Inter a ion l archite ur and inter o s practi e Finker ag l Ros has reconfigured a Belgravi pro e ty to creat a modern, space-optim s ng family home
O R G E L I T UTS S EHD A S ED VN I A The tile adhesiv and grouts to use to achiev
O Y E V A H URSYF LR E M A CH E L T I LS IR S AMT Some of this year’s most
a styli h and long-
lasting fin sh
delightfu Christma decoratins to adorn
your home with
ON EB O Y URU GS A DR A F E H T SET S A ONS NIGEB Profes i nal top tips on protec ing your home from poten ial break-
ins this winter
SAVO M E ON YEN O Y UR S GO S IN T A PL H TA N How you can save £50 on a ground source heat pum (GSHP) instal on
AVANTI ELECTRIC fires beyond imagination onyxfires.com
s'rotiWed lcome I-BUILD DECEMBER 2021
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Cover story:
Finkernagel Ross has completely reconfigured a Belgravia mews house to create a modern, spaceoptimising home.
s we come to the end of 2021, there’s much to look back on. Last year, as we anticipated a welcomed merry season with the family, we soon became frustrated by a Government lockdown just before the big day. This year, however, certainly looks brighter, with more home improvers, DIYers and selfbuilders finally kicking back and enjoying the fruits of their labour. To celebrate this joyous normality, in this issue, we have selected some of this year’s most delightful Christmas decorations for the most festive spread of them all. Turn to pages 06 and 07 to feast your eyes on some seasonal accessories. Whilst on page 08, we’ve listed a few decorative musthaves for the ultimate New Year party! Elsewhere, motivated self-builder Janine Renaghan shows off her Georgianinspired, one-and-a-half-storey home, where the halls have been decked, the baubles have been hung, and the fairy lights are twinkling amidst the snuggest festive interior. In this Q&A, Janine explains how she and her soon-to-be-
husband, Ciaran, landed a plot and explains how the couple managed to build their own home in their twenties. Turn to page 10 to read the whole story. Meanwhile, Aviva gives its advice on deterring intruders as we approach ‘theft season’, The Myers Touch offers its top tips on undertaking a kitchen extension and Borehole Solutions explains how you can save £5000 on a ground source heat pump (GSHP) installation. Finally, on behalf of the team at i-Build magazine, I’d like to wish you all a very merry Christmas and a prosperous and happy New Year!
Rebecca Rebecca Kemp Editor @ibuildmagazine
Download the i-Build app for iPhone, iPad and Android. Search 'i-build'.
See page 16.
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IT’S CHRISTMAS ! alowensvr,thHmb’ N dworsafetmnihv‘C’ omwithugenjdalksfr thenx-dorigbus.Cma welandtruyois,h ation!esfrmlcbw’
f you’re starting your Christmas decorating from scratch, ensure you pick timeless pieces that’ll see you through a few years. However, note that the notion of being ‘timeless’ doesn’t have to suit everyone else’s taste; it’s about finding your style and administering it confidently. So, if you want that colourful David Bowie/Ziggy Stardust ornament (yes, it exists and, yes, it’s in our lineup) and can see it having a permanent branch on your tree; go ahead! Usually, it’s not only your style that’s hard to determine; the I BUILDmDECEMBERm*)
appropriate route of creating your very own grotto can often be challenging too. Why not start with the front entrance? Think large, bushy wreaths, warm fairy lights outlining apex roofs and fragrant outdoor garlands and swags. Beginning the decorating process at your home’s entrance is an excellent way of setting the scene and creating a level of festive consistency throughout. Once you’re happy with the level of detail at the front of your house, carry the theme throughout for a long-lasting holistic arrangement.
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T h e S e lf- B u ild D i aries:
Follow this self-build story on Instagram
S o on- t o- b e husband and wife Janine Renaghan and Ciaran Cassidy are the p r oud owners of this stunning G e orgian- i nsp i red, storey- a nd- a - h alf home in scenic Ravensdale in I r eland’ s County L o uth. H a ving been gifted the p l ot by Janine’ s p a rents, who still live on site right behind the newlybuilt house, the young I r ish coup l e decided to embark on their route to homeownership by building rather than buying. A f ter months of p l anning and saving, M c Kevitt’ s L a ne was constructed, and the p a ir have never looked back. H e re, i- B u ild’ s E d itor, Rebecca Kemp , talks to Janine to find out all about her and Ciaran’ s self- b uild j o urney and their house p l ans after they tie the knot. RK: WaQ "IB Ee d q)V Q) e !b aE )" q)VE )k" BE) e c Q EaQ e E Q a" b Vq "g O JR: We were extremely fortunate.
My parents had given us a site right behind their house. I had always wanted to live in Ravensdale, either build or buy. Thankfully, it worked out, planning was approved, and we got to build our very own dream home.
RK: WaQ kaI Q e j I )" a"d "IB EaQ )" b e "d q)VE "e k )!e O JR: We wanted to blur the lines
between contemporary and old with a Georgian-style house – we both love the slide and sash windows. Another critical aspect for us was letting in as much light as possible and having a big garden. I BUILDmDECEMBERm*)
RK: H)k d d q)V aBBE)ac f "a I "g q)VE d e I g" b E e f O JR: We met with an architect
several times at the pre-planning stage. From here, we told him exactly what we were looking for, and he designed three different plans. We changed a few elements and made tweaks before we decided on the final design. The whole planning process was actually relatively straightforward. We worked with this architect from the start of the project through to the finish; we were so lucky that both the builder and the architect were fantastic. We went to P.Herr Architects and Hillside Contractors. I couldn’t recommend them enough.
RK: H)k )"g d d Q Qae Q) ga " B a"" "g Be E! II )" O JR: Our final plans were submitted in September
2019. From there, we were asked for further information twice between October and November and received our final decision during the second week of January 2020.
RK: We Ee Q e Ee a"q c a e "g "g aIBe c QI Q) Q e BE) e c Q a"d b V d O JR: No, nothing major. We had initially
wanted a two-storey property, but the council rejected this as it wasn’t in keeping with the surrounding area. This meant we could only build a storey-and-a-half home or a bungalow. During pre-planning, the architect also told us that we couldn’t have pillars at the front door or stone as it also wasn’t in keeping with local needs.
RK: D d q)V BE) e c Q !a"age Q e b V d q)VEIe f O JR: We had a contractor look after everything; he was terrific. We provided a lot of input, but essentially he managed the build.
RK: H)k d d q)V aBBE)ac !aQe E a a"d BE)d Vc Q IBe c f c aQ )" O JR: This was arranged by our supervisory
engineer (thank god because we wouldn’t have had a clue where to begin!).
RK: H)k d )e I Q e BE)Be EQq Ee IB)"d Q) BaII je )VIe BE "c B e I O JR: We didn’t opt for a passive
house build; it wasn’t within our budget. However, we did go with an MHRV (mechanical heat recovery ventilation system) and an air source heat pump.
RK: H)k )"g d d Q e BE) e c Q Qa e O JR: The build started in April 2020, and we
moved in on 20th March 2021, so just under one year. We had a six-week delay due to the ESB connection, so we would have been in sooner. It was very frustrating, but it flew by!
