FC&A November 2021

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FC&A – NOVEMBER – 2021





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EDITORIAL Rebecca Kemp rebecca@redhutmedia.com Hannah Woodger hannah@redhutmedia.com P R I N T & D I G I TA L A D V E R T I S I N G Sam Ball sam@redhutmedia.com Jim Moore jim@redhutmedia.com PRINT DESIGN MANAGER Jack Witcomb jack@redhutmedia.com D I G I TA L D E S I G N M A N A G E R Matt Morse matt@redhutmedia.com ACCOUNTS/CREDIT CONTROL Rachel Pike accounts@redhutmedia.com SALES SUPPORT & S TAT I S T I C S Klare Ball klare@redhutmedia.com

Last week, news channel Bloomberg aired a video of Norman Foster talking about building sustainability.Intheshortclip,thefamousArchitect›whoserm,Foster+Partners,design themediaenterprises£1.3bnEuropeanHQin7›201 spokeofmodern-dayocedesign.He reportedthatourexistingocestockisantiquatedandrevealedthattheyoungergenerati is far more knowledgeable than previous cohorts, and their expectations for the built environment are, therefore, more taxing. The British designer made it apparent that recycling workplace buildings, rather than wrecking structures and substituting them with new-build constructions, is indisputably a viable option and encouraged repurposing to further meet sustainability goals.

Unquestionably,NormanFostergottotheheartofthematter›weareallmoreswitchedon totherewardsofworkingandlivinginaæourishing,greenenvironment,regardlessofbein grounded in rural, semi-rural or concrete jungle territory. And, with this awareness, there is a heightened sense of demand. The truth is, our level of expectancy has been renewed, and what was once ‘a nice to have’ has progressed into a necessity. Take, for example, gardens and accesstooutdoorspaces.Citydwellers,suchasthoseinLondon,sacricedthesemodest sanctuaries for easy commutes and lively urban lifestyles. However, when COVID-19 stripped everything down to the bone, these ‘luxuries’ became trivial to most Londoners. Remarkably, Foster also spoke of these ‘trends’, clarifying how [wellbeing, biophilia and sustainability] were allexistentbeforethepandemic›lockdownsandrestrictionsmerelymagniedthem. In this month’s issue, we investigate another component of the built environment that’s long been on the radar and has been augmented following the pandemic – touch-free technologies. On page 28, Robbie Ferguson, National Sales Manager at Zip Water UK, gives usaswiftglimpseintotheimminentfutureofocedesignandlooksathowworkplaceshave acted hastily to adopt touchless tech in a bid to construct a safe working environment.





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REBECCA KEMP E d i t o r, F u t u r e C o n s t r u c t o r & A r c h i t e c t

PUBLISHER Sam Ball sam@redhutmedia.com


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Designed by ADRV Studio, aT gh Behesht explores the bond between city bazaars and the foundations of Ira’ns ec.on ym


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FC&A – NOVEMBER – 2021

FC&A – NOVEMBER – 2021








Paul Terry, Managing Director at Roofspace S olutions, explores new ways of working that could pull the construction industry out of uncertainty and into the future.

Building Regulations Fire Safety Approved Document B has been revised and has a direct impact on ventilation systems. Paul Williams, Domus Ventilation Product Manager, explains the new regulations and what you need to do to comply.











BU ILD FOCU S: Hou se-Build ing:



Flat roofs are a superb solution for commercial buildings, but hot works during the torch-on installation process can pose a signicant re risk. In this article, PermaRoofUKdiscusses the benets ofusing an alternative, cold-applied solution.

To mark Osite S olutions 1 5 th anniversary of manufacturing market- leading bathroom pods, Managing Director, James S tephens, shares his 1 5 top tips for specifying factory- built bathrooms.

We talk to Neil Sanders, Technical Director at F. Ball and Co., about achieving a long-lasting, professional æooring nishwhenworking overcalcium sulphate screeds.

Robbie Ferguson, National Sales Manager at Zip Water UK, looks at the touch-free technologies that we’re expected to see in the oce designs of20 .

Richard Morris from door security and hardware specialist UAP discusses the security and s implications of letterplate specification.

Simon Boocock from CRL Europe looks at how the right glass balcony and balustrade systems can ensure all necessary precautions are taken during installation and with regards to user safety.






Designed by Oppenheim Architecture, Desert Rock will amalgamate human-made design and nature as a hotel, and its accompanying facilities, is built into the spectacular Saudi mountain landscape.

Designed by RVAD Studio, Tagh Behesht in the city of Mashhad, Iran, explores the bond between city bazaars and the foundations of the economy.


FC&A – NOVEMBER – 2021




The Award for Structural Gallagher Group confirmed Transformation: its acquisition of ready- mix Heartspace. Image: concrete plants across ©Bond Bryan Architects. Kent from Cemex UK on 12th October 2021. Gallagher Group’s first external acquisition, built on almost 5 0 years of consistent organic growth, takes its total number of concrete plants from two to six – more than doubling its annual production capacity, and extending its ready-mix supply network right across the county. In another significant boost for customers, they will now be able to deal directly with their local plant and sales The 2021 edition of the prestigious recognition programme celebrates the creativity, team, rather than having ingenuity and skill of structural engineers worldwide. to go through a remote THE INSTITUTION OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS central office. Gallagher Group is making substantial he Institution of further investment to modernise and upgrade the Structural Engineers plants, and is expanding ( I StructE) has rev e aled the 2021 Structural Aw a rds its mixer fleet to match the shortlist, fe aturing 5 3 increase in capacity and geographical reach. outstanding proj e cts f rom across the w o rld. Fo llow i ng a COVID- i nduced PLANNING FOR DMA hiatus in 2020, the hotlyHERITAGE CONVERSION anticipated 2021 programme Dexter Moren Associates (DMA) has won planning returns bigger than eve r, approval to convert and w i th a brace of brand- n ew categories. Signif i cantly, this extend a Grade II* Listed iteration cove rs a two -year 1960s police station in the City of London period. As such, the awa rds’ into a 216-guestroom, j u dges had a more dif f i cult five-star hotel for Hong time than eve r w i th double the amount of entries to consider. Kong-based Magnificent E ncompassing a w i de range Hotel Investments. DMA’s heritage-led approach to of structural disciplines, the design for the Wood each of the 13 categories highlights the prolif i c w o rk of S treet Pol i ce S t at i o n, structural engineers globally, which has been declared su rplu s to req u i re me ntsand by the role they play as the Cit y of Lo n d on Pol i ce , h a s ‘g uardians of public safe ty in won praise from heritage the built env i ronment’. Construction Innovation category: For the 2021 edition, the UK bodies. Catherine Croft, Apple Marina Bay Sands. Image: ©Ian Langham. Director of the Twentieth put on a solid perfo rmance, w i th some of the w o rld’s Century Society, said: “This Aside from placing a spotlight role in reducing emissions is one of the finest posttop practices demonstrating war classical buildings in w h y the country is regarded on professional excellence, within the built environment. as a centre of structural the 2021 awards have put It a w s decided to make ‘proof London and the only listed engineering exc ellence. sustainability at the heart of of sustainable practices’ an post-war police station the judging process. With the essential requirement across in the country. We are Further af i eld, f rom soaring concerted, universal move to all categories. delighted that its future modern skyscrapers and ex p ansiv e stadia to highlydecarbonise society and the You can view the 2021 shortlist looks set to be secured detailed restoration w o rk need to meet ambitious net-zero by clicking the ew bsite below. with this sympathetic on historic landmarks, the 2050 targets, IStructE is acutely conservation-led aware the structural engineering www.istructe.org/ refurbishment scheme.” calibre of this year’s f i nalists community has an integral structuralawards is second to none.



FC&A – NOVEMBER – 2021





#BrexitReality #StoolBritannia Beautiful beach this morning. Unfortunately, my local MP and his colleagues voted to continue depositing raw #sewage on it! #StoolBritannia – @ZoeSumra

With #StoolBritannia and #RawSewage currently trending, @CentralBylines remind you of this article by Anna Girolami (@Troyella5) on how the ongoing supply chain crisis has made this problem even worse. What will #COP26 delegates make of #StoolBritannia?” – @CentralBylines The irony of seeing a Water Aid ad about the effects of dirty water on health #StoolBritannia – @drummergirl1971

Going back to 1751 when it was safer to drink gin than water #StoolBritannia – @RachelG21879460 It’s taken decades to get many rivers to a state where they are habitable by otters but now the government is allowing them to be filled with raw sewerage. This is an atrocious dereliction of duty. Conservatives who only conserve their own money and power. #StoolBritannia – @WillBlackWriter Brexit Year 2: No food in our shops. Massive turds floating in our rivers #StoolBritannia #TorySewageParty – @DonahueRogers

Between 2010-2015, Southern Water made 8400 illegal discharges of #rawsewage into coastal waters & allowed storm tanks to be kept full & turn septic, instead of putting contents through a required treatment process. Tory MPs voted to make that legal. #BrexitReality #ToriesOut – @LloydHardy Regardless of political views, I think everyone is in agreement that clean water and healthy wildlife matters to us. The people have been cancelled because the gov’t won’t fix their mistakes. #EnvironmentBill #BrexitReality #TorySewageParty – @secret_local I’m not sh*tting you. The ACUTAL Minister for the Environment, yes the Environment!! Voted to allow water companies to dump raw sewage into the Environment! #TorySewageParty #Sewage #BrexitReality @ConHome – @RobLaughton82 And now they have to discharge raw sewage into the sea because they can’t get the chemicals to clean it up because of Brexit! So their solution is to legalise it! #BrexitReality #TurdReich #TorySewageParty #StoolBritannia – @Grizabella86 The country formerly known as ‘Great Britain’ now wallowing in its own sh*t! #StoolBritannia – @noir_pearl

PERSONNEL The latest appointments from the construction and architectural industries.


Arup has welcomed an intake of apprentices and newly- qualified graduates to support its Nottingham team’s work on a range of projects. The roles underline the company’s commitment to the city and its growth in the region, as well as providing a huge boost for its successful apprenticeship scheme. Two apprentice technicians and two new university graduates are now part of the 100-plus strong team. Four further Nottinghambased apprentices have also completed their part-time degrees with the company. John Read, Nottingham Office Leader at Arup, said: “We are delighted that they are with us and look forward to seeing their careers develop as they take advantage of the enormous opportunities that working for Arup can provide.”


Revised ethical rules have been launched by RICS. The new rules of conduct set out the core principles of professional practice for RICS’ regulated members and firms worldwide. Changes include explicit requirements for firms to encourage diversity and to ensure a fair and inclusive profession, and to support all surveyors, regardless of their background or differences. The new code also sets out refreshed requirements for professionals maintaining their skills and expertise – most importantly, including new expectations for all members in respect of advice on sustainability issues, helping clients in the drive to meet targets set by Governments. The rules were set by RICS’ independent standards and regulation board (SRB).


Architects and specifiers can nominate their projects ARCHITECT BOLSTERS for the internationallyREGIONAL TEAMS recognised Architectural CPMGArchitects has recently Ironmongery Specification added to its award-winning Awards 2022. Organised by team with the arrival of young the Guild of Architectural talent based at its studios in Ironmongers (GAI) in Nottingham and London. conjunction with the Cameron Kiddle joins as an RIBA, the awards are Architectural Technologist designed to identify at CPMGs head oce in and reward excellence Nottingham in line with the in the specification of practice’s relocation to St architectural ironmongery. Peters Gate in the citycentre. Celebrating their 40th His appointment follows his anniversary, the AI graduation from the local Specification Awards were Nottingham Trent University postponed last year but with a degree in architectural have now returned bigger technology. Meanwhile, CPMG and better. Architects, has hired Chloe Majomi in specifiers, building London, who also enters the contractors, clients business as an Architectural and their architectural Technologist. Chloe joins the ironmongery advisers and practice after leaving her suppliers can nominate previous role at construction projects from now until rmJ Coeyas a BIM 19th November. The Technician, bringing with her winners will be announced far-reaching experience having at a celebratory lunch in alsoworked at architecture rms spring 2022. in Nigeria and Japan.


