Cathedral Matters for May 3, 2020

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e ar t for the





Christ Church Episcopal Cathedral May 3, 2020


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e heart n th i o h

Dear People of God,

On Wednesday Governor Beshear laid out the contours of the first phase of reopening in Kentucky. As you may have heard, part of his announcement discussed reopening houses of worship. According to the Governor, houses of worship will be permitted to hold public services beginning Wednesday, May 20. During this first phase, the reopening will be limited to the worship service itself. Other gatherings, such as Sunday School and Coffee Hour, will have to wait.

I am sure that many of you are excited about the possibility of coming together to worship in person. I share your excitement. Before we do so, however, and before we announce our own plans for making this possibility a reality, I want to emphasize a couple of key points.

First, while May 20 is the earliest date the Governor will permit houses of worship to reopen, this does not mean that we will necessarily be reopening the Cathedral on that date. Our decision about when we will hold public worship will be driven by guidance that we receive at the diocesan level and our ability to take all reasonable precautions necessary for the safety of our parishioners.

The Bishop, Canons, and Deans of the Diocese of Kentucky will be meeting with our counterparts from the Diocese of Lexington on Wednesday, May 6. We will have a conversation together regarding the safest and healthiest ways to respond to the Governor’s announcement. I will share the guidance that comes out of that conversation as soon as I am able. Second, whenever we make the decision to hold public worship again it will be important to keep in mind this will not be getting back to normal. We will operate at a significantly reduced seating capacity. Social distancing will need to be observed. Those who are at elevated risk will need to continue to worship with us at a distance. And these are only some of the changes that will need to take place for to begin to come back together. Though it is understandable that we eagerly anticipate being together again, I encourage all of us to remember the grace that is present with us right now. During this Easter season we celebrate the risen Christ who appeared to his disciples not in the Temple, but out in the world. Jesus’ disciples met their risen Lord on the road and on the mountain, in their homes and around their tables. Jesus is present with us, wherever we are. And we are united to one another in his Body the Church, now and always. Easter blessings, Matt+

worship & arts


Midday Mass

Pick a day to come pray with us.

Midday Mass for the week of April 20: • Monday Holy Eucharist Rite II, and commemoration

of Christina Rossetti, Poet, 1894 • Tuesday Holy Eucharist Rite II, 3rd Sunday of Easter • Wednesday Holy Eucharist Rite II and commemoration of Catherine of Siena, 1380 • Thursday Holy Eucharist Rite II and commemoration of Sarah Joseph Buell Hale, Editor and Prophetic Witness, 1879 • Friday Holy Eucharist Rite II and commemoration of St. Phillip and St. James, Apostles

spiritual formation Explore the Way of Love with New Video Series

Episcopalians and others looking to engage the Way of Love and learn more about each of the individual practices are invited to Explore the Way of Love in a new series of short videos and accompanying primer cards from The Episcopal Church. Visit for more information and a link to the videos

Zoom Bible Study with Tom Peters

Our Sunday Bible study led by Tom Peters has gone online. You can join the group, which is working its way through 2 Corinthians, via Zoom each Sunday at 9 a.m. Tom will create a meeting invitation toward the end of each week which will be sent out by email, so keep an eye on your inboxes. If you want to sign up for our Cathedral email list, please send a request to be added to 2

Diocese-wide Bible study of Acts during Easter

Mo. Katherine Doyle is leading a diocese-wide Zoom Bible study of Acts over the next four Tuesdays at 10 a.m., beginning on April 21. The curriculum was developed specifically for this time of social distancing, connecting our lives to the story of the first Christians. You can take part by using the Zoom invitation below: Topic: Bible Study Time: Apr 21, 2020 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Every week on Tue, until May 12, 2020, 4 occurrence(s) Apr 21, 2020 10:00 AM Apr 28, 2020 10:00 AM May 5, 2020 10:00 AM May 12, 2020 10:00 AM Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 683 220 249 One tap mobile +16468769923,,683220249# US (New York) +13126266799,,683220249# US (Chicago) Dial by your location +1 646 876 9923 US (New York) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 301 715 8592 US +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose) +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) +1 253 215 8782 US Meeting ID: 683 220 249 Find your local number: acolOsmllW

service to others Updated Needs from Central Louisville Community Ministries

At Central Louisville Community Ministries, we’re up to our masks in work, and we’re so grateful for all the support and prayers coming our way! Since March 26, we’ve served more than 1300 people with food, toiletries, and cloth masks. At present, we are particularly in need of canned meats, canned ravioli, canned beef stew, cereal, peanut butter, pasta, and pasta sauce.