RK: D d q)V Ee !a " k Q " Q e )E g "a b Vd ge Q O JR: We went over the budget. We changed
the size of our patio doors, adding another metre which cost much more. We also ended up spending more than we budgeted for in the kitchen.
RK: P e aIe BE)j d e a" )je Ej e k )f Q e "Qe E )E a"d e pQe E )E ‘ JR: The house size is 2357ft 2 in size. We’ve
accomplished so much inside; almost all the rooms are complete. Downstairs, we have an open-plan kitchen/living room – which is perfect for hosting parties. We also have another sitting room with a sofa and TV; we relax and watch movies here most evenings. Our ground-floor toilet (probably my second favourite room) features red brick-effect tiles and a black toilet. I saw a picture of this design on Pinterest and showed the bathroom designer, and he was able to source everything precisely as it was in the picture. Incorporating a small utility room on the bottom storey has allowed for a larger kitchen/living area. Meanwhile, upstairs we have four bedrooms, a bathroom and a big hot press. Moving outside, the exterior is simply a garden space with a patio for now. Over the next year or two, we hope to add fencing and lots of plants and trees.
RK: H)k d )e I q)VE c VEEe "Q gaEd e " Ee IB)"d Q) Q e IVEE)V"d "g a"d Ic aBe a"d q)VE "e k )!e O JR: It fits perfectly with the natural countryside
landscape. We won’t add any modern monuments or statues. We plan to keep the aesthetics as a typical countryside garden. The only plants we have at the moment are hydrangeas. We didn’t include the exterior in our budget, and with a wedding coming up, it just isn’t possible, but hopefully next year. We would love to add laurel trees around the border and possibly plant a lovely cherry blossom tree. At the moment, the site’s somewhat secluded, and it’s situated in a way that takes in all the stunning views and scenery.
RK: WaQ d )e I Q e )c a c )!!V" Qq Q " )f Q e "e k BE)Be EQq O JR: Our neighbours (my parents, of course)
are delighted; it was just as exciting for them to see the build develop and change every day. As mentioned, the house is quite hidden and private, so it doesn’t obstruct anyone’s views of the countryside or cause too much of an eyesore (I hope!). So, I’m not too sure about the consensus from the community.
RK: II Q e f "a BE)Be EQq e je EqQ "g Q aQ q)V )Be d Q k)V d b e O JR: Yes, we are delighted. The excitement of
seeing the build every day and how it developed was surreal. It’s everything we hoped for and more. We’re thrilled and love our new home.
RK: WaQ I q)VE faj)VE Qe Q "g ab )VQ q)VE "e k )!e O JR: The kitchen. It’s the most used room in the
house, and it turned out exactly as planned. The natural light coming in makes it so bright, and the views are gorgeous. We went to Sheelans Kitchen in Cooley and, again, were delighted with the entire process.
RK: II Q e Ee a"qQ "g Q aQ q)V k)V d aje d )"e d ffe Ee "Q q O JR: Now that we’re in the house, almost two years, there are things I would love to change. I would love to modify our bedroom layout and make the room itself smaller and the wardrobe bigger. Also, it’d be great to add another window to our sitting room, and I would love a walk-in pantry.
RK: W)V d q)V d ) Q e k) e Q "g aga " O JR: Definitely. I know many people haven’t
enjoyed the ride, and I have heard horror stories, but overall we had a great experience and really enjoyed the whole build. We were so lucky and had such a satisfying journey.
RK: WaQ ad j c e k)V d q)V )ffe E Q) a"q)"e )) "g Q) Ie f b V d O JR: Take your time with designs, don’t rush
anything, and look at self-build pages and magazines for tips and ideas; they were so helpful. More importantly, enjoy it and try not to get stressed, especially if deadlines don’t happen exactly as planned. It will all fall into place.
ohn Rodgman
is the Managing Director at Borehole Solutions, a leading provider of geotechnical drilling solutions across the United Kingdom, with over two decades’ worth of experience. Whatever the site investigation needs, Borehole Solutions will provide the bespoke and tailored service that you require. Borehole Solutions is a proud member of various prestigious industry bodies – the British Drilling Association, CHAS, RISQS and Construction Line, to name but a few.
evah stropeR semoh nw s eno tsuj evo rpmi tah EP rieht no d ab gnita r C esuoh e t o dael n c gnisae rcni eulav 0 ,61£ revo yb
Viewpoint How t o s ave £ 5 0 0 o n i n s t a l i n g a g r o u n d s o u r c e h e a t p u m p (G S H P)
Recently, the UK Government announced its latest plans in helping to decarbonise residential heating systems across the country. It’s pledged £450m in grants pertaining to the Boiler Upgrade Scheme. The aim of this scheme is to persuade people to replace boilers that are coming up to their end of life with new, low-carbon heat pumps. Grants will be issued over a three-year period, starting in April next year.
his funding is part of the UK’s aim to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. Currently, it has pledged £3.9bn towards decarbonising heat and buildings by 2025, along with billions more in other markets, such as infrastructure for the electric automotive sector. With 75% of all carbon emissions from buildings coming from heating alone, there’s no denying that making the reduction of this a focus is justified. Considering that buildings contribute to over 20% of all UK emissions; heating the country is a little over 15% of the UK’s total carbon footprint. Reducing this significant portion of our output will get us well on the way to achieving our aims. John Rodgman – Managing Director of the GSHP installation firm, Borehole Solutions – has provided his professional insight into this exciting concept. Read on to learn a little more about GSHPs and discover how you can save £5000 on installation.
H)kd)gE)V"d I)VEceaQBV!BIk)EO
Ground source heat pumps are actually pretty simple devices. They work by installing a loop (or a series of loops) underground and then circulate a fluid through the pipe. As the fluid is pumped around, it absorbs heat from the underground and is then passed through a heat exchanger to provide the heat energy in a practical, usable form.
It depends on the type of system you have installed, as you can either implement a horizontal version or a vertical borehole system. For horizontal systems, a relatively large area is required (between 500 and 700m2 is fairly standard), whereas vertical borehole systems require much less space. With a borehole being drilled using a specialist rig, these holes are relatively narrow in diameter, but their depth can range from around 15 to well over 100m – it very much depends on the site in question.
A EegE)V"dI)VEceaQ BV!BI"ee Egq"Q ec O
Yes, very! According to the UK’s Ground Source Heat Pump Association, these pumps are up to 400% efficient in terms of their overall energy usage and produce carbon dioxide emissions 70% lower than conventional gas boiler heating systems. If you’re looking to make your home greener, then ground source heat pumps are a good choice to consider.
H)k !Vc !a "Qe "a"c e d ) gE)V"d I)VEc e e aQ BV!BI Ee HV Ee O
Aside from being checked annually, these systems are incredibly low maintenance and will last you a very long time. In fact, most ground source heat pumps can last somewhere between 20 and 30 years without breaking a sweat. It’s important that you always call in a qualified engineer or the contractor who installed your pump to carry out any checks or maintenance works required.
H)k !Vc c a" q)V Iaje )" "IQa "g a e aQ BV!B O
Over the three years that the Boiler Upgrade Scheme is currently planned for, the Government is helping to fund 90,000 boiler replacements. This equates to £5000 per grant, making the cost of installing a heat pump more in line with a normal boiler replacement. With the added bonus of saving on energy costs, you would be set to make huge savings over the life of a heat pump. This is especially true considering the huge rise in energy costs in recent times.