Door & Hardware Federation (DHF) has announced its newest board member – Director of Security Access Systems and Chairman of DHF’s Automated Gate group, Martin Keelagher. Following 18 months of unprecedented challenge, DHF is continuing to strengthen its infrastructure. Martin’s presence ensures vital representation from the automated gate sector. Working in the industry since 1997, Martin is a fierce advocate for safety. His passion and support for DHF’s call that “safe gates save lives” has enabled him to make tremendous success of his position as Chairman of the Automated Gate group. His mission remains to spread the message that those with responsibility must be legally compliant, and of the importance of educational training. 7

FC&A – NOVEMBER – 2021



Chris White has been with CPMG Architects for the past 18 years and became an Owner and Board Director in 2016. As the lead for CPMG’s London studio, he is delivering the strategic vision for growth, with a key focus on residential, commercial and aviation projects. CPMG ARCHITECTS


ALL IMAGES: The Air Traf f i c Control Tow e r ( ATCT) at Birmingham Airport

Please tell us a bit about your career background. A born-and-bred Nottingham lad, I grew up in the inner-city area of New Basford and attended the Forest Comprehensive school in the mid-tolate ‘80s. I developed a keen passion o f r sports but also enjoyed the academic side of things, particularly English and art. Since then, I have always lived in Nottingham other than during my studies at De Montfort University and a year spent living, working and playing cricket in Adelaide, Australia. I’m also the proud dad to my 13-year-old son and 10-year-old daughter. Have you always wanted to pursue a career in architecture? In truth, no. I originally wanted to train as a sports journalist and was always intending to go to college and study A-levels. However, as I was a really enthusiastic art student, my school organised work experience at a local architecture architecture as a career. I didn’t do very well with my GSCEs and walked out with o f ur. That was one less than was necessary o f r me to do three A-levels, which was the minimum needed to apply o f r architecture courses in those days. My teachers supported me on my next steps, helping me to complete three A-levels, o f r which I remain grateful. After

www.cpmg-architects.com FC&A – NOVEMBER – 2021

secured the results that I needed. 8

What has been your greatest I came close to missing out on university education, but the support I got from my family gave me the inspiration to prove that they were right to believe in me, and that drove me on continues to drive the work I do today. from a variety of sources, but I’ve always liked compositional architecture. I like Mies van der Rohe, Tadao Ando and Carlo Scarpa – a pretty diverse collection, but all interesting in the composition of their buildings. What has been your most notable project to date? The most enjoyable project I’ve worked on is the Airport. There is something both niche and, dare Many may not agree, but I think they are strong

aspect of its identity. This project also opened contractual arrangement between the consultant team, contractor and client. With a dual role on both the client and contractor side, the project was successfully delivered collaboratively – as in truly collaboratively rather than a word used to create the illusion of working together.


FC&A – NOVEMBER – 2021


POWDERTECH ‘FIREBOX’ COMPLETES THE LOOK Powdertech Corby’s innovative powder coating Collections are making their way into building interiors where they provide stunning effects. POWDERTECH CORBY

Interior design benefitting from innovative powder coatings

Powdertech Corby has been working on the exciting £13.1m transformation and expansion of the Percy Gee Building at Leicester University, named after a former benefactor and chairman of the former college. Re-development of the building has taken place over the last two to three years, resulting in a multi-purpose facility, home to the students’ union, a venue for informal learning and a centre for refreshment and eating.

That hard-working, industrial look

The main hub of the building is the ‘Campus Kitchen’, a new food court that provides a range of varied cuisines for staff, students and visitors. This is an interior occupied by Millennials and Gen Z and the decor needed to reflect their styles and trends. By using Amron Welltec ‘wave’ or ‘corrugated’ profiled aluminium sheet on interior walls and around a coffee/food bar area, something new and unexpected was injected into the kitchen space. To take this ‘jolt away from the norm’ further, the designers envisaged not shiny metal but the appearance of weathered and rusted metal, providing an industrial ‘vibe’. Powdertech Collections include the Evolution range of finishes, which replicate patination/rust on metal. The striking designs are achieved through

using polyester resin systems – and a bit of magic. They can be used on aluminium and steel. Some within the range give a ‘Corten’ – or rusty – appearance, but without rust residue that could mark clothing and other surfaces. The finish can be cleaned like any other powder coating, with minimal maintenance involving a six-monthly wash down with water and a basic detergent. The client chose ‘Firebox’ from the texture, with lighter and darker shades Evolution/Rust collection. This gives a very of the one colour (in the case of Sherbet) natural ‘rusted’ look with no two panels or of two colours (for Crush), almost as looking the same. Powdertech applied though they are frosted. ‘Sherbet’ shades Firebox to 80m2 of material that lines the are fizzy and bright and as mouth-watering walls and the over-counter area of the as the name suggests. ‘Crush’ hues are Campus Kitchen. The Evolution range has rich and deep and embrace the trend for up to a 2 5 - year guarantee for gloss, colour colours that ‘pop’. and adhesion and conforms to BS EN Asked about the inspiration behind the 12206-1 and Qualicoat specifications. increasingly-popular Collections, Richard Besant, Director at Powdertech Corby, Refresh your designs explained: “We have always aimed to with Powdertech ‘Zest’ develop powder ranges that add more than The latest in Powdertechs collectionsjust colour and protection to metal. We is ‘Zest’, a vibrant range of powder know that coatings can transform metal finishes, adding an exciting, new look to and add so much warmth, vibrancy and architectural metalwork. The shades in style to a building. Our Collections enable this range are particularly suitable for designers to bring metal to life in new and interior spaces. With shade names such as exciting ways for their architectural exterior ‘Blueberry Sherbet’ and ‘Tangerine Crush’, and interior creations.” use in interior eating and drinking venues immediately springs to mind. Powdertech will be exhibiting Zest shades reflect the wonderful at London Build from 17 to 18th colours on fruit stalls and in gardens and parks. Like the Evolution range, the November on stand H101. finishes are not a flat colour but have

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FC&A – NOVEMBER – 2021


THE RED SEA DEVELOPMENT COMPANY UNVEILS SPECTACULAR DESERT ROCK MOUNTAIN RESORT Designed by Oppenheim Architecture, Desert Rock will integrate architecture with nature as a hotel, and its accompanying facilities will be built into the stunning Saudi mountain landscape. OP P E NHEIM ARCHITECTURE


he Red Sea Development Company landscape for future generations to (TRSDC), the developer behind e n j o y, ‡ s a i d J o h n P a g a n o , C E O a t T R S D C . the world’s most ambitious He added: “We have drawn inspiration regenerative tourism project, The Red Sea from the surrounding environment, while Project ( TRS P) , has revealed design plans providing unparalleled luxury, allowing for its new mountain resort named Desert guests to connect with nature and create Rock in the beautiful wadi vistas in the memorable experiences.” west of the country. Created by the world-class architectural Integrating architecture design firm Oppenheim Architecture, with nature Desert Rock is designed to protect and Guests will enter the resort through preserve the environment and will allow a hidden valley nestled between the guests to connect with the nature and mountains. From there, they will find local culture of the region. 48 villas and 12 hotel rooms within the “We wanted to create a destination mountain, a total of 60 keys, located that allows guests to really experience amongst the vista, with architecture fully Saudi Arabia’s untouched beauty. The integrated into the rock to preserve its Desert Rock Development will provide striking silhouette, a tribute to Oppenheim guests with uninterrupted spectacular Architecture’s philosophy to build with the views while preserving the natural land, not on the land. FC&A – NOVEMBER – 2021


A range of accommodation will be available, from ground-level dwellings to crevice hotel suites midway up the mountain, and a select number of excavated rooms within the rock massif itself. To provide undisrupted views across the landscape, most roads leading into the resort will be pushed to the edge of the main wadi and hidden behind landscape mounds. This will also minimise sound and light pollution, allowing guests to fully absorb the dramatic desert landscape.

Unique resort experience

The resort will feature state-of-the-art facilities, including a world-class spa and fitness centre, remote destination dining areas as well as a feature lagoon oasis.


Guests will be able to hike, use dune buggies and stargaze as part of the sitewide activities programme. The project also aims to maintain the ancient history of the site by hiring members of the local community to act as stewards of the land and provide educational tours for visitors about the local history of the area.

Sustainably constructed

As part of TRSDC’s commitment to regenerative tourism, Desert Rock will be designed to achieve the highest Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification level. The architecture has been designed to reduce energy consumption and regenerate native flora. Water retention and distribution systems will be used

throughout the site, with harvested Breaking new ground rainwater used to create a more green, Site preparation works have commenced, flourishing Wadi. and construction began in July 2021. Alongside this, materials excavated The Red S ea Project has already passed from the site will be used to create the significant milestones on the destination, infrastructure. Stone will be used for interior and work is on track to welcome the and exteriorwalls and æoors, while ground first guests by the end of 2022, when the stone and existing sand will be used for first hotels will open. Phase one, which concrete aggregate, which is the main includes 16 hotels in total, will complete building material for all the architecture. by 2023. Chad Oppenheim, Founder of Upon completion in 2030, the destination Oppenheim Architecture, said: “Desert will comprise 5 0 resorts, oering up to Rock is one of the most dramatic desert 8000 hotel rooms and more than 1000 landscapes in the world, which is why we residential properties across 22 islands wanted to use the architecture as a way to and six inland sites. The destination will honour and respect it. By utilising natural also include luxury marinas, golf courses, materials and integrating the resort into entertainment, leisure facilities and an the rock, guests can connect physically international airport. with the destination and experience Saudi Arabia’s stunning, natural beauty.” www.oppenoffice.com 13

FC&A – NOVEMBER – 2021


All images: © A ntti Leino

NORDIC BROWN IN THE FOREST Nordic Brown pre-oxidised copper and larch cladding together define the natural character of a contemporary home, nestling amongst the treetops on the Island of Hirvensalo, part of the Turku archipelago in Finland. AURUBIS


natural surroundings. Internally, fair-faced concrete surfaces and white-washed ash have been used widely.

ocally-based Sigge Architects’ design sought to reconcile its client’s need for a permanent working home combined with the essential characteristics of a summerhouse for leisure. The Finnish summerhouse epitomises ‘mökkielämä’, or ‘cottage life’, with its tradition of treading softly on the land and respect for nature.

Familiar material

Restrained palette

The three-storey building – known simply as ‘Villa 3’ – was envisaged as a deceptivelysimple modern structure with clean lines and a certain stature. But the application of a restrained palette of natural materials enables it to sit comfortably in its elevated location within a gently sloping forest. The new house is approached from the south. The entrance level contains a garage and private areas, including an office, bedroom, bathroom and, of course, in Finland, a sauna. Outside are extensive timber-decked terraces and a swimming pool. Service areas and storage are accommodated in the lower level.

FC&A – NOVEMBER – 2021

An open staircase leads from the entrance to the upper level: a fully openplan living, cooking and dining space. Here, extensive glazing opens onto timberdecked, glass balustraded balconies to three sides. The whole upper level commands stunning north and west views over the neighbouring villas and trees below, towards the sea and city of Turku beyond,

while also enjoying southern glazing to catch the low sun. The upper level is conceived as a distinct copper-framed ‘box’ mass, oversailing the recessed entrance level ‘pedestal’. Here, Nordic Brown pre-oxidised copper was chosen, structured with vertical seams. It sits naturally alongside the larch batten cladding, which adds warmth, and responds to the exceptional


Sigge A rch ite c t s CEO, Pek ka Mäki, said: “We have worked with Nordic Copper on other projects around Turku before. On Tys Ikituuri student housing, a 12-storey oval-plan tower, we experimented with lively abstract patterns using varying intensities of Nordic Green pre-patinated copper cassettes. But for a singlefamily house – Villa Vaski – we found that Nordic Brown gave a natural dark brown that was both familiar and wellsuited to its surroundings. The same is true for Villa 3, where the Nordic Brown will gradually age with dignity within the forest.” Nordic Brown provides the same oxidised brown surface that otherwise develops over time in the environment. The thickness of the oxide layer determines the colour of the surface nish,with darkeror lighter (Nordic Brown Light) shades of brown. Nordic Brown gradually changes over time to a stable, dark chocolate brown.


Living copper surfaces

The extensive Nordic Copper range also includes Nordic Standard ‘mill finish’ as well as Nordic Blue, Nordic Green and the latest Nordic Turquoise, developed with properties and colours based on the same brochantite mineralogy found in natural patinas all over the world. As well as the solid patina colours, ‘Living’ surfaces are available for each colour with other intensities of patina flecks revealing some of the dark oxidised background material. Copper alloys are growing in popularity as well, including Nordic Bronze and Nordic Brass – which can also be supplied pre-weathered. The innovative Nordic Royal is an alloy of copper with aluminium and zinc, giving it a rich golden throughcolour and making it very stable. It has a thin protective oxide layer containing all three alloy elements when produced. As a result, the surface retains its golden colour and simply loses some of its sheen over time, as the oxide layer thickens with exposure to the atmosphere to give a matt finish. A growing series of ‘copper stories’ building studies exemplify the best in contemporary architecture and showcase the diversity of surfaces, forms and applications available with Nordic Copper today. For more information, visit the website below.


