Career Planning and Advising All Christendom students participate in the Education for a Lifetime courses, which integrates students’ career discernment into their liberal arts education. These courses, which consists of two one-credit classes that meet as announced in the Freshman-Sophomore year and in the Junior-Senior year, helps students reflect on the purpose and value of their liberal arts education, on the virtues required for effective leadership and service, and on their own personality preferences. Students also develop the skills to research career options effectively and as part of their participation in this program they develop a personalized Career Portfolio. These learning goals respect Christendom's mission and strong liberal arts tradition and establish a commitment to instill in our students a greater confidence in their ability to take their next steps following graduation. The Career Development Office at Christendom College provides career counseling and orientation for students about potential career choices; provides information on deadlines for GRE and LSAT examinations, graduate fellowships, etc.; and assists students with résumé writing, mock job interviews, and graduate and law school applications. The office also maintains a listing of job opportunities for seniors and Christendom College graduates and acts as a clearinghouse for graduate job seekers and employment opportunities, including lay apostolates. Students are strongly encouraged to begin career planning no later than their sophomore year, so that they have time to learn more about themselves and about the opportunities available to them. Liberal Arts graduates are in great demand because they possess the high moral values, communication skills, and habits of problem solving and “high level thinking” sorely lacking in graduates of so many of the modern universities. A Liberal Arts education is an excellent preparation for the professions, and Christendom counselors can guide students so that they can complete programs in nursing, engineering, accounting, and the like quickly and efficiently, should they be called to those fields. Located in Regina Coeli Hall, the Career Development Office maintains close contact with alumni and helps current students to network with alumni who are in professions of interest. Career Opportunities: Preparation for Graduate School Some Christendom graduates will continue the quest for wisdom they have begun at Christendom by enrolling in a masters or doctoral program. Christendom’s undergraduate program, in which students learn and practice analytical, critical, and communication skills in the illuminating light of reason animated by faith, is an excellent preparation for the rigors of graduate work. Generally, the student chooses as a major that discipline in which he plans to pursue an advanced degree. The selection of a graduate school and discrete program often will depend upon the quality of professors at a given school and whether the student desires an academic career (which usually requires a Ph.D.) or one in any of several other professions, including 33