It is also worth noting that if you ever wish to move house, a ground source heat pump is particularly desirable. Reports have shown homes that improve just one band on their EPC rating can lead to the house value increasing by over £16,000. Upgrading your old boiler to a ground source heat pump is a real no-brainer if it is coming up to the end of its lifespan.
T )Vg QI fE)! Q e BE)fe II )"a I
The team at Borehole Solutions have been advocating for an uptake in ground source heat pumps for a long time. It is worth noting, however, that there is a difference between air source heat pumps and ground source heat pumps. The Government seems to be trying to push air source heat pumps, which can take up a lot of space and are not as effective as GSHPs. This is because they are faster and a bit cheaper to install, therefore, they think that they can win more brownie points by getting a load of them installed across the country. To ensure you have a nice, uniform, consistent heat source, a ground source heat pump is an ideal option. The £5000 grants will apply to the work carried out at Borehole Solutions. The team has extensive experience in drilling boreholes and installing ground source heat pumps up and down the country. Considering there are only 30,000 grants per year across the whole of the country, it’s best to plan ahead now to ensure you are a recipient of the grant.
Th e u l t i m a t e lockdown transformation International architecture and interiors practice Finkernagel Ross has completely reconfigured a Belgravia Mews house to create a modern, elegant, space-optimising, family home.
right and open living spaces enhanced with calm and considered interior design have made for a warm, characterful home, unique to the needs of the homeowners – a family of four who split their time between Asia and London. The transformation involved completely gutting the interior to maximise space and light within the existing building envelope. Moving the stairway, which now doubles as practical storage, to the middle of the house has created a central timberclad spine. This acts as a division between the kitchen and dining area and separate living areas, maximising available living space while providing a sociable, airy living space. The compact kitchen has the feel of a much larger home, allowing plenty of room for cooking and storage. Upstairs, the roof space has been opened up, exposing the trusses to make the rooms feel larger and I BUILDmDECEMBERm*)
allowing light in through new roof windows. The children’s bedroom has been cleverly designed to achieve maximum floor space for play by creating two loft-style beds at the mezzanine level, and a pull-down bed offers room for visiting guests. Contemporary finishes and modern and textured materials complete the transformation of the home. Oak joinery has been used throughout, creating a seamless translation from one room to the next, and adding warmth to an otherwise calm interior palette. Care and attention have been paid to details such as bespoke joinery, and the house’s interior now does justice to the promise of the charming front facade. Art has been carefully placed to draw the eye and add interest, and thoughtfully-selected accessories give a finished look. The quality of the building fabric has also been improved – a new roof and insulated render, double-glazed windows, and rooflights have brought
the home up to modern standards while keeping the house within the character and aesthetic of Belgravia. Affiliated because of their shared values of exceptional quality and client-centric service, this project was delivered by Finkernagel Ross and contractor Danlaw. The duo formed an alliance for the smooth, successful delivery of this design and build project, allowing the homeowner to utilise a full range of services. Danlaw, which is also a chartered surveyor, managed planning and Grosvenor Estate permission, and delivered a complete build service, while Finkernagel Ross provided a full architectural and interior design service. From the peaceful, calm interiors of the home, the challenges faced in delivering this wholly-refurbished home now seem far removed from the finished house. Beginning and ending in lockdown, with Brexit somewhere in between, and undertaken for a client on the other side of the world, this project was never going to be straightforward. But the result is a beautiful, considered home that works perfectly for the unique needs of the homeowner. Here, i-Build’s Editor, Rebecca Kemp, talks to Finkernagel Ross’ Director, Catherine Finkernagel, to learn more about the practice’s involvement in the stylish renovation project.
RK: WaQ "IB Ee d q)V Q) Qae )" Q I BE) e c Q O CF: Our Asia-based client approached us and the contractor,
Danlaw, just before lockdown, having just purchased a mews house in Belgravia. They were looking for a trustworthy team to help them turn this house, which was in desperate need of modernisation, into a family home for themselves and their two children. The idea of working in collaboration with the contractor was appealing, and it is for this reason that this project (which was essentially completed over Zoom) was even possible. True teamwork prevailed, the project is now complete, and our clients are very happy.
RK: WaQIQqea"dageIQe)Eg"abVd"gO CF: It dates back to the early 19th century. The original
purpose of Eccleston Mews was to provide stable/coach house accommodation to the main houses on Eaton Square and Eaton Place.
RK:H)kq)V d c)!b"eQe )Eg"abVd"gIIQqekQQepQe e "I)"O CF: The original style of the building had been removed by the previous owner, and our client opted for a fresh, modern fit-out to reflect everyday family life.
RK:WaQkaIQejI)"a"d "IBEaQ)"be"dq)VE"ek)!eO CF: The vision was to incorporate clean, modern interiors,
maximising storage and what little space there was by offering clever layout solutions.
RK: H)kq)V d aBBE)ac "aI"gq)VEdeIg"bEef O CF: We always have a list of questions we ask each of our
domestic clients, which we insist that they answer. These questions range from the more abstract about how they would like the space to feel to more practical issues, such as how they imagine using the area and specificities like security and audiovisual requirements. From this, we move towards developing options for layouts and conceptual design and mood boards to convey the feeling of a space, details and materiality.
RK: H)k)"gdQQaeQ)ga"Ba"""gBeE!II)"O CF: With our strong relationship with the Grosvenor Estate, which requires two planning permissions, this only took one month. It was a very smooth process especially considering the week after the contract was signed; we went into lockdown, so the entire process had to be done remotely.
RK: WeEeQeEea"qcae"g"g aIBecQIQ)QeBE)ecQa"dbVdO CF: The major challenge, of course, was doing the entire
project via Zoom from the initial planning meeting through to the individual site meetings. Challenges relating to delays and supply issues did arise as lockdown ended and the world started to open up. Still, with careful planning and placing orders early, we could circumnavigate most of these challenges without too much of an issue. We, along with the contractor, met the client in person once, just before the first London lockdown in 2020 and didn’t meet her again in person until the project finished. We carried out all of the design presentations and reviews over Zoom, and once schemes were narrowed down and final selections refined, samples were sent via FedEx to our client for sign off. Once works commenced, site walkarounds with the contractor via video calls were held to keep the client entirely updated with progress. The project is now complete, and the client feels as though they have been part of the process step by step from day one. This has also helped us as a design and contracting team as we now know we can complete projects with clients worldwide as seamlessly as they would if the client were based in London. I BUILDmDECE‘BERm*)
RK: H)kd q)V aBBE)ac !aQeEa a"d BE)dVcQ IBec aQ)"O CF: Once the general direction, feel
and budget were defined, materials and products were selected and presented to the client accordingly. Typically, there are many options that one needs to consider. We work with the client to help them narrow these down, so they work together seamlessly. Whilst our clients often know what they like, it can be challenging to ensure a holistic feel to a home as you move through the space, so our job is usually to establish that thread that holds a property together – all while considering budget and programme.
RK: H)k)"g d Qe BE)ecQQaeO CF: It took just over a year from start to
finish which, given there was a global pandemic, is close to miraculous. In reality, this wasn’t a miracle but all down to meticulous planning as a team.