Donations can be dropped off at Calvary Episcopal Church, 821 S. 4th, at their side door off the parking lot between 9 and 1 MonThurs, or at the CLCM office at First Unitarian between 9 and 3. Call (502) 587-1999 for more information, or if you need or know someone who needs help with utilities, rent, prescriptions, or food.

You can also make a financial contribution through the fundraiser on our [CLCM Facebook Page]( CentralLouisvilleCommunityMinistries/ posts/3079767855380140). Thank you all!

UP for Women and Children

Housed here at the Cathedral, UP continues to offer services in our courtyard on Mondays and Fridays from 9:00 a.m. to 1 p.m. You can make donations through their website:

If you would prefer to drop off a donation, they are in need of the following items: - Canned food with pull tabs (soups, pasta, Spam, Vienna sausage) - Hand sanitizer - Toilet paper - Facial tissue - Disinfectant spray - Face masks - Rubber gloves

Additional Ministries in Need of Support The following ministries also need your help. Please see their websites for more information about how you can make a gift. • St. Goerge’s Episcopal Church Pantry: Contact Lisa Vish at 502.991.5535 • St. John’s Center for the Homeless: • Wayside Mission for the Homeless: • Coalition for the Homeless: • Rubber gloves

— Linette and the CLCM team

Habitat Louisville’s Power of Home Fund

To respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, Habitat Louisville is launching the Power of Home Fund. Your investment in the Power of Home Fund will do two things: protect homeownership and keep critical projects moving forward. Thanks to a generous matching grant, your gift to the Power of Home Fund will be doubled dollar-fordollar up to $50,000. Visit https://louisvillehabitat. org/support-us/donate-now/ to make a gift.


life & fellowship Join us for Zoom Coffee Hour

We will host a virtual coffee hour using Zoom at 12:30 p.m. Just click on the link below to join the meeting. If you’ve never used Zoom, your device might need to download it – just follow the prompts. You can also call in using one of the numbers listed in the invitation

Tips on using Zoom: 1. Don’t use two devices in the same room for the meeting. Annoying feedback will likely be generated. Multiple individuals can view the same screen, of course. 2. If you know how, mute your audio – there will be a prompt on the Zoom screen – when not talking. Remember to unmute when you want to talk. If you aren’t sure how to mute audio, don’t make extra sounds when at the computer. Zoom will focus the conversation based on audio. 3. You may be asked to allow Zoom to use the camera (video) and microphone (audio). Agree to this. 4. If you have announcements for the group, you might want to write them down in advance. You can also type them into the chat window. 5. We will open the meeting a few minutes prior to 12:30. You can join then. Christ Church Cathedral is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Zoom Coffee Hour Time: Apr 19, 2020 12:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Every week on Sun, until May 31, 2020, 7 occurrence(s) Apr 19, 2020 12:30 PM Apr 26, 2020 12:30 PM May 3, 2020 12:30 PM May 10, 2020 12:30 PM May 17, 2020 12:30 PM 4

May 24, 2020 12:30 PM May 31, 2020 12:30 PM Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 957 9767 6321 One tap mobile +16465588656,,95797676321# US (New York) +13126266799,,95797676321# US (Chicago) Dial by your location +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose) +1 253 215 8782 US +1 301 715 8592 US +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) Meeting ID: 957 9767 6321 Find your local number: acotgKbTZ3


Reminders about Cathedral resources online

How to find Live streams

Here is a quick recap of resources available online from the Cathedral.

Kohler Scholarship

• Be sure to subscribe to our Cathedral emails. If you aren’t yet a subscriber, send an email to and Frazier will get you signed up.

You don’t have to wait for Facebook to send you a notification when you want to see our live stream of worship. Just go to our Facebook Page at when we’re having worship and click on the “Videos” link. You’ll see a video with the word “LIVE” in the top corner. Click there and you’ll join right in. If you have any questions, let us know. The Kohler scholarship due date for fall semester is June 1. Please email your completed applications to You can find more information online at episcopalky. org/Church%20Administration/kohler-familyscholarship.html.

Audio Improvements

Frazier has worked with Daniel, our sound tech, to make some much-needed improvements to the audio for our streaming worship. We have added a microphone and moved the monitor speakers from the high altar to just in front of the camera. You’ll also notice that the pulpit mic has come down to the movable ambo. Stay tuned for more improvements in coming days and thanks for sticking with us as we work through the glitches.

• You can access worship through Facebook at We will live stream Eucharist at 10:30 a.m. on Sundays and at noon Monday-Friday. The live streams are saved on the “Videos” page after the service has ended, so be sure to check there for any services you’ve missed.

