2 minute read
A Note from the Editor
Suzanne Lauridsen
Editor, Relax Dear Members,
Wow. It’s Christmas again – and yet, it will be a Christmas like none before it. As a long-term expat, I remember the frantic festive rush to pack bags, catch planes, check in to a family member’s guest room or hotel at home, and begin the social whirlwind of catching up. It was wonderful. But it was exhausting. I always felt like a needed a holiday upon my return to Singapore.
For obvious reasons, this Christmas will be a much more sedate affair, with travel out of the question except for a small minority. Let’s not lament the changes, but make the most of them. After all, spending more time with fewer people can often mean higher quality time.
There is of course no reason not to send your love and wishes around the world. Thanks to those wonderful things called WhatsApp, Skype and Zoom, we may be physically distant but we can remain closely connected to our loved ones. Cherish every moment together, even if it’s only on a computer screen. And look forward to that promised land of a post-pandemic world where we can be reunited, in person.
Meanwhile, make the most of your wonderful Club. Stay fit, eat well, and have a thoughtful, meaningful and merry Christmas!
Inside this Issue
3 4 5 6 7 7 A Note from the Editor Club Management, Staff and Reservations 4 Committee Welcomes and Farewells A Word from the Committee Thank You for Your 150th Anniversary Logo Designs Opening Hours 7 Thank You for Your 150th Anniversary Logo Designs 8 A Message from the General Manager 9 Health and Safety News:
Support and Solidarity 9 All Caught Up 10 Greetings from the Ambassador of Switzerland DINING 14 On the Wine List... November & December 10 Greetings from SPORTS the Ambassador of Switzerland 18 Welcome to the Swiss Club’s
First-ever Social Trekking Group 20 Have a Volley Jolly Christmas 22 Corrective Exercise Programmes 23 Back in the Swim of Things 24 Football Camps! 25 The Secret of Successful Basketball Players:
Go Slow… to Go Fast!
26 … And the Children Went Wild! 27 Meet a Staffer: Hi, Khai! 28 Creating New Christmas Traditions 34 Fitness with Friends 28 Creating New Christmas Traditions

26 … And the Children Went Wild!
Welcome to the
Swiss Club’s First-ever
Social Trekking Group 20 Have a Volley Jolly Christmas
Relax magazine is edited and designed by SPEcial Pte Ltd. Content is curated by Swiss Club Marketing.
Suzanne, Copy Pam, Liaison E: suzy@spe-cial.com E: pam@spe-cial.com T: (65) 9820 9520 T: (65) 9871 0666 Edwin, Art Trick, Art E: edwin@spe-cial.com E: trick@spe-cial.com T: (65) 8500 2975 T: (65) 8511 5746