RK: Ddq)V Ee!a" kQ"Qe )Eg"a bVdgeQO CF: Yes. Any additions came from
the client as they either increased the specification of some aspects or added items to the scope of works.
RK: WaQ d)eIQe )ca c)!!V"Qq Q" )fQe EefVEb I!e"QO CF: We have had several enquiries from
people on the street who are interested in transforming their own space, so I think it’s safe to say they are pleased with the refurbishment and the impact it’s had.
RK:WaQIq)VEfaj)VEQe E))!O CF: The boys’ room. It was a challenge
finding a space for two growing teenage boys to sleep, study and have friends over the stay. By utilising the loft space as sleeping cubbies, this opened up the floor below for a large double desk, two separate wardrobe areas, a pull-down bed for a friend and their own en-suite. The sleeping cubbies have openable rooflights with blackout blinds for natural light and ventilation, niches for books and water glasses and adjustable reading lights, so they really are all set and have everything they need in as little space as possible. The idea was that you spend the least amount of time awake in this area, so it could be comfortable yet snug.
RK:WaQ adjcek)Vdq)V )eE Q) a"q)"e ))"gQ) Ee")jaQeO CF: Hire a trustworthy, professional
team with experience in what you want to achieve. Their expertise will help you avoid costly mistakes, and any money you spend in fees will be earned back tenfold in reduced stress and increased property value.
Remember water sup lies in the rush to m ove i n fo r C h r i s t m a s Water Regs UK is reminding house buyers to pay close attention to plumbing systems and water supplies in the rush to move into their new home before the end of the year.
ulie Spinks
joined WRAS in December 2011 and is Founding Director of WaterSafe. Previously, Julie had 18 years’ experience working in the water industry, including 17 years with United Utilities. Julie is a graduate in biological science, has an MBA, is a Chartered Director and a Liveryman with the Worshipful Company of Plumbers.
xperts are reporting that the process of buying a home is taking as long as 16 weeks to complete due to the backlog in the current property market. Some of this backlog has been attributed to the partial withdrawal of the stamp duty holiday, which saw an influx of eager prospective home buyers inundating lenders and brokers with mortgage applications. This has added to the application mountain that always piles up at this time of year, with many house buyers seeing the week before Christmas as a target date for completion. With that in mind, Water Regs UK is urging people not to take shortcuts when it comes to checking the water systems in their new homes. It has also produced a list of the key things to consider when checking the water supply. Water Regs UK helps to protect public health and encourages water efficiency by promoting and facilitating compliance with the Water Fittings Regulations. As well as advising building owners and managers, designers, installers and manufacturers, its role also includes advising householders on how to make sure the water systems in their own homes are compliant.
Julie Spinks, Managing Director of Water Regs UK, comments: “The risk of taking shortcuts is that unseen problems can leave homeowners with a hefty bill. For example, recent research found that 83% of people think that the cost of a claim for a burst pipe would be less than £5000, but, in fact, repairing the damage done by a burst pipe costs £25,000 on average, but could be higher. An unexpected cost like that would certainly dampen the festive spirit!”
T WeaQeEgI eR K U IQ ce "cVdIe Ieje"qe B)"QIQ))"Id c E e f)Ee eb !)j"g"Q)a"ek)!eb 1. Who is your water supplier?
Most homes are supplied by the local water company, but 3% of homeowners have a private water supplier, and that can bring complications. You may also want to check who manages your wastewater.
2. Check if you have a water meter
People with water meters tend to use less water, and this can reduce your water bill. They can also give early warnings of leaks if they show more water is being used than expected.
3. Know where the stop tap is and check that it’s working
A burst pipe can create a lot of damage, and this can be much worse if you can’t turn off the water supply quickly.
4. Know where the boiler is and when it was last serviced
Potential homeowners should check the boiler’s service history and that any work was completed by a Gas Safe-registered engineer.
5. If you do need to make any improvements to the water system, make sure you use compliant fittings
Anything from pipes, fittings, taps, showers, washing machines, dishwashers, to boilers and toilets all need to comply and must be tested to show they won’t leak or contaminate the water. Surprisingly, not all products sold have been appropriately tested, so it’s worth checking that products have been tested to show they comply with the Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations and Scottish Water Byelaws.
6. Where an installer is required, make sure they are qualified
WaterSafe is a free national register of approved contractors (www. watersafe.org.uk). WaterSafe is backed by UK water companies and drinking quality regulators.
7. If the seller offers to leave appliances behind, check they are water efficient
What might seem to be a welcome gesture could be a false economy in the long run. If you’re buying new appliances, lookout for the European water label that provides useful information about water efficiency. Julie continues: “Moving into a new home can be a really exciting event, and many of us can’t wait to complete, having found the property of our dreams. “Often, we want to speed things up when setting up once moved in, given how long it takes to complete a house purchase, but the water supply in your home isn’t one where you should be looking to cut corners.”
Tiling floors or walls is an excellent way to make a design statement and add the perfect finishing touch to any home interior or, indeed, exterior. Quality tiles are also a practical, hardwearing choice, but their longevity depends on the supporting cast, the unsung heroes of tiling – adhesives and grouts. Here, Mariam Maqsood, Product Manager at specialist chemicals and building products manufacturer Sika Everbuild, explores the requirements of different areas of the home and how this, in turn, will influence which tile adhesives and grouts to use to achieve a stylish, long-lasting finish.
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Today’s kitchens are designed to be the very heart of the home. They’re no longer somewhere functional, tucked away from the rest of the house, but provide a place to gather and socialise and, for many still working from home, also a place to study and work. In the large, open-plan kitchens that have become a key feature of modern living, using small areas of patterned or coloured tiles is a great way to segment various areas of the kitchen – with dining areas getting a different but complementing style treatment, more akin to a restaurant or bar than a domestic setting. It’s also in the kitchen where the trend for contrasting grout colours really took hold thanks to the popularity of the metro tile – now produced in a wide choice of sizes as well as shades ranging from soft pastels to bolder tones. Choosing a dark grout to border the original crisp white tiles was not only the perfect way to create the popular industrial chicstyle trend but was also a nod to the metro station tiling which influenced the tile itself. I BUILDmDECEMBERm*)
In response to changing preferences for different coloured grouts to either add contrast or complement chosen tiles, manufacturers, like Sika, have expanded their ranges of coloured grouts to take tile installations to the next level. For example, SikaCeram Clean Grout is now available in an attractive palette of eight
contemporary colours – Manhattan, Anthracite, White, Absolute Black, Jasmine, Beige, Ash and Sand. Suitable for both interior and exterior projects, SikaCeram Clean Grout has been specifically developed to maintain its colour without fading and provides against mould and bacterial growth – ideal for a kitchen setting.
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Tiles have long been a popular choice in bath and shower areas, but with the rise in popularity of wetrooms, tiles have cemented themselves as a key part of bathroom design. With underfloor heating a common addition to wetrooms, in particular, allowing floor areas to dry out quickly, choosing an adhesive that is strong enough to hold even when immersed in water and flexible enough to withstand changes of temperature is a must. Without this flexibility, the adhesive may crack over time, which would make the floor uneven and could potentially cause tiles to break, especially when any weight or pressure is applied. SikaCeram-282, which is fibre reinforced and cures to a high bond strength, is an ideal choice as it is also classified as S2, meaning it has great flexibility, so it can be used with underfloor heating without cracking as the floor heats and cools. As with kitchen areas, bathrooms are subject to a lot of moisture in the air which, when coupled with the warm atmosphere, makes for perfect conditions for mould growth. Opting
for tile adhesives and grout products that are formulated to resist mould growth and withstand harsh cleaning chemicals, will ensure a long-lasting finish as well as reducing the cleaning burden.
