Cathedral Matters for the week of March 29, 2020

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Cathedral Matters


Christ Church Episcopal Cathedral March 29, 2020


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ear People of God, Our Lenten journey has taken us to through some strange, new ah e h t territory this year. Together, we have had to learn how to create ear t for community without the ability of being physically present with one another. Together, we have worked to assure that our Cathedral is able to continue to do the work that God has called us to do, both for our parishioners and our neighbors. God has been faithful through it all, blessing us with all that we need to make our way through this wilderness road and on to Easter Day. As we approach Holy Week, we wanted to offer you some suggestions on how you can mark this sacred time in your own homes. You’ll find a link to download a document called “Holy Week and Easter at Home” through our website. Open it and discover how you can hold a Maundy Thursday Agapé meal, Venerate the Cross, make your own Paschal Candle, and more. If you need help getting any of the supplies mentioned in the document, let us know and we’ll be happy to help you find them. You’ll also be able to join with us as we live stream our worship throughout the week. Check the “Worship and the Arts” section of this edition of Cathedral Matters for service times each day. When you join us, you’ll likely notice some faces from around the Diocese of Kentucky. St. Peter’s, Louisville, St. Andrew’s, St. Thomas, Louisville, and Calvary will all be partnering with us as we worship together. In this difficult time, I am giving thanks to God for these signs of our unity in Christ and am looking forward to seeing how God deepens our connection with one another in the future. We are also pleased to announce that we have made an overhaul to the Cathedral’s website that will allow you to give online. The form will allow you to designate our contribution as a part of your pledge or designate one of several special ministries that you can support. You can even choose to make a slight increase in your donation to cover the cost of processing. While your gifts are always important to support the ministry we do together, they are even more crucial currently. Thanks to all of you who have continued to faithfully support us during a difficult time in all our lives. Finally, I have some exciting news about a new opportunity to connect and deepen your spiritual journey. This Sunday, Tom Peters held a test run of a Bible study through Zoom conferencing with some of our intrepid fellow parishioners. If everything goes smoothly, we hope to open this opportunity to any who would like to join beginning next Sunday, April 5 at 9 a.m. Stay tuned for more information. There isn’t space to list the names of all of you who have made this transition to virtual church possible. Know I am giving thanks for each of you, with particular prayers for your continued health and safety Your brother in Christ, Matt+

worship & arts


Midday Mass

Pick a day to come pray with us.

Midday Mass, at Noon in the Chapel: • Monday Holy Eucharist Rite II and commemoration

Holy Week and Easter

Sunday of the Passion - Palm Sunday: April 5, 10:30 a.m.

Monday in Holy Week: April 6, 12 noon Tuesday in Holy Week: April 7, 12 noon

Wednesday in Holy Week: April 8, 12 noon

of Innocent of Alaska, Bishop 1879 • Tuesday Holy Eucharist Rite II and commemoration of John Donne, Priest, 163 • Wednesday Holy Eucharist Rite II and commemoration of Frederick Denison Maurice, Priest, 1872 • Thursday Holy Eucharist Rite II and commemoration of James Lloyd Breck, Priest, 1876 • Friday Holy Eucharist Rite II and commemoration of Richard, Bishop of Chichester, 1253

Maundy Thursday: April 9, 7 p.m.

Join us at Midday Worship to help celebrate your birthday, your anniversary, or to keep any day of special observance. And be sure to thank your chapel leaders who serve the midday service: Dorothy Converse, Monday; Terry Laun, Tuesday; Randy Wells and Seth Allen, Wednesday; Page Curry, Thursday; Jerry Marsh, Friday.

Central Louisville Community Ministries Needs Our Help

Holy Week at Home

How do you plan to make Holy Week and Easter meaningful for yourself and your family, since we won’t be able to gather in person for worship this year? Check out the accompanying document: Holy Week and Easter at Home.

administration Online Giving Coming Soon

We are in the process of adding options for online giving to our website and Facebook Page. We hope that it will be up and running by next Sunday, March 29. Until it is, we encourage you continue your faithful giving in support of the Cathedral’s mission and ministry even though we can’t pass the plate on Sunday mornings. Please mail your gifts to 421 S. 2nd St., Louisville, KY 40202. Thanks to all of you for enabling us to continue to serve our congregation and community during this challenging time.

Good Friday: April 10, 7 p.m.

Holy Saturday: April 11, 11 a.m.