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g.bell@ a urubis.com FC&A – NOVEMBER – 2021


IRAN’S HIGH-RISE OFFICE DESIGN OF THE FUTURE Designed by RVAD Studio, the design of Tagh Behesht in the city of Mashhad, Iran, began with an investigation into the architectural history of bazaars in the Western Asia country. The unbreakable bond between the city bazaars and the foundations of the economy has led to these Greater Middle-Eastern markets taking on an important and consistent role in people’s daily lives. RVAD STUDIO


agh Behesht is inspired by local Mashhad-based markets – such as the Sarshoor, Farsh and Reza bazaars. The key characteristic of these bazaars is the porch-like entrance hall that guides visitors inside. These individual arches and porches lead to the bazaar’s main entrance, while vaults cover large openings, which is another visual feature of Iranian markets. The brick mesh, which acts as a second shell, obstructs unpleasant light from the east and west while still filtering a mild level of light into offices. To achieve the breathtaking scheme, RVAD Studio studied the centre of Mashhad for its historical significance and FC&A – NOVEMBER – 2021

notable staircase structures – the latter of which follows the city’s geographical location amidst the mountain hillsides. The balconies on residents’ houses in these mountains are chained together in a layered style. This arrangement significantly contributed to the core of RVAD Studio’s tiered garden design.

A brand-new perspective

Today, social functions and activities play a significant role in our lives. Iranian cities, including Mashhad, critically demand a public realm that nods to socialisation and collaboration. To plug these deficiencies, one of the essential design elements for this city-centre structure was to produce 16

accessible and appropriate public spaces. Due to the absence of such locations, RVAD Studio has presented a brand-new perspective on public urban spaces to the area’s residents.

Working with the location

Mashhad has an insufficient supply of gre e n sp a ce s. Prima ry fo ot fall t akes place in areas such as the city’s public bazaars and its business districts, which are all positioned in the city centre. Considering this, RVAD Studio has designed Tagh Behesht as a new type of ‘commercial complex’ with a more earnest outlook towards Mashhad’s public spaces.


The site itself has a high potential pleasant experience and a net-positive to expand into an urban hub, given its environmental effect. proximity to one of Mashhad’s few public Meanwhile, the flat middle garden recreat i on g rou n d s , Me l l at Pa rk. T h e in the centre of the building – which presence of ad j ace nt Me l l at Pa rk › th e resembles a city junction – is the city’s most prominent green area – has intersection between suspended allowed RVAD Studio to clear a visual pedestrian bridges. This highlight invites path to the park to create scenic views the city in and, ultimately, connects the and more accessible gateways for business floors and bazaars. visitors. This route, which the firm has dubbed the ‘layered park’, is inspired by A break with convention the formation of houses in the nearby An impressive concluding element of village of Kang, where ground-floor this project is the suspended courtyards storeys are connected to the upper situated between the office areas, which sections of housing via footpaths. provide a communal, green space for all floors and business units and deliver Bridging the gap sufficient daylight to offices. RVAD One of the project’s main features Studio’s main concern was to ensure the is its connections to the city, using sufficient distance between business pedestrian bridges to create safe and units to allow for a beautiful and open enjoyable walkways. The essential landscape. This design concern has principle behind these bridges is to never been considered in any of Iran’s incorporate nature and green spaces existing office buildings. as platforms situated in varying areas around the building, resulting in a more www.rvad-studio.com 17

FC&A – NOVEMBER – 2021


BUILDING MATERIAL COSTS ARE ON THE RISE. SO, HOW DO WE GET THE JOB DONE? a P ul Terry, Managing Director at Roofspace Solutions, explores the new ways of working that could pull the construction industry out of uncertainty and into the future. ROOFSPA CE SOLUTIONS


FC&A – NOVEMBER – 2021

here has been widespread reporting on the UK’s construction materials shortage, as well as the stark increase in costs. Of course, this is a product of a well-timed perfect storm; Brexit, material demand due to Government targets and a global pandemic that disrupted the entire construction industry. As we manoeuvre our way through these obstacles and lingering uncertainty, the wider construction industry must be looking at new, modern methods of construction (MMC). The narrative of the last five years has been about proactive adoption of new ways of working and the acceptance of advanced technologies to improve productivity and reduce labour, which ultimately leads to a reduction in costs.

Now, the industry finds itself However, there are multiple in a reactionary state, a state factors that contribute to the that is setting an ultimatum comparingly low costs of osite between what was and what construction and modern could be. Time certainly methods of construction hasn’t run out, but it is more (MMC) in general. This comes evident than ever that swift down to accuracy; in factory adoption of improved, new environments, processes are methods is integral to the far more predictable, which industry’s survival. means material orders can be With at least a 20% increase precise. S ubsequently, this in building material costs, leads to the generation of less housing developers, architects waste and a reduction in cost and the rest of the supply when dealing with said waste. chain are now looking at new In fact, according to a solutions and products to Buildosite report, 3 to 5 % of deliver their projects. As a total project costs are attributed result, we’re witnessing far to its disposal. more acceptance and further One of the additional considerations into how osite advantages of offsite solutions, building practices could have in relation to costs, is that a benet. Particularly as ositeit requires fewer personnel. solutions currently have shorter Which, given our national skills lead times and are far more shortage and a reduction in competitively priced than overseas workers, would be a traditional products. welcome saving. 18


When it comes to getting the job done, it is important to acknowledge that COVID-19 has pressed pause on many projects, and it is not viable across ongoing projects to simply switch to offsite construction. Although certain aspects are beyond our control, moving forward, if we’re to avoid such disruption and tackle cost inflation effectively, MMC must be adopted at the very beginning. Simply look at the UK Government’s ambitions for its construction market. Already we’ve seen the Ministry of Housing take on a new name: ‘Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities’ (DLUHC). This “levelling up” and “build, build, build” mantra is fuelling the target of 300,000 new homes annually. We are confident that as an industry, we will secure or potentially surpass this goal, but only if we adopt MMC practices. In the marketplace today, there are systems and ways of working that will ensure a standard new-build home can be built in five to seven days. This is without any compromise to health, safety or quality. With offsite solutions, costs tend to be agreed upfront as part of the ‘entire package’, per se. This includes consideration of all materials required from the start to the end of the build. Adopting this method not only provides house-builders with assurance and confidence from the off, but it also alleviates the process of them having to negotiate and source their own materials. It then enables better planning and management of costs once the house has been constructed. At Roofspace Solutions, we want to encourage the industry to take a holistic approach when faced with rising material costs. As stated, there are, in some cases, no choice but to pay the higher prices due to demand and project timescales, but this is simply not sustainable. By considering where additional cost savings can be made in other areas, or by actively pursuing and prioritising productivity, sustainability and health and safety, cost savings will be a long-term reward.

www.roofspacesolutions.co.uk 19

FC&A – NOVEMBER – 2021


FIRE SAFETY IN VENTILATION: WHAT’S CHANGED? Building Regulations Fire Safety Approved Document B has been revised and has a direct impact on ventilation systems. Pa ul Williams, Domus Ventilation’s Product Manager, explains the new regulations and what you need to do to comply. DOMUS VENTILATION


FC&A – NOVEMBER – 2021

art F of Building Regulations provides brick made from non-combustible metal. We guidance on building ventilation, including have introduced the Solis Air Brick range of building air quality and preventinglow-resistance, non-combustible metal air bricks condensation. However, it’s not the only that are fully compliant with the revised Building relevant part of Building Regulations. Fire Safety Regulations Fire Safety Approved Document B. Approved Document B should be a vital piece They are made from 1 . 5 mm galvanised steel ( fire in your jigsaw when it comes to understanding, class A1) non-combustible materials that are designing and specifying a ventilation system suitable for use with all external wall types. in a domestic property. Under Document B, In England, you can continue to use plastic where holes are made in a compartment wall air bricks below the 18m mark, but we would for plastic ventilation ducting to pass through, urge you to think twice before doing this and put those walls need to be fire-stopped to restore safety top of the list. Furthermore, we expect the their fire ratings. There is a range of methods to more stringent 11m rule that applies in Scotland achieve this, but dedicated products made from will eventually be applied throughout the UK. intumescent material are by far the best option After all, a good ventilation system should and the easiest to install. Domus, for example, improve quality of life, not endanger it. offers a full range of Fire Sleeves and Fire Collars tested to BS EN 1366-3: 2009. www.domusventilation.co.uk P ost Grenfell, Building Regulations came under close scrutiny, looking at all aspects of fire safety, including ventilation products and systems. Now, Fire Safety Approved Document B has been revised with one specific important change for ventilation that came into force in November 2020: “Ductwork penetrating through the external cavity including termination to be non-combustible”, when above 18m in England and 11m in Scotland. What does this mean in practice? It means using air bricks made of plastic is no longer an option above those heights. An air brick is a basic but important part of a building’s ventilation, as it allows fresh air to enter the property, helping to keep it cooler and reducing humidity which can lead to condensation and mould. Air bricks can be used passively, i.e. in a standalone capacity or with a mechanical ventilation system where they are connected to ducting to assist the airflow both in and out of the premises. Most air bricks are made from plastic, but plastic is combustible and can contribute to a fire. The compliant alternative is to use an air 20


FC&A – NOVEMBER – 2021


MITIGATING FIRE RISKS WITH TORCH-FREE ROOFING Flat roofs are a superb solution for commercial buildings, but hot works during the snqbg+nm hmrsDkkDshnm oqnbdrr bDm onrd D rhfmhbDms qd qhrj, Qtmmx JnsDxLDshnmDk AnlldqbhDk KDmDfdq Ds NdqlDPnne TI chrbtrrdr sgd admdsr ne trhmf Dm DksdqmDshud bnkc+Dookhdc rnktshnm rtbg Dr rhmfkd+okx ldlaqDmdr vghbg Dqd hmrsDkkdc vhsg Dcgdrhudr, P E RMAROOF UK


building’s structure – causing topreventrerisks,aswellas onstruction sites are full of potential fire potentially lengthy delays and ensuring that all hazards are setting a project back by weeks. identiedatthesurveystageand hazards. High-risk The severity of a fire can factoredintothespecication activities, such as hot work never be underestimated, as before it is written. practices during torch-on roofing installations, are it can take only five minutes Torch-on roofing involves three layers of modified felt frequ e nt ly co m b i n e d w i th for an entire property to go up in flames after the initial being melt-welded onto circumstances where flames a roof deck with the use can spread q u i c k ly › turniblaze ng a breaks out. It’s crucial to understand the ways in which of a blowtorch to create a small fire into a full blaze. Latest figures from the a fire can most commonly be waterproof seal. The use of an Home Office show that spread, to ensure that all the open-flame torch during the installation process poses a between April 2018 and March measures are implemented to minimise the likelihood of one significant fire risk. Minimising post2019, fire and rescue services attend ed 3 6 5 f i res, on e eve ry taking place. At the heart of Opting for a cold-applied installation hazards day of the year, on building these preventative measures solution › such as EPDM Even once construction are the building products rubber, which is installed using works are completed, all sites in England – increasing chosen and methods they water-based adhesives – is roofs remain at risk of fire. As from 3 3 in 2 0 1 4 / 1 5 . are installed. an alternative that results in an accessible surface area, Fires can be highly devastating to a project. Not a safer and faster application flat roofs are an easy target only do they put the lives of Lessening risks method. The flame-free for arson attacks – the most during an installation installation not only ensures a common cause of fire in the workers at risk as well as people robust, durable and resilient UK, a cco unting for 5 0 . 5 % of who might still be in the building The Construction (Design and Management)Regulations2015 system that requires minimal all fires attended by fire and or neighbouring properties, but they can also cause extensive, imposes duties on those involved maintenance once mounted rescue services in 2017/18 – in building and refurbishment but also thoroughly minimises according to the National Fire and sometimes irreparable, works,includingtherequirement the risk of fire accidents. Chiefs Council (NFCC). damage to materials and the FC&A – NOVEMBER – 2021



environmental impact with no toxic substances released during or after its installation, allowing the collection of runo rainwater for domestic use.