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In these areas, it’s perhaps more likely that floor tiles will be installed over a base comprising pre-prepared wooden floorboards rather than a poured concrete base. And if that is the case, it’s essential to factor in some movement – especially if underfloor heating is also being installed. As the wood base naturally expands and contracts, it can cause the adhesive to weaken and crack, which damages the integrity of the finish. Thankfully, there are products on the market that have been specifically formulated to provide an effective solution to this situation, with SikaCeram -272 Ultra Flexible tile adhesive being one option. It is rapid-setting, crackresistant and strong enough for use as either wall or floor adhesive and can also be used confidently with all types of underfloor heating systems.
“In response to changing preferences for different coloured grouts to either add contrast or complement chosen tiles, manufacturers, like Sika, have expanded their ranges of coloured grouts to take tile installations to the next level.”
In recent years, the trend to use indoor tiling to create patio space outside, rather than traditional paving stones, has gained traction among UK homeowners. This trend is all about bringing the inside out to make the garden feel much more connected to the house as well as creating additional socialising space. It is particularly effective where bi-fold doors are also installed, and using tiles that complement the indoor flooring is an excellent way to create cohesion between the two areas. Being in an exterior setting, it’s important to prioritise hardwearing products that will be able to withstand the added pressure of different extremes of weather, including UV rays, heat, frost and rain, as well as standing water.
www.everbuild.co.uk I BUILDmDECEMBERm*)
To p 1 0 t i p s f o r u n d e r t a k i n g a kitchen extension Tired of struggling with a kitchen that isn’t fit for purpose? Then these expert design tips from Keith Myers of ‘Kitchen Retailer of the Year’, The Myers Touch, will help you build your perfect kitchen extension.
uilding onto your home might make all the difference in getting what you want without the upheaval and cost of moving. A new kitchen extension will make you feel like you’re in a brand-new place. There are four main types of extension – single rear, side return, double-storey and wraparound. Once your extension style has been established, the possibilities are endless, with a vast choice of materials, sizes, glazing and finishes to create the perfect kitchen living space. As the heart of the home, the kitchen is my favourite room, but it is a functional space and requires careful planning and consideration. 1. Do your research. Do you actually need an extension? It’s essential to do your research before committing to a kitchen extension. I always ask clients, “do you really need a kitchen extension?” Often, clients have internally complex spaces, and the area doesn’t always work correctly. Therefore, they believe the solution is to add more space, and what you end up with is an even more complicated room. I BUILDmDECEMBERm*)
Sometimes it’s not appropriate for clients to add an extension as they need to concentrate on reconfiguring the existing space. This is more cost-effective and results in a lovely outcome. 2. Consider how the space will be used It’s necessary to consider the identity of the space, what you will use it for and who will be using the area. There are two ways of developing your kitchen living space. One is working from the outside in, where the designs are based upon the physical conditions of the property’s exterior. For example, if there is a drain running through the back or limited space, you need to design the space to fit the physical constraints. The other way of creating the room you want is to develop from the inside out. Here, you plan your perfect interior and then wrap the exterior around it. For instance, you may have some dead garden space to work with, an old conservatory or room in the side return. However, these are all great starting points for your kitchen extension design. Also, think about how you will use your new space throughout the seasons, make garden access easy, and the best ways to bring in more natural light.
The Myers Touch design ethos is grounded in creating kitchens with ‘light, space and laughter’ and ensuring that each unique design enriches household relationships and quality of life through efficiency, functionality and beauty. We’re highly experienced in transforming clients’ ideas into beautiful and practical places that will enrich and delight every family member. 3. Consider your kitchen layout before drawing up plans with an architect, and bring in your kitchen designer early Once you’ve decided where you’d like your extension to be located, consult a RIBA-registered architect to determine what can be achieved. You will need plans and construction drawings for a builder and to show compliance with Building Regulations. Architects can be expensive, so I would recommend finding a designer or interior architect that will work from the inside out to ensure the kitchen extension flows from the rest of the property. 4. Think about the ‘kitchen triangle’ You must think about the ‘triangle’, but this is just one way to consider the flow of the kitchen and can be seen as a simple rule but doesn’t always guarantee success. The kitchen triangle is based on the three main work areas – the sink, the fridge and the hob. According to the rule, these should be laid out to loosely form a triangle, enabling you to perform daily tasks with ease and without any obstruction.
It’s important to be sensitive and subtle when considering the space and ensure you maximise storage space to keep surfaces uncluttered; consider using pan drawers that offer a lot of storage and are easy to use. Also, make sure your rubbish bin is integrated to keep your open-plan space looking tidy. 6. Ensure the flow is correct The great thing about extending is the opportunity to create a brand-new feel to your home. Open-plan extensions are a great way to release free space and create flow with clever zoning areas to fit all your furnishings. Alternatively, contrasting wallcoverings can help define areas for cooking, dining and relaxing. 7. Maximise light Consider how much glazing you want to include in your kitchen extension. This will help you make the most of light but should be done in conjunction with planning the different zones for cooking, dining and living, plus any utility space – since the more glazing you have, the less wall space will be available for cabinets. When designing a kitchen, I like to start with a foundation of natural light, and a glass kitchen extension is a great way to do this. You can then arrange the lighting to illuminate architectural features. Also, consider the different seasons. Here, it’s essential to have lighting that lights up glass doors in the winter. 8. Island living how important is the kitchen island? A modern kitchen island has become the hub of the kitchen where the whole family can dine, socialise, relax and work. It provides a focal and central point in an extension. Put the hob on the island and not the sink and use a downdraft extractor to eliminate the need for obtrusive overhead extractors that could spoil the overall aesthetic. Include a hot boiling/drinking tap for speed and to keep surfaces uncluttered, and include pan drawers that offer a lot of storage and are easy to use. Each side of the triangle should measure no less than 4ft and no more than 9ft. Ideally, the shape’s perimeter should be no less than 13ft and no more than 26ft – not too small and not too large. This will ensure that your working area is practical, comfortable and large enough – but not so large that much of your time is spent walking between one point and another. However, the changing needs of the modern family – especially over the past year – means you don’t need to stick to the triangle system. You can break this design principle, but it can be an excellent place to start. It’s also essential to pay attention to aesthetics and functionality. If you only focus on one of these, then your kitchen may not work. Therefore, critical areas, such as kitchen triangles and zoning, will appear rather than be the main focus. 5. Make use of all the space 2020 redefined the way homeowners used their homes, in particular, kitchen spaces post-pandemic. Far more than just cabinetry and appliance options, we holistically design kitchen living spaces. A design stems from a deep understanding of our clients, their brief, how they want to interact as a family and live and work with the space around them. Ultimately, the kitchen space must be a practical, robust cooking and working environment whilst also being an area to relax, dine and work from and be a work of art that is a creative space.