The Great Vigil of Easter: April 11, 7 p.m. Easter Day: April 12, 10:30 a.m.

service to others During the Covid-19 crisis, more families than ever are vulnerable to hunger. Donations this weekend made it possible for us to serve a RECORD 34 families on Monday! Folks are noticing that many of the usual sites they visit are closed or they need and can’t get an appointment to get food, so our walk-up, fresh-air site made the difference between a healthy meal and hunger for many today. We continue to struggle to locate non-perishable food items in quantity. If you are able to contribute canned veggies, soups, canned chicken, Ramen, peanut butter, spaghetti and sauce, hotdogs, bread, or sweets, we need them! One volunteer called her friends, told them the need, and then did porchpickup from them, which brought us a carload of food! Every can and jar helps! We also need toilet paper, cleaning supplies, and soap to offer. Donations can be dropped off at Calvary Episcopal Church, 821 S. 4th, at their side door off the parking lot between 9 and 1 Mon-Thurs, or at the CLCM office at First Unitarian between 9 and 3. You can also make a financial contribution through the fundraiser on our CLCM Facebook Page. Call (502) 587-1999 for more information, or if you need or know someone who needs help with utilities, rent, prescriptions, or food. Thank you all!

We Pray . . .

Prayer is at the heart of Christian community. We use this space to bring before God and the community the needs of those we love. Please submit prayer requests for yourself and others to the church office: We will include those names here so that the community may join you in prayer.

. . . in the Anglican Cycle of Prayer, for the Church of the Province of Uganda . . . in the Diocesan Cycle of Prayer, for Church of the Advent, Louisville

. . . for Cathedral members in need of healing Carol Brown, Charles Cooksey, Carol Kendall, Norma Laufer, Kitten Lawless, Jerry Marsh, Helen Murray, Donna Pottinger, Jo Ann Reazin, Ginger Shackleton, Sue Speed, Tim Tice, Jean Whatley . . . for family and friends of Cathedral members

David Davies, Frank Turner Ed Harrel, Dave Pottinger Chuck Boyle, Sr.. John Boyle Jr, Matt Boyle, David Collett, Kathleen Dina Betty Harrison Janet Shedd & family Alex & Brittany, Janet, James, Nathan, Baby Ellis, Marilyn, Packy Aidan, Carole Bailey, Peg Box, Kelly Brown, Josh Davidson, Terry Keatch, Keith Kozel Phyllis Pope, Faye Ragsdale-Hussey, Robinson/French Families Andy Rochester Jeff Kevin Mathes Nancy Tucker, Tammi Winemillerr George, McKenzie David, Carey Duval, Elizabeth Foster, Michael Foster, Tara Moriarty Ron Adams, Diane Flechler, Rita Grube, Carl Horton, Judy Horton Deb Kern, Phillip Koloff, Jim Porter, Lindsay Tompkins, Sharon Turner Louis Besten, Forrest Cook, David Cracraft, Nancy Davis, Gavin Elder, Mike Kimery David Pearson, Karen Phillips, Morgan Phillips, Gibbs Reese, Alex Rohleder Clayton, Jim,Yvonne, Bill Turner, Mary Turner Robert Vaughan Lewis, Grace Kleinschmidt Eric Zoerb Art, Byron, Nick & Sally, Judi, Gregg & Mary, Whitney, Elvin, Jim & Dean John, Becky E., Liam, Sam, Noah & Molly, Paula Hamilton, Leisa, Kailey Nayler Family, Caroline Potter, Foster care children in the Commonwealth of Kentucky Grace Wenzel, Megan Weilage David Ellis Lindsay Wager Betty Jordan, Susan Livingston, Doug Murray Carolyn Johnson Matt Livingood Ann Lake & family, Bridget Puzon Ivan Potter, Rachelle Williams Holt Alexander, Tom Stigger Chaurice Weathers Jim, Michael Terry and Clarisse Mark Shimp Corbin Harris Jean Whatley Jared Stivers

. . . for those celebrating birthdays

Rich Curry, Mitzi Friedlander, Carol Syvertsen, Kaleb Brown

requested by

Jerry Brown Carol Brown Melinda Collett

Jim & Becky Collings Dorothy Converse Page Curry Judy Donahue Darren Drain Tara Durnil McCall Eng Mike Foster Bobbie Fritton Vance Fritton Paula Hale Angie Halliday Bruce Kleinschmidt Sissy Lanier Terry Laun Kitten Lawless Jan Margerum Jerry Marsh Patsy Melton Helen Murray Becky Norris Nancy Otto Randy Peters Stephanie Potter Jan Scholtz Jim Snyder Tom Thill Tim Tice Susan Torok Carolyn Van Zant Graham Whatley Kay Shields Wilkinson

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