Ensuring safety

Furthermore, plant and machinery are commonly installed on flat rooftops, and the mechanical failure of these can lead to the outbreak of a fire. If a blaze takes hold in the roof, there is a much greater risk that the building will collapse, so using noncombustible materials is of utmost importance. Aside from the financial costs associated with reconstruction, a fire can wreak

havoc on the lives of people it affects and overcoming the huge losses can be a challenge. Understanding the threat of fire in roofs is the first step in prevention, as well as identifying where the risks can be best mitigated. EP D M ro of i ng me mbra ne s – such as Firestone RubberGard, a highperforming synthetic material with an expected lifespan of mo re th a n 5 0 ye a rs › a re

made up of a bottom ply of standard compound and a top ply of fire-retardant compounds, meaning that, if they are installed correctly, they have the ability or tendency to slow down or even halt the spread of fire. Additionally, they have achieved a classification of BROOF(t4), in accordance with B S EN 1 3 5 0 1 - 5 : 2 0 5 . On top of this, RubberGard is an inert material with a low 23

All forms of flat roofs can present a fire risk, and failing to factor in the dangers can have catastrophic consequences. But there are alternatives to more high-risk application methods that can support in mitigating these threats – both during the installation process and once the building project has been completed. E PD M is o ne of these options. Not only does the me mb ra ne re quire a flam efree application, but it is also fire-retardant. Combine these properties with the added b e nefits of a uni q u e blend of additional features – including superior weatherability and durability, low-lifecycle cost and high flexibility and elongation – and it is no surp rise th at EPDM i s proving to be the leading flat roofing material for the future.

www.permaroof.co.uk FC&A – NOVEMBER – 2021


6. Assess how pods 15 TIPS FOR SPECIFYING BATHROOM PODS will integrate To mark Offsite Solutions’ 15th anniversary of manufacturing marketleading bathroom pods, Managing Director, James Stephens, shares his 15 top tips for specifying factory-built bathrooms.

with building services

It is easier if connections to services are made externally, so access should be OFFSITE SOLUTIONS allowed for as part of the installation process. A good manufacturer will design the pods 1. Visit the factory New innovations in pod technology to facilitate M&E connections, using, for example,mechanically-ttedpanconnectors Reviewqualitycontrolprocedures,nancial include hybrid concrete/steel pods for stability and design and project management high-specification wetrooms and luxury and the option of pre-wired junction boxes to expertise. Talk to past customers as part of b ath ro o ms; de mo unta b l e GRP p o ds fo r further reduce work on site. your procurement process. projects with restricted access; hybrid Consideration should also be given to the layout and location of pipework for waste G R P p o ds t h at offe r a n e nh a nce d finish 2. Engage early and improved aesthetics, and floorless and hot and cold water. Foroptimaleciency,earlyengagementis pods for projects where a continuous essential, and pods should be designed into l eve l f l o or finish is re quire d. 7. The building structure should be designed to support a pod theveryrststagesofaconstructionproject. This will reduce the likelihood of interface 4. Consider access for installation TheweightofasteelorGRPpodcanbe and connection issues with M&E services. in the structural design close to the weight of a site-constructed P od installation must be allowed for in bathroom. A reputable bathroom pod 3. Decide on your pod type the build-up of floors and the positioning manufacturer should be able to provide these details. P od technology has advanced in recent of walls. Check there is easy access for years, and there is now a wider range delivery of the pods to site and around of options than ever before. The most the floor plate to the designated location 8. Make sure the floor commonly-used pods are: for each pod. slab is flat and level The æoorslab should be æat and level. Steel-framed pods – for porcelainFor steel-framed pods, this needs to be tiled finishes and a high level of design 5. Minimise variations flexibility. Applications include largeTo optimise efficiency, specifiers should +/1-0mm tolerance foraccurate pod scale apartments, built-to-rent schemes, rationalise the number of design types installation. GRPpods should be installed on student residences and hotels. in size and shape, and variations, such a levelling compound that achieves a level of+/-2mm and +/1-mm foræatness. GRP po d s › lowe r c ap i ta l ex p e ndi ture as left- and right-hand versions, as far Depending on the type of pod and easy to maintain and clean. Widely as possible. This is key to achieving the used for student accommodation, e co no mi e s of sca l e re quire d fo r efficie construction, nt a strategy should also be social housing and hospitals – and, offsite manufacture. Door positions developed to ensure the correct positioning increasingly, build-to-rent. should also be standardised. of the pod. FC&A – NOVEMBER – 2021



13. Assess what testing is carried out in the factory before delivery to site

Air and water tests should be carried out on every pod at pre-calibrated static testing stations in the factory. We recommend that at least 20% of all pods undergo a comprehensive functionality test. All outlets (taps, shower and toilet) should have hot and cold water passed through. The completed electrical installation should undergo a full function and resistance test carried out by NICEICapproved electricians Make sure test certicates are provided for both electrics and plumbing for each pod.

14. Check guarantees

9. Be aware that manufacture of lifting frames should be project-specific and certified for that type of pod

showerwall › and the æoor outside the wet and accreditations area, including the junction between wall All pods should be certified before and æoor. delivery to site and supplied with a unique ID numb e r a nd ro o m loc at i on, so Each lifting frame should be tested for safe GRP pods: they are fully traceable throughout their and levellifting and certied bya specialist GRPpods should have a robustwall l ife fo r sup e rio r qua l it y cont rol The manufacturer’s guarantees should engineerforthe required loads.Amethod detail with encapsulated honeycomb be 12 years for steel-framed construction statement and test certicates should be polypropylene. Be aware that cheaper a nd 5 0 ye a rs fo r GRP co mp o si te pod s, provided to the contractor in accordance alternatives, such as cardboard or timber, with CDM regulations. The use of generic can be susceptible to delamination. with back-to-back guarantees for lifting frames, which may be non-compliant, A panelised system should be used to sanitaryware and fittings is not recommended. create vertical walls and 90° corners. This The bathrooms should be avoids tapered walls for improved aesthetics manufactured to ISO 9001 standard for qua l ity a ssura nce a nd IS O 1 4 0 1 for 10. Ensure the perimeter and to allow easier integration and the use base frame is correctly sized of standard door sets without further work environmental management. It should have the structural rigidity for on site.This also facilitates a tile eectwithin transportation and welded lugs to use the wall at no additional cost. 15. Be aware when comparing tenders that not all for lifting the pod. This will minimise any æexing of the æoor or æoor damage that 12. Review the manufacturers are like for like could result – and should ensure the pod plumbing specification Make sure the pod manufacturer has can be lifted safely. Combined isolation, double-check and service commitments in place for: In-house design resources, with strainer valves for hot and cold water suitable experience of projects of a 11. Look closely at the feeds prevent debris from entering pod construction details the pod pipework from upstream and similar scale and complexity to the to ensure longevity: damaging components current project The option of producing an Steel-framed pods: Multi-layered composite pipework with a Steel-framed pods can have either a æexiblecrimpedsystemreducesthenumber advanced sample pod for customer sign off prior, if feasible, 12 weeks in double-skin wall composition with timber ofjointsandcanbeguaranteedforyears 25 and plasterboard or, preferably, a single-skin Pipework forallexposedwastes to basin, advance of manufacture wall construction with cementitious board to shower, bath and toilet should be capped o A dedicated site manager who will visit site at regular intervals Lifetime Homes standards and wall loadings. before delivery to site Aftersales support to deal with any Either of these solutions will facilitate tile Allttings should be checked byboth a issues that may arise. replacement ifrequired. plumber and QC inspector, and each pipe The entire wall and æoor to the wet area should be identied as hot orcold forease should be fully tanked – not just half of the of connecting on site. www.offsitesolutions.com 25

FC&A – NOVEMBER – 2021



Calcium sulphate screeds dry from the bottom up, so a moisture test may deliver a positive reading right up until the point thesubæooriscompletelydry.Therefore, Calcium sulphate screeds have become an increasingly common choicecontractors should be patient when allowing of subfloor to install in new builds, especially where underfloor heating forthesubæoortodrysuciently.This is incorporated within the subfloor. This is because of the speed with process can be accelerated by ensuring which they can be applied over large areas and other advantages over areasareadequatelyventilated,byopening concrete bases, including less shrinkage and fewer joints req u ired withinwindowsorusingadehumidier,and/or the subfloor. Neil Sanders, Technical Director at F. Ball and Co., gives turningonunderæoorheating,ifincorporated his advice on achieving a long-lasting, professional flooring finish when withinthesubæoor,atalowtemperature.

working over this type of surface.


Prime importance

The application ofa primeris also required hen installing new æoorcoverings F. Ball recommends that a levelling in almost all circumstances to promote compound be applied to a subæoor over calcium sulphate screeds, the adhesion ofsubsequentlyapplied it is essential to follow the basic to create a perfectly-smooth base for subæoorpreparation products and stop the æoorcoverings and enhance the aesthetic rapid drying of levelling compounds when principles of subæoor preparation, while appearance of the nished installation.applied overabsorbent subæoors. It also considering a few critical points to avoid If not removed, laitance can cause a common causes of æoor failure associated prevents pinholing, caused by tiny bubbles with this type of substrate. subsequently applied levelling compound resulting from the slow escape of air from Just as when preparing to install new to debond from the substrate, potentially the subæoor,which burst on reaching the floorcoverings over other subfloor types, causing æoor failure. Any contaminants surface, thatleaving small pinholes or craters as may prevent adhesion, such as wet trade the levelling compound cures. the first step in the process should be waste or debris, should also be cleaned o. F. Balls Stopgap P121 primeris specially to ensure the subfloor is suitably sound, smooth and dry. This often means formulated to promote the application beginning by removing any laitance (the Drying time characteristics of compatible levelling A moisture measurement test should compounds when applied over calcium crust of fine particles formed on the then be conducted to ascertain if the surface of the screed as it dries) using sulphate screeds, which are denser than subfloor is dry enough to proceed directly concrete or sand/cement screeds – it a rotary sanding or abrading machine. This process should be undertaken by to installing floorcoverings. If a subfloor contains nerparticles than otherprimers the screed supplier, seven to 10 days has a relative humidity (RH) reading in the F. Ball range. The product should above 7 5 % ( or 6 5 % if wood floorcoverings be applied in two coats; the rst diluted after the screed is installed, when the will be installed), contractors will need laitance is easier to remove. However, the with one part water to one part primer, process is frequently left to the flooring to allow further time for the screed to followed by a second coat applied neat. It contractor, allowing the laitance time to dry; otherwise, there is the risk that contains nerparticles than others in the F. excess subfloor moisture will attack Ball range, helping it to bond with calcium harden up and prolonging the drying time floorcoverings, resulting in floor failure. sulphate screeds. of the subfloor.


FC&A – NOVEMBER – 2021



Compatible levelling compounds

Calcium sulphate screed manufacturers advise that a calcium sulphate-based self-levelling compound, such as F. Ball’s Stopgap 1100 Gypsum, is used to create a base for floorcoverings when dealing with this type of subfloor. Unlike most cement-based products, Stopgap 1100 is virtually tension free and does not shrink during the drying process, which limits the amount of stress at the bond interface. Another reason for the use of a calcium sulphate-based levelling compound is that the application of cement-based products onto calcium sulphate screeds can, under certain circumstances, result in a chemical reaction that causes the formation of ettringite, a crystalline material that can cause floor failure, where the two materials meet.

Final thoughts

It is worthwhile remembering that calcium sulphate-based levelling compounds typically take longer to dry than other cement-based alternatives. Therefore, when a 3mm thickness of levelling compound has been applied, contractors should be prepared to wait up to 24 hours before installing textile floorcoverings, and up to 48 hours before installing resilient floorcoverings. Underfloor heating must be turned off at least 48 hours prior to, and throughout, the application and drying of the levelling compound, and the temperature of the subfloor should be kept above 10°C from start to finish.