9. Use structural features At the design phase of the kitchen extension, ensure the architecture meets the requirements of the new space. The natural flow is so vital to ensure a cohesive living space. Don’t hide key structural features; instead, turn them into part of the overall design. 10. Get prepared to think about colours and textures If you intend something spectacular instead of a standard finish on surfaces, make the decision early in your kitchen extension plans, as design mistakes can be costly. Enhancing the indoor/ outdoor can be achieved using textures that match the bricks of external walls. Using wood can elongate the space, and timber brings warmth to cabinetry in cooler shades. It’s essential not to commit to materials or finishes that are expensive and have permanency about them, as your design tastes may change over time. You may want to refresh materials at some point, but your new kitchen extension will last a lifetime.
www.themyerstouch.co.uk I BUILDmDECEMBERm*)
Beoyugrnads‘thef as’bongi Here, Aviva urges homeowners to be on their guard, as longer nights and winter events provide greater opportunities for burglars.
019 data * from the insurer reveals UK home theft claims increased by 10% during October and November, compared to the monthly average between January and September that year. While theft claims fell in 2020 when people were spending more time at home, Aviva reports that they are beginning to rise again, with an increase of 33% between January 2021 and September 2021*. ONS data ** shows that 62% of burglaries occur during the hours of darkness (58%) or during dawn/dusk (4%). There is also evidence that people’s household habits could provide opportunities for burglars. A fifth of UK residents admit they have gone to bed and forgotten to lock an external door (21%). A similar number (20%) have written details of external engagements on calendars – potentially telling people when their homes will be unoccupied – while 15% have left keys on the outside of their door when letting themselves in. I BUILDmDECEMBERm*)
Sarah Applegate, Data Insights Lead for Aviva, says: “Theft claims fell during 2020 when many people were at home more, but we are now beginning to see them creep up again as individuals get out and about. Community celebrations, combined with the return to offices, could pave the way to potential break-ins, so we’d urge people to be vigilant, particularly during the darker months. “A seasoned burglar will know how to spot a property where nobody’s home and will use calendar events to their advantage, but with a few simple steps, there are ways people can minimise their chance of being targeted. No one wants an unwelcome visitor, so now is a great time to review home security measures.”
www.aviva.co.uk FOOTNOTES: * Aviva UK theft claims data 2019 and 2021 ** Figures relate to a survey of 2000 UK adults carried out by Censuswide Research on behalf of Aviva in October 2021
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A jja aI Qe f) )k"g ad jc e f)E Ee Id e "QI Q) BE)Qe c Q Qe E )!e I b Lock up your property: burglars are opportunists and look for easy access, such as an open door or window. Thefts can take just a few seconds and can even happen while you’re in your home, so keep doors and windows shut and locked wherever possible. Make your home seem occupied: use timers or leave lights on if you’re out and aren’t going to get back before dark. It’s also a good idea to leave a radio on to give the impression that someone is home. Install a visible burglar alarm and outside lighting: alarms can be a strong deterrent. Good lighting, particularly motion-detector lights, can make it difficult for burglars to hide while they try to break in. Don’t let thieves go fishing: never leave anything valuable – documents included – near doors, the letterbox or a window, as thieves can use coat hangers and fishing rods to hook them. Don’t label your house keys either. Keep ladders and tools locked away: many thieves don’t carry tools with them – they use yours. So keep sheds and outbuildings locked. Keep your valuables out of sight and away from windows: consoles, games and tablets are often high on the list of criminals’ musthaves. Other favourites include laptops, mobile phones and jewellery. Password-protect your electronic devices: and keep your cyber-security systems up to date. Back up everything up in a cloud, and don’t write your passwords down where they can be easily found. Don’t store valuables in the bedroom: thieves know that’s where most people keep their precious items. Stash them away in different spots around the home. Security mark your property: you can buy kits to mark or etch your belongings. Using your postcode with your house or flat number, or the first three letters of the name of your home, will increase the chance of your property being returned to you. Swap glass for something else: glass panels on doors can be a real weak spot. If you think glass could be a problem in your home, think about replacing it with laminated glass or using a film that sticks over the glass to make it harder to break. Don’t invite burglars back: thieves say one of the things they look for when they break in is your calendar. By marking out when you’ll be away – on holiday, for instance – they know exactly when to come back for heavier, bulkier items.
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E"eEgq"ce c qg)QEc ce "QEc ec We’re increasingly looking at ways to make our homes more energy efficient. For some, that’s updating our windows and doors, or loft insulation – whilst for others whose homes are already energy efficient, like new builds, it’s about our lifestyle choices.
hen it comes to localised heat, electric stoves and fires offer an attractive solution, especially given their Ecodesign-compliant range of energy features to minimise energy usage.
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Ecodesign is focused on improvement in efficiency, carbon reductions and environmental targets across numerous groups of energy-using and energy-related products. For the heating industry, this means adhering to these new legislations to reduce energy and resource consumption. The legislation has been in place since 2018 for electric stoves and fires, meaning that today’s new electric stoves and fires now see intelligent control features that minimise wasted energy.
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Electric fires and stoves now work in tandem with a user’s lifestyle, meeting a person’s energy needs in the most efficient way. This works especially well when it comes to localised heat required in a new-build or well-insulated property where all that is required is a steady localised heat from room to room. For example, instead of putting the heating on for an hour and heating up the whole house, a homeowner may simply require an hour of heat in their living room before they leave the house again. Offering instant heat at the touch of a button, a homeowner can switch on an electric stove for as short a period as required. I B U I L D m DN OE C VE ‘E B ‘E B R EmR m* *) )
Many electric fires will now feature adaptive start control, which works particularly well with routine usage. Adaptive Start Control allows the fire to turn on in advance of the pre-set heating times, ensuring that the room is already at the desired temperature when the heating time period begins. The fires will also vary the heat output and energy used in order to maintain set temperatures as efficiently as possible. Along with this, many fires now also feature daily and weekly timer control functions, providing heat at set times of the day or days of the week.
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One of the biggest attractions to an electric fire is the fact they do not require a chimney to function. Electric stoves and fires come in a variety of versatile options, from freestanding stoves to wall-mounted versions. Their design allows them to be moved from room to room if required, and makes installation simpler than ever.
Some fires, like the new generation eReflex 150RW from Gazco, for example, can even be installed as a corner configuration, giving the impression of a complex installation whilst really making the most of the space available. This particular fire also offers app control, allowing the user to make the most of the fire’s energy-efficiency features through their phone or tablet, including options such as open window detection. Should the room temperature drop by 4ºC or more within a space of five minutes, the eReflex 150RW will switch its heat off automatically to save energy – detecting that an open window or door is the reason for the loss of heat. Heat can be easily resumed via the app or even the remote handset.
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When a property offers excellent insulation and central heating, it is not uncommon to not require any supplementary heat. However, you may still want a focal point that provides fireside ambience in the home. An electric appliance can offer the charm and appeal of a stove or fire, but also has the handy option to display the flame visuals without heat at all. This makes an ideal solution in particular for new-build homes, adding visual ambience and functionality for both user and home.
