Jim Rohn Quotes The Pain of Discipline Weighs Ounces

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e m po we rne t wo rk.co m http://www.empo wernetwo rk.co m/chrisatkinso n/blo g/jim-ro hn-quo tes-the-pain-o f-discipline-weighs-o unces/? id=chrisatkinso n

Jim Rohn Quotes The Pain of Discipline Weighs Ounces

Jim Rohn Quotes The Pain of Discipline Weighs Ounces “We must all suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The difference is discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs tons.” – Jim Rohn

T here is so much truth in this quote of Jim Rohn’s… As the saying goes,

“No pain = no gain”…

You see “pain” doesn’t have to be a negative thing… For just as pain can help bring f orth a beautif ul baby f rom a beautif ul loving mother in labor pain… So also pain can help bring f orth something Beautif ul and Powerf ul within you that is wanting to be BORN into this world!…

Yes “Pain” doesn’t need t o be somet hing negat ive… Just as a Mother soon f orgets the birth pains she bravely endured to bring f orth her baby… So also you can learn to f orget and even enjoy the pain of discipline…. Instead of sadly detesting the

pain of missed opportunities and regret f or a lost and wasted lif e whose potential was unrealized… Yes…we can learn to enjoy the pain of discipline much like someone who regularly works out at the gym doing weights or aerobics can learn to enjoy the physical pain during and af ter a work out because they know it is working f or their good…

Jim Rohn Quot es Truth – “Posit ive Pain“ Yes their is the pain of discipline which is what I call “Positive Pain”… Positive Pain that inspires the once unhealthy person to begin eating healthy and exercising daily while their f riends are at home sleeping, watching T V or eating at McDonald’s every second day… Positive Pain that inspires the artist to create a beautif ul and powerf ul painting, song, poem, book, and f ilm whilst others drown in their sorrow… Positive pain that inspires the person with courage to leave a relationship and or marriage with someone that is hurting and not bringing them lif e. But rather is a lif e sentence of misery and mediocrity if they choose to stay in such a negative situation… And Positive Pain that inspires the person who is tired of f eeling trapped in the matrix rat race of a 9 to 5 job… So that they turn this negative into a positive and discipline themselves each day to build a business and lif e in their spare time… A business that will eventually bring them and their loved ones an abundance of time, energy and passive income without regret…

Jim Rohn Quot es Truth – Don’t look back wit h regret Don’t look back in the years to come with the regret of what might have been if only you had not wasted your pain, time, energy, money and love on things and people that in the end mattered little… But the GOOD NEWS is YOU can Choose LIFE today not death… YES You can embrace your negative pain today and turn it into Positive Pain that moves you f orward to GREAT NESS!.. Because…

“We must all suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The difference is discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs tons.” – Jim Rohn


A Brief Message from Our Sponsor …

Jim Rohn Quotes Sponsored Message: Are you tired of being uninspired working in a job you hate that pays you a pittance of what you are really worth?… Would you like to learn how to create a Full Time Passive Income in your spare time, blogging about your business and or personal passions, interests or hobbies.. Yes… If so then click here to check out some very cool free info. ————————————————————

Until our next Jim Rohn Quotes Message… Helping Empower You Chris T Atkinson Creator Of: T he Empower Network Jim Rohn Quotes PS One of my hopes in creating this Jim Rohn Quotes category here was to help inspire and motivate you to live the lif e of your dreams… But f or this to happen you need long term inspiration not short spurts of motivation. And long term inspiration happens when you are living an INSPIRED life on your terms, living with purpose and doing what you love for a living(loving)… As Mark Twain once said so eloquently:

“The Secret of Success is making your Vocation your Vacation” - Mark Twain

PSS And the Good News is you can now make your Vocation your Vacation by receiving a Part Time or Full Time Passive Income by blogging about your hobbies, passions and interests.. So if that sounds good to you, then check out some very cool f ree inf o on Empower Network’s Revolutionary Viral Blogging System by clicking here. Talk soon at one of my next Jim Rohn Quotes:) … —————————————————————–

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