Once the levelling compound has cured, manufacturers. A continually-updated specied æoorcoverings can be installedversion of which is available on F. Ball’s using a suitable adhesive. To check the website and as a free app. It is also available compatibilityofparticularæoorcoverings as anA5 printed booklet.Alternatively, F. and adhesives, contractors can consult Ball’s technical service department is on F. Ball’s industry-leading Recommended hand to answeryourquestions about F. Ball Adhesives Guide (RAG), which lists adhesives products and how to use them. recommended for use with over 6000 æoorcoverings, produced byover20 www.f-ball.com/en 27

FC&A – NOVEMBER – 2021


change the shape of offices THE RISE OF TOUCH-FREE TECH from the size of reception

In this article, Robbie Ferguson, National Sales Manager areas to the flow of people at Zip Water UK, looks at the touch-free technologies through workspaces. that we’re set to see in the office designs of 2022. So, what technologies are ZIP WATER UK



FC&A – NOVEMBER – 2021

ouch-free technologies have been available for some time, but COVID-19 has accelerated their adoption. The pandemic created widespread awareness of the need for increased hygiene vigilance. This has driven touch-free tech adoption as workplaces increasingly invest in them in an effort to ensure a safe working environment for staff post-pandemic, helping to instil confidence in employees. Once seen as just a ‘nice to have’, the technology has now not only proven its value but driven demand from architects and fit-out companies wanting to include touch-free solutions in their projects. According to a CapGemini report, even after the pandemic, 47% of Brits expect to increase their use of “touchless interactions such as voice assistants, facial recognition or apps”. The same study found that 73% of

available, and how might their adoption impact office design?

organisations believed that consumer behaviours based Water taps on non-touch practices would Companies, such as ourselves remain after the pandemic. here at Zip Water, have Touch-free solutions developed touch-free taps. promote a hygienic Our HydroTap Touch Free environment and are Wave model uses clever convenient to use. This will infrared sensors to allow drive continuing demand and whole workforces to access adoption – accelerated by the instant filtered boiling, awareness instilled during the chilled and sparkling water – pandemic (if we weren’t ready combining convenience with for touch-free taps in 2019, we hygiene. Additionally, as part are now). of Zip’s new fifth-generation P ublic spaces, including HydroTap range, customers retail, were drivers of can choose the HydroTap adoption, but demand for C l a ssic Pl us, whi c h feat u res touch-free and other hygienic SteriTouch antimicrobial solutions is now influencing technology on some elements commercial architecture. of the water path and the What was once an expensive touchpad itself, killing 99.99% indulgence is becoming a of bacteria. ub iquito us co nside ratio n in new office design. Contactless check-in In many ways, the new Entry-card and, more recently, technologies are a removal of facial recognition technology existing elements rather than is making entry into offices something new to include. increasingly contactless. But, in certain circumstances, Anyone who has passed this may fundamentally through UK customs in the 28


“According to a CapGemini report, even after the pandemic, 47% of Brits expect to increase their use of ‘touchless interactions such as voice assistants, facial recognition or apps’”. ROBBIE FERGUSON, NATIONAL SALES MANAGER AT ZIP WATER UK

last few years will have seen it in action: you face the camera, and if the face fits, you are let through. Facial recognition can also be linked to alert systems to let relevant parties know their guests have arrived.

Humanless check-in


No one wants to touch a public toilet, and hands-free toilet facilities are on the rise as a key public touch-point in a place of hygienic sensitivity. Many public places, such as service stations and airports, already have touch-free flushing toilets, and their presence is set to spread further into commercial spaces.

For many years, we’ve been able to check in online for flights. Recently, Ryanair introduced humanless bagg a g e c hec k i n . Pa s s e nge rs Coffee use pods in the airport to Like water taps and toilets, weigh and check in their coffee-making facilities luggage. This technology a re f re que ntly us e d. may well find an application Voice-operated or infrared in offices – for example, sensors have freed users deliveries. The Ryanair from touching screens and example also shows the buttons, and contactless potential for completely coffee machines, such as the different space s as que ue sNespresso Momento, allow a nd q ueu i n g are c ha nge d › staff to make everything and possibly even eradicated. from a mocha to an espresso without touching the machine.

Lights and blinds

A key aspect of touch-free is that it doesn’t remove the touch, but it removes the public touch-point by allowing access through an app that staff can use on their phones. Lights and blinds are two of a range of things that can be controlled by an app.

elegant solution is new door systems that use voice, facial recognition, cards or infrared technology to open. Sensors and motors on every door is a significant investment, but with the benefits of hygiene and convenience (for those with their hands full), its adoption will no doubt spread through offices.


Doors were one of the main challenges in offices. Solutions existed as new innovations or as after-market add-ons for existing doors. One solution was simply a fixture that allowed people to use their forearms. The more 29


Touch-free elevators are also not a new tech, but they continue to replace old push-button lifts. More recent innovations include a lift that detects an individual’s destination floor through infrared sensors.

specify.zipwater.co.uk FC&A – NOVEMBER – 2021




Ri c h a r d Mo r i s f r o m d o r s e c u r i t y a n d h a r d w a r e s p e c i a l i s t UAP discus es the security and safety implications of let erplate specif cation.

A NOTE ON SECURITY AND SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS OF LETTERPLATES ‘Location, location, location’ may still be the house-builder’s mantra, but building homes that meet the needs of occupiers relies on the detail of the specification, not just the postcode. Estate agents like to refer to ‘kerb appeal’, and attention to detail begins at the front door, including the humble letterplate. UAP


u c h of o u r c o r e s p o n d e c m ay b e p a e r l s t h e s d ays , b u t h o m e s s t i l n e d a l e t r p l a te

w h e r l e t r s , c i r u l a r s a n d n ews p a e r s c a n b e p o s te d . Lo c ate d p ro m i n e t ly o n t h e f ro n t d o r o f a h o u s e o r a n a p r t m e n t , t h e w ro n g c h o i c e o f l e t r p l a t e c a n b e a n ey s o re . Mo re i m p o r t a n l,y p e r h a p s , p o r l y- s p e c i f e d l e t r p l a te s c a n a l s o p re s n t a s e c u r i t y r i s k , f i re s a fe t y i s u e o r p ro b l e m s w i t h a c e s a n d Di s a b i l t y Ac t c o m p l i a n c e , w h i c i s w hy i t ’s i m p o r t a n to u n d e r s t a n d t h e p o te n i a l s p e c i f c a t i o n p i t f a l s a n d w h a t t o l o k fo r w h e n s e l c t i n g a p ro d u c t .

Overcoming vulnerabilities Hi s to r i c a l ,y l et r p l ate s h ave b e n t h e m o s t v u l n e ra b l e p a r t of a d o ,r e n a b l i n g t h i e v s t o ‘ f i s h ’ t h ro u g h t h e a p e r t u e t o r e t i e v ke y s f r o m h a l w y s a n d g a i n a c e s to p ro e t i e s . Th i s v u l n e ra b i l t y n o t o n ly i n c l u d e s g a i n g a c e s to t h e

FC& A – NOVEMBER – 2 0 2 1


w h e r i t s t a r e d , r a t h e r t h a n a l ow i n g i t t o s p re a d t h ro u g h o u t t h e b u i l d n g , i s j u s t a s i m p o r t a n a s p re v n t i g t h e f i re f ro m s p re a d i n g f ro m c o m n a re s i nto i n d v i d u a l h o m e s . Th at ’s w hy f i re d o r s a re re q u i re d a s t h e f ro n t d o r s to i n d v i d u a l a p r t m e n t s w i t h n m u l t i o c u p a n c y b u i l d n g s , o r fo r d o r s t h a l e a d o nt s h a re d b a l co ny wa l k ways . Fo r t h e s e nv i ro n m e t s , n ot o n ly i s TS0 0 8 co m p l i a n ce re q u i re d to e n s u re s e c u r i t,y b u t t h e l e t r p l a t e m u s t a l s o p ro v i d e a f i re r a t i n g e q u a l t o t h e r a t i n g o f t h e d o r a n d , fo l w i n g t h e Gre nf l Towe r t ra g e d,y s p e c i f e r s m u s t b e m o re v i g l a n t t h a n e v r i n e n s u r i n g t h e c h o s e n l e t r p l a t e d e l i ve r s a ro b u s t a n d p ro v e n l e v o f f i re s a fe t . y Al o n g s i d e t h e s s afet y a n d s e c u r i t y c o n s i d e r a t i o n s , of c o u r s e , t h e l e t r p l a te m u s t a l s o a l ow i t e m s d e f i n e d i n t h e p o s t a l s e r v i ce s s t a n d r BS EN 1 37 2 4 : 2 0 1 3 to c o m p l e t l y p a s t h ro u g h t h e a p e r t u e without being dam ged.

p ro e t y b u t h a s c o m n l y b e n u s e d t o f i s h f o r c a r ke y s , r e s u l t i n g i n c a r t h e f t w h i l e t h e o c u p i e r s l e p s . Of te n , h o m e w n e r s d o n ’ t u n d e r s t a n d t h e r i s k o f l e a v i n g ke y s c o n ve i n t l y p l a c e d o n a c o n s l e t a b l e in the hal or a ho k near the do r until a t h i e f h a s f i s h e d fo r t h e m . S t r i c e c o m p l i a n c e of r l e t r p l a te design has be n in place since the TS008

of the thumb rn cylind,er whic opens the do r form ins de the por e .ty TS008 o f w i t h s a n d i g 1 . 2 k N ( 1 2 . 3 6 gk s ) o f of cr e a p l i c a t o n , h e l d of r 1 0 s e c o n d s a t each end of the let rplate. This helps in pevrnti g an intrude form gain g u n er s t i c e d a c e s to t h e a p e r t u . B u t s e c u r i t y i s n ot t h e o n ly r i s k . Fi re s a fe t y i s a l s o a n i m p o r t a n c o n s i d e r a t i o n a n d , i n m u l t i - o c u p a n cy b u i l d n g s , c o n t a i n g a f i re w i t h n t h e p ro e t y 30



GLASS BALCONIES PUT SAFETY FIRST IN TOWN AND COUNTRY Glass balconies and balustrades are a popular way of making the most of the outdoors and, as such, have been growing in popularity over the last couple of years or so. While the aesthetic appeal can’t be denied, health and safety must remain a priority when installing, maintaining and using such structures. Here, Simon Boocock, MD of CRL Europe, looks at how the right systems can ensure all necessary precautions are taken during installation and with regards to user safety. CRL EUROP E


alconies and balustrades made properties while aording uninterrupted 4 . 2 m lengths, suitable for 1 2 to 2 5 . 2 mm with glass have long been views of rolling countryside and coast. And glass. Available in brushed and polished popular options, commercially all while allowing ample natural light to stainless- steel nishes, the system has and domestically, but the pandemic æood the interior, which can be particularly been tested to a width of 2400mm. accelerated the trend even further. It’s well advantageous when the property is Installing glass balconies and balustrades reported that there has been something of compact rather than an urban sprawl. without a handrail for a minimal and higha migration from town to countryside since Fortunately, tting these adaptations end nish is not onlytrending but, helpfully, the rst lockdown hit, with people keen to to existing buildings needn’t be too is now more straightforward than ever. Look leave their urban dwellings for rural sprawls problematic, regardless of the location for systems that are fully adjustable, even on when there is less of a requirement to live and even when working at height as is uneven surfaces. A balustrade solution with on top of your work. so often required, so long as a suitablea quick and easyadjustable method to align It goes without saying really, too, solution is chosen. One such example that glass panels without a handrail is a sensible that while we have all been spending is currently favourable is to opt for a Juliette option, while one made from a material such more time at home and together in our balcony. This xture has a modern, minimalas extruded aluminium, saving weight yet family units, making the most of our appearance that enhances any style of keeping strength, will be lightweight yet outdoor spaces has become increasingly property, meaning that the character of the extremely strong. important. Small gatherings with family property can be retained without upsetting For larger projects, a dry-glazed railing and friends have been held outside and, the neighbours. system is often favoured for frameless when staying local was advised, any tricks Ideal for buildings with compact interiors, glass balustrades. Choose one that can we could call into play to help bring the a glass Juliette balcony enables a French be entirely installed from the safe side of outdoors into our homes were dutifully window or patio door to be chosen instead the balustrade, putting safety rst without employed. This has definitely led to more of a conventionalwindow, lling the room the need for time-consuming, costly attention being focused on renovation with light, increasing ventilation and scaolding. This is particularly useful projects than ever too. Small garden creating a greater sense of space. on retrot projects and when a broken improvements and bigger tasks, such as The result is a modern design and or scratched glass panel needs to be adding a balustrade or a balcony, have sleek, clean lines, creating the desired replaced. A dry-glazed railing system such been particularly popular changes, with visual effect without being a headache as CRL’s Taper-Loc system is a hassle-free homeowners keen to make the most of to install. Before going down this route alternative to the mess and awkwardness their outside spaces in a variety of ways. for your clients though, check that the of working with cement. With this move comes another escalating system is made from weather-resilient As with Juliet balconies, the finished trend, this time concerning glass balconies material; 316-grade stainless steel is effect of this type of system is elegant and and balustrades. Used to enhance the recommended. It should also be suitable minimalist. Such solutions offer migrating aesthetics of buildings as new homeowners for a range of glass widths for ease of homeowners a cost-effective and largely take possession and to make the most of fitting and check that it passes muster for hassle-free way of tapping into what is a those seaside and country views, glass safety too, of course. growing trend for glass balustrades and is the material of choice, it would seem. CRLs Juliette Balcony System oers balconies as the big migration from town After all, glass is the ideal material for peace of mind with 316-grade stainless to country continues. such situations, enhancing and protecting steel for weather resilience and comprises the period detail so often seen on rural four connectors, plus two cap rails of 3 to www.crlaurence.co.uk FC&A – NOVEMBER – 2021