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S m a r t l i g h t i n g fo r s e l f- b u i l d a n d r e n ova t i o n p r o j e c t s Lighting can make or break the ambience of a home, says Rachel Morris, Marketing Manager at 4lite. Get it right, and you will enhance your living space’s mood and usability beyond measure; cramped spaces or corners become open and functional, while large airy rooms offer surprisingly cosy spots to relax. Get it wrong, and even the costliest interior design can lose its sheen.
s the home has also become the workplace for many people postlockdown, the importance of versatile living spaces has, arguably, never been greater. This is where smart lighting can make a world of difference, whether installed in a single room or throughout the dwelling. It can meet the practical challenges of a self-build or renovation project, tailoring lighting levels to a wide variety of spaces and providing visually-stunning effects that lift an area above the ordinary. Given the high level of technology involved, you’d be forgiven for thinking that smart lighting systems are complex and troublesome to install, but actually, the opposite is true. They are simple to set up via Bluetooth and Wi-Fi and are controlled and hosted on the cloud, so there’s no hub or wiring to install, and the majority of units are simply installed like a standard light lamp or switch.
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Lighting can influence structural choices – for example, different types of lighting are suitable for various ceiling heights – so it is best to plan it at the earliest possible stage of your project. And don’t be afraid to seek advice – a smart lighting specialist will help you harness the latest technology to map out a bespoke solution. I B U I L D m A DU GE m C E ‘*B E( R m * )
Natural light plays a key role in the overall feel of a space, so your first question should be: ‘how much lighting do I need, and how will I use this area’? Consider where windows and doors are, what time of day you will need the light, and for what purpose before locating fittings. With this crucial task done now, you can really unleash your creativity.
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The modern kitchen provides a perfect example of the many diverse options smart lighting offers, with millions of colour options suited to different tasks or uses of space. Commonly considered the heartbeat of the home, the kitchen plays host to a wide range of activities, from preparing food to entertaining guests – often all simultaneously. This calls for directional lighting for areas where you want to chop vegetables or rustle up a cocktail, as well as ambient lighting to set a sociable tone. Recessed LED downlights can be used to create a backdrop of uniform illumination, with LED strip lighting providing downward or angled light distribution for worktop spaces or inside cabinets – a visually-impressive as well as a practical solution. If you are looking for the wow factor, undercounter lighting completes the transformation from a kitchen to a sophisticated social hub.
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Lockdown has made many people realise how important their home is to their mental wellbeing. A vital benefit of a controlled technology system is its ability to employ specific combinations of brightness, intensity and colour settings to help regulate the circadian rhythm. This natural 24-hour body clock allows us to carry out essential functions such as the sleep-wake cycle. If you work from home – whether in a designated office or at the kitchen counter – you should select cooler light hues to help you feel more alert and productive. At the same time, warmer lighting can promote creativity and problemsolving or signal the time for rest as the working day draws to a close.
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Smart lighting is equally effective in more intimate spaces such as bathrooms, where you can select cooler hues for task lighting around mirrors and vanity units or warmer tones for a soak in the bath at the end of a long day.
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Wireless technologies have advanced apace in recent years and, as a result, lighting control systems are becoming a more common feature in the home environment. For example, operated via Wi-Fi, our WiZ-connected smart lighting products offer tremendous benefits. Connected products can be programmed to respond to voice or motion and be time-scheduled or operated remotely from any location. You can choose how many lights are on or off at any given time in any space, while you can use accessories, such as motion sensors, for example, to keep light levels low during night-time bathroom visits. §An energyefficient home is high on most people’s agenda, never more so than at a time of spiralling energy costs. With the Carbon Trust estimating that automatic sensors alone can cut electricity usage by up to 40%, low-energy, smart lighting and controlled systems are well worth considering at the outset of your project if you are looking for longterm savings.
The possibilities of sophisticated lighting systems are constantly expanding, moving in fun and creative directions to support modern living. With WiZ-connected products, for instance, your lighting can be controlled wirelessly, remotely by an app, or paired with voice control devices including Hey Google, Amazon Alexa and Apple Siri. It can even be integrated with pizza-delivery apps, with lights changing colour automatically when your pizza is ready. Such is the flexibility of smart lighting that, should you want to host a party, you can cater for the mood of every type of guest. You can programme colourful light changes for those who like to hit the dance floor or create a late-night bar vibe through toned-down, undercounter lighting for those who prefer to be ‘in the kitchen at parties’. Even within open-plan spaces, individual corners can be turned into intimate spaces using dimmers and deeper lighting hues. However you plan to celebrate the completion of your project, one thing is certain – get the lighting right, and the end result will be not just a home but a haven.
www.4liteuk.com I BUILDmDECE‘BERm*)
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high-quality kitchen design and
No More SLips!
installation service to suit all budgets. BLANCO takes pride in its partnerships with its kitchen retailers; Kensington Scott Interiors has supplied BLANCO sinks and taps since 2010, and the relationship has gone from strength to strength over the years. Only BLANCO sinks are stocked at the Tonbridge showroom, and this has been the case for 11 years. Popular choices with Kensington Scott customers are the ANDANO and ETAGON sink models. The ETAGON sink has a wide range of sizes, materials and colours to choose from, so it’s easy to see why it’s a favourite amongst buyers.
www.blanco.co.uk 01923 635200
Malmo Freedom stickdown LVT offers stable flooring solution in kitchens he Malmo Freedom
stickdown luxury vinyl tile
(LVT) flooring range is an ideal choice in kitchens and open-
plan living spaces thanks to its ability to withstand the weight of heavy objects without experiencing expansion or contraction. Due to the flooring being fully adhered to the subfloor, Malmo stickdown offers a higher degree of stability compared to rigid click installations, creating complete freedom for application in any environment whether residential or commercial. The flooring is particularly ideal for kitchen renovations as it can be pre-installed prior to heavy items – such as cabinetry, kitchen islands, American-style fridge-freezers or AGAs – being placed on top without risk of movement, allowing projects to be planned and completed with ease.
www.malmoflooring.com 08457 298298 info@malmoflooring.com
West Fraser’s net carbon negative panel – helping towards the common planet goals
est Fraser’s portfolio of OSB products, all
of which are net carbon negative, is one of the most popular in the construction, architecture, specification and interior design industries and comprises SterlingOSB Zero 3, SterlingOSB Zero Tongue and Groove, SterlingOSB Zero Fire Solutions and SterlingOSB Zero StrongFix. All are variants of the precision-engineered OSB3 board, which is BBA-approved and designed for humid conditions. The board contains zero added formaldehyde and is unique in the market by being the only ZAF OSB manufactured in the UK. Produced in Scotland from forest thinnings taken from sustainably-managed forests, the board is certified according to the guidelines of the FSC or PEFC.
