!) If you can’t afford to get links from expensive directories like Yahoo ($299) use Directory Submitter to get links from hundreds of smaller directories for free Pick a good domain name with your keywords in the domain (use hyphens if necessary). This will help you rank in Google for that keyword and get visitors to your website. Do some basic on page SEO Research what keywords will bring you the most traffic (and are least competitive) with keyword discovery,Wordtracker’s Free Service, and (probably the best option) WordTrackers free trial of their full service (just have to remember to cancel within 7 days to not get charged!) See which keywords are likely to bring buyers (instead of tire kickers) Get more incoming links to your site by creating a Squidoo page (these rank very high in the search engines for some reason!) Send an email to everyone in your email program’s contact list with a short friendly note letting them know you are starting a business and ask if they could forward it to just one or two people who might be interested. Offer something free for the first 10 people. This has an exponential effect because it not only reaches who you know, but everyone who knows who you know (an order of magnitude bigger group of people.

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It is Time to Build Our World! Use Hammer Magazine as a tool to help you do it

With the rising costs and shortages of food today, it makes sense to become a Member

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It is Time to Build Our World! Use Hammer Magazine as a tool to help you do it

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