Bottomend cap


Topend cap

W2= glass width+W1-6omm H1=glass height=H2-4mm

Wall-mount screws

B1 & B2

D C A2 B1


Juliet balcony




Can be cut to size on site


21.52mm tempered glass PARIS 2



Gaskets (E2) for 17.52


Applications Glass thickness

Glass preparation

CRL wall-







laminated glass




FC&A – NOVEMBER – 2021



CLEAN, PRIVATE AND SECURE ENVIRONMENTS FOR LABORATORIES ENHANCED WITH SECONDARY GLAZING PsiOxus Therapeutics is a UK- and US-based cancer therapeutics company, listed 25th in the Sunday Times Hiscox Tech Track 100 in 2017 for its ‘Gene Therapy for Cancer’ platform technology for the treatment of solid tumours. PsiOxus has expanded into 21,000ft 2 of new facilities, including a stateof-the-art research and development laboratory in The Quadrant at the Abingdon Science Park. SELECTAGLAZE

w . s e l c t a g l z e . c o u k

0172 8372 1

h e m a i n c o n t r a c to ,r Mo rg a n Love l , s p e c i f e d Se l e c t a g l a ze t o i m p ro v e t h e t h e r m a l

insulation and security of the building. Ps i O x u s ’ re s a rc h a n d d ev l o p m e n t e n v i ro n m e n t d e m a n d s t h e u t m o s t c l e a n l i n e s , s o a g l a z i n g s o l u t i o n wa s n e d e t o m e t t h e s re q u i re m n t s . As p a r t o f t h e re f u r b i s h m e n t , w i n d ows w i t h f i re r a t i n g s s e p a r t i n g t h e l a b s a n d c o r i d o r s w e r a l s o re q u i re d t o c o n f r m to Bu i l d i n g Re g u l a t i o n s . S e l c t a g l a ze m e t t h e b r i e f by i n s t a l i n g 1 5 h o r i zo n t a l s l i d e r u n i t s w i t h 6 m to u g h e n d l ow- E g l a s i n t h e t w o - a n d t h re - p a n e o p t i o n s to a l p r i m a r y w i n d ows . Th e i nve r te d U-c h a n e l s e c t i o n wa s i n c l u d e to s i t i n t h e b ot o m of e a c h f ra m e to m i n m i s e t h e d u s t t ra p s a n d e n h a n c e t h e e a s e o f c l e a n i g . Al l of the secondary glazing on the g ro u n d f l o r wa s f i t e d w i t h Sa t i n ov obscurity glas . 2 2 Se r i e s 4 0 f i xe d l i g h t u n i t s we r f i t e d a s v i ew i n g p a n e l s i n t h e re s a rc h a n d d e v l o p m e n t l a b o r a t o r i e s . Th e v i s o n p a n e l s w i t h i n t h e i n te r n a l wa l s we r f i t e d i n 6 m to u g h e n d g l a s , a n d i n t h e l a b a re a s , u n i t s we r f i t e d w i t h a 1 0 m Py ro d u r g l a s , p ro v i d n g 3 0 m i n u t e s o f f i r e i n t e g r i t y.

enquir es@ el ctagl ze.co uk


The modular house construction market will help to drive window and door foam sealant tape growth in 2022, predicts Andy Swift, Sales and Operations Manager for ISO-Chemie. He sees the UK market staying buoyant over the next 12 months as the economy continues to recover from the pandemic and building and construction activity remains busy, particularly in the face of a chronic national housing shortage and the need to build more affordable housing. This will see construction projects ‘surge’ ahead with cost-effective products, such as foam sealant tapes – which deliver improved energy performance and efficiencies – increasingly specified for retrofit applications and new projects. In the modular sector, house designers are currently looking at new ways to deliver low-carbon structures, which use sustainable technologies to deliver measurable airtight, acoustic and thermal sealing benefits. 2021 has been the best-ever trading year for ISOChemie. Sales are up 4 5 % , and Andy Swift says the modular construction market will be a key target for further growth going forward over the next 12 months.

FC&A – NOVEMBER – 2021


Products from one of the UK’s largest and most experienced housing development in Perth. Residential property developer and house-builder Bellway Homes has used Sidey’s leading window and door products in its brand-new residential development in Broxden. Located close to the city of Perth, Charlotte Gate is an

130 properties spread out across the unique residential site. o F r the phased project, Bellway Homes opted for Sidey’s Solartherm windows and doors, a popular choice for new-build schemes such as Charlotte Gate. The fenestration specialist’s products included white casement windows, tilt-and-turn windows and white PVCu rF ench doors. Not only have Sidey’s Solartherm windows and

ongoing maintenance.




REPLACEMENT TIMBER WINDOWS IN AN EDWARDIAN PROPERTY The Sash Window Workshop specialises in traditional timber windows and doors. It was contacted by an interior designer to replace several timber windows for a project that they were working on in north London. The new windows needed to be as energy efficient as possible while also being in keeping with the architectural style of the building and finished to perfection. THE SASH WINDOW WORKSHOP

w . s a hw i n d o.wc m

0134 86 8

f ter it was confirmed that the interior designer and their client w i s h e d t o g o a h e a d , Th e Sa s h Wi n d o w Wo r k s h o p m a n u f a c t u r e d a n d i n s t a l e d s e v r a l b e s p o ke n e w w i n d ow s . Si n c e t h e w o r k w a s c o m p l e t e d , t h e c l i e n t c o m e n t e d t h a t “ t h e re p l a c e m e n t w i n d ow s a re e v r y t h i n g o u r c l i e n t a n d w e e x p e c t e d .” Th e Sa s h Wi n d ow Wo r k s h o p i s p ro u d to p ro v i d e a h i g - q u a l i t y p ro d u c t a n d s e r v i c e , re f l c t e d i n t h e f a c t t h a ro u g h l y h a l f i t s o rd e s c o m e f ro m re c o m e n d a t i o n s a n d ex i s t n g c u s t o m e r s . Du e t o i t s c o n t i n u e d s u c e s , t h e c o m p a n y h a s re c e n t l y o p e n e d a s e c o n d l a rg e wo r k s h o p , h e l p i n g t o m e t t h e g row i n g d e m a n d fo r i t s p ro d u c t s . R i c h a r d Do l a r, Th e Sa s h Wi n d o w Wo r k s h o p ’ s Ma n a g i n g Di r e c t o r, c o m e n t s : “ H a v i n g s t a r t e d f ro m n o t h i n g i n 1 9 4 , we a re ve r y p ro u d o f t h e s u c e s o f o u r b u s i n e s . Th i s s u c e s h a s e n a b l e d u s t o m a ke a £ 1 m - p l u s i n ve s t m e n t t h i s ye a r i n t o n e w p re m i s e s , plant and equipment. “ We b e l i ev o u r f u t re s u c e s d e p n d s o n c o n t i n u i n g t o p ro v i d e o u t s a n d i n g p ro d u c t s a l o n g s i d e e xc l e n t c u s t o m e r s e r v i c e a n d m a k i n g s u re t h a t e v r y d a y w e t r y t o d o t h i n g s e v n b e t ”e .r To o b t a i n a q u o t a t i o n , p l e a s e u s e t h e c o n t a c t d e t a i l s b e l o w.

i n f o @ s a h w i n d o .w c m

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FC&A – NOVEMBER – 2021



BROOKLYN PUTS STYLISH MATTE BLACK IN THE FRAME Sliding glass doors are a practical and attractive partitioning solution that enhance the sense of space and light while creating privacy and zoning large areas. With the trend for sophisticated matte black hardware also on the rise, the new CRL Brooklyn frame system successfully combines the two. CRL

w . c r l a u r e n c . o u k

017 6 863 0

o r r e s i d e n t i a l u s e , CRL Br o k l y n t a p s i n t o t h e m ove t ow a rd s o p e n - p l a n living, acting as an elegant a n d p ra c t i c a l d i v i s i o n b e t we n k i t c h e n a n d l i v i n g a re a s , fo r ex a m p l e , w h i l e e n a b l i n g l i g h t to f l o w t h r o u g h o u t . Co m e r c i a l y, t h e s y t e m i s a l s o p e r fe c t fo r u s e i n e n v i ro n m e n t s l i ke re s t a u r a n t s o r o f i c e s . T he minimalist style of the mat e black do r frame has b e n d ev l o p e d w i t h c l a s i c lines to complement a wide range of interior styles. C RL Br o k l y n h a s m a n y practical qualities to , not least e a s e o f i n s t a l a t i o n . Th e s y t e m i s s u i t a b l e fo r d ro p e d c e i l i n g a n d f i xe d c e i l i n g a p l i c a t i o n s a n d a l ow s fo r a ve r t i c a l a d j u s t m e n t o f + / -3 m . It e v n g i ve s t h e o pt i o n to i n s t a l b i parting do rs with the use of an ex t ra s e t of c l a m p s . Te s t e d t o 1 0 , 0 0 c y l e s fo r q u a l i t y a s u r a n c e a n d w i t h a l re l e v a n t s a fe t y c e r t i f i c a t e s a p r o v e d , CRL Br o k l y n h a s a n enhanced double soft-close sy tem, making it as smo th in operation as it is in ap earance.

crl@crlaurenc . o uk

Latest Schöck BBA Certification raises the bar. Thermal break technology you can trust.

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210102_Anz_IK_185wdx131dp_GB_rz.indd 1 FC&A – NOVEMBER – 2021


19.02.21 08:04


2022 PROMISES TO OPEN NEW DOORS FOR MORALT AG Despite a number of challenges and disruptions, 2021 has proved to be a very good year for the specialist German producer of certified technical door solutions. Throughout 2020, the pandemic affected a lot of businesses with lockdowns in several of its key markets, staff on furlough at both its customers and suppliers, and major door projects cancelled or placed on hold, all adding to a subdued and frustrating trading period. “Our particular need to further test and develop products was also badly hit,” dwokDhmr Qsdudm BdmmDqc vgn knnjr Desdq KnqDksŁr hmsdqmDshnmDk rDkdr, bb MORALT AG


environments. The tested doors were all n the spring, our two-week acoustic 2440 x 1000mm in size, so that we might test package at IFT in Arnsberg, Moralt’s range of internal and external door blank solutions is one of the most technically northern Germany – which was see a good size scope added to our sophisticated on the market already comprehensive acoustic and fire supported by Mann McGowan – showed range of doors.” some excellent product performances and 2021 has seen the business continue to pandemic, 2021 has been an extremely assisted the mood greatly. Our FireSound Xtreme FD120 door now performs make signicant investments, for example, successful year for us with strong sales acoustically to Rw dB44 as a single-leaf with the introduction of Hubspot, a CRM from the UK, European and Middle East system that enables the company to markets. In addition, the introduction of door, and a pair, dB43, making this our manage product enquiries from aroundFireSmoke the strongest acoustic product which, at only and FireSound Xtreme (FD90 5 8 mm thick, is excellent. Further conrmed globe more quickly and eciently, which, inand FD120) as stock items at both UK positive acoustic performances with turn, facilitates Moralt’s R&D work. distributors – James Latham and Falcon Plus, in the autumn, the company Panel Products › means that we now oer concealed hinges and door closers means a full suite of FD3 0 , 6 0 , 9 0 and 1 2 0 re that our acoustic door oer has become a began work on a UL door test package for spring 2022, which will appeal to existing lot stronger for contract speciers. ratings with our sustainable, certied tim markets in the Middle East as well as “A fire door test package with FD60 door blanks and also a solid acoustic at DMT in Lathen, Germany, in early being the basis of its future commercial range too with dB40 and beyond acoustic September – in part to complement the work in North America. performances in all re categories.‡ Steven continues: “In September, we Klaus adds: “Throughout this difficult March acoustic testing – was our next exhibited at our rst face-to-face showfor period, we have used the time effectively, programme. Moralt FireSound was the principal focus of these tests, and we almost twoyears, the Big 5 in Dubai,which continuing to invest in the business with included an RFID access solution from saw heightened interest in our FireSound the latest technology to deliver innovative high-acoustic and re-rated doorcores, as solutions across both our production ASSA ABLOY in the test doors so that well as our timber external door core range.” facility and processing systems. This will specifiers could consider high-acoustic, Managing Director at Moralt AG, Klaus fire-rated door products with electronic ensure that we are in the best possible card readers for use in hospitality, Feile, echoes Steven’s optimism. “Despite position for future growth, which is education, healthcare and administrative the ongoing challenges presented by the expected to continue through 2022.”