• We have a new online giving page on our website. Visit and click on the “Donate” link at the top of the page. When you make a gift, you enable us to continue to serve our congregation and community as Christ has called us to do. Thank you so much for your generosity!


CEEP Network Resources for the COVID-19 Crisis, Free of Charge The CEEP Network Presents Pivoting and Expanding: Fulfilling the Mission God Gives Us in the Most Challenging Times

A Webinar for Denominational and Parish Leaders Thursday, May 7, 3:00pm EDT Prior to COVID-19, we were already facing challenges of declining attendance, funding constraints, and the average age of our parishioners increasing yearly. The trends at play prior to the COVID-19 pandemic continue, and most likely accelerating, bringing more urgency to the changes we need to embrace and sustain. While these are challenging times, they are times that magnify the challenges the church already faced. They are also times that present opportunities. The mission has not changed but our strategies must. Waiting for things to go back to the way they were will only find us further into the palliative care ward. Bold moves and a new vision are required of leaders in this time. Our panel will be addressing the real time information being gathered and what we should be planning for when we push these trends forward in the months ahead. Please register here: https://www.eventbrite. com/e/103747100370


We Pray . . .

Prayer is at the heart of Christian community. We use this space to bring before God and the community the needs of those we love. Please submit prayer requests for yourself and others to the church office: We will include those names here so that the community may join you in prayer.

. . . in the Anglican Cycle of Prayer, for the Church of Ceylon . . . in the Diocesan Cycle of Prayer, for Holy Trinity, Brandenburg

. . . for Cathedral members in need of healing Carol Brown, Charles Cooksey, Carol Kendall, Grace Kleinschmidt, Norma Laufer, Kitten Lawless, Jerry Marsh, Donna Pottinger, Joann and George Reazin, Ginger Shackleton, Sue Speed, Tim Tice, Jean Whatley . . . for family and friends of Cathedral members

David Davies, Frank Turner Ed Harrel, Dave Pottinger Chuck Boyle, Sr.. John Boyle Jr, Matt Boyle, David Collett, Kathleen Dina Betty Harrison Janet Shedd & family Alex & Brittany, Janet, James, Nathan, Baby Ellis, Marilyn, Packy Aidan, Carole Bailey, Peg Box, Kelly Brown, Josh Davidson, Terry Keatch, Keith Kozel Phyllis Pope, Faye Ragsdale-Hussey, Robinson/French Families Andy Rochester Jeff Kevin Mathes Nancy Tucker, Tammi Winemillerr George, McKenzie David, Carey Duval, Elizabeth Foster, Michael Foster, Tara Moriarty Ron Adams, Diane Flechler, Rita Grube, Carl Horton, Judy Horton Deb Kern, Phillip Koloff, Jim Porter, Lindsay Tompkins, Sharon Turner Louis Besten, Forrest Cook, David Cracraft, Nancy Davis, Gavin Elder, Mike Kimery David Pearson, Karen Phillips, Morgan Phillips, Gibbs Reese, Alex Rohleder Clayton, Jim,Yvonne, Bill Turner, Mary Turner Robert Vaughan Lewis, Grace Kleinschmidt Eric Zoerb Art, Byron, Nick & Sally, Judi, Gregg & Mary, Whitney, Elvin, Jim & Dean John, Becky E., Liam, Sam, Noah & Molly, Paula Hamilton, Leisa, Kailey Nayler Family, Caroline Potter, Foster care children in the Commonwealth of Kentucky Grace Wenzel, Megan Weilage David Ellis Lindsay Wager Betty Jordan, Susan Livingston, Doug Murray Sherri Brindle, Carolyn Johnson Matt Livingood Ann Lake & family, Bridget Puzon Ivan Potter, Rachelle Williams Holt Alexander, Tom Stigger Chaurice Weathers Jim, Michael Terry and Clarisse Mark Shimp Corbin Harris Jean Whatley Jared Stivers

requested by

Jerry Brown Carol Brown Melinda Collett

Jim & Becky Collings Dorothy Converse Page Curry Judy Donahue Darren Drain Tara Durnil McCall Eng Mike Foster Bobbie Fritton Vance Fritton Paula Hale Angie Halliday Bruce Kleinschmidt Sissy Lanier Terry Laun Kitten Lawless Jan Margerum Jerry Marsh Patsy Melton Helen Murray Becky Norris Nancy Otto Randy Peters Stephanie Potter Jan Scholtz Jim Snyder Tom Thill Tim Tice Susan Torok Carolyn Van Zant Graham Whatley Kay Shields Wilkinson


Christ Church Cathedral 421 S. 2nd St., Louisville, KY 40202 502 • 587 • 1354 The Very Reverend Matthew Bradley, Dean

Frazier Marsh • administrative assistant

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