uk.westfraser.com 01786 812921
Aqualisa introduces Midas 220 mixer shower range in black metal finish
qualisa has announced an additional series within its premium Midas 220 mixer shower collection, featuring an elegant black metal finish. The Midas 220 in black makes a bold, contemporary statement and satisfies the growing consumer demand for black bathroom products and accessories. Manufactured to exceptional standards, the Midas 220 in black series is equipped with a thermostatic brass body and brass handles, and each model complies with Water Regulations Advisory Scheme (WRAS) criteria for quality. Three options are available in the lineup. These include the MD220S.MB single outlet bar mixer shower with adjustable shower head, the MD220SC.MB dual outlet shower column mixer with 245mm drencher and adjustable head and the MD220BSM.MB bath shower mixer with an adjustable showerhead. Tim Creedon, Sales Director at Aqualisa, comments: “The black brassware colourway has never been as popular as it is now. Offering high-calibre performance combined with bold and distinctive styling, the Midas 220 in black blends an iconic and trusted design with refined, on-trend styling www.aqualisa.co.uk for the modern home 01959 560010 environment.” enquiries@aqualisa.co.uk
IDS expands wall panelling portfolio with BerryAlloc Wall & Water
erryAlloc Wall & Water is the latest addition to IDS’
bathroom wall panelling portfolio and will be exclusively available through its nationwide branches with ex-stock delivery. 10 contemporary tile designs have been selected for the UK market, offering customers a wider choice in popular tile designs with the ease of installation that bathroom panelling offers. The range complements IDS’ Showerwall and Panelstyle collections, giving customers over 150 decors to choose from. The high-pressure laminate waterproof wall panelling range includes 10 realistic tile-effect decors in five different tile sizes. The nature-inspired collection spans classic whites, elegant marbles, fashionable large-format tiles in sophisticated black and stylish slate, as well as cool cement and concrete designs with
www.idsurfaces.co.uk 08457 298298 info@idsurfaces.co.uk
a choice of glossy, brushed and satin finishes.
Express Bi-Folding Doors invests £40,000 into brandnew stand
eading UK bifold and sliding
door manufacturer, Express Bi-Folding Doors, has revealed the significant investment it has made in a new, innovative exhibition stand ahead of the 2022 show season. Express has been attending several exhibitions over the past months, with the final of the year taking place on 5th November at the Harrogate Homebuilding & Renovating Show. Express will next be at the Farnborough Homebuilding & Renovation Show from 15 to 16th January 2022. This year, Express’ new stand is bigger and better than ever, enabling visitors to get a look and feel for its bi-fold range first-hand as they form the stand’s shell.
www.expressbifolds.co.uk 0800 121 4809
Marley whitepaper sheds light on homeowner and tenant attitudes in post-COVID UK
s lockdown measures begin to ease, roof systems manufacturer Marley
has published an in-depth whitepaper that brings together the opinions of both homeowners, tenants, and specifiers in a post-COVID UK. The new whitepaper, entitled ‘Raising the Roof: Homes and communities in a postCOVID UK’, saw Marley survey 2000 homeowners, social and private housing tenants to understand how the way they view their houses and local communities has changed following the last 12 months. In addition, the whitepaper unpicks how this may influence decisions around home improvement priorities, demands for local infrastructure development to build better communities, and where they see Government support having a role.
www.marley.co.uk/raisingtheroofwhitepaper 01283 722588
‘Grand design’ made greater with sustainable larch from International Timber Environme tal y-friendly arch wit an i ovati e wo d prtec ion trea m nt, sup lied by Interna io l Timber, has elp d husband wife t am D n a d inNa Rowland build their su tain ble, thre-story dream ho e in Ch c est r.
he waterside retreat comprises nearly 1000m of decking and over 6400m of cladding into the build, with SiOO-X wood protection treatment, to give the timber a long life and natural surface, with even colouration. Dan, an Architect, and Nina, an Interior Designer, purchased the plot over two years ago, comprising the original 1930s house and a stagnant pond, and set about creating a contemporary home that combines nature with eco-friendly design – a project that featured on Channel 4’s Grand Designs in October 2021. The build’s environmental credentials were a high priority, with the couple keen to prioritise natural products that were sustainably sourced alongside a range of innovations, including high thermal efficiency, passive ventilation and renewable energy to power their entire home. It was this commitment to use timber products that would both stand the test of time and came with FSC certification, that led the couple to approach International Timber for advice. Initial requirements had been for machine- or sawn-finished timber, but the cladding and decking team at International Timber advised a textured finished, which allows the grain of the timber to be showcased to best effect, while retaining a smooth service. Installation, which was completed in just two weeks and the couple were so impressed with the finish that they ordered more timber for the kitchen and decking area; bringing the beauty of the external material www.internationaltimber.com
thereal by Silestone represents a quantum leap in terms of design, innovation and sustainability, in line with the transition that Silestone is undergoing externally and internally with the development of the cutting-edge HybriQ and HybriQ+ technologies. This evolution of Silestone has inspired Ethereal, a collection of white canvas surfaces with intricate marble-look patterns which recreate the natural beauty of the sky, perfect for both commercial and residential projects where a modern yet timeless aesthetic is desired.
Silestone Ethereal Glow
This marble-inspired collection consists of four colours, namely Ethereal Dusk, Ethereal Haze, Ethereal Glow and Ethereal Noctis. Each colour showcases a deep, fine veining on a white foundation and, thanks to HybriQ+ technology, they have been developed with at least 20% recycled raw materials, helping to provide an eco-friendly solution for luxury architectural or interior design projects.
Silestone Ethereal: marble-look surfaces that are perfect for contemporary projects Silestone by Cosentino, the leading global hybrid m i n e ra l s u r f a c e f o r t h e w o r l d o f a rc h i t e c t u re a n d d e s i g n , i s e x c i t e d t o i n t ro d u c e i t s s e c o n d c o l e c t i o n w o r l d w i d e u n d e r i t s n e w c o r p o ra t e i m a g e . Th e n e w Silestone emblem and char cter has given rise to the Et h e r a l c o l e c t i o n , w h i c h i s s u p o r t e d b y a m a j o r c a m p a i g n f e a t u r i n g e n t re p re n e u r a n d i n t e r n a t i o n a l f a s h i o n i c o n , C i n d y C ra w f o rd . Silestone Ethereal Noctis
Ethereal Glow is simply pure, classic elegance. Its golden and grey veining merges with a tinged white foundation, with veining running through the entire design to bring an accent of colour to every corner. Inspired by the sunset and its igneous colours and glow, it is an evolution of Silestone’s internationallyacclaimed and widely popular Eternal Calacatta Gold colour. Ethereal Dusk showcases an urban look in which the bluish tone of its veining brings a modern and avantgarde touch to any space. It symbolises a unique, unforgettable and personal sunrise, with feelings of peace, solemnity and tranquillity. Ethereal Haze includes a dynamic range of grey tones to emit plenty of personality. It takes inspiration from the way the wind moves the clouds over the mountains, with the result both calm and characterful thanks to an interplay of gradients that blend into pure neutrality. Ethereal Noctis is synonymous with sophistication. The tinged white foundation is broken up with short grey and black veins, providing contrast, depth, simplicity and modernity, inspired by the darkness after sunset.
Ethereal is a collection created with the exclusive and pioneering HybriQ technology by Silestone. Launched in 2020, the production process is characterised by the company’s commitment to the environment, the circular economy and sustainable management. The manufacturing process of Silestone with HybriQ+ uses 99% reused water from the production processes, 100% renewable electric energy and a minimum of 20% recycled raw materials in its composition, alongside mineral raw materials. With this new composition, Silestone retains its timeless beauty, as well as its mechanical and technical performance, quality, hygiene certifications and 25-year warranty. In addition to kitchen and bathroom applications such as a worktop or splashback, Silestone is also ideal for more ambitious interior design projects where interior cladding, furniture cladding and flooring www.cosentino.com is required. 01256 761229 info.uk@cosentino.com
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