info@moralt-ag.de 37

FC&A – NOVEMBER – 2021


SMART WINDOWS AND DOORS FEATURE IN STUNNING GRAND DESIGNS PROJECT A derelict mill in a Cumbrian hamlet has been transformed over a three-and-a-half-year, selfbuild project into a stunning four-bedroom, fourbathroom house, together with workshop and office space. Featured on Channel 4’s Grand Designs programme, the project saw a new timber-framed, SIPS-construction house built within the footprint of the existing mill building, with many of the original materials, retained or reclaimed and reused. SMART ARCHITECTURAL ALUMINIUM


the reclaimed stone and he blacking mill, a new timber-facing materials, Scheduled Ancient Monument, had lain as well as the surrounding natural environment.” empty and deteriorating for For the main feature 6 0 years and required full windows, the experienced restoration. Marlin Windows, one of Smart Architectural Marlin team installed Smart’s IMAGES: © M arlin Windows Aluminium’s key partners, EcoFutural system, with its slim profiles and outstanding worked closely with the thermal efficiency enabling vast window is panoramic, Vulcan Black from Smart’s architect and client to design, the maximum glass area to fabricate and install 40 it’s like a super-wide cinema sensations colour range, the windows and seven doors as be achieved. Smart’s Alitherm screen. It almost completely colour selected to harmonise 800 casement windows fills my field of vision.” with the local environment part of the project. were then used elsewhere to P roviding a stunning main and adjacent materials. Adrian Martin, Marlin provide natural ventilation and entrance to the property, Smart’s Managing Director, Windows’ Managing Director, fire exit options. said: “Our brief was to provide a wide Sherbourne door Eddie Robinson, said: “This contemporary aluminium Two large Smart Visoglide style from Smart’s highis a fantastic project, with windows and doors with flat, P l us s l i di ng do o rs we re performance Designer Door huge credit going to Adrian range was installed, featuring a and the team at Marlin sq uare- ed g ed prof i l e s th atincorporated to enhance the open-plan living space, would not only echo the low threshold for easy access W indows fo r th e q u ali t y design style and architectural flood the room with light and and matching glazed sidelight. of the fenestration work. lines of the building, but open up the panoramic views The company s Alitherm Plus The products not only look beyond. Featuring slim frames door system was installed for ma gnifice nt in t his u niq u e would also maximise the to maximise the glazed access to the workshop, utility project, but their thermal natural light coming into it. areas, Kevin McCloud, Grand We were also tasked with and roof garden areas. performance will make a ensuring the colour and D e s i gns P re s e nter, sa id of th The e windows and doors significant contribution to finish were sympathetic to 7m-wide sliding doors: “That were all painted in textured energy efficiency.”

www.smartsystems.co.uk FC&A – NOVEMBER – 2021

01934 876100 38




FC&A – NOVEMBER – 2021


THE CAVITY WALL PERFORMANCE QUESTION Can the actual heat loss from a newly-constructed property be greater than you calculated or realised? CAVITY TRAYS OF YEOVIL


his question was asked Buildings have skins too, and a building’s wet outside skin will in the early part of this year by the owner of also suerfrom EC, accelerating a recently-built property heat loss from the structure. But unlike your body, where the that became surprisingly water lays on your skin surface, cold during and following heavy storms. He had never the brick outer skin of a building considered to what extent wet can be saturated with water, masonry can increase heat loss so EC can really accelerate the thermal loss. from the building. But heat-loss It’s also worth remembering calculations take all of this into account – or do they? how some masonry is tested Calculations of the thermal to BS 4315.The test involves spraying water onto a given area behaviour of cavity walls are at a rate of2.5 litres perminute. not based on using waterThe test takes place over 48 saturated bricks. Calculations Two considerations The second consideration are based on dry bricks or hours. Upon completion of the Two simple considerations can refers to a cavity wall reveal minimally wet bricks, with a test, it is not unusual to read the help minimise overall thermal closer that does what no other ‘bricks indicated very low levels loss through a cavity wall. The revealcloseroers. Called a water content of 5 % maximum. rst requires appropriate cavity continuity closer, it features This is fine when one considers of rates of rain penetration.’ It is often not realised the spraying trayspecication to manage an L-shaped insulating core. performance during the water arrestment and water Being L-shaped, instead of summer months, but not in is not continuous. It lasts just one minute, followed by a evacuation. The more swiftly the conventional rectangular winter when one relies most half-hour pause, after which and ecientlythe externalskin shape, permits it to wrap across on conserving heat. As an there is another one minute returns to dry status – the better, the surface ofpartial- llcavity outside skin becomes wetter, and with it, the acceleration of insulation. In so doing, it overits conductivity increases, and of spraying and so on. Over its thermal integrity worsens. 48 hours, the extent of water thermal loss diminishes. sails/covers those gaps that are But the situation deteriorates spraying amounts to less than Awarded European Technical often witnessed on sites where one and a half hours. If it only Approval (ETA) for its waterordinary closers and cavity further because of evaporative ever rains in your district for arrestment protective products, insulation are meant to abut – cooling (EC). Cavity Trays of Yeovil is the only but don’t. The continuity closer EC aects humans and exactly one minute, followed buildings. When we swim in always by half an hour’s drying UK cavity tray manufacturer physically layers those gaps time, then perhaps the standard awarded ETA and oers that would otherwise be left and the sea and then emerge from is meaningful, albeit not realistic construction overviews adversely increase heat loss. the water, the body suddenly of the climate experienced in and a take- o service. The Building envelope feels cold and becomes cooler because of EC. The air is the UK. Especially when one Yeovil-based company also performance relies on remembers wet winter days with manufactures a wide range of many build details coming causing the water on your skin accompanying high winds and wall weeps and vents, so that together, and the two simple to evaporate, which draws heat EC. As a realist might point out, elevations can benet trayexamples demonstrate from your body. For us humans, the conductivity of a clay brick compatible balanced cavity how improvement is readily grabbing a towel is usually the immediate next step. can double when it is saturated. ventilation and water removal. available and achievable.

www.cavitytrays.com FC&A – NOVEMBER – 2021

01935 474769 40



FC&A – NOVEMBER – 2021


Timber subframes

Softwood timber is the most common material used for decking subframes. Timber is easy to work with, generally readily available and is a naturally strong product with a high strength-to-weight ratio.When correctlyspecied and installed, timber subframes can have a long service life. However, there have been many cases of timber subframes that have failed within six years of being installed, often because of a lack of understanding of the requirements of timber, incorrect timber being used in the wrong location and bad workmanship. Timber is inclined to rot, and care must be taken to ensure the structure is adequatelyventilated. It is a common belief that all treated timber is suitable for decking subframes, however, this is incorrect as the classication of press treatment can make a big dierence on the longevity of the frame. For example, an ‘interior-grade’ Use Class 2 (UC2) pressure-treated timber may look the same as an ‘exterior-grade’ Use Class 4 (UC4) pressure-treated timber, however, they carryvery dierent classications and are designed for use in dierent locations.

Plastic subframes

Plastic subframes can be an excellent alternative for constructing the framework for decks, seating, planters and more. For example, Plas- Pro is constructed from recycled plastic and is strong, versatile and easy to work with. Available in a range of sizes to act as posts, joists and bearers, it can be tted in a similarway to wood yet never rots, even when placed in water. The benets ofa product like Plas-Pro are that it can be used in contact with the ground and in water without the need foranyairæowventilation gaps; it can be sunk into th ground and surrounded fully with moisture without adverse eect. Being a non-rot system, it can also be used in areas where the subframe is likely to constantly get wet.


Aluminium subframes

A poor subframe choice or installation can lead to decking being damaged or can even result in decking becoming structurally dangerous and eventually fail. With so many different subframes to choose from, which one is best and what should you look out for? Here we look at three options. MILLBOARD

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A combination of superior strength aluminium and æexi plastic can provide distinct design opportunities for decking and outdoor structures that would be impossible with timber subframes. DuoS pan is a unique landscape construction frame made with aluminium joists and beams, aluminium brackets and plastic support proles. Being made from aluminium, the joists are resistant to rotting or moisture ingress, negating the need for airæow gaps to the framework or end- grain preservative treatment. With other solutions, the proles arent always straight, leading to numerous noggins being required to help in the installation, whereas with DuoSpan, the aluminium joists and beams are almost perfectly straight, resulting in a faster install. The DuoSpan subframe system comes with a range of xed and æexible brackets that allow the components to be connected at almost any angle. These brackets are uniquely designed to t perfectly into the side of the jois helping each joint sit æush. S crew- locating grooves on the side of the joists and self-drilling screws ensure fast, consistent tting. The self- drilling screws provided wi the brackets are made from A4 marine-grade stainless steel, and they are coated in a cathodic barrier coating to minimise the potential for galvanic corrosion between the aluminium and stainless steel. In conclusion, timber, recycled plastic and aluminium subframes all have dierent attributes and being famili with the benets of each and knowing what to use and when can add years to the deck’s longevity.

enquiries@m illboard.co.uk


FC&A – NOVEMBER – 2021


ADVANCED LAUNCHES LATEST GENERATION FIRE PANEL TO UK MARKET Go is the new-generation, single-loop fire alarm control panel from Advanced. Versatile and packed with premium features, Go provides cost-effective access to MxPro 5 range performance, quality and ease of use in a simpler, non-networkable format for complete fire protection peace of mind. ADVANCED CO.


o i s t h e i d e a l s o l u t i o n fo r a w i d e r a n g e o f s i n g l e - p a n e l s i t e s – f ro m re s t a u r a n t s , b a r s a n d g u e s t h o u s e s t o s m a l o f i c e s , s h o p s , s a l o n s a n d s u rg e r i e s . On s t r a i g h t fo r w a rd j o b s , Go ’ s f u s - f re i n s t a l a t i o n a n d c o n f i g u r a t i o n s a v e t i m e a n d m o n e y. Ho w e v r, t h e n e w p a n e l a l s o m a ke s l i g h t w o r k o f m o re c o m p l e x s i t e s re q u i r i n g s o p h i s t i c a t e d c a u s e - a n d - e f e c t p ro g r a m i n g o p t i o n s a s we l a s f a l s e a l r m m a n g e m n t a n d re d u c t i o n s o l u t i o n s . Go h a s b e n d e v l o p e d w i t h t h e n e d s o f i n s t a l e r s , e n g i n e r s a n d e n d - u s e r s f i r m l y i n m i n d . A h o s t o f fe a t u re s m a ke Go a b re z e t o s e t u p . An e a s y - f i t c h a s i s w i t h a u n i q u e d o r d e s i g n e n a b l e s f a s t f i t i n g , w h i l e f a m i l i a r c o n t ro l s a n d m e n u s m e a n t h e r ’ s n o l e n g t h y l e a r n i g c u r v e . In t u i t i v e n e w c o n f i g u r a t i o n s o f t w a re m a ke s p ro g r a m i n g q u i c ke r a n d e a s i e r t h a n e v r, a n d a p o w e r f u l d e s i g n c h e c k e r p r o v e s t h e s y t e m w i l w o r k e v n b e fo re v i s t i n g t h e s i t e . In a d i t i o n , e n h a n c e d d i a g n o s t i c s m e a n fe w r f a u l t s , f a s t e r f i xe s a n d b e t e r l o n g t e r m p e r fo r m a n c e .

