Christ Church Episcopal Cathedral April 12, 2020 www.christchurchlouky.org
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Dear People of God, Alleluia! Christ is risen.
Today, Easter Sunday, we rejoice with Christians throughout the world that Jesus Christ is risen from the dead. By Christ’s rising victorious from the grave, the bond of death and hell were broken forever. God’s people were set free from the powers that corrupt and destroy creation. What’s more, we were given power through Christ to become children of the Living God. So today we celebrate not just the joy and triumph that took place all those many years ago on the first Easter Sunday. We also celebrate that we and Christians throughout the ages continue to receive the gifts of eternal life and reconciliation with God through Jesus Christ our Lord. The joy and mystery of the Resurrection are too great to be contained in a single day. We need a whole season to celebrate God’s power and love for us and all creation. That’s why the season of Easter, from today through to the day of Pentecost, is one big festival. The forty days of fasting we keep during Lent mirrored in this fifty-day celebration. I don’t know about you, but I am finding myself in need of these coming weeks of celebration. We have had so much going on in this time of pandemic to make us anxious and sorrowful. We may find it difficult to imagine that we have anything to celebrate. Yet our proclamation of the Resurrection this Easter Sunday reminds us that God is always bringing new life and new joy out of times of loss. And the same God that raised Jesus from the dead raises us up out of our grief to celebrate. The celebration that I’m planning for these fifty days isn’t a raucous block party. As our Governor would say, “You can’t be doing that.” No, the celebration that I’m planning is a fifty-day Easter hunt of sorts. Rather than looking for eggs, I’m going to be looking for signs of new life breaking forth in the world. Whether in the trees and bushes clothed in new leaf and flower or the lengthening of the days, God’s creation shows the indominable power of life and light. I am most thankful for the new life that God in Christ has brought to me and my family by bringing us to this Cathedral parish. You all are gift from God that I will be celebrating for the great fifty days and beyond. Happy Easter, Matt+
We Pray . . .
Prayer is at the heart of Christian community. We use this space to bring before God and the community the needs of those we love. Please submit prayer requests for yourself and others to the church office: info@christchurchlouky.org. We will include those names here so that the community may join you in prayer.
. . . in the Anglican Cycle of Prayer, for the Church in Wales . . . in the Diocesan Cycle of Prayer, for Resurrection Church, Louisville
. . . for Cathedral members in need of healing Carol Brown, Charles Cooksey, Carol Kendall, Grace Kleinschmidt, Norma Laufer, Kitten Lawless, Jerry Marsh, Donna Pottinger, Joann and George Reazin, Ginger Shackleton, Sue Speed, Tim Tice, Jim Wilkinson, Jean Whatley . . . for family and friends of Cathedral members
David Davies, Frank Turner Ed Harrel, Dave Pottinger Chuck Boyle, Sr.. John Boyle Jr, Matt Boyle, David Collett, Kathleen Dina Betty Harrison Janet Shedd & family Alex & Brittany, Janet, James, Nathan, Baby Ellis, Marilyn, Packy Aidan, Carole Bailey, Peg Box, Kelly Brown, Josh Davidson, Terry Keatch, Keith Kozel Phyllis Pope, Faye Ragsdale-Hussey, Robinson/French Families Andy Rochester Jeff Kevin Mathes Nancy Tucker, Tammi Winemillerr George, McKenzie David, Carey Duval, Elizabeth Foster, Michael Foster, Tara Moriarty Ron Adams, Diane Flechler, Rita Grube, Carl Horton, Judy Horton Deb Kern, Phillip Koloff, Jim Porter, Lindsay Tompkins, Sharon Turner Louis Besten, Forrest Cook, David Cracraft, Nancy Davis, Gavin Elder, Mike Kimery David Pearson, Karen Phillips, Morgan Phillips, Gibbs Reese, Alex Rohleder Clayton, Jim,Yvonne, Bill Turner, Mary Turner Robert Vaughan Lewis, Grace Kleinschmidt Eric Zoerb Art, Byron, Nick & Sally, Judi, Gregg & Mary, Whitney, Elvin, Jim & Dean John, Becky E., Liam, Sam, Noah & Molly, Paula Hamilton, Leisa, Kailey Nayler Family, Caroline Potter, Foster care children in the Commonwealth of Kentucky Grace Wenzel, Megan Weilage David Ellis Lindsay Wager Betty Jordan, Susan Livingston, Doug Murray Sherri Brindle, Carolyn Johnson Matt Livingood Ann Lake & family, Bridget Puzon Ivan Potter, Rachelle Williams Holt Alexander, Tom Stigger Chaurice Weathers Jim, Michael Terry and Clarisse Mark Shimp Corbin Harris Jean Whatley Jared Stivers
. . . for those celebrating birthdays
Becky Norris
requested by
Jerry Brown Carol Brown Melinda Collett
Jim & Becky Collings Dorothy Converse Page Curry Judy Donahue Darren Drain Tara Durnil McCall Eng Mike Foster Bobbie Fritton Vance Fritton Paula Hale Angie Halliday Bruce Kleinschmidt Sissy Lanier Terry Laun Kitten Lawless Jan Margerum Jerry Marsh Patsy Melton Helen Murray Becky Norris Nancy Otto Randy Peters Stephanie Potter Jan Scholtz Jim Snyder Tom Thill Tim Tice Susan Torok Carolyn Van Zant Graham Whatley Kay Shields Wilkinson