W i t h s m a l - s i t e b u d g e t s i n m i n d , c o s t - e f i c e n c i e s fo r c u s to m e r s h ave a l s o b e n ce nt ra l to Go’s d ev l o p m e nt . Th e p a n e l h a s 1 5 zo n a l LEDs a s s t a n d r fo r c l e a r v i s u a l i n d c at i o n a n d BS 5 8 3 9 co m p l i a n ce w i t h o u t t h e n e d to b u y a s e p a r te LED zo n e c a rd . Co m p at i b l i t y w i t h t h re l e a d i n g d et c o r p rot c l s p ro v i d e s w i re d a n d w i re l s o p t i o n s , a s w e l a s g re a t r f re d o m ove r d e s i g n a n d m a i nte a n ce p rov i d e r co s t . Fu r t h e r co s t s a v i n g s , a s w e l a s g re a t r f l e x i b l i t y fo r s i t e - s p e c i f c i n s t a l t i o n s , a re a v i l a b e t h a n k s t o a c h o i c e o f t w o p e r fo m a n c e o p t i o n s w i t h d i f e r n t m a x i m u n u m b e r s o f c o n f i g u r a b l e a d re s .

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barriers carrying the widest number of technical accreditations, TBA FIREFLY is also enhancing the training options available

protect both life and property. The various training courses are headquarters or in Raunds, Northamptonshire, with the content


requirements, especially where bespoke installation details are demanded.



Classrooms have come under the spotlight from the Department for Education (DfE), which is spending around £25m providing better ventilation for classrooms, including providing state schools with CO2 sensors. Research has suggested that the wrong temperatures, humidity, air pollution and CO 2 can impair learning, and studies have suggested that high rates of carbon dioxide are known to cause drowsiness, loss of concentration and headaches. The Vario fan by VORTICE, which has been a popular choice due to its ease and variety of installation options, can be used with a selection of sensors, including a CO 2 sensor, which ensures the fan extracts appropriately to deal with the amount of CO 2 within the room.

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FC&A – NOVEMBER – 2021


The key benefit for worktop use is that TopOil is extremely water repellent, helping to make surfaces more durable. It is resistant to common liquid spill such as water, juice, tea and wine, making it ideal for the kitchen. It has a microporous, breathable finish that does not crack, peel or flake. Using the product regularly can prolong the life of your worktop, so you won’t need to replace it.

Treating your worktop

To get the best performance from TopOil, you need to get an optimal volume of this hard wax oil into the fibres of the wood. To help with performance on worktops, the wood w i l l n o r m a l l y re q u i re t h e s u r f a c e t o b e sanded to a maximum of a P150 grit grade (depending on the wood species). To deliver the ideal amount of the finish into the absorbent wood surface, it’s recommended to apply the first coat thinly along the wood grain with an Osmo microfibre roller, flat brush or oil finish applicator fleece. Allow to dry for approximately eight to 10 hours and ventilate the room well while drying. Then, apply the second coat with an Osmo oil finish applicator fleece or a Wooden worktops look stunning in almost all kitchen styles and colours, lint-free cloth. needqhmf D vDql Dmc rsxkhrg mhrg Dmc shldkdrr DoodDk, Jhjd Dkk jhsbgdm It is possible to spot sand and repair surfaces, worktops take the brunt of the wear and tear in a busy home, so they any watermarks. It’s necessary to use the same finish sanding grade to sand mddc sn ad bDqdc enq oqnodqkx, OSMO back, then retreat those spot areas using the same application techniqu originally carried out. Once these areas ver time, water damage and worktops at their best, treat with Osmo have been allowed to dry, apply a little mould can affect wooden TopOil. Newly-oiled wooden surfaces worktops, especially around u s i n g To p O i l r e q u i r e a p p r o x i m a tmore e l y t woil o to build up some protection. areas like the sink, so prevention is to three weeks to completely cure and Use an Osmo applicator fleece/pad for better than cure. To keep wooden harden properly before normal usage. this procedure. Finally, care must be taken with the cleaning and maintenance of the TopOil. For regular cleaning (perhaps daily or weekly), this should ideally be carried out with products like Osmo Wash and Care or Osmo Spray Cleaner. These products clean the surface without breaking down the natural oils and wax in Osmo finishes. The soaps within these products contain a tiny amount of natural oil to help nourish the surface over time. Products, such as washing up liquid, are designed to strip away oils and waxes, therefore, the finish will require topping up if there is high exposure. You could top up thinly with a cloth to the clean, dry surface using Osmo TopOil or Osmo Maintenance Oil products. Osmo Maintenance Oil is very practical as it is much thinner than TopOil, and there is less risk of building up too much wax on surrounding treated areas. With the right care, Osmo TopOil can enhance the natural beauty of your wooden worktop and keep it looking new for many years to come.



www.osmouk.com FC&A – NOVEMBER – 2021

01296 481220 46



FC&A – NOVEMBER – 2021


be using walking accessories directly over the floor daily. Our choice was Dr Schutz because we’re confident their products deliver fantastic results. Dr Schutz products tick all of our boxes; they are high quality, easy to apply and produce a fantastic finish.” The Rhino Rocks team used Dr Schutz Turbo Strip to fully remove all the old sealant with 36kg machines, combined with 10kg added weight to fully remove all the wax and residue. Dr Schutz Turbo Strip is ultrafast and exceptionally eective in stripping surfaces thoroughly and mechanically clean, ensuring they are free from all dust, grease, oil, wax and care lms, residues and nishes. The team’s ultra powerful, truck-mounted floor cleaning machine at 1300 PSI was then used to rinse the floors withrodbhDkhrhmf a vortex extractionhm tool. Pghmn Pnbjr hr D oqnedrrhnmDk nnq bkdDmhmf atrhmdrr aDrdc hm <nqjrghqd A powerful drying machine ansg qdrhcdmshDk Dmc bnlldqbhDk nnq bkdDmhmf, $ eDlhkx+qtm atrhmdrr vghbg oqhcdr hsrdke nm hsr dwbdkkdms btrsnldq rdquhbd Dmc ptDkhsx ne vnqj sgd sdDlŁr dwodqshrd was then deployed bnudqr toansg dry the hmsdqmDk Dmc dwsdqmDk nnqhmf rtqeDbdr, floor areas. DR SCHUTZ To complete the project, three coats of Dr Schutz Ultra High Shine Hard Sealer was applied prospective client The floors were dry and the floor, they could deliver contacted Rhino Rocks scratched and needed a brilliant results, without the to the æoorformaximum shine and a quality nish. regarding the restoration substantial amount of care and outlay of buying and fitting a Dr Schutz Ultra High Shine of a residential care home attention. The contractors had new floor. Hard Sealer is a hardwearing in Leeds that was nearing considered various options Martin Beanlands, Team completion. The building and were undecided about Coordinator at Rhino Rocks, and highly scratch-resistant contractors wanted to find a whether to replace or restore explains: “We knew that the polymer sealer for the protection of vinyl and linoleum reliable company that could the old flooring. product applied must be super floors. It creates a shiny, nonclean and restore some very However, the Rhino Rocks durable and hardwearing to slip protective film ensuring a tired old vinyl floors, within a team were confident that by accommodate wheelchairs relatively tight timeframe. using the right products on and older people, who would high degree of safety. The project from the start to the application of the final coat, took three members of the Rhino Rocks team six hours, followed by a visit the next day to complete the finished floor. After the final coat was applied, the area was left overnight to dry and set. Martin continues: “The results we achieved with Dr Schutz products were superb, and the contractor that employed us was delighted, not to mention the customer who had trusted the work to us, he knew we wouldn’t let him down! We were also delighted that Dr Schutz was able to deliver additional products to site, at very short notice to make it possible to complete the project.”



www.drschutz.co.uk FC&A – NOVEMBER – 2021

01296 437827 48


After many months of whispered meetings, Polypipe Building Services is pleased to announce the launch of Terrain Q. A multi-layered noise reducing system which has been quietly engineered for sound dampening, whilst also providing increased fire retardancy.* Terrain Q’s beautifully engineered push-fit design enables quick-fit solutions, whilst its multi-layer construction is resistant to high temperatures, chemicals and abrasion. Terrain Q. Turning flush sounds into hushed sounds. *Fire classification rating of B-s1 d0 according to EN13501, installed according to building regulations. We recommend Terrain Q be installed with our Terrain Firetrap Sleeves.

To find out more, visit polypipe.com/TerrainQ Or have a quiet word with our sales and technical team. Simply call 01622 795200 49

Building Services

FC&A – NOVEMBER – 2021

Introducing our new

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ZIP LAUNCHES NEXTGENERATION SYSTEM WITH INFECTION CONTROL IN MIND Never one to remain static in this ever-changing world, global drinking water specialist Zip Water is proud to announce the launch of its fifth-generation drinking water system. ZIP WATER


s wo r k p l a c e s b e g i n to we l c o m e p e o p l e b a c k , fa c i l i t i e s a n d o f i c e m a n a g e r s w i l n o d o u b t b e l o k i n g fo r w a y s t o k e p s t a f s a f e a n d h e a l t h y. Th e l a t e s t Zi p G5 c o m a n d c e n t re h a s b e n d e s i g n e d t o p rov i d e a d i t i o n a l h yg i e n e c o n t ro l t o b u s i n e s e s , a s we l a s o f e r a n i m p rove d u s e r i n t e r f a c e , m a k i n g i t t h e m o s t a d v a n c e d s y t e m Zi p h a s e v r c re a t e d . A s w i t h i t s p re v i o u s i t e r a t i o n s , t h e G5 p ro v i d e s f i l t e r d b o i l n g , c h i l e d a n d s p a r k l i n g wa te r i n a n i n s t a n t b u t n ow i n c l u d e s fe a t u re s s u c h a s St e r i Tou c h a n t i m i c ro b i a l t re a t m e n t , w h i c h i s a p l i e d t o b o t h ke y c o m p o n e t s i n t h e w a t e r p a t h a n d t o u c h p a d i n t h e n e w Cl a s i c Pl u s t a p , k i l i n g 9 . 9 % o f b a c t e r i a . E nv i ro n m e n t a l y- f r i e n d ly R2 9 0 g a s i s u s e d to m e t re c o m e n d e e n v i ro n m e n t a l b e s t - p r a c t i c e g u i d a n c e In d u s t r y- l e a d i n g Mi c ro P u r i t y 0 . 2 m i c ro n f i l t r a t i o n s y te m re m o v e s m i c ro p l a s t i c s , d i r t , l e a d , 9 . 9 % o f m i c ro b i o l g i c a l c y s t a n d 97 % o f c h l o r i n e fo r p u re - t a s t i n g d r i n k i n g w a t e r A i r- c o l e d s y t e m e l i m n a t e s t h e u s e o f w a t e r i n t h e c o l i n g p ro c e s , m a k i n g i t t h e p e r fe c t c h o i c e fo r t h e e n v i ro n m e n t a l y c o n s c i o u s .

Other key features include: E n e rg y- e f i c e n t te c h n o l g ,y s u c h a s Powe r P u l s e t h a t e l i m n a t e s w a t e r w a s t e a n d a s l e p f u n c t i o n t h a t s a v e s e n rg y when not in use Im p rove d u s e r i n te r f a c e t a i l o re d to yo u r p re f r e d s e t i n g s , e n a b l i n g e a s i e r c u s t o m i s a t i o n a n d t h e a b i l t y t o c h e c k re m a i n g f i l te r l i fe a n d CO


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A host of industry-leading fire protection solutions from UK manufacturer, Advanced, have been installed to protect approximately 14 0 ,000ft 2 of Grade A office space at Westferry House, Canary Wharf. As a cornerstone office building situated at the western gateway to Europe’s largest and most successful business district, Westferry House consists of 11 storeys, complete with its own retail promenade on the ground floor. At the core of the active fire protection for the building are six Advanced MxPro 5 fire alarm control panels installed alongside Apollo Soteria multi-sensors. Responsible for all aspects of the installation, as well as the future maintenance of the system, is Advanced partner, Pacific Security Systems. The Kent-based fire and security specialist installed the MxPro 5 fire panels alongside Advanced’s remote-control terminal and repeater panel, TouchControl, to provide a discreet and aesthetically-pleasing means of viewing the fire system in the building’s recentlyrefurbished reception area.


With net-zero ambitions set across the UK and the u F ture Homes Standard calling for all new homes built from 2025 to deliver a 75 to 80% reduction in carbon emissions, integrated photovoltaics (PV) market as it seeks to design in renewable energy solutions, Marley has launched a new solar panel providing superior aesthetic appeal and improved power output. The new enhanced Marley SolarTile

that meet the needs of changing legislation and carbon reduction

energy target.


FC&A – NOVEMBER – 2021

FC&A – NOVEMBER – 2021


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